#something about the way subaru doubts it can be used for protection
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staarry-skies · 5 days ago
i want u all to know this changed my life and im going to be crying about this for the foreseeable future.
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goodwriterwithbadhabits · 2 years ago
Seventeen Playlist
Aka: Songs that remind me of the members and why. (GIF credit to the original owners)
Master List
Hip Hop Unit:
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S.Coups: Royalty- Conor Maynard
This song screams expensive sugar daddy. Its a little sexy, a little overconfident, and a little old school but overall, the song of someone who really loves their partner. The beat of the song reminds me of something you might have heard in an old school club or at least the movie version of one. Scoups has been shown to pay for people’s stuff all the time, and is obviously a very protective man. This song just feels like it was written by a younger version of himself, and I love it. 
Wonwoo: Wanna Be Yours- Artic Monkeys
Wonwoo reminds me of so many Artic Monkey songs but Wanna Be Yours has the vibes that just feels like him. The song is a little dark and stormy, while being overwhelmingly loving and hopeful. Its a touch desperate, as though the singer can’t actually speak to the subject, and that feels very Wonu. Wonu is a quiet guy, less shy and more simply introverted, and a song so longing and desperate, feels like something he would write. 
Mingyu: Stuck With You- Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
This song is fun and upbeat, while still being a bit of a tease. Mingyu feels the same way. He’s a goof and strikes me as someone who would love this song, and the conversation it tells. For the sake of your heart, don’t imagine him dancing around the kitchen with his partner whilst singing along. 
Vernon: Renegades- X Ambassadors
This is going to be super specific but both Vernon, and this song feel like sitting in the back of a loved one’s Subaru Legacy, watching the sunset over the ocean, after spending the day at the skate park. Its calming, with this rebellious undertone and a heart of love, and that just feels like Vernon to me. 
Vocal Unit: 
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Jeonghan: Troublemaker- Oly Murz and Flo Rider
Troublemaker is definitely a word that can be used to describe Jeonghan, that’s something everyone knows. The song is about a person who is wholly aware of the power they hold over people, and sung by a person who is totally caught up in the spell. Jeonghan is a manipulator, and I mean that with love, but he knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s going to use it for his own gain. 
Shua: She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5
Maroon 5 and Joshua Hong go hand in hand, but specifically I think he feels like She Will Be Loved. The song feels like a promise someone is making to their lover’s parent, a promise that their daughter will always be loved. Joshua has a tendency to feel a little old school, like a gentleman, and strikes me as someone who would make this kind of promise. Also the image of him playing his guitar and singing this song with that soft “thinking of the person I love” smile, my heart can’t take it. 
Woozi: Piano Man- Billy Joel
Lee Jihoon is made of music. He’s an old soul, and Piano Man feels like it was written by him a long time ago, and yet in a time still to come. There’s a love within the song, a love for music and the way it pulls you in. Jihoon was supposed to be a musician, and whether he’s performing as an idol, or simply playing the piano in a bar, he will always be a Piano Man. 
DK: Honey, Honey- Abba
Not only can I see him bodying this song, but I can picture it being sung about him. I feel the Amada Seyfried version suits him best, with the teasing tones and childish vibes. Seokmin is duality personified. On stage he gets so sexy and confident, and offstage he’s cute and sweet. Honey Honey is as well, being about a very grown-up relationship but sung in a way a child might understand. 
Seungkwan: Everything I Didn’t Say- 5SOS
Seungkwan has a lot to say, no one can doubt that, but I feel like he’s awful at talking about genuine, romantic love. Everything I Didn’t Say comes at the end of relationship, when the singer is reflecting on the things they wished they had said, and to me, this feels like something Seungkwan would sing. Not only would his voice fit the song beautifully, but I feel as though he understands the emotion behind it and could really bring it to life. 
Performance Unit: 
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Jun: Horns-Bryce Fox
Hear me out. While the subject of the song doesn’t feel like Jun, the singer himself does. The song is about a woman who is, objectively, toxic as fuck. She’s akin to a demon or beast, and yet, the singer can’t get enough of her. She’s what keeps him alive. The fire in this song, the passion, and sheer lust, that’s what feels like Jun. Its feels like bearing your soul, feeling it burn, and cherishing the warmth you’re given in return, and I don’t know why, but to me, that screams Wen Junhui. 
Hoshi: History Maker- Dean Fujioka 
Is this song from an anime about figure skaters? Yes. Does it still feel like Hoshi? Yes! The song itself is super short, but its message is one of hope, and following your dreams. The song makes me feel confident, like I could change the world, and to me, that sounds like Hoshi. He too is confident and doing what he loves. He doesn’t let himself get dragged down by anything, and does his best to keep moving forward. If this song isn’t on his work out playlist, it should be. 
Minghao: Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
Uptown Girl is a classic, its romantic, flirty, and such a tease. It feels like making fun of the person you love, and that is Minghao in a nutshell. He feels like classic love songs and being an ass to your lover. More than that, the song covers this underlying note of not feeling like enough, like you aren’t good enough for your partner, and that also feels like Minghao. Yeah, he’s confident, but he also strives to grown and be a better person, and to that extent, he probably worries that he’ll never be good enough for the person he falls for. 
Dino: R.I.P. 2 my Youth- The Neighborhood
This song is about growing up and finding a world that doesn’t care about you, and how you don’t care in return. Though Chan still seems like he has some hope left, its obvious that he grew up too fast. This song feels like what he’s trying not to be. He’s only about a year older than me, but sometimes it feels like he’s lived so much longer. I’m not sure 100% why, but this song is Chan. 
Let me know what you think! Do you agree, or are there any songs that you associate with the boys?
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kou Maniac [05]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki Castle
Reiji: ‘ーー It was you Vampire lot who helped Eve escape from the Vibora Castle, was it not?’ 
‘ーー Our Clan has taken this as a declaration of war.’
ー Reiji crumples the letter
Reiji: ...Good grief. Kou has put us in quite the pinch.
Subaru: I mean, we couldn’t let those Vibora keep her either way, right?
Reiji: You might personally feel as if this was for the best, but please try and consider the bigger picture.
It is important to try and gain the most out of others, or else you will not be able to guarantee the safety of those you must protect. ...Do you understand that?
Subaru: ...Che.
Reiji: Well, I suppose we cannot undo what has happened. 
Let us come up with a plan. Okay, Subaru?
ーー The fact that Eve got rescued by Vampires,
who helped her flee the Castle,
was taken as a declaration of war,
by the Vibora Clan.
When we were informed of said information,
by Kino-kun’s personal servant Yuuri-san,
our expressions grew grim. 
It would appear that the Vampire Clan,
has been confronted with quite the dilemma. 
I wonder if Ruki-kun and Yuma-kun,
as well as the Sakamaki family,
are all doing alright?
Even now that Yuuri-san has left again,
not a single one of us,
has dared to speak up.
Anxiety has taken over our minds,
the dead silence in the room particularly striking. 
Kou: ...
I guess all of this...really is my fault after all, huh?
Yui: That’s not true...
( He’s feeling responsible for putting the place he wanted to protect at risk due to his own actions... )
( Kou-kun... )
→ Try to comfort him (❦)
Yui: ( If only there was something I could say to comfort him... )
( ...As if. )
( He saved me. There’s nothing I can say to him. )
→ Observe for now
Yui: ( I’ll just wait and see for now. )
( I am the one who got saved by Kou-kun. )
( There’s no way I could comfort him... )
Kou: I went to see Subaru-kun because I wanted to keep Eden safe but...
Look at where that got us. I basically achieved the exact opposite. 
Kou: ...Haah.
Azusa: ...Don’t say that. That’s not true. 
Sure...Eden is important.
But the thing that matters to you the most...Would be Eve, right?
Kou: ...Yeah. 
Azusa: Then, don’t look so sad...
You were able to rescue Eve after all...So you did the right thing. 
Kou: ...You’re right. I’m sorry, M-neko-chan.
Yui: O-Oh no. I should say sorry for feeling down when you were so kind as to save me. 
Thank you too, Azusa-kun. For trying to lift our spirits.
Azusa: ...Don’t mention it. I just don’t want to see those I care about beating themselves up like that...
Yui: ( Azusa-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s room
Yuuri: ーー That is all of the information I have managed to gather on the Sakamaki and Mukami families’ current situation
Kino: I see. ...Anyway, about our next stepーー
*Knock knock* 
Yuuri: ...Who could that be? I doubt it would be Kou-san and the others...?
ー A female Ghoul enters his house
Attractive Ghoul Lady: Kino-sama. Please forgive me for the sudden visit...!
However, there is something I simply must tell you!
Yuuri: ーー Leave. You are bothering Kino.
Attractive Ghoul Lady: ...M-My sincere apologies! However, I have no choice...!
Yuuri: ...
KIno: Oh come on, Yuuri. Why don’t we listen to her at least? If I’m correct, she’s a...
Yuuri: ...A non-congenital Ghoul. Humans who became Ghouls through direct exposure with polluted air after their passing. ...Correct?
Attractive Ghoul Lady: Y-Yes!
I have a son in the human world, you see. I need to know what happened to him...
I heard that a human is currently residing in one of the empty houses.
Could I perhaps get permission to ask them about my son...?
Kino: ...Listen. I don’t know when exactly you were turned into a Ghoul, but I bet it was quite some time ago, no?
Your son’s obviously long dead. Why waste your time then?
Attractive Ghoul Lady: ...Right. My sincere apologies.
ー She leaves again
Yuuri: My apologies, Kino. I shall make sure to properly scold her for her behavior later.
Kino: Mmh, yeah. I’ll leave that up to you. Good luck.
But...It does pique my interest somewhat. A human son, huh...?
ー The scene shifts back to the empty house
Kou: ...
Yui: ( Azusa-kun managed to lighten the mood a little. )
( But I guess Kou-kun is still beating himself up. )
( It’s not his fault. I wish I could tell him that. )
( But I’m in no position to do so after he saved me... )
Even if I were to try and encourage him with my words,
I knew that it would all be in vain. 
I am sure that Kou-kun would adapt to the situation,
and give me a cheerful reaction in return.
But...In the end, that’s all just a facade. 
Not how he truly feels. 
Kou-kun is someone with a strong sense of responsibility (責任),
I was aware of that. 
As well as that he is incredibly sensitive (繊細),
and very easily hurt. 
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kyouxa · 4 years ago
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 11)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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While being held by Subaru-kun, we escaped from the Scarlet mansion together.
I entangled my fingers strongly with his, this way, I’d never be able to let go of his hand.
And while I did so, Subaru-kun strongly clasped my hand as a response to my action.
Both of us couldn’t do anything else but run for our lives.
We tried finding a place to hide in, even though there wasn’t any place for us to go.
Place: Outside — Abandoned house
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Subaru: What’s this?
Yui: Seems as if there’s an abandoned house even in a place like this.
Subaru: I wish we came here earlier. I’ll let you down.
Yui: Yes, thank you.
*Subaru lets Yui down*
Subaru: ...There seems to be no sign of any familiars around here either. But we can’t let our guard down.
Yui: That’s a relief for now. Would you like to go inside and take a rest then? I’m still worried about your injury.
Subaru: ...It might be best not to enter the house instantly.
Yui: Why is that?
Subaru: We couldn’t escape in case of emergency. Plus, we don’t mean to stay here forever anyway.
Not only Scarlet and Orange are after us, Violet is also still aiming for us.
We should try to find a safer place instead of getting ourselves into this run-down shabby house...
Yui: …..
Subaru: Heh, how funny. I really can’t trust anyone anymore here. It doesn’t even matter if it’s any of my brothers or not.
Everyone is looking for me because they want to snatch Eve away from me.
But they can bring it on if they dare. I don’t need to borrow anyone’s strength to protect my precious girlfriend.
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Yui: I hope this never happens though! It’s not a bad thing to rely on other people after all. But during times like those I understand how hard it is to trust others...
Subaru: ...Guess so.
Yui: (Neither of us can trust anyone besides ourselves… but it’s only natural that he’s frustrated after Reiji-san betrayed us like he did, right?)
What should we do about your injury, Subaru-kun? The wound opened itself again a while ago, right?
Subaru: Don’t worry about it, I’m fine.
Yui: Please, Subaru-kun. Don’t try to act tough in front of me.
I’m afraid it will get even more messed up because you’re holding the pain in just to have me not worry about you.
Subaru: You…
1) I can’t see the future (black)
2) It’s because I like Subaru-kun (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— I can’t see the future
Yui: We’re forced to get chased by everyone without even knowing why this is happening to the both of us...
I’m just worried because I can’t look into the future. I can’t help but wonder how long we’ll have to continue living like this...
Subaru: I didn’t mean to worry you, sorry.
Yui: No! You’re wrong! I’m not saying this is your fault or anything, Subaru-kun… !
I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. While I’m whining about all the things I just said, you’re relying on me more than ever.
It’s just hard for me to see you get even more hurt than you already are...
— It’s because I like Subaru-kun ♡
Subaru: I told you already, I’m fine. I’m a vampire, so this won’t be a big bother to me.
Yui: You might act as if it’s not bothering you, but it does bother me...
I really like you a lot, Subaru-kun. Therefore, I hate it when people I like are going through hard times by themselves.
I know I don’t have the same approximate strength as you do, but as much as you want to protect me...
I want to protect you as well.
Subaru: Does it really bother you that much?
end Choices
Yui: Hey, Subaru-kun. Be honest with me, would you be happier if I wasn’t here with you and the injury never happened?
Subaru: Hah? What are you talking about so suddenly?
*Yui starts crying*
Yui: You’re still injured because of me, and you have to force yourself to run away from everyone and everything due to me being with you.
...Maybe without me you could’ve stayed at Carla or even Reiji-san’s mansion.
Speaking of that, if I ended up cooperating as Eve, maybe someone would end up helping—
Subaru: Don’t say stupid shit!
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Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: You can’t decide these things on your own like that! Do you really think you’ll rescue everyone if you selfishly give yourself to them!? Hah!?
You’re still seen as a saint woman here, you know. So don’t play around with that!
Yui: I didn’t mean it like that...
Subaru: I said it so many times already though! No matter what you are in this world, I need you to be safe and sound!
*grabs Yui*
Subaru: Fuck, why won’t you get it!? I’ve already prepared myself to be with you from the start, okay!?
Yui: ….. !?
Subaru: It doesn’t matter to me what might happen to my body. I don’t want to give you to anyone else, even if things will go wrong…
*Subaru gets closer*
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: I don’t ever want to lose the feeling of holding you in my arms like I do right now… !
That’s why… ouch...
Yui: ...Ah, your injury… are you okay? Don’t overwork yourself.
(After all, his face does look as if he's in pain. You’re acting strong, but the wound actually does hurt you a lot, doesn’t it?)
(And despite that, he’s trying his hardest not to make me worry about him…)
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Subaru: Shit, I just hugged you but it already started hurting so much… Ngh
I can’t do anything with this injury. I doubt I could even fight any of them in my current conditions… !
Yui: (I’m so sorry, Subaru-kun… after all, without me—)
Subaru: What do I do!?
*lightning strikes*
Subaru: What was that light just now!?
What’s going on?
???: …..
Yui: A glowing… ball?
Subaru: What’s with this ball? Looks like the odd things strike yet again...
Socrates: My name is Socrates—
Subaru: Damn! That thing talked! Yui, stay behind me!
Socrates: What heroic actions indeed. So you really are protecting Eve despite your whole body continuously suffering from your injury.
It appears as if we have hit an interesting phase in our experiment. I could not possibly miss this opportunity.
Subaru: Experiment… ?
Yui: What do you mean by that exactly? And who even are you?
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Socrates: You do not need to know me. But let’s say that I am the specific reason why you are participants of this world.
Yui: (So this thing knows about this world…)
Um, why are both of us expected to be here to begin with? And where are we right now!?
Socrates: This place is a closed world created with magical power. You can imagine it like a miniature garden.
And as long as you are staying in this garden, neither of your memories were supposed to ever come back.
Subaru: As long as we’re in this garden? Does that mean...
Socrates: Exactly. If you can find a way to get out of this garden, everything will return back to its normality. The changed memory will return to their usual state as well.
However, I did indeed notice both of you had their memory returned without my interfering.
It seemed as this took place due to a sudden shock situation the both of you found yourselves in.
It could have also happened because of my extreme inadequacy. Let’s try to use this as a reference to what happened in the future.
Subaru: In the future… stop bullshitting me.
Spit it out, bastard! If you know this much, then it was you who trapped us here, right!?
What the fuck is the purpose of this entire shit anyway!?
Socrates: …..
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Subaru: Tch… don’t shut up now!
*Subaru tries hitting Socrates*
Subaru: ...Nn, what… ?
Yui: Subaru-kun’s fist didn’t hit it...
Socrates: Such attacks are utterly useless. You cannot even touch me, I hope you realized that.
If you truly wish to go fight against something, go against this world itself, not me.
Subaru: Hah?
Socrates: This miniature garden is designed to break easily if it’s confronted with certain conditions.
Yui: (I’m glad to hear that. So there is a way to escape from here!)
Can you tell us about those certain conditions?
Socrates: The condition for this outcome is that one person in this garden has to sacrifice themselves for the other players.
Yui: Sacrifice… ?
Socrates: Any method for this matter will do. They merely have to end their own life.
Yui: Ending their life, you say...
Subaru: ...Don’t spread bullshit around! Are you telling us to kill ourselves here or what!?
Socrates: Not everyone has to die. In the end, only one has to sacrifice its life.
If there will be a player killing themselves instead of being killed by somebody, the experiment can no longer continue and the garden will be destroyed.
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Subaru: Even so, we can’t do that!
Socrates: Well then, you should simply continue being trapped in this garden where time has stopped.
Nevertheless, it does not matter. I will now continue to watch attentively over the fate both of you will choose in the future.
*Socrates disappears*
Yui: Ah, it disappeared.
Subaru: Hey! Shit, come back!! We weren’t done talking yet!
Yui: Socrates-san! Why would you think and carry out such a cruel plan!?
Why do these brothers have to fight each other and even try to kill one another for this… ?
(We finally understand how this world works, but we can’t possibly do something as horrible as that… !)
(If nobody in this world will commit suicide, nobody will end up being saved)
(It might be ridiculous to accept what that glowing ball said without being able to question it…)
(But if there’s really no other way out here, should we really try this method… ?)
Subaru: Kch…
Yui: (Subaru-kun seems really worried about this too)
(No wonder. You can’t force someone to kill or even commit suicide to escape so suddenly like that…)
(I wonder, is there any other way we could try? There has to be a way to break free from this garden and for everyone to return there safely…)
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dl-oblivion · 4 years ago
Could you Sadi a Sakamaki brothers head cannon where a nonverbal autistic bride was sent to the mansion?
These headcannons would be different if you asked for a nonverbal autistic s/o. I’m writing this as if they just started living at the mansion. Also I’m sorry if anybody reading takes offense to what I wrote, that wasn’t my intention.
- Shu would think a nonverbal autistic bride is cute. Can’t speak? He likes you already. He might ignore, or forget about them when they first arrive to the mansion, but he’s kinda like that with everyone.
- Sadly, he would try taking advantage of them a few times, because they’re easy prey in his eyes. I do think he would wise up, and be more charming as opposed to downright terrifying, eventually.
- The vampire would be the same for the most part. He’d kind of be a bystander to his brothers torment, and just fade into the background. He feels a little bad, but it’s not his problem. Obviously this would change if he started developing feelings.
- Reiji still has expectations for how he believes the bride should act, but is a lot more easy going. His strict attitude is still present, it’s just not as prominent. I believe he’d be the most patient out of all his brothers, because he understands it the best.
- People tend to think of him as a tight ass, but he can be a real gentleman. His movements are smooth, and his words are pretty. Using his charm, just like his older brother, he would make sure the bride was comfortable before he did anything (sucking blood).
- He learns their social cues almost immediately. If anything is wrong he’ll know, and try to source out the problem. There will be no toleration of disrespect from his brothers.
- Ughh Ayato is just, no. I’m sorry, but he has no chill. The vampire doesn’t know how to restrain himself, and even he tried, would still slip out some offensive jokes. If it’s not teasing, it’s flat out rejection. (As in he would ignore their presence)
- He might drink from the bride a few times, but get bored, because of the mute aspect. He knows there’s something inherently wrong about taking advantage of someone who is disabled. This doesn’t mean he’s incapable of falling in love with someone who has a disability, he’s just impatient, and can be close minded.
- If they didn’t end up dying somehow, he’d become more tolerable. As time goes on Ayato would seek them out, and try to have “fun”. As in, he might end up burning the whole house down trying to make takoyaki with the bride.
- Laito is hard to read on this one. No doubt, he’d take advantage of them, but I think it would all be surface level. So no mind games, or mass manipulation. He’d attempt to do something to mess with their head, but realize it doesn’t register with them, so give up.
- His playful attitude would be cranked up to the max. He thinks it’s cute the way the bride might react to his blunt sexual innuendos. I can see him attempting to scare them a few times as well.
- Laito isn’t one to discriminate, he’ll suck blood from anyone. He’s enjoys new experiences, and is willing to try everything once. That being said, he might get bored of a bride who is incapable of speaking.
- Probably the perfect person for him ngl. A quiet, and easy to subdue partner is what he looks for, as sick as it sounds. He’s another brother with no chill, Kanato wouldn’t care much for the disability nor attempt to understand it.
- The vampire would still have his tantrums, and be sadistic. (Although they wouldn’t be as frequent.)Certain facial expressions are offensive to him. He doesn’t hold back at all.
- He loves dressing the bride up in cute outfits, and eating sweets with them. As long as there isn’t much rebelling, things should be fine for the most part.
- Subaru would be super protective over any bride with a disability. Cause he knows damn well his brother’s are assholes. If anybody makes fun of them, he’s throwing hands.
- The vampire would help to get the bride out of the mansion. There’s no way they’re staying in a house full of sadistic vampires. His frustration, and anger towards his father would grow even more so.
- He usually keeps his distance with brides, but for some reason, can’t let this go. Shit just hits way too close to home, they remind him of his mother. Subaru would refuse to drink from the bride.
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polandspringz · 4 years ago
I’ve seen a few posts/memes now about how many anime/manga protagonists have done this “run off from the group” move recently, and in light of BNHA 306, I think it’s worth talking about!
The obvious comparison to be made is Sasuke, but I’ve seen others point out this has also happened with Natsu from Fairy Tail, Phos from HnK, and Hinata from HQ. Hinata seems to be a bit of an exception, as the reason he left was for training and to better himself, (I don’t know much about the case in FT as I dropped the series a long time ago) but I think making the comparison to Phos is interesting as it could be indicative of a new theme or trend in manga storytelling as a whole. 
I’ve been thinking about things like this a lot more since I saw this post talking about how RWBY isn’t grimdark but hopepunk, and since BNHA is a shounen manga I doubt Deku running off is going to lead to a depressing or nihilistic story, as we know it’s going to have a happy ending (all of Deku’s narration about how this is the story of him becoming the number 1 hero), but at this point I don’t know what theme this might be referring to overall. While this chapter has certainly shocked a lot of us, I don’t think it’s as out of left field as our reactions make it seem (to an outsider watching us discuss it). We’ve known for a while that something was going to happen to change hero society, and with how much backlash U.A. had been getting and now with a city in shambles after the “heroes disappeared” during their failure to protect it, it would be very hard to have the kids go back to U.A. as normal and progress with the second year the same way as the first. There would be very limited storytelling in what could have been done with that sort of tone outside of internships, as anything like the sports festival would probably receive major backlash and I imagine without Deku there, the rest of the hero classes are going to be dealing with day in and day out harassment or press and the public crowding the gates in protest because the pushback against hero society is now so strong. And in the first place, we seem to have been leading up to this takedown or rework of society to begin with, as so many heroes have lost their quirk, but it doesn’t make any sense why they couldn’t keep working to begin with? (Ragdoll didn’t have a practical quirk for combat, both her and Mirio can still fight and do all their other hero duties but society says you NEED a quirk to legally be a hero). But that sort of society rework is a whole separate theme to discuss on it’s own.
Feel free to add onto this post! I’m still collecting my thoughts but am mainly trying to think of if there is a specific theme that a lot of manga is using in their storytelling, as Phos went to the moon for the truth, Deku has gotten the truth and is going to save people- in a way it’s a weird Ship of Theseus idea of change I think. With Phos it’s a literal Ship of Theseus metaphor, but with Deku it’s just that he’s been through so many revelations in such a short time he is a fundamentally different character now. Jaded, burdened with secrets that isolated him from others, it’s similar to how in Re:Zero Subaru is so alone because he is physically unable to tell anyone about his struggles and therefore no one can ever truly empathize or understand what he’s going through. Deku leaving the letter is sad, but in a way it’s also a hopeful change. He told others about his quirk, he isn’t alone anymore. People will likely join him in the next few chapters, or I could even see everyone going after Deku and dragging him back, as now that he’s not alone anymore they could say something about how they don’t care about him being a target or how they all could get hurt because of him, they just don’t want him to be alone. Because that too is becoming a glaring issue, as Deku shared info so he wasn’t alone anymore, but then left and isolated himself, and Bakugou told him in the last arc to “stop fighting alone” (paraphrasing), so we know that’s a statement that’s going to come back soon.
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dboliklover · 5 years ago
Can you make a scenario where Subaru and his lovers would raising a cute little daughter, please?
Hi! Sorry, this took me ages to write! It’s part one of a drabble series I hope to have on this blog. 
I hope you’ll like it <3 
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______________________________________________________________ Daddy! Subaru x Mama! Reader Part One: (4 pages)
You gave Subaru something he never believed he would be fortunate enough - or deserving enough - to attain. You had given him that, which he was convinced he was unworthy of.
A family. 
You had given Subaru Sakamaki a chance. A chance to have what he never did in his childhood - a loving, proper family. 
And he loved you. He loved you so much more than you would ever know - he loved you more than he could ever be able to effectively convey.
It was hard to believe, now, that your daughter’s third birthday was fast approaching. If you’d told him eight years ago that he would even get the chance to fall in love - he would have bitterly scoffed and demanded you leave him alone - or else.
He still had no idea how he got so incredibly lucky, but he was glad for it. So, so very glad. 
With ruby eyes, Subaru observed as you ran about the Rose Garden with your beloved daughter. You had named her Haruka Christa Sakamaki. It had been your suggestion to name her after his mother - a choice he’d been reluctant with, but eventually agreed on - his mother had been far from a saint. in fact, she scarred him psychologically for life, but at the same time he could never bring himself to hate the woman who had given him life; even if she then abused and neglected that life. 
She was his mother and he loved her, and he always would - despite it all. 
And, if anything - it only served to further the fire of hatred in his heart for his father. He often wondered what life could have been like, had Karlheinz died when he was young. It was without a doubt that if Karlheinz had died when the brothers were still young, they would likely had had significantly better relationships with each other. 
Life would have been so much better if only his father had been out of the picture completely. 
Your tender loving voice snapped the albino out of his troubled thoughts. His gaze fell upon you and just like every single day of your lives, merely looking at you took his breath away.  “Are you okay?” 
He turned to look at you with smiling eyes. “Yes,” He responded, “I’m just...thinking.” 
You were about to ask what was troubling him, but Haruka’s voice interrupted you “Daddy!! Mama!!”
You smiled, “Here’s my baby!” You exclaimed, crouching down with open arms, the wind blowing through your hair ever-so-gently as your two-and-a-half-year-old daughter ran into your arms. You wrapped your arms around her and picked her up, bouncing her softly up and down. 
To Subaru, the entire scene was out of a dream. Something that had always felt so foreign and distant - and now, it was here and it was his. 
You were his moon - the one who had helped him through the darkest of nights, who was always there when he needed you - even if he couldn’t see you - and who lit his way when all felt hopeless and lost to ensure he could stay on the right path.
And Haruka was the stars in his vanilla sky. She was his beautiful, bouncing baby and he adored her - and you - both of you were his sky - his world. At this point he could never fathom an existence devoid of either you or your daughter, even imagining such a thing was far too raw and painful for him. 
Recurring nightmares haunted his mind for weeks on end on a regular basis - terrible dreams where you were both taken from him - slaughtered mercilessly in front of his very eyes. It killed him a little more each time to witness, if only in dream form. 
But right now - his Moon and his Star - were here, beside him, safe from any harm. As it should be. 
“Daddy!!” Haruka exclaimed, and he now realised that she was holding a crown made of flowers in her tiny hands, wriggling in her mother’s embrace to get closer to him. It was also at this point Subaru acknowledged the bountiful crown of petals and leaves perched upon your own head, as well as his beloved daughter’s. 
If Subaru from the past - brash, abrasive and cold - could see the man he’s become...well, he wasn’t sure whether he’d be pissed, impressed, embarrassed or grateful.
Shows him how much he’s changed to himself, huh?
His heart fluttered as an involuntary laugh escaped him and allowed his daughter to place the crown of flowers on top of his head. His body language was awkward and stiff, which caused you to let out a loud giggle. 
Haruka clapped her petite hands as soon as Subaru lifted his head, the flower crown making him look terribly pleasant. 
He was still not quite...used to things like this. It felt strange - in the best of ways, of course, and though he feared he would never fully get into the flow, he wouldn’t change this for the world.
“You look very beautiful, King Subaru.” You teased with challenging, amused eyes, knowing fully well that your remark would cause him embarrassment. 
Subaru glared at you for a moment, then sighed, loosening the muscles in his face, the blush contrasting with his pale complexion. 
Eight years he’s known you - and somehow even after all this time, you managed to make him flustered. 
He still had troubles with himself - often - times he’d breakdown in front of you, screaming for you to get away from him, to leave him - it was only natural after all he’d been through and being raised to believe himself a monstrous being. 
But you stayed by his side and he knew, even in times of sorrow-clouded doubt, that you would remain right there, beside him, until the end of time - because you had proven yourself and your love for his time and time again and after all that you had been through together he knew that your love was an unconditional one. Haruka was the very embodiment of that pure, unconditional love. 
“Daddy looks pretty!!” She squealed out in joy,  beaming with laughter, and you laughed, too, and Subaru smiled - a true, real smile; one he thought impossible until he met you. You changed his entire universe and now you created an emblem of hope for him from the seeds of your womb.
You thought for a moment, and then gently handed your child to him. Even now, Subaru still feared to hold her just as he had fretted over it when she was a newborn. It was endearing, but these days you were beginning to get sick of it. “You won’t drop her,” You whispered into his ear as you transferred the bouncing baby girl into his arms, smiling reassuringly. You had to bite back your laughter when he held her as if she were made of glass - he always held her like she was the world’s most fragile little thing. And you mused to yourself that, in his eyes, she probably was. 
The way he looked down at her as he held her, cooing and whispering sweet promises to her about how he would protect her from harm and always keep her safe warmed your heart and was almost enough to make you cry. 
You loved your husband so, so much. ______________________________________________________________
Subaru begrudgingly wore the flower crown for the rest of that night, alongside you and Haruka, who insisted on it. You’d helped her to create them, teaching her methods of folding the flowers over each other and securing them into harmonic knots. Due to her young age and unskilled hands, you’d been the one to do most of the work when creating them and she observed you, but you told her that she’d been a huge help because you knew that she loved helping others. A surely wonderful trait for a toddler to have - you could only pray to the powers that be that you would be good parents to her. 
So far, so good, though. 
When it was time to tuck Haruka into bed, Subaru offered to do it. You smiled and agreed as you brushed your hair in front of the vanity table in your shared bedroom and waited no longer than a minute before placing the brush down and hurrying out to the corridor to silently watch from the shadows. 
You leaned your figure against the door frame of Haruka’s bedroom, smiling with teary eyes as you witnessed Subaru singing to her a lullaby that you assumed Christa had sung to him when he was a baby - before it all came crashing down. You’d only heard him hum and sing on a few scarce occasions, so this was a big deal since he always felt humiliated and embarrassed by doing something so...flamboyant as singing. 
The gentle expression on his face made a tear drip from your eye down our cheek, because he was so beautiful - they both were - and this was your life and it was perfect. There were difficulties and eternal danger looming over you - but you couldn’t care about that at the moment, not when you had the most astonishing family in the world here with you.
It was a futile attempt to blink back your tears, for they fell like silent waterfalls the moment you saw Haruka’s little eyelids fluttering shut and saw Subaru kiss her little forehead goodnight. He leaned back and stood from the corner of her bed, tucking her in, his entire attention upon her. 
He then touched the flower crown with the tips of his fingers, taking it off just to stare at it for several moments. 
And then he kissed the petals, too, and proudly placed it back upon his head. When he returned to your bedroom, you had a feeling he would take it off and place it on his bedside table or your vanity whilst acting as though you had forced him to wear it unwillingly (in a joking manner, of course) but you knew, like you always did, that he loved every second of today. 
Sneaking off before he could hear or sense you, you returned to your room, smiling contently as you sat in your chair, staring at your reflection with pure, unadulterated happiness.
- Mod Rozalia 
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animebw · 4 years ago
Binge-Watching: Re:Zero S2, Episodes 18-19
In which the show’s world is blown wide open, we meet a new, terrifying foe, and Emilia confronts the pain of the promise she’s carried with her all this time.
Eons Ago
In my days, I’ve seen some Re:Zero fans describe season 1 as the story’s prologue. That description never really made sense to me; if it takes twenty-five episodes (twenty-six, if we consider the double-length first episode) to get your story out of prologue mode, then you are doing something wrong. But now that I’m deep into season 2, I think I kind of get where those fans are coming from. I still don’t agree that season 1 is just a prologue, but holy shit has the story taken off since Rem’s departure. Season 1 was almost entirely focused on Subaru as a character and his growth through the trials he endured, with most of the big worldbuilding and lore details occurring in the background, Now, though, the greater scope of Re:Zero’s world has fully stepped into the spotlight. Time’s been taken to flesh out Lugunica’s history, how the characters we know fit into the broader sweep of what’s happening in this country, the goals driving everyone to try and reshape Lugunica’s future and the lengths they’ll go to in order to do so. We've had three straight episodes exploring Emilia’s backstory in exhaustive detail, and that’s directly after an episode entirely devoted to Garfiel and a half-episode giving Otto a chance to shine. And it looks like next episode is only gonna continue that trend by picking up on yet another subplot introduced in episode 18 and fully fleshing out how the Sanctuary was made in the first place. We’ve spent more time with Subaru’s allies in this second cours than we have with Subaru himself. And that speaks to how Re:Zero’s focus has expanded in its fourth arc; this isn’t just a story about Subaru’s personal growth anymore. This is a story about all the people in his orbit, and the world they live in, and the history of that world that defines its course, and all the interconnected moments that weave their collective tapestry.
The one downside to that approach- if you can really call it a downside- is that the more we dive into the world of Re:Zero, the more I realize just how staggeringly huge it is. For every answer Emilia’s backstory gives us, it only raises more questions to take its place, questions that will no doubt lead us still deeper into this world’s backstory. For example, how exactly is the witch cult structured? The archbishops seem to lead factions of cultists under their control, but Betelgeuse is not yet an archbishop when he’s providing aid to the elves. He only becomes an archbishop when he fucking injects himself with the power of the Unseen Hand and is given the title of Sloth, which only raises further questions still. Who gave Geuse the Sloth Factor in the first place? Why did he have leadership over his comrades if he wasn’t an archbishop? So much of this organizations’ mechanics are still shrouded in mystery, and there’s little time to pore over the few details we get because we’re too busy being bowled over by Geusu’s first “DESS!” coming from a heroic declaration to protect the woman and girl he considers his family. He didn’t even want the title of Sloth when it was given to him; he rejected it and said it was a lie that he would never let come to pass. So was Geuse’s cult an offshoot of the witch’s cult that once worked against them, or is there something more complicated going on? Either way, we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s truly going on with them.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We still don’t know how the third Beast of Gluttony found its way here. Hell, we don’t even know what’s the deal with the big Seal they’re fighting over. Clearly, opening a spectral door in the middle of the forest is a bad idea, but what powers does the Witch Cult hope to unleash by doing so? And why does Emilia have the ability to become its key, exactly? Because if she really is the daughter of Satella, then Mother Fortuna needs to have a long talk with her brother about his taste in women. Yeah, no marriage is perfect, but I feel you can do better than an eons-old personification of one of humanity’s oldest sins. Or maybe being the “daughter of a witch” is just a symbolic title, as we see Beatrice describe herself as Echidna’s daughter in our brief flashback to her meeting with Ryuzu. Which raises an entirely separate set of questions, because it looks like this meeting occurred way back when Echidna was still alive and hoooooly shit that’s wild to even think about. Not to mention one of Roswaal’s ancestors showing up back then as well... except I wonder if he’s actually an ancestor, because he sure looks and sounds an awful lot like the present day Margrave Mathers, minus the hammy affect we now know hides his true malice. It would not surprise me if Roswaal also turned out to be immortal in some way, that’s all I’m saying.
The Eight Witch
But even all of those mysteries pale in comparison to the biggest bombshell these episodes drop on us: MOTHER FUCKING PANDORA. Hey, excuse me, show, do you fucking mind? I just got done wrapping my head around meeting the seven sin witches and now you drop an eight witch on me out of nowhere? I honestly thought she was just Kid Echidna for a while due to the bushy eyebrows (and who knows, maybe they do have some connection), but then Regulus drops an entirely new name on us and I just about lost my shit. The Witch of Vanity is a cherry bomb straight through the glass window that upends everything I thought I understood about this world’s mythology. And she has possibly the most terrifying power of all her (possible) sisters: the power to literally erase the effects of a person’s actions. When Regulus starts getting too mouthy for her liking (Side note, Regulus really is just the embodiment of the “I feel threatened when we are not talk about me?” meme, isn’t he?), she just snaps her fingers and blips his entire existence somewhere else entirely. All the injuries he landed on his foes, all the damage he did to the battlefield, gone as if he never showed up in the first place. That’s some King Crimson levels of high-concept temporal fuckery. And it makes Pandora functionally immortal; whenever she dies, she can just erase the action that killed her and pop up again good as new, save for the blood splatter where her body was once blown apart in a reality that no longer exists. I think. Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around her powers, and I bet we’ll get further clarification on them eventually, so don’t spoil me if I’ve messed something up. I’m game to see just how insane these abilities get.
And even putting her powers aside, Pandora as a presence in this battle scares the everloving shit out of me. She’s constantly smiling, constantly happy, constantly joyful at her opponents’ struggles. She cries tears of joy when Betelgeuse takes in the Unseen Hand, she sends Regulus away with no ill will for his whiny outbursts, she even shows grace toward Emilia when the little girl rejects her request to open the Seal. Only a couple brief moments show the anger hiding under her smile, and even then, there’s no real spite in it. Pandora seems like she genuinely loves everyone, from Regulus’s egotistical blathering to Emilia’s selfless bravery to Fortuna’s unending badassery. But she’s also willing to pull dirty tricks like clouding her opponents’ sight to make them see things that aren’t there. That moment where she made Fortuna think she just slapped Emilia? Holy shit, I just about had a heart attack. It almost feels like she’s playing with them, enjoying watching them struggle because she’s confident that the outcome is already determined in her favor. Even when she’s forced to abandon her quest for the seal, she shows nothing but tenderness toward Emilia as she wipes the girl’s memories and inserts herself in the hole they leave behind. I don’t understand what she wants or why she wants it, or how she even relates to the other witches, but that level of self-assured kindness is chilling on a level I think I’m only just starting to comprehend. Once again, Re:Zero season 2 proves that there is nothing more terrifying than the words “I love you.”
Even when it comes from someone you love back.
Winter is Here
Because through the absolute nightmare of this flashback, through all the sacrifices and tragic deaths and rage and sorrow, the reason it hurt Emilia so badly- the reason she couldn’t bring herself to complete this trial before now- was her mother’s love. Fortuna might not have been her blood mother, but she was the best mother Emilia could have asked for. And much like Garfiel before her, knowing how much Fortuna loved her is what made losing her such a crushing, inescapable pit. Even before shit really goes wrong, Emilia’s already internalized that this mess must be all her fault in some way. It’s her fault for breaking promises, it’s her fault for being a bad girl, it’s her fault that she’s about to end up alone. She can’t help but feel like she deserves to lose everything for not keeping her word and escaping from her forest prison. But through it all, Fortuna never surrendered her love. Even when she’s been pierced through the heart and lies bleeding out in the snow, she uses her final words to profess, once again, how goddamn much she loves her adopted daughter. And Emilia feels the full weight of that trauma, even if she’s only now remembering the specifics. Small wonder she grew up with such intense abandonment issues and lack of self-worth; the last time she did something even slightly improper, it resulted in her home being destroyed, her mother being slaughtered by her boyfriend in a fit of deluded rage, and all her kinsman being frozen in eternal ice by her own blind rage. Can you blame her for falling apart at the slightest suggestion, however small, that such horrors might befall her again?
And Jesus Christ, I cannot stress enough just how heartbreaking it all is. Watching Betelgeuse slowly fall apart until he rips through Fortuna by accident, watching Fortuna absolutely fucking cut loose with full Mama Bear fury to keep her daughter safe, watching Archi blow his goddamn leg off and freeze the stump to stop the infection from killing him, watching Pandora put herself back together over and over again no matter how many times she dies, watching Emilia erupt in a blizzard of grief and fury and turning an entire countryside to ice as she implores her mother’s killer to die, killing a witch who can’t be killed over and over again, screaming with the kind of agony no child should ever have to bear... god. Words can’t do it justice. There’s nothing rational or logical about this kind of suffering. It just hurts. It hurts on a primal level that can’t be reasoned with or shut away. I fully understand why this trial crushed Emilia. I fully understand why it would drive her insane without a supportive shoulder to lean on. She went through absolute hell and internalized the idea that it was somehow all her fault, that every last ounce of this tragedy was a sin fallen on her own head. The fact she turned out as stable as she did is a fucking miracle. Anyone without her strength would have broken under that pressure long ago.
Power of a Promise
And yet, somehow, Emilia pulled through. No matter how many times she broke down crying, now matter how insurmountable the challenge seemed, the light within her refused to die. Even in the thick of that nightmare in the past, when faced with an option to open the Seal to save Fortuna’s life, she somehow found the courage to stay true to her promise. Because just as the ties of love can be chains holding us down, they can just as well be the wind that carries us into the sky. Just as a promise can lead to ruin and misery, it can be a bond stronger than steel and brighter than silver. No matter how much it hurt, Emilia and Fortuna loved each other. They were family beyond family. They trusted each other, they believed in each other, they held fast to each other even to the bitter end. Just look at how much ass Fortuna whips to keep Emilia safe; those jaw-dropping ice spells are the work of a woman who refuses to give up on love. And even though it ended in tragedy, there’s no doubt in my mind that Fortuna would die all over again if it meant giving the child of her brother, his wife and herself a chance to keep on going. No matter how much Emilia’s lost, Fortuna’s love is still with her. The promise they made so long ago remains unbroken. And so long as Emilia never regrets making that promise, it won’t ever fade no matter how much darkness lies ahead.
Because for all the pain of these episodes, the moment that stands out the most to me isn’t one of despair or tragedy. It’s the moment where Emilia in the present watches herself in the past, as she makes the promise to Fortuna that sealed their fates. The moment they swear that no matter what, they’ll always be with each other. And in a perfect mirror of the child she once was, Emilia breaks down sobbing as she makes good on that promise all over again with a single phrase:
“I love you, mother.”
And that’s all you need, isn’t it? That’s all the light necessary to drive back the darkness. Emilia finding the strength to speak her love once again, to accept how much Fortuna meant to her no matter how heartbreaking, is a spell more powerful than any of the high-level ice magic Fortuna tossed around. It’s a spell strong enough to break through the first trial and put her back on her feet at last. No matter how much it hurts, Emilia won’t give up on love anymore. She won’t give up on herself. She won’t give up on all the people, from Fortuna to Subaru to the villagers of Arlam and everyone in between, who’ve placed their faith in her. So what if it’s her fault her people are frozen in ice? She’ll just have to apologize over and over when she finally wakes them up. And then, she can bring them out at last to the big, wide world before them. The world they were never able to see before when they were imprisoned inside invisible walls. No longer will they be trapped inside some forgotten Sanctuary: as Subaru so beautifully puts it, once this long nightmare is finally over, they’ll be able to call the entire world their sanctuary. And Emilia will stand tall through it all, shouting to the heavens so Fortuna can hear just how far her daughter’s come, still wearing her mother’s hairpin after all these years, forever believing in the promise that hairpin represents.
After so long wallowing in despair... Emilia is ready to fly once more
And could not be more grateful for the tears we’ve shed together.
Odds and Ends
-”It is true you are special, but not so much that you can look down on others.” Echidna... you fascinate me.
-”Don’t mind me. Just killing time, I suppose.” aksjhsad is that a tsundere affect I hear
-”Just this much, I suppose.” this is too cute what the fuck
-It took us half the cours to see the damn OP. And we still haven’t seen the ED. Good lord.
-”Now that you’re fighting back, they’ll be a poor fit.” God, imagine if the next two trials were even harder for Emilia. That would just be evil.
-”I’m sorry, mother.” fine just rip my heart in two why don’t you
-”Hey, don’t go understanding each other like that!” dsfskjshdfkjhsdf
-Imagine, little old Otto being the one to throw Roswaal’s plans out of gear. What a king.
-”I advise you to surrender.” THE BALLS ON THIS KID.
Six episodes to go. See you next time!
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bemused-writer · 5 years ago
Analysis of Subaru, Kamui, and Subaru/Kamui
Ever since I first read X/1999 I was of the Subaru/Kamui persuasion. The two have each suffered a great deal and went out of their way to support one another; every single scene they have is of them doing just that as best they can. And since I have returned to my X/1999 obsession with a vengeance, I figure it’s time to take a look at this ship–and the characters themselves–with everything I got. Technically, this is not a “confirmed” ship. Technically, there are a lot of unconfirmed or implied ships floating around X/1999. I figure that's on account of CLAMP’s multishipping tendencies. Anyhow…
Before we get into this, I won't be taking Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles into account for two reasons: 1) It is an AU and therefore is supposed to give us an alternative look at the characters and 2) If I start including the plotlines of Tsubasa we will never finish this review. X/1999 is already plenty long. 8D I might do a separate post about their interactions in Tsubasa once I reread that manga, though.
With that out of the way, let’s take a look. One of the most obvious things people have to say about these two is that they’re reflections of each other. They’ve been through similar experiences and similar traumas. Their reactions to those experiences are quite different, however, and goes a long way towards explaining why they take separate paths later in the series. Let’s start with their first meeting.
When Subaru first meets Kamui, it’s literally at the worst phase of Kamui’s life. His best friend, Fuuma, has just had his brain washed thanks to fate (!) and the woman he loved, Kotori, was murdered by said best friend right before his eyes. As if all that wasn’t bad enough, he was nearly killed by Fuuma as well, which took on a weird, sexual vibe, which becomes pretty consistent on Fuuma’s part throughout the series.
All of this is extremely similar to what Subaru endured at Seishirou’s hands in Tokyo Babylon years earlier (although the sexual component with Seishirou is toned down quite a bit in comparison). There are some notable differences in circumstance, however, and these circumstances are important to understanding the fundamental differences between Subaru and Kamui themselves. As Subaru says, their pain isn’t the same.
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The most pertinent difference between the two is the cause that led them into a coma in the first place and what ultimately brought them out of it. For Subaru, the betrayal and abuse at the hands of the man he loved is what sent him into a coma while the death of his sister, the other person he loved most, is what brought him out of it. In other words, traumatic shock put him into a coma and traumatic shock forced him out of it. There wasn't a single moment that wasn't painful.
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For Kamui, it’s quite different. The death of the woman he loved along with the betrayal and abuse at the hands of his best friend is what sent him into the coma. It was doubly traumatic because Kamui lost everything all at once. This is a big part of why Sorata was so worried Kamui would never wake up; he literally had nothing tying him to reality. The only two people he'd ever had a significant bond with were both gone in one fell swoop. The only reason he emerged from this is, of course, because of Subaru’s intervention.
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Perhaps the only reason Kamui is even slightly well-adjusted is thanks to the much gentler wake-up call he had in comparison to Subaru. Frankly, after Hokuto died, Subaru didn't have anyone for nine years. It's no wonder he dwelled on nothing but Seishirou, barely managed his duties as head of the Sumeragi clan, and developed a suicidal wish to keep him going.
Kamui has Subaru, so he managed to avoid a lot of that. He's still obsessed with Fuuma, but he has other things to occupy his time with.
Some other differences in Subaru and Kamui's backstory to keep in mind: Seishirou was acting like a good guy in Tokyo Babylon. Fate had absolutely nothing to do with his transformation into a bad guy; that's just how he is. Fuuma actually was a good person who had the good persona wiped away and replaced with ... his fated personality, I suppose. I think this explains some of Kamui's stubbornness when it comes to rescuing Fuuma; he knows fate isn't fair and Fuuma was a victim of it.
Subaru has no such delusions. He knows Seishirou was playing him for a fool and he knows he has no regrets about it. It's why his wish isn't to fix Seishirou; it's merely to die at his hands, so he can finally let go of the whole thing.
And Subaru does his best to keep himself at a distance from his fellow Dragons of Heaven for the sake of this endeavor. He doesn't really befriend any of them or spend any real amount of time with them; he knows his wish will bring nothing but pain to anyone that cares for him, so he tries to avoid those attachments. I suspect we wouldn't have heard much from Subaru in this series if he hadn't become unexpectedly attached to Kamui himself.
So, let's get back to their first meeting. Kamui is in a coma and Subaru delves into his memories in order to help him. This isn't the first time Subaru has done this, and there are a few parallels to his previous case to consider with this one.
In volume 2 of Tokyo Babylon, Subaru has to help a woman, Mitsuki, that he once knew that had fallen into a coma after being sexually assaulted. It's implied this is the first time Subaru has entered someone's mind to help them, and he comments it will be easier if she remembers him at least a little. He'd been dreaming of her earlier that very day.
Now, not only does Mitsuki remember him, it's revealed that she's harbored a crush on him since they were children. It's never made very clear whether or not Subaru returns those feelings, although there are some jokes from Seishirou that she is his rival in love. Regardless, Subaru saves a woman that considers him special and only emerges from her coma thanks to Subaru's kind words.
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So, when Subaru enters Kamui’s mind, he knows it will be dangerous. Kamui doesn’t know him at all; there isn’t any kind of attachment to make this easier. But the end result is very similar to what we see in Tokyo Babylon: Kamui emerges both because of Subaru’s kind words, but also because he’s found someone that understands the pain he’s been through to some degree. Both Mitsuki and Kamui reverted to childhood in their sorrow as well, a time where things were much simpler and the world easier to understand.
There’s no doubt that Kamui considers Subaru special after this. How could he not? And if we compare Kamui’s case directly with Mitsuki’s there’s at least the implication he may grow to care for Subaru in a similar fashion to Mitsuki. CLAMP went out of there way to draw as many comparisons between Subaru’s past and Kamui’s present as they could within this series, so I think it’s fair to make this assumption.
It's also notable that Subaru's own feelings on the matter are harder to read in both situations. Did he have feelings for Mitsuki or was she simply a treasured friend from his past? Her words had haunted him for years at that point, so her opinion definitely mattered. Likewise, it's harder for us to tell what he thinks about Kamui. We can tell there's a deep bond and affection there, but it's not quite as straightforward.
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The hug is actually quite important here. They held one another in the dreamscape and then continued to in reality. This is interesting because neither Subaru nor Kamui are physically affectionate people. Subaru only ever hugged his sister and maintains a kind of no-contact rule with people in general. He never initiated physical contact with Seishirou throughout Tokyo Babylon and definitely doesn't in X/1999. He doesn't go out of his way to pat his fellow Dragons of Heaven on the back the way Sorata does. The only exception is Kamui.
As for Kamui, he just … isn’t affectionate. 8D You’ll recall how crabby he was at the beginning of X/1999. He was pushing everyone away in a misguided attempt at protecting them. Then, one of the only notable times he initiated physical contact was when he held Kotori in his arms and cupped Fuuma’s cheek for the last time, and that was when he was incredibly distressed and finally willing to admit how much he cared about them both.
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These are two people he’s known and trusted his whole life, so it makes sense he would allow some physical contact between them. Consider how he reacts to Sorata, Keiichi, evil!Fuuma, and pretty much anyone else that tries to initiate physical contact: it’s met with either confusion, overt hostility, or acceptance without reciprocation. Honestly, Sorata’s gotten all three of these reactions… 8D
The one exception is Subaru, who he not only accepts physical contact from, but will also initiate. So, the two of them are relatively similar in how they approach this, which is something we'll see throughout this review.
While Subaru was in Kamui’s dreamscape, they discuss several important things, such as the fact Kamui is trying to escape reality and the fact nothing will change or improve if he remains in the coma. He also explains his relationship with Seishirou and how things became much worse when he refused to leave the confines of his own mind.
But there’s a small detail CLAMP drops that I always found interesting.
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This isn’t meant to show Kamui as naive. On the contrary, this is actually pretty wise and gets back to Subaru’s Shinto roots. Subaru is an onmyoji, a follower of onmyodo, which is a mix of Chinese philosophy (the five elements, yin-yang theory, etc.), Buddhism, and has elements of Japanese philosophy, i.e. Shintoism.
In Shinto, things really do have lives, and they deserve respect. It's yet another demonstration of how the Sakurazukamori are the opposite of the Sumeragi; they use these basic ideals and corrupt them. Things aren’t important, and neither are people.
So, in one fell swoop, Kamui has reminded Subaru of his own philosophy and demonstrated a fundamental difference between his worldview and Seishirou’s. Kamui is approaching things from a similar place Subaru would have when he was younger (it’s hard to say how much faith Subaru has in his own practice at this point; he’s pretty jaded).
Ultimately, Subaru asks Kamui several questions that give insight into both of their mindsets while they're in the dreamscape: If his [Fuuma’s] true self is restored, are you willing to tell him you killed Kotori? Even if it means he’ll hate you? Even if you must shoulder the blame for the rest of your life? Even if no one else will understand what you wished for and the reasons why?
It’s a pretty serious line of questioning because, in all honesty, what Kamui wants is dangerous. There’s no guarantee he can ever have it, and if he does attain his wish, no one will be spared the repercussions of it, least of all himself. In contrast, Subaru’s wish is a lot less destructive for the world as a whole, but he’s still hurting the people who care about him with it. Still, a lot of these questions are probably the same ones Subaru has had to ask himself over and over again. He knows no one will understand his own wish, that he will have to shoulder the blame for it, and that some could even hate him for valuing himself so little. He's making absolutely sure that Kamui understands the repercussions.
The thing is, while Kamui is willing to shoulder all the potential problems that might arise when Fuuma is restored, he's not at all prepared to think about whether this wish is what he actually wants or if it's even worth all the other problems that will arise from it. Subaru doesn't bring any of that up likely because he's never had to think of the whole planet with his wish. This is outside his own experience. He's doing his best for Kamui, but there are some things he simply won't understand. It's why he pointed out that his pain and Kamui's pain are different; there are some things they won't understand about each other, even with these similarities.
Our next important scene with Subaru and Kamui takes on a much less dramatic tone, which is probably for the best; there’s very little chill time in this series. 8D
Kamui has enrolled in high school due to its location being where the sword will be hidden until he has need of it. He visits Kotori’s grave, which is nearby, and then goes to study with Subaru, though a fellow classmate, Keiichi, had been trying to gain his attention.
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For one brief, shining moment, it’s as if we’re in a completely different series where the world isn’t about to end…
But the first thing that’s interesting about this is that it means they must be conversing off screen if they’re making plans to meet up, which is a theme that becomes very common with these two. Unlike the bulk of the Dragons of Heaven, Subaru doesn't live in the same dormitory as Kamui, so they’d have to figure out some way of meeting up. I would have liked to see some of that planning and how often they meet up to study, but CLAMP leaves all that to the imagination.
At any rate, Subaru has enrolled in the college and Kamui is worried he will get in trouble for skipping class to help him.
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There’s a lot that's wrong with this. First of all, Subaru is only enrolled in college because it’s a good way of tracking down Seishirou, which Kamui swiftly picks up on. This is incredibly sad because throughout Tokyo Babylon, Subaru had been trying very hard to graduate from high school so that he could then go to college and become a zookeeper. This complete lack of interest in college or anything he once cared about is constantly present and goes a long way towards explaining why Subaru cracks as the series progresses.
Kamui is always very quick to figure out when Subaru is thinking about the Sakurazukamori even though, outside of their first meeting, he never directly brings him up of his own accord. There isn’t a single time when Kamui looks happy about it either. The sheer frequency with which Kamui brings up the Sakurazukamori makes me think he’s constantly looking for confirmation that that man really is the only person Subaru cares about, as if Kamui is hoping one day he’ll give a different response.
At any rate, what Kamui is really taking issue with here is Subaru’s smoking and his attachment to the Sakurazukamori. Subaru says he smokes because it makes him more powerful (which is such… a lie? Does he think anyone would actually believe that?) to which Kamui has this as a response:
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Kamui appears sad and disappointed at the answer because it is a disappointing answer (and a lie, but I digress) and Subaru looks surprised because… I think he was actually worried Kamui thought he would be ineffective as a Dragon of Heaven due to the smoking, that it would hinder him in battle. The fact Kamui is worried about his health didn’t even cross his mind.
Their exact exchange was this:
Kamui: But… don’t you worry that it’ll–
Subaru: It’s fine. Some people find that smoking weakens their powers, but for me it has the opposite effect.
He doesn’t let Kamui finish his sentence and immediately comes across as a little defensive about the whole thing. So, yeah, Subaru didn’t think Kamui would care because he cares about Subaru. He thought Kamui only cared as the Kamui, his leader. Realizing he was mistaken changes the rest of their dynamic for the duration of their study session. Subaru snuffs out the cigarette and resumes where they’d left off.
We don’t actually get to see the rest of the study session, though it's implied it goes on for a while. Keiichi interrupts things at some point because he is determined to hangout with Kamui. His reaction to Subaru is both amusing and kind of telling.
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Keiichi’s repeated apologies to Subaru for interrupting and stealing Kamui away followed up by his comment that Subaru is good-looking to Kamui really makes it sound like he thought he was interrupting a date and/or that he thinks Kamui is interested in Subaru. Especially after he turns it all around by telling Kamui that he's really good looking as well and, as if that wasn’t enough, invites him to his house and offers to tutor him.
Uh… I’m just going to say it. Keiichi has never been subtle in regards to his massive crush on Kamui and he clearly thinks he’s stealing Kamui away from a potential love interest. 8D
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My goodness. XD I really don’t think Kamui picked up on any of that dynamic. He just thinks Keiichi is friendly and kind of weird. It’s like Kamui has developed Sakura syndrome and Keiichi is Tomoyo.
As for Kamui, we get an idea of how he views Subaru thanks to this exchange and it's pretty interesting. It also explains pretty much every single one of Kamui's reactions to Subaru and why their interactions go the way they do.
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There’s definitely a lot of fondness there. He agrees that Subaru is good looking and we get an actual image of how he sees him: someone who is ethereal, almost untouchable with a very literal barrier (of water from the dreamscape), but he's willing to reach out and bring Kamui to his level. He absolutely views Subaru as a savior because that’s precisely what Subaru did for him. That’s a pretty complicated relationship, quite a bit more complicated than Keiichi is thinking, that’s for sure.
As for Subaru, he resumes his smoking as soon as Kamui is out of sight. I think Kamui suspected that’s why he wanted to stay behind because he looks contemplative when Subaru says he isn’t coming with. Even Keiichi seems surprised. Maybe that’s why he thought he had a chance with Kamui? (Also, Keiichi and Kamui’s interactions kind of deserve their own analysis because he’s Kamui’s one tie to normalcy and Keiichi has a profound attachment to Kamui the second they meet.)
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Even so, Kamui's words about smoking being bad for him sticks with Subaru and you can tell he's conflicted about it. He keeps the cigarettes close, but there's less certainty about it than there was earlier in their conversation.
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This part in particular is up for interpretation since there’s no dialogue, but to me it reads as Subaru being unable to let Seishirou go, but possibly wishing he were capable of it. He knows his wish will hurt people, and Subaru has never been content with that. This scene also makes me think of Subaru's one-shot chapter, where a woman says only a person with an ill heart can go around thinking only of one person. Subaru knows smoking is bad for him, but he's also already accepted he's "ill."
I’m a little unclear on how much time has passed, but the next time Kamui and Subaru see each other, it’s after Kamui is returning home from Keiichi’s house. He’s attacked by Fuuma and Subaru rushes in to save him.
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Subaru legitimately came out of nowhere in this scene. Where was he before? How'd he get there so quickly? I know that the Dragons of Heaven can sense when a kekkai is raised, but Kamui can't raise one, so... I honestly can't remember, can the Dragons of Heaven just sense when Kamui is in danger? Because if not, I really don't know how Subaru knew to be exactly where he was needed.
Regardless, the battle between Fuuma and Kamui was going about as well as it usually does, which is to say absolutely terribly. Subaru gets a kekkai raised, and we actually get to see him use his onmyoji abilities in earnest against Nataku. You have no idea how much I wish we'd gotten to see infinitely more of this.
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Unfortunately, Subaru ultimately loses once Fuuma joins the fray, but that’s because Fuuma is, frankly, an OP villain. I have never understood why the villains are so much more powerful than the good guys in this series. That’s just bad game design.
So, Subaru actually manages to capture Fuuma in a kekkai. I’m a little unclear on what the end goal of this was going to be. Annihilating him? Trapping him for good? But we don’t get to find out because Subaru gets lost in visions of Seishirou, the man he wants to kill him. To add insult to injury, Fuuma attacks him the same way Seishirou did when he was 16 and blinds his eye, saying it’s “his wish.” Ever notice Fuuma only seems to grant the really messed up wishes? He doesn’t have to grant all of these. He could focus on some nice ones for a change. Sheesh…
More importantly (as far as this review goes), Kamui is once again in the same situation Subaru was when he was 16. He is being protected by someone who loses their eye and he was powerless to stop it, just as Subaru was all those years ago. The main difference is that back then, Subaru was purposefully allowing someone to take their anger out on him and Seishirou got in the way. Kamui was forcibly restrained from the battle and had no choice but to witness events. It also shows the difference in their personality: Subaru isn't predisposed to fighting and is more than willing to be hurt if it helps another while Kamui is perfectly all right with fighting, he just doesn't want to hurt the other Kamui because it will hurt Fuuma.
There are some other differences as well. When Seishirou’s eye was gouged out he kind of just… walked into the ER? 8D Didn’t comfort Subaru, just casually stopped the woman from attacking him and walked away. So, Subaru’s distress levels were through the roof.
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Kamui’s distress levels are also ridiculously high, but once again, Subaru is far more compassionate than Seishirou and I’m sure Subaru can see the parallels here. He knows exactly what Kamui’s going through, and he doesn’t want Kamui beating himself up the way he did to himself all those years ago. He actually stops the gurney in an effort to comfort him.
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It definitely helps, but sometimes Subaru is a little too honest with Kamui. He tells him this was his “wish.” Needless to say, that doesn’t exactly ease Kamui’s mind because it raises a lot of questions about Subaru's mental state he probably hadn't even been considering before.
What follows is the most clear cut parallel we’ve ever had between Subaru and Kamui. Subaru’s despair at possibly losing Seishirou when he was 16 is nearly identical to Kamui’s despair at nearly losing Subaru in the present. CLAMP is not doing this accidentally.
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This, almost more than anything else, makes me believe that Kamui has feelings for Subaru because there’s not really a reason to include this parallel otherwise. In Tokyo Babylon, after Seishirou lost his eye, Subaru realized he was in love with him. It wasn't right away, but that was the incident that sparked the whole thing.
After Subaru loses his eye, Kamui stays by his side as much as possible. Kamui is never shown to have a sudden revelation he’s in love, but this is where the differences between Subaru and Kamui really become important.
Back then, Subaru was terrified of Seishirou hating him after the eye incident, and I think a lot of that comes down to the fact that Seishirou was trying to win a bet. He proclaimed his love to Subaru all the time, but he was also mysterious and decidedly standoffish. Subaru had a difficult time reading him, therefore he couldn’t predict what Seishirou would think of him afterwards.
Subaru also has a fundamentally different personality to Kamui; he had no awareness of his own feelings toward Seishirou until his sister made him think about it and a stranger said it sounded like he really loved this individual.
Whether Kamui is worried Subaru will hate him is a little unclear, but we do know that one of Kamui’s biggest opinions of Subaru is that he’s very kind. We also know he admires him as the man that saved him and saw him at his worst already. Subaru is always honest and very open with Kamui; there isn’t any additional layer of confusion in this regard (there is confusion about other things, though). The only thing Kamui fears right now is Subaru dying in this situation. He also feels massive guilt for being incapable of helping him. Kamui is taking the blame for this.
Another difference is that Kamui doesn’t have anyone deliberately trying to get him to think about his feelings for Subaru, but I think Kamui is more predisposed to falling for people in general? Or at least more capable of realizing when he has. He loved Kotori and never seemed to be in denial about it from what I can tell. It wasn’t declared in a straightforward manner in the manga, but the series made it apparent enough through other things. Kotori is considered his canonical love interest for this very reason. And I think that’s more or less what we ought to expect in regards to Kamui’s feelings toward Subaru. There isn’t going to be a big revelation; it will simply be.
And part of that quiet revelation is how attached he continues to be to Subaru after this incident.
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Subaru is overtly worried about Kamui, probably because he knows how worked up he was over Seishirou himself when it happened, but also because he thinks Kamui hasn't slept. "It's harder for him to bear the wounds to his heart than the wounds to his body." Subaru definitely understands Kamui's pain all too well and he knows that while this particular incident is his own fault, Kamui is the one who will shoulder the blame, just as he did all those years ago.
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It's interesting that Kamui asks for permission to visit him again. It definitely implies that maybe he actually is a little worried Subaru doesn't want him around, that he's sending him away because he's upset with him.
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Kamui looks quite distressed at first, but one look from Subaru and he knows Subaru isn’t upset with him; he's worried about him.
These two tend to be very quiet around each other as soon as other people are in the room, and both Sorata and Arashi are right there. As soon as they’re alone, they engage in far more intimate conversation. Yet, they appear to be pretty good at silent communication as well and a lot is exchanged in the above panels.
Even if Subaru has forgiven him, Kamui is still plagued by what happened (understandably). He compares it to his failure to save Kotori. Two important people to him are hurt/killed because he couldn’t fight against Fuuma. It’s a powerful dilemma and a powerful comparison.
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Still, after a conversation with Sorata, a visit to Kotori's grave, and a conversation with Keiichi, Kamui has renewed hope. He can do something against Fuuma: he can protect the people he cares about. This renews Kamui's determination to learn how to create a kekkai, a plot point that is never actually finished... I honestly wonder if would have learned to create one? And what would have sparked that?
We get a little insight into what Subaru is thinking about events, though. It's about as depressing as you'd expect with the trajectory of this series.
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Subaru has a selfish wish. He knows that wish will hurt everyone that knows him and now there are quite a few people who care about him, something he'd been trying to avoid.
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Yuzuriha is entirely correct in her analysis here, though for more reasons than she might realize. She's essentially saying that both Kamui and Subaru look down on themselves and try to solve things on their own. It's why she makes them promise to call on her if they need help. But she's also correct in another way: they both have selfish wishes and they're hurting everyone around them for the sake of those wishes. Subaru is hurting people on an emotional level by pursuing death, while Kamui is inadvertently getting people injured and killed for the sake of rescuing Fuuma. The message is clear: if these two could let go of their one "wish" they could finally move on to other possibilities and would be far more effective at saving the world. It's a cruel irony that CLAMP made their kindest character and their hero the most emotionally compromised and the most inadvertently selfish. It's also a little unfortunate that kindness and hope seem to get trampled on so much in this series, but that's a whole separate issue.
Yuzuriha also leaves Subaru with a parting gift and, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she reminds him of his sister just a bit.
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The cherry blossoms definitely bring Seishirou to mind as well as Subaru's wish for death, but it also makes me think of Hokuto as well, especially the rabbit plush. It just seems like something she would do. Regardless, Subaru still hasn't moved on.
Kamui engages in yet another battle with Fuuma, which actually goes worse than the last one. Sorata and Arashi aren't as timely as Subaru had been (Dragons of Heaven must simply be able to sense when Kamui is in trouble because they also were no where nearby. Alternatively, Hinoto is just telling them stuff). Fuuma is saying something about eating Kamui's heart. We could put this down as him being a general creep, but there's usually a double meaning with him. Perhaps one of Kamui's wishes is that he just didn't feel anything at all...?
All of this eventually brings us to our next Kamui and Subaru scene. This one has a very quiet, intimate vibe to it, probably on account of it not taking place in a hospital but what I think is Kamui's room?
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Kamui has some pretty serious injuries this time around, and we learn that Subaru stayed with him the entire time, just as Kamui did for him at the hospital.
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Actually, these two seem a lot closer than they did previously. Is it simply because of Subaru losing his eye? Did that open up a new level of compassion between one another? Was there more off-screen development? My guess is it’s mostly the former, but the latter is a distinct possibility with the way things have been going.
What is plain is that these two are always supporting each other in times of crisis. Not always physically, but emotionally. Subaru in particular is always there to counsel Kamui on whatever issue he wants to discuss while Kamui reminds Subaru that people actually do care about him and Kamui is one of those people.
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“And yet, despite all that, I still can’t abandon Fuuma.”
Honestly, I think even Kamui is beginning to wonder if his wish is really worth it. He’s losing all the people he cares about in this pursuit. I genuinely think if Subaru had told him to rethink things here, he might have, because he trusts him and his wish has gotten him absolutely nothing so far.
Unfortunately, Subaru isn’t exactly in a great place to be telling people they need to rethink their life choices, so he doesn’t. Instead, he tries to be encouraging, which is both kind and misguided.
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This is a level of emotional and physical intimacy that we just don’t see between any of the nonromantic relationships in this series. It’s actually more touch focused than a great deal of Arashi and Sorata’s interactions and those two actually have a very close emotional connection that develops into a sexual relationship later on in the series, so I have a hard time believing I’m supposed to read this scene as entirely platonic.
But what Subaru is saying is important, even if I think it’s a philosophy that manages to get both him and Kamui into trouble. “Happiness” is basically satisfaction or completion in this context. It’s not necessarily joy. Subaru is essentially telling Kamui that, yes, his wish may be selfish but it’s his. If it is the only thing that can satisfy him, he must pursue it.
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Kamui makes no further comment on his own wish; he’s latched onto Subaru’s once more and is bringing Seishirou up yet again. Subaru appears surprised, perhaps because Kamui saw right through him or perhaps because Kamui’s interest in the subject has been so pointed, but he says “yes.”
I really do think Kamui was looking for something from Subaru here that he didn’t quite get. I genuinely believe he’s trying to get confirmation on whether his path is correct or not, but Subaru doesn’t really give him an answer. When that doesn't work, he tries to figure out if Seishirou is really the only thing that can bring Subaru satisfaction, which reveals this is yet another thing that's been on his mind.
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That is not acceptance or understanding on Kamui’s face. That is something a little closer to sadness, disappointment, or possibly even anger. He is not pleased with this answer.
There are a lot of layers happening with this conversation and a lot of insinuations, but none of it is ever just laid out for us to see. What seems relatively straightforward to me is that Kamui wishes Subaru would let Seishirou go. He isn’t content with Seishirou being the answer to Subaru’s wish, but he also can’t bring himself to criticize it either. After all, that would be pretty hypocritical; Kamui can’t selfishly pursue his own wish while simultaneously asking Subaru to give up his own for Kamui, but I think there’s a part of Kamui that genuinely wants that to happen.
It also reveals that Kamui does have doubts about the path he's chosen. He never says it outright--he's always vocally determined to save Fuuma--but he's looking to Subaru for guidance on this issue. Not anyone else. Subaru.
So no, Kamui can't reveal that he's unsure about his wish; it's what bonded him and Subaru in the first place. Likewise, he can't ask Subaru to rethink his own wish. What really needs to happen for these two is for them both to give up their current wish to pursue … whatever this is. I’ve talked a lot about Kamui’s feelings for Subaru, but Subaru definitely holds affection for Kamui as well. There would be no reason to hold his hand that way otherwise. And there’s no way Subaru isn’t aware of the parallels; he is definitely occupying a similar role to Seishirou in Tokyo Babylon, that odd mix of mentor and potential love interest. The obvious difference being that Subaru isn’t a psychopathic killer.
Anyway, Sorata and Arashi once again interrupt their odd bonding moment and it’s incredible how swiftly the mood in the room changes. Subaru physically moves away from Kamui, stands at a more respectable distance, and Kamui turns his attention to everyone else. It definitely feels like they aren’t trying to advertise their emotional connection or their problems. Kamui becomes the leader and Subaru becomes another Dragon of Heaven.
Subaru eventually returns to his side when Kamui enters a dream state with Hinoto while the others are there, but he doesn’t say anything further. It’s interesting that Sorata has no issue with hugging Kamui or putting an arm around him when others are around, but Subaru does. Of course, Sorata is simply more demonstrative than Subaru on any given day, but it does feel like quite a stark contrast.
It looks like several days go by between that visit and their next one. Kamui is mostly recovered and heading back to school.
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This is so subtle it’s very easy to miss–I did the first couple of times–but Kamui just finished buttoning up his shirt here. He is not inspecting his scars like I initially thought.
How long has Subaru been there? They’re pretty obviously in the middle of a conversation; he didn’t just arrive. It kind of suggests Kamui just… got dressed in front of him, which is definitely a shift. Their general attitudes towards each other are quite different from before as well. The opening panel above shows both of them as seeming more confident than before.
I’m not sure I believe anything untoward happened between them because that would be a pretty drastic shift in dynamics, but if there ever was a point in this series where something more physically intimate occurred (not necessarily anything sexual mind you), it's probably the unseen precursor to this scene. It's CLAMP, so... I guess what I'm saying is that I sometimes just don't know with them. XD
Regardless, all of this reveals, however subtly, a side to their relationship that doesn’t get a whole lot of focus. Namely, all that off-screen bonding I was talking about earlier.
Some of their comfort level is no doubt from the situation being less bleak in general of course. That usually helps.
And then there’s all of this:
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Kamui's left arm is giving him a lot more trouble than his right. That explains why he was buttoning up his shirt with just the one previously. But he appears thoughtful, maybe a bit sad, as Subaru helps him with his tie. A lot of that has to do with him not knowing where Yuzuriha is–she could be in grave danger–but I also think some of it has to do with Subaru and Kamui’s feelings toward him. I think it’s safe to say things have entered “complicated” territory. They have a relationship that's incredibly close, but no matter how close Kamui gets to him, there's always a barrier there.
There's also the fact that Kamui always feels guilty when he's incapable of something, so even something as simple as needing help with his tie could be causing him some distress.
So much of what goes on between these two is unspoken. Subaru helping him with his tie is something that doesn’t have to be romantic, but it is a frequently used trope used to demonstrate trust and care, usually between two people who are already together.
If Seishirou and Subaru’s relationship reached it’s culmination after Seishirou lost an eye, I think it’s safe to say that Subaru and Kamui’s is following a similar trajectory, only Subaru didn’t immediately turn on Kamui. Instead, they have time to explore things in a way Subaru never did with Seishirou, whatever that may mean.
Subaru moves things into safer waters from Yuzuriha’s disappearance to Keiichi. He says he will be glad to see Kamui back in school and that he asked Subaru every day if he was all right.
Now, I mentioned earlier that Keiichi definitely thought Subaru and Kamui had something going on and felt he might be stealing Kamui away, but what does Subaru think of Keiichi?
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I'd say "curious" but supportive and completely unconcerned about any competition. Honestly, Subaru doesn't strike me as the jealous type, so even if there is something between him and Kamui, I don't think he'd stop Kamui from pursuing something with anyone else. Subaru wouldn't consider himself a great choice; he thinks he's selfish after all.
This is the last normal moment Kamui and Subaru have before Subaru's final confrontation with Seishirou.
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I feel relatively safe in the assumption that Subaru was going to say "like you." This is before he even becomes the Sakurazukamori, but he now considers himself selfish and he can't move on from his past whatsoever. He's also lost some of the empathy he had when he was younger; he's definitely kind, but he isn't willing to give everything up for others. He's arguably taken on Seishirou's role with Kamui as well, which I'm sure he has mixed feelings about. And ultimately, he and Seishirou share the same wish: to be killed by the person they love. So, yes, Subaru is definitely different from how he used to be.
It's after Seishirou dies that Subaru really snaps in the series. He was struggling to get by for the majority of it, but this really does it. It’s notable that even now, Kamui restrains himself.
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Kamui always holds himself back when it comes to matters involving both Subaru and Seishirou. He never tells Subaru what he thinks of his wish and he doesn’t know how to help him. I think a lot of his resistance to actively reaching out to Subaru on this matter, both physically and emotionally, is out of a misguided sense of respect for him. Subaru knows what he wants and did a great deal for Kamui; Kamui tries to return the favor by giving him distance, but I think distance was the wrong thing to give Subaru. He needs to be dragged into the now and he needs to be reminded that people care. That's a lot to take on though, so I can't blame Kamui for not knowing what to do, especially when he's looking to Subaru for guidance. He doesn't feel like he can take on that role.
Their final parting is tough to watch.
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I think this time, Kamui actually is worried Subaru might hate him, because for the first time he’s actually “disrespected” Subaru’s wish. He didn’t let him die with Seishirou when the bridge collapsed. He saved him and that goes against everything Subaru has wanted for the last nine years.
But once again, Subaru misunderstands and I think there’s a part of Subaru that simply can’t accept that Kamui cares for him as a person. He’s stopped caring about himself, so he doesn’t connect the very obvious dots in front of him.
Subaru: You don’t need to worry about me. I’m not going to fall apart.
It could be this is just how Subaru deflects. Rather than discuss what’s really bothering him, he tries to treat Kamui like a leader who is talking to his subject, but that simply isn’t the relationship they ever had, least of all now.
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Once again, Kamui gets to the heart of the matter; Subaru is thinking of Seishirou. Everything he's done is for Seishirou, and it's now very apparent Kamui simply can't accept that. He's sorry for it, he knows that if he really wanted to "respect" Subaru he would have let him die, but he couldn't do it.
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Even now, Subaru is still trying to explain things to Kamui and still trying to comfort him to a limited degree; Subaru’s not exactly at his best right now, though and it's all pretty dejected. Despite having his wish denied, he doesn't blame Kamui. As he points out a little bit later, some wishes collide. He doesn't hold it against Kamui, though.
Kamui brings up the cigarettes again and this implies the whole thing is still bugging him and that he simply doesn’t understand Subaru’s motivations.
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It’s interesting that our only previous glimpse into how Kamui feels about Subaru showed Subaru as being above him, yet reaching out to bring him closer. Here, Kamui literally sits on his knees before him so that Subaru is hovering over him, almost like a king with his subject, and Subaru is metaphorically reaching out to Kamui in an effort to explain himself so that Kamui might understand him.
Subaru explains everything, and essentially tells him he will never understand Seishirou now, never know what he really thought.
I think it’s safe to say that Kamui is feeling similarly about Subaru at the moment--he doesn't feel like he understands him nor does he understand what he's thinking--and once again Subaru is taking Seishirou’s role in a very roundabout way, albeit in a kinder fashion. But there's no doubt that Kamui is giving Subaru power here. Everything about their posture and conversation indicates that. While Subaru sometimes tries to treat Kamui like a leader either as a way of deflecting or because he actually believes that's the right way to handle things, we see here that Kamui absolutely views Subaru as the person with the wisdom and authority to determine things. Maybe not about the fate of the world, that's Kamui's duty, but as far as giving directions? As far as getting a say in what happens next? Absolutely.
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And once again, Kamui is looking for something from Subaru he can’t give: he’s asking if what he’s pursuing is “right” and if he should change. Subaru is being given the power to change Kamui’s course and I don’t think he even realizes it.
While looking at their progression, I really think some of Kamui’s steadfast determination to save Fuuma is partially because of how Subaru keeps affirming this belief for him. There were at least two big moments where Subaru could have nudged him in a different direction, but he didn’t take it. Instead, he tries to be encouraging, although this time it’s definitely more fatalistic. Subaru doesn't understand the influence he has over Kamui and that is one of their biggest miscommunications in the series.
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Even as lost as Subaru is currently, he still cares about Kamui. He wants him to focus on his own desires, not on him, and he wants him to take care of himself. The problem is that he’s completely missing the fact that Kamui relies on him, cares about him, and would do a lot better if Subaru stayed in some capacity. Instead, he disappears for a month.
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Needless to say, Subaru is very much on his mind throughout his absence and Kamui still can't make a kekkai. He thinks about how everyone has something they want to protect, and that's why they can make one. His thoughts lead him right back to Subaru.
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This is the person he's thinking about the most while he's visiting Kotori. This is the person he wants to return. And we actually get to see what it is Kamui actually wants for a change:
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I don't know if this is the wish Kamui hasn't realized but it's definitely a wish: he wants Subaru to come back. He wants to go out and look for him. He wants Subaru to be capable of caring for someone other than the Sakurazukamori. The implication is that he wants to be important enough to Subaru for him to come back.
Just as Subaru wanted to be important enough to Seishirou for him to acknowledge him, so too does Kamui wish he were important enough for Subaru to do the same.
Kamui continues with "The people I most wanted to protect were Kotori and Fuuma. But Kotori is gone. And now all I want is to get Fuuma back. But... I still can't create a kekkai."
Fuuma is watching this moment through the dreamscape and has this input:
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So, protecting Fuuma isn’t his real wish. What is? The only other thing he was thinking about was Subaru, but even I hesitate to say that’s the ultimate wish. I definitely think it's an important, unrealized wish all the same, however. As for Kamui's real wish, I’ve been assuming it was he'd chosen a different side so Fuuma could be spared or possibly that he had died instead of Kotori. CLAMP makes it hard to say for sure.
Anyhow, we finally see where Subaru’s been hiding out for a month plus: the Sakurazukamori’s house. I’m not entirely sure how he found it, but there it is.
Also, Seishirou’s final wish is about as messed up as you’d expect.
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Wow, we get weird eye stuff and a dose of stalker possessiveness. 8D CLAMP outdid themselves. I can't even...
And as if that wasn't enough, we get this:
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D-do I even want to know what that means? The context of this is incredibly bizarre. He’s talking about how Seishirou was upset another man hurt Subaru. The only person that’s been hurting Kamui is him.
Am I supposed to assume Fuuma wants to prevent anyone else from leaving any kind of mark on Kamui? Is that supposed to be a reference to an actual person? The only person I could think of is Subaru as far as who's been interacting with him, and I’m not actually sure that makes sense. 8D Is he talking about the original Fuuma? He’s jealous of himself? Or possibly even Kotori? Or am I supposed to assume Fuuma just wants to mark Kamui as his with another freaky eye exchange? CLAMP… Why…
Anyway, Subaru takes the eye because he’s been making a series of bad decisions and he isn’t about to let up now.
The next time we see Subaru, he has decided to do nothing, which is basically what he’d decided to do beforehand, only now he has Seishirou’s eye and is willing to watch events unfold. We see that there’s a little tension between him and Fuuma, which is… hardly surprising all things considered.
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It’s interesting that Fuuma says Seishirou has been very selfish when it comes to Subaru. That would be pretty obvious to the audience, but Subaru is surprised by this assessment. Seishirou is preventing Subaru from achieving his “wish,” i.e. death and he’s also preventing him from connecting with other people. That’s the height of selfishness.
It is strange hearing this from Fuuma when he is being equally awful, however, which is probably why Subaru points out that wishes are something only Fuuma knows to begin with in what can only be described as an annoyed fashion.
We know Subaru has been on Kamui’s mind (a lot) and it looks like Kamui has been on Subaru’s as well.
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Subaru does care about Kamui is the thing, which is why it's doubly strange seeing him as a Dragon of Earth. He doesn't want Kamui hurt, but he claims he's not going to be involved. Can that really be the case if he genuinely cares about someone on the opposite side?
Interestingly, he avoids the subject. He's always been private when it comes to Kamui and it looks like that isn't about to change here, especially when he's talking to the man who has tormented him so much.
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The next time Kamui sees Subaru is in the midst of battle with Fuuma and Kamui definitely feels betrayed.
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Subaru's presence here is a little strange and I think the only reason he's shown up at all is because he cares about Kamui, just like Fuuma said. He's not showing it in the best way, but...
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At long last, Subaru tells Kamui what he needed to hear ages ago and using the opportunity he's been given many times, but never used. Kamui needs to rethink some things and saving Fuuma isn’t what he really wants.
And the thing is, Kamui listens. The final chapter ends with Kamui remembering Karen’s words and finally trying to piece together what might actually be going on and it’s all because Subaru finally stepped in and offered an actual opinion. That's the level of influence Subaru has over Kamui and I'm still not sure Subaru has figured that out.
So, how would things have progressed with Subaru and Kamui after all this? Obviously, there’s no way to say for sure. If CLAMP wanted to draw the final parallel between the Subaru/Seishirou relationship and the Subaru/Kamui relationship, then it’s quite possible Subaru will die at Kamui’s hands. Another possible parallel is that one of them realizes they love the other, but only when it's too late. But the thing is, while there are parallels between these relationships, their differences are far more profound and these two never had the kind of relationship where one would ever want to kill the other.
Even with Subaru’s betrayal, I doubt Kamui wants to see harm come to him; he’s still looking to him for guidance and support. He no doubt wants Subaru to come back. It's what he's been wanting ever since he left.
Rather than Kamui killing Subaru, it’s much more likely Subaru would sacrifice himself for Kamui, possibly as his final wish. It’s also possible Subaru decides to rejoin the Dragons of Heaven because there really isn’t any reason he has to be with the Dragons of Earth? He’s not a fan of Fuuma, he has no attachment to the people there. He’s just there for the sake of Seishirou’s memory. Undoubtedly there would be some conversation(s) between Subaru and Kamui even with them being on opposite sides. This wasn't supposed to be the final battle; Kamui doesn't die here. For all we know, that sword Fuuma's been holding up for years never strikes Kamui; it could hit someone that flings themselves in front of Kamui or it could be blocked or any number of things. But it isn't the end.
Furthermore, there's still the matter of Kamui learning to make a kekkai. It would be very strange if CLAMP never gave him a reason to create one. The issue Kamui is having is that the people he wanted to protect in the world are already gone. He needs some other reason or person to create a kekkai. This means he needs to realize an attachment to a person he didn't realize he had. I'm just saying, Subaru is a good choice for that.
And like Kamui, I have to wonder if there’s anything out there Subaru would be willing to protect. The likeliest candidate is Kamui himself.
Now, I would personally like a much happier ending to this manga than I think we were likely to get, but whatever the ending, I don’t think CLAMP was going to drop the exploration they had going of Kamui and Subaru’s relationship. It didn’t dominate the series, but it also got a lot more focus than they needed to give it. It was important and it was unique and I think their bond could have continued to grow if the world had been a little kinder to them and if they’d both been willing to move on a little sooner.
And that’s all for now. This turned out to be very long. I will now proceed to content myself with writing more fanfic. 8D
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songofsoma · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @knightava​ to do this :-)
tagging: @blightning​​ @megan-the-canadian​​ @fruitjuucy​​ @aelwen​​​ @rosejellyy​​ @ritsusohma​​ @stella-minerva​​
CECILIA BECK X AVA DU MORTAIN [ art done by blightning ]
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Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Ava 100% — she’s the hot-headed one whereas Cecilia hardly ever raises her voice
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
I mean as a joke? Cecilia, but she never means it lol
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Neither, unless you count Ava continuously pulling away at first
Who trashes the house?
Cecilia, cleaning is not her forte. She’s so used to living alone so she gets to it when she gets to it
Do either of them get physical?
Physical?? Like fighting or sex? Fighting, no, unless they’re sparring. Sex, yes lol
How often do they argue/disagree?
Oh man, often. Ava is lucky her hair doesn’t grey because of Cecilia’s impulsive behavior, which is the subject of the majority of their arguments. That and Cecilia’s safety.
Who is the first to apologize?
Depends on what the argument was about. Usually, it’s Ava though.
Who is on top? Who is on bottom?
Lmao Ava is a top, she gives me service top vibes. Cecilia is a bratty bottom <3
Any kinks?
Ava likes to be in control and Cecilia likes to be controlled in bed. They’re not above using restraints like handcuffs or silk ribbons, in fact, Cece really enjoys it.
Who has the strangest desires?
Definitely Cece, kinky bastard.
Who’s dominant in bed?
Ava, hands down. There’s only a handful of times Cecilia completely takes the lead.
Is head ever in the equation?
If so, who is better at performing it?
Cecilia until Ava gets back in the swing of things. She had a 900-year break on sex whereas Cecilia is sexually active...often.
Ever had sex in public?
Cecilia has with others but Ava hasn’t. The farthest Ava would go is probably car sex deep in the relationship.
Who moans the most?
Cecilia, Ava loves it.
Who leaves the most marks?
Ava does, she especially enjoys leaving many in places only the two of them will see.
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Cecilia, I say she’s a whore and I mean it.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Both, just depends on the day and what mood they’re in. 
How long do they usually last?
I mean they’re gay women and then you have Ava’s seemingly endless stamina (poor cece)
Rough or soft?
Switches off, but usually it’s on the rougher side.
Is protection used?
When necessary
Does it ever get boring?
Ha, lmao, I doubt it.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Cecilia’s office, the car, maybe the training room.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
Absolutely not
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Who likes to cuddle?
Both, although Cecilia is definitely the one that is clingier and more touchy/affectionate.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Honestly, Ava. She likes to always be touching Cecilia. You go 900 years being lonely, it can be hard to keep your hands to yourself. Cecilia loves it.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
A good couple of hours, Ava especially can’t sit still for super long.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
They enjoy sparring and reading together while drinking wine.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
In Cecilia’s bed or on the sofa with Cecilia in Ava’s lap.
Who snores?
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
If Cecilia had it her way, they would. When Ava does sleep, they do.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Snuggling, always. Ava is a Cece magnet whether she likes it or not. Although, I don’t think she would have it any other way.
What do they wear to bed?
Cece likes her lacey nightgowns and Ava’s t-shirts. Ava wears pajama pants and a t-shirt or tank top.
Are either of them insomniacs?
Does Ava count as one?
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Cece either snuggles into Ava’s side or is practically on top of her.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Who wakes up first?
Ava, Cece is a heavy sleeper and often sleeps in when she can.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Ava :)
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Cecilia likes to be curled up on her side next to Ava and buried under blankets.
Do they set an alarm each night?
Cecilia does. Sometimes Ava is her alarm when they both have to work, but usually she just uses the one on her phone.
Who has nightmares?
They both do, but Cecilia’s tend to be worse from the recent trauma from Murphy.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Cecilia, only because she snuggles up to Ava no matter where she moves to on the bed.
Who makes the bed?
Ava, Cecilia doesn’t care to.
What time is bed time?
On a good night, midnight, unless Cecilia is working late. Ava hardly ever sleeps so who knows.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Nothing other than Cecilia’s skin routine. Sometimes she enjoys reading before bed.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Cecilia is always grumpy when she wakes up. She needs a solid twenty minutes before you mess with her.
Who is the busiest?
Who rakes in the highest income?
Ava probably, getting that good government money.
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
Cecilia since Ava doesn’t get sick.
What are their jobs?
Cecilia is the lead detective of Wayhaven and human liaison to the Agency.
Ava is the Commanding Agent of Unit Bravo of the Agency.
Who sucks up to their boss?
They both do. Ava does more though. Cecilia and the Captain just get along.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Cecilia, it drives Ava nuts.
Who stresses the most?
Ava probably, Cecilia jumping headfirst into everything and her lack of concern for her own safety stresses her out.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They both enjoy their jobs.
Are they financially stable?
Who does the washing?
They do it whenever it needs done. Really it’s whoever gets to it first.
Who takes out the trash?
Both do
Who does the ironing?
Cecilia since she wears pressed pants and pretty blouses so she has to iron them to avoid wrinkles. She wouldn’t be caught dead in wrinkly clothes.
Who does the cooking?
Cecilia does. I KNOW in my heart Ava’s English ass cooks the blandest food LMAO
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Cece, not from cooking but more so forgetting she has a candle burning or something.
Who is messier?
Cece, but it’s not in a way that’s out of hand.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
When she’s exhausted, Cece will leave her clothes on the floor at night and eventually pick them up.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Ew? Neither.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Cecilia is horrible with losing things, especially keys.
Who answers the telephone?
They don’t share a cellphone.
Who mows the lawn?
You really think Cecilia is going to live in a house in the suburbs with a lawn to mow?
Who does the vacuuming?
Cecilia mostly
Who does the groceries?
Cecilia does, Ava tags along to carry the bags to show off how strong she is.
Who takes the longest to shower?
100% Cecilia. She likes to take her time, usually putting on her very own concert.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Cece. The struggles of being femme.
Is money a problem?
How many cars do they own?
Cece’s car. I know she has an old hatchback in canon but in my heart she has an old, red Subaru like the good lesbian she is. 
What’s their song?
Hmmmmm You’re Gonna Miss Me by Connie Francis, Hold You in My Arms by Ray LaMontagne, and Lost Without You by Freya Ridings.
Do they live in the city or in the country?
I don’t know what you’d classify Wayhaven, but it’s a small town.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Cecilia rents her apartment whilst Ava lives in the Warehouse.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Very much so.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Cecilia spends her free time hanging out with Tina or Farah (her bffs) or working. Ava works and probably trains.
Where did they first meet?
Rebecca, Cece’s mom, introduces her to Unit Bravo.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Cecilia, she’s big on fashion and enjoys clothes.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Cece would, mostly with jewelry.
Any mental issues?
Nothing other than Cecilia’s anxiety.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
If Ava ever tripped in front of her, I think Cecilia would lose her mind laughing. Ava thinks it’s amusing when Cece trips when she knows she’s safe.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Neither of them.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Neither of them like to kill them. Cecilia mostly lets them be and Ava will put them outside.
Do they have any fears for their future?
Ava is constantly scared for Cecilia’s safety, and although she wouldn’t admit it, she’s frightened of being alone for another 900 years. Cecilia is terrified of losing Ava. There’s nothing she wants more than to spend eternity with Ava.
Their favourite place?
They enjoy spending time together in Cecilia’s apartment. It’s a place where they can be alone with no interruption.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Ava would surprise Cece
Who pays the bills?
They don’t share bills
Who’s the tallest?
Ava towers over Cece by 8 or 9 inches.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Oh, Cecilia. Ava is quick in the shower so Cecilia needs to plan accordingly. She enjoys jumping in the shower with her.
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Cece likes to lounge in her underwear and a robe. Ava finds that out the hard way when popping in for a visit lmao
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Cecilia and it’s almost always songs that drive Ava nuts.
What do they tease each other about?
Ava knows how to get Cecilia flustered and does it every now and then by making an innocent enough move before dropping it altogether. Cecilia teases Ava for being grumpy and wound up so tight. Also her clothing choices.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Cecilia’s mortal enemies are Ava’s cargo pants.
Who crushed first?
I like to think they’re both romantics and follow the love at first sight trope. Cecilia was just more forward about her feelings.
Any alcohol or substance-related problems?
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
It’s happened once or twice to Cecilia after a night with Tina.
Who swears the most?
Ava doesn’t swear really, Cecilia thinks it’s spices conversations up.
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razeluxe · 4 years ago
Razeluxe’s Top Ten Female Characters
Yep. It’s here. A list of my all time favorite ladies in anime/video games. This list was way harder for me than the male version, after compiling my favorites I had like 20 characters so I had to cut it down... I will shout them out somewhere further down towards the end...warning you right now that this is long...I have a lot of thoughts about these characters and I did my utmost to avoid outright posting spoilers - enjoy!
10) Bianchi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
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Once again someone from Reborn makes the list. What can I say, they have great characters and omg Bianchi is incredible. She’s Gokudera’s sister that I was harping about on the male list...she develops from this hyper focused girl to a true mother figure who helps care for her group as well as being a mother figure to some of the younger girls. Later on in the series she’s very attentive and always knows the right things to say...she gave some advice to some of the girls about men, especially in one particular episode that I will not mention but if you know it you know it - I was floored with on the nose she is about things...she can read people and situations extremely well and she serves as like this backbone to her group...there’s stuff between her and her brother that are extremely interesting too - this girl despite being there for others has this considerable weight on her that she tells her brother about at the end of the series - Bianchi is a complicated character who really deserves more love - she doesn’t fight often in this anime but she has proven time and time again that you don’t always have to be out on the front lines in an shounen anime to be a great character and also...she’s hot.
9) Emma Millstein (Trails of Cold Steel)
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Emma in ways is similar to Bianchi here, being a mother figure as well as President of Class VII but what I find interesting about her character is what she’s hiding, as well as her insecurities. She spends a really long time hiding things because reasons I will not mention because you need to play the series - when she comes out with what she needs to say she really grapples with her feelings as well as her inferiority complex when she compares herself to her sister. She grows though..man does she grow...she starts to believe in who she is and stops doubting herself as hard and she really shines later on in the series. When you see what she can do... Like I said in the other list I have yet to play the fourth game in the series which is coming soon and I know she plays a major part. I also think she’s a great fit for Rean.
8) Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria)
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Velvet is a character that has an extremely strong drive, comparable to someone that is yet to come on this list. Velvet is betrayed by someone who has raised her and her heart turns cold and she is motivated by hatred and vengeance for the sake of those who were massacred by this person. Velvet is a raw character whose type is rarely explored in this way, the way her personality shifted from being more upbeat and chipper initially to, post hell breakout, using people to get forward in her goals without giving an fudge. There comes a time when her resolution to revenge falters once something happens, anger and sorrow come together and she makes some interesting decisions...Velvet is a morally gray person whom showcases real struggles and real feelings that I’m able to relate to on a personal level...Velvet knows grief and in a world of black and white, she makes mistakes as a result of her PTSD, some more fatal than others and eventually, she learns. It’s ugly to see, but she learns. Her development is unpleasant to watch compared to a lot of characters, however as a result in my opinion she’s one of the most raw/realistic characters in the Tales of Series currently. I said it. Also she’s hot.
7) Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
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Here’s a girl I wasn’t expecting to put here. Rise is a girl who is also known as Risette and decides to take a break from showbiz by moving to a small town, going to school, working at her family’s business, you know, doing what she considered to be normal girl things. She is very upfront when it comes to her flirting which I like to think is because of her position as a famous idol. She’s really bubbly and animated, but what made me interested in Rise was her voice and her eyes when you first meet her. She looked and sounded empty...and you learn it’s because she sick and tired of portraying this ‘Risette’ character and not being herself. What I like about Rise is after running away from this persona for so long she eventually acknowledges Risette is also her and she makes the choice to only bring her true self to the public. She’s sassy and just has this ability to brighten an entire room. Originally I favored Yukiko in P4 and while I still do like her a lot, after going through Rise’s social link, well...the rest is history. 
6) Milla Maxwell & ‘Fractured’ Milla (Tales of Xillia)
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Yep. Both of them. I know they’re different characters however I acknowledge both of them equally and they’re both deserving of this spot on this list.
Starting with Milla Maxwell, what I love about her is her drive. She knows who she is and is willing push herself to fufill her duty. She’s not unlike Velvet who turns away from her emotions to do what she sets out to do, considering emotions to be a distraction from her mission. Made her instantly relatable to me. It makes her come off as uncaring towards other people but her mission is strictly to protect the people in the world. I’ve always imagined Milla as this literal pillar of strength, like when she loses mobility in her legs, she pushes herself even further, nearly killing herself in the process. Heck if you thought Velvet was crazy determined, I mean she is but Milla in my opinion is on a whole other level. What I love about Milla is that she isn’t portrayed as a character who has to second guess or experience things before resolving herself to a choice, she is born with this innately and she does not waver no matter what. She’s not a conventional Tales character who bonds super well with everyone. She has her mission and she’s out to do it. Milla isn’t perfect and her opinion on people is for lack of better word, immature, but she grows to understand people throughout her journey.
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Fractured Milla...this character is rife with pain and guilt. This Milla is basically an Alternate Universe version of the actual Milla...on the surface level she’s very aggressive but she carries a different weight compared to the original Milla...she bares a guilt about what happened to another character and her world...she also bears a guilt when it comes to her comparing herself to the original Milla and.. inhibiting the original Milla Maxwell from existing... What I love about Fractured Milla is that she’s a completely different take on a character that I already greatly enjoy, she has her development and her vulnerabilities which the OG Milla didn’t need as much because spoilers, Maxwell stuff. I love her relationship with Elle and Ludger and definitely approve of the LudgerxFractured Milla ship.
Holy Crap this list is getting long, if you need to take a break please do! I’ll wait...you good? Okie doke! Continuing on...
5) Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky)
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I love Estelle so dang much. She’s such a glowing character and a breath of fresh air. She’s tomboyish, she collects sneakers, she’s incredibly headstrong and boy does this girl have a mouth on her lol. Like look at all my Estelle stuff on my tags lol. Oh, I should mention she’s Joshua’s ‘brother’ so you can imagine all sorts of interactions with her hotheadedness and his calm and collectedness. Estelle is such a caring character though, like out of everyone I know in the Trails series, I think Estelle ranks the highest in terms of kindess alone. She doesn’t hide crap for the most part, until...well...oh I’m just gonna say it: she develops and hides her feelings for Joshua. She knows it isn’t right but she can’t help herself...anyway Estelle has this naive outlook when it comes to the world, but when certain heavy things happen Estelle kind of...wakes to the realities of the world and she changes her line of thinking. She becomes more considering of her options during situations for starters and she really starts to become the Bracer she wants to be. I was kind of floored how she allowed her pain and her source of affection (Joshua) to empower her to become a stronger person without being simply lovestruck like how people tend to write ladies. She umm...has this scene with Joshua in SC...and I’m not saying anything more but it to me it’s probably one of her highest signs of development. I’m truly happy with what Falcom has done with this character and I think she’s probably the most developed character in the entire Trails series.
4) Rem (Re: Zero)
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I never in my thought I would put a character I only just met this high on my list but wow this character blows me away. Rem is a character who has a major inferiority complex to her sister alongside guilt, yet as a maid she performs her duties and speaks very...proper even though that’s typically not how she truly feels. She’s also a very wary person...one reason she’s so high on this list is because of episode 18 how Subaru gives her a reason to live and fought to save her from herself literally. She becomes this incredibly devoted character towards this goofball Subaru with such tenacity that I have seldom seen. She also falls in love with him and not just because he saved her. Eventually she confesses her feelings at one of Subaru’s lowest points but not due to selfishness. She encourages him through her confession because he failed to stop to realize how much he’s worth to her. She displays a lot of strength in her confession and I think this is one of the most well done confession scenes I’ve ever seen period, even with her insert song playing in the background. That said I’ve only seen up to episode 18 because I honestly don’t know how much better Re: Zero can get from this point. I mean I’ll watch it eventually but I’m in love with these first dozen episodes so much I need an emotional break with all the heartache and the darkness .-. (Also please listen to her insert song omg its so precious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV3Fu5csdcA  )
Before I list the top three, like my male list I want to at least some other ladies that also did not get into Smash but are still worth mentioning as characters I really like and enjoy, no order here except for the first character because she is hot. Literally. No pictures or additional text here sadly, I mean look how long this post is I don’t even know if all of this will fit ;__;
Lal Mirch (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)
Primrose (Octopath Traveler)
Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Makoto (Persona 5)
Sinon (Sword Art Online)
Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass)
Rikku (Final Fantasy X)
Ruiko Saten (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Alisa Reinford (Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
Senna (Bleach Memories of Nobody)
                                                 Alright, moving on...
  3) Sara Valestein (Trails of Cold Steel)
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Sara leads off the top three. She’s initially Rean’s instructor. She has a sense of humor, loves all things drinking, and is lax on her instructor duties...for the most part. There’s a lot of backstory involving this character that I won’t pile on here but I will say that despite her goofy nature Sara is ridiculously strong and it always amazes me how someone like Sara be so silly and not only be so stupid strong but also have her own moniker known around the world as ‘The Purple Lightning’. She was initially a top ranked Bracer before becoming a teacher. You eventually learn about her past through Rean and how it isn’t always all as happy go lucky as her personality...what I really like about Sara is how her strength is the culmination of all the things she went through. There’s one scene in CS1 where she tells some of her students that if they don’t like her assignments for a school trip, they’re free to team up and beat her to get her to change her mind. Needless to say they got their butts handed to them.
2) Garnet Til Alexandros (Final Fantasy IX)
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Zidane’s other half. Considering I write Zidane I’d like to call her Dagger from this point on if you don’t mind .-. (Dagger is her own decided alias based on Zidane’s weapon)  I really love how she can break the norms of your stereotypical princess. When Zidane firsts meets her she’s chasing her down in her castle and she’s trying to leave her castle, something she mentioned had actively trained to do. And she’s leaving because she’s trying to resolve an issue with her mother... Dagger is a very strong character who has no issue taking matters into her own hands when it comes to issues. Holy crap what she does to Zidane at one point...she’s a bold one. She feels really strongly and she goes through a lot of crap, but she comes out stronger for it. She wasn’t one with much experience for the outside world but she takes to it at levels that the well traveled Zidane did not expect...I don’t want say much because of spoilers but she really finds herself as she journeys and goes from strength to strength, really owning her responsibilities. She’s also the main person who helps Zidane in one of his lowest moments... In my opinion these are just some of the many reasons Zidane falls for her more than any other girl...she’s also a Summoner and I love me some Summoners. She and Zidane also go great together and their relationship builds properly in a way that makes sense. Definitely one of my favorite ladies period.
1) Aurica Nestmile (Ar Tonelico: Melodies of Elemia)
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Number one is this lovely lady. Aurica is a Reyvateil, Reyvateils are people who have the ability to convert sounds into energy...all Reyvateils are assigned a rank according to how powerful their ability is. Aurica had it rough, being out of her hometown when it was attacked and destroyed, and she took the blame herself, believing she could have made a difference, being a Reyvateil and all...because of all of this she became very withdrawn and her abilties suffered...she was ranked ‘D’ which is one of the lowest classes of Reyvateils. She was picked on and treated like garbage because of her rank...she did make a friend though, a friend that was also a Revytail, one that everyone liked and one Aurica looked up to, which only made her look like more of a shadow than anything else...which did not help her already lacking confidence and low esteem. She has a literal hole in her heart and is emotionally dependent.
I mention all of that because this character for me is extremely relatable to me, she’s had it pretty rough however in terms of development you see her grow like crazy...before she was so deathly scared of people she would instantly shut herself down and repress herself but with some help from her partner Lyner she gets better and starts to believe in herself more...it’s not easy for her though, as she gets stronger and Lyner trusts her with more responsibility she gets attacked through the hole in her heart and her newly built confidence gets shattered and she starts believing she’s defective, that only defective Revytail have these holes in their heart...what I love about Aurica’s story is how real her issues with building up confidence are, she starts from practically ground zero and over time, through a repeat of this vicious cycle I described, goes from being considered one of the weakest Revytail to the strongest 3rd generation Revytail all because someone believed in her. 
I think out of both my male and female lists, Aurica was the only one to make me burst into tears at random points. (not gonna lie Rem came close but she’s not number one here :P) This girl here is one of the firsts ladies I ever connected to in my earlier naive years and back then I didn’t even think it was possible for me to relate to a female this much...
If you got to the end, you deserve a cookie. -offers chocolate chip cookie- This took a lot of thought to write out, there’s so many great characters and I look forward to encountering even more down the road. I may eventually do a list for couples...here’s hoping I won’t have to edit this...
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Ecstasy [06]
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I want to invite them over here. 
Those words of her,
could only mean one thing from how I interpreted them. 
I am aware. 
Of her connection with them,
as well as with Kinoーー 
ー The scene starts in the big hall at Eden
Laito: I mean, sure?
Yui: Eh?
Kou: ...? What do you mean?
Laito: You know, I’m suggesting we do exactly as she proposed. 
Yui: Eh? You don’t mind?
Laito: Nope?
Yui: ( I wonder what has gotten into him all of a sudden...? )
Kanato: One second, please. Are you being serious, Laito? 
Laito: I mean, I don’t see why we should deny them. Right, Reiji? 
Reiji: Why are you asking me? 
Laito: I figured you’d be able to come up with a sound reasoning.
Reiji: Well, I suppose it would entail certain benefits for us as well. 
Kino, the man leading these Ghouls, is one of the individuals out to steal your Powers after all...
Laito: It’d play in our advantage if Kino were to come here and join forces with us instead, right?
Ayato: Still...I can’t imagine he’d want to work together with us.
Laito: You think so? We already formed an alliance once in the past, so don’t you think he’d readily accept if we promise to protect him and his Ghouls?
Ayato: Oi, what do you think, Chichinashi?
Yui: Eh? 
Laito: Bitch-chan is the one who knows Kino best out of all of us, isn’t she~?
Yui: Wellーー
( What should I answer? )
→ We can’t trust him 
Yui: If you were to ask me whether we can trust him or not, I’d say we can’tーー
Laito: Well, I figured you’d say that.
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Anyway, Chichinashi, you want to bring some shady fucker hereーー!?
Yui: I meanーー That’s because the circumstances are as is. 
Laito: Right?
→ You can look at it in different ways (❦)
Yui: I think you can look at it in different ways...If we take into account the ill treatment of the Ghouls, then Kino-kun alsoーー
Laito: Heeh. You’re going to stand up for him? 
Yui: Eh? 
Laito: Oh no, I’m just talking to myself.
Ayato: I just can’t trust that guy...
Laito: ーー But you know, just look at it like this. 
Regardless of the Ghouls’ situation, Kino is our brother, remember?
...So don’t you think he only has the right to come here? 
I mean, if the Mukami’s are allowed to stay here even?
Yuma: Ah? What? Got a problem with it, mate?
Laito: Don’t get up in my face. I’m only stating the truth, aren’t I?
Shuu: ーー Well...When you look at it like that, I guess there’s really no reason for us to deny them. 
Yui: Shuu-san...! Then...
Shuu: Laito. You’re sure that’s what you want, right?
Laito: Why do you need to confirm a million times like that? I mean, I’m not trying to commit any crimes, am I?
Right, Bitch-chan? 
Yui: Yeah, you’re...right.
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Subaru: Ugh...
Reiji: ーー Well then, if that is what you want, I shall get everything arranged at once. 
Laito: Nfu~ I’m counting on you.
Yui: Reiji-san, I’ll help out as well!
Reiji: That would be a great help. 
Ruki: In that case, so will we.
Yui: ( Is Laito-kun really okay with it? I mean, I’m happy with this outcome, but... )
( Something doesn’t feel right... )
( I feel like we’re going in circles or something. )
( But...That’s just the reality of dating Laito-kun which I’ll have to accept...I guess? )
ーー To my surprise, my suggestion which was once nearly turned down already,
actually got given the green light by Laito-kun. 
Laito-kun justifies his actions,
by claiming that doing this will not only save himself time and effort,
but those in trouble are none other,
than his own brother Kino, the Ravens and the Ghouls under his command. 
While I am genuinely happy that Laito-kun has acknowledged them,
for some reason, it doesn’t feel right (違和感).
I cannot help but end up doubting his true intentions. 
In which case, nothing has changed at all...
Laito-kun is truly a very delicate individual. 
He will go back to being his old self over the most trivial of happenings. 
If there is something weighing down on his mind,
then I wish he would just speak up (ぶつけてきて) about it to me.
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kyouxa · 4 years ago
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 10)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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After successfully leaving the cave, Subaru-kun and I were able to safely reach the Scarlet mansion.
Fortunately, we came this far without having to start a fight, and without burdening the already injured Subaru-kun even more. 
But even so, I’m worried.
It’s about how Carla-san and everyone else haven’t noticed us moving here yet.
And then it also worries me that the Scarlet family should surely be aware of outsiders suddenly wandering around their mansion.
But yet none of Scarlet’s members have taken any actions, despite probably knowing we’re approaching them.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Outside
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Subaru: ...Doesn’t this... somehow feel weird?
Yui: Yes, we ended up coming here easier than I expected, don’t you think?
Subaru: I thought it wouldn’t be possible for an enemy to get this close to Reiji’s mansion without dying first...
Yui: Shouldn’t we return then?
Subaru: We’ve come this far already, so we can’t turn back now. We will meet Reiji.
Yui: Alright, then let’s try to ring the bell at the entrance. This way we could reveal we’re not enemies. 
Subaru: Well, we can’t hesitate now. —Hm? Hey, be quiet. Someone’s coming out.
Yui: Ah…
*Reiji opens door*
Reiji: Welcome to the Scarlet mansion.
Yui: Reiji-san… !
Reiji: We are honored to welcome you two. Please come inside.
Subaru: …..
Yui: …..
Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
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Reiji: Here, have some tea. With this, you will be able to calm down a bit.
Yui: Thank you, Reiji-san.
Subaru: Hey, why are you serving us tea?
Reiji: Because the two of you appeared rather exhausted after your exile.
Subaru: But we’re supposed to be enemies. You shouldn’t welcome us like this either. What are you scheming?
Reiji: Your movements were merely reported to me by our familiar, which flew around the mansion.
It is just my style to simply treat my guests in a rather polite way. I prefer not to cause any difficulties to begin with.
Subaru: ...So you saw through everything after all.
Reiji: Of course. For example, I am aware that Violet’s members are currently looking for you and Eve , with bloodshot eyes.
Yui: You do, huh… ?
(With bloodshot eyes, he said… seems as if Carla-san is extremely angry)
Subaru: …..
Reiji: What happened there?
Yui: Subaru-kun… if we discuss this with Reiji-san together, maybe he’ll get a better understanding of the situation.
Subaru: Y-Yes.
Say, Reiji. Are you also aiming to become the supreme ruler?
Reiji: Yes, I am. It is part of my assigned mission after all.
Subaru: ...But do you even know why it’s your goal to even become the supreme ruler?
Reiji: What did you just say?
Subaru: I’m just saying that you should probably think of what kind of reason you have for this.
Reiji: You are saying quite ridiculous things. I do not need any reasons for this matter, this is simply one of my living purposes.
Subaru: Cut the crap. You can’t seriously call that a motive, right?
Reiji: As I said, I do not need a reason. Because I am more than assured that I will become the supreme leader.
Subaru: ...Tch. It’s useless.
Yui: (I wonder if anything we just tried to address triggered something in Reiji-san’s memory…)
(What’s another possible trigger other than becoming the next supreme leader?)
Ah, Reiji-san. Shu-san is also part of the Scarlet mansion, isn’t he?
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Reiji: Exactly. He is one of my younger brothers.
Yui: Younger, eh… ? Is that really the case though?
Subaru: Say, doesn’t it feel a bit uncomfortable to treat Shu like your younger brother all of the sudden?
Reiji: ...Both of you have only spread quite the nonsense since entering.
May I ask what in the world are you trying to slowly set up with the current conversation we are having?
Yui: …..
Subaru: Reiji, believe what I’ll say now or not, but I’m actually one of your real brothers.
Reiji: Oh? That is a very interesting comment indeed. Why would someone like you, from the Violet family, be associated with me as a younger brother, while I am Scarlet’s leader?
Subaru: Everything’s strange about this situation in the first place. The Scarlet and Violet family, the overload story, Eve, the folklore and everything else.
Literally everything here is full of shit.
We still don’t know the cause, but our memory changed and we’re trying to kill each other in this place.
All of us had these strange memories about wanting to become the supreme leader like you, and we fight for this title for no meaning.
In the end, this is all a big and useless competition for Eve to make one of us the supreme ruler...
But she’s my, you know… my lover! And I can’t and won’t give her to anyone. 
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Reiji: I see. However, I highly doubt Carla would approve of this statement. He will most definitely keep on looking for a way to become king.
Subaru: Yeah, you’re right. Carla’s the kind of person to even ask others to find a way for him to become the king.
I even tried to explain to him what I told you now. But he didn’t even try to listen to what I said.
Reiji: No wonder he did not. To be honest, I am also merely listening half-convinced to your current story.
I would not think the hard-headed Carla himself would listen to such a story like I am.
Subaru: …..
Reiji: ...Ah, I see. So that is the reason you both ran away from Carla. And now you have arrived here, right?
Subaru: Yeah. As soon as we told him about it, he insisted on treating us like complete traitors.
Reiji: I understand. So what? In the end, what do you, Subaru, want to do from now?
Subaru: I...
I want to keep on protecting her. That’s why I want you to lend me your strength, Reiji.
I’m sorry to suddenly beg someone else out of pity to help me. But I can’t do anything with my own strength only.
I can’t protect her with just my willpower anymore.
So please, help me. I beg you. I’m unable to do anything without depending on my real brothers here.
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Yui: Subaru-kun…
Reiji: …..
If that is so, then please feel free to use this mansion. Let's keep this as a secret between us.
Yui: ...Are you sure!?
Reiji: It is no problem. We will discuss more concrete strategies about this matter from now on in the future. 
Please take a rest here tonight.
Yui: Thank you very much! 
Yay, we did it. Subaru-kun!
Subaru: ...Yes.
Hey, Reiji. Do you really believe in what we said after all?
Reiji: …..
I will prepare a room for you this instant. I promise for you to have a comfortable stay.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Unacoppied room 
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Yuma: Here, this is the room. Don’t be sloppy with it.
Yui: We won’t. Thank you, Yuma-kun.
(So Yuma-kun is supposed to be Reiji-san’s younger brother here, right?)
(It’s just so strange to see Yuma-kun act under Reiji-san’s instructions all of the sudden)
Yuma: If something happens, just call out for somebody. Even though it’ll only come to me if something happens. 
Yui: Alright. If something happens, we’ll call for you then, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Yeah, laters.
*Yuma leaves*
Yui: I’m so happy, Subaru-kun! At least we’re safe here for the time being.
Subaru: Yes, you’re right.
Yui: And it’s all thanks to you, Subaru-kun. Because you were the one persuading Reiji-san.
(On top of that, I’m more than happy about Subaru-kun’s real feelings and how he only wants to protect me)
Even if he doesn’t remember, your brother is still a gentleman as always, right?
Subaru: What the, what’s with that grin?
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Yui: It’s because I’m really, really happy that Reiji-san ended up helping us out… 
Subaru: ...Well, I guess I do have to thank him for hiding us.
But don’t let your guard down because of that. We still don’t know if Reiji really believed in our story. 
Yui: Fufu, aren’t you also a bit reassured at the end, can’t you at least say that much?
Subaru: S-Shut up.
Yui: Fufu. I really hope Reiji-san’s memory will come back soon, and then we all could look for clues together to find a way out of here.
Subaru: I hope so too. It would be best to have more manpower anyway.
Yui: Yes…
(And if we don’t have to go against his brothers anymore, it would be the best for all of us. But Subaru-kun…)
For the time being, let’s go to bed already, okay? I know we have a lot to think about, but I’m also worried about the injury you got, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: Ah? ...Isn’t it a bit too early to go to bed already?
Yui: Eh?
*Subaru gets closer*
Subaru: We’re finally all alone in this long-awaited place. So I guess I can go ahead and touch you a bit.
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Yui: (He said that in my ear… !)
W-We can’t do that! No matter how friendly he looked, we still don’t know if Reiji-san is supporting us.
We can’t lose focus now of all time...
Subaru: So you want to say that you don’t want me to spoil you after what happened today?
Yui: T-That’s, um...
(Subaru-kun is so sly… if he says it like that, I don’t want to deny)
Subaru: Heh, your ears turned bright red. I can’t get tired of that face no matter how many times I see it.
But that’s not the case this time.
Yui: (That surprised me! Was he joking just now… ?)
Subaru: We’re still in enemy territory, and this might be our last-minute bet for now. But can we really trust them just like that?
*time passes*
Yui: Are you feeling better? By the way, were you the one who turned off the light?
Subaru: Ah, I’m good.
*door opens and dagger flies*
Subaru: Get down!
Yui: Eh!?
(A dagger suddenly started flying across the room and now sticks in the wall… !)
Subaru: ...Tch, that was close!
Yui: Eh, what!? What’s happening right now!?
Subaru: Damn, he set us up! We have to get out of the window!
Yui: Ehhh… !?
1) Sudden inability to move (black)
2) Believe in Subaru and run (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— Sudden inability to move
Yui: (Subaru-kun, why so suddenly… ?)
Subaru: Hey, how long are you going to stand there!? Open the window already!
Yui: B-But… ! Why would I do this so suddenly…
Subaru: Stop uselessly thinking about that! Just believe me and do it quickly!
Yui: ...Y-Yes!
—  Believe in Subaru and run ♡
Subaru: We don’t have time, open the window now!
Yui: (I don’t know what Subaru-kun’s thinking right now)
(But he must have a proper plan if we do this, right?)
...Okay, Subaru-kun!
end Choices
Yui: (But even so… they threw a dagger at us, didn’t they?)
For that kind of thing...
(Did they throw the knife, knowing that we were sleeping there a few moments ago?)
Subaru: Come out, you guys. Stop hiding and face me!
*door opens*
Reiji: There is no way you avoided that hit. I truly admire how fast you acted in this moment.
Shu: I think he only managed to avoid it because the person who threw it sucks.
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Kino: Yuma, I told you that you suck at throwing them.
Yuma: It wasn’t even me who threw it. Don’t rub your shit on others!
Yui: (Reiji-san, Shu-san, Yuma-kun and… even that boy they call Kino, are here)
Kino: I guess you’re right. I wonder if my arm became less capable after this long time?
Reiji: And that is precisely why I kept on telling you to keep practicing and not to slack off instead.
Shu: It’s always the moments that count that you’re useless in.
Kino: Meanie! Show at least some respect for me, you two.
Subaru: Hey, you guys. Don’t you have something to say? Didn’t you say you’d not want to trouble your visitors and comfort them instead?
Yuma: There’s no way you’re actually as dumb as you act. Both of you aren’t our guests anymore.
It already made things easier for us that you brought Eve along with you here. Now we just have to take her.
Subaru: So that’s it. In other words, you have the same motive.
Yui: That’s… ! But we believed in you...
Shu: You can’t seriously believe the enemy would let you approach and then voluntarily help you. If you have some grudge against someone, have it against your own stupidity. 
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Yuma: Hey, never mind that and hand over Eve already.
If not, we won’t miss next time trying to hit you. 
Subaru: Stop fucking around! Who do you think would listen to you!?
Hey! We don’t have time to think about it anymore. I’ll hold you and then get out of the window, understood?
*lifts her*
Yui: ...Uwah!?
Subaru: Let’s go! Hold on tightly! 
Reiji: Wait right there… ! 
Place: Scarlet mansion — Outside
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Yui: ...Kyaa… Ngh!?
Subaru: Shut it! 
*keeps running*
Subaru: We don’t have any other choice but to only think about running away from Reiji for now!
Yui: Yes…
Subaru: ...Fuck, you really can’t trust anyone in here… ! 
Yui: (Subaru-kun looks hurt… but that’s only natural. He was betrayed by someone he thought he could trust after all…)
But you’re not alone, Subaru-kun. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what’s going to happen. 
(This may not be too big of a relief for him now, but I felt as if I had to tell him)
Subaru: ...Yeah, that’s right. As long as I have you with me.
As long as you’re there—
We are all alone and without any help in this world.
However, we haven’t yet lost the things most important to each other.
And that’s the only current salvation for us in this crazy world.
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tournesolia · 5 years ago
Chaos Lineage Kanato Chapter 10 Translation
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Place : Dungeon
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Subaru : Let's put them in that jail
*Laito and Subaru shoves Kanato and Yui inside, before locking the door
Ayato : Breastless ! Kanato ! How did they catch you !?
Yui : Ayato-kun !
Kanato : Ayato !
Laito : Ruki and Shin are confined in another prison, so rest assured
We put Ayato here since we don't know what he would plan if we put him with those two
But he can be with you two. There's nothing you can do anyway
Kanato : … !
Laito : No need to stare at me so much. See you
*Laito and Subaru leave
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Yui : (Laito-kun and Subaru-kun left...)
(In the end, the Laito-kun that lost his memories is our enemy)
(Things didn't play in our favor...)
Ayato : Geez, it's pointless now that you got caught
Yui : Ah, Ayato-kun ! That's right, are your injuries okay ? Laito-kun and Subaru-kun didn't treat you badly ?
Ayato : Those kind of injuries ain't a big deal
Yui : I see... Thank godness. I was very worried. Even Kanato-kun was as well
Right, Kanato-kun ?
Kanato : … Why... you... that...
Yui : … ? What's wrong, Kanato-kun ?
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Kanato : I'm asking you why did you do that !?
Ayato : What ? You got a problem ?
Kanato : Of course I do. Why did you go that far ?
Yui : … Ah... !
(He was concerned about this the whole time...)
Ayato : Oh, shut up. I didn't come up with any more ideas at that time. Well, it wasn't like me for sure
Kanato : You mean that you acted without even understanding yourself ?
Ayato : Sort of
Yui : (Then, does this mean he unconsciously covered us ?
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Ayato : But... After I drank Eve's blood...
I remembered things I shouldn't have seen before, and it was always stuck in my head
Yui : (Things he shouldn't have seen before... Could it be...!?)
Kanato : Don't tell me...
Yui : (Kanato-kun's looking at me. He surely thought of the same thing...)
Ayato : Maybe I felt weird 'cause of that
Kanato : Felt weird ?
Yui : (What does he mean...?)
Can you tell us more about it ? How did you feel ?
Ayato : Even I don't get it so I can't explain
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Laito : You're talking about something that sounds interesting. Do you mind giving me more details ?
Yui : Laito-kun !
Kanato : Did you pretend to be gone and eavesdropped ? You're gross as usual
Laito : No waaay. Don't flatter me so much
Kanato : Why did you become interested in what Ayato said ?
Laito : Because the same thing happened to me
Yui : … Eh ?
Laito : Just like him, I drank Eve's blood, I felt dizzy and strange things came to my mind
Yui : What kind of things came to your mind ?
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Laito : It may sound strange, but it was a story about Ayato, Kanato and me being triplets
Seriously, it made me laugh
Yui : (His memories are returning little by little...!)
Laito : And I had a funny and strange life with different brothers in an unkown house
Hehehe, isn't it ridiculous ? That makes me laugh
Kanato : …
Yui : …
Laito : Huh ? You don't find it funny ? Why are you both having such serious looks ?
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Yui : (There's no doubt about it. Laito-kun is regaining his memories)
(Ayato-kun and Laito-kun both said that they saw a strange scene right after drinking my blood)
(Which means sucking my blood may have shaken their memories...!)
Kanato : Hey, please lend me your ear
Yui : Eh ? Sure, what's the matter ?
*Kanato gets closer
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Kanato : What Laito just said... He talks as if he's getting his real memories back
Yui : … Indeed. That's what I also thought. Laito-kun is regaining his memories
Kanato : Yes. At this rate, his memories will completely recover sooner or later...
Yui : But it doesn't seem like Ayato-kun and Laito-kun remembered everything like you
Kanato : You're right...
Yui : What should we do ? What did we do wrong ?
Kanato : … When I regained my memories, it was after drinking your blood of course. But it wasn't just it
Yui : Ah... Teddy !
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Kanato : That's right. Teddy had an influence on me...
I felt like strong memories sleeping inside me got shaken...
I experienced pain, sadness, and I didn't understand why
Yui : (True. He was suffering so hard...)
Kanato : In other words, if there's not a similar impact on Ayato and Laito, they won't go back to normal
Yui : B-But... Do we really have to inflict so much pain on them ?
(Is this the only way...?)
Kanato : What are those sweet words you're saying ?
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Choice 1 : Apologize (white roses)
Yui : I'm sorry. But I don't want to watch them suffering so much
Kanato : Sigh... I know you're a kind person, but...
You should be kind to only me
Please stop thinking about other men
Choice 2 : Object (black roses)
Yui : But even you don't want to watch your brothers suffering, right ?
I don't want you to have another difficult time because of that, so...
Kanato : I won't suffer at all
Yui : Kanato-kun...
Kanato : We have to use this unreasonable way, or else their real memories won't return, you know ?
– End of choices
*Kanato moves back
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Kanato : Those idiots need to suffer
Yui : Kanato-kun...
Kanato : Why does it have to be only Yui-san and me that have a difficult experience ?
Those two should return to normal with pain just like me
Laito : What are you two talking about ? I can't get the whole picture
Ayato : Why the Great Me has to suffer ? I don't see the point
Kanato : Because, in short, the fact that someone like you protected us disgusts me
Yui : Eeeh !?
(Kanato-kun feels more and more irritated and starts taking it out on Ayato-kun...?)
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Ayato : Haa ? Don't fuck with me. The Great Me bothered saving your asses
Kanato : I said I don't like it !
Ayato's supposed to be more self-centered. And yet, you...
Yui : (I see, Kanato-kun surely feels gloomy because he can't thank Ayato-kun honestly)
(They used to be rather hostile to each other until now)
(And yet, Ayato-kun did something to help us)
(Maybe Kanato-kun doesn't know how to communicate with Ayato-kun)
Kanato : What makes me feel weird like this, it's all due to the fact that Laito is our enemy !
I hate being toyed with ! You both think the same, don't you !?
Ayato : Haha, you talk as if you know about the Great Me !
Laito : Are you implying that you know me ?
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Kanato : I do. You really irritate me
Ayato : Haa ?
Laito : What do you mean ?
Yui : (What is Kanato-kun trying to do...?)
Kanato : Ayato isn't satisfied with anything but being the best
Laito only takes the easy way out
Laito : Heeeh ~, you know me very well
Kanato : That's obvious. Because we're triplets
Laito : Hehe, are you trying to say that the strange scene I saw was real ?
Ayato : Are you half asleep, Kanato ? We're nothing similar to triplets
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Kanato : That's right. We aren't similar at all. And I wouldn't like to
But we're all born from the same mother
Yui : (Kanato-kun... No way, is he going to he talk about this ?)
Kanato : You remember our mother, don't you ? Cordelia...
Ayato : C-Cordelia... !?
Laito : … This name sounds familiar to me... Is it a woman I flirted with ?
Ayato : … Guh... Guuuuh !
Laito : Uuuh... My head began to hurt again. It's throbbing... as if it's about to break
Yui : Ayato-kun ! Laito-kun !
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Kanato : Firstly, Ayato stabbed mother
Ayato : Uuh... Guuh...
Kanato : Next, Laito pushed her off the balcony
Laito : … Guh... Uuuh !
Kanato : And finally, I burned her. Mother...
Yui : (They both seem to suffer... But it doesn't seem like Kanato-kun is going to stop--)
Kanato : Being the only one to remember... I won't allow it. Please remember. REMEMBER !
Ayato : …
Laito : …
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Kanato : It's unfair that you both forgot. If you still don't remember, I'll repeat it over and over
Ayato : Aaah ! Shit... ! My head hurts, I'm gonna puke...
Laito : Guh... Me too... It's as if something is swirling in my head...
Ayato : My head... huuuurts... ! I'll seriously puke... !
Laito : No way, I can't take it anymore... Uh... Guuh... !
Yui : (It looks like Kanato-kun's calls have a great effect on them, but what about their memories ?)
(Are they both back to normal now...?)
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Kanato : So, did you cut it out and remember all of our disgusting memories now ?
I won't allow any mistakes. Who's this me standing in front of you ?
Ayato : …
Laito : …
Ayato : My fucking annoying brother...
Laito : My little problematical brother... ?
Yui : Ah !
(Their memories returned...!)
Laito : You can stop this kind of drastic treatment... Kanato-kun
Kanato : I don't know. Stopping isn't part of my obligations
Chapter 10 : End
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whatdoyouexpectthistime · 5 years ago
MJS Aftermath - SIX FEET The Final Part
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It was in silence Miho drove through dim backstreets two nights later, though Kurosawa prattled unnecessary reassurances in her ears through her tiny earbud radio.
“I’m fine, Toru,” she muttered for the seventh time. “It’s like the Chief said - the mole won’t hurt me until he or she is sure the information that might incriminate them cannot fall into the hands of any authority.”
“Still,” he grumbled, in his place of hiding near Miho’s destination. “I feel ill thinking you may be at the mercy of this unscrupulous creature.”
“Shut up, Kurosawa,” Kaga snapped. “Keep comms clear.”
And for once, Miho was glad to hear the acid of Kaga’s voice.
“Don’t worry your heads about this,” Miho told them. “This idiot won’t know what hit ‘em.”
She was early, as was part of the plan, and so was Namba, who she was there to meet and pass on the package she had only just received - presumably sent on the day of Goto’s death.
It had to be somewhere quiet, somewhere other people would not get involved should violence break out, and despite her bravado, Miho actually shuddered a little at the gloom of the dockside warehouse. No one in sight, no one to catch stray bullets, except for the small group of instructors Namba had enlisted for the operation.
Her steps sounded loudly against the moist asphalt, bouncing off concrete walls and worn, metal shipping containers. Slowly, she made her way around the building toward a single door, trepidation growing, twisting knots in her stomach she obstinately refused to show in her expression.
“That’s quite far enough,” a raspy, gravelly voice asserted, and Miho flinched then froze.
The kind of voice that did far too much yelling.
“Chief?” she queried, though she knew it wasn’t him.
“We have contact,” Namba’s voice hissed in Miho’s ear.
“I should be,” the man’s voice came again, oblivious to the voices in Miho’s head.
Slowly, she hazarded to turn her head.
The outline was average except perhaps for the hair, messy waves of ink from crown to shoulders in a decidedly unkempt manner.
“Instructor Nagita?” Miho blinked, mostly for the benefit of the others in case they did not have a clear enough line of sight. “I am supposed to be meeting Chief Namba here. Is everything okay? Did something happen?”
Playing dumb was not Miho’s strong suit, but she tried just the same.
It was then he pulled out a gun - not how Miho would have played it given she’d just given him the opportunity to play along, but anyone who picked a fight with Goto and his people couldn’t really be considered smart.
“Don’t play ignorant with me! Give me the contents of the package Goto sent you,” he demanded roughly, inching a little closer to her, and Miho shuffled back a little, away from the warehouse wall.
“I will shoot you,” he insisted, waving the firearm a little erratically, before a gunshot rang out.
Miho’s breath stalled, her chest clenched and her gaze fixed on the slumping figure of Nagita, who a few seconds later was face down. Trembling, Miho touched her hand to her cheek - wet, warm, fresh blood transferred to her fingers.
“What…?” she stammered out, as a new form stepped from the shadows and claimed responsibility for Nagita’s murder.
“Is that… Chiba?” Soma said through comms.
“The student?” Subaru sought in clarification. “We should move now!”
“Hold,” Namba instructed. “If there are even students involved in this, we don’t know who else may be involved.”
“That student just killed an instructor,” Subaru pointed out. “You think he’s going to hesitate to kill Miho?”
“It’s fine, okay?” Miho breathed, holding both her hands up in front of her. “Just… relax.”
“Kurai knew Nagita didn’t have the guts to follow through,” Chiba announced, his voice contrastingly soft and boyish considering the situation. “But this is my way out of mediocrity, out of obscurity. No one will ever overlook me again.”
“Keep him talking, Mrs. Goto,” Ishigami encouraged. “We’re converging on your position.”
“Well, I think I can say,” Miho began carefully. “If I had met you, before now, I would not have overlooked you… and if I knew your name…?”
“Chiba Daisuke,” he announced proudly - obviously not a seasoned criminal even with fresh blood on his hands.
“And, Mr. Chiba, you ah… you’re working for Kurai then? An enforcer by the looks of it - it looks good on you.”
“Not for, with,” he corrected.
“Oh, obviously,” Miho rushed. “Man of your bearing, I suppose, takes orders from no one… right?”
“Including you, Mrs. Goto,” he smiled, so innocently it seemed so ridiculous he held her at gun-point. “It’s a shame, because I actually liked Instructor Goto…”
“He’s gearing up to kill her too, I’m moving in!” Subaru barked.
“... but,” Chiba continued. “I can’t allow you to blow my cover, so I’m going to have to…”
“FREEZE!” Ishigami shouted, appearing dramatically, and simultaneously Miho let out a squeak as Subaru snatched her around the waist and put himself between her and Chiba.
“Don’t move!” Kaga added, emerging with Soma, their own guns drawn.
“Reach for the sky, scumbag!” Kurosawa exclaimed, and no doubt they all would have facepalmed were the circumstances not so serious.
“It’s over, Chiba,” Namba told him, and indeed, Chiba was now surrounded. “Put down the gun so no one else gets hurt.”
“Get her out of here,” Ishigami commanded of Subaru, and he did not have to be asked twice.
“Hold it!” Chiba barked, uncharacteristically sharp. “Move and I’ll shoot!”
“And in which universe do you think you’ll walk away from this if you do?” Kaga scoffed. “You fire, we fire, and you’re dead.”
“I… I’ll still take one of you with me,” Chiba declared, no longer sounding so confident, his gun hand wavering a little.
In a dramatic crash that blocked Miho and Subaru from Chiba’s line of sight, the door Miho had earlier been heading for opened, and a body tackled the murderous student.
The gun skidded across the ground and was quickly scooped up by Soma, while the others jumped in to restrain the young man.
“Come on,” Subaru urged, but Miho would not be moved, transfixed on the fray of arms and legs.
And she gasped when Chiba was dragged to his feet and cuffed, because with order restored, Miho could see who it was that had intervened.
“The hell are you going here?” Subaru growled, glaring at the man.
“Did you really think I was going to allow you to put my wife in such danger and not oversee her safety myself?” Goto huffed, straightening his clothes.
But his eyes looked beyond his friend to Miho’s blood speckled face, her tear-brimming, lip-quivering expression that broke his heart all over again.
“Get going, dead-man,” Kaga snorted curtly. “You can’t be here.”
“Seiji,” Miho whispered thickly, fighting Subaru’s grip on her unsuccessfully.
“Go!” Subaru growled, grappling Miho as she struggled. “I’ll take care of her.”
“I’ll take care of you if you don’t let me GO!” Miho shrieked, a wildcat now, flailing.
With a broken look, Goto began to back away, mouthing one word before he turned and ran.
The aftermath dragged on well through the night and into the morning, and at nine Miho was sitting on the couch in Ishigami’s office - still pouting.
“Looks like you could use this,” Kaga declared, dropping a steaming mug of coffee into Miho’s line of sight.
Her eyes rolled up to look at him skeptically.
“If Ishigami sees you in here, you’re toast,” she declared, reaching for the mug… which he then moved out of her reach. “Do that again and you won’t need to worry about him.”
“Oh yeah?” Kaga smirked, holding his ground. “Right now, I could take you with just my little finger.”
“I suggest you keep you little finger, and all other appendages, away from Mrs. Goto,” Ishigami said coldly from the doorway, and Miho used the opportunity to relieve Kaga of the mug. “And remove yourself from my office.”
“So you can move in on her instead? You’ve got no chance, four-eyes,” Kaga dropped, shoving past him on the way out.
Silence settled in the wake of his exit, until Miho sat back down.
“How are you holding up?” Ishigami asked carefully.
“Still mad,” she replied waspishly. “You could have given me a minute with him.”
“As I said before, every moment he breaks cover is a chance for Kurai to discover his deception,” he pointed out, and not for the first time.
Noisily, Miho slurped her coffee.
“A counsellor from the Department will be in contact in the next few days.”
“I don’t need counselling, Ishigami,” Miho grumped. “I need my hus…”
“... husband back, yes I understand,” he filled in, nodding. “And I am sure he feels as anxious for this operation to be as over as you.”
To this, Miho grunted, sculled the rest of the coffee - ignoring the burn - and rolled her neck.
“I’m going home,” she announced.
“Ichiyanagi will drive you,” he informed her. “Chief Namba and I agree you should have protection until such time as the Kurai are neutralised, just in case they…”
“No,” she disagreed.
“I’m actually not giving you a choice,” Ishigami retorted, finally putting his foot down. “You insisted on involving yourself, and now you will put up with the consequences.”
Her jaw worked, but she wasn’t so unreasonable that she wouldn’t accept responsibility for her own actions.
“Fine, I’m leaving now,” she grumped, grabbed her bag, and stalked out.
“So, you’re not going to talk to me forever now?” Subaru sniffed, following Miho up the path to her front door.
Of course - to prove the point - Miho did not respond.
As she slipped the key into the lock, barking greeted her, and she had to grit her teeth not to allow exhausted tears to spill. Ishigami and Kaga bounced up against her the moment she cleared the door, and she gladly sat on the floor to let the greyhound wiggling soothe her weary heart.
“I’ll put the kettle on,” Subaru said, walking past the tangle unscathed while Miho snuggled her face against soft, sleek doggy heads.
“Daddy will be home soon,” she whispered to her ‘kids’, before struggling back up.
She needed sleep.
A week ticked by.
Then another.
And while the longing to see Goto never waned, Miho had rather gotten used to having a house-maid-chauffeur-butler-heavy-lifter-emergency-tampon-buying dog-walker. Still, she craved a little alone time, and hatched a plan to give Subaru the slip.
Ishigami and Kaga, complicit in her crime, ran happily beside her as she snuck out through her back yard’s fence. When she had taken enough twists and turns to ensure even a seasoned tracker would have trouble picking up her trail, she headed for somewhere her poochies could play and she could relax.
Even though the weather was cooling, Miho was determined to sit on a very significant patch of grass in the park where it all started. The greyhounds ran laps around her as she ruminated. She pictured the picnic rug upon which they had laid that first ‘test drive’, smiled as she remembered how uptight he’d been in the beginning, how awkward - then grinned when she recalled how he’d surprised her in the bushes.
Heavily, she dragged herself up and headed toward the toilet block, just as she had that day; but she was disappointed when there was no Goto to drag her out of sight and defile her in the best possible way.
“Fuck,” she growled, her mood darkening.
“I’d better do something about this frustration of yours,” a familiar voice said at her back, causing Miho to freeze. “Or you might fall into the arms of that apron wearing hooligan.”
Miho trapped the air in her lungs, afraid that if she drew breath he would disappear; but at the same time, she had to know.
“You’re not going to run away again, are you?” she gasped out, and though she longed to throw herself at him, her body was paralysed.
“I”m sorry I had to do that, Miho,” he apologised, face patterned with profound contrition. “But I’m here now, because I couldn’t stand it anymore. Even if the Kurai kill me tomorrow, it’ll have been worth it.”
In the background, Ishigami and Kaga bounded around the park, amusing themselves, but everything that wasn’t Goto faded from Miho’s world. When his arms closed around her, she drew in a deep breath, filling her senses with the scent of him. Every fibre of her being sang out in joy and relief, and her muscles turned mush.
“If they hurt you,” she whimpered against his neck, finally locking him in her own embrace, “I will burn Tokyo to the ground until every last one of them is destroyed.”
“I believe it,” he laughed, tightening his grip.
Nothing felt as good to him, as having her heart beating against his chest.
“Come on,” he urged, pulling away far enough to walk without stumbling, tugging her toward the bushes.
“Uhh, Ishigami and Kaga will wonder where I am,” she exhaled, but in all honesty it was amazing she could form coherent thoughts, let alone sentences.
“I should never have let you name them that,” Goto hissed, pressing her back against a familiar tree trunk and slithering his fingers beneath her jacket.
“It was… Kurosawa,” Miho protested weakly, coiling her arms around his neck and dragging her fingernails through his hair.
“Stop saying other men’s names,” he growled against her throat, nipping it enough to cause Miho to squirm, sharp little stings giving way to tingling warmth and pleasure. “I have missed the taste of you.”
“I’ve missed being tasted,” she sighed, directing his face back to hers. “I’ve missed you.”
“And I you,” he smiled, straightening her dishevelled jacket and taking her face either side. “Nothing is so precious to me.”
A little confused they were both still fully dressed, Miho frowned, despite his declaration.
“But you’re not done yet, are you?” she forced out, the quietest of squeaks.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, resting his forehead against hers, brushing her moist cheeks with his thumbs. “If I don’t finish this, many people will be in danger, including you - so I have to see this out.”
She knew he wouldn’t abandon his job, his responsibility to the people he vowed to protect, the law he vowed to uphold - that was the man she loved and married.
“But,” he continued, even as Miho wept, “when it’s over, I’m going to request full time assignment at the academy, no more undercover.”
“Ohh,” she exhaled, lightly nuzzling her nose against his. “But you would miss it, Lieutenant Goto, it’s as much a part of you as I am… just… promise…”
“Anything,” he pledged. “Absolutely anything.”
“Never die again,” she pouted, pecking his lips with desperate, quick kisses.
“You said anything!” she pointed out smugly, rubbing herself against him, trying to make it as difficult for him to leave her as possible.
“Mmm,” he groaned. “Then I suppose I’ll have to live forever. But for now, I have to go.”
When he kissed her now, it was a kiss designed to convince her, once and for all, if any doubt lingered, that he was alive and hers. He would return to her safely, and they would be happy.
The joyful, hysterical bark-whining of Ishigami and Kaga, slammed into the moment, as surely as the dog slammed into the back of Goto’s legs. They proceeded to bounce energetically until he crouched, and then they clambered up his body, over his shoulders, his back, his chest, licking all the while.
“Come on kids,” Miho sniffled, untucking their leashes from her belt-loop and clicked each to their collars. “Let Daddy get back to work so he can come home to us.”
It took some serious strength to drag the dogs away from Goto, and it was with reluctance that he stepped back.
“And I will come home to you: soon.” The end... for now.
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polar-stars · 6 years ago
Mother-Relationships, Part 2
I present the second part of @smokeprincess24 ask
First part here: https://polar-stars.tumblr.com/post/185757582391/how-is-the-relationship-mother-sondaughter
Miyoko Hojo
With Miyoko as mom, Suzume truly never doubted for even a second that she could become big in the culinary world while being a woman. While defiantly both of Suzu’s parents had their part in building up her confidence, Miyoko’s part was probably a little bit greater. Suzume admires her mother a lot and always wanted to become as strong and brave as her. Miyoko may not brag as loudly over Suzume as Terunori does, but she does never fail to make Suzume know that she is in fact very proud of her. And while Suzume’s constant joke-parades do earn a headshake from Miyoko time to time, there are also quite some jokes that got the usually more composed woman to laugh. (Also honestly these two can totally team up to roast anyone and you should be very afraid, they’re powerful)
Miyoko is also the one person who can make Takayuki calm down within a matter of seconds, by just a simple. “Stop overacting!” Takayuki greatly respects his mother and would rather not do anything that could make her angry. However, Miyoko does make sure to give Suzume and Takayuki equal praise, to not give Takayuki the impression that he’s outshined. She is often the one who will listen to him rant and the one to advice him afterwards while also calming him down. 
Miyoko can be a bit stricter, but she loves both her childs a lot. 
Nao Mimasaka
Both Nao and her husband do have very strong trust in Ran’s capabilities and do believe she can manage alone. Ran therefore doesn’t gets the same amount of attention that Kazuo and Ayano get, who have a bit more problems than Ran has, but she is fine with it. Her parents do occasionally find the time to bond with Ran alone and make complete use of that. Ran also phones them a lot and updates them on what’s going on on Totsuki. Nao is proud of her oldest and makes sure to let Ran knows about it. Meanwhile Ran loves how eccentric her mother is and gifts her a lot of more unusual gifts to show her. She generally praises her mother a lot and is always in for the activities Nao suggests.
After Ran, Nao is usually the second person to hear all about Kazuo’s most recent love-problems and she is all here for it. She does offer a lot of advice and her own thoughts to the entire situation and just cheers Kazuo on in general. She is also naturally the one to introduce him to all of his more eccentric interests. When he was bullied she was around him almost 24/7, comforting him while also telling him to not listen to any of this and straight up walking into school telling the teacher she will put a spell on them if they don’t act about this situation. 
Nao and Ayano mainly bond about their enjoyment for more creepy, weird and spooky things. And while Ayano over times developed an obsession with mainly Victorian Aesthetics and other old-fashioned things with a creepy touch (like you know also old Carnival music for example) or just Alice in Wonderland aesthetics she supported Ayano in her enjoyment despite it not really being her forte. Subaru is the one to buy Ayano her dolls and lolita dresses usually, Nao rather prefers to gift her little more stranger things like an old, rusty scissor or a broken clock. Which Ayano all loves. Nao also comforts Ayano a lot since she knows she’s bullied and is just very protective over her in general. Nao always made sure to tell Ayano that she is lovable the way she is and that others are truly the “mad ones” to not see that. 
Urara Kawashima
Urara brags about Hideyoshi and Hideyoshi brags about her. Urara always made sure to educate Hideyoshi about how he’s superior to most people and defiantly is the greatest reason for Hideyoshi’s arrogance. In her mind, she always felt her son is going to be amazing and someone to bow to. And she hates when someone doesn’t give him the credit she believes he deserves. Hideyoshi is insanely proud of his mom and never fails to make her know. He loves spending time with her, except when she is out shopping because that can take hours, a lot of hours. What he loves is just sharing all the gossips of Totsuki he knows with her and hear her commentary on it. 
Yua Aoki
No matter how tall Daisuke grows, he will always be her little boy to Yua. Daisuke generally gets lots of hugs and cuddles and praising words from his mother that he’s doing his best. He thinks his mother is very soft and does appreciate her comfort a lot. She is generally the parent, he does turn to when he is sad and just wants to feel a little better. Yua also has no problem in how soft Daisuke is and encourages him no matter what. Meanwhile Daisuke, when growing older does help his father in building up Yua’s confidence whenever she is doubting herself. Much like Hideyoshi, Daisuke does brag about his mother because he’s proud of her. 
Mea Kusunoki 
Mea and Emi are pretty much a bit like besties. Emi pretty much tells her mother everything, except for her involvement with Shigeo. So Mea is very well informed about Totsuki’s gossips. They also like do a ton of activities together like going to the spa or shopping. Mea brags about her daughter a lot and how pretty she is and how competitive she is. Emi also only has praises for her mother. 
Rui Kumai
Itsuki is a little mama’s boy. Rui loves him a lot and is also very proud of him as it was hopefully shown in the actual fanfiction ; 7 ;. She doesn’t brag about him as often as other moms or tells it to him a lot, because it’s Rui. But it’s notable how she smiles a lot more when Itsuki is around him. She is also the one to introduce Itsuki to his edge mostly. Itsuki loves his mom a lot and often buys her a lot of gifts to show her. It hurts him how he keeps his involvement with Shigeo a secret from her, because he can’t stand the thought of her getting disappointed in her boy because of it.
Nene Eizan
The one reason why no member of the Eizan family lit a house on fire yet. The only not-disastrous person in this household, we stan her. 
Masashi greatly respects both of his parents and is generally very obedient to them. Masashi has almost blind trust in everything his mother says and advises and just often nods his head. Just like he also violently nods his head, when Nene is onto scolding Shigeo or Kei for something. Masashi picks up a lot of scolds of his mother and as he views himself as the person in charge when his parents are not there uses them on his brothers then. (Ex: Telling Shigeo to wear more layers of clothing when it’s cold outside, telling Kei to watch his language) Masashi is not free from scolds though and when Nene does see him giving unfair treatment she calls him out on it. Nene notices the most that her oldest son is growing a little bit distant sometimes to both of his parents and tries to subtly work on that. Sometimes she kindly ask him to drop the usage of “mother” and “father” for example. Masashi does think of his mother as a very admirable woman who also taught him greatly, given that he specializes in Japanese cuisine. However as I said, he simultaneously does build up a little distance and sometimes treats his parents more like authority although they never truly encourage that. 
When it comes to Shigeo, Nene is greatly concerned with his well-being most of the time. Shigeo does have a few unhealthy habits and Nene never fails to call him out on them and do something about it. Shigeo barely sleeps for example and often goes through the day with an overconsumption of coffee. He also has the tendency to not wear enough when it’s cold outside. Or pretends to not be sick when sick, so he can work. Nene has none of any of this. She constantly advises him to sleep more and that too much coffee is unhealthy, she makes sure to wrap a scarf around him when she sees him with none and she does usually quickly notice when he is in fact sick and then it’s just “Bed. Now.” She generally worries quite a bit about Shigeo, for reasons that I can’t go into. Shigeo greatly respects his mother and while some of her more doting behaviors can embarrass him a bit here and there, he still greatly appreciates her and would never be straight up disobedient towards her. As I said once already, if you actually want to piss Shigeo off quickly, insulting his mom is the prime-way to go because then he will actually get violent. He does his best to attempt to show his love for her time to time and the two also bond a lot about the fact to be the only not-hotheads in this house.
Kei more than often declares Nene as his favorite within his family, by saying things like “the only decent person within my family” quite a lot. She is generally the first person he runs to when in need for comfort, like when he saw a horror movie or something and when it’s family bonding time he usually stays the closet around her. Nene is also the person, Kei fights the least with in his family, although they have occasional arguments. Usually about Kei’s unruly behavior that does frustrate Nene a bit sometimes. For example, she majorly dislikes how Kei tends to not leave his room when back home. She doesn’t like having to call for him to come down to eat 5 times because he’s locked up there and sometimes she then just straight up walks into his room and pulls the wire of whatever console he is currently playing his games on. She also constantly remarks on his language and that he should look a bit more presentable when going to formal events. However in comparison to the bickers Kei has with the male members of his family, the bickers he has with Nene are a lot rarer and also short-lived. And Nene wins them all because Kei just respects her a lot as well. Nene does worry a lot about Kei and is growing aggression a lot and does ´try to spent a lot of time with him when her kids are back from school.
Momo Saito
Momo never fails to make Kiyoko know how pretty she is and what a good sense of aesthetics she has. Kiyoko appreciates her mother’s sense of judgement a lot and has great trust in her mothers advices on anything fashion and also how cute the desserts are she makes. Momo spoils her a lot and gives her quite the amount of money each month, so Kiyoko can live out her extravagant prima donna life. Kiyoko often helped out in Momo’s sweet shop when younger discovering her enjoyment for Japanese sweets and mochis there. Kiyoko hugs her stoic mother a lot and tells her how much she loves her while also making her many gifts. She also rants to her occasionally about some incompetences on Totsuki or how Masashi-kun is dense. Momo only patiently listens. (Also Momo has engaged Kiyoko and Masashi already, without the knowledge of like Somei, Etsuya or Nene but in Momo’s mind the two are engaged.)
Momo gets the most informations about what’s going on on Totsuki from Moe though who chats with Momo like a waterfall. To what happened in science class, to how some of the senpais has a loud banter in the hallway once again, to how perfect Shigenyan’s wife fits to Shigenyan and so on and so on. Momo loves how squishy and adorable her middle daughter is and makes complete use of that by dressing Moe up a lot, sometimes with the help of Kiyoko. Moe and Momo generally bond quite a lot about cuteness. 
With Yoshiko it can be a bit more complicated. Momo also thinks that her youngest is pretty cute but turns out Yoshiko doesn’t want to hear any of that at all. Sometimes Momo does struggle to accept how boyish Yoshiko turned out and how she refuses to wear dresses and bows and rather takes the jeans anyday. Yoshiko meanwhile can be annoyed by Momo’s immense display of cuteness. However over times Momo learns to accept it and finds more and more value in how strong willed Yoshiko is. Yoshiko does love her mom and for special occasions she might actually put on a dress and lets Momo do her hair and such. The two do love each other but have a bit of banter here and there that does go away though the older Yoshiko gets.
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