#some of those shirts had little bunny designs on em
yappinggggg · 2 months
Au: (Deons fam is still alive in this one)
Cruel had just gotten back from training when he noticed something- one of his books was missing as well as a pencil,a notebook and one of his hoodies.
This was however not the first time this has happened.
From time to time hed notice something missing.
Normally hed try to find out who stole his things but this case was different.
Cruel knew who stole his stuff.
He looked at the snack stack he had and refilled it- since some of those were gone too.
Then he left the room and was slightly smiling at the thought of how the "thief" would react when hed see his fav snacks.
The "thief" was quite thrilled over it- he didnt bother to think about why his brother always put his fav snacks in his room. Afterall it could be that they simply had similar taste.
(Thats right- Deon was the little thief)
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slashersins · 4 years
Ok so, one of the best dates (in my opinion) is going to build a bear and each getting a bear! Like picking em out together n doing the little heart ceremony (and also putting scents in I love the scentss) putting the hearts in each others bears bc love~ picking out their clothes together, naming em, then afterwards grabbing something to eat! (Taking a picture together n setting it as your lockscreen) its wonderful and you get a bear to remind you of your partner!! 10/10!! -Scooby
jason voorhees 
this boy will dead ass put on his best clothes , his gloves , a hat , a face mask , sunglasses , and come to build a bear with you . he may not speak but fuck he is so excited to do this with you , and you look so fucking happy and excited . he will without a doubt do everything with such dedication and seriousness during the heart ceremony that the bear builder is a bit nervous . he gets his build a bear soft , barely stuffed so that it falls over when it’s sitting . he picks out an outfit similar to his , a bit sad there is no mask or little machete . he’s having so much fun and you can tell . and oh god , there’s little kids who can’t quite reach things and he is helping them , and somehow there are now two kids sitting on either side of him helping him make his birth certificate for his new stuffed animal and jason is just so happy and enjoying himself despite the fact that the children’s mothers look slightly terrified . he ends up naming his bear mr fluffington due to the help of the children who decided jason was their new best friend . the cashier takes a picture of you on the polaroid and jason is very happy with it . he may or may not make a small machete for mr fluffington so he can gaurd the cabin . 
michael myers 
somehow you got michael maskless and dressed in normal people clothes and inside of a mall . he’s intimidating , hair pulled back into a messy bun , face full of stubble , blue eyes cutting into everything and everyone . he doesn’t seem to care , picking his build a bear after staring at them . his bear is completely over stuffed and hard as a rock . he doesn’t move . doesn’t sing . barely holds the heart before dropping it onto the back instead of stuffing it in and watching it fall to the floor . the bear builder tries to pick it up , but michael steps on it , basically telling them to sew the bear up without it . after wards he takes the heart and pockets it . he doesn’t care what the bear wears . the bear has a black shirt and some jeans and that’s it , the clothes barely fit , and it is almost impossible to put them on . when he names it , he just sits at the computer and stares . he names it “no” . later that night , you find “no” stabbed , half of it’s stuffing on the floor leaving a trail to his body . michael is on the floor sewing the heart back inside of it . 
brahms heelshire 
you have to get one of those do it at home yourself build a bear maker kits shipped to you , but you try and give brahms the full experience . it actually scratches an itch of indulge on a childish activity that he didn’t know he had . and the fact that the bear that comes in the kit is rather small , makes him happy . he gives his bear to doll brahms . making it was fun , you taking on the role of peppy bear builder . he thought it was cute . his bear is medium full , and he wanted it dressed in a suit . his name is bearington the third . when you asked if he wanted to help you make your bear he lit up , using his adult voice and treating you like a child . he made you do a million and one things during your heart ceremony and you couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was . all in all it was a super cute fun time and now bearington and doll brahms are never apart . 
thomas hewit 
you can’t really bring him to build a bear as i don’t think they existed in the time period he lives in , buuuuut you can make him one . you have him pick out a fabric he likes , not giving him any clue as to why . you ask him how soft he likes things . he tells you like his pillow . a little on the firm side . you make a little heart and you have him do a little ceremony with it to put his love in it . he humors you but looks at you with a raised brow as if you’re the silliest person he’s ever met . you ask him what his favorite outfit is and make him pick out more fabrics to get a clothes set out . when you present him with the bear he is shocked . he tries not to tear up . tries not to cry , but he’s so so so happy . he keeps it on his dresser and when he gets out of bed before you , he will put it in your arms so you won’t miss him . 
jesse cromeans 
jesse walks in like he owns the place . the prettiest most expensive bear is his . only the most fancy suit ( he will later order a suit from some fancy designer for his bear ) . he does the heart ceremony , smiling at you the entire time and bumping your hip with his . he promises that he’ll get a chrome heart to put inside of the bear later . and you best bet that jesse gets everything . sun glasses , boots , socks , underwear , roller skates , back pack . his bear is spoiled to shit . you’re is too , and you almost wanna laugh at the look on the other customer’s faces when the price rings up . jesse was being so showoffy that he forgot to get a birth certificate or name his bear . 
bubba saywer 
much like with tommy you can’t really bring bubba to build a bear . but unlike tommy , you already know all of bubba’s favorites . you know he loves textures , so the body , each limb , the head , and the tail are all different fabrics . different sensations so he can have those little stimming moments . you know he likes things extra soft , so that’s how you fill it up . during the heart ceremony you have bubba do so many cute little things and he is more than happy to bounce around and babble . then you have him close his eyes and sew the heart in . when he opens them his eyes light up . and when he feels over the bear he is in utter heaven . it becomes his stress reliever and cuddle buddy . and you’re so happy he finds so much comfort in it . bubba will be giving you so many kisses as a thank you .
billy loomis & stu matcher 
it’s pure chaos . they’re messing with the kids , putting things out of their reach , debating on what animal or bear to get . but they are the most creative . billy gets a bear , stu gets a bunny . billy gets his stuffed medium full , stu barely makes his stuffed at all . stu over exaggerates every fucking heart thing , billy just smirks and makes everything filthy despite the gasps of mothers around you . billy dresses his bear up like a bad ass punk , stu give it a dress and tries to make a thong for it . billy names his bich fuker and stu names his fuking bich . you don’t know how you made it out of the store without being kicked out but somehow you do . later , at lunch , both of them disapear only to suddenly see the stuffed animals pop over the table as they give you a weird stuffed animal porno scene that you try not to die laughing over . 
vincet sinclair 
surprisingly , vincent will go into town with you for this venture . and even more surprising , he will go maskless . his long locks will cover the damaged half of his face , and he might look just a bit annoyed with how crowded it is in the store and how loud it is . he’s used to peace and quiet and metal music . he spends a long time deciding on a stuffed animal , even if he doesn’t think that he’ll put it up anywhere . he tries and does convince you to only get one to share . you’ll both build it together . he choses two and lets you get the choice in which one to get . he does the heart ceremony with you , giving a soft look to you , amused at how much fun you’re having , memorizing the way you look so he can sketch it later . you both decide to try and dress up in cozy clothes , a sweater and pants and socks . you name the bear vincent jr and vincent shakes his head , looking at you amused and presses a kiss to your temple . 
bo sinclair 
bo is annoyed as fuck to be there and is glaring at the kids , calling them brats and ankle bitters . he doesn’t act like he cares , and much like vincent just wants to get one . he isn’t made of fucking money . though he does get pissy when you don’t pick the bear with golden curl fur and you end up changing it with hitting his chest with a limp bear hand . he talks down to the bear builder because at first it’s too soft , then it’s too fucking hard , and then there’s too much stuffing taken out . you end up tipping the poor girl when his back is turned . he almost fucking faints when he sees how expensive everything is for clothes so you only get one white shirt . you then convince him to get a pair of socks because that’s what bo wears when he’s being lazy . he names it ankle bitter . a few days after you get the bear you can’t find it and you think it might have been thrown away , and then you see it in bo’s garage on a top shelf holding a wrench . 
lester sinclair 
lester has a lot of fun . once he makes it inside he gets pumped and asks if he can give his to jonesy . you both decide that your gonna get on each for her . lester gets her a bunny because of how much jonesy loves them . its absolutely adorable . the bear builder has and issue understanding lester’s slurred country talk , and it makes you want to laugh so hard because it’s obvious they’re from out of state . you end up just doing your best to translate and only laugh harder when lester starts laying it on thicker for a laugh . the bear ends up between limp and medium , a good fluff for a cuddle and chew toy . he dresses the bunny up as you , saying that it’s good for jonesy to have a little version of her daddy’s love . and you can’t help but think lester is fucking cute . he doesn’t name the bunny . later , after you decide to eat in the mall , lester says he’ll be back and goes to the bathroom . when he comes back he hands you a little bear that is dressed up like him and tells you that he wanted to make you something to hug on to when you missed him too much . 
jacob goodnight 
jacob is nervous , overwhelmed . you go during a school day in the morning so no one is really around . he doesn’t what to do or what to chose , but decides on one that has eyes that can be removed , you understand that he has a bit of an issue so you promise that you’ll put pretty patches over the eyes when you get home , he’s very relieved by this . now , your boy is usually pouty or neutral looking , but watch him light up and smile during the heart ceremony . he takes everything to heart and is so happy . his bear is medium fluff with most of the fluff in his tummy . he takes his time cleaning it , and picks out a very basic outfit . just a plain shirt and shorts . he names it jacob , after himself and wants you to hold it , thinking that you look so cute with two soft stuffed animals in your arms . later , he’ll try to make matching cross necklaces for both your bears . he also wants to come back and make a bear each for all his dogs . 
martin ( 1977 ) 
this shy boy is extremely excited and nervous at the same time . he’ll be quiet , glancing towards you and back at his bear , one that is pure white . he does the heart ceremony , shy as hell about it , whispering the words and such . but the further into the store the more he comes out of his shell . he smiles and stands close , looking at clothes and wanting your bears to match . they both end up looking cute and fancy , his a girl he names angel , and he tells you it reminds him of you . he keeps it in his room , often looking at it when he thinks and misses you . 
carrie white
this girl is excited , eyes bright and smile wide and sweet . she picks out something soft and pink and colorful . she doesn’t want her bear to be plain , no she wants her to be beautiful and stand out . you can’t help it . you put your own bear away so you can spend all the money spoiling this happy girl you have . she does everything with gusto , even doing it with some shy kids . she’s so lost in the moment that it’s wonderful , she really needed this . her bear is so soft , nearly limp , and dressed in a pretty yellow sundress with ribbons on her ears . she names it sunshine . 
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Headcanons for Chisaki/Chrono/Setsuno/Mimic and Nemoto ? ♥ Like his S/O is from another state, let's say Russia and he is about meet his s/o 's family. When, he comes there, he realizes that his s/o's parents are well-known assassins for the yakuza and other mafias. And he tries to stay calm, but when they are having the family dinner, he says " well, tell me about your assasianations. ". And so, they explained situation, about them. But, even the S/O didn't know.
(Public Service Announcement: Not only am I baby, but I’m also a dumb bish! This ask was clearly explained to me but I still don’t fully get it. Out of fear of messing it up, I shifted it around. My apologies!)
~Russian Assassin S/O family~
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-Honestly he couldn’t even tell you were from Russia to begin with. He couldn’t base it off your (s/c) skin alone because sometimes there more to it than that. He can’t deny it once your parents call one day and you begin speaking full Russian, flawlessly. He begins to think ‘What the Hell?! Am I dreaming???’ until you explain to him that they’ve requested to meet him. For a little bit, he doesn’t want to go because it’s a new place and that meant new germs to possibly take on. However, he knew this day would come eventually so he went ahead and agreed to making the trip with you.
-You two made it safely, and that wasn’t the issue. The issue came when you entered the home and Kai saw your parents. He was luckily wearing a mask to hide the way his mouth popped open. However, he can’t really hide the surprise in his eyes. Your parents kept the same happy demeanor despite recognizing his face and association to the Hassaikai through files. “Please come! We’re having a lovely dinner complete with Borscht!” Your mom ushered for you two to follow her into the kitchen. Your dad closed the front door and trailed behind you two, keeping a close eye on Chisaki’s back.
-Halfway through dinner, Kai decided to make a bold move to show he had the upper hand on them. “I felt as though I recognized you two. I’m sure you know who I am and what I’m affiliated with.” You tilted your head in confusion as Kai spoke. Your parents happy demeanor never left there face. Suddenly your mom nodded and replied with a smile. “Of course we do...Kai Chisaki. Young ward of the Shie Hassaikai in Japan.” Your jaw dropped and you shot a look of worry to Kai. He simply lifted his gloved hand and gently rubbed your head. “Perhaps you won’t mind some dinner story time. Tell me about your assassinations.” 
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-Hari always felt like you were from somewhere else. It wasn’t the broken Japanese (unless you’re fluent..then just ignore that part), but it was your mannerisms that made you seem so foreign to him. He finally nailed it when he looked through some of your old photos. “Russia eh? Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Hey, what about you take me to meet your family? Please???” He convinced you to go...plus you missed home so of course you agreed!
-From the moment you made it to Russia, Kurono has been staring very intently on your parents as if there was a threat present. Meanwhile your mom showed you old baby stuff she had collected from your past, and your father chopped wood in the backyard until dinner was done. Kurono kept his serious and speculative demeanor as you traveled to the kitchen together and took you seats at the dinner table. 
- It hadn’t even been a full 5 minutes at the dinner table when he suddenly spoke up. “With all due respect, let’s cut the shit here. I know you guys and I know what you do. Let’s hear about that instead of the boring crap.” While your parents started spouting off mission experiences, you were the only one that felt left in the dark. You had no idea!!!
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-Toya was nervous from the moment he woke, to the moment he got out of the shower and got dressed, to the moment you boarded your flight. “Toya baby, please calm down.” You gently placed your hand on his shaking arm. “Calm down? What makes you think I’m not calm heh heh.” He tried to nervously laugh it off. “Oh I don’t know. Maybe the way you’re shaking right now, or maybe the way you downed 7 packs of peanuts since we’ve been on the flight.”
-Toya could feel his blood run cold for a second when he saw your parent’s. Part of this was because he was nervous about meeting them for the first time, and the other part was because they were well known professional assassins throughout the crime world. Why would you have kept this from him?! He looked at you expectantly and realization set in when he noticed the way you carelessly played cards with your dad. You must not have known this??? “Dinner's ready!” Your mother called out from the kitchen.
-”Uhm...Are you guys...I mean, you guys are definitely assassins. I apologize, but I would like to tell y/n about this too since they seemed to not know it.” Setsuno spoke up. You dropped your fork and did a double take. “I’m sorry...WHAT?!?!” You freaked out while your parents laughed carelessly. “I guess if we told you the Easter bunny wasn’t real, it was about time to tell you thr truth about us too!” You mom spoke cheerfully. 
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-”Irinaka what are you wearing?” You tried to hold back a laugh from him. Mimic was currently in his full form wearing a tacky orange and green suit while nervously combing his hair in the hotel mirror. “Irinaka, just be comfortable. That’s the 5th suit I saw you pull out and try on. My parents aren’t going to care how you look. They care about what type of person you are.” You reassured him. “Yeah babe, I know. I just tryin to make a good impression on em.” Irinaka shifted himself to look at you over his shoulder. He noticed you were wearing a plain T-Shirt from your favorite show/movie, a pair of comfy pants, and you favorite old shoes. You were simple and comfy, so maybe he could be too?
-Mimic tapped his feet nervously while you chatted with your parent about Japan life. They were assassins...they were famous assassins. They could probably kill him 40 different ways with one blade of grass. They were either against the yakuza or with them depending on whatever side payed the most for their services...and now he was literally face to face with them. Normally he was braver but there was something terribly chilling the way they pretended as if nothing was wrong.
-Mimic seemed to become more like his normal annoyed self while your dad prattled on at the table about the winter this year. Your mom smiled and worked on a crossword puzzle, dipping her spoon into her bowl to eat every once in the while. You joked along with them until Mimic slammed his fork onto the table and glared in annoyance. “Cut it out with all the small talk and let’s hear about those assassinations instead.” You stared at him in confusion. Had he gone crazy? “Oh alright! I suppose it was getting a little boring here.” Your mom giggled. You then looked at her in confusion instead. Had SHE gone crazy!?!? Seems like you learned a new thing today.
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~Shin Nemouto~
-Nemouto knew you were from Russia from the start. You two had really no secrets between each other. It was a comforting thing too! Therefore, he had plenty of time to prepare himself before the day came that you asked him to come meet your parents. Shin jumped on the offer and you two were off to Russia in a heartbeat (or as fast as the plane could carry).
-After being in the house with your parents for a while, your parents went into the kitchen to set the table and finish dinner preparations. Meanwhile, Nemouto excused himself to speak privately with you. He asked you multiple weird questions but you managed to answer them to best of your knowledge. Shin knew you were telling the truth but one last time he chose to use his quirk for a single question. “Y/N, have you been hiding your parents work from me?” He asked. Without hesitation you answered him. “No, I wouldn’t hide anything. My mom designs blankets and quilts downtown, and my father works at a local mine.” Perhaps, you didn’t know? “Time for dinner you two!” Your father called out. Nemouto kept his guard up as he entered the kitchen with you.
-Nemouto hadn’t hesitated to straight up use his quirk (as he usually did when he wasn’t sure about something). He really didn’t have to! Turns out your parents are open books when it comes to this stuff involving you and him now. Besides, they had dirt on him being a part of a criminal organization, and could get rid of him any time they pleased. Aside from that, they spent at least 30 minutes apologizing to you about never telling you this stuff. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Terms of Engagement ch.2
Summary: Rus is still a kid himself and with his life turned upside-down, he has no idea how he’s going to take care of his baby brother. Having other kid skeletons appear in his world wasn’t exactly the help he was looking for.
Tags: Pre-Spicyhoney, Underfell Papyrus, Underfell Sans, Underswap Papyrus, Underswap Sans, Undertale Sans, Undertale Papyrus, Babybones, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Skellie Daycare, Growing Up Together, Big Brothers Caring For Their Little Bros, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Notes: I sort of desperately needed a little more of the Adventures In Skellie Daycare. Enjoy!
Chapter One 
Read Chapter Two on AO3
Read It Here!
A Couple of Years Later
Rus sighed tiredly, settling back into his heap of cushions and blankets that were piled into the corner of his room. Someday he was gonna have an actual bed, but until then, this worked.
Besides, he wasn’t entirely sure a larger bed would fit. His room was crammed to the brim with all kinds of stuff, stacks of books and scattered broken electronics that he was trying to fix, knickknacks of all kinds scrounged from the dump and clothes draped over whatever was the least dirty. Not like he had a closet, and anyway, he didn’t own much in the way of a wardrobe. A coupla striped shirts and a pair of shorts worked for him.
His old, shorter mattress was in Blue’s room now, handed down a while back when Rus started waking up every morning hanging off it from the knees down. Still worked pretty well for Blue, at least. True to his suspicions, his little bro was firmly in the pint-size brigade. Blue was kinda disappointed about it, but it was fine as far as Rus was concerned. Made it a hell of a lot easier to find him clothes, for one, Sans and Red were always struggling to keep up with their little bro’s growth spurts.
Speaking of which, he should really be trying to get some sleep. Tomorrow was his day to watch all the baby bones. He needed to be on his toes to keep Blue and Papyrus out of trouble, because if it was out there, those two would find it. Rus couldn’t be mad at them for it; neither of ‘em meant to run the older skellies ragged, but damn if they weren’t experts at it, little balls of energy.
He could’ve cried the day he stepped out for one minute and came back to find the two of them ‘cooking’, which to them meant dumping all their carefully stored supplies into a large bowl to make a sort of vile pudding. It’d been edible, at least, in the loosest sense of the word, and Rus wasn’t about to waste all that food. A few days of having to choke down Kitchen Sink Stew for lunch had been a pretty memorable punishment and they’d been cured of any urges to try more cooking for themselves, for now.
So yeah, sleep would be a good idea. The problem was, Rus’s mind didn’t seem to agree. It was wandering all over the place, thinking about his last day spent dump picking, mentally calculating the amount of G he had saved and if it’d be enough, even poking at his scattered memories of Before, the ones that were so foggy to him, but still itched somehow, like a scab of marrow over a painful scratch.
With a sigh, he clicked on the little desk lap he’d scrounged from one of the upstairs rooms. A little reading usually helped settle him and there were plenty of books, the lab was filled with ‘em. They were fascinating to him, loaded with theorems and equations. A shame no one else seemed to think so; he’d tried selling some of them early on and not even the Floweys had been interested.
He was barely into his second page when he heard the pitter patter of little bony feet. Rus sighed, fully expecting a little brother to turn the corner and begin fierce negotiations for another glass of water or one more bedtime story.
What he didn’t expect to see peering through the crack of his open door were wide sockets with crimson eye lights, peeking hesitantly inside.
“Edge?” Rus called warily. Not that he really expected it to be anyone else, but it paid to be cautious. He hadn’t exactly been expecting Red or Sans to land in this world either.
Today was in his favor, because the mysterious figure in red footy pajamas that crept guiltily into his room was definitely Edge. A ragged stuffed bunny was clutched in one little hand, dragging on the floor behind him, and Rus made a mental note to steal Rabbit the next time the kid was napping. Looked like his lovey was in dire need of a little impromptu surgery again before all its insides played a reversal.
Edge shuffled up to Rus’s makeshift bed, shifting from foot to foot hopefully, “Russy?"
Rus only looked at him sternly. “what are you doing here, kiddo, it's late.”
He shrugged, a one shouldered affair that was very Rus-like, he noted with amusement. "wanted to see you."
“you aren't supposed to use the machine without your bro, you know that.” In the past couple years, Rus had gotten pretty good at the ‘very disappointed’ voice.
It worked pretty damn well, too. Edge scowled, his adorable little face scrunching unhappily as he blinked back tears. A rebuke from Rus was like one from the Angel themself, and maybe Rus had the voice down pat, but he hadn’t figured out yet how to harden his soul against those teary sockets. Rus shook his head and reached out to catch hold of him, hauling Edge up into the cushions and bundling him in blankets to cuddle that sadness away.
Normally that would have Edge giggling in minutes. That he only snuggled in, both little arms tight around Rus’s neck made Rus settle on a frown of his own. Carefully, he tugged Edge’s grip loose, sitting up with him into his lap. Absently, he noticed that Edge’s pajamas were getting a little tight, almost straining at the zipper. Looked like Blue was going to be getting some more hand-me-downs soon.
“okay, kid,” Rus said, “‘fess up. what's wrong?”
Edge swallowed hard, his eye lights downcast. “Red didn't eat dinner yesterday.”
That wasn’t at all what Rus expected to hear. He was thinking of a confession about breaking something and a pleading request that Rus be the one to tell Red, please and thank you. He hadn’t expected to hear that Red was the source of Edge’s worry. “what’s that now? he didn’t eat?”
Edge nodded slowly, “he didn’t eat dinner and he didn’t have a snack later and he didn’t yell to ‘not touch, damn it,’ because he was saving it. Is he sick?" They didn’t have a lower lip to wobble, but damn if Edge didn’t give it a try. His wide sockets were welling with tears that spilled over, trailing down his cheekbones. He let out a hitching sob, burying his face into Rus’s pajama shirt as he wept, “I don’t want him to be sick!”
"hey, hey, easy, sugar skull,” Rus crooned, his already aching soul constricting sorrowfully at those pitiful sobs. He cradled Edge into his arms like he had when he was much smaller, peppering soft kisses on top of his skull. "i’m sure your bro is fine. how’s about i talk to him, okay?"
Edge nodded, hiccoughing out a broken little, “Okay.”
“i’ll talk to him in the morning, promise. now, let’s get you back home…grk!” Rus broke off, suddenly strangled by Edge clinging to him with an impressive death grip. Wheezing, he managed, “your bro is gonna worry if he finds you gone, kid.”
“Nuh uh,” Edge clung stubbornly, “left a note.”
Of course he had, sneaky little shit, Rus thought fondly. Of all the baby bones, Edge was the most well behaved but when he got into trouble, brother, he was all in. Blue and Papyrus weren’t great at thinking ahead but Edge was a kid who made plans…like the time the three of them tried to make a raft so they could go down the river and be pirates like in one of the books Sans read them. The idea was sound, the execution? Not so much and Rus would be forever grateful it sank on its maiden voyage in the bathtub before any of them figured out how to sneak out.
Or the time they’d designed a ‘human trap’; man, that was never going to be not funny, the world lost out some true comedy when they didn’t get a picture of that. To be fair, the trap worked the very first time they tried it. A shame there wouldn’t be a second time, since the only thing they caught was Red, and he’d promptly shuffled it off this mortal coil and back to the dump.
Once he’d gotten over being pissed, though, Red had bragged the shit out of it. Edge designed the trap himself and the other two helped him build it. Pretty damn clever, all of them, but it was a good thing that Edge was normally the quiet one, because when he spoke up, all hell broke loose.
And it was breaking Rus’s damn soul to see the kid so unhappy.
Then an idea hit him. Edge didn’t seem inclined to let go anytime soon, so Rus was forced to roll the both of them to the side of the cushions, rummaging through the pockets of his shorts where they were laying rumpled on the floor.
“here, lemme show you something.” Rus held up a single G.
Curiosity seemed enough for Edge to loosen his grip a little, though he was too clever to let go entirely, ready to latch on again if it looked like Rus was going to try to make a daring escape.
“watch,” Rus told him. He set the coin in the bony palm of his hand, closing his fingers around it. With a grand gesture, he swooped his hand around, discreetly dropping the coin into his other hand behind Edge’s head, then held his closed fist in front of Edge’s face. “okay, blow on it.”
Rus’s mouth twitched into a grin, yep, that was Edge, curiosity and suspicion all blended as one. “because i think you can blow it away.”
His expression was doubtful, but Edge did it, blowing hard, and a little slobbery, over Rus’s knuckles. Those dubious eye lights went wide as Rus turned over his hand and opened it, showing his empty palm.
To his amusement, Edge turned his hand over and back, even pushing up his sleeve and peering into it. Finally, he looked up and demanded, “Where did it go?”
“toldja, you blew it away. oh, but what’s this?” He reached behind Edge’s skull and plucked the coin seemingly from thin air, “there it is! didn’t get too far away, did it.”
Memorizing that book of magic tricks he’d found at the dump before he sold it was worth all the effort to see the innocent wonder in Edge’s eye lights. Rus dropped the coin into Edge’s hands and wonder turned to flabbergasted delight.
He swallowed hard, looking up at Rus, and he doubted Edge would look half as awed at meeting the Queen herself. Barely, he whispered, “I can keep it?”
Rus buzzed a wet kiss against his forehead and that awe turned to a much more comfortable giggling squirm. He did make a mental note to show the same trick to other two so there wouldn’t be hurt feelings. He could spare a couple more G. “all yours, baby bones.”
Instantly, Edge scowled. Even his excitement over the coin wasn’t enough to let that pass. “M’not a baby!”
“course not,” Rus yawned. His lack of sleep was starting to catch up on him. Finally. “you’re a real tough guy, ain’t’cha.”
“Yeah,” Edge said stubbornly, and Rus thought it would be prudent not to point out the stuffed rabbit that was tucked into the blankets with them. “I’d keep you safe, Russy. Keep everyone safe.”
“i know you would, kiddo.” That this little kid would even know to think such things gave Rus a moment of aching sorrow. Rus swallowed it down behind a grin, scrubbing his knuckles roughly over the top of Edge’s skull before tugged him down deeper into the messy blankets. “c’mon, you can sleep here if you want. have to check your return policy in the morning, though.”
Edge giggled but already it was thick with drowsiness. He snuggled in, Rabbit in one arm and the other around Rus, with a fistful of Rus’s shirt clutched in one small hand. Just in case.
But he didn’t fall asleep, only shifted restlessly, and Rus smiled to himself. He knew where this was going. Very softly, Rus whispered to him, not quite singing, “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray—”
Seemed like not being a baby bones didn’t mean abandoning lullabies quite yet. Edge sighed contently, humming along for a moment before his voice trailed off into slow, even breathing.
“please don’t take my sunshine away,” Rus finished, a bare thread of sound. He dropped a last fond kiss on top of Edge’s skull and for once, his soul felt content. No aching worries or nagging thoughts, only warm affection for the baby bones sleeping next to him, who was already starting to drool on the front of Rus’s pajamas.
Oh, sorry, not a baby bones, he thought to himself, tiredly amused. Edge was their protector, that was right, and all the Undergrounds would tremble in fear at the sight of him and Rabbit, saviors of skeletons everywhere.
He reached up to switch off the lamp, laying his head down on the cushions and closing his sockets. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry again, and Rus knew with sour certainty that if it involved Red, there would be plenty of troubles to share around.
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ikarosisflying · 4 years
Elegy with an Angel at its Gate
By Larry Levis
1. Muir in the Wilderness
We were the uncountable stars, at first. We were nothing at first, and the light Of what was already over still in it.
We were never the color-blind grasses,
We were never the pattern of the snake Fading into the pattern of the leaves, Never the empty clarity one glimpses
In water falling, in water spreading itself Into the thin white veil of what is never there, The moment clear and empty as a heaven
Someone has just finished sweeping
Before the moment clouds over and again Becomes only an endless falling of water Onto stone, and falls roaring in the ears
Until they ring, and the throat suddenly Swollen with the eucharist of failure, A host invisible and present everywhere,
Or, anyway, present everywhere we are.
And one by one we vanished from the place, Vanished from it by becoming part Of everyone, part of the horses bending
Their necks to graze, part of every law, Part of each Apache heirloom for sale In a window, part of the wedding cake,
Part of the smallpox epidemic, part of God, Part of each blind crossroad, part Of the unending rain turning to snow,
Part of each straw in the lighted, Open doors of boxcars as they pass, Part of the wars, part of each silk piece
Of lingerie, part of what can never be Untangled, evaluated, cross-examined, part Of the drive by, part of the young woman
Brushing her hair, part of the lover, Part of the tenderest parting of flesh, Part of what must part flesh forever,
And part of what holds it together, Part of each one watching, with an open Mouth, the movie at the drive-in, part
Of the slaughterhouse with its fly-covered Windows, part of the scent of linen, part Of what holds the limbs of the oldest trees
Up and out through summer after summer, Part of the fork in the road where we took Both directions at once to disappear in them,
Into the noise that cuts us in half, part Of the noise, part of what doesn’t come back,
Indifferent dog, indifferent horse, indifferent
Fly riding its back beneath the trees, Led by the indifferent stable boy who hates The girl who rides the horse because she’s
Rich, because he reads Marx by candlelight, Is in love with her, is leaving tomorrow To harvest sugarcane in Cuba, is a part
Of a part of a vast revolution, of an age Of revolutions that will free him, free us, Free everyone, put all of us to one side,
To be part of another, larger thing that ends By becoming a movie about it, the popcorn, The audience sitting there watching it
With their mouths open, the big screen there In front of them, each one a part of it Designed to stroll languidly out
Into the hot, impossible evening in the city, Where the signs that flash on and off above The stores, reflected in windows and off the cars,
Resemble the piping on the ushers’ uniforms.
2. Bunny Mayo in the New World
We brought the shape of the angel with us In the shapes of women and in the shapes Of ships because we trusted only what we
Could feel by hand, beneath us and above us. And sure some among us had seen angels, In the blacksmith’s empty fire in the street
With no one there. And sure someone felt an angel In the shape of the mad daisy the hammer In his hand became before he was emancipated
From his troubles and his flesh was left hanging From limbs of trees and little gateposts In the rain—as a lesson to us all—
The kind of thing the British made us memorize, Generation after generation after generation Until it was knowledge not worth knowing.
Larry Doyle touched an angel once, he said, In the woods, and said its back was thick, Thick and fat and flat. And look at what
Happened to your Larry Doyle at the end, Gone to hell in an Easter Basket with Your permission, Mrs. Munna Mayo.
We was just two tents of flesh over bones. Still, it was a surprise how easy it was To leave the place on a warm spring afternoon,
And clatter over these long planks into The ship with its hull shaped like famine itself, Angel and woman and famine taking the same shape
And crowding one another in and out of it. To follow the path those shapes kept Disappearing on, I knew where that led,
I’d seen asylums grazing the sides of hills. More of ‘em around the City every day. You see an angel in a bar in North Beach Love
You keep your cake hole shut about it. Remember, a lie here and there is a veniality, Forgettable and necessary as sin unless
You’ve become overattached to your state Of unemployment and think there’s a sandwich Under every pillow; otherwise, where it says
Experience on the application, you’re better off Letting your imagination fill in the blank. But seeing things is another matter altogether.
Here in the Sunset it is. It’s not allowed.
3. Stevens
This was one idea, like water seen through glass, Then like a water seen through completely, Seen through and regretted and longed for
In a downpour in Hartford where he sat, Piano and attorney of the soul, turning Angels into air, the air into a mirror
Reflecting everything and the nothing In everything, so that when he dozes off In the chair, the manicurist bent over
His nails, filing them, the sound of the file Is the sound he made as a boy, running Over the dry beach grass on a winter day,
One step ahead of the quiet, one step ahead Of what is overtaking him, the background chorus Of semis on the interstate, and their new god,
Shirtless and asleep in the trailer parks, The treeless slums on the outskirts of the slums With trees in them, trees the past stuck there?
But he’s just a man asleep. He could easily be The pages of the newspaper spreading around him In the yard, he could easily have been
No more than the illiterate light of a warm Afternoon in winter shining at that moment In which I suspended all my judgments
Of this place, because they were not mine. But have it your way, for there wasn’t any us, There was only the empty light and a path
Running beneath the trees with no one on it, No sound of a keel scraping the sand of some New World, no coinage of what’s sexual.
The new god is a revolver in the sun.
4. Like the Scattered Beads of a Dime Store Rosary
One August afternoon, in the midst of lying To my counselor to get things over with, The counselor appointed by the court,
A nice enough young guy with a cold, Too many cases, and stains on his shirt, I thought of him, of how the whole point
Was not to be trapped by circumstances, Not to spend a night in a jail in a Day-Glo Orange jumpsuit, and then walk home past
Houses flaking into paint, into the pieces Of some puzzle the children have abandoned, Each lighted porch a history of desolation.
The point is to live beyond all jurisdiction, To be the uncountable stars again, the shape Of the animal running through tall grasses.
It is too late for either of us now. Angel in the gate, walk with me sometimes,
Or whatever it is you do, air stepping Or gliding through air, as far as you want, As far as eternity is, in our poor neighborhood,
With the toys spreading over the lawns behind you, And the children gone, and the sills they leaned Out of, once . . . thin, dry, freckled as leaves,
And framed by a house that is too delicate now, Too brittle to withstand the lightest touch, Or any mere kingdom’s nowhere breath,
With the light coming back to one star In the late summer dusk after another Until at last the sky above it resembles
The vast rigging of some lighted ship Drifting slowly out of reach. Come with me, Stray a little from your task, which is set
In stone, where you must stare out, stupidly Pretentious, with your frown and Roman hairstyle, And with ears that might double as handles;
Walk with me a little, just for company, As far as your owner allows, or as far as you Want, in our poor neighborhood; be the air
Cutting through an empty world of air, Be the cold air of an angel, older, thinner Than fire, like something almost remembered
From a childhood swept clean by fire, Spreading its wise chill over my flesh Until my flesh is my own and not my own;
For a moment, and then for one more moment, Let me belong to another; let me step From the snare, the lie, the trap
That would have me believe only the empty scrape Of a man’s steps as he walks home, As he begins to hear that sound and no other,
Begins to hear, in the ancient trees he passes, Only the echoing of his steps; If only for the company, walk with me a little
Through the litter and catcalls of this place. With the wrong, other angel trapped in stone, With the heaven behind you on fire,
So that I might recognize my own voice When no one speaks, so that I might know Who touches me in that realm where fingers
Are extinct and no one’s there, the place This one with its trees once whispered of, Once granted us, gave us a path to
That ran under the trees and the infinite Whispering of what we really desired, The dry, white path empty under the leaves
As we turned from it, and walked back To the ship with the silly carving of the body On its bow, and lost the place—
Lost it forever in a matter of a few seconds— So that its melody might run through my limbs, And loosen them, a lovely dust,
And sunlight through the windows of other lovers— As yet unborn, their faces pressed against The windows of the cells in the rush of the blood
Like faces pressed against the windows of a train—
Walk a few steps more with me,
Show me the house I must still be living in, Where eternity was no more than my hand Scurrying across a sheet of paper,
Kindling blent to the music of its hush; Walk with me a little way past it, now, With the wrong, other angel trapped in stone,
With the heavens behind you on fire.
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inkbun · 6 years
So what about Dva's S/o is is slightly famous but is feeling insecure about themselves becauses they think all of their followers are just because they are dating Dva
Ayyy, my first D.Va prompt. Keep ‘em coming y'all, I’m loving all these specific jump-off points. This one was hella easy since I stream too (not regularly or on a schedule anymore bc I’m trying to finish this damn book, but hey). Enjoy! 🐰
Words: 1,481
Genre: Hurt & Comfort
“Who’s next in the queue?” you asked, picture-perfect grin on your face.
You glanced at your stream stats on the monitor: 103 concurrent viewers, 2 hours uptime, 88 new followers.
An explosion of “ME!,” Kappas, and emotes flooded your chat.
Stream had gone swimmingly the past few weeks—you were easing into Starcraft II after Hana suggested you try something more competitive. You were more of a Stardew Valley type, but damned if it didn’t help to let off a little steam via a realtime strat game.
You took to it like a fish in pixelated, alien-riddled water, and your follower count was skyrocketing.
Whether that was because of your gameplay or your girlfriend was yet to be seen. To their credit, most of your followers were chill about your love life. But that didn’t mean you avoided her rabid fans.
Yes, you were dating Hana Song, better known to anyone with an ounce of pop culture awareness as D.Va. Yes, you also loved gaming and junk food. Yes, you know she was the best gamer to hit the SC2 comp scene.
Yes,  you knew how lucky you were.
Hell, you were once one of those people without an ounce of pop culture awareness. You and Hana met in a convenience store in Tokyo. She was on vacation from the MEKA program back home in Korea, and you were abroad with your friends. While they ooh'd and ahh’d over all the foreign snacks, you were too struck by the pretty girl with the neko headphones and scowl on her face to notice.
You wandered down the shrimp chip aisle, pretending to look at all the different flavors. When she was close enough you took your shot.
“Hey, do you know anything about these garlic parsley chips? It’s my first time trying them and—”
“I don’t have any autographs or goodies on me, okay?” she quipped, ducking her head into the crux of her baggy grey hoodie. “Please, I’m just trying to enjoy some time off.”
Bewildered, you apologized. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother. It’s my first time so far from home and I was hoping for some guidance on what’s good here…I’ll just ask the clerk.”
Hana glared at you with narrowed eyes, looking between you and the package in your hand.
“Wait, you mean you didn’t pick them up because they’re Bunny Approved?”
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” you asked, looking at the pink-and-white bunny sprite in the top corner. 
Aside from its cutesy scowl, it had no significance to you. Sure, you’d noticed it on energy drinks, donuts, and other junk food, but you just thought it was a quirky cartoon character.
Here this gorgeous, albeit pissed woman was, staring at you like were from Mars. Cautiously, she held a hand out to you.
“I’m Hana, Hana Song.”
“I’m, ________. Nice to meet you.”
You shook her hand, ignoring the flutter in your chest, or the scent of bubblegum that accompanied her words. She smiled at you, pink whiskers on her cheeks molding around her dimples.
“Wanna grab some boba?” she said, hand still wrapped around yours. All you could do was nod.
Fast forward a year, and the two of you were inseparable. You’d packed up, moved to Seoul, and taken up streaming in-between your shifts as a mech technician.
In the time since you’d learned about your girlfriend’s fame and adapted to the unending swirl of fan attention it generated.
Which is exactly why you kept your love life separate from your hobbies. Your stream name was different than any of your other accounts, and you went to great lengths to keep all D.Va or MEKA-related inquiries confined to Hana’s Q&A with fans or other designated appearances.
You loved your girlfriend very much and wholly respected her prowess as both protector and master entertainer. Still, you were fiercely independent and wanted to carve out a name for yourself on your own, not just as “D.Va’s Significant Other.”
All of that went out the window when she started popping into your stream room mid-broadcast. At first, it was accidental. 
The visor on her mech had cracked during a mission and she needed a quick-seal before deploying for sentry duty that night. You were streaming Stardew, chatting with your regulars before you saw the chorus of messages.
OMG is that DVA?!?
______, you didn’t tell us you were dating her!!1
MEKA: activated. Bunny hop: on.
Can she say hi???
You looked behind you to see a Pepto-pink MEKA looming in the oversized doorway. To her credit, Hana handled it well, ejecting from the seat to apologize for barging in. Aside from the wet kiss and little wink she gave the camera, she kept the cutesy antics to a minimum, happy to let you be the star of your own show.  
Then it started happening with greater frequency. It became customary for her to hang out for a few, answer some questions from your viewers, and join you for stream sign-off. 
For the most part you didn’t mind, glad to have your girlfriend by your side. She wasn’t overbearing, and the two of you got to spend some rare downtime in the hour or so after.
Once the secret was out, you saw your stream stats go up until you were a starlet of your own regard. Still, it unnerved you at times, the idea that people only hung around to get a glimpse of the famous D.Va.
You made it through 3 hours of queued games tonight before she showed up, sending your chat into a frenzy once more. 
She was beat-up from combat, sections of her bodysuit singed with plasma ash and face smudged with dirt. Despite the exhaustion from a long day at work, her face lit up when she saw you.
Plopping in your lap, she gave you a big hug and kiss.
“I’m home!” she announced.
You pushed away from the keyboard, shifted her hips against the armrest to get comfortable. “I see that.”
No matter how much the media tried to paint her as a teenage darling, you saw the weight and sadness being in the MEKA program placed on her. 
Though barely 20, Hana was no longer a burgeoning mech pilot. She was a damned war veteran who chose everyday to plaster a smile on her face and emerge as D.Va, the Pink Ray of Hope. 
I know better.
“You still live?” said Hana, glancing at the blue light on your webcam.
“Yeah.” You could sense the urgency in her words, the glisten in her big brown eyes. She was breaking.
“Sign off.”
You did, making your excuses and ignoring the whinging from folks who didn’t get to see their “daily dose of D.Va.”
Choosing to ignore how grossly objectifying that sounded, you hit the “Stop Streaming” button.  Once the light went dark and your offline screen popped up, you twined your fingers in her hair.
“What happened today?”
“We went to Oasis,_____. I saw things there—terrible things the Omnics did, the experiments they conducted on children to give them powers. I just thought, ‘if I’d decided to go to school there instead of joining the MEKA pilots,’ I could’ve been one of them!”
You pulled away to see the depth of horror on her face. You’d heard of Oasis, knew the supposed “advancements” they made bordered on inhumane in their methods of discovery. Still, you never knew Hana had been invited to study there.
“Well you’re not, and you’re fighting evil which is all that matters,” you said, cradling her against your chest. 
She cried, hot tears wetting your shirt. You shushed her, rocking slightly and petting her hair.
It was times like this she felt fragile, liable to break under all the expectations the world hefted on her. You’d gone live tonight expecting to have an audience without Hana, hoping she’d forget to show at the end of stream.
Petty as it was, you wanted to have something all your own, felt insecure at times about the truth of your own growing community and their intentions.
If tonight proved anything to you, it was the power of your love. Sure, your community and your growing “fame” were cool—you’d be remiss to deny that. And sure, some of that clout might be bolstered by you dating one of the world’s top professional gamers.
But all of that meant nothing if your girl wasn’t okay. Watching her cheery, bright facade crack from the sheer volume of suffering, combat, and violence she was subjected to served as a grim reminder. 
Your community may come and go, your fame may grow or wane, but Hana was your everything.
Nuzzling her neck with soft kisses, you whispered in her ear: “You and me, love? We’re gonna save the world.”
Her teary grin and hiccup laugh lanced your chest—god, you loved this woman.
“Damn right.”  
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folklorecostumes · 6 years
A lot of these posters are pictured in either giant bubble letters, rep font or in calligraphy. Can’t do any of these? Download the rep font or font you wish to use, type up what you want in a big enough font size, print, cut, and trace, or glue them down up to you! Of course, write these however you wish!
Hello all! Thanks for waiting so patiently for this list! Because of how long it is and how very excited you all have been waiting for this we have decided to post it into 2 parts to keep the excitement going. Part 2 will be coming in just a few short days and will be linked here, maybe even sooner than you think! Please enjoy all the ideas we listed below so far, send us others you may have and want to share with the swiftie world. We apologize if the formatting on this looks bad on mobile, we are trying to actively make it easily accessible and readable across all platforms!
And lastly, enjoy and tag us in these recreations! We want to see them! We want to help them get seen by Taylor!
Find the Reputation Part 2 list here.
Find the 1989 idea list here and here.
Find the Red idea list here.
Find more costume and poster ideas and tips here.
 - Reputation Costumes.
1. “Knew he was a killer” – you and a friend or significant other dress up as a killer and their victim (not to scary or realistic though! Just have fun with it)
2. “Left haunted” – could make a fun sign saying “Taylor left me haunted” or something silly with the word haunted! Could even use Haunted (Speak Now) lyrics!
3. “But if he’s a ghost, then I can be a phantom” – Few ideas:
         → Two people could dress up as ghosts. 
         → Could also dress up as Danny Phantom because of the wordplay, or even the Phantom of the Opera if you wanted to be clever.  
         → Could also dress up as ghost hunters/ghost busters.
4. “Holdin’ him for ransom” – dress as bank robbers! Could even copy the outfits from the vault scene in LWYMMD.
5. “I keep him forever, like a vendetta-ta” – Poster that replaces him for Taylor, so it says I keep Taylor forever, like a vendetta-ta.
6. “Island breeze and lights down low” – maybe dress tropical—think family vacation ha. 
         → Could even improvise a poster that instead of saying island it could say (city name) breeze and stadium lights down low. Ex: “Boston breeze and stadium lights down low” (yes, I know its FOXBORO, but we all know Taylor just calls it Boston lol).
7. “In the middle of the night” – Dress as if you’re the night sky, glow in the dark ceiling stars or tape on a black/navy blue outfit with glitter. A matching poster in the shape of a star or a moon would be the perfect pairing.
8. “Are you ready for it?” – Poster with these lyrics on it. Remember posters can be as simple or as creative as you’d like. If you have a large enough group, you could make giant cutouts and hold two letters or so each.
9. “Stealing hearts and running off..” – A poster in the shape of a heart (not anatomical) with the lyrics on it.
10. “He can be my jailer” – Cop and Robber costume, could do the orange jumpsuit from the LWYMMD video and copy the “guards” around the birdcages outfits.
11. “Burton to this Taylor” – dress as Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor
12. “Let the games begin” – Multiple options for this one.
          →   Could dress as a referee/sport player/some sort of sport reference
          →   Have a game board attached to your outfit, make your own Taylor inspired game, maybe by gluing homemade items over a monopoly and have little trivia questions about her.
          →   Game board inspired poster—an Uno card but with these lyrics rather than traditional uno face.
13. Recreate one of the outfits from the music video
1. “I wanna be your endgame” – Poster designed as your favorite/or classic “end game” credit logo.
2. “I wanna be your first string” – Sometimes related to sports or your favorite ship from a TV show/Film/Book so do what you may with this.
3. “I wanna be your A-Team” – Could dress up as the A Team. Poster with friends that spell out A-Team.
4.  “Big Reputation” – Poster with these lyrics or wear the End Game merch sold on Taylor’s site. Can’t afford it? Make your own with stencils and fabric paint!
5.  “I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put ‘em” – Make/buy a shirt with a map on it—think buried treasure map with x’s to mark where stuff is hidden!
6. “Your body is gold” – Gold morph suit, gold body paint, gold glitter, gold anything! Dawn yourself in all gold for this look.
7.  “So here’s the truth from my red lips” – Make an outfit with red lips open with a speech bubble above it and have end game lyrics in each one! Or make a poster with the same idea.
8.  Recreate one of the many music video outfits!
1. “I play ‘em like a violin” – Make a poster cut out into the same of a violin and wear music notes.
2. ‘Now all he thinks about is me” – Poster saying “Now all I think about is Taylor”
3. “I can feel the flames on my skin” – Body paint flames in your arms/legs or wear flame pattern shirt.
4. “Crimson red paint on my lips” – Could be similar to the one above from End Game with red lips all over your outfit or a poster.
5. “If a man talk shit, then I owe him nothing” – Great lyric for a poster! Don’t want to put the swear on the poster? Get creative and maybe use the emoji covering its mouth or symbols!
6.  “I never trust a playboy, but they love me” – Going with a guy friend? Could have him dress like Hugh Hefner but of course remember the necessary clothing needed to get into a venue if you do this! Could also dress as a bunny (playboy related or just average you decide)
7. “So I fly ‘em all around the world” – Going to multiple shows? Make a poster of a globe with airplanes landing on each tour stop you’re going to!
8. “They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one” – Dress as a witch, could be inspired from the Salem witch trials, could be a cartoon-y Halloween one, or one from your favorite show or movie that involves witches!
9. “Pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons” – Poster in the shape of a pitchfork or one that looks like a store receipt or screenshotted iMessage but using Taylor lyrics as the messages or purchases!
10. “Light me up” – Most shows apparently will not allow lights but doesn’t mean you can’t light up with glow sticks, glow in the dark body paint/outfits or glitter!
11. “Most fun I ever had” – Poster saying “Taylor Concerts are the most fun I ever had!”
1. “Don’t blame me, love made me crazy” – Poster that says, “Don’t blame me, Taylor made me crazy.”
2. “Darkest little paradise” – Black lace vibe from this lyric, especially picturing those pumps that have fur on the front near the toes. Could also make a sign that’s a midnight black sky with glow in the dark stars writing out the lyric.
3. “They say, ‘She’s gone too far this time’” – Poster with this lyric and a map tracking all your shows if you’re going to multiple. Could have all the miles listed under each show!
4. “Halo, hiding my obsession” – Angel outfit? Make the halo out of glow sticks so it shines after the lights go down. Poster that says hiding my obsession, maybe make it look like a TSL post.
5. “I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy” – Few ideas for this:
           →   An outfit that starts as poison ivy on the bottom but slowly progress to daisies. Could have buds of daisies starting at the bottom with the ivy and start to have them bloom as it increases until it’s just all daisies.
          →   Poster that spells out poison ivy in plastic (or real or drawn completely up to you) poison ivy.
          →   Poster that spells out Daisy with Daisies from a craft store!
          →   Daisy Buchanan from Gatsby.
          →   Poison Ivy comic.
6. “Fall from grace” – Michael and Lucifer, so aka could go as a fallen angel or the devil. If you watch Supernatural then you can pull from that for inspiration!
7. Taylor related this song to church, love and drug use because those 3 are powerful enough to change a person. Dressing up as if you’re in a choir could fit this song! Even something church related, however trying to remain neutral with that can be difficult.
8. Some people get a Fifty Shades of Grey vibe from this song, do what you may with that.
1. Poster spelling out delicate with an assortment of colorful fake flowers.
2. “You can make me a drink” – Poster cut out in the shape of a wine glass with the lyrics being written in a bold, thick font and place to look as if from far away its wine drawn in the glass.
3. “Dive bar on the East Side, where you at?” – “Taylor Swift concert in (your state), where you at?” sign. Could also make this look like an iMessage chat.
4. Fringe outfit similar to the video.
5. Dive bar outfit.
6. “Dark jeans and your Nikes” – Could easily where this exact outfit paired with a Taylor shirt if you aren’t into dressing up for shows!
7. “Never seen that color blue” – Poster with sketched blue eyes and these lyrics underneath it. Could also wear an entire blue outfit.
8. “Is it chill that you’re in my head?” – poster ideas:
          →  Is it chill that Taylor’s in my head?
          →  Is it chill that you’re in my head, Taylor?
9. “Handsome, you’re a mansion with a view.” - Dress up with a costume similar in the idea of the a skyscraper costume but as a fancy house!
10. “Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs” - Poster with an echoing effect (think Microsoft early 2000s word art) on the lyrics. Could even place the lyrics on top of one another to look like it’s building a staircase. 
1. “I don’t like your little games” – See similar ideas for game inspired outfits above, OR
          →  Make an outfit featuring miniature games attached to you, like Tamagotchi’s or make your own mini monopoly/life/etc. boards and glue them onto your outfit or poster. Possibly break the little boards in half and have broken pieces to represent not liking them.
2. “Of the fool” – Could dress up as a fool/clown. Silly, whimsical costume.
3. “Said the gun was mine” – Could do a poster of a smoking gun with the lyrics looking like they came out of the gun/the toy guns where flags pop out.
4. “Rose up from the dead” – Zombie! Tombstone poster!
5. “I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined” – List of names—Taylor related, maybe her cats or not—but have them all crossed out besides for Taylors at the bottom.
6. “I check it once, then I check it twice” – Some say this reminds them of Santa so by all means feel free to dress up Christmas-y.
7. “Look what you made me do” – Use the lyric video to create cool posters.
8. “I don’t like your kingdom keys” – few ideas:
        → Outfit with keys drawn on, make them look vintage and old, wear crowns with this look! Could also have keys dangling off the ends of the outfit.
       →  Giant gold key posters, make them look novelty like the ones cities give to honor people.
9. Drama and Karma matching glitter posters.
10. Snake skin, snake rings, snake anything!
11. Choose one of the many outfits Taylor is seen wearing throughout the LWYMMD video, we’ll hopefully have some great, cheap knockoffs for these soon!
12. Dress up as “old Taylor” so this basically opens up endless possibilities from each era, check out our 1989 and Red costume lists for more ideas! Hopefully we can work on Speak Now, Fearless and Debut inspired lists soon too!
13. Merch! Merch! Merch! She has tons of Look merch on her site, wear that if you want to be casual.
14. Similar Blind for Love sweater is available on eBay! The similar patches are also sold at craft stores or online (eBay).
15. Use the patches sold through Taylor Swift’s store to make you’re own one of a kind outfit--whether it be a denim jacket, dress, you name it! You can even design you’re own patches using crafts.
16. “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now” - Poster using a picture of the “old Taylor” and a poster in the shape of a phone! Could incorporate the Our Song video, WANEGBT video, or the Look video when she’s on a phone.
1.  “See you in the dark” – Poster where the word Dark is written in glow in the dark paint/marker to show up after the lights go down!
2. “All eyes on you” – Outfit with googly eyes glued all over it. Or create a poster with the same idea and the lyrics changed to “All eyes on Taylor”
        →  Add “my magician” if you wish to the end of the poster lyric or combine the googly eyes theme with a magician costume.
3. “My magician” –  Multiple options:
       → Dress up in a magician’s costume, this can be traditional, or you can be as creative as you want with it.
       →  Poster cut out to look like you’re holding a fan of cards (think trick magician’s deck) with any lyrics from the song written on it.
       →  Could dress up as a magician’s assistant.
       →  Dress up as a rabbit/bunny (stereotypically used in acts)
       →  Poster in the shape of a bunny peeking out of a magician’s hat, or just the ears sticking out of the hat, with so it goes lyrics on it.
       →  Poster of a crystal ball with “all eyes on you, my magician” written in it.
4. “You make everyone disappear” – “Taylor makes everyone disappear” written on a poster. Possibly write it in glow in the dark ink so it only shows when the lights are down and not before!
5. “Cut me into pieces” – Puzzle piece posters! You and a group of friends can each hold a piece that fits into the other and each can have one word of a line from any reputation song or simply use the “cut me into pieces”
6. “Gold cage, hostage to my feelings” – 2 options:
       →  Make a cut out poster in the shape of a cage, individual cut out in between each bar so it’s open, do two sides like this and attach strings to wear the sign so it looks like the cage is around you. Could even wear this with the orange jumpsuit outfit from the Look video!
      →  Poster in the shape of a gold bird cage with “hostage to my feelings” written inside of it.
7. “All our pieces fall right into place” – Poster with confetti, puzzle pieces, hearts either drawn on or glued. Either place or draw the pieces to spell out the lyrics as they fall down to a pile at the bottom of the poster paper or just have the pieces you decide to use “raining” down halfway through the poster and have the lyrics on the bottom half.
8. “So it goes…” Poster with these lyrics.
9. “Met you in a bar” – 2 options:
          →  Poster drawn and cut out like a whiskey bottle with these lyrics, Taylor and reputation written on the label.
          →  Using half of a poster board, draw what looks like a bar top (typically mahogany) with bottles either laying or standing across it and a few shot glasses, each bottle could be named after a song on the album!
10. “All eyes on us/All eyes on you/All eyes on me” -  Staring eye emoji drawn on a poster with a thought bubble above it with one of these 3 lyrics in the bubble.
11. “I make all your grey days clear” –
          →  One person dresses up as a cloudy/rainy day so all grey clothes and have reflective blue tape cut into rain drops and white reflective tape to represent clouds (typically clouds are grey/black when it’s raining but those two colors won’t be reflective, could use glow in the dark paint/tape as well). Could also wear a cloud poster with raindrops hanging from it on string around them or hold as a regular poster with these lyrics in the cloud.
          →  Second person dresses up as sunny day, in preferably light blue to represent a clear sky, yellow reflective tape cut out as suns on the outfit—could even have some breaking through clouds using white reflective tape. Person could also wear a sun poster around them like suggested above for the grey day look.
12.  “Wear you like a necklace” – Think flavor flav! Make a giant fake watch (or not a watch and just a necklace) out of string and cardboard. Have the reputation album cover or cd artwork be hanging from it/as the face of the watch.
13.  “Dressed in black now” – Wear all black! Draw attention to yourself with some glow in the dark paint or stickers, glow sticks and glitter.
14. “Scratches down your back” – Might not be appropriate with what its referencing for younger crowds and you may get looks from parents but create a shirt with bloody scratches down the backside and let the front side have “so it goes…” written on it.
15.  “You did a number on me” – Few options:
           →  Poster cut out into a 13/22/1989 with the lyric written throughout the 13/22/1989.
            →  Poster with an array of numbers related to Taylor filling it (13, 22, 1989, 10(Grammys), etc.). Write the lyrics in rep font first and draw the numbers around it, filling the background. Write in glow in the dark paint/tape, glue flowers over the lyrics, whatever you desire! Can even just use the word rep instead of doing the lyrics.
           →  Idea above for the poster could also work on a shirt.
           →  Poster with the number of shows you’re attending.
16.  “Who’s counting?” – See the ideas for the lyric above, they work well with this one as well.
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
Christmas Eve at My Cousins Feet
Spending Christmas Morning With Bianca (17)
Christmas Night 11:37pm
You were Lucky (in a way). the thing you had been fearing the most was if Bianca’s feet would start to sweat horribly, but since it was December and it was so cold out, Bianca’s feet were only lukewarm. There was only a slight amount of sweat perspiring through her skin and that was when you stayed in one place on her foot for more than an hour.
Not wanting to be drenched in your cousin’s foot sweat you had to move to another spot on her foot every hour. You barely slept at all and when the first drop of foot sweat dripped into your mouth you immediately moved to another section in her sock. This included her heel, arch, the ball of her foot, and each toe.
Christmas morning 8:00 am
Bianca had woken up after a pleasant night’s sleep. She was dressed in her white pajamas and she had morning hair and even though it was all over the place, it still looked cute on her.
 "MMMMMMMMYEAHHHH. That was a great night’s sleep. Hey? My right foot is a little warmer than my left? Jake should’ve only warmed up the spot he was under but…..did he....?"
Bianca leans forward and speaks into her right sock.
 "Jake. WAKE UP. I have a question to ask you."
Jake heard the booming voice of his giant cousins orders and began to squirm in her sock hoping to please her foot and avoid being stomped on.
 "I want to know if you moved all around my sock and used your body heat to warm up the bottom of my foot for me?"
 "Yeah I did, I moved all over your foot because it was Swea…" before Jake could finish his sentence Bianca squeals happily and says
 "OOOOOO that’s such a good trick Jakey and I didn't even have to teach you it. You’re really going to be a Great footslave. One day when I know you’re completely trained and won't escape I’ll loosen my socks up so you can move to my other foot and warm them during the cold harsh nights.
Bianca wiggles her toes in your face and squeezes you softly and affectionately without hurting you. For some reason, you start to like this smooth, soft feeling of her toes massaging your face and begin to rub your face from side to side against the bottom of her toes.  Bianca feels your affection and says
 "That’s right tiny, be a good little pet and rub your face against your master’s toes."
As soon as she said this you realized how humiliating it was to be doing this to the bottom of your teenage bratty cousin’s feet and stopped immediately. It’s almost as if you’re getting too used to your new life as your cousin's slave, but you still want a chance to escape.
Bianca finished petting her toy and got up to get changed into a comfy pair of slippers. She took off her sock and dumped you out into a pair of furry white bunny slippers. You were sitting on the edge of the heel and looked up at your titanic cousin as she stood there like a god who had just gotten out of bed.
 "Since you were such a good foot slave last night I’ve decided to let you stay outside my sock while I open up my presents and eat breakfast. But if you disobey me or try to escape you’ll go right back inside them while I do a few hundred jump rope exercises. Now climb into my morning shoes, I want you to be at the top of the ball of my foot."
If you didn’t move now, you would be positioned under the full weight of her heel. you scrambled inside her slip on bunny slipper when you saw her barefoot rise above and begin to descend into its shoe home.
Bianca combed her hair and then walked into the living room where the large decorated Christmas tree stood with a mountain of presents under its branches. Trixie had already awoken and opened up some of her Christmas presents without anyone’s permission. Bianca noticed that Trixie was still wearing the same socks when she got here and thought about Trixie using Jake as a foot toy. Having your own little sister use you as an insole would be even more humiliating than a younger cousin, but Bianca wanted to use him for herself until her pet was properly trained. Trixie jumped in glee over her new cell phone. After a while, everyone woke up and joined the two youngest family members to open presents. (Actually, there were three people in the room).
From inside your white slipper prison, you can hear everyone talking in joyous, happy voices about the presents they got. You sulked, crushed under Bianca’s foot as the only present you received was smelling a giant smelly foot and being made into a bratty girl’s servant for the rest of your life. But a glimmer of hope lights in your chest when you hear these next muffled words.
Karen, Jakes mother says "Hey, has anyone seen Jake? I just went and unlocked his room and there was no one in there. He’s got a bunch of presents here; you’d think he’d want to open them?"
Bianca’s mother Michelle says "No I haven't seen him since yesterday when you grounded him, Karen."
Melanie opens up an expensive bottle of perfume and says "The little crybaby probably ran away after you grounded him, but don’t worry Auntie Karen if there are presents involved I’m sure he’ll be back to claim them later on."
Jake cried a little as he realized there was no way he was going to be getting those presents unless they discovered he was being used as an insole by his cruel, but beautiful teenaged cousins foot.
Bianca says "If Jake doesn’t show up can I have his presents."
Trixie shouts "No, I want ‘em"
Jennifer says "Girls calm down; I don’t think that Jake is going to not come back and get his own holiday gifts. Who would be Crazy enough to do that?"
The exchange of presents went on for a while and you couldn't stop crying for some reason no matter how hard you tried to fight it. you would've done anything to get out of her shoe and be opening up presents like everyone else.
Eventually, every present was unwrapped (except yours) and every person had a smile on their face. even grumpy old Uncle Mike who got a portable, self-cooling keg from his wife. your dad got an ear and nose trimmer, your mother received a new pair of earrings and matching necklace.  Aunt Michelle got a new pair of designer sandals and a new blouse. Jennifer got a new sturdy bra to contain her massive breasts and Samantha got a white winter jacket with matching leggings and boots.  Melanie got many unique bottles of perfume, nail polish, and lipstick. Since Trixie was the youngest she got tons of new clothes, toys, and candy but your mom quickly took the candy away to help save her daughters teeth from another trip to the dentist.
Bianca got the most expensive of gifts including a new MP3 player, an iPhone, new clothes, shirts, pants, socks, and underwear. but her favorite gifts were the new pairs of shoes she got. she looked inside the insoles of her sneakers, flip-flops, ballet flats and clogs and pictured Jake there squirming to get free but eventually accepting his fate and lying there waiting for her foot to come down on him.
 "I have so many shoes I want to try Jake in. I can't wait till everyone leaves then I can have some alone time with him. I wonder if my feet will still fit in my shoes from when I was only a preteen? it would be a tight fit, but I can't wait to see the expression on Jake's face when he sees he has to go inside my old shoes from when I was a kid hahaha."
Aunt Michelle says to everyone "Okay everybody lets get into the kitchen and I'll make everyone something tasty to eat."
From outside your shoe prison, you heard the sound of 8 pairs of feet trampling far away and then felt Bianca get up off the floor and take her first step into the dining room. because she was wearing soft slippers you could feel the hard tile of the dining room floor and preferred the softer feeling of the living rooms carpet when Bianca stepped on you. but this is just another thing you will have to get used to as the foot slave to Bianca the teen giantess who owned your life.
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My Idol Fate - 3/?
'Mina? Is everything ok?' Emily fussed around her best friend. The right side of Mina's face begun to blister painfully. Emily grabbed her best friends face carefully and clicked her tongue. Grabbing a hair bobble, she gently tied Mina's hair in a low ponytail to try and control the tousled mess.
'What happened?'. Emily's question went ignored.
The duo of girls, along with everyone else, stood in the school's designated fire safety point. Not long after their names were ticked and their attention was called to the front.
'DEAR STUDENTS, DUE TO THE SUDDEN FIRE IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM, EVERYONE IS TO GO HOME RIGHT NOW!' The principal yelled as fire trucks arrived. Looking up at the school, the fire shattered a window, causing a few screams to erupt.
'-so, we should totally sign up.' Emily concluded. She was lounging on her bed, a pair of soft leggings and an oversized sweater on her frame making her cozy.  Mina rolled her eyes at her friend. Having come over straight to Em's house a couple of hours earlier once they got dismissed from school she had to borrow her friends clothes. Wearing a pale blue crop top with a black vest and powder blue shorts underneath, the taller teen locked her phone.
'Yes, we should twinkle toes,' Mina teased, 'but what if we are rejected?'
'What if we're not?' Emily quipped back.
Shrugging, the girls pulled out the poster from Mina's bag. The crumpled poster detailed the location, time and date of the meeting while the picture sent them into an excited frenzy.
'We are going, seeing as it is happening on Sunday. It will be a good opportunity for us. The poster says we need to dress up as if we were idols, and then perform one duet and a single for each member of our 'band'. So that means three songs in total.' Emily concluded, hopping of off the bed.
'For my single I'll sing Glass Bridge. It's emotional and I can hit the notes well so it will hopefully convince the judges to pick us.' Emily thought outloud.
'What about you?' She directed the question at her friend who was still lazing around on the bed.
Searching through her wardrobe, Emily pulled out a dress. It was light pastel pink in colour and pinched at the waist, the skirt flowing freely. It reached her knees and the hem was nicely trimmed in pale yellow. The yellow trimming continued around the neck and enlarged sleeves of the dress, which dropped in a triangle like sleeve.
Satisfied, she paired it with white tights and white flats, eager to wear it on the performance day. She grinned as she hung it up on a hanger on the back of her door.  The whole idea that there was maybe just a chance of being able to perform in a band or as a duet with Mina excited her.
Clearing her throat from any emotion, she faced Mina, who lay on her bed. Catching the girls attention, she gestured for her friend to come closer to her.
'Speaking of songs, singles and duets, are we gonna debut as duets?' She asked her friend, head cocked to the side lightly.
'Because it will be a lot more fun to do it together than on our own.' Nodding slightly, Mina agreed. The two had always been with each other. There hasn't passed a day when one of them could stand to be separated from her friend.
'Y'know the whole songs matter? I'll get back to you on that.' Mina shot her friend a secret smile.
'In the meantime, fancy a movie night? It's been ages since we've had one.' Emily readily agreed and so the two girls started to prepare for a night in.
'-corn check, blankets check, not a scary movie on tv ch-HEY MINA I THOUGHT WE AGREED NO HORROR MOVIES!' Emily shrieked and tackled her friend, fighting her for the remote. The two girls were dressed in their pajamas. Mina sported a vest (depicting some Temmie character she seemed fond of) shirt and booty shorts, claiming that the scare amount of clothing allowed her to move freely.
Completely opposite to her, Emily wore long pajamas trousers (pale green with bunnies on them) tucked into carrot colored socks and a long sleeved white top with a bunny on the front and back.
Sitting back in defeat, Emily crossed her arms over her non-existent chest and pouted pleadingly at Mina, looking every bit a kicked puppy. Clicking her tongue, Mina considered not giving in and scaring the living daylight out of her friend, but thought against it.
Those puppy eyes of hers were a terrible weapon.
'Fiiineeee!' Mina kicked at thin air, pretending to throw a fit as she huffed, blowing some hair that had fallen into her eyes out of the way.
'But I get extra cookies and the good side of the bed.' She bargained cockily, a smug smirk on her face as she watched Emily's expression fall.
'No fair.'
'Taaake iiiit or leeeeaaaveeee iiiit.' Mina said in a sing song tone, clearly teasing her friend. Huffing with arms recrossed over her chest, Emily agreed. Pretending to pout for a minute longer, she changed the movie to something more friendly, 'FROZEN' and snuggled next to her best friend. Upon seeing the film Mina froze.
'Emily...' She whispered, not taking her eyes off the screen.
'Hmm?' Emily hummed in curiosity, snuggling closer to Mina.
'I fucking hate you..' Mina said in all seriousness  as Emily knew for a fact that Mina was scared of that film.
About half an hour into the movie, both girls have passed out, legs and arms tangled until no one would be able to tell which girl had which set of fingers or toes. Movie nights like this were the best thing for the girls as they allowed them to reestablish the bond they formed years ago, over some scraped knees and a playground swing.
Mina peeked from behind the tree, watching a girl with short hair swing on a swing. The girl looked like she was having fun, swinging to and fro. The weather on that day was nice, and so the whole neighborhood of kids was at the local playground.
Suddenly the little girl swung too high, slipped off of the swing and fell to the ground, crying her eyes out. Mina swiveled her head, hoping to catch sight of any watching adults. Having no luck, the girl slowly crept out of her hiding place and approached the crying youngster.
'Are you ok?' She whispered, doing an asian squat infront of the girl.
'N-noo..' The girl sniffled, clutching a scraped knee,'I hurt my knee.'
Frowning, Mina sat closer and gently looked at the knee.
'My name is Mina. I'll take a look at your knee.'
'I'm Emily. Can you kiss it better? It stops hurting when my mummy does that.'
'Sure. Let's be friends?'
//:A/N Hey guys! Admin Blue here. Hope you enjoyed this section. I'm sorry for all the time skips, but I wanted to give you a chance to see Emily and Mina bond, and have a grasp of their relationship.
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yasbxxgie · 7 years
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Shock G 'Fesses Up About Humpty Hump
Rap ruses get no better than Humpty Hump. The alter-ego of Digital Underground's leader Shock G, Humpty's mythology has him wearing a fabulously-personalized Groucho Marx-style nose to cover up horrific facial scars incurred during a (fictional) accident with a deep-fat-fryer and rapping about randy escapades that, according to lyric lore, took place in a Burger King bathroom. The persona has also been a profitable jape: Humpty's anthem, "The Humpty Dance," was a number one pop hit around the world and has been sampled by over 50 other artists-- which presumably means that to this day, Shock's cashing royalty checks from one-time girl-power icons The Spice Girls. With Digital Underground's final group release, the Greenlight EP, dropping last week [5/18/10], Shock G took time out to pull off the mask and reveal the four people who've played Humpty in the public eye over the years, plus tell all about the groupie who insisted on wanting to get busy with Humpty, not Shock.
There's a live version of "Same Song" on the EP. Did you perform both the Shock G and Humpty Hump parts at that show yourself?
That was at a KMEL summer jam, in 1991 at the Shoreline Amphiteater in Mountain View. My little brother Kent Racker, who's a rock guitarist, doubled as Shock G on that show so we could pull the double-act off on stage. Kent is the one who was dressed in the Shock G robes, the zebra print and the African-style kufi hat with the dark sunglasses. He walked out on stage with a dead microphone lip-synching the first verse. I'm back-stage dressed as Humpty Hump with a live mic, rapping the Shock G lines: "I came for the party/ To get naughty/ Get my rocks on/ Eat popcorn..." Kent's walking around on stage pretending to rap them. Too $hort and people who swore that they knew me had bought into me being Shock G on stage at that point, but then Humpty walked out--it fucked their heads up!
Obviously Kent didn't sing nothing for the rest of the show, but he was on stage walking around. With 2Pac and Money B running interference, no one figured it out. To this day, those 60 or 70,000 people at that Summer Jam still argue about whether it was the real Humpty or not.
Did Kent ever perform as Humpty on other occasions?
Yeah, he was there in that movie with Dan Aykroyd, Nothing But Trouble, plus when we [Digital Underground] performed the "We're All In The Same Gang" song on the Arsenio Hall Show with Eazy-E and Tone Loc and them. But at that time he was Humpty, cause he could pull the Humpty voice off. If we both had to have live mics then it was better to let him be Humpty. His diction wasn't totally like mine so real fans could tell something was different. But when I was Humpty and Kent was Shock G, everybody bought that as Humpty.
Did anyone else ever play Humpty?
There were four Humptys ever. Michael Webster, an artist who draws for a living in Oakland, looked enough like me to play Humpty. He was Humpty on the cover of B.A.M. [Bay Area Music] magazine, and also in the 8x10 glossy of Digital Underground that Tommy Boy used to circulate in the first two years. One of his upper two teeth was a little darker than the other one--that's the only one you can tell, cause the nose covers up so much and then there's the clothing. Also, in some photos I was Humpty and Kent was Shock G cause he didn't have to do anything but stand there.
In the "Humpty Dance" video, when Humpty would walk by Shock G, that was Rod Houston, the video rep from Tommy Boy who happened to look enough like me. So that's three different Shock Gs and four Humptys.
Who was the fourth Humpty?
I don't remember his name, but it was my ex-wife's boyfriend! I was married around that time, from about '91 to 96, and my wife, Melissa, had a high school sweetheart who was still around and remained friends with her. He was trying to do music and wanted to be cool with me-- he couldn't believe that his little Melissa married Shock G! But the guys in the group, like Money B and 2Pac, they used to joke that not only was he wearing the Humpty outfit but he was gonna be tapping Melissa again! They'd be like, 'Shock gon' come home and find Humpty fuckin' his wife!' They were all cracking up. I mean it was risky letting my wife's ex-boyfriend be all in the limo with us, but to this day I don't believe anything happened.
How many Humpty noses do you have left?
I might have a few in my closet ready to go, but they're all Caucasian. They don't make the brown one any more. I don't make the serious Humpty kit any more. The most at once was six: four gold and platinum and two regular brown ones connected to glasses. These days I paint the nose the day of and sometimes even the hour of the show. I use Sharpies and different designs depending on where we're playing--I might put a Playboy bunny on the side if we're playing the Playboy Mansion, or I might put HH on the side like the Gucci logo, the double letters. I have a lot of fun with it now; I don't take it as serious as I used to with having a case with a variety of noses inside. I just stop at the costume shop or the party store of that city and get some Sharpies and fix it up. Sometimes I'll draw stripes, sometimes make it blue, or if it's a more serious show I'll go with acrylic paint and then a clear coating on it to lock it on.
But they don't even make 'em good any more. They used to make 'em connected to the stern Woody Allen-type glasses, but now it's the cheaper, bendy glasses. The slightest pull and the ear-thing pops off. So I buy 'em, tear the mustache off, pop the ear-strap, whatever, and rest it on my nose and put a real pair of glasses on to lock it to my face.
What happened to the gold and platinum noses?
I might have one of the four gold ones left in a drawer broken somewhere...
Do you ever give the noses out to the crowd at shows?
Yeah, after each show I give the new pair out with whatever night it was, like it might say 'Spring Break '99,' 'Happy Birthday 2Pac,' 'R.I.P. Guru.' I always ask if anybody needs a souvenir from the show and the first hand to reach the sky, I make sure they get it. Even if it's someone right at the back, I'll be like, 'Her in the blue, get her towards the stage.' There's always one hand that's distinctive and that's who gets it. So I figure I have between 500 and 1000 Humptys out there. One day I'm gonna put the word out and get the Humptys to unite. It'll be an army of Humptys!
Did you ever meet any groupies who insisted on the Humpty nose being part of the experience?
Yeah, once, and it was a big joke in the clique. It was the night after we played Drexell's Class, which was a sitcom that was kinda like a less popular Cosby Show. Digital Underground were the featured guests. The episode took place on a cruise ship and we were the entertainment on the ship. Also on the cruise were the Sports Illustrated models. That's the plot. So after the show wrap we all got to know each other, everybody had girls-- the girls were mostly actresses playing Sports Illustrated models. We all wound up shacking up with certain ones.
The one coming home with me is real pretty. I've already spun all my schtick in the club, already rapped to her, already took pictures with the nose on, so I'm assuming that's all dead in the water. Now it's private, just me and her in the room. It's getting touchy-feely, we're making out in the bed, she rolls over on top of me and she looks up at me. I pull her in, her shirt flies off, I get her bra, I reach for her panties and she says, 'Wait! Put the nose on.'
I'm like, 'Ha ha, stop playing!' I pull her in again and start playing. She's like, 'No, I'm serious, don't touch my underwear or even my hip area.' So I get up, go get the nose, put it on, look at her and go [in a Humpty voice] 'Yeah!' I could see in her eyes that she was melting down to me at that point. She'd go as far as I wanted to after that. She actually wanted to have sex with Humpty!
Did the rest of the group find out?
Yeah, when I told them the next day they were cracking up, man: 'Humpty fucked one of your chicks!' I didn't think it was that funny, but they laughed double hard. I wish I never told nobody.
So that was the only time you got busy as Humpty?
Yeah, no other girls ever took it that far. They might ask me to do the voice a little, but nobody else wanted to keep it going into the bedroom. That could officially be the only time Humpty's ever gotten laid. Although I have heard about cats at shows masquerading as Humpty and luring chicks to their rooms that way. And I might have been drunk or at a rave and maybe gone with a quick zip-your-pants-down type thing. But yeah, that time the girl insisted was the only time Humpty took some ass from me.
Digital Underground in 1989
Backstage with 2Pac at KMEL Summer Jam 1991
0 notes
jifsy · 7 years
17 ezbuy Purchases As Seen On Instagram
Who doesn’t enjoy the cheap thrills of buying awesome products online at incredibly low prices? We know that we ourselves absolutely love online shopping especially when it comes to purchasing items at greatly discounted prices. Why pay more when you can pay less for the same item, right? Let those naysayers who deride your enthusiasm for buying things cheaper online say all they want! After all, who gets the last laugh when we know we are the ones who ultimately get to save a considerate amount of money from online shopping!
These are 17 product purchases as seen on Instagram, the all-time popular social sharing app amongst xennials and millennials alike, shared by satisfied ezbuy customers — who obviously could not contain their joy and had to share these good deals they managed to snag — with their respective followers. The saying of “Sharing is Caring” definitely rings true up till this day, we say.
  1. @yellowpie 2 T-shirts, 2 pairs of shoes & a pair of stockings Total Amount: $25
Other than noticing the ultra cute pair of flats, we could not help feeling triumphant on behalf of this user who has clearly gotten her hands on such a glorious bundle of apparel and shoes at a grand total of only $25! Seriously, these days it’s hard to hear of people buying this amount of purchases at such a price. Simply incredible!
  2. @xoweii Wax stamp kit Total Amount: $5
Whether you’re looking to hone your letter-writing skills or take your wax-stamping hobby up a notch, this wax stamp kit is sure to thrill you! And at $5 a set, who can really resist snapping this up?
3. @kohshinyi A pair of children’s shoes & a pair of adult shoes Total Amount: $13.89
Planning to go all matchy-matchy with your child? Other than taking style inspiration from this previous lookbook article filled with gorgeous mother-and-daughter attires curated by us, you can also take a cue from this user too. She chose to get these twinning pairs of shoes to match with her offspring. How adorable!
  4. @endorphynn Wall decals & stickers Total Amount: $2.98
Waiting for junior to grow up? Instead of making him jump rope every single day (which we believe is futile especially during a child’s earlier years of being below the age of four), why not entice him to gauge and measure his own height using this measurement tape wall decal sticker stuck onto the door of his wardrobe? Bonus: He gets to also learn estimation and length approximation skills at a young age!
  5. @unidzalika Owl bag Total Amount: $13.20
Want something cheery and unique to brighten up your overall daily outfit? Look no further! Take a leaf out of this fashionable user’s book and get yourself an equally cute bag. (It doesn’t necessarily have to be an owl…if you’re not a fan of the wise old animal.) 🦉
  6. @littlebunnieswong Kid’s construction vehicle toy (digger-excavator), helmet & construction boots Total Amount: $63.38
Complete your child’s wonderment and curiosity about a day’s work of a construction worker (or quantity surveyor, if you wish for a fancier job role in the construction industry…) with this get-up comprising a digger vehicle toy, construction boots and a helmet to boot! After all, experts have indicated that the best way for young children to learn is through play, right? Hooray!
  7. @modgam Monochrome sneakers Total Amount: $41.32
Any youngster worth his/her salt would be in the know of this ubiquitous trend of the white sneakers. It seems to be that this trend isn’t fading away anytime soon. So why not jump on the bandwagon and start wearing ‘em white shoes too?
  8. @thestationeryedition 2 organizer-diary planners & 17 rolls of assorted washi tapes Total Amount: $85.19
Are you a washi tape fan? If you are, then you’ll be delighted to know that ezbuy stocks a wide variety of highly affordable washi tapes in many colours and patterns. Scrapbookers, it’s now time for you to rejoice~
  9. @xjace 24 pieces of dinnerware, 6 pieces of cutleries & glass cake cover with wooden base Total Amount: $207.48
This is going to be very useful for new homeowners looking to add to their home kitchen an array of dinnerware and cutleries for use at home during mealtimes. If you’re not one who’s brand-conscious when it comes to buying plates, bowls, knives, forks and spoons, then we do not see why you need to fork out (*ba dum tss* see the pun? ) an insane amount of money on branded ones from Villeroy & Boch and brands of similar prestige and heritage. Opt for equally tasteful ones from ezbuy instead!
  10. @juneunicorn Backpack & a pair of white sneakers Total Amount: Customer forgot the exact figure but estimated that she most likely spent under $40 on these two items.
Continuing on the trend of white shoes is this user’s lovely photo of monochrome accessories — black pleather backpack and white shoes. This is a wonderful pairing, we reckon. And the user must be a style maven~
  11. @jdr.1010 4 sets of baby onesies Total Amount: $24.72
If you are an expectant mother or a mother who has just given birth to a precious infant, you’d surely be at the stage of cooing over cutesy baby clothing pieces! Well, this new mother snapped up not one, not two but a total of FOUR set of baby onesies of four different prints and designs at just $24.72 in total. That’s less than $30 and methinks that’s a huge bargain!
  12. @zzoeyyl 2 pairs of heels, 1 pair of sandals, 2 tops & 3 dresses Total Amount: $49.91
If you are a polytechnic student who does not have the privilege of donning uniforms like a Junior College student, fret not and chin up! Just as this user has proven to us, purchasing chic clothes can be easy on the wallet if you choose to be wise about it such as buying from ezbuy.sg! She spent under $50 on that many pieces of apparel. Such good value for money!
  13. @oishi.family Microfiber rug & pet supplies Total Amount: $27.53
Have a hamster at home? Or is it a little baby bunny? Whatever the animal type of your pet, we believe a conducive home environment and cosy home will be of top priority to ensure its well-being and health. Start by getting your pet supplies at highly affordable rates from us such as this user did with the above photo!
  14. @keiralim Baby inflatable pool Total Amount: $11.21
Pool party for your baby? Perhaps not a great option as the water environs is potential hazard for little toddlers! Opt to hold an indoor party in an inflatable pool filled with balls for your baby and her playmates such as this user did for her precious child. We’re sure that the kiddos will love it and have a ball of fun! (Pun totally intended.) 🤹🤹🤹
  15. @mahirahhtml 53 spools of sewing threads in assorted colours Total Amount: $8.77
Are you a handicrafter or a master seamstress? If you are, then we believe you will appreciate knowing that this user spent less than $10 on a whopping 53 spools of sewing threads! That’s a great way for novice and new seamstress-hobbyist(s) to kickstart their threads and yarns collection. 
  16. @alhsx Bag, phone case, top, skirt, necklace & notebook Total Amount: $30.03
Fresh graduates alert! Looking to stock up your wardrobe with clothing items that will up the ante and spell a look of a working professional? Take some style tips and inspiration from this user who managed to snag six items necessary for getting ready to join the working force at a mere cost of $30.03 in total! Wow!
  17. @valerieeleong Child-sized table with toys Total Amount: $19.96
Yet another toy for toddlers! This set comprises of a child-friendly table suited for the height of children aged five and below as well as a myriad of toys on the table top for the child to play with. The user shared that she spent under $20 on this toy. Seems like a great investment, doesn’t it?
    Well, if this post doesn’t tempt you to start shopping on ezbuy.sg, we frankly do not know what will. Again, we must emphasize that ezbuy offers the widest variety of products and that you can ship in anything ranging from a dozen cartons of Milo drinks to a whole bed-frame at a fixed rate of just $2.99 provided that you are our Prime member!
  Read more about our Prime membership here.
ezbuy is Singapore’s first and largest global platform promising to give customers the highest value in terms of cost savings and the lowest prices for items found on its site.
The post 17 ezbuy Purchases As Seen On Instagram appeared first on Online Shopping Blog by ezbuy Singapore.
17 ezbuy Purchases As Seen On Instagram published first on http://ift.tt/2vy5Wr0
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endlessarchite · 7 years
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING)
When we were visiting the Bowers this weekend, we shared some fleeting photos of a super adorable kids bookstore on Instagram stories. Then we got a barrage of messages and comments to the tune of: PLEASE DO A POST ABOUT THIS STORE SO IT WON’T BE GONE IN 24 HOURS! So here we are, with those photos (and some more we didn’t share on IG) for anyone who’s looking for some fun kids room ideas. Or adult room ideas. We all LOVED this place so much. It’s in Monroe, Georgia and it’s called The Story Shop – and it’s the cutest bookstore we’ve ever seen. You think I’m exaggerating with that description but in the words of Hamilton: just you wait.
See that grand bookcase, library ladder, and globe collection? It’s like all of the elements of a cool old library executed in a fresh and playful way. And we loved that happy aqua accent wall (try Benjamin Moore’s Misty Teal for a similar look – just on one wall, a door, or a piece of furniture to avoid overwhelming a room). But my favorite part of this store’s entry was that little old TV under the pink side table. Written on it in white were the words “read instead.”
The other thing that caught my eye right away was this wallpaper which is Wild by Chasing Paper (yes, I asked a million questions while walking around with my mouth open). It’s peel & stick, so it’s removable and they said it was really easy to hang. It’d be so cute in a kids room on the wall behind the bed. I also loved those colorful animal heads (this one and this one) that they painted in bright colors and then added funny things (glasses! a crown! a mustache!). And of course the handmade sign with literary locales was just one of many clever book references throughout the store.
Speaking of magical book references, look at this armoire, er, wardrobe that LEADS TO A HIDDEN ROOM! Kids could climb right through it and it was SUCH A HIT. Let the record state that grown ups were doing it too. Fun for the whole family. Also – we’ve actually seen an armoire like this in a grown up bedroom space that led to a secret closet and it was equally mesmerizing. Just a really fun and unexpected idea for a home or a shop.
I realize this begs the question: what’s behind the wardrobe? It wasn’t lions or witches, but there was a whale involved. It led to their storytelling room, which was ridiculously fun. And it was really smart of them to fill the big space with two identical rugs (I tracked down the exact rugs they used) rather than to have to splurge on (or maneuver) one giant rug for the room.
Speaking of secret spaces, there was also a little round Hobbit hole door that led to a tiny play space for kids to hang out in. I remember a children’s clothing store growing up that had a little hole for kids to enter through instead of the main door and I LOVED GOING (and I hated every other clothing store by comparison). We actually featured a home in our second book with a secret “mousehole” passageway between two kids’ rooms that I’m still thinking about three years after we shot it (it’s on page 302, btw).
Here’s another shot of that hobbit hole in use, and you can also see some other fun touches, like that awesome brick wall they swarmed with butterflies (something we also did in our playroom!) and the felt garland they strung from a piece of driftwood (I think this is the garland they used, but Etsy has tons of other options). Oh and see Peter Pan’s shadow? They didn’t miss a single opportunity to add in little storybook nods wherever they could.
Our kids (there were 6 of ’em between us and the Bowers!) immediately found their way to the swing that the store (bravely) hung in one corner. Everyone managed to take turns, mostly peacefully, and no one knocked over the incredible peaked bookcase village that displayed stories from all over the world – so I’d call that a win. You could easily DIY a little “cityscape” of bookcases like this, or purchase pre-made ones like this and this to recreate it on a smaller scale.
Also… hanging books. Do you see them suspended from the ceiling by strings? They had bent their pages like origami so they stayed fanned open, kind of like these. They were so much fun to look at from below (and they gave me flashbacks to the most recent season of Orange Is The New Black, which was so good you guys). Also those books in the foreground stole my heart. Especially this one about Frida Kahlo and this one about Maya Angelou.
They sold a few little toys, costumes, and t-shirts, so you’d figure they’d have hanging racks or rods or something for the clothing. NOPE. Colorful chairs hung from the wall. With Humpty Dumpty balancing on one of them. Because that’s how they roll.
Also, back to the big bookcase from the first picture. All of the art in the store had some sort of literary reference in it (including these Baby Lit prints they sold) which added to the whole “reading is fun” vibe of the place. And who noticed the rose in the cloche on the bookcase with the ladder? BELLE, right?! I’m telling you, there were so many cute hidden gems like that in here. Also, see the Cheshire Cat disappearing into that chair in the corner? They just ironed a mouth right onto the chair. These people could not have put more thought into this space. I know I’m gushing, but they deserve every last gush.
Here’s a close up of the rainbow books on the shelf. This little lineup of hardcover classic books by Puffin made my heart ache for a collection of my very own. Also, the Penguin ones below them. I might even let the kids read them too ;)
THEY EVEN FRIGGIN’ MADE GIANT PAPER FLOWERS like the queen’s roses that were painted in Alice In Wonderland. I mean. At this point I might have been hyperventilating.
Oh and see that room off to the right in the photo above? That’s the party room. Kids (and grown ups!) can have parties here and let me tell you, THEY DO NOT PHONE IT IN. The one they were prepping for was Peter Pan themed, and the table was full of sweet references, like thimbles in a bowl labeled “Kisses From Wendy” and a ticking clock like the one a certain crocodile swallowed. They also do Alice In Wonderland and other themes. I’m a 35-year-old woman and I want a party there now. “I want a feast! I want a bean feast!” (name that movie… based on a book, of course).
I also loved all of the twinkle lights they hung overhead (who says you can’t do that in a kids room – or your own room?!). Those plus the “grass” on the wall and the string lights made this whole room feel like an outdoor courtyard. Or perhaps a tea party with a certain mad host.
Also, THIS CHAIR. I can’t. I just can’t.
No wait, THIS CHAIR. Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like a hand-carved bunny (let the record state that ten minutes before seeing this chair I never knew that was my thing).
Even the back of the store was witty and charming. Have you ever seen a more clever way to keep customers out of the employees-only area?
Bonus footage: I did my best Belle impression while Katie stole a chance to rest her feet. I know how to act in public, I swear. “No denying she’s a funny girl that Bellllllle.”
So if you’re ever passing through Monroe, Georgia or if you live nearby I hope you have a chance to see The Story Shop for yourself. Even if you don’t live very close, this place is totally road-trip worthy! And when we shared some pics on Instagram we actually heard from the designer, whose name is Stephanie Cannon, and get this – she reads our blog and listens to our podcast (!!!!!). She was so sweet and actually saw us when we were in Monroe, so it was really funny because she thought she was fangirling us, but you guys, I AM TOTALLY FANGIRLING HER.
PS: John here, and now for a minor public service announcement to end this bookish post – please support your local independent bookstores. They may not be as cheap or easy to shop at as Amazon or B&N, but we’ve all seen a certain documentary called You’ve Got Mail, right? All kidding aside, we try to make it a habit of purchasing from great stores like these so that there can continue to be great stores like these. Okay, off my soapbox!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) appeared first on Young House Love.
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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amplepower · 7 years
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING)
When we were visiting the Bowers this weekend, we shared some fleeting photos of a super adorable kids bookstore on Instagram stories. Then we got a barrage of messages and comments to the tune of: PLEASE DO A POST ABOUT THIS STORE SO IT WON’T BE GONE IN 24 HOURS! So here we are, with those photos (and some more we didn’t share on IG) for anyone who’s looking for some fun kids room ideas. Or adult room ideas. We all LOVED this place so much. It’s in Monroe, Georgia and it’s called The Story Shop – and it’s the cutest bookstore we’ve ever seen. You think I’m exaggerating with that description but in the words of Hamilton: just you wait.
See that grand bookcase, library ladder, and globe collection? It’s like all of the elements of a cool old library executed in a fresh and playful way. And we loved that happy aqua accent wall (try Benjamin Moore’s Misty Teal for a similar look – just on one wall, a door, or a piece of furniture to avoid overwhelming a room). But my favorite part of this store’s entry was that little old TV under the pink side table. Written on it in white were the words “read instead.”
The other thing that caught my eye right away was this wallpaper which is Wild by Chasing Paper (yes, I asked a million questions while walking around with my mouth open). It’s peel & stick, so it’s removable and they said it was really easy to hang. It’d be so cute in a kids room on the wall behind the bed. I also loved those colorful animal heads (this one and this one) that they painted in bright colors and then added funny things (glasses! a crown! a mustache!). And of course the handmade sign with literary locales was just one of many clever book references throughout the store.
Speaking of magical book references, look at this armoire, er, wardrobe that LEADS TO A HIDDEN ROOM! Kids could climb right through it and it was SUCH A HIT. Let the record state that grown ups were doing it too. Fun for the whole family. Also – we’ve actually seen an armoire like this in a grown up bedroom space that led to a secret closet and it was equally mesmerizing. Just a really fun and unexpected idea for a home or a shop.
I realize this begs the question: what’s behind the wardrobe? It wasn’t lions or witches, but there was a whale involved. It led to their storytelling room, which was ridiculously fun. And it was really smart of them to fill the big space with two identical rugs (I tracked down the exact rugs they used) rather than to have to splurge on (or maneuver) one giant rug for the room.
Speaking of secret spaces, there was also a little round Hobbit hole door that led to a tiny play space for kids to hang out in. I remember a children’s clothing store growing up that had a little hole for kids to enter through instead of the main door and I LOVED GOING (and I hated every other clothing store by comparison). We actually featured a home in our second book with a secret “mousehole” passageway between two kids’ rooms that I’m still thinking about three years after we shot it (it’s on page 302, btw).
Here’s another shot of that hobbit hole in use, and you can also see some other fun touches, like that awesome brick wall they swarmed with butterflies (something we also did in our playroom!) and the felt garland they strung from a piece of driftwood (I think this is the garland they used, but Etsy has tons of other options). Oh and see Peter Pan’s shadow? They didn’t miss a single opportunity to add in little storybook nods wherever they could.
Our kids (there were 6 of ’em between us and the Bowers!) immediately found their way to the swing that the store (bravely) hung in one corner. Everyone managed to take turns, mostly peacefully, and no one knocked over the incredible peaked bookcase village that displayed stories from all over the world – so I’d call that a win. You could easily DIY a little “cityscape” of bookcases like this, or purchase pre-made ones like this and this to recreate it on a smaller scale.
Also… hanging books. Do you see them suspended from the ceiling by strings? They had bent their pages like origami so they stayed fanned open, kind of like these. They were so much fun to look at from below (and they gave me flashbacks to the most recent season of Orange Is The New Black, which was so good you guys). Also those books in the foreground stole my heart. Especially this one about Frida Kahlo and this one about Maya Angelou.
They sold a few little toys, costumes, and t-shirts, so you’d figure they’d have hanging racks or rods or something for the clothing. NOPE. Colorful chairs hung from the wall. With Humpty Dumpty balancing on one of them. Because that’s how they roll.
Also, back to the big bookcase from the first picture. All of the art in the store had some sort of literary reference in it (including these Baby Lit prints they sold) which added to the whole “reading is fun” vibe of the place. And who noticed the rose in the cloche on the bookcase with the ladder? BELLE, right?! I’m telling you, there were so many cute hidden gems like that in here. Also, see the Cheshire Cat disappearing into that chair in the corner? They just ironed a mouth right onto the chair. These people could not have put more thought into this space. I know I’m gushing, but they deserve every last gush.
Here’s a close up of the rainbow books on the shelf. This little lineup of hardcover classic books by Puffin made my heart ache for a collection of my very own. Also, the Penguin ones below them. I might even let the kids read them too ;)
THEY EVEN FRIGGIN’ MADE GIANT PAPER FLOWERS like the queen’s roses that were painted in Alice In Wonderland. I mean. At this point I might have been hyperventilating.
Oh and see that room off to the right in the photo above? That’s the party room. Kids (and grown ups!) can have parties here and let me tell you, THEY DO NOT PHONE IT IN. The one they were prepping for was Peter Pan themed, and the table was full of sweet references, like thimbles in a bowl labeled “Kisses From Wendy” and a ticking clock like the one a certain crocodile swallowed. They also do Alice In Wonderland and other themes. I’m a 35-year-old woman and I want a party there now. “I want a feast! I want a bean feast!” (name that movie… based on a book, of course).
I also loved all of the twinkle lights they hung overhead (who says you can’t do that in a kids room – or your own room?!). Those plus the “grass” on the wall and the string lights made this whole room feel like an outdoor courtyard. Or perhaps a tea party with a certain mad host.
Also, THIS CHAIR. I can’t. I just can’t.
No wait, THIS CHAIR. Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like a hand-carved bunny (let the record state that ten minutes before seeing this chair I never knew that was my thing).
Even the back of the store was witty and charming. Have you ever seen a more clever way to keep customers out of the employees-only area?
Bonus footage: I did my best Belle impression while Katie stole a chance to rest her feet. I know how to act in public, I swear. “No denying she’s a funny girl that Bellllllle.”
So if you’re ever passing through Monroe, Georgia or if you live nearby I hope you have a chance to see The Story Shop for yourself. Even if you don’t live very close, this place is totally road-trip worthy! And when we shared some pics on Instagram we actually heard from the designer, whose name is Stephanie Cannon, and get this – she reads our blog and listens to our podcast (!!!!!). She was so sweet and actually saw us when we were in Monroe, so it was really funny because she thought she was fangirling us, but you guys, I AM TOTALLY FANGIRLING HER.
PS: John here, and now for a minor public service announcement to end this bookish post – please support your local independent bookstores. They may not be as cheap or easy to shop at as Amazon or B&N, but we’ve all seen a certain documentary called You’ve Got Mail, right? All kidding aside, we try to make it a habit of purchasing from great stores like these so that there can continue to be great stores like these. Okay, off my soapbox!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) appeared first on Young House Love.
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) posted first on findqueenslandelectricians.blogspot.com
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truereviewpage · 7 years
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING)
When we were visiting the Bowers this weekend, we shared some fleeting photos of a super adorable kids bookstore on Instagram stories. Then we got a barrage of messages and comments to the tune of: PLEASE DO A POST ABOUT THIS STORE SO IT WON’T BE GONE IN 24 HOURS! So here we are, with those photos (and some more we didn’t share on IG) for anyone who’s looking for some fun kids room ideas. Or adult room ideas. We all LOVED this place so much. It’s in Monroe, Georgia and it’s called The Story Shop – and it’s the cutest bookstore we’ve ever seen. You think I’m exaggerating with that description but in the words of Hamilton: just you wait.
See that grand bookcase, library ladder, and globe collection? It’s like all of the elements of a cool old library executed in a fresh and playful way. And we loved that happy aqua accent wall (try Benjamin Moore’s Misty Teal for a similar look – just on one wall, a door, or a piece of furniture to avoid overwhelming a room). But my favorite part of this store’s entry was that little old TV under the pink side table. Written on it in white were the words “read instead.”
The other thing that caught my eye right away was this wallpaper which is Wild by Chasing Paper (yes, I asked a million questions while walking around with my mouth open). It’s peel & stick, so it’s removable and they said it was really easy to hang. It’d be so cute in a kids room on the wall behind the bed. I also loved those colorful animal heads (this one and this one) that they painted in bright colors and then added funny things (glasses! a crown! a mustache!). And of course the handmade sign with literary locales was just one of many clever book references throughout the store.
Speaking of magical book references, look at this armoire, er, wardrobe that LEADS TO A HIDDEN ROOM! Kids could climb right through it and it was SUCH A HIT. Let the record state that grown ups were doing it too. Fun for the whole family. Also – we’ve actually seen an armoire like this in a grown up bedroom space that led to a secret closet and it was equally mesmerizing. Just a really fun and unexpected idea for a home or a shop.
I realize this begs the question: what’s behind the wardrobe? It wasn’t lions or witches, but there was a whale involved. It led to their storytelling room, which was ridiculously fun. And it was really smart of them to fill the big space with two identical rugs (I tracked down the exact rugs they used) rather than to have to splurge on (or maneuver) one giant rug for the room.
Speaking of secret spaces, there was also a little round Hobbit hole door that led to a tiny play space for kids to hang out in. I remember a children’s clothing store growing up that had a little hole for kids to enter through instead of the main door and I LOVED GOING (and I hated every other clothing store by comparison). We actually featured a home in our second book with a secret “mousehole” passageway between two kids’ rooms that I’m still thinking about three years after we shot it (it’s on page 302, btw).
Here’s another shot of that hobbit hole in use, and you can also see some other fun touches, like that awesome brick wall they swarmed with butterflies (something we also did in our playroom!) and the felt garland they strung from a piece of driftwood (I think this is the garland they used, but Etsy has tons of other options). Oh and see Peter Pan’s shadow? They didn’t miss a single opportunity to add in little storybook nods wherever they could.
Our kids (there were 6 of ’em between us and the Bowers!) immediately found their way to the swing that the store (bravely) hung in one corner. Everyone managed to take turns, mostly peacefully, and no one knocked over the incredible peaked bookcase village that displayed stories from all over the world – so I’d call that a win. You could easily DIY a little “cityscape” of bookcases like this, or purchase pre-made ones like this and this to recreate it on a smaller scale.
Also… hanging books. Do you see them suspended from the ceiling by strings? They had bent their pages like origami so they stayed fanned open, kind of like these. They were so much fun to look at from below (and they gave me flashbacks to the most recent season of Orange Is The New Black, which was so good you guys). Also those books in the foreground stole my heart. Especially this one about Frida Kahlo and this one about Maya Angelou.
They sold a few little toys, costumes, and t-shirts, so you’d figure they’d have hanging racks or rods or something for the clothing. NOPE. Colorful chairs hung from the wall. With Humpty Dumpty balancing on one of them. Because that’s how they roll.
Also, back to the big bookcase from the first picture. All of the art in the store had some sort of literary reference in it (including these Baby Lit prints they sold) which added to the whole “reading is fun” vibe of the place. And who noticed the rose in the cloche on the bookcase with the ladder? BELLE, right?! I’m telling you, there were so many cute hidden gems like that in here. Also, see the Cheshire Cat disappearing into that chair in the corner? They just ironed a mouth right onto the chair. These people could not have put more thought into this space. I know I’m gushing, but they deserve every last gush.
Here’s a close up of the rainbow books on the shelf. This little lineup of hardcover classic books by Puffin made my heart ache for a collection of my very own. Also, the Penguin ones below them. I might even let the kids read them too ;)
THEY EVEN FRIGGIN’ MADE GIANT PAPER FLOWERS like the queen’s roses that were painted in Alice In Wonderland. I mean. At this point I might have been hyperventilating.
Oh and see that room off to the right in the photo above? That’s the party room. Kids (and grown ups!) can have parties here and let me tell you, THEY DO NOT PHONE IT IN. The one they were prepping for was Peter Pan themed, and the table was full of sweet references, like thimbles in a bowl labeled “Kisses From Wendy” and a ticking clock like the one a certain crocodile swallowed. They also do Alice In Wonderland and other themes. I’m a 35-year-old woman and I want a party there now. “I want a feast! I want a bean feast!” (name that movie… based on a book, of course).
I also loved all of the twinkle lights they hung overhead (who says you can’t do that in a kids room – or your own room?!). Those plus the “grass” on the wall and the string lights made this whole room feel like an outdoor courtyard. Or perhaps a tea party with a certain mad host.
Also, THIS CHAIR. I can’t. I just can’t.
No wait, THIS CHAIR. Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like a hand-carved bunny (let the record state that ten minutes before seeing this chair I never knew that was my thing).
Even the back of the store was witty and charming. Have you ever seen a more clever way to keep customers out of the employees-only area?
Bonus footage: I did my best Belle impression while Katie stole a chance to rest her feet. I know how to act in public, I swear. “No denying she’s a funny girl that Bellllllle.”
So if you’re ever passing through Monroe, Georgia or if you live nearby I hope you have a chance to see The Story Shop for yourself. Even if you don’t live very close, this place is totally road-trip worthy! And when we shared some pics on Instagram we actually heard from the designer, whose name is Stephanie Cannon, and get this – she reads our blog and listens to our podcast (!!!!!). She was so sweet and actually saw us when we were in Monroe, so it was really funny because she thought she was fangirling us, but you guys, I AM TOTALLY FANGIRLING HER.
PS: John here, and now for a minor public service announcement to end this bookish post – please support your local independent bookstores. They may not be as cheap or easy to shop at as Amazon or B&N, but we’ve all seen a certain documentary called You’ve Got Mail, right? All kidding aside, we try to make it a habit of purchasing from great stores like these so that there can continue to be great stores like these. Okay, off my soapbox!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) appeared first on Young House Love.
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) published first on http://ift.tt/2qCHnUt
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interiorstarweb · 7 years
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING)
When we were visiting the Bowers this weekend, we shared some fleeting photos of a super adorable kids bookstore on Instagram stories. Then we got a barrage of messages and comments to the tune of: PLEASE DO A POST ABOUT THIS STORE SO IT WON’T BE GONE IN 24 HOURS! So here we are, with those photos (and some more we didn’t share on IG) for anyone who’s looking for some fun kids room ideas. Or adult room ideas. We all LOVED this place so much. It’s in Monroe, Georgia and it’s called The Story Shop – and it’s the cutest bookstore we’ve ever seen. You think I’m exaggerating with that description but in the words of Hamilton: just you wait.
See that grand bookcase, library ladder, and globe collection? It’s like all of the elements of a cool old library executed in a fresh and playful way. And we loved that happy aqua accent wall (try Benjamin Moore’s Misty Teal for a similar look – just on one wall, a door, or a piece of furniture to avoid overwhelming a room). But my favorite part of this store’s entry was that little old TV under the pink side table. Written on it in white were the words “read instead.”
The other thing that caught my eye right away was this wallpaper which is Wild by Chasing Paper (yes, I asked a million questions while walking around with my mouth open). It’s peel & stick, so it’s removable and they said it was really easy to hang. It’d be so cute in a kids room on the wall behind the bed. I also loved those colorful animal heads (this one and this one) that they painted in bright colors and then added funny things (glasses! a crown! a mustache!). And of course the handmade sign with literary locales was just one of many clever book references throughout the store.
Speaking of magical book references, look at this armoire, er, wardrobe that LEADS TO A HIDDEN ROOM! Kids could climb right through it and it was SUCH A HIT. Let the record state that grown ups were doing it too. Fun for the whole family. Also – we’ve actually seen an armoire like this in a grown up bedroom space that led to a secret closet and it was equally mesmerizing. Just a really fun and unexpected idea for a home or a shop.
I realize this begs the question: what’s behind the wardrobe? It wasn’t lions or witches, but there was a whale involved. It led to their storytelling room, which was ridiculously fun. And it was really smart of them to fill the big space with two identical rugs (I tracked down the exact rugs they used) rather than to have to splurge on (or maneuver) one giant rug for the room.
Speaking of secret spaces, there was also a little round Hobbit hole door that led to a tiny play space for kids to hang out in. I remember a children’s clothing store growing up that had a little hole for kids to enter through instead of the main door and I LOVED GOING (and I hated every other clothing store by comparison). We actually featured a home in our second book with a secret “mousehole” passageway between two kids’ rooms that I’m still thinking about three years after we shot it (it’s on page 302, btw).
Here’s another shot of that hobbit hole in use, and you can also see some other fun touches, like that awesome brick wall they swarmed with butterflies (something we also did in our playroom!) and the felt garland they strung from a piece of driftwood (I think this is the garland they used, but Etsy has tons of other options). Oh and see Peter Pan’s shadow? They didn’t miss a single opportunity to add in little storybook nods wherever they could.
Our kids (there were 6 of ’em between us and the Bowers!) immediately found their way to the swing that the store (bravely) hung in one corner. Everyone managed to take turns, mostly peacefully, and no one knocked over the incredible peaked bookcase village that displayed stories from all over the world – so I’d call that a win. You could easily DIY a little “cityscape” of bookcases like this, or purchase pre-made ones like this and this to recreate it on a smaller scale.
Also… hanging books. Do you see them suspended from the ceiling by strings? They had bent their pages like origami so they stayed fanned open, kind of like these. They were so much fun to look at from below (and they gave me flashbacks to the most recent season of Orange Is The New Black, which was so good you guys). Also those books in the foreground stole my heart. Especially this one about Frida Kahlo and this one about Maya Angelou.
They sold a few little toys, costumes, and t-shirts, so you’d figure they’d have hanging racks or rods or something for the clothing. NOPE. Colorful chairs hung from the wall. With Humpty Dumpty balancing on one of them. Because that’s how they roll.
Also, back to the big bookcase from the first picture. All of the art in the store had some sort of literary reference in it (including these Baby Lit prints they sold) which added to the whole “reading is fun” vibe of the place. And who noticed the rose in the cloche on the bookcase with the ladder? BELLE, right?! I’m telling you, there were so many cute hidden gems like that in here. Also, see the Cheshire Cat disappearing into that chair in the corner? They just ironed a mouth right onto the chair. These people could not have put more thought into this space. I know I’m gushing, but they deserve every last gush.
Here’s a close up of the rainbow books on the shelf. This little lineup of hardcover classic books by Puffin made my heart ache for a collection of my very own. Also, the Penguin ones below them. I might even let the kids read them too ;)
THEY EVEN FRIGGIN’ MADE GIANT PAPER FLOWERS like the queen’s roses that were painted in Alice In Wonderland. I mean. At this point I might have been hyperventilating.
Oh and see that room off to the right in the photo above? That’s the party room. Kids (and grown ups!) can have parties here and let me tell you, THEY DO NOT PHONE IT IN. The one they were prepping for was Peter Pan themed, and the table was full of sweet references, like thimbles in a bowl labeled “Kisses From Wendy” and a ticking clock like the one a certain crocodile swallowed. They also do Alice In Wonderland and other themes. I’m a 35-year-old woman and I want a party there now. “I want a feast! I want a bean feast!” (name that movie… based on a book, of course).
I also loved all of the twinkle lights they hung overhead (who says you can’t do that in a kids room – or your own room?!). Those plus the “grass” on the wall and the string lights made this whole room feel like an outdoor courtyard. Or perhaps a tea party with a certain mad host.
Also, THIS CHAIR. I can’t. I just can’t.
No wait, THIS CHAIR. Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like a hand-carved bunny (let the record state that ten minutes before seeing this chair I never knew that was my thing).
Even the back of the store was witty and charming. Have you ever seen a more clever way to keep customers out of the employees-only area?
Bonus footage: I did my best Belle impression while Katie stole a chance to rest her feet. I know how to act in public, I swear. “No denying she’s a funny girl that Bellllllle.”
So if you’re ever passing through Monroe, Georgia or if you live nearby I hope you have a chance to see The Story Shop for yourself. Even if you don’t live very close, this place is totally road-trip worthy! And when we shared some pics on Instagram we actually heard from the designer, whose name is Stephanie Cannon, and get this – she reads our blog and listens to our podcast (!!!!!). She was so sweet and actually saw us when we were in Monroe, so it was really funny because she thought she was fangirling us, but you guys, I AM TOTALLY FANGIRLING HER.
PS: John here, and now for a minor public service announcement to end this bookish post – please support your local independent bookstores. They may not be as cheap or easy to shop at as Amazon or B&N, but we’ve all seen a certain documentary called You’ve Got Mail, right? All kidding aside, we try to make it a habit of purchasing from great stores like these so that there can continue to be great stores like these. Okay, off my soapbox!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) appeared first on Young House Love.
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) published first on http://ift.tt/2uiWrIt
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lukerhill · 7 years
Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING)
When we were visiting the Bowers this weekend, we shared some fleeting photos of a super adorable kids bookstore on Instagram stories. Then we got a barrage of messages and comments to the tune of: PLEASE DO A POST ABOUT THIS STORE SO IT WON’T BE GONE IN 24 HOURS! So here we are, with those photos (and some more we didn’t share on IG) for anyone who’s looking for some fun kids room ideas. Or adult room ideas. We all LOVED this place so much. It’s in Monroe, Georgia and it’s called The Story Shop – and it’s the cutest bookstore we’ve ever seen. You think I’m exaggerating with that description but in the words of Hamilton: just you wait.
See that grand bookcase, library ladder, and globe collection? It’s like all of the elements of a cool old library executed in a fresh and playful way. And we loved that happy aqua accent wall (try Benjamin Moore’s Misty Teal for a similar look – just on one wall, a door, or a piece of furniture to avoid overwhelming a room). But my favorite part of this store’s entry was that little old TV under the pink side table. Written on it in white were the words “read instead.”
The other thing that caught my eye right away was this wallpaper which is Wild by Chasing Paper (yes, I asked a million questions while walking around with my mouth open). It’s peel & stick, so it’s removable and they said it was really easy to hang. It’d be so cute in a kids room on the wall behind the bed. I also loved those colorful animal heads (this one and this one) that they painted in bright colors and then added funny things (glasses! a crown! a mustache!). And of course the handmade sign with literary locales was just one of many clever book references throughout the store.
Speaking of magical book references, look at this armoire, er, wardrobe that LEADS TO A HIDDEN ROOM! Kids could climb right through it and it was SUCH A HIT. Let the record state that grown ups were doing it too. Fun for the whole family. Also – we’ve actually seen an armoire like this in a grown up bedroom space that led to a secret closet and it was equally mesmerizing. Just a really fun and unexpected idea for a home or a shop.
I realize this begs the question: what’s behind the wardrobe? It wasn’t lions or witches, but there was a whale involved. It led to their storytelling room, which was ridiculously fun. And it was really smart of them to fill the big space with two identical rugs (I tracked down the exact rugs they used) rather than to have to splurge on (or maneuver) one giant rug for the room.
Speaking of secret spaces, there was also a little round Hobbit hole door that led to a tiny play space for kids to hang out in. I remember a children’s clothing store growing up that had a little hole for kids to enter through instead of the main door and I LOVED GOING (and I hated every other clothing store by comparison). We actually featured a home in our second book with a secret “mousehole” passageway between two kids’ rooms that I’m still thinking about three years after we shot it (it’s on page 302, btw).
Here’s another shot of that hobbit hole in use, and you can also see some other fun touches, like that awesome brick wall they swarmed with butterflies (something we also did in our playroom!) and the felt garland they strung from a piece of driftwood (I think this is the garland they used, but Etsy has tons of other options). Oh and see Peter Pan’s shadow? They didn’t miss a single opportunity to add in little storybook nods wherever they could.
Our kids (there were 6 of ’em between us and the Bowers!) immediately found their way to the swing that the store (bravely) hung in one corner. Everyone managed to take turns, mostly peacefully, and no one knocked over the incredible peaked bookcase village that displayed stories from all over the world – so I’d call that a win. You could easily DIY a little “cityscape” of bookcases like this, or purchase pre-made ones like this and this to recreate it on a smaller scale.
Also… hanging books. Do you see them suspended from the ceiling by strings? They had bent their pages like origami so they stayed fanned open, kind of like these. They were so much fun to look at from below (and they gave me flashbacks to the most recent season of Orange Is The New Black, which was so good you guys). Also those books in the foreground stole my heart. Especially this one about Frida Kahlo and this one about Maya Angelou.
They sold a few little toys, costumes, and t-shirts, so you’d figure they’d have hanging racks or rods or something for the clothing. NOPE. Colorful chairs hung from the wall. With Humpty Dumpty balancing on one of them. Because that’s how they roll.
Also, back to the big bookcase from the first picture. All of the art in the store had some sort of literary reference in it (including these Baby Lit prints they sold) which added to the whole “reading is fun” vibe of the place. And who noticed the rose in the cloche on the bookcase with the ladder? BELLE, right?! I’m telling you, there were so many cute hidden gems like that in here. Also, see the Cheshire Cat disappearing into that chair in the corner? They just ironed a mouth right onto the chair. These people could not have put more thought into this space. I know I’m gushing, but they deserve every last gush.
Here’s a close up of the rainbow books on the shelf. This little lineup of hardcover classic books by Puffin made my heart ache for a collection of my very own. Also, the Penguin ones below them. I might even let the kids read them too ;)
THEY EVEN FRIGGIN’ MADE GIANT PAPER FLOWERS like the queen’s roses that were painted in Alice In Wonderland. I mean. At this point I might have been hyperventilating.
Oh and see that room off to the right in the photo above? That’s the party room. Kids (and grown ups!) can have parties here and let me tell you, THEY DO NOT PHONE IT IN. The one they were prepping for was Peter Pan themed, and the table was full of sweet references, like thimbles in a bowl labeled “Kisses From Wendy” and a ticking clock like the one a certain crocodile swallowed. They also do Alice In Wonderland and other themes. I’m a 35-year-old woman and I want a party there now. “I want a feast! I want a bean feast!” (name that movie… based on a book, of course).
I also loved all of the twinkle lights they hung overhead (who says you can’t do that in a kids room – or your own room?!). Those plus the “grass” on the wall and the string lights made this whole room feel like an outdoor courtyard. Or perhaps a tea party with a certain mad host.
Also, THIS CHAIR. I can’t. I just can’t.
No wait, THIS CHAIR. Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like a hand-carved bunny (let the record state that ten minutes before seeing this chair I never knew that was my thing).
Even the back of the store was witty and charming. Have you ever seen a more clever way to keep customers out of the employees-only area?
Bonus footage: I did my best Belle impression while Katie stole a chance to rest her feet. I know how to act in public, I swear. “No denying she’s a funny girl that Bellllllle.”
So if you’re ever passing through Monroe, Georgia or if you live nearby I hope you have a chance to see The Story Shop for yourself. Even if you don’t live very close, this place is totally road-trip worthy! And when we shared some pics on Instagram we actually heard from the designer, whose name is Stephanie Cannon, and get this – she reads our blog and listens to our podcast (!!!!!). She was so sweet and actually saw us when we were in Monroe, so it was really funny because she thought she was fangirling us, but you guys, I AM TOTALLY FANGIRLING HER.
PS: John here, and now for a minor public service announcement to end this bookish post – please support your local independent bookstores. They may not be as cheap or easy to shop at as Amazon or B&N, but we’ve all seen a certain documentary called You’ve Got Mail, right? All kidding aside, we try to make it a habit of purchasing from great stores like these so that there can continue to be great stores like these. Okay, off my soapbox!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Kids Room Ideas From The Cutest Kids Bookstore Ever (Really, It’s AMAZING) appeared first on Young House Love.
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