#something for your m.i.n.d.
i think you know what i need to get by
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
I can't include a link since you already sent 10 links, but my response song is:
High Hopes - Panic! at the Disco
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pixel-mess · 10 months
Where is my mind and M.I.N.D. are stoner siblings by found family i don't know how else to describe it.
The sister (M.I.N.D), dark seafoam greenblue hair, shoulder length, sitting in a beanbag chair positioned in the right of the frame. She is in a t-shirt and maybe a skirt? 17, she is smoking something, the bigger brother (Where Is My Mind) (22) is at his desk positioned in the left, leaning against the desk on a stool looking up at the ceiling, he has dark black hair and a t-shirt and cargo pants on. Idk this is their dynamic i had to right it down.
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medkiss · 2 years
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tumblr sexymen need love too!!!
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mecdidikmen · 2 years
~from early 2021 winter
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sardonic-the-writer · 6 months
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𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐲𝐠𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐎𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: something for your m.i.n.d— superorganism
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• Everyone's seen how he acted around Kristen before you started frequenting the GCPD
• To most of the precinct, Edward's a fidgety, overzealous guy, with a smile border lining on creepy. He's not the best at socializing, and his lack of understanding boundaries leave him with nearly zero friends
• So when you showed up with that sharp gaze of yours, at least attempting to supply him with the answer to one of his riddles, he knew he had to have you
• As a friend, of course. What else could he possibly mean by that.
• Whether you work at the precinct with him, or just happen to show up there more than considered normal, Ed can't help but hault his day just to talk to you. And he always opens with a riddle. One that he cooked up laying in his bed at night especially for you
• "My life is measured in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?" He smiles at you over the rim of his glasses, wringing his hands expectantly
• "Hey to you too, Nygma." You don't even have to look up to know that he's smiling
• "Please. Call me Ed. Do you give up?"
• "As if. Hit me with it again, would you?"
• I'm begging you. Do some kintec type puzzles with him. You will literally win his love and affection on the spot. Even if it's just a mini rubic's cube attached to a key ring; Ed is absolutely enamored with you the moment you pull it out
• It takes him a while to fully realize that he has developed sort of a thing for you. It most likely takes the help of his alter ego to flip the switch in his brain once and for all; something he doesn't appreciate. Especially considering the lack of filter he has when it comes to Ed's romance life
• After all a few months ago, the only one he had eyes for made fun of him in her spare time. Now that he has someone who genuinely wants to know about his day? It's all over for the poor guy
• If Ed ever finds out that you talk about him to other people—in a positive light, of course—he wont stop smiling for days. It gets to a point where even Jim notices and shakes his head, glad to see that forensics scientist is looking happy
• Leaves more than just verbal riddles for you to solve. That odd shaped box that you don't remember putting in your bag? That slip of paper written in a coded message? Edwards by your side the next time you show up, asking if you were able to solve it
• Lee probably knows about his crush on this mysterious figure. She can't help but notice that Edward's a little happier than he should be while digging through a dead guys sternum for a bullet
• Definitely unleashes a soft interrogation on him, only stopping once his ears are a flaming red and he cant look her in the eyes
• When she finally meets you for the first time, she can't help but smile at you knowingly while Ed sweats bullets in the background
• "So you're Nygma's friend huh? He talks about you a lot."
• "Ed?" You draw his name out and raise an eyebrow slowly, leaning to the left to peer over Lee's shoulder quizzically
• "I've suddenly recalled, uh, a uhm, experiment that I uh. Yeah. Bye."
• "Sigh. And he didn't even give me a riddle this time."
• "Oh you two really are just perfect."
• "I have no idea what your talking about."
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jei-rifni · 1 month
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My favourite bastard
Song - Something For Your M.I.N.D
@cassyapper very wwm/ta vibes :) i was going for depression and drugs arc vibe LOL
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unhappy-last-resort · 3 months
Counting Minutes (Yandere Roland x GN Reader)
Warnings: Implied stalking, unstable grip on reality, bombing threat, abandonment issues, non consensual touching (basically a strip search, not in a sexy way)
A/N: Finally working through my drafts.
Status: edited
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Where. The fuck. Are you?
Roland glowered at the digital clock on the wall the numbers 7:30 glowing into the dim room. Usually you'd have been here by now, tactical terminal in one hand and coffee in the other, but you're late.
Everything was already a drag when you weren't around to tease or observe, even more so since he had to sneak onto Babylonia and absolutely can't be found out so he's forced to stay within a more abandoned area of Babylonia.
He already fears that he may have alerted Lee on accident when he was exiting your room earlier this morning. What the hell was that bastard doing outside your room so early anyway? Did Lee also have a habit of watching his Commandant sleep, or was he suspicious of his presence? Roland heaved a sigh, honestly, you should be honored by his presence here, he wouldn't endure Babylonia and their lackeys just for anyone. The only thing that makes all his efforts worth it is you. Being able to hear you, touch you, watch you, see you, being able to confirm that you're real. That he's not lost himself to an insanity so intense he's hallucinating everything, that a camera crew won't jump out somewhere.
"Roland, Roland, Roland...how naive you are." Roland tenses at the familiar voice. Of all things, he doesn't want to have this talk now.
"Whatever do you mean, my dear Hermano?" Roland responds with a languidness that they all know is merely performative as he slowly leans onto the wall behind him and casts a side glance at the door. Just come here already, what's taking you so long? Did you sleep late? Are you in a meeting? Are you...
Hermano bursts into a small fit of laughter. The sound irritates the edges of his M.I.N.D. "Of course they'd sell you out! Why wouldn't they? You're enemies after all, they were always going to abandon you in the end."
Roland's fists clench, anger coming over him so strongly it's almost shocking to him. No, no, no, no! You can't, you wouldn't! You would never do such a thing! You were too loyal to those morals of yours to back stab him like this, but... if you did, would it truly be such a surprise? Would it be that shocking if you did? After all, capturing him would give you a great amount of fame and power in Babylonia. Slowly, his hand reaches down to his coat pocket, the familiar square shape of that small remote in his palm as the room starts to feel almost suffocating.
Roland stills suddenly and he smiles, a chilling clarity surging through his M.I.N.D. like a tidal wave clearing away the filth. Well, then...if you're going to betray him like this, he slowly brings the remote out of his pocket and holds it to his face as his smile widens. Then no one will be opposed to him setting off the bomb he put in Babylonia's engine systems, no? To be fair, he has warned you a number of times to not betray him. Whether you understood them or not, well, that's not his problem now is it?
His thumb brushes over the detonation button in contemplation. Yes, he may as well before he gets caught and used for Babylonia's-
His breath hitches and his eyes immediately stare at the door, pointedly ignoring Hermano's scoff. Could it be that you've finally returned to him? His mechanical heart thrums at the thought, his grip on the remote becoming shaky and weak as seconds turn into hours. Would the door open to you, or an army? Will you betray him like everyone else, or will you stay? He hated to admit it, but he was desperate that it was the latter, he was desperate for something- someone that wouldn't abandon him and leave him floundering in an endless sea of regrets.
If fate was listening, grant him this one thing and let it please be you, please be you, please be-
The door opens to you, with your tactical terminal in one hand and fresh coffee in the other, just like how you look every morning, you're too busy studying your terminal to notice how your entrance has shifted every star in the universe back to their place and made everything right again. You're here, you're here at last in this little side room you've made your temporary office, you're here with him where you belong and you're real...you're real, right?
His body starts moving before he can stop himself, his breath lodged in his throat. He has to know, he has to confirm you are what you say you are and not just a cheap copy made by some invisible puppeteer. He yanks the terminal out of your hand, knocks your coffee away and drags you to him, terminal clattering to the floor and the mug shattering just after it, spreading coffee and ceramic everywhere as you voice your confusion. He wraps his arms around you tightly, too tightly, his hands moving all over your body, needing to confirm that you are made of flesh and bone as you claim. He slips his hands under your shirt to squeeze at your ribs, pushing just enough at the bone to feel it give slightly as it should, he buries his face in your hair and neck to make sure you smell the same way you should, he pries your mouth open to shove his fingers inside and thoroughly check your mouth for anything that might feel synthetic or mechanical, he shoves you against a wall so he can put his ear against your chest to count your heart beats, all these checks and more he conducts not even so much as responding to your cries for him to stop, opting to clamp a hand over your mouth when you become noisy enough to distract him.
After an hour of invasive and painful poking, he finally feels certain that you're human and real, with a sigh he lets you go and relaxes. Roland stares at you for a moment, observing your disheveled appearance, emotion absent from his face. Your commandant attire has been thoroughly picked apart. Your navy blue turtleneck is wrinkled and pulled unnaturally in several directions, the beige coat having been discarded long ago, your buckle is probably somewhere on the floor behind him, the fly of your pants hanging open. If he wasn't so upset with you he'd help put you together again. "Don't be late like this again." He mutters coldly before turning to stand at his usual spot beside your makeshift desk, leaving your dumbfounded and agitated expression behind.
For a few seconds, there's silence. The anger radiating from you is palpable in the air. "What the fuck are you talking about? Late? It's 6 AM? If anything I'm late because of you and your freakish strip search." Roland freezes in his place. Six? But that would mean when you arrived it was five.
Seeing his confusion you grumble and walk up to him, shoving your watch in his face with a look of disdain. The LED numbers stare back at him coldly.
6:04 AM.
Your expression remains unimpressed at his stunned countenance. Dropping your wrist you glance at the clock on the wall. "The clock in here is broken, that's why I started wearing my watch again."
You were indeed, not late. For the first time in a very long while, Roland feels humiliated. He even almost apologizes to you before stopping himself. If a simple misunderstanding is enough to break him, then he might as well give you another warning. A wide grin quickly replaces whatever apology he was going to say before.
"Well then, little rabbit of mine," Roland leans down towards you, his tone was taunting but a glance at his eyes would tell you the true weight of his words. "You'd better make sure you don't keep the wolf waiting for too long. Who knows what might happen if you leave a hungry wolf unattended."
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starryficsfinishwen · 6 months
do u think that long distance enemy romance got roland fucking his fist over commandant ...
I intended to answer this ask when I first received it (anw long story short I choked on my breakfast that day LOL) so I
wrote this with my kiffy. no others words can be explained.
[NSFW under the cut!]
NSFW THEMES: male masturbation, hallucinations that the reader is giving him a blowjob and riding him, I think that's mostly it.
banner credits - @/cafekitsune!
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“Fuck you, Roland.”
“You wish could be interpreted as your deepest desire, Commandant.”
The sweet, sinister smile on your face could only make the very steel heart of Roland rattle. “...it's up for interpretation, then.”
From that small exchange alone, alongside the used panties that Roland "mysteriously received" from the Commandant in question, Roland would never have thought he'd find himself in this predicament:
Fucking his fist over for you.
The obscenity, should you have known, would have made you flabbergasted if you ever encountered it.
Low groans and choked breathing. In a spare room where no other corrupted or Ascendant could hear, Roland sits in front of the mirror. How stupidly obscene this part of the play was; him, jaw slacked and sweat on his face, panties wrapped around his hard and leaking shaft, a steady pace as he bucks his hips, jerking off to the very thought of you.
This was something that only teenage boys with raging hormones do. But even Roland himself couldn't believe he's doing it.
“Such a painful little tease, dear,” he grits his teeth as he treads along the edge of ecstasy, sensitive tip now rubbing the wet part of the panties, “hah- fuck, you are such a mischievous little minx.”
Would you believe that not even Roland's shadow could save him from the horny mess he was in?
“I should have killed you when I had the chance, ngh,” the feeling was far too good when he wraps the panties around his shaft, eyes now deceiving himself when the reflection in the mirror shows a hallucination of you, “b-but now, you're the one making me fucking imagine you under me...”
He smelt your panties before he had it on his cock. It smelled rich with your arousal, as if you were touching yourself before you had it sent to him. He thinks it must have been the reason for this hallucination of you, with that dirty mouth of yours, doe eyes looking at him as you took all of his cock in your mouth. Oh, the feeling, it made his M.I.N.D. wonder— how would such an esteemed commandant like you would look like under him? Fuck, you must be so compliant, Roland thinks; that little mouth of yours that loved to curse him, used like a fleshlight for him to just use. Pretty doe eyes looking at him with fear and admiration, breathing through your nose, nails raking on his thighs, as he chases his high. God, this empty space meant nothing if Roland couldn't fuck you here.
When he blinks, the grip on his cock tightens— he must be onto something, as he sees your body in the mirror, pussy split apart by his dick. Your body, compliant with your legs slung across his thighs, hands clutching his arms. His M.I.N.D. must be playing games this time, but he can't help but indulge in it; after all, this was the body that he'd been imagining all this goddamn time, fueled by your teasing.
“Hah, Commandant [Y/N]...”
You would have loved this sight anyway.
Your attraction to Roland was not a secret subject. You knew, he knows— something that would make Babylonia punish you. But who were they to judge? Roland would burn the world just for a touch from you.
His fingers over all of your sensitive parts, tenderly teasing your nipples on your breasts, a bruising grip on your hips when he fucks you harshly, watching your tits bounce from every thrust, bullying your poor overstimulated clit, hearing your delicious moans— fuck, Roland would do everything, if it meant bringing Babylonia down, just for you—
“You minx, fucking ah-”
The thought of your pussy squeezing him when he ruts into you had him moan your name out loud, teetering to the edge of his climax. A cry of your name, the thought of you being claimed by him— Roland unraveled himself on your panties, hot, white, and heavy cum coating the inside.
As fast as the hallucinations came, they disappeared immediately. Roland, reveling in the unfortunate afterglow by himself, couldn't help but groan at the mess he made. It made him wish that it was you who was cleaning it up with your mouth.
Oh, the tragedy.
“Goddamn you, Commandant...”
Maybe it's time to pay back with a little gift to his Commandant, then.
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I wrote this at 3 am in a daze LMFAO
— starry
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orionhere · 2 years
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The Holee Trinity
Also spoiler from his affection story:
Note that I can only read a little of chinese & with help of translator lol, so I'm so sorry if there's some mistranslation😥😥😥
There's something wrong with his M.I.N.D that causing his consciousness overlap with each other (?) So in chapter one his memory is back when he was 9 years old. Ofc with the memory of 9 years old, he doesn't know us at that time, so yeah, he's kind of wary to us, Liv, and Lucia
"I'm 9 and a half years old" Lee bantering with Asimov lmao
"Fragment of his childhood consciousness currently take over his frame. The age stage of specifics consciousness.... I'd say about 9 years old at most?"
"9 and a half years old, thank you." LMAOOOO
"I can understand what you're saying here, but it's impossible. I am standing here right now, how could this all just a fragment of my consciousness?"
"This is the truth, Mr. 9-and-a-half-years-old." ASIMOV 🤣
Hey, Mr. eye with dark circles, can I touch this?
I know how it works, so you don't need to worry I'd break it.
Skk gave him milk, hence the blushing face.
The next day, it's the consciousness from his time as an assassin. (During when he desperately need money for Murray's treatment) He misunderstood he was being taken captive and asking where the exit route is as he hold Skk hostage. Lucia restrained him.
Long story short, after Skk explaining the problem, he tells us about his job as an assassin to required money fast. Also he keeps asking about Murray's wellbeing (awwwww).
The next day, he and Skk go outside (under the assumption that Skk has a task for Lee). They went to Cerberus base, asking if Murray is there at that time, but he's not there. (But Vera appeared instead lol. Don't want Vera to know what's going on with Lee, they ran XD)
So yeah, basically Skk buy him ice cream.
"It's... Sweet..." I'm gonna combust
During these consciousness problem, he would take notes on his notebook (Skk called it diary lol) to keep record.
Hence the childish-style writings from his 9-years-old version. "I accidentally grazed Skk's ear with my gun." "The infected is a monster, it's terrifying."
"Skk fell asleep on the desk with all of many reports and document about specialized frame around. Skk also been working very hard lately. Let's leave something as a thank you, maybe a gift." LEE😭😭
Skk, Lucia and Liv kind of prepare a party (?) for him in the end. During this, Lee's consciousness problem almost solve. Before that, Lee ask Skk what we would want as a sorry/thank you gift for all this problem. Skk want the "diary" that Lee used to keep record of his difference memories from before.
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Lee give Skk a chip that contain projection from his past consciousness (From childhood, Kurono era, early Gray Raven (Palefire frame) and Entropy frame era) as a thank you gift.
"Thank you for the milk... Skk. The future me is really lucky to have met an excellent commandant." (Kid Morian)
"I'm sorry again, Skk. I.... The ice-cream...it was delicious." (Kurono era)
Palefire just telling you that you have grown and all that stuff lol
"Even if the road ahead is dark, it's alright to shine side-by-side with a star like you in the night sky." (Entropy)
"I will always be "Lee from Gray Raven", and I will stand by your side." JESUS CHRIST THIS GUY IS BAD FOR MY HEART
Anyway, that's what I got from rough translation lol. Sorry if there's some mistranslation or I didn't convey the deeper meaning good enough (also bc I don't fluent in English so my vocab is limited 😥)
I'd say sorry to Chrome bc Lee just took your 1st place in my heart again😭😭
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chronosh0t · 3 months
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: canon-divergence ; Lee's pov ; sfw ; slightly angst. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 〔 NO BETA 〕
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: what if Lee got stuck in a loop? it's based on this tweet I posted weeks ago.
〔 if you like what I write or my edits, consider tip me on ko-fi. you'd help me a lot by donating me. thank you lots 〕
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It has been so long, too long to count. Nonstop fighting for an end that is far from near, for a thin lay of hope that may or may not come out of the cruelty of reality. The light it's too dim, the air is too heavy, toxic and corrupted, no matter how deep every breath is, it never makes him feel better, less relaxed. Less lonely.
His hands are tired, his legs are having a hard time trying to keep up and his M.I.N.D is completely numb over time. Losing sense, and every single moment that peace seems to greet him, it flies past him as fast as one of his bullets. Breaking him in the silence of rejection, in the middle of the tower where escaping is not an option. For how long will this keep going? He does not know. And, to be fair, he doesn't want to know either. The crushing weight of having a clock ticking, counting what's left and what's yet to come, is not pleasant.
So he opted to ignore it. He made the decision, that day, to do the job only he was able to do. Because that was his sole purpose, at least for now, as much as he wished to change this twisted fate, it wouldn't be fair for those outside. If he was the only one capable, then so be it. Sacrifices must always be done. Be it time, or his own life. Just for the illusion that outside everyone is safe. He will stand over and over, shoot his gun, kill whoever or whatever gets in his way, for a slim chance.
There are short moments when everything is quiet, when not a single cry from despair could be heard, except for his erratic breathing, his feet dragging him to the stairs to finally take a seat after hours of battles and the loud noise of his weapon against the floor. He closes his eyes for a few seconds before taking a small device to call them. He just wants to have a few minutes to talk. Hoping. Wishing.
The call makes it through, and two faces greet him, smiling happily. The girl in red breaks the silence first.
ㅤㅤㅤ“It's been a while, Lee.” she stops, as if pondering if it's plausible to ask about his condition when it's obvious. “How are things on your side?”
ㅤㅤㅤ“Nothing new. The fights are endlessly annoying but, it's fine. I'm fine.” His voice cracks at the end, how terrible he has been at lying lately, or maybe he is too tired to pretend. Lee knows his teammates are aware of his state.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Lee…” the soft voice from Liv seemed to echo inside the tower, he nods and smile, “I know it's useless to say but, do please take care of yourself. I also know you're capable but.. We are worried about you. Especially Commandant.”She finished, her pink eyes showing great concern.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Commandant is a bit busy now. We would've called him but I know you have your ways.” Lucia explained, a chuckle escaped from her mouth.
Lee laughs at that. Indeed, he has his ways to contact his Commandant. “Thank you, I really mean it.” He finally spoke, the bitterness can be tasted, smelled and felt. Too heavy. “My time is running out. When I get another break, I will try to contact you guys again. Please take care.” He smiles again, and ends the call.
There's never a “goodbye”. Because he doesn't want to think about an end. As much as he is tired and his frame is at its limit on par with his M.I.N.D slowly losing complete focus from time to time, more often than not, Lee would reject the idea of a last call with his friends. That won't happen. He refuses to let that be part of his reality.
More often than not, he finds himself considering giving up and leaving, letting the wheel of destiny decide his punishment but there's something, someone, that keeps him from doing so. Or more like a “possible future”. Where there's no one, when the person he has come to cherish a little bit too much is no longer by his side, where his teammates are no longer walking with him but just a name in a marble stone. That was scary enough for him. The weight it's too much again.
His break is about to end. Taking a deep breath, he takes his device and taps a message and presses the send button, with the same address. For the same person. With the same words. He can feel an insufferable pain packing up inside his chest, filling the space between his ribs, crushing his artificial heart. He is shaking. His eyes are burning and tears are building up, but it's not the time.
It has never been. It probably never will.
He stands up, weapon in his hands. Time is running and it will never stop, no matter how many times he goes back, no matter how much he wishes and hopes, because time has never cared for that. So, for now, he just needs to keep going, and maybe one day, time will stop for him and he will be able to go back home. Go back to his friends. To his Commandant and be part of Gray Raven again.
The digital screen beeps at the new message. He knows who sent it, and it's the reason he is also a bit reluctant to open it. He is always afraid it will be the last. His fingers trace the screen before lightly pressing over the email icon. A small text shows up, saying:
ㅤㅤㅤ“It's been a while. I know Liv and Lucia are there to take care of you, but I've got to know you enough to understand you're a magnet for troubles. So, don't do anything stupid.
ㅤㅤㅤ I don't have much time, there's nothing new. I am doing as fine as I can, you don't need to worry (I know you will, but don't let my situation distract you from your job, Commandant).
ㅤㅤㅤ ………… I miss you. I miss you a lot. It even hurts a bit sometimes. But I'm always hoping. Hoping that one day I will be by your side again, seeing you smile, holding your hand. I miss your warmth. The idea of going back to you, to Gray Raven keeps me going.
ㅤㅤㅤ I have to go. See you next time.”
And without knowing, despite the distance between them, tears were shed at the same time. Because time was the only thing connecting them.
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starsofreya · 1 year
So, Bad Omens just released a comic teaser AND a music video for Just Pretend; Noah said TDOPOM is a story he came up with and that all the MVs are connected in some way. With some Twitter friends we did some diggin', and we came to some conclusions...
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These are a comic pannel and the last scene in Just Pretend. M.I.N.D. is an organization of some sort that works with artificially-induced memories. From what we can see, Noah is using M.I.N.D.'s technology to in some way "revive" memories. As we can see in Concrete Jungle, they are perhaps an organization or mafia ruled by the elite and rich people, and they use the memory simulation and inductions to make people escape the post-apocalyptic world that is The Death Of Peace Of Mind.
The story starts in District 9, as seen in The Grey. Perhaps the setting is M.I.N.D's headquarters.
In Nowhere To Go, we see a person, seemingly one of M.I.N.D's robots, apparently doing something buisness related. This whole MV and song could be related to a contradiction from part of Bad Omens to M.I.N.D., like a rebel yell sort of thing. It makes sense too when you read the lyrics.
Going back to Just Pretend, it seems as if Noah wanted to revive and recover old, happy memories of himself and a past relationship. At first you wouldn't think it's him, but this is confirmed in the credits of the song.
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At first, it looks like everything was going well, but all of a sudden, theres a failure in the "Sim". This could indicate that the memory simulator failed -> meaning that everything he was looking at was probably fake, false made up happy memories. What could've happened is the relationship he was in was toxic and overall bad, and with the simulations, he wanted to escape in some way and convince himself he was happy with her.
Noah seems in pain when all this happens; this could mean he's purposely replaying memories to hurt himself; or maybe just to revive them because he can't live without her, even if they are sad and horrible memories, he needs to live them with her again.
He then disconnects and destroys everything (supposedly a cameo to Artificial Suicide, where everything is destroyed, and we have a computer/hospital-y setting, with tubes and cables). When he destroys everything, the scene changes to a hospital one, where doctors are trying to resurrect someone who's in organ failure -> This could mean, when Noah disconnects himself, he is also disconnecting the other part. — Though it could also mean that he disconnected himself from the system because the girl allegedly died when she was shot by some intruder. (And now that I think about it, that masked intruder could be one of M.I.N.D's workers. I really don't know why he would want to shoot the girl, though. Let me know your thoughts!)
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Another curious fact is that the hand in the end of the video has the same bracelet as the one in the start, meaning that the gunshot didn't kill her, instead left her in a sort of coma.
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TL;DR -> M.I.N.D is an elite mafia organization that helps people escape a post-apocalyptic world with memory simulations and inductions, and Noah uses their technology to try to get back his memories and past life with a girl he loved to death. It could be related to today's world with technology and how it gives us an escape, being it negative or positive.
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I personally think this is an amazing story, Noah is big brain he's so cool, I'd love to see what goes on in his mind when he's writing this stuff
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medkiss · 2 years
IN.GO OUTSIDE actually i was just playing a game and subways showed up and i thought of you. subway man 🚂🚂🚂🚂
:0 :DDDD this is ooo sweet tha k u bug.... in.go outside im obsessed <3 subway man...
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leeahqueen · 7 months
Solitary Lantern By The Seaside (1/2)
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I feel asleep with the sunset and was awakened by the bright moon outside the window. I opened the door and saw the silver frost floating in the sky, depicting the coldness of the night.
The sea breeze blew away the remaining sleepiness, and I simply walked towards the sparkling waves of the sea in this pleasant wind.
Walking along the traces left by the sea foam, I walked a long way without realizing it. When I turned back, all the lonely lights were gone.
Under the frosty moon, a familiar figure stood.
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Noan: Good evening Commandant.
The firefly in his hand emits a soft light like breathing, calling to his companions in the night.
Skk: You seemed to have guessed that I would come.
Noan: It's not the first time I've met you at night.
The two of us looked at each other, smiled, and looked at the clear stars in the sky.
Noan: Do you want to take a walk together? I want to talk with you.
Skk: Sure.
He came over and got closer than usual.
The clear moonlight dragged the long shadows of the two of us, reminding people of the night when they chased their shadow into the forest.
Skk: You have been coming to the Sky Garden for a long time.
Noan: Yes, it seems like it was not long ago when I came back to you.
Skk: At the beginning, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to fit in here.
He looked back with a smile, as if asking why I thought so.
Skk: (Mentioning the training room.)
When Noan first came to the Sky Garden, many people were afraid of the involvement between him and the Ascendant. They regarded him as a dangerous person and were not even willing to share the same training room with him.
Noan: Those things have been solved- part of them have been solved. It is difficult to change everyone's minds, but I can start with some small things.
Noan: A while ago, when the Dark Aries was transferred out of the Sky Garden, the instructor in the training room gave me a small bag of biscuits.
>[Ah... could it be that Simon ate that...]<
[I always felt that people from the Dark Aries would sometimes hurt Simon unintentionally.]
Noan: Sorry... but I really didn't know he was allergic to sesame. Fortunately, the symptoms were not serious.
Skk: He didn't know either. He said he had never eaten sesame seeds before.
Skk: When I went to visit him, he thought someone had poisoned him.
Noan: Yeah...
Skk: When you first came here, Simon thought you were being bullied.
Noan: Just because of the training room? Hmm... But thanks to these things, Commandant Simon helped me apply for the qualification of the librarian.
Noan: If I had to choose between the training room and the library, it would definitely be the latter.
Skk: You couldn't have done it on purpose.
He laughed out loud at my guess, without answering yes or no.
Skk: In fact, it's not just the training room, the experiments are also...
At first, I didn't know what experiment Noan wanted to cooperate with. It wasn't until one day when I went to the Science Council to get the test report when I saw...
The body that had been dismantled to pieces, and the young man sitting among its own limbs and parts.
Noan: Well, this is the exchange condition for me to come to the Sky Garden. I have to fulfill my agreement, not to mention, I am also very curious.
Noan: What did Lithos do to allow me to do something similar to an ascendant without being an ascendant or an infected?
Noan: Now that the stability of my M.I.N.D has been verified, the safety of these experiments can be guaranteed, and they also illustrate the necessity of doing these.
Skk: I just didn't expect... Someone actually took opportunity to copy your M.I.N.D...
Hearing these words, Noan did not answer, but took a small step closer.
[What's wrong?]
He reached out his hand and gently pinched the cheek of the person in front of him.
Skk: .....Why are you comforting me?
The young man spread his hand with a smile.
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Looking back now, after Kurono got into trouble because of that incident, Simon asked me distressedly how he could make the team as relaxed and friendly as Gray Raven.
Like all Commandants, we learned a lot of things a Commandant should do in F.O.S class. We knew how to manage team members and how to customize combat plans.
Logically speaking, as long as the relationship between "Commandant" and "members" is maintained well, the normal operation of the team can be maintained.
But things went against his expectations. After experiencing several team reorganizations... he also began want to try things other than the Commandant's responsibilities.
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In order to sort out specific plans, I would occasionally ask Simon and Noan questions that are familiar to them.
In this way, while helping the Dark Aries, I gradually got closer to Noan.
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After the escape in the library, the two of us quietly reached some kind of agreement.
Whenever I asks Noan for help, I will take him to avoid some social interactions and troubles.
When there is no way around it, he will stay by my side to help with the tedious reporting and approval processes. He will even borrow some software to disguise himself and hold video conferences on my behalf.
Skk: A while ago, I was told that you seemed to be able to do the clone technique.
Noan: Because you went to give lectures again and held video conferences in the combat preparation room?
Skk: Yeah, it's a miracle it wasn't exposed.
Noan: Anyway, they didn't ask anything, and I just read the report we compiled through the voice changer.
Skk: Would you like to give me a lecture next time?
Noan: I really want to, but all I can do now is to pretend to prescribe the wrong medicine.
Skk: Wrong medicine... that's right.
Skk: How about the thing you said about going study at the Star of Life?
Noan: I got a lot of video reference materials. After watching these and practicing for a while, I will be ready to take the first aid qualification test.
As Noan said this, he slowly stopped.
Noan: We have been walking along the coast for a long time. Do you want to sit down and rest for a while?
The two of us sat on the ground by the beach, gazing at the stars amid the low hum of the waves, until the moonlight gradually disappeared into the clouds.
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Noan: It seems like I haven't seen you in such a leisurely state for a long time... it's not for the mission, and you are not in a hurry state to leave.
Noan: .....Last time, it was in the Sky Garden, right?
Skk: Yes.
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One night before the Dark Aries was transferred to Constareye, I had some insomnia for some reason. I wanted to walk around the square, but unknowingly ended up near the library.
As he said, this was not the first time the two of us met at night.
Skk: I still remember talking to you a lot that night.
At first, we were just talking about what happened recently, Liv was gradually getting better, the cleanup unit made a plan for rectification, recent missions, etc...
Unknowingly, I even said those things that were blocked in my heart.
The endless stream of defectors, the changes in the disaster area, the missing people, Lucia's supervision, and the Gray Raven that have been unable to be reunited.
--He is a good person to talk to.
He never expresses superficial comfort, nor proposes plans that are difficult to achieve, nor does he question whether the current sadness comes from a small thing.
The conversation between us continued until the sky turned slightly white, and we finally fell asleep. However, there would be a combat meeting to be held in two hours, and we would have to rush to the ground base next.
>[......Already departure]<
[I should have gone back earlier]
Listening to these regretful words, Noan picked up a cup from the bar and gently touched my cheek.
>[So cold!]<
Noan: When you just sat down, you said that you wouldn't be able to sleep even if you went back.
Skk: That's true...
Noan: If you hold on for a while longer, you will be able to sleep after boarding the transport cart.
After taking the coffee from him, the two of us said goodbye to each other, unaware of the storm that followed.
Noan: After hearing the news that you were missing, I have been trying to find you, but the Dark Aries still has restrictions on its activity area and cannot get out.
Noan: Those who are most likely to know the situation are wary of me... Although I don't know why, I am sure that this attitude has a very precise source.
Noan: Later, you finally came back... I also learned the real reason from you.
The young man sighed deeply and smiled bitterly.
Skk: When I told you those words, I thought you would do something.
Skk: That's why I paid special attention to your actions.
Skk: No matter what, kidnapping the Commandant is still too...
Noan: Yes, sorry.
Skk: Do you know that you will most likely be regarded as a defector?
He responded quietly and reached out to the place where the wound had remained on my neck, as if to confirm whether the wound had healed.
>[What should I do if even my testimony doesn't help?]<
In most people's impressions, Noan is a person with a good temper, so good that no matter what he does, he will not be angry. Many people think that monitoring him is an unnecessary behavior.
Because of this, that reckless action caught many people, including the Dark Aries, by surprise.
Noan: However, I know that he will definitely come again, and I can't let him run away this time.
Noan's voice was very calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary task.
Skk: Regarding this, you didn't tell Simon.
Noan: Having said what must be said, Commandant Simon will not talk to me about you or anything unnecessary.
Noan: I can only vaguely feel the boundaries of his concession. Once he thinks this matters is dangerous, it will only make my actions more troublesome.
>[So... you have to go no matter what.]<
[Considering this matter means that you have no intention of giving up at all.]
Noan: Well, some people shouldn't be alive in the first place. Since he will definitely come, it will be faster for me to do it myself, not to mention that it is related to the people I care about.
He withdrew his hand from checking the wound.
Skk: But I still hope you can discuss it with me...
Noan: Well, I promise you, I will definitely...
Skk: Might as well do it now.
Noan: Yeah.
The moonlight receded and the sky gradually turned dark dawn was coming.
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punishing-eden · 2 years
Ok ok so ….. Lee ((any frame)) with a commandant who has caught the punishing virus, entirely up to you if you wanna go full angst or a happy ending. If it makes you uncomfortable I totally understand and feel free to ignore.
The Price to Pay...
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Lee (Entropy) x Commandant/reader
Cradling in his arms, you can see the stats of his M.I.N.D in your mind beacon. The numbers were overloading. Lee vows to seek revenge on the betrayal by his fellow comrades.
Tags: request, one-shot, canon-divergent, major character death, I do not have Entropy, angst, Lee's Villain origin story?
'High Virus Concentration. Please leave the premise immediately.'
Flashing in red, the warning system from your combat suit began to activate a system shut down. Your heart raced, anxious about your current situation at hand.
It's was not looking optimistic. As seconds pass by, the air around you became increasingly difficult to breathe. Yet, you didn’t say anything about your growing discomfort.
"The exit is just right there," Lee spoke with urgency, "Commandant, you need to get out of here now!"
A set of footsteps behind both of you grew louder.
"Target in sight..." the corrupted construct spoke, her bionic voice sounded different, as if something has taken over her consciousness; speaking for her behalf. Staggering her way towards you, her body struggles to keep itself coordinated.
"Shoot," Lee cursed, "She found us."
Unable to keep the discomfort at bay, you coughed, “Lee…”
The system began to shut down, an effort to prevent cross infection between commandant and construct.
'Punishing Virus detected, M. I. N. D connection will shut down in 30 seconds'
"Commandant, go! I'll buy you some time." Lee said, grabbing you by the harness, he shoved you toward the ruin exit. Turning his attention back to the enemy, he spat, "Didn't know you were infected this whole time."
He point his gun at her, taking aim at her head. The infected construct let out laugh, although it sounded melancholic.
She let out a manic shierk, holding on to her head trying stabilised herself. She fought her infected mind; wanting to destroy both you and Lee, yet her programming hindered her urges.
Your coughing got worst. You started to taste blood being coughed up to your tongue. As you approached the exit a sudden sharp pain shot through your insides and you collapse on the the ground.
In the back of your mind you knew, the symptoms were starting to become apparent. The virus was beginning to attack your immune system. Your cells began to break down and it's in a matter of minutes before your organs fails you.
The next best course of action was to inject yourself with a dosage of Serum. Hoping, it could delay the affect of the virus before it's too late.
At the same time, the enemy had regain her thoughts. Her movements became less incoherent. Eye glowing in red, she looked at Lee with malice. The virus has triumphed. Instantly, the construct took out her weapon and charged forward. Lee calculated her movements before he charged, jumping up to use her head as a leverage; to kick himself up in mid air and launch a series of gunshots.
The corrupted construct stumbled back but was quickly able to refocus on her target, this time it was you. Kicking herself off the ground, she gathered momentum and charge straight towards you.
Lee had caught on to her plan of action and immediately ran towards you. He was able to stand in the way, taking the blade to the side of his torso.
The impact let out a strong force, knocking you back against the wall. The bottle of Serum was knocked out of your hand.
Lee gritted his teeth as he held on to the blade. The enemy pulled but Entropy didn't let go. Vital fluids leak out of his body, coughing it up, he asked, "Were there anymore constructs infected like you?"
She didn't reply, but looked at Lee in the eye as her body shoke from instability. Not taking silence as an answer, Lee place his gun against her head and pulled the trigger. The light in the construct's eyes faded and fell lifeless on the ruin grounds.
It was over, Lee had thought. He didn’t bother pulling the blade out, keeping it in to prevent his vital fluid leaking everywhere.
Hurrily, Entropy rushed to your side. It was only now he noticed you have disconnected from his M. I. N. D.
"Commandant!" he cried.
Pushing yourself up right, you coughed violently. Blood spilled from your lips.
"Reconnecting M. I. N. D beacon," Lee commanded.
'Beacon Access denied.'
"tsk," he clicked his tongue. He knew what was happening. It was the first time you saw him panic.
"Lee..." you gasped. Your eyes watered as your nose bleed. It was painful to breathe.
"Serum! Where's the Serum?!" he's voice became frantic. Grabbing your pack you had on, his hand rummaged through the bag hoping to find a number of vitals inside.
His fingers touched something wet. Taking the pack, he poured the contents out, broke vitals fell out and the Serum leaked everywhere.
He was in disbelief. Lips quivered, struggling to find words, Lee bit his lips and took another pack that your were carrying in search for serums.
"Lee..." you gasped, "... Your... M. I. N..."
“Hold on, (Y/n). I will call the others!” Lee began to search for a signal. But, the service was out of range.
His worst nightmare has became a reality.
“Lee… it’s… fine……” You grabbed onto his jacket. In great effort, you put on a smile, but the pain in your eyes told the Entropy other wise.
There was no salvation for you anymore. It’s was too late.
That day has finally come for Lee to draw his gun at you.
'Punishing Virus: Detected'
Cradling your lifeless body in his arm, Lee shook as emotions coursed through his M.I.N.D. Anger, rage, guilt, were hitting him all at once.
'M. I. N. D Deviation Status: medium'
He gritted his teeth, hatred began to take sow in his M. I. N. D.
'M. I. N. D Deviation Status: high'
Who knows how many others were infected back at base camp. If only those construct had caught on to their comrade getting infected. As if, everyone in the base could be a traitor.
If only he can be a little more skeptical about them. You would have never fall victim to Punishing.
You would still be alive.
'M. I. N. D Deviation Status: Overload'
"The infected must pay..."
"Has anyone found Commandant?" Lucia asked. The team had been searching for your whereabouts. However the other construct team only shook their heads.
The lack of news and clues triggered everyone on edge. The outcome on everyone’s mind turned sour.
As everyone stayed silent, Liv pointed out a figure at the distance. "It's Lee!" she said.
Entropy approached the base camp, hair and clothes dishleved, he remain silent as his team mates approached him.
"Did you find anything?" Lucia asked.
It took a while for Lee to answer her back. He returned his gaze at Lucia, eyes showed distrust; Lucia didn't caught on however.
"Our dispatch time is up, Babylonia are calling us back." Lee lied. His voice felt cold.
Lucia and Liv stayed silent on that matter. A little perplexed by the news. "But what about Commandant?" Liv asked.
"I will stay, once everything is sorted out I will come back." Lee answered, "The shuttle will come soon. So get ready."
Seeing the shuttle leave earth, Lee watched as the other contruct team bid Lucia and Liv farewell. As the space craft flew further away, Lee took aim at the contruct in front of him. Without a word, he pulled the trigger.
Author's note:
Oh boy. Evil Lee. Evil Lee.
Ngl, this was a little tough to write because I don't have Entropy. But, I could imagine him turning into an ascendant if something like this were to occur.
(C) Punishing-Eden
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fatalframegf · 13 days
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
hi vee! i hope youre having a good day mwah mwah<3
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