#some serious stuff
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simlit · 2 years ago
Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs. (I wish for more)
hope you don't mind me using this ask to repost the other one so I can delete the reblog xD it's just easier having everything story related on this blog, but I added some new quotes to the original ones!
Y E H L “And so what if we are? I want to be horrible with you.”
“I distrust everyone, equally. Show me one who is pure of heart, and I will show you that which has lain itself most vulnerable.” 
“If we shall live together and die together, then we should very well be able to sit beside one another. We ought to talk as neighbors, or perhaps like lovers, though, not as friends, because that requires too much honesty.”
T A R Y N “I knew from first I saw you, there was scarring in your soul. They’ve been very unkind to you, haven’t they?”
"There is nothing more gentle. It comes and leaves in silence, and takes with it every dead and dirtied thing. All my life long, I have known nothing so profound as to open my eyes to a morning blanketed in fresh lain snow. Whatever ill tarried in a hundred nights, would be hidden beneath a coat of pure white. And all would be still and quiet as it was when it was newly born.”
Z E H E L "I’ve always been selfish, at my core. Even beautiful, fine things get caught up inside me. But you were… You were like mountains covered with flowers; The one thing in my life I desperately desired to fight for. You gave me hope. Wherever you go, however far we might be, you are still part of this world. And so, I will do everything in my power to save it, so that it might be ever beautiful. For you."
“My father will have no interest in hearing anything from you. You should consider yourself lucky that it is not him stood before you, or you would not be taking breath so freely. Indeed, I find it difficult to justify that I should not burn you alive.” J U D I N E “Would even starlight dampen in the face of savagery? I feel we stray further from their grace.”
E I F R A "I’m not stronger than you, and I can’t protect you from monsters or magic. But I can keep you in my thoughts. I can look after your heart, and be sad when it hurts. That’s what I can give to you.”
W R A I T H "If I loved them, does it matter? It wasn’t forever. If I’ve forgotten them now, does it mean I loved them never?"
V A R Y A “And why not? Why should we care if they’re privy to our aggressive lovemaking?”
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years ago
19. Do you want a church wedding?20. Are you religious?21. Have you ever been to the hospital?22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
19) Do you want a church wedding?
HELLLLLLLLL NO. For starters, I like to keep the running joke of "if I step in a church, I'll burst into flames" because of my name (Lilith, Mother of All Evil and that fun stuff Keke). And to get married, you must have a partner and I doubt that's going to happen in my life. I've never really planned a wedding in my head because I'm expecting to be lonely for life because imagining someone wanting to marry me is insane. Like if someone does get that close to me, I'll have a heart attack.
But I will say, I wouldn't have a traditional wedding. Fuck outta here with that shit. I'd have a wedding somewhere pretty, like by a waterfall. And fuck the expensive ass white bride's dress. I'm going with whatever cheap pretty dress I can find. I don't want my wedding to be bland and boring with the traditional black and white. I want it to be colorful. I want it to be cool. And the coolest of cool things would have my dad being the one to marry (as do the vows stuff and all that) me and my future partner since he can do that. He legally classified as a Dudeist priest (yes from Big Lebowski it's a real thing). He actually married our neighbors back in Indiana a long time ago. So having my dad perform that would be badass.
But, it's all a hopeless dream that won't happen. Because seeing me as someone's wife is fucking hilarious. I'm just a lonely person 🙃
20) Are you religious?
Not really. Not in a traditional since. I'm definitely not Christian or Catholic. I have interests in many different religions, the main one being Taoism. I thoroughly believe in the entire Yin and Yang thing. Balance and all that. My mom is Wiccan and she teaches me a lot of Pagan stuff. My dad likes the Buddha religion and when we went to New York last summer, he gave 100$ to some Buddhist monks trying to rebuild one of their temples. They gave us bracelets and necklaces in return. I got a jade bracelet and onyx Buddha necklace that I wear a lot.
My parents never forced a religion onto me. So I've never really dedicated myself to a religion. I'm more into the philosophies of some religions yknow. Do I believe there is a god in this world? No. I don't think there is one single man-made deity controlling the world as we know it. Do I believe in Mother Nature? She is simply nature personified. Same with Father Time. Do I believe they are ancient deities? No, not really. But I do believe in the balance of things. Life and death, day and night, all that stuff. Over time, nature will take back this planet even after all the harm the humans have done to it.
So I'm not really religious. I don't believe in deities controlling our world or fates. I guess I'm just more philosophical with how the world works. Most everything can be answered with reason and most likely through science. To say "Sending thoughts and prayers" to someone who is dying is stupid to me. What are thoughts and prayers going to do for someone who is dying? Praying has always been a silly concept to me. Because if praying did work, people wouldn't be so sad all the time. If God is real, in any sense, then he is clearly just watching what's happening and has stopped interfering a long time ago. But, for the people who are religious, I see why. Religion gives some people something to look for. Sometimes gives them purpose in their life. And that's okay. What's not okay is trying to force that religion onto someone else. Some people are religious and some people are not. The number 1 thing to do, is keep it to yourself. Don't try to force your beliefs onto someone else. And that is one of the main reasons why I have a problem with massive religions in the world today like Christianity. The crusades were literally that. Christians trying to enforce the will of god on people who did not want it. Now I'm not saying all Christians are dickheads, but that religion is not built by saints.
Religion is a very fickle topic to talk about because some people get so explosive about it. I think it's generally a silly thing, but it gives some people purpose, and that's not bad. Moving on to the next question cause this was long af 😂
21) Have you ever been to the hospital?
Can't quite exactly remember how many times, but I know I've been there once for sure due to me breaking my arm. On carpet. I fucking fell when I was a kid, like 7 or some shit, and landed on my elbow and broke it somehow. Had to have two nails drilled in to heal it. But I think that's the only time I've been to the hospital for something big.
22) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
Thank god no. I'm a pretty terrified person and unfortunately a goody two shoes. I'm scared of getting in trouble so I wouldn't do anything illegal. And which is a good thing since I just turned 18. I have no felonies or criminal record 😎
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aoififi · 7 years ago
Have you ever been sexually humiliated by someone else in public?
A lot of anon asks these days!  Not that I’m complaining, mind you - I don’t often get asks!  To your question: That would depend on what you mean, exactly!  Generally, with partners and the like, it tends to be subtle things when in public.  Things that have risk associated with them, but aren’t big displays of ‘hey, general public, we’re going to force some kink onto you,’ because that wouldn’t just be rude, it would be violating their consent. On the other hand, when it comes to strangers trying to violate boundaries, I have had my share of unpleasant experiences, as a great many women will have had.  It is not a good thing, it is not consensual, and it is not something to condone.  I have on the whole been very lucky.  Others have not.I’m sorry for this taking a serious turn, by the way.  I do appreciate your question!  Hopefully future questions will be more lighthearted.
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ankylosauruses · 11 years ago
I dressed nice for my music audition today bc I figured if I bombed it, I would at least look hot while I fricked up
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nardzbarr-blog · 11 years ago
ok so im just gonna stay off of tumblr for a bit and let what isayama said sink in for a bit.
dude, that was beyond retarded. 
im gonna go make me some dango while i fume over 21st century stupidity.
One can some what blame the Japanese school system for their poor social studies curriculum- having textbooks very biased, and of course their government, for not taking ownership of their past, trying to hide their dirty laundry.
Hm, this reminds me of a book I've read in grade 8, it was The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II by Iris Chang.
I wouldn't feel any pity if he receives death threats after this.
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chickenfingrs · 11 years ago
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"She was swept away by his pirate charm and her bodice could scarcely contain her sighs."
Wow they're getting really serious about these gluten free crackers.
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thedailyshinthing · 12 years ago
On Gambling
Here's my two-cents regarding the current Korean celebs gambling issue. IMHO, like most things, gambling is a bad habit when it's become a self-destructive addiction, like drugs and alcohol abuse, or smoking, which usually brings bad impacts on other people around as well. Yet, even having a self-destructive bad habits such as the above, does not necessarily nor automatically make one a bad person. They are often victims of the actual bad people taking advantages out of their weaknesses, such as drug dealers and loansharks. I'm not writing this to defend gamblers nor to diss smokers, but I think it is quite safe to assume that most of us know that compared to gambling, smoking is actually more lethal to human and the environment. So why the double standard? But let's not get into that 'moral debate' and let God be the judge of that, shall we? After all, we are all only humans. ^_^
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usuicchi · 12 years ago
No matter what I did, I was always mediocre and in the backround and I couldn't do anything but help everyone out in trivial ways from behind. I could never forget how I worked in everyone's shadows and fought with everyone. But everyone forgot me, huh? But that's okay. That is a Shadow's Pride.
Kurokono Tasuke [Gintama - chp. 454]
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jenet-michelle-blog · 12 years ago
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yowzax-blog-blog · 12 years ago
no but really let's sell some our personal stuff and buy new people who give the awards because the old ones clearly don't know who leonardo dicaprio is
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creoipsum · 12 years ago
Missouri Pastor’s Fiery Speech Against Equal Rights for Homosexuals Has Stunning Twist Ending
Back in August, during a Springfield City Council public hearing on amending the city's nondiscrimination ordinance to include sexual orientation and gender identity protections, Rev. Phil Snider of the Brentwood Christian Church lashed out at the council for "inviting the judgement of God upon our land" by making "special rights for gays and lesbians."
He goes on to invoke the bible and morality and the end of days a few more times before suddenly appearing to lose his train of thought.
And then something pretty amazing happens.
Watch this. Srsly.
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reifrak · 13 years ago
Ecco il nuovo trailer di Prometheus con più Fassbender, l'astronave gemella della Serenity, sangue, esplosioni, stuff
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