#some of it to an extent but as the show goes on he says over and over [more than sam - who basically ran away to get away from this]
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Regarding that scene on Werepapas, what a coincidence. My friend just finished watching the series up to season 5. While he agrees that the writing is far from ideal, while discussing Representation, he didn't get that Adrien is a senti! Only Felix. He felt that it was ambigous. He hopes that maybe Adrien was made thanks to the Peacock but without him being exactly a senti (he still can't exactly explain Gabriel's influence).
With Werepapas... I was astonished, and I don't know if my friend's theory might not be as farfetched... we are giving the writers too much credit, right?
(Post that spawned this ask)
I think it's perfectly valid to be on the fence. I wouldn't put money on Adrien being human, but I wouldn't put money on him being a sentimonster either. He probably is, I wouldn't hold hope for him to not be, but it's not explicit canon and that does matter to a certain extent.
There's a rule in story telling that no one is really dead until their body is show and that applies to more than just death. Any twist isn't truly canon until it's explicitly stated in the text and Adrien's status has never been officially stated. It's only strongly hinted at. This was likely done with purpose because this show is aimed at children. You don't go the subtle route with five-year-olds. They don't know enough about story telling for that to work.
Writers use this hints only trick for a variety of reason, but when it comes to writing in long running shows, the most common reason is to keep the story from having to commit to something before the writers are sure about it as they don't know how many seasons they'll have to write and what plot points they want to use. Right now, the writers can backtrack Adrien's status without retconing anything since he was never said to be a senti. Same goes for Kagami. The only canonically confirmed senti is Felix.*
This noncommittal tactic where nothing is confirmed in canon isn't a writing style I love, but it does have its place. Reveals generally should be teased out over time and not given after the first hint. Tease it out too long, though, and it's no longer solid setup and payoff. Instead it's just an annoying stalling tactic. When it passes from good pacing to stalling tactic is highly subjective and depends on how complex the reveal is. Adrien's status isn't remotely complex and was setup all the way back in season four, so I feel comfortable saying this has gone from the story slowly teasing out the reveal to a stalling tactic which is very much in line with the show's writing style. They're dragging the love square identity reveal to death. I will not be shocked if this gets the same treatment just to keep people watching in the desperate hope that they can finally get some clear answers. It's how show's like Miraculous work. There's not enough here to actually tell an eight-season story so we get this instead.
*Do NOT quote Twitter at me. Twitter is not only not canon, but Twitter "canon" has been retconed and contradicted by actual canon on several occasions. In Twitter canon, Luka is two years older than Juleka and that's clearly not true in actual canon. It's why I try to avoid using Twitter as a source. There are times when I feel you basically have to acknowledge it because it's the only source for any sort of explanation for some nonsensical but important thing canon did, but even then I never assume the statement is truly canon. It's just the closest we can get to canon at the given moment. Which is embarrassing because most viewers are not checking Twitter to understand this show for children!!! The text should speak for itself on all major bits of lore. Twitter should be reserved for fun but pointless facts like what Ladybug's suit feels like.
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#spn#2x03#*#idk why but this reminds me so much of that passage in my dark vanessa where at the very end she says -i just really need this to be#a love story/bc if its not a love story than what is it/its my life/this has been my whole life esp when u look at his convo w jo#[and to an extent sam] later on where he says that he started this career so young /because/his father pushed him into it#and its too late for him to do anything else. and its fascinating to me how much dean kind of really hates this life. i mean he does enjoy#some of it to an extent but as the show goes on he says over and over [more than sam - who basically ran away to get away from this]#that they should stop and let go and just be done with it and its obvi difficult for dean NOT to have a lot of mixed feelings abt this life#<and a big part of it is that he wants to stop bc sam is in danger/what their dad asked him to do etc etc#anywayyss this is all so interesting to me esp how dean chooses to describe it🙃🙃a secret world shared only by him and his father#bc no matter what hunting and this life is a secret world but john has somehow made it even more secretive and private for dean and sam#like when gordon says earlier 'you know how hunters talk' and D and S are like uh...no....#so its like no matter what hunting is a private thing dean shares w his father and its so intimate and secretive that its his whole life#and therefore has to mean something
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Bakugo loves his girlfriend
based off this texpost and @laffythefaffy request!
slight nsfw, fluff, prohero!bakugo
Bakugo didn’t believe in relationships.
Romantic ones, at least. Platonic ones he’d been convinced of, after the relentless nature of his classmates, but Bakugo could safely say that, at the age of twenty five, he had never been in love.
It didn’t depress him. He’d had experiences. He’d kissed and he’d fucked, and it felt good, and still he’d never had a girlfriend. His childhood was a mess of war and pain and death, and so there was no time for it then. And now, his days are filled with patrolling and missions and he doesn’t really have time for it either. Where is he supposed to meet one, anyway? The only time he goes out is when he gets dragged to the annoying 1-A meet-ups at the bar in Nagoya that are always far too loud for his liking. And Bakugo would rather keel over and die before he tried to flirt with someone in front of Denki.
But Bakugo was happy with his life. Content. Enough as a busy hero could be.
And then he met you.
He’d been patrolling that day. Quite possibly the worst part of his job. It’s more for publicity than safety, he thinks. Civilians like seeing a hero walking around and cruising the streets. It makes them feel protected and it makes his agency look good for looking out for the public. All it means for him though, is way too many people asking for interviews and pictures and the waste of a day at work.
And then he’d heard it. A loud crash and screams that echoed down the street and the sudden rush of civilians from the bookshop a small ways away. They scattered like ants and Bakugo pushed through them, breaking into a run.
Something, or someone, had crashed through the front door, glass scattered in sharp jagged pieces on the floor. That seemed to have been the extent of the damage. He ignores the clammer of a crowd behind him and steps inside, eyes scanning the shop for the source of the destruction. And he assumed the poorly dressed man standing in the middle of the place was the cause. It looked like a home-made costume that reminded him of Deku’s first ever costume, and the man wearing it looked just as weak as he had.
Bakugo sighed internally. They get a couple of guys like this every so often. People with too big dreams of fame or villainy or both, and a flashy enough quirk that they think some damage will get their name plastered on the six o’clock news. More often than not, it ends with Bakugo nearly blowing up their face and the next few years in prison.
Balugo kicked a fallen book. The man caught sight of him and stood straighter. It might have been a show of strength but Bakugo saw his hands quiver as he pointed them at the crying civilian next to him.
“Not a step closer, Dynamight! Or I’ll blow her brains out!” He yelled.
Considering the damage to the door and the way he’s wielding his hands like the weapon, Bakugo assumed this was a quirk attack. His eyes darted around to assess the situation. Other than fallen bookcases and the dust of a broken wall, there wasn’t too much damage. The place was pretty small anyway. There were four people in the room, including the villain, and judging by the fact they’re all on their feet he didn’t think they were injured. Even the one being held hostage looks fine, other than the flurry of tears falling down her face. She looks young, and Bakugo scowls.
“Let her go and I won’t have to blow your fucking hands off.” Bakugo demanded.
“No! I-I make the rules here!” It was sad, really. The kid was practically shivering. Definitely not villain material.
Before Bakugo could do anything, like explode the sad fucker into the nearest juvenile detention centre, there’s a loud thud, and the man crumpled to the floor. Confusion flitted across his face and then he looked up and saw you.
You, hobbling forward on one ankle, a hard-back dictionary in your hand, breathing heavily. Your clothes were wrinkled and your face flushed, chest heaving as you looked down at the man in front of you. The dictionary dropped to the floor and you cursed.
“Fuck. Did I kill him?” You mumbled, nudging his shoulder with your good foot.
You hadn’t killed him. Just knocked him out, he found after pressing his fingers against the man’s neck. He clicked on a pair of quirk cancelling cuffs and handed him off to the police, who had just arrived. He watched as they started talking to the other victims and he turned his attention to you.
“That was real fucking stupid. Don’t ever get involved in a fight like that.” He snapped.
You pouted. “I got him, though.”
Red eyes flicked down. You were looking worriedly at your ankle, hands holding you up on the counter beside you. He studied your face, the small crease of worry between your eyebrows. You suddenly glanced up at him. You gave him a small smile and he shook his head.
He crouched down, beckoning you with his hand. “Idiot. Show me your ankle.”
You held your foot up gingerly, and Bakugo pressed his fingers against your bone, touching lighter when you wince slightly. Behind him, he could hear the commotion of paramedics checking on the other civilians, the blare of sirens from outside. Your fingers drum against the counter you're leaning on.
“Don’t think it’s broken. Just fractured.” He said, standing up again.
He saw you squeezing your wrist, stretching it out and wiggling your fingers. He nodded, gesturing at his own wrist.
“You fuck that up too?”
You laughed slightly. “No, I- I think I just hurt it when I smacked him with that book.” You shook it once. “I’ll be fine, though.”
“You got him good though. Nice swing.”
The little comment surprised even him, and you laughed, out of shock more than anything else, and he allowed a small smile to ghost his own face.
“Thanks. Your agency need any extra hands?” You teased and he rolled his eyes.
“Not one as dumb as you.” He drawled and you just grinned back.
He watched you glance behind you at the paramedics and back down at your ankle. You winced, pushing yourself up so that you could start the walk towards them, but he waved you off.
“Hold on.”
In one swift motion, his hands came up under your thighs, the other sweeping behind your back, and he lifted you up with ease. You made a sound of surprise in the back of your throat. Your hands wrapped around his neck and your body was warm against his.
“I’ll get you to the paramedics. They’ll fix you up.” He said.
And you were close enough that when you replied, a soft okay, he felt it rumble against his chest, could feel your fingers curl against the small of his neck. He felt an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach at your proximity. Not one he’s used to when he’s saving civilians.
He held you tighter as he bent over the door frame, making the disappointingly short journey to the bank of the closest open ambulance. A smiling woman came over and listened as Bakugo relayed your injuries, and you watched in keen interest as she used some healing quirk over your ankle.
Bakugo could’ve left. He should’ve left. He isn’t the type to sit and check up on the victims, he’d usually be back carrying on patrol, but. Bakugo lingered. He watched as the paramedic told you to take it easy for the next few days, and you beamed that smile at her he itched for you to aim at him. She wrapped a bandage around your ankle and you thanked her. And once the paramedic left, and your attention was back on him, he could appreciate you a little more. Outside, in the bright summer sun, your eyes shone, your skin glistening in the light as you rolled your ankle around.
“God. It must be nice to have a quirk that can just fix someone up like that.” You hummed.
“You don’t got a quirk?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nah. Don’t really need one when you’re running a book store, though.”
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest. He hoped you saw the bulge of his biceps that he definitely wasn’t trying to show off. “Right. You be more fucking careful next time.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Me? You’re the one who needed rescuing, if my dictionary wielding is anything to go by.”
He barked a laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. But don’t worry. I’ll forgive you once you help me fix the store.”
It was Bakugo’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “And who said I’m fucking doing that?”
You didn’t bristle at his tone. Just flash those pearly whites up at him. “I’m going to have to send my workers home after that fiasco, so. I’d like an extra pair of hands. And I’d hope one of Japan's top Pro heroes would help a book owner in need.”
He rolled his eyes. “Suck up.”
But he did come back. After his shift was over, he stalked his way over the streets he’d just been patrolling and he helped you organise your shelves once more. It was unprofessional. There was probably some code or some rule in the Hero conduct that stated you definitely were not allowed to meet up with civilians you just saved and flirt with them as you alphabetised stacks of books and lifted heavy shelves.
But he did it anyway.
And then he started appearing at the shop more. It was on his patrol route, after all. And he was looking to start reading more as well. And the door to your office is rickety, and he knew how to fix that, so he had to come by again.
And then he asked you to dinner one day and everything sort of went up from there.
So now he has a girlfriend. And a fiance soon, if things go well next week. And now that Bakugo has it, a person he can call his, he doesn’t know how he lived without it for so long.
Bakugo doesn’t know how he spent so many years sleeping alone, when now he wakes up and his legs are tangled between yours and your head rests on his chest. You trace the scars that litter his body so gently, gentler than anyone has ever handled him. You know how to match Bakugo’s temper, but better how to calm him down when his flares too much. But it’s more than that. It’s the little things. You always make him lunch for work because you know how busy he gets, and you always leave his towel at the top of the pile because you know he gets up before you. Such small noncommittal things that make all the difference in the world because it shows that you care.
It makes him regret. He wishes he’d given these things a chance when he was younger. But he doesn’t need to think about that because he has you now. It also makes him appreciate patrolling a little more but nobody could beat that information out of him if they tried.
Bakugo sighs. The TV blares a movie he’s not paying attention to. He’d clicked the first thing that had come up in Netflix, some horror movie with an awfully predictable plot. He’s more focused on his phone, more precisely the clock, which tells him you’ll be home in about five minutes.
Bakugo loves his days off. Any hero does. They are so far and few between that he has no choice but to enjoy them, the few days a month where he can do nothing and not worry about the fate of Japan for one day. What he likes most, though, is that he gets to see you. Before, days off consisted of sitting in his apartment alone or being dragged out to whatever activity Mina had organised for the day. Even then, the odds of them all being off was slim, and so he usually ended up doing the former. He didn’t mind it. Bakugo caught up on his hobbies, tried new recipes. The only perk is now, he gets to do it with you.
And like a miracle, he hears the jingle of your keys in the lock, and he can feel the tension in his shoulders drop.
The door swings open and you walk in, calling out to let him know you’re home. He leans his head back on the couch until he can see you, and you grin up at him. You’re wearing an old pair of jeans and one of his hoodies, and you hang up your jacket, sighing heavily.
“Why was the store so busy? It’s Sunday.” You grumble, walking to the kitchen to drop off bags of groceries.
“Idiots like you who left their chores until the last minute.” He says, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Shut it. I nearly beat up this old lady in the fruit section. Trying to take my watermelon.” You mumble under your breath.
You slip off the hoodie, grabbing the t-shirt you’d left on the couch. You weren’t wearing anything underneath, and Bakugo got a beautiful eyeful right before you slip it on.
“Uh huh. You sure you need that shirt?”
He tilts his head and you smile, pulling out the claw clip holding up your hair and scratching your scalp. You slip off your jeans, throwing them on the floor, and shuffle your way over to him.
“Yes. I’m cold.”
“I’ll warm you up.”
You snort. You clamber onto his lap and Bakugo sits back, hands smoothing over your thighs as you lean your head on his shoulder. You smell like your sweet perfume and outside, and Bakugo lets a hand run up your back and into your hair.
“That’s cheesy. I could wear more layers.” You ponder and he tuts, hands moving down to slip beneath your shirt.
It’s baggy and oversized, and covers far too much if you ask him. His hands are warm against your cool skin, and his fingers dance against your hips and up, past your waist and to your chest. You sit up, smile curving your lips and your own hands settle on his shoulders.
“So handsy. I was trying to tell you about my day, Suki.” You pout and he reaches up and kisses you.
“Go ahead. M’listening.” He nods, kissing your cheek and your jaw and down your neck.
Bakugo is selfish. He’s self-aware enough to admit that. He’s selfish with his work, the way he fought his way to the top, and still does. He’d improved on it in his growing age but he finds that when you’re involved he doesn’t give a shit. He wants every part of your, every breath, every noise that comes out of that pretty little mouth of yours.
“So, of course I tried to be nice. I’m no animal.”
He’s not paying as much attention as he should be. In his defence, it’s been far too long since he’s gotten a chance to be with you. He’s been far to busy, and the small hours you meet in bed before you both drift off into sleep is not enough.
“Stop being nice. It’s your biggest weakness.” He raises an eyebrow.
You flick him squarely in the forehead and he scowls. “Ow.”
“You need to start being nice, Mr Pro hero. But anyway, she started like, trying to tug it out my hands! And you know what old people are like. So entitled.”
Bakugo nods. You feel great under his hands but. He wants something more.
“And so now I’m in this fruit aisle sort of shouting a little because I had the watermelon first, and- Katsuki, get out of my shirt!” You laugh as Bakugo slips his head beneath, kissing his way up your stomach.
“That’s- Your hair, it tickles.” You try to push him out but he groans.
“Piss off. Keep talking. Did you kick her ass?”
You sigh. “I- Okay, wait.”
You quickly pull your shirt off. “Is this better?”
Bakugo grins, lazy and sharp. “Much.”
Your hand reaches up and cards through his hair. He mumbles into your skin for you to continue, and kisses his way up to your chest.
“And this employee comes over. And he started trying to diffuse the tension, but then he started defending her! And saying I should ‘respect my elders’.” You huff.
Bakugo nods. He kisses across the valley of your breast, the soft skin that presses against the stubble of his jaw.
“You want me to beat him up?”
“Hm. I don’t think it will look good on your agency if you beat up Whole food workers.” You sigh.
Bakugo sucks a nipple into his mouth, teeth grazing against it. You make a noise in the back of your throat.
“And. And then I got kind of fed up. The employee had a really annoying voice.”
Your eyes flutter shut a little when he moves to the other one. His hand comes up to grab the breast his mouth isn’t working on and you sigh.
“He. So I just gave her the watermelon. Cause it wasn’t really that serious.”
Bakugo nods. He lets go, breath cooling the air around your nipple and he glances up at you.
“You should’ve called me. I’d have blown that old hag to the nearest nursery home.”
You giggle and he grins. His hand presses into the small of your back and pushes you closer. He diverts his attention from your tits and kisses you softly instead. At least it’s soft at first. But then you whine ever so slightly into his mouth and it’s all over after that. His lips almost devour yours, and he can feel your face heat as he nips at your bottom lip, tongue darting out to tangle against your own. Bakugo drags you closer but you huff. Your hand running through his hair pulls his head back and Bakugo frowns.
“The fuck?”
“How is it fair that I’m sitting in my underwear and you’re fully dressed?”
“I was waiting for you to finish your story first.”
You smile warmly. Bakugo doesn’t know of anyone else who looks at him with so much love. You grab his face and squish his cheeks together.
“You’re so cute.” You coo.
“Shut up.”
“Okay, you made me too horny to finish my story. It was a stupid one, anyway. Can we go fuck now?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
bakugo kiss challenge go kiss me NOEOWWWW
ive been sooo lazy to write recently.. this took me ages to write and it's nnot even that long.. but i hope u all enjoy!
#b3ach bunn7#oneshot#fluff#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugo katuski#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader#bakugou katsuki#mha bakugou#bnha smut#bnha bakugo katsuki#bnha bakugo x reader#bnha bakugou#katsuki bakugo mha
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You want X-Men requests? Well, I think I've got a few kicking around for our favorite Cajun.
Ok, so this is NSFW but like...imagine overstimulated Gambit to the point where he can only speak garbled French? Idk, I think that's super hot.
YES OMG YES. I absolutely love this idea I ran with it SO QUICK! I'm Southern, but not necessarily the Cajun flavor of Southern, so I tried to use a translator/dictionary for Cajun-French. There's not really a translator for cajun dialect specifically, so forgive me for some mistakes. I tried my best ;-;
Tw: MDNI. NSFW. Creampie, Overstim, Praise kink (kinda). Reader written while picturing AFAB but no genitals specified. No pronouns specified. Soft dom!reader

Anyone looking outside-in on Gambit's relationships would think that the man is a player, due to his flirty nature, and he could be to an extent, but you know otherwise.
Remy LeBeau was a lover boy. Sure he showed out a lot by flirting, but at the end of the day it's you he's coming home to. The moment someone tries to make a move on him and flirting goes to touching, you know he's shutting that shit down quick.
He was all talk, and you were happy to find out that extends to the bedroom.
Now having said this, it's not that Remy was a liar. He's incredible at sex, but at the end of the day when he's with someone he truly loves, his walls come down. Loverboy was putty in your hands the moment you decided to grace him with your love and praise.
"Plus, donnez-m'en un de plus, s'il vous plaît." Remy is trembling underneath you, head tossed back into the pillow and twitching inside you still as he cums hard. His hands are clenched around your thighs, grip loose enough for you to grind on him slowly as he comes down from his high.
"Remy, I can't understand you." You say softly, cocking your head at him as you brush some hair out of his face. He leans into your touch, chest still heaving. He mumbles something else you can't quite catch, before repeating "donnez-m'en un de plus, donnez-m'en un de plus." Again and again.
"Reeemmmy~" You smile, rocking back against him just slightly to make him groan and curse, before leaning forward to kiss him on the chin. He tries to catch you in a real kiss, but you don't let him, choosing to hover over his lips teasingly. "English, please, sweetheart."
"Je commence Cher, don't tease." Remy whines, leaning forward again. You let him kiss you this time, unable to stop yourself from giving into Remy's charms. You grind onto him a little more to hear him moan and gasp into the kiss, and his grip on your thighs gets a little tighter. He mumbles again in Cajun, and you shake your head at him. He'd been trying to teach you, but you still weren't quite fluent. You decide you should ask him to teach you bedroom phrases soon. It'd make this a whole lot easier- but you wouldn't lie, you almost enjoy teasing him like this.
"One more, Cher. Please. Please, give me another one." Remy finally grunts. He looks at you with those pretty eyes of his, all blurry with his pupils dilated. You can't help but lean in and kiss him a few more times. You lift your hips, before sinking back down onto his cock with a little more force this time. He gasps out a broken "merci! merci," tears starting to trail down his cheeks as you start to ride him again.
"Oh- Only because you asked... so nicely." You moan. It's a struggle to get the words out, fighting your own oversensitivity, but hearing Remy crumble beneath you is worth how sore you would be in the morning ten times over.
#remy lebeau#gambit#gambit x reader#remy lebeau x reader#x men 97 smut#x men 97#x men headcannons#x men smut#x men#x men comics#x men 97 x reader#gambit smut#remy lebeau smut
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Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Cats and Their Men Masterlist,
The coming week has been filled with a rush of pet parents wanting their dogs to be bathed. You do the best you can by helping the grooming salon and when you have down time you head up front. Managers haven’t hired anyone and you have a sinking feeling that they won’t. The week would’ve been more stressful had Kyle not shown up twice.
The first time showing up, he looked beat up, you thought the worst but he brushed off your worry. “Just doing a job, love.” That didn’t ease you, what kinda job gives you a bruising on your cheek? You assumed he’d be longer but all he said was that he was “in an out, didn’t need to stay long like the other two.” His reasons for coming though was something you could handle a little better.
“Need a good vet for my girl,” he looks more worried about his baby than over his bruises. You can respect that to an extent but you still want him packing ice on them. “I think she’s mad at me cause I left so quickly. John’s been pulling doubles.” He grins just a little, “maybe I worried her but she’s not eating.”
“Sometimes when routines are changed it can cause cats to not eat.” Cat behavior is more complex than people like to think it is. They see a cat hiss at them and think the cat’s an ass when really the cat was giving signs to not be pet or picked up. “The store has a vet but…” you look to the front, “I’m not a fan of them. Here.” You tug him to the salon. Grabbing some printer paper and pen, “my sister goes to this one and she raves about the vets. You can get Marina seen very quickly at this one.” And added plus along with, “her chihuahua likes her vet’s too but that little dog loves anyone.” You hold it out to him.
He takes it, reads the number and name to memorize quickly as he then pockets it for later use. “Thank you, don’t know where I’d be without you, love.” He stands just a little closer to you and you almost reach to touch his bruise when the next client of poodles comes barking happily in. Kyle pulls back from you, “I’ll let you know how Marina’s feeling if something changes!” Yelling over the noises before he leaves.
You notice the slightest limp in his walk and you pray that however hurt him, gets hurt worse. Your attention leaves to greet the poodles and you trudge through the rest of your day.
You didn’t think you’d see Kyle again but he came back two days and looking much more happier than he did last. Your break was just about to be taken coincidentally. “Kyle?” Punching out and taking your smock off. “Marina’s doing okay now?”
He sighs in relief. “My poor Marina, she just has a very sensitive stomach.” He tugs a bag that he’s been holding to the front. The ones used for cats that have a more sensitive pallet. “No wonder she’s had a hard time eating.”
“And you thought it’s cause she missed you,” poking fun as he gives the most dramatically sad look his brown eyes can muster.
“I’m hurt that you’d say that to me,” he pats a free hand over his chest, “wounded even. The deepest kind of scarring.” He trembles on and you can’t help but laugh more. He notices your smock in hand, “going on break?” His brows perk up and you squirm a little under his observing eyes.
Rubbing the back of your neck, “yeah, finally.” Getting lunch has been hard to do since every pet parent wants their dogs in now. You don’t get commission like the groomers do and you’ve wondered about moving back to the front.
“I know a good burger joint nearby?” Oh? Your brows raise and he stammers, “I mean if you’d like to go— with me? I mean with me.” He murmurs a small curse under his breath. He takes a breather, “I’d like to take you out for lunch. My treat since you’ve been helping so much.”
Heat warms your cheeks and you nod, “yeah… yeah, okay? I could go for a burger. Let me just,” you nod to the breakroom to grab your hoodie. It’s still cold out and you really don’t want to freeze your bits off. “I’ll grab my things.”
He smiles that charming smile, standing a little taller as he waits for you to come back. Once your hoodie is on and you pay your cheeks to cool’em, he goes to the front and pays for his cat’s food. His car is nothing fancy but it’s sleek and sturdy. You can tell that he’s put a lot of character and love into it. Maybe you shouldn’t get into a strangers car so quickly but there are cameras at your store… that and Kyle isn’t a stranger anymore.
You chat away to fill the space and he keeps up with you and what you say even if you think it’s dumb. The drives quick, like he promised, and he opens his door to run around to get yours before you could grab it. “Ladies first,” he even holds a hand for you to grab— and you do take it. Your cheeks will never know peace when he holds your hand in a gentle firm grip. He lets go only when he shuts the door and he walks right beside you when the burger joints in view. “Makes a mean mushroom Swiss.”
“Oh? I like mushrooms too. They’re pretty fun-guy’s.”
He groans and rubs his nose to hide his smile. “That was horrible, love. This is egg-xactly why I hate puns.” He stops in his step to turn towards you.
You look at him and he looks at you as you both snort a laugh. “Well, lettuce stop then.” His grin widen even more and you find that you like his smile the longer you look at him. He waits for you to walk first and then he smalls his movement to match pace with you.
He walks a little closer to you. Mumbling offhandedly about how “he’s gonna love those jokes.” And you have half a mind to ask who but you get to the front of the line. “Hey, Netty,” he leans up against it and an old lady with a kind smile starts to roll her eyes.
“Back again, Kyle?”
He shakes his head, “not just me,” she looks from him to you. Her brows move up a little and you give a sheepish grin.
“She deserves a better date than a burger joint, Kyle Garrick.” Her tone heavy with a scolding.
You sputter and stammer, “no— no, this is not— we—“
He leans more forward, “I know, shame on me.” Looking from Netty then back to you and winks, your cheeks burn like a furnace now. “But,” he tilts his head back to the older lady, “you do make the best burgers and my best girl should get just that.” You feel like you might die on the spot. Butterflies are jumbling from your stomach and beats against your chest. “Two mushroom swiss and chips, please.”
“Mhm, remembered your manners, now is it?” Netty takes his card from him and swipes it. It dings and then she hands it right back, “be right up and here,” she hands a soda to the both of you for free.
“Thanks, Netty.” He smiles at her and motions for you to come sit. His fingers twitch around the sodas and he doesn’t bring up why he said what he said and you… you don’t either. The burgers come out neatly wrapped and when Kyle goes to grab it he stops and speaks to Netty just a tad. A small brown bag is handed from her to him and he pockets it.
“You wanna eat here?” He asks slowly, though he sounds a little quieter. “Or I… I could take you back to your job, if you’d like?” You pat the table and he sits down quickly. Giving you your burger and chips and he finally speaks up after a moment of silence. “I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that, love.” He bites on his full lip and his shoulders are more rigid than you’ve seen it be. “I shouldn’t have agreed to what she said. I just—“
“It’s…” you swallow a bit, the cold out hasn’t cooled your warm cheeks. “It’s fine, Kyle.” You’ve dated a few but no one’s called you their best girl the way he did. The butterflies in your stomach seem to get worse, you should be mad about it. You don’t think he intended for that to happen or say what he said. Maybe he played along with an old lady’s musing… you don’t know if you should be hurt or mad that maybe it was a joke.
“I,” he takes a breath, “I meant what I said…earlier,” he looks down to his cooling burger and then back to you. “You deserve the best, love.” He coughs a little, his bruisings have gone down only a little and he hasn’t limped once since he’s walked beside you. “And I would like to take you out on a—“
“I,” you cut him off suddenly, “t-the food,” you stammer, his face contorts slightly to sadness. “We should… I need to be back soon.” Your hands tremble as you start picking up your burger to eat. He nods and gives a soft “okay, love” before you both eat in silence.
He drives you back in silence and you pick at your fingernails. When your job is in view he parks his car, steps out and goes to open your door just like before. He holds his hand out and his smile’s a little smaller than it was. “See you around?” A hopeful look that makes your heart squeeze tightly.
“Yeah… Kyle… I’ll see you,” you walk quickly and your heart hammers against your chest. You punch back in, heading over to the back of the salon and you place your hands over your face to scream into it. Some of the groomers notice but shrug their shoulders. Someone offhandedly mentions “stress of the job” but it’s not that. It’s you realizing that you probably ruined something good before it could even start.
#lolowrites#141 and their cats#kyle gaz x reader#gaz x reader#kyle garrick x you#gaz x you#kyle garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz kyle garrick#kyle gaz garrick#kyle garrick#Gaz#cod mw#cod mw2#girl what are you doing??#I say as I type it out with the grinchiest grin I can muster
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Sub!armin x reader collegeau
For Free
Tags: Sub!Armin x Fem!Reader, college!au, modern!au, nsfw, mdni, virgin!armin, overstimulation, light choking, vaginal sex, face riding, a small side of eremika,
Synopsis: Virgin!Armin doesn’t know how to get his dick wet :)
An: I’d love to start writing more for AOT if anyone else has any reqs they wanna see me flesh out <3 I don’t write sub men that often, so I hope this was satisfactory. Also, can we be so fr rn? Men who are nerdy and have nerdy interests are sooooo 🤭

"So, as I was saying. The artic also produces icebergs, so hypothetically speaking, if we could cut down on pollution and light pollution, we could have a slim shot of repairing-"
"Armin, I am begging you. Please shut the fuck up and eat your food." Eren annoyingly snaps at him while rolling his eyes. He was currently stabbing at his portion of chicken aggressively with his fork.
"I was listening to him. Don't be an ass." You retort while elbowing Eren in his side. Your eyes then fixate back on Armin. "You're saying that we potentially could repair the artic to an extent?" You prompt for him to go on his little tangent about the artic and ocean.
If someone asked you why you were so interested, you'd make up some lie about how you're writing a paper on the effects of pollution and global warming. In reality, you actually just loved listening to your cute blonde friend spill his heart out about his hyper fixations.
Your eyes glass over as Armin goes back to explaining to you the intricacies of the environment and global warming. Your mind wanders to how he’d look if you just got on your knees for him and gave him the best head of his life. You could almost bet that he’d be the type to whimper.
“You need to get laid like it’s detrimental at this point.” Eren grumbles while shaking his head. “You quite literally are putting off an energy that scares away the hoes.”
“And what hoes are you trying to attract?” Mikasa asks as she finally settles in next to Eren. She was running late to lunch after helping Historia out carrying somethings to the teacher’s lounge.
“None-! But if I were, Armin would scare them away.” Eren replies, and you notice how his hand snaked underneath the table towards Mikasa’s thigh.
“Stop being such an ass. He’s just passionate about something. No one treated you like shit when you went through your little skating phase.” You speak up once again, getting real sick of Eren’s pissy attitude.
“It’s okay, yn. We can talk about this later.” Armin finally speaks up, giving you a small defeated smile that crushes your soul. Underneath the table, you gently bump your foot against his foot.
His face doesn’t show it, but his heart flutters in his chest as he bumps his foot back against yours. It’s such a small act of affection, but it’s your guy’s way of just checking in with each other. Essentially, it was a way to silently say, “I’m here for you.”
“Armin, you’re still a virgin, aren’t you?” Eren asks as he takes an aggressive bite from his food.
Your foot ever so gently slides up Armin’s leg, making his breath hitch in his throat. His face flushes a bright red as he avoids everyone’s gaze.
“I don’t know why that matters.” He mutters quietly, not liking where Eren was going with this.
“I’m taking that as a yes then.” Eren continues. “Any reason in particular why you haven’t slept with anyone yet?”
Your eyes focus on Armin’s face as you’re curious as well. Armin isn’t ugly. He’s sweet, smart, and incredibly patient. Girls have approached him in the past, but he always just opts to keep them at arms length.
“I just..” Your foot gently presses into his inner thigh, seeing how far he’d let you take this. Armin immediately coughs as if trying to hide his reaction to your blatant flirting. “… haven’t found the right one.. I guess.”
“The right one? Armin, you need to just get it out of the way. I’ll literally pay someone to sleep with you.” Eren half-laughs, which means he’s probably only half-joking.
“That’s prostitution, Eren, and it’s illegal.” Armin replies with a small frown, not liking that his best friend is quite literally offering to pay for his virginity to be taken.
“I’d do it for free.” You casually offer with a small shrug. Armin’s eyes go wide as he stares at you from across the table, and Eren chokes on his soda. Mikasa just has a calm smile on her face as she watches this all go down.
“Of course you would. You’re practically riding his dick all the time anyways.” Eren retorts after he gains his composure back.
“Yep, you’re right. Now, I’m going to go do it for real too.” You respond as you stand from your chair. Your hand reaches over and grabs Armin’s hand before leading him out of the mess hall.
His hand is trembling in yours, and he can’t find the words to say right now. His heart is beating so loudly that he almost can’t hear. The only thing on his mind was that you’re finally noticing him.
Armin turned down the girls who tried to flirt with him because he has his eyes set on you. He’s had the fattest crush on you since you met their little friend group in college.
Not knowing how to handle his feelings, he had once confided in Eren and Mikasa. Both of them said it was stupid obvious that you liked him back, but he refused to believe it. How could a girl as pretty and confident as you like him??
You let out an exasperated sigh as you shut your dorm door behind you, locking it so no one else can bother you too. Armin’s entire face is red, and he’s fumbling with his fingers.
“You don’t have to be so nervous. You know I was kidding, right?” You softly laugh at him while taking your shoes off. You then crawl up onto your bed and settle down. “I just was tired of listening to Eren, and I figured you needed a break too…”
Armin can’t help the way his demeanor subtly drops. He feels so naive for thinking you were actually going to take his virginity. You probably detested the thought of doing so- He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly before he also sits down on your bed.
“Yeah… yeah, you’re right.” He mumbles quietly, and he keeps his gaze away from you.
You quickly pick up on his change in attitude. He almost seems… disappointed? Your eyes lock for a moment, and you observe his pretty blue eyes looking back into yours. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he's giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Don't tell me you're disappointed." You lightly joke, lips curling into a smile as you gently nudge him.
Armin lets out a soft exhale of amusement, and he clams up for a moment. "Well.. I.. can't say that I wasn't a little bit excited." He admits sheepishly.
"Excited for me to take your virginity?" You prompt, shifting your position on your bed to where you and Armin's faces are a few inches apart. "I didn't think you really cared about that sort of thing."
"Sex?" Armin asks while his eyebrows pinch together slightly. He's giving a small cute pout. "I know it's hard to believe, but I am still a guy.."
"Oh? Is this when you give me the spill about having urges and desires too?" You tease him, and he's slowly leaning back against your pillows. Your body carefully shifts on top of his.
His heart is hammering through his chest - his nervousness and excitement making him feel like he's going to explode. He just hoped you didn't notice how painfully hard he was already. He had been subtly concealing a boner since you offered to take his virginity.
"Is that what you want to hear?" He asks as he gazes up at you. At this point you're straddling his waist. Your hands are pressed to his chest.
"You know... yeah, tell me what urges and desires the infamous nerdy Armin Arlert has." You raise an eyebrow at him with a lopsided grin, excited to hear about what fantasies he conjures up in that cute head of his.
"Well... I think a lot about you..."
"Yeah..? What about me?" Your hands slowly rub up and down his chest, and you can feel his hard on pressing desperately against your thigh.
"J-just about..." He's stuttering now, and his face is flushing a deep red as you're not giving him must leeway to escape this. "Your lips... how soft they'd feel."
"You think about kissing me?" Your hips shift ever so subtly, causing a small gasp from Armin.
"Amongst other things..." He breathes out, but he's given no chance to gather himself before you take his wrists and pin them to the sides of his head.
You lean down over him, hovering your lips right over his. "If you want it... take it." You whisper softly, your breath ghosting over his lips, causing him to shiver.
A small whimper escapes him before he leans up, and he captures your lips in a sweet, innocent kiss. You ease up on his lap, allowing for him to control the kiss for a moment.
He kisses you needily - so desperate to feel more, but he isn't quite sure on how to initiate that. Your lips are as soft as he imagined, and you taste like strawberry poundcake. He's already so addicted. It was his first kiss, and you were already rotting him from the inside out.
Your hands release his wrists, and you cup his jaw instead, taking control of the kiss. Your teeth tease his bottom lip, showing him exactly how to achieve what he wants. Your tongues clash together, and his hands find your hips. His thumbs rub into your hip bones, loving the feeling of you in his lap.
After a while, you finally part from him. A small thin string of saliva connects you two as you're both panting, trying to recover from the steamy kiss.
"What else is do you want?" You whisper softly, intending to give this man whatever he so asks for.
"I- I want..." His voice is breathy, overcome with intense lust as he lifts his hips up, hoping you'll get the memo.
"Sayy it." You taunt with an evil smile.
"Please- I... I want you to use me." He whines, and he tilts his head back slightly as his bulge grinds so nicely against your core.
Your hips begin to roll, adding on to the fiction for both of you. You can tell through his pants that Armin isn't exactly small like most people would believe him to be since he's not exactly tall.
"Mmmnph~" His breathing is labored as he feels his tip already making a mess in his boxers. He quickly grabs your hips and stills them before he can make a real mess.
"What is it-? Did I do something wrong?" You ask in a concerned tone before you realize just how red his face his. He looks so disheveled already. His blonde hair was a mess upon his head.
"N-no... it was really good." He admits quietly. "Too good... I didn't want to..." His voice trails off, and he looks away from you with an embarrassed look.
"Oh.. I see.." You reply with a small grin, finding it cute how worked up he gets. You slowly ease your pants and panties down your legs, and you toss them onto the ground.
“Do you ever watch porn while thinking about these things?” You ask, going back to his fantasies.
“Mmm.. sometimes, but the mental image is enough most times.” His eyes glance down towards your thighs and lower half. “Some… sometimes I imagine you riding my face…”
“Oh?” You prompt with a small smile. “Do you want me to sit on your face?”
Armin nods his head quickly, and he scoots his body down lower, already prepping for you to take your rightful seat on his tongue. He’s nervous about eating you out for the first time, but he’s nearly drooling at the thought of you putting your weight down on his head. He wonders just how sweet you’ll taste.
“Is that a yes?”
“Please..” He asks so sweetly. You have to reward him.
You crawl up to where his head is laid back against your mattress, placing your legs on either side of his face, and your fingers comb through his messy blonde hair. He looks up at you through his eyelashes with a truly pitiful gaze.
“Tap my thigh three times if you can’t breathe, okay sweet boy?” You ask to make sure he understands. He nods his head without a second thought before leaning up to press a kiss against your cunt.
Eren had talked about eating Mikasa out before to Armin… despite Armin’s many, many attempts to make him shut up. Eren would tell Armin that he wouldn’t stop until she was a shaky mess on top of him. That was Armin’s goal. He wanted to feel your thighs tremble from his tongue.
“Good boy…” You purr as you slowly lower yourself onto his mouth. Armin immediately seems to just know what to do as if it was pure instincts coursing through him.
He starts off slow, pressing gentle kisses against your cunt before he starts to lap at you. A hum fleas him as he savors the taste of you. Just as sweet as he imagined.
With his tongue, he finds the small button of nerves at the top of your cunt. He immediately knows what it is by the way your body jolts upwards a bit, and a small whine falls from your lips.
He reaches up, and he pulls a bit more down onto his tongue. He doesn’t like how you’re hovering — as if you’re scared to hurt him. He wants to feel you sit - not hover.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” You murmur quietly to him, which only makes him more determined to make you sit.
“You’re not going to hurt me. Please, I want you to sit.” He pulls your hips again. “Use me.” He whines as he starts to gently suckle on your clit, making you jolt again.
His hands massage the flesh of your ass, and he starts to force your hips to rock back and forth while he flattens his tongue against your slippery folds.
You taste so fucking divine. Armin’s completely lost in your essence. His eyes are fluttered shut as he’s licking, kissing, suckling every thing you’ll allow him to.
Your hand is entangled in his pretty blonde hair as your hips are rolling back and forth. His nose bumps against your swollen clit, making you clench around nothing. You’ve never experienced head like this — not when most men make it sound like a chore. Armin sees it as a blessing.
The sounds in the room sound like they’re straight from a porno as your cunt sounds so sticky and drenched. Armin’s making soft hums and whines as he’s eating you like a starved man. Your moans fill the room — not caring if anyone could hear you next door.
“Just like that.. f-fuck.. gonna make me finish.” You pant, unable to even think straight while he’s plunging is tongue in and out of you.
Armin flutters his eyes open to look up at you. You’re so fucking pretty. How did he get so lucky? The way you’re completely coming undone on top of him has him literally trying to hump the air. His neglected cock sits flush against his tummy, leaking clear pre-cum all over himself and his clothes.
“Armin-!” You cry his name as you clench around air. More juices seep from your weeping hole, and he’s quick to clean you up with his tongue.
Your breath staggers as you come down from your orgasm. Of all people, Armin Arlert was the first to make you finish off head.
He’s not done though. Your thighs haven’t trembled yet. His hands grip around you, forcing you to keep gyrating on his tongue. He’s getting absolutely nasty with it, desperate to make you spent.
“O-oh god- wait, Armin— I f-finished.” You try to tell him, thinking he didn’t catch on, but he doesn’t relent.
His eyes almost have a smoldering gaze as he looks up at you with his mouth occupied with your cunt. His hands are kneading at the fat of your ass before he drags one finger towards your entrance.
“H-hold on. Wait- I-“ You’re nervously babbling, already feeling overstimulated. So when he slips his digit deep into your sopping wet cunt, and he curls it juuust right… you’re a shaking mess on top of him.
He smiles against your core, knowing now that he can stop. He slips his finger out, and he pressed a saccharine kiss to your pussy before tapping on your thigh.
Your body is trembling as you slowly lean up from his face, and you’re trying to stabilize your breath.
Armin just looks up at you, waiting for feedback on his little performance.
“You did such a good job. Good boy.” You praise before pressing light kisses along his cheeks. You can feel the way his face heats up when you praise him like that.
You finally press a kiss to his lips after a few moments, tasting yourself on his tongue. Armin lifts his hips up again, reminding you that he’s so painfully pent up. He’s aching for release.
Your hands find the waistband of his jeans, and you carefully unbutton them while continuing to intertwine your lips with his. He whines when you part from the kiss.
Once his jeans and boxers are off, you finally get to admire his pretty cock slapped against his tummy. His tip was coated in sweltering pre-cum. Just to tease him, you scoot down and give his tip a small kitten lick, tasting the sweet and salty taste of his arousal.
“Mmph- yn-“ Your name sounds like a plea when he whines it. His cock immediately flexes underneath your tongue. You giggle and give him another small kitten lick. “Ah~ please…”
“Please what?” You ask, looking up at him with a mischievous grin.
“Need to b-be inside you.. please miss.” He whines so shamelessly, abandoning all his previous embarrassment. He can’t afford to be shy when he’s craving the feeling of your gummy walls tightening around him.
“Since you asked so nicely.” You scoot your hips back up, and you grind against him a few times, getting his cock nice and coated in your slick.
Armin’s practically fisting at the bedsheets. Feeling your bare pussy rubbing against him was soooo much better than when you were still clothed.
“Miss..” He whimpers softly as his hips flutter upwards to rub against you in an act of desperation. “Miss, can you… take your shirt off please..?”
You gaze at him puzzled for a moment. It was an odd time to make that sort of request, but who were you to deny such a needy plea?
Your hands pull your shirt above your head, and you toss it off the side of your bed. Your hips go back to rocking against him as his tip is kissing strings of pre-cum to your clit.
He admires the way your black lacy bra sits flush against your skin. It only solidifies in his mind just how out of his league you are. He’ll never be able to comprehend just why you’re deciding to give him a chance.
“M-may I..?” He asks as his hands reach for the backside of your bra. As much as he loves the way the fabric cups your breasts so beautifully, he’s after something else.
“Go ahead, baby.” You answer him, and he’s quick to unhook your bra as if he had practiced before.
Eren definitely taught him how, but you don’t need to know that!
Armin watches with wide, excited eyes are your breasts bounce from the confines of your bra. His hand gently kneads on one, loving how your soft pillowy flesh filled his hand.
His eyes gaze upward at you as he leans in and captures your nipple into his mouth. His mouth feels attentive as he carefully swirls his tongue around the pebble, and he gently sucks on it while his eyes fall shut.
Maybe he’s died. This must be what heaven feels like. The only thing that’ll make this better is if..
One of your hands entangle in his hair, and the other hand reaches behind you. Your fingers wrap around his length before guiding him inside you.
Armin immediately moans pitifully around your mound. He has to detach from you to focus all his attention on not busting inside you immediately like the pathetic virgin he is.
“Are you alright, baby?” You ask him with a devious grin. If you weren’t focused on teasing him so much, you’d probably be as much of a mess as he is.
“S-so tight.. fuck yn- I can’t-!” He’s nearly crying as you sink yourself down on top of him, until he’s buried to the hilt.
You try to lift your hips up, but Armin’s hands wrap around your hips, and he forces you right back down onto his lap. “N-not yet. Please miss-“ You’re honestly taken aback by how strong he is. Even though he doesn’t look it, he could overpower you if he wanted. “D-don’t wanna come yet.”
“So sensitive.” You purr as you lean down towards him. Your hand cups his cheek, and you stroke his face with your thumb. “I thought you wanted to be used, baby.”
“I do.. I just… don’t want to leave you unsatisfied.”
“Oh, what a gentleman.” You laugh softly before pressing a kiss to his nose. “Well, if you finish and I’m not done yet, I’ll just keep going. I’ll use you again and again until I’m spent.”
His cock literally twitches inside of you from your words, and he looks up at you with wide eyes. He feels nervous yet so damn excited. His legs are literally flinching from his nerves.
His hand loosen up, and you get to work, riding him like you two wouldn’t see each other tomorrow.
You’re just so fucking wet and tight. Armin knows there’s no way he’s going to last long, not when you feel like paradise between your legs.
Within the minute, Armin is emptying himself deep inside you. “G-gods! Fuck, miss… ‘m sorry.” You give him an understanding smile, and you help ride out his orgasm. “‘m sorry.” He whimpers again before he takes your nipple back into his mouth, showing you just how sorry he is.
He’s a sorry man who can’t get enough of your delicious cunt milking him until you’re done for.
His cum seeps out and coats his cock as you continue to bounce yourself up and down. Armin’s a complete whiny mess as he’s trying to cope with how completely sensitive his cock is.
“Ah~ fuck miss… mmmph~ sooo good.” He’s completely babbling praises to your sopping wet cunt.
“You… ngh.. like being used like this?” You ask, and your hand lightly wraps around his neck, testing the waters. You don’t squeeze at all, just showing that you could if you wanted to.
“I love it.. wanna be yours, miss. Please, make me yours.” He pleas. You’re completely enamored with how much of a mess he is. He’s truly begging to be yours.
“Mine.” You mumble as you feel your stomach beginning to coil. With each rock of your hips, you’re growing closer and closer.
Unlatching your hand from his neck, you lean in and suck love bites into his neck, laying your claim on him.
Armin doesn’t ever cuss, but he has a complete sailor’s mouth when he’s balls deep inside you. “F-fuck.. miss-! cumming!” He warns before his cock is shooting into you once again.
His legs are shaking beneath you as his orgasm washes over him completely once again. His cock is weakly twitching inside you, so terribly sensitive that it almost hurts.
“Wan’ me to finish on you?” You whisper into his ear while your hips are desperately moving up and down. Your poor bed is creaking with each movement, and Armin’s just barely hanging onto his sanity by a thread.
“P-please… please cum on me.. wan’ to feel you.” His voice is a mere whimper, and he carefully reaches between your two. His thumb presses against your clit before he rubs in slow circles.
“Fuck— just like that.. goood boy..” You can’t even find your breath as you’re chasing after your high.
Your entire body gyrates on top of him once your orgasm finally crashes over you. Your vision is nearly doubled from how hard you finish on top of him.
A whiny groan leaves Armin’s lips as he feels you clenching around him. His body is so hyper sensitive. He feels like a million little lightning bolts are striking him all over. His skin feels like electricity against yours.
You take a moment to catch your breath finally as you stay on his lap. Both of you are completely disheveled together.
“Did I… do good?” He quietly asks you, hoping that it was as good for you as it was for him.
“Did soooo good.” You smile and press a kiss to his cheek.
He smiles softly, and he leans into your touch. “Can we get cleaned up now..? I had a thought provoking epiphany while I was coming inside you about how we could help the atmosphere.”
Oh, to be loved by a nerdy man.
#aot#attack on titan#aot armin#armin arlert#armin aot#armin x reader#sub armin#armin smut#aot smut#eremika#fanfic#drabble
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present enough for me ❀ s. reid x reader

in which you're decorating your apartment with your boyfriend, you're all too clumsy, and really, who makes glass baubles these days?
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader genre: fluff tags: established relationship. decorating a christmas tree. mentions of blood. joking about murder and prison (it makes sense i promise). puts up with your shit!spencer reid. word count: >1k a/n: short n sweet little thingy to keep us going this holiday season ♡
❄︎ advent calendar masterlist
Everything had happened so fast.
One minute, you were hanging a bauble on the tree, Spencer's ever so familiar voice reverberating around the room as he recites information you had to applaud him for knowing.
Facts like, "Did you know Germans celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve? Because technically, Jesus was born on the night of the 24th. It's like this for a lot of European countries, actually." And, "Orthodox Christmas is on January 7, because Orthodox centric countries like Serbia, Belarus and Russia follow the Julian calendar, instead of the Gregorian one we do."
And, unfortunately, Spencer Reid's info-dumping is not annoying, but attractive to you. You oftentimes find yourself keenly listening in as he rattles off facts about things you'll probably never understand to the extent he does. Though, he does love over explaining just so you can comprehend some part of it.
It had, evidently, led to you becoming a bit too distracted by your boyfriend halfway across the living room, adorning the television with tinsel, and resulted in your hand slipping as it slid a bauble onto the faux snow tree branch. It had fallen, and shattered, shards of it exploding across the wooden floor.
You curse aloud, taking an instinctual step back, eyebrows furrowing.
"Are you okay, angel?" Spencer calls, and you cringe at the sight of the pieces of bauble on the floor, though nod your head regardless.
"Yeah. You should see the other guy," you mumble, crouching down to the floor to pick up shards of the bauble.
"No, don't touch—" he's cut off by your hiss as the sharp edge of the bauble slices your skin, your other hand that was already nursing some pieces, closing into a fist around them.
"Fuck," you seethe again, all the shards dropping to the floor at your — arguably stupid — mistake.
"The first health and safety rule when you drop glass is don't pick it up with your hands," Spencer scolds, his slippers padding against the floor as he heads over to you. His hand wraps around your forearm and he picks you up, shaking his head.
"Okay, well, what idiot makes glass baubles?" you retort.
"What clumsy idiot buys them?" he shoots back, and you huff because, well, he's got you there.
"You're supposed to be supportive and nurturing," you mumble, though you're sure if Spencer overbearingly attempted to console your injured hand immediately, you'd question if he's sick.
"I can multitask," he answers, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Up."
You jump off the ground as he picks you up, carrying your body over to the kitchen stool, where he sets you down, away from the crime scene that is a shattered, bloodied bauble.
"It looks like that bauble tried to murder me," you say, staring at the scene.
"I'll put some caution tape around the tree until it goes to trial."
"I vote two consecutive life sentences."
"Two? What's the second one for?"
"Conning me," you grumble.
He laughs as he disappears into the guest bathroom, just to reappear with the bright red First Aid kit, placing it on the kitchen counter next to you.
"Hand, please," he says, standing in front of you, and you hold out your palm. "Oh yeah, this is pretty bad, huh?"
"I can handle it," you huff, puffing your chest up. "A soldier never shows fear."
"My brave girl," he says, using baby wipes to clean up the blood, gently. "Did it get you anywhere else?"
You shake your head, wincing at the pressure — however slight — over the cuts on your skin. "Just my hands."
He nods his head, and once the blood is cleaned, he's soothing them with some antiseptic cream, trying to keep his touch as featherlike as possible.
"I liked that bauble too," you mumble as he begins wrapping a bandage around your hand.
"It's the same as the thirteen other one's of its design in the pack."
"No. It was special," you reply, shooting a glare at Spencer, who surrenders almost immediately.
"Okay," he slowly nods his head, only really indulging in your antics to humour you. And maybe himself.
Once your hand was wrapped up, and Spencer had given you a kiss for your undeniable bravery, you were bounding back over to the tree to finish adorning it with trinkets and other decor.
"Please be careful," he warns, though abandons his post on the other side of the living room to help you with the three.
Just in case.
"I'm super careful."
He shoots you a look, that you match with a shit-eating grin, and then you're delving back into decorating the tree.
By the time you're done, you are not any more injured, and the tree is lit up with an assortment of colours and glitter, and you're smiling, leaning against the television cabinet to admire it.
The television cabinet dressed with a collection of candles, candle holders, tinsel, and a festive table runner you forgot you even owned.
A table runner your hand was resting on.
And Spencer was too late in warning you, and your hand swings forwards, before you trip and land flat on your ass.
He doesn't help you up this time.
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated ♡
#lia's advent calendar ♡#lia’s fics ♡#spencer reid#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fic#spencer reid imagine#spencer x reader#spencer x self insert#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds fic#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds imagine#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid x reader fluff
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Hello there,
If ur still taking Hannibal requests, could you potentially do a yandete Hannibal x reader (one-shot or headcanon it doesn't really matter) where the reader is an author who recently just came put with a new novel that got alot of popularity.
The reason it intrigued Hannibal so much is that the antagonist of the novel is based off the Chesapeake Ripper. Feeling flattered, Hannibal goes to one of her book signings, where he finds her absolutely captivating in person. What extents would this man do to get her attention?
♡: can i just say how descriptive some of y'all are with this.. this is literally book worthy 😭 also let me know if you want another part :[
Blood Ink
PAIRING: Yandere!Hannibal Lecter X Author!reader
CONTENT WARNING: dark hannibal, implied stalking, murder, mention of dead body, yandere behavior, unhinged hannibal, breaking in, leaving creepy little notes, obsessed hannibal
SYNOPSIS: Your book had gained immense popularity and you were quite the talk of the city, showing up in every article and news but capturing Hannibal Lecter’s attention was the worst thing ever, especially when you'd written an antagonist based off the Chesapeake ripper. Hannibal was flattered and in awe of how to I described him and his curiosity grew but so did his infatuation with you when he saw you.

Hannibal was flattered.
Completely amused by how you wrote depiction of him, how well you understood him despite never crossing paths.
Your abundance of understanding when it came to the mind of the killer was not only something he swooned over but how beautifully you wrote down all his murders impressed him, like they were pieces of art. It nearly worked to arouse him in a sense he craved to see you.
They were art, indeed.
Hannibal saw it that way, he saw beauty where most people saw something monstrous, something atrocious. You understood that and Hannibal had to meet you.
You'd written a book about him, a well written — descriptive book, showing off your skills of a true writer. A fan of literature he was and you had caught yourself the worst kind of attention.
The Chesapeake Ripper’s.
He had to meet you, had to see who this woman was who'd written such gruesome details about his murders. The book also included some fictional content, such as the Chesapeake Ripper committing crimes he'd never committed in the real world.
But Hannibal knew you'd included that only to add depth to him, to help the readers understand the beautiful cruelty of Hannibal Lecter.
After spending multiple hours on the internet and reading tabloids about you, watching your interviews, reading articles regarding your personal life and your work life, Hannibal finally made the decision to visit you at one of your book signings.
Your book was controversial, as many people accused you of using a serial killer as an antagonist in your book, giving him a rise in fame but it was never mentioned the book was about the Chesapeake Ripper at all. Only the antagonist had been based off him.
Hannibal was restless, so he grabbed his coat and left for your book signing which took place at a well known book store, in Baltimore too.
You were so close to him.
This had to be fate playing its game.
When Hannibal entered into the crowded book store, there you were. A huge smile decorated your features as you moved your lips to engage in a conversation with one of your fans. Hair up in a neat french bun, only a few strands framing your face — nails freshly done and sharp, resting against your soft beautifully sculpted face.
You were absolutely breathtaking.
Hannibal had seen your picture but the electronic devices did no justice to your beauty.
Hannibal felt his heart give birth to a foreign sensation, spreading through his chest and mixing in with the veins in his body. The copper and the darkness becoming one. He was completely captivated by the mere sight of you and he hadn't even introduced himself yet.
You let out a cheery laugh, nodding your head at the person in front of you before lowering your gaze, fingers holding a marker tightly to sign on the first page of your book. Hannibal analyzed closely, how swiftly your fingers moved and how beautiful they were.
He, for a split moment, imagined them decorated on a plate with vegetables.
Hannibal inhaled a deep breath, a futile attempt to regain his composure that he was beginning to lose control over at the mere sight of you.
You were a sweetheart, from how you interacted with your fans and how full of life you seemed. Deep inside his heart he hoped that you were just the same on the inside too.
Hand clasped around your book, he walked into the line. Awaiting for the people in front of him to get their books signed. He was a patient man but right now, his restlessness almost made him want to crush through the people and get to you.
Finally when his turn arrived, Hannibal slid the book over to you on the beige table. You greeted him with that gleaming smile of yours, bright enough to light up the whole room and the darkness which had bloomed in his chest when he was only a little boy.
Hannibal wasn't aware that catching a whiff of you would consume him like this but here he was, struggling to keep himself from tipping over the edge. Your scent reminded him of flowers, a fluorescent garden with bright sun rays cascading down upon it. Giving it light and life. Growing drunk on it.
His nostrils flared, inhaling more of the sweet perfume you'd adorned yourself with like some obsessed puppy. God, he was fucking dizzy over how sugary you smelled and the man couldn't get enough of it. Like old restored wine, he craved to drown you down and savor you against his tongue.
“Beautiful writing skills you've got.” Hannibal complimented with a gentle smile. Your cheeks heated up, switching to a shade of rosette.
Your eyes sparkled. “Thank you. I guess you could say I put my soul into writing this book.”
Well you just dug yourself a deeper hole than you were in before by saying that. Hannibal’s heart fluttered at your words. You'd invested your soul into writing about him, him only and that fact made him feel like he was on cloud nine.
His smile lines deepened, watching as you reached for the book and flipped it open. Fingers tightly enveloping the marker between them, you scribbled your signature on the white paper along with your initials.
“You must have a really beautiful soul then.” Hannibal said and you swallowed. His politeness and his charm worked in mysterious ways to pull you towards him but Hannibal knew just by approaching you as a fan — which he was, wouldn't really work.
He had to do more to gain your attention, your full focus.
You slid his book back over to him and Hannibal nodded, picking it up. “It was a pleasure seeing you in person. Do you mind if I ask you a question, miss?”
You raised a brow but then slowly nodded.
Hannibal’s lips curved up. “Do you believe that the Chesapeake Ripper might read this book one day?”
Your brows furrowed. Hannibal’s question was peculiarly interesting, different than the questions others had for you. Fans excited to know about the inspiration behind the book, some aching to know where you'd come up with the sinister plot. But none like this.
Hannibal’s question had crossed your mind on multiple occasions.
“Maybe but if he does, I would be interested in knowing his opinion on the book.” You responded truthfully.
That was all Hannibal needed. He stared at you, with a longing foreign to you and then he nodded. You watched him walk out of the book store as your gaze clung to him. Something inside you told you this wouldn't be the first time you'd see this man.
You shook your head and signed the rest of the books, answering all the curious questions about your books and then leaving when the event had ended. It had gotten late and you swung your leather bag over your shoulder, heels clicking against the road when you crossed it to head to your car.
The night was dark and quiet — peace tainting spreading to corner, only the sound of crickets chatting could be heard along with the clicking of your pencil heels echoing in the vast space.
Before you could enter your car, a piece of paper stuck to the front glass of your car caught your attention. With a bemused expression on your face, you reached for it and ripped the sticky note off the glass.
As your gaze ran over the content of it, your hands began to tremble.
An absolute beauty you are. You have captured my mind, heart and soul with your enthralling words. Be careful, my Dearest.
You blinked, head immediately snapping up and gaze flickering all over the area you were in. Hoping you'd find someone who left this note but you were all alone, a deep silence greeting you. Panic filled you but your brain provided you with some reassurance.
A note left by a fan.
Maybe an admirer of your writing.
That had to be it.
Of course that was it. You released a nervous laugh, shaking your head. “Calm down, it's probably nothing.”
You took the note in your hand and got into your car, twisting the key into ignition and driving off to your house. On your way home, your mind kept repeating the words written in beautiful calligraphy over the paper. The twists of each letter — as if love had been poured into it.
You let out a breath, hoping that along with the run rising tomorrow you'd forget about this.
You preferred solitude and peace, not fond of the city so the area you lived in was quitw distant and overall stayed underneath complete silence. Cold breeze caressed your face as you drove by and when you finally reached home, you stepped out of the car with the intention to hit the bed.
Your arm throbbed from the amount of books you'd signed but you loved it. You loved writing down your thoughts, different plot lines. Invention of different characters was your coping mechanism.
You didn't know that when the next day you'd wake up, a horrible news would be awaiting you.
— ♡ —
Morning came by a flash.
You weren't typically cheerful but you weren't also grumpy either. An optimist was what you called yourself. You always looked forward to new days, trying to carry a positive mindset with you in life.
Coffee and pancakes was your go to breakfast.
Once you'd prepared it, you sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels while sipping onto your delicious, hot piping coffee which eased the prickling sensation caused by the shivering cold.
But then you stopped.
Eyes widening in horror over the news that flashed before you.
“The Chesapeake Ripper strikes again, taking another victim under his hold. This time it is an unidentified man in his thirties who was found dead last night in a forest. The FBI claims it was the Chesapeake Ripper who put up quite the show of the body.”
You blinked profusely.
The Ripper had stopped killing, quite for some time now. So why was he killing again? You were bemused but you didn't let it get to your head. A disturbing emotion seeped into your chest, anxiety spreading and you lost your appetite.
You decided it'd be best to go under the radar for now, as you'd written about the man.
There was a knock on the door and your panicked gaze switched to it. Placing your mug down, you stood up and walked to unlock the door. It revealed an FBI agent, also known as Will Graham. You'd come across tabloids about the compassionate empath who often helped with catching the murderers.
Will raised his hand and you noticed he was holding your book. “You wrote this book?”
You nodded your head, an apprehensive feeling being born. “I did. Why?”
Will Graham invited himself in, gaze analyzing your home in scrutiny. You were taken aback by his behavior but still didn't say a word, as he was an FBI agent, a murder had been committed by the Chesapeake Ripper and he was holding your book.
“I'm sure you're aware of the murder that took place last night.” You couldn't understand what that had to do with you but you still heard him out, waiting for him to continue.
“Let's say our killer was heavily inspired by your book. Do you have anything to say about that?”
Your lips parted in confusion, brows furrowed as you were left flummoxed by the man's words. It's true you'd taken inspiration from the Chesapeake Ripper but that was all there was to it. There was no way someone had taken what you'd written to heart.
You took a step back. “I don't get this, agent Graham. What do you exactly mean by inspired?”
“I've read the book, miss. There are a few murder scenes which are fictional, never committed by the Chesapeake Ripper.” He explained, holding out printed parts of your own book. You slowly took them and then you were handed the photographs from the murder scene.
As your gaze swiped over it, your jaw dropped.
No way.
There was no way.
“No.” You whispered.
Exactly what you'd written, what you'd described, how you described it and even imagined it when you wrote it down. It was the same, a carbon copy like you yourself had committed the crime. You yourself had decorated the fucking set up.
You pressed a hand over your chest, feeling nauseous.
“Since they were fictional, the killer took it upon himself to bring them to life. Manifest them into reality, miss.” Your breathing grew uneven. A pang of guilt blossoming in your ribcage when your eyes glided over the dead body wrapped in dreadful vines, decorated with flowers.
Lily of the valley and Belladona.
Poisonous but beautiful flowers they were.
Your chest tightened.
Will noticed the raw fear and uncomfort spread on your face. It was exactly the same as what you'd written. Every detail, every touch, every little item was perfectly presented in the way you'd imagined it to be when you wrote it down. When you took hint of the body, your face became more flustered.
Exactly from the description of your book.
Blonde, male, short height and lean frame.
Just exactly the way you'd written him down and you looked at Will. “O-Organs. Is he missing a liver?”
Will nodded and that made you sick to your damn stomach.
Someone was out there — probably the Chesapeake Ripper and he had read your book.
This was a message.
To tell you he'd read your book.
Your fingers trembled and their grasp loosened over the pieces of paper, as well as the photographs. Falling to the floor.
Will kneeled down to gather them and then stood back on his feet.
“I-I don't know. I h-have no idea why he's doing this.” You stumbled over your words, palm pressing into your chest as your forehead became sweaty.
You were a mess.
“Calm down, please.” Will said, to reassure you. You could sense a panic attack knocking at the doors of your brain, struggling to breathe.
But you tried to calm yourself down. You weren't responsible for this as much as you felt like it. The fucking crime scene looked like you'd committed it, no wonder the FBI had come knocking on your damn door. This was going to sabotage you but at least they were aware someone else was doing the kills.
That calmed you down a little.
But you were still on edge. Taken aback from the abrupt change brought in one night.
“Am I a suspect?” You asked and Will shook his head. That relieved you a little.
After Will was done asking you some questions regarding the book and if there was anyone who you had shared the contents of it before the book was released, he left and you were all alone.
The scenes where the antagonist committed the fictional murders were completely out of your imagination. All thought about under the dark night and the glimmering stars.
You went to the kitchen to fetch yourself a glass of water and the cold water worked sufficiently to hydrate your parched mouth and throat.
You went into your room to grab your laptop, in hopes that you might find something on the internet. Leaning down, you tried to pick it up from your bed but stalled. A piece of paper capturing your attention. Folded neatly underneath your pillow.
Your breath hitched.
It was eerily similar to the paper that was stuck to your glass.
Heart beat picking up and hands beginning to shake, you reached for the paper and picked it up. As you unfolded it with bated breaths, your eyes widened.
Same hand writing, different words.
No amount of words were capable enough to describe the fear that you felt in that very moment when your gaze captured and read each and every word.
I hope you like what I prepared for you, my Dearest. There is more to come, please cherish and appreciate my gifts for you.
Tears stung your eyes vision blurry. You thought that was it but no. There was more, in the lower corner of the paper. You squinted your eyes and what you read next made you drop the note.
I must say, you are a gorgeous sight when you sleep.
#hannibal#hannibal lecter#hannibal nbc#nbc hannibal#hannibal one shot#hannibal lecter x reader#tw yandere#mads mikkelsen fanfic#mads mikkelsen#will graham#hannibal headcanons#dark hannibal lecter
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to some extent, right, we're demanding more rigor of medievalesque fantasy when we ask "where does the cloth come from" or "how does sewage work" than actual medieval fiction supplies - the closest you'll get to cloth provenance is "it was from 'The Indies'" if you're trying to show how expensive, rare, and/or magical it was, and Lancelot may get locked in a tower for a week or so but he never has to use a chamber pot.
the difference, of course, is that when Chrétien says "a bed had been set up, the sheets of which were by no means soiled, but were white and wide" that is remarkable because his audience knows that laundry, especially laundering to perfect whiteness, is hard and requires resources and time - even if you're trying to write medieval fantasy that's trying to get into the mindset of a medieval person, a modern writer has to do a lot more to signal to the audience that this bed is nice.
but while these material realities certainly shape the mindset of the people living in them, for me the thing that conveys pastness more than describing them in detail is having people act in accordance with them - you can say "Marie had spun and woven this robe" but if Marie then discards it because it was torn or stained, it doesn't matter.
but honestly, more than that, there are a lot of dilemmas that are very compelling to medieval audiences that modern audiences find less so - in le chevalier de la charette, lancelot's greatest fault is that he did accept dishonor for the sake of his lady, but he didn't accept it fast enough. roland waits until the last minute to blow his horn to call charlemange's army back to his aid, and when he at last goes to do so, olivier tells him that it's dishonorable now, when it's clear he's doing it out of fear.
if there's a conclusion here, it's that when a text is described as "feeling medieval" it can mean many different things, and some of them are more immediately accessible to modern audiences than others.
i need a lot of audience buy-in to write a new Arthurian romance with Chrétien de Troyes as a model - the magical elements are rarely explained and are treated in a way that's actually fairly close to a Marquez-like magical realism (Chevalier de la charette: At midnight there descended from the rafters suddenly a lance, as with the intention of pinning the knight through the flanks to the coverlet and the white sheets where he lay), and they often turn on problems that would seem ridiculous to modern audiences.
i need less buy-in to write a story set in a quasi-medieval period where people believe things that people in our middle ages believed, but i do definitely need some - a main character who is genuinely distraught because they saw a raven flying over the road on their way to market might be a hard sell.
and of course it's easiest of all to pay lip service to the idea of realistic medievalism by only putting in the material conditions without the belief system they create.
but we do these things (try to write good medieval fantasy) not because they are easy, but because they are hard - i think it's worth it to try!
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I’ve been wanting to talk about how even Jinx is very ignorant, or just comes off as uncaring, to the extent of Vi’s trauma in regard to before her prison time and after. I’ve also always found it quite weird and unfunny how quick people were to make jokes and say that Jinx “clocked” Vi in the tunnels when they were searching for Vander and fought about what they were doing after all the time had passed.
Jinx has actively watched her sister lose herself for months without interference—with knowledge that she was thrown into Stillwater, facing things that Vi obviously isn’t going to be that vulnerable abt—knowing that they both share the intense childhood trauma of losing an entire family in one night, and still finding it within herself to make fun of Vi being passively suicidal is honestly horrible to me. Especially considering the position Jinx has nonstop been putting Vi in since they reunited. Yes, Jinx has been going through some traumatic things, but not once has she even stopped to think (that we’ve seen) of what her sister has been through for the past seven years. The guilt she must be harboring for things she should not have had anything to do with, or responsibility over.
There have been plenty scenes where Vi recounts bits and pieces of her experiences in Still and most times she not only downplays it for the sake of trying to help other people understand where her position on a situation is from, but goes unacknowledged. With Jayce, when she asks him if he knows what being trapped for days, months, or years in a stone box is like he changes the subject to talk about their plans to go against what the council thinks and be more active against Silco. And with Jinx, her own sister, it doesn’t go any further than Vi wanting to reassure her that she’s always been there thinking about her and hoping to someday find her way back. No one, even Ekko, truly tries to reach out to her in a way that validates her own trauma and how the many changes she’s been through so far is affecting her. It’s all about what she can do for them or what position she holds in their lives. And I don’t say that in a way of meaning that everyone should drop everything they’re doing to focus on her, but a little goes a long way. Vi speaking out about her own prison trauma in multiple conversations could be her subconsciously asking for someone to show her some support or care that she hasn’t been on the receiving end of in years. She’s Jinx’s family—her only family left really—and all Jinx does is constantly disrespect her and what she’s willing to do or put aside for her.
This is me ranting at 2am so it might not make much sense (needed to get this out here), but I really hate that Jinx says to her “I busted half of Zaun out of Stillwater while you were passed out in the bottom of a mug,” as if that makes her such a good and heroic person. Yes, Jinx doesn’t really feel like that, but for her to throw it in Vi’s face like the girl hasn’t been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders since she was a child is sickening.
Some may hate me for saying this but I really feel like so far the only person that has put more thought into Vi and what she’s ever gone through is Caitlyn. Caitlyn is the one who got Vi out of Stillwater and saw first hand her conditions. Caitlyn is the one that got to witness Vi’s world be turned upside down when she came back to Zaun and saw it’s all gone to shit. Caitlyn is the one that Vi told about Powder and her family and what it all meant to her. The amount of guilt and responsibility weighing on her shoulders over something she had no control over whatsoever. Being parentified by her own father figure and community, leaving her with no space to be a child. Caitlyn has stuck by her side when her sister was harming them directly too, seeing Vi as her own individual and not an extension of Jinx. Even when they separated, Caitlyn still managed to do some good thinking about Vi by forbidding the use of the cells on the lower levels of the prison because of how inhumane they were. To say that Vi had only known Caitlyn for such a short time, Vi had become Caitlyn’s everything real quick and I feel like it says something when compared to Vi’s strained relationship with Jinx. Or even Ekko, the only other person who would truly understand what Vi had been through and is still going through. Being the protector, being the savior, being someone that people feel can solve every last one of their problems. Jinx had a chance to really connect with Vi outside of saving Vander, and she chose to hurt Vi because she knew she could. She knew she wasn’t the only one with open wounds not even close to healing, and she couldn’t help but rub salt in the ones of her own sister to make herself feel better.
-rereading and this is all over the place but whatever loll

#arcane#arcane vi#arcane league of legends#powder arcane#arcane jinx#caitlyn arcane#caitlyn kiramman#ekko arcane#vander arcane
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Hi, I wanna say I really like your posts and enjoy your meta's about jayce.
So I wanna ask a question: How do you interpret jayce's behaviour here?

Personally, I have always believed that since jayce came from a family of blacksmiths, he would at least know how to negotiate or essentially haggle to an extent so do you think that it's on purpose that jayce isn't particularly shown to haggle when it comes to his interactions with zaunites?
Also, aside from that I think silco and Jayce's last scene really goes unnoticed by many epssically when jayce genuinely chooses to be fully transparent and honest with silco admitting that he is scared.
Short answer: My interpretation of this scene is that it is meant to show how privileged and naive Jayce is.
Just to be clear, I adore Jayce, but I will still admit to his flaws as a character. But, I will also point out when "flaws" like privilege can also lead to generous or otherwise laudable behavior, because it's easy to be a saint in paradise.
As for the longer answer, Jayce doesn't haggle for a few reasons:
1 ) Jayce doesn't haggle because he's never known real hardship. He's from a family of blacksmiths, yes, but of a particular flavor. He's actually from a family of factory owners and toolmakers. He's middle class shading to upper middle class either by virtue of being the son of a factory owner or certainly by the time Hextech takes off. What Benzo was charging probably didn't cost that much to him, especially with Kiramman money backing him up. He needed the items more than he needed a bargain to have them. It probably didn't even occur to him to try to get a deal because of how little the items cost to him.
2 ) Jayce doesn't haggle because of cultural differences. To a Zaunite, it's unthinkable not to haggle. To a Piltoverian of a certain class, it's probably unthinkable to haggle.
I've felt this cultural difference as a person from the US while traveling. You would never haggle in the area I'm from (I don't claim to speak for the entire US), because most shops have an established price and that's what you pay. It would be incredibly rude in most instances to haggle. But when I've traveled to other parts of the world, Turkey for example, it's not considered rude at all, but expected. In places like the Istanbul Grand Bazaar, it's expected and there's etiquette governing it, and US customers are regularly fleeced for 10x the actual price if not more.
But you have to understand too, in relation to Jayce and as referenced in point 1, one reason US customers get fleeced in those places is because the amount being demanded as 10x more than the cost of the item is still a negligible amount for them. An item that they could haggle down to 50 cents costing $5 instead isn't really a big deal. Especially if you're on vacation anyway, you can afford to be generous, even if it means getting mocked behind your back as a sucker.
And for some there's an element of generosity to not haggling. Why would I haggle to get a $5 item down to $2, when it's a negligible difference for me, I want the item, and the person I'm haggling with needs the money more? Which leads into:
3 ) Jayce doesn't haggle because he's a good person at heart. Zaunites from Ekko to Silco are aghast at Jayce's lack of haggling, so it's not just a financial thing, it's a cultural thing. But even with the case of Silco, I'd argue one reason Jayce doesn't haggle is because he sees himself in a position of strength. He knows that independence matters more to Zaun than it matters to the Councilors in Piltover, who might whinge about it and the potential profit losses of losing sovereignty over Zaun, but they've been neglecting Zaun for years so boohoo, they can suck it up and get over it.
That to me is Jayce's view. Jayce admits that Zaun is asking for a lot of privileges that probably should be haggled over, like access to the Hexgates and blanket amnesty, but all that would do is drag out the process, possibly lead to more conflict if tensions rise again during the negotiations, and it would still lead to the same conclusion: Zaun deserves to be its own nation after Piltover neglected it. Jayce is a direct thinker and he decides it's better to just rip the bandaid off and let the chips fall where they may, rather than try to nickel and dime Zaun's negotiations when it would cost nothing AND be the morally correct choice for Piltover to just let them go.
One a final note: I think one reason we're seeing Jayce become a more beloved figure in S2 is because we can now see how radical and progressive his negotiated peace with Silco actually was.
When we only had the context of S1, Jayce's negotiation can come across as too little, too late, or even foolish. But when you see at the end of S2 that, as far as we can tell, without the negotiation going into place, Zaun doesn't have independence and only gains one seat on the Council, you can really see why Jayce using his position of authority while he had it to cut through the bullshit and right what he saw as a systemic wrong in one fell swoop might have been naive but it might have also been the radical change that the city desperately needed. Granted, we'lll never know if the Councilors were right and there could have been negative consequences to not negotiating more. Maybe handing an independent Zaun to Silco and the Chem Barons without haggling would have led to further disaster.
But as the show's theme constantly reiterates, "What could have been?" I think we can see better now that Zaun didn't get everything Jayce was willing to give them at the end of S1, and that's a tragedy. If nothing else, Jayce's willingness to not haggle even when he could wasn't just foolishness, it was because his heart was in the right place and he thought they deserved it. It might be a long time before there's another chance at that kind of progress again without the Man of Progress.
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HEY YOU! CMERE! Welcome Notti's "Not So Innocent" Notebook where I write some filth to make your Friday a little bit better <3 || 18+ mdni pls and ty
an: this was all brainstormed with the lovely @emchante & @orangeblossomsintheair,, love u both so much for giving me the confidence to make this a thing!! 💕
Introducing... Divorced Mechanic AU : DR3
Running a garage isn't easy, but when you're Mechanic!Daniel Ricciardo who's just freshly out of a divorce, it's even more tough. He's sexually pent up, frustrated that his wife left him, with the audacity of ostracising him from his kids, and now realising he has no one to fuck.
So when you, a ditzy receptionist, obviously only hired because of your looks and not your brains, you quickly become his next target. Deep down he knows it's wrong, very wrong. You're noticeably younger than he is, let alone anyone in the garage, but there's something about you that just pulls him in.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who's uncaring about his looks. He hasn't got a wife to criticise him or impress anymore, so why should he give a fuck about his appearance? He's grown an unruly mullet, facial hair grown out more than usual whilst becoming slightly salt and peppered, the once baggy overalls hugging his stomach and muscles ever so much more tightly, showing off his large arms and new found softer belly. He's even now turned to smoking as an outlet to cope with the pent up stress the divorce brought him, which you've commented on out of concern, just to be met with a tensed jaw and an angry mutter about how you're "trying to fill the void of his wife".
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who's actually the softest brute you've ever met. Despite his angry demeanor as he works in the garage, he'll always look over you. Large hands coming to rest on your shoulders out of the blue whilst your eyes are fixated on the computer, as he asks how you're doing, offering to help if necessary as he subconsciously kneeds the knots in your shoulder muscles. He's always there to defend you, no, protect you. Especially when you're teary eyed after a customer has shouted at you, calling you a "useless clutz". To the extent that he's grabbed the jerk by the collar of his shirt, twisting it as he tells them to scram with a snarl. The client scampers away, before he turns all his attention to you, large hands cupping your burning cheeks as he mutters his apologies, whilst asking if you're okay. You're speechless, the space between you suffocating as you appreciate his softer features up close for the first time. He really is like a caring bear. <3
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who's sees you waiting in the rain for your bus after work, completely drenched and shivering. He pulls onto the side of the road, car window coming down as he signals for you to get into the car with a caring grunt. You happily comply, as you say your "thank yous" to him for his kindness. He responds with another grunt, the car eerily quiet. That's when you see a tattoo on his arm with the name of a woman on it. You ask who the woman is, and his jaw locks into place, grip on the steering wheel tighter than it was originally. That must be the ex wife. You ask him if he misses her, to which he replies with a grind of his teeth before glancing at you briefly, muttering a "fuck no" underneath his breath. You apologise multiple times, not realising how much of a sore subject it is to him. He responds with a gentle hand resting on your thigh, reassuring that's it's all good. He then goes onto telling you about his kids who he rarely sees because of the divorce, and in that moment you see a softness that you'd never seen in the mechanic before.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who's spoilt by your baking. As a result of his kindness in driving you home, you bake him a sweet treat as a way to say thank you. He grumbles a "you didn't have to" as he examines the cakes in the tupperware, but his eyes are soft and thankful for the gift. It then becomes a normality that you bake him a sweet treat for the end of the week, the tradition becoming known as "Cake Friday" in the workshop. <3
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who snaps at you after suggesting he turns his loud divorced dad rock down during a very stressful day in the workshop. He bellows in your face that it'll "be the best music you've ever heard" whilst working there, leaving you upset and silent as a result. He gets a pang of guilt after this, coming back over to the desk to apologise, offering you the AUX tomorrow as a way to say sorry, reassuring you that your colleagues will have a "talking to" if they criticise what you play all day.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny that pounds into you angrily after you mess up for the millionth time this week, fucking you dumb because that's what he only thinks you're made for, as he grunts insults into your ear gruffly. The soft tummy he's formed as a result of the divorce acting like a cushion against his relentless thrusts whilst he calls you "the pretty little receptionist that makes a good fuck".
Divorced Mechanic!Danny that notices that you're significantly on edge one day. He offers if you want to share a smoke with him. You reluctantly accept, knowing you'd never smoked before. He lights up the cigarette, passing it over to you with a smirk. You take a puff, choking on the burning sensation of the strong tobacco, as you quickly give it back to him with a disgusted wrinkle of your nose. He chuckles, before taking another drag, pressing a hot kiss onto your lips as he passes the smoke into your mouth, with a soft groan. He then promises you he'll teach you how to take your cigarettes better in the future before patting your shoulder and walking off leaving you shunned and breathless, before stubbing out the nub with his boot.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny with a spit kink. He forcefully grabs your jaw with his large hand, forcing you to open your mouth, followed by his lips harshly kissing your's. He spits into your mouth before abruptly pulling away, your cheeks a burning crimson from the abruptness of the assault on your mouth, before he mutters into your ear that "that's all you were good for" to him.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny that has no control over himself around you. On one certain occasion he's more of a brute than usual, his anger overflowing as he assaulted you with might, leaving you bruised and swollen. After that, he doesn't hear a peep out of you all day. Feeling concerned, his angry exterior crumbles, his tone gentler as his soft tummy presses against your front, asking if he'd done something wrong, trying to coax the truth out of you. Little does he know the distance between your bodies is driving you insane, unable to make eye contact with him as you grow increasingly horny.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who lets you feed him cake on his birthday. Straddling his lap, his oil stained white vest rides up his chest slightly, revealing his happy trail and softer tummy. You spoon feed him some cake, allowing the crumbs to collect around his mouth before licking them off the corners of his mouth with a smirk, before pressing a soft kiss on his lips, whispering in his ear "happy birthday" in that sweet, sultry voice you know makes him go crazy. This has the right effect on him, as he's ready to cum right there in his boxers like a teen again.
Divorced Mechanic!Danny who teases your cunt with a wrench as he has you bent over a client's car, calling you all sorts of degrading names, making sure you know your place after making him horny all day because you wore something revealing innocently because the AC wasn't working in the reception area.
Soft sex with Divorced Mechanic!Danny which is beautifully different to your typical type of sex with him. Soft praises mumbled through breathy pants as you both appreciate each other's bodies, hands trailing ever so softly over each other's flesh. In that moment, Danny realises that he can appreciate the soft, intimate parts to sex again, his cracks becoming more clearer. Your hands gliding into his unkempt mullet, appreciating the soft curls as he thrusts his hips up gently, enjoying the slowness of your love making for once.
i feel like i might've forgotten a few things but i'm honestly so overwhelmed with ideas for this AU that i could write for years...
#nottivagos#divorced mechanic!danny#f1#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#f1 scenarios#f1 x reader#daniel ricciardo smut#daniel ricciardo imagine#daniel ricciardo#daniel ricciardo fanfic#danny ric#dr3 x reader#dr3#daniel ricciardo drabble#drabble#daniel ricciardo x reader#daniel ricciardo x you
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: scout, engineer, heavy, medic, sniper, and spy (i forgot demo i'm so sorry)
↳ warnings: bad translations, slight mentions of world war two and malpractice
↳ song: with a little help from my friends—joe cocker
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• He would be so smug about it
• Puffing his chest out and everything
• His friends in the past- and even family members -have teased him for mispronouncing words or speaking too fast, and it’s made him a bit self conscious about the way he talks. But after hearing that you find it endearing, its a giant ego boost for him
• “Yeah dat’s right! Who’s awesome? I’m awesome!” Scout smiles as he flexes his arms in your face, subjecting you to what he likes to call a surprise gun show. You pretend to hate it as you shove his arm away, but chuckle all the same
• He’s already gloated before that he already knew his accent was the best. Boston is the greatest place in the world after all! But hearing it from you really just sent him over the moon
• Makes a point to talk to you a lot more now; as if he didn’t already
• “Yo! Hey did you see that kill out there? I totally messed dat Spy up! One wrong step and pow! He’s dead meat!”
• “I saw Scout. I was covering your flank while you did it, remember?”
• “Yeah yeah, but I just thought you’d like ta hear about it again.”
• Didn’t consider himself to have an accent until you pointed him out
• Sure, he says the occasional y’all and ain’t, but not enough to qualify as a whole different way of speaking
• It wasn’t until he dropped a hammer on his foot and cursed that he understood what you’d meant
• “What in the sam hill! Sweet hell!” He’d exclaimed, startled. Once the throbbing in his leg had subsided, Engineer replayed his words in his head, making a slight o with his mouth as he realized you were probably right. To some extent at least
• He was a born and raised Texas boy, so it makes sense that the culture rubbed off
• Doesn’t understand at first that you find it nice. Maybe he thought you pointed it out just because you could? He’s a bit distracted when it comes to anything but machinery, so he misses context sometimes
• Surprised that someone like you who can speak English fluently finds his mannerisms attractive
• Gets frustrated sometimes when he can’t remember certain words in English. Heavy is a very smart man, so it aggravates him when he looks illiterate in front of his team
• That’s why hearing that you like his mother tongue caught him by surprise
• “But you don’t know any Russian?” He’d rumbled out as a question. When you shook your head no, still sporting a smile, his eyebrows furrowed further
• “Nah. But I like hearing it when it comes from you. It sounds more natural. Like you’re more comfortable than normal, you know?”
• You’re technically right. When Heavy slips into Russian, often whilst talking to Sasha or simply forgetting that not everyone on the team know how to speak it, he is more comfortable in his words. They flow better, and he’s flattered that you’ve noticed
• One hundred percent offers to teach you Russian in his spare time. He finds it slightly adorable how you stumble over words in your broken translations, but always manages to softly correct you
• He’s a really good teacher
• Positively thrilled that you like his voice
• When you tell him for the first time, he goes into shock for a moment before breaking out into the biggest smile you’ve seen. Somehow its a perfect balance between excited and malicious
• “Do you hear zhat Archemedies? Mein freund here enjoys my accent!” He cooes at his bird, chuckling in a way that would make anyone’s insides squirm
• Once you look past Medic’s initially devious reaction, it’s very clear he enjoys knowing this
• If anything, the ex-doctor would have thought that you’d enjoy the more stereotypically romantic sounding languages. Spanish, Latin, etc
• German has always been considered harsh or scary sounding, and it turned a lot of people away from hiring him after the events of World War Two, which he understood. Still, Medic finds himself absolutely tickled that you are drawn to his accent
• Finds himself slipping more and more into German while doing checkups on you now. When he catches himself, he translates most of what’s he’s said back to you. But sometimes he’ll simply forget, and it leaves you wondering if he’s offered you a glass of water or the opportunity to swap your bladder out
• You sincerely hoped it was the former
• Oh my god you killed him
• Sniper is very reserved. Living in his camper, hunting his own game for dinner instead of joining the others, literally pissing in jars, etc etc
• Being a man of few words comes part and parcel with that; which normally works out just find because Scout talks enough for ten people
• Hasn’t said much to you before. He mostly communicates in head nods or slight tilts of his coffee mug in your direction. Maybe a few ‘good mornin’s’ tossed around, but nothing more than that
• “You know, you should talk more.” You’d said to him one day while pouring a fresh pot of tea you had just boiled into your own mug. He preferred black coffee himself, but whatever floats your boat
• “You voice.” You elaborated after a sip. You must have noticed his confused look as you carried on. “It’s nice. Can’t imagine that you don’t have gals throwing themselves at you all the time because of it.”
• Suddenly very grateful he wasn’t drinking any of his brew at the time, because what you said surely would have made him choked
• He, in fact, had had a few ladies approach him in town before saying something along the same lines. Even a few fellas. But nothing made him blanch this strongly like you had
• Excuses himself as he walks out of the room suddenly, tilting his hat down to cover his face no one can see the furious red tint forming
• Sniper leaves you in the communal kitchen. Holding a steaming cup of liquid and looking very confused
• Already knew before you told him
• To anyone else, it would have been passible as just curiosity. But Spy’s job is to know things, and it is an undeniable fact that you found his voice attractive
• Doesn’t utilize this weapon often. You are not a weak willed person swayed by just a few words, so when he needs something he pulls out all the stops
• Of course, that doesn’t stop him from being impressed when you eventually admit your little not-so-secret-secret to him. And of your own free will. He didn’t have to pry it out of you, which was a feat on its own
• Much like Heavy, he extends the offer of teaching you how to learn his language. Now that he no longer has this knowledge as a bargaining chip, he might as well seize the opportunity to teach you a proper language
• Considers using electroshock therapy to condition you faster, but nixes it pretty quick
• Again, like Heavy, he finds it cute how horrible you are at French. More amused than anything, but he can appreciate the way you practice verbs in your free time even when he isn’t leaning over your shoulder
• That you know of, that is
• Praises you often in french, letting excited phrases slip when you nail a particularly hard set of words
• “Merveilleux ! Tu t’améliores beaucoup, ma petite. Encore une fois.”
• While you don’t understand the full extent to his words, you smile and continue on, eventually realizing what he had said later in a fit of embarrassment
#tf2#tf2 x reader#tf2 x you#tf2 x y/n#scout x reader#scout x you#scout x y/n#engineer#engineer x reader#engineer x you#engineer x y/n#heavy#heavy x reader#heavy x you#heavy x y/n#medic#medic x you#medic x y/n#medic x reader#sniper#sniper x reader#sniper x y/n#sniper x you#spy#spy x reader#spy x you#spy x y/n#x reader#headcanons
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summary: here’s some denki headcanons if he was your boyfie bcs i rlly love this boy sm and he don’t get enough love for my liking :[
warnings: college!au, suggestive, crack, feminine terms for reader used, black!reader ofc and always
✧ you’ve earned yourself a himbo gamer bf congrats
✧ denki is so loud about how much he loves you and he makes it very known that you’re his
✧ while it annoys people like bakugou when he constantly goes on tangents about you, it’s honestly such a green flag
✧ by nature, denki’s a very flirty person so you assumed you’d have to work that out with him a lot
✧ not only that but as denki got older, ladies (and boys) definitely started flirting with him first
✧ it definitely irked you when yall were js talking/in a “situationship”
✧ sometimes you genuinely wanted to rip the hair out of not only your scalp and his
✧ it was only because you wanted him so bad
✧ surprisingly tho, if you bring it up to him he stops immediately
✧ and when you do start dating he pretty much tunes out anyone who even tries to make a move on him
✧ he definitely owns one of those “i love my girlfriend” shirts and will genuinely style it
✧ overall, denki’s one of the most reassuring partners you could ask for after y’all make it official
“i promise i’m literally obsessed with you.”
“you’re the only one i see, princess”
✧ if yall see the way he talks in the show, he definitely is in tune with his feminine side
✧ and in the best way possible, the only reason he might have a lot of friends who are girls is because girls feel so comfortable around him
✧ and i’m a huge believer in the ‘denki with an older sister’ headcanon so that’s definitely where he gets it from
✧ he always helps you with outfits and he even knows how to do makeup to an extent
✧ the first time you were running late but still had to do your makeup so he just came over and did a perfect winged eyeliner, you were just like ‘…..someone cooked here.’
“kaminari….what the fuck.”
✧ he always calls you “girl” when you say something weird or dumb and it really just slips off his tongue
✧ denki also loves gossiping. he’s so messy
✧ if he peeps something, you’re the first person he texts and y’all definitely make fun of people together
✧ when he’s gaming you’d think he’s one of those dudes who just completely ignores their girl
✧ which sometimes is a habit when you’re on the phone
✧ but usually, he’s able to have a full conversation with you and play the game with bakusquad on a seperate instagram or discord call (yes, he has this talent because of his adhd)
✧ besides he makes up for it when you get to take facetime photos of him with his camera set up, his bedroom lights off, the lights from his computer monitor/tv and his led lights highlighting his features so beautifully
✧ if you ever need his attention, he’ll get off in an instant with the excuse ‘i wanna go hang out with my girl’
✧ and he also loves gaming with you. it’s 50/50 though, sometimes he’ll let you win and sometimes he’ll absolutely obliterate you then laugh in your face
✧ it’s ok though because you get kisses after :)
✧ in person, kaminari’s always is touching you in some type of way
✧ whether it’s you sitting between his legs on the floor, his hand on your thigh while you sit next to him, occasionally hugging your waist if you stand up next to him
✧ his favorite though is definitely having you sit in his lap
✧ he’ll play with the hem of your pants or your shirt, wrap his arms around your waist while holding the controller, or let you bury your face in his neck and fall asleep
✧ speaking of, he loves when you fall asleep on him
✧ even around other people, he always likes pulling you on his lap or having your head rested on his shoulder
✧ both of y’all’s friends definitely take pictures whenever this happens but he honestly loves it and doesn’t care when bakusquad sends it into their groupchat
✧ he’s just like yeah, that’s my cute lil girlfriend what abt it?
✧ he really does think you’re so adorable and he loves babying you
✧ yk how the one episode where he said nejire was cute because she was kinda stupid (😭) ? yeah, he loves when you have little dumb moments because he likes to make fun of you and tell you how adorable you are
“awww, you’re so adorable baby!”
✧ besides, it does make him feel better for him to not always feel like the “dumb” one in the relationship, it makes yall more balanced out even if you are smarter than him
✧ he also really likes flustering you. he’ll grab your belt loop, let his hands go a bit too low when you hug him, randomly pull you onto his lap, give you kisses all over your face, and purposefully stare into your eyes while you talk
✧ though, he does equally enjoy being babied. he loves when you play with his hair, laying his head in your lap, and being little spoon when y’all cuddle
✧ which is often the case unless you’re laying your head on his chest, his only other favorite cuddling position other than you being big spoon
✧ he loves playing guitar for you and if you can sing, he’ll play a song to have you sing the lyrics along with him
✧ denki is just a music lover in general, it’s often what’s in the background if y’all are making out or just chilling together
✧ if you like dying your hair, he will practically beg to help you do it because he thinks it’s a great bonding experience
✧ he’ll even dye a strip of his hair to match yours
✧ based on the ova where the big three were playing as villains and class 1-a were the heroes, i like to think denki was one of the first out of his friends to learn how to drive
✧ so he definitely was eager to make you his passenger princess. he loves taking you out to eat, driving you home, picking you up from places, and taking you shopping
✧ even if he barely has the money, he’ll spoil the hell out of you and (sometimes you gotta remind him to be responsible with his money 😭)
✧ his lock screen is definitely a picture of you in his passenger seat or you holding his hand while he’s driving
✧ he loves showing you off and he puts all your instagram posts on his story within seconds, and he will spam your comments
✧ he’ll also convince you to do tiktoks with him
✧ his favorite dates are at arcades, he just loves having fun with you and watching you get competitive with all the games
✧ he also loves when there’s a photobooth and will practically drag you to take cute pictures with him, which he’ll later put in his room on full display
✧ in general he takes tons of pictures of you and you take up a lot of his storage, his phone is really on its last leg.
✧ this also means he as the worst bangers of you imaginable. his birthday story posts are lethal.
✧ overall dating him is like having a built in best friend, except yall kiss a lot
✧ 10/10 boyfie
@ rumisgf
#denki headcanons#denki kaminari x reader#denki kaminari#kaminari headcanons#mha#denki x black reader#my hero academia#mha spoilers#mha season 7#bnha 421#denks !!
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I know we don't know the exact extent of Kendra's abuse but i think you've implied that when she shows Donnie physical affection it isn't always innocent, like gently holding his face, that it goes a bit deeper and darker than that. And if April is the one Donnie latches onto in the aftermath would there ever be a moment where Donnie misinterprets a touch from April and she finds out that Kendra's abuse had an extra layer of fucked up? How would she respond to finding that out? Or would none of them ever find out the severity of Kendra's abuse

@finnbin yes! I see Donnie starts with having nose bleeds (those are always fun!), slurred speech, blurry vision, and once it gets to the worst, seizures. These are caused by a mix of his long time spent staring at the screen Kendra forced over his eyes, and pushing his ninpo past it limits. He keeps trying to draw power when that link to his family has been severed. And he even keeps it up once his family rescues him. The first time Donnie has a seizure is with his family and it scares the absolute shit out of them.

⚠️ Nothing super explicit, but I do discuss Kendra committing some pretty heavy ableism and icky non-con touching below. Click at your own risk to see!

Kendra does force Donnie to work and talk through his meltdowns, and even pushes him into being physical with her when he doesn’t want to. He’s conflicted, because the praise makes him happy, even the short touches are fine, but then the kissing starts—Kendra saying she’s just curious. Donnie doesn’t really care for it, but Kendra likes it enough to keep pushing that line. Donnie keeps his discomfort to himself.
When Donnie does get rescued, and April tells him he doesn’t have to keep making her things. Donnie’s heart stops. Because if not stuff, then does April want the same thing Kendra wanted? Should he just wait it out? But one day, there’s a moment where April can’t hide her exhaustion and frustration with everything. She starts to tear up, and Donnie just reacts and moves. April freezes, and asks Donnie why he would do something like that? Donnie is practically shaking apart. April starts crying even harder, and the brothers run in. Donnie tries to quickly stammer out an explanation. It clicks for the two eldest, Leo tells Mikey to get out butt it’s too late. The whole family knows.
#rottmnt#rise of the tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt fanart#rise donnie#rise kendra#kendratello au#tw abelism#tw noncon#tw non-consensual touching#cw suggestive#tw abuse#tw brainwashing#my art#ask slushie#kendratello au ask
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Steven Universe as a character is someone who has been mischaracterized and flanderized over the years, to the point people who aren't into the fandom or haven't watched the show believe that mischaracterization to be a fact rather that a product that comes from memes and jokes
The truth is that Steven often fights in the series when it is needed, usually by fusing with someone else like Connie or Amethyst since he is still developing his powers in the original series. He doesn't cry when he has to fight back or defend himself, with exception if the person attacking is someone he considers a friend. Because, yes, for a 14-15 old teenager it isn't fun having to do something like that and it can be traumatic.
He also doesn't start to cry the moment someone refuses to change their mind or is being mean. He often isn't afraid to be sarcastic or call that person out. He didn't cry when Aquamarine mocked him in ¨Stuck Together¨ nor when Jasper didn't apologize for poofing Amethyst in ¨Crack the Whip¨
However, what we see is sometimes him blaming himself for not being able to help people that, more often than not, have been hurt by Rose Quartz, his mother, in some way. After Season 3, Steven fears a lot that he is going to become like Rose and he is going to hurt people the way like she did.
In general Steven deals with an Atlas complex in the show. He feels like he has to fix his mother mistakes and deal with ¨what she left behind¨ even when Rose wanted for him to be his own person as seen in the tape she left for him as it was revealed in the episode ¨Lion 4: The Alternate Ending¨.
Steven also defines his identity a lot for being to help other people and fix their problems. He believes that he has to be ¨useful¨ for others. So when he believes that he failed to help someone, that may lead him to think that he isn't living up to his ¨purpose¨ or that he is a failure as a person.
In reality, he isn't that much different from other hero protagonists from other animated shows. Those who are kind and emphatic and willing to listen to other people and give them a second chance if the person changes their ways. You probably like an animated show that has a protagonist like this. (Who was probably taken inspiration from Steven if the series came out after SU).
The main difference, i think, is that Steven goes a bit more than those protagonists do when it comes to listening to other people, understand their motivations and give them another chance if they regret their actions. A lot has to do with how he is aware that his enemies (usually gems) act the way the do because of the system they were born into rather ¨they are evil just because¨. He gets that their motivations come from the system that hurt them or lead them to believe that their actions are justified.
Another common mischaracterization is that Steven becomes super buddies with every person he helps...when this isn't always the case. There are some occasions that Steven shows discomfort around people who he has given a second chance. Just because he gives them a second chance doesn't mean that he immediately considers them close friends, maybe allies at best.
A good example of this is the gif above of Steven's interactions with White Diamond in ¨Homeworld Bound¨. White Diamond touches Steven very close to where his gem is- which makes Steven distressed since in his battle again White, she ripped his gem out to prove that Pink was still ¨alive¨. In most of the episode Steven shows to be very uncomfortable around the Diamonds and Spinel, to some extent. They bring him bad memories, which is the main reason he has been doing everything to avoid going to them to ask for their help until this point in Steven Universe Future. He even almost accidentally hurts White's gem by smashing her head against a pillar when she lets him control her to talk to himself. This being result of a intrusive ¨vengeful¨ thought.
I wouldn't say that Steven hates the Diamonds,but- he doesn't want to be their friend neither and wants to avoid in general because he feels nervous and bad around them. It's something like ¨I'm glad that you are changing but i don't want to be associated with you. Please, i would appreciate if you kept your distance from me.¨ dynamic.
On last point, Steven is someone who usually pushes his feelings down in certain situations and buries them down, which has led him to have strong emotional outbursts in bad moments. He usually prefers to ignore his own problems and take priority on others. Again, this comes a lot from his desire to be useful and be needed, making him trying to ignore how he feels about certain people and pretend that he is doing fine.
This explains why we don't see him lash out that much to others in the original series, and, why he feels so frustrated and angry in Future, since all that anger and negative feelings can't no longer be ignored as they used to and they are having a negative impact in Steven's mental health. This, of course, isn't meant to be seen is a healthy coping mechanism. It is in fact potrayed as something pretty self-destructive for Steven, as a huge flaw of his, that over time he comes to learn that it isn't the best way for him to deal with his problems.
These are some of the most common misconceptions i have seen about Steven's character online. I could go in more depth with some of them but i think the points should be clear enough. This could be considered a general analysis of how Steven is as a character and how he operates, leaving aside more specific things that can be covered in other posts.
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