#sometimes i get self concious about making like 5 posts on a row about something then going radio silent for a week
the-acid-pear · 4 months
im literally just constantly hautned by visions of phones my title is NOT clickbait.
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The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) finally part 2!
Here are Neha, Raquel and Tadashi! I had to cut the last 5 in 2 posts because tumblr doesn't allow more than 250 blocks of text... But anyway! I finally did it! It's been 84 years... though I feel like those are not really headcanons anymore. They're all so long that it would be more accurate to say that they're scenarios. Sorry! It's probably gonna be really annoying scrolling up and down.
- crying is a really good way to let your emotions out and it always worked out for you
- whenever it's all too much you make yourself cry to feel better afterward
- one day, once you finished crying your phone rang
- it's from Neha, she's inviting you to her room
- oh boy.
- when you moved into the dorms Karolina did say that the previous owner of the room would put loud music on and they would hear it
- 'did Neha hear me cry?' God you hope not
- When you knock, the door immediately opens as if Neha was right in front of it waiting for you
- She pulls you in and starts taking your measurements
- "I've decided to use you as my model for my next outfit."
- "W-what?!?"
- now you're almost sure that she did hear you, or else why would she make an outfit just for you when she's got Karolina?
- surprisingly a few days later the outfit is done! Does it really take that little time usually? You're pretty sure that Neha already had the design ready in her sketchbook
- during that time though, everyday until the "outfit" was ready she would go out of her way to talk to you everyday even though she's usually either busy or with Karolina
- she knows that it annoys her but even when Karolina was around Neha would still come and chat with you for a bit
- You're guessing that she didn't want you to feel like you're alone in your hard times
- when the outfit was done she called you over again
- "Here, try it on!"
- there's more excitement in her voice than usual and it's really freaking cute
- "You mean right here, right now?"
- she keeps staring at you in silence before coming back to her senses
- "Oh, right. Sorry. I'll turn away while you change."
- but then while you're taking your clothes off the door flows open
- "Neha, did you see my-"
- Karolina looks at the both of you and while she's trying to process the scene all that she gets from the situation is: you taking your clothes off in their room, and Neha waiting for you to take them off while facing away?
- "N... Nevermind. Just do your thing I'll come back in one hour. Or uh, two hours. Actually."
- She closed the door in a hurry. Welp. She probably misunderstood.
- Neha kept on facing the wall but you could see her ears getting red
- that little accident is quickly forgotten when you've put the outfit on
- it's so elaborate and classy. it's making you feel self-concious
- Even though Neha was the one who made the outfit she blushed when she saw you in it
- "You look so lovely- uh. I mean the dress! The dress looks lovely on you, obviously, since I'm the one who made it."
- her bashfulness is making you blush too but you tell her that you can't pay for it
- "Are you kidding? It's a gift I've made for you. No one else in the world owns this and won't own it because I won't put it on sale. It's a special outfit only for you."
- She takes her sketchbook and rips out a page, it's a sketch of the outfit and... you're the one wearing it on the drawing!
- "To be honest, I had already heard you crying a few times in your room and I didn't know how to help. So uh... I guess what I mean is. I've been planning this for a long time but I wasn't brave enough to ask for your measurements until recently and um..."
- She's rambling and rambling, you've probably never heard her talk this much
- "Basically... when you're sad come over. Or ask me to come over, whatever. Our rooms are right next to eachother so whether you cry in your room or here I'll hear you anyway so you might as well be with me."
- this was maybe not the best way to phrase it, but you got the feeling she was going for and that's all that matters
- Noticed that you weren't feeling good right away
- but more in a "are you catching a cold?" kinda way
- but it didn't have anything to do with your health
- You actually wanted to explain what happend as soon as it did but when you tried to, tears came down immediately from the very first sentence
- Raquel grabbed you by the shoulders
- "It's okay! You can tell me later if it's too hard."
- The next day when you were getting ready to go to school Raquel came to your room dressed in casual clothes
- "Hey Y/N! Let's skip today."
- You tell her that you can't because you're a scholarship student and all but she ends up convincing you anyway
- "It's all fine, it's just for one day! Everyone thinks that you're a really hard-working, punctual and honest person! They'll believe whatever you say."
- "Raquel... I am a hard-working, punctual and honest person..."
- "Exactly! And that's why you can take advantage of that and no one will doubt you."
- Oh well...
- it's not like you were looking forward to that math test anyway
- you sneak around and get out of the school through Raquel's knowledge of... blind spots?
- you feel a little guilty about it since you'll have to lie to the teachers later about "not feeling well"
- Raquel makes you forget that pretty easily though
- "Okayyy! Now let's go have our breakfast, I know a place."
- "Ah, cool."
- "You don't sound really excited... But you know, the both of us sneaking out of school to go on a date: isn't it a little bit like we're secretly lovers during war time between two kingdoms in a movie?"
- Wait, this was a date?? You had no idea
- You spent the whole day just walking around town in different fast foods, parks, and shops
- everytime you wanted to buy something Raquel would try to buy it for you
- You refused everything except the food, she was being extremely pushy about paying for the food
- on the way back you decide to tell her about your troubles again, this time hopefully you won't burst into tears
- She's incredibly understanding and doesn't let you downplay your feelings
- anytime you say "it may sound stupid"/"maybe I'm being too emotional" she's like
- "No! Fuck that! There's a reason why you feel this way and it's not dumb."
- You get a little bit teary eyed and before you can even think about crying Raquel hugs you
- then she whispers in your ear
- "Did it hurt?"
- "Uh... what?"
- At first you thought she meant your feelings because obviously it did hurt, you just spent like 20 minutes explaining what had happened
- but then you understood
- is she seriously trying to cheer you up with pick-up lines?
- "So did it hurt or did it not?"
- "You mean, when I fell from heaven?"
- She makes the biggest grin before replying
- "No, when you fell for me."
- You're trying your best not to burst into laughter
- "Nah, not really. It was a quick fall."
- Oh no, you outsmarted her lame pick-up line
- you guys end the day with the most stupid pick-up line fight
- little do you know that Raquel will shoot a ball in the face of a certain someone for hurting you
- maybe multiple times if she feels like it
- To be honest he didn't really notice at first
- maybe it was one of your "bad days", Tadashi knows what it's like so he totally gets it
- but then when it's been 3 days in a row and you're still in that state?
- he cancels all of his work and assignements for the day
- calls you over in such a professional manner that it's kinda scary
- he literally asks you to meet him in the student council's room
- tells you to "please sit down" in front of him
- Honestly, this situation is making you really tense. Did Tadashi figure out that one time, 3 months ago, when you stole a smoothie from the cafeteria?
- "Look, I'm sorry okay? I was just really thirsty and I needed sugar. Also, it's not like I wasn't allowed to get one! There was no one at the counter so I figured it wouldn't hurt to..."
- Tadashi IAmConfusion™ looks at you
- "Why are you talking about that now? Don't worry, I know."
- Now it's your turn to get confused
- "You mean... you knew and you didn't give me detention?"
- Now he looks a bit frustrated
- "Come on Y/N, I'm not that mean. I won't give you detention just because you came 5 minutes late to our meeting."
- This is most likely a misunderstanding...
- "This is what you were talking about just now, right? That the reason why you came here late is because you were drinking a smoothie. I figured you were probably busy doing something so no need to feel so guilty about it."
- "Oh. Oooohhh... yeahh... totally. Sorry."
- Now that this is out of the way, he asks you to tell him what's on your mind
- At first you hesitate a little but, if there's someone with whom you want to share this with, it's Tadashi
- he's listening really closely to what you're saying without cutting you off but sometimes you can see his eyes getting a bit darker
- Like, you're not being specific enough about a detail or something and he's probably taking notes of all the questions he has so that he can ask them when you're done
- At some point though, you become really emotional and your voice starts cracking when you're talking
- You end up crying and your tears fall on the desk
- Tadashi jumps out of his seat, his chair falls down as he panics
- "Hey! Y/N?? Err... Um..."
- Takes you in his arms carefully, like he's not really sure if that's what he's supposed to do when this type of thing happens
- "It's okay! I'm here... I'm here so... d-don't cry Y/N I'll do something about it no problem!"
- when you've calmed down he puts down his wallet on the desk
- "Uh... what?"
- "You can use it."
- "You mean your money??"
- "What else?"
- he explains that you can take all the smoothies and premium food in the cafeteria with this
- "Are you kidding? I can't use your money for that."
- He's literally trying to cheer you up with money which is obviously not the way to go about it
- He sees that you're not convinced so he pulls out his phone and shoves the screen on your face so closely that you have to take a step back in order to read what's on it
- It's Tadashi's to do list, probably the place where he writes all of his tasks for the week
- The spot on number one is you. It reads "1. Y/N"
- when you look at him Tadashi is furiously blushing and looking away
- this is incredibly sweet until you notice how wrong this sounds
- "Wait... Tadashi?"
- "Yes?"
- "I'm first on your... "To do" list? Seriously?"
- "What's that's supposed to mean? Of course you're number one on my- Oh god..."
- he just understood how wrong it sounded and took the phone back before rewriting the list
- He's making it so easy for you to tease him
- the poor boy is literally begging you to stop it but you can't until he shows you his phone screen again
- this time it's written "1. Make Y/N smile again", you're literally his number one priority. This is so sweet to the point where you can't tease him anymore. It would be too mean.
- As for Tadashi, let's just say that he's about to get "really mean" with the person you were talking about just now and he's not going to hold back
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