#some tin fluff for gtjuly
taters169 · 2 months
The Tin drabbles
Sweet tooth
Vince had always had a passion for cooking, he loved trying new dishes and could create really tasty meals with very few ingredients. Baking on the other hand was a nightmare. No matter how carefully he followed recipies they always came out wrong. He was absolutely determined to get this one right though.
He'd been very secretive all week, he'd wanted it to be a surprise for Michael so he'd been sure to work on it when his tiny roommate was otherwise occupied. The makeshift oven he'd constructed from clay was the hardest to hide but he was sure he'd managed so far. He'd spent every spare moment lately watching youtube videos by other people who cooked and baked tiny items but none of the videos were particularly instructive, they were more asmr type vids. Finally after a lot of trial and error he managed it. Using tealight cases as cake tins and a candle he managed to get two decent looking sponge cakes. Very slowly and carefully he tipped them out onto a plate to cool. He stacked them together with jam and buttercream smearing extra on the top. Then using tweezers with infinite care he added sprinkles in a pattern around the top.
"Michael you around?" Said Vince stepping into the sitting room.
"I'm in here" shouted Michael from the window of his house on the bookcase
"Come here a sec I've got something for you" said Vince as he sat on the floor by the sofa.
Michael paused the video he'd been watching on Vince's old phone and made his way across the floor
"I hope it's worth interrupting my show for" Michael said with a smirk as he approached the giant.
"Would I ever waste your precious time?" Said Vince teasing the little man right back. He brought his hand down to his tiny friend to reveal the cake in the middle of his palm
"Oh my god!" exclaimed Michael "Vince! Did you make that? It's incredible!"
"I did yeah, do you like it?" Asked Vince a bit shy about his humble creation
"Like it? Are you daft I LOVE it! Not many borrowers get to have an entire cake you know!" He lifted the plate from Vince's palm and looked the whole cake over "HA? What's Ha mean?" Looking at the sprinkles on the top
"Well I couldn't fit much on the top so I thought I'd abbreviate it, it stands for Happy Anniversary. It was a year ago today we first met. I wasn't sure if you'd want to mark the day or not because I know it wasn't the best circumstances at the time but I know you have a massive sweet tooth so I thought this would be ok. Is it ok?"
Michael carefully placed the cake on the floor and turned back to his huge friend. He stepped into Vince's hand and hugged his thumb in a tight grip.
"It's more than ok. Thank you, and not just for the cake. I was certain I was gonna die that day and when you opened that box I didn't know if I'd just gone from one hell straight into another. But you've given me a home and a family and space to heal in a way I never thought I could."
Vince lifted his hand to his face and nuzzled his nose into his tiny companion's side.
"I wish I could undo all that hurt you had to go through, I wish I could have found you sooner, or that he'd never found you at all"
"I'm not gonna say I don't wish the same thing sometimes but if he hadn't found me first then I wouldn't have met you either and I'd still be all on my own back in my old house without anyone to spend all day making me an epic anniversary cake"
Vince skilled and pulled back to look Michael in the eye
"You're not gonna try and eat it all yourself are you? You'll be sick!"
"Try and stop me" said Michael with a grin.
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