#somehow I always forget they make the tub slippery
area51-escapee · 1 year
One of these days I’m going to end up in the ER for an actual serious injury, and it’s going to be because I cracked my head open trying to get into one of these damn oatmeal baths
0 notes
wynniewright · 4 years
In Harm’s Way (M)
→ This story is a part of the @bangtanshadowfamily “The Creatures of Moonlight Manor” Halloween collab!
→ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
→ Word Count: 4.8k
→ Genre: grim reaper au, halloween au, smut, lots of fluff, bit angsty
→ Summary: After fighting with her grim reaper boyfriend, Y/N decides to throw herself into a dangerous situations to get him to stop ignoring her.
→ Trigger Warnings: Mentions of attempted suicide (it’s not dark, think of when bella tried to get edward to save her so she kept doing stupid shit - it’s that), one time mention of a past near-death experience (not detailed, it’s just vaguely mentioned in the fluffy part), reader attempts suicide via toaster bath (with the intention of being saved by her supernatural, soul-reaping boyfriend). Please don’t read if these make you uncomfortable! 
→ Warnings: dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral (female), bit of impregnation kink, tae just wants to be a dad, reader makes stupid decisions, cum play, possible impregnation?, sex with pants on, fingering, lots of fluff and all that good stuff
→ A/N: Hello hello! Finally found the time to squeeze in this story in the middle of my full-time school and part-time work schedule. Sorry it took so long for another fic to post but here I am! I want to thank my amazing bangtan hq sprinting crew who helped motivate me to finish this @purpletigertaetae @nightowls388 @shadowsremedy @wwilloww. This story was supposed to be a lot darker and a whole lot more filthy than it turned out. Wasn’t supposed to be fluffy at all and somehow it turned real quick so I hope you enjoy. I’d also like to state that I’m not promoting suicide or slightly toxic relationships, this is a fictional story and the reader hasn’t died, isn’t dead, and won’t die, so the suicidal scene in this is not meant to be disturbing. If you’re not comfortable reading, please don’t. Alright, I love you all.~ Hope you enjoy.
The biggest struggle of dating Taehyung was that no guide, tutorial, or advice blog post could’ve prepared you for what it was going to be like to be in a relationship with him. I almost wished there were some sort of ‘how to’ on dating a grim reaper because no matter how much dating experience I had, being with him was like being in my first relationship again.
It was a little unconventional, sure. Date nights were always iffy since, apparently, reapers don’t need sleep and therefore are technically scheduled around the clock. Boy, there was nothing like us setting up a nice, stay-at-home dinner date when he’d suddenly kiss my cheek and disappear into thin air, only to come back a few minutes later and announce he’d taken another soul. I’ll be honest, it was a slight mood killer. 
But aside from his job description, Tae was a kind person. He didn’t seem to know exactly how to deal with human emotions, as his kind were strictly prohibited from having human-reaper relations and never had the opportunity to learn from us. But just because he didn’t know what emotions were, doesn’t mean he didn’t feel them. He was a sensitive guy, too.
I remembered the first time he cried. We were watching Marley & Me and I cried at the end like any other sane human being. Tae didn’t cry at all, in fact, knowing I was sad made him sad enough to tear up, even more so when he couldn’t get me to stop. That memory was one of my favorites purely because it was too wholesome to forget: a grim reaper crying because a girl was sad that a dog died in a movie. 
But like every other person in the world, not ever emotion was positive. 
Being much older than I, Taehyung didn’t really have moments where he got angry to the point of exploding in a fit. There wasn’t a situation where he ever passed that threshold, at least, not in front of me. The feelings Tae couldn’t quite grasp were hurt and jealousy. 
From his own words, he never loved anyone before me, and something I knew better than anyone was that jealousy and love were very closely intertwined. 
The first year we dated, I tried explaining to him what jealousy was, that even I felt it too in an attempt to teach him that he didn’t need to act on it. It was safe to say that it didn’t really work.
Over four and a half into our relationship together and Taehyung still chose to disappear whenever we got into a small petty argument that involved him taking something out of context and then not wanting to talk about it like the century old being that he was. 
In our most recent example, my best friend, Sam, called and told me that she was expecting her first baby. We cried a little and then spent the rest of the conversation talking about whose eyes they would have or which parent they would most resemble. Tae and I never talked about kids nor a future together, we just lived in every moment the two of us were given, so indulging on a new topic with Sam gave me the image of tiny Tae-Taes waddling across the wooden floor, matching their father’s bright, boxy grin as they giggled. 
I made one comment - one! I told her how I’d love to have mini-Taehyungs running about the place and that I was so excited to meet her little Sam. Somehow, he took that and ran with it.
He didn’t bother letting me speak, pulling the usual disappearing act he always resorted to when he was upset and didn’t want to properly face his feelings in the moment. I thought it would pass like all the rest, but something changed. 
Hours passed and he never came to check in on me. Days flew by and I hadn’t heard from him. I wanted for him to come by, swallowing my pride and shouting at the empty air in hopes he was listening, to no avail. Nothing worked. 
After two weeks of being ignored and left without so much as a trace, I decided to do what any normal girl would do to seek out her boyfriend’s attention.
I needed to kill myself. 
I didn’t want to die, by any means. Tae knew how close I’d come to death a few too many times, but if I was going to get his attention back on me, I needed to attempt something stupid. Not only did it have to be stupid, it also had to be believable. I needed to convince him that I was going to die and hope he’d rescue me just in time.
I knew it wasn’t a good plan to start off with but it was the only thing I could come up with to get him to focus on me. The only reason I even thought of such a stupid idea was because I knew he’d never let me actually die. He saved me once and I was willing to bet he’d save me again and this time my life was actually on the line.
All that being said, I’ll regurgitate that it wasn’t the brightest idea I’d ever had. 
What if he’d decided to have someone else cover me? What if the one time he decided he didn’t want to see me again, he passed the job on to someone else and they just let it go?
I shivered with that thought fresh in my mind. To say I was scared was a gross understatement, the thought of all the ways this could go bad were enough to paralyze me with fear. There was only one reason I stood there in our master bathroom with a bath full of water and a toaster in my hands, already plugged in and ready for me to drop it in.
If I wanted him to talk to me, I had to force him to keep me out of harm’s way.
Nervousness nagged at the back of my mind, heart beating a million miles a minute against my ribcage, forcing me to take a deep inhale of fresh air, even if it was only to calm my nerves for a few seconds. A few seconds was enough to release my grip and pray that Tae would be there to rescue me.
With a last shake of my head, I thought up a quick “I love you” to the universe as if the universe would deliver my message to my friends and family if things didn’t go as planned. And with that, I dropped the small appliance.
The moment it slipped from my fingers, I clenched my eyes tight and waited for the shock to ripple through my body in powerful waves, but nothing came. In fact, time itself seemed to slow down as a large clanging against the wall forced my eyes open, right as a tall, dark figure wrapped an arm around my waist and yanked me out of the tub to press me against the wall adjacent. 
Taehyung stood there, fuming in anger as his gaze bored into mine, hands gripping tightly to me and keeping me pressed against the wall, though I’m not sure if he was holding onto me to keep me steady or if he was preparing to murder me where I stood. To be fair, if it wasn’t for his hold on me, I would’ve slipped against the tile floor that puddled with the water leaking from the bottom half of my jeans. I added a mental note to myself that next time I do something like that again, I should prepare for it to actually work and actually wear a pair of shorts or something. But another problem for another time.
The sheer force in which Taehyung’s eyes glared into mine would normally have made me cower. But knowing I had to do something that stupid just to get him to talk to me again filled me with a burning anger that I didn’t know I had within me. With that newfound anger, I pushed back against his chest, my hands rebounding off his chest without moving him in the slightest. He dropped his hold on me and I stepped forward, my foot catching a slippery tile and making me bang my back against the wall roughly. A sharp pain shot through my back and Tae softened for a  moment, reaching out again to steady me before I finally exploded.
“No. Don’t touch me! I don’t even know where to begin right now!” I defiantly shoved his hands away from my body and crossed my arms over my chest once I balanced out a bit. 
“You? You?! The fuck did I do?” He argued, waving his hands in the air as if his gestures were defence enough for his stupid inhuman reactions.
“Oh, so you’re going to play stupid now, is that it? Really?” I barked, taking a step forward and poking a finger right against his tight chest. “I don’t know. How about the fact that you just walked out on me and never came back? What happened to having a normal fucking conversation like an adult?” He received a poke to his clothed peck with every word to emphasize what he’d done wrong.
Annoyed with me prodding at him in frustration, he grabbed my wrist at my last poke, holding my arm away from him and resumed the glaring. “You’re making this about me now? Are you going to completely ignore the fact that you almost just fried yourself? What the fuck were you thinking?!” He raised his voice, something he didn’t do often, and I naturally shied away from the loudness of his voice to keep my ears from ringing.
“Well I wouldn't have needed to do that had you come back to talk! Of course I tried to get your attention. I love you, you fucking moron,” I grunted, voice cracking at the end as tears instantly sprang to my eyes. Willing them away, I stood my ground and met Tae’s heated gaze with an unwavering one of my own. I wasn’t the one in the wrong. 
“We did talk. Yeah I left, but I did that after I said things weren’t going to work out between us.”
He wasn’t wrong. He did technically say that but it was spoken like a passive statement made in anger, a second before he disappeared to wherever the fuck he went to whenever he was upset with me. So I was just supposed to accept that was it after four and a half years and no idea what broke the two of us. Fuck that, he meant too much to me.
“I don’t understand why you keep saying that. I made one comment - one! - about kids to Sam and now you’re dead-set on not being with me? Why are you so angry about that?” My words came out in a pained whisper as I pleaded with him. I just wanted a response back, to know what was hurting him so I could try and fix it. 
His eyes shifted from mine repetitively, searching my face for something before he mumbled out, “Because I can’t give that to you.”
I froze, all but my heart coming to a halt as I processed his words. He couldn’t give that to me… Kids?
I couldn’t help the frown that framed my lips as his face morphed into one of discomfort, grimacing at himself. A pang of guilt smacked me right in the chest as his face fell. All of it began to make sense and I wasn’t sure if I made things better or worse by doing what I did.
“Tae…” I started, mouth agape as I tried to form some sort of response but I couldn’t think of one at that moment.
He straightened himself out and all visible evidence of his emotional expression was wiped clean off his features. “I can’t give you kids,” he repeated clearly, seemingly more for himself than for me.
Pride swelled up in me and I reached out to wrap my arms around his midsection to hug him close.
“Baby,” I cooed, a fresh wave of tears threatening to soak into his soft cotton shirt as I smothered my face against him, taking in his scent and his warmth. He returned the embrace, tightly hugging me back with his nose buried atop my head.
“You’re not mad at me,” he mumbled thoughtfully.
I shook my head against him, squeezing him that much tighter to reassure him. “I figured it wasn’t biologically possible, but there are plenty of ways for couples to have kids when they otherwise can’t themselves.”
I imagined his brows furrowing as he turned his head, resting the side of his plump cheek on top of my hair. “I don’t understand.”
Pulling back, I tilted my head to look him in the eyes and smiled supportively. Our kids don’t have to look like either of us to be ‘little Taehyungs’ or little ‘Y/Ns’.” I leaned back further and pressed my chin against the center of his chest, humming as he readjusted his embrace around me. “I’ll see you in the way they smile or laugh, all those little idiosyncrasies they pick up from you that make them you kids.”
Tae blinked with a blank expression on his face, staring me down without so much as a response to follow up. The longer he went without responding, the stronger my heart pounded in my chest. 
We never had any serious talks like that before because everything about our relationship was too complicated. Marriage and families weren’t even on our mind, at least not on mine until Sam was getting her own, and suddenly I realized how I’d love to have a family with Taehyung, no matter how unconventional. But there’s a chance that could’ve just been me. Maybe it was too early to be talking about that so Tae didn’t really have an opinion since he couldn’t have kids. Maybe he was trying not to hurt my feelings? God, I broke him.
I cleared my throat and opening my mouth to talk when he cut me off. “So you’re not mad that I…. you’re okay with it?”
“Of course I’m okay with it. Sure, I’m a teenie but sad they probably won’t have your boxy grin or your cute little nose freckle, but our kids would be cute regardless.” The anxiety I had towards his response was no longer a thought in my mind as I suddenly grinned, punctuating my statement with a kiss on his chin, which he playfully returned. But he didn’t stop there. Strong hands gripped the back of my thighs and urged me to jump, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist as he pushed us up against the wall once more, chaste kisses littered across the length of my face. Each peck tickled, giggles pouring past my lips as I scrunched my nose up and took all the comfort he gave. Lips trailed down my neck before he buried his face in the crook of my collarbone, happily sighing against ym skin with a happy hum.
The smile on my lips pinched at my cheeks, making my face ache with the strength of my happiness alone. I never knew he’d have such a human response to something like kids. It made my heart flutter to know that’s where his heart and mind were, that he wasn’t actually mad at me.
With determination, he pushed us off of the bathroom wall and opened the door to our shared bedroom, carrying me to the bed where he motioned to put me down.
“Babe, my pants are still wet,” I reminded him, to which he nodded and set me down a foot or so away to stand in front of him.
“Well, we’re going to solve that,” he quipped, reaching down between us to fumble with the button and zipper on my jeans while I grinned up at him. It wasn’t what I had in mind when planning this out but I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain.
He had a few issues with the clasping mechanics of my pants, a regular issue he was faced with, and grunted in irritation. I giggled, brushing back the long strands of hair behind his ear before a loud ripping sound pulled my attention.
“Baby! These are my favorite jeans!” I screeched at Taehyung, lips pouting as I admired the fresh rip down the center of the jeans that paralleled the zipper. You know, the zipper he could’ve just undone.
Lips pressed to my forehead as a chuckle rippled through his chest. “Not anymore, they’re not.” He meant it to tease but I still glared at him, not finding it in me to laugh at the expense of my favorite pair of jeans. “Sorry, I’ll buy you new ones,” he offered in a light-hearted tone, making me roll my eyes and return the kiss to his chin.
Lean fingers dipped into the waistband of my jeans, tugging them down my hips until they passed the curve of my ass. But the material from the thigh down was still sopping wet and made it even more entertaining to watch him struggle to slide the denim down my legs, coaxing another giggle from me.
“Fuck, why is this so difficult?” Tae let out a soft groan, giving up on his quest of removing the wet article and instead closing the distance between us, lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss.
“What about my pants? Not going to rip them all the way?” I wriggled my eyebrows and laughed when he rolled his eyes back.
“Pants or no pants, I’m still fucking you into the mattress.” His voice dripped with heat, his tone comparing to sex itself, sensual and deep, which made the words shoot straight down to my core.
As promised, he stalked towards me until the back of my knees pressed up against the edge of the bed. He didn’t miss a beat, cupping my face with his large palms and pulling me into a deep kiss that took away what little breath I had after his sexy statement. His tongue skimmed over the seam of my mouth, canines digging into the flesh of my bottom lip as he gave me that final push back onto the bed, lowering me down with a steady hold on my back until I was flush against the mattress with him hovering above me. Mouths lavished over one another, pulling the other into each other as far as our bodies would let us until the lack of oxygen forced me to pull away for a moment.
I wasted no time in pulling the white shirt from his black dress slacks, untucking his usual orderly work clothes so I could dip my hand under the smooth material to feel his bare warmth against my fingers. Each little divot and bulge across his stomach only added to the arousal gathering between my legs, allowing my fingers to explore the clothed spaced with the image of him naked on my mind.
The thought of that alone drove me mad, thighs instinctively rubbing together to relieve some of the pent up pressure. But doing so only reminded me of the pants I still had clinging to the lower part of my legs, the tight and uncomfortable sticky feeling causing a slight bubble of irritation to well up within me.
“Bab-” I started, cut off by Tae’s lips roughly soothing over mine with a kiss deeper than the one before it. It was his mission to explore my mouth, delving deep inside to slide his tongue along mine in a dance for passion, not power. There was no struggle in the kiss, which was different - a good different that made my heart beat just a little bit harder for him.
“Sh, ignore the pants,” Taehyung whispered against my lips and I had to force down the eyeroll that almost surfaced at such a dismissive response.
As I was about to protest further, Tae parted from the kiss and pushed himself from the bed, kneeling down on the floor and pushing my legs up until they tucked up to my chest to expose my clothed core for his eyes to feast on. The tip of his tongue swiped across his lips before he dove down, pushing my panties out of the way to dip a finger shallowly into my sopping heat. I moaned softly, holding onto my ruined jeans with one hand and sneaking the other around to his head, intertwining my fingers in his soft, chestnut locks.
Without warning, Tae pushed his finger in to the knuckle and lowered his head to hungrily lap at my clip over my already soaked underwear, ripping a moan forcefully from my throat. He moaned in return, any noise that left my mouth only adding to his determination to work me up and get me as wet as inhumanly possible. He sped up his pace, curling the tip of his finger to stroke the pad of his fingertip along the rough patch at the top, the spot that made my mind go blank and left me a mumbling mess for him to please. He always knew how to hit the right place, each and every time together was spent as a new learning experience for him to map out and worship my body as I did his.
A few pumps later, Tae placed a sloppy, wet kiss along the inside of my thigh before adding a finger to the one already thrusting into my cunt at a moderate pace. The stretch burned despite how slender his fingers were, always filling me up nicely. Brushing against a particular spot deep within me, I was left gasping for air, tugging the strands at the top of his head as I attempted to buck my hips against his hand to meet each of his thrusts, my sopping pussy tembling around his fingers.
“Fuck, baby. You always take me so fucking well,” he praised, leaving a few stray kisses along my thigh to accompany the faster pace he’d set, working his fingers into me as if he could do it all fucking night long.
“Mmh, Tae,” I groaned, abandoning the grip on my legs to ground myself against the duvet underneath.
“What, baby? What do you want?” Rougher kisses were pressed into the length of my thigh and along my wet mound, tongue practically dancing everywhere but my clit to tease me.
“Tae-Tae, I want you in me. Please.”
Despite the urgency in my request, Tae peeked around my legs with a softened look, eyes kind as his body smile outshines the gloss of arousal painting his lips and chin.
“Yeah? Where do you want me, baby? Here?” He asked with a slide of his fingers across my g-spot, causing my thighs to quake as I fought off the softest hint of an orgasm. I nodded and begged him for his cock while he rubbed the remainder of my slick from his face and onto his sleeve, towering over me once again as he climbed up the bed once again, having stripped himself of his clothes. The heat returned to his gaze as he devoured my body with his eyes, not needed for me to be naked in order to let his imagination run wild. 
Leaving a soft kiss against my lips, he pushed back to sit on his knees and lifted my legs up until my feet rested against the top of his shoulder. The position we were in gave him the perfect view of my ruined panties, his eyes lit up with a heat unlike anything I’d ever seen from him before as he traced the material with his fingertip. 
“You want me to fuck a baby into you?” He asked, fighting the blush that creeped up his neck and into his ears as he stayed locked onto my clothed pussy. 
His words made me giddy, the thought of him fucking me and getting me pregnant with his child adding fuel to our very passionate fire. “Please, I want your baby, Tae,” I whined. He dragged his cockhead against my clothed core, earning a grunt from us both. With a push of my panties to the side and a gentle rock of his hips against my own, the entirety of his cock slid into me, walls protested the stretch his thick girth gave despite the prep, drawing a synchronized moan from us. 
“Oh fuck, babe,” I groaned, fisting the sheets beneath me as his grip aropund my legs tightened. He stilled when the last inch of his cock sank into me, the tremble in his breath telling me he felt the tightness in this position too. Without warning, he dragged his hips back, exposing everything but the tip of his cock before he quickly thrusted back in. 
He continued his languid pace while pressing open kisses to my foot just beneath the hem of the jeans, nails raking against the flesh of my thigh before his eyes flickered down to me. 
I gasped when he adjusted the angle of his hips and targeted my g-spot without miss, setting a punishing pace with his hips as he suddenly drove his cock into me roughly. I moaned out, teeth capturing my bottom lip to contain the sounds his actions were tearing from my throat. 
With a grunt, Tae switched our positions, lowering himself down until his shoulders nestled in the hollow of my knees, face ducking down to pull my lips into a kiss as he resumed his powerful thrusts into my aching pussy.
The new position had every part of my body humming in happiness, the surface of my flesh tingling with each thrust he gave until my eyes shut. Our lips danced together, tongues stealing tastes of one another as the little sounds we made were muted by the other. I fisted a hand in his sweaty hair, using the brunette strands to ground me against his assault against my hips. I tried to meet his thrusts, but the awkward position left me lying there, unable to move, as I took his cock as he gave it. 
I tightened around him, loving the way I felt every ridge of his thick length as it disappeared from my cunt and pushed back inside to hit me in all the right places. After so many thrusts against that spot deep within me, a pressure built up in my lower stomach that burned, growing in size with each pump of his cock until I whined, needing pressure on my clit to push me over that final edge.
Knowing exactly what I wanted, he snuck a hand between us and used the slick on my thighs to wet his thumb before swiping rigorously against my sensitive clit. I mewled in pleasure at the contact, throwing my head back and parting our lips as loud whines and moans leaked from my mouth. It was almost too much, the combination of his hand and his cock throwing me over the edge faster than I could ever get myself off, pushing me over that ledge and into my orgasm. 
I mumbled incoherently as my spasming cunt only drove Taehyung to ride out into his own orgasm, continuing his brutal pace until his cock twitched and stilled inside me, filling me to the brim with his seed.
We stayed that way for a few minutes, taking the time to catch our breaths and return to reality. My body protested him pulling his limp cock from my oversensitive hole, making me grimace. When he pulled back and released my legs from his grip, I groaned at the stiffness in my legs from being in that position for a while, but completely forgot about that as goosebumps fluttered over my skin and brought my attention back down to the soaked jeans I still had on my body. 
Taehyung noticed my shivering and gave a small laugh, deciding to help me out and finally rip each of the legs until the material wasn’t too tight to remove. Sticking to the stripping, I took off my top and unclasped my bra, flinging both across the room to deal with later as Tae stood at the edge of our bed, between my legs. His eyes locked onto the cum dripping from my pussy and he couldn’t contain a grin as he reached forward and swiped a drop up onto his finger to push it back inside of me. 
“Well, at least we’ll know for sure,” Tae murmured to himself. 
“Hm?” I hummed, reaching out with grabby hands for him to come join me on the bed, which he did with a soft smile and a peck to the nose.
“I’ve always assumed we can’t have kids. I guess now we’ll figure out whether I was right or wrong.”
269 notes · View notes
thatshankcallednewt · 4 years
TMR Time Loop/Groundhog Day Soulmate AU: Newt - Prettier Than Last Time: Part Three (Final)
You could hardly sleep. When you woke up, you practically bolted out of your bedroom and showered infinitely quicker than usual. You were nervous, to say the least. Way more nervous than yesterday. You were so distracted, you almost fell over in the shower, your feet sliding over the slippery tiles.
You did things as usual, got dressed and brewed a cup of coffee. But time seemed to go slower than usual. You were taking quick, distracted mouthfuls of it once it was done and, in your cup, when you heard your mom drop her tub of moisturizer down the stairs again. It thumped three times and rolled once it had reached the wooden floorboards, and she gasped and almost cursed, as usual, until she called out, “Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m awake!” you called back, knowing that was what she wanted to know. You were already almost finished with your cup of coffee.
“That all you’re having?” she repeated, coming into the kitchen, fully dressed. And like last time, she headed towards the refrigerator. “You know—”
“I know, food in the fridge. Just not hungry,” you said, as you double-checked that it was Tuesday by looking at the date on your lock screen. Tuesday it was.
She stopped in front of the fridge, hand at the ready. Then she turned away from it to grab the banana. “You can’t think without fuel—”
“I know,” you interrupted, putting your phone down, “I can’t get fuel from coffee, but that banana won’t get eaten, and you know it.”
Your mom stopped reaching for the banana as you said this and dropped her arm by her side. She squinted at you. “You’re acting really… strange.”
“Well,” you started, finishing the last mouthful of your drink, “You could argue that this is the most important day of my life.”
She frowned. She crossed her arms over her chest, her pointed stare trying to figure you out. “What, you’ve got that test today or something? It’s just a math test—”
“It’s tomorrow, and I’m not worried about that one bit,” you smiled, reaching for your bag. You’d be a bit early to the bus stop, but there was no point in hanging around listening to the same conversation a third time. “I better get going.”
“Oh, uh, okay,” she stuttered, watching you as you headed for the front door, “have a good day!”
You smiled.
You’d spent your extra time this morning looking for him. But you couldn’t see him. You found Minho and Thomas, but the blond headed boy just wasn’t around. You searched hallways and lockers you hardly ever passed, assuming you’d never met because of differing schedules and locker locations. But that wasn’t the case.
Or at least, you were starting to think it wasn’t, because you couldn’t even find him in any of the school yearbooks in the library. Did he exist at all?
By the time you got to the cafeteria, deciding that spending your break in the library pawing over more yearbooks would be pointless, you were a nervous wreck. You’d see him at the field today for sure, but you at least wanted to know his name first. You couldn’t even find that.
“So,” Brenda said, tucking her short hair behind her ear, “You’re still gonna be at the track meet today after school, right?” She was eating fries again.
Teresa sat down beside her, sandwich in hand. “Of course, she’s going, we all are.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, too nervous to eat. “I’ll be there.”
“It’s going to be great!” Brenda said excitedly, just like the first Tuesday, and Teresa harassed her for only wanting to go to see Minho in action, to which kicked off their usual argument.
You glanced at the doors just in case, you didn’t remember seeing him in the cafeteria both times but maybe you missed him. You spotted Minho and Thomas though, eating at a table not too far away. Brenda would sneak occasional glances at Minho, something you didn’t notice any of the other times.
Most days, Teresa would go sit with Thomas. Or Thomas would come over here. And Brenda would get all flustered because if Thomas came over here then Minho would follow. You blinked, almost frowning, as you realized that never any of those times did you notice a blond British boy in tow.
“Y/N? Hello?” Brenda suddenly said, which broke you from your thoughts. You turned to look at her.
Brenda laughed, glancing at Teresa, “Looking for someone?”
“Maybe,” you said quietly.
Teresa frowned.
“Well, okay,” Brenda said, humorously, “Anyway, as I was just saying… maybe we can find you a cute guy at the track meet today?”
“Sure,” you muttered, not really thinking. You were starting to feel anxious. When you saw him, face-to-face, would you really go up to him? You were starting to feel so scared of meeting him properly that your hands shook, and your palms were sweaty.
“Really?” Brenda practically gasped, looking to Teresa who stared at you with suspicious eyes. She knew something was up. Brenda, however, was excited to finally get you a boy, though of course you wouldn’t actually let her. “Rachel always knows who’s single, so I could ask her for you. Unless…”
You looked up at her at her sudden change int tone of voice, “Unless?”
“Unless you have someone in mind already?”
You stared at her a moment. “I don’t know yet.”
Teresa watched you carefully in silence, her blue eyes analytical.
But Brenda didn’t seem to care either way and went on about how she’d check in with Rachel and that you could make up your mind later.
“What happened to only caring about school and work and…” Teresa trailed off, checking the time on her phone. She’d have to leave for the lab soon.
You shrugged.
She shook her head, “You’re acting weird,” she concluded, and scooted her chair backwards so she could stand up. “I’ve got to head to the lab early, experiments and stuff.” She slipped her bag on, shoving her phone inside, “I’ll see you at the meet!” She turned towards the double-doors.
You stood up too, about to say goodbye to Brenda, when Teresa turned around and called out, “And Y/N?”
You looked over your shoulder at her, confused at this new interaction, “Yeah?”
She smiled, “Go get him.” She didn’t give you time to react, and you watched her in shock as she left the cafeteria.
“Am I missing something?” Brenda questioned, interrupting your disbelief.
You shook your head, “I’ve got no idea,” you packed your food back into your bag and slung the straps over your shoulders. You said goodbye and smiled to yourself as you headed for the exit, shaking your head. Of course, she’d know. Teresa was already smart. But she’d been through it before, the whole soulmate ordeal. You didn’t feel too guilty about not letting Brenda know yet, you’d tell her all about it once this day was over.
You were lost in thought as you opened the double doors, and immediately bumped into someone as they were coming in. You stopped, always forgetting this moment before it was too late. “Sorry,” you said, as reflex, and looked up into the eyes of the brown eyed, blond boy who was supposedly your soulmate.
Your eyes widened and you choked back a small gasp.
He shook his head, tucking a blond curl behind his ear, “Don’t be, I wasn’t really paying attention to where…” he tilted his head, blinking, “to where I was going,” he finished, quietly. He was wearing the same denim, wool-lined jacket, and black jeans. His accent and his eyes on you made your cheeks flush; he really was cute.
Your mouth was dry. You tried swallowing but it was no use. This was the moment. The moment, you repeated to yourself, but what were you supposed to say again? You panicked, and laughed, “Neither was I.”
He smiled and it melted your heart. But what if he wasn’t the one?
You opened your mouth and stopped yourself, squeezing the strap on your shoulder, you frowned. That’s it! The sunset—
“The sunset,” you blurted out all of a sudden, nervous and cheeks heated. He looked at you, curiously. And for some reason, some stupid reason, you continued, “It’s –uh,” you paused, swallowing, watching his eyes grow confused, “it’s even prettier than last time…?”
After you’d said it, you wanted to curl up and cry.
He looked at you a moment, his brown eyes studying yours. “Sorry, love?”
“Nothing!” you almost yelled and dodged past him before he could say anything else, or before you could say anything else. You were so embarrassed; you couldn’t think straight. You passed your class without even realizing and somehow made it into one of the open courtyards. You forced yourself to stop walking, which led to pacing nervously instead. You could have facepalmed, you felt so stupid. The moment repeated over and over in your head.
You looked up as you heard the voice call out your name and met eyes with Teresa’s. You sighed shakily but couldn’t help the few tears that sprung to your eyes. “Teresa,” was all you could manage.
“You okay?” she asked, walking over to you. She was still wearing her lab coat and her science goggles hung around her neck. She frowned and touched your shoulder, “What happened?”
“I made a mistake,” you said, shaking your head. “I thought…”
She watched you carefully, “You thought you knew who… he was?”
You nodded. You sat down on one of the outdoor tables. You probably looked so embarrassed and pathetic, but you couldn’t help it, you didn’t know how to deal with all of this. You didn’t want to mess it up, yet here you were, making a complete mess of it anyway.
“I thought I knew him and… I guess I was wrong.”
“Did you ask him?” she said, sitting down beside you.
You couldn’t look her in the eyes, instead, you stared at your hands which sat in your lap. “No, I didn’t. I said something I thought he’d get, you know, from one of the other days but…” you sighed, huffing with frustration. “I thought he was the one! Teresa,” you almost choked, “I… wanted it to be him…”
Teresa shook her head, sighing. She didn’t seem worried or concerned in the slightest, in fact, it seemed she had a small smile curling at her lips, “For God’s sake, Y/N.”
You stared hard at her, wiping the few speckles of tears from the corners of your eyes, “What?”
“If you want it to be him then it probably is him!” she answered, exasperated. You stared at her, confused. She rolled her eyes, “Look, when I was at the dance trying to find my stupid soulmate,” she sighed, “I tried being subtle. But boys are stupid, Y/N!”
You laughed, shaking your head, “So, what did you do?”
She thought a moment, her voice quieter than before, “I wanted it to be Thomas. After a while, I started noticing more and more things about him. Things that made sense, things that I liked. But we never spoke. Except for the one time, when he would hold the door open for me and I would say thanks.”
“I tried hinting at it,” she continued, fiddling with her pen, “but it was no use. He was thick,” she rolled her eyes, “or just nervous, like me. I got fed up with it all and didn’t wanna live another day of it, so when I got to the dance, I outright asked him.”
Your eyes widened, “You did?”
“Yeah,” she said. “When I got there, and he held the door open for me. I asked if he was my soulmate. He looked at me like I was crazy, and I almost regretted it but then he nodded.” She smiled at the memory, and you thought it cute. “I asked him if he thought it was me and he said, ‘Why do you think I kept holding the door open for you?’, stupid.”
You laughed, shaking your head. It was such a Thomas thing to do. “So, what… you’re saying I should just ask him?”
Teresa nodded, smiling. “You’ll never know until you know. Then this whole mess will be over, and you can finally make it to Wednesday. Besides, if it isn’t him, he won’t remember after today resets.”
She was right. You suddenly felt confident and you nodded, “Alright.” You stood up from the table, “I think I will. I’ll find him at the race today, that’s where I know he’ll be next.” You hugged Teresa, “Thanks, T.”
“No worries,” she replied, standing up too. She smoothed out her coat, “Did you ever tell us?”
“No,” you answered, honestly.
“How come?”
You shook your head, sighing, “Guess I thought it might mess it up or something… but it seems like I’ve done a pretty good job of that all on my own.”
She smiled, soft, a little amused. You were glad to have her as a friend, she was always logical and calm, which was helpful in your chaotic little mind. She nodded towards her class, “Better get back to it, the bell will go soon.”
You waved her goodbye and headed for class, too. The nerves were still there but now they pushed more for excitement rather than horror and fear. This would be it, the final time you’d relive this day. You were never more excited to reach Wednesday in your whole life.
You practically ran for the field as soon as class let out. You didn’t bother much with the stuff in your locker and bag, you didn’t seem to care at all about the test tomorrow. Everything that always was priority suddenly felt unimportant.
There were still a lot of people around by the time you got there, of course, just like the other times. You knew where your friends would be, by the railing, waiting for Minho’s race to start. But of course, they could wait.
The whistles and shouting seemed to drown out as you concentrated. But you couldn’t spot the blond guy anywhere. You scanned the crowds from far away, but groups were spread out all over the field, both competitors and spectators alike. It was hard to keep track. You remembered he was wearing a denim jacket and black jeans; you thought it would help distinguish him from the crowd, but it was almost no use.
You started walking towards your friends after some time went by. But then you realized that he might be heading over to the kiosk again; when you bumped into him that time and first noticed his accent and blond hair. You stopped in your tracks, turning your head immediately in the direction of the snack bar. You couldn’t see much of a line, but you began walking over there anyway. Your pace quickened as you felt butterflies in your stomach. You were practically running, weaving around and through groups of students, but slowed to a stop when you reached the small shed-like compartment. Staff and volunteer students were bustling about, people were just beginning to line up for fresh, hot donuts. You couldn’t see him waiting around, so maybe you were early.
You turned from the line quickly, to look out in the direction of where you remembered he had come from the first time and smacked right into someone. “I’m sorry!” you said quickly, without really looking at who. You were about to walk off when he spoke.
“You!” he said, out of breath. He was shaking his head, “You know how long I’ve been runnin’ around here looking for you?”
You stopped, turned, and met eyes with the brown-eyed, blond stranger. You blinked. “L-Looking for me?”
“What you said earlier,” he breathed, straightening as he gulped down air. He eyed you, a small smile curled his lips, “I’m such an idiot.”
You stared at him, as if you were in shock.
He blinked, suddenly nervous, “You know, the sunset, the—”
“I know,” you breathed, nodding your head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get it when you said it, I just—”
“Didn’t expect me?” you asked.
He blinked. Running a nervous hand through his hair, his eyes dropped to his shoes, “Nah, not like that. I—” he looked up at you again, “I was surprised you’d said it. I guess… I guess I didn’t expect it to be you, but not because I don’t know who you are.”
You frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Y/N, right?” he asked. His voice was soft and still a little nervous.
He smiled, his eyes were kind, “I like it, for the record.” He glanced at the race as the starter pistol echoed and it began, but quickly looked back at you, “I promise I’m not a creepy stalker or anything, I’ve just been doing the same thing almost three times now and I noticed your name badge yesterday.”
“My…?” you were surprised to say the least. You thought back to each work shift but couldn’t place his face in any of those memories, except until after you’d finished and already had your uniform folded up and put in your bag. “You were at Joe’s Diner?”
He laughed a little, and you liked the way his eyes smiled. He suddenly feigned hurt by placing a hand over his heart as if it had been damaged by your words, “You didn’t notice me?”
“I—” you sighed, “I was just real busy…”
“It’s fine,” he said, “I noticed. You were running about, all frazzled.”
“I hope not too frazzled,” you said, embarrassed.
“The cute kind,” he smiled. “My name is Newt, by the way,” he stuck out his hand for you to shake.
You blushed and shook his hand, “It’s good to meet you, finally. I saw you out the front of Joe’s… and I remembered you from bumping into you at the snack bar the first time.”
He chuckled, “Yeah, we’re quite the clumsy pair of soulmates, love. I would’ve stayed, too, to help you with the food you dropped but the bloody race started… Minho would’ve cracked a fit if I missed it. Guess he still will, since today won’t reset again,” he said, in realization.
“We can pretend you watched the whole thing, with me as your witness,” you offered, smiling up at him.
“Cheers, that’d bloody save my ass.” He shook his head as you walked with him, closer to the track. “I can’t believe we missed each other that many times, despite bumping into one another… I looked for you yesterday at the snack bar but couldn’t see you.”
“You looked for me?”
“Yeah,” he said, nervously tucking a curl behind his ear, he shrugged, “I –uh, like I said, I knew who you were. Wanted to see you again.”
You swallowed. You weren’t so anxious anymore, but the nerves were still there. You were talking to your soulmate. And he was into you. You felt stupid for thinking he’d never have any kind of interest. “I thought I would try being in different spots instead of repeating the first day exactly but… obviously, that was dumb.”
“Nah, not dumb, just thinking outside of the box,” he suggested, and you both stopped in front of the railing. You leaned against the metal and squinted as Minho finished the race, winning first place. “You didn’t ever think it would be me?” he asked, bravely.
You looked at him, still leaning on the railing. You felt your cheeks pinken. “I… uh… I wanted it to be you,” you laughed, “I was so nervous, when I blurted out what I said this morning… I panicked.”
He looked amused, his brown eyes squinting with his smile. “You wanted it to be me, huh?” he challenged, and he nudged you in the arm, “thought you didn’t notice me.”
“I did,” you argued, “I thought you were cute. I think you’re cute.” You felt embarrassed for saying it but not so badly, because the way his eyes lit up and his smile grew warmed your heart. “How have we not come across each other? I looked for you in the yearbooks, in the library, and I couldn’t find you.”
His eyebrows raised, “You did? Look who’s the stalker now.”
“Oh, shut up,” you joked, and he laughed.
“It’s probably because… I don’t go to this school.”
Your eyes widened, “You don’t? But I bumped into you at the cafeteria…”
“Yeah,” he said, “I was surprising Minho and Tommy.” He scratched his head, “Technically, you’re fraternizing with the enemy.”
Eyebrows raised, you looked at him, “Enemy?” you laughed.
“You know the school that always comes second to Minho?”
You nodded, thinking back to what Brenda said. “Ah, your school has quite the reputation around here.”
“Not surprised,” Newt said, shaking his head.
“You mustn’t be much of an enemy if you’re friends with Thomas and Minho, though.”
“That’s true,” he nodded, his hand resting on the metal railing. He looked at you for a moment. “You can trust me.”
“You can trust me, too,” you said, somewhat quietly. You felt like you could trust him, the moment you saw him. He had kind eyes and a soft smile. He wasn’t overly boisterous or loud. The attraction you felt toward him when you first saw him hadn’t not meant nothing, it had meant everything.
“So…” he started, leaning back from the railing, shoving his hands into his denim pockets. “I guess I can’t see you after this. I mean, not unless I go to Joe’s.”
You sighed, “Guess not…” you frowned, thinking a moment, “But we could always watch the sunset together afterwards? I heard it’s supposed to be pretty,” you joked.
He smiled again at this, “It sure is.”
You definitely noticed him this time. They sat at a booth at the opposite end of the diner to where your tables were, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise that you hadn’t noticed him those times before. This time, however, you couldn’t stop noticing him. And the fact that Teresa and Brenda were both there, too.
You finally told them all about it. Brenda, of course, was the most shocked since she’d been kept in the dark. Teresa wasn’t surprised the least bit when you told her that it had worked out, and that he was your soulmate, though she wasn’t expecting it to be Newt, her soulmate’s close friend.
That, and Brenda wanting to meet this “Newt guy” as she had put it, led to the group hang out at the diner, which was only mildly unfortunate for you since you had to miss out. But you were glad that everything was fixed. You’d met your soulmate. Wednesday would finally come around. You would smash that math test. Brenda got to finally go out with Minho, and you had a sunset to look forward to.
You folded up your uniform and got changed quicker than usual. Everything was packed and you were excited to get going, you almost forgot to clock off and say goodbye to the others. You walked over to their booth at the end, and you were greeted with smiles.
“Y/N,” Newt breathed, “Save me from these crazy people.”
You laughed at his desperation, and he loved it. He could listen to your laugh all day. He jumped up from the booth and nodded to his friends, and you both said goodbye to everyone before exiting the diner. The air outside was crisp and fresh, and the sunset was only just beginning.
Newt said he knew of a park nearby that would have a perfect view of the sky, since it was situated over a kind of valley. He led the way, insisting it was only a short walk. You weren’t so sure about that, but you’d made it to the park in time for the explosion of warm colors in the sky, and a hot chocolate each from the ice cream place nearby.
The grass was golden, and the sky was illuminated with pinks and oranges. You were surprised every single time, despite having seen it before. You both sat on top of a picnic table, heads turned to the view. You could see the city below, in the distance. And the golden glow of dusk. The suburbs behind you and trees to enclose you in this safe, secret spot.
“It really is prettier than last time,” you breathed.
“Agreed, but maybe that’s because I have such pretty company.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly at him and he laughed at your response, “Cheesy.”
“Good kind of cheesy though, right?”
“Maybe,” you smiled.
You both sipped at your warm drinks in silence, taking in the wonderful array of colors, and just enjoying each other’s company. After a bit, he spoke, “Nice trick with the hot sauce.”
You frowned, eyebrows furrowing, “What do you mean?”
“You know,” he sipped at his drink, “You caught it again.” He looked at you and you were waiting for an explanation. “You dropped it the first time. Smashed to a million pieces, had to clean it up, remember?”
Your cheeks pinkened, “You saw that? Jeez…”
“How could I not?” he teased, “But hey, it’s what made me notice you. Then I realized you were the girl I bumped into two times that day.”
You shook your head, “Right, the cafeteria… the field… wait a minute—” you looked at him again, his brown eyes reflected the warmth from the sky, “You knew I caught it the second Tuesday and today?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, as if it didn’t mean anything. Then his eyes widened. “Oh for—”
“Newt!” you said, nudging his arm, and he almost spilled his drink on himself. You both laughed at how clumsy and thick you both were. “I can’t believe you saw me catch the sauce; didn’t you think something was up? I mean, things were a little different depending on how different your choices were, but stuff like that—”
“I know, I know,” he sighed, shaking his head. His hair fell around his face, making his curls super fluffy and cute. You were in awe. His cheeks were a little pink when he caught you staring at him.
“It’s okay,” you said, “We got here in the end, right?”
“Right,” he agreed. He was looking at you still, you could feel it, even though you’d turned to watch the sky again. “Y/N?”
He glanced at your hand, the one that rested on top of the table which you both sat on. He held out his hand to you, “This okay?”
You offered your hand to him and he took it, and you leaned in closer to him resting on his shoulder. Your hands clasped together, sat on your leg, fingers intertwined. He liked that you felt safe with him, as he did with you, and you both knew that even though you still had to a lot to get to know about each other, this connection was by far the strongest thing you ever felt.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” he breathed.
“Me too.”
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Anguish and Changes
Part 1a
Summary: You need to get away from it all. You offer yourself to John Bishop...he takes you on it...what happens.
Warning: sex, someone gets shot.
You put your hand over his. “Thank you for getting me some rose soap.” You were not one to dwell on things, you decided to not mention what happened with his brother. How he responded was enough for you.
He squeezed your thigh. “You with him.”
The door closed with a bang, startled you covered yourself but then you relaxed. John was finally back. Your rested your arms once again on the sides of the bathtub.
“I talked to Vic, he’s contrite.” He came over to you. He tossed his hat behind you onto a chair.
You watched as he stood before you unbuttoning his vest, soon followed by his shirt. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” The sight of him was rather nice on the eyes. Despite, it all, it gave the beat of your heart a nice thud.
He laid the vest and shirt on a chair, before turning back to you. “You don’t have to talk to him again till we leave, if you wish it. “ He undid his belt that holstered his guns. They clanked heavily as he put them on the table. Grabbing his soap, he sniffed it. “Not bad.” He put it back down, taking a step towards you. “Did they give you some rose soap?”
You smiled up at him from where you soaked. “Come down here and smell.”
He knelt close as he leaned down, you couldn’t resist what you did next, you splashed him. He looked so started but then a fiendish smile crossed his face and he splashed you back, making you squeal. Somehow, this then led to you getting of the bath, turning you grabbed a handful of the water. He tried to dodge you but you followed him to a corner, where he held up his hands and you threw it at him. Giggling at his expression, you tried to run then and get back into your tub.
He easily grabbed your wet slippery form, “I got you..” his arms squeezed as they wrapped themselves around you. “I got you!” From trying to dodge you he was slightly out of breath, turning to look at him you saw a huge smile across his face.
“So what will you do with me?” You asked your voice light and airy.
“I’ll show you what I’m gonna do.” His voice grew deeper. Holding you, he walked a few steps then easily he threw you towards the bed. You knew what he wanted and you did too.
You pulled yourself up, as you watched him something uncurled within you whenever you knew this was happening. He quickly undid his black slacks, he climbed onto the bed, his inky strands had become unruly some fell into his face as he hung over you. You licked you lips as you watched him reach in and take himself out. Opening your legs a little more for him, he braced himself above you and with a moan that came from the two of you, he entered you.
“John,” you said softly your voice shaking. Your body already relishing in how he felt inside of you.
“Y/N,” He breathed. Your eyes met as he began moving in you. As he did, you let your sounds pour from your mouth. Usually, for the dignity of you and him, you would swallow them back. Being in that wagon barely gave any privacy. Only comfort was that John’s was a touch bigger then the others.
“Yes, I want to hear you...” his voice deepening further. When you felt his breath then his lips on your throat. A jolt of pleasure when through you.
You would watch him during day bite down on his cigar while he enjoyed it. Sometimes, you wanted to feel them since they were so soft. Your moans grew louder as they move along your throat.
Whimpering in pleasure, you said his name as you clung onto him as you felt your body begin to tighten. Meeting your eyes, seeing those two blue flames you remembered how you had jumped into them a month ago. There was no looking back, no longer did you want to. You didn’t even glance over your shoulder, thinking of what could have been.
“You gonna burst for me?” He asked, his lips brushed against yours.
“Yes!” You called out, throwing your head back. You felt yourself tightening so hard it was an exquisite pain.
“I want to feel it, burst while my cock is deep within you.”
You gave yourself over how he moved in, grasping him tightly. You shook and felt yourself burst, a moan from deep in came from your lips. Not long after, you hear and felt as he did as well. It pulled softer moaned from you. Panting half on, half off of you he rested.
“Damn, y/n I was just going to have a bath.” He said as he brought himself up sometime later.
“You can still do that.”
“The water’s probably gone cold.” Distaste, twisted his lips.
“I’ll go and fetch warm water.”
He rose an eyebrow.
“Everyone in the bar or brothel. I’ll be right back.”
He rolled over. “Be careful.”
You grimaced, “I will be.” You slipped on your chemise and despite not wanting too, but it would be the best, you slipped on your boots. Going, downstairs you smiled when you saw the hotel owner.
“Hello.” You said sweetly. “Can you fetch me some buckets of hot water?”
“Has the water grown cool?” His eyes traveled around you.
“John, had some business to attend to, so yes. His water grew cool.” That got him brought into the moment.
“Oh! For Mr. Bishop?”
You nodded. “I could carry two, buckets. Perhaps you could bring up to more?”
“That we can do. I’ll fetch those.”
“Thank you.”
Shortly after, he disappeared into the kitchen you heard the distinct sound of metal clinking as someone walked into the hotel behind you. From the low murmurs that you could not make out there must be at least two of them. Unease, rose in you, something told you to not to look.
“Don’t even think about it, buddy.” The wood creaked on the stairs as John came down. You did look over at him, as bare chested, with his hat back on and his slacks straight as ever he made way to where you were. The sound of his thumb pulling back on the hammer echoed through the silent establishment.
He looked down at you. “Go upstairs and empty some of the water to make room for the fresh water. I’ll be up when I am done handling this.”
You did not hesitate, you practically flew up the steps. Though you remained in the shadows. You wanted to make sure, there wasn’t something you could do from this safe distance.
“Gentlemen, why don’t you enjoy some whiskey on me and forget her. She is not one for passing around after a hard day’s ride.”
The one who had been closest you chuckled. “Says you.” He looked back at his friend, you were right there had been two. “We don’t rent out whores for an entire night in these parts, buddy.”
John, pulled back on the trigger, having aimed, it only nicked the guys ear. He called out in sudden pain.
“She is my lady. Not a whore.”
The hotel owner came back just then. “Jonah, what trouble are you stirring up with my guests?” He put the buckets down beside John.
He held his ear. “There was a lady” he said with gritted teeth. “In just her chemise and he shot me.”
“Oh! You will be fine, stop your belly aching. Mr. Bishop, I will bring up the other buckets momentarily.”
“Thank you. If they behave and if there is will be no issue, give them a bottle of whiskey.” He holstered his gun and picked up the buckets.
“Wait,” The man, finally let go of his ear. “Are you the John Bishop?”
You could tell even from this John was annoyed. He nodded.
“We’ll take the bottle. Sorry, sir.” He removed his hat and the other one mumbled something and also took off his hat.
“Enjoy the bottle.” He muttered.
Shaking your head, you went back to the room, opening the balcony doors, you pulled and tugged the tub over. When you were happy to see nothing there, taking a breath you tipped one side of it. Water flowed out to the street below. Though some knotted in you, what did they mean by the John Bishop.
You tucked the thought away. With some huffing and puffing, you pulled it back in time to watch John come in with two buckets. You went over and grabbed one.
You were silent choosing your words. Though you already knew what you wanted to say. “I’m sorry I set you back a bottle of whiskey.”
He met your eyes, his mouth curled up on side as he poured in the bucket he held. “Wash my back and we’re even.”
You gave a small smile at that. “I can do that.”
“Mr. Bishop, I have the other two buckets.” The hotel owner called from the hallway.
“Come in.”
Putting down one he went and poured the other. “Sorry, about Jonah, my nephew is always getting trouble with that mouth of his.” He went to pout the other bucket. “The bottle is on me. He should know not to say anything to my guests.”
“There will be more bought when more of my people arrive tomorrow.”
“We’ll be even.”
John, closed and locked the door. “You are still washing my back.”
“Would you like some more coffee?” You held up the coffee pot.
He didn’t answer, you followed his gaze. You couldn’t really determine what he was looking at.
“Yes?” He finally looked back at you, his eyebrows were knitted and raised.
“Would you like some more coffee?”
“Yes.” You gave him what was left in the pot.
“Thank you.”
You figured, you prod a little he could always tell you it was phone of your business. “John, you seem distracted this morning?”
Sliding him a glance as you nibbled more at the cactus pear. It was not as exciting as you thought it would be. Though you were touched that, John indulged you and let you have one.
“We’re heading into some rough territory. Weather and otherwise.”
You met his gaze, “You and the men can handle anything.”
He grimaced. “We’ll probably lose some.” He took a sip. “Do you think Bill and Anne will hatch their plan soon.”
“I couldn’t tell. They did not seem to be in any rush.”
“Good.” He nodded.
“Bill had said something about talking to you first.”
That’s good. Maybe I can thwart them.” He drank the rest of his coffee. “Tell me, since I haven’t looked do you have clothes for the winter months.”
You shook your head, “I didn’t think that far ahead.”
“We will get you some right now.”
“Oh? Now?”
He nodded. “Let’s do it before too many of the others show up, I want you to have first choice.” A smugness washed over him, that only John could pull off.
“I like that.” You picked up a piece of the cactus pear. “Did you want to try it?” His gloved fingers grazed yours as he took the piece.
He took a bite. “Not horrible.” He swallowed. “I still prefer strawberries.”
You gave him a small smile. “I used to grow strawberries.”
He turned, sitting closer to you. His eyes lit up. “Oh did you?”
You nodded. “I did, when I had enough I’d bake them into a pie.”
“Now, that is something I’d love to taste.”
“Maybe one day.” If they were one place long enough or had them, before heading to the ocean.
“Before you leave, Y/N.”
His struck you in a way, you never expected. “Yes.”
“Now, enough about strawberries or the little boy in me that sometimes lurks around will demand we find some now.”
You chuckled behind a hand. “I think you must have been an interesting little boy.”
“I was filled with mischief, my mother gave me quite a few whacks on my backside.”
“That does not surprise me.”
He stood up, looking down at you. “Are you saying I’m wicked.”
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You turned in the red dress, it was so elegant. It had felt like forever since you wore such beautiful fabrics. You smiled at John, who stood leaning in the doorway as he enjoyed what was left of his cigar. “Look at you.”
You flushed.
“These are the dresses you should always wear. Also that blue one, she had on before this one.” He looked, he over at the owner. “Wrap them up.” He looked past you, is that for a woman?” He gestured to a fur wrap.
“Yes, sir.”
“Let her try it on. Along with those black gloves.”
You gasped. “John?”
“Winter will be here before we know it.” He smiled. “You are not catching your death.”
You opened your mouth to say something. He shook his head. “No arguing on this.” He came up behind you, he met your eyes in the looking glass. “You wanted me to protect you.”
“Yes. I did but...” His gloved hand he tilted your face up.
“This is me protecting you.” A smirk curled his lips as he looked down at you.
“I really can’t argue again, then can I?”
His lips brushed yours as he spoke. The rich smell of his tobacco and the soap mingled. Your insides shook a little.
@theblackmaskclub @brookisbi @johallzy @frostypenguinoz @foreverhockeytrash @rosionis @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine
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emospritelet · 5 years
Extracurricular verse, bc we can't forget these happy fuckers : 84 “The more, the merrier!”
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I haven’t written any Extracurricular since last Christmas, which is a crying shame, but this is going to be my 100th fic on AO3, and I thought making it these three was somehow appropriate. Unfortunately you’ll have to wait for the next chapter for the smut, but there will definitely be threesome smut :)
As he drove slowly along tree-lined streets in the north of Berkeley, Professor Gold reflected that life could be incredibly strange. If anyone had suggested to him two years ago that he would be house-hunting on Christmas Eve with the love of his life he would have scoffed at the very idea. If they had then suggested that he would be house-hunting for three, with Professor Rush being one of the party, he would have thought them certifiable. And yet that was how they had chosen to spend at least part of their Christmas holidays. In fact it was how they had spent the past four weekends, with no luck finding a place they all liked.
It wasn’t that they couldn’t compromise when it suited them—two years as a threesome had made that very necessary—but they were each very certain about what they wanted from the house they were to share and to make a home in. None of the properties they had viewed thus far ticked all their boxes. Either the rooms were too dark for Belle’s liking, or there wasn’t enough quiet, contained space to put whiteboards for Rush’s liking, or the kitchen wasn’t up to Gold’s usual standards, or the garden was too overlooked… They had spent weeks searching with no luck, until Belle had spied the place they were headed to, recently reduced in price and therefore within the budget they had set themselves, although admittedly most of the money was coming from him. He didn't mind that; he was by far the wealthiest of them, and it was worth paying extra to get a place they all liked and could call home together. Perhaps this house would be the one. If Rush made it on time, of course.
“It’s here,” announced Belle.
Gold turned the wheel, steering the car into another tree-lined street, this one quieter, with large houses set back from the road and well-kept lawns outside. There were strings of coloured lights on every house, and in the trees, which made Belle smile delightedly, even though the large plastic Santa and reindeer in one of the gardens looked out of place in the California sunshine. It seemed a pleasant, quiet neighbourhood, and a little calculation in his head showed it to be reasonably close to the university. All good so far. The house they were to see was at the end, the real estate board outside proclaiming that it was being sold by De Ville’s. Gold parked up, opening the door and getting out before going around to open Belle’s. She was looking around excitedly, her cheeks flushed with the relative chill of the winter day, and he wanted to kiss her.
“It’s so green here!” she said happily.
Well, that was certainly true. Each house had a neat, well-kept garden and a large stretch of lawn. Some even had white picket fences to add to the quaintness. Trees and privet hedges bordered the gardens between neighbours, and Belle peered at the house, rising up on her toes as though that would give her a better view. She was itching to go inside, he could tell. Still, the realtor had told them to be there at twelve, and it was almost that now. Not long before her curiosity could be satisfied. So where was Rush? Gold looked at his watch, tapping his foot impatiently.
“He’s late,” he observed.
“You sound surprised.” Belle’s voice was teasing, and she glanced across at him with a grin. “Did you remind him?”
“Yes, I reminded him, I sent him a bloody text!” said Gold impatiently. “And I might add that I’m not his bloody PA. If he can’t organise his own bloody appointments I fail to see why I should be inconvenienced.” 
“The realtor’s not even here yet,” said Belle soothingly. “He’ll be here.”
Gold grunted.
“He’ll be nose-deep in some bloody ridiculous theoretical crap,” he said, and straightened as a sleek silver car pulled up onto the long driveway. “Look, here’s the realtor. I told you he’d be late!”
“Would you relax?” Belle turned to face the realtor’s car. “Remember, if he doesn’t make it, you get to have first choice of the rooms.”
There was that, he supposed.
“Well, we can always look around the house ourselves,” he agreed. “Serve him right if he didn’t show and I put his office in the basement.”
The car door opened and a woman swung pale, slender legs out of the door, pushing to her feet with a toss of jaw-length blonde hair. She was tall and thin, wearing an elegant black dress beneath a short white coat that Gold was fairly sure was made of real fur. Red lips curved in a smile as she held out a hand.
“Mr Gold, I presume?” she drawled, in a very English accent. “Cara Deville-Waters. Delighted to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Gold shook her hand. “This is my partner, Belle French.”
He gestured to Belle, who stepped forward to shake Cara’s hand.
“Right,” said Cara breezily. “Well, here is the house. Lovely, quiet neighbourhood. Mainly professionals, some with young families. The owner has moved to Europe, as I understand it, so we’re maintaining the property in her absence.”
“It seems a lovely area,” observed Belle.
“Yes, very pleasant. The area itself is stacked with amenities, and has very good schools. Do you have children?”
“No,” said Gold.
“Not yet, anyway,” added Belle, making Cara grin.
“Well, best to plan ahead for these things, I always say. This is the sort of house that has the space for a large family, as you’ll see when we go inside. Shall we?”
“Oh, we’re just waiting for the third member of our - uh - family,” said Gold. “He should be here any minute. Or at least he would if he had any sense of punctuality and common courtesy.”
Belle gave him a level look as Cara looked intrigued, brows lifting.
“Oh, so there are three of you?”
“That’s not a problem, I trust,” said Gold, in a very even tone, and she waved a languid hand.
“The more, the merrier!” she said. “And the house is certainly large enough. Do let me know if you have any other requirements, and I can point them out as we go.”
“The listing mentioned a hot tub,” said Belle.
“It’s out the back,” said Cara. “There’s a section of raised decking leading out from the kitchen. If you like we can—”
She was cut off by her phone ringing, and after glancing at the screen she pulled a face and sent them a guilty look.
“I do apologise,” she said fervently. “It’s my wife. She doesn’t call during viewings unless it’s urgent, so—”
“Oh please, take your time,” said Belle hurriedly.
She grasped Gold’s hand and pulled him up the driveway as Cara answered the phone, and Gold ran his eyes over the large brick-built garage with its painted roller-shutter door.
“Enough room for both our cars, easily,” he remarked. “Rush’s Ford will probably drip oil all over the paving, though.”
“He says it’s your car that’s the leaker,” said Belle absently, and Gold frowned.
“The Cadillac does not leak, she just - gets a head cold every now and then.”
“Mhmm.” Belle looked amused. “What do you think of the neighbourhood?”
“Pleasant,” said Gold, looking around. “Lots of green space, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy.”
“Yeah.” Belle whirled on her toes to face him, eyes sparkling. “Can we get a dog?”
“A dog?” Gold pursed his lips. “Who’s going to look after it when we’re at the university all day?”
“You could take it to class,” suggested Belle. “That’s an eccentric thing to do, isn’t it? You can get away with it because you’re Scottish.”
“I doubt that,” said Gold dryly.
“Well, it’s not too far from the university,” she persisted. “I could cycle back every lunchtime and walk the dog.”
“We’ll talk about it if and when we buy the place,” he said, and she huffed.
“Okay, that’s fair enough.”
“We can certainly get a couple of cats,” he added, and Belle squeaked in excitement, making him grin.
Cara had put her phone away and was hurrying towards them, looking harassed.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, almost wringing her hands. “My wife’s car has broken down. She’s stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow-truck. Unfortunately, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her father, who’s coming to visit for Christmas. She’s asked if I can go instead. I’m so sorry, but I’ll have to postpone our viewing until later.”
“Oh.” Belle chewed her lip, looking disappointed, and Gold raised an eyebrow.
“Well, as we’re still waiting here anyway, why don’t we look over the house?” he suggested. “We could drop the keys back at the office in a couple of hours if you’re not back by then.”
“I really should be here to answer any questions you might have,” she said, running a hand through her hair in agitation. “Although I suppose two hours would get the job done. Are you sure you don’t mind looking around by yourselves?”
“Given that we have no idea when the third of our party will finally remember he has somewhere to be, I doubt it’ll be an issue,” said Gold, in a very dry tone, and Belle gave him a look.
“I’ll make a note of any questions we have as we’re going around,” she said, and Cara sighed heavily and dug in her bag, fishing out a set of keys and a sheaf of papers.
“Property particulars and room dimensions,” she said, handing them over. “I’ll be back by two, barring unforeseen circumstances.”
She hurried back to her car, heels clicking on the paving, and Belle and Gold shared a grin.
“Well,” he said. “Let’s take a look.”
The entrance hall was spacious and warm, a tiled floor leading to a sweeping staircase that led to the upper floor. The banisters were in warm, shining wood, and the tiles gleamed as though they had been mopped that morning. Gold suspected they had. He took a step forward, testing the surface with the end of his cane, but to his relief it wasn’t slippery. Getting around with a limp made some floor surfaces treacherous. Sunlight was shining in from the top of the stairs and from a window at the far end, and overall he thought it was a pleasant, welcoming space.
“Looks good so far,” he said, tucking the property particulars inside his coat. “Shall we explore?”
Belle went first, opening the first door she came to.
“Here’s the lounge,” she announced.
Gold followed her in. The lounge was large, the front windows of the house letting in plenty of light. The floors were covered in pale cream tiles, and Gold’s cane clicked as he walked. It was still furnished with a couple of large leather couches and an easy chair, grouped around a glass and chrome coffee table and a wide stone fireplace. The room had been emptied of anything else that might have hinted at the tastes of its owners, but the couches gave it a comfortable air.
“Ooh, we could have a log fire!” said Belle excitedly.
“In California?” remarked Gold, and she sent him a look.
“It can get cold here!” she insisted. “It’s cold today, isn’t it?”
“I suppose.” He walked slowly around the room. Beyond the hearth, the room turned a corner into a large open plan dining area, and he turned back to Belle before heading into it. “This is a nice room. Plenty of space, and enough light to read by for most of the day, I should think.”
“There’ll be more light at the rear,” she said. “It faces south.”
“So perhaps that’s where we should install the library,” he said, and wanted to grin at her beaming smile.
“Oh, so I get my library?” She walked towards him, swaying her hips in that infuriatingly alluring way she had when she was getting exactly what she wanted. “I knew I could talk you around.”
“I hardly took much convincing, as I recall,” he remarked, and Belle pouted, sliding her hands up his chest and letting her fingers push into his hair.
“Pity,” she said. “I thought of a few more methods of persuasion I could use to ensure we get a dog.”
Gold chuckled, one hand sliding around her waist to pull her closer.
“Oh, you can still use your wiles against me, Miss French,” he said lazily. “But perhaps we ought to finish looking over the house first.”
Belle rose up on her toes to kiss him, soft lips pressing against his before she settled back on her heels.
“I wonder if there are any other university types in the neighbourhood,” she said.
“Unlikely, unless they have another source of income,” said Gold. “We could ask the realtor what she knows about the residents of this area, though.”
“I’ll add it to the list of questions,” said Belle, still stroking the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m surprised she let us look over the place ourselves. I thought she’d tell us to come back another day.”
“I imagine the commission on this sale would be an extremely welcome Christmas present,” he remarked.
“I suppose.” She looked around. “It has a nice feel to it, doesn’t it?”
Gold thought about it for a moment. He was far from the superstitious type, preferring to go on facts and figures, and tangible evidence. On paper, at least, the property was both a good investment, and appeared to meet most, if not all, of their requirements. They would have a better idea of whether it was correctly represented when they had been over the place, but he thought he understood what Belle meant. There was a pleasant atmosphere, a warmth that didn’t just come from the underfloor heating.
“It’s - it’s certainly a good start,” he said, and kissed her again. “But I think we should look beyond the lounge before making a decision on this place.”
“Like the kitchen?” she said knowingly. “Okay, you’re on.”
Gold glanced out of the window over her shoulder as a flash of dark red caught his eye. His mouth flattened.
“Looks like someone finally got here,” he said, and Belle chuckled, wriggling from his arms and trotting into the hallway.
Gold followed more slowly, trying to keep the smile from his face as he saw her sprint down the driveway and fling herself on Rush almost before he had gotten out of the car. The force of her greeting knocked his glasses askew, and he was clearly trying to simultaneously keep his balance, close the car door and hug Belle. He made it by shoving the door shut with one hip and frantically grasping at his glasses before they could fall.
“You’re bloody late!” called Gold.
“Only five minutes.”
“More like twenty, but who’s counting?”
“You, apparently.”
“Stop bickering!” chided Belle, still hanging onto Rush. “Come on, I want us all to look over this house! I think it could be the one!”
“You said that about the last four,” said Rush, clutching her around the waist as they walked back up the driveway.
“Yes, and I have to be right at some point.”
He grunted in amusement, running a hand through hair already messy from the day. His stubble was growing through again, the winter sun glinting on his cheeks and chin. His shirt was also very wrinkled, and Gold suspected he had spent the previous night at the university, head down in some sort of research. He and Belle had spent the night at his place, curled up in each other’s arms, and had spent the early morning eating breakfast at his kitchen table before heading out. Rush’s own breakfast had probably been a pint of coffee and a few cigarettes, and if nothing else, he suspected that them all moving in together would be good for Rush’s health. At least he’d have two people around to nag him into eating and sleeping properly.
“And don’t even think about going back to the university when we’re done here,” added Belle. “It’s Christmas Eve, and I want both of my men firmly committed to the festive season. Here.” 
She pulled out of Rush’s grip as they reached the doorstep, pawing through her shoulder bag before pulling out a large handful of red plush and white faux fur and brandishing it with a beaming smile. Rush sighed heavily.
“What’s that?”
“Santa hats!” she said gleefully. “Come on, it’s Christmas!”
As if to demonstrate, she pulled one of the hats down on her dark curls, white pom-pom bouncing. Belle held up the other two hats, shaking them back and forth.
“I can already tell you that doesn’t go with my outfit,” remarked Gold, and Belle pouted at him.
“If you don’t have a Santa hat, you don’t get inside.”
“I’m already inside,” he pointed out, and Belle smirked.
“Who said I meant the house?” she said lightly.
Minx, he thought, and she grinned at him, bouncing on her toes as though she could read his mind. Rush grumbled under his breath, but reached for one of the hats.
“Tis the bloody season, I suppose,” he said, and tugged it down on his head. “Come on Gold, don’t be such a bloody Scrooge.”
Gold sent him a very level look, then sighed and held out his hand.
“Alright,” he grumbled. “But no pictures.”
“Oh, I’m not promising that,” said Belle airily, giving him the hat. “Now let’s go check out that hot tub.”
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Can you write a fic where Patton and Logan had an after-sex bath but when Logan use the shower on Patton he got super sensitive and then they fuck again?
Warnings: the use of a safeword, but nothing major really, slight dom/sub dynamics, implied breath play. 
“Ah!RED! Please, stop. No more, Red Lo!”
Pattonwhined and pulled harshly on Logan’s black hair, effectively pullinghim off of his cock.
Loganpropped himself up on his elbows to look up from between his loverslegs, worry clouding his features.
“Areyou alright Patton? Did I… did I hurt you?”
Hereached over to where he had placed his glasses earlier, slippingthem on and sitting up, not quite sure what to do now. This was thefirst time Patton had actively safeworded out of one of their sexualencounters. His first instinct was to touch, to comfort, but that wasmaybe the exact problem and the last thing he wanted to do, wasenhance his partners discomfort.
“NoLolo don’t… don’t you worry about me. It’s just… it was too much,I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sorry. How many was that?”
Logansmiled softly and gathered the smaller side into his arms, brushingthe messy curls out of his tired face.
“Noneed to apologies, love. I believe you reached your climax four timesin a row. That is impressive. I barely did anything.”
Well,while that wasn’t quite true, Logan had sucked Patton off expertly,while fingering him open, alternating between quick thrusts and lazycircles, they have not gone any further than this.
Pattoncuddled into the logical side, resting his head on his bony shoulderand barely resisting the urge to pester his beautiful neck with amillion kisses. He had to make sure, that Logan was feeling alright,first.
“What…what about you though?”
Loganshook his head and summoned a bottle of water for Patton to drink.
“Thisexperiment had the sole purpose of me learning more about your bodyand we achieved that. There is no ‘Payback’ of any sorts necessary.How would you feel about having a bath with me and then perhapstaking a nap?”
Patton smiled and cuddled further into theother sides chest, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding ontightly.
“Soundsamazing… but I need five more minutes of just this, okay?”
Thelogical side just chuckled and tightened his arms around the other.
“Patton,we can’t only use the hot water. You wont be able to enjoy the bathproperly, feel light-headed and dizzy afterwards, or even worse, burnyourself. We have to balance it out with a little bit of cold.”
Loganrefused to accept any of the others whining, knowing full well, itwould be better like this. He himself enjoyed cold showers way more,anyways. They were refreshing and gave him a clear mind. He resentedthe feeling of his head being all fuzzy after a steamy bath, butPatton loved it and for him, he would walk over hot coals ifnecessary.
Helet Patton hold onto his arm as he eased himself into the big,luxurious tub, before slipping in behind him. He let them enjoy thewater for a moment, before returning to the task at hand. Clean up. Avery vital step of the after care process.
Theshower-head gave him a little trouble, it was hard finding the righttemperature without flooding the bathroom with a sleepy Pattonclinging to him at all times.
Hedid most of the work, spreading the soap around his freckled skin,over his back, torso and up his legs. Of course you could not forgetthe hair. He made Patton hold a moist washcloth over his eyes toensure he would not accidentally get any soap into his, alreadysensitive eyes.
Pattonenjoyed this process thoroughly. Of course, he could do it allhimself, but where was the fun in that? He loved being taken care ofand it made him feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Roman wasn’t the onlyside that loved to be pampered like a Prince.
Theonly problem was, Patton was ridiculously sensitive. He alwayssquirmed and giggled under the stream. Logan only barely managed tonot let him squirm out of place. He had the patience of a saintsometimes. He made Patton position himself properly as well. A gentlehand between his shoulder blades, making him lean forward, a tapagainst his legs, to make them fall open and a gentle grip on hiswrist to keep them from covering himself.
“Patton,I know that this is somehow difficult for you, but it is necessary toclean you up properly, so unless you want to do it yourself, I wouldadvise you to keep still.”
Another whine from his boyfriendmade him smile gently. As he lowered the stream between his legs,Patton squirmed and bit his lip to keep the noises from spilling.
“I-Ittickles Lo!”
Maybe Logan was a bit of a sadist and maybe hekept the stream aimed at that particular spot longer than necessary,but he found himself somehow mesmerized by Patton’s noises, by theway he was squirming and whimpering and digging his nails into Logansarm to keep himself still.
Hedidn’t quite knew how long he was torturing poor Patton like this,getting lost in just watching him. But once the curly head fell backonto Logan’s shoulders and a loud moan escaped those perfect lips, heknew he had gone a little too far.
“O-oh…Patton are you… did that arouse you again?”
Awhimper and a hesitant nod was all he got as an answer, embarrassmentmaking the smaller sides cheeks flush.
Anawkward moment of silence stretched on for a while, as the thoughtsin Logans head raced into a million different directions, but couldbe boiled down to mainly the need to take care and how adorable thiswas.
“L-lo,please do something about it?”
Logan nodded but really hadno idea about the course of action he should take, until an ideacrossed his mind and a mischievous little smile stretched his lips.
“Iwould assume you are too sensitive to my touch right now, so there isreally just one option, Patton.”
Gentlefingers trailed over an exposed throat and down his chest until Loganrested his hand on round hips.
“Canyou climax just from me taking you?”
Patton swallowed hardbut nodded quickly. He had done it before, so it should be easy,right? …Right?
“Andyou don’t even have to use lube because we’re already in the bathtub,so no clean up later necessary.”
Logan had to, yet again,object heavily.
“No.absolutely not. Water is not an appropriate lubricant, dear. I wouldhurt you, my love. Here, can you get up on your knees and hold ontothe edge?”
Logan moved out of the bathtub to retrieve thelube from the other room, too tired to summon. Also, this allowed forPatton to manoeuvrer around in the small space, using the far end tosteady himself, grasping the rim of the tub tightly.
Beforethe other side could join him again, he asked him to spread his legsas wide as he could. Logan definitely enjoyed that sight immensely.
Pattonswayed his hips a little, trying to get a good grip on the slipperysurface. Thankfully the bathroom was warm enough for him to not gettoo cold outside the water. And yet, a soft layer of goose bumpsspread over his skin as gentle hands traced the line of his spinedown his back.
Thelogical side got to his knees himself behind the other, spreading hischeeks and carefully pressing his thumb into his hole, just to see iftheir actions from earlier had left his partner sufficientlystretched.
Atthe shaky moan he got, he hummed with content, lubing himself upafter giving his length a few tugs and lining up with Pattonsentrance. Teasing the tip over him for a bit, he smirked at theimpatient whine he managed to draw from the emotional side. They hadalready moved so far into the night, of course Patton had lost hispatience by now.
Slowly,oh so very slowly, Logan pushed in, watching how his length vanishedinto the other body. He had to bite his lip to stifle a groan,thinking about the others resting peacefully behind those walls.Patton seemed to be thinking about everything but that.
Hiships wiggled more and he pushed himself back, anything to get himdeeper. This teasing was just pure torture, especially because Pattonknew that Logan just did it to draw it all out. He could take so muchmore.
“Yes,my love?”
Asilent smirk obvious in his voice.
Pattonwanted to say more, wanted to complain further, but his voice got cutoff with a loud moan. Logan had practically buried himself inside hislover in one, harsh thrust. And he didn’t stop this brutal paceeither. He was now ramming himself into the other side, hips snappingforward and the sound of skin against skin filled the empty bathroom.
Withevery movement, the emotional side got pushed forward a bit, havingextreme difficulties to keep himself upright. Instead, he just fellforward, pressing his cheek against the cool rim of the tub betweenhis hands. He could do nothing but take this punishing pace anyways.
Hewould just moan and cry out his pleasure, with the occasional nameand plea.
Thelogical side could not suppress a groan himself, stilling for amoment, before slowly pulling out almost all the way to the tip,before slamming back into the tight heat. The cries and moans withwhich he was gifted were absolutely addicting.
“Youtold me… you would need it at a fast pace to make you finish fromjust that, correct?”
Pattonclenched his eyes shut, letting his jaw hang open, a string of moansconstantly tumbling out of his mouth.
Insteadof answering, he just arched his back and tried to keep up with thepace as much as possible.
Heloved the gentle hands on his hips, contrasting the harsh pace, lovedthe way Logan lost himself in the feeling of completely having Pattonat his mercy, all fucked out underneath him. But he especially lovedhow every thought slowly drained out of his mind, leaving nothing but 'Logan’ and 'oh god please, need to cum now!’  
Andhe was close, so so close, still just lingering on the edge. He bithis lip hard, his whole body tense with the effort of reaching hisorgasm. He clenched around Logan and, judging by his desperate,unrythmic thrusts, the other was close as well. If he could just geta little bit of friction on his aching cock, or something else thatgave him the necessary kick…
Loganknew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, and Patton stillwasn’t quite there, so he grabbed for his last ace up his sleeve. Hetangled a hand into those lovely curls and tugged harshly, pullingthe emotional side up and against his chest, all while still ramminghimself inside him.
Hewrapped an arm around Patton’s middle and a hand around his throat,never really pressing down, only demonstrating the power he had overhim.
Hisvoice was raspy and breathless but still so fucking hot as hewhispered “Cum for me, pretty boy.”
Andwith that, Patton was gone. A choked moan all he could manage to getout as he came hard, all over the edge of the tub.
Hiswhole body trembled and if it weren’t for Logan’s steady hands, hewould have collapsed into the water face first.
Logancarefully managed to sit back down, resting Patton against his chestagain and just holding him quietly, while they both tried to catchtheir breath.
“It’s…very interesting how a subtle change in dynamics can make you reactlike that…”
Pattontried to act offended but really couldn’t hide his smile. Hos droopyeyes finally slipped shut and he slowly drifted off to sleep.Thankfully he was long gone as Logan started the clean up process allover again.
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heartslogos · 6 years
newfragile yellows [358]
Cullen sometimes thinks of sending back the weights Rylen gave him when he retired back, or donating them to some youth center.
When one has to bathe a very large - possibly half-mountain lion - cat on a monthly basis it seems to remove the need for weight training.
It would be nice if Bull’s bulk was just fur, it isn’t. And hefting Bull’s considerable weight up and bringing him into the bathroom, locking them both in, and depositing him into the tub, is a work out all on its own.
It doesn’t help that Cullen has to do some very noticeable prep-work first. Like removing the shower curtain. And making sure there aren’t anything on the counter tops and tying all the cabinets closed and locking up the toilet paper and paper towels and also putting his own towels in a separate room and moving all of his bathing supplies elsewhere.
It’s just Bull, Cullen, a copious amount of towels, and Ellana who always manages to sneak in winding through Cullen’s legs as she attempts to save her best friend, companion, and love of her nine lives.
Cullen may be romanticizing his cats, but the way that Ellana’s paws dig into the back of his shirt and the way she meows in protest as Bull tries to wrestle, sneak, bully, force, and plead his way out of it even as it’s happening gives him plenty of material to be building on.
His bathroom is always a downright mess afterwards, but Bull doesn’t fit in any of the sinks and if Cullen did this on the porch or in the back yard using the big tub he uses to wash Blackwall Bull would be able to escape for weeks. Cullen knows this from experience.
Best to keep the damage contained. At least Cullen knows no one’s escaping - dignity intact or no.
Bull is a remarkably well behaved cat, except for baths. He’s even good at the vet.
He just doesn’t like taking a bath.
Oh, he’s very good with water. He just doesn’t like the rest of it. The shampooing and the drying and the manhandling and all.
To this effect Bull and his twenty something pounds of fur and muscle cling to Cullen like a very large infant - Cullen can hear the rips as Bull’s claws cling to his shirt - as Cullen tries to awkwardly lower him into the one inch of water in the tub.
“Come on,” Cullen says, “It’ll be over so quick. You’re only making it worse.”
Bull lets out a low and unhappy meow as he attempts to climb back out of the water. Cullen lifts his front paws up and holds them in one hand as he quickly grabs the handheld shower head in the other.
Once the process starts Bull is mostly behaved. There are always the surprises when Cullen lets his guard down, but Cullen likes to think he’s gotten better at it. And unless Bull’s gotten thumbs he’s not getting the bathroom door unlocked and opened.
Even wet the Iron Bull’s figure is rather intimidating. There’s a lot of fur, and there’s a lot of bulky cat underneath. He somehow looks even bigger wet.
The cat sulkily paws at the rim of the tub, “Mrow.”
“Well how else am I supposed to make sure you don’t have anything?” Cullen says, “And you’re starting to smell.”
“Mirau,” Bull grumbles in protest, attempting to stand up and Cullen quickly pushes him back down. “Mirowww!”
“No,” Cullen says, firmly holding down on Bull’s back as he lathers up on his sides, “You’re staying put. You’re going to feel so much better when this is over and we won’t speak of it until next month.”
Ellana keeps batting at his back and arms and peering over the tub edge and looking very sadly at Bull as the larger cat sulks about his lot in life.
Little does she know - because somehow she’s never caught on that she’s next.
Cullen hauls Bull up out of the tub, sitting on the toilet as he swaddles his probably a mountain lion cat and gets to work trying to simultaneously hold Bull without Bull escaping, plug in the hairdryer, and push Ellana away with his foot.
Ellana bristles and shoves herself behind the toilet when the hair dryer turns on - which he only bought for his cat - and starts the very long process of getting Bull back up to his regular fluffy self. And as he is reminded every month, as intimidating as Bull is fluffy, he’s much more horrific wet.
“Alright,” Cullen says, letting Bull drop down onto the floor, shaking himself and licking his paws, “Now. The real trial begins.”
Cullen puts the hair dryer away and starts trying to fish Ellana out from behind the toilet. Now that the loud devil machine isn’t around Ellana comes easily, happily cozying up in Cullen’s arms.
Cullen almost hates to do this to her.
He gently puts her into the bath tub.
Ellana looks up at him with big confused eyes, “Mew?”
Her paws cling to his shirt as he gets the hand held.
“Mew?” Ellana tries to climb up but the sides are slippery and she is significantly smaller than the tub, especially when Cullen puts one hand on the back of her neck and holds her still.
And then he turns the water on and Ellana wails.
“Mirau!” Ellana stretches out, trying to slip, slink, slide, and slither her way out of the tub like she’s a snake instead of a cat. Cullen almost drops the shower head three times as he does some quick cat juggling to hold Ellana in place.
Bull’s motor engine of a purr starts up and Cullen feels Bull’s tail swish against his back.
No doubt Bull’s gotten up onto the toilet seat to watch the proceedings.
Ellana keeps stretching out, the sound of her claws clattering against the sides of the tub and tiles, “Maaau! Mi! Mi! Mrau!”
Her paws spread out comically as she tries to grasp for purchase to escape but Cullen’s got her on lock down.
It takes longer to get Ellana washed, despite her being much smaller in size and with less fur, but it’s because he keeps losing her like a bar of soap and the pitiful way she mews almost gets to his heart.
Cullen feels like he’s actually sweating as he finally picks Ellana up and carefully squeezes her paws and legs and tail to get rid of excess water before swaddling her.
“Off,” Cullen says and Bull lazily gets up onto the counter to watch as Cullen gets the hair dryer and sits down on the toilet again.
Ellana’s struggles renew as Cullen turns the hairdryer on again.
“You’ll forgive me within the hour,” Cullen says, “And you’ll forget all about this until the next time and you’ll forgive me then too.”
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Avenging Angel: Part 28
Summary: You’ve spent the last five years on a dangerous mission to solve the crime that wrongly imprisoned your father. When the Winchesters find you half-frozen on the side of a mountain, they make it their own mission to save your life and make sure you stay alive. But after five years of uncovering horribly dark secrets, you’ve learned not to trust anyone. Especially people who seem like they have good intentions.
Word Count: 1619
Warnings: None
A/N: So... I realized that it’s literally been a week since I’ve updated this series. Seven whole days. I’ve just been so caught up in drabbles and the music that I love that I completely pushed this to the side which is so weird for me. Usually I completely obsess over a series and do nothing but write in that series until it’s done. Anyway... sorry about the long wait!
A/N.2: The links won’t work on this part. All of the links are on my series masterlist < https://imagining-supernatural.tumblr.com/post/158422944355/avenging-angel-masterlist >
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 -- Part 9 -- Part 10 -- Part 11 -- Part 12 -- Part 13 -- Part 14 -- Part 15 -- Part 16 -- Part 17 -- Part 18 -- Part 19 -- Part 20 -- Part 21 -- Part 22 -- Part 23 -- Part 24 -- Part 25 -- Part 26 --  Part 27
“She came here of her own free will,” George Covington hissed into his phone.
You slowed your breathing and plastered yourself against the wall to avoid being caught. He was supposed to be at his meeting for another hour, which should have given you plenty of time to sneak into his office, clone his hard drive, and get back to safety. Yet here you were, hiding in an attached room and hoping that he didn’t come in.
“Well, they’re both adults. I won’t do anything to change their minds.” There was a beat of silence while he listened to the person on the other side. “And he’s my son! I don’t like this any more than you do but—don’t you cut me off! Yes, I benefit from this too, but if you would learn how to control her then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation in the first place.”
Oh how you wanted to storm out and demand he explain everything. Your brain was screaming that this conversation had to do with you, but none of it was making sense.
“You’re weak. You always have been. That’s why your wife left you. You weren’t man enough for her anymore.”
Silence invaded the room and you chanced a peek around the corner to see what was going on. George was staring at his phone in a sort of stunned haze. You guessed that the person on the other line had hung up on him. CEO George Covington probably wasn’t used to people hanging up on him.
After a moment more of this shocked silence, he shook himself from the daze and dialed another number. “We need to find her. Solidify your plan and present it to the board at the next meeting.”
As soon as that call was finished, George left his office, and you set to work on your original mission: cloning his hard drive.
But as you waited for the hard drive to information to transfer, you had a few minutes to mull over that conversation. Why did it feel like it was important to you? That it was about you? Maybe you were just getting too paranoid. Being around Covingtons day and night was wearing on you. Sneaking around was getting easier, lying to and manipulating everyone was practically second nature now, and you never felt like you could relax. You never feel all the way safe.
Each day under the Covington umbrella brought you closer to the truth about your parents. A truth you weren’t sure you wanted to know anymore.
“I want the answers, but I don’t want to go alone.”
“But the only way he’ll give you the answers is if you go alone,” Dean pointed out, thinking out loud more than trying to convince you. “I don’t like it.”
“None of us like it,” Sam grumbled.
You took Dean’s beer from his hand and downed a mouthful, ignoring his protests. It was barely noon, and you were already turning to the bottle to deal with life. “Well, we have a week to figure out another plan.”
Seven days. You needed to start this week off on the right foot if you were going to be able to come up with a good plan. Returning Dean’s beer to his hand, you headed for the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a real shower now.”
Showers tended to make the world seem better. They were like steamy bandaids. Sure, the world still sucked, but once that shower curtain was closed, you couldn’t see the sucky part.
However, when you turned on the water and stepped into the hot stream, you were still tense. Everything that had happened, from a Covington interrupting your perfect morning-after with Sam to your mother rejecting you, to Braxton dropping the sister-bomb seemed intent on staying in your knotted muscles.
The bathroom door creaked open and you peeked out of the curtain to see Sam shut the door behind him and strip off his shirt.
“It’s just me.”
“You coming in?”
Once all of his clothes were on the floor, he stepped into the tub and pulled you into his arms. “Yeah. You looked like you needed a hug.”
Your first instinct was to ask him to leave and tell him that you just wanted some time alone to process everything, but you quickly put that reaction in check. You weren’t alone anymore. You had people around you who could handle themselves and knew everything that you did. You didn’t have to go through this on your own.
So you wrapped your arms around his muscular back and leaned into his comfort. You had to break the ice and start talking about something, but nothing came to mind at first. You were kind of done talking about family drama, so your mom and sister was out. Talking about George would just lead to talking about Braxton which would mean talking about your supposed sister, so George wasn’t an option.
“I’m getting my car back,” you finally said, figuring this was a safe topic.
“Yeah, and $100,000.” Sam eased back and looked at you with impressed eyes. “You never told me you were such a good negotiator. How did you manage to convince George Covington to give you that much cash?”
“It’s chump change to him and he wants the research from me. As long as I keep that away from him, I have a bargaining chip.”
Sam pressed forward until he was standing under the spray of the shower as well. “I wonder what that would be like. To be rich.”
“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. At least, rich on Covington money isn’t good. It feels… wrong.”
“Still.” Sam shrugged, ending that strain of conversation. He made a circular motion with his finger. “Turn around. I’m gonna wash your hair.”
“You’re gonna wash my hair? Really?”
An adorable pink tint stained his cheeks, but he tried not to act embarrassed. “Well, if you don’t want me to—“
“No, no. Go ahead. And don’t forget to dig in deep for a good scalp massage.”
You’d never showered with someone else. Throughout your few relationships in your life, you always found yourself showering alone. It hadn’t really crossed your mind that there was any other way. Sure, sometimes you thought about shower sex, but the logistics of that just didn’t make it seem worth it. Slippery, small space, and limited time until the hot water ran out.
And showering with someone else just to shower? It seemed more efficient to just do it alone. But with Sam’s fingers digging into your scalp and making your skin tingle, you realized just how wrong you’d been. You closed your eyes and slowly relaxed as his hands moved from your head to your neck and shoulders and down to your back, massaging away all of the tension that your breakfast meeting had brought.
Somehow when it was just you and Sam, the problems of the world seemed so very far away.
All too soon, the brief respite in the shower ended and you found yourself dried off, fully clothed, and sitting in front of a computer once again. Your fingers flew over the keys as you tried to figure out what you could hack to get the information you wanted. But three days passed and none of you could dig up anything about a possible sister, whoever Braxton could be working for, or why he might have chosen Vegas as a rendezvous point.
“Okay, here’s the plan.” You pulled Dean over to the table where Sam was already seated. “I go to Vegas. My car should be here by then, so that won’t be a problem. You guys wait a few towns over, like in Henderson or Boulder City or whatever. That way you won’t be too far away, but it should be far enough that Braxton feels safe. Before I leave, I’ll hack into every camera at the Skyloft and all surrounding buildings for you guys so you can keep an eye on me. I’ll see if I can get audio too.”
“He’s not gonna like that.”
“I’m going to Vegas for him. If he doesn’t like it, then I’ll walk. I’m not getting caught off guard again.”
“Speaking of getting caught off guard,” Dean butted in. “Your sister. What are you gonna do about her?”
“Facial recognition software. I’ll make some tweaks to the program I made for my junior project at MIT so all you guys have to do is get a clear shot of her face and run it through.”
Sam sat back and shook his head. “Is this why you didn’t sleep last night?”
With a nod, you moved on with your plan. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep a bug on me because I have a feeling that Braxton is going to be extra protective over whatever he has to say to me. So we’ll need some way to signal each other if something goes sideways. I’ll have some sort of gesture for you to see in the cameras. And if the cameras fail…”
“He won’t hurt you,” Sam said confidently. “But we should still have a signal.”
The three of you spent another day hammering out the details of your plan, then it was time for you to leave and head out to Vegas. Sam rode in your Maserati with you, and Dean led the way in the Impala on your interstate trip. The closer you got to Vegas, the more nervous you became.
It wasn’t just that Braxton had a big secret.
It was that you might have a sister.
And that was what scared you more than anything.
Part 29 of Avenging Angel IS out, but the links aren’t working on this one for some reason (Get your shit together, tumblr!) so just go to the series masterlist and go from there
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