#someone ask me about their myers briggs types I dare you
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mellancholy-morose · 1 year ago
i will restrain myself i wanna ask at least half of these XD'
🥤 recommend an author or fanfic you love
Hmm hard to choose so I'll leave a couple
Pretty much anything by Sleepmarshes @marshofsleep is good shit, most people that have been in the fandom for awhile will probably already know their stuff, most of what's up is soma stuff. They're a master of emotional whiplash and can go from comedy to serious in 5 seconds flat in a way that is both satisfying and devastating.
The Moments We Touch by tastewithouttalent
A really good Stein/Spirit longfic that has them as kids, and then later as adults going through the events of the anime while dealing with their complicated relationship. It's also one of the few times I've read a fic that shows anime scenes that hasn't bored me because it was just restating what we've already seen. The scenes we see replayed in this show new context to what's happening and reframes what we've all seen before in different light.
Pray for the Wicked on the Weekend by thought
Stein/Spirit again. A rare second person fic, and one that uses second person in a really effective way. I'm a sucker for second person fics after Marsh subjected me to it, and they are very rare to see. I love Spirit's characterization and thoughts in this, it's very good and honestly I should reread it again.
def pacts by LikeAFish
Stein/Spirit, one of my favorites, it's from Spirits pov and has him dealing with his relationship with Maka as well as figuring out his feelings about Stein, and their past. It sadly hasn't been updated in awhile, but its still worth a read for how good it is.
I have a bunch more I could recommend probably but this is already a lot lol
🍄 share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
This is a little hard for me cause there are very few head canons that are consistent for me, I tend to change my mind on things depending on the fic I'm writing. And most of what stays consistent my brain has grouped under characterization, not head canons.
That being said after digging through my brain a bit heres what I've got that does stay consistent. Stein is a very introspective person and so is very aware of boundaries with Spirit. While he loves pushing buttons and seeing how far he can go with something, he's also very conscious of how what he did in the past affected Spirit and attempts to not further damage their relationship/make Spirit seriously uncomfortable. (Like a lower level of uncomfortable for a joke he'd be okay with, the kind that isn't wholly negative. but if it was something more than that he'd be very aware and cautious about it.)
As for Spirit I see him as being very confident with women, but the moment it comes to Stein there's always a lack of it, some form of nervousness. Which tends to change depending on the situation I throw them in, but there's always something, sometimes its because it's men, and he has less experience/is just realizing he's gay. Sometimes it's because it's Stein and their past is so complicated how does one navigate that amidst developing feelings. Sometimes it's because of what happened in the past leaves him with complicated feelings in the present. And sometimes it's cause he has no idea what Stein's feelings might be towards him.
🍬 post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Man idk I mainly have opinions on unpopular characters I can't really think of anything for the popular characters, so I guess I'll give you something that I think is unpopular for my usual idiots.
First thought was my perception on Stein saying he doesn't understand love when fighting medusa, that he's not being very truthful with that comment. But I've already kinda voiced my thoughts about that here, while the post isn't directly related to that comment I said anything I would have touched on for it.
The only other one I can think of is that Stein and Spirit are both switches, neither one of them are purely a top or bottom. Which I only assume is unpopular based on fics always picking one or the other. But Spirit's a hedonist and Stein would want to experience anything he could just to know what it's like. And they'd both like both roles for different reasons. Spirit would like being more of a top/dominate cause making Stein who's usually so stoic into a mess of pleasure or teasing him till he's practically begging for it would make Spirit giddy, and uniquely proud of himself.
Spirit would like being more of a sub/bottom cause he's more of a sensory based guy. (like he's more on the sensing side of the perceiving axis of myers briggs typing if you get my drift, but I digress I could make a whole in depth post about both of their myers briggs types) And Spirit is the hardworking type, I don't think he remembers how to relax sometimes, so being "forced" to relax on occasion by his partner being more dominate and taking the lead is something he'd really appreciate.
Stein is used to being more dominate/leading things (meister, teacher, ect) it's a role he's used to and comfortable in outside of the bedroom, so inside would likely be no different. (Even if the universe in question he had little experience with this stuff, the moment he does he'd be comfortable with leading things) He also seems the type to me to know and remember the little things about a partners body (like an arrangement of freckles on a shoulder or something) and being in a dom role gives him a good position to observe his partner and memorize them, and their reactions to things.
As a sub/bottom Stein would like actually being in touch with his body for once, and not having to be in charge of things. He'd be happy just to bask in the sensations for awhile, or he'd have fun pushing Spirit's buttons by being a brat (if we're talking more bdsm flavored dom/sub style)
☁️ what made you choose your username?
At some point when I was a kid I was flipping through TV channels and caught a glimpse of a Shakespeare adaptation (which to this day i cannot figure out which one it was) where a character was monologing in the woods, which was first where I heard the word melancholy. I looked up what it meant, and being a bit of an edgy teen went 'yep sounds like me' I started using it for mmo's and such shortly after, which is where the double L and the Morose came from, i added the extra L as melancholy was taken a lot, and then decided I like the aesthetic's of, and the Morose came from MMO's that required a last name for your character. Idr why Morose is what i went with besides i liked the alliteration, and it sounded better than macabre.
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imaginedhaven · 4 years ago
Undercover and Out of Sight
a smutty Rowaelin oneshot
Link to Hot Professors Collection Masterlist
Summary: Aelin is grading midterm papers. Rowan offers his own unique brand of assistance.
Rating: E for Explicit- not intended for readers under 18!
Contents/Warnings: College Professors AU, Enemies With Benefits, Semi-Public Sex
This take place in the same universe as “Flames On My Skin”, but it stands completely alone. Reading that is not required for understanding this piece, but it’s linked in the masterlist above if you want more enemies with benefits action!
Aelin let her head fall into her hands, sighing as she rubbed at her forehead. Midterms had arrived at Doranelle University, and with midterms came all of the papers from her advanced class to grade.
As the newest professor in the psychology department, she bore the brunt of teaching many of the more introductory classes. That was fine; not only did she like having the ability to bring new faces into the field to which she’d devoted her life’s work, but she had graduate assistants able to assist with grading the tests, since the answers were less open to interpretation.
Her more advanced course on personality theory, though, required a more in-depth and nuanced approach and therefore she had assigned a paper instead of a test. She’d thought it was a great idea, and it was certainly more fair to the students, as they would be able to develop the skills they would actually need in the field rather than responding to a multiple-choice examination. However, that meant she was now forced to read more than twenty papers comparing and contrasting the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Five Factor Model of personality traits.
Aelin groaned. The paper had been a mistake. At least it was the midterm; there was a less stringent deadline on her ability to read than there would have been if she’d assigned this paper as the final project.
“As much as I enjoy hearing that sound from you,” a smooth voice said from the doorway, “I think I prefer it being because of me.”
Fuck. She’d forgotten to lock the door, and Whitethorn must have seen an opportunity. “What are you even doing here? Your last class was four hours ago.”
Not that she had memorized his schedule. And even if she had, it wasn’t because it meant she would know when he was busy and when he could be interrupted. No, it was definitely so that she knew when she could work without interruption.
Whitethorn smirked from where he was leaning against her door. “Same thing as you, I’d imagine. Let me guess, you didn’t give yourself enough time to actually grade papers, because you thought it would be easier than it is.”
Arrogant bastard. “I have plenty of time, and how I grade my courses has nothing to do with you.” She could feel the tightness in her voice, and she deliberately took a deep breath. Calm and collected. If she didn’t rise to his baiting, he would leave, and she could work in peace.
“Testy,” he mused. “Sounds like you could use a break.”
“From you? Always.”
He locked the door and then shoved himself away from it, closing the distance between them in three quick strides and towering over her. “You know, it’s okay to admit you like what we do.”
Aelin scoffed, turning her attention back to the paper she was reading. “I don’t have to admit anything to you.”
“That’s true enough. And yet you never tell me to leave, either.” A quick glance his way told her he was rolling the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows and loosening his tie. Fuck. She shouldn’t have looked. There was no way his gaze would miss the way her thighs pressed together, or how she couldn’t quite help biting her lip. “Slide your chair back,” he said once he’d finished with his shirt.
Aelin froze, stunned. “What?”
“You heard me. Slide your chair back.”
She complied wordlessly, wondering exactly where he was going with this. As soon as she had, he slipped into the space she had created, kneeling on the floor. His large frame just barely fit beneath the wood of her desk, and if she hadn’t been so confused, it would’ve been almost comical. “What are you doing?”
Rather than reply verbally, he tugged her chair back toward himself and then pulled her hips to the edge of the chair. Aelin gasped as the movement caused her already-short skirt to ride up, exposing her simple black underwear to his gaze.
He remained still for a moment, and Aelin felt herself squirm as he quietly watched her. “Are you just going to stare, or are you going to actually do something?” she asked, feeling her irritation creep into her voice.
He slid his hands up her thighs, and she could just tell he was smirking as her muscles tensed beneath his touch. “Keep grading.”
Aelin frowned. “What?”
“Keep grading your papers.”
It was probably one of the strangest things he’d had her do, but Aelin shrugged and returned her attention to the paper as his hands continued to caress her thighs.
While the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is generally held to be less reliable as a measure than tests measuring the Big Five personality traits of the Five Factor Model, its popularity allows it to be more accessible as a concept and as a measure and has popularized several tenets of personality theory.
Aelin rolled her eyes. She’d known there would be a certain amount of unnecessary wording in order to get the papers to the minimum requirement, but she could’ve laid out this student’s thesis in half the words.
As she went to keep reading, she felt deft fingers tucking her underwear to the side of her outer lips. Fuck, was he…?
“Oh, gods.” He was, if the way he let out a slow exhale a mere inch from her clit was any indication.
His voice was stern when he spoke again. “Keep reading.”
With her attention as fragmented as it was, Aelin realized she’d already forgotten the introduction of the paper and returned to the beginning.
While the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is generally held to be less reliable as a measure than tests measuring the Big Five personality traits of the Five Factor Model, its popularity—
“Fuck!” Her hands clutched at the edge of the desk as his tongue traced along her core. He then proceeded to nuzzle the slick skin, nose brushing the skin just over her clit, and she struggled to regain her composure.
“Be quiet, now,” he teased. “Wouldn’t want someone to think you swear at your students’ papers, would we?”
“And whose fault would that be?” The words came out as a hiss, and she moved to push herself away so she could glare at him.
His hands grabbed her hips to keep her in place. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Fine. Whatever. He could say what he wanted. But she had to at least try to read this godsdamn paper; he’d be beyond insufferable if he truly broke her concentration. Carefully, she took a deep breath and began again.
While the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is generally held to be less reliable as a measure than tests measuring the Big Five—
His lips found her clit and began to suck, and she gave up with a whimper. Damn him, but he was far too good at this. His little game hadn’t been fair from the beginning, and he’d known it.
He nibbled at her flesh, letting just the faintest edge of his teeth brush her clit, and the edge of pain was almost too much. She snaked a hand down beneath the desk and grabbed a fistful of his hair, holding his face against her as she rolled her hips.
To his credit, he seemed to realize that she was far too close to the edge for him to stop just to be ornery. Instead he allowed her to ride his face, licking and sucking whatever flesh she made available to him. Between his efforts and the thrill of having him under her desk, it didn’t take long at all for her to reach her peak with a soft gasp.
She probably would’ve been more embarrassed by how quickly she’d gotten there if it hadn’t felt so damned good.
Aelin was still in a daze from the sensation of it all as Whitethorn carefully stood, urging her to stand and then bend over her desk. Several papers hit the floor with the sound of rustling paper, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
She felt him slide her underwear down her legs and lift one of her feet to free her from the fabric, and with a sigh she spread her legs, giving him a view she knew he couldn’t get enough of. Rather than stop to appreciate it, though, he pressed her legs back together with hands on her thighs, and she twisted until she could look over her shoulder at him in confusion.
He simply smirked in response and rubbed the head of his cock against her—when had he pulled it free from his pants?
She shivered and bit her lip. “What’re you—?”
Her question trailed off into a moan as his cock pressed into her. Fuck, but it was somehow even better like this; the stretch of it inside of her always felt delightful, but with her legs pressed together like this the added friction had her grasping at the desk for something, anything to hold onto to keep her grounded.
“Gods.” The word was hoarse, his voice deeper than normal, and when she dared to glance back at him his eyes were fixed on where they were joined. She grinned and wiggled her hips, laughing huskily when the motion caused him to hiss.
In retaliation, his first thrust was just this side of too hard, and just like that they were moving together, any thoughts Aelin could’ve formed lost to the sensation of his cock moving inside her and his hips slapping against hers. Her cheeks were burning as her eyes fluttered shut, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel embarrassed by the deep blush she knew must’ve been showing. Not when it felt this good to let go.
He tugged her hips back just a little harder against his own, giving him just enough room to shove a hand between her and the desk. Deft fingers found and circled her clit, and just like that she was on the edge all over again.
“Do it. Come for me.” His words, rough and spoken through gritted teeth, pushed her over, and she clapped a hand over her mouth in an effort to muffle her cry as much as possible. A few moments later his hips ground against hers as he found his own release, and together they collapsed onto her desk, Aelin relishing the warmth of him at her back for just a moment. She could take a moment to enjoy this before composing herself and kicking him out of her office.
She regretted that decision almost immediately when she felt him brush her hair out of her face and saw the grin on his face. “You’re welcome.”
Aelin growled. “You’re not allowed to be this insufferable while you’re still inside me.”
She flexed her muscles around him and watched him grimace at the squeeze around flesh that must have been as oversensitive as she was. “No.”
He lightly slapped her hip before pulling away, and a tiny part of her immediately mourned the loss of him while the rest of her glared at him. He only smirked in reply, doing the bare minimum to make himself presentable before sauntering over to the door again. “Enjoy your grading, Professor Galathynius.”
Gods, but he could make even the title she’d fought so hard for sound like an insult. She growled in response, but he merely grinned and left her office.
Aelin took a deep breath and stood up on shaky legs, slipping her underwear back on and up her legs. Her hair was absolutely a lost cause, so she simply tied it back and made sure her blouse was still on straight before smoothing her skirt back down.
Then she looked at the papers and growled out a curse. Most of them were fine, but a few were hopelessly crumpled from where he’d fucked her into the desk.
She carefully tucked the ones that were fine into her bag before gathering the ones that were worse off and stalking toward his office. He’d gotten her into this mess, and she would make him help get her back out of it if it was the last thing she did.
@ireallyshouldsleeprn @queen-of-glass @fangirlprincess09 @sassys-world @morganofthewildfire @superspiritfestival @perseusannabeth @sis-it-dont-add-up @jlinez @julemmaes @emilyoftheshadows @thegoddessofyou @mymultiversee @swankii-art-teacher @rowansfirebringer @livsdriverslicense @courtofjurdan @danibutterr @woollycat22 @rowaelinismyotp- your tag isn’t working! Sorry! @sleeping-and-books
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coffeeshoptalkks · 4 years ago
hyunjae | entp vs intp |
yet another unnecessarily long analysis that no one asked for
hes so cute :(
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aka i have a fever and don’t want to do calculus so here we are
used personality database data/discussion and made my own decision
theres been a lot of debate about hyunjae being an entp vs intp 
and by a lot i mean just on personality database but i must have an answer so here we are
the gist is that we’re all sure hes a XNTP but when it comes to cognitive functions it gets messy cause you’re just working with order
yeah yeah grant vs myers briggs, jungian, can it world
so me being the Ne user i am i need all the information in the world and then make connections
bad news for explaining it is that nobody except me has the exact connotations for what i’m talking about and makes sense in my head
the easiest way for me to explain this is that i use every personality categorization system, astrology, socionics, mbti, enneagram, and type people within each system
after that i start drawing lines between all of the classifications
its very nice for Ne to have a base because otherwise anything i’m trying to explain is more like grandiose hand waving while nobody understands
each test looks for something different
you can be the same type as someone with mbti but a different enneagram (entp 8w7 vs entp 2w3 - yes we know the 2w3 isn’t normal, he got fucked up as a child)
so i looked at this in a really holistic sense
everything connects to everything
so the final decision is just the culmination of the data that i’ve collected and then made a decision on
disagree if you like :)
btw theres a dissertation below the cut lol
final decision: INTP
its an intp with classic entp enneagram fixes
(person who talked about intp w/ entp enneagram)
the general consensus is that jae is a 7w8 
(i have not looked super far i am going off of other peoples information but it feels correct)
argue all u want on the fixes but core is gonna be 7w8
its not uncommon for an INTP to have a 7 core
a wing 8 would make the 7 a little more daring and outgoing than your average 7w6
it would also make an INTP look closer to the ENTP stereotype
also please keep in mind that we see him around his members most of the time and all XNTPs become 10x more social and comfortable around close friends than in a new situation
remember that both ENTPs and INTPs have Fe/Si (opposite orders) as tertiary and inferior
when thrown into a completely new situation both of them have to get a sense of what is going on before doing anything else
for me its pushing until i hit a wall and going “great! now i know where the wall is” and i can avoid it from then on
it may come off as blunt and inappropriate but really we just have 0 clue whats going on until you give us a little time
once you get us in our element engaged in something we find interesting we won’t shut up 
i’m using “we” referencing ENTP/INTPs because they do share some fundamental similarities
so assuming hes a 7w8 it would make sense for him to be a little bit more outgoing than your average intp, and considering the amount of time he spends around his members it would also make sense for him to be more comfortable in the environment that he’s super familiar with
overdeveloping an inferior function
sometimes people end up with a really strong tertiary function or super super overdeveloped inferior function
hyunjae is an idol
his fe had to develop faster otherwise PR would be a nightmare and it would just be overall problematic
its the same premise when female ENTPs almost always have more developed Fe than male ENTPs, especially when they’re younger
because females are expected to be more emotional and empathetic than men (fuck you society but aneyway) female entps get exposed to “needing” Fe a lot earlier in life
no you don’t have to develop it, but most of the time its easier to put on a Fe mask and chameleon your way through a situation than fight every dumbass who underestimates you and doesn’t have a brain
“you catch more flies with honey” bullshit
pain in the ass but society dictates...
move on before you go on ur what society expects from females rant girl
where was this going? right
given the circumstances it would make sense for hyunjae to develop his Fe in a way that many INTPs wouldn’t
speaking from my own perspective, XNTPs are able to fit in anywhere because they learned real early that their “normal” behavior was not acceptable, societal or otherwise
without sounding egotistical, the world was not made for XNTPs to function in
our entire society could be categorized as XSXJ
people living in the literal world, in the moment, and people wanting structure and planning 
that made 0 sense oh whell
you get a better idea when looking at the cognitive functions
the bottom two are Fe/Si or Si/Fe 
XNTPS need context for anything to make an ounce of sense
whether it be with people or situations
if we haven’t experienced a situation before (even a moderately similar one doesn’t help that much) its fucking stressful cause Ne/Ti is running around on a four-wheeler with torches and a blindfold on with Si and Fe frantically trying to put up bumpers before they hit something (ie fuck something up or do something “inappropriate”)
as an idol you have to be very careful with your image
say what you might about whether they should be judged harshly etc etc but its just facts
one wrong move could cause a scandal, hatred towards your group
with that on the line, you naturally are going to be more conscientious about your image, your actions towards people, how others see you
the biggest argument for ENTP is his developed Fe
but as someone whos sitting with a really forcibly developed inferior Si?
all the other information combined makes me say INTP
personal anecdote here:
at 19 entps aren’t usually dealing with Fe that well, let alone Si
but for me, a situation came around that made me develop Si
it was literally: take care of your body, manage your time, fucking feed yourself 
or stop living your life in any functioning manner
you know what i chose
so now i’ve got a (relatively speaking to the normal ENTP growth path) overdeveloped Si 
its still not great, but it sure is a hell of a lot better than before my life hit the fan
with a career on the line?
you develop that damn Fe lol
sidetracking a little into enneagram territory but it applies here
hyunjae has a SP/SO instinctual stack (more below)
tldr is that hes selfish with his time but also wants to take care of the group around him
for context i’m a SP/SX 8w7
you put SP/SO together and you’re trying to maintain the harmony of the group 1. because you want to and 2. because a harmonious group is less work for you to try and fix every problem that pops up
you would not believe the lengths i will go to to avoid extra interpersonal work
i kid you not i will actively attempt to prevent a problem from happening by steering the conversation or lightly planting ideas when talking to people
to the point that (i admit) it might be more work than if i just let the damn thing play out
because despite my dislike of feelings (and people sometimes) that Fe decides to stick its head out and make me feel morally responsible to do something about the problem
quite annoying when i’ve got other problems going on
as much as i’m sure hyunjae cares deeply about his members, at least a small part of him is doing it because it literally just causes fewer problems to deal with it then than in the future
like *ah, i can tell them to be careful of their image rn and avoid press and the emotional turmoil that will follow later*
that kind of thing
citing that tertiary Si
as stated earlier, the most convincing argument for him being a ENTP is his developed Fe
on the flip side, not being able to find a tertiary Si
i’ll make this argument the most with Ni, but introverted functions are, by nature, harder to spot
the energy goes inwards not outwards, one of the biggest gripes that i have with people is (i’m an entp if you haven’t figure it out) that they underestimate my Ti
when i’m around people i’m using that Ne/Fe
Ne’s spewing off crazy ideas and Fe is a carefree child getting excited by Ne’s suggestion to get ice cream at 2am
they don’t see the Ti
(listen, i would love to nOt use personal anecdotes but i have no other way to explain the mess of connections in my head so you’re welcome)
the most obvious Si to me is his love of iron man
the dude LOVES iron man, and we love him for it
but entps don’t get attached easily
to this day i don’t have a “quote” to live by or favorite movie
him latching on to a character and having it inspire him since he was a child points towards a tertiary, rather than inferior Si
child being the key word there
the only way that my Si manifests when it comes to being sentimental/holding on to the past is with tangible things 
my favorite type of sushi, the brand of pens i’ve used for years, the coffee drink that i order at every single shop no matter what (oops)
i said earlier that my Si was developed, it is, but it was such a conscious decision and awareness for me to do so
it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an inferior function for me
hyunjae is very open about his love for iron man, hes attached to past things and ideas
they bring him comfort and inspiration
i believe hyunjae said thank you for inspiring him since he was 7/8?
and entp wouldn’t be using Si like that so young, but an intp? that’s a different story
enneagram instinctual variants/stacking
jae has a SP/SO instinctual stack
i’m not even going to put a disclaimer cause hes textbook tbh
what happens with an SP first instinct is that you are so incredibly stringent with your time and resources
sometimes this gets over-written when in an especially good mental state or when the SP feels they have enough resources
but in general its a “me first, i’ll deal with you people later”
you know those air masks that airplanes have and the “if you have a child secure ur own mask before helping them”
same premise
in a SPs head their wellbeing is more important than others because if they aren’t functioning then how the hell are they supposed to help other people
even a super introverted ENTP (i’m talking about energy wise not cognitive functions) SP instinct or not, is going to be as quiet and, dare i say awkward/uncomfortable in social situation the way that i’ve seen hyunjae be
anecdotal evidence
i have never met an entp that would describe themselves as shy
ambivert? maybe
introverted? also maybe
but shy isn’t usually in the repertoire 
this person (here)
said that they have never seen an ENTP look as out of place as hyunjae does sometimes, and honestly? i would have to agree
with his members the Fe is blatantly obvious
but you put him in a new situation?
hes not reading people and opening up like an ENTP would
you give an ENTP about 30 mins and a conversation in any environment they’re gonna be talking to the person about their wedding and three dogs
hyunjae just... doesn’t do that? 
in the millennial video jae says that hes the one who will stand up for someone
sometimes to the point of it being detrimental to him
real talk? a SP ENTP would not be doing that most of the time
because it better be a real big thing for me to actively put myself in a bad position for you because then its more work for me personally
Si in the tertiary spot does the same thing that Fe in an entp does
it goes “i know what to do, but the question is will i chose to”
sacrificing his own comfort for someone else’s is both growth in Si (being pushed out of comfort zone causes growth) and also a misuse if it causes him to neglect his own needs
he said that one of his problems is being too blunt and his words being taken the wrong way 
entps are calculated
tertiary Fe means that they’re very liable to misuse it (ie manipulate and lie their asses off for fun, which granted, is entertaining sometimes)
when an ENTP decides to say something blunt they know the general outcome of their words
how it might be taken, what will happen afterwards
in essence “you have to know the rules to break the rules”
and damn is that true
when an entp says something rude (or even something that could be perceived as rude 8/10 for this one lol) 9/10 times its so fucking intentional
like i cannot emphasize how intentional those decisions are
if we’re even somewhat familiar with the person involved we know what buttons to press and which ones not to
its when we make the conscious decision to press the button 
last one here
you know that tiktok dance challenge for cosmo?
the dude is SHY 
i do believe that he hunches over when his turn is done and attempts to avoid eye contact with everyone lol
during the group dance he legitimately stands behind juyeon, doesn’t dance, and then shuffles back off camera
its really an argument against tert Fe here because when put in an uncomfortable positions ENTPs will usually push it off with sarcasm/use Fe to show their discomfort
their feeling goes outwards towards other people while jae doesn’t do the *pushing vibes off self into the room* thing that i’ve found to be common with entps
wheww that was a lot
so have an analysis that nobody asked for… i spent so much time watching hyunjae today and i have no regrets
tbh i really do respect him as a person and this is all speculative/what i’ve deduced from information
quick reminder that this is all for fun and entertainment, and the reality is we don’t know our idols in real life ! !
any time that an idol chooses to open up is a real gift, especially because they don’t have to. they do it as a gift to fans.
i’ll write a long ass thing later about me speaking in definitives but always having the understanding and belief that it is my opinion and not fact
ie when i talk about astrology but don’t even know where i stand on belief but i do use it as a method to categorize and understand people
hope you enjoyed
stan the boyz 
fin :)
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years ago
✨This or That!✨
Hello loves, I was tagged literal ages ago by @curly-bangtan (who is such a sweet human btw! Thank you for the tag :’) it’s impossibly sweet of you) and am in the backseat while road trippin so I’ve finally got some free time to fill this out! I’m so excited !! I love these things !so without further ado🙃 Lessss gooooo
• slow burn or love at first sight
I guess to clarify, I love an instant spark of attraction and a long treacherous road to resolution- while also being painfully obvious that there is attraction and also while being overtly flirty but no one has the emotional motor skills to just be upfront about it already
•fake dating or secret dating
Oh, 1,000,000% fake dating. It is one of the single greatest regrets of my life that no one has ever asked me to be their fake date or gf. Because I would have been F A N T A S T I C at it. But I guess I’ll never get to live out that pretend to real slowburn in real life after all.... also, secret dating can feel really sucky and isolating so I don’t recommend.
•enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
Oh god, must I really pick between my children? My whole life it was best friends to lovers. Now that I am currently dating the guy who was my best friend, I really melt over the fiery tension of enemies to lovers ... GOD! it’s so satisfying!!! But I think best friends to lovers still has to squeak by just by an ounce. (I’m a softy at heart, what can I say?)
•oh no! There’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
Oh far and away, the one bed trope! No contest. I also deeply regret that I haven’t figured out how to make myself attractive enough for someone to try to pull this one over on me. *sigh* well, what can you do? .... also, did a long distance relationship for...6.5 years? And yeah, if you’re a romantic like me- it is dreadfully unfulfilling, let me tell you.
•Hurt/comfort or Amnesia
Mother freaking amnesia A L W A Y S !!! Heck yes! Are there amnesia fics??? 🤭I’ve never found one! But I absolutely love this trope in stories and movies. One of my all time favorites- which AGAIN- has not had the decency to actually come to fulfillment in my real life: Like why has park Jimin never showed up spontaneously at one of my doctors appointments trying to convince me that we’ve been best friends who were secretly in love with other since we were 14 and we finally just got engaged or married a month ago and his life is incomplete without me but he’ll patiently wait for me to love him in return again in my own time but in the meantime, he’ll love me in any and every little way he can until I fall for him again? Huh? Where is it! .... was that too specific😅?
•Fantasy au or modern au
no contest. Give me medieval maidens and dragons any day. I live in modern day. Lemme tell you- she ain’t that special.
•mutual pining or domestic bliss
cue Schmidt from new girl-“I can do this AWL day, son- AWLLL DAY!!” Yessssss!!! Mutual pining is my crack! Give it to me! Always! Gimme it! (Why can’t I have the things that I want!) okay this is just a Schmidt quote/rant post now. ..... I really want to love domestic bliss. And some of the writers who are excellent at it absolutely take my breath away at how beautifully they romanticize the every day. But outside of their writing, I have no scope of how to conjure that wonder up on my own. It is a skill I deeply lack. In real life, I just wind up feeling like the bliss is boring- gimme some pining! Some angst! Some tension!!! Even if I do love me some fluff. Someone once I told me that I was in love with the idea of someone being in love with me. Gotta say, he’s not wrong.
•canon compliant or fix it fic
Honestly, I can’t say I’ve read very many of either. But I do like to see how people flex their creativity.
•alternate universe or future fic
My favorite tv show of all time is Fringe (god bless you, JJ Abrams). Your girl LOVES alternate timelines, multiple universes, flashpoint, paradox, butterfly/ripple effect- all of it!! Dear god, yes! Give it to me! (Also, every time I have a crush or dream that doesn’t work out, I comfort myself with the thought that somewhere out there, there’s an alternate timeline version of me that is happily existing with said boy or flourishing in said dream endeavor. It’s a tremendous source of comfort).
Although, I must say, in the comic realm, alternate universes can sometimes frustrate me- like genuinely, could we not just make the alpha timeline the most incredible one? Instead of the best relationships and plot threads never being actual canon?! Can we get it together??? Or are alternate timelines just the comic industry’s way of writing their own fix it fics, generations after the original protagonist has been painted into a corner. Also, how hard must that be? To write endlessly for the same character for 60+ years? We write one fic or a couple books for the same character... could you IMAGINE having to supply 60 years worth of consistent weekly or monthly context!!! Wild
•one shot or multi chapter
I prefer multi chapter because I prefer getting engrossed in an entire work/world. Usually I am left wanting with a well written one shot, because they’ve made it so real that I can’t stand not having more- so my greedy butt loves the feast of multi chapter so I can have as many delicious moments and details with these characters as possible.
I do however deeply admire the skill and brevity it takes to made a succinct one shot. @underthejoon and @kpopfanfictrash are both brilliant as heck at that. And it is admirable as all get out.
•kid fic or road trip fic
honestly, considering how much I swoon over men who are good with children in real life, and how much I look forward to being both pregnant and a mom one day, I really never get into kid or pregnancy fics. I just don’t? Don’t know why. But a road trip!???? Oh heck yes!!! 👏🏽Where 👏🏽do 👏🏽I 👏🏽sign 👏🏽up!!???👏🏽
•reincarnation or character death
Oh absolutely reincarnation. I love that. I blame sailor moon for that.....But also, I think it’s just very in line with my love of alternate universes and timelines. I love how everything is connected/weaves together and feels predestined in the best way. I’m a complete sucker for it
•arranged marriage or accidental marriage
Like @curly-bangtan I legit had no clue accidental marriage was a thing? Unless you count being drunk at Vegas and waking up with a ring or we’re on some Jacob and Leah/Rachel level ish (which is really and truly the WILDEST™️ story ever ya’ll) ..... but I love a good arranged marriage scenario. The tension/push pull and inevitable relenting is so fun. But will say though, why the heck do women always fight it? Like there’s literally a whole Kim taehyung or Kim Namjoon offering to voluntarily love you and you wanna whine about it???!?! How dare you
•high school romance or Middle Aged romance
This, again, one is a pretty firm, resolute one for me. I’ll take high school. I’ve always felt a little oddly uncomfortable with more mature™️ romance stories? Not sure why. But I think the really beautiful ones always hark back to the beauty of their feelings being refreshing like the innocence of their first love. I know I personally can over glorify youth, but I love coming of age romance (high school, college, twenties) and no one can stop me!!!! I will say though, I have a secret soft spot for the niche of story where people have loved the same person since they were young and the timing just never works out but they finally find each other when they’re older. (One day is like that, and film or movie, it will absolutely rip your heart out-my god, it’s beautiful)
•Time travel or isolated together
These are both freaking AMAZING! But if anything has been established in this post, I think it’s my deep love of alternate timeline/reincarnation/time travel stories. I think they’re all from the same cloth. I adore them (I just haven’t written one because I’m not sure I could do the subtlety of it any justice.) maybe one day. My favorite writers are rumored to have the same Myers’s Briggs type as me so maybe I too could someday have a fraction of their world building skill.
I 100% love both of these so neither is a loser. But give me isolated together AND one bed in the same fic???? Speakers blown
•neighbors or roommates
I have never had the pleasure of having an attractive neighbor, though I often pined for it. (I have a bomb idea for a neighbor Hobi fic though) I did have a cute neighborhood boy who occasionally cut the grass for us in high school. But that doesn’t really count.... anyway! I LOVE the idea of being roommates with an attractive boy!!! Like holy guac, can I please????? Cocktailing this trope makes me swoon harder than none other- best friends to lovers + roommates? Yes. Enemies to lovers + roommates? Holy heck. Soulmate au + roomates???? Hold my sweet tea. MUTUAL PINING AND ROOMATES!!!! Pregnant. Fantasy/magic au+ mutual pining + best friends to lovers + soulmate au + reincarnation + roommate au!?!?!?!! frickin dead in the streets, homie.
I cannot say enough how much I enjoy roomate au. In a serious conversation, I once legitimately told my current boyfriend that the idea of marriage freaks me out- but the idea of being best friend roomates with sexual tension sounds like a dream come true. God help me.
•sci fi or magic au
I love sci fi. Deeply. But I will never love logic more than magic. Ever. (All my infp’s! come join me in the comments. 🙈)
•body swap or gender bend
Body swap has always deeply intrigued me. Especially in film. But I’ve never seen it in a fic. I’ve always wanted somebody to be able to switch into my body to feel physically, mentally and emotionally like i do. The deepest level of empathy & jean grey telepathy if you ask me, even if the trope is generally used for comedy. But the idea of switching into a dudes body and having to deal with their anatomy low key freaks me the eff out. If I got stuck in jungkooks body, I don’t think I’d pee or shower for a week 🙈 sorry everybody. I was really sheltered ok? Please don’t come for me. Lol...... also, have never seen a gender bend fic. Not sure how that would work. Not my favorite idea.
•angst or crack
Angst is my crack.
Honestly though, if it’s well written, it doesn’t feel ‘angsty’- cuz that means whiny or clunky to me. Well written ‘angst’ just feels emotionally compelling, I think. My writing weirdly leans toward what I hope is real angst (I e solid, genuine conflict and not petulance), but when I seek out a read, I look for crack honestly.
• apocalyptic or mundane
I offer you one better- a love story of the beauty of the mundane amidst the apocalyptic.
*mic drop*
Seriously though, the setting provides enough tension usually. Especially if it’s zombie apocalyptic. Just let jungkook’s fingers delicately trace my palm and smile, sweet and lopsided at me in the candle light, while we hide away in our little bomb shelter that I’ve turned into a jungle garden to bring life into this wasteland a la secret life of arrietty. sigh. Maybe I need to write this....
My gosh!!! We made it to the end! That was so much fun! Thank you for tagging me, sweetness!💕✨ 🙂
I’ll add a tag list shortly- @laurelevermore @lamourche @bts-fantasy @urlocalkpoptrash @thedreaming-poet @kimcheeeeeeeeee @hayjeon @outrotearot7 @lorengarcia-yut @bts-luvvv @chicpalestinian @flyingchixenwing @glodenclosetau @space-mermaid-in-love @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife @minminslittlemonster
Copy and paste if you can. Or if you’re dealing with a piece of technological antiquity like me and it won’t let you, then screen record/screenshot it and pop back and forth between the tabs 😅(also Thanks for dealing with the completely unnecessary treatise I added beneath every bullet point. It was just so much for fun to explain WHY I chose each one than to just say yes/no. I’ve said it before, written brevity is just not my strong suit.)
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xdaughter-of-bloodyfacex · 5 years ago
About The Muse
Elizabeth Thredson
Tumblr media
height: 5’0
weight: 94
ethnicity: Caucasian
occupation: student
gender: female
sexual identification: straight
romantic identification: she doesn’t know - just that she really doesn’t like the idea of any kind of romance or relationships or touching people but she’s fifteen so give her a break.
myers briggs type: ENTP-A - The debater
People with an ENTP personality type tend to be expressive, curious, and spontaneous in their behavior. They enjoy debating and thinking about issues from different perspectives. They thrive around people and will almost always engage with those near them. As extroverts, ENTP types have higher levels of energy and love being around other people. They tend to avoid being alone.
They are more interested in the big picture than on specifics and details. They love solving complex problems and have a great sense of intuition.
Debaters make decisions based on logic. They care less about what makes people happy and more about what’s right.
They dislike schedules and routine, preferring to keep their options open. They love surprise experiences and challenge the need for rules and regulations.
ENTP is one of the rarer types in the population. ENTPs make up:
* 3% of the general population
* 4% of men
* 2% of women
alignment: Chaotic Good
favorite food: The kid loves food so too many to name.
favorite drink: Mountain Dew
favorite brand: Adidas
favorite hobby: Hockey, Basketball, Video games Ballet and Dance is something she was trained to do but it’s done in private as she gets older. The exception being hip-hop and more modern dance. Michael Jackson is a huge inspiration since she was little and it was the introduction to his music that she began to veer away from more classical forms of dance. That and with her biological father encouraged her in ballet, it was something she ended up rebelling against after he was arrested and she was put in foster care. She tries to be everything that her father doesn’t want her to be. To distance herself from her former life. Still it is something she’ll find herself doing in the privacy of her own room. Old habits die hard, but she has a reputation she feels she has to uphold and ballet, hockey and other sports doesn’t go together in her young eyes.
favorite artist: Van Gogh
favorite musician: She has such a broad range. She loves and idolizes Stevie Nicks, Michael Jackson, Tupac, and Freddie Mercury. She loves many bands and many musicians from various eras.
favorite scent: the woods at night, or the sky before a terrible storm
favorite person: tough question - she’ll get back to you when she figures that out.
random –
list ten facts about your muse: 
1.) she has a freakishly high pain tolerance. She’s one of those people that can break a bone and walk around not even realizing it. She’s broken bones and even shattered her kneecap in her various rough house sports she prefers to play but rarely has she cried.
2.) She always hears her fathers condescending voice inside of her head, telling her what she’s doing wrong even though it has been years since she saw him. It’s a messed up form of a conscious that she wishes would just go away.
3.) She has a very short temper (although she’s really good at hiding it with a sarcastic trash mouth).
4.) She smoked her first cigarette at eight and didn’t try it again till she was twelve - since then she’s become a bit of a chain smoker like both biological parents 😕😕😕
5.) She shares a whole name with a current monarch of England - Elizabeth Alexandra Mary but if you ask her about it she’ll give you a cheeky reply that personality wise she’s a Margaret Rose.
6.) She rarely cries and when she does it’s in a place where no one can see (she hopes).
7.) would rather stab her eyes out with hot pokers than dress like a girl but for some reason costumes don’t count? Try to get her to wear a skirt and she’ll fight you tooth and nail but ask her to dress up as Princess Leia and suddenly she’s wearing the red and white cloud city dress from Empire Strikes Back.
8.) Did I mention she has serious anger issues? She’s also pretty damn strong for how small she is (5’0). She has a more aggressive nature than is normal.
9.) She was introduced to alcohol at a young age and snuck tastes of her dads bourbon from time to time without his knowing out of sheer curiosity. As a teenager and dealing with developing mental issues herself - she finds herself using alcohol as a way to clear her mind, Silence her demons and most importantly - sleep.
10.) She’s a huge touch me not and rarely gets close to people on an emotional level. She’s bad at talking about her feelings or expressing herself in a way that’s considered normal. With that said - the few that have been able to break down her titanium wall miraculously will not find a more loyal (and dare i say loving?) person.
list five things they like:
1.) Music (80s, 90s, 2000s so many genres)
2.) Movies (cult comedy classics)
3.) TV Shows (90s/2000s sitcoms are a favorite)
4.) Sports - she plays hockey but also loves throwing the football around and basketball.
5.) Star Wars, Comic Books, Dungeons and Dragons ... Get the picture?
list five things they dislike:
1.) Feelings
2.) Crying
3.) Being Wrong
4.) When someone has the nerve to say that Greedo shot first.
5.) Witnessing PDA 🤮🤮
common words / phrases that annoy them?:
Anything mushy or over sharing. 🤮
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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diabolik-lovers-box · 6 years ago
Matchup pls? I'm not sure if theres rules but ig I'll give it a go anyway- hope you don't mind. I'm a straight female with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm 5'3 and I am a bit curvy and have nice legs, but I have a smol tummy. I love food, drawing, music, cats, being with friends, pastel colors, and taking naps. I am nice, thoughtful, and I'm actually the perverted friend of the group 😂 I am also very feisty and can be aggressive when necessary. I dont take shit from anyone who dares to try me 😂
Sure! The only rule was that you had to include your Myers-Briggs Personality type if you wanted a more accurate result, but don’t worry about it since you already sent it in ^^
Anyways, I hope you like your result!
I would pair you with: Laito Sakamaki !
I’ve always thought that Laito needs someone who is going to stand up to him yet also return his feelings of attraction in the beginning of the relationship. He’ll take an interest in all the hobbies you have, and hope that you’ll take an interest in his too, and he’s, of course, going to ask you to draw him some special pieces of art ~_~ Overall, I think the relationship between you two would be passionate and free!
**Others I would pair you with: Ayato Sakamaki, Shin Tsukinami, Kino**
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insession-io · 6 years ago
When a Dating Dare Leads to Months of Soul Searching
It had been a glorious first date, but for her there was a big problem: They were both of Asian descent.
At 2 a.m., two blocks from Chinatown, Sarah ended our first date by telling me that my race might be an issue.
What was supposed to be a one-hour coffee date had evolved into a nine-hour marathon. From discussing the five love languages during dinner to telling stories about our exes at Coit Tower, we didn’t even notice that we had traversed four San Francisco neighborhoods and logged 10,000 steps.
We had a lot in common, having experienced what some might describe as all-American upbringings. Born and raised in America’s former Wild West (she in Texas, I in Colorado), we had read “Little House on the Prairie” and learned to square-dance in cowboy boots. We’d both spent time on the football field — she in the marching band, I as a strong safety. She loves country music and, well, I don’t hate country music.
Over dinner, we connected when we opened up about our strained relationships with our mothers and how we came into our own when we went to college out of state. Our thoughts and values mirrored each other, as did our Myers-Briggs personality types. Then, as we strolled to the front of her apartment building, Sarah said, “I have to tell you something.”
I smiled, expecting something from one of the countless jokes we had shared that day. Instead, she said, “You’re the first Asian guy I’ve ever gone on a date with. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”
After talking nonstop all day, I was at a loss for words. Because here’s the kicker: Sarah is Asian-American. Her parents immigrated from Taiwan. Mine came from mainland China.
“If things don’t work out,” she said, “would it hurt your confidence?”
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’ve got enough confidence for both of us. When my friends ask what happened, I’ll say, ‘She had everything going for her, but sometimes things get between people.’” I smiled. “‘Like racism.’”
She gave a halfhearted laugh. “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t like Asian things. I love all Asian food, even stinky tofu. It’s just that I’ve never really been attracted to Asian men. I think it’s because there weren’t a lot of Asians in my small Texas town. All the Asian men I knew were either my friends’ dads or like nerdy brothers to me.”
It was as if she were swiping right on the parts of her heritage she liked and swiping left on the parts she didn’t.
I knew Sarah wasn’t unusual when it came to these preferences. It’s shockingly common to come across profiles that say, “Sorry, no Asians.”
Maybe Asian men need better representation. When I was growing up, there were no mainstream movies like “Crazy Rich Asians” putting a spotlight on attractive Asian leading men. There were no all-Asian boy bands like BTS gracing the cover of Time and winning over American teenagers on “Saturday Night Live.”
With Sarah’s admission, the last nine minutes of our date undid the previous nine hours. You hear stories of people being catfished by fake online profiles. My date was turning into a catfish tale of its own; I was out with someone who had revealed herself to be completely different from who she first appeared to be. I wondered: Is this actual racism, or, even more pernicious, internalized racism — a form of self-hatred?
“I grew up believing Asians weren’t desired,” Sarah said. “I just wanted to fit in, but my friends had a hard time understanding my parents, and our house didn’t look or smell like my friends’ homes. Whenever I complained about how different we were, my parents would just remind me that despite my efforts, people will always treat me like I don’t belong.”
Her saying that clarified something for me. Despite our similarities, we didn’t have the same experience growing up. I was never in want of attention; in fact, I probably received more because I was one of the few Asian students in school. I could be embarrassed by my parents’ broken English at parent-teacher conferences, but what boy isn’t embarrassed by his parents? Most important, where Sarah’s parents warned her about her Asian identity, my parents celebrated ours. We were proud to be Asian in America.
Rather than seeing Sarah’s revelations as a red flag, I found them to be honest and vulnerable. And I felt as if I were uniquely suited to understand her predicament. Even though society views us as the same, Sarah grew up thinking being different was a weakness while I grew up thinking different was a strength. As a whole generation of minorities come of age in minority-majority America, I wondered how many other people were grappling with this issue.
I was still perplexed, though. How did we match on the dating app in the first place? She had to swipe right, and I certainly had not become Asian overnight. “So why did you go on a date with me?” I said.
She exhaled and looked at me imploringly. “Because my friends dared me to go on one date with an Asian guy. And you’re not what I expected. I realize how horrible this sounds, but I guess I, too, feed into the Asian stereotype.”
We were standing awfully close to each other. It occurred to me this was probably her closest romantic encounter with an Asian man.
I reached out and held her hands. “I think I understand. You really want to kiss me, don’t you?”
She smiled and half rolled her eyes.
Figuring I had nothing to lose, I leaned in gently and kissed her.
She kissed back but then pushed me away and started to reach for the door.
At that point, I didn’t know what to think. Was she rejecting me as a dating formality, or because my race made us an impossibility? I felt indignant. Shouldn’t I reject her outright on behalf of all Asian men?
One of my favorite movies is “Before Sunrise,” where two strangers meet on a train, go on an extended date across a city and begin to fall in love. Celine, the female lead, talks about how when we’re young, we believe there will be many people we’ll connect with, and how only when we’re older do we realize it happens only a few times.
I may have been just 31, but I was old enough to know that this was one of those times.
I thought (hoped!) Sarah felt the same thing, but it seemed my race was keeping her from recognizing it. One night of flirting could hardly undo years of assumptions she had embraced about what is desired. I had never connected so deeply in one date as I had with her and felt thwarted by forces beyond my control.
First dates, by their nature, are not safe spaces. We’re made to confront our preferences and prejudices, whether they be about appearance, race, body shape, intelligence or anything else. One thing was clear, though: As I heard the click of the door opening — the door that would shut me out of her life — I realized I was mistaken about me having enough confidence for both of us.
But she didn’t go inside. She stopped, holding the door slightly open. Then, almost as quickly as she had stepped away, she turned around and, with a sly smile, planted another kiss on my lips.
Many months later, after more dates, kisses and moments of vulnerability over stinky tofu, we decided to get married. On Aug. 31, 2019, we will be tying the knot in my home state.
Sarah thought she knew how she wanted her life to play out. She thought she knew what kind of person she would find attractive and marry. We all do that to some degree, whether those expectations involve race, career choice or the number of children we want. That Sarah was open to examining those assumptions (even encouraging and helping me to write about them) was another quality that drew me to her.
Our childhoods shape us. I hadn’t fully appreciated how Sarah’s had shaped her. Now, at least, we can shape our future together.
By Andrew Lee
Benu Lahiry is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco specializing in Couples Counseling Pacific Heights. Her work is especially helpful for people experiencing anxiety, depression, self-doubt, lack of motivation, and for couples with intimacy issues. She is experienced in many evidence-based therapy modalities, including attachment theory, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic principles, mindfulness practices, and solution-focused therapy. Her therapeutic style is best described as warm, direct, and collaborative.
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marygogreen · 7 years ago
Can we bring myspace surveys back? I just want to talk about myself and read what other say about themselves
Femme or butch? femme Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it. Nothing super firm but I lean more towards dark hair, dark eyes, athletic Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?leather jackets Describe your style: not sure right now in between seasons. Utilitarian femme with an art teacher vibe for the fall Describe your aesthetic: white and gray tones neutrals with pieces of vibrant patterns in jewel tones Favorite article of clothing?beyonce formation muscle tank 🙌🏼💅🏼 Favorite pair of shoes?brown flat boots for scootin around town Current haircut? A fucking mess. Like a 70s shag but lame Any haircut goals for the future?blunt blonde happening tomorrow 💁🏼 Describe the best date you’ve been on: 13 hour all night wandering around the city in the summertime with the most beautiful woman in the world ❤️ Describe the worst date you’ve been on: he described a time where he recently shit his pants on a dare 😳 Single? Taken?single If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife! If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?loyalty, quality time, humor Describe your dream wedding: cheap dress, running away, pictures in the desert Do you want kids? Yes but not anytime soon If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? On the coast of a small Mediterranean seaside town with a terrace and the love of my life Favorite lesbian movie? Still exploring the culture Favorite lesbian novel/story? Favorite lesbian song? Honey and smoke my case/Lang/veirs Favorite lesbian musician? Sylvdeliza What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?none yet I guess lol Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?always If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that? To let me know she is wooing me. Be direct but not forceful Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian? Not having to deal with men and the female community Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?cats! Turn ons? Subtle touches in public, the soft hair on her jawline, watching her speak Turn offs?HER GIRLFRIEND Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?neither of those things ever halpen What is your dream career?manager of a high end dispensary with yoga, therapy, consultations, different types of therapy all based around a guests preferred marijuana experience Talk about your interests or hobbies!kickboxing! It's my obsession. And hiking. Reading, cooking, gardening. What is the most attractive quality a woman can have? Kindness Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?i fall in love instantly but it still takes me time to warm up to them. I don't get it either🙄 Ever fallen for your best-friend?yes Ever fallen for a straight girl?duh The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)NOOOO lol it's so terrible but I watched it for the culture Favorite comfort food? Ramen or mac and cheese Coffee or tea? Tea Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?likited meat water Do you have any pets?2 fluffy cat babies Early-riser or night-owl?nether! What is your sign? Cancer with a lot of Fire aspects What is your Myers-Briggs type?INFP Who was your first lesbian crush? At what age did you know you were a lesbian?always At what age did you come out (if you have)?when I turned 30 about 2 months ago Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)? Always Talk about how your day went ready for it to end but not necessarily bad Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future: traveling with my partner, working from the road. I am a complex woman with simple tastes.
If you see this repost with your answers! I want to know about you too!
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xdaughter-of-bloodyfacex · 6 years ago
About The Muse
Elizabeth Thredson
Tumblr media
general –
height: 5’0
weight: 94
ethnicity: Caucasian
occupation: student
gender: female
sexual identification: straight
romantic identification: she doesn’t know - just that she really doesn’t like the idea of any kind of romance or relationships or touching people but she’s fifteen so give her a break.
myers briggs type: Debater - ENTP-A
alignment: Chaotic Good
specifics –
favorite food: Takis
favorite drink: Mountain Dew
favorite brand: Adidas
favorite hobby: Hockey, Basketball, Video games (Ballet and Dance is something she was trained to do but it’s done in private as she gets older).
favorite artist: Van Gogh
favorite musician: Too many to name
favorite scent: the woods at night, or the sky before a terrible storm
favorite person: tough question - she’ll get back to you when she figures that out.
random –
list ten facts about your muse: 
1.) she has a freakishly high pain tolerance. She’s one of those people that can break a bone and walk around not even realizing it.
2.) She’s always snacking on something. Want to get her attention? Mention a fast food joint 😂😂😂
3.) She has a very short temper (although she’s really good at hiding it with a sarcastic trash mouth).
4.) She smoked her first cigarette at eight and didn’t try it again till she was twelve - since then she’s become a bit of a chain smoker liked both parents 😕😕😕
5.) She shares a whole name with a famous monarch - Elizabeth Alexandra Mary.
6.) She rarely cries and when she does it’s in a place where no one can see (she hopes).
7.) would rather stab her eyes out with hot pokers than dress like a girl but for some reason costumes don’t count? Try to get her to wear a skirt and she’ll fight you tooth and nail but ask her to dress up as Princess Leia and suddenly she’s wearing the red and white cloud city dress from Empire Strikes Back. Confused? Me too 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
8.) Did I mention she has serious anger issues? She’s also pretty damn strong for how small she is (5’0). She has a more aggressive nature than is normal.
9.) She was introduced to alcohol at a young age and snuck tastes of her dads bourbon from time to time without his knowing out of sheer curiosity. As a teenager and dealing with developing mental issues herself - she finds herself using alcohol as a way to clear her mind, Silence her demons and most importantly - sleep.
10.) She’s a huge touch me not and rarely gets close to people on an emotional level. She’s bad at talking about her feelings or expressing herself in a way that’s considered normal. With that said - the few that have been able to break down her titanium wall miraculously will not find a more loyal (and dare i say loving?) person.
list five things they like:
1.) Music (80s, 90s, 2000s Of so many genres)
2.) Movies (cult comedy classics)
3.) TV Shows (90s/2000s sitcoms are a favorite)
4.) Sports - she plays hockey but also loves throwing the football around and basketball.
5.) Star Wars, Comic Books, Dungeons and Dragons ... Get the picture?
list five things they dislike:
1.) Feelings
2.) Crying
3.) Being Wrong
4.) When someone has the nerve to say that Greedo shot first.
5.) Witnessing PDA 🤮🤮
common words / phrases that annoy them?:
Anything mushy or over sharing. 🤮
Tagging: @emma-christine-spoole @iknowwhatihavetodo @ghostxmother @eddiespaghettti @witchyrebel @unholylangdon and whoever else wants to do it
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