#someone just forgot to pull them for labeling!!
idolomantises · 2 months
I haven't drawn Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss redesigns since last year and the fandom still regularly tags me/picks fights with me over them. I did not think a couple drawings would live in people's heads so rent free.
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Like you can go find my redesigns on twitter, they're still very public. I just label them as "Angel Dust redesign" or "Alastor redesign". The only time I think I explicitly called a design bad was when I said I found Beelzebub's design atrocious. Which it is. It's an overdesigned mess that doesn't convey the sin at all, I'm allowed to say I don't like it. And even still, when I posted the art, I still labeled it as "Beelzebub redesign".
I'm not going to forget when you fans regularly stalked my account and PATREON just to figure out when I would upload the redesigns. You think I forgot about when I posted my Angel Dust redesign which was just meant to improve my old design and you people harassed me for days? You accused me of "baiting" fans because you are so self-obsessed you think everything I do is explicitly to upset you. You people misgendered me, told me to kill myself, called me a fucking cockroach and flat out threatened to assault me multiple times. Sure I was harsh about my critiques, but I didn't resort to homophobic and transphobic comments like you people did with my Angel Dust redesign because for some unexplained reason you diehard fans who have been following this project for 10 years didn't know that he's meant to be a drag queen. When I did a quick redesign of Katie Killjoy on my personal tumblr, guess what? You people flipped the fuck out, AGAIN.
I can't even talk about my own religion without you sad, paranoid losers thinking I'm trashtalking hazbin hotel. You made up some rumor that I block all Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fans (despite being mutuals/friends with people who are fans of the shows or actually work on them) just so you could justify harassing me even more. You told me for years that I should wait until the Hazbin series dropped to get my full thoughts out and when it did you people still freaked out and berated me.
Even when I talked about my situation after posting my Angel Dust redesign, instead of apologizing, fans claimed I planned this hostile reaction to begin with to make the fandom look bad. That I was "pulling a transphobia card" for sympathy. I didn't do shit. You people have gotten more aggressive about your hate towards me because people finally saw how incredibly inappropriate and vile you people act over a midtier cartoon written by someone who has so many allegations of bullying, transphobia, racism and workplace abuse that it's become harder and harder for you to deny, so you take out your unrepressed anger on me.
I know the only reason you people target me is because I'm a big artist who doesn't kiss Viv's ass. You want me to be a diehard fan of hers like every other big artist you people bully into worshipping Viv and her show and I won't do it. So you just obsessively stalk and monitor my account and accuse every little thing I do as a spiteful attack so you can justify your little harassment campaigns again. It's pathetic.
Seek help, find a hobby, stop obsessing over people who don't like the same thing as you. It's getting sad.
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Bad moon rising III
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Summary: After a nasty divorce, you and your family are forced to live with your Grandpa in the lovely notorious Santa Carla, California. Filled with punks, geeks, surfer nazis and apparently all kinds of creatures of the night.
Word count: 3.7k
Poly!Lost boys x Emerson!reader
[1] [2] [3] [4]
A/n: This chapter will have a brief mention of SA, so this is your warning! But, don’t worry because we kick ass, literally. I also love this chapter, because it does go a bit more into the boys protectiveness and yours and theirs feelings for one another. So please in joy:)
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You awoke groggily the next morning. 
Staying up late the night before at the boardwalk did not mix in well with your normal sleeping routine. Sun filtered through the blinds, the light casting a glow throughout your bedroom. You lightly stirred awake, tugging on the itchy sheets to keep last of your sleep from wandering away. 
“Y/n?” A voice called out from behind the closed door. “Sam and I’ve made breakfast, if your hungry.”
A muffled ‘ok’ surpassed your lips, the sound of your mother’s footsteps fading from your door. You reluctantly got out of bed, your pajama shirt that you may or may not have taken from Micheal’s closet rested loosely around your hips, the waist of your shirts twisted around your body from last nights sleep. 
Glancing around your room, you took in the multitude of box’s that littered the ground. Each having different labels from t-shirt and underwear all the way to cd’s and band posters. You knew that you’d have to empty the boxes at one point, and not fish through everything just to find a clean pair of socks.
You slowly walked out of your room, careful not to roll an ankle stepping over a box of shoes. The floor was cold against your bare feet, causing a soft chill to run through your body as you made your way down the stairs. 
Soft clinking of silverware and scraping plates met your ears as you rounded the stairs railing. Sam, Micheal and mom came into view, each of them sitting around the dining table, their breakfast either already eaten or halfway gone. 
Your gave them each a morning greeting, mom receiving a politer one than either of your brothers. Upon entering the kitchen, you made a quick plate, filled with plenty of eggs and bacon to keep your hunger subsided for a couple of hours. 
You returned back to the dining room, sitting next to Micheal. Mom and Sam sat on the opposite side, a single plate pulled with just bacon and a glass of orange juice sat at the head of the table. Definitely Grandpas. 
Though, where the old man currently was, is beyond you. 
As you start to eat your breakfast with your family, the gentle noise from outside passing as conversation for now. Mom let out an appealed hum, mouth stuffed with her own cooking, hand coming up to cover her mouth as she began to speak. 
“I forgot to tell you guys,” Voice slightly muffled by her hand. “I already found a job for myself.”
You slowed your eating, glancing between your brothers and mother. “Already?” You asked, lightly stabbing the yellow bit of egg. “We’ve been here less than a day, how have you got a job?”
Mom lowered her hand, smile still evident on her face. “Yes, well, last night at the boardwalk, I met a fine man who offered me a job at his store.”
“Fine man?” Micheal echoed, leaning back in his chair. “We don’t have to expect him around the house, will we?”
“No, no.” She waved off. “He is just a sweet man, who happened to notice someone in need of work.”
You shared a quick glance at Micheal, not entirely certain if the guy was just looking out for a stranger or more. Sam, on the other hand, was estatic for mom. Talking with a mouthful of his breakfast. “That’s great, mom. And, just think, when you get your first check, we can buy a TV.”
Micheal rolled his eyes at his brothers sudden accusation, you held back a smile. Remembering the conversation from yesterday about having no MTV to watch here at grandpas. 
“We can’t spend our money on entertainment, Sam. We have help pay for food and bills, we can’t just live off of grandpa forever.” She told him, taking a quick sip of her orange juice. “Besides, a video store will not pay that much on the first check.”
“Your working at a video store?” You asked, even though she had just told you the answer to your question. 
She gave a soft nod, standing up from the table with her plate and drink in hand. “Yes, unfortunately. It was the only thing that I could find in such short notice.” She then walked out of the dining room, leaving you with your brothers. 
Sam looked between you and Micheal, a sad look on his face. “My god,” he muttered, leaning back in his chair with defeat. “We’re going to be living in the streets by the end of the summer.”
You kicked him beneath the table, earning a pained noise to pass his lips. 
After breakfast, you returned back upstairs, gently closing your bedroom door behind you. Kicking an empty box out of your way as you sat down on your bed. Out of the corner of your eye, the sun bounced off of a square object, the light shining in your face. 
Turning in the direction, you eyed the cd from last night. The same one that the bleach blonde slipped into your back pocket. Reaching over, you picked up the object, twisting it around in your hand as you read the song listings for the cd. 
You pondered with the disk in hand, gently tapping it against your palm as you eyed your cd player. A pair of headphones hung on top of the device, eagerly waiting to be played. 
A tired sigh passing your lips as you opened the plastic case. You weren’t one to judge people’s music, often giving each genre a try before making a conclusion on it. But, stolen music was something that’d you’d happily judge. 
Placing the disk into the appropriate slot, you pressed play on the cd player. The music played through the headphones, the padded material fitting snug against your ears. You laid out on your bed, letting the music calm you, despite the punk metal flowing through your head.
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You hadn’t seen the four boys over the past week at the boardwalk. Well, you did see them, anyone could see them. But, they were always driving away on their bikes or terrifying some tourists that got to close to them. 
You also didn’t know what to say to them, it wasn’t like you were friends with any of them. So, you just stuck to the side when they would get too close or change directions entirely, not wanting to be noticed by the leatherback motorcyclists.
But, you were noticed.
They knew when you were near, and they knew when you would hide away in a random shop when they’d passed by. To them it was hilarious, this girl that they’d barley known was doing everything in her power to keep herself hidden from them.
It wasn’t like it was something new to them, plenty of people dodged their presence when around them. Often, giving them a clear path to walk along the boardwalk. 
Though, whenever they would catch the sweet odor of your perfume, or the soft beating of your heart. Their feet would follow after you, trailing a good distance behind to not alarm you of their presence. 
And it was like they couldn’t stop when they would catch your smell in a crowd. 
It was something deep down that made them follow after you, something deep within their cold body’s that tethered them with you. They all felt it, that odd pull when one of them would spot you. But, none of them would speak out loud about it, not knowing how to ask what it was or why it was you. 
They just knew that the pull they’d fell would softly strengthen itself they closer they were to you. And a small part of them was curious of what it could mean. 
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You watched as the sun lowered itself behind the crashing waves of the ocean, soft pinks and purples mixing in with the night sky before it turns black. It was always mesmerizing how the sun would move so quickly, yet slowly throughout the day. Beginning and ending just as it had started, beautifuly.
The railing from the boardwalk dug into your forearms as you leaned against it, a peaceful feeling scorching through your body at the sight before you. You knew you’d have to leave soon, you promised mom that you’d be back before dinner. 
Pulling yourself from the deck, you made your way over to the stairs leading down to the beach. Straps of your bag digging into your shoulders, as the weight of your items shifted. The only reason that you had brought the thing was because you’d wished to open your wallet a bit more tonight. 
A couple of happy’s for your family and yourself. As well as your house keys, wallet and Walkman. (For when you get bored.)
The sand inched itself into the crevices of your soles, no doubt something that mom would get on to you about if you track any kind of grime into the house. 
You could have just walked along the boardwalk, but you were growing a bit tired of the over packed people crowding around you. Too many sweaty bodies, and far too many noises. So, a nice walk along the beach would be the perfect way to end the night. 
A small fire came into view, the light casting a soft glow around a group of kids that surrounded it. You didn’t recognize them. Not that you’d recognize a whole lot of people with only being in town for a total of two weeks, but still. Loud music came from the group, shouts and laughter erupting the quiet atmosphere of the beach. 
You kept your focus away from the group, not wanting to disturb their own fun. Keeping a far away distance to not draw any attention towards yourself. Though that seems to be the opposite of tonight’s plans. 
A sharp whistle came from the group, dragging you out of your peace. 
You glanced over at the bonfire, stopping momentarily in the sand. They were a lot closer to you than the fire itself, maybe a few feet away than the couple of yards they were previously at. 
“Where you running off to on such a nice night, babe?” One of them asked, his voice slur like. The nickname didn’t roll off his tongue like Paul’s did the other night, no, instead it came off forced and disoriented. Almost like the name was just a way to try and sweet talk you. 
“Home.” You told him bluntly, taking slow but deliberant steps away from them. 
An airy chuckle came from a different guy, “What a coincidence, so are we.”
“Please don’t follow me.” You said over your shoulder, picking up your pace when you realized that they were starting to follow you. 
“Why not, you look like you could use the company.”
You didn’t give a response, instead kept your head forward, ignoring the calls that they continued to ring out. “C’mon, beautiful, this a way to treat a gentleman?”
An hand gripped your arm, yanking you back into the imbrace of a body. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist keeping you tightly in his hold. “I was fuckin’ talking to ya.” He told you, the smell of his intoxicated breath making you gag. 
He pulled you closer to the fire, dragging your body as you kicked and refused to allow him to take you to their spot. The other guys had brutish smiles on their faces, finding the situation as a pleasant form of entertainment for them.
One of the men snatched your bag off your shoulders, tossing it near the bonfire as a couple dug through your possessions. “Let me fucking go!” You shouted, arms and legs kicking out at anyone who got close. Your sudden movements caused the guys grip on you to slip, your feet finally planting firmly on the ground.
You twisted out of the guys hold, his arms still wrapped tightly around your waist. And, out of a flurry of emotions, you raised your dominant arm, reeling it back before your fist connected with his nose. Hard. 
A sharp crunch came from the man’s nose, and something warm and wet coated your knuckles as you pulled your fist back. The man let out a pained groan, his hands cupping his nose as blood dripped from between his fingers. 
“God! Fuckin’! Dammit!” He shouted, words coming out choppy and rushed as he struggled to breath properly through his nostrils. “Look what you fucking did, you bitch!”
You bit your toungue, fighting off a smug smile. Now is really not the time to play around with these guys, but, you knew it felt good to punch him. The tiny bag of dicks deserved it. “I can see.” You told him taking a small step back from the supposed leader of the group. “And it looks like a shitty nose job, if you ask me.”
“You broke my fucking nose!” He was beyond pissed, anyone with an eye could see that. He pointed a finger at you, blood dripping from the tip. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
God, this guy has a nasty mouth on him. He gets punched one time and it’s all fucking this and fucking that. His mama needs to teach himself some manners. 
You opened you mouth to tell him, ready to snatch your bag back and take off towards grandpas, when a reflective object caught your eye. Glancing over at the man’s hand you saw a knife clutched tightly in his right hand, his fist slightly shaking for how hard his grip was. 
Holy shit. 
He really is gonna kill you. 
Turning swiftly on your foot, you tried to manuver out of the outstretched hands grabbing at you. Sprinting on the sand, you felt as the tiny rocks slowed you down. Everytime you pushed off, your foot slowly sank down into the beach’s bay. 
Holy shit. 
A hand gripped your hair, tight. Your scalp burning as you get yanked back and thrown down on the ground. A yelp slipped past your lips when your upper body hits the floor, the air vacating your lungs. 
You tried to lift your body up, tried to run, tried to scream for help. But, there were suddenly hands everywhere, holding you down on your back, arms and legs pinned down as the man you’d punched leaned over you. 
“You know,” he started, twisting his knife in his palm. “It’d be a real shame for me to fuck up your face, because, well, you sure do got a pretty one.” He trailed his hand over your face, blood trailing behind as he did so. 
“Burn in fucking hell!” You shouted, putting as much strength as you could muster to try  and shove off the ones holding you down. 
A nasty sneer rested on his lips, “But such a shitty attitude, maybe I’ll cut off your tongue, you know, keep you quiet for once.”
The guy pinning down your left arm looked up at the man, slight concern bubbling across his features. “Hughie, yer not actually gonna cut ‘er, right-“
“Shut the hell up!” Hughie shouted at the man, knife pointed dangerously close to his face. “Just shut up.”
He turned back towards you, the knife dropping down to his side as glared down at you. “I ain’t gonna cut the bitch.”
You felt air enter your body, feeling slightly better about the situation now knowing he isn’t actually gonna use the knife. But, you still didn’t know what he was gonna do with you. 
“No, well just take her shitty bag, and I want just a little pay back for the nose.” Hughie brought his index and thumb close together. 
You watched with wide eyes as he walked around you, stopping at the top of your head, kicking just a little bit of sand in your face as he did so. “Fucking slut.” He muttered, before he raised his leg and the heel of his boot came down hard on your face. 
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David sat on top of his motorcycle, the kickstand holding him steady as he puffed on his cigarette. The sun had set about an hour ago, the night fresh and just starting. They had plenty of time to scope out the crowd and find their next meal. 
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Paul and Marko sweet talking a group of ladies. They’d be nice for a snack, David thought. The sent of their blood flooding his senses, but, they’d need just a little more to actually fill them up. 
Dwayne leaned against the wooden railing, keeping a steady eye on those who wander too close to him and his brothers. Anyone that catches his eye would immediately steer themselves in a different direction. 
The smell of your blood drifted around the group, drawing Paul and Marko away from the group of girls and back over to their brothers. Your blood was a lot stronger than usual tonight, they noticed. It was more out in the open than what they’d usually smell around you. 
Paul was the first to notice you, a smile spreading across his face. “Hey, babe.” He drawled, watching as you came into view of the group. “Where you been lately?”
Though you didn’t stop to acknowledge them, in fact you seemed to walk faster to try and past them. It was slightly uncharacteristic of you, no snarky comment or a roll of your eyes. To say they missed it was an understatement. 
One by one, they each stepped away from their bikes, sauntering over to your fleeting form. The smell of your blood grew stronger and stronger the closer they got to you, the reminder that they need to eat picking at the back of their minds. 
Marko reached you first, gently pulling at your arm to catch your attention. “Hey, beautiful, where you been all week?” Though, you shrugged off his hand, barley giving him a glance as you tried to push through the crowd. 
He furrowed his brows, slightly confused at your demeanor. The first time you’ve met you’d snapped at him for trying to take a silly vinyl, and now you wouldn’t even spare him a second of your attention. 
Even when they’d see you out on the boardwalk, you’d always glance up at them, meeting at least one of their eyes before scurrying in a different direction. 
He quickly glanced at the others, silently asking them what to do. 
David brushed by his brother, understanding him without either having to open their mouths. He took long purposeful strides, the sounds of the others following right behind floated up to his ears. In no time, David was at your side. Gloved fingers wrapping around your forearm, as he spun you around to face them. 
A witty comment danced on the edge of his tongue, the sudden impulse to hear a snarky remark fall from your lips egged him on. Though, what he sa made his thoughts stand still. 
Bruises were found all around your face. A few rested along your jawline and cheekbones, but, the biggest of them all was the one on your right eye. The skin slightly puffed around the eyeball, making it hard to see clearly from that side. 
A dark red was slowly but steadily seeping from your bottom lip, the sticky liquid had had found its way to the collar of your shirt. The fabric had caused the blood to spread across the top. 
That explains the smell of blood. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over onto your cheeks. Your breaths became labored, short intakes and outtakes, eyes darting past the four men to your surroundings. 
David placed both hands on your face, the feeling of his gloved fingers against your skin oddly calmed you. You placed your own hands against his wrist gently trying to tug them away, though, his grip didn’t seem to loosen. 
“Let me go.” You said in a hoarse voice, the sound of it made an odd feeling stir in the pit of the boys stomachs. 
You hadn’t even realized that the rest of the boys had surrounded the two of you. Each eyeing the small marks that littered across your face with hidden emotion. 
Paul had reached forward grasping your hand in his, eyes trailing across the hills of your knuckles. A faint coat of blood was slowly drying itself up, blood that wasn’t your own. The blonde gently showed your hand to the others, discreetly eyeing each of them, a silent conversation threading itself through the air. 
A weak sniffle sounded from you, mindlessly dragging their thoughts back to the fact that you were here right infront of them. “Can I please just go home?” You asked, voice wavering with emotion. 
One by one they each gave a chorus of, ‘of course’ or just a simple nod. Paul released your hand, not before wiping a small trail of blood onto the pad of his finger. Keeping the scent with them as you left. 
David pulled his hands away from your face, the cold touch lingering on your warm skin. They watched as you pushed through the crowd, hand gently pressing against someone’s lower back as you pass by them. An eerie tick crawled its way to the back of David’s mind, something unsettling and terrifying. 
And it didn’t seem to mix well with the need to feed. 
David glanced over at Dwayne, giving him a quick nod. The brunette mirrored his brother, neither having to open they’re mouth before he distantly trailed after you. Getting lost in the crowd just as you had. 
Now just the three blondes were left in the boardwalk. Paul was softly bouncing on his feet unpatiently awaiting for David’s orders. Marko stood beside his brothers, fingers twitching at the sudden need to sink his fists and fangs into someone. 
The faint smell of the assholes blood filtered through their noses, a soft trail leading through the crowds. Without glancing back at the terror twins, David signaled towards the bikes. The three of them straddles their own Motorcycles, Dwayne’s would just have to stay at the boardwalk until they get back. 
They revved their engines, the loud noise drawing attention of nearby locals. Though, tonight, the people’s attention was the last thing that they were trying to capture. 
“Boys,” David spoke over the rumble of the bikes. “Let’s eat.”
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A/a/n: Ok, so, if anyone of confused by the ending, the boys went out to basically kill the surfer nazis. And, Dwayne went to make sure you got home safe before joining his brothers. Also, I felt like the ending was a bit rushed, because I haven’t posted in like a week or something. But, let me tell you that this chapter has been 90% done the whole time. I was just lazy to finish the other 10%. But, let me know what you guys think ;)
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the-nerdiest-insanity · 4 months
So, I have too many Dead Boy Detectives ideas and not enough time and motivation to write them. These ones are up for grabs, but I'll let you know if I ever do revisit any of these
Edwin and Crystal have to pose as a couple for a case, and neither is happy about it
There's some case involving an elite restaurant or some place where only couples can get in. Crystal pulls strings to get them in, but Charles and Niko are off investigating something else. Edwin was held back to search their books for anything. That leaves only Edwin and Crystal forced to act as a couple to get in
5 times the boy’s “old married couple” tendencies came out, and 1 time one of the boys noticed it
Could be little things like "that's Edwin's spot," or "Charles always puts his backpack there" to bigger things like being undercover on a case and accidentally winning a best couple competition
Crystal (and Niko) learning from Charles that the Cat King and Monty were just the latest in a line of broken hearts that Edwin has left. Edwin has been completely oblivious to all of them
Just love the idea of oblivious heartbreakers and Edwin definitely never notices anyone's affections unless it's very clearly spelled out for him
Desire wants to know why their sister is so fascinated with Edwin, so they catch him while he’s in Hell. Getting a confession where Desire is taunting Edwin til he spills everything… Only for Charles to be standing there, coming to rescue his best friend. Desire’s work is done, and they leave, and the boys must deal with the aftermath
Thinking like House of Hades style where Desire is more heard, but not seen as Edwin talks about Crystal and how much he is frustrated by her because he envies her. Highly recommend looking up the House of Hades Cupid Scene to get the vibe I'm talking about.
One thinks they’ve been dating for years vs we’ve never been romantically involved no matter how badly I’d love it trope with Charles and Edwin. Charles is convinced they’ve been dating for like a decade or two while Edwin is completely oblivious and badly pining. Charles “We’ve been dating for 20 years, but Edwin doesn’t like labels or touch, so he’s my best mate, and I keep my distance” Rowland vs. Edwin “I’d walk back into Hell to taste your lips and hear you call me love” Payne
Another trope I just adore that I think would be interesting with the boys. Especially since Charles just thinks it's because of how Edwin was raised or that he's just like that, and not realising the disconnect. Then, Edwin thinking the exact same about Charles. The best miscommunication version
One of the demons Edwin gets transferred to is Crowley (a token of appreciation the higher-ups say). So, Edwin gets dragged along with Crowley to stop the apocalypse (Charles would fit in there too, idk how)
Just want more Good Omens crossovers. Edwin would love to finally use his detective skills to help Crowley and Aziraphale and also finally get some fresh air. Crowley is done with Hell, but has too much of a heart to just send Edwin off to someone else who'll hurt him. Plus, Aziraphale gets attached, so what can he do
Edit: forgot to add this one originally and it's a crime
Crystal, Niko, and Charles get out that Edwin likes a boy and all come to the wrong conclusions about who
Edwin gets over his crisis faster and the others feel comfortable enough to tease him about being open about his first crush. He gives them very little information, but they all think of someone else. Charles thinks it's the Cat King, Niko thinks it's Monty, and Crystal thinks it's Charles. Chaos ensues as they all try to figure out what's true.
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lqveharrington · 1 year
Love-Hate | H.B.
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summary: you’re love-hate relationship with Hobie Brown himself <3
pairing: Hobie Brown x fem!Spidey!reader
warnings: kinda suggestive !! making out, fluff if you squint, cursing, gwen and miles being in an awkward situation, lmk if i forgot any !!
wc: 1.5k+
a/n: it’s so hard to write for hobie’s accent oml !!
You had a love-hate relationship with Hobie.
One second you’ll be annoyed at him for taking all the snacks you announced you wanted to have and the next, you’ll be making out in the break room, knocking things over. It was a never-ending cycle that confused everyone who witnessed an interaction. Even during missions Miguel sent out, the bickering wouldn’t end and in return, the make-outs wouldn’t end.
You never labeled the relationship as anything and Hobie hated labels, so it was a win-win situation. There would be some moments where you were just friendly with each other, but the arguments that would soon blow up in your faces will always end whatever chance others would deem as a healthy relationship.
Sometimes, your closest friends at HQ were nothing but added more reasons to your disputes with each other. The typical starter to a fight would be one stealing the others' belongings without them knowing. Yet, neither of you could ever give proof until an hour later when the item would appear back in its rightful place where it was last left.
Gwen being the cause of those fights.
Just like today, but worse.
You were pissed. And it wasn’t even Hobie’s fault for once. Still, he decided today would be the day to be the most aggravating person in the world.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist, love?” He draped an arm around your shoulders, feigning false hurt when you pushed him off. “Nice to know you have some sort of emotion.”
“Hobie, go away.” You glare in his direction, finding a smirk displayed on his face. Not giving him the satisfaction of blowing up just yet, you answer his previous question. “Miguel is being a huge dick. I fought the stupid anomaly off and got blamed for not calling it in. What does he want me to do? Risk the entire universe, my universe to be more precise, just to call in a stupid anomaly? I would rather be stranded on a deserted island than risk that! I hate him so much, I have no idea why I joined this stupid society!”
You enter one of the more secluded areas you claimed as your own place, scanning for the walkman your dad gave you before he… Well, you all know the canon event by now.
“Where the fuck is it?” You let out a frustrated groan, opening the drawers and slamming them shut once you realized someone had taken it. “Did you take it?”
“Did you take the walkman?” You stare up at him, glare still prominent. “I left it here.”
“Why would I take the walkman?” Hobie blatantly replied, hands in the pockets of his vest as he leaned against one of the walls, his guitar placed right beside him.
“Because you steal all of my shit, Hobie!” You rub your forehead, earning a raised brow from the male. “You know what? Fine, it’s fine. Everything is fine. I just need to relax. Then maybe you’ll give back the Walkman.”
“I don’t have the bloody Walkman.” He walked up to you, mere inches away. “And if I did, I would ‘ave gave it to ya’ as it seems you’re in a bit of a pissy mood.”
“Bite me.” You roll your eyes at his words, shifting closer to his frame. “You always take my things! No matter what time of day it is, where we are, it always goes missing! And you clearly don’t understand the value of this particular item!”
You looked up at him as you breathed heavily from the small outburst.
“I didn’t take anything.” Hobie met your eyes and leaned the smallest bit.
“Liar.” You reply with a voice laced with pure hate.
If anyone had walked in for the first few seconds, they would’ve thought it was a staring contest. But the sudden energy that emitted from the both of you completely took over, now hoping no one walked in.
Your hands pulled on his vest as he held your face with one hand and your waist with the other, his lips meeting you with such force and passion. As swiftly as it happened, you were able to sync up your movements, allowing Hobie to push you on the couch.
“I fucking hate you.” You separate from him, catching your breath.
“Feelings mutual, love.” He kissed your jaw and moved down to your neck, leaving small pecks and sucking on the more sensitive parts. You let out a small moan at the action, tugging on his vest and wanting to feel his lips back on your own.
“You’re so fucking needy.”
“Shut up.” You close the gap between you two, the coolness of his lip ring sending a miniature shiver down your spine.
He slotted one of his legs between both of yours, eliciting a whimper you tried to hold back. Something that Hobie didn’t fail to hear. He shifted his leg with the smallest amount of force causing you to gasp, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. He swallowed all your noises, immediately feeling the need to get closer than you already were.
Hobie pulled away from you, the line of spit connecting the two of you splitting as you groaned from the physical detachment.
“Bee, what the fuck!” Your brows furrowed in confusion, eyes still full of desire for the Brit in front of you.
“Y’know how much I hate your Spidey suit.” He squeezed your waist, watching you squirm underneath him. “It makes everything so impossible.”
You huff, “Don’t blame me for something you started.”
“I didn’t take your walkman.” He spoke in a lower tone, eyes darkening. “How many times will I have to say that for you to get that in your pretty likkle mind?”
“Fuck you.”
“You fucking wish.” Hobie went to attack your neck once more, this time gaining a much louder moan. Your own eyes widen at the noise.
He groaned into your neck, “Holy shit, love.”
— —
“Miles, you’ve discovered every inch of this place! What more do you need to discover?” Gwen walked backward, watching her friend’s eyes light up as he spotted a hallway he’s never been in. “What?”
“What’s over there?”
Gwen looked over to where he was pointing, immediate regret taking over. I knew I should’ve gone another way. She thought.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it. Let’s go to the break room and bother more cool Spider-men!”
Miles raised a brow at her sudden energy to leave the area. “What? Are you hiding something there?”
“Me? I won’t ever hide something in this stupid place.” She crossed her arms, standing her ground. “Let’s leave.”
“Nope.” He popped his p, already walking to the new area. “I wanna look to see what’s over there.”
“It’s boring! It is so boring over there.” Gwen followed, hoping that you weren’t there.
“If it’s boring, why do you want us to leave this place so bad?”
“Just… Because.” She stuck her tongue out. “Just come on, nothing good is over—“
The distant sound made Miles concerned, thinking someone was hurt in the area. He started to make his way down the hallway, Gwen trying to stop him before he saw something he wished he didn’t.
“Gwen. If something bad happens down there and we could’ve prevented it, it’ll be on you.” He poked her arm, web shooters ready just in case. “We’ll just check, okay?”
The blonde bit her lip and nodded. Instead of getting her web-shooters ready to shoot at whatever the cause is, she got ready to web his eyes closed and her own hands to cover hers.
Miles burst into the room flicking the lights on, screaming to scare off whatever it was.
You and Hobie, on the other hand, jumped at the noise, Hobie throwing a pillow at the culprit.
“MILES?!” You shout, hiding yourself under Hobie, silently cursing. “GWEN?!”
“OH, MY EYES!” Miles turns around, Gwen in return webbing them shut a little too late. “OW, MY EYES!”
“Oops, sorry, Miles.” She pats his shoulder, not making eye contact with the older pair. “Hey, Hobie… Hey—”
“As much as I love a group reunion, get the fuck out.” Hobie dropped his head on your shoulder, muttering out words that weren’t too nice. Gwen quickly turned around and left without struggle, Miles still struggling with the web stuck on his face. The blonde whispered an apology to the boy, grabbing his arm and leading him out of the room.
“Sorry— OW! Gwen!” Miles leaves the room with a yelp.
Hobie rolls his eyes at the pair, tilting his head to meet your eyes. “So?”
You stare back, “What?”
“You called me Bee.” He gave a smug look. “You like me.”
“I do not!”
“Whatever you say.”
You smack his arm, adjusting the way you lay on the couch. “You still took my walkman.”
“Gwendy literally left it on the counter over there,” Hobie smirks in your direction. “Either your spidey senses aren’t working or you love me.”
“Love? No. Absolutely not.”
“The look of messy everything on you is a style then, yeah?” He clicks his tongue, taking in your disheveled look.
“I hate you.”
“Hate you too.” He gave you one last kiss, which believe it or not, left a small smile on your lips.
©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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bloatedandalone04 · 10 months
In The Way I Need You | Part 3
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Series Masterlist
➪in which you babysit joey for the first time and clay quickly discovers that he enjoys seeing you interact with his son more than he probably should.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.7k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Hi, Joey!” You say as the kid runs up to you. “How was your day?”
“Good,” he answers and takes off his backpack, handing it to you with a sheepish grin. “Where’s daddy?”
You throw his backpack over your shoulder and take his hand, leading him towards the street where Clay’s driver was waiting for you. Since you didn’t have a car and couldn’t bring a booster seat with you whenever you needed to hail a cab and pick Joey up, Clay told you that his driver was available for that twenty four seven, and you once again were left questioning your career choice. ���He’s still at work,” you answer and open the back door. 
“Will I see him at home?” Joey asks as he sits on the booster seat and waits for you to buckle him in. 
“Yes, but not for a little while longer,” you say as you sit next to him. You look at the driver and bite your lip as you try to remember the name Clay told you. 
What was it? Robby? Rodger?
“Hey,” you nudge Joey’s side with a smile. “Do you know his name?” 
Joey’s gaze follows your finger as you discreetly point at the driver. “That’s Mick,” he answers loudly and your face heats up almost instantly. 
A deep laugh was heard from the front of the car and you became even more embarrassed. “It’s Rick,” he corrected the four year old with a teasing grin in the rearview mirror. 
“Right, sorry,” you laugh and run your hands up and down your thighs. “I’m bad with names.”
Rick just waves you off and it was thankfully a peaceful ride back to Clay’s house. When you took Joey’s hand again and led him up the stairs, you fumble around in your pocket for the key Rick gave you. He said that Clay had given it to him to give to you, and you were reminded of the fact that you had completely spaced out last night and forgot to ask for it. 
Once you were both inside, you lock the door and carry Joey up the stairs. “Are you hungry?” You ask as you walk into the kitchen with him. “Do you want a snack before dinner?”
You set him down on one of the chairs at the kitchen table and turn to look at the cabinet. You felt a bit weird about looking in someone else’s cupboards, but Clay had texted you beforehand and told you that anything in the kitchen was free for the taking, except for the kiwi in the fridge. That was strictly for Lilith and Lilith only. 
“A little,” Joey answered as he played with the tablecloth. “What’s for dinner?”
You set his backpack down onto the opposing chair, as well as your own tote bag, and opened the long cabinet. “I’m not sure, buddy,” you say and take out a box of crackers. “I can make you a grilled cheese sandwich, if you like those.”
“I do,” he says excitedly. You smile at him and open a few cupboards before finding the one with the plates in it. Taking out a small one, you dump a handful of crackers onto it and set it down in front of Joey. 
As he begins to snack on the crackers, you open his bag and take out the empty lunch containers. Your fingers skim over various pages, and you pull a few of them out and look at the drawings that were labeled with today’s date. “Joey, did you draw these?” You ask as you sit down next to him. 
He nodded, taking a cracker between his small fingers. “They’re from today,”
“Wow,” you say and look over at him. “You’re quite the little artist, huh?”  
Joey smiles and points towards the fridge. You turn and notice that there were multiple drawings on the fridge, each one being held up by a magnet of a different letter. “Daddy put them there,” 
Your smile grows as you turn back to look at Joey. “That’s sweet,” you say and he holds out a cracker to you. “Thanks, buddy. Let me know when you get hungry and I’ll make dinner, okay?”
He nods as you eat the cracker and place a blank sheet of paper in front of him.
“Do you feel like coloring some more? Maybe you can draw something for your dad to come home to later,” you suggest and he excitedly nods as he takes the pack of crayons from you. 
“Okay,” he instantly agreed and began drawing something. You had no clue what it was supposed to be, but you knew Clay would love anything his unbelievably cute son gave him, no matter how abstract it was. 
As Joey colors his picture, you look around the kitchen and debate on whether or not you should take on the task of cleaning it a bit. It wasn’t messy, not by a long shot, but there were a few telltale signs that Clay and Lilith rushed this morning and had to leave things a tad unorganized. 
You ruffle Joey’s hair before standing up and beginning to wash the few dishes that were in the sink, then move onto emptying the coffee machine and wiping off the counters. 
You had just finished tossing the paper towel into the trash when Joey called your name, his mispronunciation of it making you grin, “I’m hungry now,”
“You are?” You ask and grab the loaf of bread and cheese from out of the fridge. “No way, I’m hungry, too.”
Joey laughed at you and lifted up the piece of paper that was now various colors and shapes. “Done,”
“Wow!” You say and set the items in your hands down before making your way over to him. “Your dad will love this. Would you like me to label it for you? So you know what day you drew it?”
He nods and hands you both the page and a red crayon. 
After writing down his name and today’s date, you set it aside and begin making him a grilled cheese sandwich, glancing at him every so often while you wait. 
“Joey? Y/n?” Clay calls as he enters his house and pockets his keys. Being met with silence, he heads upstairs and follows the sound of his kid’s laughter all the way to the living room, where he finds him sitting on the couch with you. Clay stops in the doorway as he takes in the sight of his son snuggling into your side while you mess up his hair, and he felt like his heart had skipped a beat when you looked up and smiled at him. 
“Hi,” you greet in a quiet voice, making Joey look up and smile once he locks eyes with him. 
“Daddy!” He calls and gets up from the couch. He runs over to Clay on wobbling legs and practically jumps into his arms. 
“Hey, buddy,” Clay mumbles, wrapping his arms around him. “How was your day? Did you have fun with Y/n?” 
“Yes! I made something for you,” when he began to wiggle in his arms, Clay bent down and let Joey run off down the hall towards the kitchen. He turns back to you with a smile, moving to sit next to you with a decent amount of space between you. “How about you? How was your day?”
“Oh, so good,” you grin and turn the TV off with the remote. “You were right, you’ve got the coolest kid in New York.”
“I told you,” he grinned back and took a second to glance down at your outfit. It was still warm out since it was only the beginning of September, so your jean shorts and cropped tee were still acceptable to wear weather wise. But for some reason Clay couldn’t seem to stop his eyes from raking up and down the smooth skin of your legs. 
He had to get a hold of himself, because you are his kid’s babysitter, and nothing could happen between you. He just had to accept the fact that you were cute, and leave it at that. 
“How was work?” You ask as you trace the floral pattern on the pillow you had on your lap. He realized that it had been so long since someone other than his mother asked him that, and even Lilith had stopped asking since she did pretty much the same thing he did. 
He wasn’t aware of how much he wanted to come home to someone and have them ask him about his day - so he can ask them right back - until now.
Clay shrugged. “Work is work,” he answered and did nothing to stop the grin that took over his lips and matched yours, despite his previous warnings to himself. Maybe nothing more than a professional relationship could occur between the two of you, but that was it.
Before he could further continue acting like he wasn’t into you, Joey came running back into the room with a piece of paper in his hand. “Look, dad,” he said in an excited voice as Clay picked him up and set him down on the couch between you and him. “I made this for you.”
Clay looked at the drawing and felt his heart swell in his chest. He had not one clue what the drawing was supposed to be, but he loved it all the same. Then he noticed the neat handwriting at the bottom of the page. “This is amazing, Joe,” he praised, kissing the top of his son’s head before looking over at you. “Did your babysitter help you write your name?”
“No,” he laughed, snuggling into his side. “She wrote it for me.”
Clay laughed, too, running his hand up and down Joey’s back. “You tired, bud? Ready for a bath and then bed?”
“Yeah,” came his son’s quiet response before he looked over at you. “Can she help me in the bath?”
Clay looked up at you and found you already smiling. “I don’t know, Joey,” he answered. “Y/n might have to go now that I’m home.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” you say and look down at Joey. “You just got here. Relax a bit, I can get him ready for bed.”
Joey got up and crawled over onto your lap, his little fingers playing with the bracelet around your wrist, much like how he did last night. “As long as it’s not keeping you from anything,” Clay stated a bit hesitantly. 
“What could I possibly have going on? It’s seven PM on a Wednesday,” you joked as you stood up and held Joey on your right hip. 
“You never know,” he said back and watched as you shook your head before making your way up to the third floor. Clay sat on the couch for a bit longer and looked at Joey’s drawing. He’ll never understand what he possibly could have done that made the world think he deserved such a sweet kid, but he’ll also never ask in fear that it’ll come back to bite him.
Then he was looking at the bottom right corner again, and now he was wondering why he thought that even your handwriting is pretty. 
He really needed to get a grip. 
Standing up from the couch, he heads into the kitchen with the paper still in his hand. When he looked up, his eyes widened a bit at how damn near spotless the room looked. He remembered leaving in a bit of a rush this morning and not having the time to tidy up, and he felt bad that you would have to see the kitchen in that kind of state. But it was pristine. 
He debated on whether or not he should pay you more just because he couldn’t remember the last time the kitchen had looked this nice, and decided he would need to after he opened the fridge and saw a grilled cheese sandwich in there, covered by saran wrap and topped off with a sticky note. 
For the coolest kid’s dad. 
This was too much.
He closed the fridge again after grabbing the plate and stuck the drawing onto the door of it with a magnet of the letter of your first name by pure coincidence. 
You had used that same red crayon to write on the sticky note, and Clay felt a warm feeling take over his body at the fact that you thought about him, enough to provide him with dinner. 
It was a simple dinner, but he felt like he was eating like a royal. You were somehow able to make him feel more important than anyone else had in a long time, and that was a scary thought. 
The last time he had let himself get too caught up in someone he ended up marrying them and then he was on his own with a kid only a few years later.
He couldn’t let himself feel that way about you. 
So, he tossed the note into the recently changed garbage and ate, what he could confidently say, was the best grilled cheese he had ever had in his life. 
After washing the plate, he heard the sound of soft footsteps nearing the kitchen, and then a second later you poked your head in. “Hi,” you say quietly. “He’s in bed. I think he wants you to go say goodnight to him.”
“Okay, thanks,” Clay said and grabbed your bag from off the kitchen chair. “And thank you for cleaning up the kitchen. You didn’t have to do that.”
He hands your bag to you and you take it with a shy smile. “It’s no big deal,” you shrug and slide the bag up your arm. “I also made you a sandwich, if you’re hungry.”
Clay nods, fighting off a smile. “Another thing you didn’t have to do,” he stated and saw a flash of embarrassment in your eyes, making him quickly add, “But I appreciate it, nonetheless. It was good.”
You smile again and step out into the hall as he follows you. “I’m glad,”
He led you all the way downstairs before pulling out a hundred dollar bill and holding it out to you. “Thanks for everything,”
You look at the bill with wide eyes before shaking your head. “That’s too much,” you say and step away from him. “I was only here for a few hours, I can’t take that.”
“It’s what we agreed on, plus a little more for helping out with the kitchen and getting him ready for bed,” he shrugged, moving towards you when you still didn’t take it. “It’s fine, Y/n, really.” He assured you and placed the bill in your bag after you shook your head again.
“Clay,” you begin, but he silences you with a smile. You smiled back, a grateful look in your eyes as you nod. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” he said and opened the door for you. “Are you able to pick him up again tomorrow?”
“Same time?” You ask and step outside. “Yes, of course.”
“Great,” he leans against the door and looks around at the dark street. “Let me know that you go home okay?”
You smile again and nod, holding onto the strap of your bag. “I will. Have a good night,”
He watched as you walked down the steps before murmuring a quiet, “You too,” he was sure you didn’t even hear as you got into a taxi.
Once you were out of sight he closes and locks the door before heading up to Joey’s room, where he finds him almost asleep and snuggled under his covers. “Daddy,” he quietly called and Clay was over to him within seconds. 
“Hey,” he says and sits down on the small bed. “How was your bath?”
“Good,” Joey answers, snuggling closer to Clay’s side. “I like her. She’s nice.”
Clay hums, smoothing out Joey’s hair that was already pretty much dry. “I do, too, buddy,” he agrees. “Do you want to see her again tomorrow?”
Joey nods and closes his eyes. “She makes good sandwiches,” he mumbles. 
“She does,” Clay once again agrees with the four year old before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Goodnight, Joey. I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”
And then Joey was asleep, and Clay was left thinking about you. 
His kid was right; you are nice. Far too nice for your own good, and way too sweet for him to be thinking about you in the way he is now. 
He thought about how you went out of your way to clean up the place, make him food, then proceed to still help him by getting Joey ready for bed, even after he was already home. 
You were such a genuinely kind person, Clay was wondering how he got lucky enough to run into you, literally, on the street and have you in his life, if only to look after his son. 
With one last glance at Joey, Clay stands up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him before making his way back into the kitchen, where he reaches in and grabs the sticky note with your pretty handwriting from out of the unused garbage bag. 
He holds it in one hand while he types out a text to you with his other. 
Thanks again for everything. I’m going out this weekend to pick up some groceries, so let me know if there is anything I can keep here for you when you’re babysitting. 
Instead of waiting for you to text him back, he regretfully clicks on Sam’s contact and calls her. Unsurprisingly, he gets her voicemail, and he stays silent for a beat or two before leaving her another message. “It was his second day of school today,” he muttered, leaning back against the headboard of his bed. “He doesn’t even ask about you, can you believe that? He thinks growing up without a mother is normal. You did that to him. You left him without even thinking about what it will be like for him in the future.”
He let out an annoyed sigh, angry with himself for reaching out to her again, even after sorting out a small portion of his life. Clay truly had no control over the part of himself that wanted Sam to come back, and the even bigger part of him that hated her for leaving him. 
“You’re a coward, Sam, you know that?” He asked and felt his anger rising within him. His heartbeat quickened as his skin heated up, and he found it a bit hard to breathe at the moment. Then he looked at the note that was still in his hand, and felt himself relax just a bit. 
His eyes traced over every letter and by the time he reached the last one, his heartbeat was back to normal and he no longer wanted to waste any more of his time on her. At least for the rest of the night. 
So, he hung up without saying another word, and when he glanced at the screen, he saw that you had texted him back during the time he spent leaving Sam that pointless voicemail.
Joey’s Sitter: Well….since you asked. Diet coke. Pretty please.
And Clay was now smiling as he set the sticky note down on his alarm clock and replied with,
That stuff is really bad for you, you know that, right? It’s easy to get addicted to.
He wasn’t one to talk, as he, too, has been addicted to things in the past. He was a regular smoker before he met Sam, and stopped well before Joey was born as he didn’t want him around that kind of thing. And Sam had been pestering him about stopping for quite some time at that point, as well.
Joey’s Sitter: Oh, I didn’t realize you were a doctor. Or a special health therapist. My bad. I guess I can use my babysitting money to buy it myself, then you would technically be buying it for me anyway. 
Clay laughed and pulled off his tie, tossing it aside as he leaned against the pillows.
I’ll get it for you. Just felt like lecturing you a bit. You save up and buy yourself something later on. 
 Joey’s Sitter: Now you’re, what, a teacher? When can I find out what your actual job is? And I am eternally grateful for your kindness about providing me with my diet coke. 
Just so you know, I would never buy diet coke intentionally. I’m making an exception for you so I know you have something here. I can promise that no one else in this house will drink that stuff. And I’m just a boring businessman. As stereotypical as you’re probably thinking it is.
Joey’s Sitter: I wasn’t, but good to know. 
Just as he was about to respond, he heard a few quiet knocks at his door before it opened. He looks up and meets the eyes of his mother, who smiles at him. “Hey,”
“Hey,” he says back and puts his phone on his nightstand. “Long day?”
“Long week,” she says as she crosses the room and sits next to him. “The kitchen looks nice. Did you clean up after putting Joey to bed?”
“No,” he replies and sits up. “Y/n cleaned up.”
“Y/n?” She asked and didn’t bother masking her surprised tone as she pulled off her high heels. “That’s nice. How was Joey with her today?”
“Good,” he answered. “He really likes her. He even asked her to help him get ready for bed.”
Lilith pulled the clip from her hair and looked over at him. “And did she?” When Clay nodded, she pursed her lips. “Wow, she’s better than I thought she was.”
Clay furrowed his brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Even he had to admit that his voice sounded a bit defensive, and his mom definitely caught onto that fact. 
“Nothing, Clay,” she waved him off and stood up, pressing a multitude of kisses to his cheek. “Just be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Careful?” He muttered and looked up at her. 
She smiled and grabbed her discarded heels. “Goodnight, sweetheart,” she whispered and left the room again, leaving him feeling a bit confused and a tad annoyed again.
He debated on whether or not to continue to text you, but decided not to as he worked on the buttons of his shirt and got ready for bed.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Kenan Yilidiz x Reader - Thick Part 5/8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Kenan and Reader share the same high school friend group. As graduation is near, Reader sets out to pass her drivers license test but ultimately struggles to. Thankfully Readers friends agree to help her with driving lessons and take turns doing so. It is during one of Rader's lessons that it becomes clear that Kenan likes her. A chock to Reader, who has a crush on someone else in their friend group.
"So, what's going on with you and Kenan?" Maria asked, on your weekly drive to school.
"Oh please, Y/N. Don't lie. We all know that the two of you are hooking up."
Your driving has improved. After two months of consistent driving lessons with your friends, you were finally getting a hang of the rhythm of traffic. Although, you had to admit that your progress all came down to one driver.
"What do you mean, who told you that?" You said, in a desperate attempt to maintain your honor.
"It's pretty obvious." Maria chuckled. "The two of you are always flirting across the table during lunch hour and the fact that Kenan drives you home everyday kind of gives it away, don't you think?"
"Okay, but what about you and Gio?" You blurred out, as immense heat burned your cheeks.
"What about us?" Maria laughed.
"Well, aren't you two hooking up?" 
"Yes, but the difference is that the two of us aren't trying to hide it from the world. Why would you? Kenan is a great guy and seems to like you a lot."
"I know." You sighed as if it were a bad thing. "It's just that I don't think we'd make a good couple. I need someone more intuned with life, someone intellectual and cool. Someone who thinks with his brain and not with his dick. Someone like...."
You turned to Maria as the car pulled up to a stop sign. "How did you know?"
She grinned. "Again, you make it quite obvious."
"Oh. I guess I have to work on that."
"Yeah. Besides, isn't Luca dating that redhead from the record store downtown?"
"They're just hooking up." You said, having investigated the matter futher ever since you discovered their love dispute. It was therefore important for you not to get too attached to Kenan, that is, if Luca ever decided to come back to earth again and realize that the perfect girl for him was already right by his side.
"I dunno, they seem pretty serious. Luca even asked if she could come with us to Bari this summer."
"He what?"
"Crazy, I know. I said it was cool, but of course Rebecca had to go on about the seating in the car, how there wasn't room for more people in the one we have. It's funny really..."
"What is?"
"Well, it really depends on you if she comes with us or not. If you manage to pass your driver's test there'll be more seats." She laughed. However you didn't find it funny at all.
School that day went by in a flash. Apparently, Luca called in sick today so that he and his band could travel to Milano and meet with a record label. The thoughts of his "girlfriend" traveling with him angered you, completely ruining your day.
".....and then he shot the bear in the face which left his jaw hanging out from its head. It was the craziest shit I've ever seen."
Kenan drove you home again after school. He had Gio on speaker as the two of them wouldn't stop going on and on about a movie that they saw last night. 
"Thanks for the ride." You muttered, when his car pulled up to your house. 
"Y/N, wait!" You made it up the driveway when Kenan came running after you, carrying something in his hand. "I forgot to give you this." He handed you what looked to be a football jersey, a Juventus jersey to be exact.
"Erm....thank you?" You held up the shirt, regarding it skeptically. The number 15 was visible on the back of it. Along with Kenan's last name Yildiz.
"It's for the charity game tomorrow. I thought you'd want to wear it."
"Why would I want to do that?" You snorted but instantly regretted doing so, seeing how Kenan's expression faltered.
"I dunno?" He scratched the back of his head. "I guess it's a thing that players' girlfriends wear their jerseys. Who knows? it might bring me good luck."
"Kenan, it's a charity game." Which you now regretted going to. However, all of your friends were going, including Luca.
"I know." He chuckled. "But you should keep it, for future games."
You sighed. "I'm not your girlfriend Kenan, I thought we went over this?"
He looked like he wanted to protest. Poor thing. But just then the front door to your house came ajar, with your dad stepping out onto the porch. "Y/N, honey, is that you?"
You turned around, quite stunned to see him home this early in the day. "Dad? You're home."
"Yes, and so is your mother. We've been expecting your arrival. I was unaware that you were bringing along a friend." His eyes shot towards Kenan, who crumbled at the sight of your dad, a man three heads taller than himself. "Erm....Mr Y/L/N." He stuttered. At least he hadn't forgotten his manners.
"Yes, that's me." Your dad spoke in a voice intimidating for anyone who didn't know him.
"I was just dropping her off." Kenan turned to you, eyeing the jersey in your hands. "But I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you." 
You watched Kenan walk back to his car and drive off.
"Is he a friend of yours?" Your dad asked, shutting the door behind you.
"Yeah, something like that."
The next day, you waited until the last minute to decide whether you were going to the game or not. If you failed to show up, you'd be a shitty friend. But if you did show up, you were basically agreeing to be Kenan's girlfriend. Something that you weren't ready to do. At least not yet.
"I heard that Luca is bringing that girl who dresses like a homeless person." Rebecca said. She came over to your house, not minding if you chose to attend the game or not. She was good either way.
"I figured." You sighed. "They've been dating for a while."
Rebecca sat up in bed. She regarded you, lying on your back, eyes glued to the sealing. "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, everyone knows that you like Luca."
"Not Kenan."
"Kenan?" She frowned.
You pushed up to rest on your elbows, nodding your head. "He asked me to be his girlfriend and that I'd go to the game wearing his jersey."
Rebecca covered her mouth with her hand, smothering her laughter.
"It's not funny."
"Y/N, what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know." You cried. "I really don't know."
"I say we go."
Rebecca nodded her head. "Don't you see? Imagine if you turned up to the game wearing Kenan's Jersey. Who knows, Luca might get jealous?"
"You think so?"
"We won't know unless we go. Come on!"
It was stupid of Rebecca to let you practice your driving during a time like this. Your fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel. Apparently, the entire city had decided to hit the roads at the same time as you. You glanced at the watch on the dash, your anxiety growing with each passing minute. As you finally reached the stadium. The scoreboard read 2-0, and the crowd was already cheering. You missed the first half of the game.
"There's Gio and Maria!" Rebecca pointed out. And as you climbed up the stands to join them, their grins winded at the sight of you, wearing Kenan's jerseys.
"Whoever speaks loses their tongue." You said, to which Gio and Maria sealed their mouths with an ironic gesture. You then settled in to watch the second half, scanning the crowd, in search for.....
"Luca couldn't make it." Maria said. "His band was scheduled for a second meeting with the record label in Milano."
You turned to Rebecca.
"I swear I had no idea."
"For fucks sake." Why did you ever leave your house, you thought, on the verge of throwing a tantrum. But then a whistle blew and the players on the field started running across it again.
"There goes Kenan!" Gio said, cheering for his friend.
You scanned the field for Kenan's familiar number 15 jersey. You spotted him on the field, his face set in determination, eyeing his opponents. A fire lit within you, watching him. He looked so focused, so masculine. Like someone intellectual and cool. Someone intuned with life.
The game was over before you knew it, nevertheless, you hadn't paid attention to any of it. 
Kenan was seen jogging towards you, a mix of relief and excitement on his face. "You made it and you're wearing my jersey."
A flush of heat rose to your cheeks. "I....I guess I did, and I guess I am."
Kenan's expression softened, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you towards him. The last thing you heard before he kissed you was Gio and Maria's astonished gasps and Rebecca smothering her sounds of disgust. However, none of it mattered. The way he kissed you did. Kenan pressed his lips against you as if it was the first time. He was gentle yet eager, letting his tongue slip into your mouth. He kissed you to the sound of a crowd cheering him on. He kissed like you were the one, the only girl for him.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Make some noise
B. Kaulitz x M! Reader
Synopsis: Your band is the opening act for Tokio Hotel’s concert and Bill falls in love with your voice.. and other things abt you (Not proofread yet😓)
Notes: 18+, Name is a singer, bill crushing hard, making out, subtle touches, dirty thoughts, boners??, oral, Name wears makeup (not specified what kind), Name’s sexuality isn’t labeled, dacryphilia
A/N: I came to the realization that I haven’t wrote M! Reader so I decided to🤭GONNA WRITE OTHER ONES SOOONN BUT NEED IDEAS. I hate this one so much I feel like it’s rushed
“I never knew somebody like you, somebody, Falling just as hard, I’d rather lose somebody than use somebody.”
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- When he found out an American band was the opening for their concert he was a little confused
- But either way, German or American he was excited to see them preform
- Apparently the band was popular in multiple countries and was on tour in Germany and he got just a little intimidated
- But tried to think of it as more people to be acquainted with
- Talked to staff about the band to learn more
- When the bus had arrived he was the first out to go greet them with the rest of the band
- There was 3 other members that came out before he saw you
- You looked drop dead gorgeous
- Like you had just come out of a modeling gig
- Wanted to greet you guys but got to nervous so he left to go do his makeup and decided to introduce himself later
- You thought it was a little weird that everyone else but the lead singer was there to greet you but brushed it off as him being busy
- You and your band began setting up your equipment on stage while conversing with the other 3 from from the band
- You watched everyone do their thing for the most part but got pretty close with the bass player of their band
- He told you about the lead singer and you learned he was just nervous about the show so wasn’t able to come out (lieeesss)
- You made a plan to wish him luck after the opening
- when it was time to start the show the venue was filled to the brim with people (is that a safety hazard?? Who cares)
- Bill had retouched his makeup dozens of times and and stalled for so long that Tom had to come and drag him out so he could watch the opening with the rest
- found out that the reason your band became so popular was because of your almost sexual way of singing (ehehehehe😈)
- was a litttttle confused about what “sexual” meant but very quickly understood the once you started
- You voice was soft and almost whiny? like you were begging, pleading for something
- from the way you moved to how you caught the audiences attention it was all just so…uhhh pornographic in a way??
- an eye opening experience fs😭
- Georg told him that was the whole point
- one time you had made your way across the stage near the group and looked at him and smiled before continuing to indulge in the crowd
- noticed how hot his body was and the buzzing feeling yk…(do I have to spell it out?)
- one moment between songs you pulled at your shirt to wipe the sweat off your forehead and he came to the realization of something
- He had a crush on you or was at least severely attracted to you (whatt I never should’ve guessed😐)
- By the time the opener came to a close he realized he hadn’t taken his eyes away from you once
- when making your way to your designated room you nodded at him and gave him a light squeeze on the arm before wishing him the best
- Maybe he was overthinking…
- But it seemed like you were flirting with him the way touched him and how close you got
- it was like you had already figured out what you did to him
- forgot a little about it while preforming but yk…it’s hard to forgot someone like you
- so naturally his was filled with pictures of you that were not so innocent
- Glanced backstage during a song and noticed you were watching
-saw you were only watching him and was screaming (mentally bro…this isn’t Schrei )
- When the concert ended the group was full of adrenaline and excitement from preforming
- One of your members suggested his band join your’s for drinks at a near by club
- Ofc he agreed alongside everyone else and made their way to your band’s car
- When he opened the car door he stopped so quick you were the first thing he saw
- Sprawled across the few seats in the back row, hand up your shirt, eyes closed probably cooling off from the summer heat
- Of course you were gonna be with the group and he was gonna have to see you laying out before him like you were
- that was supposed to happen later you silly🙄
- You apologized and sat up to accommodate for the extra people
- finally grew a pair and introduced himself to you
- staring at your legs because they kept touching his when you readjusted yourself
- lightly shifting your hips to get comfortable
- Bill is a starin hard asl trust me (in a trance)🙏
- noticed you didn’t talk as much as he thought you would’ve
- Only when talked to directly did you look up from the phone in your lap
- When you did it was with Georg which made him a little jelly bc he wanted to talk with you too
- frustrated bc of how silent you were (like how can someone with such a voice be so quiet)
- didn’t have the confidence to talk to you w/o being sure he wouldn’t bend you over right then and there
- When you did talk he was all ears staring at you
- heart eyes when you brought up how he “did so well” on his performance
- innocently placing your hand on his knee when leaning forward to talk with the bassist
- Fought the knee jerk reactions it gave him when you did
- Took the time when you were quietly scrolling on your phone to admire you
- Staring at all the details of your face and taking a mental picture (for laterrrr)
- Noticed all the small things most wouldn’t like how your makeup accentuated your features
- wanted to just reach out and trace your face with his finger
- counts your beauty marks and freckles if you have any
- Saw the way you fidgeted w/ your lip piercings when listening to the person talking to you
- He wanted to fidget with your piercings to :((
- When they arrived everyone made their way to security to get in
- while getting out you leaned in to whisper to him
- “You should probably fix the boner you have before coming in.”
- Before hopping out of the car and making your way in with the rest of the group
- Mortified was the only way to describe how he was feeling😰
- so embarrassed that he just stayed in the car for like 20 minutes (contemplated stealing the car and driving to the hotel)
- eventually just made his way inside because if he couldn’t get over the humiliation sober he definitely could drunk
- After he ordered a drink he observed the club, the fluorescent lights and loud music helped him forget about what happened
- untillll he saw you and Tom chatting up some girls surrounding you both on a couch near the VIP rooms
- He expected it from Tom but he definitely didn’t from you
- noticed pretty quickly that he was watching and sent him a almost unnoticeable smile before turning back to the girl laid out on your lap laughing at something she said which was most definitely some corny joke that wasn’t even funny (can you tell he’s jealous?)
- saw the way the girl played with your hair and fidgeted around with your hands
- face flushing he quickly downed the drink the bartender dropped off
- Couldn’t tell if he was confused or turned on by how you were acting with him and how undeniably attractive you looked doing it
- Pushed his way through the crowd into a empty bathroom
- After staring at himself deciding if he should just leave for a few minutes someone knocks and opens the door
- Surprise surprise! It’s you ofc who else?🙄
- “what’re you doing in here?”
- “Came in to see if you got rid of your problem yet”
- but he hadn’t…sooo
- you stared at him through those heavy lashes like you expected him to give into you or something
- he did (duh)
- pretty aggressive kissing
- like shoving each other against the wall and everything leaving you gasping into him and him laughing against you type of kissing
- Plays w/ your piercings nonstop
- “What about those girls you left huh? What about them?”
- Shaking your head you laugh at him and he feels his face get warmer
- “Is the little rockstar jealous? Don’t worry they weren’t really my type but I can ask them to join if you want?”
- got that familiar knot in his stomach just hearing about someone else In the position he was in
- “no..only you, jus’ want you”
- Pulls and tugs at you shirt until you get the hint and finally take it off to his pleasure
- presses the softest of kisses against your stomach when making his way down
- teases you abt how much noise you make when he knows he’s stroking you so well knowing your finally getting what you both want
- palms the head when you try and push your hips toward him
- uses his tongue piercing to his advantage
- Found out he got aroused when he saw you tear up while fucking into his hand😦(whattt no way)
- Holds your hands above your head when you try to cover your mouth
- “I wanna hear that pretty voice of yours let me hear every sound you make”
- Was going mental listening to you
- “ your moans drive me so crazy….ah! please don’t stop!!”
- “wanna see what you do to me?”
- “Am I making you feel good? Please…please Name say I am”
- likes to be praised and told he’s doing a good job
- so harsh w his thrusts bc he wants you tell him he’s doing well
- Eye contact through the mirror AHHHHHH
- Pushes down on your neck to make your back arch up into him
- mini photo shoot of you both while he’s balls deep inside you he’s just like “cheese!”
- overstimulation😵‍💫a little self indulgent
- bro’s whiny himself and you are both just so LOUD but tried to cover his up so he can hear yours
- was a eeny weeny bit mean honestly🤭
- wants to be the only one to hear the sounds you make
- made you look at how good he’s plowing in and out of you
- pulled completely out to see the sexed out expression you make just to shove all of him in again to see your eyes roll back and hear you cry his name in complete bliss
- having sex w him was so so chaotic
- so many positions (like…so many)
- risking getting caught by doing it in a public bathroom
- when you licked down to the base of his cock he almost passed out
- like pushed you off covering his mouth panting bc typa pass out💀
- 100% a switch bc he just likes you to use him sometimes🤭
- more of a giver than a receiver but doesn’t turn you down if you want to just pleasure him for a while
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ya-what--ya-erster · 3 months
Spot Conlon Likes Idiots
Inspired by @lithuaniaseye 's post here
606 words
Farm kid Race written by actual farm kid Albert (hi)
It wasn't news that Race was a farm kid. 
Race was the ultimate  farm kid. He was tall, and skinny, and appeared to have no muscle at all, but he could toss you over a fence like a hay bale. He wore Twisted X shoes and faded boot cut jeans and shirts with American flags and guns on them. He carried his pocket knife around religiously, constantly fiddling with it like it was a toy. He could ride a horse, and he could try (and fail) to ride a bull in a rodeo. 
He was also really gay, though, and those two things happened to not go very well together. 
Not necessarily because of hate, although sometimes that did occur.
Mostly, being a gay farm boy was a problem for Race because he had a tendency to flirt with his farmer-ness. 
"It's gonna work this time, Jack." Race said certainly. 
"You look like you're gonna go kick his ass. Which you couldn't do, by the way. Spot's like, ten times stronger than you." Jack replied. 
"I just want to ask him to come to the rodeo with us, is it really that bad?"
"What's bad is that Spot's a city kid, and you ain't, and you dress like all those homophobic shitheads over there while Spot's openly bi. Do you understand what's gonna go through his head, Racer?"
"Do you want me to paint my nails or some bullshit? I don't gotta 'look gay,' whatever that means."
"Actually. I'm gonna make a bet with you here. You're gonna ask him out, to the rodeo. If he says no, you are  going to paint your nails. If he says yes, which he won't, then I will. Left on for a week. Deal?"
"No deal. If you paint your nails when ya lose, nobody will notice. You are the most obviously queer person in this room right now. If you lose, you're gonna wear my clothes for a week."
"I ain't losing, so. Sure thing."
The two boys shook on it. Race took a breath and turned to go, but...
"Oh yeah, I forgot." Race plucked a barley stalk out of the ground and stuck it in his mouth like-
"One of them damn buckle bunnies, that's what you look like right now. You look like an idiot." Jack was not having it. 
"Do ya think Spot likes idiots?" Race asked absentmindedly, staring at Spot. 
"You moron. Go, get it over with."
So Race marched up to Spot, loud and proud. 
"You know, I'm just trying to have a good time, I don't need any of your bullshit today." Spot said roughly.
"I was wondering if- wait what?" Race stopped.
"So I'm bi? Deal with it."
"Ohh darn, Jack was right."
"Yeah, Kelly. He said you was gonna think that- never mind, I ain't here to bully ya or anything."
"Okay, well? What do you want, then?"
"I'm gay."
Spot looked Race up and down, then scoffed. 
"For reals."
"Alright. Good to know, bye." Spot took a step away, but Race caught him by the arm and turned him back. 
"I was wondering," Race said slowly, "If maybe you would want to go to the rodeo with me tonight? Like, as a date?"
Spot pulled his arm away from Race, and Race worried for a second that he was gonna walk away with a split lip or a black eye. 
"Sure thing. Let me text my Ma and let her know I'll be out late, yeah?"
"How do you wear this shit?" Jack asked the next day, standing before Race's full-length mirror. 
"Cause I like it. And now you have to deal with it for a whole week. Enjoy! I gotta go pick Spot up for school."
hi its the author I just realized y'all city ppl probs actually don't know what a buckle bunny is so where I come from we use it to describe someone who dresses like this, or basically like anyone who looks like a fake country person. The whole wheat in the mouth thing doesn't actually happen all that often which is why it tends to fall under the buckle bunny label.
Also, I used barley instead of wheat in this for me being a farm kid purposes so
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morganski-19 · 3 months
The One With the Morning After
continuation of this post
Eddie wakes up with Steve’s half on top of him. The realization of what happened last night hitting him all at once. Fear setting into his face as Steve starts to stir. Nestling his face into Eddie’s neck. Eddie looks at Steve, not knowing what to do. Where this is going to go from here.
He’s not stupid. He knows that this isn’t something he can give up that easy. Knowing that Steve thinks of him the same way. Enough to abandon their friends and go hook up in a storage closet. But would it be enough to have something more. To finally cross that line.
Was Eddie ready for that? For the possibility of getting hurt again? He’s not sure.
Steve’s eyes finally blink open. Body stiffening when he realizes where he is, before relaxing into Eddie again. “Hey,” he mutters, voice full of sleep.
“How’d you sleep?”
It’s the best sleep Eddie’s had in a while. He forgot how nice it was to fall asleep next to somebody. To wake up tangled together full of warmth and affection.
“Pretty good, you?” His heart is beating so fast he’s afraid Steve might feel it.
Steve props himself up on his arm, looking down at Eddie. “Good.”
He kisses Eddie in a way he can’t help but sink into. “So you don’t regret it?”
“No, I don’t. Do you?” Steve looks nervous, like he’s ready to get rejected.
Thing is, he sort of is. Eddie isn’t ready to give him the relationship Steve wants or deserves. But he didn’t regret it. Not one bit. Steve’s too important to regret it.
“It’s not that I don’t regret it,” Eddie starts. Getting cut off when Steve huffs and rolls onto his back.
“Just that you can’t do anything serious. It was a one time thing, I get it.”
“Well,” Eddie holds out. “I didn’t say that.”
Steve turns his head. “What?”
“Something casual, you know.” Eddie sits up and turns to face Steve, able to express with his arms. “We see each other, but casually. Nothing serious, no labels. No strings attached. Just like we were doing before, but with other benefits.”
“Benefits?” Steve asks arrogantly, propping himself up on his elbows. “So formal.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “A million people use that term. What would you rather me use? Hooking up? Doing the deed? Tumble in the hay?”
Steve hooks a finger on Eddie’s shirt, pulling him into another kiss. “You are such a smart ass.”
“And you are very enticing.”
“Enticing, wow. Pulling out the whole dictionary for me, Munson?”
“Shut up.”
Eddie leans in to kiss him again before Steve pulls away when his phone dings. Typing something out before putting space between him and Eddie.
“Robin’s going to be having an extended breakfast with her new friend. You know what that means?”
“We can revisit what happened in that storage closet but in much more comfortable circumstances.” Eddie leans towards Steve, getting in his space again.
Steve rolls his eyes, pushing Eddie away. “No, we have to comfort Nancy. Who’s probably more hungover than she should be and in mourning of a relationship that should have started five years ago.”
“Shit, you’re right. You think she’s up?”
“Don’t know, let’s go find out.”
They get out of bed, Eddie going to knock on Nancy’s door. A small reply letting him know that it’s ok to come in. He waves Steve to follow him.
Nancy’s laying in her bed, scrolling old pictures on her phone. Eventually landing on a picture of Nancy and Robin right after they graduated college. Looking happy and close. Like someone could mistake them for a couple, which a few did. Nancy always swooping in first to correct them. Missing the discouraged look Robin gave every time.
“Am I a complete idiot,” she whispers when they enter, awkwardly standing in front of her.
“No,” Eddie assures. Crouching down to look at her. “And this is coming from a certified idiot.”
Nancy huffs. “You are a certified idiot.”
“Not certified but also an idiot,” Steve adds. “I don’t think you’re one. I think you’re just a person who’s afraid to get hurt again.”
“That’s not why I’m an idiot.” Nancy flips her phone around, showing them the picture. “This Nancy was too stupid to see that Robin liked her back. This Nancy was too stupid to do anything about it. What would be happening today if this Nancy did something.”
Steve takes the phone out of her hand. “And this Nancy didn’t even know she liked girls yet. Or that she liked Robin. You can’t be upset at yourself for not realizing that about yourself.”
“But I am though.” Nancy sits up. “It was so obvious, and I would have been so much happier knowing that. I would be so much happier knowing that somewhere along the line, it was me sharing a bed with Robin right now. Not some random girl she picked up at my award ceremony after party.”
“What happened to that girl who said she’d rather be friends with her forever than lose her to some shitty breakup?” Eddie asks, bumping her arm in a failed attempt to cheer her up.
“Yeah well, past me is a whole load of bullshit.” She drops her hands into her knees and picks at her nail polish. Starting to chip it. “I don’t even care at this point that we might have not made it. I just want her to know that I loved her too.”
Steve stands up. “Alright, time for breakfast, come on.”
“No, I think I’m going to more moping if that’s ok.” Nancy falls back into her pillow, trying to grab her phone again.
Eddie swipes it off the table. “Nope.”
“Come on,” Steve grabs both her wrists and pulls her into a sitting position. “You’ll never feel better if you leave this bed. I’m here, so Eddie won’t burn down the kitchen. And I think there might still be some of those brownies I made in my apartment. If Robin hasn’t figured out where I hid them.”
“Ok.” Nancy gets out of bed. She grabs some comfy clothes and heads to the bathroom to shower.
Steve starts to look around the cabinets for some ingredients. Frying up some bacon and eggs. Eddie helps make the toast with the promise to not burn them. Eye rolling at the assumption but turning the setting way too high and burning the first piece anyway.
Nancy comes out when everything’s done. Sitting at the table in silence while they eat. Steve slips out of the apartment when he’s done to go find those brownies.
“Oh,” he says when Robin and her friend are eating at the kitchen counter. “Thought you guys were having an extended breakfast.”
“I turned out to be way too hungry for that, so we’re eating instead. What are you looking for?”
“Brownies I made last week.”
Robin makes an apologetic face. “I ate the last one yesterday.”
“You bitch.”
She throws her hands up in defense. “Hey, they were very good. And your hiding places are shit.”
“They were very good,” the woman next to her says. Making an equally apologetic face.
“Oh, sorry. I’m Steve, Robin’s roommate.”
“Pheobe.” She reaches out her hand to shake his. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too. I’ll just go grab a change of clothes and leave you guys alone.”
Steve returns to Nancy’s apartment empty handed. Looking apologetic for multiple reasons. “I’ll make new ones.”
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
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a-living-canvas · 3 months
I love your account so much! I’m constantly checking for updates or new stories. On that note, could you, when you have some time, write a sequal to Carmel Curls? The whumperflies from that story!
I'm glad you like my writings! I hope you enjoy this too! <333
Part 1
Caramel Curls II
"There, done."
Whumper grinned sweetly at Whumpee. He lifted them off from the changing table and put them back in the crib. Whumpee's face was stained with tears of humiliation. They couldn't do much when Whumper put the diaper on them. 
And now they were in a cute blue pyjama, with bear patterns all over it. They peered down, noticing the bump from the diaper on their pants. They felt more mortified when Whumper patted right on that spot, looking down at them with a smirk.
"Comfy now~? Baby~?"
Whumpee gritted their teeth, glaring at Whumper as they felt tears welling up in their eyes again. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Let me go! You creep!"
"Aww…don't be like that. What makes my precious baby upset, hm?"
Whumper chuckled, he took the teddy bear and placed it on Whumpee's chest. "Mr. Teddy wants to help you cheer up a bit."
Whumpee frowned, looking down at the stupid smile on the teddy's face as Whumper guided their tied hands to wrap around it. Now, I'm hugging it. Good.
"Get this away from my face."
Whumper ignored them, adjusting the pillow around Whumpee to make them feel more comfortable. He pulled back slightly, noticing something off about them. 
"Ah! I forgot about the ribbons…"
Whumper walked across the room and tugged open the drawer as he took the ribbons and returned to Whumpee. He made cute little bows on the rope around Whumpee's wrists and ankles while humming softly.
"My baby looks so adorable like this…"
Whumpee sighed in frustration, "Do you think doing that would make me feel better?"
Whumper raised an eyebrow, "Who said I do that to make you feel better? It's for me."
Whumper put his hand on the bump again and Whumpee tensed up. "Get away from me!" They raised their knees to their chests but then Whumper grabbed their ankles and held it in his grip instead.
"Daddy just wants to check on you. "
Pat Pat Pat
"Hmm…is it full yet?"
Whumpee rolled their eyes. "Obviously, no. Now stop touching me!"
"But you said you need to go to the restroom earlier."
Whumpee looked at Whumper in disbelief. "I won't pee in this."
"Why not?" Whumper grabbed the bag of diapers, examining the label on the packaging. "It said here the tremendous absorption capacity up to half a day or 12 hours. And oh! The waistband prevents the formation of red marks on the baby's skin. Aww! It protects your little bum!"
Someone, please, let me out of here.
"I don't care about that! Are you nuts?!"
"Oh, certainly not, dear. But you, holding back your pee isn't very healthy you know?"
Whumper leaned down, and without a warning, rubbing his thumb in circle across Whumpee's lower belly. Whumpee flinched, feeling the urge to urinate coming back again. 
"Come on, let it flow~" Whumper taunted, chuckling sadistically as he watched Whumpee's face change to a look of despair. They both knew Whumpee needed to release it sooner or later.
Whumpee closed their eyes tightly, the sensation overwhelming them as Whumper played with their belly button, increasing the stimulation. "Just let it go. You would feel better, you know?"
Whumper kept rubbing their lower stomach and belly button, smiling softly as he watched Whumpee slowly crumble. Their faces were red, and they looked like a baby who suffered from constipation. 
"If you behave, I will let you sleep for a while and then we can get you ice cream."
"...Ice cream…?"
Whumper smiled in satisfaction as he saw Whumpee stopped struggling. Their muscles loosened up and a look of relief could be seen on their faces. He stood straight up again, crossing his arms as he watched the diaper slowly filling up. 
"Good baby. Finally listening to your daddy, hm?
After changing the diaper again, Whumpee slept peacefully in their cribs. They weren't fighting anymore. They were just so tired. And the image of a strawberry ice cream made them feel excited for some reason. Just like a kid would.
"Shh…sleep my little baby. Daddy will protect you."
Yeah..Whumper would protect them right? They were just his little baby. They were supposed to be in his arms.
And in that moment Whumpee couldn't help but feel so…safe.
Part 3
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @htavin87 @heyyitsworld @risk606
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
can I make a request for yuji's gf being a dancer that's kind of famous and knowing aoi's idol takada-chan?
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It was a beautiful day in Tokyo. One of those rare days where it wasn’t too hot for June, with a nice breeze in the air. In one of the few moments of downtime Yuji and [Y/N] had, they decided to take advantage of the nice weather and go on a little date. Wandering around the city until they found a cute park to share bubble teas in.
“This is really nice. Why don’t we do this more often?” Yuji asked.
“Because our lives are usually in danger.”
“Oh yeah…..”
Yuji and [Y/N] turn towards the park enterance. “Is that Aoi?” Of course it was. Given his height, and his bulk, and his shouting, there was no one else it could possibly.
“Brother, it is good to see you.” Aoi greeted when he came up to the bench they were sitting on. “You as well [Y/N].”
“Oi, Aoi, what are you doing up from Kyoto? Are you on a mission?” Yuji asked.
“In a fashion. But not for sorcery.” Aoi held up a bag at his side. The pink and pastels of the packaging clashing with his dark clothes & menacing build. “New Takada merch dropped today. And as her #1 fan, I had to be first in line to get it. They are also hosting a private meet & greet somewhere in the city. So I’m on a quest to find it.”
“You mean the one in Shinjuku?” Both boys turn to [Y/N] who continued to sip her bubble tea casually.
“Wait? You know where it is [Y/N]? I didn’t know you were an idol fan?” Yuji commented. “Much less Takada-chan?”
“Ehh…I wouldn’t call myself a ‘fan’.” Aoi immediately tense. Intend to take that insult to fists. “But Takada texted me and asked if I was going to be in Tokyo today. I didn’t know what we were doing so I honestly forgot she was in town.”
Aoi looked gob smacked, while Yuji looked confused. “Wait….you know Takada-chan?”
“Yeah we met at an event a year ago that I was backup dancing at for some other idol. We chatted on breaks since we didn’t like the craft services table. She’s nice.”
“Takada-chan would never say she didn’t like something that someone put their hard work into.” Aoi replied with a frown. “You’re lying.”
“You can appreciate someone’s work and still not like it.” [Y/N] corrected. They then pulled out their phone and opened up a picture of them & Takada-chan from a few months ago. Posing for selfies.
Aoi’s bellowing alerted everyone in the park, and caused Yuji & [Y/N] to lean back. “What are they like?? What do they do in their off time?? How do they cope with the stress of being an idol??”
“Uh…like I said…she’s nice?” They told him. Sliding their phone back in their pocket. “I don’t know about all their time, but when we hang out it’s like….regular stuff. I don’t know how they cope with stress because that’s none of my business how a person deals with their own mess.” Aoi nodded. Seeming to think that was the wisest thing he’s ever heard.
“Wow. I knew you were like a really good dancer, but I didn’t know like ‘idol’ good.” [Y/N] elbowed Yuji for his comment.
“Don’t insult me like that. I got a few offers to join whatever group a few labels were making, but I didn’t what to.”
“Why the hell not???” Aoi asked. Not able to fathom giving up the chance to be an idol.
“Well, it’s a little hard to fight curse spirits and keep up with a rigorous touring schedule.” They supposed [Y/N] had a point. “Besides I can’t smile that long.”
Yuji laughed, but Aoi looked very serious. “[Y/N]-dono,” they arched their brow at Aoi’s very serious tone, “can you get me into the Shinjuku event? To meet Takada-chan?”
[Y/N]’s face scrunched. Looking uncomfortable. “I don’t know…..Takada is my friend. It just seems sleezy using our friendship to get in somewhere where she’s working. I don’t want to abuse our friendship.” This was honestly why they didn’t tell many people about the idols they knew.
Aoi seemed to think about this for a moment before he nodded wholeheartedly. “You’re right. It would be wrong to use your friendship to get a leg up on her other fans. If Takada-chan is going to notice me, I want her to notice me for myself.” He clenched his fists in determination. “I should get going then. I won’t find the private meet & greet standing here.”
“Do you want me to tell you where it is? I don’t think that would be a breach of friendship.”
Aoi held out his hand. “You have already helped me another by telling me where it is in general. The rest of it, I must do on my own.” He then walked off towards the train station. With the determination one might see from a man about to take on the whole world all alone.
“So do you know any other idols?” Yuji asked when you were alone.
“This is why I don’t tell people…..”
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hey-august · 10 months
★ Buggy Headcanons (SFW) ★
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Image from vinlandsky
Based on OPLA Buggy ♡
a/n: Mix of relationship and general headcanons. Mentions of gender-neutral reader. Everything is sfw, I might do a nsfw list eventually
Buggy lets you take care of his hair when you’re both alone - washing it in the shower, brushing it out, sometimes he’ll let you braid it or do intricate styles. When he’s particularly stressed, he’ll ask you to play with his hair. Usually under the guise of asking for help getting it untangled, but really he wants you to run your fingers through his hair and pamper him.
Buggy lets you paint his fingernails and his favorite part is getting a hand massage from you. He’ll also paint your nails and he’s surprisingly good at it. He's very serious about it and takes it personally if the polish smudges before it dries.
If you fall asleep with make-up on or his face paint smeared on your face, Buggy will wipe it off. He doesn’t like it when you do the same for him, but won’t object if you neaten up any smeared paint.
Buggy sleeps in the middle of the bed. He got used to it when he didn’t share a bed and still ends up spreading out like a starfish, forcing you to sleep off to the side or to curl up into him.
Buggy is very particular about what he uses for face paint. It’s not that he needs the priciest paint, but he wants specific colors and pays attention to consistency and longevity. It needs to be flashy, after all.
He is absolutely a morning person. Buggy found that his big personality stands out more in the morning and he likes the attention.
Buggy might not label the relationship. He’ll avoid using words like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend,” or even “lover.” It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he’s not used to being in a relationship. Instead, Buggy will call you his “partner.” More often, he’ll say you’re “special,” call you his “treasure,” or his “star act.”
Buggy knows he loves words of affirmation. Receiving compliments and admiration boost his ego and make him happy. But secretly, he melts at physical touch. Between his looks (nose) and Devil Fruit abilities, he’s wary of physical connections. Soft, casual touches, like holding hands or touching his shoulder when you walk past, make him feel desired and loved.
He loves junk food and snacking. If he gets food for you, he’ll end up eating most of it without realizing.
Buggy likes to annoy you for attention. He acts offended when he crosses the line and you get upset, but apologizes later when you two are alone.
He won’t admit it, but Buggy enjoys being babied. Especially when he’s sick. He’ll whine and complain the whole time, but will also say thank you or pay you back with kisses later.
He gets nervous before doing something romantic, like taking you on a date or asking you to dance with him. 
If you’re complaining about something, sometimes he forgets to listen because he likes the look on your face when you’re annoyed (at something other than him). 
Buggy will make up excuses just to see you, no matter what time of day. If he’s in meetings or rehearsals all day, he’ll sneak away or extend a break just to spend time with you.
He always brings you back flowers whenever the ship docks. Large bouquets, single roses, flowers he stole from someone’s garden - one time he almost forgot and brought back palm fronds that he pulled off a tree.
He has an attractive morning voice. Low and with a bit of a drawl.
Buggy gets jealous when people get too friendly with you. He tries to act like it doesn’t bother him at first, but really he’s staring them down until he’s too pissed to stand back any longer.
Buggy likes it when you share food with him. If you offer him a bite of something you’re eating, he wants you to feed him, instead of taking the food from you. (Sometimes when you paint his nails, he’ll ask you to feed him snacks. He says it’s because he forgot to eat beforehand, but that’s a lie.)
He has trouble apologizing sincerely. Buggy usually rushes through the apology, either with a whisper or incoherent babbling. If you push him to really apologize, he gets annoyed or embarrassed, but will apologize again anyways.
Buggy always uses cheesy pick-up lines on you. Sometimes to make you laugh, other times because he’s not sure what to actually say.
He’ll plan dates and act like it’s no big deal, but gets upset if you don’t thank him or gush over how great the date is.
Whenever Buggy is sulking, hearing you compliment him or make stupid jokes will cheer him up.
He absolutely loves it when he makes you laugh so hard that your laugh gets wheezy or turns silent and there are tears in your eyes.
Buggy denied that he was falling for you for the longest time. He finally realized it when his Devil Fruit ability ruined a skit and you laughed so hard that you cried. Hearing you say his name while laughing was like Cupid’s arrow to his heart and his body ended up falling apart again.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 1 year
How You Meet
Growing up, you had always been told to avoid the woods at the local park. Your father told you stories of a monster that hunted children in them. A horrible creature lacking any facial features and being as tall as the trees himself. You always felt an almost pulling sensation when around the woods, trying to get you into them. Never did you set foot into them, though.
Being older, you realized it was just a scare tactic to keep you out of them. Your father had likely not wanted you to go and get hurt. It was easier to watch you on the playground. Still, your relationship with the forest was complicated. You weren't necessarily scared of them, but you were weary.
After a rough day of work, though, you decided to go for a walk. You had driven past the park but decided to double back. After parking, you sat and stared at the trees for a moment. You parked and got out, heading into the heart.
The walk started off well. The birds chirping and dirt beneath your feet helped you relax. You nearly forgot your fear of the forest. Nearly. Until you felt eyes on you. You looked around, and nobody was there. Of course not. You hadn't seen anybody.
Suddenly, a sharp stabbing started at your temples as a headache set in. Great. Just what you needed. Surely, it was a side effect of such an awful day. You failed to notice how silent the forest had fallen. You felt something wet on your lip and saw a couple of blood drops meet the dirt.
You reached up to attempt to stop it as your mind became more fuzzy and clouded. You looked around, wondering if there was a source when you saw it. The same tall, featureless creature that you thought your dad had made up.
It was at least 8 feet tall, thin, had a suit and red tie, and a snow white, featureless face. Your eyes widened with shock, and you stumbled back. You caught yourself and turned before booking it out of the forest. The blood gushed from your nose, and you focused on just getting out of there.
You got to your car and got into your car, high tailing it out of there. You were so focused that you didn't notice said figure watching you speed away.
BEN Drowned
A new video game, how exciting. Even if it was probably a bootleg copy. Better than nothing.
You were a college student, and in being one meant you couldn't really afford much of anything. You had brought your N64 and some games with you, but you wanted some new games. So you started finding garage and yard sales to try and find some new games.
The first couple you went to were busts. But then you found a copy of Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. One of your favorite childhood games. The label had been taken off, and the name was written in Sharpie on the front. Still, something was better than nothing. The old man who sold it to you didn't seem like someone who would have such a game. Maybe it was his grandchilds? You didn't put too much thought into it and continued on your search for some other games.
When you got back to your dorm, you booted up your console and noticed the first save file was named BEN. 'Guess it was his grandsons.' You thought before picking the second save file.
You played the game and decided to do a cheat to avoid the moon crashing into Hyrule so quickly. Soon enough, things started to go awry. The Elegy of Emptiness was randomly summoning and following you around. You would glitch to the Skull Kid fight and get set on fire, and then die. Or it would just glitch to show Link dead on the ground by Skull Kid.
The Happy Mask Vendor was also just doing some weird stuff. Then, the game would refer to you as BEN. "What the fuck?" You mumbled. Sure, you figured the game was going to be a little fucked up. But this?
After another death, the screen went black, and "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT" flashed on the screen. You rubbed your temples as you tried to comprehend everything that was happening.
"BEN WANTS TO PLAY" flashed next and was the final straw. You turned the game off at the console and tried to turn on something to help creep you out less.
Eyeless Jack
Everything had started off relatively normally. Well, as normal as it could be considering a kidney eating maniac was ravaging the town you lived in.
It was on every news broadcast even when there were no new updates. You sighed and turned the television off as you got ready for bed. You checked your doors and windows to make sure they were locked, considering the situation at hand. Then you went to your room and got ready for sleep.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared about the killer. Your town had been relatively peaceful until he came. You closed your blinds and double-checked that you had your knife under your pillow. It was just a kitchen knife, but it helped ease your nerves. You dressed in your pajamas and crawled into bed.
You had had a pretty busy day, so you slipped away to sleep fairly fast.
You woke up to the pitch blackness of your room (save for a small nightlight by your bed and the door). Initially, you didn't understand why you woke up. Usually, you slept through the night without waking up.
Your body shifted, and you locked eyes with...a lack of eyes. The person above you had a mask with blacked out eye sockets and a tar like substance that cascaded down the mask. There wasn't a mouth on the mask, and the person was dressed in all black.
Before you could scream, a gloved hand pressed itself over your mouth to stop you. You slowly moved your hand to try and reach the knife under your pillow without alerting the person.
"Don't even think about it." A rough voice commanded and before you could say something he had jumped off of you and ran towards the window he came in from. You felt frozen, just staring at the doorway, before you got up and found which window he used to get in. You closed and locked it, adrenaline slowly subsiding.
You had just started at a new college, and the butterflies were in full effect. You had moved to a new area to go to the college because they had a great program for film. Which meant you didn't know anybody. You hoped you would make at least one.
You walked into the building and sat down in the class. You set your backpack beside the desk and pulled your notebook out. You started making small doodles in the margin of the very back page when you heard someone clear their voice beside you.
When you looked to the person, it was a man. He was fairly tall, had sandy dirty blonde hair, a mustache, and had a yellow hoodie on. "Hey, is this seat taken?" He asked and motioned to the seat next to you. "Oh! No, it's empty. You can take it." He smiled at you, and the butterflies worsened. He wasn't bad looking at all. "So, are you new here? I haven't seen you in these kinds of classes before." You nodded.
"Yeah, I just moved here for school. Don't really know anybody in the area yet." You confessed, and he gave a smile as he nodded. "Well, I can give you a tour of campus." He offered. You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds nice." He nodded in response, "I'm Brian, by the way. And you are...?" "I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself. "Nice to meet cha." After some small chit chat, the teacher came in.
After the class was done, you both packed up and grabbed your bags before heading out. After a bit, he had shown you around the fairly small campus, and he smiled at you. "I gotta get to my next class, but we should hang out later. You can meet my friends if you want." You smiled brightly and nodded, and the two of you parted ways.
You had been struggling with your mental health as far back as you can remember. In and out of different therapists and then psychiatrists. Nobody seemed to know what was wrong with you, but they decided on schizophrenia. You wondered if you'd be able to get the prescriptions. Your pharmacy had been a bit weird with refills lately. You were walking in when you collided with someone. You fell back and landed on your butt.
You looked up and were met with a man who appeared to be late 20s or early 30s. He had dark brown hair, sideburns, and matching eyes. He smelled of cigarette smoke and was wearing an off-yellow jacket, black t-shirt, and jeans. He had initially seemed annoyed before he softened and offered you a hand.
You took it and stood up, brushing any debris off your rear end. "Hey, I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't even paying attention." He apologized, and you smiled. "It's alright. I should have been paying more attention anyway."
He chuckled and shrugged a bit. "Well, can I take you out to coffee sometime? As a way to apologize." Normally, you would deny such an offer, but he was pretty cute. "Oh sure." You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. You grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote your number down, handing it to him. "Oh, what's your name, by the way? I'm Y/N." You smiled. "I'm Tim."
"Well, nice to meet you, Tim. I gotta go to my appointment but I'll talk to you soon?" He nodded in agreement and the two of you parted ways.
Jeff The Killer
You had known Jeff before the incident, though you hadn't been close. You had gone to school with him. Rumors of what happened spread like wildfire across town. You felt bad for him, of course, but life moved on. From the rumors you heard, he wasn't even in town anymore.
Years passed, and you were in college, staying in your own apartment in a nearby town. You had forgotten about Jeff until a news segment came up while you were cooking dinner.
"Breaking news! An unidentified man has killed two people by stabbing so far in T/N. No witnesses were at the scenes, and his appearance is unknown. Lock your doors and windows and stay vigilant."
You watched the TV curiously as you stirred the pot on the stove. "That's not good." You mumbled. You left the pot to simmer while you went around and double-checked all your doors and windows were locked. You kept a knife under your pillow normally anyway (for safety reasons).
Your night continued normally, and the news segment drifted to the back of your mind. You cleaned up and got ready for bed as usual. You laid down, and soon enough, you drifted off.
You awoke suddenly, though, unsure why. It didn't take long to figure out you were being watched. A man stood beside your bed and watched you sleep. The dark made it hard to make out any specific features. You could only make out shaggy, dark hair, and his lips looked abnormally long.
Before anything could happen, he dashed out of the room and into your living room. You grabbed your knife and attempted to chase him, but he was gone when you got to your living room. The only evidence left was the open window and curtains blowing in the breeze.
Laughing Jack
Your sister/brother had a sudden emergency come up and needed you to watch your niece, Lily. You didn't mind watching her. In fact, she was a pretty sweet little girl, around 4 years old. She was shy around most people except for you and her immediate family.
Soon enough, your sister/brother dropped Lily off along with some clothes and stuffed animals. You started playing a board game with Lily after her mom/dad left. It started off normally. You let Lily keep winning, and suddenly, you noticed she was staring behind you.
You raised your eyebrow at her behavior and looked behind you. Of course, nothing was there. Not that you could see. Lily continued staring before she giggled. "Lily, what are you looking at?" You questioned.
She stopped staring to look at you and grinned. "My friend, Jack!" Ah, an imaginary friend. A soft smile came to your lips. "Yeah? What's Jack like?" You pressed curiously. "He's a super, really tall clown! He's black and white colored." She described him to you, and you nodded. "He gives me candy sometimes. Well, he tries to. But mommy/daddy takes it from me every time." She frowned slightly.
"Ah, is that right? Well, maybe I can spare some candy after dinner. How does that sound?" She grinned once again at the offer. Suddenly, she seemed to be paying attention to Jack.
She giggled and went back to playing the game with you. You brushed off the incident, figuring your sister/brother already knew about it, and continued with the game. Soon enough, she got bored and headed to the guest bedroom to play with her stuffed animals.
It didn't take long for her to start giggling, and you could tell she was talking to someone (though you couldn't tell what she was talking about). Soon, she walked out with her stuffed dog in her hand and her other hand in a loose fist. "Jack said I should give you this. He wants to thank you for giving me candy since he can't."
She opened her hand, and she had a small bar/bag of your favorite candy in it. You had no idea how she had gotten the candy. You had finished your candy off a couple of days earlier and were positive there wasn't any left. 'Maybe she had some already on her.' You rationalized and took it from her.
"Well, you tell Jack that I said thank you." She giggled and nodded before going back to the guest bedroom.
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 year
DPXDC Social Media AU
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Fic below!
The video started, the camera focusing on the scene before it. A teenager’s bedroom was shown, decorated with posters of space and model rockets. It was deceptively normal, had it not been for fans pointing out that they weren’t labeled LexCorp, Wayne, or any of the other leading names in aerospace.
“Hey everyone!” The teen in question greeted, smiling at the camera as he waved. “Danny here! Sorry for the radio silence—two of my rogues decided to do a collaboration and kidnapped a bunch of people. My parents grounded me and took all my video games since I kinda trashed a bunch of their equipment saving them, so I finally had enough time to record this. Again, grabbing a smartphone from you guys’ dimension was absolutely the right call. Looking forward to when the ones here will get to that level and I can use mine in public.”
Sitting back in his seat, Danny waved his hands. Papers from around the room were pulled up in the air, showing a variety of news clippings, report cards, and event flyers from the last year. “Sweet, that worked! I know it’s been a year, but I’m still getting used to these powers. Anyway, today’s topic is: secret identities! Specifically how much they can suck sometimes.”
The papers drop as he spins in his chair and folds his arms.
“Okay, so I’m gonna start this by saying I only speak for myself. Your dimension has a ton of other heroes who have all kinds of perspectives on this kind of thing. It’s also not an invitation to start harassing your friends and coworkers if they pull any stunts like the ones I’m gonna talk about. Some people are just flaky, some have other things in their life going on that they don’t want to talk to you about. In the extremely unlikely chance that you’re right and the friend who keeps bailing on you is a vigilante, you should leave that shit alone. No matter how justified you are in getting upset that they don’t have the time for you, trying to expose them can kill not only them, but everyone they want to protect. Don’t do it.”
Clapping his hands Danny tilts his head to listen for something before continuing. “With that out of the way and my whole family leaving the house, let’s get to it. Going ghost!”
A flash of light marks the transformation, revealing Phantom at the end. He adjusts the camera so that he remains in frame as he now floats in his room.
“So if you’re new here, let me run through the basics. When I was fourteen, I died and came back wrong. No, I won’t go into the details—I don’t need any of you getting any ideas. I can appear as human, so me and my two best friends decided to keep it a secret from my parents, who are ghost hunters. The current arrangement is that I go out as Phantom to fight off aggressive ghosts when they attack, and the rest of time I try to lead a somewhat abnormal civilian life.”
“Onto the topic. Now, the main reason people keep their identity secret is so that their enemies can’t use it to hurt them. I…sorta do that? I mean I’d be in a lot of trouble if ghost hunters figured me out, and the government here kinda revoked my human rights so there’s that. But there’s no hiding from other ghosts. Not when we can sense each other. I’m just lucky for the anti-ghost hunter solidarity, it’s probably the only reason my rogues haven’t revealed my human identity to the world.”
He shivered dramatically.
“So, humans. People. Being a superpowered vigilante is all fun and games except when an attack happens during class. I don’t even ask to go to the bathroom anymore, the teachers gave up on stopping me,” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Don’t get me started on how many times I’ve gotten grounded or given extra detentions because I was busy stopping someone from torching a building or possessing someone to ruin their life in creative ways. I can’t just tell them why I wasn’t there, so I either have to act like an idiot who forgot that I have classes to attend or pretend like I was skipping on purpose. Which I was, but not like that, ya know?”
“Another thing! My grades have completely tanked. I used to be a straight A student, I needed to be if I wanted to be an astronaut. But no, I had to go and get myself killed, and now my biology is all messed up so I can’t even qualify for the physical if my grades were good enough. Which they aren’t, because now I spend most of my time brawling whatever ghost of the day. And like, sure. I could do my homework and study in the rest of the time I have that’s not spent sleeping. But that’s exhausting, and honestly I’d rather take the F than spend all my time working.”
He sighed, slumping down a bit in his chair.
“It just sucks. My sister is setting records on her exams, and I’m a few pity-grades away from being held back a year. At least now I can handle most of the regulars by myself, so I’m not dragging my friends down with me. They deserve better.”
Danny opened his mouth to continue, but was cut off by mist escaping his lungs. He groaned, using his telekinesis to put his room back in order (notably cramming his graded assignments behind his dresser) and reaching for the camera.
“That’s my cue. Here’s hoping I can handle whoever’s out there fast enough so I have time to get started on my book report. Over and out.”
The video ended there. For many, that would be the last they’d hear of what was speculated to be the best performance-style LARP series for a while. Fans would start analyzing the footage not in the comments section, which was disabled, but in a separate online forum.
However, there was one place, albeit less well known, that one Danny Phantom would respond in.
Anonymous said
its good to see yuo posting again, but you looked really stressed. are you ok?
lol no
metwise said
I completely agree with you on your recent video. Vigilante work is hard; I was lucky when I started out, and I still nearly died many times over. Don’t let your grades get to you, if your school system is anything like this world’s equivalent then it is based heavily on busywork. Next time you’re visiting this world, try looking into online schooling. There should be free resources online you can download and follow along at your own pace to supplement the classes you miss. So long as you score well on tests, you can make up for the homework grades.
oh ill have to look into that, sounds neat. not sure if ill get around to actually studying any of it, but its better than nothing. i cant wait for my earth to catch up with yours, online school sounds so much better
Ayo is that Red Robin? Why tf is he takin some kids larp so seriously
bold words from the deathnote rp acc
shoutout to my rogues, who beat the shit out of me, dropped some new ghost lore, then backed me up in fighting an army of the undead
also mech suits hurt like hell how does skulker do it
Mech suits shouldn’t hurt??
my parents’ one runs on lifeforce
anyway if i had a dollar for every time i woke up somewhere i didn’t pass out in these last few days i’d have enough money to buy a burger
How much do your burgers cost
when the hell did so many supers start following me where are you people coming from
‘why r there so many heroes’ says the hero on the hero site
its like the only anonymous platform left that doesnt suck
Free entertainment <3
ok fair
wait a second
coalminesinger said
Hello Phantom! I just wanted to check in on you after your last few posts. Did you enjoy your weekend off?
nope lol, technus escaped and I used one of my parents inventions to split myself to try and relax while handling the ghost issue and just made more work for myself
#on the plus side my house is now on the beach #just in time for summer
You live in the middle of town???
yea putting it back is gonna be a pain
ok this is gonna be a heavy one folks. like arkham asylum levels of shit. i just spent the last week with my family convinced i was going insane, and i need to vent
That really really sucks, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
I went through a similar experience (only I was under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug that made me see, hear, and feel the villain in question, who wasn’t actually there). I was lucky enough to be on a team with someone who could read my mind and figure out what was happening, but if you can’t do that the next best thing is figuring out code words with anyone in the know. Obviously it’s not perfect, but some kind of word indicating that you feel like something is very wrong could save you a lot of trouble.
More under the cut.
…that could work? ill have to talk to my friends about it, but it sounds good
#thanks #still cant believe so many of yall are following this
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fyodorslave · 1 year
how about ex-husband geto hcs? 🥺💕
YES MA'AM (I saw this request awfully late, you probably forgot about it too but, in any case, here ya go)
♡ ♡ ♡
+ characters: getou suguru x reader
+ tw: suggestive content
♡ ♡ ♡
⇀ No stranger would assume that you two were separated, you can't blame them, he's always glued to your side. going grocery shopping? he'll come with. need someone to mow the lawn? dial his number. picking your kid up from day care? a parent mustn't go alone! it doesn't help that your son loves his dad.
⇀ Divorce to you always meant avoidance at all costs. you never though your own divorce would mean that your ex-husband is at your house more often then when you two were married.
⇀ Perhaps it was taunting at his end, to show you that divorce was a mistake. but you can't exactly tell him to kick rocks when he's fixing that lightbulb your too short to reach. Shirtless with his baggy sweats hanging off of his toned hips, v-line teasing you as he unscrews the bulb.
⇀ While he does always show up at the perfect time of your distress, his only reason isn't to woo you and win you back. he understands how hard it is to manage being a single mother, so he'll do everything he can to make sure he has at-least a 50/50 contribution.
⇀ Even if it has nothing to do with your kid. if you even utter the word, 'help' he will show up faster than God himself.
⇀ Your resolve weakens when you come home every night and see your kid sleeping in the lap of the man your trying not to love. He'd watch TV on low volume, eyes fixated on something about home renovation while softly rubbing your kids back.
⇀ Washing the dishes is something even divorce can't convince him to do, so he'll prop himself upon the kitchen bench at night, and watch you load the dishwasher.
⇀ When your done with what's meant to be his chore, he makes sure to thank you in strange ways for a divorced couple.
⇀ He'd pull you so that you are in-between his legs, which are dangling off the edge, and lift your chin up to kiss you. just like he did on your wedding night.
⇀ Getou would do anything to protect his family, raising his eyebrows at those who think you have suddenly become available. He says married and divorced are just worthless labels. What do mere labels have against the way he coaxes orgasms after orgasms out of you, behind closed doors once he's done reading your kid a bedtime story.
⇀ dare you mention your single, and he's already there, bottoming out of you, as your thighs shake for mercy around his hips.
⇀ And by the time you wake up in the morning, with aching legs and a warm embrace. your smiling into getous chest, thinking maybe he deserves a second chance.
♡ ♡ ♡
send more headcanon requests yall this was so much fun! HEADCANONS ONLY PLEASE I HATE WRITING ONE-SHOTS BYE.
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nonasuch · 4 months
so I went to New York this weekend!
I tagged along with some friends who were going to the Five Points Toy Festival in Brooklyn, and convinced them to come see Sleep No More with me on Thursday night, since it’s allegedly closing at some point and I’ve always wanted to go.
And since they had to head back to DC a day before me, I decided to get another ticket for the Sunday matinee on my own.
Unfortunately my cards were a 6 and a 7, so I missed a few things right at the beginning, but I’m still really happy with my experience. My first show I spent a bunch of time following the Tailor, which I really enjoyed — he had a duet with the Taxidermist in his shop where they played tug-of-war with his measuring tape, and another with the speakeasy bartender. I saw Hecate eat her dinner and sing “Is That All There Is” in the 4th floor bar, and the Porter try to save Lady Macduff from the poisoned milk and then do an amazing dance in the bag check room. Plus a bunch more small lovely moments that I caught in passing as I explored.
My second show I had my bearings a little bit more. I got to chat with “Benji” (who I now know was actually Will Boyajian!) in the Manderly before my card was called, which was really fun!
Before this trip, I did do some advance reading, so I’d have a general sense of what to expect and wouldn’t be totally lost. This also gave me an idea for a little art project: I made a set of papier-mâché eggs (using a trashed copy of Macbeth for the paper) with thematically appropriate prizes inside, sealed with a wax seal and a red ribbon you could pull to open them. Basically fancier versions of the mystery eggs I have at the shop. I made eight, because that was all I could fit in my dress pockets. The prizes were:
a glass jar of vintage mother-of-pearl buttons
a glass vial with a dried flower inside, sealed with wax
another sealed vial with a fossil shark’s tooth
a tiny bell jar with mini (fake) butterflies on pins
a brooch made from a vintage medal ribbon and vintage keys
a tiny glass bird
a little bag of vintage game pieces
a wooden acorn with more tiny treasures inside it
I ended up giving “Benji” the shark tooth egg, which turned out to be perfect because he said he collects shark teeth! The others I saved until I got inside; I wanted to be careful about making sure I could give them out without interrupting anything.
I was super lucky to have some time entirely alone with the Tailor while he sewed up the Taxidermist’s coat, so I just set his egg (the buttons) on the corner of his desk and stepped back, and he tucked it into his jacket pocket when he was done.
I watched the Taxidermist make his bone sculpture assemblage and then smash it in frustration, so I hid an egg under one of the skulls after he left. I did get to see him find it when he came back. Same with Hecate, when I left an egg under her fan on her table at the wrecked bar.
The speakeasy bartender invited me to play a card game with him. I lost, but I gave him an egg as a thank-you.
I watched the Porter make a paper boat and blow it off the edge of the counter towards me. I caught it, and tried to give it back with his egg. He took the egg, but gave me back the boat. And I caught the witch in the green dress in a quiet moment in the lobby, and handed her an egg across the counter.
I realized I’d accidentally given the Taxidermist the wrong egg, but I managed to catch him at the last possible second, before he disappeared after the walkouts, gave him the right one, and told him I’d given him Malcolm’s egg by mistake. (Some of them were labeled, but the lighting is so low and my labels were tiny).
Aside from my self-imposed side quest, I got to see a bunch of scenes I’d missed last time. I caught the rave, I followed Agnes for a while, I saw a lovely waltz between Duncan and Mrs. Danvers in the ballroom. I kind of forgot the fifth floor existed, oops.
Afterwards, I was totally exhausted and must have looked it, because someone let me into the reserved section so I could sit until the crowd thinned out and I felt a little less wiped. I have some really cool souvenirs — my mask, and the paper boat, and I bought a poster too.
If they extend it into the fall, I’ll totally go again.
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