#someone said umbra was one of the last frames created
girlbob-boypants · 10 months
Sometimes people make story claims about WF and I get so...confused math lady
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finelythreadedsky · 4 years
Hello I just looked up the Frederic Leighton Orpheus and Eurydice because you mentioned it and 1) I'm having feelings and 2) I would very happily read any and all thoughts you have on it
ahh I love it so much it’s one of my favorite paintings of all time! I wrote my first ever real paper on it (specifically on its engagement with Ovid) and to this day I don’t know how I did on that paper, but writing it was transformative for my understanding of the myth. This past summer I finally got to see the painting in person at the Leighton House and discovered there’s a Robert Browning poem affixed to the frame that definitely would have been helpful to know about while writing about it. It somewhat supports my points anyway though, so that’s okay.
long post: Ovid, Leighton, and my 2016 and 2020 takes on the two of them
First of all: his eyes. Obscured and shadowed and leaving it ambiguous whether or not his gaze has fallen on Eurydice yet. Is this the moment before he gives in and looks at her? Is it the split second after he sees her and before she disappears? YES. (I did finally get to confirm that the eyes are just as shadowy and ambiguous in person as in all the pictures on the internet.)
Secondly, something a lot of paintings of Orpheus leading Eurydice out of the underworld do, but which is particularly brought to the forefront here: Orpheus is touching Eurydice. He should clearly know that she’s there, since he can feel her, so why would he doubt her presence and need to see her to confirm that she’s there? Many other painters show him leading her by the hand (Corot, Feuerbach, Rubens, Poynter, Cervelli, Vignali, Raoux), creating a paradox where you’re just not supposed to think too hard about what it means for the story that they’re holding hands. But what’s going on here is much more than that. She seems to be actively urging him to turn around (a point in which I was vindicated by the Browning poem, which ends “look at me!”). Leighton’s drawing attention to their physical contact and the impossibility of Orpheus NOT knowing that she’s there. He must know, she’s clinging to him so tightly, and look at his hand, he acknowledges her presence by pushing her away, actively trying to avoid looking at her.
So from there I go back to Ovid (metamorphoses 10.44-52)
… Nec regia coniunx sustinet oranti nec qui regit ima negare, Eurydicenque vocant. Umbras erat illa recentes inter et incessit passu de vulnere tardo. Hanc simul et legem Rhodopeius accipit Orpheus, ne flectat retro sua lumina, donec Avernas exierit valles: aut inrita dona futura.
Neither the royal consort nor he who reigns below can bear to deny the beggar what he asks. They call for Eurydice. She was among the recently deceased, and she walked with a stride slowed by her wound. Rhodopeian (Thracian) Orpheus received her and a rule at the same time OR At the same time, Rhodopeian (Thracian) Orpheus also received this rule: that he not turn his eyes behind him until he had left the valleys of Avernus, or else the gift would be in vain
The pains Ovid takes here to note that Orpheus gets Eurydice and the rule “simul,” at the same time— specifically, that he does not get Eurydice before the condition is named. Eurydice is not present when they specify that he is not allowed to turn around. She doesn’t know that he’s not allowed to look at her. That’s what I think Leighton’s working with.
Eurydice is begging Orpheus to look at her and he won’t and she has no idea why. She’s confused, she’s distraught, the man she loves, the man who just descended to the underworld for her, refuses to look at her. She’s desperately begging him to look at her and acknowledge her and speak to her and confirm he loves her, her as a person, not just the idea of being the man who could sing someone back from the dead.
He doesn’t turn because he doubts she’s there. He knows. He can feel her arms around him and hear her pleas. He turns because he cannot bear her thinking that he doesn’t love her. He needs her to know that he loves her, even if it means losing her. His resolve to not look at her is defeated by the strength of his love, not his doubt. He turns knowing she is there and knowing he will lose her, because he cannot face the alternative, that she thinks he does not love her and that he raised her from the dead out of pride, not love.
Now, why on earth he can’t just use his voice and tell her he’s not allowed to look at her, I have no idea. That youtube comment asking why the two of them don’t just marco-polo their way out? Yeah, that. Oh also throughout the paper I referred to Ovid’s version of the character as “Eurydice” and Leighton’s version as “Euridice” with the Italian spelling because for some reason the internet often gives the painting’s title in Italian, but actually that was a really helpful way of dealing with two portrayals of the same figure.
In the last few years I’ve moved toward a much less romantic perspective on the myth. I talked somewhat recently about my take on Eurydice, and last year I got something close to it. I think these poems and this art capture a lot of my thoughts right now. But still, like Leighton, I adore the idea of her asking him, even begging him, to turn around. Like in Portrait of a Lady on Fire, when Heloise says “perhaps she was the one who said, ‘turn around.’” But in Portrait of a Lady on Fire I think the implications are that Eurydice would be urging him to make the artist’s choice rather than the lover’s choice, telling him that art is more important than love, that the memory of love is enough (which is, incidentally, I think exactly what the Browning poem is saying). 
I think I’ve been wanting to examine whether it is love to begin with. Reinterrogating what it means to say that the memory of love is what’s important-- that the idea of the woman is more than the woman herself. Maybe Eurydice doesn’t mind being dead. After all, it is the first thing she has done for herself, all her life things have been done to her. It’s the first time she has existed as her own person. Maybe she would like to stay dead, stay in a world without Orpheus. Maybe she knows that his relationship to her is one of art, not love, and that he has always looked at her as more a poem than a person. Is she angry at him for having the audacity to break the laws of nature, to intrude on the one thing that is supposed to be hers alone? Asking him to turn is asking him to respect the finality of death, to come to terms with and accept his loss, to let her rest in peace, to let her exist apart from him. She might ask those things as desperately as Leighton paints her.
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blacky-nikki-art · 4 years
Small Plans
Nothing important, I guess.
Last time I try to focus more on the stories, facts and details about my characters. Maybe not so ‘mine’ because they are OCs from games but shhh... I know I made this horrible mistake just showing pictures, not telling anything, meanwhile in my head is a whole story. Yep, the biggest problem is it I’ll have to translate this. It's terrifying. Srl. I never was pretty good at this languare but I try to do my best even is it not really good. (Without Google Translate, random translation sites and Grammarly I’m lost).
...but I wanna try...
I wrote several short stories, nothing about combat or big drama. Maybe even boring about the everyday life. I’m usually more interested in this than fighting, srl. Adding illustration to this would be cool, too. Who knows.
I hope start working at this after end of this Uni semester but I don’t promise.  It's just an experiment for fun.
Small sneak peek for interested.
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Iberis-3 and Eva
I'm sure it's not a surprise. Actually, they are force me to wrote more about OCs. They can be hard to start writing anything new ‘cuz they’re 'the freshest' characters what I made last time. Why? I don’t know much about Destiny 2, potato laptop doesn’t helping when lost frames on the lovest settings. I know the stories are unlocking when you get the achievement well... I really hope they’re written on the internet somewhere...
I hope at the start I don’t need many informations. Just the basics.
ANYWAY. I have a plan for Iberis-3 and Eva to be more than ‘go and punch someone’. I’m a noob at this game well it would make me uncomfortable to create super-duper combat character who can kill everyone with one hand. Bee-Bee is a warlock, well he should be wise but I'll use this in my own way.
Iberis is young, inexperienced, a bit lost in the new reality exo who is overwhelmed by the role of a guardian. (Why Traverel choose HIM?!). He’s even more confused because he knows before The Collapse he wasn’t a soldier or a person whose task was to fight and defend. Iberis-3 get exo’s body ‘cuz of deadly disease. Luckily, Eva is always for him, no matter what happens.
Eva needs more attention too. She’s also a character with a separate personality who needs her story. Yeah, like every ghost she was created for guardian but I don’t want to make of her just ‘object’ to resurrecting and healing the guardian.
+ I have to focus more on the plants. I think I said enough.
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Azaela and The Whole Warframes Gang
I told I won’t leave this fandom and game.
I have single characters conception I never really created a story and never draw whole gang (I won’t draw 50 warframes, to be honest). Anyway, I had a main gang - of course Operator Azaela and some of her frames - basic bitch Excalibur, of course space daddy Excalibur Umbra, main warframe Saryn Prime and others like my OTPs - Hildryn x Nezha and Oberon Prime x Titania Prime and many others. If you play at this game I think you understand my problem. Have to many characters can be problematic...
Actually I have a single conception story when classic Excalibur wake up from stasis and later he has to rescue operator but he still don’t understand anything of course...
Oh wait
In my story warframes are NOT mindless, empty shells but have own personalites. I know many Warframe artist do the same thing well it’s nothing fresh and new. BUT MEH. 
Anyway there I don’t have one big story. More like short stories what they do at common days, fighting, realtions with NPCs from game and other operators and their frames. One big mess my Dear Followers. 
I think is all from me for now. I gone, I go. Bye-Bye.
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Let’s see if I can connect the dots coherently today
People kinda talk about this a bit, and I think I have as well. However, I feel like the discussion never really goes as deep as it could. That’s where I come in, master of discussion that I is.  </end_sarcasm>
It’s long and discusses spoilers for most of the major events in-game, so I’ll put it under a cut.
Ok. So.
In the game Fallout 4, a significant part of the plot of the game is spent in discussing the morality behind the creation of synthetic people (synths) by a group of underground scientists. Often people would be kidnapped, have their DNA (and sometimes memories) replicated, some aspect of their mental functioning tweaked to fit the ambitions of the scientists, then “released” to do their job under the strict supervision of said scientists.
Sound familiar?
Here’s the thing. One part of the discussion on morality comes from looking at synths who have been given the memories of the people whom they are replicates of. There are two characters in particular that have to deal with this revelation. Then it becomes a question of “are they real people, shadows of the people they were patterned off of, or completely new entities now that they know the truth”.
When I first started playing Warframe, I thought the Warframes themselves were sentient beings with personalities etc. Once I actually started playing the game and learned about the blueprint system, I was confused. I figured it was similar to what was going on with the synths in FO4, but assumed each Warframe was sentient on their own terms.
So when the Operator was introduced during the Second Dream, it unnerved me to see my Oberon suddenly go limp. It looked like someone had wiped his personality the same way a magnet wipes a computer’s hard drive.
The Sacrifice kind of delves back into the morality of it all with Umbra. Ballas kills the original Umbra, but we recreate him using the fragments the player finds. The issue is that his entire personality parameter is based in his reaction to one specific, HIGHLY TRAUMATIC memory. But here’s the thing, memories are all tied together. We see that as players during each of the flashbacks with all the trigger objects. That last memory of Ballas and Issa is tied to many other memories, thus creating a context for the extreme emotional reactions.
But is all this ethical? Well, things kinda get funky in the context of intergalactic war, surprisingly enough. Of course, the Operator had no real idea exactly what all of this was gonna lead to, so we can’t really argue malicious intent if there was none to begin with. Would it have been better to not “resurrect” Umbra? Maybe, maybe not. While it would certainly be easier on our Umbra not to make him go through all that again, it may have been the only way to find Ballas, then Natah, then get Paracesis. I think we need to play through the New War first before we make a decision.
But as much as everyone wants Umbral versions of the warframes, the question becomes; is it ethical? The regular and the Prime frames are blank slates modeled after originals the same way the animatronic Abe Lincoln at Disneyland is modeled after the long dead president. But the concept of an Umbral Frame implies that they are sentient because they hold memories of their original selves in some context.
While as a gamer, I would love to have my favorite frames hooked up to top tier AI, but in the context of the game, I honestly don’t know if I could put the frames through that. Particularly frames like Rhino, Valkyr, or Ember whose transformation process was less than ethical to begin with.
tl;dr : As much as I want All The Lore, I have the feeling that the recreation of other Umbral frames is morally and ethically questionable at best.
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bakusquadup · 5 years
Same anon as before!! Some detailed descriptions of them would be absolutely awesome if you wouldn’t mind!! :D
Hey friend! I’m happy to provide some descriptions for you! All of them are under the cut.
Onishi and Yamamoto are at the top of the list because you mentioned them last time, but I included everyone else in PP just so I could have all the info in one place (it’s kinda a lot of characters, sorry). I still can’t believe anybody would consider drawing them 😭 Enjoy, I guess?
Just a note: I’m using feet and inches here because I’m more used to it, but obviously everything would translate to centimeters because most of them are Japanese
Onishi Tokito (aka RedBolt)
Body: SMOL boy. He’s not even five feet and yet he is full of rage (he’s about 4′10″, but tells people he’s 5′0″). And even though he’s small, he does have three years of UA hero courses under his belt and has enough muscle to get by. He has crimson red skin
Features: His hair is a slightly darker shade of red than his skin and his eyes are a slightly lighter shade of red and seem to glow slightly (they also reflect light like animal eyes). His hair is mid-length and shaggy, curling up at the ends naturally, but he will sometimes spike it up into a mohawk just because he thinks it looks cool (it doesn’t) and makes him taller. His eyes are wide and rounded, which makes him look younger than he is
Personality: He’s incredibly high-energy and is usually stuck in one of two moods: angry/bitter or smug/sarcastic, so he’s either smirking or frowning all the time. On the rare occassion that he genuinely smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkle up and he has one dimple on his left side. He has a big sense of pride and likes to pick on others when he does better than them, but despises having the favor returned
Hero Costume: A baggy black jumpsuit that cuffs at the bottom like a pair of joggers and has a sleeveless top. He wears a thick red belt around his hips with small bags hanging off that hold small metal items (like screws and washers) and hand cream (because his hands dry out from using his quirk too much). In the colder months, he throws his favorite zip-up sweatshirt over top of the costume (it’s also red, he really likes red)
Quirk: “Red Lightning.” The true nature of his quick is hard to pin down, as it has the thin, branching sparks of electricity and its shocking capabilities, but it is a pale red and it seems to flow like a liquid. He’s speculated that it’s a combination of lava and electricity, but he doesn’t really care enough to figure it out
Other Info: He gets super competitive, even with things that he knows he’s bad at, so he’s known to cheat at any competition that he feels he needs to. He’s probably only ever said sorry twice in his life
Yamamoto Kei (aka Midas)
Body: Super tall and lanky. He stands at about 6'6", but he also hunches, so it’s more like 6'8" when his posture is good. He’s a certified bean pole that shot up in first year of high school, but never gained the weight to fill out his frame. He’s so pale, his skin seems to be transparent sometimes
Features: He has two different colored eyes, which are slanted and narrow. His right eye is gold, which is his natural color and the other is a muted brown. The brown eye is a piece of tech that a support company built for him when he lost his left eye in second year during finals. There is a thick pink scar running around the outside of his left eye, which he likes to show off because he thinks it’s badass. His hair is just above chin length, dark brown (almost black), and perfectly straight. His fringe covers his gold eye because he likes to hide it and he can see better out of the artificial eye
Personality: Yamamoto is pretty low-key most of the time. He speaks in a low voice and really only contributes to conversation when he feels he has something worth saying (although, sometimes those important topics are just a dumb meme). The only one that’s able to really rile him up is Onishi because he draws out Yamamoto’s competitiveness. He does have a slight wild streak as he loves anything thrilling and may act a little crazy when it comes to seeking those things out
Hero Costume: He wears many separate items so if he needs to solidify one of them with his quirk, not everything solidifies right away, limiting his mobility. Has loose black shorts with thick gold stripes that run down the outside of his legs. Under that, he wears black compression sleeves with two royal blue stripes and one thinner gold stripe between them. The compression sleeves are tucked into knee-high black boots with fabric soles to allow him to slide on smooth surfaces, but sometimes they will appear gold when he needs to activate his quirk on them (the weight it great for kicking enemies!). On top, he wears a matching black tank top with the same gold stripes. He has a royal blue belt that clips around his waist with a gold buckle shaped like a crown. He also wears the same compression sleeves on his arms and a pair of royal blue fingerless gloves
Quirk: “Golden Touch.” Pretty much self-explanatory. He is able to turn the things he touches into gold (any part of his body, not just his hands), but it acts more like a golden shell rather than solid gold. He can also remove the gold whenever he wants without injuring a living thing inside it. If he keeps his quirk activated, it will not only solidify the thing he is directly touching, but whatever that item is touching as well. For example, if someone grabs his jacket sleeve, he will solidify his jacket and then eventually the person holding him (although, he tries to avoid this because his clothes become much heavier). He can use this to skate along the ground by creating a path on the ground and sliding with his specially-designed boots
Other Info: He will sometimes pin his hair up during hero training because of its length (he doesn’t like the sensation of it flopping around while he’s running). Because of this, he always has bobby pins in his pockets and the girls have started going to him if they need some
Amy Coleman (aka Oracole)
Body: Tall and lean. She’s just under 6′0″ and has a dancer’s frame with long limbs and toned muscles. She has naturally tan skin, but does not tan more if she’s out in the sun, only freckles a little
Features: She has white-blond hair that previous went down to her waist and is naturally straight. She would wear it in a tight ponytail, until it got singed off by Endeavor. It is now chin-length, so she curls it in the morning to get a wavy texture and more volume. Her eyes are piercing ice blue and angle down on the outside. Her brows are darker than her hair, closer to dirty blond. She has a spattering of very faint freckles across her nose
Personality: She’s very outgoing and loud; always willing to make a friend and needs to know what’s going on at all times (basically, a typical American). This can often be her downfall, as she ends up as somewhat of a gossip. She feels that any information she gained without the help of her quirk is fair game for her to talk about. She’s generally high-energy and gets riled-up easily, except when she is using her quirk, in which case she makes a complete 180
Hero Costume: She wears a dark teal fitted jumpsuit with a high neck, ¾ sleeves, and white white piping that runs up her limps and down the center of her torso. Over top of it, she wears a black corset-like/belt thing around her ribcage. It’s wide and has two clasps that hang down and connect to the bags strapped around her legs (also black). She wears black, steel-toed combat boots on her feet that her father bought her from an army-navy surplus store back in the U.S.
Quirk: “Third Eye.” When her quirk is activated, she gains the ability to see into the future or events that are currently happening for which, she is not present. She does not use it to see far into the future and it tends to get unreliable and multiple possibilities arise, but she will use it for events within a couple minutes to allow for preparedness when fighting. She also uses it to keep an eye on her teammates in the middle of a training session. No, she does not use it to cheat on exams
Other Info: Whenever she gets too excited, her American accent becomes more pronounced and she starts making grammar mistakes. Her accent is always a little present, but it becomes much worse. She will also occassionally swear in English (Onishi has started picking up on them and copying her)
Suzuki Youta (aka Umbra)
Body: He’s about average at 5′7″. He has some muscle, but he’s also on the scrawnier side because he relies on his quirk most of the time. He hasn’t built up the bulk that some hand-to-hand fighters have. His skin is pitch black, so it’s sometimes hard to see his features unless in direct light
Features: His hair and whites of his eyes are also black, but because they aren’t matte like his skin, they reflect light and are a little easier to see. His hair is short on the sides and a little longer on top, puffing up when it gets frizzy. It’s difficult to discern his appearance head-on without pointing a light directly at his face, but he has narrow eyes with monolids and a rounded nose. When looking at him from the side or back, he just appears to be a silhouette 
Personality: Suzuki is a man of few words, speaking very little except to Inoue and choosing his words very carefully. He has a keen eye for detail and analysis, so he is very good at determining someone’s weakness and how to take them down or make them improve. For this reason, he is often sought out by classmates for training tips, but the attention makes him uncomfortable
Hero Costume: It’s literally just a jet black body suit. It has some structure to it, like bubbled-out sleeves and slouchy pants, but it’s meant to blend in with his skin. The only item he carries with him is a metal flashlight that fits into a pouch on his suit. He’s going for an aesthetic and damn, if he’s not gonna stick to it
Quirk: “Shadow Manipulation.” He can manipulate his shadow to do as he wills it, including things like grab people, holds falling structures, slide under doors to see inside the room, etc. If he is standing in the shadow of a larger object, such as a tree or something, he can control the larger object’s shadow, but only if the surrounding area is light. This means, he cannot control anything in total darkness (he’s basically useless) or on cloudy days. He needs a very defined shadow, which is why he carries a flashlight, so he can at least make a small shadow to work with. He’s best on very sunny days
Other Info: He doesn’t get very animated, except when talking to Inoue. Sometimes, classmates will sneak up to conversations between the two of them in a hopes of catching one of Suzuki’s rare smiles (his teeth are also black, don’t get too excited though)
Inoue Yumiko (aka Alchemia)
Body: 4′11″ and besides that, pretty much average in every other way. She has an average build without much muscle because she mostly relies on her quirk. She has a medium-light skintone that is more warm-toned
Features: She has cute, rounded features with a small rounded nose and wide, dark-brown eyes. Her face is very circular. She has dark brown hair with a slight wave to it that comes down to her mid-back. In comparison to her classmates, she is probably the most “ordinary” looking
Personality: Pretty much everyone likes Inoue. She is kind, smart, and humble, so most of the class likes being able to work with her on anything. She has a tendency to be indecisive, which is unideal for hero work, and she sometimes has a hard time speaking her mind because she doesn’t like conflict
Hero Costume: A sky blue and grey outfit with wide-leg shorts, a sleeveless top with a slouchy, layered neck and thigh-high matching socks that tuck into a pair of high-top sneakers. The outfit has silvery triangles that go around her hips, the cuff on her shorts are silver, and the soles of her sneakers are as well
Quirk: “Morph.” She can transform anything she touches into a different shape/molecular configuration so long as it has the same chemical makeup (i.e. no making diamond from iron, sorry). She has the easiest time just changing the shape of something, like turning a steel pipe into a sword, but can do more complicated transformations when given more time
Other Info: Her younger sister is a first year in the general studies department. She (the sister) didn’t want to be a hero and doesn’t really have a quirk strong enough for it, but she wanted the connections that came from going to UA
Himura Kenji (aka Obsidian Fire)
Body: Taller than average at about 5′10″ and with a lean build. He is trained for hand-to-hand combat, but is more agile than just strong, so he does not have the bulk of somelike like Mirio, for example. He has relatively pale, cool-toned skin
Features: He has short, inky-black hair that he normally slicks back with gel (he’s not ugly, so it looks good on him, but it’s still douchey looking). His eyes are firey red, narrow, and many would describe them as “boring a hole through your eyes” based on the cold intensity behind them. He is classically handsome, with high cheekbones, a narrow nose, and sharp jawline, but he’s also one of those people that once you know their personality, they aren’t as attractive
Personality: Selfish and competitive. As he has gone through training at UVA, he’s slowly developed a superiority complex and often treats those he deems unworthy significantly worse (he especially hates Quirkless people). He is rather talented and intelligent and, because he puts on a mask for the public, people tend to like him initially. Most of the hero course hates him, but students in the other courses usually like him
Hero Costume: His top is fitted and long-sleeve and has a thick black lapel, similar to a tuxedo, and there are two black bands around his wrists. For his pants, he wears solid black with grey kneepads and a pair of low grey boots (shapes similarly to Timberlands) with tungsten soles. His clothes are all made from a high-tech breathable fabric that can resist extremely high temepratures
Quirk: “Heat.” Pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Himura can produce heat from his hands in the form of a dark red glow. If he directs it in a very specific beam, he can cause it to stretch further. Currently, his maximum temperature is just over 4000 degrees F, so hot enough to melt most metals, but not things like Tungsten. In first year, it was closer to 2000 degrees
Other Info: Himura actually has a close friend in the support department. The two of them collaborate on a lot of stuff and he is probably the only person at UA that Himura will be a genuine person around without acting like a complete asshole. No one has figured out why he’s so special
Ishigaki Kaito (aka Dagger Fin)
Body: He’s about 5′9″ and he’s partially a shark, so he has a giant shark head with gills and his fins come out in the water. Because of the shark head, he’s pretty thicc. Bluish-grey skin that matches his quirk
Features: What do you want me to say? He’s a fucking shark man (think great white). He doesn’t have any hair. His eyes are jet black
Personality: Ishigaki (who insists everyone call him Kaito) is very outgoing and excitable. He doesn’t have the best social skills as he’s on the dorky side and has a hard time conveying what he means, but he’s easy to like and fun to talk to. He’s definitely not the brightest bulb, but he makes up for it with raw enthusiasm
Hero Costume: It’s basically just a wetsuit made from a more breathable, thinner material so he can swim faster
Quirk: “Shark.” I mean, it’s pretty self-explanatory. He can do basically anything a shark can in the water and some of it out of the water. Highlights include: High speed swimming! Multiple rows of teeth and powerful jaws! Sensing electric fields!
Other Info: When coming up with a hero name, he first chose “Shark Boy,” but he got yelled at for stealing the name of an American hero. As a joke, he still repeatedly tells people he’s “just a Shark Boy, looking for his Lava Girl”
Fujii Megumi, Megu for short (aka Lancette)
Body: Another smol child. She’s not super short (about 5′0″), but she’s very skinny. She has some muscle on her body and it’s quite defined because she has so little fat. She’s albino, so she has very white skin
Features: As mentioned before, she’s albino, so she has blond hair that is practically white with eyebrows and eyelashes that match. Her hair is very straight and thick and goes down to her butt to help her quirk. Her eyes are wide and constantly look like a deer in headlights because they’re so big. Her eyes are a light reddy-pink color
Personality: Megu is slow to open up to people, generally wary of strangers and quiet around those she hasn’t spent much time with. Once she has opened up to you though, she has a quick temper and hotheaded personality. She often winds up in arguments with Onishi because he likes to push at her buttons or Ishigaki because he’s a little inept at talking to girls. Sachi is her closest friend in the class and she would do absolutely anything for the people that she cares about. Her loyalty runs deep
Hero Costume: A full-body light pink fitted suit with overlapping white rings along her hips, shoulders, ankles, and wrists.
Quirk: “Dagger Hair.” She can sharpen her hair into blades that float around her and can grow and shrink at will. Because it hardens into a nearly impenetrable material, she can also use it as a defense
Other Info:
Mifune Sachiko, Sachi for short (aka Sachi)
Body: She is about 5′5″ and is on the curvier side, again with the normal muscle that someone would have from constant training. She’s half-black, half-Japanese because her dad’s American, so she has a darker skin than her classmates
Features: She has dark brown, almost black eyes that are almond shaped with long lashes. She has very curly, black hair that comes down to her shoulders and she parts in the middle
Personality: Sachi doesn’t like to be involved in drama, so she often comes across as a silent observer. She’s generally more mature than some of her classmates (*cough* Onishi *cough*) and is more laidback. She’s more open and accepting of differences between people and because she thought she was quirkless for a while, she doesn’t discriminate. Because of her relaxed attitude, she can come across as cold and uncaring
Hero Costume: Her costume leaves a lot of exposed skin so she can touch people (must be her actual skin, not clothes), so she has neon yellow biker shorts and a matching high-necked sports bra. A black cursive S runs along the right thigh of her shorts. She also wears a pair of distance-vision goggles that help her see what villains she may be attracted to from afar 
Quirk: “Attraction.” She can make anybody that she thinks is attractive into a zombie of sorts, so long as she touches them. Their minds and eyes will go fuzzy and they automatically move to protect her. Many people misunderstand her quirk and think it either applies to anybody or think it only applies to men, but she’s pansexual and it’s just whoever she thinks is cute. Just for fun, here’s a list of people in the class that her quirk works on: Yamamoto, Amy, Mirio, Hadou, Inoue, Suzuki, Himura, and Reader. She thought she was quirkless until she was about 12, because she didn’t get the whole attraction thing until then
Other Info: Because she’s got bigger boobs than many of her classmates, she dealt with quite a bit of harrassment her first year at UA. Some of her classmates didn’t like that and so developed the Sachi Protection Squad (Ishigaki, Megu, Suzuki, and Inoue). She doesn’t really need the help because she can kick-ass, but they like doing it anyway. Also, she knows English because of her dad, so Amy and she can be seen whispering in English to each other sometimes
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