#some casual posting. sometimes I feel like this sideblog is a professional blog where I must limit what I post to appeal to the masses
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months ago
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he looks so stupid
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samaeljigoku · 4 months ago
Pinned Update - - About Me
👹 Samael | She / They | BlueSky | Ko-Fi Page 👹
❧ Professional and hobby artist. Casual writer. Cute, chaos or creepy, it can be a gamble which type of my art you will find first.
❧ Asks welcome. If you would like to buy any of my physical art, please feel free to ask and I will share where and if they're available. ❧ For my own work, I use the tags "original art", "fan art" and "sketchbook". My blog and works sometimes contain dark subject matter - gore and guro, body horror, dark humor, sensitive themes, etc. Most is SFW and has content tags if needed.
❧ I am not a creature of constants, but things I post often include art, fashion, and horror. I am (almost) an encyclopedia of vintage horror games and music collector, and have an interest in classical and YA lit that comes and goes. Some of my favourite series I draw art from include JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, Silent Hill, Clock Tower + its sister games, Fear & Hunger, and Mouthwashing, among many others that are more occasional.
❧ Sideblog for my horror fairytale project - @thecourtofindigo ❧ Writing and poetry archive (not in active use) - @hauntmetosleep
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ndrv3fanzine · 7 years ago
I know for a fact that I won't be chosen but, do you have any advice for those who were rejected? Thank you for making this zine too! I hope everyone participating in the zine gets a good time!
Hey, hey. Don’t say that yet! Anyway,advices to make into a zine?
My personal opinion is that if you getrejected it probably means that other people left a greaterimpression compared to your application. And in this case, practiceon your overall art and impression is the key. Practice on refiningyour skill and to find your own impressive style that can not beignored by zine mods (or your audience in general).
But how to practice and where to start?
A lot of artists keep asking me thatthey feel something about their art is off or that they aren’t‘there’ yet but they also don’t know how to make it better. And justhearing ‘You will get better if you keep practicing’ doesn’t helpthem at all. They keep drawing and drawing but nothing changes. Sowhat shell they do? They are already working hard and giving theirbest. But maybe they aren’t focusing on the right things. So I thinkthis is very subjective thing and you will have to find your own wayof practicing by analyzing what you could improve on.
So in order to find out where to startI would first of all ask people close to you to be deadserious andtell you their honest opinion about your drawings and about yourartblog/website! Sometimes just having someone point out what you canimprove on OR what is very good on your art will help you. Forexample, I use the stuff people complain about and try to turn theminto my strong points. Everyone complained my art looks to jelly so Itried to implement that into my style, also I was told my colors lookcancerous due to oversaturation so I try to make my drawings lesssaturated. Critisism is not always aimed to hurt you! You can use itto find out what you can make better or what you should not do at allanymore. In the end it’s a win-win situation for you and the personwho critisised you because you can use it to get better and toimplement the advices into your works and they might even become yourfollower and enjoy your art if they see you take it to heart andimprove.
Here are some advices I give all myartist friends who want to make it big:
Seperate your art from your mainblog by making a blog for you art only. Have a visually appealing artblog with the main focus on your art and not on a fancy design (simple is best). Look up 'portfolio theme’ or 'themes for artists’ to find some nice themes just for artists to present their art  : D
Only upload actual works to your artblog and keep doodles or sketches to a sideblog or yourself. You might be judged by the mods for things that were just casual doodles and don’t reflect your actual skills. Only upload the things you want to be seen by the mods (or by your audience in general in case you want to become a more serious artist)!
Make a sketch every day!! This is so important. You can only improve your art if you keep practicing. Even if you just make a 5 min drawing every day that is already enough. Get a cheap sketchbook so you won’t be scared to ruin it. Even if you make a messy sketch that doesn’t matter, just beat yourself to practice every day.
Use irl references for you art!! Just sitting down and sketching an irl object will help you so much to understand how it works. Studying living beings (!) can help you so much. If you have a zoo nearby go there and sketch the living animals, it will help you tons to understand them and make your drawings so much more lively. Ask your friends to pose for you! You will also see how the lighting works if you reference from irl. This website is cool for sketching if you don’t have an irl reference at hand: https://www.quickposes.com/en
Take care of the usage of your colors! This post might help you: http://sarahculture.tumblr.com/post/157306518455/color-tutorial-part-4-color-picking-and-palettes
Check your drawings for contrasts! How does it look in just b/w? Are there any constrasts at all? Always make sure that a light and dark parts of your drawings are balanced. Add contrasts/highlights to make it more interesting.
Don’t write anything confusing or awkward into the application. Really. Some applicants mentioned they forgot their password and can’t log into their artblog and stuff. This is just not professional and also really unnessassary. Try to always leave a good impression and don’t mention flaws like this!
Before trying to aim for a really fancy and unique artstyle make sure you know the basics. Even trying out fancy coloring techniques won’t do much if the anatomy is off. Your audience will be so much more pleased if they look at an anatomically correct drawing.
Ok half of the list is probably stuff Iwill have to take to heart too, haha. We all constantly betterourselfes so please keep improving and working! Your hard work willpay off, trust me!
- Mod Lanphelt
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