#someone at a social function: I say Captain Hastings you and M Poirot seem to be rather close don't you?
rovermcfly · 4 months
ok so now that I've learned that in the show timeline hastings already lived in argentina at least for a little while two years prior to the events of the show, may I present a new headcanon that I will probably have to overthrow again as I continue watching: hastings keeps fucking trying to have a normal relationship to poirot by going as far away as possible for as long as possible but he simply keeps coming back until he manages to find a wife and have children that give him a reason not to run back to poirot again. I imagine every other year or so between like 1920 and 1936 he realises he's a bit too comfortable practically (or sometimes literally) living at poirot's place and makes an attempt to move somewhere far away, only to go back after 6-12 months like a bird inexplicably being called back home after migrating south. and because he's so incredibly repressed he repeats the process every two years or so to avoid the whole "two bachelors together until they die" thing, until he eventually manages to tie himself down in argentina with a family. king of going "you can't catch me gay thoughts" by running away.
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