#something about those fuckers screams monogamy.
tenacious-minds · 1 year
I have never met a ship that couldn’t be improved upon by polyamory. Except Nick and Charlie.
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 6
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 6
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and light smut.
Words: ~2400 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The moment Billy spotted you and Roger sitting at the corner table, his mood soured. The two of you were engaged in deep conversation, his chair next to yours so you could study his Ipad as he showed you something on it. You nodded at times, your focus entirely on the screen, and every once in a while Roger would smirk at you like he was imagining you naked. It pissed Billy off so much he had to fight the urge to go over and sucker punch the fucker.
For someone so brilliant, he wondered how you could be so gullible when it came to Roger. How could you not notice the guy was hardcore hung up on you? Not that Billy could blame him for falling for you. But you should have exercised more caution and not socialized with the prick outside of work. After all, you had a stellar reputation within the industry to protect and the last thing you needed was for people to wonder if you moved up so quickly due to your own merit or your relationship with Roger. You worked hard and deserved all the recognition you received and it wasn’t fair to you that people would question your brilliance. Except you didn’t seem worried about that at all which infuriated Billy.
“Which one are you spying on?”
Hearing Dinah’s question, Billy dragged his attention away from you and back to the brunette sitting in front of him. Usually they hooked up every few weeks but ever since the gala, neither had reached out to the other. When she’d called this morning wanting to meet up and talk, he’d suggested meeting at Piatti.
“Him or her?” Dinah prodded.
“Both,” he replied, intending to cast a quick glance in your direction only to find you smiling at Roger the prick. A beautiful, dazzling, flirtatious smile that would unmistakably give the asshole the wrong idea about you.
“Billy, are you okay?” Dinah asked, watching him with concern.
“Yeah. Fine. Why?”
“You look angry.”
He shook his head, plastering on a fake smile. “You worried about me, Madani?”
“Should I be?”
“Be careful. I might start to think you’re falling for me.” He leaned in closer, reminding himself how easy it was to be with her. He and Dinah always had a good time, the sex was great, and there were no complications in the relationship. She didn’t crawl into his head and take up permanent residence the way you had. She didn’t demand things of him he wasn’t prepared to give. The arrangement with Dinah was simple, casual and perfect, just the way he preferred.
“About that…” Dinah cleared her voice. “We need to stop seeing each other.”
He cocked his eyebrow. “Why is that?”
“Because I’ve met someone.”
Dinah’s words barely registered in his mind as he noticed you walking away from the table and heading for the staircase that led downstairs. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”  Billy walked across the restaurant, following the same path you did. The restrooms were located on the level below, and once he reached the floor, he found it empty. Leaning against the wall next to the women’s bathroom, he waited for you to come out. When you exited a few minutes later, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you against him. Right away you started struggling, kicking him, attacking him, even starting to scream if not for his hand covering your mouth. It took a few seconds for Billy to subdue you and it was then he spotted the sheer terror on your face. When you pushed him off this time, he stepped back right away.
“What are you doing?” Your hand was on your chest, your breathing rapid as you struggled to catch your breath.
Billy felt horrible. You were rightfully jumpy since the incident yesterday. “Shit. I wasn’t thinking-”
“I thought you were him!”
“I know. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry.” Outwardly you seemed to be calm again but he sensed it was a façade, especially when he saw how your hands were shaking. “Let me?” he urged, seeking your permission to hold you. When you didn’t say no, he moved in closer to wrap his arms around you.
At first you stiffened, just like you had yesterday, but then you leaned into the hug, snuggling your face against his chest with your arms looped around his waist.  He breathed you in, offering you comfort but also trying not to get excited at how good you felt in his arms. Instinctively he caressed your hair, pressing light kisses on your forehead and the top of your head. You squeezed your arms around him, as if trying to fuse yourself with him.
He could have stood there forever, simply holding you, inhaling in the scent of your shampoo, your perfume and getting lost in your essence. Somewhere in his brain he knew how ridiculous this was, he was acting like a goddamn teenager with a first crush, but at that moment it didn’t matter. None of it did. He just felt content. “You’re okay,” he murmured. “Not going to let anything happen to you.”
“You sound like you actually care,” you replied, your voice muffled against his jacket.
“Maybe I do.”
Disappointment surged through him when you pulled back to look at him, but he took comfort in the fact you were still locked in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
Billy realized you hadn’t seen him upstairs, like he’d assumed, which meant you weren’t aware he’d come with Dinah Madani.  “Work thing.”
“And you just happened to choose this restaurant?”
“Why not? You got exclusive rights to this place or something?”
“You heard me mention this place to Roger last night when you were eavesdropping.”
“It’s not eavesdropping if you have the conversation right in front of me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why do you hate him so much? Is this really a Valiant vs. Anvil thing? Or do you guys have some kind of history that I don’t know about?”
Billy’s eyes drifted down to your lips. “I don’t hate him. I don’t even know the guy. It just bugs me that you think he’s so great.”
You stilled, sounding almost breathless. “Why?”
“If he did his job properly, you wouldn’t have a gun pulled on you yesterday,” he snapped, agitated at the thought of you in danger. “But you don’t seem to give a damn about that.”
“He’s not the one responsible.”
“And now you’re defending him.”
You exhaled a heavy sigh, bringing your hand to your chest to rub your skin nervously. The gesture immediately drew Billy’s attention to your breasts as your fingers inadvertently pulled down the already low-cut neckline of the cashmere sweater you were wearing. Visions of your naked breasts danced through his mind, reminding him of how close he’d come to fucking you yesterday. It had taken every bit of strength he possessed to refuse you. If you’d been anyone else, he sure as hell wouldn’t have, but you were terrified and in pain and he didn’t want to take advantage of you when you were vulnerable. He wasn’t that big of an asshole. Of course none of those valid reasons helped with the hard-on after.
“Stop staring at my breasts, Billy.”
“Just remembering last night,” he drawled, reluctantly tearing his gaze away from your breasts to meet your eyes.
“When you turned me down?”
“Because it wasn’t me you wanted to fuck. Anyone would’ve done.” Billy tried to smooth the edge in his voice but the bitterness was still there, present in his tone.
Regret washed over your face, surprising him. “You’re right. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry.”
He reached out to tuck a loose curl of your hair behind your ear. How was it that he’d spent months without ever knowing you and now it had barely been a week since you let him in and you already felt like a part of him? “Next time you’re naked in front of me, I’m not being a hero,” he warned. “I will fuck you.”
You chuckled. “There isn’t going to be a next time. You lost your chance, Billy.”
“We’ll see about that,” he smirked.
You quirked your eyebrow, a wicked smile on your face. “You think Roger would’ve turned me down?”
The smirk on Billy’s face disappeared at the thought of you fucking Roger. No, not just Roger. Anyone else. He advanced forward. “Don’t provoke me, Y/N.”
You stared up at him defiantly. “But it’s not like you get jealous, right?”
He grasped your chin, leveling you with a keen stare. “Stop.”
“Or what?” You taunted.
“Or I’ll carry you upstairs and fuck you senseless right in front of dear Roger.”
The hitch in your breath made him realize how much that idea aroused you, and he watched as your tongue delicately licked your bottom lip. God, your mouth. He remembered the last time your mouth was wrapped around his cock, sucking him off-
“You’re not jealous but you show up at the same place I’m having dinner with Roger. What were you planning to do? Sit at the bar and stare daggers at us?”
There was a smile tugging at your lips, you were teasing him. You liked having him there, and the thought made him ecstatic – except he remembered he wasn’t alone. Dinah was upstairs, you would see her soon, and knowing you would inevitably misinterpret the innocent dinner as something else made his insides twist with anxiety. He couldn’t bear the idea of you in pain.
Something in your eyes shifted, as if you’d read his mind. Just as suddenly, he sensed the change in your demeanor. A minute ago you were flirting with him and now your guard was back up. Immediately you moved away from him.
“You’re not here alone.” You gave him a small smile, trying to play it off like it was no big deal. “I don’t know why I thought you would be.”
Billy reminded himself he didn’t have anything to feel guilty about, it’s not like he’d ever promised you monogamy. Hell, you guys weren’t even in a relationship - but none of that helped ease the terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. “It’s not a date or anything. Just having dinner with a friend.”
He hesitated to tell you, but you seemed to know already.
“Dinah Madani,” you answered yourself.
“Look, nothing’s going on. She was actually telling me how she’s seeing someone new.”
Your voice was filled with contempt. “Good for her. She deserves better than you.”
“What the hell does that mean?” You were here with your precious Roger but you were pissed Billy had brought someone?  
You were charging towards the stairs when you paused, turning back to look at him. “Every time I think you can’t be more of an asshole, you prove me wrong.”
“You’re not exactly a ray of sunshine either, sweetheart,” Billy retorted, but you had already rushed up the stairs and disappeared from view. Angry, he marched upstairs. Dinah was texting on her phone when he returned to the table.
“Took you long enough,” she remarked.
“Sorry,’ he offered flippantly, chugging his drink.
“I’m guessing it’s not a co-incidence your mark came back a few seconds before you did?”
Billy cast you a quick look to find you sitting alone at the table, on your phone. “Let’s not talk about her. She’s not important,” he said dismissively.
“Really? Because I’ve never seen you wound up so tight.”
He reached for Dinah’s hand, sending her a seductive smile. “How about we get out of here?”
“I told you, I’m seeing someone.”
“So what? He doesn’t need to know.” He said half-heartedly, already losing enthusiasm for the offer he proposed. His gaze inadvertently returned to you. Roger the prick was back and you were fully engrossed in his eyes.
Dinah sent him a smirk. “You like her.”
“Sure,” he bit out sarcastically.
“No, you really do.”
“Are we in high school or something?”
“It’s serious. I can tell. Your eyes get all soft when you look at her.”
“That’s you looking at the world with your love goggles on.”
“Have you told her how you feel?”
Jaw clenched, he gestured the waiter to bring him another drink.
“So that’s a no then,” Dinah mused.
“I don’t want to talk about this with you, Madani.” He chugged the whiskey. Just then his phone rang. Grateful for the distraction, he pulled it out to answer it. “Billy Russo.”
“It’s Quentin. The guy you asked me to check up on? His family just posted bail. He’s out.”
Immediately, his eyes flew to you. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.” He scanned your face. A minute ago he would’ve been fuming that you were giggling with Roger but now Billy wanted to hold on to this moment and etch the memory of a happy you in his brain. “Dinah, there’s something I have to take care of.” He waved at the waiter to come over, and handed him his credit card. As he waited for the bill, he fired off a text to one of his contacts. It’s on.
“You mean her?” Dinah asked.
“Yeah,” he muttered, signing for the bill. “I have to give her some bad news.”
“Then you should also tell her how you feel. Give her something good to go with the bad.”
“You’ll be okay to get home on your own?” Billy asked.
“I’ll be fine.”
Dinah stood up to leave, but not before leaning over to kiss his cheek. It didn’t escape Billy’s notice how you glanced over at that very moment. Hurt flashed across your face but it disappeared quickly, and you turned back to Roger again.
As soon as Dinah left the table, he started making his way towards you. He sensed the second you were aware of his looming proximity because you tensed, despite the smile you maintained on your face.
“Roger, Y/N, how are you guys?” Billy greeted, putting on his most magnetic smile. He extended his hand out to shake Roger’s who returned his friendly greeting. When he turned to you, you offered him a stiff smile.
“Billy, how’s it going?” Roger asked.
“Great. Mind if I join you guys for a minute?”
“I’m actually leaving.” You slid out from behind the table, careful to keep your distance from him. “Roger, thanks for dinner. I’ll see you at work on Monday.”
“Adam Preston’s been released on bail,” Billy announced.
You stilled, his eyes locked on you.
“Got any plans to protect your star asset, Rog? Or are you just gonna have her fend for herself?”
“Don’t,” you warned, glaring at him.
Billy leveled Roger with a smug glance. “Disgruntled employees. Shoddy security. Things are a real mess at Valiant, aren’t they? If Valiant can’t protect its employees, feel free to use Anvil. We’re more than capable.”
At least Roger had the gall to look embarrassed. “That won’t be necessary.”
As you stormed away, Billy turned to Roger. “Start with 24/7 protective detail on her. If you can manage that.”
He didn’t wait for a response, quickly rushing out of the restaurant to catch up with you only to find you waiting for him in the nearby alley. You were furious as hell, bristling with rage as he drew closer.
“What the fuck was that?” you demanded. “Who the hell do you think you are, talking to my boss like that?”
“I’m the one who got him to step up and take responsibility,” he yelled back. “Something he should have fucking done from day one!”
“You made me look like a helpless idiot in front of him. He’s my boss! I’ve spent years working my ass off so people actually take me seriously and you just completely shot that to hell!”
“Think I give a fuck about your job when some maniac is out to hurt you?” Billy raged.
“Stop acting like you give a shit about me, Billy, when we both know you don’t!” You started to walk away but he grabbed your arm from behind.
“You think I don’t care?” he roared, pulling you to him. “I wish I didn’t! I wish I didn’t give a fuck about you. My life would be hell of a lot easier if you weren’t in it.”
“Then stay the hell away from me!” You screamed, clawing at him. “Let me go, you fucking asshole!”
He was so furious he couldn’t think straight, his blood was boiling. So he did the only thing that could calm the rage in him. He shoved you against the wall and kissed you.
Part 7
As always, thank you so much for the likes, the reblogs, and especially the wonderful comments and asks you’ve sent me. Trust me, it makes my day and keeps me insanely motivated to keep writing. LOL.
I’m on vacay next week, and my plan is to lay on the Caribbean beach, relax under the sun, and write some dirty, angsty smut while also indulging in the same in real life :)
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GIF source: @bilyrusso 
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