#someone please release me back into a nearby river or pond i am out of my natural environment and my health is deteriorating like
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numbaoneflaya · 2 years ago
*comes home covered in blood shaking* i had a three hour training workday
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Adoption Application Recieved!
Name: Rowan Mackinnon
Age: 19
Region, city/route... or describe the climate you live in: Wedgehurt in Galar.
Home size: ground floor and first floor aswell as a garden and a large patch of land owned around our house. About 200 miles.
Other people or Pokémon in your home: In the house it is me and my partner. We live with a Munchlax, Galvantula, Zoura, and a Vulpix. I’m hoping to get them someone to play with.
Also Noibat occasionally goes in the house because he feels safest here.
How many hours are you away from home per week for school/work? I am in part time college which is 4-6hours two times a week and i work at the farm which is around the house anyway. My partner is a ranger and the land around us is classed as protected so they work nearby to the house and usually at home if others are around too.
Any allergies or aversions? Im allergic to galarian Meowths and I want to avoid Pokémon who don't live in Galar, including the Isle of Armour.
Tell me about yourself, and what your goals for you and your new Pokémon are, as well as anything else you think I should know.
I run a small wild farm. Pokémon come and go as they please, however I do breed Pokémon from time to time. I make sure their homes are perfect for them. My farm has various different areas Pokémon find perfect to live in. I also have a enclosed garden I can use for the new friend so they can get use to other Pokémon around outside. They will have access inside as well. After that, I'll allow them free range of the outdoors. Though, I'll check on how their doing, and we have shelters for Pokémon as well as tracking chips for all Pokémon in case of any issues.
Alright Rowan, I'm happy to inform you that due to your property size and your partner's status as a Ranger, you're eligible to adopt two Pokémon if you'd like to. The two spoke over the phone, and decided it would be best to bring the two most promising candidates to Rowan's farm to make sure they like all their new friends, including the small herd and a few Lotad on the farm.
Ellisa woke early this morning to prepare for a trip to Galar. Her mom and siblings came to watch the Island for the day. Dusk, her Drifblim, was saddled with a hanging basket for the passengers, who were waiting patiently to go to their potential new home.
"Alright kids, load up. We have a long flight to Galar ahead of us." A nervous Galarian Ponyta colt stepped cautiously into the basket, followed by a relaxed flowering Lotad, who then asked to be picked up. Pearl, Ellisa’s Gardevoir, wearing a back pack, obliged the little plant, and closed the gate behind them. Ellisa had offered to put the Pokémon in balls for the trip, but they wanted to see the sights on the way. There's no better way to sight see than from a Drifblim, Ellisa thought. As the basket rose from the ground, Ponyta let out a whine, and stamped his feet lightly, getting used to the change in elevation. Ellisa pet his head and soothed him until he seemed more comfortable.
Most of the journey was over the ocean, although the coasts of Johto and Sinnoh were visible for some time as the group traveled north. Lotad looked with bright eyes over Snowpoint city, having never seen snow before.
"Just wait until we pass over the Crown Tundra little guy, It's absolutely beautiful." Indeed, his excitement increased as we flew lower over the tundra. Snowflakes landed on both Pokémon, causing little squeals of joy. Soon enough, Wedgehurst was visible over the horizon.
"Rowan said his farm was just outside Wedgehurst. We should see it soon." As Ellisa finished her sentence, she saw the river that cuts through the field and disappears into the forest. Several Ponyta and Mudbray galloped through the patches of short and tall grass, the river was alive with water type Pokémon, and a beautiful garden with a green house decorated the land. A lilly pond sat in the garden, and the distant figures of a person and their partner Zoroark were the last things Ellisa noticed before looking for a place to land. She settled on a patch of short grass near the pond, and Dusk slowly floated towards the ground.
Rowan walked over to the group, releasing their Gardevoir in case any extra help was needed. A Sylveon followed closely behind him wearing a little diabetic alert vest.
"Morning! Hope your journey was pleasant. These are Nyx, Opheila, and Serena." Rowan greeted as he pointed to each Pokémon, before scratching Serena's head and ribbons. "The other Lotad are in the pond at the moment, and I'm sure you saw the herd." Rowan extended his hand to shake, which Ellisa took excitedly in her grasp.
"The journey was lovely. I think the youngsters enjoyed the experience as a whole. I have a service Pokémon named Nyx as well!" She pulled a ball out of her bag and released an Umbreon, who nuzzled into Ellisa’s leg. "She helps me with anxiety and ADHD, along with my boy Pan, an Espeon who stayed at the island today. You have a lovely property." Pearl put down the Lotad, who stretched out his legs and sniffed the dirt. The Ponyta looked eagerly at Ellisa, waiting to be told he could go for a run with the others.
"He can go off if you're alright with it, I'll just make sure they're in eye sight and that Nyx is nearby since the others do as she says. There shouldn't be any problems." The breeder smiled and made sure that his treat bag was secure. "We can give you a tour of the place."
"Run along little one. Have fun, but don't go too far okay?" Ellisa pat his back for reassurance, and he took off clumsily after the herd. "You too Lotad," she knelt to talk to him, "Can you get to the pond by yourself?" He nodded happily and started his waddle to meet new friends. "I would love that! It would give those two some time to get to know the others, and make sure they all get along."
Serena got up and curled his ribbons round Rowan's arm. Nyx wondered off to the herd, and Rowan turned to Opheila. "Make sure Flowers doesn't stay out of the pool for too long, and keep a eye on them all for me, please, Opheila." The Gardevoir nodded and headed off toward the pond. Ellisa told Dusk to rest up, returning them to their ball.
The, now smaller, group began their tour around the farm. As they left the garden, Rowan turned to Ellisa, "I've been meaning to ask you if there was anything special I should know about those two."
"Lotad's bloom attracts Combee, but they don't bother him. He's super easy going, and will do any favor you ask of him, which can get him stepped on. Ponyta has a lot of energy. He's still really young, only four months, but runs like a mad man. Otherwise, I assume since you already have some members of both of these species, that you can take care of them just fine."
Rowan grinned shyly and rubbed the back of their head, "Yeah, I've been tending to these Pokémon for a while. I think this Lotad will get along well with one of ours. We've nicknamed him 'Flowers' because he likes flowers so much that we catch him wandering away from the pond. We've been planting flowers around it to encourage him to stay, but a flowering friend may do the trick. Also, that's good to know! I've been trying to get Combee here for ages."
"If you want Combee, I recommend replacing some of this grass," Ellisa gestured around at the surrounding land, "with clover. Your herd will love it as well, and it doesn't grow as tall, limiting up-keep. Lotad is also nearly at the age of maturity, meaning you could cross breed him to have more flowering variants to attract more Combee if you wanted."
Nyx whined and nudged Ellisa’s leg. The caretaker reached down to touch her, realizing that her partner was cold. Pearl picked up on what was happening instantly, and dug through her bag for a jacket, helping Ellisa put it on the dark type. As the group continued their tour, they came upon a building.
"These are the stables, but I'm having another built on the opposite side of the field that will be more open and airy for summer. My partner and I have been looking into Pokémon safe natural foods, including more kinds of grasses, since we'd like to give them the best possible lives. Thank you for recommending clover, I'll be sure to get some."
The group began to circle back around to the pond when Rowan remembered something. "Oh I almost forgot to mention, a friend of mine recommended you to me. It's Noire, she adopted a Houndoom from you named Violette."
Ellisa's eyes widened in surprise. "I didn't know you and Noire knew eachother! What a small world. Her and my line of work are similar, you know? I mean, her's is more on the educational side, but we have the same goal. I was so happy to adopt out Violette to her. They make a good team."
"Yeah, we met through another friend of mine who is a ghost type breeder, since they used to work together on ghost type education. I was actually thinking about taking your breeding suggestion with Lotad and using the baby variants to teach people about grass type variants so that maybe someone else won't make the same mistake as this one's previous trainer, thinking that they are sick. I've always loved grass types, and Lotad are an old favorite of mine, but I've never had a flowering one before. This is an exciting change."
As they approached the pond, Ellisa could see that the herd had stopped to take a drink from the pond and rest. They seemed to get along great with their newest member, who was playfully nibbling one of the Mudbray. Rowan's Zoroark, Nyx, was nearby, leaning against a tree as they kept a watchful eye. Opheila sat with her feet in the pond, smiling happily. As they got closer, Ellisa saw the Lotad variant floating calmly in front of her as another stared in awe at his water lily, seemingly entranced by it. Ellisa got a little sad, knowing that she would have to say good bye to these two, but also knew that they had found their perfect forever homes and would be happiest here.
Rowan brought Ellisa out of her contemplation, asking, "Can people adopt again? These two are such a perfect fit for our home, and since we have so much space we would love to help out more abandoned Pokémon."
"You'll need to catch these two in a Pokéball today to register them to your ID, and we will have to have a visit again in six months to check on everything, but since your property is so large you'll be able to adopt more at that time. You could even become a transfer site for foster Pokémon that the facility can't care for, such as ice types during the spring and summer months or very large Pokémon that the island can't support. I'll keep your adoption application on file to make the process smoother next time."
While filling out the paperwork, Rowan and their partner Raven decided on Clurichaurn as a name for the Ponyta. They also offered Lotad a few names to pick from, with Opheila as a translator, and he chose Kaj. Ellisa said goodbye to everyone, wishing the two she was leaving good luck in their new home, before releasing Dusk once again for the flight back home.
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theladyyuu · 5 years ago
Homecoming - Part 1
It was time.
It was time.
It. It was time. It was time to go. It was time to leave. It was time. Méabh stood at the doorway. She stared through into what she could see beyond, a sight long missed; swaying grasses, a twilight sky, lights in the trees with no discernable source. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was Home. Her throat hurt, her eyes burned, and her chest felt tight. Without thinking she hugged tighter the displacer beast cub in her arms, though Saoirse seemed hardly fazed.
She had said her goodbyes, though Méabh desperately hoped not too much time would pass between her leaving and seeing them again. Time. Such a fascinating thing. She hadn’t thought anything of time during her life, caring little for it with the belief that she had.. all of it. Why would a timeless being worry themselves with thoughts of mortality? Of an impending end? It hadn’t mattered until… until she lost Yuu. Until she left the Feywild. Until she couldn’t come back. Until she made friends. Friends with limited lifespans. She had never had those before. At least not friends who meant anything to her. What a selfish creature she had been. And all it took was… all it took was the loss of her greatest treasure. Of her soulmate. Her sister. Her Yuu. It had always been about her. About herself. About me. Me. Me. Me, me, me--
“Méabh?” The soft voice cut through her thoughts like a hot knife through a sheet of ice, it pulled her from that voice in her own head that had her stuck on loop. In response she looked left, expectant and briefly confused, before it hit her. No one was on her left. It made her breath catch in her tightened throat, and her eyes burned again. Méabh quickly cleared her throat and fluttered her eyes a few times before turning to her right, her gaze settled upon Vallie-voe beside her. There was concern in his eyes but he smiled and offered up his hand. “You okay?” He asked.
Méabh gave an involuntary laugh and nodded. “Ah, yes! I.. well. It is an odd thing, ‘okay’, isn’t it? I will be okay, and I know I am okay. But right now.” A pause. She laughed again and shifted Saoirse in her arms to free one up, first wiping carefully at her eyes before taking that offered hand and squeezing it tightly. “Right now I am many things. I am. Pain. And joy. Despair. Excitement? But also.. afraid. I’m afraid, Vallie-voe.”
The faun’s brow furrowed as he tipped his head to one side, confused by her answer. Or at least part of it. “Afraid? You just killed a god-like being. What could you possibly have to be afraid of?”
“...A god-like being,” Méabh answered quietly. Atop her head, two feathery antennae began to droop, and her gaze shifted slightly toward the open doorway. “Look at me, Vallie. Have you ever seen a Sidhe like me before?” Golden lips twisted into a frown, and she continued before he could answer, “Sidhe like me do not exist, because I am now different. I am.. I am not afraid to be different. But I have changed. Sidhe do not change, Vallie. We do not change mentally, emotionally, spiritually.. or physically. And why would we? We have everything we could ever want handed to us on golden and silver platters by our Queen. Many of us simply enjoy life in endless contentment, we.. we get metaphorically fat with the little pleasures of life, with little aspirations or.. we don’t speak like this, Vallie. We don’t grow. We don’t change. I’m afraid, Vallie-voe. I’m afraid Titania will take one look at me, see I have changed, and.. and reject me.”
The hand holding Méabh’s tightened, squeezing until it let go to reach up and wipe away tears. “Hey,” he whispered, shaking his head, “hey, hey, hey. Méabh. Méabh. It’s going to be okay. I’ll stay with you the whole way, okay? I can vouch for you. I can hype you up as the savior of the material plane--”
“No. No. Doing that may upset her--” Méabh cut in, panicked. She couldn't pretend. She couldn't be ignorant. Her love and devotion for Titania was as strong as ever but she knew, deep down she had always known that there was a side to Titania that was dangerous to one like herself. Someone different. And Méabh was certainly different now. “I.. I will figure it out. Don't worry yourself, Vallie-voe.” Finally, she smiled for the faun, and though he smiled back at her there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, one she would ignore. “Shall we go?” She then asked with a squeeze of his hand, one he returned.
“Let's go.”
Stepping through was a sensation both were accustomed to, but it still ended up being almost overwhelming when they were fully transitioned and the sounds, scent, and warmth of the air hit Méabh all at once. The Summer Sidhe shuddered, holding Saoirse and Vallie-voe’s hand tighter as she very nearly buckled, the overwhelming joy of being home almost spelling her end.
Home. She was home. It was real.
The chirping of small woodland creatures in the trees, the swaying of branches, the rustling of leaves, the burbling of distant rivers and streams. That endless twilight sky with its colorful clouds, colorful motes of light fading in and out of sight. She could even hear distant, very distant, music being played. They weren’t far from the Palace… which meant they weren’t far from home. The Cottage.
The Cottage.
A piercing pain struck Méabh’s heart then, and for a moment her knees lost their ability to support her. Vallie-voe was quick to catch her, an arm around her shoulders and his hand grasping hers. “Méabh? What’s wrong?”
She shook her head and as she did tears rolled down her face, her body shook in his hold, and even Saoirse pawed at her and purred as if in comfort. “It’s… it’s just so much,” her answer began in an airy breath, “we’re finally home. There were times where I wasn’t sure if such a thing was possible, or if I would even survive long enough to see home again. I.. I shouldn’t bring Saoirse to Court just yet. My house is near here.” With a shaking sigh she righted herself, offering Vallie-voe a tearful smile in a poor attempt at reassurance before she began to slowly make her way through familiar pathways. The grass parted at her feet, it guided the pair through the Forest knowing where they were headed, branches even bent to allow the Sidhe to pass. This gave Méabh a moment of pause, a wary look passed to the branches and then Vallie-voe, who merely shrugged. But they continued on, traveling deeper into the forest until they came upon a clearing. The clearing was surrounded in a perfect circle by trees, with a pond centered in it. In the middle of the pond was a small piece of land with a modest cottage built upon it; clean stone walls, stained glass windows, and a roof shaped like an upside down flower blossom sat gently upon the structure. Méabh gazed upon it with a look of trepidation, but she soon began to guide Vallie-voe easily over the stepping stones toward the little island. “I shared this home with my sister,” she said quietly, “and I.. I did clean it, but not in a manner as if I expected guests. So please, pardon the mess. When I was last here I found the remains of my sister’s murder, and I wasn’t exactly in.. a good place even before then.” Clearing her throat, she released Vallie-voe and reached into her bag for a key, using it to unlock the door. Again she hesitated, staring at her hand on the doorknob and doing her best to breathe evenly.
“You’ve got this, Méabh.” Vallie-voe smiled up at her, though this time he didn’t touch her. She needed to do this herself.
Méabh nodded slowly. A few more deep breaths. A few more seconds. And then finally the knob was turned and the door was pushed open. A stagnant scent was immediate, the smell of air that had been long undisturbed. Dust had settled, coating the floor and nearby stairs in the thinnest layer of dust. But it was settled. Nothing had been here.. or if they had they had covered their tracks well. Méabh took that first step through the threshold, finally putting Saoirse down to let the cub walk for herself. The key was hung on a nearby decorative hook while Méabh began to remove pieces of her gear; her bag of holding, her rapier, the lute Vallie-voe had given her. Dirtied boots were taken off while Méabh walked, golden eyes looking up and down the walls, following the floor, the banister of the stairs to the second floor. Finally she stopped in the main living area, with its comfortable furniture and art pieces, and the fireplace with the decoration-less mantle. There were ghosts here, though not literally. Long ears twitched slightly at the imagined sounds of laughter, singing, of friendly conversation, of arguments, of forgiveness, of life. Saoirse had already made herself comfortable on a chair, not even seeming to mind the dust, and Vallie-voe was following closely behind her with a look of caution and concern as the fairy stopped in the middle of the room, looking almost lost in her own home.
“... There used to be a rug here,” Méabh finally said after several minutes of silence. “I had to burn it after..” Her words trailed as her throat tightened and tears built up anew, falling quickly.
“It’s okay, Méabh.” A hand finally touched her arm. “Why don’t we go put your stuff away, clean up a bit, and then we can go?” Méabh could only nod. Both hands came up to her face, the woman’s body trembling as she struggled to keep herself together. Eventually she did lower toward the floor, kneeling upon it and quietly crying into her hands. However, whereas the last time she did this it was along in a blood-filled room, she had the comfort of a dear friend and a feline companion to keep her grounded.
Things were a daze for Méabh after that. Eventually she came up from the floor, began to clean away the dust, straighten things she hadn’t taken care of before leaving. Vallie-voe brought her bags and lute up to what she said was her room, where she did eventually follow to put things away. What was even in this bag anymore? She had kept a list, but even then she couldn’t believe some of the things she still carried in it. She would see them again. She was sure of it. Their paths would one day cross once more, and she would pay them visits to be sure they were still well. But for now she had things she needed to take care of; her eyes were opened and they could not be closed again, Méabh had grown and changed in ways a Sidhe shouldn’t, and she now had to walk through fire. She needed to look and act a certain way, and so she would need a costume..
A knock at the door interrupted the quiet of the home. Saoirse, startled by the sound, hissed and curled up in the shadows of a sofa. After a few moments of Vallie-voe debating whether to answer or not, and with Méabh not coming down from her room yet, the knock happened again. It was two short and quick knocks with a slight pause before a third one, and then another pause before a fourth one. It was curt, polite, and very controlled. Who could it possibly be? With great hesitation the faun opened the door just slightly, wide eyes peering through the crack in the door. Before him stood a tall pale man of auburn hair, with the tell-tale long ears and shining eyes of a Sidhe, dressed in long reddish brown robes that seemed to blend almost seamlessly with folded wings. The man was calm and composed, with a patient look about him that still somehow exuded an air of having better places to be. “Who are you?” He asked the faun as he gave a wave of his hand. The door pushed against Vallie-voe, forcing him to step aside as it opened fully and the Sidhe man glided in without hesitation.
“Ah! I.. uh. I’m Vallie-voe. A friend of--”
“Friend. Good. Where is she?” His gaze first looked past Vallie-voe and then up toward the stairs as if he already knew the answer to his question. The faintest tap of footsteps finally reached the men then, as someone light of foot and steady of pace began to make their way to the stairs. The man and Vallie-voe both turned toward the stairs as Méabh began to descend to the first floor. She had cleaned herself up, rid herself of the signs of battle, in fact she looked ready for a courtly ball. The curvaceous Sidhe was newly dressed in a gown Vallie-voe had never seen; deep red, it glittered in the light of the nearby windows like a living flame, reaching all the way to the floor in gradually shifting shades of red, orange, and gold. It hugged the curves of her torso perfectly, loosening at her hips into a long, voluminous skirt cut at the sides to give the slightest peek of her legs as she walked. It was strapless, with golden filigree that wrapped around the top of the bodice and the top of her arms, allowing space for the large collar of white fur that now hugged around Méabh’s throat. She was bedecked in colorful jewelry, rings and bracelets and earrings and even a circlet that seemed to blend with the fluffy antennae sprouting from beneath her bright hair. Vallie-voe’s jaw dropped, his eyes widening with amazement at the sight of his friend. The man’s reaction was not quite the same, he remained as composed as ever, though there as the slightest widening of eyes and raising of his chin as he inhaled a slow breath. There was silence until she reached the bottom of the stairs, where she lowered herself into a practiced curtsy for the tall man of few words. “Méabh,” he said perhaps in greeting? It was difficult to tell.
She rose to stand again, her hands folded neatly in front of her and her chin raising not only to gaze up at the man but also to straighten her posture. “Dall,” she replied in a similar manner before softening to gesture to Vallie-voe, her fingers curling to gesture him closer before holding a hand out toward the one called Dall. “Dall, this here is a very dear friend of mine. His name is Vallie-voe, the sole survivor of a herd of fauns from the Fields of Spring who were wiped out. Merchants, I believe. Vallie-voe, this is Dall. He is Queen Titania’s closest advisor, and my teacher.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Vallie-voe’s jaw dropped. Méabh chuckled and shook her head, giving his shoulders a squeeze before turning to Dall again.
“You look ostentatious,” said Dall, “I take it by this attire that you intend on returning to Court? Her Grace will be so pleased.” Though his words were encouraging, his tone was not. One would normally sound thrilled or excited by the prospect of someone returning home, Dall only seemed to dread it.
“Thank you, Dall.” Méabh smiled. “I do, yes. I feel I owe Her many, many explanations, and I cannot hide from Her forever, so I intend on showing no fear and not hiding at all.”
Dall sighed. A hand came up to hold his chin between his thumb and forefinger, his gaze looking the finely dressed Sidhe of Summer up and down. “You have changed.”
“Yes, I have.”
“That is dangerous. You know this.”
“Yes, I do.”
Another sigh from Dall followed her answer. He shifted, beginning to pace further into the home. “What kind of explanations do you feel you owe her?” He asked as he returned to stand before her. Méabh continued to stand tall and poised.
“Why I left. Why Yuudain died. What happened when I left, why I could not come back.”
“Do you know why you could not come back? Truly?” Méabh nodded. “Tell me.”
“Her Grace and She closed the plane so none could enter.”
“And who told you this?”
“No one. I figured it out on my own. Am I incorrect?”
There was a pause from Dall before he sighed once more. “No, you are not. But no one at Court is aware of the other’s involvement, they believe it was entirely the power of Her Grace which protected them. As they should continue to believe.” Again, Méabh nodded. “I am sure you will be unsurprised to hear that She already knows you are here. I came to confirm, though I am now glad that I did, as this is a most.. unexpected development.”
“I thought it might be. Am I in danger?” Dall gave no answer. He simply frowned, sighed, and gestured toward the door.
“We should be going. Vallie-voe of Spring is, of course, welcome.”
“Will you be meeting us there or will you be accompanying us? If you accompany us you will have to keep pace with Vallie-voe, as I am not making him run the whole way.” This made Dall give pause, and soon his wings began to unfold from behind him.
“I will go ahead, prepare Her Grace for your return.” He turned, beginning to take his leave before he stopped. He turned, looking into the home again. “I am proud of you, Méabh,” he then said before turning and pushing off the ground, ignoring the way Méabh smiled.
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