#some 61k likes on a tweet thats just canonically RIGHT NOW wrong i cant stand this fandom and it's unfortunate saturation with locals
poisonousquinzel · 3 months
people will complain with their whole entire chest about Ivy "just being Harley's girlfriend now" and you look up Ivy on their account and the only time they've spoken about her is to bitch about her dating a woman Harley under the guise of "missing the old ivy"
no y'all don't, shut up, we can see you. you've never given a shit about ivy. you don't care about her or how she's "not an eco-terrorist anymore" cause if you did care, you'd not be complaining rn 💀 but sorryyy that her essentially cannibalizing Woodrue in #6 isn't "fucked up in the head" or "villainous" enough for you, but lbr if her actions throughout the first 8 chapters of her 2022 comic aren't Bad enough, then I hate to break it to you but I think you actually just have a problem with gay people and Ivy openly being in love with a woman:)
and that's a skill issue. a you problem. get therapy, loser.
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