#someone ask me about my Dh!Master headcanons now plsssss
praxeus-13 · 1 year
Hi, what Do you think of genderfluid/genderqueer!Thirteen? Do you have headcanons?
Firstly, a lot of my thoughts about 13’s gender have been influenced by @picnokinesis and their AUs!! They have lots of posts about 13 and gender so I would deffo recommend checking their posts out!!
Okay so I don’t see 13 as genderfluid, like as a genderfluid person myself, I definitely relate a lot more to Dh!Master and his expression of gender. Because see, 13 just doesn’t care about gender! I know a lot of people get the genderfluid 13 headcanon from that line in War of The Sontarans where she says “it’s fluid”, but I saw that line as her telling Mary Seacole that the term “Doctor” can be used for everyone and in many different ways (ie, not just for medical professionals). And possibly also as a nod to her being able to regenerate?
However, as I said, 13 just doesn’t seem to care about gender. I just don’t think it’s something she thinks about in her day to day life. And as far as I can remember (I rly need to do a rewatch) she doesn’t refer to herself as a woman unless someone else does it first. Then her response always seems to be along the lines of “ah yes, these people see me as a woman and I must reaffirm their belief in order to not arose suspicion” (which, relatable). The only times when she really does care about people referring to her as a woman is when they do it in a derogatory way (Spyfall part 1 & The Witchfinders come to mind). And then, we get a few moments where she refers to herself as a man, but I think that’s more out of habit rather than actually seeing herself as a man?
Therefore I tend to see her as agender because, as above, she just doesn’t seem to care about her gender or her gender presentation until someone wants to use it against her. She just doesn’t seem to have an attachment to gender tbh. Especially when you look at how she went to buy ‘women’s clothes’ but just found a very androgynous outfit instead. Also, while she is only referred to with she/her pronouns in the show, I think she’d be perfectly fine with people using whatever pronouns they want for her! I’m not even sure she’d notice if someone was using varied pronouns for her (especially if they used he/him, because she’s had centuries of being referred to with them).
HOWEVER! I think 13, if genuinely asked by someone, would describe herself as genderqueer. Mainly because genderqueer is used as an umbrella term by some people, as it’s not very specific and leaves room for just not knowing every aspect of your gender identity. As well, while we as a fandom do often separate The Doctor’s different regenerations, 13 does still have her previous versions’ memories (well, back to 1 at least) and would probably be at least a little bit influenced by her past feelings on gender.
So uhh TLDR: I headcanon 13 specifically as agender, but believe she would refer to herself as genderqueer! Thank you so much for this ask anon it was very fun to answer!!!!
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