#some women fear the fire; others become it | | keelin malraux
fragmcntedsouls · 3 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ keelin malraux
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"Don't touch that, thank you" Keelin scolded as she removed a particularly expensive heirloom from the wandering hands of a guest and pointed down the hall, "the ballroom is that way. This part of the compound is off limits." Klaus had willingly let the vultures into their home; a home that she had once shared with her wife and their children. No life remained within the walls now, instead it was just bricks and mortar. 'Are you kidding me' was hissed beneath her breath as the sound of footsteps approached, to which Keelin raised her voice, "I thought I told you, this room's out of bounds."
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fragmcntedsouls · 4 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ keelin malraux
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Keelin was pretty sure she'd developed some kind of repetitive strain injury from extracting slugs from the carnival and after a gruelling shift at the hospital where that continued, she wasn't in the mood to discuss anything medical. "It's the weekend and this is a bar" she quipped, fixing herself a drink behind the counter at Rousseau's "so please do not ask me to look at your strange rash or the weird things on your feet, because I am off duty. If you can do that for me, the first rounds on the house."
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fragmcntedsouls · 4 months
keelin malraux ✦ briggs mikaelson // @ofmoonlitmagic
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Keelin had seen some pretty nasty, also bizarre things roll into the ER, but a mass slugging was probably one of the wildest yet. She'd done her fair share of slug removal with Freya over the course of the evening, which honestly hadn't been what she had in mind for their impromptu date night. More fool her for expecting otherwise.
Sat at the kitchen table, holding onto a slug in a jar, her eyes immediately met the second party entering the room as she quickly came to her own defence, "before you ask – your brother brought it home. I had to wait until he was asleep to pry it out of hands. Little as he might be, his grip is freakishly strong."
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fragmcntedsouls · 3 months
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𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐗 – 𝐚 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐧
Yet again, the family find themselves divided by Klaus' bullheadedness and Keelin believes that his impulsive nature is putting them all at risk.
In the last year, she has grown to resent Klaus for his decision to form an alliance with the OEA, masterplan or not. To her, this comes at the expense of their family, of her children. Forgiveness won't be something that's simply handed over.
Whilst she understood her son's decision to leave the city, it didn't make accepting the fact any easier. The only solace in the idea being that he was doing was right for himself and for his wife and in her heart, she had to trust that he would always come home.
Despite the persistent offers for her to join the ranks of the OEA as medical faculty, she refuses. A decision that she won't waver from.
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
keelin malraux ✦ briggs mikaelson // (@ofmoonlitmagic)
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Upon receiving a call from the emergency room that she had a visitor, Keelin soon finished up her rounds before sprinting to the department, knowing exactly who it was going to be. The grin that she wore was unmatched, only growing wider upon those suspicions being confirmed. Bonus points for the food in his hand. “I don’t know who i’m more glad to see, you or the takeout.”
Whilst she was kidding – mostly, she was thrilled to see her son back from his trip. Taking the bag from his grasp, she set it down onto the counter before taking both of his cheeks into her hands and placing a mom like kiss against his forehead, "let me look at you" she hummed, pulling backwards and inhaling a deep breath before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace. “Oh my baby boy, I wanna hear everything.” 
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
keelin malraux ✦ kaya ( @l-kaya )
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"Alright don't hate me" Keelin murmured as she appeared in the office doorway. A coffee and a brown paper bag in one hand and a tonne of files secured under her free arm. "I brought a peace offering and there is -- donuts, somewhere here." She was absolutely stalling before creeping closer; holding out the coffee and pastry bag for Kaya to take as she dropped the files onto the desk with a thud. "Just a couple referrals. I know, I know -- I owe you big time, but you're the best at what you do and I don't trust anybody else with this."
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fragmcntedsouls · 7 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ keelin malraux ✦ exitium.event002
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Keelin was confident that there wasn't a single person here who was buying into the bullshit that this forced attendance gala was part of a truce. Already she had encountered turbulence after an OEA car had collected her from the hospital, the hunter treating her no different to usual as he practically marched her into the venue.
Snatching her arm away from their guiding grasp she hissed "I've got it from here, thanks" as she crossed the threshold into the headquarters. Unimpressed. Taking in her elaborate surroundings, the she wolf shrugged her jacket from her frame as she mused "this already exceeds my expectations; but I guess there's still time for the pitch fork wielding angry mob to show."
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
you believe me, don't you? (for Keelin)
keelin malraux ✦ memes // flashback
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Month after painstaking month, admission after admission it was always the same fabrication of a twisted truth. ‘Fuckin’ kids clumsy as hell, he tripped.’ Bullshit. ‘Little bastards gettin’ in fights at school.’ Another bruise, another broken bone, another lie – one after the next.
The air was suffocating in it, Briggs’ father pacing back and forth in the corner of the room, exchanging warning glances with his son, but Keelin wasn’t about to be intimidated by this bastard. Interrupting his pace, she stood her ground between Briggs and Gideon, her eyes warning him as she spoke calm, yet firmly “there’s a cafeteria down the hall, you can wait there. This'll take a while.” 
Placing his chart down on the bed beside him, she adjusted the sling that was supporting another fresh break. This wasn't the last time they would find themselves here and nothing terrified her more. What use was she if she couldn't put an end to this insidious cycle? Her eyes were pleading with the teen and her features had softened – a far cry from the expression she’d previously used against his father. "I want you to tell me again what happened."
‘You believe me, don't you?’
A saddened sigh filtered from her lungs as she removed her gloves, tossing them into the waste before taking a seat beside him. “I need you to help me, help you -- and that begins with you being honest with me.” She was all but begging him now, "let me do that."
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fragmcntedsouls · 4 months
you look lovely in that dress, by the way. (sylvia and keelin because sylvia is the number one hype girl)
keelin malraux ✦ memes
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"Listen, before I put this thing on I almost forgot that I had an ass" Keelin quipped, taking another swig from her champagne. "As much as I said that I wasn't looking forward to this soiree" lifting the bottle of champagne, she gave it a little wiggle "this is definitely helping."
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
❛ what are you thinking about? ❜ (tomas to Keelin)
keelin malraux ✦ memes
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"Hm?" Keelin hummed, Tomas' question steadily urging her from her wandering thoughts as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I'm thinking about the copious amounts of beer and wings we're about to consume because our shift is up and we are getting outta here." The she wolf was practically ready to toss the chart in her hands as she turned from the other, quipping over her shoulder "i'll meet you out the front in 5 -- don't be late, or else i'm drinking your share."
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜ ( for Keelin )
keelin malraux ✦ memes
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"Do I remember?" Keelin repeated with a grin, "my sweet, sweet pickpocket, how could I forget?" In passing, the she wolf draped her arms around his shoulders from behind, leaning around to place a kiss against his cheek. She made sure to exaggerate the 'mwah' sound, before releasing him from her grasp as she manoeuvred through the kitchen. "You know, I really wanted to put that talent to good use, but your mom wouldn't let me." She was teasing, of course but as his mother, she simply couldn't resist. Grabbing two beers from the refrigerator now, she returned to sit beside him, sliding over a bottle as her tone became entirely sincere. "I remember it like it was yesterday. I knew from the moment that I saw you that you belonged right here, with me and your mom."
Their first encounter had told Keelin enough about his circumstances – but it was the second, the third, the fourth – month after month of the same young face in the ER, those had been the real sucker punches. Her heart contorted in her chest, her breath momentarily hindering as she tapped her finger against the side of her bottle within reflective thought before angling her frame to face his. "My brave, beautiful boy" she humed softly, a hand reaching to ease her finger beneath his chin as she tilted it upwards “I remember everything.”
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
' how is it you're never scared? ' (Elijah & Keelin)
keelin malraux ✦ memes
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“Doesn’t being afraid go against the Mikaelson code?” Keelin teased, looping her arm through Elijah’s as she encouraged for him to walk beside her. “Fear doesn't stop death" she breathed upon a soft exhale, "it stops life. -- and I am not done living."
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fragmcntedsouls · 7 months
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[ kylie bunbury | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome KEELIN MALRAUX to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 42 year old WEREWOLF, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be CONTUMACIOUS, but that’s all a façade to cover up their PERSPICACIOUS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to PAINKILLER by THREE DAYS GRACE, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄: 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: keelin williams ( malraux ) 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: tbd 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 42 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: december 3rd 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍: tbd 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄: new orleans 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: ER doctor 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: true neutral 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: phlegmatic
𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂: windows filled with plants, long walks in the woods, a pile of read books on the nightstand, old records, black coffee, dancing like nobody is watching, meaningful talks, a calming influence.
Keelin remains canon until the end of the Originals, of which her bio can be found right here.
Like the rest of the Mikaelson, she is ruthlessly protective over her family and over hers and Freya's children in particular. After losing Briggs and Gemma to the prison world, it felt as though her world had ended. It was something that she knew she would never be able to go through again, feeling like she had failed Freya and their children. In that time she and Freya dedicated every moment to ensuring that Briggs and Gemma were returned home, safe.
Since their return as well as the return of the dead, that ruthless need to protect has become stronger and whilst she doesn't mean to be a smother, she worries more for the safety of her family now.
⭒ keelin is an ER doctor at new orleans general; who also dedicates her time to patching up supernatural injured by the OEA out of hours. ⭒ she is particularly level-headed and calm, which makes her the perfect balance for freya. ⭒ she continues to wear the moonlight ring that was gifted to her and is considered to be an evolved wolf.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: spouse: freya mikaelson children: briggs mikaelson ( son ), gemma mikaelson ( daughter ), niklaus jr ( son )
extended family: finn, elijah, klaus, kol & henrik ( brother in laws ), rebekah mikaelson ( sister in law ), hope mikaelson ( niece through klaus ), luna & artemis ( nieces through rebekah )
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