#someone with low self-worth despite being very powerful?
🌟🩺 Chiron Observations #1 🩻🌟
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In our natal charts Chiron represents where we have healing powers due to deep spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life or unconsciously put ourselves in situations that wounds us further. We become our own wounded healer, and learn to face and overcome issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues.
Chiron in our charts is a place of great knowledge, experience, talent, and wisdom. Even if our own experience with the issues are problematic, our experience informs us, and we can be excellent guides and counselors in these areas of life.
In aspects to angles and planets it tells us a story of how we can learn understand ourselves deeply. Strong aspects (conjunction, opposition, or square) can be felt in great amounts and in polarizing ways, but softer ones (trines or sextiles) are like natural talents or ways of being so it can easily go unnoticed.
⬆️ASC/1H ⬆️: these individuals are more prone to acquiring wounds in a physical and/or non-physical ways. Similarly to Pluto in this aspect or house, you can have scar/s around your face or head area. There is a tendency to have a wrong perception of one’s body, almost to a detrimental point which leads to experiencing low self esteem during early life. The lesson Chiron brings here is to learn how to love yourself deeply despite how painful it might be. This is not an easy journey considering how damaging our current body standards are for both men and women, although more painful for the latter. Once you see and learn to love your own beauty it will be easy for you to be a role model for others, since you will shine from the inside out. You naturally have a healers energy and others are drawn to it, specially those who need healing in a metaphysical way. It is truly beautiful to see a Chiron placement like this one grow and develop throughout time. You proudly show the scars and don’t feel afraid of others seeing it. You value your vulnerability and compassion, and so do others. You are not your wounds, but the beauty in the scars that showed you survived.
🌞 Sun 🌞 : there is a wound that comes from not identifying yourself with your core energy, what makes you shine or your talents. It could also be a father wound, meaning your relationship with him might have no been great and needs/needed lots of healing. A sort of discomfort by not feeling entirely related to how others perceive you. Our sun sign is the aspect that shows up the most and easiest to pinpoint, so individuals with Chiron in close aspect to it feel pain from not feeling associated with those aspects of themselves. Ex: A Leo sun conj Chiron might not perceive themselves as someone who gets or feels comfortable with attention at all. They might not even notice their creative side. There is a need for integration within this person. The lesson is accepting all your parts, specially the ones that people point out the most and you just reject with little hesitation. Sit down and think of when and/or who taught you to reject these aspects of yourself. Someone with this conjunction will feel somewhat inferior or very uncomfortable next to those who share their same sun sign, since they feel pain when seeing the parts they deny themselves reflected in others with more ease. Once you radically accept your sun traits, there is high possibilities of becoming an unstoppable force full of confidence. People can feel like being around you helps them heal their father wounds in a way. These natives become the pillar and holding ground to those around them. Always wanting to protect and provide as well, if possible. Remember you are not your father, but the genetically better version instead.
🌚 Moon 🌝: the hurt comes with our emotional regulation here. You are naturally more sensitive than most to your environment and when interacting with others. There is also a common theme of mother wounds, and the rocky relationship being the main cause for developing unhealthy cope mechanisms. Ones that lead you to struggling with understanding your own emotions. It might be easy for you to be very emphatic with others wounds, and people would find being under your care as very healing. These individuals become the mother archetype for others, like the one they might have needed themselves growing up but didn’t get the chance to experience. Their relationships with women or their own soft/nurturing side might trigger these wounds for them. You must realize that the world will never stop throwing triggers your way, and the only way to cope in a healthy way is by learning how to regulate yourself. Breathing techniques, mindfulness, and yoga might be very useful for you. Teach your brain that there’s no fear in triggers, and that you’re stronger than any of them. You will not turn out to be your mothers negative traits. You will not hurt those around you and dismiss their feelings. You are destined to show others how resilient one can be, how emotions are here to just exist or experienced, and not to be rationalized or internalized. The beauty in living is feeling it all.
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zenkindoflove · 6 months
"I want what Elain wants and she wants Azriel"
Is a claim I often see e/riels use to claim why they are "pro Elain" and implying that if you ship Elain with her mate because "she clearly doesn't want him" then you are anti Elain.
So yeah this whole post is why that's bullshit.
First let's get some things straight that we all can agree are facts.
1. Elain had a crush on Azriel. It's clear by their looks and touches and her showing body language that she wanted to kiss him in the bonus chapter. It's unclear whether that crush survived post her tears over his rejection and giving the necklace back as they had no canonical interactions post solstice.
2. Elain does not want to address the bond right now and avoids Lucien. Her feelings about Lucien specifically and what she thinks about the bond are unclear.
Now that we got that out of the way, the assertion that you are the most pro Elain because you ship her with Azriel is quite a stretch. I'm sure you like Elain, as do I, but you do not hold some moral high ground because of who you ship her with.
First, let's discuss the idea that you have to support who Elain wants. People can want all kinds of people who are not right for them for a lot of reasons. It's a common experience for many to want the wrong guy. To have a crush and think they're the best and it'll all work out only to have your heart smashed by the cruel reality that they were wrong for you or didn't want you the way you did. It's also common to hate your friends' boyfriends and husbands because they're assholes despite how much they "want" them.
People's feelings change. Feelings are fickle.
In SJM's canonical world, mating bonds are not.
It makes sense that Elain, after going through her horrible rejection by the man she actually wanted and loved, Graysen, would not be ready to face what having a mate means. I'm sure it felt like infidelity to her, especially if she does desire and feel a pull towards Lucien like every other female with a mating bond has in this series. Her avoidance of Lucien can mean a lot of things, including that she wants him even if she mentally isn't ready or feels she shouldn't.
It also makes sense that she would seek out and find herself in a rebound crush with someone who is in her proximity and is low risk. Azriel doesn't come with the pressure of being her fated soulmate. He's just a dude. A dude who is pretty and paid some attention to her.
So yeah, I get why she wants him. Doesn't mean I think he is right for her.
Why isn't he right for her? To make a long post short, Azriel often undermines Elain. He diminishes her need for help when she's clearly depressed (ACOWAR), and he speaks for her and directly contradicts her wants (ACOSF, scrying). He is entitled to her without merit (the third sister line, bonus). He ignores her wishes to avoid violence and wants to kill people who are important to her (wanting Graysen killed, saying he'd kill Lucien in a blood duel - we know canonically if a mate dies it is like losing half of your soul). He thinks very little of her past his lustful fantasies (bonus chapter) and even to the point of projecting his own self-hatred when he looks at her skin (bonus chapter). Elain is symbolic for him of the thing he covets most (a mate), and his crush on her is a manifestation of his psychological need to pursue unavailable females because of his self worth (friends who will never romantically love him or a female with a mating bond). Basically they are a recipe for a toxic relationship full of avoiding real personal healing.
So yeah sorry, even if Elain wants to kiss him I'm not shipping her with someone like that just because she "wants" it. I would rather see her have a story where she discovers who she is and what being Fae means to her, which means directly addressing not only her powers (hello let her scry) but also addressing her mating bond head on by getting to know the male that she will always have a pull to, no matter if she rejects the bond or not. Elain is a fictional character with a narrative arc. Her wants now will not always stay static.
For me, as someone pro Elain, I want her to give herself a chance at a forever kind of love, one with a soul to soul connection and an eternal devotion. I want her to experience that unconditional love she so desperately craves. I don't want to read her choosing just some regular dude who will probably drop her the second his mating bond snaps anyways. She deserves a mate. Even if she doesn't know or understand that yet.
And quite frankly, I think once Elain does learn not only who Lucien is but the way he thinks about her and how devoted he is to her and only her, she will want him soon enough. I don't ship for characters' frivolous crushes in the now. I ship for their potential with the right person. The person who will see them starving and depressed and worry about their well being rather than what their powers can provide them. Who will hear their vision and cross an ocean because they believe in it. Who will fight across a battlefield just to make sure they're okay. Who will even push down their own needs and wants to give them space because that's what they want right now.
You know what that means though. If you're pro-Elain for wanting what Elain wants, then Lucien is the most pro-Elain person there is. And why wouldn't he be? He is her mate after all, and he will do anything for her.
So yeah, that's who I want for Elain, and I think that makes me pretty pro-Elain too.
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conduitandconjurer · 1 month
I think I've figured out one thing (beyond that .... "ending" ....) that bothers me about TUA s4 and Klaus.
It seems like the popular dichotomy, in terms of his characterization, is "fearful of life because he's mortal" versus "careless and effectively invicible" and that somehow being divested of his abilities would pave the way to healing and guarantee sobriety. Klaus's rage at his family for saving his life by returning his powers is proof enough that HE believes this. Alongside this is the presumption that all of his character development last season, mastering the gift of immortality, is itself--RATHER THAN THE WAY THAT HE MASTERED IT (by being led on and used by Reginald, and made to equate his worth with his usefulness/skill)--should be nixed. It's bad for him to be porous to the veil between life and death. It's bad for him to be immortal. He can't "deal with it" and he'll go on a bender the moment it's restored. His unwillingness to drink the "marigolds" (until he's dying and forced to do so) is supposed to be proof of this.
I have some qualms with this line of thinking, despite its solid attempt at showing character development.
I think Klaus is braver than people give him credit for WHILE he is mortal. Friends have posited (and I agree with this part) that he becomes very high strung and phobic about any form of injury or illness because even though mortality is scary to someone who just found out he was immortal...and then lost that immortality...he also feels he has CONTROL over his own body and mind and life that he was NOT afforded when he could be possessed by ghosts and used for his conjuring powers (both by family and predators). And I've been harping on Klaus's need to actually have agency and grant consent since that squicky Ben-possession joke in season 2. But, agh.
To begin with, I don't think Klaus is 'afraid' of life (or at least that the fear is unwarranted or laughable) so much as he's forcing himself to endure what he KNOWS is deeply perilous and unfortunate t unlucky people like himself, without resorting to the powers that also open the door to substance abuse. Of all of the Brellies, he tries the hardest, the most often, to break patterns, when he sees that there is motivation to do so (more on this later). He is hardcore and brave as fuck, rubber gloves or not.
But is it really a good thing, or even necessary for Klaus as a character, to equate no powers with guaranteed sobriety and powers with falling off the wagon? I don't think it is.
Unfortunately, this is hard to glean from the audience pov, because all we're given in this season is the most extreme, toxic, abusive, stomach-turning example of how his powers can be abused the moment they return--and how, of course, this exacerbates relapse. We get the whole 'have sex with his body while the deceased possess it, for drug money" subplot. We get him getting so desperate for the cycle to end that he begins inviting harm and self-harming out of some grim hope that his powers will fail (getting shot in the head scene). And he needs the drugs that this awful situation provides BECAUSE OF said situation. Compound upon that the PAST trauma that it's opening back up like a raw wound (literally, from at least the age of 8). Of course Klaus is using because of his powers, but because THEY'RE BEING ABUSED.
Klaus's abilities don't guarantee a fall off the wagon. His low self-esteem does, and the inability of anyone in his life to communicate with him or intervene does. When (deleted but still important scene) Lila's relatives are calling him, in front of him, a loser junkie (etc), and he says, "Yeah, that's....that'd be me," Klaus is mortal. We see the cogs in his head turning: yeah, I'm worthless, what's the point. And it's already too late right there, unless someone intervenes.
"What's the point," AND NOTHING ELSE, is Klaus's kryptonite. And he isn't a fatalist by nature, I'll (controversially, I guess) add, but there are things nobody can endure forever. Klaus, like any addict, is there because of underlying core beliefs about himself and about his ability to change his circumstances. What I love about the deleted scene that shows Klaus INSISTING on having his AA meeting is that he becomes his own advocate, because well, the Hargreeves are "all assholes" (well spotted, Klaus, lol) in their own ways, and each has to be their OWN intervention. This has more to do with self-determination than it does with seeing ghosts. The cause and the remission of Klaus's addiction is deeper-seated than powers that are given and taken away at surface level.
Why is this so important to me? I guess because to me the powers Klaus never asked for still remind me of something perhaps not initially intrinsic to someone's being--but still something they have to integrate into their lives in order to go on living. I think it MEANS more to fans who identify with Klaus (at least it does to me, someone with debilitating chronic illness) that he be able to transform his abilities into a strength that is, to Klaus and his loved ones, benign, while also not letting it become the central facet of his identity. He IS a medium, but he is also OTHER things. He is a human being, and all human beings have many interests, roles, and hopes.
The precipiating events of Klaus's trauma are NOT his ability to see ghosts or resuscitate. They're the abuse inflicted by those who would use Klaus for their own gain. Why should he give up his powers in order to heal, just because Reginald is an unconscionable monster who was willing to kill his own child over and over and over? I wish Klaus himself had had this epiphany before the show ended.
Losing his powers for good would certainly be the quickest route to healing and growth, and fine, if fans like it, go for it. To me, though, it feels like "don't ever wear crop tops because if you do, you won't get SA'd." Like, no. Maybe the world needs to operate by a kinder standard. Maybe Klaus needs a real support group, a better family of his own, to help him contradict his feelings of self-loathing. Maybe he needs the AA counselor to stay when he shows up for his chip. Maybe he needs reliable transportation to and from. Maybe he needs to move to a different city. Maybe he needs to chat with some of the ghosts he sees, and start a fucking Tuesday evening afterlife meditation circle. Maybe he can get a cheap apartment and fill his living space with succulents that he has to be held accountable to feed and water and keep ALIVE. Maybe he should become an AA counselor and help other people go the right direction. Maybe he should resort to poetry or knitting every time he has an urge to use, and that can become a healthier compulsion. Maybe someday he can get a kitten or start dating again (someone alive, in this century). What Klaus needs is to have MORE in his life to define him than his powers and how they can be used for the benefit of others.
Maybe the TUA writing staff is weirdly sadistic and won't let any of that happen. But by God, we can. And it's important. It's important that healing and remission not be dependant on things others can bestow or take away (like powers). It needs to depend on something internal, an "internal locus of control," as the CBT shrinks call it. THAT is having control over your own life.
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So I want to talk about how attentive of a sexual partner Blitz is to Stolas.
How much of Stolas’ situation Blitz knows is anyone’s guess. Stolas is extremely private, but I imagine they at least had a conversation about why he has a kid and a wife despite being a gay man. Also, given the fact that Blitz had pity sex with Stolas, someone who was clearly new to this whole scene, I think Blitz knows he’s not dealing with a sexually aware person. Which might explain why he’s so forgiving of Stolas’ OTT flirting in Season 1 when most would have peaced tf out eons ago. He knows he’s not dealing with most people here.
And I think Blitz takes this very seriously. He knows he could seriously fuck up Stolas for the rest of his life if Blitz takes advantage of this experience imbalance. He most likely knows that Stolas would do pretty much anything he’s asked and so long as the safe word isn’t said, Blitz is in the clear.
I acknowledge that this is a lot of speculation and we don’t see any of this on screen. But there’s a little word that sticks out to me in Full Moon when Blitz is talking with Fizz. Seemed. “He never really seemed into the beads.”
Blitz had to pick up on that through clues in Stolas’ body language and/or tone of voice. Stolas never actually said ‘no.’
Now, unfortunately, there are some really awful people out there that would go, ‘Well he didn’t say ‘no’ so it’s not like this is rape’ and then continue with something that their partner clearly isn’t enjoying. Fortunately, Blitz is not one of those people. He could tell Stolas was either saying ‘yes’ to something he didn’t want to do or was trying to find a way out that gave him plausible deniability. Whether Blitz called him on that or made a mental note and let it pass, we’ll never know. And it would not surprise me in the slightest if Stolas agreed to things that he didn’t want to do because he has such low self-worth and how he wanted to seem more experienced than he actually was.
This may also explain why Blitz is so frustrated about Stolas’ blind spots to the power imbalance. Blitz is taking great pains to make sure Stolas walks away from every encounter self-assured and not feeling taken advantage of and he feels like he’s not getting that effort back.
Regardless of whether I’m reaching or not, I think “seemed” was chosen deliberately by the writers. They’re telling us that Blitz is paying very close attention to non-verbal cues and he cares about consent. That everything he and Stolas do, he’s checking in to make sure Stolas is enjoying himself and if he’s not, the activity ceases. Blitz takes this seriously. He may act otherwise, but he knows the kind of power he wields and he doesn’t want to abuse it.
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bella-goths-wife · 25 days
“This is probably a bad idea, but so worth it”
Dimitri x lost boys daughter
Warnings: sexual tension, porn with barely any plot, smut, cunnilingus, blood play, biting in a vampire way, slight pain kink, clit biting (barely and gently), possessiveness, humiliation, mentions of daddy issues, mocking use of the title ‘daddy’, sex on a bar, semi public sex, probs cringe but we move on
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For many nights now, you and Dimitri had found yourselves working late together at the bar. Though in vampire terms working late just means working through the night and until midday, where the rest of dimitri’s clan had gone to their homes and hidden away before the sun could reveal itself and damage their sensitive skin.
At first, working late was just a ploy to get overtime since yours and Michaels rent had doubled and his and your job was barely covering it.
But now, now working late wasn’t a ploy but a distraction.
Something about the way Dimitri handled you, it was both foreign and familiar all at once. It had hints and notes of your past relationships but with a new sense of adventure and freedom to it.
With faith, you were protective of her as you battled with your fathers and society in defence of her and the love the two of you shared.
With James, you were the protected as he kept you safe from the outside and from yourself. He’d shield your eyes from the unpleasantness of your life and would offer distractions to you in order to avoid your self destructive tendencies.
With Dimitri, you feel almost like equals.
Logistically you understand that it’s impossible for you to be equals, he was a centuries old vampire who could crush you within moments and you were just a human girl, a smart human, but still a human.
But he never particularly used his vast power to show his superiority like your fathers had, despite the first two times he used his power being to harm you, he now went out of his way to almost humanise his mannerisms as if to show his lack of intent to harm you.
He never spoke down to you, never made you feel stupid despite your age differences and your lack of knowledge on the world outside of Santa Carla.
But while you appreciated the equality of the dynamic, a part of you wanted to tip the scales in his favour. Wanted him to talk to you low tones in an almost condescending manner while you look up at him with big eyes filled with admiration and wanting. You wanted to be treated like his plaything if only for a moment.
The late shifts also made you look at him more carefully. You always knew him to be conventionally attractive, but had you paid closer attention to him you would have come to appreciate his dark eyes and his butterfly inducing smirk much sooner.
The same smirk he gives you in this very moment as he drys his freshly cleaned glasses and you lean against the bar and watch him.
“What does blood taste like?” Was the question that you had asked that had induced said smirk, curiosity and boredom had taken over your mind at this point and you felt adventurous enough to ask
“Why?” He had asked in return with his stupidly attractive smirk “thinking of switching to the supernatural side?”
“No” you reply with a scoff “just curious, vampires don’t just kill for sustenance so there must be something other than hunger that drives their choices to eat from certain people”
“You have a point there, though it could just be explained away with some vampires being sadistic” dimitri says calmly “but you are partially right, the taste of blood does depend on the person”
“How?” You ask curiously with a cocked brow
“Different flavourings, different scents, different blood types, they’re all different” he explains as he continues to clean his glasses “some are sweeter, some are bitter, some are more salty, every person different”
“So you can know how someone’s blood tastes from their scent?” You ask curiously
“Not particularly, there are outside sources that can impact your scent” Dimitri says with a shrug “yours is sweet, but there’s a bitterness to the edge of it because of the cigarettes you smoke”
“You’ve smelled me?” You say with a slight shock inflicted tone
“Kinda hard not to when I’m always next to you” Dimitri answers playfully with a smirk “your permanently stuck in my senses”
“What do I smell like?” You ask curiously wit an almost eager expression
“Like warm vanilla and caramel but with an edge of bitterness from the smoking” he answers calmly, finally stopping his task at hand to pay attention to you and your curious mind
“So my blood would taste like that?” You assume with a guessing expression
“Well I’d have to taste your blood to know that, little bird” he points out with a teasing smile
“Okay” you say without hesitation
There is a moment of silence as the two of you look at each other and you process the decision you had just made.
You look away in slight humiliation as he fails to respond, turning your head to look at the door instead
“Sorry, that was stupid” you say quietly
“No, it wasn’t” Dimitri responds quickly as his fingertips gently redirect your gaze back on to him “I just dont think you know what your offering”
“I know what I’m offering Dimitri” you say with new found determination “what’s the worst that could happen?”
“It will hurt” dimitri says apprehensively “I could make you uncomfortable, or scared”
“I trust you, Dimitri” you declare with a gentle tone you hadn’t used in a while as you put your hand on his cheek “I know what I’m offering”
“Okay, little bird” he says with a nod as he places his hand over yours and pulls you closer so that he can place a kiss to your pulse point “if your sure”
You nod and he kisses your wrist once more before his teeth expanded and began to bite into your wrist.
You let out a small gasp of pain which had his eyes widening and hesitation to spreading across his face, but you reassured him by running a hand through his long black hair.
It was a new sensation, to be drained. You expected it to feel like agony and while there was a considerable amount of pain as you felt blood leaving your body, there was also a small amount of arousal that came with the experience.
The combination of pain, intimacy and eye contact from Dimitri’s delicately dark eyes had your panties becoming wetter with every moment, an affect that surely Dimitri could smell by the moan he lets out against your bleeding wrist.
He pulls away after a few moments, still holding your wrist as his long tongue licks up any blood drops from the puncture wounds.
“So” you say almost breathlessly “how do I taste?”
Dimitri hums against your wrist with a smirk as he begins to press his lips against your arm in a forward motion
“You taste….” He says in a low tone as he leave a trail of your blood through his kisses on your arm as he reaches your neck and whispers in your ear “exquisite”
“Really?” You ask quietly as your eyes close and you enjoy the feeling of his lips on your neck
“Like warm vanilla and caramel” he speaks lowly as he bites your neck gently, fangs not penetrating your skin this time “like a fine delicacy waiting to be devoured”
He finally reaches your jaw with his kisses before pulling away and looking down at you once again, almost like he was scanning for your reaction.
You don’t let him contemplate asking you if you were okay as you reach up and pull his head down to smash your lips against his.
He follows in suite as he kisses you back with the same amount of ferocity. Your teeth and tongues clashing messily in this dance of passion.
He took it a step further as he pulls you closer and holds the back of your thighs in almost an attempt to ask permission.
You don’t break the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck, allowing him to hoist you up by the back of your thighs and place you on the bar with no effort, his supernatural strength being used as a tool to only arouse you further.
He slots himself between your legs while keeping his hands on your upper thighs, still kissing you passionately as your hands pull him closer by his shoulders.
After a few more moments of kissing you, he pulls away slightly and leans his forehead against yours and watches you pant.
“I want to taste more of you” he says lowly as he nuzzles nose against yours “is that okay, little bird”
You nod your head but your only granted tutting in return
“Words, little bird” he reprimands gently “tell me what you want”
“I want you to touch me” you say quietly with a yearning tone
He nods as his hands reach under your skirt and begin to pull your soaked panties off. You lift yourself slightly to help him as you watch him remove your panties and slip them into his trouser pocket.
You’re about to protest but it dies down in your throat as you feel him flip up your skirt and begin to kiss up your thighs. Going from your knee to your inner thigh and only sparing a small kiss to just above your clit that had you squirming before repeating the same process with your other leg.
“Please” you say with a quiet desperation which has his eyes shooting up to look at you “please”
“What would your fathers say if they saw you now?” He asked with a teasing tone as he let his fangs graze your inner thigh “seeing that they failed you so much that you’re begging a dangerous man centuries older than you to touch you?”
“I don’t care what they think” you say quietly with blush coating your face “please, just touch me”
“Maybe I should have you call me daddy instead” dimitri says teasingly with a wide smirk
You roll your eyes and you’re about to snark him back when he leans down and spreads your thighs wider before kitten licking your clit gently. All arguments fade from your mind as your hips buck to meet that pleasure again, eliciting a small chuckle from Dimitri.
He swirls his tongue around your clit tantalisingly in small circles that had you panting.
He continues to break you down slowly for a few moments before extending his tongue and giving your pussy a deep stroke of his tongue from your twitching hole to your swollen bud that he takes into his mouth and sucks harshly.
The movement has you crying out and your hand tangling itself in his hair as you guide his head gently, griping his long black hair into a makeshift ponytail in your palm.
As your moans grow louder, your gaze is locked on the still unlocked door of the bar. Anyone could walk in on you, anyone could see you in the scandalous position of being pleasured so desperately by the man whose head takes up residency between your thighs.
As of sensing your lack of attention, Dimitri doubles down on his efforts by removing one of his hands from your waist before playing with your clit in a hypnotising manner as his tongue reaches deep inside you and presses against your sensitive walls.
“Fuck” you cry out with tears blurring your vision and your grip in his hair tightening “please don’t stop”
“Every part of you tasted exquisite” he speaks into you as he nibbles on your pearl gently, letting his fangs graze the swollen bud teasingly “like the forbidden fruit of the gardens of Eden”
Your thighs squeeze against his head as you feel the familiar coil in your stomach tightening, letting out desperate cries as you feel your peak approaching
“Give it to me, little bird” dimitri demands in a low tone as he thumbs at your pearl and his tongue enters you once again “give me what’s mine, show me your mine”
You feel your release soak his face as your jaw goes slack and you pant and cry, thighs squeezing his head so tight that you would wager a guess that without his supernatural strength he would have been in pain by now.
You’re seeing stars by the time he comes back up to your level and kisses you gently, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips.
“This is probably a bad idea” you point out the obvious breathlessly as your thumb brushes against his lips to wipe away your essence
“But it’s so worth it” he whispers back as he takes your hand and licks your essence off your thumb with a low groan
This is going to piss a lot of people off, is your last thought as Dimitri carries you up to his room above the bar and prepares you for a night of stupid but pleasurable decisions.
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Here, another impromptu House of the Dragon essay, following episode 6, which has left me obsessed and delighted to see Rhaenyra finally confirmed canonically queer. This is not refined at all, just all off the cuff.
Rhaenyra and Alicent parallel each other in a lot of ways, but one way that I am not seeing brought up a lot is also the way their new partners add to their parallels. Granted, since Rhaenyra and Mysaria kissed literally last episode there hasn't been a lot of time to think, but it's a sign of a much greater trend between Alicent and Rhaenyra in season 2.
The relationship between Alicent and Criston is a direct parallel and foil to the relationship between Rhaenyra and Mysaria in a myriad of ways:
Criston was spurned by Rhaenyra, and when he was at his lowest moment, Alicent came to stop his suicide and raised him up to be her sworn protector. Ever since then, Criston has remained fiercely loyal to Alicent... to an arguably unhealthy degree. He kills Lyman Beesbury not necessarily because he was against the coup, but because he personally accused Alicent of regicide. He puts Alicent up on an enormously high pedestal, as this kind of saviour of his. Likewise, Alicent is bonded with Criston due to their shared betrayal of Rhaenyra.
The relationship itself is very unhealthy. It's almost like they are codependent in a way. Criston is only where he is now because Alicent saved him. He owes a lot to her. Likewise, Alicent owes a lot to Criston for being her biggest champion. Criston is also fairly lowborn. He's from a very low noble house, and is described as the commonborn son of the steward of Lord Blackhaven. He's just at the edge of nobility, and yet he has been on a meteoric rise, shooting from just another knight to a knight of the Kingsguard, to bodyguard of the queen, to Lord Commander and later as Hand, the most powerful position in the realm after the King.
Compare this with Rhaenyra and Mysaria. Both women have been wronged by Daemon, who has used them for his own ends and disregarded their feelings. Daemon promised Mysaria her freedom if she provided names for people to hire to kill Aemond, but ended up simply fucking off to Harrenhal. There, Mysaria, having lost all she built in King's Landing thanks to Larys, is freed by Rhaenyra who decides to honour Daemon's word. Mysaria is not someone to trust easily, and Rhaenyra freeing her when she had no real reason to shows her worth to Mysaria.
Mysaria doesn't necessarily put Rhaenyra on a pedestal though. She is immensely grateful, and she feels Rhaenyra treats her as an equal and that she is meant to be queen, but there is none of this toxic obsessive codependency between the two (at least, not yet) that is displayed with Alicent and Criston. Like Alicent and Criston, however, they bond through a shared experience of betrayal by someone else, in this case Daemon.
Both relationships are those that would not be looked on lightly by society. Alicent is the dowager queen, Criston is sworn to celibacy, while Rhaenyra and Mysaria are both women in a world where queer relationships aren't exactly viewed in a positive light. Criston and Mysaria are also both contrasting partners, as they are of low rank (though Mysaria is not from a noble house unlike Criston) but are self-made people who climbed to a high position; Criston through his skill at arms, Mysaria through the trade of selling information.
Criston and Mysaria also have a contrasting relationship with the Hightowers and Targaryens. At least in Criston's eyes, Rhaenyra Targaryen betrayed him and brought him low, only to be raised by Alicent Hightower. Meanwhile, Mysaria is brought low by Alicent but raised back up by Rhaenyra. However, despite the gap in the power structure between Rhaenyra and Mysaria being far greater than that of Criston and Alicent, the power dynamic is actually completely opposite.
Season 2 began with Alicent holding power, with Criston subservient to her, with Otto working alongside her. It also began with Rhaenyra being powerless due to the crippling grief of losing Luke and then following Blood and Cheese refusing to make any moves that could hurt more innocent people, which weakens her own standing among her council. But as the season progresses, this gets flipped upside down. When Criston is named Hand, we see a major shift in his dynamic with Alicent. There is a lot of fuss made about Alicent's sex scene with him at the end of episode 2, but this actually conveys this perfectly. Without Alicent's leave, Criston suddenly makes himself at home in her bedchambers, and instead of kneeling to her or letting her be on top, he takes control of her.
Alicent grows more and more distant from Criston as he settles into his position as Hand. Suddenly, Criston feels that by vetoing Alicent from being the regent, he is protecting her from the terrible things they will be doing in the course of the war. Again, this works alongside Criston's weird complex about Alicent being his saviour. She seems so pure in his eyes that he is protecting her by taking on the sins of leadership just as he has protected her all these years as her sworn protector. The problem is that at the same time this devalues Alicent because this is another misogynistic assumption on his part that women should not sully themselves by having a hand with such nasty business. Criston thinks he's protecting her, but at the same time weakening her and making her even more vulnerable, and this is why their relationship eventually falters.
We see the exact opposite with Rhaenyra and Mysaria. Mysaria is at the mercy of Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra allows her a place in her court as an advisor. Mysaria grows in power in this position, just as Cole did. However, that doesn't come at the expense of Rhaenyra's own power. Thanks to Daemon's reckless, self-serving actions, the Black Council's unhelpful misogyny, and undermining advice, Rhaenyra finds she does not wield influence at court. Except with Mysaria.
With Mysaria, Rhaenyra learns that there is another way to gain power, and that is with the support of the common people. Together, the two conspire to instigate riots in King's Landing and destabilize the Greens hold on the city, while Rhaenyra herself finds that she wants to be spearheading the more militaristic aspects of the war. When Mysaria sees Rhaenyra holding a sword, she says "this becomes you," supporting Rhaenyra's endeavour to take after her idol and hero Visenya and become a warrior queen.
Yet, as Mysaria later tells Rhaenyra, this doesn't in any way make her less powerful. Rhaenyra has treated Mysaria as an equal, her closest advisor, her unofficial Hand (even with Corlys newly named). The mutual bond between the two then reaches a crescendo in a tender moment of vulnerability and gratitude for each other, and their embrace quickly becomes a passionate kiss.
Criston casts Alicent down, but Mysaria raises Rhaenyra up. Criston and Alicent's relationship is based on this shared betrayal by Rhaenyra which became codependent on their united front of this shared history. Meanwhile, though Rhaenyra and Mysaria's relationship does come somewhat from the way Daemon has hurt them both, it is primarily based on honesty and compassion. In this way, as of right now, Rhaenyra and Mysaria are the most healthy couple in House of the Dragon.
One final observation is that I think Alicent and Rhaenyra are also trying to emulate certain people in these relationships. Alicent, always having envied Rhaenyra for her freedom, is finally forgoing any temperance to allow herself to enjoy sex for the first time in her life. Her doing something so reckless is her trying to be like Rhaenyra. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra kissing Mysaria is partially her trying to be more like Daemon, as much as I also believe it is loneliness and genuine attraction to her. She literally states before the kiss that Daemon was everything she wished she was. This may be only the beginning. We are starting to see a much more fiery side of her, as she begins to don the image of a warrior queen who wishes to win this war.
I will also say this, while we are on the topic; it's very meaningful to me that Rhaenyra is canonically queer, especially as a queer person myself. Queer characters are nothing new in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe, but we don't have any truly canonically queer protagonists. Dany and Cersei may qualify but that is much less to do with actual attraction to women and more simply good old lesbian experimentation (not to mention written in a pretty exploitative and male-gazey way). Rhaenyra has shades of both characters in her kiss with Mysaria, but from everything I've laid out, it's not experimentation. Rhaenyra is just bisexual.
Rhaenyra being in a polyamorous relationship with Mysaria and Daemon has been a headcanon of mine ever since Fire and Blood came out, and I've picked up on the vibes between them this season, which made me hearing about the complaints that it came "out of nowhere" really strange, because it truly didn't. It's been building up slowly the past few episodes, and it's just the logical conclusion based on what was presented.
How this will change her relationship with Daemon, I cannot say. But I will say that I believe if Daemon is jealous of Rhaenyra and Mysaria being together, it won't be because of fidelity or homophobia, but purely because they are both women he has been with, which would trigger all sorts of insecurities.
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HORUS Tarrasque
Okay... Fine... I have a HORUS issue
Hey so, if any one is really squimish, might want to skip past this one, it's very... fleshy.
The Tarrasque has 3 main ideas: fleshy guy(TM), being so thicc you block hacking, and referencing Chaos Undivided.
The Tarrasque, named after the infamous DnD monster, is a size 3 lump of cancerous flesh stimulated and controlled with implanted electrical wiring. It's slow and doesn't have a reactor, it doesn't have a Heat Cap (or stress for that matter). As a result, as with every character without a Heat Cap, it takes energy damage when it receives Heat. To make this even more powerful, the Tarrasque has an altered trait based on the Balor's Regeneration. Justified by having a fucked up NEITH printer duplicating it's pilot cells, it has a Fleshy Regeneration that is slowed by taking energy damage and outright stops with burn (and structure loss like Balor). It even gains "armor" from this canonical regeneration; it regenerates so fast, it does so while being shot.
In a similar note, it also is Self Perpetuating.
Despite its "armor" value, the mech itself is Fragile as I don't imagine skin is not as protective as good old Steel. Also it doesn't have windows because if it did, the flesh would grow over it, and then you would have to try to remove it and there would be so much blood, just not worth the effort. Due to being Windowless, it has beefed up sensors with limited range: you can only draw line of sight out to your sensors (8) but it can't be reduced besides reducing your sensor range.
As for the fact that it's a blob of flesh given shape and movement through wires, it gets a smorgasbord of effects including giving difficulty to tech attacks against itself and to a greater degree it's allies; counting as a Biological character for any negative effects; and having 1/round resistance to self inflicted Energy damage.
Core power wise, the Tarrasque has a protocol that grants 4 armor and has resistances applied before armor until the end of the scene, as you overclock the regeneration to ridiculous levels.
(LL1) Bile Launcher - projectile vomit a corrosive substance on someone with this Auxiliary sized Cannon. On crit, your target gets slogged down with the disgusting bile, becoming Slowed. Inspired by Grandpa Nurlge
(LL1) Quicktwitch Implant - by hijacking both the damage sensors and movement controls, the QTI forces its host to move when damage (1/turn) with an automatic reaction, useful to get around but potentially annoying. Inspired by Slaanesh.
(LL2) frame wow
(LL2) Brutish Maw - an indestructible heavy Melee weapon made from a hungering, fleshy mouth. Its Nip profile is deadly for biologicals and drones but ineffective to the superior armor of mechs (Archaic) however its charged Chomp attack does devastating damage. 1/scene, if this weapon makes a character lose structure, you get to regain 1. Loosely Khorne inspired, as the frame itself is already pretty Khornate.
(LL2) Bioelectric Module - use a full action to throw a bolt of bioelectricity at some fool. Roll 2d6. If you roll a 5+, yippee 1d3 AP energy damage to their face. 11+ 1d6 instead. If you roll doubles, you shock yourself for 1d3 but other effects resolve unless you become destroyed. This is totally not a mechanic rip from 9th edition
(LL3) BE'LAKOR-CLASS NHP - canonically a former water treatment plant NHP turned wrong by people wanting to make a ghost with the power to rip people's blood out of their bodies. While in development to this point, the project went under and the current BE'LAKOR is all that remains. Its blood bending is really low ranged tho so it can only manipulate the fluids of its own mech, creating a fog of coolant (or blood in Tarrasque's case) that stops hacking against characters in Burst 2 unless the attacker is in your sensor range.
(LL3) Sinew Corruption - have flesh burst from some one's hull. If they are unwilling they can resist with a system save. Regardless of whether willing or not they take chip AP kinetic damage and are now biological until the end of your next turn.
I probably will have to tune down the literal hotdog over time but for now it's my loveable, horrific flesh beast. (Oh yeah it's interior is rather... humid and red)
Also last minute inspo stuff, the anti hacking element of Tarrasque and its regeneration kind of add to a "unstoppable" vibe that comes from its namesake.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Who, in the notable Kirby cast, do you think would be willing to become Susie's friend? Aside from Kirby himself of course, as I had already asked about Susie/Kirby interactions previously, so this time this is about how she may be with others!
The rest of the wave 3 dream friends would be good options, as I believe they've all got various things in common with Susie that they'd be able to connect with her about.
I also nominate ChuChu for a friend choice. I had indeed seen the "It's Kirby Time!" stuff where there's one image that has both ChuChu and Susie in it. Two pink girls becoming friends would be totally legit. Susie could even treat ChuChu like a "little sister friend" for when she comes by Popstar.
It's probably the fact that she gives off major lesbi... girl power energy, but I think Susie would work especially well with any of the girls and femme-leaning members of the Kirby main cast!
Susie and Chuchu, as you said, is already implied by the extra material and going by Chuchu's personality in DL3, it's not easy to see why they'd like each other! They both like pretty things, having a good time, and maintaining their own space. They're both a little stubborn, and they're both into girls talk!
Susie and Adeleine is another potential friendship I'm fond of - Ado would probably enjoy having a big sister figure and I'm sure Susie has a lot of stories to share. Some horrifying, considering her childhood growing up in Another Dimension! XD
I don't know if Susie and Ribbon would get along quite as well, depends on how Susie takes to entirely magical beings like fairies. ("I don't believe in occult nonsense!" Susie channeling Seto Kaiba.) But I get the feeling if she ju~st might see her as more of a "curiosity" and that might get in the way of their becoming really close on Ribbon's side as she doesn't strike me someone who'd like that?
(Though they could still bond over their love of pink.)
Despite what I said about fairies, I could see her getting along decently with Elline?! Mostly because Elline's attitude just seems more in line with Susie's. And something about Seventopia's color fairy being something of a living children's book would probably resonate with the woman who lost her childhood. (It would be funny to see Susie and Claycia start talking about their favorite artworks only to stir each other up into getting kind of snobby about art while the others just groan and wait for it to be over.)
Susie and the trio of Franny, Berge, and Zan is practically a given. Susie has a semi-canonical rivalry with Fran over their looks but there's no reason it can't be a friendly one. Susie and Zan could share their various traumas and their both being workaholics.
Susie and Berge might seem like the pair with the least in common, but, paying homage to the semi-common fandom idea of the Mage Sisters all being gaming addicts, I can see totally Susie right there with them on the couch, getting incredibly competitive and shouting into her headset mic in a way that makes Berge burst into giggles!
Stepping away from the girl side of things, I also like the idea of a strange friendship forming being Susie and Daroach! 
Daroach is a self-proclaimed ladie's man and Susie is very proud of her looks. (Both narcissists, lol! :cough:) Daroach has a lot in common with Meta Knight - intelligent, suave, leader of men, has an airship - and we know that the masked swordsman caught Susie's interest at first glance. Susie, meanwhile, assuming she hasn't been sued for everything she's worth, possesses a lot of money/capital.
They're both off-worlders and capable of interplanetary travel, which should overcome any initial biases she might have about him being "backwards" or too low-tech. Another thing they've got in common is she and Daroach are both involved in undercover activities!
She's an industrial spy; he's a phantom thief! 
...This is sounding like I'm writing propanda for a potential ship. ^^; Then again, they both have some bi vibes...! Mainly with Meta Knight. Hmm... Maybe they're actually just Meta Knight-sexual?! In which case, there's something else they have in common! XD
Ooh, this reminds me, I SWEAR I had a really good ask in my inbox talking about Daroach and Susie along the lines of comparing them for their criminal activities but when I went looking for it, I couldn't find it! My sister tells me Tumblr eats messages all the time tho. Still a shame. I was looking forward to answering that one. Anyway! Canonically attractive criminals! They should be pals!!
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sushisocks · 11 months
OOOHHHHH ANON, WE ARE IN IT NOW!!!! Good question, good question indeed!! I shall answer to the best of my ability!!!!!
I'll be frank, I had a harder time thinking of my happiest HC than my saddest one, and IDK what that says about me lmaoo but here we are!!
I have a lot of happy HCs for Sean!! The trouble was picking out my happiest among them, bcz some are more silly/funny - like a happy memory or experience I think he would have! - while others are more like. this is something about him which I think is a good/happy thing and that makes me happy. So I'm gonna go with the latter one here, just bcz the red thread of this post will be more cohesive that way njhbjnnbh
So, the HC which makes me the happiest, is supported by a lot of canon, and an aspect of Sean which initially drew me towards him. And it's his genuine interest in people, and his appreciation of them!! I think, despite absolutely having been somewhat disillusioned by the world at large and the oppressive systemic powers which rule it, Sean meets the individual human with incredible good faith!! By that I mean, I think he does believe he has common ground with most people, just by virtue of being alive and surviving in the world, and that is just his approach to everyone he meets in life. There is a sincere sense of empathy and good will in him, and he's not above being proven wrong or staying stuck in a bad opinion of someone. Not that he's above disliking people (we see this clearly with Micah lol), it's just that he's the type to be willing to sit down and have a drink and conversation with almost everyone and anyone.
THAT, to me, says an incredible amount about what Sean thinks of humanity at large, and is why I have this HC of him. And I, personally, as someone who also likes to believe in the good in people and meet them with good faith, have always found this quality of Sean's very appealing!! So it makes me happy to think about, that his exuberance around others actually runs that deep!!!
My SADDEST HC is pretty easy to pick out, as the core of a lot of my sad Sean HC's & thoughts come from the idea that he has self-esteem through the damn floor, similar to Arthur, which he deals with differently - desperately seeking to disprove those thoughts and ideas in what ways he can. It's about him putting out so much affection into the world in the hopes of receiving just a little bit back (and still never expecting it; accepting rejections and unkind comments easily and with a smile because that is what he expects), it's about his need to be friendly & on speaking terms with everyone in camp (save those whose regard he deems unneeded; Micah, and Kieran before realizing he's a victim to circumstance, remedying his approach to him accordingly) and how QUICK he is to step back and try to fix the situation when he realizes he's offended someone in camp.
I think Sean has always read to me as someone who struggles to not only sit still, but to sit with himself, with his own thoughts. Because, how long do you think it takes for him to start spiraling? How long does it take before he starts wondering if there's something he could've done to save his father - starts blaming himself for Darragh's death? How long before the things he was told in reform school - about his intelligence, his worth, starts rearing its head again? It all comes down to a low sense of self esteem, I think, which he seeks to not let himself get stuck on. And that drives a lot of my other sad/angsty Sean HCs, lol!
Thank you for this ask, anon!! It was a lot of fun to think about, though it def took me a lil while to settle on either!! I hope you enjoy my answers ;;w;;
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zukkacore · 4 months
Hi do you. By any chance want to expand on both 1) Sorcerer Wizard and the dichotomy and 2) Sorcerer trans thoughts??? Bc BOY I would LOVEEEEE to hear them if you’re willing to!!!
Hiiiii beloved old man yaoi mutual anyway sorry this took a hot sec bc I do have more thoughts on this but tragically they’re kinda formless and incoherent. Prepare for the unorganized paragraph monster. Anyway I’m like pretty bad at understand dnd as a system but I have seen other ppl who are actually better versed than me express like. A sorcerer / wizard multi class is pretty counterintuitive. And like, if that’s part of the character arc that’s fine, obviously with Gorgug it was an intentional character choice and they made a profound point of of him doing unexpected and not typically “optimal” just bc he liked it & bc of that he has a perspective on rage AND artificing different from everyone else. Idk if im over explaining the obvious with the like, oh wizardry is abt understanding the fundamentals and components of the arcane it’s abt studying the world whereas sorcery is abt control and understanding of the self etc etc. like described as the ability to “project one’s will” into the world and the meta magic mechanic is a way to actualize like. Being able to literally change the rules of magic (honestly very interesting and cool imo).
Like, I don’t think they HAVE to be opposed in terms of what they’re doing, if you think abt it like. Art rules ya know? Like you gotta learn the fundamentals and the rules before you can break them. So I could see that being a reason to study wizardry. And if your character just has a natural curiosity than sure. But also, I GET the reason why it’s an impractical build and a weird choice for a character beat bc the drawbacks of losing high level sorcery aren’t really compensated for in getting some wizard levels. Esp bc they’re different casting modifiers or whatever, int vs charisma. Like you have to have a high modifier in both to even make it worth it. AND on a character beat level, not to make this JUST abt our favorite sopping wet cat Jace stardiamond but like. Wouldn’t it be kinda counterintuitive to learn all these rules and fundamentals of magic and everything in those classes is saying THIS is how it works meanwhile there is something inherent in you that could change that? And I was like oh haha trans bc it’s abt saying like oh something essential is actually less rigid than you think + projecting your will is in my mind kinda like the ability to self-determine?
At the same time the counterpoint to this is that sorcery is about inherent magic so that IS like oh this is essential to your person. At the same time I feel like the distaste toward sorcerery bc it’s inherent or essential is kinda unfair bc like? Yeah divine right is not real, someone being inherently divinely powerful is not a thing in real life but also how different is that from the divine right of being a chosen one for a deity (like. Not to go toooo into fantasy high but Kristen IS a chosen one). So I get the counterpoint that sorcerery is bad and essentialist but eh? Like take it for what it represents on a thematic level, don’t take it so literally.
Not to backtrack but I don’t think self knowledge vs worldly knowledge HAVE to be fundamentally opposed, but I do think one class transitioning into the others would be really difficult bc it’s someone learning a system and realizing actually it’s bullshit and broken & malleable vs. someone who intuitively GETS that rules are kinda just made up and the education system is saying no this is truth. Despite everything about you being a contradiction to that. Like, I feel like a sorcerer is coming into low level wizardry learning “you can’t do 1 - 2” and intuitively they go but you can? But at that level it’s like no, you’re not ready to teach someone just being introduced to those concepts abt negative numbers abt imaginary numbers etc etc etc. (similar w biology. Like yeah we all took 7th grade bio where we learned there are 2 sexes. But actually the human body a lot more varied & complicated than that. These are rigid categories we made up to “better” understand things or articulate a certain idea but they also cause systemic harm) Also. There are some particles that behave differently when observed. Science is weird and contradictory sometimes & there’s a lot of stuff that was believed to be true and gets kinda reassessed w more data. I respect the wizard’s quest for knowledge as someone who is a turbo nerd. I respect it so hard. But also. I get why riz spirals abt it. It’s hard to be bleem coded and love complete taxonomies when you know the world is a lot more complicated than that. I get why a sorcerer wouldn’t be able to hack it. Again not to make this abt blorbo from our shows but the failed to wizard multiclass thing opened SUCH a can of words in my brain…..
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polycharismas · 7 months
post for ambrose to know my little guys awww the middle aged men who ruined my life awww :3 FUCK I FORGOT TO TAG @dohter ☺️
this is fumiya . the charisma of good and evil . hes the one who brought everyone in the house together for Reasons i guess . he looks very normal at first glance (especially compared to the design of everyone else) but hes the one everyone in the house is scared of. reason being he has zero sense of morals. he doesnt properly distinguish between right and wrong nor good and bad . he may sound terrifying but hes also really fucking chill . all of this combined makes him someone you can never completely trust nor distrust and its kinda funny . he also loves sweets and candy and pastries he like eats them excessively . every social situation hes in he always looks disinterested and in his own head . hes so neurodivergent They all are ngl
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this is rikai . the charisma of order . unlike fumiya he has A Very Clear Sense Of Righteousness and fights for order among the members of the house everyday of his life . unsurprisingly this gets annoying as fuck when you actually dig into his usual methods . everyone in the house can agree that everything he does for righteousness is like very fucking exaggerated (like his obnoxious ass whistle he keeps using everytime order is slightly disturbed) but he couldnt care less . he wants order and control over everything and everyone . omg i forgot how hot his main official art was mffffgfhhhh SORRY SORRY SORRY S . getting derailed here . he may look and Act like hes the only normal person in there but in many senses hes one of the worst ones .
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this is terra . the charisma of self-love . he . really likes himself . he Loves himself . he stares into the mirror for literal hours without problem . he Bleeds From His Nose Very Often looking at himself . he also has very low empathy for others that arent himself actually He couldn't care less about other people aside from himself . he's the one and only person worth it in the entire world in his perspective and honestly thats kinda real of him . also has a very complex relationship with gender and all that stuff . hes the only one from the whole cast with two main outfits . automatically proves his point that hes better tbh
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this . Ohhggg this . This Is Ohse . the charisma of self-punishment . you know how terra is all about loving himself and all that well Hes the exact opposite. the very extreme opposite. he has severe depression and attempts to end his life several times throughout the series . he cant bear other people being nice to him because he feels like he doesn't deserve it at all. he barely leaves the room because he doesnt want people looking at his face he legitimately thinks it would be too disgusting for everyone . when he does leave he covers his face with a plastic bag so people dont look at his face . he often goes on tangents about how much he sucks. aside from all of that he really likes art and is actually very skilled at it he just doesn't notice this because hes too busy thinking nothing he does is worth it at all . he ruined my life
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this is kei . the charisma of rebel. one day he went Damn i should start being a bitch and he never once stopped . if there's anything he can oppose at all he Does he never wants to agree with anyone or anything at all . rikai fucking hates him sometimes . everyone fucking hates him sometimes . he also likes street fights despite being fucking incompetent at them and always losing . he loves violence . its like his one solution for everything . unfortunately for him hes also one pathetic ass guy veeeeery deep inside even if he wants to put on this tough guy front. hes really truly miserable he just doesnt want anyone to ever find out
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this . ugh . this is iori . the charisma of obedience . you know how kei is a bitch . well hes the exact opposite . if you ask iori for anything at all he will do everything in his power to get it for you . you would Think thats a good thing but unfortunately you dont know the things that go through this man's head . his acts of service for others are absolutely everything in his life . so much so he has made everyone (except for ohse) in the house sign a slave contract so they can use him however they please for the rest of his life . You Know How This Is Kinda Insane Right . he loves doing chores and being ordered around . if anyone ever offers to help him he like goes insane . he also . uhm . he also wears this . dog collar . so people ...... pull at it ........ and stuff ....... also hes like .............. very much a masochist ....... hes also ...... Hes also me . so me . he also ruined my life .
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you see this official art right . you see it right . do i even have to explain anything . do i want to . i really dont . hes the reason i kinda hesitate from recommending charisma house to anyone . this is amahiko . he is literally And i mean LITERALLY the charisma of Sex . they just say it . straight up . no nuance no anything . hes just sex . hes sexo . hes a fucking freak about it . hes a self proclaimed "minister of sexy affairs" he describes that as his profession for some fucking reason . his goal is to "spread sexiness around the world" meaning he has to be a weirdo to everyone in the house . weirdo as in sexually . for some reason this never goes to the way some animes treat characters like him though you know what i mean . everyone around him finds him Weird for it they never try to hide the fact everything he does is weird as fuck . despite that its hard to hate him by the end . surprisingly hes one of the most mature in the house (being that hes also the oldest out of everyone's revealed ages . terra hasnt revealed his age) and can genuinely be someone you can trust . unfortunately hes a freak. thats the funny thing about him. hes also . uhm . h. h... no . no you dont have to know that .
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sometimes when they get Too Charisma ! they transform have a whole musical number and then collapse in exhaustion . this is called a charisma break . they get it from being actual weirdos .
uhm my only warning for if you ever decide to watch charisma house is Number One amahiko as a whole and Number Two rikai's first song has literal nazi imagery unfortunately . Fortunately though thats like the only weird in the bad way mv . because the other mvs are also weird . i just don't know if i should describe them as weird in a good way . whatever. specific drama track episode for the song is number 27 but its only by the end . the rest of the episode is good to watch❤️
hope you had fun ambrose . these are my guys .
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themetalvirus · 2 years
augh i have so many egghogs thoughts but im having a Brain Blockage
amy ramble
something something amy something something injustice. egghog sonic is in the wrong for toying with her feelings, obvi, but i havent really discussed how AMY feels about it when SHE IS THE ONE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. feminism loses. i feel like such an asshole. ik shes not real but still cmawn get it two gether
like. she extended her goodwill, a warm hand, over and over and over again, and she just keeps getting burned. she's pulled in and out of what she thinks is a will they won't they where she is actually being emotionally abused and thought of as a tool, being the end point of the cycle of abuse that sonic ends up perpetuating while his brothers end up breaking out of it. she deserves more agency as a character, i think. again i feel like kind of an asshole because of how little agency amy really has until, like, the end of the story
i also don't rlly talk about how often she's fucked up eggman's schemes (a lot) and made him start from scratch. and killed gods and such. but the focus of the main story is on the One Plan that actually temporarily explodes the whole universe out of desperation for one teenager's quest to affirm his delusion that his father really loves him. he's not the hero but he's the protagonist in a lot of ways and it feels like amy should be the focus despite egghog sonic's arc being more interesting i think. amy doesn't really have a lot to learn
actually that's wrong. she DOES have an arc. she DOES have a lot to learn. how the power of love can only be effective if one is willing to receive your love. to not self narrativize so much that you lose touch of the pain of the people around you. how excessive optimism can hurt you and the people you are trying to interact with. the theme of fantasy vs. reality is strong with this story in particular i think
like, it's not just sonic; she ignores tails' boundaries and makes some freshly-not-evil traumatized and violent teenagers live with him. the way she's trying to stay cheery just ends up salting the boys' wounds and she needs to figure out how to level with them. i like to imagine that she's used to solving big problems, killing monsters, using hammers to fix things, but this kind of delicate operation is new and uncomfortable for her. i think i take back what i said about her emotional intelligence; it really doesn't start off great. she has to learn about how to navigate both her and others' feelings in a healthy way. she feels very deeply, yes, but the way she handles those feelings needs Work. because of my low empathy high compassion sonic characters agenda i like her wanting to help So Bad but not understanding how the others truly feel thus making things worse before they get better
plus, like. FUCK dude. learning that your crush has been purposefully making you believe he may like you back because he sees your infatuation as nothing more than a tool to get what he wants. some guy you thought was your frenemy was really just an enemy. she put so much faith in him to be worth changing, to be capable of changing. you can't fix him, girl. you never could and you never will.
i guess she also needs to figure out how to better allocate her time and energy towards people who Want to be helped and Can be helped; the problem is that because she takes sonic's place as the Big Hero she already spends a lot of her time, like, saving villages and kissing babies and stuff. she very much helps people who need help. and making it so that the help is impersonal feels like a deep betrayal to her character, something unfair to put on someone as loving and passionate as amy rose, to make her so arrogant would be a failure to respect her. i guess i could lean into her getting Really Invested into helping individual people, but like, she already also solves a lot of the Big Problems except for not killing eggman because it Feels Wrong.
i guess having her be a sonic stand-in and Big Damn Hero™️ while also giving her interesting character flaws WITHOUT taking away her agency is hard. pardon me while i smash my face into a brick wall
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crystallizedday · 6 months
So a couple of weeks ago, I established the basic outline for my Samurai Jack AU: Duo of Doom.
Despite it already being so fuckin massive, I still have a lot to still talk about regarding the AU, hence why I am making this post.
The purpose of this post is to outline ALL itty bitty details that I’m working with for the AU, which will collectively be referred to as “headcanons” cause I dunno what else to call them… and they’re canon to the AU anyway, so uh… “headcanons” feel the most appropriate.
So, without stalling, let’s get into this!!
Imma split this up into 3 sections: one for Demongo, one for Scara, and then a miscellaneous category where I talk about small ideas I have for a variety of characters.
Before we get right into it, I want to stress that MUCH of Demongo’s personality and abilities will stem from what was established in the Cartoon Network MMO game Fusionfall, which explored and added onto Demongo’s character quite a bit. I will let y’all know when some of these headcanons stem from Fusionfall so it’s clear where exactly I got these ideas from.
Okie dokie! Enough stalling. Let’s dig into this!!
• Despite him being pretty well known in the early days of the fandom as the “lava lamp” guy with how bubbly his fiery head was, I like to think he genuinely has a large variety of fire-based powers under his belt. After all, it is a key move he has as a nano in Fusionfall as well as something the real Demongo in game claims he has the ability to do during his “All the World’s a Stage” missions. I believe that while he can be rather flexible with what he can do with his fire-based powers, he sticks to simply using fire itself as an offensive move, such as using fire breath to make himself practically a walking flamethrower. He definitely can just summon fire with the flick of his wrist, but I like to think he enjoys the gigachad move of going dragon-mode JUST so he can seem as tough as possible.
• Speaking of him using fire moves offensively, thanks to a texturing mishap on Demongo’s model in Fusionfall, I got the cute idea of him having the ability to heat up his own fingers and dish out fiery scratches so he can look cool as shit. Additionally, he can use this ability just to make himself look a lil more stylish. Yeah, that’s right. Those blue “painted nails” in his later DOD designs? That’s just bro using his powers to make em LOOK like painted nails. They don’t feel all that hot on the surface, so anyone else can touch them just fine without getting burned… assuming Demmy doesn’t wanna burn you. It’s really up to him if he just wants to give you third degree burns.
• I keep mentioning how Demmy really enjoys looking cool, and that is because this version of Demongo is veeeeeeeeeeery insecure about his actual strength. This is hinted at a bit in his debut episode, but I took this concept and ran with it for the AU. As the story goes on, he relies less and less on his stolen souls as he starts using more of his powers that he naturally has (which is mainly just his fire powers). While he goes around acting like he’s the shit, he doesn’t have the best self esteem, making him very hesitant and scared to be vulnerable in any way. This changes over the course of the story, but for the majority of it all, he struggles to find worth in himself.
• Forcing himself to have such a high view of himself (assuming he doesn’t let himself get vulnerable) is something he believes he has to do, not only just to make it in this world (since I doubt Aku was gonna keep letting someone who is openly insecure stay in the higher ranks), but also due to how they correlate with his powers. Reaching a mentally low point will cause his fire to go out as he goes into his “depowered” form (even if his skulls are still present). In this state, he can’t use any of his abilities. Think of it as his own soul becoming so demotivated that it becomes too weak for Demongo to harness his own abilities. If he lets himself be emotionally vulnerable, he’s gonna be physically vulnerable too, and he just cannot have that.
• Just like a vampire, he steals the souls of his warriors via biting them, preferably when the target is too worn out to fight back. It’s pretty much OVER if bro ever pierces the skin since that initiates some magical bullshit that reconfigures the target’s entire being into nothing but gas, which Demmy can easily consume.
• Being made up of carbon and other light elements, Demongo can destabilize his form to go into what I like to call his gas-mode… which is pretty much what it sounds like. He just turns into a black cloud of smoke that travels in the same way his soul essences do in his debut episode, all snake-like and shit. He can also teleport as seen in his episode, but that’s more of a magical thing than his gas form is.
• Despite the souls he collects giving him the strength he has, he CAN eat like any other regular being… well, sort of. He has a stomach, but it more so functions as a burner, burning anything he consumes that can later be redistributed as gases via… well, his fiery head. If something can be eaten away by an actual fire, he can easily consume it too. Really, anything that isn’t denser than carbon is easily “digestible” for him. Because of this, Demongo has an INTENSE sweet tooth and actively seeks out sugary treats. This also means bro cannot go vampire mode and consume blood as that shit has SO much iron in it. Bro would find that shit disgusting, not because it’s BLOOD necessarily, but because that shit is PACKED with such a heavy element.
• Demongo’s comfort food of choice is marshmallows, mainly because of how they’re mainly comprised of sugar and not much else. Hell, he’s pretty much a s’mores guy, which is quite fitting considering he’s a walking campfire. If you were to try and be goofy silly by roasting a marshmallow using his fire, he’d just bite the damn thing right off your stick. His fire, his rules.
• Thanks to how simplistic its chemistry is, alcohol is something Demongo (unfortunately) enjoys. Due to how he digests shit via burning anything he consumes, this results in him getting intoxicated VERY quickly. “Lightweight” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe this lil shit. Funnily enough, he also has the tendency to get all floaty and shit when he’s immensely intoxicated. He also gets EXTREMELY giggly. You could say the most dull and boring-ass word in existence and this bitch will almost pass out from laughing. As funny as these experiences can be, Scara tries his best to limit whenever the lil fella can have alcohol… for both their sakes.
• While he still can get hurt, any physical damage he takes can be easily mended if he has the energy for it. This can take the form of cuts, bruises, blown-off appendages, bites (if that sounds sus, then you already know why I brought it up. I just like the irony it creates, I swear), getting crushed, anything like that. The only thing that can actively keep him down (outside of demoralizing him) would be to not give him time to heal and wear him down little by little or by using one POWERFUL enough attack that’s enough to knock him out, much like how he was originally defeated by Jack with that big explosion.
• The skulls on his torso are not actually the skulls of the warriors he defeats. They are made of the same components as him. I mean, he definitely can’t have thousands of warriors under his control while only realistically having like… dozens of skulls on him. The skulls merely provide a means of imbuing a warrior’s essence into a physical form that can be molded back into the warrior’s original being. They can go gas mode on their own once a warrior is defeated, returning back to Demongo to rejoin the rest of his skulls in its solid form. However, it is possible to take all the skulls off, cutting off all of Demmy’s powers and putting him in his depowered state. They can be reattached afterwards. In a way, they’re like detachable scales (which is funny considering what’s coming up in a little bit). Demmy only ever removes his skulls to sleep better (and to not unknowingly catch anything on fire, of course), if/when he chooses to sleep. The only person that’s seen Demongo willingly detach his skulls is Scaramouche, especially since Demmy is in a very vulnerable state in this form.
• If any of his skulls remain detached from his body for a decently long time, his body will naturally reconstruct a new one to take its place.
• Regardless of whether or not his skulls have been detached, Demongo will enter his depowered state once he falls asleep. It helps him preserve energy this way.
• Demongo cannot be easily killed since any form of beheading or dismemberment only results in him having to manifest the missing part of his body, which is merely a minor annoyance to him. However, he’s not invincible. Right in the middle of his chest is his “core,” which is his TRUE “being” in a way. It is essentially his brain and his heart. His core can be vaguely seen whenever he goes into gas mode, if you can look past the smoke and shit. His core NEEDS to stay as scorching as possible. Extinguishing the core (mainly by cooling it to dangerously low temperatures) will result in Demongo’s death.
• Despite being fairly humanoid, Demongo has some lizard-like properties. This is mainly apparent in his ability to smell. Since he doesn’t have an actual nose, he relies on his tongue to sniff out anything of value, which is why he can typically be seen “blepping” from time to time, especially if food is nearby. Additionally, I like to think he specifically takes after the blue tongued skink for… obvious reasons. Here’s a funni lil art piece I made just for this one headcanon LAMWKSMWOSM
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• This advanced control over the temperature of his body allows Demmy to manually mend things (like metal) back together, so if Scara takes any damage (mainly minor gashes), Demmy can just… seal that shit back up with ease with nothing but the tip of his finger!
• Fusionfall claimed that Demongo had the ability to place “charms” on certain objects, and while I still find that ability kinda stupid, I wanted to repurpose it for this AU. I like to think that Demongo has dabbled in magic outside of the kind he already has within him. He does not have much use for this knowledge outside of creating enchanted weaponry, but it at least gives him some insight on how various forms of magic work. As a result, he’s very knowledgeable about the subject.
• While he can speak English just fine, his primary language is Japanese. He rarely ever speaks in it since rarely anyone around him knows the language, but since he was never taught how to write in English, he only knows how to write in the Japanese alphabet. He strives to be better at writing English, sometimes dabbling in French since Scara knows that shit like the back of his hand.
• As much as he may claim to hate them, bro actually loves hearing a good pun, especially if he finds it particularly clever or unexpected. If any of you are familiar with his Nano counterpart’s audio files, you’ll probably know where I’m pulling this info from. OWMWOSMSOSSKSOSK Ah, and he additionally finds anything Scara says to be the funniest shit in the world, regardless of quality. Just a dorky lil fella who is absolutely in love OWNWKWMWOSMDDOXMON
• “Growing up” (for lack of a better term) in the Pit of Hate meant Demongo would not be too familiar with gestures of kindness and such at the start of the AU. While this fact is very apparent in a variety of ways (as seen in the tavern episode in the AU’s first season), this also has resulted in him being unfamiliar with physical gestures of kindness… aka bro’s never been fuckin hugged before. This would result in Demmy (in the earlier episodes of season 1) being surprised by touch, even from something as small as a simple pat on the back or a hand to the shoulder. He doesn’t HATE the sensation. It’s just unfamiliar to him at this point in the story. I’m pretty sure lil guy getting his first friendly hug from Scara was the point where he REALLY felt the effects of being touch starved, and while it’s hard for him to ask for support thanks to his fear of vulnerability during this section of the story, Scara thankfully is happy to oblige.
• As a result, Demmy has grown to really enjoy being held, typically through hugs or even being carried. This can be seen way more during season 2 when Demmy isn’t NEARLY as fearful of being vulnerable and such. Sometimes, he’ll try and act like he’s out of breath or is low on energy just as an excuse for Scara to carry him, but since he does it in such a dramatic and playful way, it’s easy to tell when he’s doing it on purpose. He’ll only ever outright ask to be carried if he feels comfortable enough (since that fear of vulnerability still lingers on, even if it’s not nearly as potent as it was in season 1).
• After he starts learning more and more about modern culture, he starts going by he/they since that shit just feels right to him… well, that and I just like putting a lil bit of my own quirks into the characters I write. I specifically see him identifying as a demiboy.
• Bro is gay. I’ve already mentioned that before, and there isn’t much else to say about it… I mean, I HAVE thought about referencing the famous Sam and Max line “But Max, you don’t even like girls” with Scara and Demmy before, just to make this lil fact about the lil guy clear, but I dunno how or when I’d even do it KQMQOWMOWKOSSKOJ
• Whenever bro gets flustered or blushes, his face HEATS up… like DRAMATICALLY. DO NOT forget that he’s just a walking campfire. As such, in some rare cases if he’s flustered enough for a prolonged period of time, he’ll start to kinda melt a little bit, just a little bit though.
• He HATES water. It stings for him. Rain is tolerable, even if he’d prefer to ignore it, and being submerged in water hurts like HELL. Same with snow and ice. None of it will kill him since he’ll neee to be in a FAR chillier environment for his life to be genuinely at risk, but he still prefers NOT to feel that kind of pain whenever he can avoid it.
• He likes wearing Scara’s big-ass coat. It’s comforting, in a way.
• Despite him not being super intelligent, Demmy’s quite knowledgeable about strategizing, finding enjoyment in commanding his own lil legion and carefully planning their every move. That is to say… he’s got the confidence and drive of your average Pokémon nuzlocker.
• There’s always been this lil joke in the fandom calling Demongo a theater kid, and despite THIS Demongo never having stepped foot in an actual theater (prior to meeting Scara), you can just TELL by the way he moves and talks in public that he’s a bit of an actor at heart. He talks loudly, boastfully even, exaggerating his gestures way too passionately, and is just VERY animated in general. Despite his insecurities, he genuinely does love to proudly express himself, which gets a lot easier for him to do as the story goes on.
• Speaking of how he tends to act in public, Demmy is… pretty fuckin mischievous towards others (or at least people he isn’t close to… ie Scara). Even if his target hasn’t done anything to him, he just enjoys playing jokes on people whenever he knows he can get away with it. However, if Demmy DOES decide he wants to be petty towards someone, he’ll go out of his way to make that person’s life MISERABLE while he just shrugs and plays it off like everything he does is just a lil accident. TLDR, if he doesn’t know or like you, he’s GONNA be a little shit towards you.
• As such, Demmy is not the friendliest person to be around. He is a certified ✨people hater✨, and would much rather stick with people he knows and trusts (ie Scara… again).
• As a bit of a nod to Demongo’s voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson (famous for his roles where he plays characters with extremely deep voices), Demongo’s voice actually has the same range as Kevin’s, meaning he can pull off the same kind of deep voices Kevin can. However, Demongo can only deepen his voice for a short amount of time before it strains his throat, so he doesn’t do it often. He only ever does this if it’s useful for something important or when he wants to play tricks on others (ie prank calls… maybe, assuming he can figure out how to use a cell phone first KANAOWMXOSMDOSMF).
• Remember that giant see-through skull that Demongo was summoned in at the end of his debut episode? The one Aku destroyed with him inside? Considering Demmy is made of the same stuff as diamonds, I like to think that the skull is made of diamond as well (to an extent, especially since it’s hollow on the inside). Perhaps this was the skull that Demongo first formed in, and was used to summon his essence whenever Aku desired… well, until the big guy crushed it, seeing no more use in keeping Demongo around. Of course, Demmy was just sent back to the Pit of Hate to be punished for his failure, but the destruction of that crystal skull meant Aku could no longer summon him at will, which is definitely a good thing for Demmy.
• While he was being punished in the Pit of Hate, he at one point regained enough power to teleport out of the grasp of the demons who were watching over him, eventually finding a way to escape the Pit and return to the surface to regain his full strength. Aku was never told about his escape due to the two demons that were supposed to watch over the fiery lil shit fearing they would be killed if Aku ever found out. The two have been searching for Demongo ever since.
• Scaramouche is the more level-headed of the two numbskulls as it is EXTREMELY difficult to genuinely piss him off. He is just THAT naturally laidback. However, when he DOES get pissed, he doesn’t scream or make a big fuss about it. No. He goes dead silent. This often ends with someone getting their ass beat… before Scara immediately bounces back with that familiar chirpy attitude after everything’s said and done.
• Despite how he’s mainly known for his scatting, Scara CAN legitimately sing. He’s pretty damn good at it. It’s the same story with dancing as well. He enjoys teaching Demmy how to sing and dance like he can, and the lil guy’s been getting better and better at it ever since. They really are just two theater kids in love. KWNWOSNOSKON
• He is NOT a twink. I have no clue why everyone for so long was under the impression that he was, but just because his limbs are skinny as fuck doesn’t mean his entire build is. Naw. Naw, that guy’s fairly built, pun totally intended. KWNWKWKSOKOK
• You can tell something is wrong when Scara starts speaking “normally” without any quips or “babe”s being thrown about. This can either happen if he’s genuinely pissed off, scared, or is actively hiding something.
• Since his creator was a French scientist, Scara in his early days took an interest in learning the language alongside English. Because of this, present Scara is fluent in both languages, being able to speak and write in them flawlessly. Even so, he’s genuinely interested to learn Japanese, Demmy’s first language. He thinks it’s cute that the lil guy likes trying to teach him the language, so he’s all for it. Scara’s fully capable of learning the language himself since… well… he IS a robot built to quickly learn shit, but he still prefers Demmy teaching him instead. He finds it too adorable of an offer to pass up on.
• I’m not entirely sure on this one, but I like to think that due to him being a robot and all, he can’t eat human foods like Demongo can. Luckily for him, the world of SJ most likely accommodates for robotic civilians, thus having shit like electronic-based foods and beverages… probably.
• I can also see the SJ universe having like… an abundance of repair or mechanic centers so any robotic citizens with a dismembered or missing arm can be fixed up quickly and with ease, so I’m sure Scara takes advantage of this… despite Demmy taking interest in wanting to learn how to help repair the big guy by himself, which Scara is flattered by the offer, but he doesn’t wanna risk Demmy accidentally doing some irreversible damage.
• Since it’s been shown in the og show that robots apparently sweat oil (ew), that also goes for Scara. This is mainly for consistency reasons, because unlike Genndy himself, Tigera and I enjoy consistency and proper continuity. >:/
• When wanting to be endearing towards Demongo, he’ll either call him “bud” (more so during season 1) or “hon” (more so during season 2). He has a plethora of other nicknames for the lil shit, but these two are the most common ones he dishes out.
• Much of his humor consists of “adult humor”, just as he demonstrated in the original show’s 5th season. We all know which scene I’m talking about. Even so, he tries not to overuse those jokes too much. He’s not a walking Family Guy gag. He’ll still chuckle to himself if he hears some sus-as-fuck wording, but he won’t be witty about it if shit’s too easy to joke about.
• Overall, Scara just likes to crack jokes, regardless of what kind of joke it is or if it’s even debatably funny. Demmy finds them all funny, but it’s DEFINITELY out of bias.
• Bro is absolutely pansexual. Gender doesn’t matter to him. Everyone’s hot to him. KANWKWMWOSK
• He’s had plenty of flings in the past and even some relationships that lasted quite a while, so he’s got a lot of experience when it comes to that kind of thing. It’s where he gets his patience and openness in his relationship with Demmy.
• Unlike Demongo, Scara is VERY social and finds it EASY to befriend people… or at least MOST people. He enjoys talking with people, no matter who they might be. Really, he just loves to talk, and if he clicks with anyone in the process, well, that’s just a bonus! This has resulted in Demmy getting a lil jealous sometimes, but since bro makes it obvious when he feels that way, Scara’s quick to reassure him and resolve the issue as efficiently as he can…
Sorry about that.
I am
VERY passionate about how I write romance in my stories.
Because I do it RIGHT for once.
• Since this AU does not have as long of a time skip as season 5 did, Scaramouche has not yet reached the big leagues regarding his job as an assassin. He’s still trying to make a name for himself and garner the attention of Aku. Because of this, he hasn’t reached the level of “mercilessness” he claims to have in season 5, refusing to kill people who either don’t have a bounty on their head or aren’t looking to kill HIM in turn. He’s still got a more humane outlook on life and other people, and he isn’t nearly as much of a jerk as he is in season 5… even if he still has quite a big ego.
• As much as he claims to strive for a life of fame and luxury, he’s only aiming to ensure a financially stable and comfortable life for himself. Having to live on his own after his creator’s passing was tough due to the financial limitations it put on him, and while he’s in a much better position by the time he meets Demmy, he still can’t help but feel at least a little insecure about his financial situation and how he’d be potentially looked down upon by others of a much higher social class. This insecurity drives him to be noticed by Aku, since he believes the big guy will ensure he’s never looked down upon again. However, this drive wavers as the story goes on.
• Over the course of the AU, Scara’s faith in Aku dwindles little by little as he learns more about Demongo’s past and how he was treated as someone who WAS in the big leagues for a little while. This all ultimately culminates when Jack pleads that the two turn against Aku, since they’ll both probably be killed or imprisoned regardless of what they choose to do. Scara WOULD have thoughtlessly disregarded Jack’s plea if it wasn’t for Demmy and his history pretty much confirming everything Jack was warning them about. THIS is why Scara chooses to back Demmy up and form a temporary alliance with Jack.
• In the event that his head is disconnected from his body (like in season 5), Scara has a very limited amount of backup power that can allow him to get himself to someone who can fix him up. I know his white eyes in the show were most likely a coloring error, but I like to think the change in eye color (in this AU specifically) indicates whenever he’s running on that backup power. Just like in the fifth season, he can also adapt to the bodies of other living creatures so it’s a lil easier for him to travel.
• Since the concept of the fae has some origins in Scottish mythology, I thought it would be neat to include that shit in Scotsman’s character. Since Demongo is a mischievous magical being (and since demons overlap with the fae a lot in this kind of mythology), I can see the two characters having MAJOR beef with one another with the Scotsman claiming Demmy is nothing but a troublesome fae with Demongo taking GREAT offense to that claim, thus solidifying their pure hatred for one another.
• Despite Scara’s inclusion in this AU, the timeline roughly follows that of the comics where Jack DOES age normally and gets his sword destroyed at some point. Like in the comics, Aku IMMEDIATELY sensed when the sword was destroyed, which is why Jack needs to go into hiding and mask his appearance as best as he can to ensure Aku can never find him and take advantage of the situation. Jack would also later manifest the “spiritual” sword he gets in the comics. Some events in season 5 still occur, such as the Daughters of Aku still existing alongside the cult that raised them, but anything else that happened in season 5 that isn’t present in DoD’s story most likely didn’t happen in the AU.
• Despite Jack having his “sword” with him for the final fight, his sword alone cannot vanquish Aku for good. The sword is only just as good as the original sword, which would result in the same events that occurred when Jack’s father defeated Aku for the very first time. Aku would be merely sealed into the earth below until he could be freed by another inevitable solar eclipse. This is why Demongo is the one to truly defeat Aku. No solar eclipse will allow his essence to escape Demongo’s hold on him, and the only way for him to be set free is by defeating Demongo and freeing Aku from the inside out… or just by simply killing Demongo.
• I like to think this AU takes place roughly 30 years after the last episode of the original series. Familiar characters aren’t as old as they would be in season 5, so characters like the Scotsman are still quite capable, even if he’s definitely no longer in his prime.
• Even if it’s only relevant for brief calendar scenes, I REALLY wanted to figure out a solid date for both the original series and the AU. Since Jack came from the Edo Period of Japan (or at the very least, it’s widely accepted that he did), I’d say it was roughly… 1624 when Jack was about to slay Aku before he got flung into the future. Imma say he probably got sent 400 years into the future, which would put him in 2024 by real-world time standards. However, since Aku was in charge, he instated his own universal rule for tracking time, with 1624 now being 0 BA (before Aku). This would put Jack in 400 AA (after Aku) or just 400. Since the AU takes place around 30 years later, this would mean the story takes place somewhere in the 430s… or I guess the 30s for short.
• Social media is still very much a thing in this universe, parodying the platforms we’re all familiar with in the real world. The only one that’s really relevant is the fictional counterpart to Twitter, which imma call Yapper cause it’s at least a better name than what it’s ACTUALLY being called nowadays. Scara absolutely has his own account where he frequently posts either funny shit or pictures of him and Demmy together. The big guy is NOT afraid to get gushy as fuck with the captions, so their relationship is not exactly a secret to the rest of the world. Demmy doesn’t have his own account because 1) he doesn’t have his own device to use it on, and 2) he’s a ✨people hater✨ and typically doesn’t care what other people think or do. Even so, he doesn’t mind Scara talking about him and sharing photos of the two of em online. He finds it really flattering, actually.
• HeadTake allows for users to be composed of groups either by merging two existing accounts that can be separated later if needed or by simply updating the user’s status if any additional members never obtained their own account, such as Demongo. Ever since he and Scara started actively working together in season 1, the big guy had updated his account’s status to include the both of them in it, dubbing the two of them “the duo of doom” (roll credits). However, because of this feature, this site also would lead to the rise of the syndicate, the main antagonists of season 1. Speaking of…
• The Diamond Syndicate, or DiSy for short, is a massive conglomeration of assassins who all work under the same powerful leader. Using their riches and influence to coerce countless assassins into joining their ranks, DiSy has become a dangerous force to be reckoned with and does not take kindly to those who compete with them, especially for the same bounties.
• Instead of saying “what the hell,” the people in this universe will typically say something like “what in the Pit” since well… the Pit of Hate pretty much IS Hell to an extent.
That’s all the headcanons and ideas I can think of for now, but I might still add onto this later on, so be sure to keep an eye on this post if you’re interested in how I write these characters and this universe in general.
Y’all have a good one!
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cantsayidont · 8 months
Movies movies movies:
THE WITCH WHO CAME FROM THE SEA (1976): Disquieting, bloody psychological drama, directed by Matt Cimber (later the founder of G.L.O.W., and the basis for the "Sam Sylvia" character played by Marc Maron on the 2017–2019 G.L.O.W. TV series), about a disturbed young woman named Molly (Millie Perkins, wife of screenwriter Robert Thorn), whose horrifying history of childhood abuse causes her to sublimate sexual attraction into dissociative homicidal fits, when she isn't doting on her two young nephews or drinking herself into a haze. Vibes like an exploitation movie, but too arty and surreal to really qualify as one, and it doesn't ever feel quite like a horror movie despite the lurid subject matter; probably the closest comparison is Abel Ferrara's MS.45, with which it would make an apt double bill. Demands strong CWs for CSA and suicide, both of which are pretty rough, but it definitely makes an impression, perhaps most strikingly in the later scenes where Molly's seedy boss (Lonny Chapman) and bitchy coworker (Peggy Feury) begin to grasp how unhinged Molly has really become, leading to a disturbing finale. Too unsettling to easily recommend, hard to forget.
ALICE GOODBODY (1974): Lightweight, smutty exploitation movie, written, produced, and directed by Tom Scheuer, starring Sharon Kelly as a starstruck Hollywood waitress who loves old movies and movie stars (most of whom the people she meets in the industry have barely even heard of) and who is determined to get a small part in a new musical about Julius Caesar, even though it means sleeping with almost everyone in town. A kind of cheerful low-stakes sex comedy they don't make anymore: The situation is obviously sleazy, but not in any way that ever puts Alice in any particular jeopardy (she's in far more danger on set, where she keeps suffering different workplace accidents). The movie's central running joke is that the men whose favor she's supposed to be cultivating are at least as fixated on their own weird obsessions and neuroses as on sex, something Alice just has to sort of work around as best she can, which ends up making her sympathetic and even relatable. More likable than you'd think.
SPICE WORLD (1997): Delightfully dopey Girl Power homage to Richard Lester's A HARD DAY'S NIGHT, starring the Spice Girls, Richard E. Grant at his Richard E. Grantiest, and a cast of thousands. (Just picking out all the cameos and guest stars is half the fun.) This is what I think the Greta Gerwig BARBIE movie was going for: obviously a commercial product, and making no apologies for its mercantile ambitions, but self-aware enough and full of enough sly piss-taking to be thoroughly enjoyable even if you aren't in (or never had) a Spice Girls phase. Goes on a bit too long, but Grant's outfits alone are worth sticking it out for, and the bridge-jumping climax is very funny.
KALIFORNIA (1993): Mordant thriller starring a disconcertingly young-looking David Duchovny as Brian Kessler, a young writer who blows his advance for a new book about serial killers on an old convertible for him and his horny art photographer girlfriend Carrie Laughlin (Michelle Forbes, with disconcerting bangs) to drive across the country, photographing famous murder sites. Along the way, they pick up a couple of hitchhiking hicks, Early Grayce (Brad Pitt) and Adele Comers (Juliette Lewis), to help pay for gas, not realizing that Early is a paroled convict who's just murdered someone and has no qualms about dropping more bodies along the way. Tim Metcalfe's script (with obligatory '90s voiceover narration) scores some points early on in its depiction of Brian and Carrie's obvious classism and brittle middle-class hipster intellectualism, but the story ends up validating their prejudices rather than questioning them, which keeps the film from being entirely satisfying despite its effectiveness as a thriller. The cast is very good, with Pitt and Forbes the real standouts — Pitt plays Early as a man who draws no line between aw-shucks Southern congeniality and murderous rage, while Forbes makes Carrie's mix of ambition, appetite, and roiling intensity so vivid that you come away wondering what she's doing with Brian, who Duchovny plays as a somewhat gormless jackass. As for Lewis, suffice to say this would make an interesting double bill with NATURAL BORN KILLERS, released about a year later, where she plays a variation on the same damaged theme.
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underseaandearth · 5 months
It begins
A thing I am beginning to think about in seriousness: A kindness is power tattoo, placed like so:
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Kindness is power. But not in the way I’d thought to expect as a child. I thought that being kind was the key to making friends, and sometimes it is. Unfortunately sometimes it isn’t despite your continued quiet resolution to be kind- to others, to yourself. The responses to kindnesses, even very small ones, can sometimes be random.
I vacillate wildly between wanting to cover my body in ink and remain unmarked. I've mostly wanted the latter so that's where we've stayed. When I meet people with beautiful art on their bodies it makes me reconsider my choice. I wonder if I could get something out of it.
But the way being kind makes me feel inside is reliably good. I need to be kind to other people to assure myself I’m a decent person. When you’re cruel you hurt others, yes, but the problem is you must also live with your actions. Something worth considering for the future. I don’t want to live with my bad actions. It literally helps me sleep at night. I need to believe that my existence is one that’s worth something to the planet; the way I do this is by using my waking moments to make my existence worthy to the planet. It's why I write voluntary biographies for people in end of life care in my spare time and try to make friends with new poeple at work (I've been the new person several times over. It's lonely!). Perhaps this is nonsense from someone with internalised low self esteem; maybe it’s a way for one person to feel more human. But either way: if kindness is the end result, should we even question it?
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charmixpower · 2 years
Random thoughts:
1) Cursed ship idea Stella/Riven
2) Do you think Musa got into Alfea on a scholarship?
Apologises if you you’ve covered either of these random ideas before.
Hi Gloomy!
Majorly cursed. Not only are they absolutely not eachother's type, they're perticualr quirks would quickly get on eachother's nerves in a relationship context. I think they'd get along well enough as friends because they're both gossip whores, and both competely lack the ability to express their emotions without filtering it (Riven though anger, and Stella though humor) but only as friends and I can't imagine them being super close. What will happen is pretty clear: Riven is a naturally paranoid person with low self esteem, and he tends to assume the worst of every situation, so if Stella ever used her humor coping mechanism in relation to him and his stuggles his first immediate thought would be that she's making fun of him and his pain, this will either spike a argument (post s1 angry Riven is more spiteful and passive agressive than shout-y) or Riven will competely retract in on himself, Stella probably hates arguing and (what looks like) the silent treatment in a romantic context because of her parents and I can't see her being able to deescalate in any meaningful way, and you see?? It would fall apart almost instantly. Riven is just too sensitive of a person, and Stella isn't the type to watch her words. Plus their perticualr brands of hurting are very different from eachother's, so there really wouldn't be a common ground outside of the more surface level shared experiences. Like when two people on the opposite sides of the spectrum interact and drive eachother crazy despite the fact that they share something in common
Yeah Musa absolutely got into Alfea on a Scholarship. I think it was actually quite easy for her because of her magic. If we look at the minor Alfea faries, their powers are usually pretty narrow. Fairy of laughter, fairy of rivers, fairy of melody, so Musa's extremely broad powers as the fairy of music (later revealed to be the fairy of all sound, because Musa's powers are clearly not just music based in the show) would already put her far ahead of any other applicants. Musa has also shown that she has an extremely high capacity for magic and gets magically exhausted a lot more slowly than your average fairy, and I doubt you can't measure the amount of magic someone has. This combined with her high grades and strong worth ethic essentially guaranteed her a Scholarship. I can imagine Musa never realized how powerful her magic is until schools started tripping over their own dicks to get her, and she applied to Alfea after seeing all this on a whim and got a full ride and lost her shit. Extremely powerful faries are fairly rare, about as rare as someone naturally being extremely adept at at any perticualr thing (math, building muscle, ect), so it's not like Musa was the only one (the Winx as a whole also qualify), but because of her work and ethic she got one hellva leg up above other powerful faries that have just been coasting along by their magical abilities
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