#sometimes I even spit them out too just get the full effect
to this day I still eat red and blue m&ms like the boy from that scene in Matilda and I don’t think I’ll ever stop
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digenerate-trash · 1 year
All of my teacher head cannons are based on my experiences with real teachers. 
that being said: 
More teacher head cannons!!! 
(this time I rated them on how well I think they would be as a teacher)
Lowkey would fuck a student if they got consent.
Gives off “I have a daddy kink” energy but not the cool kind 
Calls students Good boy/girl to gauge their reactions.
Will give extra homework to the whole class if one dude pisses them off
Has a ‘I’m the cool’ teacher thing going on but is really the most uncool bitch in the whole world. 
Would spit on you if he could get away with it. 
Is absolutely a bitch that says “I don’t know CAN you?” when you just need to piss
Will put stickers on your tests that say generic shit like “good job” and “wonderful” 
No one gets graded above a 95% because he personally believes that he knows better than every student and even some teacher's real “I'm the smartest man in this school” energy 
Will put on movies at the end of the year because he doesn't feel like teaching the last week 
Overall 2/10 I’m not learning shit in this class (out of spite.)
Needs approval from everyone for everything. 
Probably just learning the ropes as a teacher 
The cool teacher. 
Everyone wants a piece of this man and he just wants to swim
Could literally convince him the sky was purple he's a gullible mess
Gym body but puppy personality 
Would throw hands at anyone who harassed any of his students. 
Gentle teaching methods. Sometimes super effective but some students use it to coast
Super easy to get sidetracked
Undiagnosed ADHD man 
Students openly flirt with him and he's got no clue how to respond so he's just like “Haha good joke” 
Would not fuck a student no matter what, 
Clueless about other teachers and the inner politics going on at the school 
Stay in his lane king 
Absolutely started off as a lifeguard and doesn't know how his life got here
6/10 I’m a big fan of your class but it's only because it's easy. 
Has a full life outside of school 
Like two years away from retirement 
When the class gets too out of hand wants to curl up and die right there
Stressed as hell 24/7 
Never married never will be 
Teaching style is harsh as hell but will stay after school or give up their lunch break to help out students who are struggling 
No days off in this class it doesn't matter if your exams are done. School is school and you will learn as long as you are here
Doesn't play favourites but he seriously should. 
Hates Doren (just has a bad feeling about the dude) 
5/10 I'm trying my best dude please stop saying you know I can my reach potential if I applied myself. Its math. I'm not gonna apply myself
Says she “knows what I'm going through” but I doubt her science teacher was a MILF. 
Why are you always wearing low-cut tops??? 
At least one rumor about how a student fucked her over her desk and it was so good she hentai came. 
Gentle teaching style but doesn't take any shit. 
Has considered slapping students but never would 
Personal stories that tie into the lesson somehow 
Talks all the time about how much she loves her kid and how much of an angel he is 
Would love to get a tiny kiss on the head from her. Please
She brings a lot of momma bird energy to the class. 
Will touch your shoulder very gently 
Will then look over your test and say to the whole class “Remember to read the questions on the test carefully”
A student has absolutely called her ‘mom’ by accident and she feels flattered by that
Will put on bill nye on Fridays after a test to give everyone a break. 
8/10 Either adopt me or let me make out with you. I'm dealing with confusing feelings! 
Bro if Sirris is a MILF winter is like a super MILF with no kids. 
Big BDSM lesbian energy. 
Her weekends are booked solid and she has no time for school life to get involved with that. 
Wears SFW leather accents all the time no matter the weather. 
Has decided that instead of gray hair they want platinum blonde and they are rocking it 
Calls her students good boys/girls out of habit. 
Absolutely could beat any of the other teachers in a fight. 
She's super passionate about history and has several antiques which she considers priceless. 
Students who mock her subject are always sorry after she lectures them. 
She's happy to help students during lunch. But not after school. She has boundaries 
Overall 8/10. Im not confused. Fuck me into the historically accurate pillary with your massive strap. Im fucking ready. 
Will fuck students without their consent 
Absolutely blackmails students and teachers. 
Dude jacks it under his desk at school while he watches porn after using his admin pass to get passed the website blockers. 
Will send teachers an NSFW link and then mark them for disciplinary action for clicking on it. (Mason will fall for this trick every time) 
Has never and will never hire an outside consultant or HR representative claiming its a ‘waste of resources’ 
Dude will rub his hard dick on your back while you're sitting in his office for detention. 
Piss kink. Don't ask me for evidence. I just get this /feeling/
Will take a long weekend more than a couple of times a year just for the fun of it. But will never allow the same grace to any other teacher. 
Has a file of his favourite students that he meticulously plans to molest. It's like a black book. 
Bro obviously watches teacher/student porn or 18yr/old man porn at school. 
Teaching style is fucking old school. Reinforcement through pain/ruler. Writing lines. Detention sessions are just holding a penny between your knees and standing in the corner with a dunce cap on. 
Plays favourites but if you are his favourite fucking watch your back. 
0/10 I’m not learning shit. And also I dread office visits. If you touch me I'm calling the police.
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proverbsss · 1 year
lion's den (john tyler x reader) -suggestive/nsfw
John Tyler, Tell Me Your Secrets
prompt(s): "Just lie back and let me take care of you." & "Right there, that feels so good." [from this post]
[Pt. 2 Out Now!! Linked Here :)]
anon: I hope you enjoy this :D I hope to make a pt. 2 that's more nsfw,, so stay tuned
notifs: john tyler's a bad man (we know) ; john's drugged and restrained reader ; dubious consent at best ; kissing and touching
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John isn't a total monster. Lesser men might just put you completely under, no sensation, no stimulus. They might take what they wanted selfishly. Or put less thought into your restraints which--while they'll hold--hardly chafe. As he's seen you stirring near regained consciousness, John's observed your limited range of movement. This way, his way, you can even put your hands on your own body a bit. Which is good. Because soon you're going to want to. More than a little bit.
John is a redeemable, merciful sort of guy he thinks, because it's true that he pumped you full of an aphrodisiac capable of overcoming resistance from even the most in-denial candidate, but it's also true that he plans to let you enjoy its effects. It's within reason you should want some pleasure for the trouble of your exquisite pain, his undoing. He has his demands, but let none accuse John Tyler of being entirely unreasonable.
You're even foxier like this, sweeter, floating somewhere between awake and out of it. Sometime more than half an hour ago your hand drifted subconsciously up to your face and two perfect fingers just barely parted your soft lips. John wants, with a fierceness that makes him force his hands between his knees to keep them off you, to suck the spit off those fingers. To taste you while you're not even aware of being tasted. He craves it. But he's waited this long, and all for this moment, this delightful moment you finally appear to come to all at once.
Your eyes don't want to open. Like nothing you've experienced before, the lids are heavy, and the yawning darkness beyond this is intoxicating. Yet there is a pinprick, a hairline sensation of danger far, far below the fog. This feels strange. There's something like tension in your upper arms. You finally gather enough strength to tug, it feels Herculean, and the straining of cord around your wrists calls up greater focus.
What. The.
"Hey, cutie." That voice. Sort of shadowy and velvety and just shy of too sweet. You've heard that voice before. Your muscles are coming back to you now, mercifully, gradually. You turn your head and…there he is. Why is his face so familiar?
"Look at you. So wide-eyed and serene. Like a nymph in a Renaissance painting. It's not hitting you already, is it?"
You frown at him and he grows smaller, but with some innate sense you shouldn't turn your back on him, you force your eyes open again. And now recognition starts to seep in at the edges. John. John from work. John who comes into the deli twice a week, set your watch by it, and orders a sausage and cheese bun plus black coffee. You were delighted that he shared his name, a few details of his day, more than the traditional customer order and maybe a begrudging “Thank you.” He coordinates the construction site down a ways from the deli where you work. What is he doing here? And where is here, come to think of it?
And the pieces rush together enough that you can find strength, urgency, in both your arms and legs to tug, just a little, and make a noise that lets John in on what you’re thinking about him and the unfamiliar surroundings.
“Ah, there you are, there you are. I was worried I wouldn’t get any fight out of you. I like it better when we can keep things civil, really, I’m not a big fan of mess–I don’t want to be any meaner than I have to. But no fight at all…it’s missing half the fun. It is, a third of the fun, at least–” He smiles with a pretty row of white teeth, and a confusing lurch in your lower body makes it harder to shrink away as he draws nearer to you. “But I have a feeling,” John murmurs, hands fluttering oh-so-softly across your belly, “I have a feeling you’re going to be good for me.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, and you can’t quite manage one. Just a noise or two of protest, it has to be protest especially as you remember you had a sweater on earlier and this is effectively a layer less than you were clothed when you closed the store. What time is it?
There’s a window with blurry edges to your right, and it seems to be dark outside. Then again under this new veil everything seems at once dark then light again. Even John, who’s looming over you as you realize he’s going to crawl over top of you.
You open your mouth to scream and a pathetic yowl barely makes it out of your throat. Then John chuckles. His legs wall yours in on either side, and he’s warm, so warm. Were his eyes always this pretty?
“John…” you manage to form, almost a whisper.
“Hi,” he says, smiling, and leans in to kiss your mouth, adjusting his body so he lies directly on top of you. You force your head to one side, disoriented but not incapable of evading him. “Don’t do that.” He says, calm, dark, almost immediately, almost as though he expected the rebuff. “Don’t do that, be good. Be good for me.”
His hands find your face and he turns your head with ease to look up at him. He steals the kiss he wanted, pauses, then dives in for more. He’s more forceful than any kiss you remember, a lot of need like lightning in a jar. And it doesn’t feel bad. It doesn’t feel good either.
You try to squirm and your body actually cooperates. But he’s too solid, too insistent, too adept for you to escape. He bites onto your lip, a euphoria spread across his features that almost…turns you on. What. The.
“Ha ha,” he laughs aloud, quiet, throaty, predatory. “Wow, look at you change. Night and day difference.” He undoes the buttons on your shirt with efficiency, despite your wriggling attempts to put him off.
“I’ve never seen you so happy. I know I only see you when you’re working, that’s understandable, but this.” He bites again, quicker. Harder on your bottom lip till it feels a little tender, not quite bloody when you part. “Pretty baby, doesn’t it feel good to tell the truth?”
And it escapes you. And you don’t know how. But there’s no denying it’s a whimper, and it’s needy.
“So pretty…” John compliments the noise you make, and inches himself a little further down your body to kiss your neck. He finds another spot near the base of your neck that makes you squirm and buck against him without meaning to.
“Please,” you get out. “Don’t.” But how much do you mean it? The drugs are messing with your head and even a refusal sounds heady with lust.
“Your pretty mouth is such a liar, huh?” His hands all too quickly complete the task of exposing your chest and tummy to him and John stops to take you in. You’re beautiful. Even better than he imagined. “That’s okay, because I don’t especially need words out of you. Just lie back and let me take care of you.”
[Pt. 2 Out Now!! Linked Here :)]
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b-ritney · 2 years
I love a good sober love sesh (not that id know ive never done it) but I’ve been toying with the idea of Eddie suggesting you guys try taking ecstasy before sex he wants you to feel the heightened sensations but you worry something might go wrong so he offers to stay sober while you trip so he can help you if something goes wrong. This is between two consenting adults in an established relationship. (I in no way encourage this behavior, you should never leave yourself at the mercy of someone else no matter how well you know them. Stay safe out there lovelies.)
This is inspired by 2 other fics, one was taking ecstasy with Axl Rose which is on Wattpad, and another one with Eddie on this platform which I will put link here, https://at.tumblr.com/ohcaptains/take-the-edge-off/5s275rhehnp9. It's called "Take The Edge Off" If you like my fic, you'll like theirs better guaranteed, it's AMAZING.
Warnings: drug use, spit, fingering, slight choking, slight spanking, P in V, sub naïve reader, experienced Eddie, mentions of anxiety.
Side note: (I will NEVER EVER sexualize being taken advantage of, my characters will always be informed and consciously aware of what to expect in encounters like this.)
Summary: I- I got nothing it’s fucking Monday and I’m out here writing filth like I don’t have 2 exams this week.
After a long week at school, there is nothing you wanted more than for your boyfriend to ravage you and work out all of your aggression with his own, but instead, you and Eddie took a drive after school, just to feel the fresh fall breeze; he knows how much it calms your anxiety. Once you got to his trailer Wayne had already left for the night, leaving you to yourselves for the evening. You threw down your bag and huffed as the pressure released from your shoulders; " I swear that thing gets heavier every day." you say rubbing your neck. Eddie wraps his arms around your waist from behind and rests his head on your shoulder; " I'm sure it does considering you have my homework in there too!" He laughs kissing you on the cheek. You giggle as his hair tickles you, he begins poking your sides making you double over in laughter. "Ahhh Eddie!!" You shriek, you sprint down the hallway, shamefully realizing you've cornered yourself in his room.
He tackled you onto his bed, careful not to crush you with his full body weight. "UNCLE UNCLE!" you yell.
"I don't think so." he laughs pinning your arms above your head. The mood shifts a little and you can't help but feel this is a little cliche but kind of sexy. He must feel it too because he kisses you.
"I love you." he says against your lips.
"I love you too, Eddie."
He lays off to your side on one elbow tracing your body with his eyes; "What's up babe?" His eyes snap up to meet yours.
" I've just been thinking about trying something with you but I wasn't sure if you'd be cool with it." You sit up and he follows.
"Oh, well, I'm all ears, this is always interesting." you snickered.
" I'm serious babe," he said tucking your hair behind your ear, "a while back I tried taking ecstasy while I was umm.. thinking about you; and it made me wonder if you'd want to try it while we were uh well you know." You tilt your head, "
"I'm lost."
"I want to get high and fuck you." his crass words made you swallow.
"Uhh I mean, if you've done it before then I'm ok with it."
He smiled, " Are you sure? I know the drugs throw you off sometimes."
"Wha- what are the effects?" you inquired, Eddie could sense your apprehensiveness and pulled your back flush with his chest against the headboard, stroking up and down your sides, his breath warm against your neck.
"You'll take less than half of a pill, and it will make you all warm and fuzzy, and everything will feel... more."
"Yeah, every touch, every kiss, every word even, will feel amplified by like 50 times."
"That doesn't sound too scary." you say nuzzling into his chest.
"I want to make sure you're sure, because with your anxiety it may twist differently than it does with me."
"Well, what if something goes wrong? How can we fix it if both of us are loaded?"
"How about this, since I've already done it a few times, why don't you take it and I'll stay grounded just in case."
"You'll miss out though?
"Don't worry about me sweetheart, if it goes well we can try again."
"You're one hundred percent sure?"
"YES! Eddie come on, please just do something," you say turning over in his lap, straddling him.
"Relax baby, you've gotta take the magic meds." He reached over to his bedside table and with one hand opened the drawer, pulling out a small baggie labeled MDMA he reached inside and pulled out a fourth of a single pill; setting the bag on the table. "You ready?"
You nodded excitedly, he looked you in the eyes, raising the drug to his mouth and placing it on his tongue. He laced his hand around the back of your neck bringing you to meet his lips. Pushing the sliver of Ecstasy in your mouth with a deep and slow french kiss.
You involuntarily rocked your hips into his, the anticipation for what was to come made your heart race.
"Slow down," he snickered while he sucked bruises into the soft flesh of your neck, "give it a few minutes to kick in."
You held each other for what felt like hours, slowly undressing until you were both down to your underwear. Eddie worshiped you, kissing every inch of skin he could reach, extending your arms to peck from your fingertips to your shoulders. Holding your ankle to kiss from the top of your foot all the way to your hips. When he got to your belly you started to giggle uncontrollably. When Eddie looked up you were staring at the ceiling laughing at nothing. He crawled above you to hover over your face. "Sweetheart, you still with me?," he tilted his head laughing himself at your giddiness.
"Depends, what plane of existence are you on?"
"Leave it to you to ask existential questions when you're fucked up." he laughed leaning down to capture your lips again.
"Eddie please don't stop,... every time you touch me it feels electric."
"I'm copyrighting that as a song lyric," he said while he picked up again at your panty line.
"You better give me credit"
"Princess, the song will be about you." he said through gritted teeth as he pulled the waistband of your underwear, making you jump when it snapped back into place.
"Eddiiiie" you whined, "please do something I need you."
"Now that it's in your system you've gotta remember to use your words in case it gets to be too much, understand."
You nod. He pops your thigh lightly.
"What did I just say?"
"To use my words."
"Good girl." He stands above you, wrapping his hands behind your knees to violently yank you forward to the edge of the bed. He slowly pulled your blue lace panties down your legs. You felt every trace of the fabric moving across your skin, brushing the fine invisible hairs covering your body as if you were running your hand through blades of grass. The feeling made goosebumps in their wake causing you to shiver with eagerness. Eddie tossed the garment, and bent your knees together up to your chest, leaning forward to place gentle kisses on each of them, "you still doin' ok?"
"Y-yes," you let out shakily, "I love you."
"I love you more."
He parted your legs, staying eye level with you, to try and relax your racing heart. "You're so beautiful." he kissed your nose.
He reached down and started rubbing tight circles on your clit, causing you to arch your chest into Eddie's from the overwhelming sensation.
"Ahhh E-Eddie"
"Shh I know, I know, just breathe."
The feeling was like nothing you have ever experienced, even the lightest touch made you see stars. He brought his hand back up to your mouth. "Open." he rested his middle and ring fingers on your bottom lip, he slid his fingers in as you swirled your tongue around them. He left them there a few seconds until he was satisfied, then put them back at your soaked core. Slowly he ran his digits up and down between your folds before pushing inside to his knuckles, muffling your elated moans with a searing kiss.
"More, please," you begged, "It feels so good."
"Needy little thing."
He started pumping them in and out all the way, rubbing your clit with his thumb. He had to get to the floor and hold your thigh to keep you from retreating. Without warning, he replaced his thumb with his lips, sucking harshly. You cried out, feeling tears prick your eyes. "Aww baby already?"
"Eddie please- please." He didn't respond he just laughed with his lips around your sensitive bud, the vibrations making you tremble. You feel like your fucking soul escaped you for a brief second. Every movement of his fingers felt incredible, an indescribable bliss. He withdrew them, much to your frustration, just to aggressively lap at you with his tongue, reaching up your body to expertly shove your bra up above your tits. With one hand he began kneading your right breast, twisting your nipple in between his fingers. You began grinding on his face. "God it feels so good." you whimpered shaking. Eddie could barely contain himself you were so adorably agitated, he needed to be inside of you. He stood up undoing his belt, "Why'd you stop?" You cried in a drawn-out whine.
"Aren't you ready for my cock?" you nodded again, Eddie only had to raise an eyebrow before you realized your mistake.
"Yes- Yes please."
"Atta girl," he reached into the same drawer and opened a small foil package, holding it in his teeth as he pulled his pants the rest of the way down, he rolled the condom down his shaft, dropping his head from the feeling. He looked up to realize you were covering your face, "You nervous?" he said peeling your arms from eyes.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No-No.. just please go slow."
"I'll be so gentle baby, I promise."
"Okay" you managed to whisper. Eddie ducked down and sucked on your nipples, giving proper attention to each one as you writhed underneath him. He kissed you on the lips one more time before going back down to spit on your pussy, the sound of it making you shudder with anticipation, licking his fingers he spread it thoroughly through your folds. Then he positioned himself at your entrance, running his cock up and down a few times. He rested his forehead against yours, keeping eye contact as he pushed in, deeper and deeper until his hips connected with yours. You tried to keep your eyes locked on his but it was just so much, you could feel every ridge every vein, every beat of his heart it was so intoxicating. You threw your head back in a silent scream, he picked up the pace slightly, burying his head in your neck, whispering praises.
"Eddieeee, fuckkk!, harder please- please." you wail. He happily complies, lifting one of your legs to rest on his hip, as he leaned forward resting his free hand on the mattress beside you. Driving deeper and deeper. The pressure in the pit of your stomach began to build quickly. "I- I'm so close," you whimper, reaching out to cup his face in a yearning kiss.
"Me too, can you hold it baby?"
You can't respond, the pleasure overcoming you, you forget your name, you forget everything except him and the way he feels. Your eyes are squeezed shut as you twist away from him. he keeps you in place with a light grip on your throat. Tears roll down your cheeks, Eddie kisses them away, "Come on pretty girl, cum for me."
It hit you like a FUCKING title wave. You felt frozen yet your body was convulsing, as Eddie's hips faltered, finishing in the condom. He fucked you through it, when your body stilled he pulled out, and threw out the rubber. "Don't go Eddie please, don't go." You cried curling into yourself, the intensity of your orgasm making your brain foggy.
"I'm right here sweetheart, it's ok, I'm not going anywhere." he brushed your sweaty hair away from your face. Rubbing your side, laying next to you. You wrapped around him, and he clung to you just as tight, rolling over, firmly rubbing up and down your back. "Let's get you showered and sobered up."
"How do you do that?" you asked tilting your head up to face him.
"Step one, we order pizza,"
"and step two?" you coax
"We cuddle for the rest of the night until you fall asleep safely in my arms." He smiled down at you. You giggled happily as you both stood walking hand in hand to the much-needed shower.
OMFG this is honestly so refreshing from writing college essays... hope this holds you over until I finish the Billy fic. Stay freaky, B. <3
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dramamelon · 2 years
Constructicon Week is here! @constructiconweek
I'll be posting them here as well as reblogging with an AO3 link because they're all short pieces. :)
Getting this up early because I've got work this morning. And there is where we see why I've warned it's not a full story. ^^; (Don't worry, it's gone on the WIP pile to grown up into one.)
What Once Was
Day 7: Bonecrusher | Smoke Rating: T Tags: Minimal Editing, Canon Blender of IDW1 & IDW2, Snippets of Larger Story, Abandoned & Destroyed City, Haunted Houses, Whump, Blood and Injury, Drug Use Fic Summary: In a moment of peace that was either the End of the War or a Temporary Truce (no one was quite sure where they stood yet), the Constructicons claimed the shattered remains of Crystal City as their own. So far, no one else had raised a fuss, leaving them free to rebuild as they wished. Chapter Summary: Bonecrusher waited because there wasn't much else he could do.
Sitting beside the medslab, a lit cy-gar in one hand, Bonecrusher watched Mixmaster recharge with passive optics. His poor Mixmaster looked like he'd been thrown into the Pit and spit back out. The worst part of it was not one of them could figure out what precisely happened to him. Not even the most pragmatic of them believed Mixmaster had simply fallen down the stairs. That just wasn't the sort of thing that happened to any of them, not even Scavenger on one of his clumsy days.
He lifted the cy-gar to his mouth and pulled a long drag, tensors and aching pistons relaxing as the cloud of fluxweed smoke infiltrated his internals. Only once it imparted no more of the effect did he release the shimmering smoke in thin, curling tendrils that rose toward the ceiling. Hook would have a field day with him if he saw it—probably swat it out of his hand then stomp it out on the floor—but Hook wasn't around at that particular moment, so Bonecrusher didn't particularly care. Moreover, if he were awake, Mixmaster wouldn't care—Mixmaster was the one that provided the fluxweed.
Letting his wrists fall to rest against his thighs, the bright hot end of the cy-gar idling probably too close to his plating, Bonecrusher watched the status display on the side of the medslab. "Wish I could read that slag," he muttered. He lifted his gaze to take in Mixmaster's prone frame again, catching sight of the line that fed energon back into his still dangerously depleted system. "Don't like seein' you like this, Mixer. 'S too quiet. Need to wake your aft up and make some noise."
"Has he done anything yet?"
Bonecrusher grunted and didn't bother to even glance Scavenger's way, the younger mech peeking in around the side of the open door of the private medical room. "Nope," he replied, popping the word as it left his lips. "Not even a twitch."
The scoop arm drooped behind the kid, his disappointment at the news palpable. "Oh, I'm sorry," Scavenger said, hugging the edge of the door frame. Bonecrusher sometimes wondered how he'd managed to stay so innocent compared to the rest of the team, all things considered. He watched as Scavenger leaned in a little more, optics brightening behind his red visor as he gazed on Mixmaster's still frame. "He'll be okay," Scavenger said, his vocalizer tuned softer than Bonecrusher had ever heard it before. "Hook fixed him up, right? And he had all the parts here, right when and where he needed them."
"Yeah," Bonecrusher agreed. "Probably the best condition he's been in since before the war." He flicked the cy-gar a little, the red glow of the burning end tracing a line of light through the air. His rust-pitted pistons creaked and groaned with the small movement. He bit back a grunt at the sensation, long used to it by that point. "Best condition any of us has been in since then."
Bonecrusher ignored the half-empty decanter of coolant set on the counter on the far side of the room, refusing to see how it shifted without being touched. His gaze shifted toward Scavenger, though, when the kid reacted, staring at the glassware and cringing back out of the doorway. The hand he had wrapped around the door frame tightened and the decorative plating along the side jamb put up a metallic whine as it gave under the pressure.
"Just some seismic activity," Bonecrusher told him, attention already returned to Mixmaster's still frame. "No need to act like it's something to be scared over."
He imagined Scavenger gnawing at his lip behind the blast mask, could envision the worry hidden in his optics by the visor he wore. It was just a matter of waiting it out, however. Soon enough, Scavenger nodded and forced himself to relax. Left behind on the side jamb molding as he pulled his hand away was the distinct impression of his firm grip. There was no fixing the low set of his scoop arm, though. Bonecrusher snorted and took another drag from his cy-gar.
Then Mixmaster's hand twitched, followed moments later by a distinct flicker of light in his recharge-dark optics. Bonecrusher was instantly on his pedes, bellowing as loud as he could, "Hook!"
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geminmyeyes · 1 year
Chapter 3 - Beyond Light and Shadow (Tumblr Backup)
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First Chapter (Includes Tags, Warnings, etc)
Next Chapter ->
After Chiharu had summoned the youkai to deal with, he found himself being scolded by a certain kenbumajin followed by a towel ruffling over his head upon entering back into the palace.
“Listen, try to bring an umbrella and a coat next time, especially with near-typhoon levels of rain kiddo,”
“I didn’t know that youkai would bring in so much damn rain! Plus it’s not like I’ve gotten a cold or anything,” Chiharu cursed out a bit, before giving a small sneeze and a clear shiver following after. “...Damnit, I thought I was made invincible…”
“Yeah the Youkai Watch Tenou makes your heart function normally, but you’re still a human kid who’s still prone to the elements and getting sick,” The fiery kenbumajin responded.
Chiharu simply just looked off to the distance, opening with a question. “Why do you care so much anyways? You’re just a means to an end, a blade bestowed upon the queen who saved my life.”
A biting bit of stillness filled the room. Much needed time to prepare a response was taken, making sure it could have the impact it needed.
“Kindness can go a long way Chiharu, it’s good to repay the favor,” The sword spirit answered earnestly. “If an army of thousands are spitting all over you and only one person reaches out, you keep them close no matter what. Solidarity can only do so much, but two heads are better than one as they always say.”
The boy simply scoffed a little bit more, causing the supernatural being to kneel down to the boy’s level. He lifted the kid’s chin to make him look directly into those golden eyes, burning with a serious glare that made the typically cold Chiharu thaw out of his pride.
“If you want to keep using my power to completely wipe out anyone that dares to fight against us, it be one or a million, you better start thinking about treating me like an equal and friend rather than a weapon that chews you out sometime,” The spirit scolded, his voice taking on a more harsh, sharp tone than before. 
“You can’t reject bonds and expect people to be on your side when the rest of the world is against you. The whole world will tear you apart without anyone by your side.”
More silence filled the room the two were currently in. Though something was starting to set in as the silence grew longer in awaiting a response from the boy.
He was too proud to admit that this was all quite a humbling moment for him. Being given the power to finally live his damn life, he didn’t realize how much he was being full of himself, or lacked the ability to make friends.
But did he need to? He was more powerful than anyone that stood in his way! He was Goku Hyakki-hime’s number one knight, was he going to have to share that position?
Yet, his power stemmed from the very individual asking him to treat him like a friend, not a weapon.
Just this once, Chiharu would swallow his pride. For the sake of someone that would teach him this concept of friendship. Bonds beyond just mere comrades or tools to conquer.
“Understood…fr…friend…” Chiharu uttered. “Just…don’t be so harsh, alright.”
The Kenbumajin bit his lip a bit, giving a sigh. “Sorry about that, I just wanted to understand, and nicer, softer words weren’t exactly my forte to begin with.”
Within a day of getting Ayame’s message, the Youkai Detective Agency met once more, even Ayame herself joining in through video call of course. 
“Alright so we know for sure the location of one of the Sacred King’s Armory now!” Akinori started off the meeting on a strong note. “If we can get our hands on it, then we might have an edge against this hundred demon army or whatever they call themselves!”
“But how are we going to get it?” Natsume brought up, furrowing a brow a bit. “I mean, we can’t just ask to please borrow a priceless artifact for who knows how long.”
“Then perhaps, taking it without anyone noticing may be the most effective option?” Touma suggested, everyone giving a tense ‘really now?’ sort of look at the rather deadpan boy.
“That would be illegal, you know,” Whisper added in his own two cents to the matter, before sighing. “However, it’s a sacrifice worth making for the greater good of human and youkai kind alike I suppose.”
“If it’s any help, the exhibit is said to be held on the second floor of the Sakura History Museum. As for where they’re going to prop up the bow in question, I’m not sure. Every floor plan is different after all,” 
“We should probably start making moves towards the museum within the next week,” Natsume suggested. “That way we can gather resources and intel, but not dilly dally too much that the exhibit is already gone or someone already stole the very thing we’re after. I think Saki’s mom might have some stuff that might be of use, I’ll have to ask.”
The meeting had concluded there, a plan of action underway. Today was Monday, and they had until Saturday night to enact one of the riskiest plans in the agency’s history. 
Television and movies made stealing things look incredibly easy. All they would need is to be as cunning as a wolf and as flexible as a monkey with a penchant for pitch perfect disguises. Throw in support roles of having bullets that never miss and a blade that can cut through anything, and it was a foolproof strategy to leave even the most determined of authorities dumbfounded. 
Oh, and about a decade and a half of experience in the field of crime committing as well. 
They didn’t have time for that kind of training, and they were going to have to try anyway. It would be worth trying to take a dive at the very least.
Besides, Youkai were mostly invisible to most eyes and video devices, right? Couldn’t be that hard, right?
Somewhere in the sleepy town an evening or two after the initial call to get intel and help, a woman somewhere in her early 40’s was looking at a five monitor setup with a strange posture, one she swore was good for her back. Bags were under her eyes, having possibly barely slept at all, glasses being half on and purple hair having the distinct style of ‘chaotic bedhead’. A form that could best be described as making one cringe with failure.
“This guy…this guy right here…” The woman commented, analyzing a few blurry photos from when Chiharu’s Kenbumajin initially attacked in the woods near the Arihoshi shrine, trying to get a good look at the fierce, fiery figure. Having been taken in a panic by a certain butler, posting it to a niche form begging for help. “How this guy fires arrows, he’s basically a launcher of them! Geez!” 
“And for the sender of these blurred photos…I swear I’ve heard it before…” She thought aloud, trying to piece things together. “Oh I’m hopeless in trying to solve things like this! If only you were here…”
Her thoughts were forced to shift by a young girl with a pink brown bob and brown eyes knocking gently but loud enough that the older woman could hear her. 
“M-Mom you in there?” The girl piped up, the girl's mother getting out of her chair to greet her child.
“Yeah I’m always here, Saki! Whatcha need?” 
“Natsume needs a uh. Lock pick and something to fry wires with she said?” Saki answered, the girl’s mother looking confused.
“What do you need that kind of stuff for? I might have it knocking around somewhere…” Her mother answered, looking back at her desk covered in cans and half finished model kits. “...A big maybe though.”
“It’s for…a…school project, her words not mine," She said. “In our umm…home economics class…”
“Home Economics? What kind of stuff are you learning in your oven operation class!?” Saki’s mom piped up, genuinely a bit shocked. 
Saki was quiet for a moment. “...Stuff…”
“Your teacher must be kind of a cool guy! I bet he’ll teach you how to get an old floppy drive game running on a microwave at sixty frames per second!” The mom continued, looking in her stuff. “Oh yeah I uh, don’t have anything like a lock pick or something that can fry wires. Maybe you can give Natsume a stack of paper clips?”
“I’ll try that,” Saki finished, awkwardly taking a fistfull of paperclips and closing the door.
The pressure of such a task weighed a bit heavy on Touma especially. He wasn’t sure if he should, or even be allowed to go after a new Youseiken, one that was incredibly powerful. It was only two weeks ago that he had to witness Fudo Muyoou, a feared and mighty spirit that needed several generations of the Enma clan to seal him, was killed and he had to endure feeling that unimaginable pain.
A death that was, without a doubt, his fault. Had he not been so hasty in wanting to fight against such a powerful enemy. Gods, the young spunky form Fudou-Muyoou took would be by his side still if he hadn’t been so rash when facing something so powerful. The constant guilt he felt, and how it would tune out any and all senses until it was just his thoughts left to spiral into an unending torment.
The grayed Youseiken he carried as a reminder of such a crime weighed heavily in his pocket within the Youseiken Holder and in his hand. Sure he had Ashura’s still, but he was intending on returning it back to Shuten Douji when he could find the oni again. Where was he anyways? He shouldn’t bother messing up another very precious thing again.
However, there was a little silver lining to break through his storm of doubt that was brewing. Nearby was someone that looked familiar…wasn’t that the meteorology student from the other week?
Upon closer inspection, it was without a doubt Shirogane Inazuma, looking a bit wistfully on the same hill as well. His silvery eyes were focused on a soccer match between some kids nearby.
“Seems this place is popular to be clouded in your thoughts,” Touma opened with as he tried to approach Shirogane, the silver eyed individual noticing the boy.
“Mhmm…it’s quite the nice spot to sit and yearn at,” Shirogane answered, almost unphased at the idea of the boy just showing up out of left field. 
His eyes shifted towards the kids playing soccer, without much of a care in the world. To them, the future was just a distant dream, free of the consequences of time.
“W-What, really?”
“Yes, I used to be in the soccer club in high school, I was considered the ace player, unparalleled. My life was lined up perfectly,”
The college student got a bit silent, closing his eyes and wincing slightly. 
“That was, until I fell trying to save someone, fracturing my knee badly in the process. While it did heal, it left permanent damage and I’ve never been able to play to the same ability I once had,” His silvery eyes finally opened again. 
“I went into meteorology studies, thinking it would be a more viable career path since my original plans were ripped so suddenly. Now, I wonder if rotting away the last crumbs of my youth was the viable option at all…” Shirogane wistfully concluded.
Those children playing on the field, so carefree, without a worry or woe of fracturing their whole future. Oh how he wished he could have a sense of that innocence back.
“I mean, don’t we all make horrible mistakes and we have to learn to move on?” Touma piped up, not sure if his words were coherent or empathetic, but his heart needed to speak.
“S-Something bad r-re-really bad happened to someone I was close with,” Touma added in, his words stammering as he tried to speak, but he didn’t want to back out and stop until his heart was poured out. “It weighs me down and eats me up inside, but I’m expected to just keep going…My friends need me to do something important…”
Shirogane put a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder, the younger boy looking ready to bawl his eyes out.
“Take all the time you need to cry it out, before and after,” He spoke comfortingly. “But even if whatever it is frightening, you’ll be alright with your friends by your side. I’m sure even through thick and thin they’ll make sure you’re okay.”
He couldn’t take it in any longer, Touma had to cry, in front of someone older and wiser. Every word that attempted to escape his mouth was incomprehensible blubbering, not even Touma himself knew what he was trying to say.
Yet the hand that had been comfortingly on his shoulder never left, never moved.
“Don’t feel frightened when you need to cry. We all feel the sting of loss at one point or another in our lives,” Shirogane answered earnestly.
He remained by the other’s side until he calmed down, offering a handkerchief to help ease things.
“Life is full of choices that leave lifelong consequences. You have to make the ones you know what lines up with your heart deep down, even if there may be some pain,” Shirogane finished, getting up with a sigh. “Unfortunately, I have to go, I have a shift later tonight.”
With that, the young man had gone his merry way.
Touma thought about those parting words as he walked his own way now. The weight of his sins in his pocket weighed heavy, and his friends were counting on him to be their powerhouse, their ace in the hole.
Even if sometimes, all he wanted to do was curl up in bed and cry his eyes out until he was too tired to keep conscious.
He had to be brave.
Finally, it was the night of the great heist. The detectives that were all able to meet sat at a fair pace away from the museum’s entrance to make sure they didn’t get a scolding from late night ground’s keepers for soliciting. 
“So what was everyone able to get together?” Natsume asked, the two boys thinking for a moment before giving an answer.
“I tried to see if Genbu or Byakko had their Genjuu Discs,” Akinori kicked things off with his face contorting in a nervous, unsure way.  “Genbu said he’d look for it then never came back, Byakko’s face tensed up before telling me not to tell Genbu that he had lost his Genjuu Disc a long while ago.”
But that tensity didn’t last for long, the yojistsu user snapping back into confidence. “But fear not! I still have Suzaku by my side, and I can use my skills no problem!”
Touma was quiet for a bit. A considerable long bit at that, but took a deep breath and finally spoke up.
“I…I think I have something figured out…” He finally spoke up. The blue haired boy couldn’t admit to being a bit scared, frightened even. It would be a tricky endeavor ahead, that’s for sure.
“So we remember our plan for this, yes?” Akinori briefed, going into a deep focus for a moment. “Remember, this invisibility spell will only last for about five minutes tops, so we gotta enter discreetly, grab that bow, and run for our lives.”
“Right, I should get to calling on our trusty ace,” Natsume fumbled around looking for a specific arc in her possession, opening up the Youkai Watch Elder with a “Summoning!” from her and a “Light!” from the watch itself.
“Come out my friend, Junior!” Natsume finished the summoning chant, the mostly cat shaped tiny ball of a youkai being summoned.
“Whatdya want?” Junior piped up, looking for something, anything exciting at a museum at night. “Jii-tan doesn’t see anything exciting. Just a place of dusty old things.”
“Well uhh, we’re going to have to go inside for a moment,” Touma began to explain. “Just to…grab something. You’ll be a very big help to us, Junior.”
“If you say so! Jii-tan thinks it’s gotten a bit boring without that Fudou boy running around,” Junior chimed, Touma trying not to let that grim reminder sting his heart too much. Junior was just a kid, a pipsqueak, he didn’t know any better, he thought.
“Okay, let’s move closer to where I think the back entrance is, the main doors are locked but there’s a back door that isn’t as noticeable to break into,” Akinori explained, leading the group closer to the aforementioned back door. 
“...Crap, I forgot to ask Saki if her mom had a lock pick or an electrical diffuser…” Natsume cursed under her breath, the boys looking pretty shocked.
“What kind of woman is Saki’s mom even?” Akinori questioned, Natsume shrugging.
“She’s…something if Saki’s words are to go off of. I think I may have seen her once, her and my dad gave a bit of an awkward look.”
“I…I think I might have a solution to this problem,” Touma spoke. “Akinori, you might want to cast the invisibility spell, and everyone stand back as well.”
“If you say so, I trust your judgment as our hustle and muscle,” Akinori said, deeply focusing as a mint green magical energy surrounded him, before quickly being cast off to the others in the party. Within a few short moments, they became completely invisible to the naked, normal eye.
“Genma, Goemon, lend me your strength!” Toums didn’t hesitate in calling forth the boisterous swordsman to take his place for a few brief moments.
Quickly, the door was sliced in half, the sorcerer of the group muttering “That’s one way to do it…” in awe of the whole thing.
The museum was rather large on the inside, exhibits in just about every corner you could go to. A circular atrium peering between both floors of the building was dead in the center of it all, representing a world of discovery and possibilities, and to reach far beyond into the stars above.
And patrolling on the floor was a night guard, flashlight in hand. It was hard to make out any notable details, and if he had any hair it was kept under a standard hat, any personal flair kept under a pristine but simple uniform.
This would have been a problem if they were visible, and there was a zero chance the normal joe security guard could detect youkai. Not even the ten foot tall, six armed spirit of a famous bandit.
Even getting up to the exhibit and case was as easy as ‘get on Goemon’s shoulders, jump up the giant architectural hole to the second floor, and find the needed shiny powerful bow’. 
With an artifact so stunningly beautiful and meticulously crafted, it didn’t take long for it to be spotted. Goemon cut a clean opening in the case, not damaging the artifact within, before he allowed Touma to return unscathed.
“Alright, Junior, you see that bow?” Natsume whispered, the tiny youkai looking with his big yellow eyes.
“Mmmm, Jii-tan doesn’t think so!” Junior answered, Natsume sweetly trying to think of something.
“How about if you do it for a chochobar?”
“Mmmm nope!”
“How about five chochobars, then?”
“A deal’s a deal, then!” 
Without a moment to spare, Junior managed to replicate the shiny bow. Just with more of a lighter weight and rubbery texture, but it would only be noticed if someone got really, really close. 
A swift hand switched the real mystical archer’s bow for the replica, closing back the case in a swift haze that made Natsume wonder if she actually ended up getting the right bow. The weight of it felt like it was made of a solid, divine metal.
There were no alarms.
There were no sirens.
Truly, the detectives were invisible, and now it was a matter of making a break for it. They didn’t have much time left on the invisibility spell, so it was a matter of sprinting for their lives.
“Go on ahead, let me call upon Omatsu real quick to make sure the case is as good as new and we didn’t leave anything too damaged,” Touma explained his plan, holding onto his watch’s face to call the aforementioned Genma as the other two booked it down the non operating escalators like they were rather funky stairs.
Where they had entered through a discreet exit in one of the storage rooms was just in sight, just a few more sprints…
Everyone stopped in their tracks when a familiar voice called for them from behind. The smug tone, the slight glimmer from solid golden armor. 
“Well well, looks like you sniveling brats got stuck settling for second best,” Those eyes of a lion, those shoulders of a bull, it was that cruel Kenbumajin again. A grin painted across his face. “Shame you couldn’t get me, the best archer of them all.”
“I knew you’d turn back up again, Hou-Yi!” Natsume cursed, confident in her deductions. The kenbumajin opened with a mere chuckle.
“Hou-Yi, oooh, nah that ain’t me,” Chiharu’s burning Kenbumajin retorted with conceited fire. “And before you ask, it sure ain’t Apollo either, missy.”
“What do you think your problem is?” A gentle, but stern feminine voice called, belonging to one of Touma’s Genma, the kind hearted healer Omatsu. Her typically loving eyes furrowed at the Kenbumajin, not being a fan of this attitude problem as she got done repairing the broken case and any traces the group might have left. 
“Ouch, you don’t have to be so mean!” A quip escaped with a sarcastically whiny tone. “I have a name, you know.”
“Then what is it then!? You’ve been cryptic and a freaking jerk since we first ran into you!” Natsume cursed, getting pretty riled up in the process.
The Kenbumajin’s face formed into a scowl as he became a lot more serious looking than his typical cocky, smug self, bow being readied with a burning arrow of golden flame.
“Karna,” He said it with simplicity and punctuality, letting it sink in for a moment. 
“Let my name be the last thing you’ll know in this merciless world, brats.” A few arrows of heated flame were fired, everyone trying to jump out of the way but all the cases and counters in the museum’s front lobby made it an increasingly challenging endeavor.
Omatsu was quick in trying to put out any fires before they started, careful in trying to keep a safe distance from Karna but also distracting him by healing away any collateral and physical damage.
“Why I oughta, you bi–” Karna tried to curse, only to get a fan smacked across his face.
“How rude of you to want to call me that, watch your mouth next time,” Omatsu punctuated her rather hard fan smack.
In return she was thrown into a nearby display case in a section displaying various art pieces from ancient China. Touma was back in place of the thrown Genma in a wrecked wall of the display.
“Touma, are you alright!?” Natsume concernedly asked, Touma choking up a small “Yeah…” as he was helped up through all the fallen art pieces. Pots, plates, paper scrolls, some weird looking triangle gemstone…
“Aha, it seems this is where Byakko had his Genjuu Disc end up!” Akinori cheerfully commented, not even hesitating to put the disc into his own watch. “Natsume, let’s hold nothing back this time!”
“You got it!” Natsume responded, readying her own watch and a very special and dear arc to her. Oh she was not going to hold back on this guy this time, that’s for sure!
“Descend, Genjuu, Byakko!”
“Summoning, Shadow! Come out my friend, Seiryuu!” 
A tiger with fur as white as snow and fiery blue accents joined from one side, whereas a massive, majestic cyan scaled dragon was at the other. 
“Well well, it’s been a while since I’ve gone feral!” Byakko excitedly growled, not hesitating to charge right at the Kenbumajin that had been nothing but a pain in everyone’s side since he showed up. He managed to get a good batting with his claw across Karna’s face, growling all the while. “You’ll know better than to mess with a legendary Genjuu given Kenbumajin status once I’m done with you!”
“Psh, and you should know better to respect one of the Sacred King’s Armory Kenbumajin when you see one!” Karna cursed back, punching the tiger off of him to ready and arrow to fire at the beast. 
But before an arrow could be fired, a large scaly tail knocked off his balance, the dragon yokai looking cool and collected, but his eyes glistening with anger.
“Whatever title you may carry, I will not let you hurt anyone here, understood?” Seiryuu spoke in a gentle, yet quite angry voice, casting a blast of water to knock Karna back into a nearby wall.
But the Kenbumajin just shook it off, readying an arrow and striking down the mighty dragon. Thankfully, he didn’t sacrifice his powerful armor for deadly, killing arrows, but it was enough to hurt a youkai like Seiryuu. 
The azure serpent found himself not all that far to where Touma was, the blue haired boy coming to the aid of the dragon. As he was checking on the majestic beast, something fell out of his pocket.
It was the greyed, and unpowered Fudou Raimenken, no longer in possession of a Kenbumajin to wield it.
The small key like sword landed near Seiryuu, starting to glow with a deep blue energy once again.
“W-What in the world…?” Touma asked, Seiryuu holding the key within his massive claws. 
Suddenly, it bursted with life never seen before within a deep cobalt light. The mold of it changed, and now engraved on it was a dragon looking humanoid, in a similar stained glass engraving like the other Youseiken.
“Touma…” Seiryuu began to speak, his eyes looking determined. “I believe I have enough yoki energy to give it new life. You are the only one who can utilize such power in this group…”
The boy had thought for a moment. This basically confirmed that Fudou was probably not going to be coming back, let alone as powerful as he once was. It was a bitter reminder to him.
But, life moves on.
Staying in the past forever will keep one from living in the gift of the present. 
New beginnings arise from old tragedies.
“Kenbumajin, Seiryuu! Lend me your strength!” 
The tiger and archer paused for a moment in their slap fighting to take notice of the descending of a new power before them.
Where the boy and dragon once stood was a humanoid with the same dark blue hair as Seiryuu’s mane, smaller scale horns and the same calm looking eyes. His attire was a combination of light teal with some added bells and whistles to signify his inheritance of the power of a Kenbumajin. What was once the Fudou Raimenken had transformed into a sleeker blade with more dragon themed accents than before. The deep ocean blue blade itself split into several, interconnecting sections.
“From the ashes of fallen thunder, the calm of healing rain descends from the heavens,” Seiryuu began his speech, holding up the blade. “Reborn as the Seiryuu Umimuchiken, I will quench your flames!”
Without a moment to lose, Seiryuu got to showing his newfound strength and power, a small switch pressing to unfurl the blade into a sectioned whip. Each careful flick of the wrist cracked away at any arrows, allowing the dragon to gain in on the gold clad kenbumajin.
“What kind of nonsense is this…!? How can you even become a real Kenbumajin!?” Karna questioned, before finding himself coiled in the sectioned whip.
“Electrocution Whirlpool Current!” Seiryuu shouted, grabbing at the blade whip’s hilt to unfurl it, bolts of electricity spinning the mighty Kenbumajin in a whirl until he silently admitted defeat and retreated.
Seiryuu on the other hand found himself falling to the ground after such an attack, Touma being alongside him now. He was in his lightside form, which was largely the same as his Kenbumajin form, just not as flashy and powerful. His breath heaved as the Youseiken dulled. Not grayed out completely like before, but showing that it’s power had greatly weakened. 
“Seiryuu!” Natsume called the dragon, helping him up, Akinori helping Touma up in the meantime.
“I think…I know what’s going on…But let’s retreat with what we came here for…first…” Seiryuu muttered, everyone remembering that their escape plan got a good long distraction in the form of a fight.
Everyone had retreated back to their usual meeting spot, legendary bow in tow and without a scratch despite all of that chaos.
“I believe I was able to tap into the power of a Kenbumajin temporarily…” Seiryuu began to explain his hypothesis over a bottle of mineral water to help him heal quicker. “But I wasn’t able to maintain it for long since it seems I haven’t been given access to the blade’s power in any official capacity.”
“And it seems the only Youkai that can do that sort of thing is Soarnaki, who is long gone,” Akinori began with the conclusion to the particular predicament Seiryuu was in.
“Or whoever the original Enma is, the leader guy of the Sacred King’s Armory Kenbumajin,” Natsume concluded.
“Well, maybe Genbu might know a thing or two,” A small grey and white cat piqued up. Given his voice, it was Byakko taking a smaller, less noticeable form, much like the small bird Suzaku would take form in. “Guy’s a geezer, but eh, he can probably get all that paperwork figured out. That and maybe he might know where the heck the Sacred King’s Armory Kenbumajin is for that celestial bow doohickey.” 
In the palace of shadow, the hundred demon queen was looking at the rather jock-like Oni she had requested be dragged in before her. She gave a sigh, closing her eyes a bit.
“Shuten,” Goku Hyakki-Hime began in her usual deadpan voice. “You’re pleasant enough, but you aren’t the oni I am looking for.”
“Huh, really now?” Shuten answered, trying his best not to sound bummed out. However, he remained curious despite that.
“The one I’m looking for is similar, but distinct, so I feel I must ask you a question; do you know if the Oni King Ibuki-Douji is still alive? If so, where can he be found?” Goku Hyakki-Hime asked, Shuten biting down on his lip before tensing up.
“Ah geez, you want to know about my pops of all people!? You sure that’s what you want!?”
“I will repeat myself once more, if I have to again I will have to take your life. Is Oni King Ibuki-Douji still alive and where can he be found?”
“Yeah yeah he’s alive, just sealed away ever since some samurai were hired to get him to stop rampaging.” Shuten Douji finally muttered.
“Goku Kyuubi,” The monotone voice of the queen called, an eccentric looking Kitsune who’s tails were made of shadow, tipped with red and blue fire, appeared without another word or moment of hesitation. Her heterochromatic red and cyan eyes looked sharp, and her face was plastered with a large grin, sharply contrasting with her emotionless queen.
“Yes, your greatest majesty?” Goku Kyuubi answered in a sly, yet enthused voice, really hanging onto those s sounds for extra effect. Shuten Douji was thrown to her feet.
“Order him to lead you to where Ibaraki Douji is, and retrieve the true king of Oni to me at once,” Goku Hyakki-hime ordered, the fox’s twisted grin getting even larger.
“Please, please, your majesty! You should leave the dirty work to the greatest goddess of them all,” Goku Kyuubi reassured with a slight laugh to her tone, grabbing the oni’s fiery red hair. “Up and up now, your daddy’s about to meet with a truly beautiful goddess!”
At the end of an eventful night, the mystical bow in the hands of the young detectives, the security guard during the escapades, was clocking out. With the morning sun about to rise at any moment, the guard put up his hat, deep ocean blue hair spilling out. His face curved into a smile, silver eyes glistening.
“Well done, you three,” He smiled to himself, walking out into the brisk air. Petrichor began to fill the air as well to greet the morning sun.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Rings of Power - Episodes 7, 8 and Full Season Review
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So now we reach the end, the Rings of Power had its final two episodes, so it's time to see if it finished on a bang or a whimper as it attempts to push a renewal
Spoilers for the episodes
So episode 7 was fine, a bit on the safe side at times but still solid, leading into the finale which was much better and definitely felt like a finale, not perfect of course but I wasn't disappointed with the finale. Still, there were some ups and some downs, and since it's the season finale I'll split it into the two episodes and then the full season.
Episodes 7 & 8
Let's get the chronologically first negative out of the way: you cannot survive a pyroclastic flow. That thing spits out of the same place the lava does; it is not like a fog, it is a thick wave of molten hot gases like carbon and sulfur, and smoke particles whose very touch would sear your flesh. Pompeii exists as proof of that, the fact that Galadriel et al wake up just with a blanket of ash on them is laughably fictitious.
As usual, Galadriel remained problematic to the end. Episode's 7 mini-adventure with Theo perhaps didn't have the effect it intended, Galadriel has had plenty of time, chances and people telling her that she's blinded by rage to only now admit she's being a hypocrite to a person who has no context, also suddenly Celeborn does exist and allegedly died (he could come back sure, but it'd have to be one hell of an explanation) to push the romantic tension with Halbrand. Also it seemed again Un-Galadriel even Warrior Galadriel to go 'we could still make one of you yet' to a child asking if he's a soldier, the answer is supposed to be no. By the finale my annoyance rose by the fact that they have her find out Halbrand is Sauron but then decide to tell nobody! The only one she protects is herself with this information, and it's annoying that they have her suggest three rings instead, she literally just came in right at the end of this whole process. We also got another lingering slow-mo horse riding scene, which fails to capture to same energy and essence the movies did.
Griping ensued with Halbrand aka Sauron. I am relieved that Halbrand is Sauron, but I hate the way we went about it. Of course Amazon would choose the most fanfic-baiting option with the whole 'be my queen' shit, really opening Pandora's Box for the whole 'enemies to lovers' bandwagon to take over and consume expectations for the next season. Frankly I also don't like that Halbrand up and said he was Sauron, sure we needed a way to introduce him to Celebrimbor but also keep him from making the Elven rings, but I don't see why we couldn't have simply had him introduce himself as Annatar Lord of Gifts instead. Simply recover, inspire Celebrimbor, be confronted by Galadriel to reveal himself as a Maia and then depart on good terms to 'lead' the Southlands pretending it to be his new purpose Galadriel put him on while also revealing to unaware viewers that he is indeed Sauron.
A small and rare Harfoots gripe exists also in these episodes, mainly of the group that comes looking for the Stranger. Goldie going with the group didn't feel quite right, given that Largo had been considered the adventurous one and gives the big hopeful speech, feel like he earned a spot on the travelling party more. Sadoc dying perhaps could've been more emotive if he had a greater role in the Harfoots plot too.
As for the Dwarven storyline, Elrond claiming he intentionally lost the Dwarven challenge didn't sit right with me, he could be lying but I think there's more stock in him losing because it showed limitations for elves and strength for Dwarves. Awakening the Balrog early for an Episode 7 stinger which doesn't get picked up on in the finale was cheap as well, Durin's Bane isn't supposed to awaken this early anyway, sometimes there's a little too much wink and nudging, such as using on-screen text to change the Southlands to 'Mordor', you could just say it without being cheesy.
My last gripe does have to come with the absence of plot points in the finale too. It's all well and good having Isildur's sister look into the Palantir and off-screen convince Númenor to assemble a fleet, but what about Isildur? We know he's not dead so why are we lingering on it? Same can be said for the unsatisfactory conclusion of Durin being disowned, Arondir, Theo and Bronwyn not finding their new settlement, and perhaps an explanation on how the Elven rings will help all Elves and not just the 3 ringbearers? I know the finale has a time limit but the Númenor plot did have an open ending on episode 7 enough for its episode 8 stuff to have been saved for Season 2.
On the positives side, the strongest plots remained strong. Durin and Elrond's plot still remains the most emotive and compassionate of the series, while the Harfoots storyline remains the most hopeful and joyful.
King Durin and Largo stood out in episode 7 with their contrasting speeches, but speeches that hit home to define the very gestalt of their races. Now that we're safe in knowing that bondage slim shady isn't Sauron, the power move on burning the caravans - after the Stranger had brought a harvest but sent away because Dilly walked towards the crackling tree like a moron - was still impressive while also showing that it's effortless for them.
I was going to be negative about Númenor, given that Elendil was quick to forsake the land he would later rule for the kingdom of men, but episode 8 did turn me around with him deciding to persevere. Isildur's absence was noticed in 8 but Míriel at least got some more stuff to do now that she's a blinded Queen, the fact that a fleet meets their return does look to better push forward the plotline of Men who would become of the Dúnedain.
Keeping Bronwyn and Arondir's status until Theo finds out was a clever move though, because you carry the same uncertainty to a nice payoff. Nice is an optimal word too in juxtaposition to House of the Dragon, where if it were that show, both would've ended up dead. That being said, it is worth praising the show for not shying from showing the graphic injuries sustained.
The Sauron misdirect worked perfectly for Episode 8, making us think it's the Stranger first while being blatant about Halbrand. While earlier I did say I'd be upset if the Stranger was Gandalf, I've come around a bit on it, the actor is doing pretty well to be charming and witty like Gandalf now that he speaks full sentences. Halbrand meanwhile was the perfect option to be Sauron out of the candidates, handsome and tricky, with a way of putting intent into others' minds without them knowing, while I do dislike that we outed him early and that Galadriel knows (which also makes her temptation of the ring dumber since she would've known not to be burned twice by him) we at least have a positive direction to take. The Sauron eye motif when forging the 3 rings did not go unnoticed too.
I liked the Magic Battle as well, it was an improvement of the Gandalf vs Saruman wirework fight of Fellowship, but it at least felt like magic against the pre-wraiths (can't be the actual wraiths since the Nazgul were the nine kings). And as much as I dislike Galadriel, her giving up her brother's dagger to get the materials to forge the rings was a clever piece of symbolism.
Overall Season
In the end the Rings of Power was never going to match to neither book nor movie, but I am at least glad that I gave it a go. It's not perfect, but it's not the worst thing I've seen either.
On the overall negative side I think I hated Galadriel's plot the most because it was overkill on 'this is our marketable strong woman main character' whereby Galadriel acts out of character and yet continues to get vindicated in the long run. It's not Clark's acting though that's the problem, it's simply the writing; personally I think this whole plot would've worked better if Galadriel was instead an original content elven warrior searching for revenge and vindicated less, I would not have made her the poster girl either, since she mainly achieved that in Name Value, whereas Elrond, the Stranger or Nori seem the more organic choices. A similar change would be to not say that Elrond is a 'politician', just let him be a captain of the guard for Gil Galad - who could also use more character than a 1990s RPG Quest Giver with only 3 expressions - and then the plot needn't change. I would've cut the Balrog too and perhaps improved the Theo plot, while giving Adar much more threat and screentime given that we don't see him fight AT ALL, the pre-wraiths could've shown up a little earlier too as well as some more screentime for Celebrimbor given how key he is to forging the rings, as well as some conclusive tidbits for Arondir's group and Isildur surviving. And of course I'd swap the Sauron reveal for the aforementioned Annatar stuff.
But on the positive we had excellent work from Elrond and Durin, as well as the charming nature of the Harfoots and the Stranger. Elrond's actor exudes a somewhat Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan charisma that continues to impress me, and Durin's emotional scenes really hit the right notes in enriching the bond the two have. With the Harfoots we also get a positive message of hope, companionship and nurture, with enough adventure to advance it's plot but enough mileage to go further. Honestly, it surprised me how much love Galadriel's plot got and how much vitriol the Harfoots plot got on social media, given how I felt quite the opposite. The growing guessing game of Who is Sauron was a great little hook for the plot, with a solid payoff on who it was in the end. We were treated to some fantastic scenery too, with each area standing out so you knew what plot you were following, some great music as well (Khazad-Dum and White Leaves remain my favourites) and a solid ending.
So yeah, I'll be watching season 2.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
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Ink lowkey looks like a tie dye disaster sometimes and I’m okay with this.
Also hello, I became Even Smarter and actually made use of my 5 dragon based information books for this, with all their many diagrams. In other words, his skeleton is more accurate to what I wanted than what I have for Nightmare OR Dream’s ref sheets _(」∠ 、ン、)_
That doesn’t mean their refs are inaccurate or anything. I just don’t like how I did Dream’s ribs or Nightmare’s spine. XD
Ink, God of Creativity
Full Dragon Form Reference
Half Dragon Form Reference (WIP)
Dragon Breath:
Acidic Ink
A dark, saliva-like liquid in Ink’s mouth that burns to the touch. He’s able to spit it at a distance semi-successfully, but he finds it’s far more effective to just gather it up in his mouth and bite, locking his jaw to both hold onto the victim and continuously burn them directly in the wound. He doesn’t often use this in a fight, because he finds it to be a little too vicious for him. It’s usually only used when he is lost to pure instincts and desperate to correct his side of the Balance. He has found other uses for it, though, like burning through things (branches, metal poles, thin doors, etc), disposing of trash, or even random artistic purposes.
The ink is able to burn through most material, though it won’t continue doing so forever as it does quickly dissipate. It cannot hurt his own bones or ecto, unless he doesn’t wash it off for a few hours. Even then, it’s a very slight burning sensation — nowhere close to the damage it deals to others.
General Abilities:
• Ink keeps all of his usual abilities:
- Creating paint/ink attacks
- Creating objects out of said paint/ink
- Traveling and teleporting via ink puddles
• Flight (though his landing isn’t always great)
• Longer jumps (very useful in the Doodle Sphere)
• Typical physical attacks, like clawing, biting, wrapping around someone, or ramming with his horns.
As planned by the same “beings” that fated them to be dragons of the Balances, Ink’s hoard was supposed to be the AUs. This would have strengthened his role as the Protector and the God of Creation, therefore benefiting his Balance. However, as Destruction is also necessary, Ink would have had to constantly deal with the pain of losing his hoard.
Error changed this fate without Ink’s knowledge. After they’d mostly befriended each other and established a truce between their own Balance, he purposefully influenced Ink’s hoarding instincts by spontaneously gifting him random art supplies. This was usually just anything he could pick up from worlds he was destroying, but there were definitely more considerate occasions where he’d hunt down something Ink mentioned he was interested in. This was incredibly meaningful to Ink, and it eventually turned into his hoarding item.
Ink very well can make his own supplies, but he finds it much more satisfying to get them himself (or get them from Error, who, even after Ink said he’d established his hoard, continues to bring supplies for him). He often steals from worlds he’s passing through, or occasionally takes small things like pencils and paper from friends’ homes. He leaves his hoard anywhere he trusts, which so far has only been his own home, the Anti-Void, Dream’s home, and (briefly) the empty remains of X-Tale. Not included here are the pieces of artwork he gives to people he trusts, which would still count as a part of his hoard, but a part he’s more willing to share.
Extra Info:
• Ink is the only one out of the six shifters who gained his role as the God of Creation before becoming a shifter. Truthfully, he and Error are the only ones that had to become a shifter in the first place — the others just came into existence like that.
• Though it’s never been officially talked about, both Ink and Error are well aware that all the knitting and sewing supplies in the Anti-Void are a part of Ink’s hoard. He doesn’t use them, he doesn’t take them (unless asking), but they are hoard, and Error constantly finds them buried under canvases, sketchbooks, and palettes. With the amount of times he’s watched Ink literally toss brushes into his fabric boxes right in front of him, Error’s just given up on trying to keep it all organized.
• Ink is likely the most cat-like out of them all. He’s hopped into boxes, batted at something dangling in his reach, sleeps in any and all positions, and will get onto anything he thinks will hold him.
• XGaster had never seen a shifter before. He did not know how they worked, nor did he really care to think it through, especially in the moment. When he used Overwrite on Ink, he wasn’t entirely correct in how to properly adjust his code into being a shifter. This makes Ink just a little different from the others. More specifically, this is why the process of shifting between forms for him is so broken and painful.
- Truthfully, XGaster would have fixed that for him when he got out of the vial. He wants everything to be perfect, afterall. No matter how many times he has to try for it. He never gets the chance to do so, though.
• When overwhelmed or upset, Ink often runs away to an unknown or empty AU to curl up and wait for his colors to fade away. He doesn’t usually talk to anyone about what’s bugging him, because he thinks as the Protector and God he should be able to handle anything. However, this is partially also because of XGaster using his rambling against him, both verbally and physically, thus instilling a fear he doesn’t fully know about that his friends will betray him and use his insecurities against him. He’s currently working on it. But for now, Error is the only one he truly talks to.
• If you really took the time to learn what each and every color, shade, and tint stood for, you could tell exactly what Ink was feeling based on his ecto alone. This is very helpful when he’s trying to hide something — any hints of blues, cyan, or purples are great indicators that he’s Not Okay. Usually, he’s seen in varying shades of pinks, yellows, and greens, constantly mixing and swirling around within his magic.
• He truly does care for Cross, despite the soldier really disliking Ink.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
pretend || j.ww x reader
Summary: reading thirst tweets with your co-star/boyfriend’s best friend makes things a little tense
Warnings: swearing, smut mentions (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n:  originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sound of Mingyu cracking his knuckles next to you sent a shiver down your spine, making you cringe instinctively. You turned to glare at him and leaned away from the noise.
“I hate when you do that!” you groaned.
He smirked. “I know, that’s why I like doing it.”
You looked over at Wonwoo, who was sitting across the room with the crew, and pointed to Gyu. 
“Can you tell your best friend to stop being annoying?”
“Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being dramatic?” Mingyu retaliated.
“I’m not picking sides!” Wonwoo shouted back and held up his hands in surrender.
You let your jaw drop. “I’ll remember that, Jeon.”
“Baby, I-” Wonwoo started to defend himself, but fell silent when the producer got up from her chair and approached you and Mingyu who were sitting behind the camera. 
“Which one of you wants to take this?” she asked, holding up a large insulated jug full of paper strips. 
“I’ll take it,” Mingyu offered and set the cup in his lap. 
“What a gentleman,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he muttered, “because you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
The producer gave you both a sideways look. “Are you guys alright? Should we take a minute before starting?”
“No, we’re fine,” you assured her.
“We don’t actually hate each other,” Mingyu added, “this is just how... we are.”
She didn’t look any less concerned, but nodded anyway. “Okay, well remember what your director said about playing up your chemistry to promote the show. And when we call action just give a quick slate and start reading the tweets.”
She walked back over to her spot next to the cameraman and took a seat before looking over a checklist that had been handed to her and writing some notes on it.
“Nervous?” Mingyu whispered to you as you both waited for your cue.
“A little,” you admitted. “You?”
“I’m a bit on edge,” he concurred. “Mostly because your boyfriend is about to watch me read filthy comments about you on-camera.”
You glanced over at Wonwoo who gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. “He’ll be fine. How bad can they be?”
From a distance, the producer you had just spoken to called for everyone to be quiet on set and signaled the cameras to start rolling. You perked up and straightened your dress, waiting for Mingyu to take the lead. 
“Hi guys, I’m Kim Mingyu.”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n.”
“You might recognize us from our new Netflix series, Breaking Curfew, where we play opposite each other in what you might call a... complicated romantic relationship.”
“We’re enemies with benefits,” you summarized. “And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets about each other.”
“Ladies first,” Mingyu said and held the cup out to you.
You closed your eyes and sifted through the strips of paper with one hand, selecting one at random. 
“Okay, this one’s about you. ‘Kim Mingyu has the prettiest eyes’.” You grinned as you watched your co-star’s cheeks turn pink. “He’s totally blushing right now! We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff!”
“Thank you very much to whoever tweeted that,” Mingyu said and cleared his throat. 
“I agree with this person,” you continued, “you do have really pretty eyes.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My turn.” Mingyu closed his eyes and rummaged around the cup before picking one. “‘Someone tell y/n y/l/n that I’m single and I get a discount at Olive Garden if she ever wants to let me take her out on a date’.”
You chuckled. “I do like Olive Garden.”
“She’ll get back to you on that one, mate,” Mingyu said quickly and let the crumpled piece of paper fall to the floor. 
You took that as a sign to move on so you reached into the jug and pulled out another tweet.
“Oh, this one’s about me again. ‘Y/n y/l/n scissor me challenge’.” You clapped a hand over your mouth in shock and thrust the slip of paper towards Mingyu.
“You know what, props for being so bold. What do you think, y/n? Are you going to take them up on the offer?”
“I’ll think about it,” you managed to choke out, sending Mingyu into a laughing fit. You fanned yourself with your hand as you tried to recover and motioned for your co-star to read another one. “Your turn.”
“‘Kim Mingyu and y/n y/l/n are my dream celebrity threesome,’” he read. “What a compliment, don’t you think?”
“Oh, for sure,” you agreed and winked as you held your hand to your ear in a call me motion. 
“These are just getting more and more vulgar, aren’t they?” Mingyu asked. 
“I don’t know that anything can beat the scissoring one,” you pointed out as you fished another tweet from the bucket. “Another one about Mingyu, okay. ‘I wanna suck Kim Mingyu’s soul through his dick then spit it back in his face’.” You blinked at the piece of paper in front of you in shock, scanning back over it to make sure you had read it right the first time. “Jesus... christ.”
Mingyu smirked and nudged your shoulder with his. 
You ignored him and pointed a finger at the camera in disgust. “I cannot believe you made me read this with my own two eyes. I could have lived my entire life without seeing those words in a sentence together!”
“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” Mingyu countered, running a thumb along his jawline cockily. 
“No, I have beef with whoever tweeted that now.”
“You’re just jealous that I like this tweet better than the threesome one.”
You sighed. “This interview was a bad idea. Your head is already so god damn big.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to retaliate, but paused like he had thought better of it and took a deep breath to compose himself. 
“Anyway, moving on.”
You watched as he sifted through the tweets and chose one from the bottom, reading it to himself and grinning slightly before reading it aloud. 
“‘Petition for y/n y/l/n to start an OnlyFans because I just know her tits are incredible. I can feel it in my bones’.”
You brought your hands up to your boobs self-consciously and laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you.”
“I’ve seen them,” Mingyu added nonchalantly, “and I can confirm that twitter user ‘geminisuns’ is correct.”
“What? Do you know how many sex scenes we had to shoot? We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times.”
You looked back over to the crew and made eye contact with the producer. “Do you see what I have to deal with?”
“Maybe we should take a quick break,” she suggested and motioned for the cameras to stop rolling. “Get a drink, freshen up and be back here in five.”
“Do you think they’re going to use that part?” Mingyu asked as he followed you over to the water cooler. 
“I don’t know, dude,” you sighed in annoyance, “but great fucking job. The whole world already thinks we’re boning.”
“I don’t know about the whole world.” You glared at him. “Wonwoo knows we’re not.”
Wonwoo. You had nearly forgotten that your boyfriend was there on set with you. You looked around for him, and saw him still sitting in his designated guest chair looking at his phone. You could only imagine what he must be thinking of all of this. You should probably say something to him. 
You told Mingyu that you’d be back and made your way across the room to Wonwoo. Even from a distance you could tell that he was upset. 
His knuckles were pale and his jaw was tight. He didn’t look up at you when you approached him. 
“Sorry this is taking longer than expected,” you said, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured in response, still not looking at you. 
You sighed and draped yourself across him, slinging your arms loosely across his shoulders as you leaned down to see what he was doing on his phone. He was scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, not even liking any of the posts. 
“If you’re bored you can leave,” you said curtly and stood back up. 
“I’m not bored.”
“You’re not even paying attention to the shoot.”
“Trust me, it’s impossible not to. I’ve been trying to tune it out for the past ten minutes with no luck.”
“Why would you not want to pay attention?” you demanded even though the answer was sitting right in front of you. “This is a big deal for me.”
Wonwoo swallowed and finally looked up at you. “I know, baby. It’s just- do you know how hard it is to listen to my best friend talk about doing all of these dirty things to you-”
“He’s my best friend too,” you pointed out in a quiet hiss. “The only reason we’re together is because of him.”
Sometimes you felt the need to remind Wonwoo that you had known Mingyu longer than you had known him. If Gyu hadn’t brought him to set all those times back when you were filming in the fall, you wouldn’t even know about each other’s existence. 
“I know that.”
“You’ve done interviews like this before,” you argued. 
“I know,” he repeated.
“Then why are you being like this?” He didn’t answer, so you kept going. “You know my bare ass has been on tv, right-”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo warned and grabbed your wrist.
You gasped and flexed your fingers gingerly in his grasp, challenging him. “Don’t what?” 
“Don’t... act like I want to fuck your best friend?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re enjoying this.” It wasn’t a question.
“Don’t pretend like I’d rather fulfill those tweets with him instead of you? Give the people what they want?”
You had to bite your tongue before you went any further and said something you might regret. Your words had already had the desired effect. You didn’t even have to look at Wonwoo’s lap to know that he was struggling not to get hard. 
You could see it in his eyes. The arousal that had turned the warm brown into black. The way he was looking at you told you everything you needed to know. You wondered if you would even make it back home before he’d break, if he would pull the car over on the side of the road and take you then and there. 
Your knees were weak at the mere thought of what you were in for later that night. Making Wonwoo jealous was admittedly one of your favorite pastimes, purely for selfish reasons. Possessive sex was arguably the best sex. The teasing, the hair-pulling, the choking, the face-fucking, all hit different when Wonwoo was reminding you who you belonged to. 
Wonwoo released your wrist from his grip and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Are you finished?”
You shook your head and grinned. “Just getting started.”
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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always-andromeda · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet | Percy Dolarhyde
Percy Dolarhyde x fem!Reader
Author's Note | just gonna say here, I give full credit to @diveintothedanoverse for their characterization of Percy as a bratty sub. I read their nsfw alphabet for him a while ago and I cannot see him as anything else now! ...I swear...Percy is so punchable. and kissable. also, I feel like this is just my thing now. just projecting all of my very personal headcanons onto these characters and HOPING it makes sense to y'all. these are so fun to randomly write and dump out. like sorry, this is y’all’s problem now lol.
Warnings | smut under the cut! minors, please don't interact!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
What about this man would tell you that he is at all competent when it comes to aftercare??? I see him just like patting you afterwards though. Like if you're on top and you fall forward on his chest, he'll just slowly pat your back. If he's on top then he'll lay between your legs, head on your stomach, squeezing your thigh. He really likes murmuring good girl. Even if you just finished completely dominating him. It makes him feel secure in his masculinity. But other than that, he is just pretty damn negligent unless he wants to be cuddled or something.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Percy is totally an ass man. Sometimes you'll be in public with him and he'll just put his hand casually on your ass. You look at him with an expression that says, Now? Are you kidding? He looks back, confused, and says What? And you realize that sometimes, he just really likes feeling it. It has a similar effect on him to a stress ball.
On himself, he likes his hands. Likes how his long lithe fingers look wrapped around his gun AND shoved inside of you up to his knuckles. He ESPECIALLY likes the way they look when you're licking them clean for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will cum anywhere, but I really think he enjoys cumming on your back or your stomach most. This man is most definitely very dirty and pervy and just loves seeing the result of what you do to him all spilled over your skin. It's like an extra reward for him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants you to spit on him so bad. Oh so bad. Like one night you're on top of him and his mouth is agape, midway through a moan. You go to kiss him with your open mouth and as soon as he tastes you he whines, spit on me, baby and it makes you slow for a second, wondering if he's joking until he says just fuckin' do it, fuckin' spit on me and you are on it right away. It lands right above his upper lip and drips down and he's licking at his lips just to get another taste. And because you seem so okay with it, he now asks you to spit IN his mouth too.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, I do not think Percy fucks all that much. I think everyone in town is so exasperated by him that he's seen more as a public nuisance than a sexy, cocky bastard. I can imagine him having a few notches on his belt from strangers long since passed. But I don't think any of them were all that fulfilling or really showed him much about sex. So he goes into sex with you knowing the bare mechanics of it, but he definitely has to work at keeping it fresh and fun for you both.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes taking you from behind most often. Against a wall! Over a table! Over the counter! God, he loves the spontaneity of being able to just bend you over and go to town. Added perks: he gets to pull on your hair, he can reach a hand around and rub at your clit, AND he gets to whisper all sorts of dirty little things in your ear.
When he's being a needy little brat he NEEDS you to ride him, though. He's a simple man with simple needs! And sometimes he just needs you to completely ravish him with attention and take control of his entire being. And it is SO easy to make him fold. Like if he gets home too late and you're scolding him for missing dinner, he's basically begging you to just sit on his lap and give him kisses. But you both know by the way he's groaning as you settle down that he doesn't just want kisses!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's actually kind of serious. But it's just because he likes having sex so much. Like he'll get worked up so much that he just wants to fuck now and doesn't like being made to wait. So yeah, he'll tease you but it comes from a place of PURE lust, not humor.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This man...he is so musty and greasy all the time that I don't think he even cares that he has such a huge bush. Y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I feel like sometimes you gotta make him get cleaned up. He'll be trying to start something and you'll say, Darling, I love you, but you smell like a massive lump of cow shit. And he'll be so frustrated that you won't touch him that he will march away like an absolute child and reluctantly bathe himself muttering about how you're such a nag. But he will NOT get rid of the bush. I'd see him feeling so strange being hairless or even just trimmed, like it's a punch to his masculinity. He can't really grow even facial hair so the bush is almost compensation for it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He isn't romantic unless he's drunk. The majority of the time it's his hot breath on your neck and his fingers leaving bruises as he pounds into you. But if he comes home late from the saloon, he can be a very lovable drunk. He scoops you up in his arms and twirls you around a little, slurring about how much he loves you. How grateful he is that you chose a terrible guy like him. How he doesn't deserve you. Then he says he'll show you that he deserves you.
Those are the only times he properly makes love instead of just fucking. He'll lay you down and leave wet, open mouthed kisses all over you until he enters you slowly and steadily thrusts. His technique is a bit unfocused even at the best of times so he's kind of all over the place. But with the little grunts he makes and the way he lifts your legs over his shoulders so he can really get in at a good angle, you're a wreck. You have to fully appreciate these little moments though because they are few and far between.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He is an almost compulsive masturbator. Especially after he meets you. He assumes that you despise him too much to ever want him sexually. But really, only half of that equation is true. But until you tell him that, he takes care of himself. A lot.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Say it with me, folks: de-gra-da-tion. Percy is sort of a glutton for punishment. It's humiliating being dominated by a woman like yourself. But it makes him so hot under the collar when you put him in his place. 
Even before you're with him, he feels that shameful but delicious burn of your harsh words. He's tormenting the townspeople again and you're so sick of it. When you're striding furiously out of your place of work to give him a piece of your mind, he begins, smirking, You know who my father is. So you better watch that pretty mouth of yours, little lady. And you say quickly and without hesitation, I don't give a shit who your father is, Dolarhyde. He should keep you in the mud with the rest of his cattle.
And he wants to be hurt. GOD, he wants to pull out his gun and threaten to shoot you if you don't apologize. But his knees shake. His mouth hangs open as he falters to speak. And after you turn on your heel and walk away, he goes home and takes care of the painful erection you gave him. He imagines it's your own hand edging him and pretends you're whispering You really are such a pathetic man, Dolarhyde. You're lucky I don't throw your sorry ass into the mud either.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere! Percy has absolutely no respect for public property! You think he's gonna chicken out of fucking you behind the saloon? Absolutely not. It kind of turns him on knowing that people suck up to him so much that he could literally be having sex with you in public and no one will say shit about it to him. Perks of being the Dolarhyde boy!!!! In short, be careful if you're teasing him in public because there's not much of a chance that he's gonna take the time to take you home first.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
This man might as well be on all the time. 
He is very into the back and forth, though. The light teasing that you inflict on each other. He loves seeing who can make the other one fold under the pressure. Spoiler: it's usually him. You cross the line and he wants to be angry, but really he is putty in your hands. That's when he gets impatient and just wants you to let him release some of the pressure.
Truly, he doesn't get ready, he STAYS ready.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I see him being very against including weapons or anything to hurt you. Especially if it draws blood. I think the sight of blood really bothers him in particular and I can't imagine him wanting to actually hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
You best be joking if you think he's going to make a habit out of going down on you. He has to REALLY want it. Sometimes he’ll be EXTRA reluctant because he really likes hearing you beg for it. Hey, you can literally make him crumble with a few touches, so he's gotta pay you back somehow. It's literally one of the only things he can hold against you. 
Don't get him STARTED on receiving though. He loves getting sucked off so much. Especially loves when you take control of him and just start unbuckling his trousers out of nowhere. He loves the whole ritual of it. Him gathering your hair back and twisting it around his hand. Throws his head back and whines when he feels your throat constricting around him. He feels so comfortable being completely at your mercy as you tease him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Percy is fast and rough the majority of the time. He really is the kind of guy who will just bend you over and unbuckle himself just enough so he can get his cock out. He is so spontaneous, it's not even funny. His harshness can edge on feeling like he's just using you to get off, but believe me, he wants you to get off too. That's half of the gratification for him, being that good at making you cum so quickly.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
This man practically functions on quickies. Especially in the mornings when he goes off to work for his father's business. He'll wake up with morning wood and say Wanna take care of me? And you roll your eyes, knowing that if you blue ball him, he's gonna be such a brat when he gets home later. But he looks at you with that shit eating grin and glassy eyes and you're wrapping your hand around his hard cock, even though he doesn't need to be warmed up. Then you're sinking down on him, your nightgown covering up all the action and brushing over his legs. You're bouncing up and down, grazing your nails across his abdomen as he lets out high pitched whines.
And as soon as he's just finished cumming, your touch is gone and you're up, already getting dressed and telling him, You better get up or else you're gonna be late. And maybe that works him up even more than if you'd outright refused him. The fact that you could so easily service him and then go about your day. But he wouldn't have it any other way!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Percy likes risk to a certain degree. Like he enjoys semi-publicly railing you and kind of enjoys the thought of being caught in the act. Especially because he knows that no one will actually stop him. But if you ever include stuff like pain and choking, you gotta take it slow with him. Like I think he'd actually enjoy it a bit if you just ease him into it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's pretty young and restless so his stamina is pretty high. Can easily go like three to four rounds in a row. He also can last pretty long. He really likes when you edge him too, so he will hold out until he absolutely can't anymore.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Probably not (also we’re in the old west here, they don’t just casually have like Hitachi magic wands hanging around). I could imagine him occasionally getting into being bound with rope though. Like if you tie him to the bed so he can't touch you, he will throw the biggest fit but also be so into feeling that powerless as you jump his bones.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man loves to tease. Like I said, it's the only thing he has over you because you tease him far more than he ever thought he'd be willing to allow. When he goes down on you...he is so mean. Deep laughter rumbles through his chest as he kisses and nips at your thighs, completely avoiding where you want him to be. So he teases you to feel just a bit more powerful. 
He plays it so tough, shooting that gun off whenever he can. Who would've thought that the spoiled Dolarhyde boy would be so itching for attention that you've easily got him draped over your bed, broken whines and curses spilling out of his lewd mouth as you slowly jerk him off. You tease him to put him in his place.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He grunts and groans a decent amount but if you’re domming him, get ready for one hell of a show. He falls to actual pieces once you apply any sort of pressure to him. Just a mess of whines and whimpers. Common phrases include: oh, darlin', you're killin' me and please let me cum, sweetheart.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He struggles with feeling unwanted, especially with how his father neglected him growing up. It's partly why he's such an ass to everyone else. No one can hurt you if you hurt them first. But you don't play that game with him and it intrigues him. He actually TRIES to make you like him. He's not good at it, but he's also not used to it.
So when you actually start liking him back, he is elated. But he'll never let you know that. He is cool as a cucumber, just skirting around how he feels and then acts like it was all your idea if you end up confessing feelings to each other. I'm not that irresistible, am I, honey? And you roll your eyes at him, knowing that he doesn't put nearly this much effort into relationships with anyone else. 
You really have to be emotionally competent enough to pull his head out of his ass. I think you'd have to make the first move on him. Otherwise, he will just keep teasing you and elevating the tension since he really doesn't know how to properly act on it.
He'll be getting up in your face and trying to get under your skin when you kiss him out of nowhere. And for a second, he is taken aback, before he pulls you closer and embraces it. He'll go completely wild when he realizes that it's not just him getting so worked up.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Maybe I'm just projecting my personal view here BUT this man is HUNG. Like I'd say a good seven inches hard. You also KNOW he has that good old upward curve. This man can hit it just right basically every time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Percy's labido is insane. Like you expect him to be a little bit of a perverted bastard because he is such a troublemaker, but he is incessant. He is a nuisance and a menace and you hate him but you love him. Not a day goes by where he isn't trying to paw at you. Even if you both have to work on a given day, he will finagle his way into a situation where he's got you cornered so he can get some business done. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Percy only really gets sleepy afterwards if he's drunk. Even if it's nighttime and you're all in bed, he will stay up just a little longer, mostly so he can tease you about how hard he made you cum or about how needy you are. He'll just lay there, caressing your thigh and making himself laugh over how worn out you are. Typically, he won't fall asleep until you do. But when you do...he gets very soft very quickly. He'll just look at you and really, fully comprehend how lucky he is. Deep down, he knows that he's trouble; the thorn in everyone's side. So he falls asleep, on the brink of tears and so in love.
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silky-slinky · 2 years
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The smell of alcohol mixed with aftershave on Five intoxicated you, the alcohol overpowering the slight tinge of aftershave. His body was warmer than usual due to the amount of alcohol he lodged into his throat. His words were sometimes slurred, and his posture wasn't as straight as usual.
He invited you over to his place. He only ever does it whenever he was drunk. Using you, and you were letting him. The moment you got inside, you were immediately greeted by his sloppy kisses. Warm stings of where his kisses once were.
You knew the effect he had on you, and he knew the effect he had on you, yet you were too foolish, too afraid of confrontation. It was amusing to him, he used you whenever he wanted to, wherever he wanted to. You were a mere co-worker to him, nothing more, nothing less. You were stupid enough to think you'd had a chance with Five Hargreeves.
However, he thought of you as the only girl he'd lay his eyes on. The only girl he'll do anything for. The only girl that's worth living for. Of course, you couldn't see that, because he didn't let you see it. He'd ignore you whenever you were both in the workplace, letting you make a fool out of yourself. He wouldn't ignore you on purpose, he'd ignore you unintentionally.
The only thing letting him talk to you was the alcohol. The alcohol that you smell every time you went over to his place. The alcohol that made you intoxicated whenever you're near him.
He was a confusing man to unlock. Many layers you'd have to open to get to his outer shell. He was a reserved man, only letting a few people in. You were one of them. Behind closed doors, he'd let you in, in front of open doors, he'd shut you out completely.
Five stopped his lips that trailed all over your exposed skin, ones that weren't covered by the clothes you wore. A routine, you were used to it by now. He halted his movements to look at you closely. By now, you would've been whimpering, yet you looked uninterested this time.
You were tired of the routine you and Five had, it's been months since this started. At first, it was exciting, full of thrill, with no strings attached, but you got attached, you fell for Five, the very thing you weren't supposed to do. His face softened ever so slightly.
“What's wrong?” His voice was as soft as his face as he asked you. For a split second, you manipulated yourself into thinking that he does care for you.
“I feel like...” You paused for a moment, sitting up while Five got off of you, watching you closely. “We should stop this.”
He didn't want to. As toxic as it sounded, as twisted as it sounded, he didn't want to end this. He wanted to continue, knowing that this was the only way he could talk to you. If he wasn't cowardly, you both would've been in this situation.
“Why?” He simply replied, trying to mask his frustration. It wasn't his place to be frustrated, he was the one who put you in this position in the first place.
You weren't one for confrontations, he knew that. He knew everything about you. “I don't need to give you a reason.” Your voice slightly cracked in some words as you saw Five get up and pace around the living room.
“Just spit it out already, fuck.” He stopped pacing to face you, his hand combing his hair anxiously.
“I-I...” You started but no words come out, stuttering the only letter you could say. Everything being too overwhelming for you.
“I-I what? Can't even say a fucking word.” His words slipped out his mouth freely, his tone hit you like a sting of venom. You were hurt immensely, Five wasn't like this, he was never like this.
“That's too much.” A whisper barely audible to Five as you ran past him, going straight to the bathroom, getting privacy as you cried your heart out.
It took a few moments for Five to realize what he had said and done. He didn't know whether it was the alcohol coursing through his veins or if he was a bad person in general. All he knew was he had to apologize, no matter what happens.
His knuckles came in contact with the wooden bathroom door, gently knocking on it as he heard your weak cries from the other side of the door. As expected, you didn't answer but cried once more. He knocked a second time, no answer. He then knocked a third time, you opened the door, but did not greet you in any way.
His eyes scanned your state when he came in, your back leaning against the wall, some hair strands sticking on your cheeks with the help of the tears. You didn't want to see him, and you didn't want to be seen in such vulnerability. Your eyes glared at him, your knees brought up to your chest, your arms hugging them in need of comfort.
After a few moments of awkward tension in the air, Five finally dared to speak up. He was slightly sober, not as drunk as before. “Look, I'm sorry.” Once you didn't reply, as expected, he continued.
“I'm sorry for acting shitty. I truly didn't know what happened over there. I'm sorry for pushing you. I'm sorry.” He brought up a hand to touch you, but his hand was quickly swatted away by yours. Refusing his touch.
“C'mon, I'm sorry.” He pleaded once more. He could see the concentration on your face as you contemplated whether to forgive him or not.
After a few moments of thinking, you spoke up. “Don't pull that shit again.” A smile slowly formed on Five's face at your words, finally letting him touch you. He enveloped you in a hug, blinking both of your bodies to the bedroom, cuddling for what felt like an eternity.
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cloudyyangel · 3 years
Nanami Kento thinks you look best in his blue button up. He enjoys seeing the stretch and pull of the fabric against your plump body. He also enjoys the events leading up to you tugging on his shirt.
nsfw, cw: lack of prep, dry humping, body inclusive reader, afab reader, slight praise kink, one ass smack
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Nanami watches as you gather your underwear from the foot of his bed and slip back into them, a small smile playing at your lips. Your wiggles to get them just right over your thighs and ass has Nanami sighing softly as he leans against the headboard- eyeing every piece of plush flesh that bounces with your movements.
He had tried to coax you to stay in bed, dinner can wait sweetheart, but you had been adamant about feeding the over worked and stressed sorcerer (No Kento, I am not a suitable meal! You told him for the fifth time). He had came straight home from work and gotten you into bed before any greetings of hellos or how are yous.
You glance around for your shirt, the one he won’t mention is on the opposite side of the bed by the wall. It’s a game for him; getting you to throw your shirt off in a lust fueled haze and losing it. You always try to find it afterwards, sometimes even nudging him to roll over so you can search under him. Nanami was patient as his gaze followed you around the room- he knew the ultimate victory of the night was close. It sent a pleasant warmth through his chest as you finally give up and pull on the only shirt on the floor.
Nanami is built different, as you’ve jokingly told him many times. He’s tall with broad shoulders and a toned physique from fighting curses over the years. You, in a great difference, are soft with rounded edges that contrast with his sharp angles. You love to watch him flex as he chops vegetables for dinner, or see the taut skin of his stomach as he stretches before bed- it’s everything you’re not and it use to sting a bit, cut into your heart that maybe you weren’t good enough.
Nanami Kento, on the other hand, loves the opposition of your bodies. He loves the soft skin of your shoulders under his hands, to feel fat squeezing between his fingers as he grips your thighs, loves to watch your belly match the pumps of his hips as he drives his cock into you. He loves you, truly and wholeheartedly, and everything about you. Over time his sweet words, sinful praises, and all consuming actions have nestled their way into your body to take home in your skin.
They settle in your heart- the logic conscious man had no time to string someone along or for empty compliments. Fine, Nanami had relented one night after you explain why you’re not enough for him, you are big. You’re also beautiful, smart, amazing, talented. It’s just another word that describes why I love you. You start to believe it after that.
The blue button up you pull on after a session of love making is what he loves the most. Out of all the looks you had, it was his favorite. The fabric clings to the fat of your arms while the wrists are loose. It stretches across your full chest with only three buttons fastened in an attempt to hold you even as they pull taut (you know they’re reliable, just like the man who wears it). It couldn’t cover your tummy, even with how broad he is, but the material covers enough for you to trot around the room in.
It’s ill fitting- not necessarily too small, but made for a slimmer and taller build. Tailor made for Nanami Kento. On you, it’s a frumpy mess- the blue material wrinkling at odd places, bunching up around your arms but god if he doesn’t melt at the sight of you. His blue button up, stretched safely around your bigger form- it reminds him that you are his, that you love him, that he can protect and cherish you. He tries to keep it out as often as he can, fighting his urge to keep everything smartly in its place, just in hopes of you tugging it on. He soon found out that you were more willing to pull it on when you were in a dazed state, wanting to put on some semblance of clothes after an extended period of being exposed. Nanami was more than happy to provide that mindset for you.
This evening, his shirt had been tossed to the floor as soon as he entered the bedroom. His tie was somewhere in the living room, his glasses by the front door, shoes strewn across the entrance. Nanami is a smart man, however, and was careful with this shirt- he let that drop right in the middle of the room, to be sure it was the only thing you saw after he had satisfied both of your needs.
△ △ △
“Impatient, hmm Kento?” You teased as his hands groped at the fat on your hips to pull you even closer to him. He was home exactly on time despite the complaint of overtime and caught you by surprise. Nanami had strode into the bedroom with no words as he let his shirt drop to the floor and immediately captured your lips in a kiss.
The normally composed sorcerer had called on his break to rant about useless colleagues and a curse getting too close for comfort and that he just wanted to hear your voice. He promised to try not to work too late, I miss you darling, but you knew he put everything he had into work and told him you would be waiting for him with a smile.
Nanami hummed as he bruised your lips in a needy kiss. “I just need you.” He had muttered with a rut of his hips against yours. His length was already pronounced and it made you pull back with a slight gasp- light glistened off the string of spit that connected you two.
The situation at work must have gotten to him, his controlled façade had slipped completely off as he attacked you with an usual fervor. His hands squeezed your hips before they roamed over your tummy- it was one of his favorite places to touch and kiss and squeeze and worship.
He never faltered on his slow, methodical, rut against you, not slowing down to even remove both of your bottoms. “K-kento, we can-“ Your suggestion to continue in bed was cut off when his hands wrapped around your back to grope at your ass.
He always did go straight for what he wanted. Which explained why he was rutting you into the wall with spit spread around your lips.
His hips sped up and harsh pants met your face as he pressed forward. Nanami’s brow was furrowed, fingers griped tight on your ass as he slotted between your legs. His composure, his calmness, had been tossed to the side along with his shirt the second he saw you. Now, his cock was leaking into his slacks and he was just so desperate to feel you against him that the wall would do for now.
The new closeness brought his hard cock right against your cunt, still both clothed but the friction was enough to make you grow wet and grind back against him. The angle pushed you up on your toes, desperate to feel even more of him and if you angled your hips just right, you could feel Nanami’s length slide right over your clothed slit.
You had refused on multiple times to be picked up, even when he insisted on multiple times that he could. Instead, he accommodated your needs and wants, simply finding a way to be able to grind against you while he pressed your back against the wall. He bent down to suck the smooth skin of your neck into his mouth, only to increase the speed of his ministrations on your now dripping cunt.
His hips rubbed harder against you, effectively pining you to the wall and it started to burn against your skin. The sting only amplified the feeling every time it rubbed against your pussy lips and you couldn’t help but whimper with every thrust.
Deep in your stomach, something tightened and grew into a comfortable pressure, your orgasm growing with every thrust of Nanami’s hips. One hand left your ass to roughly paw at your chest, his fingers easily found the pebbled nipple and rolled it a few times before he gave a light tug. As you gasped he took the opportunity to shove his mouth over yours, to lavish his tongue against yours. It wasn’t enough for you, or him, but you were the first to break.
You needed more, needed him and needed something physical to touch you. "Kento, please” you whined into his mouth as you felt the soaked fabric of your underwear stick and cling to you.
The broken cry brought Nanami back as he pulled away from your hips, not able to control his harsh pants. The sudden stop made you jerk against him, desperate for any relief against your clit that throbbed under your pants. Nanami stared down at you, blond hair stuck to his sweaty forehead with darkened eyes, and heaved a few deep breaths. His expression cleared as he took in your state- the caretaker role slid back on as he saw how wrecked you were from just a few minutes of dry humping. Your eyes were half lidded and cloudy with tears from the friction, hips still stuttered from the loss of contact, and your chest heaved. When he didn’t move, you reach forward with a grabby hand to tug his belt towards you. He easily caught your hand and slightly ‘tsk’ed when you voiced your displeasure with a frown.
“Look what you do to me.” He sighed and brought both of your hands to his cock that strained against the fabric of his slacks. You desperately gripped at the hardness which earned you a sharp hiss from his kiss bruised lips. You mewled at the sound but Nanami was never one to be outdone.
He eyed your own sex and let out a small chuckle. “Look what I do to you.” He said amused as he rubbed your hands over the wet spot of your pants. The pressure made the fabric catch against your slick lips, swollen from the rough friction and you arched into it before he pulled the hands away. He chuckled at your pout and wiggle to find friction again.
“I can’t believe how needy you are,” you bit out in frustration at his tease, “dry humping me like a virg-.” He swallowed the rest of your retort with a heavy kiss and quick swat to your ass. The small spank had you flatten yourself against the wall with a surprised gasp.
“You’re the one soaked through two layers of clothes. I think you’re the needy one, sweetheart.” He commented with a harsh tug on your ass which slammed your hips against his. It pressed your lips against your clit and sent a jolt through your body and the loud whine that left your lips already proved his point as he dragged you towards the bed. He brought his hands back to himself and left you to stand in front of him.
Nanami didn’t break your gaze as he went to unbuckle his pants and flung them off somewhere (you would tease him later how messy that was, throwing his clothes around like a teenager). You shifted as you watched his thick cock spring free of his slacks. The pretty red head slapped against his flushed stomach and you swallowed a whine as your cunt continued to throb. You would drop to your knees if he asked, pull your knees as wide as they would go, press your face into the mattress- anything to get his perfectly thick pretty cock inside of you. Nanami was observant as ever and smirked as he sat down on the bed.
“Like I said, needy.” His voice was a rumble and the comment sent a flutter through you. Nanami eyed you up and down, still fully clothed even as he sat naked on the bed, and gave a solid pat to his thigh.
“Take off your pants.”
Nerves shot through you- even after being with Nanami for so long. It was a force of habit to hide your body, to not show off and it made your movements lag as you unbuttoned and pulled off your pants. Despite his preference to see you naked- he rarely undressed you himself. He allowed you to take off whatever clothes you felt comfortable enough to remove, and at your own pace.
He was patient, as he always was, while you worked to obey him and not listen to the doubts that swirled in your head. His command, soft as it was, fought against those doubts you had. You wanted to please him, feel the praise run through your body, and that beat out whatever words had been thrown at your body in the past. His pale eyes watched as your thighs were freed and jiggled as you lifted you feet to kick them away.
His legs parted slowly (god what a sight to see Nanami Kento spread his legs wide for your body) and you slotted yourself in between his strong legs. “Look at you,” it came out breathless as he softly slid his hands under your shirt and you took the silent command to throw it off along with your bra, “sweetheart you’re gorgeous.” He pressed a few kisses to your stomach, his lips sinking into your skin. Your hands threaded through his blonde locks to let your nails scrape against his skull.
That was the praise that made every piece of exposed skin worth it- his gentle tone and sweet words sunk into the fat on your body and sent a shiver through you. He responded with soft bites into your even softer skin; his lips sucked a few red marks next to your navel to prove his point.
“Come join me, please Angel. Let me feel you.” He spoke quietly as he lead you onto his lap. You obeyed wordlessly- his words, his voice washed over you and made you compliant. Your weight pressed against his strong thighs, the bed dipped beneath your combined weight, and your stomach trapped his cock between the two of you as you settled down on his lap.
Nanami’s lips instantly latched onto your nipple, sucking and licking the hard bud. His hands roamed across your back, dipped to your love handles to pull you against him and you pressed up closer to his cock. His hips thrusted up on instinct to fuck his cock against your soft stomach, and drew a small moan from your lips. You rolled your hips against him which left behind a nice slick of your juices on his lap. His cock twitched against your stomach just as your clit pulsed from lack of stimulation.
Nanami was more than happy to lazily roll hips against hips until someone gave in. Once again, you broke first. “Wanna feel you Kento, please.” You muttered as your hips sped up on his lap. Your clit throbbed with every light push and you could feel the quiver travel through your thighs.
“You will, sweet girl. I’ll fill you up, give you what you need.” He promised as his hand travelled down to finally touch your wet pussy. His long fingers teased your slit and one easily slid between the folds. He had been the one to storm into the room and dry hump you to a wreck, but now wanted to properly get you ready.
You tried not to pout at him being a gentlemen to prep you but at this point he had teased you too long. You whined and weaved your fingers through his light hair to tug his gaze up to your own. Your empty cunt was painful as it pulsed around nothing. “No, please Kento, I need you now. I promise I can take it I promise just- I need you right now please please-“ he kissed your babbles away and moved his hands to grip the back of your thighs. He was patient, but even he had a limit.
Nanami pulled back to lock his pale gaze onto your teary eyes. “Can you handle that sweetheart?” He asked firmly, any tease gone.
You nodded quickly, blinking away tears at the need of his fat cock inside of you. “Promise Ken! I promise!” You whined and he shushed you again.
“That’s enough baby, lift up for me.” You pushed up on your knees and pawed at his chest as he lined up at your entrance. Your little whines of ‘please’ were silenced as the tip of his cock slipped through your slick hole.
As Nanami helped you lower yourself, he let out a string of encouragements, “You can take it, I know you can good girl, just go slow, don’t rush yourse-“ his words were cut off with a broken moan as you spread your knees and sank further down on his cock. “F-fuck baby.” His head dropped against your shoulder and he fully moaned.
Nanami was vocal in the aspect that he would praise you, give you commands, but those moans were special and sent an electrical shock right to your core. You griped at his hair and wrapped your arms around his neck with your own whine as his thick cock stretched you out.
It burned. As wet as you were, it practically dripped down your legs, his fat cock still stretched and squeezed itself inside of it. You slowly sank down until you met his lap once more, thick cock buried in your fat pussy. Neither of you moved for a moment, enjoying the fill and stretch of each other. His hands clawed into the extra fat on your thighs, sure to leave pinpoint bruises in the morning, and gave a small bounce.
“Ah! Not yet, wait,” you stammered out with a whimper to his hair, your pussy throbbed around the intrusion.
“You can do it for me sweetheart, move and bounce on my cock, yeah? You’ll be a good girl.” He coaxed into your neck with a few swipes of his tongue.
You nodded instantly, his words wiped out any doubts or pain you had. “Ye-yeah. I can.” You confirmed and raised up on your knees slightly before you dropped your weight back down.
He let you set the pace, happy to feel the rise and fall of your thighs on his, watch your tits bounce, feel the tight squeeze of your cunt on his cock, hear the pants right by his ear. “Kento, Kento,” you chanted as your rises got higher and quicker.
His own pants and moans were almost lost in the mix of your vocalizations and the squelch of your pussy around his cock. The tightness that formed deep in your belly came back, egged on by the sounds and feel of Nanami. “More! Ken, I need more, please, just, just a lil’ more.”
You leaned back from him to grind your hips down just as he moved to thrust up to hit right there oh god that was the spot. Your moan was loud and delicious to him as the head of his cock brushed the spongy spot inside of you that left you slack jawed. He took advantage of your leaned back form and laid back on the bed before he bucked his hips. You fell forward, catching yourself on his chest. “More, sweet girl?” He questioned with a smile of adoration and lust.
Nanami was nothing short of a giving and loving partner, always happy to give you exactly what you asked for. In this new position, he was quick to thrust up so hard that it jerked you forward. That warmth in your belly grew sharper, brighter, as it weaved through your body with every hit of his cock inside of you. He continued his thrusts as you threw yourself back to meet his hips. Wet slaps of his cock being driven into you mingled with your loud moans and his quieter grunts.
He never could keep his hands still at this point. His hands groped at your jiggly ass, moved to cup your belly that hung over him, pinched at your nipples on your tits that swung right in his face, and pulled your thighs apart to watch his cock piston in and out of you. It was too much for him, just to watch you and everything about you as you bounced on top of him with such lewd sounds and faces. He loved you. “My good girl, you’re taking me so well, bouncing on my cock so nicely. How does it feel princess?”
Your arms threatened to give out as your hands clenched into fist on top of his chest. “Good! ‘S good Kento! Your- ah! your cock ‘s hitting so good!” You managed to respond as he continued to jack hammer into your soppy cunt. Nanami deepened his thrusts at your words, pleased that you always listened to him even with his cock that wiped most thoughts out of your mind. “Close, gonna...wanna cum with you.” You whined over his quiet grunts.
One hand left your ass and settled on the fat of your pussy right above the sensitive little bud that begged for touch. Your clit throbbed with the closeness and you leaned closer to him. He responded by snapping his cock deeper into you, a wet smack echoing with every thrust. “ ‘m close too princess, your so tight around me. ‘M gonna fill you up nice and full, okay? Make you bigger with all my cum.” His thumb found your clit and gave it a soft rub.
A jolt of sensation travelled through your body. “So deep, cum so deep inside me, puh-, puhlease!” Your begs and pleads became a mess as Nanami sped up the circles on your clit. Only utters of “Ken!”, “puhlease!” “Cum ‘n me!” fell from your mouth as your orgasm grew. You slunk down on his chest, almost laid out flat on him as his hips kept up their relentless pace. The circling of your clit, your cunt leaking around his fat cock, the warmth in your belly, Nanami’s praises of good girl my good girl- everything snapped.
You came loudly with stars behind your eyes, called out his name with a quiver that ran through your thighs and a gush of your juices that coated his lap beneath you as you full collapsed against his chest. He fucked you through your orgasm as he gave you one, two, three deep pumps- his hips only stilled with his cock buried balls deep as he emptied his cum inside your pulsing cunt and his lips praised your name. It took a moment to feel your thighs stop their shake, feel his cum settle into you, as you both recovered from your orgasms.
His chest heaved under you, arms wrapped around your waist to drag you up off his softening cock. You whined at the drag, positive both his lap and the sheets would be a mess of your combined cum. These moments, basked in the afterglow, neither of you could care about stained sheets and leaking cum.
Nanami settled you against his side and his lips dropped a slow and deep kiss against your own. “Love you, love you Kento.” You mumbled. “I love you, my darling.”
△ △ △
So yes, seeing his shirt on you- face still flushed, hair a mess, red bite marks decorating your plush stomach- it was his favorite look.
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ghostlykeyes · 3 years
You got me hyped for the f-w-b story
in the mean time can i have a nsfw n sfw headcanons poly relationship with yoshida, denji, n a fem s/o? thanks in advance.
Thank you!! I hope it lives up to expectations 💖 (its current word count is 3k+ and I can't stop thinking about it at work help lol)
Under the cut because it's long, and for the NSFW.
-Pls note: Denji and Yoshida both aged up to 18 here-
Denji and Yoshida
Denji doesn't love the fact that he has to share his girlfriend, but it's not like he's going to make you pick. He'll do anything for you! If that includes letting Yoshida kiss you, well, girls have definitely asked worse of him before; he can probably handle this. As long as his own boundaries aren't violated, Denji functions well in the relationship. Yoshida's not the jealous type, so he doesn't care much either way. If anything, he's glad you have another partner to keep you entertained when he's busy (which is often).
The duo doesn't mind public affection, even if it gets you some weird looks sometimes. When you're out on a double date, you're always in the middle, your fingers laced through both their hands.
If you ever want to cuddle, Denji insists that you're sandwiched in between as a buffer ("I wanna snuggle with you, he says, not that guy!"). Yoshida settles in behind you as the big spoon, you're nestled in between, and Denji curls up facing you, with his head resting on your chest. Sometimes Yoshida will start playing footsie with Denji because he knows Denji automatically thinks it's your feet nudging him. Usually it ends with Denji swearing, Yoshida laughing (even though he just got kicked in the shin once Denji realized who he was actually playing footsie with), and you caught in the middle, exasperated. The argument is usually resolved by pulling Denji's face into your chest until your boobs make his brain short-circuit. (You promise Yoshida the same privilege later, and he's content with that.)
To keep things fair, both of the boys have one scheduled date with you a week; just the two of you. It's pretty effective at stopping Denji from calling Yoshida an attention hog.
Quiet nights at home with Denji and Yoshida are the best. Yoshida rests on the bed next to you, head on your shoulder as he finishes his homework. Denji lounges against your chest, playing video games with you. Naturally, if you need a break for kisses, the two are happy to oblige.
Denji can't resist making everything into a competition. Yoshida eagerly plays along because it's way too easy to get Denji riled up. If Yoshida cooks breakfast for you one morning, Denji swears he's going to make breakfast too, but it's going to be bigger and better and ten times more delicious (and then Yoshida one-ups him by making you a full-course dinner). If Yoshida picks you some flowers, Denji spends half his paycheck to buy you an elaborate bouquet (and then Yoshida one-ups him by buying you a gorgeous, exotic houseplant). It's... a little concerning how determined Denji gets, but it's nice to be spoiled, so you might as well just sit back and enjoy it.
Denji's desire to beat Yoshida extends to the bedroom, too. If Yoshida eats you out and makes you cum, Denji's going to eat you out and make you cum twice. If Yoshida fucks a scream out of you, Denji's going to make you scream even louder. It's almost exhausting, how thoroughly they pleasure you while trying to one-up each other like this, but at least you're always satisfied.
They will never admit it to you but they've arm-wrestled over which one of them gets to fuck your ass that night.
Their favorite position to fuck you in is the spit roast. Denji's on his knees behind you, thrusting into you so hard you see stars, and Yoshida's stuffing his dick down your throat like he wants you to choke on it. Of course they switch places occasionally to keep things interesting, but Denji tends to finish way too early when you're sucking him off. (He then starts whining that he feels left out if you and Yoshida keep going, so it's just best for all involved if Denji doesn't spend too much time inside your soft mouth.)
Yoshida loves to tease, but Denji makes sure you don't spend too much time on the edge before you cum. Whenever Yoshida's taking his time, eating you out and then backing away with a sultry laugh just before you cum, Denji scolds him. C'mon, he chides, even I know you're not supposed to keep a lady waitin', and slides his fingers up against your clit until your orgasm swiftly crashes into you.
Denji and Yoshida definitely tire you out, but they make up for it with their attentive aftercare. You're practically drowning in cuddles, and if you want anything, all you have to do is ask and one (or both) of them is jumping out of bed to get it for you.
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h0neypjm · 4 years
Just for practice | kth
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↳ Summary: “I think we should normalise giving head to your friends as practice.”
↳ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, slight Hoseok x reader
↳ Genre: Smut, pwp, some plot i guess, best friend! Taehyung
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Word count: 5.3k
↳ Warnings: swearing, lip biting, hickies, oral (both female and male receiving), rough blowjobs, spanking, fingering, squirting, big dick! Tae, possessiveness/jealousy, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap pls), dom/sub themes, Taehyung calls reader lots of pet names (sweetheart, darling, good girl), degradation, biting, slight cockwarming
↳ a/n: I’ve been having major writer’s block while writing confident :( however, i saw this tweet which prompted this lil oneshot hope you enjoy
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Jung Hoseok [ 2:15 PM ]
Am I gonna see you at Seokjin’s tomorrow?
You [ 2:16 PM ]
I’ll be there :)
Jung Hoseok [ 2:18 PM ]
You’re not gonna run away from me this time, right?
You [ 2:20 PM ]
No of course not haha
Jung Hoseok [ 2:21 PM ]
Is that a promise princess?
A sigh flies out of your mouth like wind through a window and you’re shucking off your glasses in an instant. Hoseok’s texts bringing back a flurry of memories that you wish to forget.
“Do you need help with your essay again?”
Your eyes are strained when they try to focus on Taehyung, your shoulders shrug in defeat. “No, I’m fine. It’s just-”
Taehyung knows immediately, he is your best friend after all. “Let me guess, It’s Hoseok isn’t it?” 
You slump in your seat while a pout is cutely drawn onto your face, you nod with dismay. “I really like him Tae, and every time we see each other, It’s like the universe has it out for me and tries to make sure I embarrass myself in front of him.”
Taehyung shuts his laptop because he knows there's no use in trying to write an essay while you speak about your utterly tragic love life. He thinks about your situation for a minute before he speaks.
“Yes, you might’ve spilled your beer on him and accidentally punched him in the eye, more than once. But, if he’s still texting you he’s obviously still into you. It’s a good sign sweetheart.” Taehyung pats your hand across the coffee table, a comforting smile adorning his handsome face.
Taehyung doesn’t know the full extent of your problem and the more you think about it the more embarrassing it becomes. So you smile back at him uttering a small thank you before turning back to your laptop.
Taehyung raises a brow, “wait, wait, hang on, something is still bothering you.” 
You frown, “it’s embarrassing.”
Taehyung shuffles around the corner of the coffee table as if you’re about to tell him a secret, though it’s just the two of you in his small apartment. “Just tell me, it can’t be that bad.”
“Taehyung it is that bad.” You tilt your head at him, pulling up the sleeves of your sweater around your tiny fists. “You’re gonna laugh at me.”
Taehyung feigns shock at your words, his hands placed on his heart for dramatic effect. “I would never laugh, and frankly I’m offended you think that low of me.” 
You roll your eyes, turning your body more towards him, deciding it wouldn't hurt letting Taehyung know the thoughts plaguing your mind. “Well, you know how Hoseok and I have been kind of flirty lately, right?” He nods in understanding. 
“I can tell he wants more than that, you know? His touches are small but I know exactly what he’s suggesting, and don’t get me wrong, the feeling is completely mutual because trust me I want that too. Really bad.” 
Taehyung hums, interrupting your soon-to-be graphic rambling. “I totally get it Y/N. Now let’s stop beating around the bush so I can help you.”
If Taehyung were a girl, this would be so much easier. You curse your eight-year-old self who just had to become friends with a boy because God, how do you even start?
Taehyung is a patient man, always giving you space before helping you but, in this situation, you feel it’s best to just rip the band-aid off. Taehyung if you can read my mind, please don’t laugh at me.
You speak so suddenly, Taehyung’s not so sure he heard you correctly. “Huh?”
“Goddammit Tae”, you rub and your temples and avoid his stare. “I’ve never given someone a blowjob!”
His eyes are wide. “Oh” 
You hide your face into the table while your body internally cringes. At least he didn’t laugh. “See! You do think it’s bad.”
“I’m just surprised to be honest”, he reassures, leaning back onto his palms, strong brows pulled together in thought. “Shit Y/N, have you really never sucked a dick before?”
Sure, you’ve had sex many times (most of which have been extremely disappointing) but, it seems that most of your hookups want to get straight into fucking. No foreplay, no nothing. Just unseasoned, pleasureless fucking.
A groan rumbles out of your throat, “It just never happened! They were all about that hump and dump lifestyle I guess.”
Taehyung is utterly baffled at your statement. In Taehyung’s books, It is compulsory to treat every women like a queen. Preparing and edging them the perfect amount of times to see them crumble so sensually by his very doing. To Taehyung, seeing a woman cry out his name from experiencing the most explosive, leg-shaking orgasm was always his favourite part.
This is why Taehyung is absolutely shattered for you. “So, you’re also telling me no one has ever eaten you out?” You miserably nod, “that’s actually fucking evil!”
His words do not ease you one bit as you throw your head onto the seat behind you. “The way you say it makes me feel even worse. This is the sole reason why I run away from Hoseok and make a fool out of myself.”
Taehyung doesn’t say anything, the air floating around carrying an awkward silence. You don’t really care and you don’t expect Taehyung to think of a solution. Plus, you’re already embarrassed enough.
You might as well leave and ask one of your girlfriends for help, maybe finish your essay while you’re at it. You sigh, shutting your laptop and stacking your books together. 
However, the next sentence that flies out of Taehyung’s mouth makes you stop dead in your tracks.
“I think I’ve figured out how I can help you.”
Wiggling back into a comfortable seating position, you lean into Taehyung with interest. “And how might you help me, dear Taehyung?”
He eyes you nervously, his fingers fiddling with his chunky rings, “You trust me, right?”
You smile, “yeah, of course, you’re my best friend Tae.”
An exhale puffs out of his mouth. “Why not practice on me?”
You almost choke on your spit. You definitely did not expect him to say that. “Could you repeat that please?”
A new glint of mischief sparkles in his eye. “Why not let me teach you how to give Hoseok the blowjob of his life and in return, I’ll eat you out”
Your brain is having a meltdown. 
“You’re fucking crazy”, you wail. “You actually want me to suck your dick?”
He brings his hands up in defence, “I think we should normalize giving head to your friends as practice, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. Think about it, you get to learn and cum at the same time.”
You won’t lie to yourself, the proposal is tempting and in all honesty, Taehyung is hot as fuck. You will forever thank the Gods above for blessing you with the delicious sight that is your best friend. However, the proposition puts you in an odd spot.
Apprehensive about your thoughts, you state your unease, “I-I don’t know Taehyung, don’t you think this might ruin our friendship?” An exhale, “have you seriously thought of me that way?”
Taehyung chuckles, it’s deep and totally unexpected to your question. “Sweetheart, there are many things that go on inside my head involving you. And to answer your question, they’re not completely innocent.”
A startled gasp is ripped from your throat and your stomach flutters with a dangerous mix of nervousness, thrill and dare you say arousal.
Never in your life would you have imagined Kim Taehyung, your best friend since grade school, seeing you in such an inviting way. To make matters worse, It was intimidating to think about his fair share of experience and the long line of women backing up the fact that Taehyung was indeed some sort of sex demon.
Of course, you felt the same way. How could you not! The man was practically an incarnation of a Greek God. Broad sturdy shoulders that sat atop thick muscular thighs, and how could you forget his gorgeous fingers.
You’d die before you admit it, but there have been many nights where you have found yourself thinking about what his pretty long fingers could do to you. Those nights always ended with a mess of your sheets and a wetness between your thighs. It was your dirty little secret, however, it seems Taehyung also had some of his own.
His sharp eyes storm with darkness when he speaks, “don’t lie Y/N, I know you’ve had some dirty thoughts about me up in that pretty little head of yours.”
Pink blossoms over your cheeks like wildfire because he’s so terrifyingly right. “I don’t even need to touch you sometimes, one look and you’re a goner.” You gulp. “Look at you right now.” His gaze drops down to your thighs. “All my talking making you so needy, you need to clench your thighs to keep it together.”
He smiles, though it’s not his usual boxy, boyish smile. It’s dangerous and seductive almost smirking and shit when did he get so close to you? Your breathing is erratic and you have no idea how you could be so anxious yet so amorous at the same time. 
Your heart beats rapidly in your ears. “This is just for practice, right?”
Taehyung curses under his breath, “just for practice sweetheart.”
You don’t get to respond.
His lips are hesitant at first when they meet yours, yet his hands say the opposite. They start at your waist and tickle their way down to your stiff hands. Ever so gently, he pries them open, intertwining his long fingers with yours, and God, did his hands feel so right.
Your nerves dissipate slowly but surely as you allow him to explore your mouth with his skilful tongue. 
Much to Taehyung’s dismay, he finds you releasing your fingers from his own. Your hands flying to the nape of his neck, ultimately bringing him closer to you, deepening the kiss. Taehyung moans in delight when you tug at his long curls, you bite his lip in reply while lust paints your vision and dampens your panties.
Taehyung never knew he would miss the feeling of your lips against his when he painfully pushes himself away to situate himself comfortably on the couch. It was time for the lesson to begin.
You pout at the distance, trying to wiggle close until he motions for you to get into a particular position. Your insides swell with eagerness.
His voice is sweet and his hands are delicate when he tucks a few strands of hair behind your ear. “Get down on your knees for me sweetheart.” You obey immediately. He smirks at your sinking form. “Good girl.”
You swear right then and there your pussy had gained a working heartbeat at his words. The unfamiliar pulse thumping as if it were trying to break loose from the constraints of your sweatpants.
Your eyes are big and expectant, slowly drinking up the sight of Taehyung’s delicious figure seated above you. He sits on the couch like it’s his throne, legs spread to accompany your kneeling figure, and dominating stare pinning you down. A shiver runs down your spine.
“Wh-what do I do now?” You utter, making it known to Taehyung that he is in charge. He is in control.
Taehyung cocks his head to the side, using a decorated pointer finger to hither your hands towards him. Hesitantly, you raise both hands, lightly placing them down on his thighs.
A click of his tongue makes its way to your ears and you know you’ve already made your first mistake. Taehyung’s brows furrow, it’s obvious you need to make the next move but your brain is fuzzy and flustered. 
He sighs at your confused silence, bringing your small hands onto his belt. Oh, you know what you’re supposed to do now.  
“I thought you were smarter than this, how else are you meant to get my dick out, hmm?” The blush across your cheeks has definitely spread profusely from his teasing. Its once peachy pink tone deepening into an embarrassing cherry red.
The buckle of his belt jingles under your fingertips as you nervously undo them. You’re apparently too slow for his liking, Taehyung finishing the job by pulling his belt off his pants, leaving you to stare down at the large bulge covered by the fabric of his tight jeans. You thought you had your nerves under control but the way your hands start to shake is an indication that this is real. You’re really about to suck your best friend off.
Ever the observant friend, Taehyung is quick to notice the slight shake in your fingers. “Wait, stop.”
You do as he says, quickly settling your palms back on the thickness of his covered thighs. “Are you sure you want to do this? your hands are shaking sweetheart.” His voice is laced with concern, a total switch to his previous words.
Clearing your throat you reply, “oh, no, no I’m fine.” You lock eyes. “I just want to make sure I’m doing good so I can be good for him.”
Possessiveness flares within Taehyung’s chest and he has no idea why. Although he doesn’t let it show, he can’t help the swell of his ego at the knowledge that he’s the first to get you like this. Not Hoseok. Him.
So, he grins his wide boxy grin, dragging a finger down your warm cheek. “Don’t worry darling, you’re in great hands”
The commanding smirk etched onto his lips sparks a surge of confidence through your veins, begging you to finally touch him.
With a tug of your small hands, Taehyung’s constricting jeans are pried off the taut muscle of his thighs and are left to pool around his ankles. The excitement of finally being able to suck dick coursing through your body like lighting, and just like his jeans, Taehyung’s boxers are off in a second.
His cock springs, tall, hard and proud. Your jaw drops, Taehyung chuckles at your reaction. You feel an ooze of wetness pooling in your panties.
His size is nothing you’ve seen before, thick and girthy with an impressive length to match. You wince at the thought of fitting him down your throat.
The cold metal of his rings against your hands brings your attention to Taehyung’s handsome face. Without breaking any eye contact, he wordlessly wraps your hands around the thickness of his cock.
It’s warm and swells in your palm, your two dainty hands stacked on top of each other. Fingers trying so hard to wrap themselves around the sheer girth of his cock.
You’re not dumb, you know what comes next. With a sharp inhale you begin to stroke up his length, paying close attention to his facial expression to get an idea of how well you’re doing
Taehyung’s head tilts to get a better view at your hands, “grip it tighter for me… yeah fuck that’s it.”
His praise boasts you on, holding tighter onto his cock and gathering the slick of his pre-cum with a twist of your wrist. Your eyes remain focused on the way the skin moves with your hands and the way his tip glistens with arousal. You want to lick it.
“When you’re ready you can put your mouth- Ahh shit Y/N!”
He didn’t need to finish his sentence when you’re already so eager to have him in your mouth. You do what you think would feel best, sucking on the head of his cock like a sweet ice lolly on a hot summer's day. Your tongue tracing the thick circumference before dipping into his slit.
A light groan falls from his mouth as he watches you lap at the remaining pre-cum that glistens in the afternoon light. Taehyung almost forgets why he’s here, lost in your plump lips wet with saliva.
Right, he’s here to teach you how to give a blowjob. “Try and take my whole length in darling.” 
You nod, taking a deep breath, your mouth opening wider to take him in as far as you can. You try to keep your throat relaxed taking him inch by inch.
“That's a good girl”, he praises, “you’re doing so well for me.” 
Your knees squeeze together, acting to relieve some pressure on your aching heat. It had truly been a while since you got some serious action.
Surprisingly you’re able to make your way to the hilt of his cock, a choked gag sputtering from your lips.
A few strands of hair fall in your face, blocking your eyes in the process. Swiftly, Taehyung brushes the hair from your eyes while simultaneously lifting your head off of his cock. 
You release him with a satisfying pop, your eyes wide and makeup a little smudged. Taehyung coaches you through the next steps. “I want you to try and do that again, but when you come back up, lick the length of my cock and look at me while you do it.”
Humming in acknowledgment you grip the base of his cock before pausing. “Isn’t this what you like though? What if Hoseok likes to be touched in a different way?”
An unintentional growl bubbles out of his mouth. Oh how he wished he could take your mind off Hoseok and have you screaming his name, thinking about him instead.
He pushes down his discontentment with the other man on your mind, “men are simple creatures Y/N, just making out sometimes can get them going. And judging by the way you’re sucking my cock right now, I’m sure Hoseok will be crazy for you.”
As Taehyung explains the ins and outs of a man’s brain, you don’t make an effort to stop the teasing of his cock. His words sound slurred, they go in one ear and out the other, and besides the delicious length in front of you is much more fascinating.
For the time being you stare up at him, your eyes wide feigning interest in his words, all while you grip his cock in one hand and continuously lap at his tip with a kitten-like flick of your tongue. 
Taehyung finally realises that you’ve stopped listening when he feels the small yet downright sensual pleasure shooting through his cock. He grunts, pushing your hair back once again, “fuck, that’s hot. You’re so fucking good.”
His preoccupied hand squeezes the pillows beside him, the veins of his hands popping out. You do what he taught you, seductive eyes laser focused on him while your wicked tongue leaves a hot trail up the prominent vein on his dick.
“Shit Y/N you’re doing so well-”
You release him from your mouth disrupting his sentence, “can you fuck my throat?”
Taehyung swears his whole body just convulsed at your request. He looks away just so he can contain himself because holy shit.
Obviously Taehyung has thought about you being in this position, saying those words. Yet, no matter how many times he fantasizes this scenario, nothing would ever prepare him for those words to actually come out of your mouth with the most bewitching grin plastered on your pretty face.
He stutters, “I- no, I don’t know if you can take it darling.”
You grip his thighs, pout forming on those dangerous lips of yours, “please Tae, I want it. Want you to use me.”
Taehyung pushes the curls of his bangs away, a hiss steaming from his lips. “Alright, but if you feel any discomfort pinch my thigh, okay sweetheart?”
You’re impatient, “yeah, yeah, I can take your monster dick.” You place a small kiss on his thigh, “do your worst.”
His movements are all too fast, all too sudden. His fingers securing a death-grip on the mess of your hair before holding his cock up to your mouth. “You asked for it darling.”
Your mouth automatically widens, welcoming the rough intrusion of his cock as it slides all the way down your throat. A lewd gag fills the room.
A dark cloud of lust of dominance fogs Taehyung’s vision, his biceps flexing when he brings your head up and down his thick velvety length.
The room resounds with the filthy wet noises of your saliva covered lips pumping repeatedly. Taehyung breathes heavily through his nose, tilting his head against the cushions behind him. He keeps his hips still, yanking your hair at an obscene pace. A slew of curses and moans fly out into the air as he revels at the complete state of ecstasy you’ve put him under.
The heat of his member burns the back of your throat but you fucking love it. You open your teary eyes, gazing at his chiseled jaw and the way he shivers and groans above you. It only spurs you on when he glances back down, meeting your mascara ruined eyes.
It’s like a knee-jerk reaction. Taehyung harshly pushes your head all the way to the base of his cock. Your face is met with his abdomen, the hairs of his happy trail tickling your nose.
He leaves you there, and the burn in your throat rises, leaving you gagging, your throat tightening around him.
Taehyung believes after this he could never get the image of your messy docile eyes and tarnished lips out of his brain. He feels your throat constrict, “sh-shit, fuck Y/N, breathe through your nose.” You inhale. “That’s my good girl.”
He releases you from his member only to push your lips back onto him, going back to his beastly pace. “You look so fucking pathetic, you think Hoseok wants a messy girl like you?”
You gurgle around him, tears freely falling down your cheeks as you try to shake your head no. He only mumbles out a groan, his cock abruptly pulsing under your tongue like a steady heartbeat.
It's all too sudden when he releases your head off his length, a glob of drool dripping down your chin and onto your shirt. 
“Fuck sorry I was about to cum.”
Although your heart swells with pride you wonder, “why didn’t you?”
He runs a hand through his messy locks, “the purpose of this was to teach you, don’t you still want to practice?”
You’re smug with your answer, “I think I’ve got the hang of it now.”
He swipes a finger under your tear stained eyes, “getting cocky now are we.” 
You were cocky indeed, “well I did get you shaking under my touch didn’t I?”
He rolls his eyes, “get up you brat, I’m gonna show you what you’ve been missing out on.”
Fucking finally.
You won’t lie, you were probably most excited to finally know what it feels like to receive head. Your mind is still fuzzy from Taehyung’s rough ministrations as you slowly get up. You wobble slightly and Taehyung is quick to stabilize you with two strong arms holding the curve of your hips in place.
With his arms already around you he pushes you towards the couch, kicking his jeans off in the process.
Back flat against his plush couch you’re already stripping off your sweatpants and panties together in one. “My, my aren’t you eager”, he teases, a glint of shamelessness twinkling in his brown orbs when he drinks up the plushness of your thighs leading to your dripping cunt.
Holding your knees in the palm on his hands, he spreads them open to reveal the glossy folds on your heat. He kisses his teeth, satisfaction and hunger clear on his face. “Fuck, isn’t this a pretty sight.”
His words bring back a blush on your cheeks, you pull him forward, your lips inches away from his own. “Shut up please.”
And he shuts you up real good. Smashing your lips to his, he envelopes you into a feverish kiss, your tongues dancing the devil's tango.
His hands are adventurous, feeling the mounds of your breasts over your shirt. “Why the fuck isn’t your shirt off yet huh?” He tuts, pulling on the cotton fabric.
“I want yours off too.” You cutely mumble tugging at the hem of his shirt, to which he complies, tugging it off in one fluid motion. 
You peel your baggy shirt off just in time to see Taehyung's arm flex as he takes his very own shirt off. “Have you been working out? My God Tae, you're as big as Joon.”
He inwardly smirks because yeah he’s been working out and it's clearly paying off. He doesn’t want to show his glee however, “can we not talk about other men when I’m about to eat you out.”
You chuckle, eyes trailing down his buff arms to his v-line that leads to his dick like an arrow directing you to his treasure. You bite your lip, unclipping your lace bralette, “sure, sure, let’s get the show on the road.”
It’s Taehyung turn to drink up the sight of your body. “Fuck, always imagined what these tits looked like under all those tight clothes you wear.”
He’s really feeding into your praise kink. “Well, were they what you expected?”
He sucks on one immediately and you arch your back at the unexpected pleasure. “Even better”, he squeezes them in his palms, “they’re fucking gorgeous.”
He sucks a deep hickey under your left breast, leaving you whimpering with a hand tangled in his hair. “Always imagined what you sounded like moaning for me.”
You can’t reply, his touches burning through your skin. He kisses down your sternum to your stomach until he’s hovering above your aching clit, a tantalising grin on his face before he’s diving in.
“Fuck!” You wail at the unfamiliar yet mesmerising feelings. His tongue is stiff and pointed, flicking quickly up and down your bundle of nerves. 
The grip you have on his hair is deathly but it's the only thing in your reach that can ground you. He licks a long stripe down your sopping slit, keeping his sharp eyes on you the whole time.
“F-feels so fucking good Tae!” You almost scream. He cups his lips around your swollen nub sucking on it with a shit-eating grin on his face.
You’re too dazed to comment on it, reeling in the new pleasures you’re experiencing. You stare down at him, your eyes half opened and so close to rolling to the back of your head.
However, they almost completely open wide at the sight presented before you. With two long fingers, Taehyung is shoving them in his mouth, soaking them with his spit before rubbing them onto your sensitive folds.
You beg. “Put them inside.. Please.” Taehyung doesn’t make a sound only kissing your clit as he plunges his ring decorated fingers into you.
You’re so wet his fingers slide into you with ease. He groans at the sensation, his view focused on the way your cunt greedily sucks him in.
“Look at you, getting my rings all dirty you filthy girl”, he scolds watching the way your essence drips into the crevices of his intricate jewellery. 
Taehyung increases the pace of his long fingers, finger fucking you into euphoria. He doesn’t stop there, his lips returning to your desperate clit in a wet mess of your juices and his saliva.
You can feel your orgasm bubbling in your stomach. It's hot and feels so unlike any other upcoming orgasm you’ve experienced. His fingers curl inside of you, his palm slapping your folds with his rapid pace and his lips don’t give any sign of stopping.
“Taehyung- Tae, I’m cumming!” You really scream this time, your orgasm taking control over your body like a demon. 
You swear your eyes black out, your body shaking, a warmth gushing out of your cunt as it spazzes out.
Your chest heaves and you blink, feeling a damp pool around you. Oh God, Did you piss yourself?
“Holy fuck Y/N, I can’t believe you just did that.”
You sit up, embarrassed, an apology falling from your lips.
“You just squirted on me.”
You’re flushed, “I- what?”
Taehyung almost looks akin to a wolf hunting down his prey. “That was the hottest fucking experience of my life, holy shit I’m so hard.”
Well at least you didn’t pee on his couch. There’s a surge of overwhelming need for his cock to be inside of you. You’ve never felt this way before, it’s scary but so is this whole experience. It’s definitely one for the books.
Getting up on your knees you hold onto his shoulders, Taehyung raises a brow. “Fuck, I need to ride you, can I ride you?”
You think you just saw his dick twitch at your words. He grins, “just for practice?”
Your smile is sickly sweet, “of course, just for practice.”
His arms are strong when he shuffles into a seated position all while holding your hips above his awaiting cock.
He pauses, a flash of his normal self resurfacing. “You’re on the pill yeah?”
You peck his lips, “yes, now stuff me full.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs before he’s sinking you down onto his length. 
You both let out moans of pleasure at the feeling of being complete. The stretch hurts so bad but hurts so good. He fills you up so well it has you speechless, the air trapped inside your lungs refusing to be released until your walls are comfortable around his impressive girth.
Mumbling a soft curse, you swivel your hips in slow circles, getting used to his large size. Taehyung watches you, hunger written on his face as he licks his lips and examines the way you fit so perfectly on his lap.
You test the waters, holding onto his shoulders for support. You lift your hips and settle back onto his lap. He groans at the wet squelch it makes and slaps your ass, grabbing it in his hand to squeeze it.
You pick up the speed, pumping up and down, whimpering at how well he fills you up. You keep your gaze trained on the image of his dick disappearing in your heat and pulling out with a wet sheen.
Taehyung tucks a finger under your chin, bringing you close to his face to push his soft lips onto yours once again.
It’s weird to say, but you don’t think you can get tired of kissing your best friend. He knows exactly what you want and knows exactly how to make your head spin.
With his large hands of yours, you pick up the pace, slamming your ass onto his hips. You leave his lips, kissing the side of jaw and suckling a few lovebites behind his ear.
His voice is deep and sultry, “fuck yeah, that’s it.” You wail in his hold, pushing yourself to meet his thrusts below. Your thighs burn but the pleasure burns so much hotter.
You feel your second orgasm of the night rising within you and can tell Taehyung is close too. Taehyung assists you, using his thighs to push up into you. Your juices drip down onto his pelvis and both of your breaths get heavier.
His thrusts are fast and rough, creating loud slapping noises that echo around his empty apartment. He grunts, folding his head into the crook of your neck. He’s about to cum and so are you.
With one final gasp your release hits you like a truck. Your thigh shakes in his lap and Taehyung bites at the delicate skin of your neck. His warm seed shoots inside of you, eliciting a small sigh from your lips.
Taehyung releases his hold to lean back onto the couch. He keeps his softening cock inside of you, lazily staring at your fucked out expression.
You play with his rings, “well, how did I do?”
The shit-eating grin is back. “Hmmm, I think you may need more practice.”
2K notes · View notes
bokuroskitten · 3 years
your piece about oral fixation was just 🤤 so now im super curious as to what kinda of gags you think the haikyuu captains + iwa would use on their partners.
oh anon, truly I'm grateful for this one. Because as a rope bunny, I think about it constantly. I didn't do every single haikyuu captain, just ones I feel I know the best. Enjoy the filth. ❦
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〈what kind of gags would the haikyuu captains (Bokuto, Terushima, Ushijima, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Kita) + Iwa enjoy using on their partner.
⋆genre: 18+ NSFW (Minors DNI)
⋆warnings: BDSM themes (use of bondage and gags), dom/sub dynamics (daddy & master title used), oral (female receiving), spit, degradation & dumbification
Bokuto couldn’t be bothered with gags. He likes to hear you falling apart on his cock, the whimpers, the cries, the begging. It’s all music to Bokuto’s ears. Although if you do want to be gagged Bokuto just uses his thick fingers down your throat or slaps his palm across your lips. Both methods effectively render you silent and he still gets the joy of feeling your moans vibrating along his skin.
“You’re so fucking loud, Birdy. The whole neighbourhood is gonna know you’re a desperate little cock whore. Isn’t that right baby Bird?” Bokuto’s voice was nothing but a growl up against your ear, his heavy balls still slapping ruthlessly against your ass as he plunged himself faster into your tight cunt. He went in at the perfect angel this time, his cock head pressing to that sweet spot that would have you screaming. Before the sound could slip out Bokuto pushed three fingers into your mouth, grinning as he watched drool bubble between his knuckles, your cries getting muffled into his skin.
“Yeaaa, suck away baby and take what’s given to you.”
Terushima is a horny one, typically just wants to get the job done quickly and easily, so he likes to use what’s around. This typically means he’s using his tie. He usually wears one to his job, or sometimes finds himself keeping a spare in his back pocket when you’re being extra annoying. He always ties a knot in the middle first, pressing it between your teeth before knotting the material behind your head. It’s effective enough to keep you muffled but simple enough that he can still see your lips tremble, watch drool darken the fabric and dribble down your chin.
“Careful princess, you want the boys to know I’m stuffing you full of cock?” He spoke through a wicked grin, his lips pressed to your pulse as his hands held your hips in a death grip. The subtle slap of your ass into his pelvis kept him on beat, along with the muffled cries you let out into his tie. One of his hands slithered up your bent form, making sure to squeeze one of your breasts on the way up before taking hold of your jaw. His long fingers brushed over your chin, the drool already gathering there making him pick up his pace. He pressed the knot he made in his tie further between your teeth, making you whimper a plea that had him chuckling.
“Messy fuckin thing, by the time I fill you up there’s gonna be a mess on your face and between your thighs.”
Ushijima is a simple man with simple desires. Despite that, he actually enjoys using a gag on you because it gives him even more power over you than you already give him. He typically won’t use one unless other BDSM elements are in play (his favourite is ropes because he likes to make intricate patterns over your skin) but his favourite type to use is a deep throat gag. In every sense of the word, Ushi is big and wants to make sure your tight little throat is ready to be used when he wants it to use it. There’s a couple of different sizes he uses that he has you build up with, but each one comes with a reward when you’re able to swallow it down without gagging.
Although his face was usually calm during sessions today was an exception as he worked the length of the gag between your lips. “Baby, tap out if you need to—“ But you just furrowed your brows at him, fists tightening in determination which were currently bound above your head. It was a sign for him to keep going, so he did. He pushed the slick silicon between your lips until the hilt rested against your lips. He didn’t do up the leather strap just yet, waited to see if you’d gag or choke with such a big size being shoved down your throat. But there you were, sitting pretty with tears riming your lashes, the gag pressing snuggly down on your tongue. Ushijima hummed out, pleased with such progress as he was slow to buckle up the leather strap. He pressed kisses along your jaw, a small smile creeping its way onto his lips.
“I’m so proud of you, little one.”
Oikawa will only use ring gags because it keeps your mouth wide open and ready to use whenever he feels he needs it. Plus it allows for him to still be able to hear you when you moan and cry for him. He also loves the mess you make with a ring gag, helpless to the drool and bubbling spit that falls from your chin. Sometimes as a form of punishment he’ll leave you between his thighs, arms bound and a ring gag held snuggly between your lips. He’ll stroke his cock lazily while watching tv, only grabbing a fist full of your hair to shove that sloppy mouth of yours onto his cock when he feels the need.
The whines you let out are ignored completely by Oikawa, a little huff leaving his lips as his eyes slowly slip from the screen down to between his legs. There you sat, eyes wide and mascara streak marks down your cheeks. Your body was already trembling, sitting on your hunches for whenever Oikawa decided to take hold of your hair once more. He could see the way your tongue tried to pick up some of the drool that fell from the ring, only making matters worse as a new little stream of spit fell off your chin to continue to dampen your tank top. Oikawa just couldn’t help himself, and in one swift motion, his hips were pressing his cock back between the ring, burying deep within your throat that had it constricting. He hissed softly before a small flutter of laughter escaped him.
“Fuck, at least this fucking throat is good for something. Maybe I should keep this ring on all the time so you’ll always be ready for my dick? You like the sound of that baby?” He was only met by muffled whines and gags as he bobbed your head along this length.
Daichi hates when you talk back to him, it makes him so tense because all he does is treat you like his perfect little princess. So when you do get mouthy he has no problem getting you worked up whenever you are. He’ll tease, whisper into your ear about how naughty your being, grab handfuls of your ass until you make a mess of your panties. He’ll then shove the filthy material between your lips. Not only will get to humiliate you then, but he’ll also get to punish you properly without having to hear a single peep from you.
“You think good little girls talk back to their daddy’s like you do? No. They listen, and they behave. Since you wanna use such a filthy mouth I’ll keep it filthy for you.” Your previous cries were brought down to muffles as Daichi forced your damp panties between your lips. Balled up and soaked from your precious arousal you can’t even help but let your eyes flutter, the taste of your own desire making your cheeks burn bright pink. Daichi has to scoff, fingers pressing into your cheeks as giving your jaw a little shake. “Taste that? That’s your filthy little cum stains. Imagine staining your own panties from a few promises of punishment?” His cock was heavy as he quickly freed it from his boxers, making you Yelp softly as it slapped down against your already soaked slit. He rubbed it along you a few moments, pressing into your cheeks harder to keep your panties in place.
“Maybe if I just fuck you stupid, you’ll stop talking altogether?”
Kuroo likes to keep with the classics, and there’s nothing more classic than a ball gag. He started off with wiffleball first, wanting you to feel nothing but comfortable before he moved on to solid silicon, balls that would leave your jaw aching after sessions. He loved the way you looked, sitting on your knees for him on the bed with a bright red ball gag wedged in your mouth, already covered in spit. He would the type to put on you whenever you felt like it just so he could coo about how pretty you looked. He also took many many pictures of your mouth stuffed, keeping a secret folder just for it.
“Stay still kitten,” Kuroo mumbled close to your ear, pressing a couple playful kisses to your lobe as he secured the black leather behind your head. He slipped two fingers into the band, making sure it was loose enough to pull off if needed but tighten to hold. Once he was pleased he pulled away, the most satisfying groan leaving his lips as yours were stretched around the bright red. “Perfect, my perfect fucking kitten...” he spoke, his thumb pressing along the ball as you blinked up at him with wide, needy eyes. Your hands stay still on your lap exactly where he instructed them, a little whine coming out muffled only when Kuroo pulled away from you fully. He rose a brow at that, the flash of disappointment in his gaze enough to have you resting back down on your hunches.
“Ah, I said stay still, Kitty. I’ll play with you soon I promise. But Daddy needs a few pictures of his beautiful baby before we can get started. So keep sitting pretty for me.”
Kita only uses any form of BDSM with you because you’re interested in it. When you brought it up to him he was very much unaware but did as much research as possible. He decides to start off with a bite gag because, unlike ball gags, it allows for more relaxation of the jaw, as well as causes less mess in terms of drool. Plus he’s always enjoyed watching you bite down on the sheets when you're feeling a lot of pleasure, so the bite gag allows for him to watch your teeth sink on so perfectly into the rubber.
Kita’s thrusts slowed almost too much for you, your pussy desperately fluttering around his length to bring back that friction. You wanted to beg him to keep going, pick the pace back up but all you could do was let out muffled cries, press your teeth further into the bite forced between your lips. Kita watched it all, the way your face twisted up with need, the way your back arched, the way your hips jutted forwards in hopes to feel more of him. He just let out a soft little groan, planting a firm palm on your hip to keep you in place as he continued his slow, dragged out thrusts into your throbbing cunt.
“Just a little longer like this, kay Darlin? I love seeing you bite into that gag, we’re gonna have to use it more often.”
Iwaizumi was used to using his hand, slapping it over your lips when he found you were getting too loud. But he never knew what to do with all your squirming. Cuffs were too simple and ropes just weren’t his vibe, but when he discovered bondage tape it was a whole other ball game. Not only was it perfect because it only stuck to itself, resulting in safer play, but it was very much effective in shutting you up when he needed you quiet. His favourite part is watching you flinch when he rips a piece away from the roll, the way you shiver in anticipation as he hovers the piece over your lips. It only when you're about to whine at him that he presses it against your lips, a grin curling on his lips.
“Fuck Princess, you’re tighter than usual? Excited?” Iwaizumi murmured, his grin growing as he watched your eyes roll up in pleasure. He brought a large palm up to your cheek, bringing your blurry vision back to his own. His thrusts slowed, allowing his thick cock to drag along that throbbing spot within you. That had your back arching, muffled little pleas melting into the tape that was held firm over your lips. Iwaizumi sighed softly, his thumb rubbing over the tape to feel out the outline of your pretty lips. The action had you nuzzling into his palm, another string of muffled nonsense trying to escape the tape and failing miserably.
“I know you’re begging me to move faster under here... but remember princess, Master makes the rules. So let’s keep you quiet and I’m gonna fuck you nice and slow.”
942 notes · View notes
i don’t need your help ~ jace herondale;shadowhunters
word count: 2524
request?: yes!
“Alec Lightwood or Jace Herondale (either one works) smut? If you're comfortable with writing for shadowhunters, ofc <3″
description: after a run in with a demon that almost turns bad, a fight between her and one of her fellow shadowhunters turns into something so much more
pairing: jace herondale x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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Izzy helped me limp into the Institute, my body feeling run down and exhausted already. She laid me down on a bed and it took me a moment to register that it was my own bed. I was aching all over, but I tried to keep a brave face. At least, I thought I was keeping a brave face. For all I knew I was sobbing like a baby.
“I’ll get my stele,” she told me. “Just...just stay awake, okay?”
I tried to respond but it came out as a pained moan instead. Izzy quickly raced from my room to her own. I could hear her in the distance furiously looking for here stele. I tried to stay awake but my eyes were starting to grow heavy and my head was lulling back against the pillow under me. The thought of drifting off into unconsciousness felt like the best idea I had ever had in that moment.
I heard someone at the door and thought it was Izzy coming back. When I looked up, I saw it was Jace standing in my doorway. His face was pale and he was staring at me in horror. I could only imagine how awful I looked.
“(Y/N),” he breathed. He quickly raced to my side and pulled his stele out. “What the hell happened to you?”
“She had a run in with a demon while she was alone,” Izzy responded, appearing at Jace’s side. “I got there just in time. Can you help me draw healing ruins? She’s going to need a few.”
“I’m way ahead of you.”
The slight burn of Jace’s stele touching my arm caused me to let out a yelp of pain. He looked at me with sympathy as he continued to draw the healing Rune. Izzy moved to my other side and started drawing a Rune there too. It hurt as they were drawing them, but I felt a numbness wash over my body as the Rune started to take effect.
Jace started to stroke my hair after drawing another ruin on me. He looked down at me, his face full of concern. “Rest while the ruins do their work, (Y/N).”
Getting Jace’s permission to finally rest felt like a blessing, and within seconds I was passed out.
I wasn’t sure how long I was out. When I woke up again, my head still felt heavy and my vision was spinning a little. I tried to lift my head to look around, but it felt like someone had poured nails into my head and shaken it. I groaned and laid back down again, raising my hand to put it on my forehead. I realized then that the pain had completely left my body, except for the headache I had, and I felt good as new again.
“How long have I been out?” I asked, turning my head to see who had stayed with me while I was unconscious. I knew either Jace or Izzy had. They weren’t going to leave me when I was in such rough condition.
Through the slight darkness of my room, I could make out the figure sitting down as Jace. I was slightly shocked to see that Jace was the one who had stayed. Despite his caring and concerned nature when Izzy had first brought me home, the two of us weren’t exactly close. We didn’t hate each other or anything, but we were constantly fighting and he irritated the hell out of me. I didn’t think his kindness would extend to staying with me while I was unconscious.
“A few hours,” he responded. “It’s 2am now, you got back around 8 or 9pm I think.”
I groaned. “I definitely feel like I’ve been out for five or six hours.”
“What were you thinking?” Jace questioned, rising from his seat. “Facing a demon alone? You were lucky that Izzy had known where you were or else you definitely wouldn’t have been feeling as good as you do now.”
“Thanks for that, Captain Obvious,” I muttered. “For your information, I didn’t go out with the intentions of facing a demon alone. I was just out and I got cornered by a demon that knew I was a Shadowhunter. I wasn’t expecting it and it got the jump on me.”
“You shouldn’t have gone out on your own at all. You know the dangers of being caught are high, especially when you can be spotted at any time by a demon.”
I braced myself as I sat up, the pounding feeling in my head intensifying for just a moment, before slowly numbing again.
“I can’t stay cooped up here forever, Jace,” I retorted. “I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“Obviously you’re not or else you wouldn’t have been on death’s doorstep when you got back here.”
“I was not on death’s doorstep. Izzy found me in time, but even if she hadn’t I would’ve been fine.”
“You didn’t look fine.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Listen Jace, I appreciate this...concern you have for me, but I’m fine. I don’t need this lecture, I don’t need anyone’s help, especially not yours. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t actually like me all that much, so you don’t need to continue this caring act, or the lecture. I’m fine and I can take care of myself.”
The tension hung in the air. I expected Jace to walk away and to finally leave me alone. You can imagine my shock when he approached me suddenly, putting one hand behind my head and pulling me in for a kiss.
I was shocked. I didn’t know how to respond to it. I thought for a second that Jace had gone insane, that maybe some Downworlder had scrambled his brain or something. There was no way in Hell that Jace Herondale would willingly kiss me. I was just a torn in his side, and he was one in mine.
But something just felt right about the kiss. His rough hands were gentle as one cupped the back of my neck while the other was wrapped around my waist. He pulled me forward to the edge of the bed, nudging my legs open so he could stand between them. My hands were gripping the t-shirt he was wearing, taking in every last bit of him that I could.
I felt myself laying back on my bed against, Jace’s hand still under my head. He moved with me, hovering over me as our lips moved perfectly in sync with one another. His other hand slipped under my shirt, softly trailing up my side until he reached my bra. We broke away from the kiss just long enough for Jace to pull my shirt over my head and unhook my bra in one swift motion.
He looked down at me, his beautiful different colored eyes soft but full of lust. He gently ran his fingers over my cheek before pressing his lips against mine once more, then moving to start kissing cheek, my jaw, my neck. His lips hovered a moment over the fresh Runes that he and Izzy had drawn on my skin. When he pressed a kiss against them, it almost felt like he was soothing the slight burn that was still there. He continued to gently brush his lips over the white scars left behind from other Runes that had been drawn on my skin for years.
My head fell back against the pillow underneath me as Jace’s lips continued to kiss down my chest and stomach, stopping just above the hem of my jeans. He looked up at me, waiting for permission. When I nodded, he made quick work of pulling my jeans and panties off at one time. He pressed another light kiss just above m aching core before diving in with his tongue.
I gasped at the pleasurable feeling. Of course, being a Shadowhunter doesn’t mean you never have sex. Quite the opposite, really. All four of us in the Institution were no strangers to sex. But this...this was a feeling of pleasure beyond what I had ever experienced before. I blamed the fact that I had only ever had sex with Mundane men before now.
I ran a hand through Jace’s hair and grabbed hold of it. The action caused him to moan against me, the vibrations running through my body.
He lifted his head for air, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he lightly played with my clit.
“I can’t describe how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he said, placing gentle kisses against my stomach again.
“You have a weird way of sh - oh  - owing it,” I said, trying to tease him through the pleasure he was giving me.
He smiled in response and moved his hand away. I whimpered from the lack of contact, an action I wasn’t too proud of afterwards but in the moment I could care less.
Jace kissed my lips again, the taste of my arousal on his lips and tongue. It turned me on even more and I just wanted to have him inside of me.
I pushed him down onto the bed and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He looked impressed by my action. I ran my hands down his still clothed chest, reaching the bottom of his shirt.
“I hardly think it’s far that you’re still dressed while I’m completely naked,” I said.
“Well, we can fix that,” he responded.
I made quick work of taking his clothes off, discarding them somewhere on the floor with my own. When I pulled his boxers down, I audibly gasped at his length. He chuckled at my reaction. “Surprised?”
“Surprised that my fantasies were true,” I responded.
Jace raised an eyebrow at me. “You’ve fantasized about me?”
I took him in my hand and started to slowly stroke him. A breathy gasp escaped from his mouth as he fell completely helpless to my touch.
“It’s hard not to sometimes,” I admitted. “When you’re walking around here in your tight clothes, or with no shirt on. You’re so confident and cocky, it’s hard not to imagine what you’d be like in bed.”
“You finally have the real me here,” he said. “Why not make those fantasies a reality?”
He didn’t have to asked twice.
I spit onto the head of his dick, using my hand to spread it all over him before lining him up with my entrance. The moment his tip slipped inside of me, we both moaned in pleasure and relief. So much built up tension between us, sexual and otherwise, finally being released.
I slowly sat myself down on him, taking in every inch. His hands found their way to my hips, his fingers digging in so harshly that I was sure I’d have bruises there. Once I had adjusted to his size, he started rocking my hips against him, the friction starting to build between us.
I placed my hands on his chest, trying to steady myself as I took over rocking my hips. He looked into my eyes, his mouth partially open as moans and whimpers escaped from his lips. Even with these small movements he was hitting a spot inside of me that I had never felt before. I was almost sure I’d orgasm within seconds.
Jace sat up then, wrapping one arm around my waist while planting the other one on the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding on tightly as he began to thrust up into me. The motions were rougher and faster, hitting that spot inside of me with a force I hadn’t felt before. I buried my head in Jace’s shoulder, trying to muffle my moans as I remembered there were two other people living in the Institution.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Fuck Jace,” I moaned. “That feels so fucking good. I might...I might...”
“What are you gonna do, princess?”
Fuck! And a pet name, too? I was putty in his hands.
I couldn’t even finish my sentence. My climax built up quick and hit me before I was even ready for it. I moaned Jace’s name against his shoulder as I felt myself clenching around him, a warm sensation running through my body.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his thrusts becoming sloppier. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in me,” I whispered. “Please, Jace.”
He threw his head back and groaned as I felt him finish inside of me. I gasped at the feeling, which was almost enough to make me orgasm again.
Jace fell backwards onto the bed, taking me with him. I giggled as I settled against his chest, still wrapped around his softening member. I could stay like that for hours if Jace wanted to.
“Maybe I should get attacked by demons more often,” I mumbled to myself.
Jace tensed under me. “I would much rather if you didn’t.”
I moved my head to look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Relax, I was only joking. I meant what I said earlier, Jace, I can handle demons on my own.”
He relaxed again, starting to trace his fingers up and down my back. “I know you can. I shouldn’t have overreacted earlier. I’m sorry.”
Normally I’d make some quip about him apologizing, but some things were starting to add up in my head. “You were always hounding me and shit because you were worried for me.”
It wasn’t a question, but Jace responded anyways. “Yeah. I...I just never wanted you to get hurt.”
“Jace, I’m a Shadowhunter just like you. I’ve faced numerous Downworlders before, both by myself and with you guys. I can take care of myself, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m well aware of that. I’ve always been impressed with your fighting skills. It’s just...I care for you in a way that I’ve never cared for someone before. I always worry when you’re out with Izzy or Alec or anyone who isn’t me because I’m afraid of the day that...maybe you don’t come back. When I saw you earlier today...I was so terrified that I was actually going to lose you.”
I propped myself up a bit to take Jace’s face in my hands. “I appreciate how much you care, but you have to have faith in me, Jace. This is the first time I’ve seriously been injured while fighting a Downworlder, and I promise you it’ll be the last time too.”
Jace nodded. I smiled a little and leaned down to kiss him again. I finally decided to untangle myself from him, although I felt empty without him inside of me. I laid down next to him, feeling sleepy from our earlier activities.
My eyes were starting to close when Jace said, “Hey (Y/N).”
“Maybe we should close the door next time we decide to have sex.”
My eyes popped open to see that my bedroom door was wide open. I hadn’t noticed that earlier, what with being...“preoccupied” and all. I groaned and buried my face in Jace’s chest as he laughed.
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