#someone took my machette away...
seraph1m-mouth-113 · 4 years
Last month I had an apocalyptic dream where it started with rain and the cast of neon Genesis evangelion like stuck together in the form of a huge Led Zeppelin knot in the sky and was blasting huge rays of energy and destroying Everything, then some other crazy shit happened where it was trying to pick off the survivors like a magical girl scenario but I can’t remember... well I just woke up from another.... it started with rain again. except this time there was small isolated tornadoes ripping through the streets and we all fled to our homes but once we got to our homes, everyone reverted to a six-year-old state and was amazed by everything and then a trumpeted from the sky blew and I was able to remember what happened in my other dream so I knew something was going to happen that was crazy. so I started looking up in the sky from the windows but nothing ever happened instead all the radios and TVs and media type technology started playing some fucked up Cardi B in collaboration with Gwar (Oderus was still singing) singing/rapping/shouting about the future is it the future is here. Then these cult members showed up in big roadster death mobiles looking like Isaac from the children of the corn except lead by either Jesus in the Mr. bungle retro vertigo video or fucking Aphex twin window licker and come to daddy persona. Then they systematicly went to every resident and murdered everyone and everything with old timey tools for the children, and the roadsters and flame throwers for the Aphex Jesus figures. We fled to some stock ware houses while trying to take our Danes with us but they was failing behind so I went back to get when we ran into some children and they found me as my hiding spot was more of a trying to be offensive more than defensive and they slashed and stabbed my arms up but some how I took 2 of them out with the help of another survivor and we gathered the others and got them to safety. Once everyone was safe and hid I went to go get the Danes and they kenneled all the animals, I found Vera those fucking assholes sliced at her and cut her up to the point where one of here legs was partially severed. It made me so sad and mad and sick I woke up....
Why must my visions be so clear.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Hey you talented person! ✨✨✨ So here's my prompt: "you have a nice voice" between Mal x f!mc. I don't know, I imagine her singing alone to herself while doing something and he, while looking for her to tell her something, heards her and stays hidden to listen to her until she realizes that someone is watching her. I hope this thing will inspire you! Go and make Lucifer proud. Love you, tesoro 💕💕💕
Thanks for the ask @mals-chesthair :)) <3
You can find the prompt list here.
#2- “you have a nice voice.” 
Word count: 1012 Words
Warning: none, mc’s name is Rosaline Nightbloom
Author’s note: This is my first time writing mal x f!mc so I hope you like it 
Song: The Hanging tree from Mockingjay heheheh 
"We will set up camp here for the night.." Tyril spoke up as they stopped at the entrance of a cave. It was well obscured from the view of a passerby and comparatively cooler, giving them some relief from the humid forest. And the adjacent lake was a blessing in disguise.
"Aye. I could really use a nap." Imtura said as she unfastened the belt carrying her axes and sat down.
"I wholeheartedly concur." Threep the Spoilt spoke up and he nestled against her.
"Yeah of course. Please rest and don't bother on my account." Mal said, sarcasm dripping from his lips as he rolled his eyes and placed his rucksack on the floor with a thump.
"I knew I liked you for a reason, landrat." Imtura said as she nestled against the cave wall.
Throwing his hands up with frustration, he turned towards Tyril and pointed at Imtura. "Is this allowed?"
Tyril raised his hands in surrenderance. "It's Rosaline's job to play referee, not mine. Take it up with her when she comes back."
"Wait... Rosa left to hunt game without me? Rude."
"She would have gone far. I think you can still catch her."
Picking up his daggers, he stepped out of the cave and started walking the path they came from. When he reached the place where the dirt path forked into two, he bent down and observed the flora around him.
Rosa had taught him basics woods lore which has been an immense help in hunting. After being certain about the right direction, Mal trudged down through the sense undergrowth, slashing the weeds with his machette.
After walking for a mile, Mal stopped suddenly. A familiar, melodious voice wafted towards him, which immediately enraptured him.
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree?
It was like a whisper over the rustle of the trees, indicating that Rosa was not too faraway. 
Mal moved silently through the dusk, never once losing his focus. It was such a beautiful and haunting song, which rang through the forest. Her voice was clear as day and Mal couldn't help but be drawn to her.
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run
So we'd both be free
It felt like siren calling out to him. Hiding behind the tree, he peeped over the bark.
He could have stepped out but, his gut stopped him. This was something he hadn't witnessed ever.
Rosa, no matter how feminine the name was right opposite of everything a woman stood for.
Mal knew how growing up as an orphan makes you grow up soon. He had seen the pain of loss and seen many people slip and lose themselves.
But not Rosa.
She was so strong, both mentally and physically. Her iron steel determination, her amazing knowledge in medicine and woods lore and lastly, her swordsmanship often took his breath away.
She was a born leader and Mal admired her for her tenacity, intelligence and empathy. She was stubborn to a fault but, she was loyal and would never give up.
Rosa was the glue that held them together and her determination and belief is what drove them to move on.
She was one of a kind.
But seeing this side of her... Singing as she plucked the ripe berries, with her platinum blonde hair swaying with the wind, made his heart flip flop and a sense of peace embraced him.
What is this... Strange sense of comfort I feel?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree-
Mal decided to move at that moment causing a twig to snap under his foot. If it would have been a human standing in Rosa's place, they probably wouldn't have heard it.
But, Rosa's body tensed at the noise.
The singing stopped and in the next second his right hand’s sleeve was pinned to the bark of the tree by a dagger flung at him.
"Good lord, Kit! How did you know I was here?"
"Mal, elvish senses, remember? And how many times do we have to go over it? I don't like to be sneaked upon." She said as she stepped towards him.
"How long have you been here?"
"I heard singing and I decided to investigate. You have a nice voice."
What happened next made his jaw drop. Her cheeks turned red against the rose colour of her skin.
Mal’s surprise slowly morphed into a sly. "Awww kit, are you blushing?"
"If you continue that I'm gonna pin you to the tree and leave." She pointed her second dagger at him.
"You would like me like that, no? Immobile and completely at your will."
"Dumb is not a good look on you, Volari." Rosa scoffed and looked away, but Mal could see the side of her neck turning red, betraying her emotions.
"Lying doesn't look cute on you either. Admit it, you want me."
"Shut up." She scowled while she stepped closer to him, until they were face to face.
"Make me."
In an instant, Rosa's lips were on his, silencing any smart comments threatening to leave his lips.
It was fiery kiss, a tussle of passion. With his free hand, he wrapped it around her lean waist, tugging her flush against his body.
Feeling the strong muscles of his body, against her curves, Rosa let out a sigh of contentment. Her hands rested on his broad chest, completely content.
Unfortunately, a person can't survive without oxygen. Almost reluctantly, they broke the kiss. Mal saw her darkened violet eyes stare back at him with longing and mischievousness. A small smile played on her lips.
"How is that for shutting you up, your magnificence?"
"I think I should talk more so that you can shut me up like that."
Both of them burst into laughter and Rosa reached to pull the embedded dagger out, freeing Mal.
"Whoever gets the least game, will have to carry the other person's bags for the next two days. Let's see if you can keep up with me, Volari."
"You're so on, kit."
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms @oofchoices @agent-breakdance @dailydoseofchoices @tyrilstouch @siaramsey @theeccentricbibliophile @ac27dj @ramseysno1rookie @justanotherrookie @openheart12 @jamespotterthefirst @checkurwindow @chasingrobbie @junggoku  @bellcat2010 @choicesstan1 @mvalentine @crazynutella @choicesficwriterscreations @anonymously-cool @nooruleman @sanvivrma
Mal X f!MC: @mals-chesthair @malvolari-take-my-soul @edgiestwinter @ethandaddyramsey @findmeafterlife @hyperlightgrifter @raleigheffingcarrera
(I haven't made a mal x mc taglist so let me know if you want to be tagged in future fics)
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lizzyandie · 4 years
I guess this is my life now (Dead by Daylight Fanfic)
I’m not dead, I swear. I just lost interest in Tumblr for a long time, but I might return on a semi-permanent basis. 
I found joy in writing again, so enjoy this small piece I created!
Warnings: Mention of alcohol
You don't remember much of your former life before the Trials. You have some glimps of a small house in a suburban neighbourhood. Was it yours, or maybe your family? Did you even have a family? Was the memory even real, or did that Thing put it in your head? A false glimmer of something happy? A comfort in this eternal Darkness? Who knows? You sure didn't. You didn't know much except that you needed to survive the Trials. They would happen once or twice a day, depending on what that Thing was up for. One thing was certain; You would be sacrificed most of the time.
That Thing, otherwise known as The Entity, ruled this realm. Or... Was it even a realm? Was this the afterlife? You wouldn't know, but you would believe those who were here before you. A gang of people, everyone stolen by the Entity, all from different places of the planet, maybe even different time-periods. They would tell you to not worry about anything. You would never die here, never feel hunger or feel the need to sleep. The quicker you became relaxed, the better it would be for you. "Don't let your guard down" they'd say. "But come to terms with you never leaving this place".  
The days were short and nights long. It was torture, so you would find a way to make the days go by. Is there even days here? Maybe the Entity just resets everything back to square one and it repeats itself over and over again. You didn't know, nor did you care. You were here, no way out. You were stuck here for all of eternity.
Whenever you were lucky enough to not be in a Trial you would wander the Realm. Get your mind off of things, maybe think of something else than being chased by a madman with a machette. Or chainsaw. Or shocktreatment... Not to worry about being sacrificed to the Entity. Your shoulder was numb after all the hookings. The hooking, feeling the blood run down your body was far too familiar to you now. But it was the Darkness that scared you. You were scared this was the last time you'd see it, feel it... Last time you'd take a breath. You shake the thoughts off of your mind for now. You wanted to clear your mind, not make it worse.
The Entity had opened a new doorway, a new place to be chased and sacrificed. The dusty worndown sign said "Glenvale". It looked like a old western town, dusty and abandoned. Anything left alive was a couple of crows and volchures. Old carriges were scattered around the streets, some watering trough was placed outside the saloon. The saloon was dusty like everything else, but the piano kept playing this tune. It made you uneasy, but it didn't bother you too much. The bar had some old bottles in the shelves, and the tables were barely standing. It reminded you of those old Western Cowboy movies. Movies... You remember movies. You would watch them every hour of the day if given the chance. You remember the screen, but not any faces. The actors were almost sensored from your mind, but not the scenery. The scenery plays so cleary in your head. Big cities, far away planets, the deep seas.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps. Heavy footsteps, rythmic and determend footsteps approached the saloon quickly. You shook the feeling of feeling secure out of your mind as your Survivor-instincts kicked in. You instantly hid behind the bar, hoping whoever was approaching didn't see you. You held your breath as you heard the creaking of the floorboards getting closer. You heard a loud thud and a groan followed by a chair by the bar creak. Someone was sitting by the bar. You cursed in your mind, regretting coming here. Now you were sure to die, you just knew it. You were sweating, shaking, but holding your breath. You had to get out without being seen.
You tilted your head back looking up. You saw a hat on the bar, a hat way to familiar. It belonged to the new Killer. We called him the Deathslinger. The  harpoongun must have been the thud you heard. But you didn't see the Killer, but you heard him. His breathing was deep and hoarse, but something was different. It sounded... tired? Exhausted?
You couldn't think about this, you had to get away!
You started to crawl on all four, being cautious with every move to not make a sound.
You made your way forward, slowly and silently.
Movement behind you!
You stop breathing and stop dead in your tracks, sweat dripping down your forhead down to the floorboards under you.
You slowly turn your head to see if the Killer was watching you. To your relief he was only stretching over the bar to grab one of the bottles. You let out the smallest sigh and keep crawling your way to the doors leading out of the saloon.
A lose floorboard. You stop once again, listening for movement. Nothing. It was dead silent. No movement, no...breathing. You slowly turn around to be face to face with the Killer. He must have seen you as he reached for the alcohol. You turn pale, you shake uncontrollably and your breath is panicked. You open your mouth ready to let out a shocked shriek.
The Killers hand covers your mouth, his face not changing expression. You're panicking even more, you grab his forearm and try to yanking it away. But he was too strong, and you knew it. This is it, you thought. This is how you die; in the hands of a Killer, literally.
"The hell you doin' here, girl?" He asked in a strict voice. "You ain't supposed to be 'ere." He let go of your mouth, but you didn't finish your shriek. You took a deep breath, relaxing your body and whiping the sweat off your face with the sleeve of your dirty and worn sweatshirt.
"I-I-I just wanted to-to-to..." You manage to stutter out a few words before he cuts you off, much angrier this time.
"Entity got yer tongue? Whatchu want 'ere, huh? Came 'ere to torment me more?"
Torment? The Killer? You slowly get on your feet, not taking your eyes off the Killers face. His face didn't look that  damaged here. Maybe the Entity does something to the Killers to make them look scarier. His eyes weren't white or glowing, they were... Blue, atleast something close to it. His scar covering half of his face in the Trials is nothing but a mark here. He looked like a human here.
"Tormen---Torment you?! You're the one hooking us! Besides, I just wanted to clear my head! It's not against the rules to wander!" You protest, crossing your arms to make your point. The Killer just waves his hand at you, gesturing for you to leave.
"Bah! I ain't got time for melodrama. girl. Either ya 'ave a drink with me or ya get the fuck out." He said in a tired manner, sitting down at the bar again.
Have a drink with the Killer? You're not sure if he's joking or not, but he's not chasing you.
He gestured for you to sit in the chair next to him.
"Ya comin' or what?" he asked, pouring two glasses with... something. The label was so faded you couldn't even see the color of the liquid inside. But by the looks of what was in the glass, it was old.
"Don't...you want to kill me?" You ask carefully. You were confused to say the least. Why on Earth would a Killer want to have a drink with a Survivor?
"I ain't gonna kill ya, don't ya worry. I just want some company, that's all." he shrugged, taking a sip from his drink. With a grimace on his face, he swallowed the liquid, shaking his head.
"Fucking 'ell, tastes like shit. But it calms the nerves, ya know?" He turned his gaze torwards you, racing his glass.
"It ain't poison, atleast not the deadly one." he chuckles. "Come on, humor me, would ya?".
You didn't like the idea of drinking with a Killer, but it was better than nothing. You made your way to the chair next to him, quickly grabbing the glass with the mysterious liquid. One quick smell of it made you gag, but you didn't want to offend the man who just offered you a drink. And he spared your life, who knows what he would do if you refused? You drink the liquid, forcing it down your throat. You cough, covering your mouth as you didn't want it in return. The Killer laughs, looking at you.
"As I said, it ain't the best. But ya'll get used to it. Ya can't be a beggar here, girl." He shrugged, finishing his drink. You swirl your glass, looking at the patterns in the liquids left by you turning the glass.
"Y/N." You said, giving him a crooked smile. "My name is Y/N." The Killer turns to you, raising his glass.
"Charmed. Ya'll call me Deathslinger, but my real name is Caleb. Caleb Quinn. Ya call me what ya want.".
The both of you clinked your glass, smiling at eachother.
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Freaky (One Shot) Yandere Micheal Myers X OC (Halloween)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a Request for OC X Michael requested off of Wattpad the Oc was for the approved one of Marie and here she is Please enjoy: Requested By Allyson46073 enjoy everyone!]
(Marie's pov)
I walked up to the house as my friend offered to take over watching the kids so I could investigate what made them so nervous. I looked back at the house before walking in, I felt cold when I entered. Obviously the costume she made me wear didn't help as I felt people staring, but this was more than that, I walked in as the door suddenly closed as I jumped back, feeling like... someone was watching me ..though I tried to shake it off. For some reason the house ..almost seemed familiar in a way, but not enough to take the fear I felt.
As I walked up the stairs, I swore I saw something white move into a bedroom as I looked confused, my heel almost getting stuck in the floor. Damn this stupid playboy outfit..I managed to get it unstuck, pushing the door opened only to see.. nothing. I sigh, see I was just being silly. There is nothing here and It is all in my head
I shake my head as I couldn't help bit laugh a little. I must have looked so stupid. That is when I am suddenly slammed into the wall and feel someone much larger than me on me and holding me firmly as he forced me to look up at him. I was to terrified to scream. I stared up at him, my body shaking as I didn't want to die like this.. I didn't want to be killed. He looked at me for a moment before he lifted his mask. Under the mask I saw familiar eyes these eyes looked so familiar for me.
"Marie." He says before kissing me with such savage passion.
I was taken aback, God the amount of force he was using, it felt like my lips would bruise.
(I've had that happen from to intense of a make out session For two weeks my lips were blue)
(Yup that is what they mean by bruising kisses)
I whimper and then he picked me up and carried me to a bedroom dropping me on a bed after he ripped the sheet that covered the dust off. I did not like where I think this was going as I looked up at him, my eyes shifting to the door. Maybe I could.. I could get past him..He started to take off his boots first and I took the chance while he was doing tht to run only to bed grabbed by him and I scream for help.
However my mouth was covered by him as I began to cry and struggle as he looked at me putting a finger in front of his mouth as he pulled off his shirt as I cried harder only..for him to lay beside me, his hand on my face. He did not make any move to hurt me he just stroked my cheek staring into my eyes. I did not know why but I oddly started to feel safe. He then pulled out a old picture and showed it to me. I recognize me in it but the boy I look and she it was him I flipped it over and it read.
(Marie And Michael 4 ever)
I looked up at him...but now fear hit me again. Michel Myers the serial killer
"Mine." Is all he says as he ties my arms up with shirt and slipped the jump suit off. Now only my clothes shielded me from skin to skin contact I Blush as his cock is huge
I was scared, not only was he a killer who murdered his family.. but now he's going to..he's way to big for me.
(You know. .I can see me as Jason taking the machette, staving it into the ground and..using it as like a dildo)
(XD yup just like who needs a stick on when you have a stab on)
He slowly spreads my legs he seemed to be eye balling my body then he pinched my ass. "Hurt less here." He says pinching the clothes lightly and then tears off my clothes
((Bitch don't lie you just want to do anal. Be honest)
And by tear off I mean he literally tipped the fishnets to create a hole and ripped the crotch area to give himself access as he put my legs on his shoulders and knelt down. He first licked my vagina to get me aroused he seemed very interest into getting me wet and was even rubbing my spine. I moaned softly as I couldn't help how good it made me feel. I was so in need of feeling pleasure and ride his face. I could feel his tongue pushing into my hole before licking and sucking my clit I was panting and arching into him hard and he held down my hips.
I realized that he would not let me do anything he didn't want me to do. I looked at him and blush as he then starts to tongue my ass. I let out a squeak as I tighten my legs around him. He smirked looking at me and sucking fucking my ass. I let out a loud moan as I arched into him. He then rolled my clit and I started to cum hard as he then pulled away and lined p his cock which he lubbed up.
My eyes widen as clarity cane back and I realized what he was trying to do. I struggled and tried to close my legs but he held them open with ease and then I feel him push inside me and start to stretch me. I let out a loud cry, it wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable. He got ll the way in me and held still looking at me before kissing me and pulling out. I groaned as I grabbed onto him as I could feel every movement. He looked at me and starts thrusting in and out gripping my hips and kissing me.
I held him as I couldn't help but kiss back, though he was still rough with me.
(Michael's pov)
I loved that she is finally kissing me back, I know it has been long since I been with her. I will be sure to explain later. Right now I need her I need to show her we were made for each other. It felt so good having her clinging to me. I moaned and gripped her hips so hard I knew she would have bruises I also kiss her smearing her lipstick and she cries sweat leaving her mascara to smear. I loved it, the feeling I got form it the control.
I flipped her on her stomach as she cried out having to grab the headboard for stability.
(I mean I guess it's good she's a masochistic slut ;3)
I started to thrust harder and faster while I spank her ass. She let put a strangled moan as the bed creaked beneath us as I pulled her hair forcing her to look at me. She needed to look at the man who was making her feel.good, at the man she proms ed herself too. She stares at me and with one hand pulled me into a deep kiss. I kissed back throwing off the rest of the clothes as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. She moans and thrusts her tongue against mine and we play fought for dominance.
Of course she lost easily, but I think she wanted to as I smirk She wanted to lose, like she wanted me to find her, that's why she wore what she did.
(Something tells me.. he's not going to stop when he cums I can see him being full on sex weirdo, like once he gets tired and wants a break he's not gonna let her, lime I'm talking of there a hair brush, candlestick, whatever..it's going inside of her xD)
I was lose and once she came around my cock I cum hard with her and she is filled to the brim with my cum. She cried out in pleasure and I was not done with her not by a long shot.
[Finally did this request we hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy~ There may be a part 2)
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rustdream · 7 years
Fanfic Generator, Commentary by Camelia.
[Formal Camelia] Littlebigplanet three: Franz Mesm VS. Newton Pud. off to a good start already.
It was a darj and snowy night. Fran Mesm had been bored, so bored, you wooldn’t bleve it. She had been there together in the room with  and . Normally they could perfectly entertain each other, but not this time. And to make matters worse, it was almost impossible to go to town. It was too snowy, too dark.
[Annoyed Camelia] Spelleng errors GOD.
“Urgh,” said , “I wish Newton Pud would attack. At least we’d have something to do.” agreed, “I agree,” she said and started throwing mobile phone at the wall, just to catch it again when it bounced off. “Uuuurgh,” she then said as well, because she agreed with , “Don’t you know anything to do, Fran Mesm?”
[Camelia] Whats with all the blanks? Are we supposed to have sidekicks? 
Fran Mesm’s gaze went down the room, past teddy Bear and a stack of g-strings. Then Her eye fell onto a lone empty bottle  they had used the evening before.
I know,” said Fran Mesm, “How about we play...............spin...the....BOTTLE!”
“What a superb idea” “Oh year!” and  also peaked up “Yeaaaah!”
[Camelia Laughing] Oh god why? WHY?
So they all sad down and Fran Mesm took the bottle first. Hilariously, it landed on , but Fran Mesm thought  was quite a bit too creepy and really didn't want to kiss the man. She hoped the others might have mistook it for landing on , but judging the howls of laughter and the rising anticrepation in the room, they probably didn't.
[Camelia] Don't. Just don't.
"But but dont you all see it really landed on ?" "Laaawl no, u shuld kiss ," said . The fact that she said it made Fran Mesm feel rejected :(  
But then, all the sudden.... Newton Pud attacked! --- Meanwhile, Fran Mesms mind was wondered back to the past. It was S holy communion party, which everyone was invited too. The party was awesome as always, because  was hosting it.
[Laughing Camelia] What the actual fuck? Did it go from a formal spelling error to a teenage slang?
Fran Mesm was pretty drunk that day. If Fran Mesm was honest, She couldn't remember much that happened. Only something about a staff of power,a rabbi and a traffic cone.
There was one thing that stuck in Her mind though. Something She would never forget. Newton Pud. Newton Pud was wearing a  mask that night
Everyone had come as something or someone else.
[Camelia] Here comes to cringe~ Lets all cringe~
Everyone had come as something or someone else.
WAS DRESSed as . WAS DRESSed as . WAS DRESSed as Fran Mesm. Fran Mesm was dressed as Newton Pud. And Newton Pud was dressed as a phaser.
Fran Mesm was instantly attracted to Newton Pud in Her costume. The way She moved. The way She talked.The way She flicked Her hair. Newton Pud was doing a Karaoke number. It was "500 miles". And She was awesome. She sung like a true seductor.The audience was miasmarised by Newton Pud.
Fran Mesm got up and sang too. When Newton Pud was singing 500 miles it was like the words spoke to Her. Newton Pud seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to Her. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world. They gazed into eachother eyes as Newton Pud spoke the last lyric. Then silence.
Suddenly, Fran Mesm was woken out of the flashback by the present
[Calm Camelia] At least this one's good-
AUTHORS NOTE: I HAVE SKIPED THE JORNEY BIT, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE BOREING..NO AUTHOR WRITES STORYS ABOUT TRAVELING! *yawn*! ' "We are almost there. " said Fran Mesm as they arrived near there journeys end.' "Arhhhhhhhhhhhh" said  as he fall down a cliff. "Nooooo....." "There there, it will be ok" "No..This is something...you cannot ease" "Why?" "You dont have boobs!" "oh"
"Don't worry, I feel better." What happened next was soo cool you will like it a lot, basically, it went like this:
Only it was even cooler because i didnt have to write it! When it was in my head the words didnt get in the way. btw, Excuse me if i skip the words occasionally, its to save me time. Ok, after they finished with the gin they went to the base where the final battle started when they got there. Dont worry! The bad guy dies!
The next time they saw eachother Newton Pud winked at Fran Mesm, remembering what happened at the party.Fran Mesm blushed. Some of the others giggled. Did they know? Fran Mesm didn't care. ---- Now, how to find him? We know she has a castle, but theres so many!"
Fran Mesm said: "I have worked it out. Remember the secret note? Its a code to tell us the address! Look, see I solved it. The solution was very clever, and it all made sense. "Wow, I could have never worked that out, well done" "Yes, well done indeed"
So they went to the base. As they entered there was lots of Robots. So they swung back their trenchcoats and murdercided them all with their concealed ak-74s of awesome(but no one died!). . "Lets take the ventalation shaft!" "Thats a good plan, so we can sneak to the roof undetected" So they got into the ventilation shaft.  
 They traveled upto the roof, ver the ducks, thus avoiding the security systems because they are smart. We are here, said Fran Mesm crawling out the duck, and putting her shirt on. --- Fran Mesm had some time before he had to do anything, so She decided to have another flashback.
It was just after the Karaoke. They had stepped of the stage to loud applause and were now looking at eachother. "Hi" Fran Mesm said, meekly. "Hay" Newton Pud said, also meekly. Their confidence from moments ago had evaporated like alcohol. "Do you want too..." "maybe.." "ok then." So they walked to the cloakroom. It wasn't long before their lips were together. Fran Mesm couldn't remember who made the first move. She did remember the taste though. The taste of Newton Pud. Newton Pud tasted like apricot on a spring noon. Refreshing and salty but also a bit sour. What had they been eating? Fran Mesm tried to work out it. It took much tung work. After a few minutes mouth to mouth pot holing, Newton Pud guessed what Fran Mesm was doing. "I had pineapple for lunch." "oh" "you dont have to stop though" "oh. Good!" Fran Mesm said, with great relief. They finally drew away after what seemed a whole august but was only mere minutes. The taste of Newton Pud's lips  still lingered in Fran Mesm's mouth as they finally looked upon each other with new eyes. Relieved sighs came from both of them as both embraced, Newton Pud snuggling against Fran Mesm's neck as he snuggled upto Newton Pud's torso.
(lots of hugging happened after this).
. They had a lot of..."fun".
"Sorry about that, I got a little carried away" said Fran Mesm. "Thats ok I.....enjoyed it." said Newton Pud blushing in the way they always did. "Tomorrow?" "Yes" said Newton Pud. "I'll bring some of my toys next time for us to play with" said Fran Mesm.
And with that they left the cloakroom and returned to the party. The months that followed were fun but they never told their friends.
--- "So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky A eagle appeared above them. Newton Pud laughed at them from it. "Ha Ha Ha Ha" "I could gun you all down from here with my mace, but I would rather do this...personal style." she leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop "Ready?" she said, still laughing.
. Fran Mesm removed her shirt and flexed her abs. "Yes. I am ready. " With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral machettes). "I kill you dead" Newton Pud head butted Fran Mesm in the chest
Fran Mesm fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground. "Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed Newton Pud "You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?" "I had too, for all that is good and just in the world." "Well now you will die. Goodbye." Newton Pud leaned over Fran Mesm holding a large rock.
"Quick Fran Mesm use this!" said Riverview ,chucking a nearby DVDcase towards Fran Mesm. Fran Mesm grabbed it and chucked it towards Newton Pud hard, knocking her backwards....off the edge of the tall bungalow they were on! "Goodbye, Newton Pud have a nice fall!" "ARrrrrgggg"
"We are safe now, she fell to certain doom." and  got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all" "Dont mention it."
So they left the tower and went home. They lived happily ever after and had lots of kids. The End
More CRINGE coming soon!
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
Almost the best of both worlds
AN: Well bumped into some major difficulties. Sometimes I dislike the interactive fics extension and sometimes I love it. I always forget to clear it all the time. ANYWAYS. @howmanywastedmoments I hope you will enjoy this fic you have requested and I hope I wrote it out the way you wanted it. I enjoyed writing this out and I hope you all will enjoy reading this.
Word Count: 3,711
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Its like any other day. Sam wakes early, soon after you rise as well and you look to Sam who nods his acknowledgement for the greeting of the morning. You look to Dean who is still a sleep on the pull out couch of the motel room, arm hangs off at the edge of the bed, lightly touching the floor and one leg uncovered from the blanket as his face is turned away from you.
“Are we going to wait for sleeping beauty to wake up and we head to the morgue?” You ask looking between Sam and the still sleeping Dean
“Go a head” Dean replies, voice groggy and muffled by his pillow
“Ok” Is all you say and head out the door as Sam follows behind
It was a quiet ride to get coffee, very little words exchanged between you and your brother. When you finally had some coffee is when it was time for the morgue.
“Agent Iero and this is my partner Agent Way. We are here about the dead vic” Sam says while introducing himself and couldnt believe you made the badges while using two of your favourite musicians instead of sticking to the usual.
“Right this way, Agents” The autopsy technician says as he leads you and Sam to the examining room
“Brace yourselves, this is pretty gruesome” He says while opening the compartment and slides out the table and unveiling the victim
You see he has scratches on his body and finally noticing a hole where his heart used to be along with a few contusions.
You look closely to examine the body while Sam looks at the report the technician has given him.
“I can only think of one thing that could do this” You tell him as you take the gloves off
Before Sam could even answer or say anything is when another body is brought in to be examined
“Got a couple more fresh ones for the both of you” He says as they bring in another one
You and Sam look to each other and couldnt believe fresh ones come rolling in. Sam’s cell phone goes off and he answers it.
“Its Dean” Sam mouths as he walks out of the room and you begin helping out with examining the body.
Sam comes back into the examining room to get you and head back to the motel to meet up with Dean.
As we approach the room is when Dean is standing outside, pacing back and forth.
“See the bodies?” Dean asks as soon as we get out of the car
“Yeah, after we looked at the first one. Another two came rolling in” You reply and handing Dean a coffee
“Thanks. We are dealing with pack of wolves” Dean says as we enter the room.
You sit at the table while Dean does the same. Sam gets his laptop to look for the possible locations of the pack. A few moments go by and you decided to head out and get supper. Dean stays behind while Sam does the same.
“Alright, I think I narrowed down the locations of the nest” Sam says to break the silence
“Wish Michael would have been here too” Dean says while looking to Sam
“Would be nice and easier. He needs to heal though. Im glad Cas stayed with him” Sam replies while writing down the locations on a piece of paper
You finally pull into the motels parking lot, you parked in front of the room, placed her in park and turned off the engine. You gather the food and head into the room.
“We eat then head out” You tell your brothers while Dean drools at the smell of food
The three of you enjoy a meal together before the big fight occurs, at the pit of Sam’s stomach is when he knew that something was going to happen and when he started to worry.
Back at the bunker Michael is getting the healing he needs from Castiel, his health is in extreme poor conditions. Ever since his break from the cage is when he kept quiet and didnt say anything to anyone. You gave him a journal that he could write down the things he couldnt tell anyone.
When he did is when he started to have nightmares about the cage and all things that occurred. Him and Lucifer fighting out of anger and frustration. He kept writing and eventually the dreams stopped. He thought it was from the healing Castiel helped him with but you knew it was from writing it all out.
You and Michael started to get really close while he has been at the bunker. Dean didnt like the idea of you getting close with him but there was something about Michael that changed his mind. He couldnt quite put his finger on it but he knew something is different about him and when he backed away.
“You heard from Sam or Dean?” Michael asks as he lays there
“Sam mentioned they are dealing with a pack of wolves. 3 bodies came into the morgue” He replies as he feels Michaels worries
“They will be alright, especially y/n. She is a good hunter” He adds and continues to heal him
“She is wonderful. Ever since breaking from the cage and some how found myself here. She has been helping me and when I couldnt talk she gave me this journal to write in and I did” Michael says while remembering all those moments ago.
“She is a delight” Castiel replies with a slight smile and felt a sudden wave of happiness from his eldest brother and Cas couldnt be more grateful at that.
When the three of you parked in front of the warehouse is when Sam told each of you to be careful and watch out for anything sketchy. Dean couldnt shake the feeling of something is going to happen, since Sam is being extra weary about everything.
All three of you enter the warehouse, you and Dean pair up and begin searching one part of the warehouse while Sam goes into another direction.
Sam hears muffling a few steps away from where he is and he quietly goes closer and closer. He sees four of them having their meal and talking amongst themselves.
You and Dean hear echoes throughout the warehouse. He follows them and you follow not far behind him as well. You hear foot steps coming from behind you is when you hear someone clearing their throats. Dean turns around as well.
“Y/N!” Dean yells.
You take out the machette and begin swinging as you turned quickly. You got the one but the other attacked you soon after. The two of you fought while Dean finally gets him. You look to your brother breathless
“Thanks” You wave the machette to your brother as he slightly smiles and nods
Both of you hear crashing and begin running to the direction of the noise.
Once you and Dean finally find Sam is when he is being attacked by four more wolves. You see Sam is bleeding and you begin charging after them. You fought left and right to get to Sam. Dean couldnt believe you took em out single handed.
“Holy crap. Selfish much” Dean says while looking to you.
To Dean you didnt look right just standing there and looking as if you didnt know what else to do. It looked as though you couldnt keep your balance.
You turned to Sam while blood begin to spill from your mouth. Sam rises quickly while Dean makes a run for you. Sam finally sees the wound where the one wolf got you and it was bad very bad. Blood spilled quickly and the more pressure he added was doing nothing.
“No no no no. Its ok, we got you ok. Dont say anything, we will get you out of here” Dean says while trying to take it easy on you while lifting you bridal style and out of the warehouse.
Once they got to the car is when Sam helped Dean place you in the back seat while Dean sits with you as well. You lay in the back seat while Sam gets into the drivers seat and drives for the nearest hospital. Dean tries to pray for Castiel but nothing.
“Dean” You say in a hushed tone
“No, just dont say anything. Save your strength” Dean says while looking to you
“SAM STEP ON IT!!!” Dean yells from the back seat, feeling as though time is going by extremely slow and Sam isnt driving fast enough
“IM GOING AS FAST AS I CAN DEAN” Sam yells right back feeling completely helpless. The nearest hospital is another forty minutes away.
“I love you and Sam. Take care of each other. Tell Michael I’ll see him soon” You say in a hushed tone
Sam pulls over, places the car in park and turns off the engine. He turns around to get a better look at you and he doesnt like what he sees.
“Im not going to make it guys, lost too much blood and I feel completely tired” You tell them as they both have tears in their eyes.
“One last time, lets star gaze” Sam says while he looks to Dean and he nods.
Sam gets out of the car and gets the blankets from the trunk and finally opens the passenger door. Dean gently pushes you out the door for Sam to carry you. Dean spreads out the blanket on the ground and another for you to lay your head on.
Dean lowers himself to the ground as well and nestles himself beside you. Sam does the same as well. The moment is quiet, sadness begins to lurk in the air around them.
“Dean can you promise me one thing?” You ask to break the silence
“Anything for you baby” He replies with a sad smile as a lone tear falls
You raise your arm and place your hand over his face as he leans into your touch. He whimpers a little and made you whimper as well
“Dont block out anyone especially Sam, I hate to see you so defeated. Please, promise me that at least” You tell him as he nods and another tear falls
“Sam, keep an eye on him for me. He is going to need you more then ever. Dont let him push you away. I love you. I love the both of you” You say while looking to stars and one last breath. You are gone
“NNNnnnnooooooo!!!!” Dean yells as he hold you closer to his body
“Not my baby, could have taken me instead of my baby sister” Dean repeats himself. Sam couldnt say anything because he feels the same way, should have been him instead of you.
They sit there in complete silence with your lifeless form, cold underneath Dean. Cold in Sams arms. Dean begins to notice its beginning to get light out is when he finally decides its time to give you the proper hunters funeral
Sam goes towards the lake and soaks a cloth so that he can wash your face. He didnt want you looking bloody nor did Dean. They took off the bloody shirt, Dean took his shirt off and placed it on you. He couldnt believe he was doing this to his baby sister. Of all people it had to be you.
“Alright, lets place her in the car” Dean says once he is done placing his shirt on you.
“We will wrap her when we get to a secluded area” Sam adds while helping Dean gently placing you into the car.
Dean gets into the drivers side as he starts her up. Sam gets into the passenger side and they drive off, the ride is quiet and sadness lurks into the car. Grief is a hard thing to deal with, especially when it involves with someone you love so dearly.
Castiel senses grief, his angel radio is going off and surprised Michael isnt affected by it. Until he pays close attention to what is going on in heaven. “Y/n Winchester has fallen” He is completely saddened by the loss but didnt know how to tell Michael.
“Whats wrong?” He asks looking to his brother and wondering what is going on. He couldnt sense what is happening.
“I am being summoned back to heaven. Hannah has something she needs to talk to me about” Castiel says while Michael nods.
He is alone with his thoughts once more and begins to write in his journal. Waiting for your return along with your brothers.
As soon as Castiel enters heaven is when he sees someone completely familiar and as soon the person turns is when he sees you. He is sad by the loss of his friend and for the brothers he has come to call family.
“Cas” You say while a sad smile appears on your face
“What happened?” He asks as his voice begins to shake
“Wolves got me” Is all you say and place your hand on his face, he leans into the touch.
“Keep an eye on my brothers ok and keep an eye on Michael too” You tell him and walk away from him. Another angel came to get you and lead you to your heaven.
Cas remains there standing alone and couldnt believe you are gone from the world but still linger in heaven. He didnt know how to tell Michael, he is afraid to tell him
“How is Michael?” Hannah asks walking towards him
“He doesnt know, he isnt quite healed and why he cant come to heaven or pick up on anything angelic” Castiel says looking away from Hannah
“Castiel, you have to tell him” She says while looking to him and finally he walks away and teleports himself back outside the men of lettesr bunker.
He hears the car pulling in. He sees Dean turn the car off and walks directly into the bunker. Sam is next but he stops next to Cas.
“We need”
“Sam, I already know. I was summoned to heaven and Michael doesnt know” Castiel says looking between him and Dean
Dean stops in his tracks from opening the door that lead inside the bunker
“He doesnt know? I thought he would have picked it up on angel radio” Dean replies while whipping his head quickly to Cas
“He isnt quite healed yet, he still cant pick up on it. That will still take time but Im doing all that I can” He says as he walks to the door of the bunker
“I’ll tell Michael” He says and enters the bunker.
Michael turns to the door in hopes he will see the love of his life walk down as well. When he doesnt see you is when he got worried
“Whats going on?” He asks as soon as they come into the war room
Dean and Sam couldnt make eye contact with him as they sit at the table.
“There is something that I need to tell you” Castiel says looking to his brother with a sad expression
Michael is confused
“During their hunt, a pack of wolves ambushed them in a warehouse” Castiel starts as he focuses on Michael
Michael is listening intently
“One of them got Y/n really badly. She bled out as they were going to the hospital and soon after she passed” Castiel finishes
Michael finally catches his breath.
He falls to his knees, kneeling on all fours.
He wails
Dean and Sam cover their ears as they allow him to mourn, the bunker goes haywire but they dont bother with it since Michael needs to.
In heaven all of the angels felt the mournful pain from their brother Michael, it quakes throughout heaven. All the other angels mourn as well, Hannah mourns the loss of her brothers beloved human and begins to understand the loss.
“Why didnt you help her?” Michael yells at Castiel as he rises to his feet and grabs him by the collar
He gives the first punch to Castiels face, and he goes flying backwards. Dean is about to get up from the chair but Michael raises his arm and freezes the both of them in their chairs.
“If I did then I wouldnt be of any help because I used my grace to heal you and if I healed her then it would have been too late” Castiel says as Michael helps him on his feet
Michael continues to take his anger out on his brother. Dean knew his anger and felt the loss. He knew that Michael loved you and he knew you loved Michael. Sam felt helpless to try and help his friend fight off Michael. All they could do is just watch.
When Michael finally sees how bloody Castiel is, he stops himself from killing him and he lets go of him. He lays on the floor beside Castiel as he continues to let go of his feelings, the sobs erupt from his chest, his eyes get puffy and red. Finally Dean and Sam are free. They rush to Castiels side while Sam helps him to the chair. Dean hesitates about going to Michaels side because of what he has done to his best friend.
Seeing him and how he broke down is when he went to his side. He kneels slowly, places his hand on his back as he begins to rub soothing circles. Then he remembered the last words you said to him about Michael.
“Before she passed, she told me to tell you. She will see you soon” Dean says in a hushed tone
Michael stops as he tries to teleport himself to heaven. Soon enough he has enough strength to do so.
“Where is she?” He asks as soon as he sees Hannah
“Michael. I’ll lead you to her” She says rather quickly and caught off guard by his appearance in heaven
“I thought you arent at full strength?” She asks before she opens the door to your heaven
“Im not. I just really wanted to see her” Is all he says and places his hand on the knob and turns it slowly
He looks to Hannah making sure he is allowed to do what he is about to do because no angel is suppose to interfere when it comes to a souls heaven. She nods for him to go a head.
“I’ll need you to come back though, get you properly healed” She says before he walks in. He nods in agreement
He enters your heaven and sees the many good memories you had growing up. Mainly about you and your brothers. It caught him off guard that he is one of the good memories.
“Y/n?” Michael finally speaks as his voice came out in a hushed tone but it was loud enough for you to hear.
You turn towards him, his very form is what brought a smile to your face and run towards him
“I told you I would see you again” You tell him as you leap into his arms
He doesnt let go of you just yet but you dont mind since you have missed him very much while being away.
“I thought I lost you forever” Michael says as he still has you in his arms
“Never” You simply reply and give him a kiss to the lips
After the kiss is when Michael felt something growing inside him, like as if he is regaining his strength.
“A kiss from a true loves bond can always heal a shattered soul or in this case. Grace” You say as you smile to Michael and he does the same as well.
“I want to do one thing and I hope you will allow me to do this” You say while looking into your angels eyes. He knew what you wanted to do.
You and Micchael are back in the bunker, sadness and grief is lurking the very air. You knew where it was coming from and the person you want to see is Dean.
Dean notices something different in his room, like as if everything is calm, happy and extremely graceful. Finally you appeared before him.
“Hi big brother” You say as you appear to him
“Y/n” He says as he tries not to sob
“I just wanted to tell you that I am fine and very happy. I dont want you to feel angry but grief is ok. I love you and I hope you keep your promise. Im always watching” You tell him as you kiss his forehead.
Dean felt as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders and knew that you are ok and in great hands.
You went to Sams room and he is in bed looking through his phone at the many pictures he has taken over the years with you, Dean and him. Like Dean, Sam feels a different feeling in his room.
“Hi Sam” You say as you appear to him as well
“Y/n” Sam says as he looks to you with tears in his eyes
“Sam, dont be worried. I am perfectly fine and in good hands. Im at peace. I hope in time you will accept that and you will be too. Same with Dean. I love you. Remember keep an eye on Dean and take care of each other. Im always watching” You smile as you tell him and you reach to kiss his forehead.
Tears fall as you pull away from him, as you dissolve is when he started to feel a difference within himself and like Dean it was as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. The air felt lighter. Dean and Sam meet each other out in the hall. They knew what they were thinking and smiles begin to form.
You and Michael return to heaven. He feels happy he gets to be with the love of his life forever and he made promises to check on your brothers from time to time. He has become the messenger between heaven and earth. Michael couldnt be more happier to do so. It was as if you and your brothers are almost getting the best of both worlds.
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