#some louis thoughts tonight because i'm starved
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Sorry, but can I just stress something about Louis that drives me insane? 
In his route where you've saved him, he kills Dorian. Louis directly kills another person. He shot her with a crossbow through the mouth.
It’s unavoidable. 
Sure, it’s considered an accident, and even so, it was also self-defense—Dorian sure wasn’t there for a friendly chat, after all. 
But here's the thing... of the Ericson crew, we know that Clementine, AJ, and Marlon have killed someone. And Minerva if you want to count her, too, since she once was part of the group . But the others? Maybe they have killed before and we just don’t know about it, whether it be out of mercy or self-defense.
Violet in her route had the chance to kill Minerva, but understandably, she didn’t. She opted to shoot her in the shoulder instead… but we never see her kill anyone herself. 
Maybe you could count indirect kills because of the bag of bricks/log that kills Yonatan, and maybe you could consider Mitch’s death as indirectly Tenn’s fault… Speaking of Mitch, he tried to kill Lilly, but we all saw how that turned out, didn't we? 
…but Louis? He killed Dorian. That was his first kill. His first. 
And he feels awful about it! He apologizes to the body as it lays warm at his feet! He’s shaking and can barely speak!! It feels like bile! He doesn't even have time to process it because uh oh, the boat's going to explode!
But he’s also been so hardened over the season by everything that’s happened to him that he comes out of it glad that he has it in him to kill because if that’s what it takes to protect Clementine, AJ, and his family and home, then he’ll do it even if he doesn’t want to.
How does that not drive anyone else utterly mad?
Fandom considers him the funny guy! He's cute and silly! He makes Clementine laugh!
He's also done murder! He's taken a life! Just like Clementine and AJ have! Just like Marlon did!
And honestly, I think this also leads to him forgiving AJ for killing Tenn because at this point, he understands. He hates it, and he wishes it didn’t have to be this way, but he gets that AJ saw something that he didn’t. Louis knows that AJ’s hurting just as much as he is, he even says as much if Clementine says anything other than “AJ saved your life” on the bridge. 
He relived Marlon’s death when Tenn died, but it’s not like his hands are clean, either… and neither were Marlon’s. Clementine’s hands definitely aren’t clean. 
It drives me crazy that best friends Louis and Marlon have each killed someone in TFS but Marlon killed Brody in a moment of panic because he’s a coward who wanted hide what he did while Louis killed Dorian in a moment of panic because he was trying to save Clementine from Minerva and she came up behind him like… hhhhnnnnggggggggg, y’know?
Oh, and don't even get me started on the clouis aspect of this because I'll lose it. He talks to her about it because he knows she'll understand, just like how she's always understood him. How he goes out of his way to tell her that having a home means protecting it and he's going to protect it [that home being her, AJ, and Ericson] no matter what because he wants to build this new life with her aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I've lost it—
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 7 months ago
FOOLS IN LOVE - Chapter 6 - Part 2
BOOK THREE: 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Noah Wright
Luckily, with three busboys, I didn't have to work in zone four, where Sam was seated but every so often, I'd look at him and he'd look at me.
It wasn't until Benjamin went to the bathroom when I felt Sam staring at me.
That was also when I was by the host protium and the flirty red dress girl and her companions came by.
"I guess I'll see you next time," Red Dress said.
Her two friends walked out,but before she could, I grabbed her wrist and drew her back to me.
"What if I asked to kiss you to make someone jealous?"
She grinned.
"I'd say, what are you waiting for?"
My hand went behind her ear, my other hand on her waist and I kissed her, giving Sam a show.
Red Dress kissed me back, even in her heels she was still on her tippy toes.
I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she accepted it like candy.
She tasted like the baked Ziti.
I pulled away.
She bit her lip to keep her from grinning.
"What time do you get off?" I chuckled.
"DM me after eleven. At Noah Wright."
Then she really grinned.
"Bye for now," I have a soft wave before turning towards zone four.
Benjamin was back from the bathroom and Sam was mindlessly twirling pasta onto his fork.
I knew he had seen me with Red Dress girl but part of me hoped for a better reaction.
They left a half hour later.
The rest of my shift was dull and I couldn't wait to get home and sleep.
Then I remembered Red Dress when I got a notification from Instagram.
Kara Louis followed you and sent a message
I clicked on the notification, bringing me into the social app.
Kara: Hey that was really fun😊 maybe we could have some more fun tonight?
I sent her my address.
Noah: And don't wear anything expensive because I'm going to tear it off of you. You looked crazy sexy tonight.
Kara: I can look even sexier for you. I'll be at your place by 12.
I collapsed onto Kara's naked body, out of breath and sweaty.
"Fuck, I forgot how good pussy is."
"That's because you haven't had me till now," Kara said confidently.
And she was definitely a confident girl in bed too.
I kissed her before getting off the bed.
I rolled the condom off me and tossed it in my small garbage bin.
"You can spend the night if you want," I told her as I grabbed a towel off the hook attached to my door, the same towel I used hours prior after my shower and handed it to her.
"Um yeah, it's already past two, so if that's alright, I'll just sleep over. Where's your restroom?"
"Across the hall," I told her and she snuck off in that direction.
That night, my arms wrapped around a beautiful girl, I couldn't stop thinking about Samuel Moretti because there was something I noticed when I cleaned up his table after they left.
Sam barley ate his food.
My stomach felt queasy at the thought of Sam starving himself.
Was Benjamin Hernandez doing anything about it?
Did Sam's parents know?
I didn't get any sleep that night.`
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trysomecats · 5 years ago
(Equation of a Lie anon) It was 1D and I'm pretty sure it was like Louis being a sub and failing a math test and then lying about it. Then his doms make him quit soccer?? Sorry if that's way vague it's been a while 😅😅 Also thank you for answering, you're super sweet!
Ah, yes, now I remember! I did remove that fic off of ao3 (for personal reasons) However, I have no problem with posting it on Tumblr, so here you go!:The Equation of a Lie
Summary: Louis’ grade in mathematics is slowly declining. If he doesn’t do something about it soon, his doms will make him quit the footie team. When he fails a major test, he keeps it from his doms, planning on retaking it behind their backs to save his grade. Unfortunately not everything goes to plan.
“Now, I have your tests to hand back. Most of you did very well, the class average was beyond exceptional. However, if you feel that you did poorly, you are more than welcome to talk to me and make arrangements to retake the test on Monday. After you all receive your tests, class is dismissed.”
Louis felt himself sigh internally with relief. Hopefully he counted as ‘most’ of the class. To be honest he hadn’t studied as much for this test as he should have. Maths was never his strong point, not to mention it was terribly boring. It also didn’t help that the professor, Mr. Winston, was a major ass.
Unfortunately when Louis received his test, his stomach dropped when he saw what his grade was.
One of the biggest expectations Harry and Nick had for him was to get good grades. School was important, they’d explained to him, especially university. This math class was the only class that he didn’t share with one or both of his doms. Naturally he’d slacked off a bit, knowing he wasn’t under their watchful eyes. His notes become shorter and careless, as did his studying.
Now, however, he was experiencing the consequences of his behavior. They would surely make him temporarily quit the footie team until he could bring up his grade, or worse make him stay off the team permanently as punishment. It was hard to tell, because Louis had only been their sub since June, four months ago. They were strict, but only when need be. Louis tried his best to behave for them, even if his new lifestyle was taking some getting used to. He hadn’t been planning on finding his soulmates so soon in life, but apparently fate decided differently.
Louis hid the test in the very back of his folder. He waited for most of the class to retreat before going up to his professor’s desk.
“Um, Mr. Winston?”
“Hmm?” The professor looked up. “Ah, Louis. I’m guessing you want to retake the test?”
“Yes please,” Louis nodded hurriedly, glancing at the clock. His doms would get here pretty quickly, and he didn’t want them to overhear the conversation. “You said I can retake it on Monday?”
“That’s right, you can just stay and take it after class. First we can go over any questions you have beforehand. You should look over your test this weekend though, and make notes of what you did incorrectly. Try to figure out the problems yourself.”
“Right,” Louis said quickly when he caught sight of his doms approaching the doorway. “Well, thank you Professor, have a good weekend!”
“Louis,” Professor Winston said sternly, halting the boy in his tracks. “Make sure you get that test signed by your doms as well, alright?”
“Y-Yes Professor,” Louis said, feeling like a rock had fallen into his stomach, and also getting a bit angry. Winston was always more unfair to subs than he was to doms. While it wasn’t considered uncommon for a professor to request a dom’s signature, it was still a rather dickish move.
Louis all but ran from the room, stopping at the sight of his doms. They had their hands entwined, looking at him with beaming smiles.
“Hi Love,” Harry kissed his cheek. “How was class?”
“Good!” Louis answered far too cheerfully. “Great, even.”
“I never thought I’d see the day where you answered so positively about a math class,” Nick said, taking his turn to kiss Louis’ cheek as well. “I take it that means you did well on the test?”
Louis swallowed, forcing a grin. “Yup! I guess all that studying paid off.”
“Just like we told you,” Harry said with a nod. “Hard work always pays off in the end. That’s why we’re so persistent, not because we’ve got sticks in our arses.”
The sub flushed, remembering a past argument with his doms in which they had withheld his phone until he’d finished his literature homework, prompting Louis to insult them in such a way as Harry had said. He’d lost his phone for a week and gone to bed with a sore bum that night.
“Well, it’s the weekend now anyway,” Louis reminded them. “We have two days to forget about school.”
“That’s right, was there anything special you wanted to do?”
“I was thinking,” Louis bit his lip as an idea came to mind. “Maybe I could see Niall? It’s been awhile since I’ve visited him.”
That wasn’t a lie at all; Niall wasn’t going to school right now, and Louis missed him dearly. He could visit his best friend, hang out for a bit, have him forge a signature for the test…it would be a good visit, really.
“That sounds like a lovely idea,” Nick smiled at him. “I’m sure Niall will be thrilled to see you.”
Niall ended up being very thrilled to see Louis, that is until he found out the real reason for his friend’s visit.
“I don’t get it, why can’t you just show it to them? If you’re allowed to make it up, they shouldn’t be too mad…unless you muck up the second attempt, that is.”
“Niall, you don’t know Harry and Nick like I do. They’re very insistent that I keep up my marks. Besides, they’ll find out that I’ve not been studying as much as I should be, and that alone will screw me over.”
“But why do I have to sign your test?”
“Because,” Louis said, shoving a pen into his friend’s hand. “Professor Fuckface knows my handwriting too well, and I’m shit at impersonating anyway.”
“Alright fine,” Niall consented, ”Give your test here then.”
Louis left Niall’s feeling quite content and confident that he could keep this whole math fiasco under the wraps. So long as he studied hard and did well on the retake, everything would work out just fine.
“I just hope everything goes well,” Niall muttered once the test was signed. “I don’t want my doms finding out. They wouldn’t really approve of something like this.”
“Niall,” Louis tsked. “Nobody will find out. Even if they did, I wouldn’t tell who signed my test. You’re completely safe in this whole thing.”
“Okay, I guess that makes me feel better,” Niall said, his smile returning. “Want to play fifa now?”
Louis grinned. “Let’s do it.”
It was three days after retaking the test, on Thursday evening, when the test had once again made an appearance into his life, despite him thinking it was all over with. Footie practice had been from three to five, and now Louis was on his way home.
Nick or Harry would often come to watch the end of his practice and escort him home, but today neither one showed up. Louis didn’t think too much of it though, and even felt proud that his doms trusted him enough to make it home by himself. He was always telling them that it was pointless for them to come, seeing as their flat was just a block from the university.
His stomach was definitely ready for food, and he hoped that Harry was making something good tonight for dinner. It was usually ready by the time he got home from practice, so his mouth was already watering at the possibilities.
To top off his already good mood, tomorrow was Friday which meant the weekend was practically here. This weekend Louis wanted to do something special with his doms. Perhaps they could go to the city’s amusement park, or have a picnic on the beach.
“I’m back!” Louis called, dropping his sports bag to the floor and kicking his cleats off. He grinned at the smell that had taken over the apartment, as it was obvious that a pot roast was in the crock pot. That meant garlic potatoes, crisp buttered bread, and a caesar salad were also in the works.
“Hazza? Nick?” He called out, as nobody had rushed out to greet him like normal. The sub meandered through the hall and to the kitchen, seeing his guess had been correct, as dinner looked almost done. There was no Harry in sight though.
“Come join us in the living room Louis!” Harry’s voice finally called out from the living room. Louis grinned, exiting the kitchen at a hurried speed so that he could see his doms.
“Hi guys,” Louis pecked Nick’s cheek and gave Harry’s arm a squeeze. “What are you doing out here? Dinner smells so good Haz, I’m starving! Coach had us run such hard drills today, but I did really well…”
The sub trailed off a bit, especially when he realized that neither boy was smiling. “Um, is everything okay?”
He hadn’t misbehaved today, had he? Louis wracked his mind for anything that could have happened today. He’d done all of his morning chores, behaved during his classes, answered each text his doms had sent to his phone…he’d been good.
“It sounds like you had fun at footie practice,” Harry finally said, though his voice didn’t contain any warmth. “Which is good, seeing as you won’t be going back anytime soon.”
Louis still wasn’t comprehending what was going on. “Huh?”
Nick cocked his head to the space in between he and Harry. “Sit down, Louis.”
The sub did as he was told, now feeling a bit cautious. What on earth had his doms in such a somber mood, and what was with the comment about footie? “Is everything okay?”
“Everything was okay,” Nick told him. “That is, up until about an hour ago, when we received a call from your math professor.”
Louis felt his face go white.
“He had some very interesting news,” Harry continued from where Nick had left off. “You see, he called to inform us that you failed the test that you took on Monday…re-took, actually. He suggested you be set up with a tutor immediately, seeing as you’re on the verge of failing the class entirely.”
Louis’ lips were parted slightly as he stared back at his doms. His brain was trying to process a dozen thoughts and emotions at once. He had been sure that this second time taking the test had gone well! This was not good, not good at all.
“It’s quite peculiar actually,” Nick said. “Professor Winston was under the impression that we knew about your struggles with the material, seeing as he has your old test, apparently signed by the both of us….”
“I think we both know that neither Nick or I signed that test,” Harry’s voice was low. “So now, Louis, the floor is yours. We demand an explanation immediately.”
The sub resisted a squeak, his mouth feeling way too dry. His mind was whirling, trying to come up with something reasonable to say. Evidently he was already quite screwed.
“I- I thought I had it under control,” He soon blurted out. “It was- I studied some more, and I thought I would do better. I didn’t want anything to get in the way with foot-”
“Well it’s a very good thing that you won’t have to worry about that silly sports team any longer,” Nick said. “You’re going to leave your phone down here and go upstairs to the guest bedroom.”
“Nick and I are going to eat the delicious meal that I’ve prepared,” Harry continued. “You, meanwhile, will get dressed in your pajamas and stand in the corner of the bedroom. Right now!”
“Y-Yes Sirs,” Louis’ felt his voice waver as he rushed to do as he was told.
The sub was unable to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks as he changed into pajama shorts and a t-shirt before heading to the guest bedroom. Nobody ever went in here much, as they all occupied the main bedroom. This room was more or less only used for isolation punishments.
Once he was in the corner, nose pressed against the wall, Louis cried quietly. He felt very remorseful of his actions. If only he had just informed his doms straight away about the first test…they would have been a little upset, but nothing like this. There were a lot of behaviors that his doms disapproved of, but lying and deception were probably the worst.
His stomach grumbled, because he could still smell the delicious pot roast downstairs, but he would not be having any of it. This was not at all how Louis had expected his evening would be going. He’d been thinking more along the lines of a yummy dinner, hot shower, and lots of cuddles and kisses.
Now Louis’ stomach churned. He had never done something like this before, so he was unsure of what his punishment would be. A spanking, most likely, and obviously no more footie for awhile.
No more footie…
Louis let out a choked sob.
Missing dinner wasn’t that big of a deal. The sub knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach anything anyhow.
After dinner, as promised, Harry and Nick came upstairs.
“Harry and I have been talking, and your punishment has been decided. Now Louis, we’ve had many chats about your role and rules as a sub. You’ve broken some of the more serious ones with your recent actions. You’ve lied and deceived us, about school of all things. And you know very well how seriously we take your education.”
The sub could only stare at the floor, ashamed.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. Tonight your bum is going to feel the full force of what happens when you deceive your doms. Tomorrow the three of us are going to have a nice long chat with your math professor. Afterwards, we’re going straight to your football coach. You’re going to tell him that you won’t be on the team for the remainder of the season, because you’ve been a very bad boy.”
“Please!” Louis cried out as he sniffled. “I’ll do anything, just don’t make me quit footie. Please don’t!”
“Kneel!” Nick said sharply, causing the sub to instantly collapse to his knees. “Playing sports is a privilege, and subs who lie get their privileges revoked. From now on you’re going to be in tutoring four days a week after school. Then you’re going to come home and do homework. When you’ve finished your homework, you’re going to quietly study. Up until you have perfect marks for every course, if we hear a word of complaint from you, your bum will turn a nice shade of red.”
“Is that clear?” Harry asked asked a few seconds later, when Louis only continued to sob.
“Y-Yes,” Louis managed to say. “Y-Y-Yes Si-irs.”
“One more thing, before we get started. Who signed your test?”
Louis moaned lowly, refusing to look up.
“That’s not an answer,” Nick said. “Was it you, or someone else? Don’t even think of trying to lie to us again.”
“Niall!” Louis bawled. “Was N-Niall!”
Nick nodded. “I thought as much. Well Lou, now you’ve even gotten your friend into trouble. I hope you understand now that there are always consequences that come with actions.”
Louis was still too distraught to say anything, so he continued to weep at the feet of his doms, remorseful and guilty. Now Niall would be in trouble with his own doms, and it was all his fault.
Louis slept in the guest bedroom that night, lying on his stomach with a bottom that was on fire. Neither Nick nor Harry went easy on the physical part of his punishment. They didn’t use any objects of course, but thirty spanks on his bare bum from each of his doms was more than a little painful in itself, excluding the additional fifteen smacks on his sitting spots at the very tops of his thighs.
He didn’t get cuddles either. Usually his post-spanking treatment bordered on being spoiled, with cuddles and warm milk and soothing aloe on his rear. Instead he’d been sent straight to bed.
Nick and Harry were very firm this time, making it clear that he wouldn’t be getting any sort of comfort until after he explained to his coach that he was leaving the team.
That hurt a lot more than the spanking did.
The next day was no doubt the most humiliating thing that Louis had ever gone through. Neither of his doms said much of anything to him, though Harry did serve him a plate of pancakes. There were no cute whipped cream faces on them though.
At school Louis squirmed through all of his classes, his poor bottom still tender from the night before. When math (his last class of the day) had finished, it was time for his doms to meet with Professor Winston.
“Good afternoon Professor,” Nick reached out to shake Winston’s hand, and Harry followed suit. “We’re here for the meeting scheduled in concern of our sub.”
The professor greeted them professionally. “Yes of course, have a seat.”
It was embarrassing, having to listen to his doms and professor talk about him as if he were incompetent. The only good thing was that Louis didn’t have to speak much, although he was fuming at everything Winston was saying to his doms.
“Louis has been declining for weeks now,” Winston drawled on. “Always looking out the window and doodling in his notebook. I can’t recall him ever raising his hand, not once.”
These words appeared to irk his doms, much to Louis’ satisfaction.
“If it’s been bad for this long, why haven’t you contacted us sooner?” Harry demanded to know.
“W-Well,” The professor’s cheeks reddened, caught in his words.
Needless to say, the meeting didn’t last long after that. Unfortunately now came the even worst part of the day, which would be paying a visit to his football coach.
“Um, James?”
Coach Cordon looked up from his clipboard, his face instantly brightening. “Louis, hi! What can I do for you? I know you’re eager, but practice isn’t for another hour.”
“R-Right,” Louis swallowed, praying that he wouldn’t break down in front of his coach.
James then noticed Louis’ doms. He was already well acquainted with them, seeing as Harry and Nick attended all of Louis’ games and even sometimes practices.  “Hello boys. Excited for the big game coming up?”
Louis felt like he’d been punched in the gut. James and the rest of his team were counting on him for this game, which was coming up in just a few weeks. Him not playing would leave them all screwed.
Harry cleared his throat. “I’m sure the game will go well. But James, Louis has something he needs to tell you.”
Harry’s solemn expression clued James in on the fact that some bad news was about to be heard. Louis, meanwhile, was biting his lip so hard that it was in danger of bleeding. He felt humiliated, being marched over here by his doms, like he was incapable of doing it by himself.
But that was a main point of this punishment, humiliation.
“I’m sorry James,” Louis took a deep breath, looking down because he was unable to look his coach in the face. “I can’t be on the team anymore. I was- I was bad. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh,” James sounded so disappointed. “You…You’re sure about this?”
Louis was quiet, until he felt a nudge. “Yes Coach. I’m sure.”
“Thank you for understanding James,” Nick said, resting a hand on Louis’ shoulder. “We should get going now. We wish your team the best of luck for the remainder of the season.”
Louis’ shoulders shook, chest tight as he tried to contain his silent sobs of despair. While some people might view it as something of little value, football meant everything to him, and to lose it was to lose a tremendous part of his life. It also hurt, knowing that his team had been counting on him, and he would be letting them down.
“I know that was hard,” Harry murmured, wrapping his arms around the distraught sub. “You were a very good boy today.”
Any other time Louis would have immediately sought comfort from his doms. Right now, however, he was too crushed to accept any sort of comfort, so he stood rigidly without returning the hug.
Louis maintained his distance the rest of the way home, planning to head straight up to bed and hide under the covers for awhile.
Nick caught him by the shoulder once they were inside their home. “Lou…”
“You said I was good, can’t I just be alone right now? I’ve got homework to do.”
They let him go, and had Louis looked back, he would have noticed their pained expressions.
Three weeks.
For three weeks now, Louis had been nothing but the perfect, studious sub. Through all his classes, Louis’ eyes never left his professors as he took diligent notes. Monday through Thursday, he would head straight to the tutoring center after his classes, where he would spend two hours working on math equations with the on hand tutors.
Once his tutoring was done, one of Louis’ doms would come to get him. Then would come the time for any additional homework from his other classes. Dinner would happen somewhere during this time, and afterwards Louis would simply study for any upcoming quizzes or tests before going to bed.
Nick and Harry weren’t mad at him anymore. They hadn’t been, really, since after the night they had found out about the test. That didn’t mean the punishment still wasn’t in effect, but the doms acted like everything else was normal.
Louis knew he had done wrong, he really did. Despite this, the sub couldn’t help but feel peeved about the situation. He would never be outwardly rude to his doms, but he still found other ways to make sure his feelings were known, mainly by acting distant while still retaining the politeness that was required of him.
“Louis,” Harry’s voice drew Louis away from his english essay, which he was putting the final touches on despite it being due almost two weeks from now. “What’ll it be tonight love, pasta or fajitas?”
The sub gave a small smile. “Whatever you’d like, Sir.”
Harry’s hand rubbed at his shoulder. “You don’t have a preference?”
“No Sir,” He answered, looking back at his computer screen, where his essay was on display.
The dom peered at the screen as well. “Is that your subculture essay? That’s not due till the sixteenth.”
Louis continued to type. “Yeah, m’just getting it done early.”
“Well,” Harry seemed to struggle with something. “Why don’t you take a break and help me with dinner, okay? It’ll give your eyes a break.”
Louis did so, both to appease his dom and due to the fact that Harry had been right about his eyes needing a break from the computer. Besides, normally on nights when Louis didn’t have footie, he would hang out in the kitchen with Harry while dinner was being made.
Harry had probably been missing that, just like Louis had been.
Later that night, after a dinner of fajitas, both of his doms asked to speak to him in the master bedroom.
Nick touched his cheek. “Harry and I have been talking, mostly about your punishment.”
Louis stared back at them silently as an indicator to go on.
“Well, you’ve pretty much caught yourself up in all of your courses now. You’ve even gone beyond our standards. Therefore, we both agree that this speaks loudly at the fact that you’ve handled your punishment very well.”
Harry touched the sub’s cheek. “To be honest, we also miss seeing your lovely smile. Louis love, you know why we had to punish you, right?”
“I do,” Louis nodded solemnly. “I hid my test from you, and then went behind your backs and lied.”
“Right,” Harry said. “I’m glad you understand. You’re no longer on any restrictions, so long as you maintain steady grades.”
“We also understand that outdoor footie season is almost over,” Nick added. “But winter signups for indoor footie are next week, and you have permission to join if you want.”
There were a lot of different emotions circulating in Louis’ head. While he was still upset at the fact that he’d had to miss the biggest game of the season, he was also ashamed of the way he’d handled his math test. Perhaps the consequences would have been less severe had he been open and honest.
He was also feeling very remorseful about dragging Niall into the situation. His friend had warned him, but Louis hadn’t listened. He was so desperate about staying on the team, but in the end that desperation was what put him in this situation.
This was the hardest Harry and Nick had ever been on him. It was clear that neither of them liked punishing him in such a way. Yes, they had been very angry the day they found out, but that anger had vanished by the next day. These past few weeks they had been nothing but loving, and it was Louis who had resisted that love.
Being a matched sub was still such a new concept for Louis. Sometimes it left him disgruntled, while other times it left him feeling like the happiest person alive. No matter what, one thing was clear. His doms loved him very much.
“That sounds nice,” He smiled tentatively at them, getting two warm smiles in return. “And I really am sorry. I promise I won’t ever go behind your backs like that again.”
“Everyone makes mistakes Lou,” Harry told him. “You’re forgiven- have been forgiven, ever since you talked to your coach. We both know how hard that must have been. Footie means a lot to you.”
“Yes it does,” Louis agreed. “But you guys mean more to me than any sport ever could.”
He spoke the truth.(If anyone thinks of other fics I removed from my ao3, feel free to reach out and I’ll post them on tumblr!) 
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pipelinelaserraygun · 2 years ago
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🔝 Referenced on today's briefing ⬇️.
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Hey Arthur I wanted to give you first 📴 much praise & encouragement. Your openness with your struggle and your obvious victories so far are inspiring! Thank you for your loving response to the Lord.
I also had some food for thought: my friend's dad was diagnosed with cancer, and he ultimately decided to go vegan instead of doing chemo and... it has reduced his cancer to undetectable. Blows my mind. You talk about difficulties with diet, but there are so many delicious vegan recipes, and you end up feeling great. Don't let your flesh win this battle! Kill those cravings for (processed) sugar. Eat fruit, whatever is natural and sweet and tasty. Just not skittles or milk chocolate, haha. I'd even encourage you to eat bread, I don't think carbs are your enemy like many say, just eat complex carbs like you talked about, and natural carbs, not processed or white carbs. Whole wheat, etc, but I'm no expert on the carb thing that's just my personal experience.
Also, fasting kills cancer. If you fast for 7 days your body starves cancer cells. Fasting can reduce a persons cancer likelihood by 70% if they fast for one week, only water. Since you already have cancer I believe, it is also very effective to fast before starting chemo, it causes drastic changes in effectiveness of chemo therapy if you fast for a few days before starting. Your cancer cells literally live off the food you eat so when you fast they are one of the first things to starve to death.
Now, I know you have diabetes so you may not be able to fast yet, but the vegan diet can reduce your A1C levels till you are no longer diabetic (if you're type 2) and then you can fast! .... I think🤔.
Anyway, I wanted to encourage you with those tidbits, and to dare you to start eating vegan. You will live longer, which we all want you to, and you will not dread your vegan existence like you may think you will, you get used to it eventually, and enjoy it!
I want you to live long brother, though I barely know you. No more mr nice guy on your flesh, put it into submission, you can do it- I promise! Just do what you can. It'll be easy once you get going.
Anyway, no pressure honestly, I just WANTED TO MAKE THOSE EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS SO YOU CAN LOOK INTO THEM FOR YOURSELF because they're unbelievable until I looked into them for myself. I really see a reality where you and God easily beat your flesh problem and you go on in peace here on earth for many more years. I come against all the stuff fogging your mind making you think you need candy and all the other sugar poison- you will look back and think wow I was trapped mentally in a lie and didn't even know it.
You aren't doing this alone, reach out to your community and see if anyone you know is vegan and start talking with them! If you want maybe I can ask my friend for her Dad's phone number and you can get in touch and listen to his story too!! --Austin, from beach Ministry.
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Viewership is reaching out‼️
Out of the clear blue on 9/21, concerned Brethren made contact. Austin and Ricky BOTH took a good amount of time out of their day, to find out how I was doing after my recent overnight 🏥 ER stay.
Ricky suggested we meet at a sports concept, featuring slow-drip ☕ Joe and ⚾. We talked for about 90 minutes and I was super-blessed.
I purchased this baseball card, THERE, particularly because Blake was the starting ⚾ pitcher for the San Diego Padres, tonight.
Veteran Christians need to be MORE mindful of their 👺 intake, than newbies.
Sin lurks, waiting for God's OWN to let our guard down.
As part of our conversation, we discussed the current week-long thread of THIS devotional: running 🧼 clean.
Catching a sporting event would be a personal reward that does a person no harm.
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What other signals are 🇺🇸 lawful residents NOT being made aware of?
Foreigners deciding elections in the United States 🗳️🗳️?
Ask georgie 💩 soros ⬆️😑.
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🤡🤡🤡🤡x👿= LUNACY.
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Existential sins of 2022 look like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Parents are ALLOWING their kids to be 🔪 MUTILATED, leading to increase in suicide.
Collective BLOOD supply is worsening. Cleanse YOURS.
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⚕️👿👹🏥🩻 ✝️🛐🧼
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👺👺 demo-🐀🐀 rats, to Christians and conservatives: IF YOU DON'T take care of yourselves, nobody else is going to give a rat's ass.
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MUST 👁️👁️ SEE ‼️
What were you made FOR?
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