#somehing about cleaning the wounds of your beloved etc etc
bwobgames · 1 year
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Ángel stabs him, he takes out the knife to let it bleed out
"We need to take him out of the house"
"Ángel! Over here!"
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Nadia opens the door to one of the rooms
It's the same room where they were last loop
Nadia enters and opens... the window?
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They take him, he's struggling
They are going inside the room
Are they putting him into bed?
"They are going to drop him"
They are in the window frame, Eugene is struggling against them.
He could fall at any moment
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"They... They are going to kill him. Forever, no looping
I don't want Ángel to be a murderer. He's already gone through so much.
And Nadia! She's too young to have this in her conscience, her own dad..."
"This is not fair to them"
Oliver Beebo is a man who cares about what's fair, even if it disagrees with the law
Nothing about their situation has been fair, so he does what he thinks it's best.
He runs to the window
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And pushes the man himself
"Ángel and Nadia don't deserve something like this in their souls
I can take it.
It comes with the job"
They hear him hit the ground
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They look down
He's not moving
"Even if he survives the fall, the blood loss and the cold temperatures should be enough to kill him.
He's... he's pretty much dead
Beebo takes his phone
"He's... He's to the side of the house. I'm going to hang now. We'll be out in a little bit"
He has... conflicting feelings about this situation
Is this fair? To be killed forever against multiple killings that technically never happened?
Ah, his therapist is gonna have a field day with this
"So... he tripped and fell, right?"
"Wha- Ángel!"
"Yeah Ángel, how did he get stabbed if he just tripped? We need to add something about self defense"
"I mean, he did try to kill us. We have enough proof all over our faces"
"And the bombs, don't forget the bombs"
"Alright, listen! When we get out and reunite with everyone, we'll agree with a story"
"Because it's very unlikely they'll believe there's a time loop"
"I say we tell everyone it was something really stupid, like he thought this was the first floor or something"
"I don't think that's plausible"
"No, no, it has merits"
"... Maybe having you two get along was a bad idea"
"Wha- Im not getting along with him!"
"My love, you offend me. How could you- YOUR FACE"
Ángel looks at Beebo's bloddied face
"Are you okay?! Did he get your eye?! Can you see?!"
"It's okay, it was just my eyebrow"
Ángel takes the end of his scarf and brings it to Oliver's face
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"Is it healing?! Did he hit any arteries?! Quick, do you feel nauseous? Light-headed? What's your blood type?!"
"Ángel, I'm fine. It's already healing"
"Put pressure on it, you don't have any coagulation problems, do you?"
"I don't, do you?"
Oliver takes the scarf
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"Look, you are bleeding too"
"Oh. Oh yeah, that explains some things"
"Here, I'll try my best. Tell me if it hurts, okay?"
He cleans the blood off Ángel's face
"I'm sorry about your scarf, and your jacket, and the future scar this will leave."
"It's okay, It looks good on me, and we'll match!"
"And I can just take a few millions from Coli's company for my clothes"
"What? Is compensation for the damage"
"What will you do after that?"
"I don't know, maybe a stay at home husband for one lucky man"
"A very lucky man"
"You two do realize the first floor is on fire, right?"
"Oh. Oh yeah"
"Oh fuck, the fire, yes"
"Nadia, make a rope with the bedsheets from here to the patio and get out as soon as possible. Call everyone to get there"
"Got it"
"Wait, kid"
Ángel takes out the photobook of his pocket, it's a little battered
He gently bops the book against the top of her head
"Ta-da, the gift of knowledge"
"... I am very glad he died now"
"Hah, we are not so different, then"
"Of course of course"
She goes to the bedroom
"Okay, now we just need to find a nice sturdy object. Like a femur"
"Like a what"
Beebo goes through the rooms, he finds a piece of wood
Probably for future renovations
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"Not as great as my good friend femur, but I shall love it all the same
Oh wood, thank you for allowing the deed we are doing today. Your companionship is-"
Ángel takes it away from him
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"Ángel? What's wrong?"
"Aside from everything that has happened tonight"
"Do we really have to destroy it?"
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