#someone's excrement; it has a golden tinge | shitpost
izar-tarazed · 2 months
So in one of my attempts against Messmer I brought along Ensha to get some nice screenshots. And while I did get some, there's also this one and I can't unsee the budgie gif:
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izar-tarazed · 4 months
Someone might have pointed this out already, but re: the name Messmer: It's the Swiss-German variant of (the German) Messner, which is one of the terms to refer to a sacristan. Apparently this specific form is derived from Latin mansionarius, meaning a custodian—"the house guardian".
This might or not be a coincidence, but with the DLC trailers heavily implying that Messmer might be waging war on Marika's behest or at least in her interest, thus "guarding" her church/order/reign, it would make sense?
The other, less serious thing I can't stop thinking about is that Messmer/Meßmer is also a German brand of tea, so... Here. Help yourself to some impalingly hot tea, 100% organic, might contain traces of Erdtree root.
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izar-tarazed · 15 days
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The All-Couponing
...just some nonsense to start the week. (There was a very serious discussion about what kind of grocery shoppers each Elden Ring character would be, and @wraith-caller suggested Gideon would be one of those coupon people holding up the line, so.)
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izar-tarazed · 6 months
So few people know this, but whenever Ensha has to report to Gideon ...
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... he will discreetly stand on some books to appear just a little bit taller.
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izar-tarazed · 7 months
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Also, that day on the invisible bridge ... I fell to my death and came back to find a skull? Who put that there?!
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izar-tarazed · 26 days
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I sent them to Siofra for research and instead caught them holding hands while stargazing?? what are you two doing
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izar-tarazed · 4 months
So about the sketches Izar puts on her maps (in particular the one she draws for @rotten-pest's Cotesia)...
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The Crayfish
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The Dragon
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An angry Runebear and One Who Lives in Death
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A Red Wolf
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izar-tarazed · 6 months
Smithing Master Hewg: I'll smith as long as you like. Now, lay out your arms.
My Tarnished, while the Roundtable Hold is slowly burning down around them: yes yes yes, but let me first trade you these 273 mushrooms and a handful of excrement
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
HELP I was simply exploring the Hinterlands and suddenly this brand-new boss spawned
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the cuteness damage is insane and he has this unparryable attack where he steps on my keyboard, don't even ask about his second phase.
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izar-tarazed · 1 month
I was telling my friends who don't play Elden Ring about Elden Ring and for some reason nothing intrigued them more than the notion that there is golden poop (and the smithing master will gladly buy any amount of it even as his workplace is burning around them).
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izar-tarazed · 2 months
In our upcoming DnD session today, my little kobold cleric will try to revivify a fallen party member and since she's only level 2, she'll have to roll to see whether she can successfully read and use the spell scroll in question.
I'm very nervous and over the last few days have made sure that my dice are as comfortable as possible as well, so here's them (as requested by our paladin) sitting in a bathtub with bathing caps.
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
please remember that no matter how kind Miquella truly is, German children are Kinder
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izar-tarazed · 6 months
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Skeletal yoga is a widely forgotten practice in the Lands Between, but actually very healthy. Now this beginner-friendly pose is called The Angry Crab.
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izar-tarazed · 4 months
me to myself after I eagerly took on too many projects: Oh, my apologies for this nasty business. Past-me got rather ahead of herself, it seems. As your brain, I'd like to express my regret. But now, your free time is slain and gone. Finished, forever more.
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izar-tarazed · 6 months
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The one time that Ensha could be convinced not to use his clinging bone.
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izar-tarazed · 5 months
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... It took me a moment to see why I took this seemingly random screenshot of some stone wall.
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