#some spuffle
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underfell-crystal · 4 years ago
This is a swapped story based on @1-800-roflmao 's short story where instead of Chaos in the chair, it's Shuffle. You can find it here. I'm also a sucker for Spuffle, so I added some to this suggestive mess.
After the photoshoot (Shuffle and Chaos centric)
Shuffle was awoken from their slumber by a tapping on their head and a familiar voice whispering 'bro. bro. get up'. They opened their eyes blearily and squinted at the perpetrator of the annoying tapping. ".... What, KQ?"
KQ was sitting at the edge of Shuffle's most recent cuddle puddle, which included Spidey, Glass, Wisp, Dino, and Nurse, all draped over various parts of Shuffle's body. KQ grinned. "I need a favor."
Shuffle grumbled, shifting their gaze to the smaller anons nestled against their body, then back to KQ. "I'm kind of busy right now."
"Oh, not like now now. In, like, a few hours."
Shuffle heaved a sigh. "... What is it?"
KQ grinned. "I need you to model for me."
Shuffle squinted at KQ suspiciously. "..... What's the catch?"
"Weeeellll...... you're gonna model some lingerie."
"....... What."
KQ held up their hands in a placating motion. "It's not gonna be bad, I promise!"
"Why would I be the one modeling? Why not someone more... I dunno, average sized?"
"I'm just doing what I'm told."
"Bro!! Come on, please?"
"You're abusing your status as my bro to make me wear lingerie. Also, keep your voice down, you'll wake them up."
Shuffle used one of their hands to stroke the top of Nurse's head, who had begun to stir. They quickly settled down again, sighing softly.
KQ leaned forward, resting their elbows on their knees. "What if I give you some new facts after the shoot?"
Shuffle hesitated. KQ knew better than most of the anons how much they loved learning, and what they'd do to find new information to add to their collection of knowledge. ".... I want 5 new facts. And if I know even one of them, I'm not carrying you anywhere until you do find a fact I don't know yet."
KQ's mouth fell open. "Bro!! You can't be serious!!"
Shuffle smirked. "I am very serious. Now shoo and let me finish my nap in peace."
"Can't I join the cuddle puddle?"
"You're asking me to wear skimpy lingerie, so no."
KQ pouted. "Fiiiiiiine.... Is it cheating if I ask Spidey for some facts?"
Shuffle glowered at the grinning anon. "Yes. Now shoo."
KQ laughed. "Thanks, Shuff."
They stood up and left, their footsteps fading away. In Shuffle's right arm, Spidey stirred slightly, opening her eyes sleepily. "Mmmn..... Love.... who was that?...."
Shuffle gently tapped their head against Spidey's, nuzzling the top of her head. "Just KQ asking for a favor.. don't worry."
Spidey nodded a little and adjusted her position slightly before laying down again, head resting on Shuffle's chest again. She closed her eyes again. "What'd they ask for?"
"... I'll tell you when we wake up.. I have to leave with them right after.."
"Mmh... alright....."
The next few hours passed by too quickly. In a blink, practically all the anons who had joined the cuddle puddle had woken up and wandered off. Everyone except for Spidey, who was awake and still nestled against her spouse. She gently ran her fingers over Shuffle's head, giggling as they sighed and leaned into her hand. "Love... it's almost time to get up.."
Shuffle grumbled, one of their large hands cupping Spidey's hands against their cheek. "Can't we just.... stay here a while....?"
She smiled. "Didn't you say you wanted to tell me something?"
Shuffle huffed in annoyance. "KQ wants me to..... do some modeling."
Spidey blinked. "Oh.... Do you not want to?"
Shuffle sighed, turning their head and kissing Spidey's palm. "I don't know... plus... it's gonna be....... revealing."
Spidey's eyes widened slightly in realization. "Ohhh...."
Shuffle sighed. "Yeah."
Spidey giggled. "To be fair, I think you'd look lovely in whatever they have picked out."
Shuffle flushed, averting their eyes from hers. "Mmhh....."
Spidey smiled, rubbing Shuffle's cheek with her thumb. "Are you asking if I'm okay with that?"
Spidey leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Shuffle's forehead. "You can do whatever you want, love. You don't need my permission. But thank you for letting me know."
Shuffle gave her a goofy smile. "You're the best."
"So are you."
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{Shuffle's lingerie!! Rof gave me some options, so go thank her.}
Okay. This was a bit much. Shuffle tugged on the little apron they had on, giving their reflection another once over. The lingerie barely covered anything! Thankfully, KQ had some mercy and had given them something to cover up their lower parts, but it was still much more revealing than Shuffle was used to. And it had a tail. Shuffle rubbed their forearms. This.... was going to be embarrassing.....
A knock on the dressing room door startled Shuffle from their thoughts. "Yo, bro, we're ready!"
Shuffle gave their reflection an apologetic look before unlocking the dressing room door and stepping out. KQ flashed them a grin and a thumbs up before turning and leading them to the room where they'd be taking pictures. Chaos and Birdie were already there. Chaos' gaze landed on Shuffle and they gave an appreciative clap. "Oh my... that's a view I could get used to~"
Shuffle blushed, tugging the apron lower, ducking their head and murmuring a reply as Birdie and Chaos giggled together. KQ took pity on the flustered giant. "Alright guys, don't embarrass them too much."
Chaos gestured at the chair in the middle of the room, and Shuffle moved toward it, sitting down. Birdie approached with a camera and began instructing Shuffle on how to pose.
The longer the shoot went on, the more flustered Shuffle became. It was kind of fun, but at the same time, they were practically naked! For what felt like the millionth time, Shuffle adjusted the apron. They glanced over at Chaos, who was sitting on a table in the corner. They caught Shuffle's gaze and smirked, grabbing a piece of paper beside them and holding it up for Shuffle to see. On it, in thick black ink, was a 10. Shuffle flushed an even darker shade of red, averting their gaze from the flirty anon. Birdie giggled. "Oooh, that was a nice one!! Don't worry Shuff, we're almost done!"
Shuffle sighed. "Okay..."
Birdie perked up suddenly. "I have the best idea for a photo!! Okay, KQ, get rid of the chair."
Shuffle, confused, got off the chair so KQ could remove it. Birdie left their camera on the table and approached Shuffle with a rope. "Okay, kneel down."
Shuffle did not like where this was going. But they knelt in front of the smaller anon anyway. "What's that for?"
"For the photo, of course~"
Birdie set to work tying Shuffle's wrists together in an intricate pattern, then took the long end of the rope and flapped up to the ceiling, hooking the rope onto a metal hook, pulling Shuffle's wrists over their head. Chaos whistled quietly as Shuffle's blush darkened. Birdie landed on the ground and grinned. "Okay, spread your knees a little!"
Shuffle sighed and did as they were told, glancing away from the camera as it clicked a few times. They tested the rope, carefully flexing their arms. The rope, ordinarily, would be quite strong, but it wasn't designed to contain an almost ten foot tall beast like Shuffle. Shuffle amusedly thought about how easy it would be to snap the ropes.
Birdie chirped, "Okay! We're done!"
Before Birdie could move to untie Shuffle, they flexed their arms and pulled their wrists apart, snapping the ropes easily. Birdie and Chaos gawked while KQ whistled. "Damn, bro. That was sick."
Shuffle's mini victory was cut short by the fact that they were still in a cow print lingerie set. Unconsciously, they tugged the apron lower. "I'm.... gonna go change...."
Chaos giggled. "You don't wanna show off a little more for us? I wanna see what else those arms and hands can do~"
Shuffle's blush deepened, and KQ quickly ushered them back to the dressing room. Thankful they were finally free of the tight, revealing underwear, Shuffle slipped back into their jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie. They sighed in relief, taking a moment to bask in the softness of their hoodie before stepping out. KQ was waiting outside, and they gave Shuffle a grin. "Thanks, bro. You want your facts?"
"... Later.... I just wanna go home."
KQ patted their friend's arm. "Alright. See you later, bro. Thanks again for doing this."
Shuffle nodded and left the studio, beginning the short walk home. As soon as they got home, they spotted Spidey on the couch and made a beeline for her. Spidey looked up from the book she was reading and smiled, marking her place and setting it aside. "Hey, love. How'd it go?"
Shuffle sighed as they carefully laid on Spidey, head on Spidey's stomach, arms wrapped around her torso. "It was..... an experience........"
Spidey smiled, rubbing soothing circles into their magic 8-ball head. "Just want to relax?"
Shuffle nodded, closing their eyes. "Remind me to never accept favors from KQ... like... ever....."
Spidey giggled, then glanced at her phone as it lit up. With her free hand, she checked it, then smiled. "Well, I think you look wonderful in cow print."
Shuffle's face immediately flushed dark red. "Spidey!!"
~~Some suggestiveness with some fluff...... I LIKE.~~
@spider-anon-art hehehe~
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ivyprism · 4 years ago
Spuffle Headcanons (Ratsoh Anons)
Ok. Why not? They're still apart of the Harem here. So let's do this.
When Spider and Shuffle got married every Anon in the harem was there.
Birdie came with Chaos and Rof. Birdie was wearing a dress, but the skirt will magically vanish.
Nurse was a bridesmaid who kept a close eye on the other anons to make sure they weren't messing with anything.
Holy was a groomsman who helped Nurse make sure nothing insane happened.
Harlow had a pleasant conversation with Shuffle. While Reese happily congratulated Spider.
The house didn't change much, just that Spider and Shuffle cuddle more, flirt sometimes, and throw random facts at each other.
Shuffle also helps Spider with getting things they can't read
Birdie often will help Shuffle make special anniversary gifts for Spider because Shuffle can't cook.
Chaos will also help Shuffle find more confidence in flirting.
Spider often asks Reese for advice and Reese gives some neat advice.
Shuffle and Spider adopted a sentient 101 weird facts book as their kid.
Shuffle still carries the smaller anons around.
Wisp has a small flower garden because they wanted one.
Birdie sometimes wears the dress they wore at their wedding sometimes.
Ivy was the one who caught the bouquet after the ceremony.
Ratsoh is still allowed in cuddle puddles with the two.
Cuddle puddles are a thing that happens all the time.
Nurse acts like a mom when the couple needs it.
Harlow and Reese played nice with KQ because it was a wedding.
Spider Dance (From Undertale) definitely was one of the songs that played at their wedding.
The songs were totally random but worked completely.
Ivy's speech was wholesome and everyone knows it would be.
Shuffle's somehow gets paid for their random facts.
Spider joined in on that.
They have fact wars often.
@spider-anon-art, @1-800-roflmao and @ratsoh-writes. This is done, hope you read it soon.
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1-800-roflmao · 4 years ago
what ABOUT Spuffle??
They wanna know if you and Spidey gonna get started on making some cute kids~
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onefoxymomma · 7 years ago
The way I feel. I don’t want to be ungrateful for what I have.. or rather for who I have. I just wish that with this new member soon making his arrival, he’d have a more mature mind set when it came to some things. Friends have stopped coming over every day, and every weekend to get faded and party.. It nearly broke my relationship, my family apart. Like he needed to get it all out before the baby came and he felt like he had no life or something. He has been an amazing father figure for my son since he was two. I did not expect to run into as many issues as I have with him during OUR pregnancy. It was a huge disappointment and one that I did not expect. I’ve been hurt and dumb founded honestly. It seemed like things were looking up though and they HAVE been better, I’ll admit.. but there’s always new issues that arise where others go away. His pride is ugly, he’s a stubborn Aquarius. He’s got black and white thinking and it’s the most frustrating thing. 
Our baby shower is supposed to be something to look forward to and be excited about. At first, I wasn’t even sure if I really cared to have one. I didn’t even know if I wanted one but his mother got so excited that I wouldn’t mind her throwing one. I haven’t been particularly excited about it for a while, just seemed like a hassle and a worry. Worry about who will/won’t show up, what family I should/shouldn’t invite, who I want over here.. and who will be butthurt if I don’t want them over and if it will be “good enough” for the guests or as enjoyable as I’d like it to be for everybody. The anxiety would have overwhelmed me so badly if Justin’s cousin Lily hadn’t had stepped in to take it over and do most of the planning and helping out as much as she has been. I am so thankful. So finally as things are coming together more and more, I actually start to look forward to this thing and the only person to make my excitement waver..has been Justin. His mom was worried about what friends he was going to invite because not all of his friends are the most respectful. I don’t need blunts pulled out in front of all the guests and careless smoking in front of those whom don’t partake in that.. my mother, especially. That should be understandable. He and his mom got into a spuffle over this..Justin thinks it’s stupid that he and his friends can’t treat the baby shower like their own personal turn up. She backed out of planning it with us for the most part. She’s a stubborn Aquarius as well. Must be where he gets it from. He’s not been too excited since then and said that his mom made it less fun for him to look forward to, when honestly I was worrying about the same things she was. Beer will be around for anyone who wants to crack a cold one, and there’s gonna be an after party for all of his friends and him to celebrate the way they want to, but the fact that he didn’t think it the mature thing to do and thought it was ridiculous really bothers me. I understand that he’s going to do his thing later for our sakes but that’s the thing. It’s for everyone else.. because he feels like that’s what he has to do rather than understanding where we are coming from and thinking it’s the right thing. His mind set bothers me. I want him to have more of a mature, grown adults thought process. He doesn’t lack in all areas regarding that but I’m really irritated by the areas he does lack in. 
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