#someone threw skittles at harry on the last song
larrylimericks · 2 years
Some numpty, for just shits and giggles, Attacked H with fruit-flavored missiles; We love rainbows that fly, Just not into his eye— For fuck’s sake, don’t throw no more Skittles.
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looptheloup · 6 years
Thank you @teawithantigone!!
Rules: Answer all 30 questions and tag some people you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): I..don’t...really have one? when I was little my cousin called me ells-bells-and-bumps-a-daisy apparently, god knows why. her nickname was Spitfire & I always thought that was much cooler (she threw the worst tantrums).
Gender: Female
Sign: Scorpio 
Height: 5'6
Time: 17:43
Favourite Band(s): Imagine Dragons for sure, other than that, I like individual songs rather than bands usually. AnnenMayKantereit are underrated
Fav Solo Artist(s): ack, just so many, Au/Ra, John Newman, George Ezra, tons of Nightcore, Paloma Faith, Allie X, Taylor Swift (her old ones, ok), Vance Joy, Bishop Briggs (SO GOOD), James Bay, Dan Owen.... just, a lot, basically. As many artists as songs really.
Song Stuck In My Head: erm Sia’s Passanger is playing rn so that one I guess
Last Movie I Saw: Half of a Yellow Sun - very good. I cried three times & ok, I might have been in a weepy mood but it was very emotional.
Last Show I Watched: Supernatural
When Did I Create My Blog: Pretty recently, eh a month or two ago? 
What Do I Post: ahahaHA who knows, honestly. Lots of fandom stuff, plus writerly stuff, plus vegan stuff, plus student/study stuff, plus art, plus NSFW. just, it varies moment to moment.
Last Thing I Googled: “when did hot running water in homes start” according to my history. (it was for a fic I think)
Do I Get Asks: hm I think ive had one from @oddsocksandstuff and maybe one from someone else. I’d happily have more but i’m not sure I have anything useful to say ^ - ^
Why Did I Choose My URL: oh huh I...don’t...really remember? I mean its kinda pretentious right? but I think I was struggling to think of anything and oh yeah! I remember now lol - I liked the ‘sauvage’ bit from Phillip Pullman’s new book ‘La Belle Sauvage’ and so I nicked that and added ‘wolf’, cus I was feeling edgy. so there you go!
Following: Studyblrs and fandom and lots of supernatural, even though I haven’t finished it opps.
Followed By: I dunno something like 16 peeps? I dunno what you guys are getting out of this but I appreciate you anyways :*
Average Hours Of Sleep: HA no clue. anything from 15hrs to zilch. 
Lucky Number: hmm 2 or 4. I was into even numbers as a kid.
Instruments: I listen to music, you don’t wanna hear me try to make it trust me
Dream Job: Writer? I think. but maybe police. 
Dream Trip: Horseriding somewhere cold and windy. Wales? or camping. Or a little cottage on a mountain somewhere. 
Fav food: Falafels, samosas, lentil stew, vegan sausage sandwich (so good), all the pasta. wow ive kept that savoury that was weird, I love sweet stuff: cola laces, Bourneville chocolate (THE BEST don’t argue), sour skittles. All the weird and crazy TEAs. Also toast & breadsticks & McCoys salt and vinegar crisps.
Nationality: UK
Fav Song(s): That’s mean. See above.
Last Book I Read: ‘English Fairy Tales’ Wordsworth Classics edition. Was pretty...funky in places. 
Top 3 Fictional Universes I Want To Live In: oh huh the world of Eragon, maybe, & the world in Laini’s Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke & Bone series (so good, would recommend) & Harry Potter tbh.
Tagging (only if you want!): @oddsocksandstuff @not-poignant @gingerswagfreckles @omgbubblesomg @gertiecraign @veliseraptor @alwaysreadingg @basicallyimjusthere @feettootie @hazeldomain @luninosity @raiphend
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