#something to be celebrated. the fact that even though izuku is terrified he still saves uruaka because she saved him from falling.
i've been rewatching my hero recently and i know usually when i say this i have a joke or whitty comment about the show but genuinely. this show means so much to me that unless you all want a six thousand page infodump WITH a typing quirk on how amazing this show is i am genuinely speachless. because good GOD what were they fucking cooking.
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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6: Early release
Today was the day class 1A would head off to the USJ. Not class 1B.
You could feel envy crawling up your spine as you saw that Midoriya brat in a ridiculous looking costume waiting with some other unimportant kids for the buses to arrive.
As if he could feel your eyes, the boy turned to look at you before flinching in surprise and looking away.
“Heh? They get to go?” A voice beside you spoke.
You didn’t have to turn to know that it was Monoma, the class sadist. You let out a ‘tch’ and turned from class 1A and stared at the entrance of the Highschool.
“We don’t go until next week. A waste of our time if you ask me.” You said.
“Something we can both agree on.” Monoma said.
“It seems as though class 1A is getting more attention for some good heroes, like All Might. It’s crazy! We only got a visit, but he’s been around class 1A the most! What is it that they have that we don’t?” He asked mostly himself.
For once he wasn’t sadistically joyful, he was bothered. Almost as though he has some sort of anxiety.
‘So he’s not a complete psychopath.’ You thought.
“A favorite.” You answered his rhetorical question.
That favorite being the shrimp the teachers pitied enough to let in the school.
Midoriya Izuku.
Monoma turned his head and raised an eyebrow to you.
“Oh? Who would that be?” He asked, mildly interested.
“One of those kids have to be something promising to him. Or maybe a lot of them. Maybe it’s their quirks or their lack of personality. Whatever it is, it’s got him invested in this school, and it ain’t any of us.” You said.
“So... you think he visited us during the battle trials because he wanted to see what we had?” Monoma said before his eyes widened.
“But... after the trials, he just didn’t pay us much attention... (L/n), as much as I hate to admit this, you are the best out of all of us in terms of strength and speed. Was that not enough for him?” Monoma’s fist clenched at this.
You said nothing, instead closing your eyes and exhaling slowly.
“Hm. There’s nothing we can do but do better than them. While they have it easier with All Might giving them his attention and teaching them, we have to figure it out on our own. Think of this as earning something through hard work instead of being given things on a silver platter.” You said.
The blonde turned away from the class, still bothered by the fact that 1A was getting more than him and his class despite working hard on the first few days.
For once, you were both on the same page.
Entering the classroom, you both sat in your respective spots. Immediately, the foreign exchange student, pony, waved at you enthusiastically.
You glanced at her, hesitating, before nodding your head in acknowledgment.
Apparently, you came in on time, as Sekijiro came in a minute after you and Monoma. The man placed a stack of paper down and began telling the class about a pop quiz they were about to do, earning groans from the class.
“Hey, (L/n)-san!” Somebody whispered next to you.
You and a few students were done with the quiz, and your teacher wasn’t in the room at the moment. You turned your head slightly to stare at the silver-haired guy next to you.
“What do you want, Tetsutetsu?” You muttered into your fist.
“I wanted to...” he grumbled under his breathe.
“What?” You furrowed you’re eyebrows.
“...sorry about what I did.” He said with an embarrassed blush.
“For what?” You asked genuinely confused by what he meant.
“You know what I mean, when I yelled at you on the first day of school?” He whispered while covering his head with his arms and slouched over his desk.
“The first day of school.” You muttered incredulously.
That was days ago, and it made no sense to you that he apologized now. You didn’t even remember how your interactions went down.
“...It’s whatever.” You waved him off, dismissing his apology.
“H-hey! I’m trying to apologize! I know I may not be in the right but what I did wasn’t horrible!” He shot up from his desk and pointed at you.
Your eyebrows rose halfway to your hairline at this.
Did this brute not understand the meaning of an apology? And did he not hear you say that what he did didn’t matter? How this eccentric guy got into UA, you had no idea and you didn’t have enough of an imagination to think of a scenario where he got in.
“-I ain’t taking your shitty attitude, thinking your better than me-“
“Tetsutetsu, stop, you’re being loud and an idiot-“ Ibara started but was too late.
You shot your hand forward and grabbed his pointed finger before pushing it back. He immediately kneeled on the floor while letting out a surprised squeal.
“Ah, please! No please!!!!” His voice went into a high pitch while he grasped your wrist with his free hand. You gave him an irritated and disappointed look while pushing his finger back a bit more, making him press his head against his arms.
“No more, ple-“
Just then, the door opened, revealing a stone faced Sekijiro. You immediately released Tetsutetsu, believing to be in trouble, but the man didn’t acknowledge you.
“Class, follow me.” He said sternly.
The students looked at each other with concern. Kendo raised her hand before asking him what was going on. As the students got their stuff, the man stood there silently before answering her (and everyone’s) question.
“There’s been an attack.”
While you didn’t know what happened to class 1A exactly, as the details haven’t been released yet, you silently sent your regards to the class as a villain attack wasn’t something anyone would ask for or wish upon others.
You were met with greetings from the hospital staff and was led to the room where you usually pump out blood. It had windows, revealing the beautiful sky and buildings outside and was usually reserved for dying, mentally unstable and in very special cases, you. The doctors and nurses were hesitant about bringing you there, but you insisted on the room. Why? You liked feeling not trapped in a small room.
It was oddly empty save for a woman and a nurse, but that was it. You sat down at the far end away from the woman and the nurse and stared out the large window, waiting for your nurse to set up the objects used to withdraw your precious blood.
After the nurse placed the needle in your arm, she attached a bag to the other end and began the process. Time was passing by quickly for you, and you got done filling 3 bags before someone came rushing in.
“Doctor Joy needs you, Hannah. Bring one of those blood bags, now!” The male nurse said in an urgent tone and rushed out.
Hannah quickly grabbed a bag and rushed out, but not before quickly apologizing.
You didn’t bat an eye as this had happened before. This was a hospital after all, those don’t sit in cities for nothing.
You could hear hushed tones from the woman and the nurse before the nurse nodded her head and quickly walked away as if to grab something.
The whole room fell silent after the door opened and shut, leaving just you and the woman.
The said woman scanned the room and caught your eye and smiled warmly.
You felt the hair on the back of your neck raise in embarrassment and you quickly turned your head away, scowling to yourself.
“Donating blood again?” A soft voice chimed.
You side glanced the woman, who wasn’t looking at you anymore but was instead staring out the window.
“...Yeah...?” You said with caution.
You never met this woman in your life, but you were well-known in the hospital.
The woman smiled brighter at this.
“I’ve seen you a few times, even heard of how your blood saved lives. You’re quite the celebrity here.” She chuckled out the last sentence.
You grunted in response, having nothing important to say.
“You know, you remind me of my husband.” She said as an unreadable look glazed over her eyes.
“He’s not a very kind man, and I didn’t love him-“
Your eyebrows raised at this.
“-and while I still don’t love him, he has tried. Unlike him, however, you show your selflessness more through your actions. You’re even more in touch with your emotions, too.” She said before turning to you with a smile.
“I’ve seen the way you treat people here. Not like victims, weak burdens, or anything of the sort, but as people. My husband could learn a thing or two from you if I’m completely honest...” she said with amusement.
You didn’t really know what to say, just exhaled in exasperation and hit your head against the back of the plush leather seat.
“Sorry, that must have been weird to hear out of nowhere.” She said apologetically.
“...eh... not the craziest thing I heard today... my school got attacked by villains, so...”
Why did you mention that? You didn’t know, maybe to get it off your chest?
“Oh dear! I’m so sorry to hear! It must have been terrifying! Which school was it?” She asked in concern.
“It’s UA.”
“...what.” Her tone turned cold, grey eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones.
“Yeah, apparently class 1A got attacked during a school field trip.”
You didn’t think it was possible for the pale woman to get any paler. Her eyes almost seemed to bulge as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
“...Shoto!” She cried, leaping from her chair and running to the door.
On cue, the door burst open and a bicolored kid ran in, eyes wide.
“Mother, what is it!? I heard screaming-“ the teen was embraced in a tight hug by the dainty woman, who weeped into his shoulder.
You felt awkward hearing the woman cry, having a near mental breakdown and just sat stiffly in the chair.
This was why you never talked to people.
As the two walked back to her original spot, completely forgetting you, nurse Hannah came in with an exhausted look as if she had an adrenaline rush.
“You wouldn’t believe how scared I was when this scruffy looking man came in with a smashed up face! I mean, it looked almost caved in!” She said before sitting by you and continuing to draw blood.
“That blood of yours sure does give people a boost! The man practically shot out of his bed when we managed to clean off his face. It was a good thing you came by today.”
You were mildly aware that the scarred teen and the pale woman could hear what was being said, but you didn’t care all that much.
All you wanted was to head home, sleep, eat, and train in that order.
It was 3 days after the USJ incident and it was Monday. It was as if the villain attack never happened.
You held onto the egg sandwich with your mouth while holding your backpack and checking your watch, noting that you had 5 minutes left before Sekijiro would start class.
You flinched when something hard and big thumped onto your shoulder, making you drop your egg sandwich.
You turned to yell at whoever whacked you on the shoulder before a you let out a sound no human could ever make.
The mummy-er man before you raised his eyebrows at your reaction but winced when his injured face reminded him that it was at one point fractured.
“H-Heh? Who are you???” You said while regaining your composure.
“I’m Aizawa Shouta, I’m class 1A’s teacher.” He said simply.
“Why are you covered in- oh. USJ.” You said, feeling utterly stupid.
The man sighed, closed his eyes, and smoothed his hair back with his least injured arm before opening his arms.
“I wanted to thank you.”
You blinked at him and then narrowed your eyes at the strange man.
“If you hadn’t donated any blood last week, I wouldn’t have gotten out of that hospital, which would have been a pain in the neck.” He said and bowed the best he could.
With that, he left you without another word, leaving you with your dirty egg sandwich and a lot of confusion.
(Y/n) finally meets Aizawa!!!! And there will be some more in the future with these two!
Boy, do I have lots to do! Next chapter will kinda be (SPOILERS) a bonding chapter between Mc and Sekijiro.
What? They both have blood related quirks, and Mc really needs a father figure! Like, bad.
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lilypad-make · 5 years
BNHA Fanfic Recs
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*Catching fanfictions*
Really, it was only a matter of time before the villains realized Izuku had some connection with All Might. He should have been more prepared for the day it actually happened.
(OR, Izuku is kidnapped by villains, and everyone rushes to save him.)
When Izuku is born, the universe takes one looks at him and goes ‘no thanks’.
That’s not a metaphor. That’s a safety precaution.
The one where Izuku being quirkless was a bit more than just bad luck, but more of a conspiracy to keep him powerless - which proceeds to fail miserably.
Toshinori has only known young Midoriya for three days, and already this boy has wormed his way into the #1 hero’s heart. It’s too bad that he knows next to nothing about this boy’s life.
That’s okay though. He will learn very soon.
Because on the fourth day, there is someone waiting for them on the junk filled beach.
Yagi Toshinori, lives. He does not love it, sees it as a burden some nights, but most nights he does not sleep. But he lives, and the universe cannot understand, that that is a victory worth celebrating.
One day Yagi will love that fact. That day is not one he can see.
In the middle of the night, Aizawa gets an unexpected visitor.
One week after her birthday, Mrs. Yan meets a young boy.
He’s soaked, stood right in front of the store’s small entrance, all sheepish smiles and shy excitement. He couldn’t have been more than seven years old, but his smile as he opens his dripping jacket lights up the dim convenience store.
One year ago, Izuku received the greatest gift he could ever imagine. Now he’s determined to return the favor for the one responsible for it all with a gift of his own.
Some footage comes to light. Aizawa questions it, while Mandalay reflects on it.
Still reeling from the aftermath of the Hassaikai Raid, Izuku is caught off guard when a video brings to light the circumstances in which he injured his arms during the forest training camp. Feelings he’s fought to bury come to the forefront of his thoughts and threaten to send him spiraling. Luckily for him, Uraraka and the rest of Class 1.A are having none of that.
Izuku knew that his soulmate had felt pain continuously for the past five years. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always there. And he was so resigned.
The emotions of Toshinori's soulmate alternated between fear, hopelessness, and excitement. He didn't like the mix ratio.
Neither of them knew how much they would help each other the first time they met.
"His heart thudded painfully, remembering
How he had knelt over the boy
How he watched his world crash down around him
How his fist formed quickly and tightly, nails biting deep into his palm.  The pain hadn’t deterred him, only spurred him
The brightness of the hospital took over once more and his throat constricted.  His hands now throbbing in unison with his heart, hands covered in more than just his blood, hands that had acted with a single purpose
To release the fury and the hate
To unleash pain until they were numb
He closed his eyes, horrified.
Know how Shoto asks states Izuku is serect love child what if he was only Inko thinks the father of her child name is yagi and what ever his other name is.
Midoriya Izuku activates Erasure.
Wait... he what now?
Shouto Todoroki looks back on his friendships.
Ever since Aoyama Yuuga was a kid, he knew that when he grew up, he was going to become the most amazing knight there ever was. He was going to blind the world with his sparkle.
Too bad there's a few bumps in the road, but no knight ever let that stop them, now did they?
Izuku is raised by Nezu after Inko died giving birth and dad couldn’t deal with him. Grows up with lots of pro heroes to call his family. Nedzu raises Izuku to be the most dangerous cute person you will ever deal with.
[MANGA SPOILERS] Midoriya Izuku learns that the key to use Float is to be happy. But to his surprise, nothing he does allows him to unlock the quirk.Bakugou's help is... unhelpful, to say the least.
The words burn his skin, making his scarred soul ache in pain every time they're thrown his way. Who is he now that he's not the Symbol of Peace? Is he even anyone? or is he just a husk of his former self, destined to be haunted by his failure.
The hospital is cold and dark. Toshinori knows the feeling to well. He knows it like he knows the hole in his chest and the scars on his stomach. He thinks this is going to be like all his other hospital stays.
Lonely. Scared. Numb.
But down somewhere in the hospital halls, closer than he’d ever think lives hope.
And it takes shape in the wild yellow swirls that the canvas holds, in the rays from the sun, in the yellow of Aizawa’s sleeping bag, the eggs in Inko’s Bento boxes and Hizashi’s hair.
It's been so long since Toshinori has felt like this, felt like he might still be worth something.
He doesn’t know if he should follow the feeling or run.
He decides he might stay, even for a minute, even enough for him to fall for this trap.
He finds so many things in the soft pastel yellows of the paintings.
Here's a prompt for you. How about Aizawa finding one of Izukus analysis notebooks and seeing how accurate and amazing (terrifying) Izuku's analysis is. (bonus if Aizawa reads the notes on him.) 10/10 proud dad.
Izuku Midoriyas' life has begun to settle in a rhythm that but a few years ago would have been unthinkable. His dream of becoming a pro hero is within his grasp as he trains at the prestigious UA. He has friends for the first time in so long and the confidence of his childhood idol and symbol of peace, All Might.
It all takes a turn for the unexpected when Hisashi Midoriya finally returns, seemingly for good and contrite about the years long gone. Now Izuku must confront his past and the feelings that he has long denied about his long absent father, all the while whilst juggling his own social life and development.
Hitoshi joins class 1A and immediately gets hit with a body-swapping quirk, because of course he does.
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Hope you enjoyed !
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