#some lore doodles i shall share very soon
darknoverse · 2 days
idk but the other day i had a dream about TOO and DT (almost very common dreams to me lmao) and along all the cool stuff there was these scenes with rosetasma i dont remember much but this one i specifically recall and it makes me go owaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/pos
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on another note i made sm doodles too lmao
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specifically been working on Rosethorn's armor design , i think it's neat
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@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @bloodhoundini
@radaverse @rexscanonwife
@artcomestolife @sunflawyer
@tireddovahkiin @ree3942
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the-kipsabian · 5 years
Hello I want those Arin hcs pls and ty
i knew you were gonna come yelling at me as soon as i mentioned this lol so ask and you shall receive!
➭ i previously headcanoned arin as a fourth year, but tbh i feel like he would be way more of a third year tho? as there is an age gap between him and dan (i think its like. eight years? at least?? im so lost on my grumps lore its amazing lol). so dan would be a fourth year, arin is a third year, and that would lower suzy to a second year student tho. if you wanna include more grumps im sure there would be places for them too but for now lets just keep these three before i lose my mind over all these new inserted characters lmao
➭ somewhere down the line he def becomes bffs with shawna and you can fucking fight me on that, you know it happens (casually tagging @ss-trashboat yo)
➭ arin is def one of those kind of guys where you cant really. decide on your first impression on him tbh? cause he can change in a drop of a hat - at first he might come across as kind awkward and shy cause he doesnt really know how to talk to new people, but if you catch him in the middle of a rant or an upsetting game hes gonna swear the living hell out of everything and be loud and come across really intimidating. or it can be anything in between tbh. hes one of those people where first impressions dont really matter, you gotta get to know the guy to really figure out what arin is all about
➭ ..and honestly when you do, what do you find? a really nice and sweet and supportive guy who just gets really passionate about things (especially games) that he hates
➭ arin is also like. super protective over his friends tho? obviously over suzy as they are dating (and even if they wouldnt be in whatever timeline it is that he gets shipped with someone else, im always open for that option but im just mentioning this here for the sake of clarity as this is. a very obvious ship tbh lol), but also literally everyone else he befriends and then especially dan? like they have been friends for a long time, so arin has probably seen a few heartbreaks and bad breakups here and there, and he just. wants to make sure that his number one guy to be happy, you know?➭ which makes arin like. befriend everyone that dan ever shows interest towards tbh. he wants to make sure this person would be good enough for his best friend, so he does all the ground work - get to know them, slowly maybe introduce dan to them or them to dan, and make sure this whole thing might work out well enough that he doesnt need to step in to stop anything. its not that he doesnt trust the person dan wants to date or that he doesnt trust dan, or that he doesnt think that even if it ends badly that dan isnt going to get over it, its just. arin cares, okay? maybe a bit too much at times, but hes trying his best
➭ arin. is an apron. on every first date his friends are ever going to be on. he doesnt take no for an answer tbh, he just. wants to make sure everything goes alright. hes not gonna be in the way, hes not gonna third wheel it, none of that, arin is just. going to hang out in the background to make sure everything turns out fine. and most of the time dan is the only one aware of it and his date is not, so it doesnt even really get that awkward tbh
➭ in short, arin is like the super overprotective mom over all his friends but in a really nice way tho tbh
➭ if you befriend arin, you get invited to a lot of game nights. very often its party games and include other mutual friends or at least the rest of the grumps crew
➭ also if you befriend arin and make the mistake of sharing your phone number with him, he will blow your phone up with ridiculous memes and stuff in the middle of the night. with some ‘oh hey i saw this picture/video/thing/whatever and thought of you!’ mixed in between. again mostly in the middle of the night
➭ hes. super hardworking tbh. arin might not be the best at school, but holy shit does he put in a lot of effort for his studies tho. hes already busy with a whole lot of things (as they do the whole grumps club thing [i wanna say its kind of a mixture of what normal boots does and the podcast stuff we established with super beard bros?], he participates in some theater club activities with dan [esp the improv nights!] and just in general he just. does a whole lot of different activities around school cause he just likes helping out and lending a hand when someone asks if they are friends) so the rest of his time is spent studying tbh, when hes not. too enraged by video games lol. so he doesnt really get a whole lot of rest most of the time, but hes trying. arin is really really trying cause he wants to do all these things and be good at school too and then some. he just. has a whole lot of dedication for everything he does tbh
➭ also yeah this boio is an artist, obviously. hes not as dedicated to his craft as like say kit and/or ayu are, but he likes to draw and is often seen doodling around in class or during breaks and whatnot. its usually simple cartoons about his fave games or shows or something like that
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