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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst and a bit of smut
Request: Hiya 😊 I'd love to request something with Bucky please! When they held him captive at Hydra he saw another prisoner (the reader) but he was still in the WS mindset, like not really caring. But once he escaped he started to remember her and he goes back to save her because he felt somethingforher? If that makes any sense lol thank you so much in advance ❤
Author note: Hey! I’m so sorry this took so long, but here it is, i hope you enjoy it,let me know what you think.
Requests are open.
It’s the fifth night in a row he gets woken up by the same nightmare. He is back in Hydra. He’s on the chair, and his nightmare is filled with screams. The thing is that the screams he listens to are not his, they are someone else’s. He recognizes the screams; he knows he has heard them before, every time he replays them in his mind the memory of y/e/c eyes and soft y/s/c skin floods his mind.
Suddenly he finds himself longing for someone he barely remembers, and it steals all his concentration, he can’t focus, he can’t eat, or sleep, or aim, and it is driving him crazy.
How can he feel something so intense for someone he doesn’t know?
He goes to the kitchen because he knows for a fact that he won’t be able to get any more sleep, so he drinks, because he hopes that vodka will numb the way he feels his chest rips apart, leaving a bleeding hole behind.
He has to find her; she has got to be real.
“I’m starting to believe you don’t sleep man.” Sam takes the bottle from his hands and stares at him. “Isn’t it a bit early to drink?”
Bucky snatches the bottle back from his hands and gives him a death glare.
“Piss off, shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“We could ask you the same thing.” Steve adds.
He hesitates but after a few moments he gets to the decision that speaking about it may make things better.
“Can’t sleep.” Steve sits next to him and looks at him with attention. “I keep having the same nightmare, I’m with Hydra and I hear a girl scream, they are torturing her and I can’t do anything about it, and I want to do something, I really do, but I can’t.”
“I just keep thinking about her...” He takes a sip straight from the bottle and then continues. “What if she is real? What if she is not a product of my mind?”
“I hear you man, but we have wiped out every single Hydra facility, there was no girl.”
“Yeah, I know.” He puts the bottle down, and he rubs his face. “It’s just, she feels so real.”
“Then let’s look for her, maybe she escaped, I mean, you made it out, maybe she did as well.” Steve adds.
“How do we find her?”
“Same way we found you, we look into their files, we ask around, we find a trail and find her, what do you know about her? Name, age, anything?”
“No, I don’t remember anything, I remember her face, her eyes, but no name.”
“We’ll find a way, Buck, we will.”
Your name comes to his mind one night, and it hits him the same way that waves hit rocks in the open ocean, it drains all the air from his lungs and leaves him heaving desperately trying to recover himself from it.
Y/N Y/L/N.
It echoes in his mind, over and over, the gale of emotions hitting him over and over again mercilessly.
Y/N Y/L/N.
Y/N Y/L/N.
He remembers your name, he remembers everything, he remembers how fiercely you fought every day, how you never gave up, he remembers your y/e/c eyes filled with fear every time they dragged you to the chair, he remembers how you looked at him, begging for help, he remembers how he did nothing and just stood there watching them torture you.
He remembers everything, and he has got to find you.
He will find you.
The hardest thing of being a runaway is not being able to have a home, the idea of having strings and a place to call home felt unreachable, every day you are haunted with the memory of soft blue eyes, torturing chairs and echoing screams.
You are filled with rage; they stole your home, your childhood, your innocence; Hydra took everything from you, and you were going to make them pay.
You are a mutant, with the ability to heal any wound and learn everything about any person with just touching them, that’s why they took you when you were only ten.
For years Hydra used your gifts to get information from their enemies and heal the Winter Soldier after his missions.
He was the one who took you away from your home; the Winter Soldier, but your hate has never been directed towards him, you knew his story, you knew they took as much from him as they took from you.
For some reason you always felt attracted to him, like a magnetic force was calling you, as the years passed your attraction did nothing but grow; until he disappeared after the Triskelion incident, leaving you alone and heartbroken.
And you stayed there, until the base where you were being held captive was attacked, giving you the chance of escaping, while everyone; including the Maximoff twins, were too busy defending the base you were able to take down the few guards that stayed behind and finally find your freedom.
It was easy to find your way out of Sokovia, and after that you never stopped running, not even when the Earth was attacked by aliens again, not even when half of the world was turned to dust.
But then one day people started to come back, families were reunited and the earth seemed to go back to normal, which meant that the last bits of Hydra that were scattered around the world were back as well.
So you went back to running, changing looks, country and identity every couple months, that seemed to become a routine until one day you saw him on TV, the White Wolf, the companion of the new Captain America, Sam Wilson.
It was him.
The Winter Soldier.
So he made it out, he is free now, and the fact that he was willing to show himself on open TV meant one thing and one thing only, every single last bit of Hydra was taken down and he had broken down their programming, gaining himself back.
You grabbed your backpack and filled it with the few things you had, getting ready to leave yet another city, you throw the bag over your shoulders and leave the tiny apartment with a mission on your mind.
You had to find James Buchanan Barnes.
Since he remembered your name he hasn’t been able to take you out of his mind; out of the sudden he finds himself drowning in your memory, kind eyes, soft skin and plump lips, one day it hits him.
He is in love with you.
He is desperately and irrevocably in love with a woman he barely remembers; he is in love with a ghost and he is willing to do anything to find you.
All they have been able to find is a file, left behind on a Hydra base, there isn’t much, just a log of your reaction to the chair and a picture of you, that he cherishes as his most valuable possession. Every single system Stark owns is now programmed to locate you, Stark created an algorithm (whatever that is) that is supposed to catch any move you make.
When that happened he would get alerted of your location and finally he would be able to find you.
He was scared of course.
After all, he was the one who kidnapped you, he stood there watching them torture you, he abandoned Hydra without ever doing anything to rescue you.
So with all of that, what if you hated him?
Of course you would be entitled to do so, but he knew he wouldn’t stand the hate in your eyes; so he makes a decision, when they find you he won’t do anything to approach you, he just wants to know that you are alive, safe and sound, that will be enough.
“You know that staring at the screen won’t make it work faster, right?” His train of thought is interrupted by the voice of his best friend, he gives a huff in response without taking his eyes away from the monitor. “When was the last time you slept?”
“I don’t know, Tuesday?” He answers absentmindedly.
“Buck, it’s Friday, you have got to stop, this isn’t healthy.”
“I have to find her Steve, I hurt her so bad, and I just need to make sure she's fine.”
“We don’t even know if she is still…”
“If she is still what? Say it Steve.”
“We don’t even know if she is still alive, you were in Hydra for 70 years Bucky, for all we know she could be long gone.”
“Until the opposite is proven, she is alive, I know she is, I can feel it.”
“Okay Buck.” Steve says softly. “We’ll keep looking.”
“Captain Rogers.” Announces a robotic voice that Bucky has learnt to identify as F.R.I.D.A.Y. “Thor, Bruce and the Maximoff twins are back from their mission.”
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. any updates on the search?”
“Nothing yet, I will inform you as soon as there is a match.”
Bucky barely registers the interaction, he is lost in your eyes, they scanned the picture and it is now displayed on real size on the screen, he longs to touch you, to trace your soft cheeks and to join his lips with yours.
“That’s Y/N.” That single comment snaps him out of his train of thought, he turns around and sees Wanda standing on the door. “Why are you looking for her?”
“Wait, you know her?” He jumps out of the chair and goes to her. “Wanda?
“Yeah I do, she was kept on the Sokovia base with us, she used to heal us after Hydra’s experiments.” Wanda replies. “She was the only kind person in there.”
“How long ago was that?”
“I’m not sure, but she was still there when Steve and the rest of the team took down the base.”
“Steve?” He asks, with desperation in his voice.
“We checked the base Buck, she wasn’t there.”
“Are you sure, maybe they took her with them?” His heart is racing so fast he feels it might escape his chest. “Maybe she was still there and you didn’t see her?”
“There was no one there Buck, I promise, but this is good, it gives us a place to start.”
“We have to go there, there might be a clue or something that can lead us to her.”
“Let’s go then.”
Fifteen minutes later he is in the Quinjet, together with Sam, Steve, the twins and Natasha. He can barely breath and he is so nervous he feels he might throw up, this is the first real clue they have, and even though he is trying to stay positive his mind can’t help but wander around the worst case scenario.
You could be dead.
He shoves the thought away and takes a deep breath.
Soon he will see you.
After a lot of meditation you make a decision you are probably going to regret.
You are going to the Avengers compound.
It’s the first place that comes to your mind, if James is working with Captain America again he has got to be there, or at least a clue of him.
It’s a risk of course, you know for a fact that they have very tight security protocols, especially after Thanos’ attack, number two, they probably relate you as an Hydra agent and it can be troublesome to prove the opposite.
You know that it’s your best shot to find him, even if you are not sure if he wants to see you.
But right now your main concern was getting there, without a passport or any kind of document to prove your identity there was no way you could get out of the country, leaving Sokovia wasn’t hard, you had left during the raid and hotwired a car, you spent the next few years traveling from one place to other, eventually your path lead you to Spain, once you were there it became easy to blend in.
But getting out of Spain was a complete different issue.
First things first, you had to get documents, you also had to plan your escape in a way that went unnoticed by Hydra or any other organization that had you as a target. With the Sokovia Accords the mere fact of being a mutant became a dangerous situation.
Getting the documents wouldn’t be so hard, you knew that Rodrigo; a habitual customer of the coffee shop you worked on, who later became one of your only friends; had a money laundry business, and that he was well connected with people that could make excellent forgeries, the tricky part would be getting him to trust you enough to tell you.
But he was the only person you knew that might have that kind of connection, so you had to take the risk.
So the next day you go to work determined to talk to him, at ten o’clock in the morning he crosses the door and orders his usual cappuccino and a spanish ham tapa.
“Okay Y/N, it’s now or never.” You whisper to yourself and put a fake smile on your face.
“Buenos días Rodrigo.” Good morning Rodrigo. You ask with an almost perfect spanish accent.
“Hola Lidia, ¿como estais?” Good morning Lidia, how are you? Lidia was the name you had chosen as an alias, and it was still hard to get used to it.
“No tan bien, he tenido algunos problemas.” Not so well, I have a problem.
“Lamento mucho oír eso, sabéis que podes contar conmigo para lo que sea.” I’m sorry to hear that, you know you can count on me for anything.
“De hecho, eso quería hablar contigo, quería pedirte un favor.” Actually, I wanted to talk about it with you. You sit on the chair in front of him and sigh.
“Lo que sea.” Anything
“Necesito salir del país, mi abuela se encuentra muy mal.” I need to get out of the country, my grandma is very sick
“¿Necesitas dinero?” Do you need money?
“No, no es eso.” No, it’s not that.
“¿Entonces?” Then?
“Lo que sucede es que no tengo papeles, ni pasaporte, ni visa, ni nada, todo lo he perdido cuando salí de Sokovia.” The thing is that I have no papers, no passport, or visa, or anything, I lost everything when I left Sokovia. His face hardens and he looks away. “¿Conocéis a alguien que pueda ayudarme?” Do you know anyone who can help me?
“No se que te hace pensar que tengo ese tipo de contactos Lidia.” I don’t know what makes you believe I have that kind of connection Lidia. He says with annoyance.
“Por favor Rodrigo, te lo ruego, te juro que no se lo diré a nadie.” Please Rodrigo, I swear I won’t tell anyone. You beg, he takes his keys and stands up. “Por favor.” Please
“Busca a Gary Rydell, estará en España por poco tiempo, se hospeda en el Royal Hideaway, si alguien puede ayudarte es él, decidle que vais de mi parte.” Find Gary Rydell, he will be in Spain for a couple days, he is staying at the Royal Hideaway if anyone can help you is him, tell him I sent you.
“Gracias Rodrigo.” Thank you Rodrigo.
“¿Y Lidia?” And Lidia?
“¿Si?” Yes?
“Ni una palabra de esto con nadie.” Not a single word of this to anyone. He takes the last sip of his cappuccino and leaves.
That very same day you are at the hotel he indicated, based on his memories Gary Rydell was a tall white man with the bluest eyes you had ever seen, you recognize him walking by the side of the pool, you decide that a straight approach is your best option, you walk towards him and he smiles.
“Well hello.”
“Hi.” You smile back and run your fingers through your hair. “You are Gary Rydell.”
“That I am, you seem to know my name but I don’t know yours.”
“Lidia Aguilar.”
“Lidia, can I buy you a drink?”
“Sure.” You both go to the bar and order straight scotch for both of you.
“So, Lidia, what can I do for you?.”
“I have a problem, Rodrigo Ballesteros said that you are the right man to help me.”
“Straight to business, I like it, how can I help you?”
“I need to go to the United States, but I don’t have any paperwork, let’s just say that Lidia is just a couple of years old.”
He takes a sip from his glass and gives you a coy smile.
“What you are asking for can be tricky to get, you need an American passport and ID and those aren’t easy to get.”
“I am ready to pay anything it takes.”
“It would be ten grand.”
“Euros baby girl.” He corrects, you knew it would be expensive, but thanks to an Hydra account you had managed to hack, money wouldn’t be an issue.
“Alright, you got it.”
“But I’m afraid we might need to kill Lidia, it’s easier to get what you want with a name that already exists.”
“Okay, that’s fine.”
“Very good Lidia, we have a deal.”
Two weeks later you have assumed a new identity, Gary managed to get one that had your real name, you are now Y/N Talbot, a Californian girl that spent the last few years traveling. You have a one way plane ticket to New York.
The trip to Sokovia ended up being useless, there was no trail of you.
Wanda had managed to find the cage where you were kept in, there was a chair, similar to the one they used on him, the cell was made of three concrete walls and a glass one to keep you monitored.
Being this close to Hydra made him want to throw up.
The worst part was that he had hit yet another dead end, he was back to square one.
On the way back to New York, Bucky stays silent, even with Steve’s and Sam’s effort to cheer him up and make him speak.
When they get to the compound he goes straight to the room where they had all the monitors and a glass board where he had pinned all the clues they had on you and starts to take it all down.
“Buck, what are you doing?” Steve asks with concern.
“This is pointless, we will never find her!” He knocks the board down and it shatters when it touches the floor.
“You can’t give up.”
“We have been trying to find her for almost six months and we have nothing! We are as close to her as we were at the beginning!”
“Sergeant Barnes.” Says a robotic voice. “There is a match on Y/N Y/L/N.”
“What? Where?” Then an image is displayed on the screen.
And it’s like he can breathe for the first time in years, you are alive, safe and sound, and more beautiful than he remembered, his memories never did justice to the real you.
He is so excited to see you, that it takes him a while to realize where you are.
You are on the entrance of the compound.
When you see him a part of you it’s brought back to life, like the final piece of the puzzle finally fell to place.
He walks slowly towards you, like he is afraid of something.
You close the distance and look him in the eyes, and then you know it. That you love him and you would do anything for him.
“It’s you.”
Author note: I hope you guys liked it, let me know if you want a part two
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky x you#james buchanan barnes#james buchanan barnes x reader#marvel fanfiction#marvel x reader#bucky barnes x y/n#marvel x you
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One of my latest. #lovepink #pinkflower #pinkhat #hotpink #etsymaker #etsyhandmade #floralhats #flowerhat #cutehats #etsyfavorites #etsycanada #etsyca #crochetfashion #fashionforwomen #somethingforher #yarnhat #etsyshare #womeninbiz #smallbiz #etsylove #shopetsy #handmadegifts
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You make me laugh, cry, and want to pull my hair out. You make me stop and think. You make smelling the roses new. You make the sky bluer, and ice cream sweeter. You are the spice of my life. You're just you. #MarleyandMe #tinypoemsfortinypeople #tinypoem #writersofig #writingforlove #somethingforher #mymuse #myheart #justyou
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Hiya 😊 I'd love to request something with Bucky please! When they held him captive at Hydra he saw another prisoner (the reader) but he was still in the WS mindset, like not really caring. But once he escaped he started to remember her and he goes back to save her because he felt somethingforher? If that makes any sense lol thank you so much in advance ❤
Done ❤️ sorry it took so long.
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