#somei sato
uttersorcery · 1 year
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Peace For Old Ghosts has just released a bewitching and gorgeous new mini album “Golden Decay” on Eyeless. Utter Sorcery asked about 5 records he loves right now and might have inspired him too.
Photo: Bertie Patel
1. Sylvie - Sylvie
Beautiful, warm and emotional. Sounds like a warm duvet on a Sunday morning. Immediately familiar, this slotted into my life instantly. Amazing live band too, such love for what they do onstage.
2. Careful of Your Keepers - This Is The Kit
A great record whose warm directness hides a hidden world of complex rhythms. Like a friend whispering helpful poetry into your ear.
3. The Natural World - Land Lines
This record is almost a decade old but a friend gave it to me and it's so good. Plucked cellos, krautrock grooves, and warm synths. Minimal and intelligent.
4. I Will Not Be Sad In This World - Djivan Gasparyan
Hauntingly beautiful solo flute music from Armenia. Despite the title, it's really fucking sad, and even more beautiful because of it
5. Emerald Tablet / Echoes - Somei Satoh
Longform Japanese drone that barely lifts it's voice above a whisper. "Echoes" was written for an exhibition where speakers were placed 1km apart on a mountain, surrounding you with the sound. It must have been incredible! This is deep listening that requires a bit of stamina, but it's very rewarding.
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sansan9 · 5 years
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
Hey! What fashion style do 92 gen guys + Elite 10 guys + Shinomiya prefer the most for their female S/O? (Categories: cute/girly, sporty/tomboy, elegant, sexy, edgy)
Aight, here I go.
92nd Gen.
Soma: He doesn’t really care. Too dense.
Takumi: Cute/girly, but he doesn’t really mind if they’re not.
Ryou: Maybe sporty/tomboy? He might not really care actually.
Hayama: Doesn’t really care but most likely elegant.
Isami: He could not care but maybe a combo of elegant and girly?
Ibusaki: Elegant. Or sporty/tomboy. Or both. Maybe edgy.
Marui: Elegant but he also wouldn’t mind if they were girly or sporty.
Shoji: Cute/girly. Makes him feel tough. Also cause it’s his weakness.
Daigo: Sporty/tomboy. He would like someone who’d be competition to him, and having this sense of style would be enough.
Mimasaka: Cute/girly. He’d be able to open up his softer side because they’re just so cute.
Elite 10
Eishi: Elegant. Would probably cause people to bow to them by accident/without meaning to. But cute/girly works too.
Megishima: Someone elegant or at least mature as him.
Saito: Maybe someone elegant too. Or sporty/tomboy.
Kuga: Sporty/tomboy. He’d lean more towards sporty though.
Eizan: Someone sexy or edgy. Makes things more interesting for him. He doesn’t exactly mind if they’re not though.
Shinomiya: Elegant. Do I really need to explain why?
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ichiyoikezaki · 3 years
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展覧会のお知らせです。佐藤麻優子、染井冴香、池崎一世によるコレクティブでの写真展、whereissheus (ウェアイズシーアス)がガーディアン・ガーデンにて始まります。
whereissheus とは、インターネット上でサイトを作ろうとした時にシステムから提案されたwhere is sheの代替案です。私たちはお互いの過去の出来事を共有し、3人でその現場を訪ね、撮影を重ねてきました。それらを通してお互いの記憶やアイデンティティへの強い共感を持つと同時に、確固とした境界線の存在も認識し、またその固有性を認識した上で混ざる、入れ替えの可能性などの考えへの波及でもありました。
今回告知物はthumb Mの大橋修さんにデザインしていただきました。
Hello all,
It’s an announcement of a photography exhibition “whereissheus” by an artist collective (Mayuko Sato, Saeka Somei, and Ichiyo Ikezaki) at Gardian Garden, Tokyo.
“whereissheus” is a computer generated coinage which was suggested as a substitution for “where is she”.
The photos are mainly consisted with portraits, we visited places where connected to individual’s life events. Through conversation, shooting, sharing own memories, we experienced great sympathy to each other, at the same time,  we saw boundaries that never be crossed. 
This project let me realize the autonomy of consciousness and identity in relations to others, as well as non-human beings, like inorganic, places and so on. This notion somehow alleviates my occasional anxiety towards reality.  
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We know plenty about the 91st OCs and their relationships to the rest of the gang, but what about the 90th OCs? What are their relationship to their classmates :0c
OOOOOO I LOVE THIS QUESTION !! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS !! I should update the information about this because I feel like I said something before but Now I’m actually updated with everything Shokugeki- these will be more accurate !!
Henrique Gonzales
He is actually not too close to any of his classmates because he focuses on the dorm more than anything else [the dorm is his family]. However, he does have a pretty good relationship with all of them!
From all of them, he’s actually closest to Eishi! He’s actually pretty worried about him because of the anxiety he gets outside of cooking. Henrique also sometimes offers him a helping hand when it comes to paperwork [which Eishi disagrees to but thanks him for]. 
He actually has a positive relationship with Eishi but it gets sort of different once Central happens, but this is only because of how he didn’t think Central was fitting for what Eishi was striving for.
He does end up talking to Rindou a lot because he enjoys talking to her but it gets too wild with her sometimes. They have an okay relationship, and sometimes Rindou makes him a test taster [Unlike Somei and Eizan, he would never run away from chocolate lizards].
Lina Schmid
She talks to people way more than Henrique, but because of her specialty and what she truly is passionate for, she’s closest to Momo! They both love sweets a lot too, and they actually chat occasionally and they both like cute things!!
She also sometimes makes cute things for Momo, such as little stuffed toys or even a couple of sweets! She has an overall positive relationship with Momo, and she agrees with her in a lot of things. [Even the Central thing? Yeah, she sort of agreed with it].
She may have a positive relationship with all of them, but she’s only particularly close to her! She does love talking with everyone though, but she finds it harder to talk to Megishima because he doesn’t talk too much, and also she can’t find a topic to talk about, but when they talk, they actually like each other’s presence!
Mi Tanaka
From everyone in the whole dorm, she is definitely the one closest to her classmates among the 90th generation. She’s the chatterbox that can talk about anything to anyone and she doesn’t mind if she annoys them. She literally enjoys annoying her closest friends, who is Tatsuya.
The person she is closest to is Rindou! This is mostly because they have the same vibe and they’re like the same flock of people, you know? She’s also down to try new things with Rindou and even discover new things for ingredients and she doesn’t mind how rare it might be. [She would gladly eat insects]. 
She’s also been a friend of her ever since middle school, but they only got closer in highschool. She always takes note about how happier she looked once she and Eishi became friends and she finds it really sweet.
Besides that, she is close to Eishi [occasionally teases him about Rindou] more than the rest! But she definitely loves talking to them regardless!
Tatsuya Sato
Friends who?
Okay, no. He prefers his dorm more than anything, but he hates being too close to too much people so he tries to keep his social circle simple. Especially because he gets annoyed easily. However, this makes it easier to find who he prefers talking to.
He’s actually close to Somei and he actually likes the fact he specializes in sushi. Tatsuya focuses on two completely different things from sushi which is streetfood and frying, which sushi isn’t and doesn’t really need. Because of this, they like talking different cooking techniques!
Also he’s also comfortable in Megishima’s presence! He would actually talk about the same things with Megishima, but their presence is good with each other so they can be completely silent and still bond somehow,
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polar-stars · 6 years
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Trying to fight the art block
So....I did this post , where I talked about how much I love vampires and that I am toying with a SnS AU that involves vampires so that I can fangirl a lot!
Well....I developed the AU a little, little bit further. Like...It has no actual plot yet, but I got most of the roles assigned.
It’s pretty much a supernatural AU playing somewhere in the past. Despite being a great history nerd, I actually didn’t assigned this AU into a particular century because I was too lazy for once. I kind thought about Victorian times but hm. Whatevs. 
What I wanna say is, there’s not just vampires but also other uhm...”species”? 
But well, today I took the chance to lazily fight my art block draw the Vamps in this AU (with the exception of the Rentaro, Mea, Shigemichi and Rui). 
Quick thing out of the way first, I am a fan of the “classical” vampires. Yeah, it might be a bit cliche and it might be a bit rusty. But I live for all this fall to ashes when the sun comes out, can’t stand garlic, can transform into bats stuff....Y’know. So no...This will not really be a unique spin on the classic vampire myth. Not at all.
Now under the cut....I just wanna talk about the rest of the roles in this AU so far :D
- Erina Nakiri (born Vampire)
- Alice Nakiri (born Vampire)
- Rindou Kobayashi (transformed by unknown)
- Momo Akanegakubo (born Vampire)
- Etsuya Eizan (transformed by Rindou)
- Satoshi Isshiki (transformed by Rindou)
- Shun Ibusaki (transformed by Satoshi)
- Zenji Marui (transformed by Shun)
- Rentaro Kusunoki (transformed by Momo)
- Mea Yanai (transformed by Momo)
- Shigemichi Kumai (transformed by Momo)
- Rui Kofuru (transformed by Momo)
- Somei Saito 
- Ryo Kurokiba
- Subaru Mimasaka
- Ikumi Mito
- Daigo Aoki
- Shoji Sato
- Hisako Arato 
- Nao Sadatsuka
- Madoka Enomoto
Humans but humans who hunt supernatural stuff, primarily known as Vampire-Hunters even though they also hunt Werewolves
- Eishi Tsukasa
- Nene Kinokuni
- Terunori Kuga
- Akira Hayama
- Takumi Aldini
- Isami Aldini
- Miyoko Hojo
- Tetsuji Kabutoyama
Normal Humans
- Megumi Tadokoro
- Tosuke Megishima
- Ryoko Sakaki
- Yuki Yoshino
- Kanichi Konishi
- Urara Kawashima
- Yua Sasaki
- Soma Yukihira
And that’s pretty much all I have so far and I gotta admit.....I have no idea what I am doing //shrug but anyways....Thanks for reading :D
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visaphuongdong-blog · 6 years
Những địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản  đẹp NHẤT
Hàng năm tại Nhật Bản, khi thời điểm hoa anh đào bắt đầu nở rộ cũng chính là lúc mà lượt khách du lịch kéo đến đất nước mặt trời mọc đông nhất. Nếu bạn đang băn khoăn không biết nên đến địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản nở đẹp nhất. Thì hãy tham khảo ngay những gợi ý dưới đây để không phải chen chúc trong đám đông hay chi trả cho những chiếc vé đắt đỏ nhé.
1. Ngắm hoa anh đào tại công viên Funaoka Joshi
Một địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản đầu tiên mà visa Phương Đông muốn gợi ý đến quý bạn đọc chính là công viên Funaoka Joshi bên bờ sông Shiroishigawa. Với khoảng 1000 cây hoa anh đào nở tuyệt đẹp vào khoảng thời gian từ đầu tháng 4 – giữa tháng 4. Bạn chỉ cần chi trả khoảng 500 yên cho phí xe lửa và đi lên đỉnh núi để trải nghiệm cảm giác như “trong mơ”khi được đi ngang qua đường hầm hoa anh đào.
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Và điều tuyệt vời hơn là khi đến với công viên, mong ước được chiêm ngưỡng vẻ đẹp của loài hoa anh đào nổi tiếng khắp thế giới. Ngoài chi phí cho xe lửa lửa nêu trên, bạn sẽ không phải tốn thêm bất cứ một khoản phí nào khác. Bởi công viên Funaoka Joshi cho phép vào cổng miễn phí và bạn chỉ mất khoảng 15 phút đi từ ga JR Funaoka Station để đến được công viên.
2. Sông Okawa
Thuộc thành phố Osaka chảy qua quận Miyakojima và quận Kita, sông Okawa được xem là một trong những địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản nở thu hút rất đông khách du lịch. Với khoảng 4.800 cây hoa anh đào được trồng quanh cầu Tenmabashi đến cầu Sakuranomiyabishi. Bạn có thể thỏa thích ngắm hoa anh đào và cũng là địa điểm lý tưởng để cho ra đời những bức hình tuyệt đẹp.
3. Khu vực Tohoku (đông bắc Nhật Bản)
Một địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản nở lý tưởng dành cho những ai không có thời gian du lịch vào tháng 3 – tháng 4. Bởi hoa anh đào tại Tohoku nở khá muộn từ đầu tháng 4 – đầu tháng 5.
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Điểm đặc biệt khiến Tohoku thu hút khách du lịch là có họ có thể ngắm hoa anh đào nở và tuyết rơi cùng một lúc. Sẽ không phải dành quá nhiều lời khen ngợi đối với cảnh sắc tuyệt đẹp này nữa đúng không? Vậy thì sẽ chẳng còn chần chừ gì nữa mà không đến với Tohoku thôi. Bạn có thể đến đây bằng tàu Shinkansen tại Tokyo.
4. Công viên Sumida
Là một địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào nở nổi tiếng tại Nhật Bản. Tại đây, bạn không chỉ có cơ hội ngắm hoa nở rợp trời mà còn được hòa mình vào lễ hội hoa anh đào được người dân nơi đây vô cùng mong đợi.
Khu vực được đông đảo du khách lựa chọn dừng chân tại công viên Sumida là giữa cầu Azumabashi và Sakurabashi với hơn 640 cây hoa anh đào nằm dọc bên sông. Điểm đặc biệt hơn nữa là địa điểm này hướng góc nhìn đến với Tokyo Skytree. Nơi mà khi màn đêm buông xuống sẽ được thắp sáng lung linh tạo nên khung cảnh vô cùng lộng lẫy và lãng mạn.
5. Hitome Senbon Zakura
Thuộc thị trấn Ogawaracho, Hitome Senbon Zakura được bình chọn là địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào bậc nhất tại Nhật Bản. Với khoảng 1200 cây hoa anh đào nở rộ vào đầu tháng 4 – giữa tháng 4 kéo dài hơn 8km dọc theo bờ sông Shiroishigawa. Cùng với đó là bóng dáng hùng vĩ của dãy núi Zao phủ tuyết trắng xóa. Khung cảnh đẹp như tranh này sẽ khiến bạn lưu luyến mãi mà không muốn rời đi.
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Bạn hãy yên tâm là tại Hitome Senbon Zakura không bán vé vào cổng và có thể dễ dàng đến đây chỉ với 3 phút đi bộ từ ga JR Ogawara Station thôi nhé.
6. Công viên Senkoji
Địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản nở nổi tiếng không kém chính là công viên Senkoji. Thuộc tỉnh Hiroshima, công viên Senkoji được xây dựng vào năm 1894 với hơn 10.000 cây hoa anh đào, một con số khủng khiến bất cứ du khách nào khi đặt chân đến đây cũng vô cùng bất ngờ.
Thời điểm hoa nở đẹp nhất tại khu vực này chính là từ đầu tháng 4. Đến với Senkoji bạn sẽ được chiêm ngưỡng các giống cây anh đào như: Somei-yoshino, anh đào nhánh rũ (shidare) và hoa đào Sato. Đến đây, cũng là dịp để bạn tận hưởng khung cảnh tráng lệ của thành phố Onomichi, bảo tàng nghệ thuật thành phố, con đường văn học Bungaku-no-komichi.
7. Công viên Hanamiyama
Nếu trong những địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào nở tại Nhật Bản mà không nhắc đến công viên Hanamiyama quả là một thiếu sót rất lớn. Nơi đây được ví von là ngọn đồi hoa đẹp nhất nước Nhật.
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Công viên nằm trên một ngọn đồi thấp, do đó khi băng qua những ngọn đồi để đến với Hanamiyama. Bạn sẽ có cảm giác như mình đang lạc vào một thiên đường hoa rực rỡ. Với hơn 10 giống hoa anh đào nở rộ vào những thời điểm khác nhau. Nếu đến đây vào tháng 4 sẽ là dịp để bạn chiêm ngưỡng hoa anh đào màu hồng nhạt, hoa mận màu hồng đậm và hoa mai Mỹ Forsythia màu vàng.
Để đến với công viên Hanamiyama bạn chỉ mất khoảng 15 phút đi xe bus từ ga JR Fukushima và 10 phút đi bộ từ trạm xe bus. Ngoài ra ở đây cũng sẽ cho du khách vào tham quan tự do mà không thu phí.
Với những gợi ý cho địa điểm ngắm hoa anh đào Nhật Bản nở nêu trên. Visa Phương Đông hy vọng bạn sẽ có được cho mình những sự lựa chọn thật thú vị cho chuyến đi sắp tới. Nếu bạn đang cần tìm một công ty làm visa để hỗ trợ bạn các bước chuẩn bị hồ sơ xin visa Nhật Bản. Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi hôm nay nhé.
Công ty CP Dịch vụ Thương mại Oriental
Địa chỉ: Tầng 2, 14A Sông Đà, Phường 2, Quận Tân Bình, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh.
Hotline: 094 189 6226.
Điện thoại bàn: (0283) 636 1971.
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figureskate-en · 7 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato ... title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND MEFLOQUINE IN PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM ISOLATES FROM THAI-MYANMAR BORDER},
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jculture-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND …
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polar-stars · 7 years
Do you have any 90th or 91st next gen kids (for the meme or your general headcanons)?
Anon ! First, I want to apologize for answering so ridiculously late
And second….Yeah, I kinda have…But they’re more of rough ideas and designs as of now and I truly have to work on the descendants of 90th and 91st Generation more….But since you asked so kindly and I am really happy that you did.
I’ll share what I’ve got so far
Terunori Kuga has two childs with Miyoko Hojo: Suzume Hojo and Takayuki Hojo. Suzume (114th Generation) is the older one of the two and she really loves her big sister status, believe me. She’s the president of the Chinese RS and real fun company…unless you make her angry. Because of being slightly scared of her, all of Chinese RS’ members obey her (she is a oblivious to that though). Suzume is also very overprotective about her brother, but at the same time frustrated with his bad temper and what he keeps up ending up in because of that. Also, she’s a feminist. Takayuki (115th Generation) is a lot more serious than Suzume, or at least he tries to be. But because of his mentioned bad temper, he often ends up looking a little bit ridiculous sometimes. It’s not rare to meet him in a bad mood, but none or less he is really passionate about his cuisine and the ace of the Chinese RS next to his sister. He may take some things a little too serious, but he can be awfully fun company as well when you get to know him. Both of them use real foul language a lot of times. 
Tosuke Megishima adopts a little girl who he names Kiyoko Megishima. She’s a kind and almost angelic little girl….who is awfully socially awkward and rather talks to birds than to actual humans (No Really, she loves nature). She does not attend Totsuki, but is a good chef none or less, whose Ramen warm people’s heart. 
Etsuya Eizan and Nene Kinokuni have three sons. The youngest of them is Kei Eizan (116th Generation), who doesn’t agrees at all agrees to his brother’s schemes. He is even rebelling against their Elite Ten Power and supports everyone who dares to go up against one of the two. Other than that he’s actually fun company with who you can joke around quite a lot. And then there’s Shigeo Eizan (114th Generation), who’s probably the biggest troublemaker of the three. He has quite much of the idea that he can do whatever he wants and looks down on plenty of people. Also money-loving. The oldest one, is probably the most dangerous one though. Masashi Eizan (113th Generation) is nearly disgusted by Totsuki’s colorful ways and swears on traditions. Despite following the law in each and every way and being stoic as hell, he’s still cold-hearted and won’t let anything stand in his way. And believe me, he’ll find away to remove you from screen without hurting any law. 
Somei Sato and Momo Akanegakubo have four daughters. They’re worked out the least and don’t even have names yet, I am more than sorry. The basic idea is that the three older girls are basically Momo, while the youngest one is basically Somei….yah.
Eishi Tsukasa and Rindou Kobayashi have two sons. And that’s all I am gonna say on that matter for now (Like…here I actually have stuff I could tell you…but I would basically spoil my fan fiction a lot and I don’t want that qwq) 
Thanks for asking and I hope I didn’t weirded one of you out too much. 
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figureskate-en · 7 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato ... title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND MEFLOQUINE IN PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM ISOLATES FROM THAI-MYANMAR BORDER},
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figureskate-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND ...
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jculture-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND …
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figureskate-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND ...
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jculture-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND …
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figureskate-en · 8 years
#Figureskate #KumikoSato [citeseerx.ist.psu.edu]MISC{Hatabu_invitro, author = {Toshimitsu Hatabu and Shin-ichiro Kawazu and Somei Kojima and Kumiko Sato and Pratap Singhasivanon and Sornchai Looareesuwan and Shigeyuki Kano}, title = {IN VITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC VARIATIONS FOR CHLOROQUINE AND ...
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