#some of these she outright craves e.g. failure/death/change/the unknown
anticutes · 3 months
character fears, tagged by @ultfan.
bold any which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces.  change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
tagging: @snuffox, @oudachi / @corrpse, @televanghell, @shackld, @swahnn, @91cmspoilers
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