#somebody please save keegan and kick from me
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bloodytalefeathers · 2 months ago
me, beating myself with a stick: stop projecting onto fictional men, you fucking dumbass.
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supitskeegs · 8 years ago
Strip Go Fish → Treegan
Tagged: Keegan Allen and Troian Bellisario @hqtbells Location: Evans Residence Time Frame: Thursday Night, June 15th Notes: Keegan and Troian play Strip Go Fish at a birthday party.
Troian Rushing around her bedroom to get ready, Troian narrowly avoided stubbing her toe on the bedpost. Her hair was straightened, her make up done, and her black low cut v-neck dress draped over her body to fit but she couldn't find.."Aha," she crowed softly in triumph, and fastened her earrings securely into the small holes in her ear before hearing the doorbell. Right on time. "I get it!" Phillip shouted from his room a few doors down and Troian sighed, quickly darting out of her bedroom and intercepting her three year old that hadn't grasped the concept of stranger danger yet. "You do not have it," she gently corrected him and picked him up to hold as they went down the stairs. Phillip was getting way too big and way too heavy to comfortably carry but the feeling of him pressed up against her hip was not a feeling she wanted to let go of just yet. Checking her reflection in the mirror in the hall, Troian had a warm smile on her face ready to welcome Keegan but it quickly dropped as it revealed her brother, Nick, the babysitter of the evening. "Oh," she greeted him in a dry, disapproving way only a sister could get away with. "I thought you were Keegan. Come in. Soph's finishing dinner at the table." She moved away from Nick's hand ready to mess up her hair and picked up her phone, smiling slightly as Phillip leaned his head against hers. 'I almost cat called my brother, thinking it was you at the door. You on your way?' she texted Keegan before hitting send and turning her attention to Phillip. "Let's go see what sissy is up to."
Keegan wasn't really sure about how tonight was going to go, not only because he didn't know the guy it was for well but also because he always felt somewhat comfortable at wild parties like these since he didn't drink alcohol. Everyone was always drunk around him and while he didn't really feel tempted anymore, it just made him feel weird. Luckily Troian was going to be there and they planned on having some fun of their own which he was excited about. He put on his new boxers and a pair of jeans with a plain black t-shirt, running a brush through his long hair and fixing it so it looked nice. He sprayed some cologne and heard his phone buzzing on the bed, seeing that it was Troian. 'Hahaha. Leaving now', he texted back to her, amused that she almost catcalled her brother. Making his way to Troian's, Keegan got out of the car and knocked before walking into the house. "Hello," he called out, smiling when Phillip ran towards him. "Hey buddy," he said, leaning down to hug him.
Troian passed the time waiting for Keegan by watching Nick trying to get Phillip to stop running around and eat; he had developed the new habit of taking a few bites of food before running back into the living room to play. It was a habit she should probably break but she found too much amusement in it for the time being. When she heard the knock, she stood up and hurried to open it, the previous smile and playful whistle she had been saving for him slipping past her lips as she took him in. "Hello handsome," she greeted and leaned her head against the door with a flirtatious expression on her face. Stepping aside so he could come in, Troian smiled as Phillip clung to Keegan and then craned her head to look at Nick. "Be sure to put them in bed at their /bed time/," she told Nick firmly. "No playing favorite uncle." Turning back to Keegan, her hand slipped through his arm. "Ready to go?"
Keegan smirked and blushed slightly when Troian greeted him. She looked incredible and he thought about what might go down at the party because of their last conversation and he couldn't help but blush even more. "You look...amazing," he said, eyeing the black dress she had on. He ran a hand through Phillip's hair and greeted Nick who he saw once walking further inside and he laughed as Troian told him to put them to bed at their bedtime. "Are you the favorite uncle? Do they know their favorite uncle is terrible at video games? Not setting a good example," he teased, nudging him playfully. "Yep, ready to go. See you guys later," he said, walking out of the house with his arm linked to Troian's. He opened the passenger door for her before getting into the driver's seat and soon enough they were on their way. "I'm glad I'm going with you because I really don't know this couple that well. I know you're close to them so it'll make me feel less awkward," he said as he continued to drive. "Are you excited?"
Troian shook her head as Nick flipped off Keegan, nudging her best friend gently along towards the front door. "Behave!" She called out to her kids and followed Keegan outside, smiling as he so courteously opened her door for her. Chivalry was not dead and it was sexy as hell. "Thank you," she curtsied playfully and slid into the front seat. Adjusting the hem of her dress so that it didn't ride up too much on her thighs and reveal the goodies (yet), Troian buckled up and placed her hands in her lap as she waited for Keegan to start the car. "I'm glad I'm going with you too," she smiled at him, tipping her head up as her cheeks flushed. "I'm glad you said yes to being my date. I hate going to parties alone and I didn't want to skip out on this, they're both good friends of mine. I doubt they'll be around much though, so it's up to you and I to entertain ourselves." She fished in her clutch before pulling out the stack of cards, grinning devilishly at him. "Yep. I come prepared. We're gonna get lit," she teased.
Keegan smiled and nodded. "Going to parties alone is definitely sad. We should make a promise right now that if one of us have a party to go to and we have no one to go with, we'll ask one another," he said to the brunette. "They seem like nice people so I'm sure it'll be a fun night. Luckily we've talked of some good ways to entertain ourselves," he said while smirking. When Troian took out the Go Fish cards, Keegan chuckled before nodding. "It's going to get so lit," he teased back. When they arrived at where the party was, Keegan parked and met Troian on the other side was they walked in together. He greeted Scarlett who was hosting the party and Keegan stood there with Troian, waiting for her to finish conversing. He knew it was a surprise so chances were Chris wasn't there yet and Keegan figured they shouldn't start any game until they surprised him and said happy birthday. "Want to go grab something to drink while we wait?"
Troian considered this promise for a few seconds even though her mind was automatically screaming 'YES' at the concept. Her go to date was always Keegan, and she had become braver and more comfortable in the thoughts that he'd say yes if she asked him. "Pinky promise," she held out her pinky and linked it securely with his. She stuck her tongue out through her teeth as she giggled at his agreement before she delicately put the cards away. When they arrived at the party, Troian got out and walked in with Keegan. It was already pretty full and her fingers dug a little more firmly into Keegan's arm at her claustrophobia kicked in. She had gotten much better at large crowds but there was always a little unease at being surrounded by so many people. There was a reason she was a homebody. She hugged Scarlett in greeting and then turning back to face Keegan, she nodded at his suggestion. "Yes please. I'm sure there's virgin options. It's gonna suck if we just have to drink water all night, haha. Maybe there's La Croix," she teased him.
Keegan chuckled when Troian spoke, knowing it would be pretty lame to have water all night but he obviously wasn't going to go near the alcohol. "You could drink if you want, I really don't mind. If they have La Croix, I'll be so pumped," he said as they made their way towards the drink table. He saw a cooler full of cans and he saw some La Croix in there which made him happy. "They have different flavors too, nice! You should try one. Have you had one before?" He asked Troian. He grabbed one from the cooler and opened it immediately, taking a sip. A few minutes later, it was announced that Chris would be there any minute so the lights were turned off and Keegan hid behind a wall with a few people. When he came inside, everyone screamed surprise and it was cliche like most surprise parties were. He went over to say happy birthday to Chris and once everyone did that, they started going their separate ways and doing their own thing. That's when Keegan knew he and Troian could start their own fun. "So..where should we play our game?"
Troian Keegan and his La Croix obsession. Troian shook her head as she followed him to the refreshments, arching an amused eyebrow as she saw the cans in question. "Nope, never had one," she answered him and took a can herself. The condensation melted on her palm and she tipped the tab open, wrinkling her nose delicately as she went to smell it. "What is it?" She asked curiously before taking a small sip. Hm. It was pretty tasty; she'd take a daquiri over it any day and she knew Keegan wouldn't be upset if she drank but she always found something very tasteless about somebody drinking around someone with an alcohol problem. Her and Keegan didn't need to be inebriated to have fun, anyways. Turning around as the announcement that Chris would be there came, she laughed as she hurried with Keegan to hide. They waited in the dark until the lights flipped on and after greeting Chris quickly, Troian knew it'd be a while till she saw him and Scarlett again. They'd be busy being hosts with the most. "Hmm," she tapped her chin as she looked around, trying to find a place. "There's gotta be an empty room somewhere here. Or a closet," she chuckled and took a hold of his hand. "Let's go wander around and find it."
Keegan looked around and figured there had to be an empty room somewhere since the house was huge and everyone was scattering around in different places anyway. "I hope we don't have to resort to a closet. That sounds like it'll get a little too crowded and uncomfortable. Not that I wouldn't mind being so close to you but in order to play the game, we need some space," he clarified. He led the way upstairs figuring they'd find a spare room up there somewhere and when he found an empty room, Keegan sat down on the ground and waited for Troian to join him. He got another look at her and suddenly a thought came to mind and it made him smirk. "You know, as amazing as you look in that dress, you didn't really dress accordingly for this game. It's a disadvantage for you," he said. "Wearing a dress means that's one piece of clothing you have to strip completely. I get two out of that by wearing a shirt and pants."
Troian pressed her lips together and failed to suppress a smile as Keegan flirted back, her fingers twined with his as he lead her up the stairs. She glanced around to see if anybody was watching them but everybody was too invested in the party so she doubted their company would be missed much. And when Keegan found a room, she shut the door behind her and turned to face him. His comment made her look down at her dress and she twisted her mouth to the side in a wry, amused expression. "You're right," she chuckled and brushed her hair away from her face. "But I figured it was worth the risk to take the chance to hear you say I look amazing." She smiled down at him and then as delicately as she could, sat down and stretched her legs out to the side as she pulled the cards out of her purse. "Besides. Who said I plan on losing?" Her eyes twinkled and spreading out the cards, dealing seven to him. She glanced at her cards and then at him. "Do you have any nines?" This could either be the longest or the shortest game of her life.
Keegan smiled and nodded. "Even if you weren't wearing a dress, I would've said you looked amazing. Doesn't matter what you wear, you always look good," he added. "That pant suit is definitely something you should do more often," he noted, seeing her in one recently for an event that looked amazing on her. Now that they were both on the floor with the cards in the middle, Keegan waited for Troian to deal out the cards, looking at the seven he had gotten. When she asked him if he had any nines, Keegan shook his head. "Go fish," he told her, watching her take another card. "That also means strip," he told her, not wanting her to forget about that part. He was curious what she was going to take off first, especially since she didn't have as many options as he did anyway. When it was his turn to go, he looked at his cards. "Do you have any twos?"
Troian The coy expression on Troian's face softened as Keegan so sweetly complimented her. "Thanks Keegs," she smiled back at him. The comment about the pantsuit made her chuckle too. She didn't bust them out often but when she did, she always felt very powerful. And then the smile slipped off her face; even in a game as trivial as Go Fish, Troian still wasn't a fan of losing. She glared at him but made a move to take out her earrings, smirking at her sudden burst of inspiration. "This counts as clothing too," she defended herself and placed her earrings in her clasp so that she wouldn't lose them. She reached over to take another card and at his question, bit her lip as she came across a two. She could lie to him..but her moral code won. "Here," she told him grudgingly and handed him the three twos she had before pausing. "Do I have to strip again? Why do I feel like I'm gonna be naked in like, five minutes?" This wasn't going how she planned.
Keegan rolled his eyes when Troian took her earrings off as her first move. "Really? That's how you're gonna play?" He said before shaking his head. "Fine, I guess it counts," he muttered. That did make Keegan realize that he could use his watch as a move now but so far it didn't even seem like he had to think about that. When asking Troian for twos, she had three of them and that ended up clearing half the cards in his hands. "Well damn, I might run out of cards before I even get you naked. Come on now, put up some kind of fight here," he teased. When she asked him for another number, Keegan was tempted to say he didn't have it but he wanted to keep things interesting and give Troian a little show so he decided to indulge, for this time at least. "Here you go," he said before boldly taking off his shirt, deciding to go big instead of just taking off a stupid piece of clothing or jewelry. "Do you have any eights?"
Troian bit her lip in unabashed glee as Keegan handed her his card and watched as his shirt slid off his chest, her eyes trailing over the familiar six pack. But honestly - couldn't he have gotten less attractive over time? It was both a blessing and a curse that he still looked so good. She glanced down at her stack and while the competitive girl inside of her pouted that she did, a much bigger part of her was cheering that she /did/. "Yep," she grinned at him and stood up. Her earrings had been her only jewelry tonight so he was in luck. Reaching her arms down to tug off her dress, Troian pulled the form fitting black material off until she was left in her matching black push up bra and low hip hugging underwear. She kicked the dress to the side with her heel and grinned down at him. "I like this game," she told him cheekily. "I can't decide if I want to win or lose." Sitting back down, Troian drew some more cards and looked at him. "Any threes?" /Please say yes/. She wanted the jeans off next.
Keegan smirked when he saw that Troian was taking off her dress, knowing that would only leave her in her bra and underwear. She had been talking about wearing sexy underwear and once he saw them, his jaw dropped. They were incredibly sexy and her bra looked amazing too and now Keegan found himself staring for way longer than considered normal. "W-what?" He asked, not hearing what she said because he was distracted. Clearing his throat, Keegan looked back at his cards and when Troian asked if he had any threes, Keegan pursed his lips. He was torn between saying yes since he did and saying no so that she would strip again. "Nope, Go Fish," he lied, trying to hold back his smirk. Keegan was curious what she was going to take off next. She still had her shoes on and he wondered if she'd go that route to tease him but if Keegan had to strip next, he was definitely going to leave his jeans for last since his new boxers was his big reveal.
Troian opened her mouth to repeat herself before she noticed where his eye line was and she settled on letting out a soft, smug hum instead. "You're such a liar," she laughed as he told her he didn't have the cards she wanted. Keegan had never been able to lie to her and he never would be, his poker face was /horrible/. But she wasn't going to complain. She could see his gaze drift down to her shoes and she had an inkling that was what he predicted she'd lose next; well Troian didn't like to be predictable. She reached behind her to unclasp her bra, feeling a momentary regret that her boobs were no longer going to be upped to their full advantage and slid the straps off her shoulders. She collected the satin material in her hands and lightly tossed it to Keegan, laughing softly at his expression. "Go Fish," she repeated back to him and licked her lips slightly. Her fingers hovered over the stack of cards in the middle between them, unsure if he wanted to keep playing this game or start a whole other one, a whole other category of game instead.
Keegan raised his eyebrows. "Me? A liar. Oh stop. I'm totally not lying," he said, trying not to smile. Even if Troian seemed to figure out that he was lying, it didn't seem like she cared and they continued playing. He was shocked to see that she was taking off her bra instead of her shoes and now that her breasts were bare and right in front of him, Keegan didn't know what to do or say next. "That's not fair," he mumbled, biting down on his bottom lip. "You really think I'm going to be able to continue playing with your boobs hanging out like that?" He asked while shaking his head. "I mean we can call it a game at this point. You pretty much lost. Two more moves and you'll be completely naked while I'm still covered in articles of clothing," he smirked. "The question is, are you still going to be able to see my boxers now? What's the next move here?" He asked while staring at her boobs again.
Troian shrugged her shoulders in the universal 'no fucks given' gesture. She knew her strong points and she was going to use them because she knew Keegan would take full advantage of her weak spots too. "Am I really a loser if you get to see me naked?" She queried, a pretty smile on her lips as she looked across at him. "If you're going to stare at me the way you're staring at me right now, I'd say I'm more of a winner." Her body felt flushed under his gaze but Troian had also known Keegan long enough that this felt entirely comfortable. Months ago, she might have felt petrified at how he'd perceive her actions or worried if he felt she were adding strings but they had settled into a groove. Not the healthiest groove but..a groove, nonetheless. "It's up to you if I see your boxers," she placed her cards down and stretched out her long legs, spreading them slightly and nudging his foot with her heel. "But it's not really fair if I've shown you mine and you don't show me yours. Tease." Unable to help herself, Troian's foot nudged over his groin, her grin widening.
Keegan shrugged. "That's why I first said when we were going to play this game that it's a win win situation, so I'm glad you feel the same. Even when you're stripping, you know the affect it has on me. And vice versa, I would assume," he said while smirking. "So really, we're both winning here. And there's only one logical next step to make sure that we both continue to win..." He trailed off, kicking off his shoes slowly and watching them fling across the room. Keegan knew that Troian was going to see these boxers and he had been hyping them up for that fact alone. He had a feeling she was simply going to laugh at them but she knew all the different pairs he had and how amusing they were so this was one to add to the collection and he was excited to see her reaction. He took off his socks and now he only had his jeans left to take off and that would be when she saw his new boxers. "I am a tease but I won't make you wait any longer," he said, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding the zipper down. He then slowly slid his jeans down his legs to reveal his boxers which had different types of ramen all over them. "Are these perfect for me or what?"
Troian watched Keegan with an affectionate expression on her face as he started talking about almost the /logistics/ of how they worked. "You stripping has definitely always been something I like to watch," she chuckled and the fond smile didn't leave her lips as she leaned back on her palms. The carpet of the floor they were sitting on pressed against her flesh but she barely noticed the dull discomfort as she watched him slowly begin to undress. Memories of long ago - Keegan in front of her, swaying his hips playfully as Troian fell backwards onto the bed in laughter came to the forefront of her mind and her chest clenched in a bittersweet fashion. Her brown eyes stayed trained on him, Troian giving Keegan a small smile before it widened into a grin as she saw these boxers he had talked up to her. Of. Course. "Oh my God," the laughter came easily and Troian shook her head. "I really love you." Her eyes were shining as she beamed at him. "Those are..those are pretty hot, Keegs. And here I thought /I/ went above and beyond in looking good for you but you..you obviously take the cake." She teasingly fanned herself, moving her hair over her shoulder. "If my panties weren't wet before.." She stuck her tongue out teasingly at him.
Keegan chuckled at Troian's reaction. He knew she'd get a kick out of him having ramen boxers and he knew that anyone else would think it was ridiculous but he didn't care. Troian didn't mind him having silly boxer designs which is why he enjoyed showing them to her. "I love you too," he said happily while staring into her eyes. Now he knew she was teasing him and he didn't blame her, sensing it was coming because how could she not when he had ramen on his boxers? "Yeah yeah, I know. I really went all out. You just wanna eat the ramen right off my boxers, right? I planned this according," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "Your underwear is pretty good too though, don't sell yourself short. It just doesn't beat mine," he teased once before before leaning in closer to her. Now they were inches apart, both of them in just their underwear and that's when Keegan leaned in to kiss her, pressing his lips against hers gently.
Troian shifted a little on the bed as Keegan said 'eat' - she couldn't help it, her mind went to a less than PG place and it didn't help that the one man who always managed to make her hot with just a simple look was standing practically naked in front of her. Growing quiet as he spoke but still smiling at his teasing comments, Troian's eyes followed him as he grew closer to her and she pushed herself up to stand straight. She was a tall girl but Keegan had always had a little bit of height advantage on her and this was comforting. "I guess I still have yet to beat you," she teased back and drew in an audible breath before pressing her lips back against his. Right away, she opened her mouth so his tongue could slide in and then she wrapped her arms around his neck, beginning to back him up towards the guest bed. She felt a little guilty for doing this in a friends house - but then Keegan did something with his tongue that made her moan into his mouth and all thoughts disappeared. Pushing roughly against his chest so that he fell back, Troian straddled his hips and tucked her hands underneath his boxers. "Great boxers, but they got to go," she breathed out and tugged them down, licking her lips as she took him in naked. "God, you're so fucking hot."
Keegan smirked before licking his lips as he stared into her eyes. "And yet you're still winning, right?" He said to her before pressing his lips against hers. He slipped his tongue inside of her mouth and started moving it around, moaning at the taste and straddling her hips as he got more comfortable on the bed. Now he just hoped nobody walked in on them because it wasn't their house and it was a random room and you never know what could happen. When Troian took control and pushed him back, Keegan smirked and thought back to when they did this for the show, sensing that Troian had a lot of fun bossing him around. "You like doing that, don't you?" He said before closing his eyes as he felt Troian's hands underneath his boxers. "O-kay," he breathed out, lifting his hips as she tugged his boxers down his legs. Smirking as she called him hot, Keegan leaned forward to press a kiss to her stomach before hooking his fingers into her underwear and tugging on them roughly, causing a rip. "Oops," he said innocently before looking up at her.
Troian "I'm always winning," Troian chuckled and slid her hands up his chest before closing her eyes at the sensation of his lips sliding over the flat expanse of her tummy. It had been a sensual move during filming, and it hadn't lost its appeal since then. Her breath was more jagged as he drew away, wanting to move his mouth back towards the flesh and then keep pushing it down but then she felt a breeze slide across her hips. She glanced down to see a tear in her underwear. She looked at his attempt of an apologetic expression - she would have bought it if she hadn't known him better. "Yeah, you're real sorry," she told him dryly and shook her head, her thighs clenching despite herself at the rough way he had grabbed her hips. She missed being manhandled by him and feeling completely safe even when everything other nerve in her body felt out of control. He was the only person she trusted to push her. "You owe me pretty underwear. You have to come with me when I buy them next," she offered to him, smiling at the thought of modeling for him before she slid down off him and landed on her knees. Nudging his legs apart, Troian moved her hand to grip him and rubbed her thumb over his leaking tip, spreading the small precum around his length before moving in and drawing him into her mouth, moaning at the familiar taste. She had missed this, pleasing him.
Keegan pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing. "I'm sorry! Except I'm not, you're right, because I like ripping your underwear. And deep down I don't think you mind it either," he said while smirking. When she told him that he'd have to go with her to get her a new pair next time, Keegan shrugged. He wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to help Troian pick out some sexy underwear. "Fine. See, I did us both a favor by ripping them off," he said before chuckling. Now that she was in between his legs, Keegan felt chills down his spine in anticipation once she moved his legs apart and started moving her hand against his length and wasting no time taking it into her mouth. "Fuck," he breathed out, leaning his head back. He reached down to bury a hand in Troian's hand as she continued, bucking his hips up into her face and letting out a content sigh as she continued.
Troian tilted her head to the side as she felt Keegan's fingers twist in her hair and she moved her face closer to his groin, sliding more of his length into her mouth. Her tongue twisted around him, licking and sucking, and she could feel the heat of his hips pressing more urgently against her lips as she went on. The sounds he always made while Troian did this made her feel more good than she could tell him; she felt powerful on her knees, even in such a submissive position. Her nails rested against his thighs and she scratched the skin lightly as her knees dug into the carpet. She took more and more of him in her, sliding his cock back and forth on her tongue and raising her brown eyes to stare up into his blue ones. Her licks were purposeful; she had years of experience to back her up to support all of him and barely gagging as he brushed the back of her throat, Troian repeated this deepthroat motion until she finally gasped and drew him back out to run her tongue around his swollen head. "Pull my hair," she moaned lightly, her hand coming up to stroke him in assistance.
Keegan groaned when he felt Troian scratching at his thighs, taking more and more of his cock into her mouth. She was such an expert at this and no matter how long it had been, she knew just what to do to get him going each time. He continued running a hand through her hair as she continued his motions, building up a climax as he felt pleasure coursing through his body. When she told him to pull her hair, Keegan smirked before tugging on it. "You like that?" He breathed out, doing it again. Suddenly Keegan felt the urge to be in control and wanting to be inside of her so he rolled them over and straddled Troian's hips, guiding his hard and wet cock into her center, entering her at ease. He moaned at the feeling and placed his hands on her shoulders as he started to thrust in and out of her.
Troian "Yes," Troian whimpered, Keegan's dark and low tone making her stomach tighten in response. Each rough tug he gave to her locks only encouraged Troian to take him in deeper and she felt her moans reverberate around his cock as he yanked particularly rough during one point. She pulled back, ready to bring him again, before she was lifted up and placed underneath him. On instinct, Troian's legs wrapped around Keegan's waist and her ankles twisted together at the small of his back as she tipped her head and allowed him to enter her. "Fuck," she breathed out softly, tightening around him almost immediately and her nails digging into his shoulder blades. It had been a while since they had last been like this and Troian welcomed the sensation, usually only lonely nights with her hand around to ease that ache she created whenever she thought of him. Troian let out a soft cry as his thrusts became deeper, rougher, and she lifted her hips forward to meet his. "Fuck, I love when you fuck me hard like this," she breathed out and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She moved her arms up to scrape her teeth against his throat, sucking on the skin as he pushed her further and further back against the headboard.
Keegan groaned when Troian wrapped her legs around his back, causing him to enter her even deeper. He missed being this close to her and hearing the sounds coming out of her mouth thanks to his ministrations. With her nails digging into his shoulder blades, Keegan buried his face into the crook of her neck as he continued his thrusts, panting heavily against her skin. He smirked as she spoke, going even harder now and moaning each time he entered her. He leaned his head back slightly when Troian started scraping her teeth against his throat, causing him to reach out a run a hand through her hair. He then pressed his lips against Troian's for a few seconds before moving towards her jawline and down to her neck, sucking on her pulsepoint as he continued bucking his hips.
Troian With his face nuzzling into her neck, Troian gripped the small ends of his long hair as he picked up his pace. She was glad the party was so loud downstairs; the headboard was beginning to slam into the wall and it wasn't as if she was dialing back the volume with each noise she uttered. "OhmyGod," her words slurred together and her stomach tightened, feeling his lips trail down past her jaw and to the one spot on her neck he knew was her weakpoint. Her hips still managed to buck upwards towards him, desperately trying to meet his thrusts even though she was trying hard to hold back her climax because she didn't want this to be over so quickly. "Keegs, I'm gonna come," she whimpered and her wide brown eyes met his blue ones and she picked up his hand to rub harsh circles over her clit so that could be the final tipping point. She moaned his name loudly as she came, arching against him and she tightened her grip around his waist as she felt him come, moaning softly once more at the feeling.
Keegan was building up his own climax but he wanted to hold off and make sure that Troian came first. He liked watching her come undone and make sure that she was satisfied by him pleasing her before experiencing his own climax and while he knew it'd be hard to hold off for long, he was still going to try his best. Luckily he sensed that Troian was close and she voiced it soon after that and that's all it took for Keegan to go faster and deeper inside of her, wanting her to feel all the pleasure at once. When she grabbed his hand to start rubbing at her clit, Keegan moved his own thumb in circular motions while bucking his hips, her body then jolting against his as she came. Keegan came right after her, moaning Troian's name over and over as the waves of pleasure coursed through his body. "Fuck," he breathed out as he started coming down from his high, his thrusts getting slower and less frequent, exhaustion taking over his body.
Troian pressed her head back against the pillow and bit her lip, trying not to let traces from the both of them spill out over her thighs and onto the sheets. Scarlett /would/ kill her. Making a mental note to replace them and apologize profusely to her friends, Troian pressed her lips against Keegan's shoulder as he stretched out on top of her and raised her fingers to wipe at his sweaty brows. She smiled at him as they connected gazes. "You kill me," she chuckled in a soft whisper and kissed his forehead. She can't seem to stop touching him, her fingers greedily spreading over his back and her hips shifting below his as she grows comfortable. It's just such a safe and peaceful feeling that she doesn't want to let go of it just yet. "Pretty sure I'll never be able to look at Go Fish the same ever again," she offers out into the silence and nudges him, her hand smoothing over his back and her fingers sliding into his hair.
Keegan wrapped his arms around Troian and started playing with her hair gently as they relaxed against one another. "You kill me too," he teased before clearing his throat. He laughed as she brought up never looking at Go Fish the same, nodding in agreement. "I think it's pretty cool that we got to make it into something sexy though. We might've been the first people to ever do that," he said, wondering at that thought. When her fingers slid in his hair, Keegan closed his eyes and smiled softly. "That's the one thing you didn't do during sex that could've made it better," he pointed out. "You wanted me to tug on your hair but you didn't really tug on me. Plus it's long like it was back in the New York City days when you had a ball tugging at it. Simba like hair," he said, smiling at the mention. "Oh well, maybe next time. If you're lucky and there is a next time," he teased before reluctantly pulling away to grab his clothes. "We better get outta here before we get caught. It's already obvious that someone had sex in here," he chuckled.
Troian "Turning innocent games into sex games," Troian shook her head and then sat up, holding the sheets to her chest as she watched Keegan begin to collect his clothes. She wished this had gone down somewhere else; she always enjoyed cuddling with Keegan afterwards. "If /I/ get lucky?!" She gaped at him and picked up a pillow to launch, laughing as it his hit his hip and then fell to the floor. Raking her fingers through her hair, Troian ran them over her lips next and smiled to herself as she watched Keegan get dressed. She knew she needed to too, but she was enjoying the view. "C'mere," she tugged at his wrist before leaning up to kiss his lips and then reaching at the end of the bed to stuff her torn underwear in his palm. "There. A present," she grinned at him before finally rising up. "Let's go see if we can get cake. I hope we're not too late for it."
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