#someone please join my delulu theory
ryuubus · 1 month
another conspiracy moment from me
so we get this scene in the opening, riiight?
i was wondering if these are supposed to be actual characters in the story or just some random students
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because ive been snooping around Hamaguri-sensei's twitter (the artist for the manga) and i saw this drawing they made, and these two characters 'resemble' young dali and gerhard
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(don't take my word for granted the caption says nothing relevant, but i couldn't stop myself from comparing this with the way they draw older Dali in the manga; granted this drawing was made in 2021, but a girl like me can be delusional)
anyway, what i was trying to say is
what if those two boys in the opening are actually them?! what if we get a little flashback of their young days?? like their cocoon days???
here's a link to the original tweet:
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lawbin-archive · 8 months
Law & Robin analysis: Punk Hazard
I finally have some free time to re-read punk hazard and write my analysis. (have been busy with life in general :/) Someone on twitter asked me to write a chronology of lawbin's relationship, so I will just do it arc by arc.
Again, if you don't like lawbin, just don't read it. Please be civilize and respect each other.
As usual, I blab a lot in my analysis so just skimming if you want to. I will use purple to indicate my delulu thoughts.
Chapter 503: Law & Robin first met
When I read this chapter or even when I watching punk hazard for the first time, I didn't really associate Law and Robin together. I just think they are both really cool and rational. But after I ship them, as I re-reading these chapters, my only thought is - they are really similar in so many ways.
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The first time law appeared in front of luffy resemble Robin first appearance on going merry so much. I mean did you see their aura?! did you see the both cross their leg?! did you see them saying "we are bad ass" on their face?! did you see they are both wearing their signature hat?! Bepo is even doing Robin's pose (face resting on their hand) They are both so cool T-T
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If I'm Law here, seeing Robin falling from the sky like an angel, I will 100% falling for her. Plus, she's the only person from straw hats recognize him. He probably recognize Robin right away too he just didn't say it because straw hats got famous after Eneis Lobby. And Robin is the devil child for 20 years, so he probably already know her and her background. Maybe he alliance with straw hats, just to get closer with Robin (jk)
Let's fast forward to Punk Hazard! Chapter 663: Reunion two years later
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Tashigi probably asked herself: What's wrong with this couple?! Why they need to threaten me like that?! LOL Again, they are really similar when the marine gets in their way. Show no mercy. Reading this makes me feel like Law (Sabaody -> Punk Hazard) = Robin (Alabasta).
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Law also saves Luffy in Marineford like Robin did in Alabasta, it also happends before they join or alliance with Luffy. They both save Luffy because he's a D. (I just assume, they both said something about D after saving Luffy).
I always think did Oda make them similar on purpose? I think Oda didn't make them similar on purpose before Dressrosa. He probably just reusing some of the plots but accidentally make them so compatible together. Why would I think that? one of the reasons is there are so many Franky x Robin moments in Punk Hazard. If the source I read is correct, Law and Robin get popular during and after Dressrosa and I think that's the reason why there are more lawbin interactions later on. Not that I think Oda really care popular opinion, it's more like why not since they are so similar?! just my opinion tho.
I blab a lot again, I will show more moments later on about Law Punk Hazard vs. Robin Alabasta!
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Once they met again, Robin is again the first one know his name and know he became a warlord. She also probably read the news that how he became a warlord. Hence, that's why she is worried when Luffy alliance with him. But as time passed, she definitely changed her perspective on Law gradually. As you see here, she is still very cautious about him. But once she learned that he healed Luffy, she surprised, a pirate treated another pirate without purpose?! maybe in Robin's mind, Law isn't a really bad pirate to her anymore.
Chapter 668: Alliance
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Robin looked super worried here. Although maybe Law isn't a really bad pirate to Robin, she probably thinks he is still a very dangerous pirate that's why she warned Luffy about him. It's kind of funny to me though, she just says it in front of him, screaming "I don't trust you bro" lol Luffy is even funnier - "Are you gonna betray me?" "No" Ok we good haha To be honest, I'm not against with the Luffy and Robin are siblings theory because they are really similar in some way. Anyways, Robin still trust Luffy no matter what, so I think from this moment, she is also trying to trust Law like Luffy did. This scene also reminds me so much when Robin joins the crew. The crew is very cautious and Luffy just said "She isn't a bad guy" - The coincidence LOL. Ok I changed my mind maybe Oda made them similar on purpose. Law & Robin also are the ones who initiated a relationship with Luffy. And it happens rarely to Luffy since he is always the one who picks his crew. And Robin is the only straw hats who asked to join the crew and not Luffy asking her.
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Chapter 668: Alliance Starts!
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Law and chopper moment and mammy Robin didn't against with it haha. She is giving me the *Please take my son carefully* vibe and Law *panics*.
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From here, Law and Robin starting to show their similarities in personality and experience wise. They both paid a lot of attention to what the world government do and both very analytical. One of the optwt accounts also comment about lawbin “it’s not about how many scenes they are together, it’s mainly about what they have in common” which I agree a lot!
Chapter 669 ~ 677: Same cage as Alabasta
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Again - angel fallen from heaven?! How can you not fall for her?! Robin also told Luffy to be quiet about the kidnap, seems like she accepted their alliance and starting to follow Law's plan. From scale 1 - 100%, I would say Robin trusted Law 20% here.
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Rare scene of Robin calling "Law" instead of "Tora-o". When I read this, I feel like Robin is impressed of Law's ability already. Feel like she always has been (in Wano too), it's definitely a handy ability for her in so many ways.
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Robin and Luffy reminiscing Alabasta moment - one of the proof that Punk Hazard is so similar to Alabasta even they said so haha. If that's the case, I think Oda really make Law so similar to Robin on purpose (scratch the part I said earlier). Even their clothes are similar in some way. Robin's jacket is leopard pattern which is similar to Law's hat, jacket and jeans pattern. Also, Law's animal resemblances are spotted seal and snow leopard. (but this arc released before Law's animal revelation so probably just coincidence)
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Law, I know this woman is really pretty, you don't need to keep looking at her. (jk I think he's looking at franky haha)
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And Law cares about Chopper even they just met T-T he used his power to throw a paper to Chopper and remind him to not risk himself. Seriously, who the hell say he is mean to chopper? (i'm gonna have my rage again)
Chapter 694 ~ 696: Party
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This scene really reminds me of Robin a lot haha saying scary things in a clam manner. If I really need to pick a difference, Law dark thoughts are more logical though, he is just stating the fact. Robin dark thoughts are more creative haha.
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Law this moment also reminds me of skypeia Robin - when she suggests Luffy to be careful but of course turns out he didn't listen to them anyways. and Law & Robin panic hahaha.
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That's why Punk Hazard Law is basically Alabasta Robin + when Robin trying to blend in with the straw hats. He is still trying to learn how Luffy acts and building trust between them just like what Robin did back then.
That's the end for Punk Hazard! I thought it would be shorter because they only have a few moments but yea I blab a lot LOL In conclusion, I would say Law and Robin is still in Stranger -> Ally phase. Robin and Law barely trust each other in this arc. But I think during this arc, they found out their personality and thoughts are similar. Hence, that's lead to the huge development of their relationship in the next arc. At least, Robin saw Law did what he plans, helped them save the kids even he didn't need to and didn't betray them after they caught Ceaser. She definitely started trusting him more, maybe 40%? haha
I definitely need a bit time to re-read Dressrosa. So the next analysis probably take some time! anyways, thanks for reading again!! always feel free to let me know your thoughts <3
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ineedacalicocat · 2 years
This is ridiculous gosh. How they manipulate people is insane and then at the last they end up their bullshit by saying "make your own opinion" blah blah oh stfu. You already did everything by manipulating everyone by saying things like this. They don't have anything new to say. I already knew they're gonna come up with this same excuse that jk can't say obviously that j is for jm , he did hype up jimin and that he purposefully avoided talking about his j tattoo above M specifically. So manipulative that it makes me pull my hair in frustration lol.
They talked about all this bullshit cz it again supports their delulu theories but what she didn't say anything about what actually happened..wow like always cz these jkkrs knows they don't have any logical explanation for this..
1- how jk did not mention jimin by his own in the whole 4 hours live but only mentions him when someone comments about him.
2- how jk still chose to clarify that j is for jk even When he knows already that the fandom thinks it's for jimin. Why would he want a big ass theory to end in the fandom which is related to him and his boyfriend??? What was the reason??? Did he not feel proud of his jm tattoo that he chose to debunk this when he would've easily avoided the whole tattoo topic in the first place...but he still chose to talk about it and end all the theories by saying yes...j is for jk. YES , HE CHOSE TO DO IT. He was not forced by anyone.
3- he said he doesn't know what members are doing these days..if they are out of the country or not and he has not even left his house to go anywhere not even for the company from like a whole week and he was spending his time alone. What kind of a boyfriend's behaviour was this?? Please tell me. Sounds like a man who is currently single to me.
4- he said he watched the mv of vibe with tae..why not with his boyfriend??? Oh yeah cz " jimin is busy and sometimes he was sleeping in the studio" sh sh shutup. He was busy even on jk's birthday but he still came to wish him. Time can be managed if you truly want to be with that person..even if it's for one hour...but it looks like jk didn't even know his boyfriends whereabouts now as he didn't leave his house for a week and didn't talk to anyone much either(his own words)...( Same like when jimin was out of the country and floods happened in Seoul...he said he didn't know about this as he didn't talk to anyone in the last 10 days at least...and that time too these shippers chose to not talk about this...or maybe they think members are always lying to them)
5- how he mentioned tae like 5 to 6 times already in that live...way before even when tae joins him..taehyungie hyung said this...taehyungie hyung did that... So he can mention his friend so many times but not his boyfriend???
Who's gonna talk about all of this?? And When we say something they straight up declare us as Tkkrs or just block us wow. Jikook or taekook...nothing is real. Stop manipulating people!!!!
And i also remember when jk said he forgot where jimin's 7 tattoo is..but remember others. She said that time too that jk not mentioned Jm's tattoo bcz he wants jimin to tell us first by himself and that it is jimin's thing to tell not his and that he was respecting jimin's space. I mean really??? Bcz people already saw Jm's tattoo way before in pictures that yes it was on his finger..then what's the point here?? He could've said easily that oh army you find by yourselves where jimin tattoo is...like jhope said for sugas tattoo at that time..but in fact he said "oh.. where jimin hyung tattoo is??" Clearly he didn't remember for real. He was not playing...he was not lying....he genuinely didn't remember his so-called boyfriend's new tattoo. She manipulated people that time too.
I have more 100 things to say but it's already too long lmao. Jkkrs irritates the hell out of me more than Tkkrs now.
Couldnt have ssaid it better. Jesus, i really hate that girlie she literally wrote sn essay for nothing. And the way they write s big ass title to it to so it can be seen as they are writing something important. I was bored when reading it . A classic jikooker article sbsjsjsj they lac intelligence they are so obssessed with the ship they want it to be so real that they just csnt see the big picture. This is the result of shipping. Because of the old content they became addicted. They want more they need more and they wont stop till they get it. They are like crack heads. I hate then nore that those taekookers at this point. You cant talk to them. They should get medical help at this point. Cause i seriously worry about their mental health. These people dont have a real life. Stuck here in jikook moments. It was hust an entertainment they were just entertaining you stop this bullshit pls. Even then when something happened it was usually jimin eho started it but jikookers would write stuff likr ohh jikook at it again. I was like? Gurl? Jungkook barely did anything it was jimin eho started the converstaion sbdsj even now jimin hugged him jungkook didnt even look at his face he literally turned his body but they write stuff like ohhh jikook at it again. -_-that guy is straught as a ruler had a girlfriend and o ly spent time with jimin when they had schedule or concert and he was just bored. Fucking exceot this pls. Ims icked and tired. Can you guys be an adult now pls sime of them being 40 yeara old still acting like kid. And kanmom??? Woman you are a mom now like can you be an adult? Just for a sec -_-
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accio-victuuri · 4 years
Devil Timeline : GG and Web before the official meeting.
Disclaimer that this is All CPN and nothing is really proven. As with all these things, feel free to disagree. Don’t crack your head open thinking, we’re all just clowning here. some info on here are taken from different sources and others I added in. 
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What is this timeline/theory all about?
This CPN is all about them liking each other as early as 2015-2016. This is different from the love at first sight theory from 2017 & with them keeping in touch till they meet again in 2018. Part of this speculation is that they are ex-boyfriends. Also that Web was punished (what for and if this is even true, we don’t know.) by his company in 2016 before hosting Day Day Up. I don’t buy the ex-lovers part/punishment. My take on this Devil Timeline is that they were lowkey fanboying each other or have a crush on e/o. Where they in contact or have they met? Yes. possibly. 
Plus, It’s not too outrageous to believe that they know of each other. GG is a koreaboo and he most probably heard of UNIQ. Web on the other hand, most likely heard of XNINE. 
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So where are they between 2015-2016?
GG joined the reality program x-fire in 2015 and went on to debut with xnine on 2016 as the main vocalist. Notable acting job was superstar academy. Web on the other hand, was busy with UNIQ. Promoting in Korea, China, Thailand, Brazil and Japan. Notable in 2015 was the release of EOEO. In 2016, he joined the cast of Chinese Odyssey part 3 and was also announced as an assistant host for Day Day Up.
What are some key points to this Timeline? 
1. Love Mole : It all started with this photo. Web holding a picture he drew of someone smiling and with a Mole. A mole on the same place as GG’s.
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Another explanation for this is, he was actually drawing himself. there is a fake rumor that says Web is fixated with GG’s mole because he had one on the same site when he was a kid ; then disappeared over time. It goes on to say that Web jokes that GG stole his mole. (this joking tho was done during CQL shooting).
Recently, you can see in his photos that it’s there again. It’s literally the LOVE MOLE! but yeah, going back -- the delulu interpretation here is he was drawing GG. 
2. GG’s dream lover : 2016, On GG’s vlog for Qixi he talks about a “dream lover” and drew it on paper. He goes on to say that he left the face blank as appearance doesn’t matter- It’s about the feeling.
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Now onto the drawing of GG, bxg compares the features of the figure to Web.
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3. Parallels : Similar posts from 2015-2016. There is not too much out there and we can’t really verify cause of GG’s weibo post restrictions. I can’t find ones aside from the example below cause most of the same posts that we have screenshots of are from 2017 onwards.
On 6/2015, Web posted a picture of himself visiting a spongebob exhibit. On 2/2016, GG shared a picture from his visit of the same place with his friends. It’s too far apart if you ask me and so many people love spongebob, so this could really be a coincidence and not them cueing each other.
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4. How long have they really known each other? : The Usually reserved Web was so open with GG during that 2017 TTXS episode. Remember that Web only started being an assistant host on 2016 and is usually very shy. But he interacted with GG in the simplest way by imitating his gesture. Tho the TTXS bros were the first ones who did it, he went ahead and did the pose too. His smile was also teasing.
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Compare this with their CQL interviews and GG recalling what he said to his bandmate who was scared that it’s Web who he’s gonna battle with.
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I don’t think he said that because he doesn’t know who Web is. Again, it’s too familiar. Like, don’t worry it’s just Web, I know him, he’s good, he won’t kill you. In this interview he proceeds to say that he has faith in his bandmate but after watching Web dance, he knew they could not win. 
Also add Web’s reaction in this interview, trying to wave GG off when he kept on saying he knew of Web for a long time already. 
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GG, you just met in 2017, why are you saying you’ve known him for a very long time? “know of” is such a broad term. It can be you know them personally or because Web has been a celebrity longer , that’s why he knew of him. we are betting it’s the latter.
So if that’s what we’re thinking, then why did he say that he knew they couldn’t win AFTER seeing Web dance. If you’ve been a fan and KNOW who wang yibo is- the first thing you will find is that he is an EXCELLENT DANCER. It doesn’t match up. Unless, It’s really GG who first followed Web’s career?
I can go on and on about things these two have lied about from eggplants to carrots and that waterfall scene. They have a say on what narrative they want to put out in this interviews, whether they honestly forgot things or are actively refusing to give information. It’s up to them what they wanna say. 
5. Love clues from 2015-2016 : 
Web’s ideal type : Suzy from Miss A (which was i guess everyone’s ideal girl in the KPOP world during that time) and Taeyeon from SNSD. I know there are parallels of how Suzy and GG look alike and how Taeyeon is kinda like GG. They are both vocalists and are older than Web. 
GG’s ideal type : He said he wants someone who is gentle but can still stand on their own. Also someone with personality. Plus, he doesn’t care if his other half can’t cook because he will do it. When asked what he will do if him and his friend like the same person, he says if he really likes the person then he will fight for it. 
6. The first table read : This is a new entry based on the BTS released last night. We only had snippets of this when they were joking around but this new video shows more. GG just naturally turns to Web and like he’s done it before. There is still some shyness when they were talking about pants but it doesn’t look like two people who have only interacted today. Especially Web’s demeanor, there is a time or two that he hesitates when joking, but that could be because he is testing the waters. 
There was Absolutely no barriers (from GG) in tapping Web’s back a couple of times. If I’m a stranger just watching this, I’ll tell you these two have known each other for quite some time. Not just from that 2017 meeting and beyond.
7. A 2016 drawing - Over the years, we have learned that GG, like many artists put clues in their drawings. with things up to interpretation, as most of the time, he does not explain things outright. One BXG pointed out this drawing he made of a heart + bunny + cat. the Bunny is obviously him, so, love with a cat? Plus the look of the cat, like it’s looking at an innocent bunny. I know power dynamics between the two is a complicated topic, BUT---- 
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8. WILDCARD: I know this is a popular fake rumor out there but we don’t really have evidence. No picture and I don’t have a screenshot of a fan account. It says GG went to a Uniq fanmeet on 6/22 in Guangzhou cause he wants to research about idols. This is before he went on xfire. The date 6/22 matches with the 622 coincidence. Consider this as fanfic but this lives in my mind.
That’s it. feel free to add thoughts or some other info you have about this timeline cause I’m sure that I don’t have it all. It feels so good to finally put this out because it’s been sitting on my draft for some time T.T. I am sure there are other explanations for this timeline.This is all CPN anyway. Please don’t take seriously. 
This posted was last edited on 11/28/2020 12:53 PM
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