#somethin about di!tommy having the least red hurts me a bit
rozugold · 1 year
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I love all my little tommys and their color coded scarves
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Can you please do one where Tommy had died years ago, and since then you’ve moved on and gotten remarried, your husband is convinced that Tommy’s spirit is haunting him because Tommy spirit is anger that another man is taking his place.
Pairing: Ghost!Thomas Shelby x reader
Warnings: Angst, mention of death, au, swearing, sad stuffs
Note: So I kinda strayed from your request, just a bit, and I apologize! Some content inspired by Pigeon by Cavetown! I listened to it on repeat while I wrote this, it just felt like the right mood, ya know? You should listen to it, it’s a good song :D
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Taglist (it’s not tagging currently, so I apologize if you don’t get the notif!): @captivatedbycillianmurphy @stydia-4-ever​ @matth1w​ @redspaceace​
masterlist | peaky blinders masterlist
Her husband, 6 feet under, was still in her heart. She cried for days, mourned the man she loved ever so much, and couldn’t bear the thought of loving another. Her heart belonged to Thomas Shelby, and that’s how she intended to keep it, but the other Shelbys, still mourning as well, couldn’t stand the sight of a puffy eyed Y/n.
They were hurting as well, but none of them were romantically involved with Tommy, thank goodness, so they didn’t fully understand her pain. Although, having lovers of their own helped quite a bit.
On a mission of healing the broken heart of their brother’s widowed wife, they spent hours upon hours at the Garrison. While drinking down their sorrows and sadness of the passing, they hunted down someone they thought Tommy would approve of.
They weren’t Tommy, nor were they geniuses. The first time they brought a man home to introduce to Y/n... well that didn’t go well.
“Is this a bloody joke?”
“What’re you talking about Y/n? We’re helping.”
“No! You’re not! None of this is fucking ‘helping’ John! And you!” Her head whipped around to Arthur. The oldest brother gulped in fear for the first time in a long while. “You’re the eldest! You should be the most responsible and smartest! Instead, you’re trying to replace your brother! What the bloody hell is wrong with you!”
The ruckus was so much- so intense, it had awoken the rest of the house and was enough to bring Polly Gray out of her room. She walked in, her eyes scanning for reasoning behind the interruption of her sleep schedule. First she spotted a pair of red faced Shelby brothers, she assumed they got a well deserved earful, but then she saw a red faced man she’d never seen before.
“Who the fuck are you? What’re you doing here?”
“M-ma’am, my apologies...” Y/n cleared her throat, causing Pol’s attention to dart to her for the first time since she stepped out. She quickly noticed the fury and hurt coming from her, and it all clicked into place.
“You boys are fucking idiots! He was- no, he still fuckin’ is your goddamn brother! You just intend to rid of his place in her poor heart so quickly? Come on dear.”
Before she could reach Y/n, the younger woman grabbed the lapels of the stranger’s coat and shoved him out the front door before flipping him off and slamming it shut. No. She wasn’t going to... oh no she was really going to. Within a few quiet minutes after the door slammed, she broke into tears and ran into Polly’s arms.
Ada walked out of her room a few moments prior to Y/n ridding the house of her unwanted guest. She gave her older brothers a dirty, almost disappointed with a hint of disgusted, look. Their younger sister walked in front of them and crossed her arms over her chest. Polly had already started walking Y/n to her room, whispering kind and reassuring words along the way.
A slur of obscenities left Ada’s mouth. Daggers of rage, sadness, displeasure from their actions, directed towards her older, and in her opinion, dumber, brothers. The action was soon interrupted by Polly. Her face read emotions of sympathy and annoyance, just wanting to end the argument and comfort her niece-in-law. Ada nodded, following after her aunt and pulling Y/n into a bone-crushing hug while she mumbled something cruel about her brothers.
Now however, she was finally where the boys tried to get her. Remarried. With another human being. In love. Happy. Or at least, to the boys. When she settled with Jacob Walter, they assumed rather quickly. They assumed she was “happy” and had “moved on”.
They weren’t the only ones.
Deep in the Shelby household, lied an aggressive and jealous energy. Though Y/n never noticed it, Jacob surely did. Each night, noises- creaks, groans, snarls- woke him from a peaceful sleep. He moved from spooning his wife, and wrapped his arms around his body.
Since when did it get so cold?
He turned on his side, suddenly calmed by the sight of a sleeping, and smiling Y/n. This had been the first time she let him sleep in the same bed as her. He thought it was odd, seeing as they were married, but he respected her wishes and remained on the sofa. He kept his mouth shut; allowing the Shelbys to believe Y/n had fully moved on.
One specific Shelby didn’t like that as much.
Finally, morning came around. Jacob had moved to the living room overnight. It had never gotten this...scary. Sure there were spooks in the night, but never scary enough to send him to another room. It only occurred when he was in the bed with his beloved. Such a peculiar and abnormal situation.
Her eyes fluttered open. She smiled, feeling well rested and comforted. Like there was someone behind her, holding her close, just as Tommy did. But... Tommy was gone. And there was no way she was gonna let another man hold her the same. She turned, ready to start yelling at Jacob to let go of her.
However, when she faced the other half of her bed that she previously shared with Thomas, there was no one there. Y/n blinked a couple times. Was she just imagining things?
It didn’t matter. Her dream was pleasant, and it was one of the things that kept her in that house. A dream of Tommy. The dreams often changed, but they were always of Tommy. She was sure as hell not over him. In fact, she was sure she would never be.
“Y/n! Thank god you’re up, Y/n! I need to talk to you”
Her cheerful thoughts of the husband from her past faded upon a new voice that had entered the room. It was not Tommy’s voice. Not the one she wished to hear. “Yes, Jacob?”
“Did- did your um... did your previous husband have some kinda possessive hold over you or somethin’?” He nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.
“What? Possessive as in a bad way?” He nodded. “No. Thomas was...” euphoria filled her mind. A fuzzy feeling hit her gut, a flash of memories struck her brain. Did she miss him that much and she just never realized?
“Thomas was caring. Calm. Patient. Never rushed me, never pushed me out of my comfort zone. He was protective, I’ll admit, but he only delt with it when it came to someone threatening me, touching me, anything like that. If it were a situation like a person being near me, he’d just be watchful. Not initiating any actions unless he either felt the need or want to, or he absolutely had to.”
Jacob’s eyebrows furrowed and he chewed on the inside of his mouth. He was deep in thought, attempting to connect to this new information and last night’s activities. Paranormal, possibly.
“May I ask why?”
“I just... Things have been..weird. I get this odd sense at night, like as if someone..angry is watching me. Like as if someone is watching me like they’re a predator and I’m the prey.”
“Jacob.” Her jaw clenched. “If you’re saying you think my h- Tommy, is haunting you or something, you’re childish. Ridiculous. He’s dead. And this type of humor is nowhere near funny.”
“Please darling-”
“Don’t. Fucking. Darling. Me. Get out. Get out!”
Unto her knowledge, cold, dead, eyes snapped open. Though they belonged to a body that was only physically there, but spiritually absent. It woke from the feeling of despair and frustrated unsteadiness coming from it’s link. It’s reason. The only thing that kept it in the house willingly.
Tommy walked along the halls slowly. He was cursed, as a ghost, to stay in his home. But he finally showed himself, for the first time, with anger in his heart. The anger that had been there for the time Y/n was married. He didn’t know the status of their relationship, nor the status of their last names or really anything. Just that he despised Jacob.
Sobs sounded from the kitchen. Tommy walked as far as the door frame and leaned his head into the room. His beloved cried, no, wept with her face down on the table. He couldn’t help it. He needed to show her he was there.
No answer.
Her head moved up and she looked around before turning to the door frame, the place she had yet to look. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tommy.
“N-no. I’m hallucinating...Y-you’re dead. Tommy..this can’t be real.”
“Y/n, my love. It’s real. I am...dead. But I’m here. I don’t know how, but I’m here.”
She touched her lips in shock, “so... so Jacob wasn’t kidding.”
Tommy grunted at the mention of Y/n’s current lover. Her replacement of him. “Yeah. So?”
“Oh Tommy...” Even when he was dead, she could tell when something was wrong and what. “It’s not like that-”
“Then tell me. Why was he in the fucking bed with you! Moved on from me? Forgot about me? Let him move into my home?! Let him sleep in my bed?!”
“No, Tommy! Let me explain before you start making assumptions!” The ghost inhaled heavily, but leaned against the wall, gesturing with his fingers for her to continue. “Your brothers set us up. I refused to move on, for many years, and trust me, my love, I still have yet to do so.”
He opened his mouth to interject, but she hushed him again. “I allowed our love life to continue, convincing your family that I really had moved on. Ever now and then I felt tempted to break the act, to tell them to fuck off, but they used you as an excuse, told me you’d want me to move and and be happy. But the thing is...I was never happy. The only time in my bloody life that I felt happy with you.”
She got up from her seat and walked closer to him. Tommy opened his arms, confused, but accepting of her actions. She buried her face in his chest, listening to his nonexistent heartbeat. “You never gave me enough time to say goodbye... you never gave me time to say goodbye in the way I wished I could.”
“Darling...you didn’t know I’d pass.”
“To be honest... I don’t think I can live without..without y-” He quieted her with a kiss. Her soft, pink lips moved with his cold, but still perfect ones. He missed this, more than anyone could ever imagine.
They went up to his old room, the one she currently slept in. There, they lied on the bed and cuddled, just like old times. Her head was on his chest again, and his arm was tracing shapes on her arm.
“Can we just close our eyes and...stay? Stay with me...like I was supposed to do for you. After all...this is only temporary.”
A soft “mhm” left his throat as he pondered to himself, mumbling doubts and what ifs.
“What the hell is temporary? Never heard of it. All I know is that I need to stay with the man I love. So make me a deal.”
The words left his brain faster than he could process the ones she spoke. “Anything.”
“I’ll stay strong for you, no matter how hard it is to live this life, but only as long as you stay. Just like you’re supposed to.” With the finishing touch, she curled her head into his chest and smiled, drifting back into the dream world. Happy with her true love by her side, dead or alive.
what even is this ending??? I’m sorry
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