#somebody please respect buffy please i'm begging you i really don't want to have to only rely on spike for that after he tried to r*pe her
hawkesvarric · 4 years
god i forgot just how painful s6 of buffy is. like yet a-fucking-gain here her friends go with their own damn selfishness. “oh well we wanted you back because it was just too hard for us personally to deal with you being gone.” like even factoring in that willow had somewhat of a reason to think maybe buffy was suffering in death like angel had, it’s still fucking shitty to just not even consider what their friend would want. when dawn tried to bring joyce back, buffy was not on-board with that! why would they think she would just automatically be okay with being brought back when they all knew how incredibly dangerous and risky this sort of magic would be? and they didn’t even like attempt to maybe contact her spirit first to see if she really was in a hell dimension first like what the fuck! i get that willow didn’t know buffy was in heaven, i do, but i just think it’s kinda fucked up that she even did this in the first place. when buffy lied to them and said she was grateful for what they did, my heart was hurting so bad for my girl.
and THEN the whole house situation on top of all that!! were willow and tara even working during that time? it doesn’t fucking seem like it. they just dump all of that on buffy’s lap to take care of (lmao what else is new) like “oh it’s your responsibility to get a job sweaty (:” um y’all can fucking contribute?? y’all just moved in to a house that your names are not legally attached to (I’m pretty sure since buffybot was impersonating buffy to keep custody of dawn so i assume the house also went to buffy too.) and are basically freeloading??? they didn’t even help out with all the bills, they basically just told buffy they used all of her and joyce’s money to cover the bills like??? they can’t go get jobs and help the fuck out since they decided to move on in like they own the damn place? but, as always on this damn show, everybody just expects buffy to swoop in and fix all their problems for them! why should anybody else have to pitch in ever right (:
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