#someone’s gonna rb this not from me and bel like why do they have 6 iron valiants it’s joke im joking prommy
fulgurbugs · 2 months
Headcanon ask (I'm sorry the Pokemon SwSh thing made me think of this all of a sudden): Octopath / Pokemon -- gym leaders! Who would be a gym leader and what Pokemon type would they specialise in? (Alternatively if the main antagonist of each Octopath character's story was a gym leader what Pokemon type would each specialise in... you know for the characters who actually have a human antagonist for their story... I feel like Redeye would just be a corrupted legendary or something I don't know?)
alright, had another big brainstorm sesh with the bestie @snailcruncher for this one so here it goes
Here’s what we’re going with: everyone gets one type, 4 pokemon. we’re going to get everyone fully evolved versions of their team as if they’re like, the 8th gym leader, mostly so we had more to work with but also didn’t have to give a fuck about nfe mons
as for choosing the types, we basically went by choosing some who felt obvious first, then filling in with what we had left so nobody repeated a type. maybe some don’t fit perfect but yk. also shoutout to inherent class magic types for giving us some pokemon types to fall back on
also, i’m imagining in this scenario it’s probably like. the only example i can think of is cheren (i don’t watch the anime) where gym leaders clearly have gym teams that vary depending on challenge level, and personal teams for outside of the league, so that’s how we’re rationalizing this
Up first
Ophilia - Ice
Ace: Lapras
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there’s not really a good equivalent to “light” in pokemon types, so we decided to go with the frostlands special on this one.
Abomasnow is here to set hail/snow. if any character has a team that benefits from a weather being set, we’ve usually included a setter in their team. so that’s what abomasnow does
ninetales is for aurora veil, which i think is a pretty good equivalent to the sheltering abilities of cleric
frosmoth was on her original team so decided to carry it over. same with lapras, which i think has a fun connection with guiding/carrying travelers on its back, which makes it a good ace for her.
Cyrus - Psychic
Ace: Alakazam
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since scholar covers 3 types of magic, pigeonholing it into one is a little difficult. decided to go with psychic, since it is pretty magic-y and most of its mons are known for being very specially focused rather than physically
alakazam gets to be ace because, let’s face it, none of these other guys are sweeping. alakazam is known for being mega smart and also laser beam crater blasting everything, so i think it’s a pretty safe cyrus pick.
claydol is just something i think is pretty fun for vibes. what with its mysterious origins… feels very cyrus ch4 mural a la runerigus he has in his other team
Swoobat. with the ability. unaware.
Oranguru cuz it’s the instructor pokemon ^_^
Tressa - Water
Ace: Gyarados
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Since tressa’s from a seaside town, she felt like the best pick for water types.
Gyarados is her ace because, well… magikarp starts out kind of wimpy but turns out it had the best potential of them all (tho tressa herself certainly has a less rocky start) anyways this thing is a dragon dance sweeper and will kill you.
Pelliper rain setter. plus, gulls feel on brand for her. Gastrodon (east) so that she has an electric immunity that this team sorely needs
Palafin for another zero to hero because tressa would not let you get off easy even if you get past one of her hard hitters. she’d have this thing in the back after flip turning it out of there.
Olberic - Steel
Ace: Aegislash
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notable “unbending blade” of hornburg olberic gets steel types, clap if you are surprised. no one?
anyways, Aegislash for the ace. i’m sure it’s pretty self explanatory.
Aggron and steelix are pretty much in for the same reason. they’re big. they have high defense. and they’re steel types. escavalier just goes more in on the knight motif while bringing another dual type to the team
Primrose - Flying
Ace: Oricorio
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there’s definitely a good argument to be made for something like dark primrose, but to be honest… i like flying for her, because i feel like it works with her kind of caged-bird motif. in addition, flying types cover a lot of dual types, which means i can pick pokemon that can use dance setups or support.
Oricorio is the picture perfect flying/dancer ace. obviously it gets top spot
Altaria as a dragon dance setup sweeper
Vivillion is a shitmon, admittedly, but it was that or butterfree for a quiver dancer, so i went with vivillion because honestly it doesn’t fucking matter they have the same shit basically. i guess this thing can also use sleep powder (and so can butterfree) but it comes in more pretty colorsssss
Swanna gets featherdance, just to cover one more dance. and you know. swans are like pretty and elegant or whatever. allegedly. anyways something something primrose is a beautiful swan.
Alfyn - Grass
Ace: Leavanny
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Alfyn greengrass has grass types? this is shocking to nobody. anways, deciding between leavanny or meganium for the ace i eventually decided on leavanny because i say so. but they could both work
vileplume so that he has at least one grass/poison rep. i so rarely use the apothecary poisoning skills in OT but he can like. do that, so….
Sunflora is here because it would use sunny day and do fuck all except be a shitmon, because it is, but personally i think Alfyn wouldn’t gaf because it’s cute and he likes it, and it supports solarbeam/Clorophll for its team which is enough of a job to put it on here
Therion - Fire
Ace: Houndoom
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the inherent fire magic of the thief class is here to bail me out in giving therion a gym type. thanks.
Anyways, i’m going with Houndoom as the Ace because he does have an image to uphold. it can’t all be fluffy arcanines or whatever.
ceruldege is here bc A) swords and B) it’s a little hater of a pokemon so it stays. centiskorch is here because it’s one of MY favs and i think it’s fun to put more interesting dual types into these teams, and as much as i love volcarona (my all time fave) it’s not really a therion mon… but i do think he’d be on board with a centiskorch.
then for a sun setter… it kind of had to be ninetales, tbh. i cannot really justify giving mr fastest speed stat in orsterra a turtle. so ninetales it is.
H’aanit - Electric
Ace: Luxray
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another one where the inherent class magic gets to bail us out. if i’m being honestly, H’aanit is not much giving electric trainer, but we did our best.
Kilowatrells reasoning here is the same as it was in her original team. it’s a literal thunderbird. (also, no legends here but she deserves a zapdos)
Galvantula is a webs setter. holy shit guys, leghold trap reference.
and then Manectric and Linde are of course, dollar store Hägen and Linde. definitely an intimidate luxray, too.
next we can move onto the OT2 ones!
Ochette - Dragon
Ace: Noivern
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ochette… she’s giving 8th gym dragon gym leader. i think her emphasis on finding legends basically tailors her to the dragon trainer for me. as for her mons, i’ve given her three dragons whose secondary types match up with Acta, Terra, and Glacis, while noivern is… honestly it’s just vibes i think noivern is cool and she would like it.
i didn’t really wanna make one of the three legends her ace over the other, so i’ll just say noivern is the ace.
Castti - Poison
Ace: Roserade
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now, for Castti, we decided to bend the gym leader rules a bit, so she doesn’t have all poison types, though she does have an entirely poison-based team still. Breloom has poison heal, so we’ve elected to give it a spot, considering it also gets spore and is a fighting type that can throw THESE HANDS.
Zangoose is here for a similar reason, posssing the ability toxic boost, upping its damage when poisoned.
Glimmora of course has two poison based abilities in corrosion and toxic debris, though i’d say castti’d do toxic debris/venoshock shenanigans.
For the mandatory Apothecary Grass/Poison type, i’ve given her roserade. it’s like uh. the flower malaya gave her.
Throné - Dark
Ace: Bisharp
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tho throné herself maybe wouldn’t like to be the dark type leader, or at least would wish she wouldn’t get a bad rap for using them, they still fit her (and OT2’s theif inherent magic), so that’s what we’re going with.
Absol: maybe this one is on loan from temenos lol.
liepard is a very evil team-grunt pokemon so i’m giving it to her also it’s purple.
weavile is a little less of a shitmon and also gets the ability pickpocket, plus brings some dual typing to this team. tho she would get her shit so rocked by a fighting type let’s be real
Bisharp: ok so… what if… the blacksnakes… are like a bunch of pawniards. and only the best ones can be bisharps. that’s throne. or something. also, it’s kind of referencing that she’s distantly related to notable kingambit haver hikari. bonus!
Osvald - Normal
Ace: Drampa
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hear me out… Osvald normal type trainer. but he uses only dual types, and he also likes to play a lot less straightforward than your average trainer. Ursaluna (for the teddiursa in his original team) makes an appearance, while Farigaraf can set trick room and other fun psychic pokemon shenanigans. Hisui-Zoroark is here to throw another wrench in the mix, being able to throw off incoming fighting type attacks and hit back while making you readjust your strategy. the whole time, the threat of this thing makes you always have to consider if you know what you’re fighting first.
and drampa. this thing is just such an osvald pokemon to me. thank god it’s half normal. he should have it. make it the ace too.
Partitio - Rock
Ace: Coalossal
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partitio was a bit of an odd one to pick a type for, but we settled on rock for a few reasons. honestly…. started with the ace and worked backwards, and therion’s already hogging the fire slot. besides, even though he’s looking towards the future, partitio’s definitely a little behind the times initially, so some good old fashioned rock types seem like a good fit.
anyways the coalossal is the ace because he’s ability is. steam engine. lol
lycanroc because. i think partitio would like a awesome doggy and then we went dusk form bc i don’t think he would have the evil one and dusk sucks less than the midday one lol.
gigalith sand setter
and then crustle is cuz we wanted to give him it as a shell smash sweeper. and i dunno they probably have dwebbles around oresrush.
Agnea - Fairy
Ace: Togekiss
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Agnea feels like a pretty good fit for the fairy type, tho she does get less dancer-move user options than primrose does using flying types.
Togekiss i feel like is a shoe-in for her ace. it’s a pokemon associated with peace and kindness… i feel like agnea is definitely the kind of person to be able to actually acquire a togepi. also, it gets serene grace, which is a very agnea-ability title. i think she should get to paraflinch people too.
Ribombee is a much better quiver dance user than vivillion, and it’s half fairy, so agnea gets it. i love this thing. it can be so scary if it gets set up.
gardevoir: in our original teams, hikari had this due to its association with loyalty to its trainer/friends. so i think agnea also fits it very well too! since hikari (⬇️down there later ) has been swapped to a gallade to fit his type i’ve given it to her. awesome matching time.
whimsicott is here because she is fun and whimsical. this thing would set tailwinds probably.
Temenos - Ghost
Ace: Houndstone
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i’m so sorry temenos but i think it’s really really funny to make you a ghost trainer. like really super funny.
anyways, yamask was on his original team, so we’ve upgraded to cofagrigus here. chandelure is vaguely sacred flame-esque while also being ghost type, tho it’s kind of. ominous but whatever. Sableye is a silly little guy who kind of vaguely references the mirror shard crossed paths. i guess if he mega evolved it i could do that even more with magic bounce but we didn’t really work w megas or regional gimmicks or whatever
and then houndstone comes out last to spam last respects after you’ve killed all this other pokemon just like all the EVERYONE HE KNEW IN REAL LIFE died too you monster.
like i said i think ghost trainer temenos is really funny
Hikari - Fighting
Ace: Gallade
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Hikari nabbed fighting type right out of the gate. as compared to olberic who is very definsive brick wall of a guy, hikari feels more versatile in a way that fits fighting types to a T.
I’ve given him heracross because the heracross i caught in my nuzlocke is named after him so i think he should have one.
Lucario is here for a fun friendship evo, while scrafty is here to rep a more “dirty fighter” type of pokemon on the team being fighting/dark.
then gallade gets to be the ace because i feel like it’s the most ace material tbh.
as for your second part we did pick villian types (but not teams), here’s that much more briefly
Mattias: Dark (i feel like this is self explanatory. maybe malamar ace?)
Lucia: Psychic (this seems to must be the type we’re going with for most scholars)
Esmerelda: Poison (because the wound may prove fatal)
Werner: Fighting (idrgaf but i guess he used to run a merc company so i guess or whatever)
Simeon: Normal (hes the least normal guy you’ll ever meet but you’d never guess it from his pokemon team)
Ogre eagle: Iron valiant. 6 iron valiant.
Darius: Ground
i’m just. uh.
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Redeye: Iron valiant. also entire team of 6 iron valiants (lore accurate)
Darkling: you never guess this but 6 Iron Valiants
Trousseau: Poison but for real this time
Claude: Dark (feel like that’s also self explanatory)
Harvey: Psychic (specifically, this guy has a hypno.)
Roque: Steel ⬇️
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Dolcinea: Fairy mirror match/Tiernos Dancer only team she’s based like that. either or
Kaldena: Ghost (another mirror match)
Mugen: typeless but every one of his mons knows swords dance
ok that’s basically it hope that’s enough of an answer ok byeeee
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