#some songs are v tiktok-y but i have no SHAME
kane-tou · 2 years
i made a tokyo ghoul playlist!
(in the year 2023 thats right lol)
you can find it HERE
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strniohoeee · 10 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader (chubby reader)
Synopsis: Y/N just hates her body, and although the triplets try to make her feel better some hate comments get to her. But Chris is there to make her feel better🫂
Warnings⚠️: None she cute asf or whatever 🤭
Song for the imagine: Jealousy, Jealousy-Olivia Rodrigo
I’m so sick of myself
I’d rather be, rather
Anyone, anyone else
I hated how scrolling through instagram made me feel. Perfect bodies, white teeth, long healthy hair, perfect boyfriends…..just everything I’ve ever wanted. I tried not to fall down this rabbit hole, but it never worked out.
I would scroll and scroll until I felt physically sick. I would then exit out of instagram and stare at myself in the mirror pointing out everything I hated about myself. My skin oily and acne prone, my hair boring, my eyebrows too thin and light, my lips not big enough, my nose huge, my body disgusting. I hated my body with a burning passion.
Curves are good but not my curves. My curves are considered fat and unattractive.My breasts too big, my stomach not flat…bending over and seeing “rolls” God I fucking hated it. My thighs too big, my ass not fat enough….it's brutal. I'm not sure why it mattered what my body looked like. I also wasn’t sure why I cared so much about what people thought of me. I hated it, and I tried to hide myself away and shelter myself from any mean comments.
I tried not to be in the triplets videos because I saw the way some of these “fans” treated Madi, and that girl is perfect….I could only imagine what they would say about me. They even body shamed Chris and it was insane to me. They talked about it in a video saying that body shaming was disgusting and it doesn’t matter what people look like, we're all humans and all our bodies are different. I agreed, but I couldn’t believe these things about myself.
Chris so badly wanted to film a TikTok with me because we both were wearing the same FreshLove shirt, and black pants, and at first I rejected it, but after some convincing I decided to film it with him. I sucked it up and decided to have fun with my friend.
“Okay let’s do the “she wish there were two of me” trend, and like I’ll say it, and then stick my hand out and you’ll slide into frame and high five me” he said
“I love that trend, let’s do it” I said laughing
He set up his phone and started recording, lip syncing
“Walk in that Bih with with that Loui V” he said, and then looked over at me backing away from the camera
“She say she wish there were two of me” he said backing up and high fiving me as I came into frame
We started dancing, and he slung his arm over my shoulder “she fuckin, she know what she doing, B” We sang laughing and dancing
We finished filming and he posted the TikTok. For once I actually wasn’t scared of him posting me because I genuinely felt cute in my outfit today. My FreshLove shirt was cropped and I had my favorite pair of flare leggings on.
“I finally got you to film with me” he said jumping around
“Yeah that's a one time occurrence” I said laughing
“Oh come onnnn so many people want you in more of our videos” he said looking at me
“Yeahhhh, but I don’t know sometimes your guys fans are a little mean” I said looking down
“Yeah well fuck those haters those aren’t fans” he said scoffing
Later on that night Chris, Matt, Nick and I were in their living room playing board games while some random movie played in the background. We were all having a great time until I got a text message, I looked at my phone to see my best friend texting me
My baby🥹
-Hey babes….Im not sure that you’ve seen the comments under Chris video with you, but they’re disgusting and don’t let that shit get to your head
My heart sank immediately, my breathing getting shallow, my throat constricting and my palms getting sweaty. What the fuck is she talking about….
I opened up TikTok and went to Chris' video opening up the comments….my mouth instantly going dry
-“I know she didn’t crop a FreshLove shirt when she’s fat🤣”
-“I hope Chris isn’t dating her, that's actually sad….he must be desperate😗”
-“Why does she think she’s so hot??? Like what am I missing LMFAOOO”
-“makes sense why she isn’t in the video anymore….she really let herself go”
-“Is that Y/N??? When did she gain so much weight??”
These comments made my stomach churn, and my face burn with embarrassment. The one day I feel cute I’m completely torn apart by these so called “fans”
“Chris you have to take that video down of us” I said looking at him
“What?? Why I love it” he said
“Just take it down” I said
“I love that video too don’t delete it” Nick said
“I don’t want it up” I said avoiding eye contact
Matt pulled out his phone to open the video, he opened the comments and immediately his eyes were saddened
“What the fuck” he said scrolling through the comments
Chris snatched the phone from him reading the comments
“This is fucking disgusting….Y/N don’t believe this shit okay” he said looking at me
“How can I not? These are things I see too, and to have your followers point them out is making me feel disgusting” I said
“None of this shit is true okay” Nick said looking at me
“I just want to be left alone right now” I said standing up
I went down to Chris’ room where I would stay when I spent the night. I laid on his bed. Letting the comments replay in my head. My heart racing and my breathing getting deep……I was starting to have anxiety about the comments and slowly I allowed myself to cry
The tears just flowed like a stream. I tried not to let these comments get to me, but it’s hard when people are judging you on the internet and they don’t even know you. I was letting out choked sobs, trying to cover my mouth to control my sobs. This was so unfair.
I heard the door open, so I figured it was Chris. He shut the door behind him, and sat at the end of the bed as I cried
“I know you don’t want to talk and that’s okay, but I want you to listen to me” he said
“I know it’s hard to not believe what people are saying on the internet, trust me I do, but I want you to know that those comments are from a bunch of children being haters okay. None of that shit is true at all. You’re a beautiful, funny and kind souled person” Chris said
I started to calm down, allowing my tears to stop, and trying to control my breathing.
“You don’t have to change for anyone okay. Stay true to yourself. You are amazing and don’t let these haters behind a screen get to you” he said rubbing my leg
“Thank you Chris” I said in a whisper
“Of course Y/N. I’m always here for you” he said smiling at me
I wiped my eyes and began to sit up
“Follow me” he said getting up, I got up and followed him to his bathroom
“What are you doing?” I asked
He walked into the bathroom and turned the lights on
“You’re going to stand in the mirror and look at yourself, you’re going to point out what you find unattractive about yourself, and I’m going to tell you why they’re beautiful” he said standing behind me, and placing me in front of him
“Chris no…” I said looking at him through the mirror
“I’m not letting you leave till you do it” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Ugh fine” I said looking in the mirror, at my swollen eyes, the tears down my face and my lips swollen
“Let’s start with your hair” he said
“I hate it…..it’s boring it’s flat it’s ugly” I said
“Wrong! It’s beautiful. It’s long and shiny and you take the best care of it. It always smells so good” he said looking at me
I just looked at him blushing slightly
“Go on” he said nodding his head
“My eyebrows…they’re so thin and light….and my eyes the color is ugly” I said
“Wrong again! Your eyebrows shape your face beautifully, and your eyes are gorgeous. The way the sun hits them and they sparkle, and the way your lashes are so long and showcase your eyes beauty” he responded
“Do we have to keep going?” I said blushing
“Yes you must” he said
“I hate my lips they aren’t big enough, and I hate my teeth and my smile” I said
“Your lips are pretty. Always glossed, always plump and full. And your teeth….your smile is my favorite thing” he said
“Are you flirting with me?” I said
“I may be” he said giving me a sly smirk
I started to smile and roll my eyes
“Look at that beautiful smile” he said pointing at me
“Chris shut up” I said giggling
“Keep going” he said nodding
“Uhh I hate my boobs they’re too big” I said avoiding eye contact
“Umm I’m going to be careful with my words here, but uhh a real man will never complain about big tits, and I happen to be a real man” he said looking at me making a funny face
“I like how you say you’re going to be careful with your words, and then say some crazy ass shit” I said laughing
“I meannnn I could say something way worse, but I’ll keep that for another time” he said winking
I rolled my eyes at him
“I hate my stomach” I said fidgeting with my hands
“Remember when we went to that museum, and we saw all those sculptures of Aphrodite and those renaissance women and they all had bigger stomachs. Well there was a reason, bigger women were the beauty standard at one point, and the most powerful beautiful women were on the thicker side. I think a woman with meat on her bones is hot. I mean I love all women, but the thicker the better” he said
I just stared at him in awe as I blushed
“Keep going” he said
“I hate my thighs, and the fact that my ass isn’t as fat as it should be” I said
“Let me tell you something, thick thighs save lives, and I live by that okay. The bigger the thighs the better, and so what if you don’t have this crazy huge ass. Your ass is great. I’ll be vulnerable here…I sneak a look any chance I get” he said throwing his hands up in defense
“You creeper” I said laughing
“I can’t help it. When there’s all this woman in my face I just go dumb” he said looking over my body
“You have a way with words” I said sucking my teeth
“It’s all honesty though. Like I said you’re beautiful inside and out, you’re a kind soul, you’re nice, you’re funny, you’re hot….I mean you’re everything a man could want” he said
He came up behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and squeezing me tight, laying his head on shoulder
“Never let anyone tell you otherwise” he said looking at me through the mirror
“Okay” I said in a whisper
“Now give me that beautiful smile” he said pouting
“Shut up Chris” I said laughing
“There it goes!! My favorite” he said smiling with me
He turned me around and pulled me in tighter
“You’re amazing I can’t stress that enough” he said
“Thank you Chris” I responded pulling away from the hug
“Let me take you on a date” he said looking at me
“Okay, yeah I’d like that” I said getting shy
“Don’t get shy on me now Y/N” he said lifting my head up with his chin
“Lets go out tomorrow” he said looking at me
“Sure Chris” I said smiling
He smiled at me before wrapping his arm over my shoulder pulling me in and kissing my cheek
“Now let’s get back to having some fun” he said as we walked out his bathroom and he shut the light off.
We went back up to the living room where we continued to play games and watch movies. These guys were amazing…especially Chris
The End
Alright guys I hope you liked this one 😚 and I honestly think I’m going to open up my requests because I’m all out of ideas as of rn😭 LOVE YALLLL🖤🖤
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markvillacampa · 4 years
Week 39, 2020
NVIDIA to Acquire Arm for $40 Billion, Creating World’s Premier Computing Company for the Age of AI
NVIDIA - September 13, 2020 - 6 min
This purchase will deeply influence the future of computing. We probably won’t see the effects for 5-10 years.
Nvidia’s Integration Dreams
Stratechery by Ben Thompson - September 15, 2020 - 19 min
Great overview of the NVidia-ARM acquisition with historic and industry context.
SiFive hires Qualcomm exec as CEO for RISC-V alternatives to Nvidia-Arm
VentureBeat - September 17, 2020 - 5 min
RISC-V is an instruction set architecture, just like ARM, that companies can use to build chips. The biggest difference is price: while manufacturers need to pay royalties to ARM for using it’s architecture, RISC-V is completely free.
An update for our TikTok family
TikTok - September 20, 2020 - 3 min
The USA-TikTok saga is closer to an end:
“Both Oracle and Walmart will take part in a TikTok Global pre-IPO financing round in which they can take up to a 20% cumulative stake in the company. We will also maintain and expand the US as TikTok Global’s headquarters while bringing 25,000 jobs across the country.”
How a marked-up term sheet and messy rollout threw TikTok deal into disarray
Reuters - September 23, 2020 - 5 min
Some of the terms of the deal are not 100% clear yet:
“ByteDance said it would hold an 80% stake in TikTok Global itself, until it launches an initial public offering in the next twelve months, and that it would then gradually reduce its stake.”
“Oracle said on Monday that ByteDance would not have a stake in TikTok Global, and that it would be ByteDance’s investors who would be awarded the remaining 80% stake.”
Building YouTube Shorts, a new way to watch & create on YouTube
Youtube - 3 min
YouTube is launching their TikTok competitor, called Shorts.
Airtable raises $185M and launches new low-code and automation features
TechCrunch - September 14, 2020 - 5 min
“The spreadsheet-centric database and no-code platform Airtable today announced that it has raised a $185 million Series D funding round, putting the company at a $2.585 billion post-money valuation.”
The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke… Is Now Officially Broke
Forbes - September 15, 2020 - 7 min
“It took decades, but Chuck Feeney, the former billionaire cofounder of retail giant Duty Free Shoppers has finally given all his money away to charity. He has nothing left now—and he couldn’t be happier.”
Delivery Hero strengthens its global footprint and acquires Glovo’s operations in Latin America
Delivery Hero - September 16, 2020 - 5 min
The deal is valued at €230M.
Will Smith and Airbnb team up so fans can now stay at the ‘Fresh Prince’ mansion
The Loop - September 14, 2020 - 4 min
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Stripe Workers Who Relocate Get $20,000 Bonus and a Pay Cut
Bloomberg - September 15, 2020 - 3 min
A classic carrot and stick strategy. Relevant comic strip.
Opendoor, a Leading Digital Platform for Residential Real Estate, Announces Plans to Become Publicly-traded via Merger with Social Capital Hedosophia
Businesswire - September 15, 2020 - 11 min
“The transaction values Opendoor at an enterprise value of $4.8 billion, and is expected to provide up to $1.0 billion in cash proceeds”
Chamath launches SPAC, SPAC and SPAC as he SPACs the world with SPACs
TechCrunch - September 19, 2020 - 2 min
Chamath Palihapitiya is behind last year’s Virgin Galactic and now Opendoor’s SPACs. And he’s planning more.
Buffett-backed Snowflake’s value doubles in stock market’s largest software debut
Reuters - September 17, 2020 - 3 min
“Snowflake shares started trading at $245 apiece on Wednesday, more than double its $120 IPO price, and closed up 111% at $253.93 to value it at over $70 billion.”
Amp It Up!
Linkedin - May 13, 2018 - 17 min
This 2018 essay from the CEO of Snowflake’s reads like an alpha business bro parroting the same old startup advice down to Steve Jobs quotes. You will probably not learn anything new, but it serves as a good primer into the mind behind the biggest software IPO pop ever.
Uber backup driver charged in fatal 2018 self-driving car crash
The Verge - September 16, 2020 - 2 min
Uber is throwing under the bus the backup driver that was overseeing the self-driving car when it hit a cyclist.
The TinySeed Investment Thesis — TinySeed: The Startup Accelerator for Bootstrappers
TinySeed - 15 min
“We believe investing broadly into the earliest stages of the Independent SaaS market — specifically, the set of B2B SaaS companies who are not necessarily reliant on traditional venture capital — can provide venture returns with less than venture risk.”
Zwift, maker of a popular indoor training app, just landed a whopping $450 million in funding led by KKR
TechCrunch - September 16, 2020 - 3 min
The exercise-at-home market is booming, and this Peloton competitor is cashing in.
Affirm Raises $500M Series G Round
Affirm - September 17, 2020 - 2 min
The company, founded by PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, offers a point-of-sale (POS), buy now, pay later (BNPL) service.
Klarna raises $650 million at a $10.6 billion valuation
TechCrunch - September 15, 2020 - 3 min
“Klarna’s main product is an alternative payment method on e-commerce platforms. It lets you buy now and pay later over three or four installments with 0% interest.”
Evernote’s CEO on the company’s long, tricky journey to fix itself
Protocol - September 16, 2020 - 10 min
Evernote’s CEO on how they had to undergo a 18-month deep code rewrite that was the root of many of the product’s longstanding issues. Technical debt is real and it can undermine your company. Now, they’ll try to take on note-taking newcomers like Roam and Notion.
Chime is now worth $14.5 billion, surging past Robinhood as the most valuable U.S. consumer fintech
CNBC - September 18, 2020 - 4 min
“In this latest round, a Series F that raised $485 million, Chime more than doubled its valuation from December and is worth almost 900% more than just 18 months ago, when it hit a $1.5 billion valuation.”
How does the laser technology in EUV lithography work?
Laser Focus World - August 29, 2019 - 12 min
There’s a new laser technology for semiconductor manufacturing that’s been in the making for quite a while but could signify a big leap in the industry.
The Era of Visual Studio Code
Roben Kleene - September 21, 2020 - 18 min
Great overview of the history of text editors and why Visual Studio might stay at the top for a while.
Nikola shows the tech hype cycle can’t stop worshipping founders
The Verge - September 25, 2020 - 7 min
The founder and CEO of electric truck company Nikola resigned after a report last week suggested the company has overstated the technological capabilities.
The company’s shares fell 33 percent in two weeks.
My semiconductor conspiracy theories
‌Aishwarya Nagarajan - September 20, 2020 - 8 min
The case for how a semiconductor fabrication company in Taiwan could spark the next world war.
How we used data to design modern record certification plaques
Sony Music Data and Insights - September 21, 2020 - 5 min
“Record labels regularly present their artists with recording certification plaques to celebrate milestones in the journey of a song or an album.”
Sony redesigns the record certification plaques for 2020 using data science.
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Microsoft Pledges to Get Gaming Service on iPhones
Bloomberg - September 21, 2020 - 1 min
Following Apple’s AppStore rules, Microsoft said they’s bringing xCloud to iOS. We’ll see what the implementation finally looks like, as the rules estate each game needs to be submitted separately as an independent app.
Microsoft is acquiring Bethesda Softworks parent company ZeniMax
The Verge - September 21, 2020 - 2 min
“Microsoft has agreed to acquire ZeniMax Media, the parent company of Doom and Fallout studio Bethesda Softworks, for $7.5 billion in cash”
Zynga co-founder’s Playco is already a mobile gaming unicorn
TechCrunch - September 21, 2020 - 3 min
I’m always wary of startups with huge valuations pre-launch. Specially if it’s in the gaming industry where it’s virtually impossible to predict what users will like next.
QR codes bring helpful context to the Apple Store experience
9to5Mac - September 21, 2020 - 3 min
There’s a bigger pandemic trend of using QR codes to create contactless experiences. They mainly substitute shared pieces of printed text (e.g. restaurant menus) and, in this case, shared objects.
Gig Economy Company Launches Uber, But for Evicting People
Vice - September 21, 2020 - 6 min
“The website also featured a quote, attributed to The New York Times […] A search reveals this phrase hasn’t appeared in the Times. The company did not respond to requests for comment or a source for this quote, but the mention of the Times has since disappeared from its website.”
“At the time of writing, Civvl and OnQall did not return requests for comment, but did appear to block the author’s IP address from visiting OnQall.com. ”
This is what I call culture-market fit.
Creating Your Own Widgets: A New Category of Apps Emerges
Macstories - September 21, 2020 - 16 min
Since iOS 14 was launched, there’s been an outpouring of apps to customize your home screen, and videos to tech you how to. Turns out people like to customize the devices they use for most of the day.
On Widget Shaming – 512 Pixels
512 Pixels - September 23, 2020 - 2 min
On the other side, people are critiquing many peoples home screens as lacking “taste”. But taste is subjective.
Following TechCrunch reporting, Palantir rapidly removes language allowing founders to “unilaterally adjust their total voting power”
TechCrunch - September 21, 2020 - 2 min
“Palantir has now filed a sixth amendment with the SEC just a few hours after it filed its previous amendment, and the company has removed all references to this special mechanism from its SEC filing.”
Aston Martin reveals first racing simulator: The AMR-C01
Aston Martin - September 14, 2020 - 4 min
If you’ve always wanted to feel like James Bond while driving an Aston Martin from the comfort of your home, this is your opportunity. The experience can be yours for a mere $75k. But be quick, units are limited to 150.
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Microsoft says it detected active attacks leveraging Zerologon vulnerability
ZDNet - September 24, 2020 - 2 min
The Zerologon vulnerability is one of the worst in recent times. Update your Windows machines.
Daniel Ek will invest over $1 billion in European moonshots
Protocol - September 24, 2020 - 1 min
More European startups success stories will hopefully help fuel 🤑 the European tech ecosystem.
Anduril among companies tapped to build the Air Force’s ‘internet of things’ for war
TechCrunch - September 24, 2020 - 3 min
The Ex-Oculus founder military drone company is among the ones chosen by the Air Force as supplier.
Also, “Internet of things for war” is dystopian AF.
How Twitter Survived Its Biggest Hack—and Plans to Stop the Next One
WIRED - September 24, 2020 - 14 min
The most surprising takeaway is many Twitter employees were not using physical 2-Factor authentication (using a physical USB key instead of a SMS or TOTP code).
Spotify, Epic, Tile, Match, and more are rallying developers against Apple’s App Store policies
The Verge - September 24, 2020 - 3 min
They’re calling themselves the Coalition for App Fairness, and their aim is to “create a level playing field for app businesses and give people freedom of choice on their devices.”
Ring’s newest security camera is a $249 autonomous indoor drone shipping in 2021
TechCrunch - September 24, 2020 - 4 min
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Amazon announces new cloud gaming service called Luna
The Verge - September 24, 2020 - 3 min
Amazon is joining Google Stadia and Microsoft’s xCloud in the cloud gaming space.
Expanding to the US
Index Ventures
Index Ventures, one of the biggest VCs in Europe, is launching a guide for European startups to expand to the USA, based on experiences from some of the biggest success stories like Spotify.
Amazon disavows $500 “Prime Bike,” says it has no formal connection to the product
The Verge - September 23, 2020 - 2 min
Not even Amazon can police Amazon for Amazon counterfeit products.
Firefox usage is down 85% despite Mozilla’s top exec pay going up 400%
calpaterson.com - September 22, 2020 - 11 min
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Journalists Are Leaving the Noisy Internet for Your Email Inbox
The New York Times - September 23, 2020 - 6 min
I wonder if Substack is simply subsidizing a few tens of creators to build momentum and absorb the long tail of writers that will not make a fulltime income in the platform but will increase their bottom line.
Twitter to start testing voice DMs
The Verge - September 23, 2020 - 1 min
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Microsoft’s Edge browser is arriving on Linux in beta next month
The Verge - September 22, 2020 - 1 min
This is the first time a Microsoft browser will be officially supported in Linux.
Old television kept wiping out village’s broadband for 18 months
CNN - September 22, 2020 - 2 min
“For 18 months, residents of a village in Wales have been mystified as to why their broadband internet crashed every morning.”
“Now engineers have finally identified the reason: A second-hand television that emitted a signal that interfered with the connection.”
Russia wants to ban the use of secure protocols such as TLS 1.3, DoH, DoT, ESNI
ZDNet - September 22, 2020 - 3 min
Following in China’s steps. This is proof the latest security protocols work well to prevent espionage.
Recurring Revenue: The Rise of an Asset Class
Medium - September 21, 2020 - 15 min
Apple CEO Impressed by Remote Work, Sees Permanent Changes
Bloomberg - September 22, 2020 - 2 min
“Cook said he doesn’t believe Apple will “return to the way we were because we’ve found that there are some things that actually work really well virtually.””
Apple is unique among big tech companies in their adamant reject of remote work. But it looks like hell just froze over.
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