#someone hmu w some of that activation energy pLEASE
re-decorate · 6 years
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jujak · 2 years
hi! i’m shu ( s/h, 21+ ), and this is my angry birb ju yiju, aka sunbirb of the sirens, quite literally bird brained and hot headed. family myth says she’s been cursed to turn into a jujak because her great great great ancestor’s broke a promise to the jujak 😢 thought she might be able to break the curse if she leaned into the whole guardian protector stuff but instead she’s stuck in the institute now... if you see her eat a worm & gag say NOTHIN about it. here’s her pages ( stats, power, bio ), plus a tldr & mini plots under the cut! hit the heart if u wanna plot, or just hmu in ims, i also have discord if that’s preferred c: see y’all around ♡
according to family myth, the ju family’s been cursed to turn into a jujak thanks to their ancestor’s stupidity :/ so now at least one person of each generation turns into a jujak & back again over the course of the month, with bonus sun powers! for her family, that’s yiju
( that myth may be real, may not be real. who knows! )
mutation wise, she’s usually some mix of half-bird half-human, the exact ratio depending on what point of the transformation cycle she’s in. the closer she is to going full jujak, the stronger her powers, though it’s also reliant on the presence of the sun. can also control solar energies, but entirely limited to what she can generate internally. the sun taunts her with its unlimited solar power 😠
to avoid the gawking over a bunch of bird-people, her family’s lived in a pretty isolated countryside town for as long as she can remember. they’re a well-kept secret and weren’t the only mutants around, but she didn’t get much social interaction outside until the sirens & the institute
the sirens ( before they were known as ) were the first people she met outside of her town, and yiju decided to follow her new friends out into the big, strange world!!
plus, their cause sounds like a promising curse-breaking path to her. she’s protecting mutants! doing jujak guardian things! getting captured & put into the institute—wait what 😢
jujak!yiju embodies her fiery element a lil too well, gets (un)righteously angry about injustices done against mutants thanks to her protector instincts. can be aggro as all heck & down to burn, easily pointed in a direction that she’ll juggernaut through!
human!yiju is chiller, kind of confused but going with whatever her more jujak self is doing since... why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ mischievous, rough & tumble country girl, kind of directionless by herself, so its nice to have something to do, like running down anti-mutant assholes
her memories as human vs jujak aren’t separate, but they don’t mix as well. questionable access to her memory, which saves her from feeling too guilty about siren-related activities
originally went by codename sunbird in the sirens, but siren fans? supporters? mutant crime enthusiasts? called her sunbirb & she was like 👀 im stealing that!!
not quite taking the institute’s training seriously, though she appreciates not being a literal caged bird. fails classes for the heck of it, scares other students if she notices them staring funny. birbs just wanna have fun 😎
fellow sirens please hmu i have so many ideas... they are her treasured lil friends w bonus MURDER
small town buds: someone who grew up in the same town / secret mutant enclave as her! ( extra: a reality warper who kept their town from being discovered until something happened? wc maybe )
someone who’s figured out that reverse psychology works so well on her... tell her u think she hates beans & she’ll eat all ur beans to prove a Point
being half of a person most of the time is actually not that fun, but maybe she’s found someone she can be a lil more whole around? ( maybe: nullifying powers or just a really good chill friend )
someone who’s absolutely terrified of the sirens & she loves to prank them
or maybe they think the sirens were the worst & hate them.. enemies!!!
or someone who makes her think a lil deeper about the morality of her actions... #deep
someone she’s taken under her literal wing, mini protecc activate!! the younger sibling she’s never had
anyone w a bird-related codename is her bff now... she’s starting a bird club ( actual bird properties not required )
currently taking flight and aerodynamics, human and mutant history, and the mystic arts, so classmates? she also flunked basic ethics last semester rip
someone to come people watching w her on the roof
friends!!! enemies!!! tense dynamics!!! situationships!!! clown behaviour!!! please & thank u 🥺
sorry about the embarrassingly long intro i’m super excited to plot lets go!!! 🤙🏻
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
hi there folks, excuse my flakey activity i’m currently in the middle of taking exams which means i’m asleep 70% of the time and studying the other 30%. regardless, i would love to get some event stuff going for jaewon/yuanjun/minah/yena so i’m just gonna leave some real vague directions and ideas i had in mind below the cut (but truly, i’m down for anything). as usual, just like this post if you wanna plot or feel free to hmu on d*sc*rd: goth gf kim minji#5703 . 
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jaewon has been needing a break for the past... 7? 8? months at this point so bless it’s finally here this bitch rlly need to do some (initial wary) self care and i’d love to have ppl drag him into some healing activities and eventho he complains at first it def shows to work like... 5 minutes in. think hikes, spa, meditation, anything and everything that comes to mind rlly. this bitch just needs to take care of himself for 5 seconds.
parental death tw // i don't think this is very known information but jaewon has an INCREDIBLY reluctancy towards camping, it’s something he used to do w/ his parents when he was younger before they passed and they’re some of the most direct memories he still has of them so he kinda just, doesn’t touch upon that. i’d love to have someone who’s just like ok but u can’t pass this opportunity up tho and convinces him to go camping one of the nights. we love friends who encourage healthy development in jaewon!!!
god the other two plots r so serious but also i’d laugh my ass off at someone taking a coffee brewing class w/ jaewon, just cuz he inhales coffee like it’s his sole driving force. see, sometimes i offer fun plots.
 first things first. who signed off on letting yuanjun near any place that has a climbing wall? that’s a safety hazard in itself. i’d love to do a thread centered around that, whether they’re hyping this idiot up or are generally concerned for his wellbeing, i’m here for it.
also a failed attempt at taking yuanjun to meditate. like we all know this kid doesn’t have the attention span for this, neither can he keep his trap shut that long. anyone down to get kicked out of a meditation class with him? 
maybe someone go hiking with him? we all know he’d be bouncing along the hiking trail, it’d be a good way for him to blow off some steam and get some off that energy out of his system. warning: be aware they might probably have to remind his annoying bitchass to for the love of god, just stay on the trial. little red riding hood is quaking under yuanjuns stupidity truly. 
the open mic night could be iconic. whether it’s just them (playfully, w due respect for everyone) judging the performances or them having a performance of their own i’m here for it (just saying,,,, yuanjun lalalay cover or a wish cover... iconic, showstopping, never done before, we love to see it, i’m speaking it into existence)
we know miss nam yena is not here to be on a journey to self-discovery. that would be entirely too functional of her for once. if anything, she’s just gonna be making a lot of backhanded comments ab how the companies downgraded going from hawaii last year to some secluded gangwon resort in the mountains somewhere. someone indulge her, shit talking can be a healing activity too no?
i’m not saying yena smuggled alcohol in BUT yeah no that’s definitely what i’m saying. bold of you to assume she’d stay sober for 3 days in a row. either way, if someone wants some of that, hit her up, y’all know where to find her, sharing is caring and all that. (concretly she’s probably casually spiking her drink and those of anyone that wants some at the bonfire, just saying)
but for real, most of this yena is gonna spend by the poolside looking cute, maybe getting a nice spa day or a massage in, just doing as little as possible, you know how it is. that’s not a lot to work with but if anyone else is looking forward to doin as little as possible pls let me know.
first things first, i’d love to have someone take one of those cooking classes w/ minah, whether they both share an interest in cooking or maybe they are very prone to sticking around minah’s place for dinner usually and minah thinks it will be good for them to learn some skill of their own, either way could be really fun. 
secondly maybe someone to take a yoga/aerial yoga class with her? whether minah dragged them into or they genuinely thought it was fun. i’m not saying this idea is sponsored by the image of jung eunji in a sports bra and sports leggings but... that’s exactly it, oops.
last one honestly this whole retreat is such a lovely setting for a good heart to heart conversation, i’d love a good conversation out on the terrace in the evening or something like that, be it due to past bad blood between them or even just them talking over personal matters of their own. just ah, some nice bonding
all 4 of them jaewon, minah & yena also still need roommates and honestly i’m down for all kinds of dynamics, people who don't like each other rooming, people who do get along rooming, people who rlly don't know each other that well rooming getting to know each other, anything
but also like i said i’m down for anything so if you have an idea feel free to toss it my way or if you have a post of your own PLEASE let me know and i’ll gladly read that over too!!!
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fairycosmos · 5 years
hi, so idk what to do. i am NOT ready for a relationship yet and i feel like i like the idea of it more than actually being w/someone. ive only had one other short term bf, but ive romantically talked to about 4 guys total, but those i never dated. every. single. time they ended things with me was because i refused to have sex with them. im not ready for sex and i stand firm in that. this has caused me a lot of insecurity and it makes me feel rly shitty. how do i get over it and trust guys?
hey luv. to be honest if you're not ready for a relationship then you dont need to waste energy worrying about it. you're not interested, end of story. no justification or explanation needed. sex is a big deal when you have trouble with vulnerability and if you don't feel able to comfortably seek it out right now, that's fine. it's literally just a personal choice. i would urge you to examine why this is stressing you out in the first place - we're often led to believe our sexual availability dictates our worth, and from a young age this is subconsciously engrained into our self perception. we're taught that pleasing others (sexually and otherwise) and disregarding our own needs equals validation. actively confronting the complex this causes may take some time, but it's important to understand why you feel bad about something that is not your fault. it's like how a lot of ppl put up with unhealthy/abusive relationships just so they don't have to say they're single, even tho being alone is infinitely better than putting yourself in a situation you don't want to be in. the quiet shame of being seen as unwanted is an illusion. i think unlearning the false societal rules around dating that you've grown accustomed to will remove a lot of the guilt you feel about doing your own thing. point is, you're a whole person who is capable of finding happiness and satisfaction on your own until you choose to share it. and you don't have to beg anyone to understand that. the shitty guys who were using sex to guilt trip and manipulate are not something you just have to 'get over.' their attitude is disgusting and entirely their own responsibility - very symptomatic of male entitlement and the objectification of women. 🙃 this in and of itself could be contributing to your hesitance towards sex. if you need to build a connection with someone and take it slow before you even consider taking the next step, then that's entirely within your right. and it's no wonder, considering how you've been treated. craving a bond is not asking for too much, especially if you're clear about this from the start. ultimately though, you deserve someone who loves you for all that you are and not for what they can get from you. people like that are hard to come across, especially when you're young, which is why i honestly believe there's lno rush in finding the right person. you have nothing to prove, and the older u get/the more secure you are in yourself, the more u love by that. or so it seems to me. it's easy to become disillusioned, to fall into the trap of thinking there must be something wrong with you, but objectively that's not true at all. being single and not sexually active are merely neutral factors that change and repeat fluidly throughout your life, like any other aspect of the self dkes. i think it is it's ok to let your emotions be what they are, to process sadness n loneliness without holding onto them, or letting them control you. when it comes down to it, if a guy can't find the decency to care about your safety n happiness, he's simply not compatible with you. it's a him problem. and you would've dodged a bullet imo. anyway i hope you're ok and that you're able to work through this at your own pace and in your own way. fuck men for making you feel this way and god Bless 🤠 for real tho hmu if you need a friend or if you ever want to talk. you're not alone, and i'll be here 💘
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veemuses · 4 years
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[ doom days ] 🎴 (5 roommates, 2 hanger-ons)
[ your apartment is filled with other shiny trash-bags and there’s nothing you can do about it because the rent’s cheaper than anywhere else  —  ft. petty arguments because your roommate keeps calling mario "the green one", storing the microwave in your room because one person keeps spilling soup in it, the dishes piling into a mound, and waking up to strangers lying drunk on your couch. ]
looking for a group of roommates loosely inspired by tarot cards!! the descriptions are only to drum up some inspiration and you can redo them to your liking—the only requirement that i have is the reversed side of their card is deeply felt. as they’re all quite flawed in some way, their living situation is  downright messy and bickering erupts daily. but despite the division, there’s a semblance of understanding between them, for life has thrown them all a shitty bone in some way. (you’re trash, but you’re my trash energy!)
feel free to dm me or hmu on discord at ringwraiths#2150 if you want to snag one or discuss anything!
the emperor 👑 (24-29, open)
owns the apartment and leases the rooms » probably has quirky habits or a terrible sleeping pattern but everyone just shrugs it off because the rent’s cheap » gets annoyed when you move their shit (and everyone does it just to piss them off) » furiously cleans the apartment when stressed » the one with their shit together » once came up with a rule book for the place, but nobody paid attention to it  » could be involved in some kind of winter sports at a professional level » likes the company of roommates and can be clingy.
the tower 🔥 (24-29, open but get w/ theo please!!)
probably has daddy or mommy issues™ » self-destructive af and gets the others involved in their bad decisions » a house on fire in human form  » always sneaking their on-and-off partner (and former roommate) back into the apartment » the type to loudly come in at 3am and trip on the furniture, waking everyone up » surprisingly tidy despite their chaotic nature » old friends with the emperor » but their friendship is under a lot of strain due to the tower’s behaviour and it causes a lot of friction in the apartment.
the wheel of fortune 🍀 (21-25, reserved for jo)
grew up dirt poor and/or from a broken household » still broke af and life is a cycle of ups and downs » stubbornly self-reliant and hates help from any of the roommates » appears responsible and yet is actually the messiest out of everyone » but they’ve got to work shitty jobs to pay their bills so everyone overlooks their shit strewn about the place » side-eyes the drama that ~certain~ people create and can’t hold their tongue » so lowkey just adds fuel to the fire because of their bluntness.
the magician 🔮 (21-25, reserved for tori)
tsundere at first and wanted nothing to do with these a-holes » ended up getting attached to everyone anyway because they couldn’t help it » probably keeps the apartment from burning down because they’re the only reasonable one and can mediate arguments » super chill vibes and far cooler than anyone else who lives in the apartment » likely they have so much more to give and are just not bothering » 100% the one out here stealing everyone’s leftovers while also judging everyone’s basic bitch food choices » will leave you on read if you ask where the food has gone.
the hanged man 🤡 finley wilder (21, taken by vanessa)
the most recent addition because he needed somewhere to stay after dropping out and didn’t want to return to his mom’s house » officially he’s “on a break” from harvard but that’s just an excuse to save face » has always had things handed to him on a silver platter and this is his first taste of ~real life » absolutely has no idea what he’s doing but won’t admit defeat (yet) » easily influenced » observant af and is starting to piece together everyone’s personal business 👀 » avoids most of the fighting because arguing is /beneath him/ » mostly likely to give offence by being a snob.
the lover 💋 (23-28, reserved for athena)
lives in the downstairs apartment but frequents the upstairs one because they’re lowkey infatuated with one of the roommates » also just here to watch shit go down and feel better about their own life choices » a productive early riser who makes you feel like you’re not doing enough » highly extroverted w/ dramatic energy » known for throwing the most decadent parties and engaging in hedonistic activities » probably opens their door in a silk dressing robe » their couch is something of a therapy space for the roommates.
the devil 🔪 (24-29, reserved for theo)
local trash heap » their ex-roommate who still keeps slobbing on the couch all day long » officially they’re banned from the apartment but someone keeps sneaking them in after their nights out » the tower’s dealer and on-and-off again partner » known for having loud sex with the tower and generally being an obnoxious douchebag » stirs up shit between the roommates and causes a lot of drama.
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fairycosmos · 6 years
Sorry for bothering(feel free to ignore this I just wanted to rant). lately I’ve been in this ‘idk’ kinda mood where I just sit in my room and do nothing all day. I keep flaking out on friends too. Like tonight I was supposed to have dinner w old friends and I cancelled. I feel like they’re annoyed w me and I feel bad but I know that I’m not in the right mindset. I love them ofc, they’re living they’re best lives and I feel like such a failure. Esp since I’m the only one who didn’t get into uni
i’m not going to ignore you man wtf you’re not bothering me ghjfkdeslw!! but honestly ugh big same, i can’t tell you how much i relate to this :( i’m sorry angel, i know how difficult it is. even the simplest tasks feel draining, dont they? i’m proud of you for managing and for trying your best to handle it all. you should give yourself some credit, too. it sounds like you have a level of self awareness about your situation, which is a really positive sign. you know you’re not in the right mindset, so you can use that knowledge to try not to act on/believe your negative thoughts. of course, that’s easier said than done. but it’s something you can work on. it’s alright to feel down, and to think negatively sometimes. it’s how you cope with those experiences that counts. look, if you have no self esteem, there will always be a part of your mind that will try to convince you that others are mad at you - but you need to realize that assuming how other people feel without directly asking them is disrespectful to them and to yourself. i’m sure they’re not sick of you at all, dude. they probably miss you a lot, actually, if you haven’t been around for a while. and they probably understand more than you realize. try to hang out with them soon, even if it’s just for an hour or so. isolating yourself won’t solve anything, and it’ll make what you’re dealing with feel 100 x heavier, you know? it’s good to be around people and to get out of your own mind for a while. once you’re out with them, you’ll realize it’s not so bad. you might even see that it’s better than just staying in your room. i’m not saying you have to suddenly develop the energy to constantly be social. but take it in baby steps, yeah? make one small, positive change per day, or even per week to begin with. that’s more than good enough.
is there anything that happened recently that made you feel this way, or has it been a gradual decline? do you think this is circumstantial, or something more serious? either way, if it persists, i really think you should talk to someone about it (maybe your doctor, or your parents to see if they can help you get in touch with a counselor/professional, or a hotline to begin with.) the way you’re feeling could be a sign of an underlying mental health issue - one that can be controlled through actual treatment. it’s not the end of the world, and it doesn’t have to be a big deal. i know it’s scary to accept the idea that you need to open up to someone. but confronting this is the only way to truly make it go away. you need to figure out why you don’t want to do anything, what the root cause is, cause then you can face up to it. if it’s a chemical imbalance, you may also be prescribed medication which could really help straighten out your perspective. the truth is that you’re mental health is just as important as your physical health. and you need to make the active choice to take care of it. even if you just start by working on it by yourself - researching healthy coping mechanisms, getting yourself into a routine, outlining a care plan. even considering it shows that you’re strong enough to actually go through with it, even if you don’t think you are. of course it’s hard. and not every day will be a success, but if you’re trying, if you’re making a difference - then you’re doing just fine. you’re going to be okay. as for uni, you know that’s not a measurement of your worth or a requirement in life. i get that it feels that way. most people my age are in uni, too, and i’m just not. but at the end of the day, that is a choice that you’re free to make. it’s not a reflection of who you are as a person. and it’s nobody else’s business, really. please consider talking to someone. and try to go a little easy on yourself, even when your brain is screaming at you. you’re a lot more than you know. and this is all more temporary than you realize, okay? i hope you feel better soon honey. i’m sending you my love. hmu if you need a friend.
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