#someone do God's work and take the idea out of my brain and onto the paper
biscutpoo · 2 months
This fic idea is very gruesome, turn away if you are squeamish:
In the next saga of TSC but somehow angstier ideas imagine.... TSC but omegaverse AU. Everything that happened to Jean would be somehow worse if he was an omega.
- Riko asking for volunteers his freshman year to help Jean through his heats.
- Maybe Kevin helped sneak Jean suppressants but then after he left Jean was forced to rely on Riko's mercy.
- Zane promising to keep Grayson out of Jean's room during his heat but then betraying that promise.
- Grayson is kind of already in his own omegaverse in Canon, he has some fetish about biting Jean's neck like he's trying to form a mating bond.
- the whole incident in Palmetto would be 2x worse if Jean wasn't losing his mind about Riko being dead but actually found out he was pregnant from Grayson's SA and tried to carve that piece of Grayson out from his belly.
- of course Mafia families like the Moreaus are still practicing antiquated traditions of selling omegas. I like the idea of Riko being a beta who desperately wants to be an alpha and Kevin as an alpha because it only worsens Riko's insecurity complex.
- Jean being terrified to join the Trojans at first, learning that the way omegas are treated in the Nest isn't normal. Like maybe they made him play through heats at the Nest and the first time he goes into heat at USC he is so terrified and tries to hide it but the whole team is horrified he tried to show up to practice like that.
- Jean slowly coming to enjoy his heats and falling in love with Jeremy.
- then maybe Jean is in a better place and finds out he's pregnant again but this time, it's Jeremy's. And for the first time he really wants to keep it even though being pregnant is super triggering for him cuz of Grayson. But he can't play exy if he's pregnant, it'll slow him down and he needs to play exy to survive. Maybe he won't ever be able to have kids and he shouldn't want to because any kid he has will be a Moreau and belong to the Moriyamas the same way he does and no kid deserves that. But Jean is just heartbroken about it because he's never wanted something like this before and they never let him keep any of the others while he was in the Nest and he can't shake the image of a pup with Jeremy's dimples and Jean's eyes.
- I'm sorry I just realized that means Jean would have been 16 the first time he got pregnant and they made him get an abortion and that's somehow more heartbreaking.
- Jean quietly asking Cat for abortion pills because she's the only other omega on the team he trusts and just breaking down when Cat asks if he's going to talk to Jeremy about it.
- Jeremy's stepfather's family is probably super rich and powerful so even the Moriyamas would have to think twice about touching Jean if he married into that family.
- there's prob some omegaverse sexism about omegas playing exy since exy is such a violent sport so most of the omega players aren't "out" about their dynamics. Jean could be an unwilling trailblazer for omega rights because he's the best backliner in the NCAA and he's an omega.
- obviously Neil would be the way more outspoken omega rights activist though cuz he gives no shits about putting alphas in their place.
- I don't really know where I'm going with this but character development would probably be Jean overcoming his trauma and getting to keep the pup come hell or high water. And then he marries Jeremy and they live happily ever after, hurrah!
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icarusredwings · 1 month
As requested. Sleepy and aggressive dog vibes Logan. (here. Take your cuddly 200 year old alchoolic with anger issues and PTSD, you little freaks/ affectionate)
It's happening. It's finally happening! After months of trying to set this up, his plan was finally working. Wade has been trying to get this muscley idiot to fall asleep on him for 2 and a half months, and now the time has come.
It took coaxing him in by watching some boring War Marathon, a bunch of incorrect documentaries that he was prone to shake his head at, to criticize for their blantant lies. It started with Logan standing there, arms crossed like a dad who wasn't at all interested and refused to sit down, but now he was laid in his lap, snoring, growling at some bits of the show.
He would have shut it off already but the remote was on the table and if he moved he might wake him. And that sir, was a no no. A massive NO for him. Internally he was already screaming with excitement but his grunts were becoming too much to stand by and litsen too.
Come on- easy.. easy.. he only had one shot at this, and it might end up with another baby hand. Very carefully, he touched his head, and he flinched. Silently, he cursed himself.
Gently, his hand made full contact, sweeping some of his hair back, stopping for a second as he rolled onto his side, pulling his legs up to fully curl up the way he did in bed too. Again, inside of his brain, this man was squealing so much that he might be mistaken for a piglet.
Petting him for quite some time, he hadn't noticed that on the Tv they were about to start playing bombs, and now they compared. One of the louder ones caused him to jump, almost snarling at the idea of a threat in his dreams.
"Shhh.. shhh, it's okay. Just the tv." He mumbled, fondly stroking the back of his scalp. Now, focusing on the screen a little more, he would cup his hand over his ear when a loud one was about to play again. "I got you.."
The more this went on, the more progress was made, the growls turned back into deep snoring, and now Wilson not only got to play with his hair but also running a hand up and down his arm as Logan began to drool onto the pillow between him and wades lap.
This couldn't get any better. At least- thats what he thought. Until a different noise came from his chest. One that traveled into his throat but barely left his mouth. "What the- GASP Oh my god you're purring(!)"
Struggling not to make the sound of a squeaky toy, his grin was ear to ear, utterly thrilled. He didn't know he could do that. Did he even know he could do this? Probably not.
The purring was quiet, but oh so heavenly. To feel it through his hands was enough, seeing as whenever someone was shouting, shooting, or simply talking too loud, he couldn't hear it. But that didn't matter. There was a much bigger point than that. He was Safe.
Wade had made his body relax so much that he did the unthinkable. Become vaunerable.
This, unfortunately, ended much quicker than he would have liked. The disc skipped, and suddenly, there was a massive scene with screaming, guns, firing, and bombs being dropped.
Honestly, it made him jump too just from how dozy he became with all the domesticity. But if he was even startled.. Within seconds, all of that progress was down the drain. Now, here he was, up and heaving, claws out and on edge, his eyes wide with fear and anger.
Wade could have sworn he had seen him shaking, too. Just a tiny bit in the arms.
With all the hairs on his arms and neck raised, the snarling, baring of teeth and the way he was stanced, Wade knew he was fucked. Like- Uber fucked. And not the way he preferred. Oh shit- this wasn't fair. How could he look like he was about to kill him and still be this hot?
Slowly, he stood, putting his hands up.
"Hey woah woah woah- easy there, big boy. It's alright. Just the Tv." Nodding towards the television. Realizing this was a bad idea, he practically tripped over the coffee table to grab the remote and stand in front of it, not wanting him to somehow stupidly electrocute himself to death.
A snarl.
"Woah woah! Shhh- look. Look, watch. I'll kill it. There- see? All gone! Better?" But in reality, all he did was turn it off.
Looking around as if scanning for danger, the goosebumps began to cease, starting to regain control over himself and his senses.
"There we go. Much better. You're okay. No one's coming to-"
The moment he said this, there was a bang at the door. "Oh for fucks sake. Who the fuck would that be? This late at nig- ohHO Peanut? Peanut! NO!"
A couple of dirty play scratches and three new holes in the wall later, he was able to open the door.
Wrestling your super human strength, terrified feral animal of a 'Room mate' away from your front door felt like trying to keep an aggressive dog from attacking the mail man (which he's come to the realization that this was a weekly recurrence Man. He really hated strangers, didn't he?)
Except even Wade wasn't sure who it was, a bit tempted to just let him go at it and protect the home how ever he saw fit- but last time he did that, he made a couple of girl scouts pee themsleves and scream for their mommies and Logan felt bad about it for weeks.
"Erm... Pizza delivery?"
Still struggling to keep him from scaring the piss out of this poor teenager, Wade gave him a smile. "One second!"
Slamming the door again, he turned, giving him a stern look, and a pointed finger that he could have easily sliced off if he wanted.
"Put'em away mister!"
Another growl. Almost like protest.
"Yeah yeah GRR yourself! It's some scrappy kid, you're fine! ...Now put them away.... please."
Seeing the silent look of nothing behind those beautiful eyes that he often did when coming down from these kinds of scares, Wade smiled and coed, slightly higher than his usual tone. "Comme onnn. Put away your murder mittens! It's okay. My big, strong kitty. Oh, what a good boy you are, Oh yes, you are~"
Visually, you could see his shoulders drop, and quickly, he came back to his senses, frowning in embarrassment as he sheathed them only to walk over, shoving him out of the way as he threw open the door again.
"Oh god- Logan? Logan!" He called, cursing under his breath some more as he dug in his pockets for the kid's tip before he got a free piercing through the stomach.
Glaring at the 16 year old, He did that thing when his nose crinkled, sniffing this so-called 'pizza delivery' boy.
Popping his head through, under his arm, Wade grinned apologetically and gave the kid a 5.
"Sorry - He's not used to strangers yet."
With a huff, it seemed the man had dubbed this twig of a child, not a threat. Going back to the couch with a big grunt, he crossed his arms, a little embarrassed by his behavior.
Grabbing the pizza and locking the door, Wade groaned in annoyance, coming back to the couch, too. Opening the box, he handed him a slice, took one for himself, and put one on the floor.
"Puppins! Here papa's princess!"
Within a moment the little dog tottered in and began to lick the cheese off of the floor pizza, wagging her tail, happy as ever to be eating the human food with her two daddies, unaware that one of them had just almost made a kooshkabab out of an acne faced teen.
Letting out a massive sigh of relief, Wade was glad that all was well again, happy to see him eating something other than whiskey for a change before realizing.. he didn't even order pizza.
"Hey Al? Did you order pizza?"
"Well, I did now!"
Oh great.. welp. Finders keepers-
In between bites, he glanced at him, teasing. "Damn Wolvie, what was all that about? Since when do you go after kids?"
"...Mmh.." This was a grunt that meant 'I don't. Now stop asking me questions, I'm starving'
He watched as he devoured the slice, grabbing another, only for Wade to slide him the entire box, smiling at him like an idiot as he fondly remembered the purring a few minutes ago. He wasn't sure if pizza was in a wolverine's proper diet, but he'd be stabbed if he ever told him that.
-And if they really wanted to come back and pry it from the Wolverines claws? Then so be it.
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greenglowsgold · 1 year
The List.
Based on the Cass Apocalyptic Series.
The first part of this has been rumbling around in my brain ever since that Super Sad Scene a month ago, but yesterday’s update gave me the other side of the coin, so to speak, and finally pulled it all together.
@somerandomdudelmao thanks for the fuel, friend
                              Donatello’s days have become a series of checklists, as of late.
No, that’s not exactly true. His days have always been about lists: what he’s done, what he can delegate to someone else, what still needs doing. But these days he’s been doing less and listing more, piling tasks from the first category onto the second as fast as he can manage, hoping he has enough time to empty the queue.
The full catalog is written out in a series of files, reorganized for accessibility to the layperson and meticulously up-to-date as of yesterday. He meant to run through it again this morning, ensure all the relevant instruction manuals were attached to each item and double check his protocols, but he wasn’t… he couldn’t…
He’s going to die tonight.
It irritates him, his own miscalculation of the timing more than the stark presence of his oncoming demise. The latter has been inevitable for quite some time, long enough that he’s gotten used to the idea. But he thought he had another week or two, and he doesn’t like being proven wrong. He wonders if his brothers know.
Probably not. They know it’s bad now, obviously, because they’ve piled him with pillows and blankets and surrounded him on all sides, and Leo has finally gone quiet. But they trust him, they’ve always trusted him, even when they shouldn’t, so if he swears he’ll last a few more days, they’ll believe him. He thinks. He’s pretty sure. If they knew it was tonight, he doubts they would choose to sleep through it. Donnie thinks about waking them up, but only for a moment. He’d like to say it’s a noble act, to leave them in peace a little bit longer, but the truth is he’s just too fucking tired to move.
There’s something settled bone-deep in his chest, a heaviness that sits on him like a stone, a peine forte et dure pressing him down and down, stopping his voice and his breath and his heart. He wonders if this is what dying usually feels like, or if it’s unique to the Kraang. Raph would know.
He cranes his neck to the right, to catch Raph’s face out of the corner of his eye. Raph’s working eye is half-open, staring down at the floor. Donnie could ask him. (He won’t. Let him fall asleep.) The movement of his head is so slight it doesn’t even catch Raph’s attention. He’s too tired for anything more. He’s so goddamn tired.
His lists are out of reach at the moment, with his physical interfaces back in the lab and his ninpo locked behind a wall of oh-god-it-sounds-too-exhausting-to-even-try, but he memorized them all long ago.
Raphael: Maintenance (delegated to Casey, who has it well in hand). Plans (tucked away in a dedicated folder, long term, but someday they’ll have the materials, and Raph will have a proper body again, someday). Honey (yes, he passed that along last week).
Raph has access to the tracking programs, so he can keep an eye on everyone himself, even when Donnie can’t pull up locations or vitals for him anymore. He has his own space in the base once more, somewhere to close a door when he needs to (he insists he doesn’t, but Donnie isn’t a fool). He has more excuses to spend time with Casey, who’s taking over his upkeep. Donnie hopes it fills in some gaps for both of them.
He runs through the list, double checks each item. It’s his last chance to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything important.
He looks down, finds Mikey.
There’s a stockpile of the anti-aging serum in his safe, the formula in his database, plans for the permanent solution clearly labeled. As long as they have his lab, his systems, Mikey will be as young as his years. He’s walked him through the greenhouse, even if most of it is controlled by the computer system. Mikey misses the world being green; it’ll do him good to spend more time around the plants. He has his tea, his candles. He has Draxum, who by now should have received a — mildly — threatening message warning him not to pull any disappearing acts anytime soon. He has their ancestors, just a short call away.
Donnie’s sure Mikey will call on him soon. He doesn’t plan to stray far.
Up a bit. To the left. Leo.
The arm — Leo knows how to take care of it, as does Casey.
The passwords — reset, something even Leo will be able to remember without resorting to blackmail.
The schedule — reshuffled for the next few days, he’ll have a hard enough time sleeping as it is.
The photos — everything they have, even the embarrassing ones. He even managed a couple of prints, and one precious shot from their pre-apocalypse days, something for Leo to tuck into a pouch and carry with him, when they’re not around.
Raph, Mikey, Leo. He doesn’t think he’s missed anything. Donnie lets his head fall back, too exhausted to hold it up any longer.
Is it enough?
His mind stretches further out. He’s unraveling.
What about April? Her prescription is up to date, they just checked a month ago. She has the latest in his combat tech, which has kept her safe in the field this long, so he has no reason to think it will falter now. He’s leaving her a few extra pieces, since he won’t be able to use them anymore. Leo will find the time for a movie night once in a while, he’s certain, even if his taste in Jupiter Jim movies is horrendous. They still have coffee; he’d die before he let that particular supply run out. He will, actually.
Casey. Fuck, Donnie’s gonna miss his birthday. But he did plan for this, his protocols will kick in. The mask is finished, everything is in place. He’s reconfigured his workstations, fit them for a tiny human instead of a seven-foot turtle. Casey has a better head for mechanics than any of his brothers ever did. Kid likes to be useful, so Donnie’s left him as much use as he can. He’s taught him everything Casey can learn and left instructions for more, when he’s a little older and wiser. His family will take care of him, they’ll make sure he gets there.
The base. It has to hold, to give them somewhere safe. The infrastructure is sound, and they have people to manage repair work. Supplies are decent, the most critical items in stock, everything that can be made renewable is. Their allies — Leo handles interpersonal issues and leadership, but Donnie’s checked the list with a pragmatist’s eye, left notes and rankings for priority. Security is the largest concern, but he’s spent nearly half his time with his assistants since his self-diagnosis (he could have spent it with his family), running them through the programs and adjustments, trying to bring them up to somewhere in the realm of his own expertise (a fool’s errand, but still). They’ve been rigorously instructed, they understand that the little things like sleep are secondary concerns. It has to hold.
Is it enough? For them to be okay?
He’s done everything he can. He can’t do any more. So it has to be enough.
Donnie blinks, and for a moment isn’t certain his eyes will open again at the end of it. But they do. At least one more time, they obey him.
Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Home. He rolls back through the list. It’s his last chance. He can’t miss anything.
Mikey’s hand tightens unconsciously around his wrist, fingers meeting easily on either side. Donnie feels only the echo of the pressure.
Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Home.
Something bright sparks at the edges of his vision before it fades. The last gasps of a dying brain, he supposes. Synapses firing one last time before they’re snuffed out.
                                                                                                                         There’s light.
                                                            It hurts.
                                                            He thought dying would stop the pain, but it’s risen to a fever pitch instead. His brother’s arms are gone, but the disease wraps around him in their place, consumes him. It rages like a wildfire, burning through his center until pieces start to flake away like ash.
Oh, this is what it does, what it was built for. The Kraang could have killed him in a lot of different ways. He’d wondered why they chose this one.
He hasn’t planned for it. This is something he didn’t even know to fear.
It’s bright and it hurts but it’s quiet as he crumbles, folds in on himself like a black hole in the utter silence of outer space. It’s quiet enough that the voice that breaks through does so clear as a bell.
His head turns to follow the sound, instinct. He’s lost half his field of vision, but what’s left is enough. He looks, and finds Casey.
Casey looks at him, at him, not the body. Donnie opens his mouth to ask a question — What are you doing here? How? Why? — but something else sloughs out instead. Not blood. He doesn’t have that anymore.
Casey calls his name once more and starts running.
Donnie’s questions fold back into his mind. His mouth clicks shut, he swallows back the putrid rot and pushes himself up. His arms are shattered but they’ll have to hold him. They have to. Because Casey is here and he needs something, which means Donnie missed something, which means he isn’t done.
His spirit disagrees with him, doesn’t see the logic. His arms don’t hold.
Casey reaches to catch him as he falls, and the touch ruptures him instead. He scatters. Into the air and the ground and Casey. For a moment, he’s just pieces, fumbling around and latching onto anything that welcomes them, and Casey does that. They flow into him. They’re him. They’re…
Casey, he’s…
Donatello pulls himself back together. Most of himself, anyway. The infection hasn’t followed him but the damage persists. He’s run through with cracks and crevices, shaking bits away into infinity with every movement. But there’s more of him here than not.
Unexpectedly, Donnie is not gone. He’s still dead, but that’s fine, he planned for that one.
                                                                                                                         Casey has him now. He wraps himself around Donnie in layers, helps hold him together with a kind of sheer will that makes up for any lack of mystic knowledge in spades. Casey asks him to stay, and Donnie takes up the task like Sisyphus sizing up the hill. This time, this time I’ll do it right.
Even better, Casey has taken him to another time, one where all of Donnie’s long-term plans are now completely-fucking-reasonable plans. Casey’s going to fix it, so Donnie can fix everything else. Whatever else needs it. He hasn’t really asked. And he knows he’s missed something, but he doesn’t think too hard about what, not yet.
First thing’s first: he needs a body.
It’s so simple to accomplish that it seems like the universe is mocking him. Just a quick 1-2-3, ticking off the list. It feels almost stupid, like running back through the early levels of a video game after unlocking all the ultimate weapons and burning through enemies and obstacles, laughing, shit, did I used to think this was hard?
In no time at all, his own face has formed in front of him.
In no time at all, he’s gasping.
It’s only been a few hours since he last breathed air, but he’s missed it.
Another thing he’s missed? Functional musculature. Casey slams into him and Donnie is startled to find that it doesn’t knock him over. His arms and legs look like actual limbs again, not fragile little sticks disguising themselves as such. He stands, dragging Casey along without a second thought. The weight barely registers. It’s amazing.
The power trip is heady, but it only lasts a few minutes before reality kicks it in the ass and pulls him back down to earth.
We lost, Casey says.
They’re dead, Casey says.
It wasn’t enough, Casey does not say, but Donnie hears it just as clearly.
All those plans, the preparations, the precautions and protocols, they only borrowed a year or two before they fell apart. He sees the timeline spiral out before him, tighter and tighter until it collapses in on itself, rendered all the more insignificant from his own point of perception. He was alive yesterday. His family is dead today.
Everything he did, it wasn’t enough. Of course it wasn’t. He was stupid to think otherwise.
(Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Casey’s still here. It was enough for him, at least.)
It cuts at him a little, to have been so wrong. But he’s strong again, now. He can take the wound. More importantly, he has another chance to get it right.
Donnie breathes. His chest expands smoothly, easily. The air doesn’t rattle in his lungs. He’s alive, he’s a genius, he can fix anything.
He pulls up a list.
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glossysoap · 22 days
glossy. this isn’t a request but lord jesus i need to share this thought with someone.
rudy.. just rudy being a very sweet person when around his family and friends, but with you? alone? oh god he’s so rough, he grips your ass and thighs. leaving marks there and slapping every inch of your body. especially your thighs and ass. grips your cheeks together to smoosh your cheeks together and make your lips pout out.
he chuckles at you, so evilly :(( just gripping your hips with so much force, your head forced into the pillow as he plows into you from behind, the bed creaking because this man thrusts in you. then he grabs at your throat, pulling you back and making your back arch for him, your hands try to reach the sheet but at the angle your at you cannot reach them. you can hear slow murmurs of: “Sí mamá, esa mierda se siente bien ¿eh?” (yeah mama, that shit feels good huh?) to “deja que te folle, mama. vas a recibir mi semen muy dentro de ti.” (let me breed you, mama. your going to take my cum deep inside you.)
and JESUS.. his arms? his muscles, he looks so good. sweating while his pelvis and abs tense and flex, scars adoring his skin and fuckkkk- you might cum on the spot because of how good he’s fucking you. he pushes you back down on the bed, flipping you over so he can watch your pussy take his thick dick. he and you both look down as he begins to thrust, a creamy ring beginning to form at his base. you moan and he groans. “look at tha’ mama. she loves my dick. sucking me right back in.” and when he begins to thrust in a little bit you cum so hard you squirt.
anyways, that’s my thought on rudy. i’m not sure why this popped into my head but it did. <3
(ps, my ovaries are wilding right now. so just ignore this if it isn’t your thing.)
FANGS your brain just keeps making banger after banger after banger.
(also im so so sorry for this taking long. you know what kind of dumpster fire these past few months have been. these are just some thoughts, not a full blown fic. this is also the very first time i’ve ever written for rudy so 🤞)
18+, afab and fem reader, fingering under table (so if you consider that dubcon then that's dubcon i guess?), breeding kink, choking, dirty talk, squirting, daddy kink (papi kink technically)
The way he’d be the sweetest to your family, especially your parents but fucking you to tears in private? Chefs kiss.
The scene that immediately comes to my mind is when your mom invites the two of you over for sunday dinner with your famly.
The weather was great, a little breezy — not too hot, not too cold. So you opted to wear a cute little sundress for dinner. It was a fresh shade of teal, ending just above your knee and flowing perfectly in the wind as the two of you walked arm-in-arm up to the door.
He was a perfect gentleman, like always. Holding the door open for you, pulling your chair out for you. Squeezing your hand while the table says grace, if your family does it.
The dinner takes place like normal, the different conversations flooding the dining room while some ate and some passed food around to spoon onto their plates.
“How’s your work going, hun?” Your mom would ask over her plate of food, with a fork in hand. You forced a smile as you felt your cheeks warm. Though Rudy looked perfectly normal to everyone else, eating his own plate of food next to you, they had no idea what he was really up to.
If anyone in your family had taken a look under the table they would see what his other hand was busy doing, which was gripping your bare leg. Starting at your knee and inching up your thigh, leaving a trail of electricity along your sensitive skin. Slipping underneath your dress to rest inside your inner thigh.
"Oh, sorry, w-what was your question?" You stumbled on your words with a sheepish laugh, still looking at your mom and trying to listen to her. It proved to be more difficult than you thought when Rudy picked up the pace. The rough pads of his fingers had begun inching closer and closer to the hem of your panties when your mom called your name again.
Your breath hitched, both from Rudolfo's dangerous teasing and from your mom pressing you for an answer at (what she didn't know) was the worst moment possible. You shook your head a bit in hopes of yanking yourself out of your lust-filled mind.
Under the table, you swatted at his hand that was planted on your inner thigh. His lips twitched as he fought back a smirk, his usually warm deep eyes all filled with hunger and want.
“I said, how is work?” Your mom pressed, taking a small bite of her food while she waited for you to answer. You could feel the attention of everyone else at the table waiting for you to answer. Rudy, the smug asshole, hummed expectantly. As if his fingers weren't now sliding under the flimsy fabric of your panties. As if the rough pads of his finger tips weren't caressing the sensitive skin of your folds.
"It's going good! Yeah, it's going good." You choke out as he traced a single finger along your soaked slit.
"Awe, well that's nice! I'm glad," She took another bite and began striking up a conversation with someone else sitting next to her. You couldn't tell who, nor did you really care. Not when Rudy had began easing two fingers into your dripping heat.
You barely conceal a gasp as he begins moving his fingers inside you, teasing your warm walls with delicate rubbing and stroking.
From that moment on in the dining room, everything around you is tuned out. Your families voices are muffled and the scrapes of silverware against plates are just a small clink in the background.
"W-what the fuck are you thinking?" You whispered to him, attempting to speak with venom but the warmth in your stomach was just too strong that it overpowered any intimidation you'd hoped to have. And he could tell, leaning over so his mouth was next to your ear.
"I'm thinking," He whispered against your ear, his fingers scissoring inside you. "That I need to get my hands on you and that perfect pussy, cariño... and I need it now."
… Which is how you ended up here.
All but whisked away to your childhood room, food long forgotten, as he locks the door behind you and paws at your sundress. His calloused hands tug on the straps and pulls them down so they hung off your shoulders, revealing your tits.
He wasted no time in pawing at your breasts, grabbing handfuls into his calloused hands and groping to his hearts content. He backed you up against your bedroom door, brown eyes peering down at you with what could only be described as pure unadulterated hunger.
“There they are,” He crooned, voice deep and husky, sending chills down your spine as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth. His tongue flicked at it as his mouth was wrapped around your nipple, lapping at the sensitive skin. He’s all tugging and teasing, suckling your bud with a hum, before letting go with a pop.
Your breath hitches and he smiles against your nipple at that small gasp.
“Been seeing these all day long, wanted to grab them so many times.” He remembers seeing them sit so pretty in your sundress, wanting to grope them and nudge his cock between them.
"R-Rudolfo, please!" You plead, your hand coming up to card your fingers through his hair, holding his mouth to your tit. Your cunt still throbbed, all from his teasing throughout the dinner.
"Oh, I know, querida," He murmured against your breast, "You're all needy, hm? So pathetic." Your cunt throbs even more at his degrading words. You nod over and over, whines spilling from your lips.
He laughs.
"All wet n' dripping for me? For papí?" The last word made your breath hitch.
"Yeah, yeah! Please, please, I need you, papí!"
Before you knew it, he had you bare on your childhood bed. Skin slapping against skin, wet sounds filling your room. Your moans and whines mixed with his grunts and groans. He was still fully clad in his suit, only his cock fished out of his pants.
Your legs were folded up as far as they would comfortably go, hiked over his shoulders. His chest was damn near flush against yours, just as his forehead was pressed against yours. His cock filled you up perfectly with every thrust, his tip nudging your g-spot every time he thrusted in.
"So- so fucking tight! So perfect, my preciosa." He grunts out, feeling you clench around him.
His face was crowding you, not letting you look away as he splits you open on his cock. One hand is gripping your throat and keeping your gaze on him - slightly squeezing to restrict your air flow just enough to have your head all fuzzy.
"Fuck, fuck! P-papí," You choked out a moan. He chuckled at the blissed out look in your eyes, your pupils all lust blown and your eyes all glassy. Your lips were all slick with spit and drool, sore from being kissed and bitten.
"Go on, let it out. Don't you dare hold back, cariño." He damn near demanded, readjusting his position and propping himself up on the balls of his feet to be able to thrust into you even sharper. He smirked as he watched your mouth hang open in a wail and he bottomed out.
"Good girl, good girl," He leaned into your ear to purr. He felt you clenching around him as he whispered into your ear, never slowing in his thrusts.
The coil in your stomach tightens as you feel yourself growing close to the edge, his previous fingering already building up your pleasure. Your brain's all muddled and fuzzy and your cunt's gripping him so tight, clit throbbing and swollen.
He could feel it, too. you were practically milking his cock, begging for his seed to fill you up and claim you as his own.
"Fuck, you're taking me for all I'm worth, amor." His mouth moved down to your neck, licking a stripe along the span and ending up under your ear where he left a bite.
"Gonna fill you up, gonna make you mine. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like me breeding that cunt, taking her for myself?" He growls in your ear, mouth moving to start biting your neck again.
He hisses in your ear when you pulse and flutter around his cock at his words. He feels his own orgasm approaching from how tight you were hugging him. It only moved him even closer with how pretty you were whining and whimpering for him.
"Fuck yeah, please!" You cry out, clutching at his shoulders desperately, trying to find purchase through all the pleasure. "Breed me, breed me, breed--," He laughs as you babble mindlessly, begging for him to fill your cunt with his spend.
He ruts into you endlessly, feeling his tip nudge the plug of your cervix. He uses his free hand to reach between your bodies and find your swollen clit, just begging for his attention.
When his rough finger pads start toying with your throbbing clit, he hears you wail and clench around him so deliciously. You gush around him with a cry, squirting with a damn near shout. When you cream on his cock, you push him over the edge too.
"Fuck!" He damn near howls, warmth flooding your core as he fills you up nice and proper, determined to make it take. He punctuates his orgasm by sinking his teeth in the crook of your neck.
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission
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dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
Angel Cocoon
(Blame the brain rot. I watched Hazbin and had a dream about pathetic Adam and found myself deeply in love with this asshole. I did not expect it and I feel if I don't write I will explode so have this. Probably not my best work but it was stuck in my head all day at work; I have ideas for other stuff, including a more indepth fic (might be x reader, might be x oc, haven't decided yet). Hopefully this isn't too bad though
Update: Now with a sequel, whaaaaa? Angel Massages up and running
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: Adam (damned pathetic man), angel!Reader
Pairing: Adam x Reader
Genre: Comfort, fluff (not smutty? For Adam? I'm impressed by myself sometimes)
Summary: Every morning this happens. You do not mind.)
Every morning you were thankful that heaven's temperature was always perfect. Because every morning you woke up in a state that could best be described as the Cocoon.
When you first started dating the egotistical, loud mouthed, foul mouthed, perverted asshole known as the leader of the exterminators, aka Adam the first man or “Dick Master” if he could ever get his way, you had expected a lot of things. Getting your ear talked off on a regular basis, all sorts of pet names running the gambit from honestly a bit sweet (what, you liked being called sugartits) to you're-lucky-i-don't-take-you-seriously-Adam (who calls their significant other a slut, really), being expected to go to most if not all of his music gigs, occasionally having your back blown out because damn could that man fuck, learning to find some of the stupidest things funny because he managed to make it so; these were things you expected or at least got better used to. It was sort of like dating a hyperactive teenager but nine feet tall and with the strength enough to swing around a guitar-axe like it was a pool noodle. You had not had a normal day since the moment you agreed to this and you had quickly realized that that was fine by you.
But this. This you did not expect. Every morning, every single morning because God forbid you be allowed to sleep alone, you woke up not to your room, not to the ceiling or the sunlight filtering through the window or even your blankets. No, instead you woke up to the first man, first of the human angels, curled around you like you were going to disappear if he didn't hold you as tight and completely as possible. To call what he did a koala hug would be a disservice and did nothing to describe this phenomena, which upon the first morning after you had fallen asleep in bed with him you had freaked out a little over. You still were startled every time you woke up to it since. It was more like what you coined it as: a cocoon, created by the combination of two factors.
One: Adam. He was of course much bigger than you, a giant among angels and that was how you liked it. After all who didn't daydream of climbing a tree once in a while? Except this tree loved to talk and could make you feel things you were pretty sure was very much not pure. You were a good, solid four feet shorter than him, almost half his size; this worked in your favor when you wanted to hide behind him because of some stupid prank or when you again decided to climb onto him or honestly generally being picked up by the troublemaking angel which he certainly liked to do. The other side was that when he curled up his body enough it could surround you with little effort at all. Those arms of his wrapped easily around you and you could feel the fraction of true strength with which he held you, still more than enough to hold you where you were. His legs were folded up just enough to cut off escape from below, leaving you cradled against his body. His head tucked down, buried in your hair, he was warm and hairy in multiple places, and if you were absolutely honest a little overweight for someone who lived in heaven of all places. But none of these things bothered you and in the position you were in, your head pressed against his bare chest, you could hear the ever surprising existence of a heartbeat within a long dead man's chest. You felt your own calm hearing it; you couldn't help but love it.
Two: his wings. Oh those beautiful golden appendages, almost as beautiful as those golden eyes of your idiot boyfriend's. The feathers shimmered and shone near enough to rival the sun and you could see them past your prison of Adam flesh. How he could sleep so peacefully with them wrapped around you both was a mystery you spend every morning contemplating; it could not possibly be comfortable. Your own shuddered lightly on your back in sympathy but trying to stretch yours only brushed them against his and his, as they always did when this happened, quaked but did not open. He slept with them wrapped around you two like an eggshell, encasing you both and leaving no escape all around.
You reached out by instinct, running your fingers lightly along the feathers. They too were warm and soft as down yet you knew how strong they truly were, how strong his wings were like all other parts of him.
Save maybe his psyche. You felt the feathers shiver under your touch and he made a noise in his sleep, nuzzling his face further into your hair, his arms holding tighter to you. You woke like this every morning, since the first time you'd fallen into bed with him, and at first it was a mystery why, like so many things about him. How could he be so loud, how could he be so crude, how could he be so rude. But bit by bit you'd learned and you had come to understand.
He held onto you like you might disappear. Somewhere deep down that's exactly what he feared would happen. You knew about Lilith, you knew about Eve, and you knew how to read subconscious messages. He encased you like he was afraid otherwise you'd slip away, that you'd leave, that you'd go too. You woke to your head against his chest; how often had he fallen asleep with his on yours? Adam was many things, and truthful about what was really going on in his head and heart was definitely not one of them, but it didn't take a genius to know why he hated letting you out of his sight. Why he always held you like this in his sleep. Why he got enraged whenever the idea of you ever meeting Lucifer Morningstar came up.
Could you blame him? You couldn't and nor could you resist a smile as you wrapped your arms around him, closing your eyes and snuggling close to your ever-so-troublesome lover.
Sure you probably should get up soon but honestly it was hard to want to when you felt comfy right where you were. Besides it wasn't like you really minded all that much what would happen next after you both woke; he'd whine and you'd massage his sore wings. But you'd long since stopped trying to convince him to not sleep like that.
It was hard not to love being loved so deeply after all.
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quimichi · 1 year
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. . . . ╰──╮MY GOOD BOY, RIGHT? ╭──╯ . . . .
Albedo x Creator!Reader
: ̗̀➛ "Look at you" you say, the smile that graced your face was audible for him to hear. Both teasing and adoring him for the view he gave you. On his knees, kneeling before the god he promised to forever worship. Your fingers gently run through his soft blond hair, scratching his scalp that led him to close his eyes of the pure ecstacy he feels from this touch alone.
: ̗̀➛ "All mine, right?" Yes, all yours, only yours. Thats what he thought in his head, but he couldn't from the words and let them out. You make him weak, he can only repeat those words you graced him with in his mind. Burning them into his memories to never forget how you breathed them to his face. He never felt so comfortable in someones presence, you feel like home, like a fireplace in a winter night. Nothing could ever compare to you, if someone dares to even say otherwise he will do anything to prove them wrong. He will work at your command, just say it. Albedo is hopelessly devoted to you.
: ̗̀➛ But all he could do now was nod, noding in such a desperate and pathetic way, so eager that if he would comprehend what he just did would embarrass him. You leave him no other choice but lose his mind in your presence alone. "My good boy" you coo, his cheeks turn red. Heart raching so strong in his chest hes afraid you will somehow hear, although he knows you couldn't. The words send shivers down his spine, your head scratches alone made him close to pass out, but now those words?
: ̗̀➛ He is your good boy, no one else's. You are aware of this, you never were so sure of something than this. But its just so much fun to play a little with your good boy...With shaky, unsteady movements Albedo crawls toward you and carefully he raises himself up from his knees. His hands are trembling, for just a few mere seconds hes above you, higher than you. The thought alone made his brain turn to mush. You look up at him expectantly, and slowly he sinks down onto your lap. Carefully not to position himself uncomfortably on your thighs.
: ̗̀➛ With the last bit of confidence he has left, he gently takes a hold of your hands and places them on his waist. You instantly start to softly massage the tender flesh of his waist, making him keep the whimper that threatnes to escape his mouth in. He swallows hard before he dares to look into your holy eyes, the eyes that stare back into his with high expectations. He feels small, he will be crushed under your gaze, "Yours...your good boy only, your grace"
A/n: I tried ok, but my english is eh and so is my writing, but the idea didn't came from me! This great idea came from chococolte ♡ obviously theyre better than me haha
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imaginesheaven · 2 years
TF 141 reacting to a very strong Reader(gn preferably) ? Like strong to the point they can lift at most 700pds? (315 kgs) like it's paper? Can be romantic or platonic
(ps. I have zero idea if you are taking requests I feel like this would be a funny thing)
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Your wish is my command! This is literally so fun to write :D Keep the requests coming if you want :) I hope you like it!
Warnings: Cursing .. once again (I can't write literally nothing without a single curse word)
Strong!Reader x TF 141 - Friendship Headcanons
The team doesn’t know right away how strong you actually are. It’s not a fact you like to introduce yourself with. Mostly you keep it to yourself until you start to trust the people around you. Apart from this, you like it when people underestimate you.
Funnily your body doesn’t match your strength level at all. You have a rather slender and delicate form.
And that’s how you got your call sign within the Task Force 141. Soap started to call you “Tiny”, which has absolutely nothing to do with your height. He just likes to tease you. Unfortunately, the name got stuck in their brains and everyone calls you “Tiny”. At first you were not happy about it, but over the time you get used to it.
One evening it was your time to shine. Almost the whole team gathered to drink some beer or other alcoholics to unwind from a rather hard mission. Captain Price is nowhere to seen. Probably in his office doing some work like he always does. No one of you is really drunk just a bit more loose than usual.
Of course, Soap started to throw around dares like there is no tomorrow. We all know our beloved Scottish clown. You enjoy the sight as they try to out beat each other in different dares like who can drink more in ten seconds and so on.
“(Y/N), you are so tiny! I’m pretty sure you can’t even pick up Gaz!”, Soap can’t contain his own joy. He would learn in a few seconds to never underestimate someone because of their appearance.
With a bright smile on your lips you stand up and pick up Gaz bridal style. “Okay… that’s new”, Kyle isn’t quite sure how to feel about being carried like this. As if it wouldn’t be enough already you do a few rounds of squats.
The silence is deafening.
You keep doing your squats as Gaz holds onto your form for his dear life. He would never admit it but he feels quite safe and protected in your arms. The soldier starts to see you in a new light. Is that how a crush feels like?!
“Hold on, mate! Wait a second!”, Soap finds his tongue again throwing the empty bottle of beer away in the same second, “Now is my turn!” You put Gaz down and give Soap a chance to be carried bridal style.
“What the hell did they feed you back home?”, Ghost asks quite surprised, which is a rare sight. Grinning you shrug your shoulders doing more squats with Soap in your arms, “Nothing special. I’m just strong and love lifting things.”
“Steamin’ Jesus!”, Soap’s cheeks start to turn red. He has never been carried like that and it feels very good. “Get down, Johnny”, Ghost rolls his eyes playfully annoyed, “You are making a bloody fool out yourself.”
“Why did you keep this secret to yourself?”, Gaz can’t believe they all called you “Tiny” since your transfer into the team. “Just waited for the right moment, I guess”, you hold out your free arms for Ghost, who shakes his head slowly. “Can you carry us both at the same time?”, Soap exclaims excited and almost jumps into your arms again.
Captain Price walks down the hall to get himself a tea. He has been sitting hours at his desk doing tons of paperwork. Now he recalls that he didn’t hear a single word from his team for those said hours. Panic washes over him in an instant. Where were you all and what stupid shit have you done this time?!
“OH MY GOD! THIS IS INSANE!”, Price follows the loud voices he recognizes immediately down the hall but stops abruptly.
There you are all Soap wrapped up in one arm and Gaz in the other one. You carry them both doing squats without even breaking into a sweat. Ghost just raises his beer bottle cheering it at Price, “Hey, Captain! Nice evening, huh?”
Price looks at each of you a solid second with a shocked face, “What the bloody hell I am just witnessing?” Soap claps his hands still excited about your hidden talent, “Tiny is fucking strong, Captain!” Price just nods in agreement, “I can see that.”
“Seems like Tiny isn’t an appropriate call sign anymore”, Ghost summarizes the situation in one sentence. Price can’t still get over the fact you kept this promise for such a long time to yourself. He takes happily the beer that Ghost overs him.
“How much can you lift?”, the Captain can’t take his eyes off of you fascinated and horrified at the same time. You are still doing your squats with Soap and Gaz. You probably could outlift him at any time! He has respected to before but now he kind of worships you. Can’t he have a whole army of soldiers like you?
“Hmm… Around 700 pounds I think was the best I ever did. I can probably lift more but I never tested it out”, you say that like’s something absolutely normal to do. Price almost chokes on his beer as Ghost slides down in his chair. What have you done?
Soap and Gaz share an overly excited glance clapping their hands, “We have to test that out right away!” They wriggle themselves free from your grasp to run around in a search for heavy things to lift.
Ghost wouldn’t admit it but he is also impressed with your skills, “That’s going to be a long night.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
oh my god i don't know if you are taking requests right now but i just saw a scene from al pacino's movie "the panic in the needle park" where there was a dialogue that goes "you know what you are?" "what am i?" "you are my girl". ahhh that's so cute! so i immediately thought of eddie. can you write a cute little something inspired by this dialogue? i love your eddie pieces.
i'm not gonna pretend to have seen the scene you're talking about so i have no idea how it was said/used but my brain went 'argument scene' so that's what i did here <3
"You're too impulsive, Eddie," You groan, pointedly looking away from his bleeding knuckles, "You can't just punch anyone who says something mean."
"I'm not impulsive." Eddie insists, and you play into dramatics to drop your jaw in a comically aghast expression, "I didn't punch him for shits and giggles, babe. He said something nasty about you."
"And you had the impulse to punch him. I'm not calling you unreasonable, I'm calling you impulsive. Because you are impulsive." You huff, arms crossed as you refuse to settle into the passenger's seat of Eddie's van. He's got the engine turned over, but you're stalling in the parking lot, one step away from taking the bus home from school instead.
Eddie's brow scrunches, "Yeah? Well, y'know what you are?"
Defensiveness places itself like a shield over your chest. Guarding your heart, it rears its ugly head, denting itself in preparation for words like nagging, ungrateful, god forbid bitchy to be thrown out.
"What?" You spit with sharp eyes.
"You're my girl." Eddie mutters, eyes narrowed with frustration, but not anger as he looks at you, "And I don't like it when people say mean shit about you. Okay? I just-" He glares sideways at his mirror for a split second, catching his own reflection in it, "Maybe I am impulsive. But it's- it's not an impulse to hurt people, okay? It's an impulse to protect you."
The defensive shield you'd thrown up melts with the surge of warmth that Eddie's statement brings to your heart. Falling away with it is weight you'd been carrying since the second your boyfriend's knuckles had connected with the sophomore's face, and you let it all escape in a sigh that drains your lungs.
You inhale, voice much softer now, "Eddie. I'm happy I'm your girl. Really, it's just- I don't need protecting. Or at least, not like that. You can protect me by saving me the headache I endure every time you knock someone's lights out over me."
You chance a glance at him, disarmed by his sentimental speech, and find his eyes similarly smooth to your voice. He reaches out with a cautious hand, the one that isn't red at the knuckles, and you don't hesitate to take it and hold onto it.
He cracks a sad smile, and you mirror the expression.
"I won't punch people anymore," He offers, his voice quiet, "Or- well. I'll try. You're right, I-" He drops his eyes to his lap, speaking softer than you'd have thought possible, "It's an impulse. But I'll work on it."
"Thank you," You gush, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand, "And thanks for wanting to protect me, Eddie."
"Anytime," He seems almost embarrassed to pledge it, and you let it slide because you're both still getting used to dating and what that means. "Uh, do you still wanna take the bus, or-?"
"If you still want to take me home, I'll stay.' You muse carefully, "Do you still want to take me home?"
"Yeah," His careful smile gives way to an easy grin, a slight relieved exhale whooshing from his nose, "Buckle up, babe. We can stop for fries on the way."
"I want a milkshake instead," You decide, reaching for your seatbelt, "Is that okay?"
"Good taste," Eddie nods, eyeing you in the rear-view mirror, "I'll dip my fries in, and we can use it to ice my knuckles."
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wrathofrats · 8 months
Thinking about Aether and Phantom quintosis lesson. It's all going well and all, Aether's letting Phant explore his head on his own a little because he's actually really talented y'know! And then he hits a particular spot and Aether goes brainless, practically drooling on spot if yk what I'm onto...
Everyone always comes to Aeth to shut their thoughts up, but now he's on the receiving end for the first time in a whiiiile and he's just gone.
Just a big brainless quint :)
Shakes you violently because I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw it
(Warning that this is a little dubious but consent is implied and implied to have been discussed prior, just didn’t want it to come out of nowhere in case someone isn’t up for that 🫶
Also I made it weird bc confident phantom has been on my brain recently)
Aether talks him through it. Takes phantoms hands and places them on either side of his head, covering them with his own.
He trusts him under his own supervision, able to step in if something were to go wrong.
It’s easy, to aethers surprise. Phantom being able to pick at different memories, emotions, doesn’t take long for phantom to start trying to control his limbs.
“Am I doing that?” Phantoms eyes light up when aether hand moves slowly to the side.
“You are bug, good job”
Aether thinks it’s cute watching him get so excited over his powers.
Different tour memories flash in and out as phantom practically rummages through his brain like a storage bin. His face muscles twitch while phantom drags over certain nerves. Quintessence can be a dangerous game in the wrong hands, the power to as you please to someone only to be trusted in the right hands.
A particular wave of fuzz washes over aether as phantom gets a little more confident with the electricity he has wrapped around his mind. He feels cloudy, it’s not unfamiliar but he knows exactly what phantom is doing considering he’s done it to the other ghouls countless times before.
“Bug…..” aether warns taking a deep breath. He feels like there’s cotton behind his eyes, his breathing becoming deep and more manual.
Phantom prods again. A sharp buzz in the base of his skull and it’s hard for aether to get out the words to warn him again.
Phantom understands what he’s doing, especially considering this form of mind control has been done to him before. it’s the only reason aether hasn’t removed him yet but it’s a helpless and almost calming sort of feeling, looking up to see phantom smiling at him with his magic completely taking over his senses.
“Please let me take care of you?” Phantom tips aethers chin up to look at him, the other hand caressing his cheek. Aether can feel just a bit more quintessence slip in as he nods.
He’s completely brainless, barely a thought besides what’s directly in front of him and a small attempt to keep his breathing normal. It’s all he can do to keep his vision straight, mind full of static and he can’t help but smile at phantom, giggling slightly. A comfortable mindless state of pleasure.
“Never been able to have you all stupid for me have I aeth?” Phantom teases. It’s light hearted in nature but god it does something to aether. He could practically drool if he really wanted to, phantoms light teasing enough to have him salivating. Something so delicious about being able to have your thoughts shut up and being taken care of, aethers been craving it for a while.
A delicate hand pushes its way under aethers shirt. Phantom looks for any sign of protest before lifting it off of his body and discarding it on the floor beside them. Aethers immediately handsy, giggly and trying whatever he can to get phantom back on him. His limbs feel like they’re full of concrete as he tries to reach up to pull him closer. Time moves slow, almost too slow for him with the idea phantoms put into his head of him doing whatever he wants to him.
Phantom makes quick work of his own clothes while aether chews his lip, small moans escaping as phantom strips in his lap. He’s easy like this, hard and stupid and just desperate for anything from phantom he can get.
“You’re needy when you’re like this” phantom teases, reaching for the buttons on aethers pants. “Big and stupid like a whore should be”
Phantom grabs aethers hand, pulling it around his waist to finger himself with it, “your fingers are thicker than mine, gotta stretch myself out to take you baby” phantom gasps as he pushes aethers fingers into himself
It’s a tight stretch, phantom working himself with two of aethers fingers guided by his own, if he’s not careful he could probably just use aether like this and cum in his lap but oh, he wants to see how bad aeth can get when he sits on his cock.
Aethers streams out incoherent pleas and curses as phantom finally pulls him out, stroking him a couple times just to hear him whimper
“Fuck you’re much better like this, dumb and useful, just a dildo for me to use right?”
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cakerybakery · 2 months
Lying in the rubble of the hotel, Adam tried to catch his breath as Lucifer cuddled into his side.
He was already feeling sore. He wasn’t young anymore. When was the last time he was bent over in such a way? Centuries if not longer.
“Fuck, man.”
“This is exactly why you’re not supposed to show up to the exterminations.”
“You tried to kill my daughter.” Lucifer ran his hand through Adam’s chest hair, tugging a little on a couple of the hairs purposely. “What was I supposed to do?”
Adam winced, “yeah, yeah. I really just wanted to scare her off from this stupid idea. She’s making waves, Lucifer. You know how heaven feels about waves.”
“I think she might be onto something.” Lucifer’s hands soothed the skin where he had tugged to punish Adam. “I’m not sure it’ll work how she thinks…”
Lucifer sighed and sat up. “But, if the exterminations were good, why are they hidden from heaven? Maybe trying to redeem souls is the answer.”
“Waves, Lucifer. It’s how you ended up down here. Why couldn’t you two just do what you were supposed to?” Adam groped for his robe.
It was the same argument they had been having for eons. It never changed.
They never changed.
Lucifer pulled on his shirt and Adam tried not to look at pissed off look that was always on Lucifer’s face when this topic came up.
“I’m not going to apologize for-“
“Trying something new! I fucking know!” Adam pulled his pants on and spared a brief glance to watch Lucifer’s white ass disappear behind his pants. “I know what you wanted to do. We have this argument every fucking time. She’s making waves and Sera wants it dealt with. So you either need to make a real case and have some real proof or someone worse than me is going to show up and do a lot worse.”
“Sera can suck my dick.”
“I can think of worse things to suck.” Adam said before his brain had a chance to stop him.
Lucifer paused putting his vest on and snorted. “I know we don’t agree on much-“
“That, we can agree on.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes, “But, we both know this isn’t going to end well for someone. And I don’t want that someone to be my kid. She’s all I have left. If something happens to her, I am going to FUCK heaven.”
Adam pull Lucifer’s jacket from the chuck of rebar it had been flung on and tossed it at Lucifer. “You mean you’re going to fuck up heaven.”
“No. What I’ll do to heaven is the equivalent of sticking my dick in it and screwing it so hard it’ll never walk straight again. I am going to fuck heaven if anything happens to my daughter.” Lucifer finished buttoning his jacket and straightened his hat. “I know every sensitive part of heaven and every one of my angelic siblings weaknesses. And I can play them like a god fucking damned fiddle. I did it every time I wanted something they tried to deny me.”
Lucifer easily climbed a seemingly sheer wall of rubble, his boots in hand, to be eye level with Adam. He pulled Adam into a quick, bruising kiss then let him go.
“I chose to protect Lilith instead of fighting back. And back then I could have taken out a few of them on the way down. Heaven is right that souls equal power. But it’s not just pure numbers in a war. Every soul in this god forsaken place, sinner or hell-born, is tied to me.” Lucifer straighten out Adam’s robe from where he had gripped him. “Even those you kill, their souls remain mine. And reside inside of me.”
His head tried to add up how many souls were in hell currently and had been in hell before being slaughtered, but math wasn’t his strength so the total he came up with was a fuck ton.
“They’ll be wondering where we are. Be smart, Adam. Take your angels and go before I do something only I’ll live to regret.”
Lucifer kissed him again and his mouth burned against Adam’s. A show of the power at Lucifer’s command. Adam’s knees nearly buckled under the weight of the souls fuelling Lucifer’s angelic core.
He could feel their screams as they burned. The claws along his jaw as Lucifer held his face. The tongue that tasted his soul, tempting it to joined the others within Lucifer.
Adam wretched away with a gasp and stumbled back.
It was easy to forget under that silly hat and outfit was the king of hell, a fallen angel that had once sat by God’s side, someone heaven could only just contain not destroy. Someone who was obviously humouring heaven’s containment for his own reasons.
Lucifer stood atop the broken wall looking down at Adam with a sharp smile. Fear rocked Adam’s core. Adam had let himself be lulled into forgetting that behind that goofy silly man Lucifer acted like was a demon of incredible power.
“Run, Adam. Run before I decide to keep you.” Lucifer’s voice was bitter, as though he wanted to keep Adam anyways.
Adam scrambled to his feet, to his wings. He shot up from the depth of the rubble and surveyed the battle. His girls were loosing, badly.
Calling for a retreat, he waited by the portal for everyone to limp through.
Lucifer watched him, perched from the broken sign, a look of longing etched in his demonic face.
It messed with Adam’s head and he was tempted to turn back. It was a reminder he couldn’t trust the devil. He fled through the portal and closed it securely behind him.
Watching Adam go was hard. But heaven was coming after his kid. Heaven needed a reminder that he didn’t so much fall as leave.
This would likely be the last time he ever got to be with Adam. He wished it last longer, that he had savoured their last time more.
He had always been fond of Adam. But his kid needed protection, she needed him. Charlie was his priority.
If he had to give up Adam to get heaven to take Charlie’s ideas seriously, to put heaven back in their place by him, then he would do it.
Lucifer’s heart ached.
He didn’t like it, but he would do it.
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1d1195 · 1 year
Traditional VIII
Well this is the fastest I've ever written. Sorry to leave you hanging on part 7 like that. You can read Traditional here.
I actually wanted this part to be longer but I think I stopped it at a good spot to continue with what I want in the next part but the next part will be a hot minute before it’s posted also part 9 will pick up right where this leaves off.
Warnings: angst (see I remembered the word this time), death mentioned, mourning, (etc.)
“Can I help you?”
Her heart officially shattered. Her head snapped up to the beautiful woman’s voice and she gasped. It felt like someone wrapped their hand around her throat and was squeezing all life out of her. “Oh my God,” how could Niall suggest this? Did he know? Was Harry really that mad at her he would have Niall convince her to come over and see another woman and...? “I’m so sorry,” she whispered breathlessly.
She stopped by the bathroom to take stock of what she looked like as soon as she got to the floor. She put the bag at her feet and stood in front of the sink counter and gripped the edge. The pain in her arm from her slip ached from the bruise forming on her forearm and rippled up the length of her arm as she held onto the counter. Taking a deep breath, she finally looked in the mirror.
Ill. She looked ill. From a green complexion to her red eyes. Her nose was cold and reddening by the second making her look like she had a cold. Bloodshot eyes and overall, just the pallor of a ghost. Her head ached and it was a dumb idea to come back to work. Surely, she would mess up more things. But there wasn’t much else she could do and nowhere else she could really go.
Slowly she closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest in defeat. Then tilted her neck all the way back to the ceiling. “Goddamn it,” she hissed to herself. Grabbing her bag, she walked swiftly back to her office. Maybe she would just sit there and stare at her computer screen until Harry finally fired her.
Niall covered the microphone with his hand. “Darling?” He asked curiously as the door to her office opened. “I’ll call y’back,” he dropped his phone back to the receiver and he hurried to her little space. “I thought—”
“I have no where to go,” she said curtly. Niall didn’t deserve her abrupt tone, but it was the only one she could give. This day was so awful, and she had nowhere to go except the one place she would most assuredly run into at least half of her problems. And that was her best option.
Without a debit card, she had no way to get to the hospital. Her apartment belonged to Harry and right now she didn’t want to be anywhere that was associated with him and the part of her life with him outside company walls. Her laptop was broken and even if she could use it her brain wouldn’t function.
“What are you talking—your apartment?” He reminded her with a question in his voice.
“You mean Harry’s apartment?”
“Love, all things considered, he wouldn’t kick you out or something... he wouldn’t do that to you. Not even on his worst day.”
She shook her head. That’s not what she meant but it was a new fear that twisted her stomach in knots on top of everything else. The tears flooded back into her vision. “I don’t want to talk about any of this Niall. I just want to work so I don’t have to think. If I have even a second to think about anything but work, I’m going to explode, and I can’t do that in front of you—”
“Sure, you can,” he said encouragingly. “Come on,” he said and tugged her out of her seat and into his office. She was too weak to do anything but follow obligingly. He gently guided her to the sofa he had in the room and hurried to his desk. He scribbled something, practically ran back to the door, and smacked the paper on the front before shutting it, blocking out the rest of the floor.
“What’s that?” She asked, curiosity getting the best of her as she looked at her hands in her lap.
“Says ‘Do not disturb. Meeting in progress.’”
“You’re going to get in trouble because of me,” she mumbled.
“Don’t worry, I know the boss pretty well.”
“That’s especially why.”
“He left for the day.”
She blinked. “What?” She asked softly. Other than being sick, Harry didn’t leave early. Ever. Most often he stayed late. The rest he left on time and not a moment sooner.
“He wasn’t feeling himself,” Niall said with a shrug. “Think you know why,” he was so casual about it. Her heart fluttered with worry despite how angry he was with her. How was she supposed to feel? She was in love with him. It didn’t matter. “Go on, then. Please tell me. I’ve been dying to help you as much as you help me.”
She shook her head. “I can’t Niall. You’re my boss—”
“Oh, for God’s sake, love. You’re also the love of my best friend’s life. Would you just talk to me already?” She looked at him as if she was really seeing him for the first time. She couldn’t believe he said that out loud. Now she understood why he put the note up. He wasn’t doing this as her boss. This was Harry’s best friend. If she could dream or hope about a future with Harry, he would be one of her best friends, too. “Pretend I’m not your boss right now.”
She apparently didn’t need much more encouragement for her already bubbling emotions to flow over. Poor Niall took it all in stride. Every word that exploded out of her, all the tears, everything. It wasn’t like when she talked to Harry, and it definitely wasn’t like when she talked to Louis. She told him all about the last twenty-four hours from Hell. She listed every inconvenience, every heartbreak. The debit card, the mean coworker, her dad, how her coffee tasted bad and got everywhere, her laptop was broken, and Louis and Eleanor were her only friends, and she couldn’t even go see them. “And of course, Harry hates me, so I didn’t get to see him last night,” she finished blubbering. She didn’t give lots of details on most anything, just the coworker since that was one of the only ones that she could see him dealing with. Not that she wanted him to.
“To be fair, I think Harry hates me, right now,” he smirked sadly.
“That’s almost worse,” she sniffled.
Niall rolled his eyes as he rubbed her back soothingly with the palm of his hand and watched her dab her eyes with the tissues he got from his desk. “He hates me because he thinks I’m stealing you away because you didn’t tell him any of that. And he’s mad that you didn’t want to tell him. He thought your relationship was evolving and you took like ten steps back without a word. Christ darling, I’m mad you for not saying anything about the harassment. That is not okay. You’re not plain, you’re lovely. She’s just jealous.”
She found it interesting that he agreed with Louis’s assessment. “That’s what Louis said, even before she talked to me.”
Niall shook his head. “She was extremely cruel for no reason, I’m so sorry, love. You did not deserve that.”
She shrugged awkwardly, defeated still. Even getting all of that off her chest. “I am plain. It’s why I was so worried about my... situation with Harry...I don’t...” she took a deep breath. “You’re not my boss right now?” She repeated his statement as a question for reassurance. He shook his head.
“Just a really good friend,” he promised. “I won’t tell Harry,” he added for good measure.
“I don’t even think he’ll want to sleep with me because I’m so ordinary and...” Despite his talk with Niall and that fact they were both aware of her relationship with Harry, she still didn’t like bringing it up. Plus, the untraditional details were lost on her, and she didn’t want to have to explain it to Niall awkwardly.
“Love,” Niall smirked. “Harry is...infatuated with you,” he promised.  “You don’t have to worry about any of that kind of thing. He would—look I don’t want to say it because it sounds like locker room talk and I don’t want you to think he and I talk about you like that. We don’t, I promise—but that’s not something you need to worry about. I’ve never seen him like this about anyone he’s ever been involved with romantically one way or another.”
It made her heart hope, and she hated it. She was prepared for defeat. Harry wouldn’t be in love with her anymore. They wouldn’t get dinner on Mondays or watch movies on Thursdays. There would be no more little sleepovers where he would be sick and accidentally tell her he loved her and forget by morning. She shook her head. “Niall, I...” She swallowed.
“Please tell me you’re in love with him, I’ve been dying for you to say it almost as much as he has.”
The smallest pause. Niall wasn’t her boss. “Of course, I’m in love with him. How can you not be?” She asked, face blushing, as she stared at her hands.
Niall sighed. “You need to tell him what you told me,” he said.
She shook her head. “No, it’s not his problem. I’m a big girl and...I have to handle it.”
“But you don’t have to do it on your own,” he promised her. “I don’t know everything, but I see the way you work, and I know bits and pieces of what Harry is willing to tell me. I know you want to fix every problem that crosses your path for anyone that has one. If you walked into your office and spoke to the you that sits at your computer, how would you help?” He asked. “Would you tell yourself to keep it all bottled up or take a hike and deal with it yourself? Or would you, the person who helps everyone with anything they may need, help you?”
She took a deep breath. The first bit of clarity over the last twelve hours was finally reaching her ears from Niall. “I would help.”
“Then help yourself, darling. Please. Tell Harry.”
She closed her eyes and nodded solemnly. “I think I have to go to the hospital first,” she said to Niall. “But I don’t have a debit card or a ride.”
“Call Harry’s driver. He won’t care. Or I’ll take you, I don’t mind at all,” Niall reached into his wallet and pulled out one of his plastic cards. “I think this has a 25,000-spending limit,” he smirked. “I’d be impressed if you used all of it in one weekend,” he smiled. “Bring it back Monday,” he shrugged. “Definitely use it to get a new laptop when you have time.”
Sucking her lip into her mouth she awkwardly took the card “Please don’t tell Harry about...her...”
He frowned. “Darling,” his tone was so disapproving. It sounded like that was going to be Niall’s first call. Maybe second if he called the bitchy woman down to his office to fire her after the sweet girl left.
“He’ll fire her.”
“As he should! She harassed you!”
She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Please, Niall,” she whispered.
He sighed bitterly. If even one thing that happened to her over the last day didn’t happen, he wouldn’t have listened. But she had been through enough and he didn’t want to be the cause of any more of her anxiety. Besides, once he was officially forgiven by Harry, he would ask for front row seats to her exit interview. “Okay, darling. I won’t. Go to the hospital. Then you have to go to Harry’s.”
Harry’s driver was kind throughout the ride and didn’t ask her a single question about why she needed to go to a hospital. In fact, other than asking if she wanted to listen to a certain type of music, he didn’t ask any questions. “Won’t Harry notice?” She eventually asked.
“No,” he shrugged one shoulder as he passed towards the streets that used to be home. She lived an hour away now, but it felt like an entirely foreign country right now. “Probably not. If he needed me, I would probably send another one of the drivers from the company,” he said simply.
The remainder of the drive was silent. Her heart beating erratically with every closer turn to the town she left. “Do you need help?” He asked when they arrived at the hospital. She shook her head steeling herself for the horribleness she was about to endure in so many emotional forms.
“No... thank you,” she said gratefully. “And... if you have to leave... I understand. But could you please...don’t tell Harry.”
“Of course, Miss,” he smiled encouragingly. Taking her work bag with her, she stepped out of the car and headed into the hospital.
It was a little over an hour later that she left the hospital with one less parent in existence. Although, she hadn’t had two parents since before her brother died, she felt saddened knowing that it would never be amended. And for her mom, it would never be the same. She would always be alone, now.
Naturally, it didn’t seem to bother her mother all that much. “I’ll never forgive you,” her mom said with tears in her eyes. “You can leave now.”
When it came to her parents, there wasn’t much she could do but listen. Part of her wanted to appease them and hope that eventually they would love her again. So of course, after she said goodbye there was nothing left for her to do except listen to her mother’s request.
Her loss didn’t feel as sad as it should have. Probably because when her brother passed, she didn’t just lose her brother. She lost her best friend and her parents all in one swoop. Mourning her brother at age sixteen when her friends were buying prom dresses and going on college tours in hopes of meeting college boys was a tragedy that Shakespeare wouldn’t write.
There was nothing like mourning the death of people who were still alive and lived with you every day.
When she exited the hospital room, she called the driver once more who told her to wait five minutes and he would pull around so she wouldn’t have to wait in the cold. She stood outside anyway, for the full five minutes letting the cold wash over her. She was already numb. Everything that had happened in such a short amount of time was numbing her. The cold didn’t even hurt because she was already in so much pain.
All she wanted was to see Harry. Her chest ached at the thought of being held by him. It would cure her broken heart, she was certain.
She sniffled and a few stray tears spilt over her lash line. Without her realizing, she got more teary as she waited, only noticing when his driver reappeared. “Miss,” the driver said hurriedly. He was rushing over to her on the sidewalk reaching for her bag and offered her a tissue from his pocket. He placed a hand on her lower back to guide her up the sidewalk to the car. “Is everything alright? Are you—”
She shook her head, tears steadily falling down her cheeks. She opened the door herself as he looked on with worry. “I’m fine,” she whispered but her voice broke on the word fine. “Can you take me to Harry’s?”
The closer she got to his house, the more anxious and sadder she got. As he parked in the driveway, she strongly considered telling him to take her back to the apartment. However, she all but promised Niall she would come here. Maybe these tears would make him listen at least for a moment. Wringing her hands together, she sat silently, awkwardly in her seat before the driver even made a move after several minutes. With a deep breath, she swallowed and pushed the door out of the way. “Can you wait five more minutes in case he really hates me, and I need to leave?” She asked.
The driver chuckled dryly. “He doesn’t hate you, but I’ll wait,” he said.
She made her way across the path and up the steps to his front door. She knocked and was prepared to stare at her feet the whole time she waited for Harry to open the door. Maybe she even planned to stare at her feet if he was willing to talk to her. She was going to beg or cry (probably both) just for five minutes to explain everything. Five minutes to try and fix her broken heart.
“Can I help you?”
Her heart officially shattered. Her head snapped up to the beautiful woman’s voice and she gasped. It felt like someone wrapped their hand around her throat and was squeezing all life out of her. “Oh my God,” how could Niall suggest this? Did he know? Was Harry really that mad at her he would have Niall convince her to come over and see another woman and...? “I’m so sorry,” she whispered breathlessly. It felt like she was swallowing her tongue. She backed away, nearly losing her balance as she did. She wanted to be embarrassed about almost losing her balance but even standing upright she felt like she was swaying and the only thing she felt was betrayal and she had no right to feel that way.
“Whoa, hey,” the girl said reaching for her before she fell back off the steps. She regained her balance and felt like her stomach was going to heave up anything she had eaten—which wasn’t the time to remember but she realized she only had a bagel and a coffee this morning almost twelve hours ago.
Of course, Harry would find someone else. He was...him. He had money and he could have any girl he wanted. Someone beautiful. Someone who didn’t have all the baggage that she did. Someone who didn’t hide from him and someone who would do what a companion like her was supposed to do.
“Why are you apologizing? Is Harry expecting you?” She asked tilting her head curiously, trying to figure out who she was. Like this was normal for her to be answering the door and for her to be standing there. “Are you alright?” She asked gently.
She wished she wasn’t nice. It was making it harder for her to be mad. Seeing this kind woman opening the door to the house of the man she was in love with would have been so much easier if she could have been mad. But she was just heartbreakingly sad. “N-no...I...I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m so sorry,” she repeated hurrying down the few steps and nearly missed the last one tripping into the yard. So much so, she lost one of her shoes. Worse yet in her fit of non-embarrassment, just total shock, she left it there. “Oh my God,” she whimpered to herself. She was now truly worried she would throw up. She turned quickly and practically ran back for the driveway.
“Kitten?!” Harry shouted from somewhere in the house.
“Hey, wait!” The woman called suddenly.
“Fuck,” she heard Harry hiss as she hurried back to the car, tears falling quickly down her cheeks as she awkwardly limped without her shoe the path to the driveway. With her head start she thought she really might make it in the car and drive away before Harry got to her. But he had much longer legs...and he wasn’t bogged down by missing a shoe. “Goddammit! Love, stop!” He shouted running across the yard. She pulled the door handle quickly trying to get away from this house, but the door smacked shut at the same time. Harry’s hand pressed to the window while the other grabbed her arm right where it bruised. She inhaled sharply in pain and winced. Harry dropped her arm like a hot potato, he released a breath out of frustration. “Kitten, stop,” he was out of breath from his short run—but it wasn’t the run making him breathless but the thought of losing her at this moment. She wanted to look up at him and see those perfect green eyes, but she was so scared. “Look at me, please,” he begged. But her eyes stayed glued to the driveway. Harry was only in socks, and she thought that was cute. His feet in socks. It wasn’t the time, but her brain was operating on no sleep and way too much trauma for one day.
Her face crumpled in pain and she shook her head. She couldn’t look at him, if she looked all the pain would boil over and she would start crying and never stop. Why didn’t Harry deserve some woman that would be there for him the way she couldn’t be? Why wouldn’t he want someone beautiful and not plain? Someone who wasn’t so young that she was still in the internship phase. Someone who didn’t need his money or a job. Someone who was brilliant enough to help him with whatever his company and he himself needed.
“Hey,” the woman’s voice suddenly sounded beside her. It was gentle and out of instinct she turned to the direction of the woman that was currently amplifying just how terrible her day could get just by existing. It wasn’t her fault either. She really thought the girl was beautiful and lovely. She was kind to not sneer at her as a sniveling mess. She sniffled looking at her curiously. The beautiful girl handed Harry her missing shoe then stuck her hand out to introduce herself. “M’Gemma,” she said softly, apologetically in tone as she smiled at her with a terrible look of pity directed toward her.
Even though one of the only things she prided herself on was being intelligent this had to be the dumbest thing she had ever done in her whole life. She was speechless. Couldn’t even say her own name as she held her hand out awkwardly and (fortunately for her) instinctively for Harry’s sister to shake.
At the same time, Harry crouched to the ground and placed her shoe back on her foot holding her ankle so gently, like she might break. “I was just going, truly,” Gemma smiled at her sympathetically. “I’ve heard loads about you. I’ll meet you again sometime, yeah?” She asked quietly. Harry was silent throughout the interaction. His breathing erratic as he was hoping she wouldn’t leave. “Bye Harry,” she kissed him on the cheek and Gemma went to the other side of the car and gave the driver a wave before sliding into the back seat. The car drove away leaving her alone with Harry.
“Kitten,” he whispered softly.
“I’ve had a terrible couple of days,” she sniffled tears clouding her vision again. The fear of Harry finding someone else nearly ruined her completely. She was lucky that wasn’t the case. But she still had to have this talk that she promised Niall.
“I know y’have love, I just...Niall texted me...and Louis is worried...and... my love,” his voice was so gentle. It pulled at every string in her heart.
She started to say the speech she had planned in her head when she arrived. Before she saw Gemma. “I know you hate me, but I have nowhere else to go,” she whimpered, and it was all too much, and she finally let her knees give out as she melted to the ground. She covered her face and cried.
“No. Baby, I don’t hate you. Not at all. M’so sorry about everything,” he promised crouching beside her. “Let’s go inside...s’too cold t’have y’out here,” he lifted around her waist to help her stand. He wanted to scoop her up and carry her because whatever demons she was fighting right now had made her weak. But she seemed overwhelmed already and he didn’t want to add to that any more than he already had by not realizing sooner that Gemma was talking to her without her knowing who Gemma was. So, once she was standing again, he held her hand and pulled her back to the house.
Gemma had been extremely helpful in working through Harry’s emotions with him. “You really think Niall of all people would do that to you?” She rolled her eyes.
Harry felt like her little brother at that moment. He didn’t too often anymore because he was always busy with his company, and he was always busy doing things that he never really got a chance to just be the younger sibling and have Gemma take care of him like she used to when they were young. “I think I love her, Gem.”
“Ya think?” She rolled her eyes. Harry sighed. The pair of them were sitting on his sofa and sipping tea. They ordered out for dinner and were now chatting so Harry would calm down. Harry never left work early, but he was so distraught and angry that something had to be done. Gemma came right over, and he told her everything about the girl of his dreams. Unbeknownst to Harry, Gemma was thrilled that Harry cared so deeply about someone in this capacity. Like Niall, she noticed it was so different than anyone he ever involved himself with up to this point in time. She couldn’t wait to tell their mum.
After venting for almost two hours and working through what he needed to do next, Gemma chatted about herself and caught him up on her life. In comparison, it wasn’t much. Work was good and her dating life was good. There wasn’t much to report.
Her phone vibrated. Hey Gem. It was Niall. I know he’s pissed at me, but can you tell him to look at his phone? It’s an emergency.
Frowning, she responded to Niall while she called out to Harry. “Harry, look at your phone. Niall said there’s an emergency.” He was putting the mugs in the sink when Gemma gave him the directions. As he put the phone in his hand, his stomach dropped. He hadn’t looked at it in hours.
He had a message from Niall and a message from an unknown number claiming to be Louis. His chest felt tight. The only thought he managed was that something was wrong with her; and that was the worst kind of thought.
Niall’s said: Harry...you have to talk to her. It’s bad.
Then a second message: Really bad.
He frowned feeling worry for the sweet girl. He almost called her instead of reading Louis’ message, but there was a knock at the door, changing his plan as he tried to gather his scattered thoughts. He tapped on the message from Louis. “I’ll answer it on my way out, have a good weekend, Harry!” Gemma called cheerfully. He didn’t even respond because he was busy reading.
Louis’ message was a long one: Hey Harry, it’s Louis. I stole your phone number from her back in August without her knowing. She would kill me for messaging you, but we’re on a plane and... well... she said she was feeling poor and headed to your house. But El and I just figured out WHY she’s poorly. She’s ignoring her phone, or something... Can you please tell her to call me? She probably won’t even tell you, so she won’t be a bother, and I can’t tell you through a text message... I’m sure she doesn’t want to interrupt our weekend either, but... please have her call me back. Or you can when you have her in a stable place... Thank you for taking care of her... I don’t think I’ve ever said that before to you... I don’t trust her with very many people. So, thank you for taking care of my best friend.
It took him a moment to pull himself from the message and that the other voice outside was the sweet girl speaking to Gemma at the door.
“Why are you apologizing? Is Harry expecting you?” Gemma asked gently.
“N-no...I... I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m so sorry,” she stammered, and Harry shook his head trying to reach the fact that she was there.
“Kitten?!” He shouted. By the time he raced to the door, she was nearing the car. He wondered when the driver got there briefly, but he was nearly sprinting, almost pushing Gemma to the ground, to make sure he got to the car before she did. As she pulled the door handle open sniffling as she desperately tried to leave, he smacked the door shut immediately. He would not let her leave.
Something was wrong with her arm because when he reached for it, she winced in pain and Harry thought he would murder someone if they hurt her. The messages from Niall and Louis scrolling through his mind. “Kitten, stop,” he whispered as she tried to reach for the car again. “Look at me please,” he begged. It had only been a day, but he was a lovesick man. He missed her face and he wanted to see the beautiful eyes he loved so much, the little windows to her soul. Even if he just saw them for a second. But she kept her eyes to the ground. Fortunately, at that moment, Gemma introduced herself.
That’s when Harry put it together that she thought Gemma was some other woman. He didn’t even find it funny, although he wished he could have. He felt so terrible she thought so little of how much she meant to Harry that he would find someone else in less than twenty-four hours.
Now, they were inside. “Where do y’want to sit?” He asked. “The sofa or the bed?”
“I don’t—”
“Love. Please, where will you be most comfortable?” He whispered gently.
“The sofa,” she answered.
He softly nudged her to the living area, taking her coat off before she sat and then he crouched to take her shoes off. Lightly, he pushed the sleeve of her blouse up because he didn’t forget, and he saw the nasty bruise on her arm that made his heart ache with anger. “What happened?” His voice was short. He thought of the messages both Niall and Louis sent him. “Louis texted me. Said you’re ignoring his calls.”
She shook her head. “I don’t even remember the last time I saw my phone.” He frowned. He was glad she was here. If he tried to call her and she didn’t answer, he would have gone mad with worry.  She sniffled. “Harry,” she croaked.
“M’here, kitten,” he promised, and he pushed himself to kneel between her legs and he placed his hands on either side of her face. It felt like fire to touch her like this. He craved it so badly. Not having it at movie night and not seeing her until five minutes ago...and knowing she was hurt? His heart was broken. “Tell me, please,” he begged. “I’ll kill someone if I have to.”
She sighed. “You have to listen to everything before you say something or I won’t be able to finish it all,” she whispered.
“Sure love,” he nodded obediently.
“And you can’t kill or fire anyone.” He didn’t respond because he wasn’t sure he could make that promise to her. Especially if someone caused that bruise. He pressed his lips together, knelt between her legs and held her face to keep her gaze. “It’s not going to make sense, so much went wrong so fast,” she told him.
“I can keep up,” he promised. There was a moment of pause as she collected all her thoughts trying to figure out how to begin.
She began her story. “Someone stole my debit card, and I don’t... As a rule, I don’t use my credit card... at least not right now. I have too many bills and worries to be using it. I can’t wrack up any more debt... So, I basically have no access to my account or money for a week,” Harry took a hand from her face to reach into his pocket for his wallet. That was an easy fix, and he was sad it started off so easy because that meant it was going to get much worse.
She shook her head. “Niall already gave me his, because I needed it to get to the hospital,” she said, stilling his hand from opening his wallet. She gave his hand a squeeze at the sound of Niall’s name. But he didn’t feel jealous. He did in the moment seeing his best friend holding the object of all his affections so comfortingly in his arms. He didn’t know what was wrong and he was irrationally angry that Niall wouldn’t say—even when he didn’t know at the time either. He wanted to be the one comforting her. That was all.
“Hospital?” He questioned his eyes falling back to her arm.
“I’m jumping ahead. It wasn’t for me.”
He frowned. Putting the wallet on the coffee table he would thank Niall later for offering his help while Harry was being an idiot. “Go on,” he said, and he moved to sit beside her. He stretched his legs out on the chaise section and pulled her over his body, so her legs laid over his lap. This way he could see into her eyes and still touch her. He kept one of his hands wrapped up in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“I was going to try and figure out how to transfer some of my money on my laptop to a temporary gift card or something… and maybe work on my internship reflection for school but... my laptop wouldn’t turn on,” she mumbled. “And then at the same time it occurred to me I can’t even buy a laptop because I don’t have a debit card.”
“We can go buy you a new one tomorrow,” he promised.
“S’not the point,” she mumbled. “You’re not supposed to interrupt,” she reminded him.
He squeezed her hand. “M’sorry.”
“The woman from the meeting who thinks I’m stupid because I’m an intern,” she whispered the description. “Do you know who I’m talking about?” Harry nodded, curious as to how someone he only saw at meetings had anything to do with this story. Harry almost forgot about her. She was right. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, he hadn’t even had a chance to debrief with her the wonderful job she did in person and to tell her not to worry about the woman from the meeting.
“You’re not stup—”
She continued without letting Harry compliment her. “She told me that you wouldn’t sleep with me.”
Harry blinked rapidly a few times, shook his head trying to clear it. Surely, he missed something to get to this section of the story. “What? I’m sorry...what do you—”
She looked at their hands held together. “She came to my office, unprompted, while I was sad about my laptop, and she just said I was stupid and plain, and you wouldn’t sleep with me because I wasn’t your type. I’m not special or smart and just because I had one good idea and I work well with Niall didn’t mean you would want me... an intern.”
He had no idea the condition to hear her story was not firing an employee was for the benefit of some cruel woman who was just so wrong. He felt speechless because everything in those two sentences was wrong. She wasn’t plain, she was so goddamn beautiful she haunted his every thought. Add in the fact she was so brilliant and kind. Harry couldn’t get enough of her, and the idea of sleeping with her...
Again, he if it meant he could have her there in his life forever, he wouldn’t care about being intimate. But otherwise, he would kill to be so close to her. “Kitten,” he whispered.He was so mad. The rage in his chest was consuming. She would be fired. For one reason or another. Harry didn’t care what he had to do. He wouldn’t let anyone speak that way to another employee. But especially not the angel seated beside him.
“It gets worse,” she mumbled.
Harry closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded. He didn’t know how that could be possible, but he supposed he would find out. “Please continue, then.”
“She knocked my coffee all over my desk,” she said. “And it got all over my skirt, my laptop, the floor, my desktop, and then...I went to clean it and I slipped and that’s how I got this bruise,” she gestured to her arm. Instinctively, Harry reached out and brushed his fingers over it. Not only did he want to fire her, but he also wanted to kill her. The poor girl knew exactly what Harry would do under the right circumstances and that was why she made restrictions on hearing the story as such. She was good, Harry would give her that.
“That’s when you came in,” she mumbled. “I was so sad and heartbroken I couldn’t speak to even tell you what was wrong, and I knew how sad and hurt you were that Niall was comforting me... but Harry, I would never do that to you, ever. Especially with your best friend. Regardless of this... relationship we have... I would never... it’s a—”
“I had no right to be that mad,” Harry mumbled quietly. He had long since forgiven her. She didn’t even need forgiveness because she didn’t do anything wrong.
“And then you cancelled movie night,” she whispered brokenly. Somehow this sounded like it hurt her worse than the bruise or that stupid woman’s comments. Harry’s frown deepened and he rubbed his hand on the back of his head awkwardly.
“I was so sad,” he told her. “I shouldn’t have—”
“It gets worse,” she repeated. He was hoping she was done. The idea it could get worse...
Harry wanted to take her heart out so he could sew all the holes that she was opening and then give it back to her. And Harry couldn’t even sew but whatever he did had to be better than whatever wounds laid in her heart. “I was a total zombie today at work. Niall was avoiding me per you, I think. He told me to go home after lunch so I could... I don’t know I think he just wanted me away from him.” Harry frowned. That was what Niall wanted. It was all Harry’s doing because he yelled at Niall and accused him of things he shouldn’t have as his best friend. “So I was walking home—”
“Walking?! It was freezing out, kitten.”
“Can you... this is the worst part...” He was silent. But in his head, he was arranging for a car to follow her for the rest of her life and would be training a driver to somehow coerce her into the car if she refused in sub-arctic temperatures. “My mom called,” she said. Harry’s heart stopped. “I went to the hospital.” His eyebrows quirked up and he pressed his lips together. After another brief moment of utter silence, “my dad died,” she whispered.
“Kitten,” he cooed. “Baby, m’so sorry.”
This had to be one of the worst days in recorded human history. No wonder Louis’ message was so long. He was probably freaking out. “I went to the hospital...my mom...she won’t forgive me and...” she took a deep breath. “I had nowhere else to go and I just wanted you and I don’t even know if that’s fair after all I’ve put you through over the last day. So, I came here. I’m sorry for wanting you, I don’t want to—”
“Kitten,” he reached for her face and pressed his thumb over her lips so she would stop speaking and stop breaking his heart. She was here. That meant the story was over. Thank God. “I want you here. Always,” he promised. “I want you.” The relief on her face was somehow one of the most heartbreaking expressions she wore throughout the duration of her story. Harry wanted to cry at the thought. He pulled her toward him, face pressed to his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. One hand snaked up her back to hold the back of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair, and he kissed the space of her forehead just by her hairline before closing his eyes completely content having her there.
There were so many things that needed to be addressed. She needed to call Louis. Harry wanted to call Niall...he wanted to call that terrible woman and fire her over the phone but that would have to wait until Monday. Harry would see to it that something about the funeral be figured out. Maybe he would send one of his lawyers to deal with her mum. Her bank account, her laptop, even the driver he was seriously going to have follow her... all of it needed to be taken care of for Harry to feel like he was helping her and making her horrible thirty-some odd hours end.
But for the next five minutes he was going to hold her like it was his one and only job. “M’gonna make it all better, kitten,” he murmured brushing his lips over her forehead again. “Promise.”
taglist: @tpwkstiles @matildasatellite @jessitpwk @jerseygirlinca @stylesfever @tiredinwinter @ameerakane20 @kimmi-kat @avasversion @youcouldstartacult @likeapplejuicenpeach @manrocket-mo @novalunosisting @golden-hoax @harryssky1 @michellekstyles @soachibstel1 @morklee02
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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vampykween · 10 months
hi mic :D
i just read your toxic!husband!ghost fics and would like to ask if u could write one where the reader just gives up on their relationship, maybe they finally file for divorce?
loved your writing btw! ♡
hi hi! thank u! i’m so glad y’all are enjoying toxichusband!ghost hehe
i hope i did your idea justice. i have a problem with just letting asks get away from me oops! but kiss ur brain for this idea cause i loved this! i get way too excited writing angsty stuff
you would realize you’ve had enough on the most random of days. after looking after your kids all day and finally getting your house cleaned, laundry all done. simon would come home and not even stop to greet you. he instantly strips from his fatigues and tosses them somewhere on the couch, turns on the tv to watch the game, and kicks up his feet and perches them on the clean coffee table. just the sight of him makes your blood boil. you make a mental note right then to talk to a divorce lawyer cause jesus you couldn’t take anymore of this.
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you’ve been agonizing over doing this for the past week. hidden in your nightstand drawer was an envelope that was going to change your life forever, and not just yours, your children’s lives too. that thought has stifled your desire for a divorce just ever so slightly, as much as you can’t take a loveless marriage anymore you know your kids will be hurt by this.
you and simon are lounging in your bed and you’re losing your edge to serve him the papers. you’re worn out from cooking dinner and doing the usual nighttime routine with the kids. you suck in a deep breath and remind yourself that this decision is for the best; you don’t deserve to be chained down by someone who won’t appreciate you.
“yeah?” he doesn’t look up from whatever he’s engrossed in on his phone and you roll your eyes exasperatedly. you’re swiftly reminded why you’re in this position.
“i- um, we need to talk.” god your palms were sweaty and your heart was hammering in your chest. why was this so much harder than you thought it would be. simon still doesn’t give you his attention and you figure you should just rip the bandaid off already.
your shaky hands open the nightstand drawer and fish out the large yellow envelope you’ve been holding onto for the past week. you nudge his shoulder with enough force to get him to look up at you, and shove the envelope in his now free hand.
he quirks an eyebrow at you curiously, “the hell is this?”
you gulp painfully and whisper at him to just open it. his large digits tear open the paper easily and as he’s scanning through the lengthy paper, you can see it clear on his face the moment he realizes what’s happening. he turns his body fully towards yours and you can see the fury in his eyes.
“have you lost your fuckin’ head. why on earth would ya want a divorce?” the bass in your husband’s voice rattles his words around in your head, simon doesn’t yell often, but god do you hate it when he does.
“simon, i just can’t anymore.” his eyes bulge incredulously at your words, but you ignore his idiotic look and continue. “i’m constantly bending over backwards to do everything for this family and you don’t even appreciate it. hell it doesn’t feel like you love me at all.”
“fuckin’ hell. you think you’re the only one putting in work for this family. what do you think i’m doing all day? and when i’m deployed? ya think i’m just fuckin’ around for fun?”
“oh my- are you serious?! of course i know that you work hard to provide for this family. did you even listen to a word i just said? i have to nag you to clean, to do laundry, to stop giving the kids all the things i tell them they can’t have. i have to literally beg you to kiss me and take me on dates! you never tell me you love me anymore simon!”
the rage behind simon’s eyes dims and he grasps both your hands in his. “love. baby, please you can’t leave me. you’re right, you do so much for us all and i know im shit about saying thank you, but who’s going to do all the stuff ya do if you leave?”
your face starts to grow hot as you begin to boil over with anger. you rip your hands from his hold forcibly. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me! you can’t even convince me to stay because you love me. you want me here so i can do everything for you. you know what? fuck you! i’m so sorry your poor mommy is gone and you need someone to fill that void, and i was stupid enough to play that role for this long, but i’m not doing it anymore.”
“oh you’re a fuckin’ cunt for that. bringing up my mum, you’re fucked in the head!” simon barks at you. you should feel bad, it was a low blow, but you couldn’t care less.
you scramble out of the bed, storming around the room looking for a pen. you’re throwing open drawers with so much force they’re just a hair from ripping straight out. when you eventually find one, you thrust it into simon’s large hand.
“don’t fucking care. you’re an absolute piece of shit. sign the fucking papers, please, so i no longer have to hold back the urge to kill you with my bare hands.”
“what about the kids? you’re just gonna take them away from me?! if you do, i’ll spend every day trying to remind them they’ve got a right bitch for a mum,” simon sneers at you.
all the love you had for simon has vanished, but hearing him say he’d spend eternity making sure your kids hated you? that tore your heart in two. your throat begins to constrict as tears begin to build behind your eyes. you really didn’t want to cry in front of him, but you were suddenly hit with the realization that the life you dreamed of was never going to be real.
you think back to your wedding day, your husband had written the most beautiful vows, which shocked you as you hadn’t expected him to be able to express his love for you that way. he had promised to always make you feel like you deserved the world. suddenly you woke up one day and the man you once loved was gone, replaced by a shitty, co-dependent, workaholic who sucked out all the life in you.
in this moment, you simply prayed that one day, you wouldn’t feel like every choice you made lead to this terrible life you have now.
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
if you catch my drift…
in which you have a crush on mighty football player! reiner and sasha tries to help you out with it — might make it into a series idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
ik it’s been a few days, but i wanted to mix it up a bit by writing something about reiner <3 i hope you enjoy!
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Reiner Braun was a fairly big guy, both inside and out. He used his strong and burly figure to be a part of the college football team and help out with his family’s construction business whenever her came home for the weekend. He had big hands, that he used to do those construction jobs and got frustrated with them when he had to use them to work on smaller projects in his life. And he also had big heart, which he used to allow people to take advantage of him once they got pass the intimidation of his size. And not to mention that he was absolutely gorgeous to look at.
The people that knew him would describe him as some kind of big teddy bear. He was scary to encounter just because of his towering height or the fact that he looked angry all the time, but if someone got him to laugh, smile, or fall in love, he was the absolute sweetest. You of all people knew that because he was in love with you. Because he was in love with you and all things you, you were the person he was most sweetest to. The only downside to his love was that you didn’t know about it, you just thought he was being nice to you as one of his friends.
“Girl take the hint, that man is in love with you!” Sasha tried to drill into your brain for the hundredth time this year. You wanted to believe it, you really did. You even had your own little mini fantasies about how it’d feel to be his but in your mind there was no way he was in love with you over some thin, prissy white girl. Besides, you never saw him look your way so you pretended not to look his way.
You rolled your eyes and continued typing way on your laptop. “I wish..” You mumbled. You did get a bit sad as you thought about it some more. As cool as it’d be to imagine being his girlfriend, going on dates, kissing him, hugging him, and other things, you didn’t think it’d be real life if that actually happened to you.
“I say you should try shooting your shot. What’s the worse that could happen?” You turned to her.
“I get my heart broken and give up on love forever. And besides, everyone knows that dating athletes is a bad idea anyways.” Sasha shakes her head in annoyance as you tried to justify your reasoning to not take a chance at getting with your dream guy.
“Well if you won’t do it, I will— look! there he goes now..” You thought Sasha was playing with you like normal but when you looked towards the entrance to the library, there he was. All handsome in his sweats and jacket. ‘He wore a beanie today’ you thought to yourself and your heart softened at the sight.
“Sasha, don’t do no stupid shit—“
“Too late. Reiner!” He didn’t hear her at first because he had headphones in but he took them off after Sasha yelled his name another four times.
“Oh my god..” You groaned as you tried to do the rest of your work and pretend to be completely unaware that Reiner was on his way to where you were.
“Hey, Reiner~” Sasha cooed and you mentally cringed in your head.
“Hey, um.. you need something?”
“Nope, just wanted to say hi. And I think Y/n wanted to say hi too. Say hi to Reiner, Y/n!” You looked up for a second and waved quickly before narrowing your eyes back down at your screen. He didn’t even have enough time to wave back.
“She seems.. busy.” A small frown crept onto his face but he hoped it wasn’t noticeable. He was kinda sad that you didn’t really seemed to be bothered with him right now, but he just blamed it on the fact that you were busy. So he figured he should just leave you alone.
“I’m gonna go… Bye, Sash.”
Sasha made sure he left for sure before speaking “That was your chance~!” She held onto your shoulders and shook them as she whined.
“Chance at what?” Your words were bumped over with each shake Sasha gave you.
“To talk to him at least!”
She stopped shaking you. “I do talk to him!”
“Yeah right! You two need to have a serious conversation. Like share your traumatic experiences or something to get closer.” You hated to admit it, but Sasha was right. You hadn’t talked to Reiner and when you did, it was always kinda awkward. He’d act weird around you so that’s why you thought that what Sasha was trying to imply was complete bullshit. But in her defense, you could be a little dense.
“Doubt that’ll work.”
“You two are gonna be together, trust.” Sasha declared as she gathered up her things and swung her bag over her shoulder. When Sasha wanted something to happen, best believe that she’ll find a way to make it happen and that’s what worried you.
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tiethenott · 1 month
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Infactuated. Possessed. Manic. In-love. Obsessed. Were all words used to describe your..interest in the perfectly sculpted slytherin boy named Theodore Nott.You stared at him with heart shaped eyes, from the ravenclaw table,your head being supported by your hand as your mouth parted subconsciously.You didnt know how he didnt notice your obvious affection towards him.Maybe you werent trying hard enough? I need to try harder! your brain fed you the idea.
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Walking along the corridors with your friends,hurrying to potions class,you notice the love of your life leaning against a pillar,chatting away with one of his friends,Blaise Zabini.A smile crept up on your lips as you approched him "Hi teddy!" you exclaim walking past him,giggling as him and his friend laughed. "Wait!" you hear Blaises voice call and you immediately turned around,now facing the boys "Yea?" you ask with a honey-riddened voice "Uhm theo here and I forgot to do our potions essay,can we see yours?We'll return it before class" blaise asks,with a shit eating grin Seeing an oppertunity to help your soulmate,you hurridly pull out your hard worked 7 page essay that had not a single crinkle on the papers and hand it over to the boys. "here you go!" the smile never left your face. "uh thanks..." theodore says trying to remember your name "Y/N" you remind him for the seventh time,he was such a silly boy! "hm,right,well thanks" he says giving you a half smile "no problem,see you in class!" you smile and walk away,catching up with your friends The boys dont give you your paper back,earning you a rough lecture from Snape and 2 weeks detention.
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After your last day of detention,you tiredly make your way back to your common room but overhear your favourite boy and his friends speaking "God shes so obsessed with you mate" mattheo comments "Right?I mean if you ask her to jump of the astronomy tower i bet she will" Draco laughs "Ugh,im tempted to tell her to swim to Russia just so she'll leave me alone" Theo says in an annoyed tone. A pout falls onto your confusion riddened face 'Does he not like me?' 'No!of course he does!his friends are just brainwashing him!' these thoughts run through your mind at an ungodly speed.
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Your plan was perfect.You hoped.As you walked up to the empty slytherin table,with a vial of Amortentia safely stuffed in your pocket rattled,fighting with your lip gloss.Your shaky legs stop infront of Theodore's usual seat and your trembling hand pulled the vial from your robes,taking off the cork and dumping it into his golden goblet and stirring it with your finger,making sure not to lick your finger and instead wiping it on your robes.You hurriedly leave the great hall and race back to your common room. Was it a crime?According to the Ministry of Magic,yes But in your heart?it was an act of love! And love's not a crime,right?
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Your leg bounced underneath your table,the food on your plate was now cold and untounched as you watch theodore's friends filter into the buzzing Great Hall,late as usual.But no sign of Theodore.What?
Your eyes widen as you see Lorenzo Berkshire sit down in Theodore's seat,no no no!You mentally curse as you see him take a hearty sip of his tea,followed by him finishing the cup shortly after. You wanted to shrivel up and die. The next few days are literal hell.Lorenzo following you around,his friends questioning his behavior and you hoping the effects wear off.But it doesnt happen.Oh merlin,it gets worse.
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February 14th.The day of love.The day of romance,where affection is in the air! Walking out of your dorm,dressed and ready to go to Hogsmede with your frinds,youre suprised to see Lorenzo fighting a group of students,trying to get into the common room.His eyes meet yours and he runs to you,stuffing your hands with bouquets,chocolates,everything a lover could gift someone. "Y/N,my dearest,would you do me the honours of making me the happiest slytherin in the castle and be my girlfriend?" the boy smiles Oh merlin what did you get yourself into?
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forest-falcon · 15 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chpr 16
⚠️ Erm, not sure what to tag this as...fluffy whump angst? Mainly fluffy!
Timeline starts as memory and ends in the present. Hope you enjoy!
Night fell on Tracy Island, and Virgil flopped down onto the cool sheets of his bed. Training had gone well today, despite the odd hiccup; Tam taking to the jet-pack like a duck to water. Jonesy...well, he flew with all the finesse of a drunken penguin. Luckily, the med-scanner had reported no injuries, but for a bruised backside. The merciless ribbing (as to be expected from good friends) was decidedly more painful.
Virgil smiled.
Jonesy had just batted the jokes right back. The firefighter had a good sense of humour, and a thick skin - another vital trait in their line of work. It was like having a second Gordon about the place, which was in equal parts a blessing and a curse.
His piano, for starters; having been somewhat neglected since their guests arrived, had acquired a fine layer of dust. Gordon, of course, had wasted no time at all in scribing messages on its hood.
What's the difference between a piano and a fish? You can't tuna fish!
Jonesy had laughed way too hard at that; and just a few short hours later, another dad-joke (of equal cringe-worthiness) followed. Only, this time, the handwriting obviously not Gordon's.
Why did the GDF arrest Virgil?
Because he got into treble!
Virgil sighed.
"EOS, please can you add piano polish to the shopping list?"
*. *. * .
Virgil drew idle angel-patterns in the fresh bed linen; savouring the luxury of being able to starfish in his king-sized bed after training...well, they weren't really recruits anymore. They had all integrated so well with the family, that it was nice to think that he'd been training friends.
Mac...Mac was quite quiet; that was until he and Brains started chin wagging about Star Trek.
I mean, he liked Star Trek as much as the next person, but those two must have mastered the ability of breathing through their ears. He'd never seen Brains talk so much!
And though he often opted out of their tedious-Trek-talks; it was wonderful to see their resident engineer, and friend, so animated.
Virgil was roused from his thoughts by the strumming of a gentle Spanish folk song; the lilting melody drifting through his open balcony doors.
Someone was humming. By process of elimination; he knew it to be Tamara. It was a female voice, and he had heard both Grandma's and Kayo's over Comms enough times to know that it wasn't them. He padded quietly over to the balustrade, taking in the night air as the music played on.
It was a beautiful night; the father stretches of ocean so tranquil; the surface glittered with dark starlight.
Virgil rested his head on folded arms, watching the seafoam gather and fade along the shoreline.
Usually, all this beauty went unseen. After back-to-back rescues; he was lucky to see a glimpse of his pillow before sleep took him. He sighed contentedly, and the music suddenly stopped.
"Oh God! I had no idea anyone could hear me! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to keep you up!" Tam set the guitar aside with a musical thud.
"No, no, please! Play on! I was really enjoying that," Virgil leaned his head over the balcony.
"I'm really not that good. I-"
"How long have you been playing?" Virgil stalled her from disappearing back from her balcony and into her own room.
"Erm...ever since my mum passed, so that's...six years - but it's all self-taught," Tam flustered shyly. It was the first time Virgil had seen her out of her comfort zone.
"That's really impressive. And...I'm sorry about your mom. We lost our mother, Lucy, when we were just boys. Time doesn't make it any easier, does it?"
"No... but I guess, those who are lucky have, or find others to live for," Tam sighed pensively.
They both stood silently for a moment, lost in memory and deep in thought.
After a moment, Virgil gently cleared his throat.
"Do you like stars?"
"Yes. I mean, especially here. They're so vivid and... ethereal!" Tam enthused.
"Well, if you can spare ten minutes; I'd love to share something with you. You can see it best from the Comms balcony," he gestured.
"Oh...I mean, sure?"
"You don't have to. It's nothing really. I-"
"No, no! I'd love to see," Tam assured, seeing that whatever he was referencing, held a great deal of meaning to him...whatever it was.
"Cool. I'll meet you up there in five."
*. *. *.
Tam found Virgil already waiting outside of the Comms room.
He greeted her with a genuine smile, before turning his face to the tapestry of stars in the near-midnight sky.
“Okay. I'm no John, but you can't have two spacecase brothers without learning a handful of constellations,” Virgil waved vaguely.
“Mmm. I bet.”
"Erm...Do you know many constellations?” he queried, not wanting to patronize another potential spacecase.
“Erm, well...that one over there's the North Star.” Tam pointed to the brightest light gleaming proudly in the sky.
“That's…actually Five. John's obviously overdone his teeth whitening gel.”
Tam snorted as she laughed.
“Spoken like a true brother.”
"Alright...so you'll have to use your imagination...like, a lot..." Virgil smiled.
"Cassiopeia, can you see her?"
Virgil guided Tam's hand up to the constellation.
"Angle your head slightly. It's a..."
"Mmm hmm. Now, Auriga - that's your O." He guided her wrist as she traced the shape.
"Bare with me for the next one!"
"This is where you'll have to really use your imagination. You see Gemini - the twins?"
"Erm...yep, got it!"
"Okay, forget their top halves.
"Said no guy ever."
"It's all about their legs." he winked.
"Look..." He guided her hand once more in the final shape of an M.
"Mmm hmm."
Tam hummed appreciatively; the loveliest of smiles forming on her face as she gazed on the astral wonder.
"It really is beautiful," Tam mused.
"Beautiful," Virgil agreed, watching her smile.
Quietly, Tam began humming the melody from earlier, and the palms gently swayed in the light of the moon.
*. *. *
Virgil roused.
He made to move before the rest of his senses had even come back online.
Pain was the elicited result.
He hissed and a gentle hand was felt at his shoulder.
"You're okay, I've got you, I've got you."
The voice was familiar but conscious thought still eluded him.
Everything hurt.
Thinking hurt.
Just then, the voice began humming a familiar tune that filled his darkness with starlight.
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sminiac · 8 months
xikers hyung line… car sex? 🤔
Minjae would be a little too shameless about doing it in the front of the car, especially if you’ve been persistent with the teasing whilst being on the road: your hand inching further up his thigh while pretending to be interested in the blur of trees that whip past, the pull of your lips lingering a little longer against his at every red light that you’re caught at. Overtime the small things get him so worked up, so irritated that he’s pulling off the road at the next rest stop.
He’s a man of visuals- I mean look at him, tell me he wouldn’t be eager to get his hands on your clothes, stretching, sometimes even ripping up the fabric just so he can get a good look at the way you sink down onto him if it calls for it. Even though he demands you try to be as discrete as you can be he’ll thrust up into you at random, especially when people are around just to see if you can play it off coolly, or if you don’t hide the dead give away of lidded eyes and a parted, drooling mouth.
He’s got his seat reclined and pushed further back from the steering wheel to give you a sufficient amount of space to take place in his lap, his hand resting at the side of your neck to bring you closer into him, whispering as if there were anyone close enough in the vicinity to hear: “If somehow someone starts looking for a little too long just act like we’re talking, you can do that, right? Pretend like you aren’t sitting on my cock?”
Remainder of members under the cut!
Junmin continually fails at showing any sign of restraint when it comes to you, he’s a hopeless man who gets turned on by the smallest acts, it doesn’t even matter if they’re purposeful or not, and the teasing about how shameful it is only makes him harder. Makes himself seem more pouty, docile just so he can persuade you into touching him even when the two of you are in the middle of driving, and he’s always so ecstatic when you give in with a sigh, telling him to: “hurry then, get back there before I change my mind.”
Needs you in the backseat, privacy isn’t a concern, you know this by the volumes he manages to reach just by your hand alone, but what he really needs is the closeness of you, and he can’t get that when you’re just simply leaned over the centre console to play with him.
“Sorry- mommy, ‘m sorry!” He blathers, bracing himself against the door and leather seat that sticks hot to his skin, watching, hypnotized by the fast run of your hand slipping up and down his cock as he grips at anything near him for dear life. Explaining to him that you’re only trying to help in simple enough words that his brain will understand through the overwhelmingly present sting of overstimulation that runs all the way down to his feet. A hoarse whine exiting his lips as he forces himself to nod through heavy tears and a strained throat, he understands, he promises he does.
When Sumin is in the mood for car sex, there’s absolutely no denying him. He’s not the type that just so happens to be horny when in the vehicle, most of the time it’s a well thought out idea that he constructs all the way down to the time his picked location is the least busy with people. He likes the idea of potentially getting caught, and not knowing that the two of you will be caught, so he approaches the frequently used plan diligently so the two of you will get the best out of the experience.
He also likes knowing when the peak of occupancy comes and goes because of how he fucks, don’t get me wrong- he knows how to take things gentle, and paced, but the adrenaline running thick in his body gets him going, he especially likes making the car rock- like, literally. The space is minimal, and the windows are closed for added security so it gets hot fast, and he hates having a layer of clothes separating himself from you, hates not seeing you, feeling you.
“God- fuck, feels s’good when you’re bent over like this for me baby.” His cock settles into you at an angle you aren’t fully accustomed to yet, the position a little foreign, but enjoyable nonetheless, especially for him. “So wet, y’can hear yourself right? Hear how wet your pussy is.” His hips draw him out and then back in with a sharper, more defined thrust that highlights the sound of your arousal on skin meeting skin, he smoothes a hand over your lower back, taking in the sight. “So pretty, my pretty baby, you gonna let me make you cum like this?”
When Jin’s driving he’s doing his absolute best on paying attention to his surroundings, because you’re in the car, he wants to keep you safe, and maybe because he also wants to impress you, so sure, maybe he’ll sometimes purposely flex his biceps and chew pressure into his jaw when he knows you’re looking, but he never does it with the intent to be slutted out in the front seat of his car because you can’t keep your thoughts or hands to yourself.
He’s completely at your mercy, takes everything you give him with appreciation, muttering dumb slobbery thanks as you fuck him through his nth orgasm with the aid of the handle overhead of the door, hand splayed over the dash to keep you steady. Has a horrible memory when it comes to wiping down his car of all the marks and smudges you leave in the glass when you’re finished with him, but maybe it’s on purpose, sometimes.
You can’t help that a tingle starts to curl its way between your thighs when he looks so pretty driving, his side profile was seriously not for the weak, and you just so happened to be feeling significantly frail compared to the resistance you’d have in normality when Jin’s behind the steering wheel. He doesn’t even know it, doesn’t even care that you’re unable to physically sit still from the arousal you can feeling pooling hot and wet into your panties. He’s so sweet, doesn’t bat an eye when you’re telling him to pull over somewhere secluded enough, just to unzip his jeans and pull out his dick so your mouth can be busied by sucking while his fingers find their way behind your back and to your cunt. His thighs twitching uncontrollably once you’ve got him close, tries his best to bite back the moans from slipping, “Fuck-! Fuck, honey, g’na cum- wanna’ cum pleaseplease!”
Hyunwoo thinks he’s soooo slick, thinks he’s so smart convincing you to come and help him bring in the food he offered to pick up for the party, and you could already tell as soon as he walked in with a little stiffness to his usual sway in his walk, a catlike grin on his face coupled with overly affectionate touches that he was horny, that’s why he’s shocked stupid when you retaliate by taking the lead, pinning his wrists above his head as you ride him. He doesn’t fight it, not a bit, he lets himself indulge in the sight, the feeling. He doesn’t know what it is about the both of you still being full clothed while fucking, but it’s making him feel extremely hot.
Pulls up the lip of your skirt to see the way you repeatedly swallow down over his cock every few minutes, only quick glimpses though in case someone were to come peaking into the window, asking if the two of you were in there, where the food is he promised to bring.
“You’ll keep your mouth shut- right? Not a noise, ‘n I’ll let you cum.” He manages a singular nod, his eyes fluttering shut at the way you work him into his orgasm, is it early? Absolutely, but he’s not willing to turn it away for the sake of lasting. “S’good babe- fuckin’ me like this, god this is filthy, but you’re so wet, pussy drooling all over me.” He’s working with half of a mind, completely knocked dumb into bliss that his hips are slack under you, letting any words that come to mind loose, even things we wouldn’t normally say if the two of you were in bed, that’s just how good it feels.
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