#sometimes i feel like a breed of dog that's super cute but beneath the surface is basically just a bunch of health issues bundled together
maddiemuu · 7 days
for the last few weeks i've had this one post i saw here on the mind describing a kind of seizure that just so happens to line up rly well with these weird... muscle spasm events...? i was having somewhat frequently a few years ago. and like. i hardly ever get them anymore. but i probably should mention them to my gp :(( EVEN THOUGH I REALLY DON'T WANT TO. but i will.
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yoosungiib · 7 years
Can you do the RFA + Minor Trio as cats? Like what type of cat they would be, breed, whether they are cuddly or not, etc. I hope that isn’t too much.
Of course, this was a lot of fun! I got to research some cats, and I learnt things I never knew before!
Before reading, to clarify any confusion when I switch from the terms “their owner” and “you,” I made you the “owner.” I realise that I switch the terms around a lot, and therefore it could be a little confusing. I hope this clarifies anything. :) I hope you enjoy, darling! Thank you for your patience!
RFA + Minor Trio as cats
★ Yoosung ★
Siamese Cat
Like the siamese cat, Yoosung is very affectionate, intelligent - that is when he is attending his classes and not staying home to play LOLOL - and vocal,
And as well as those characteristics, can become depressed when left alone or are away from the owner. “Meow~ Rik– I-I mean MC, please, don’t leave me home alone!~ Meow!” Will definitely sulk watching you leave.
Kitty Yoosung loves to play games no surprise with his owner; he especially enjoys chasing a laser point, playing with balls of yarn, etc.
Type of cat that can literally sleep anywhere and in any position too, for that matter. You can find him in the sink, in the shower, dangling a bit off the couch, in the food bowl, anywhere you can imagine. Though he is a playful cat, he also has a lazy streak.
Not a very good climber or jumper. Sometimes falls when trying to get on the couch, and it’s really funny because he flops on his back and lays there for a minute before getting himself up.
Very messy cat too, especially when it comes to his litterbox. You are constantly having to clean up all the litter that he kicks out the box,
And I mean, it’s heap loads of it. “Oops, I’m sorry, Meow~ I won’t do it again– Oops! I did it again! Meow~”
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♪ Zen ♪
Maine Coon Cat
Also known as the “gentle giant”, maine coons are large, sociable sweethearts, just like Zenny~ Along with that, playful, gentle, with “dog like” traits, and most importantly, a flirtatious cat.
With his graceful struts, rolls on the ground, purrs and rubs against your leg will have anyone cooing at his gentleness.
A very gorgeous cat; super fluffy, big tail, and big ears. Walks rather pridefully and likes to be taken outside on a leash to show himself off - and frankly, if he’s your cat you want to show him off too since he’s so beautiful.
“All these people want to pet me! Ah, well I can’t blame them. I’m just so fluffy and beautiful. Meow~”
Zen sleeps on your bed, and since he’s so big, he takes up a huge amount of space. If it’s a small bed, you’re practically dangling off the edge while Zen is comfortable laying on his side or curled up smack bang in the middle of the bed.
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❀ Jaehee ❀
Persian Cat
Jaehee shares in common with the persian cat a placid and adaptive personality, quiet and keeps to themselves,
And very affectionate to their owner. Especially when the owner is respectful of their space and boundaries.
As a cat, she hardly makes any noise, even when she wants food. She’ll be very subtle about it just by approaching you or sitting in front of the cat bowl.
Jaehee is a very sweet cat, and very sweet to their owner. She likes to be around you, a good distance away, but close enough so you can hear her gentles purrs and feel the warmth radiating off of her body.
“Please be close to me, Meow~ but not that close. Please respect my boundaries…oh, you did. Thank you! Meow~”
She is the best cat to have whenever you are upset, because she senses it, and to cheer you up she will sit on your lap and rub her head against your chest.
Does not care about the quality of the food - eats whatever is given to her and put in her bowl.
Does not like when doors are closed and you are on the other side. Doesn’t matter if it’s the door to the bathroom, she doesn’t like it, and she’ll start pawing on the wooden door and pushing her paws beneath the cracks in the door.
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☂ Jumin ☂
Ragdoll Cat
Jumin is a docile, calm, and gentle cat like the ragdoll. He is affectionate to his owner and owner only. Not entirely like the ragdoll cat, but more adjacent to his personality and a very intelligent cat.
Jumin is a very beautiful cat, with golden eyes that have a glimmer in them - you’re pretty sure that his eyes have the power to seep into your soul, considering how intense his eyes are, and more importantly, how intense his stare is.
The type of cat that is up at odd hours, and if he’s up, that means you’re up. He will not let you sleep. “Meow~ I really hope you are not trying to sleep.” Oh, he knows you are trying to sleep, but he does not care.
He will walk on your chest, and his claws will be practically digging into you because like as said, zero cares, and he will rub his head all over your face, neck and chest.
Basically, practically think’s he’s royalty. The saying that, “when you feed a dog they think you’re a god, but when you feed a cat they think they’re a god,” has never been so true with Jumin. Oh yes, in this household, he is the god, and he will not move a muscle. Unless absolutely necessary.
With that being said, he sits on your clothes with literally no fucks, and when you give him a glare as he lays on a pile of clothes that needs to be put away, he’s unfazed.
“Apologies. Would you like me to move? I don’t think so. Meow~”
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☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Exotic Shorthair Cat
Exotic Shorthairs are fun cats, just like Seven! They are playful, energetic, affectionate, intelligent, loyal and affectionate.
Unfortunately, the other quality that the exotic shorthair and Seven share is they can become depressed, especially when they are left alone. But besides that, they are the perfect “meme” cat and a loyal friend to till the end.
So don’t leave this poor baby alone.
Seven is not like any ordinary cat; for one, he really likes water. He loves to get in bubble baths with you, though all the water clings to his red fur, and it can be a hassle to dry him.
Totally scratches up the furniture, even after numerous times of having been told not to, and even though he has a scratching post! The couch is scratched up the most - you determine it’s his favorite “scratching post.”
Cat does not know what personal space is. He is all over you at all times, all up in your face, fur in your mouth, arms and legs spread.
This cat will eat anything you give him. Even if he is not hungry, if you are eating dinner, lunch, or just have a snack in your hand, and he will sniff it then bite it out of your hand, then run away at the speed of light!
“Catch me if you can! Meow~ Haha, you can’t, you can-” Bangs into a nearby wall and hurts his little head.
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❆ V ❆
British Shorthair Cat
The British Shorthair is a good natured cat, devoted to their owner as a loyal companion, who truly sticks to the end, which is perfect for V who sports the same characteristics as a warm hearted and good natured person, who too, is loyal and devoted.
The two share a calm temperament, tolerance, and are easy going. V is not the most active or playful, but every once and while will humor his owner by playing with a little ball of yarn, patting it around with it’s paws.
V will kiss his owners face, sometimes licking on their cheek. His whiskers always tickle your face, and you can’t help but giggle and run your hand through his short fur.
He is a very photogenic cat, and never shies away from the camera, though it may seem like that when he does his traditional pose covering his face with his paws. It’s in mainly to enhance his adorableness. Your phone is flooded with old and new pictures of V being overall adorable and sweet.
Like Jaehee, his is a very good cat when it comes to comforting. He can sense when you are sad, and will immediately jump on your lap, nestling his head in your stomach and leaning up to kiss your face. “Don’t be sad, meow~ Let me help you. Please, I’ll lick away your tears.”
V is also a cat that really loves bags. Wherever you go grocery shopping and the second the food and other what nots are removed, he’s jumping into the bag and curling into it. Many cute pictures of him in a brown bag, adorable as ever.
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☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
Russian Blue Cat
Saeran is someone who is very reserved, quiet, and tranquil, like the Russian Blue cat. Saeran does not like to go out of his comfort zone, especially after everything he went through in his early childhood, up until being rescued from Mint Eye – that doesn’t change as a cat.
The Russian Blue is a very intelligent cat with an acute sense, which is great for someone like Saeran who has many talents with the computer, more, an quick learner.
Another particular trait that Saeran shares with the Russian Blue is that they are both sensitive to human emotions. Saeran can sense when someone is depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, considering he felt those three emotions for most of his life.
As a cat, when he sees that his owner is getting stressed, he’ll go up to them and nestle his head against their shin, his gentle purrs are relaxing sound to their owners ears.
He can also, of course, tell when someone is happy or excited, and therefore when his owner is happy, he is happy too.
Saeran is the type of cat that when lying down, they like to cover their face with their paws, sort of hiding themselves from the world, but allowing themselves to be open to, and willing for gentle pets to their stomach or head.
Unfortunately though, he is also the type of cat who will push things off a surfaces purposely to get your attention if he feels like you’re ignoring him, or you’re going to leave him alone.
“Meow~ Please, MC, don’t leave me. Meow~”
He is a very cuddly cat, and does not like to be left alone for too long. He’ll follow you around, stick by you, jump on your lap and groan if you move. But he is a very lovable cat, and a loyal one too.
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✌ Vanderwood ✌
Grumpy Cat.
Though he may look grumpy on the outside, he is a sweet, adorable, lovable cat that just wants your love and attention,
So don’t be fooled by the frown on his face. He just wants your love and a clean house.
Vanderwood is the type of cat that judges you for every little thing that you do. And you can just tell he is judging you by the look of displeasure on his face and the intense glare - his eyes are very intense, and sometimes you feel a chill go up your spine looking into his eyes.
He’s a tsundere even as a cat. Though he may act like he doesn’t like it when you pet him, the moment you’re removing your hand he’s meowing and pawing at you to continue, therefore resuming to his, “I don’t care” attitude.
If you don’t like things being pushed on the ground from off a table or counter, Vanderwood is the cat for you. Clean. Freak. Even. As. A. Cat.
He doesn’t like a mess. He doesn’t like to be messy, he doesn’t like to be in a mess, therefore, he doesn’t like to make mess, which is the beauty of him as a cat.
He hates baths, since he doesn’t like the water or soap in his fur, and if he’s having a bath, he knows it’s because he is dirty, and just the look of the dirt seeping off of him in the water is enough to make him meow a really high pitch moan of distaste.
“me-OW~~ Get me out! I swear, I will bite you!”
But again, he is a very gentle cat. He likes to sit in your lap if you don’t force him, since he is a very independent cat. He likes to be surrounded by your warmth, and he likes to rub up against you when you’re still.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
How to Choose the Right Dog Bed for Your Dog
Dog parents buy stuff for their fur babies all the time. I know I love to look at new collars and clothes for Maggie, even if I can’t always buy them.
Some purchases are easier than others though. You might buy a leash because it’s cute, but a chew toy has to be more durable than adorable.
That means researching brands and reading reviews, which gets complicated for bigger purchases.
Dog beds can be confusing to shop for, even after you’ve done your research on specific brands.
Check out this guide on how to choose a dog bed for your dog. You’ll narrow down your options and get the best bed for your pup before you know it.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dog Bed
Your dog’s comfort and health should also be concern, especially if you are getting them a bed so they get out of yours.
Up to 62% of small dogs sleep with their owners, according to the American Pet Products Association[1], so finding the right alternative option isn’t always easy.
You’ve likely spent tons of money and time choosing the right items for your canine buddy – from leashes to collars and of course toys, nothing has been spared.
Choosing the right dog bed can be daunting though, and we’ll hopefully dispel some of the myths and disinformation out there so you can get your best friend the best bed possible for the best naps possible.
Your dog should be comfortable in their bed, so take a good look at their size.
Get them on a scale for an accurate weight measurement, which is a great place to start.
Most dog products are labeled for the weight of the intended canine consumer.
Most dogs aren’t the “If I fits, I sits!” type, but your dog may be different! Photo by Marianne Perdomo (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Dog beds are no different.
After you discover your dog’s weight, measure them from head to tail and side to side[2]. All you need is a tape measure and something to write the results down with.
You’re not likely to find dog beds with dog size measurements attached but the measurements of the beds themselves will be on the product description or tag.
Your dog’s measurements will help prevent you from buying something too small.
You can look for a bed that matches your dog’s weight and size, but when in doubt, trust your dog’s measurements for the most accurate fit.
Click the image for more info
Your dog may be an adorable puppy at the moment, but their breed is part of what determines their eventual size.
Use their breed as a guide to determining a long term bed solution.
If you adopted your dog and you’re not sure which breed they are, compare them to the largest breeds to see if they resemble any[3].
Your dog’s breed will also determine things like how much they shed.
Owners of dogs who shed constantly may look for a dog bed with a cover so the hair can be removed all at once with a quick shake.
Knowing the sleeping tendencies of your specific breed can help you not only find a bed they will sleep in, but love you more for it – definitely a win-win situation!
How old your dog is has a lot to do with what kind of bed they need.
Puppies will need something that will withstand their teething phase and doesn’t stain easily.
Washable covers get dog bed bonus points too, especially when a puppy or older dog may have bladder issues.
Older dogs often have joint issues as well.
They might struggle with getting up and down from the floor. An uneven surface caused by cotton filling could be uncomfortable for them, especially if it flattens easily and they can feel the floor beneath them.
Dogs older than five or six will enjoy an orthopedic bed, especially since it will last them well into their older years.
They come in a variety of sizes and heights, depending on how easily your dog can lay down and get back up.
Let’s face it:
Sometimes your dog just has odor issues.
Whether it’s temporary or a prolonged issue, you probably don’t want them cuddling up to you at night.
The good news is, there is a solution for this!
By getting a cedar filled bed – either loose-fill or another type that uses cedar shavings as filling – you’ll wake up to your dog smelling fresh and inviting instead of unpleasant. The more your dog rolls around, the better he’ll smell when he wakes you up in the morning.
Of course, if you notice your dogs horrible smell is consistent and not the product of a random adventure in the mud, you may want to have this checked out by a local vet.
Often times, unpleasant smells can be due to some natural reasons, but according to experienced canine vets, issues like yeast infections are also common and can cause horrible smells in dogs[4].
Keep in mind your dog’s comfort is super important. You love him to death anyways.
So it’s only natural that dogs with thick, heavy coats of hair need a cooler place to sleep that prevents them from retaining their heat.
The solution to this is an elevated cot-style bed that allows airflow to cool down your dog at night and sleep at night comfortably.
You can often detach the fabric portion and wipe it down or slip it into your washing machine if necessary, making removing pet hair, odor and even fleas effortless.
If you’ve got allergies due to pet hair, controlling where they sleep is going to help you get a full night’s sleep.
Choosing the right bed isn’t just about what colors fit your décor as well as staying within your budget.
Indoors or Outdoors?
What does your dog do during the day?
They might be an indoor dog who loves to nap, which opens up the world of dog beds. Outdoor dogs are a different story.
Outdoor dogs generally love to run around and get dirty, which means their outdoor dog bed will get dirty too. In addition to being weatherproof or water resistant, you’ll want to find a dog bed that’s easily washable.
Cedar dog beds are great for outdoor dog beds because cedar naturally repels many pests like fleas, silverfish, and moths[5].
The weather affects a potential dog bed in more ways than getting it wet or dirty. Consider how cold it gets where you live.
If your dog likes to stay outside even in plunging temperatures, get the right dog bed after insulating their dog house.
They might enjoy a covered dog bed where they can curl up inside, completely covered.
That minor change from an indoor to an outdoor lifestyle makes a difference in what your dog needs from their bed.
Think about how your dog lives to decide which bedding features are the most useful and important.
If your dog is an avid chewer, you’re going to be a bit more limited in your options unless you really enjoy shopping.
I’ve seen dogs tear through brand new beds within hours.
For these owners, an “indestructible” dog bed is your best bet.
These are made from much more durable materials to keep your pooch on the bed instead of in the bed.
Bed Location
Where will your dog use their bed? Placement first affects the size of the bed.
You might want to get your dog an extra big bed to spoil them rotten, but will it fit next to your office desk or at the foot of your bed?
Check a potential dog bed’s measurements in your home to decide what would fit best.
You’ll also want the dog bed to look nice with the interior design of whatever room it’s in. A bright orange bed would be an eyesore in a pale blue living room.
Likewise, a fluffy, delicately designed dog bed would look strange sitting out in your backyard.
Depending on your dog, you could need to use the dog bed differently too. To help your older dog, you might get a raised cot that needs a bed for comfier lining.
Only certain sizes will fit the cot your dog needs, so don’t forget placement as you look through dog beds.
There’s also the shape of your dog’s bed to consider.
Do they sleep in a tight circle or stretch out on their side?
Only you know the answer to that questions, since you know them best.
Then there are many dog bed shapes that will match how your dog prefers to sleep.
Don’t make the mistake of getting something like a circular bed for a dog who sleeps on their back and will fall off it during the night.
You’re definitely going to need to control the odor and shedding that comes with having a dog of any size, and regularly throwing your dog bed in the wash is going to help immensely.
Having the ability to toss your pet’s entire bed into the wash on a weekly basis and not have to worry about it not surviving is definitely something you’ll appreciate.
Some have covers that are removable, but the ideal situation is that you can just chuck the entire thing into the washer and be done with it.
So when you’re roaming the aisles of your favorite pet store, keep in mind that this will need to fit in your residential washing machine and dryer, as well as be suitable for your dog to stretch out and nap on.
Finding The Right Bed Isn’t Rocket Science
The truth is that getting your dog the right bed, and getting them to sleep in it, can be a big task, but knowing what they like, and what’s actually best for them – and you – is definitely possible.
The most expensive beds aren’t always the best options.
Know your dog’s breed, their preferences and you can find him the perfect bed without messing around.
Once you have all these features in mind, you’ll have a checklist that the perfect dog bed will complete.
Think carefully about what your dog needs and they’ll love whatever bed you buy.
How Many Dog Beds Should a Dog Have?
That depends on your dog.
If they spend most of the day in the living room, a single dog bed out there should be fine.
If they alternate between the indoors and outdoors, one in each location would make them comfortable no matter where they are.
Are Elevated Beds Good for Dogs?
Elevated beds, or cots, are great for dogs with joint issues or allergies to something in your carpets.
The only thing to be careful about is potentially adding bedding on top to make it more comfortable.
What is the Best Material for Dog Beds?
You’ll need something durable and washable for your dog’s bed.
Nylon, canvas, and denim are good options.
If you want something softer, look for fleece and microfiber fabrics.
The post How to Choose the Right Dog Bed for Your Dog appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-beds/choose-best-dog-bed/
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