#someone asked for maurice doodles so that's here too
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gen-toon · 1 year ago
Can you do sketches Of Maurice and chad. I’d love to see them!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months ago
does Belle have any little habits or nervous ticks, like tapping her foot or tugging her hair, anything like that?
yeaaah i think she’s very fidgety honestly. she always needs to be doing SOMETHING with her hands !!!!
growing up, that was fairly easy to manage, as she’d just go outside or to the basement to tinker or garden or Mess With Things. i like to think that maurice made little “fidget toys” for her, so to speak. just little gears and bobbles and such that she could mess with at church or when they’re in the marketplace selling vegetables and she’s feeling too !!! to just sit and read.
when she becomes queen though OUGH yeah. it gets trickier when she has to start doing things she never imagined having to do, like lead meetings, give speeches and presentations, and just like. Be a public figure. it’s hard!! she does get nervous!! she loves it and she LOVES a challenge but she still gets nervous :( adam can always tell because she just cannot stop moving her hands. she keeps messing with her dress, fixing her earrings, twisting her rings. (i think that was one of the reasons that maurice gave her that pinky ring she wears. something to always have on-hand (pun intended) to mess with!! but her absolute FAVORITE fidget is adam’s rings. since he wears more, it’s more fun !! whenever they’re sitting beside each other at some event, she’s often holding his hand and playing with his rings. it bugged adam at first because he just still wasn’t used to how touchy she was, but he realized that it helped keep her calm, so now he offers his hand to her whenever she needs it.
hair is also definitely a big thing for her. as i’ve mentioned in this crazy long post, i think she does fidget with her and her family’s hair a lot. (and adam LOVES when she plays with his hair… ough. knocks him right out.) she’s always fixing the kiddos’ hair and braiding it whenever they ask and it’s!!! very special to her 🥹 also!!!! in the scene in the movie where she’s quoting a midsummer night’s dream at adam’s bedside, she’s stroking a strand of her hair!! so that is a canon fidget. but i don’t think she does that when she’s nervous, that’s more a calm/absentminded kind of fidget that’s just soothing.
she also doodles a lot in meetings !!!! she’s always doodled, even when maurice was teaching her as a child. it looks like she’s not paying attention but it actually helps her focus 😌 but i think it was definitely one of those little things that the Stuffy Council Men™️ got irked with their new queen about early on. they’d be in important meetings (they’re already like. put off that she’s here in the first place. adam’s mother queen renée never (WASN’T ALLOWED TO!!!!) attended meetings or did any business things. so it’s like a total 180.)
but anyway, belle’s head is down, doodling shapes and patterns in the margins of her notes, and all the men look at each other like >:/ thinking she’s not even paying attention !! >:0 but then someone will say something and suddenly belle’s head pops up and she’s like “actually it would be this. you said earlier we’d do that but you didn’t consider that we could do this that and this. i think that would be a lot more efficient :)” and they’re all like 😶😶😶 (and also sometimes (often) their pride gets wounded that she had the best ideas. ugh. it’s just such a THING😤) AND of course, if adam is in the meeting too, he’s always BEAMING with love 🥹🥹 (and also sometimes his mind wanders into inappropriate territories!!!!!!!! but he can’t help it your honor. he loves his girlboss wife🤧 especially when she like, calls someone out or snaps at someone !! mark him down as scared AND horny!)
also just as a last note, she definitely gets SUPER talkative when she’s nervous before an event. she rehearses her speech/words a million times. she’s like leslie in parks and rec when she keeps reciting her opening debate speech. and then ben starts to know it too and she’s like “aw babe you know it!” and he’s like “yeah dude you’ve been saying it in your sleep.” afjskdj. benslie and adelle love to shake hands. ANYWAY YEAH!!
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ratjamtime · 5 years ago
Day 1: Magic
When Sonic was younger, the idea of a soulmate grossed him out. He was 5! He didn’t wanna get married! That was for Sonia, who eagerly awaited to get her first soulmate dream at thirteen.
Sonic and Manic snickered at Sonia’s lovesick sighs and doodles of lovesick fantasies.
Sonic laughed until there was no one there to laugh with or at.
And then all thoughts of a soulmate were momentarily lost in a blur of childish fury. It’s a bit embarrassing to remember, running and crying and just generally being a wreck. Then again, he was just six.
It wasn’t until Sonic was twelve and an older brother that he remembered it.
A soulmate! What exactly did that entail with his lifestyle? Could he even afford a soulmate? He had enough issues with Tails as is. Sonic wasn’t sure if he could handle more people he cared about getting kidnapped, he was already getting grey quills from Tails!
On the other hand, maybe it’d be fine. It’d be nice to have more people around. People who wouldn’t think he looked weird or that Tails was a freak or anything like that.
It was a common reaction on Christmas Island and the islands around it. So far from the mainland, normally common mutations were few and in between and looked down upon.
It hadn’t been easy being one of three on Christmas Island. It hadn’t been easy being one so hard to get along with. It’s why he had snatched up Tails, young age and personal bad attitude withstanding. It was why he was excited to meet his soulmate.
A soulmate could change that. Who cared about romantic attention, he just wanted a friend. He just wanted someone to care about him and worry about Tails with him. He didn’t care if it was romantic or otherwise.
He was getting real sick and tired of taking care of himself and Tails alone.
“But Sooooonic! I don’t wanna go to bed!” Tails whined as Sonic tucked him into the tree, wriggling like a worm. “I wanna stay up and see your soulmate!”
Sonic chuckled, forcing the two tailed 6 year old into the hollow.
“Buddy, that’s not how that works. I’m gonna meet them in my dreams. Unless you’re a mind reader, staying up won’t let you met them sooner. Look, if things go well, we’ll plan a meeting as soon as possible. But I gotta meet 'em first."
Tails pouted but relented to that knowledge, curling up in the tree hollow.
"Hurry up and go to sleep then!" Tails cried out, pushing Sonic away. Sonic chuckled.
"Okay, okay, just remember as long as I'm asleep…"
"I stay in the knot hole!"
Sonic nodded and climbed up the tree, getting comfy on one of the branches.
It didn't take long to fall asleep and to slip into a dream. Geez, his soulmate bond was just as impatient as Sonic was.
The world looked hazy, as if he was standing in a cloud. Green eyes scanned the area, looking around for another figure.
Than there they were.
He couldn't see them clearly, their form a strange blobby shape.
"H-Hey!" Sonic said, raising a hand in greeting, anxiety coming through his voice. "I'm Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog, but my friends call me-"
His soulmate backed away, shaking their head vigorously. Sonic felt a chill shiver down his back. He stepped forward towards them.
They backed up, shaking their head harder.
"....No! …..Soulmate…..monster! A monster!" Sonic couldn't hear his soulmate well but the few words he heard felt like a jab in the heart. Were they talking about him? M-Maybe he misheard?
They turned and ran.
Sonic woke up at 4 am with an ache in his chest.
His soulmate didn't want him.
Elise realized with horror that as soon as she hit the pillow, the world grew fuzzy and she knew she was having her first soulmate dream. 
No! She wasn't ready! She didn't have a speech prepared or anything!
Elise wasn't ready to reject her soulmate yet!
When she was young, a soulmate was all she thought about, notebooks full of plans for when she met the one. 
Then her mother died.
Then her father died too.
Than she learned why exactly she wasn't allowed to cry.
Than she realized her soulmate would pulled into the biggest mess this side of the mainland. 
Elise had determined that no one, no one, would be forced to deal with her mess. Not even her soulmate.
Elise turned and there they were, as foggy and as vague as the rest of the landscape. She vaguely noticed they were blue. Probably a mobian. 
They seemed to be saying something to her, a name maybe? Anyway, Elise shook her head, backing away.
She could do this. She could save them from herself.
They froze before following after her, hand outstretched. Elise shook her head violently.
"No! I can't be your Soulmate, I'm a monster! A monster!" 
Her soulmate froze again and Elise couldn't stand to be there anymore. She turned and ran.
Elise woke up in her bed, a heat in her chest and tears in her eyes. She wiped them away before they could fall.
She did it. She saved her soulmate.
She couldn't cry.
She wouldn't cry.
So Elise pressed her face in the pillow and screamed.
"Sonic, if I may ask, do you have a soulmate?" Elise questioned the hedgehog, fiddling with lace gloves. Sonic froze, fingerless gloves going up to tug anxiously at his scarf.
"Uh, why do you ask, Princess?" Sonic questioned, a blush in his cheeks.
"I-" Elise hesitated, chewing her lip. "I need your advice."
"Ah, I see!" Sonic said, smiling up at her, trying not to let the hurt show. "Finally had your dream?"
"Well ...no."
"It's…complicated. It's why I wished to speak with you." Elise admitted, looking away nervously. "I had my dream when I was 13. I was afraid that I'd ruin their life with my existence so I ran away." 
Sonic frowned, placing a gentle hand on top of hers.
She smiled in gratitude at his support and continued onward.
"I understand now that was a mistake and I wish to repair the relationship that I fear I ruined. But…" Elise blushed. "I am already in love with someone else and do not know how to rebuild this lost bond and keep my heart for the one I already love."
"Elise, not every soulmate bond is romantic. If they can't respect your feelings, they don't deserve you." Sonic told her sternly, holding her single hand in two of his. "Please understand that." 
Elise smiled and nodded.
The silence between them was comfortable for a moment.
"You never answered my question." Elise said suddenly, turning her head back towards him.
"I…" Sonic hesitated. "I kinda blew any chance of anything with my soulmate. They didn't…"
Admit it, Sonic, just say it, Sonic thought furiously at himself.
"They didn't want me." 
Elise gasped.
"What?! How horrible! Are you certain?!"
"Yeah," Sonic nodded. "I'm certain. They-they called me a monster. They couldn't even see me, didn't even know me and they already hated me." 
He laughed dryly, a sarcastic grin on his face.
"Crazy, right? I didn't even care if it was romantic or platonic, I just wanted someone to have by my side. Someone who would love Tails and laugh at my jokes. I didn't care who. And they didn't care. They- they-"
Elise's hand brushed something wet off of Sonic's cheek and he suddenly realized he was crying.
Elise looked at him with a look of sympathy.
"Oh, Sonic….."
"I'm sorry," Sonic sniffled, wiping his cheeks harshly. "Here I am trying to cheer you up and I start blubbering like a toddler." 
Elise just pulled him into a hug.
"You're fine, Sonic," Elise reassured him. "You're as justified to your feelings as mine. Have you tried speaking to them since?"
"Well, maybe it was a misunderstanding! Try talking to them, get some answers! If they really are that horrible, I'll kick their butt!"
"Tell ya what," Sonic chuckled."I'll talk to my soulmate if you talk to yours, deal?"
Sonic took a deep breath as the world blended into cotton candy colors, the land blurred and vague.
They looked around, fiddling with his gloves when he saw them.
And they saw him.
Elise stared at the blue blob, steeling her nerve before marching towards them.
Sonic's eyes widened as they approached, forcing himself to stay in place. He would not be the one to run.
The closer Elise got, the less vague her soulmate looked. The blob seemed to mold into a small, familiar shape.
Sonic frowned as they approached, realizing just how tall- and familiar- they were…..
The two stared at each other.
It took a moment before they started laughing, relieved, face splitting grins covering their faces.
"I can't believe it's you! I ran away from you!" Elise guffawed.
"And I thought you called me a monster!" Sonic snorted, shaking his head. " 'A misunderstanding', no duh!"
A moment passed and their laughter faded, leaving contented smiles.
"I'm glad it was you."
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