#sometimes i enjoy the ai being wholesome xd
suckmahballskahl · 1 year
YO THIS IS WHOLESOME (: (ai generated)
write a story where eric cartman meets the grim reaper from billy and mandy
Eric Cartman was feeling particularly mischievous on this particular day. He had just finished an elaborate prank on his friends, and he was feeling quite pleased with himself. As he walked down the street, he noticed a strange figure in the distance. As he got closer, he realized that it was the Grim Reaper from Billy and Mandy.
Cartman was a bit taken aback by the sight of the Grim Reaper. He had always thought of death as a bit of a joke, but seeing the real thing was a different story altogether. He cautiously approached the Grim Reaper, who looked down at him with a stern expression.
"What do you want?" the Grim Reaper asked in a deep, ominous voice.
Cartman, always quick on his feet, responded with a smirk, "I don't want anything from you, Grimmy. I just wanted to say hi."
The Grim Reaper raised an eyebrow at Cartman's casual demeanor. He was used to being feared and respected, not treated like an old friend.
"I see," the Grim Reaper said slowly. "Well, if you're not here to make a deal, then I suppose I have no reason to stay."
And with that, the Grim Reaper vanished into thin air. Cartman stood there for a moment, feeling a bit disappointed that he hadn't been able to scare the Grim Reaper.
But as he turned to walk away, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. He looked over his shoulder and saw the Grim Reaper standing behind him, holding out his bony hand.
"Actually, there is one thing I need from you," the Grim Reaper said.
Cartman gulped nervously. "What do you want?"
The Grim Reaper leaned in close to Cartman's ear and whispered, "I want you to help me pull a prank on Billy and Mandy."
Cartman's eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected the Grim Reaper to have a sense of humor.
"Okay," Cartman said slowly. "What do you have in mind?"
And so, Eric Cartman and the Grim Reaper set off to pull the ultimate prank on Billy and Mandy. They plotted and schemed, and in the end, they succeeded in scaring the pants off their unsuspecting victims.
As they laughed and high-fived each other, Cartman realized that he had found a new partner in crime. He may not have been able to scare the Grim Reaper, but he had gained something even better – a friend who shared his love of mischief and mayhem.
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piyoduki · 5 years
izu and hinat for the ask meme *^*
(/-((-\) ... (warning: it got really long... oops-)
Character ask meme:
Favourite Food Headcanon: Nothing excites him so maybe he’ll enjoy the sensation of burning his tongue once in a while. But I can see him trying to make the most weirdest combinations of foods to try and tingle his tastebuds or just to watch others make disgusted reactions at them.Favourite Ice Cream Flavour Headcanon: Like with food, he’ll try a weird ice cream flavour each time and it might cause a small reaction on the first bite, but he’ll quickly get used to it and become bored. Poor Kamu, unable to enjoy foods and ice cream :C. A ship I have with said character: I love love Kamuhi a lot!!! That is probably really obvious xD but I love how they contrast with each other, how Kamukura has all the talents Hinata wants but is unable to feel things that make life exciting or unpredictable. I like to think Kamukura predicted that hope would win when he put AI Upupu into the NWP, but was surprised when Hinata chose to ignore both hope and despair and come up with his own answer. The idea that Hinata is the only one who can make Kamu feel things makes me happy and since they’re stuck in the same body afterwards (?), I think they’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other more. In the end, Kamu has a lot of knowledge, but he might not have a lot of experience and even though he’ll probably get bored of them after a few seconds, I think Hinata would be able to share some ‘normal’ moments with him! Although I mostly ship them romantically as different people, I don’t mind if they’re the same person too-A BROTP I have with said character: My guilty pleasure BROTP is with Ishimaru, because I just like them both a lot and the fact that Ishimaru hates geniuses makes it ironic and amusing. Also they have similar hair and eye colours so I like imagining them as brothers xD. And I don’t mind AUs of Kamukura and Hinata as twins/brothers as well, the jealousy and cuteness that might come with it is nice too. I need more wholesome sibling interactions in this series. 
But in a more ‘canon’ sense, I think Naegi and Nanami would be able to tolerate him and try to be his friend, or talk to him and try to understand him more. His talent mode event with Akamatsu was really cute and nice too, I can see her trying to get Kamukura to ‘feel’ more. I also like his interactions with Enoshima and Komaeda (more in a one-sided funny way where Kamu just gets annoyed with those two going on about despair and hope respectively, but he can’t quite get them to leave him alone). A NOTP I have with said character: I don’t see him being interested in Komaeda or Enoshima, sorry. :’DA random headcanon: He is really prideful and stubborn and as much as he says he doesn’t feel anything, he dislikes feeling like he lost to someone, or the feeling of someone using him or lying to him (cough), especially if they make a big deal about it, so he’ll try to get them back in some way. Usually he succeeds because he’s so good at reading people and manipulating how they feel. General Opinion over said character: I love him!! He is my second favourite character in the entire series! I did not know what to think of him at first and found the human experiment thing kind of creepy, but I grew to love him a lot after seeing some fanart where his face isn’t half shaded like in the game. His design is really nice and I love his long hair and sharp red eyes a lot, he’s so fun to draw. I think his character is important to Hinata’s as well, and it’s very fun to think about his personality and motivations, since he doesn’t appear a lot. 
I understand how he feels, I guess. If you’re too good at everything and can predict everything, than of course life would be really boring. Not just that, he was kept in an empty room for most of his life, probably with nothing to do except take part in some experiments. Even if he may not feel ‘sad’, it’s still a tragic and lonely fate. If you think about it, his personality is a bit like an awkward child. He’s blunt and tactless, doesn’t understand humans’ emotions and doesn’t really care about anything and anyone, is way too skilled at everything, but in his own way, I believe he’s searching for a reason to keep existing. He questions things because he wants to find an answer that satisfies him. 
Favourite Food Headcanon: Besides kusamochi, I think he’ll also like… hamburg steak! Or steak in general but I don’t think he can afford those too often, poor Hinata (literally).Favourite Ice Cream Flavour Headcanon: I can see him liking dark chocolate or maybe red bean.A ship I have with said character: Besides Kamuhi, I love him with Naegi too! I seem to like protagonist pairings for some reason… But they’re cute. I like their height difference and the fact they both have many similarities and differences. They’re both rather ‘normal’ compared to their friends, so I think they’d be able to relate to each other a lot.A BROTP I have with said character: I think he would get along with Ishimaru (biased). They’ll probably fight sometimes, because Hinata would probably get frustrated with how no matter how hard he works, he still can’t reach the same level as the other Ultimates, but I think Ishimaru would really encourage and motivate him to do better, after he sees how hard he works and realises Ishimaru’s not just saying that because he’s already ‘talented’. Plus I think Hinata would be able to hang out with him, study with him and share some of his hobbies with him once in a while and show Ishimaru the school life with friends he was missing out on (lol).Of course, I love Hinata with Nanami and Komaeda as well! I think he enjoys Nanami’s company, and she’s a really positive and helpful person. And while he gets annoyed and confused by Komaeda sometimes, in a world with no killing games, I think they would eventually settle their differences and be there for each other when they need it.A NOTP I have with said character: Komaeda (sorry again). Mostly because I feel like a lot of people just treat Hinata as Komaeda’s therapist and ignore his conflicted feelings towards Komaeda in the killing game, and the fact that Hinata has issues of his own to deal with. Not to mention I rarely see anyone mention Komaeda’s harsh treatment of Hinata in chapter 4, when he finds out he’s just a reserve course student, and he spends the whole time afterwards mocking his intelligence and lack of talent... I think their conflicting ideologies and how they view talented and untalented people is very interesting and I like their dynamic but a lot of the shippy content doesn’t really touch on that and I’m not really fond of how it seems to be the only Hinata pairing that people care about. :’D A random headcanon: Even though he says he really admires Hope’s Peak Academy, he didn’t actually do a lot of research on it, partially because he was afraid he might find out things about his ‘dream school’ that might ruin his enthusiasm for it, because he was afraid that he might have to find another path in life. He is the type to ignore his problems until they get really bad and he realises he’s messed up badly. Of course, his view on HPA got shattered anyway and he hates feeling helpless and that he might have made the wrong choice, but there’s nothing he can do about it and he’s too prideful to drop out and find another school.General Opinion over said character: I love him!! He’s definitely my favourite protagonist (and I love almost all of them)! I really like how his personality comes off very clearly. He starts out rather confident, trying to act the same around the other students to convince himself he too has a talent and can blend in with the class, to becoming more reserved and less confident after Komaeda reveals the truth about his talent, to becoming all ‘screw what everyone else thinks’ in the last chapter. Even reserve course Hinata feels more resigned to his fate but still quietly fighting. He seems to care more about the opinions of his classmates than Naegi (who kind of just brushes everything off). He feels very relatable - he’s normal, he admires talent and wishes he could be like that, but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t quite reach that level... and he may not want to admit it, but it’s possible he just doesn’t work as hard as some of them. But isn’t that normal? Not everyone can be like Ishimaru and be motivated to work hard 110% of the time. Naturally, Hinata got tired. All he can do is keep dreaming and hope that something will come along and help him achieve his dreams...  
Even so, he’s stubborn, and keeps staying in HPA (maybe even out of spite), he doesn’t want to completely give up yet and be like the rest of his reserve course classmates. He has a bit of a superiority complex and inferiority complex at the same time, he can be pretty judgemental and pessimistic, and he seems to put some distance between him and others. He has his moments where he feels all is lost and doesn’t know what to do, he fell into so much despair and helplessness that he decided to undergo brain surgery, and he probably didn’t know his existing personality would be erased. He has a lot of flaws, but he’s not a bad person, he does try to hear out his friends when they have trouble, he tries to understand his classmates that act ‘strangely’, he tries to keep his negative thoughts to himself and puts them aside when his friends need help. Tl;dr he feels very ‘real’, I love his personality and character development, his backstory is interesting and tragic, and I love Kamu too so it’s like two great characters in one. 
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