#some may not even have pics to accompany them and be pure text!
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[SDL] To Be Needed
We see Jack at Kasutoru's, sitting down on the floor next to a table, calmly sipping some tea. He hears a knock at the entrance.
Kuraima: "M-mister Jack? A-are you in here?"
Jack: "…?"
Jack: "Kuraima…? What brings you to-"
Kuraima is stares up at him sheepishly and reveals his arm covered in bloody bandages.
Jack: "...Ah…."
Inside, Jack inspects and unravels the bandages on Kuraima's arm.
Jack: "Did you… dress these yourself…? It's surprisingly… well done…."
Kuraima: "Yes! Thank you! I didn't want to bother anyone, and since this job comes with a lot injuries, I've learned how to take care of- Augh!!"
Kuraima winces as Jack applies the medicine on his arm.
Jack: "Sorry…I should have said something…" Kuraima: "It's okay… It j-just surprised me."
Jack grimaces as he looks at the wound.
Jack: "This… looks pretty bad… Does Clarice… know you're here…?" Kuraima: "No… I didn't want to worry her."
He pauses.
Kuraima: "P-Please don't tell her I came here?" Jack: "Kuraima…. You know I will…"
Kuraima frowns as Jack stands up to walk over to his medicine cabinet.
Jack: "You shouldn't move too much… for the next 2-3 weeks. No strenuous activities…. No fighting."
Kuraima: "!"
Jack: "I want you to rest… and focus on recovering. I know… you're a light sleeper… So I'll give you something… to aid that."
Kuraima: "But... what if Clarice needs me? If she's going someplace dangerous, I have to be there to protect her!"
Jack: "Then Clarice will just have to wait… on going anyplace dangerous… now won't she?"
Kuraima fidgets nervously. Kuraima: "She shouldn't have to wait because of me…"
Jack turns to face him.
Jack: "Kuraima… This is exactly why… I tell her about your injuries." "She's a smart girl… But she's not a mind-reader. It doesn't matter… how good you are at strategizing….. if you don't know… everything you need... to plan correctly…."
Kuraima looks away.
Kuraima: "I just don't think she should have to limit herself for my sake. My job is to keep her safe. What use am I to her if I can't even do that?"
Jack huffs. Jack: ("It's so difficult to get through to this boy…")
Jack: "...Alright, then. Say we don't tell her... and you ended up needing to fight for your lives."
Jack taps Kuraima's infected arm.
"I can tell you with certainty… that if you tried to take care of this by yourself... and left it alone for another week… you would've lost your arm."
Kuraima: "…!!"
Jack: "Had you gone to battle... your wounds not fully healed..." "Under those circumstances… What do you think could happen…?"
Kuraima: "……"
Jack: "All I'm saying is… if it isn't dire… wouldn't you agree that it'd be smarter… to wait until you've recovered?"
Kuraima stays silent.
Jack: "She needs you, Kuraima… And being needed… means sometimes… you must let others to take care of you… so that you can properly take care of them." Jack: "Do you understand?"
Kuraima: "….." Kuraima: "I just…" Kuraima: "I just want to be useful to her…"
Jack: "I know." Jack: "Just remember… Even if she doesn't show it well… she cares about you. You'll always be worth something to her… if not as a bodyguard… then as a dear friend."
Kuraima looks up, slightly abashed.
#dynart#castle of nations#sdl#kuraima#sdl jack#climber#clarice#sdl clarice#a sample of what the text/concept posts will look like moving forward#some may not even have pics to accompany them and be pure text!#the writing in my scripts usually aren't formatted as cleanly as this#but I like trying to make things look more presentable if I'll be posting it haha#all#blog
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Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E1
Previous season Prologue: Vlogs (1) - Vlogs (2)
Zaterdag 21:43
The time lapse already showing us a string of places that will be important later, like the dark alley, the Meir with Noor’s workplace, the university neighborhood, the Scheldt river where the boys hang out, ...
Perfect parallel:
The second season starts Zoë’s POV with a (washing machine) door, whilst the third opens with a door to a party that Robbe attends.
Robbe glances back at Noor passing through the shot this episode, an action he repeats when he spots Sander in the second episode. - A very subtle hint to where his love life may lead.
The first one starts with two unknown LGBT+ girls kissing at a party, the last episode shows two known LGBT+ boys (Sobbe) kissing at their own party.
The aerial shot through the floor to introduce us to Robbe’s POV here and the aerial shot through the roof to say goodbye to him in the last episode.
Moyo saying “No one would do you” to Aaron in this episode, Aaron realizing “No one here wants to do me!” in the last.
Where’s Wally? Noor greeting Marie, accompanied by Jana and Britt. Max dancing with Keisha in the crowd.
How ‘meta’ of you: Newsflash, yes you are!
Nod to the OG:
The deliberate messy POV: following everyone that we know already and then slowly settling on the Isak version in a tub.
Robbe saying Noor looks like ‘Natalie Portman’, which is what people said to the OG Emma when they flirted with her. Everyone, except Isak, that is.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Moyo keeps pressuring Robbe into explaining what type of girl he likes. The boys laugh it off when he answers that ‘he doesn’t have a type’.
Lost in translation: Moyo mocks Noor’s Dutch accent, making his ‘g’ and ‘st’ sound harsher, while also adding ‘hoor’ at the end - a typical word used by the Dutch to emphasize a point.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is playing with the weed bag. Keisha is one of the girls that Moyo mentions as Jens’ ex-girlfriend or ex-fling. Not only did Noor nót flush the toilet, but she didn’t used any toilet paper either!
Zaterdag 22:44
C is for culture:
Noor rescuing Robbe on her scooter - In Belgium, you’re allowed to drive a moped or scooter once you’ve reached the age of 16. Nothing is needed if the vehicle doesn’t go above 25 km/h. If it stays between the range of 25-45 km/h and max. 50 cc, you need to pass a theoretical exam, 4 hours of driver’s ed and a practical exam to get the license. Anything other than that, has a whole new set of restrictions, types of driver’s licenses and minimum ages. Noor and Robbe are, however, still breaking the law. As long as you’re not 18, you’re not allowed to have an extra passenger with you. Especially if they’re not wearing a helmet. (Plus they ignored a red light. Those rebels!)
“You do know that you always have to have it with you?” - The Belgian law states that everyone above age twelve, has to get an ID to identify themselves. Some might have had a Kids-ID already - for travel purposes - but that’s not mandatory. However, once you're fifteen years old, you’re obligated to carry your ID with you at all times.
Perfect parallel:
Luca being all jealous whilst staring at Noor and Robbe making out in S3, her glaring at Maud and Robbe every chance she got in the last season.
Robbe and Noor having fun on the scooter while screaming and Robbe filming their adventure in this episode. Robbe and Sander doing a similar thing, but on their bikes in a later episode.
Wink to other remakes: Robbe sporting a brown jacket. (Eliott, anyone?)
Surprise bitch, guess who: It’s Willem Chanterie, the on-set costume designer and social media production assistant!
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has a ‘Fuck Trump’ sticker on her helmet. Robbe says “Hey, it’s red” in a very clear Antwerp accent.
Zaterdag 23:11
Hello from the outside: The garbage truck they sprayed, still drove around the city regularly. The art piece itself is named ‘#Genoeg mama' (= ‘#Enough mommy’). It blames the consumer society as toxic, making young people its victim.
Oopsie: Inside the graffiti den, Noor suddenly sports a tote bag with supplies, even though we never saw her wearing that in the previous shots.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has black combat boots. The photographer is obviously Sander, in case you have missed that subtle clue.
Zondag 13:41
Lost in translation/Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity:
“Check die pekie’s”. The word ‘pekie’ is actually Amsterdam slang for ‘beautiful girl, girlfriend’. In recent years, more and more Dutch slang are making their way into the Flemish dialect, because of the Dutch rap songs gaining popularity with the youngsters.
“Vamos, flikkers”. The word ‘flikkers’ can mean ‘wussie’ as well as a derogatory term for ‘homosexual’. Again establishing the fact that the boys use a lot of homophobic or toxic words for each other.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +1, him tossing the bag behind Jens instead of into his hands.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: There is a football right next to the skateboards.
Maandag 16:04
C is for culture: “The whole art school was talking about it” -
Secondary school is divided in four sections: general, technical, art and vocational. Which section you choose can have effect on further education. In one of these sections, you pick what you want to study from your first to last year (‘directions’). That means that you have some courses purely focused on the direction and others that are obligated for everyone, regardless.
Art high schoolers can choose to go to work or study a specialization afterwards. Their coursework isn’t solely art based, there are general required courses too. That’s why some foreigners - including the Dutch - come to Belgium, since they’ll get a more rounded and higher level of art education than in their countries. ‘de!KUNSTHUMANIORA’ is the high school in Antwerp Noor goes to and is known for having students with unique styles.
Perfect parallel:
Noor waiting outside the school for Robbe and him reacting somewhat confused here, Sander doing the same and having an instantly happy Robbe in a later episode.
Robbe having no problem kissing a girl ‘as a straight guy’ in front of the gates in this episode and scared for what might happen if he kissed a boy ‘as a gay guy’ later on.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The insta caption underneath the art work says ‘An inspirational message on a Sunday! Just discovered this in Antwerp city today. Artist unknown... Can you remember when you last called on your mother?’ (That last sentence, oooofff, the symbolism!)
Dinsdag 14:57
C is for culture:
“Yes, mini enterprises are so chill.” - Mini enterprises are often used as a tool for Economics in the fifth/sixth year. The goal of these is to ‘learn whilst doing it’. Like the name specifies, mini enterprises are actual miniature companies set up by a group of students. During the school year, they’ll try to work together on commercializing a product. All aspects of entrepreneurship are at play here: writing a business plan, holding meetings, doing bookkeeping, marketing the product, produce and sell it, ... If the enterprise idea is good or well executed, it might even win a national prize by the company making this education formula.
“What if he contacts child protection services” - Actually, those services doesn’t really exist in Belgium. There are, however, other youth organizations for these types of things, like JAC - Youth Advice Centre, CLB - Centre for Student Guidance and the Centre for Mental Healthcare.
Perfect parallel: The boys hyping Aaron up to walk over to Amber and talk to her - yet he fails in this episode, them doing the same and he succeeds (after some fails) in the last episode.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Jens saying “Damn, seems like someone is on his fucking period”, after Robbe snaps at him due to the difficult telephone call with his dad.
Lost in translation: Jens saying “Mijn kop staat er niet naar” (= “My head’s not standing there”) can actually mean different things: I’m not in the mood, it’s not the right time, I don't want to do it, my head’s all over the place, ... It depends on the context, on which interpretation would suit the situation the best.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls are all fawning all over Britt’s cellphone, so there is a good chance that they’re discussing (pictures of) her boyfriend, Sander. Also, Jana’s braces are gone!
Donderdag 17:13
Perfect parallel: Robbe stating that he can’t talk to his dad or he’ll fight and Zoë getting that, as she said a similar thing to an understanding Senne about her parents in S2.
How ‘meta’ of you: Ah, yes, fandom ship names in SKAM. We applaud!
Oopsie: If you look really hard, you see that the body type and hair of Robbe’s dad, doesn’t correspond with the version waiting at the restaurant later on.
Wink to other remakes: This shot reminding you of a certain S3 trailer? 👀
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The numerous references to Zoënne’s relationship in their room (relationship pics, Senne’s guitar). The paper Milan gifts to Robbe is the written permission by his parent to live with them, as is obligated by law.
Vrijdag 20:04
Perfect parallel:
Senne pulling Zoë up after a kiss here, just like with their first kiss in S2.
Robbe pushing Milan away after thinking he wanted to kiss him at the party in S2, them hugging it out in after talking about it in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë and Milan making some healthy party snacks like cauliflower and cocktail sauce, cheese with tomatoes and salami squares. She pulls back the bottle of gin that Milan wants to steal. Senne also bought paprika and tortilla chips from Colruyt (a discount store).
Vrijdag 20:54
C is for culture: “Noor, Robbe’s girlfriend” - (Teen) dating culture is different in Belgium. Usually, if you have kissed, hung out, texted or just said/did something to show your mutual interest, you’d pretty much consider yourself in a relationship. It can go from 0 to 100 very quick. Unless there is, of course, an agreement that what you’re doing is no such thing. Also, nobody really ask you to be their gf/bf. It just implied or stated to their family or friends.
Perfect parallel:
A reluctant Robbe pushing himself to do stuff to Noor (playful dancing, kissing, riling her up) as far as putting his hands on her bra here. A totally different, excited Robbe not even thinking twice about doing these things to Sander, even licking his nipple during their reunion.
Noor pushing Robbe on the bed and climbing over him, whilst Robbe looks all sad in this episode. Him pushing Sander on the bed and being happy as Sander crawls over him during their reunion.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe tries to convince himself into liking heterosexual sex with Noor and fake laughs with his friends about having it.
Where’s Wally? Keisha laughing with Amber and later dancing with Marie.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is talking to Senne. The decorations behind Milan saying ‘Welkom Robbe’ (= ‘Welcome Robbe’). Noor has a beautiful tattoo of a pin-up girl covered with butterflies on her lower arm.
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Unread Messages

15. Things you said with too many miles between us (online friend!namjoon + idol!you)
Summary | In which Namjoon has beaten stress, pressure, and also time differences with you by his side but he has yet to beat to know that whom he's talking to through the screen of his phone is the same person he fawns on TV screens along with millions of other people.
Genre | Fluff + Super slight angst
Wordcount | 3, 193
Sequel : Missed Calls
Light suddenly illuminates the pitch black room and it shines against every curve and ridge of Namjoon's face, pricking his eyes to open as he blindly reaches for his glasses.
Once finding his bedroom clear through the lenses, he grabs his phone which alerted him of a new notification.
1 New Message!
SunnyY/N 1:32 AM
Hi! I just finished watching Predestination and holy shit how dare you rec me something so mindfucking??!!
Namjoon types lethargically with a smile hanging on his lips.
MonJoon 1:33 AM
Glad you found the movie compelling though it's 1:33 AM here in the fucking morning, I've got AP exams later, and you woke me up just to say that?
SunnyY/N 1:33 AM
I'm sorry oh my gosh I thought you were awake! God, I didn't think of the time difference! Okay okay, go to sleep now.
MonJoon 1:33 AM
It's alright, I’m having trouble sleeping lately anyway. Where are you currently?
SunnyY/N 1:33 AM
I'm in Italy now though I haven't find anytime yet to travel around :((( Anyhow, go to sleep now! You need that sleep to defeat those tests later!
Namjoon raises his brow. It must be nice to travel around different parts of the world because of your parent's work. The constant jetlags may be troublesome but he'd rather have that than take on a pile of homeworks and exams he doesn't even need for his major.
MonJoon 1:34 AM
Okay, stay safe there. Good nytie night!
SunnyY/N 1:35 AM
Nyt Nyt!!! :DDD
Around six o'clock, Namjoon wakes up to the blaring noise of his alarm clock and another notification.
SunnyY/N 6:01 AM
I hope you have a nice day and good luck on your exams! Fighting!!!! 🙆🙆🙆 ( P.S. : I computed the time difference, credits to Mr. Google and I figured you'll be awake now :)))) )
A grin spreads on Namjoon's face as he ruffles his bed hair and heads to his bathroom. He's got enough of good luck now to tackle on anything that will get on his nerves.
The day passes and so do his three exams with Namjoon fortunately being still alive. He feels he should ask you to wish him luck everyday because God knows how his luck hasn't worn off yet today. And just like every hard work he gets done, he thinks his reward just came with a "ding!" and a Twitter update.
Y/N Official™ 7:20 PM
Y/N models new collection of Flyday "Missantrophies"!
Namjoon has never tapped so fast in his life only to see pure beauty before him. Y/N wore frilly dresses painted with classical paintings his art major friend, Jeongguk, studies that made her look like an artwork instead while she daintily posed around some museum in Rome he knows he'll never have a chance to go to anytime soon. The pictures were breathtaking but what made his heart almost combust was the behind the scene shoots with her barely there make-up and a bright grin on her tired form as she hugs a huge teddy bear by her side.
Too cute, too cute, too cute, gosh Namjoon wants to know how to become that teddybear now.
Namjoon taps on the Send Me icon and immediately taps the image with your username.
MonJoon 7:20 PM
- see 10 photos
SunnyY/N 7:21 AM
Yes hoe, but look at this babe
-see 1 photo
Namjoon opens the pic to see Y/N lazily looking at her self-camera with tired eyes and bare face that looks like the meme "I don't fucking care anymore". He laughs with his heart squeezing with affection. He's always a sucker for pictures of Y/N looking like everyday college students. But wait -
MonJoon 7:22 PM
She looks so cute!!!! Btw how did you get this pic???? I haven't seen it on her social media accounts yet. Tell me how??????
SunnyY/N 7:22 PM
I have my ways 😏😏😏 Let's just say I'm really resourceful :DDD
MonJoon 7:23 PM
"You're chatting with your online girlfriend again?"
Namjoon raises his head to be met with his roommate (and friend, though he wants to regret such title sometimes) Seokjin's teasing smirk accompanied by a click of the door. He just came home and the first thing he does is suggest that out-of-nowhere-conclusion he kept bringing up. "Uhh yes, online girl-space-friend, not girlfriend," he corrects before he lets his fingers fly across the screen of his phone.
MonJoon 7:30 PM
How are things going around you by the way? Just finished this hellday and I wanna say I think I passed them but I think I'm gonna jinx myself so I'd rather not.
SunnyY/N 7:31 PM
You're not gonna jinx yourself! Just think positive! I know you're smart 😎😎😎 so of course you're gonna pass!!! I'm okay though I'm deadly tired. Been through another flight and now I'm in Sweden.
MonJoon 7:32 PM
So soon?! You're in Italy just like a few hours ago and you haven't traveled around yet!!!! You're missing opportunities, hoe!!
Namjoon thinks you're hella insane going from one country to another without even staying for a while to travel.
SunnyY/N 7:32 PM
I'm really sad too 😥😥😥 but can't blame my parents for deciding to go from one country to another. Oh I got drunk earlier and fortunately I didn't accidentally open another account in some social media platform. I've already got too many shits, don't need to let the whole world know I'm such an embarrassing person ahahahha
Namjoon chuckles and he could hear Seokjin yell "There you go again laughing like a lovesick fool. Stop denying she's so your online girlfriend!" over the kitchen but he didn't mind that at all when he remembers the first time he knew you was through the same odd antic you do when you're drunk.
It was two years ago around some November midnight when Aym a BaBe suddenly messaged him on Send Me with "I'm really sad, can i take up this space for a while?"
Namjoon was used to receiving shady or nonsense flirty messages from questionable usernames, not to say he automatically deletes messages from people he have never heard of at all. But that night was an exception since it was also the first time he saw someone's pain without even looking at their face.
Just like what you said, you then filled up the convo space with "I'm just really sad right now" and "I can't even let out my true feelings at all to the people around me," and lastly how you admired his courage for posting the only post that got over 100 notes in his entire Tumblr life defending female solo artist Y/N.
Y/N, the apple of Namjoon's eyes and his wife-to-be in his own dreamlamd started from scratch and slowly built her career in the music industry with her navy blue guitar and songs about broken glasses and misplaced loves. Namjoon thinks she could have already taken over the world with her now inactive small Youtube account Y/N sings with her original songs about sex, love, and drugs - things usually sung by men artists and topics that were avoided by females in fear of being silenced and judged by a misogynist world.
Though her fame only started with break up songs as she delved into TV and radio shows that prevented her from trying bold moves such as her compositions in her Youtube career, Y/N still writes and sings her heart out and Namjoon cheered for her continuous success.
Around one year later, her upbeat breakup single Go F*ck Yourself gained worldwide popularity that made her voice be known on all ears. That's why yesterday, when news broke out about Y/N's new album No More You was about the trifecta that killed every other female artists' career in such a traditional industry, all hell broke lose over the net.
A couple of "You're promoting bad things with your song," "You're trying too hard," and unnecessarily mean "You're so ugly, try getting a plastic surgery maybe you'll be more tolerable in every viewer's eyes," Namjoon just have to type down a massive text post about such cyber harassment and downright misogyny and inhumane comments against a person who wanted to convey the reality of other people now that her voice can be heard by all over the world.
You suddenly appeared then with a weird username in that one'o clock haze. Namjoon let you rant out your complaints on the convo space, read each message you sent without replying because not everyone needs advice, just someone who can listen to them. When Namjoon checks his inbox some day later, he found that you changed your username to SunnyY/N like every other fan who uses their idol's name on their username but there's something about yours that drove him to know you more. Maybe it's because he wouldn't associate 'sunny' to Y/N unless she's smiling so wide - he wasn't really sure. And just like that, he formed a stable communication with someone he calls "Sun" whose face he hasn't seen yet over a two year course of friendship that is still staying strong now.
MonJoon 7:35 PM
Good for you that you didn't start up another account. Why are you drunk anyway?
SunnyY/N 7:38 PM
Nothing, just sad. Not a big deal. It's 1 AM here btw, I gotta go. Nytie nyt!
Namjoon can sense you didn't want to talk about it so he sends his good nights too before going to the table for dinner. After getting his homeworks done, he counts time differences and sets another alarm aside from his morning call.
Around seven, you wake up with the hundredth notification on your phone but the latest one is what only mattered.
MonJoon 7:01 AM
Good morning! I hope you have a great day. Stay safe, hoe :)
In the middle of writing an essay about the fundamentals of quantum physics, Namjoon's My Only Friend ringtone makes the man jump on his seat, pen almost flying from his grasp. In his defense, Y/N's MOF is the best of her recent album, Friends & Foes, and it's made him feel so much anyway-
Namjoon swipes the green button. "What is it, Jimin?"
"Hey have you seen the announcement of Y/N's concert tour?" Jimin rattles, "Man, the ticket prices are up and I swear to God I have to sell at least one kidney to get the VIP seats and -"
Jimin's rambling turns into white noise as Namjoon hesitates. He's in the middle of doing tons of essays and shit, he's gonna get distracted again with Y/N's face. He already promised himself to tone down his “stanning” a little and just - fuck it. His hands are already pounding against his keyboard, the tab he opened for his references already in the back of his mind as he clicks the news of your new concert. When it comes to Y/N, he easily pushes away his priorities and God, it's just so stupid but still -
Y/N Official™ 10:50 PM
Y/N Sun + Moon Tour ticket prices are up! Concert dates in other countries will be further announced.
Namjoon scrolls down and sees listings of dates in California, New York, Los Angeles, yadah yadah, Italy, and Sweden - wait.
He mumbles a "Gonna get back to you Chim, I'm busy right now" through the phone, ends the call, and goes to Send Me to tap your icon.
1 Unread Message!
Oh right, he hasn't opened Send Me the past few days because he and Seokjin forgot to pay their net bills. Shocks, you must have been pissed off he hadn't replied you yet.
However, he didn't expect to read something aside from your memes or your whereabouts and concern for his.
SunnyY/N 1:20 AM
Hi Joon, I'm gonna be inactive for a while but I think i can send a few somethings whenever I can. Just send me anything you want, complain about school and friends, fanboy over Y/N or whatever, I'm gonna reply to that once I can. Hope you have a wonderful day! :DDD
MonJoon 11:00 PM
Hi Sun, sorry I only read your message now. Jin and i forgot to pay bills on time again so yeah. Btw, Y/N's gonna go there in Sweden on July 5 and I hope you can come there! Send me pics if you can! Stay safe hoe and enjoy travelling around!
Namjoon closes his phone as well as his previous tabs aside from his references and leans on his chair. When you've both started opening up to each other online, you mentioned that once a year you're gonna be hella busy with your folks to the point you barely have time for goofing around the net. It sounded weird but he didn't question you about it and typed "gotta detach yourself away from your phone somehow someday. I’m like that too when finals come hahahahha.", afraid he'll sound prying.
After two years of hanging around and being fond of you, he can't help but be constantly curious of what you're actually doing. You're born in the same year as him (though you're only two months older than him) and you've been travelling around the world with your parents while Namjoon's stuck in college with a Philosophy degree and hating every other subject that has nothing to do with making music. You're sick rich and you have your own studio at home (you showed him a pic) because technically you enjoy music too while he's almost dying with the constant tutoring sessions he have with other kids just so he can save up for his Mon Studio-to-be.
He wonders how he can connect with you so well when you've never had a common ground in your lives aside from liking music and also Y/N. What it would be like if you are a normal college student like him? Are you really small like you say? What will you probably major in? You'll pass out if you had the same schedule as him, Namjoon snorts. He'll probably be that friend who'll constantly check up on you, and you'll probably smile so wide, and maybe your eyes would turn into tiny curves like crescent moons. You haven't sent him a selca yet but he thinks you'll be pretty.
Namjoon sighs. He wants to meet you so badly.
September comes and Namjoon counted 23 small candles his friends stuck in the cake Seokjin made. His friends told him to make a wish first but he didn't really have anything that came to his mind. Yeah, maybe he wishes for everyone's health and happiness - he could do with that, and then he blows the candles along with the worries of the past year.
When the party died down and Yoongi and the rest of the squad bid them goodbyes, Namjoon finds himself slumped against his chair, tired of cleaning all the confetti from party poppers and the piñata Hoseok brought from god knows where.
He opens his phone and scrolls through his Twitter feed for any updates on Y/N's tour and just then a Send Me notif pops out and he smiles. He never managed to beat through coincidence to be online the same time as you do so he settled for unread messages and leaving messages for the past month as well as sending each other pictures of what you've been doing at the meantime. These kept a smile on his face but he knew right then it would never beat the grin he has now he's got to finally talk with you again.
SunnyY/N 1:01 AM
Happy Birthday, Joon! 😆😆😄
Hope you ate a lot!
MonJoon 1:01 AM
Thanks! and yes i ate a lot! Seokjin's food is ever 👌👌👌 And oh my god, you're finally online! I miss my hoe!
SunnyY/N 1:02 AM
Yes, some things came up but i'm gonna be fine now. Hey, I'm coming back home in Korea this September and holy gosh Y/N will also hold her concert the same month here! Go come, I will be there and we can finally meet up!!! (I won't be free until after the 26th anyway and i want to meet you so bad now that we're gonna be in the same country!!!!)
Namjoon's heart thunders. You've never suggested a meet-up before since you told him six months ago you're not yet okay showing yourself to him when it happened that you stayed in Korea and he requested to meet you. However, the small pain in his heart whenever he has to type this cannot be drowned by its overwhelmingly rapid beating.
MonJoon 1:03 AM
Sadly I can't :(
SunnyY/N:1:03 AM
Hey why? I can buy you the VIP tickets if you're feeling a little burdened with the price. I just want to have my main hoe with me
MonJoon 1:03 AM
Thanks for the offer but my finals just have to be scheduled the same day as her concert and guhhh, I don't even want you to spend so much on me. But god, you don't know how happy you made me when you finally agreed to meet up; I just wanna hug you irl!!!! I'm so excited to finally see you, This must be the best birthday present anyone has gave me, hoe!
SunnyY/N 1:04 AM
But I can't wait that long, what if I say I want to meet you now?
SunnyY/N is requesting for a video call. Accept? Decline?
Namjoon's brows furrow; you told him before you don't want video calls and now you're doing this? It's confusing but Namjoon clicks on Accept anyway because he doesn't have it in his heart to decline your requests.
The image of a room and a yellow-hoodied-figure fills his screen. Namjoon can see a bottle on the far corner of your room and before he can scold you for drinking your problems away, a very familiar voice fills his ears and makes him stuck frozen in his chair.
"I've been feeling sad lately and I tried to get off my phone for the past months but I can't do that now," you sniff, "It's your birthday, I have to greet you. And I know sober me won't do that so I got drunk just to have enough liquid courage to wish you a happy birthday and that I want to meet you."
Namjoon blinks his eyes twice, this must be a fucking dream - why is he seeing Y/N's bare face and hearing her voice live what - how could you be-
"By the way, I wrote MOF while thinking about you," you wipe the tears forming on your waterline, "I'm shit right now, but I don't care. I'm saying stuff I'll not remember so you have to remind me okay? I'm gonna end the call now. It's a stupid reason - I just wanna see you."
Before you tap the red button Namjoon could hear you mutter, "I didn't imagine you'll be this fucking handsome God, I should have fixed myself."
The screen goes back to the convo space with you now offline and Namjoon can't feel his heart.
What the fuck, you're Y/N?!
A/N | Hi anon! I combined your requests into #15. Hope you like it! Sorry for the long wait! BTW, Send Me is a social media platform I made up and so is the brand Flyday!
09.07.2018 : Update! This will become another drabble series of mine so expect more dynamics and shenanigans of fan!namjoon and idol!you :D
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. No reposts, modifications, and translations of content is allowed without direct permission.
#bts#bangtan seonyeondan#rap monster fluff#namjoon fluff#kim namjoon#namjoon x you#namjoon x y/n#namjoon x reader#bts x y/n#bts x you#bts x reader#bts drabbles#bts oneshot#namjoon oneshot#namjoon drabble#namjoon x you fluff#bts x you fluff#things you said#tys:knj#onlinefriend!nj + idol!reader#idol!you#bts scenarios#bts imagines#namjoon scenarios#namjoon imagines#rapmonster fluff#joonie#namjoon angst#rapmonster angst#bts fluff
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rencontrer une femme russe
Even so, to find the most out of this new development of on-line matchmaking, one has care about some certain facets. One of the most fundamental of these is to be aware of just how so as to add matrimony profile on them. Here are some guidelines to create a pretty matrimony profile which can recuperate responses.
Photos tend to be the Heartbeats
When building any on the web profile in relationship Sites, photograph is the prior require. Remember, it truly is the main impact that will draw in any viewer. Upload the maximum variety of pictures a internet site lets. Effectively, if it is unrestricted; tend not to transform it to your personal album. Will not upload passport sort images; It is far from a occupation portal. Upload pictures which can be The natural way taken and people who enhance your normal persona. Usually do not add group photographs. It is healthier In the event the track record is your property. This generates a favourable impression as well as a believe in issue on individuals who sights your profile. By no means upload other pics or any irreverent photos. The dress issues quite a bit in images. They need to be with a good and purely natural appears. A great dress is best, but usually do not make an effect that the picture is particularly taken for the objective of uploading in the web site. Hardly ever use outdated photographs.
Be Straightforward with Information
Normally supply comprehensive and correct information. Recall, Erroneous facts might get You simply an expression of fascination or perhaps to the very first Conference. If you are definitely interested in getting married, make your profile genuine. The matrimony registration type should be full in every single regard. Tend not to leave any specific subject blank.
Use Fantastic Language
A lot of the Web sites provide choices for a personal produce up including 'About Me'. When writing this cost-free write up, be certain in regards to the grammar as well as the words and phrases. Under no circumstances generate a oversight, never ever exaggerate and don't use ad text. Hold it easy; compose about what you want, just a little about All your family members history and the like. Be straightforward and basic. Hardly ever generate about the type of individual you need In this particular segment. This has a detrimental impression about identity.
Make your Profile Even bigger
Creating your profile even larger is straightforward. You merely should increase your other general public profiles. Now, almost All people in the web manages a self profile in social networking web pages. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin are Among the many most applicable ones. Share your social network profile hyperlinks for the profile from the matrimony website. This also helps make you genuine and allows an intrigued person to learn you far better.
Do not be self Centric
Of course, a profile is focused on you. But, though developing a person, you should be lenient more than enough. By way of example, whilst making a Bengali matrimonial profile, do not show too much desire in the cultural features, even if you are hunting a Bengali Bride or possibly a Bengali Groom. Bear in mind, the profile will be accessible to lots of persons. Given that, it can be about interaction Along with the society, a moderate self tactic is always a necessity.
Whilst most marriages happen During this region, a Marathi brahmin matrimonial isn't like pomp and splendour. They can be classically easy, conventional, and cheerful. Inside the minimal things, It is all about Pleasure.
Marathi weddings have numerous pre and put up-marriage ceremony rituals, that will often be celebrated for times entirely.
Specific rituals such as Sakhar Puda, hazel-cost-free ceremonies like Halad Chadavane, along with the bride wearing vivid Navari may be related to a Maharashtrian relationship effortlessly. Should you are looking for strategies yourself to get ready a standard se marier avec une russe Maharashtrian marriage, please allow us to learn how to lead each marriage ceremony.
Pre Wedding day Ceremonies:
● Lagnaach Bedior -
Before further proceedings, the horoscopes or Patrika of your Marathi brahmin matrimony grooms and brides might be paired. This ritual prevailed earlier even though their grand families Arrange a Maharashtrian marriage. Time and date in the wedding ceremony are then resolved from the household monks.
● Sakhar Puda -
This is actually the Formal celebration of the Marathi matrimony, marked with Sakhar or sweets. Groom's mom applies Haldi-Kumkum on her saree, jewellery, and Sakhar Puda or sweets for the bride's forehead as being a blessing and a gift. The bride's mother observes Together with the bride the identical rituals. The pair then trades rings for that pledge.
● Kelvan -
It is done a couple of days ahead of the wedding. The two family members perform a Puja for blessings on their own Kuldevta or on their own loved ones deity. This ritual is usually accompanied by meals with family and friends.
● Halad Chadavane -
This Maharashtrian brahmin matrimony Edition of Haldi is carried out by the same married Girls from Muhurta Karane. They make use of the Haldi paste to the deal with, shoulders, arms, and toes in the bride with mango mats. The Bride then normally takes the exact same mixture and also the bride performs the identical ritual.
Marriage ceremony Ceremonies:
● Gurihar Puja -
Like various other profitable Maharashtrian moments, with Lord Ganesha's puja, the Shaadi starts off. With the promising future of the pair, Ganpati puja is executed. For the marriage Mandap of Devdevak, the loved ones goddess is hosted. In Gurihar Puja, equally of these worship the goddess Parvati for their fulfilling long term, putting on wedding day apparel. The mom's uncle provides her a little rice, and she or he provides it to your deity.
● Antarpat -
The groom reaches the Mandap which is in a marriage place. In front of the bride is hung Antarpat or maybe a curtain which restricts his check out in the bride opposing him.
● Sankalp -
The bride goes then in to the Mandap as well as the priest sings with musicians the Mangalashtakas or holy vows. The Antarpat is withdrawn and the pair swaps jaimala in a momentous time. All people's showering it with akshata or rice in its entirety.
● Kanyadaan -
The bride's father provides his daughter excellent wishes to your bridegroom. The bride vows to eternally really like and honour her spouse.
● Saptapadhi -
The pair circling the holy fire seven situations. The bride need to tap with her ideal foot 7 betel nuts placed on a little mound of rice. She puts her foot on the grindstone once the 7 rounds, though her hand or foot is kept in her physique to symbolize that she ought to be strong and he'll however stand.
● Karmasamapti -
The pair praise Laxmi Pujan right until the flame is exhausted. The groom offers a whole new title for the bride. At some point, the bride's brother twists his ear cautiously to warn him of his Marathi brahmin matrimony responsibilities, and ultimately, the pair requires just about every blessing.
Final Terms:
The ultimate bash is held exactly where Pretty much all guests can be introduced Along with the bride as well as groom from a matrimony web-site. The bride wears a saree, presented because of the loved ones of your groom and also the groom is sporting an outfit, provided to him with the bride's spouse and children.

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Build Brand Awareness
Build Brand Awareness
What percentage of these Build Brand Awareness did you realize just what/who people were once just milliseconds?
Probably it is the shade or variety of publishing that attracts your eye.
Or maybe the brand is recognizable more than enough that you simply don’t even require the text or business name that accompanies it.
These large Build Brand Awareness have wasted loads of time and money making certain you fully understand theircolors and logo, and whatever they stand for as being a small business by center.
To obtain on your competition and stay there, these businesses had to continuously grow Build Brand Awarenessunderstanding. But what exactly Build Brand Awarenessinterest completely and how would you make use of it to improve your enterprise?
Precisely what is Build Brand Awarenessconsciousness?
They can’t purchase your product or service if people don’t know who you are. Trade name understanding transpires the next anybody recalls your Build Brand Awarenessfrom previously witnessing something similar to your company logo or provider term. While you put together Build Brand Awarenessrecognition you could be building up your good reputation. This can guide you to achieve new customers, continue to keep worn out people and differentiate themselves from your competition.
Let’s just take Build Brand Awarenessinformation a step even further with Build Brand Awarenessreputation. Just after your shopper discovers your home business moniker another intention you possess is to help them to own an in-deepness expertise in your products, overall and services feeling of your enterprise.
By way of example you will perhaps acknowledge the Starbucks brand originating from a mile gone while you are sending around the road. You know this company is at present in search of choices to their classic ecologically friendly straws. They have a place solution that permits you to accumulate actors until such time as you obtain a free of cost drink. Therefore you surely have your go-to buy memorized.
In advance of customers can achieve this area of Build Brand Awarenessrecognition you should construct Build Brand Awarenessunderstanding. This will allow you to goal buyers, build qualified prospects, and near income.
How do you construct Build Brand Awarenessinterest with regards to your internet business?
Rome was not constructed within 24 hours and neither is Build Brand Awarenessrecognition. Once or twice people are not going to automatically know your Build Brand Awarenessafter seeing your logo/name. It is important to work for it because they build a method, earning customers’ believe in and getting your existence well-known on a wide range of stations. This tactic must be creative and unique to enable you to outdo from the competing firms.
At first grade you will need to set up a intense Build Brand Awarenessunderstanding technique aimed towards greatly distinct people and concentrating on Build Brand Awarenessrecall and client proposal.
For anyone who is just starting out you will have to describe your potential audience and grow customer personas as you can not specific every person. The more often concentrated your visitors is, the greater. You would like men and women that will engage together with your brand name. Good quality through quantity.
Concentrating on Build Brand Awarenessremember would be the center of creating Build Brand Awarenesscomprehension. The important thing to Build Brand Awarenessrecall is now being dependable on all platforms. There are lots of methods for you to engage customers online - from promoting on social bookmarking to managing a blog. You should know which promotional tactics you should utilize and which to stop.
Factors to enhance your marketing tactic
1. Consistency Is Vital
It is easy to in all probability guess a minumum of one reason why it’s vital that you stay consistent. If they have seen the same logo on every platform, obviously it helps people remember your Build Brand Awareness. But persistence may also aid in SEO. For people with a Yahoo and google My Business (that you just need to) you will see that your “NAP” also referred to as your name, address and phone wide variety is highlighted whenever you seek out your enterprise. This should be the same thing spanning all websites.
Whenever you own individual a rules office and your own places of work term on bing My Business is Laws Office of Charge Brown but your label on Yelp is Legislation Office buildings of B. Dark brown this is really problematic for the major search engines. Yahoo and google in addition to your prospects may well perspective these as two completely different enterprises.
If you to be a Build Brand Awarenessare absolutely consistent in all that you on earth do you can become a dependable and professional supply for buyers to go back to again and again. And you will find a superior opportunity of rating in search.
2. Invest In Promotion
You are likely to inevitably want to buy marketing and advertising. But you should operate the effective channels. Social sites and Yahoo and google advertisement are two great ways to assemble Build Brand Awarenessrecognition for the business.
By now you have quite possibly looked at advertising on virtually every social websites software. When running advertising on social bookmarking websites you will likely have a photo along with some written text. You are going to however want an image that resonates on your viewers with a small amount of text message to make sure Myspace approves your advertisement but you will probably hope to incorporate your customized logo.
Even should it be subtly located in a corner of your photo it is a process which will help you make Build Brand Awarenessrecognition. You would like potential customers to enable you to appreciate your brand so place it any and pretty much everywhere you may.
Additionally you can jog advertising on the search engines with AdWords. There are two alternative ideas when making commercials on the foundation - display and search advertising. Query postings are sms are and based the ads you are widely used to experiencing as soon as you Google and yahoo a thing.
Demonstrate classified ads are those you notice as banners and ads or part pubs on other webpages.
In order to make Build Brand Awarenessrecognition with each kind of offer you must ensure you are making use of your brand’s objective search terms for hunt ads and images that mirror your Build Brand Awarenessfor show postings. All adverts really should be cohesive with each other and with your website. Like that, every time a person notices your advert, they may be hardly ever overwhelmed and never visit a bust or lapse in advertising. A similar different kinds of imagery, colors and fonts and company logos over all advertising work will a lot establish Build Brand Awarenessawareness.
Utilising Google and yahoo advertisements and social networking advertisements together can up your Build Brand Awarenessinformation video game, expand directs and assist you near product sales! You will missing a huge opportunity to build Build Brand Awarenessawareness if you forgo online advertising. With online advertising one can keep track of your buyers every single go along with your ROI.
3. Social Media Activity
During a online society it is critical to make a position on social websites. Sure you can actually sprint advertising but you need to be posting frequently. Understand that consistency thing we discussed? That pertains on this website way too. There are a few steps you can take alongside writing to improve your Build Brand Awarenesspresence.
Respond to statements on Twitter! Do you want to be called a creditworthy, good Build Brand Awarenessby having a fantastic social network appearance? Make an effort to connect with your clients. If someone asks a question, answer it. Solve it if they have a problem.
In addition you can seek to perform a livestream. This is considered the purely natural methods that is regarded as most practical. And it is proven to boost up your conversion process pace - quickly. Simply opt for the console which includes the top engagement. Make certain that your site content is interesting and tempting to draw lots more people for taking actions with what you are offering. And getting great CTAs all through your stay flow will fairly quickly get you directs.
Come up with a hashtag for your special Build Brand Awarenesson Instagram. Hashtags enable visitors find products and solutions, Build Brand Awareness and many more by means of blogposts that are labeled with hashtags. You will want to use hashtags that are both generic, niche, and branded in order to build Build Brand Awarenessawareness. If you only use generic hashtags, your posts can get lost in the mix. Have your individual hashtag. It may be a while before it takes off but it helps you create an identity and stand out from the crowd.
An Instagram accounts known as Foodstuff Inside Oxygen has acquired 389k followers and possesses created good enough Build Brand Awarenessknowledge to obtain their personal hashtag #FITA and #foodintheair. In this post they also hashtag bagels which is generic but if someone is searching for photos of bagels they might just stumble across their account.
The tone, colors and photos onto your social networking channels can assist you to generate Build Brand Awarenessknowledge. One example is, your Instagram motif can tell quite a bit of your manufacturer. Producing a topic means that the many images upon your membership have a nice similar definitely feel. Nisolo Boots or shoes provides a clean up Instagram motif as well as their pics have related shades. So, when a customer sees a photo that looks similar to their theme, they will associate it with this company. Including, getting a continuous style just feels good, put together and professional.
Utilize Pinterest! This might appear to be an out-of-date program but pins on Pinterest will regularly crank out traffic to your site and are perfect for giving people comprehension of your branding. The important here is having attention-grabbing aesthetic content to help you stand out. Pics from your gifs, products, infographics and videos can all enable you to improve your Build Brand Awarenesson Pinterest.
4. Loved one Together With Other (Much larger) Types
Partner with established Build Brand Awareness to have giveaways or even collaborate on a product if you are a smaller Build Brand Awarenesslooking to build Build Brand Awarenessawareness.
It’s time to turn to Instagram and find Build Brand Awareness that you would like to work with if you are a smaller Build Brand Awarenessjust starting out ready to build Build Brand Awarenessawareness. Once you have built a relationship you can ask them to collaborate Engage with them on social media and. Instagram giveaways are ideal for building up Build Brand Awarenessrecognition. It is a straightforward way to get your business in existence and meet other Build Brand Awareness and influencers inside your sector.
This blogger and influencer partnered with a second Build Brand Awarenessto obtain a wholesome free gift. Contests like this are perfect because in order to enter, Instagram users have to follow both Build Brand Awareness. It is easy to boost your follower progression and create folks aware of your brand.
This partnership free gift is regarding the Build Brand Awareness Rifle Papers Co, a stationary supplies and life style Build Brand Awarenessand Loccitane, a line of natural charm supplements. A unique venture best suited? Gun Old fashioned paper Co genuinely fashioned some the labels for Loccitane’s goods. These are more well known Build Brand Awareness but they have taken a collaboration to social media in order to gain more exposure.
Even two major Build Brand Awareness can perform alongside one another. In order to give both Build Brand Awareness a marketing boost with Apple’s series 3 watch, apple partnered with Hermés, a luxury fashion Build Brand Awareness. Because of this methodology, each and every Build Brand Awarenessis directed at two clients bases.
5. Send Friends
Assuming you have a reference technique into place this may be a great way to attain potential customers as well as grow Build Brand Awarenesscomprehension. If a person is a dependable follower of your respective Build Brand Awarenesssupply to them the ability to distribute your Build Brand Awarenesshaving a buddy.
When the colleague notifys you roughly a product or service and requires you to check it out would you? Would you be more inclined to do so if it was free? Azure Apron, food membership package, is well known with regards to their word of mouth program; it’s a huge portion of their branding. If you refer a friend, you get a discount and so do they. Absolutely everyone victories! These prospects simply develop into cost-free ambassadors for ones trademark.
Blue Apron joins a kind of “free” trial with testimonials to supply their Build Brand Awarenessan increase. People who have not been aware of Glowing blue Apron will ultimately have a friend that tells them about this so really Blue colored Apron has only to create a group of friends of faithful prospects who can disperse the word and essentially market for them.
6. Offer A Trial Offer
Everyone loves free stuff. Before the fully commit, and people especially love to try out a product. Having consumers relax and take a evaluation perform of your products or services can put together Build Brand Awarenesscomprehension in addition to rely on.
Instead of a “trial” Spotify gives the totally free variant in their assistance while you never even have to add lower a credit card.
Although 100 % free style doesn’t show up will every one of the paid options, it will give clients a flavor belonging to the product without the emotional stress of determination. In March of 2016 Spotify experienced 30 zillion paid out customers. That number has a lot more than more than doubled. Since January 2018 that they had 70 thousand payed off visitors. If you can make it commitment free and give users a long test run, using a free trial to build Build Brand Awarenessawareness is smart, especially.
7. Do Something Excellent
There is a lot of negativity worldwide so take action impressive for your personal users. Answer to impressive reviews, reply to suggestions on social sites or respond to questions that users tweet at you or formulate your very own version of beneficial marketing.
Dominos introduced a Build Brand Awarenessconsciousness strategy recognized as Paving for Pizzas exactly where they went around dealing with potholes during the streets. They produced a constructive have an impact on and found ways to include things like their customized logo! You don’t will need to go to the current intense but women and men understand if you make a move fine. This could build favourable Build Brand Awarenessattention and may have an impact on potential prospects foreseeable future ordering actions.
8. Supply Cost
Another good way to grow Build Brand Awarenesscomprehension is almost always to offer benefit in your people by formulating your blog! The main factor to owning a proper site is care. In order to keep your audience engaged, you should be blogging weekly. This may be difficult to take care of when you’re running a business, check out blogging site posting professional services which might be a significantly better treatment on your behalf. In addition to managing a blog regularly it is best to have ideas that give price on your potential prospects. Analyze what problems your potential customers are contemplating and next answer them as your blog.
Your site should be stuffed with helpful knowledge not merely for your personal target audience but also for search engines. Major search engines are cleverer than it might seem. They never just center on keywords and meta tag; they keep in mind how useful your blog post is to readers. Creating information sites for Seo optimization can be challenging but with the perfect key phrase, it will be easy to outrank rivals.
9. Entertain
A different technique to make Build Brand Awarenesscomprehension is usually to quickly amuse your visitors. Chubbies is often a dress Build Brand Awarenesshaving crafted an immense pursuing. Their promotional desire is to concentrate on the youthful era but even to get as fun as is practical. They hook up with their market on the very own quality in addition to their Build Brand Awarenessis known for this.
Their primary target is on publishing excellent articles that would entertain their clients and work out them laugh. Without this interesting, carefree content and articles the Chubbies Build Brand Awarenesscan get forfeited while in the mix of other outfit businesses that offer for sale related solutions.
10. Use Retargeting
Product consciousness is centered on making certain your listeners view yourlogo and ads, business name, and so on. Retargeting is the only method to win back the shoppers who often have spent time at your websites and even decide to put anything in their cart but did not convert.
Retarget your visitors any place you can easily! You is likely to manage to pinpoint where through the choosing vacation your visitors fall down for the road map. This is why you have to implement a retargeting course of action that lets you create Build Brand Awarenessreel and awareness those people potential customers back.
There are plenty of different types of retargeting. You possibly can round up details from clientele who visit your web page and next use that night out to retarget these people with internet marketing and Google advertisements. You can even use email address to retarget purchasers. Deserted cart messages are among the most favored methods to retarget. They nicely notify shoppers they may have departed an issue driving and get them to retain retailing.
Are you aware of how many of your visitors buy something the very first time they see your webpage? It’s uncommon to have a individual to convert the first time they get connected to your make. This is exactly why should you utilize retargeting. Or else you may be missing potential income. Use retargeting as the chance to establish a interactions with potential prospects.
Models with good degree Build Brand Awarenessknowledge
Once you have increased a subsequent of loyal people one has caused it to be! You hardly ever need to worry about advertising and marketing or building Build Brand Awarenessrecognition ever again proper? Nope. In order to stay on top, even the biggest Build Brand Awareness out there continue to redesign their branding strategies.
If you ever read the language “Just Do It” what comes to mind? Possibly the Build Brand AwarenessNike. Their slogan is accepted worldwide. They offer crafted their Build Brand Awarenessall around this slogan and often sector incidents as opposed to just a brand name. Effectively they can be providing products and solutions to assist you attain your ambitions. Clothing or accessories they will enhance your experience if you purchase their shoes.
Ever before instructed an individual to “Google it.” Search engines as being a Build Brand Awarenesshas such a lot of recognition and awareness that their mention is used in place of the definition of “search.” This can be probably the best higher level of Build Brand Awareness they also did not eliminate there. Google and yahoo produced a symbol alteration of 2015 that numerous individuals didn’t look after. But men and women persist understand their legendary colors and name. This rebranding time and effort still has identical nice and clean look employing a font that is definitely legible on smaller-sized gadgets and 3 years later we don’t even bear in mind that they improved anything.
They are also known for replacing their logo in order to draw attention to historic events and people like Gerda Taro, a German war photographer. Google, although they are already established, still uses techniques like this in order to retain and engage their users.
Coke has built their Build Brand Awareness available not offering coke. They are offering joy and happiness. Their receptive joy and happiness strategy presented during 2009 and possesses enjoyed a sizeable effect on their product. Their subsequently great marketing and branding marketing campaign, “Taste the Feeling” made an look in 2016.
The two of these promotions can sell thoughts not the items on its own. These rebranding strategies can provide a Build Brand Awareness an innovative glimpse even though giving buyers a totally new admiration for that products and services they supply.
Each of these companies has a unique take on branding with iconiccolors and slogans, or ways of marketing that have allowed them to continue to build Build Brand Awareness throughout their existence.
To be able to build up Build Brand Awareness knowledge you need to have a technique set up that lets you constantly improve your brand. Comprehension isn’t just a an individual and carried out approach. Successful businesses continue to iterate and redesign even if they are big Build Brand Awareness like Google. Let us know if you are ready to start building Build Brand Awareness for your business! Our gurus will art a expert campaign that concentrates on your client base complete with advertising, everything and retargeting in between.
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Hyperallergic: Selling Sticks and a Slap in the Face: Artists Intervene in eBay
Megan Hildebrandt, “ANXIETY DISORDER FOR SALE,” #exstrange auction (all images courtesy #exstrange)
Editor’s note: This essay is excerpted from the book #exstrange: a curatorial intervention on eBay, in which seven writers consider critical artistic perspectives on and provocations within the online market.
The sweet dream of a commercial marketplace doubling as a space for community and connection is an old one. We imagine the Ancient Agora of Athens, for instance, as a place where merchants peddled goods and citizens swapped political ideas. Perhaps this was even true.
By comparison, eBay seems more coldly mercantile. Its creation story, which involved the founder wanting to help his fiancée trade Pez dispensers with like-minded collectors, has only the flimsiest link to human connection — and is in any case a myth invented by publicists. The real goal of eBay’s inventors was to devise a “perfect market,” in the pure and uncluttered sense of matching buyers and sellers with zero friction. The Pez yarn may have contributed to somewhat condescending early assessments of eBay as little more than a digital flea market. Today, of course, it is a multinational ecommerce giant, facilitating all manner of transactions in dozens of countries.
But either way, why not take the flea market seriously? The fifth episode of Robert Hughes’s famous 1980 documentary series The Shock of the New memorably sees the critic striding through one in Paris, bellowing about the Surrealists, who had found inspiration in such settings and their “endless profusion of battling objects” in the early 20th century. “The flea market was like the unconscious mind of capitalism,” Hughes booms; artists prowled the sales stalls to mine connections from the seemingly impersonal goods on offer, revealing “secret affinities” within a world that their work “declassified.” And then the curators of #exstrange, Marialaura Ghidini and Rebekah Modrak, showed up in eBay’s infinite flea market with a different, but not unrelated, intent: to set up shop.
The selling of goods and services, in this context, would serve as a “pretense,” as Modrak put it, for facilitating exchanges among strangers — borrowing sociologist Georg Simmel’s take on the “stranger” as a “mobile figure who circulates goods.” And thus, through more than 100 auctions, involving dozens of artists (and non-artists), #exstrange joined and added to the commodity conversation, simultaneously cacophonous and silent, happening on one of our most familiar online agoras.
To take one example of what this looked like, consider “Stick—with history of affordance,” listed by Fieldfaring, the collaborative name used by artists Susanne Cockrell and Ted Purves. Like many #exstrange listings, it inspires a second look at the familiar eBay format, suddenly made noteworthy. For all its slick, global might, eBay’s aesthetic remains a bit of a mess. Pre-formatted text is cluttered by logos for payment-service options and social-media tools to promote whatever is for sale. The designated photo box is the main wild card: the sales image, whether seductively professional or alarmingly amateur, sets the visual tone. In this case, it’s a workaday picture of three sticks.
Fieldfaring, image from “Stick—With History of Affordance,” #exstrange auction
“When our son was in primary school,” the listing reads in part, “he would often have these sticks with him when we picked him up after school. He found them in the trees by the schoolyard and played with them at recess-time as make-believe firearms.” And yes, now that you say it, they do look sorta kinda like guns, particularly through the imagined eyes of an imaginative child. Bidders are invited to choose one stick, accompanied by “the memory of its original affordance,” as well as an acknowledgment that the buyer may add his or her own. The stick attracted 26 bids and sold for $71.
Possibly the winner was familiar with psychologist James J. Gibson’s “Theory of Affordances,” defining them as “action possibilities” in an object or environment; or Donald Norman’s subsequent adoption of that term in the context of human-object interaction in the book The Design of Everyday Things; or contemporary philosophical discussions of object-oriented ontology, where it’s not unheard of to encounter the affordance idea applied specifically to the action possibilities of a humble stick as an illustrative example.
But possibly not. Ebay sellers slot their auctions into eBay’s category schema, to make them easier for shoppers to discover, and in this case the artists listed their object under “Entertainment Memorabilia,” more typically represented by movie-prop replicas, concert T-shirts, and all manner of celebrity-autographed objects.
It’s a good example of the multiple ways that #exstrange aims to disrupt — to use a word popular among internet capitalists — assumptions about commercial exchange, virtual connection, and the contexts in which art can live, among other familiar paradigms. Characterizing their enterprise as a “curatorial project,” the organizers of #exstrange used eBay to obliterate the physical, geographic, and ideological norms that define, for instance, a gallery exhibition. Participants contributed listings/works from Austria, India, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico City, North Carolina, Brooklyn, Rome, Amsterdam, Ann Arbor, and so on. Some were recruited by Ghidini and Modrak, others by curators they brought into the project; still more joined in after the auctions got underway, building on an open call for engagement. (“Any artist, designer or eBay account holder may post an auction using the tag #exstrange and following the set of instructions posted here,” the project’s home site explained.) The volume of contributions demonstrated the appeal of sidestepping traditional gallery or art-world settings for a playful and possibility-filled alternative — but the works themselves demonstrated the value in acting on that appeal.
Lanfranco Aceti, images from “One Unit of a Slap (Slap in the Face, Medium to Strong, Colorful),” #exstrange auction
For all the freedom it offers from gallery strictures, eBay comes with its own constraints — a conceptual (as opposed to material) piece still needs to be framed to function in, or respond to, a sales setting. Lanfranco Aceti listed “One Unit of Slap (Slap in the Face, Medium to Strong, Colorful),” for instance, as a $500 gift certificate that would entitle the buyer “to own a slap in the face,” dealt by Aceti to a collaborator; this would entail a numbered and signed receipt, as well as the opportunity to witness the slap via Skype or FaceTime. Ann Bartges sold “shadow, middle-aged,” listed under “Other Women’s Accessories,” for $2.25. Megan Hildebrandt offered “ANXIETY DISORDER FOR SALE” (listed under “Tickets & Experiences”) without any clear explanation of how this would be delivered. When a potential bidder raised a concern about whether whatever it was could shipped to India, Hildebrandt replied she would ship for free, “as I am really looking to get rid of it.” It sold for $1.99. Meanwhile, she solved the problem of providing potential buyers with a depiction of her wares by filling eBay’s image box with the familiar red slash-in-a-circle “no” or “do not” symbol.
Obviously this sort of listing reframes eBay itself, converting the potential transaction into something a lot more complicated than the neat, near-mindless fusion of supply and demand. So did #exstrange listings that involved material objects. Sreshta Rit Premnath offered “A Flimsy Alibi,” in the form of a hunk of cardboard, pictured on a subway-station floor, with a poem as the official item description; someone bought it for a penny.
Norie Neumark and Maria Miranda, operating as the collaborative practice Out-of-Sync, listed clear bags of paper shreds, positioned as the result of an “endurance performance” — a year spent shredding “every piece of text” associated with Neumark’s lost teaching position; listed as art, under “mixed media, collage,” “Shreds” sold for $5.50.
Out-of-Sync (Maria Miranda & Norie Neumark), image from “Shreds,” #exstrange auction
Some artists addressed internet or tech-defined culture directly. In an extension of her ongoing Archive Fever project, Elisa Giardina Papa offered one month of her browser history on a pink thumb drive for 99 cents, describing it as a de facto “unedited narrative” of her personal and professional life, as mediated by the traces of her web wandering. JODI’s “EBAY shopping bag,” a physical shopping bag decorated with the digital store’s logo, listed under “Equipment & Material Stores,” sold for €60. Given the variety suggested here, it’s worth pausing over how #exstrange contributors resolved the challenge, or exploited the opportunity, of eBay’s image box: a no-frills photo of a bag of paper shreds actually makes a perverse kind of sense among all the amateur photography on the site, while the shopping bag quietly mimics the slick, professional merch pic that’s really just as common. The visual quality of the sales image usually communicates something about the nature of the seller and his or her goods — and #exstrange artists seemed to both play to and with that expectation.
Others turned the eBay listing into a site for political provocation. Masimba Hwati, based in Harare, Zimbabwe, sold a “soil sample” taken from a hill in that city where “the First Colonialist settlers planted the British flag” in 1890. (Here the sales image is a tasteful vase, full of dirt.) Listed under “Land” on ebay.uk, then relisted on ebay.com, where the closest available category was “Real Estate,” it sold for $36. Speaking more bluntly to current events, UK-based artist collective IOCOSE offered “Instant Protest!,” described as “photos of people from all over the world demonstrating in the streets with your favourite slogan” and allegedly useful for news articles or social-media campaigns. The listing’s promo images showed anonymous demonstrators with signs marked “LOREM IPSUM.” Offered in an edition of 10 at the “Buy It Now” price of $10, it sold out.
Masimba Hwati, images from “(Kutengesa Nyika) Soil Sample from Harare Kopje,” #exstrange auction
While this sampling covers only a small fraction of #exstrange, it should hint at the border-hopping sweep of the project, the sheer variety and firepower of the provocations — and, it’s important to note, the entertainment — on offer. One can only speculate as to the time and effort it would take to match it with an exhibition in art-world-suitable physical space(s). But whatever this may say about the challenges the project offers to standard gallery practice, the way it engages with eBay and the intersections of capitalism and technology that we’ve slowly come to take for granted is even more significant.
Toward the end of its run, #exstrange explored these intersections through a batch of auctions devised in collaboration with consumer-culture researchers. Eight listings offered unusual “products” that commented on contemporary notions of “networked” society — and, to further complicate matters, offered duplicates that simply positioned the exact same items in different ways. For instance, an iPhone EarthX – 4.7” was described as brand new, unlocked, and biodegradable, among other features; with no battery or memory limits, an “analog” operating system, and compatible only with an “Earth to Earth” network, it “dramatically improves the most important aspects of the iPhone experience.” The body material: “cast clay (unfired) and earth.” It was listed for 1 cent. An essentially identical version of the object and its accompanying sales text, with different promotional images and auction titles, was listed for $10. Through a series of direct interactions with the public, the researchers borrowed #exstrange’s conversion of a shopping space into an art space, and further converted it into a laboratory space.
ConnX, images from “iPhone EarthX — 4.7” Smartphone, Compatible with LFR Networks,” #exstrange auction
Whatever the results, it’s the fact of the experiment that matters. At the time eBay first made its way into the public mind, optimistic self-styled experts on the coming web-connected world declared that a new utopian marketplace of ideas was upon us; tired and stultifying gatekeepers would be swept aside, previously marginal or idiosyncratic thought could compete fairly with the hidebound and the elite, and the people would form our own more perfect polis. One popular metaphor for describing this suddenly inevitable new world pitted the cathedral against the bazaar — one model suggesting that the many are forced to listen to and obey the few, the other reflecting the agora-like ideal of unlimited conversation and debate and exchange.
Perhaps this has even turned out to be true, although we have since learned that the unlimited marketplace of ideas offers peddlers of the ugly and the shoddy fresh opportunity to expand their audiences, too. But more to the point, this wild new world often turns out to feel surprisingly stultified and regimented and formatted and controlled, filtered through prefab structures like Facebook and Google and, yes, eBay. What replaced the cathedral often feels less like a bazaar than a mall.
#exstrange reveals that there are some cracks and corners in these virtual structures, hidden in plain sight and waiting to exploited. It takes just one encounter with a truly unexpected eBay listing to reframe what eBay is, and what (and who) the wider techno-culture it now represents is really for — to complicate, if only momentarily, whatever’s going through “the unconscious mind of capitalism.” This is the real transaction, and this is the real exchange. It doesn’t cost a penny, and you couldn’t own it if you wanted to. There is nothing more valuable.
Elisa Giardina Papa, image from “Archive Fever Vol.37: My browser history [Feb 2017],” #exstrange auction
JODI, image from “EBAY shopping bag (#exstrange edition),” #exstrange auction
The post Selling Sticks and a Slap in the Face: Artists Intervene in eBay appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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