dxrgn · 7 years
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“Who did this to you? I’ll kill them!” ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
It felt a like a nightmare and as bad as it probably was Jesse didn't want her to panic anymore than she already was. The cowboy was clutching the deep lacerations that covered the lower right portion of his abdomen. He knew it was bad considering he had no strength and was feeling unsteady from the loss of blood. The color red stained his clothing and his environment around him. He had no real idea of who attacked him. He was caught off guard while trying to find her. They never met in the same spot for safety and this time it just didn't feel right. He should have went with his gut. The feeling of wanting to see her clouded the Cowboys judgment and this... well was the result. He couldn't admit that to her though. She was probably already beating herself up over the whole thing. "I-im fine.. darlin'" Jesse said softly as he grinned, blood staining his mouth and all I he could taste was metal. "Ya worry too much.."@sombraiismos
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gemmaxoceanum · 7 years
TAGGED BY. @freedominheels​
TAG 6 PEOPLE YOU WANT TO KNOW BETTER. @dxssolved-nxtion , @rp-2p-iggyko , @highnoonbright , @titanomxchy , @askmelandharm  and anyone else who wants to do this
NICKNAMES. Ally, Al, Roma TIME RIGHT NOW. 4:04 pm LAST THING I GOOGLED. “red haired blue eyed actress” (was looking for a proper fc for Liesel) FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST.  ?????? I can’t possibly pick one! (Current obsession song is of Simon Curtis, though) SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD.  Soul 4 Sale--Simon Curtis  LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED. Since I last checked? Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (still haven’t watched TV today) WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW. Ripped jeans, black tank, red flannel WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG. Second of January, this year. THE KIND OF STUFF I POST. Rps, muse-related stuff, occasional mun posts DO I HAVE OTHER BLOGS.  Ready? There’s my main/personal @underxworlder​ . And then the armada of muses since I have too many blogs to count. The ones I’m usually on though are @americanxiidiot​ , @gioielli-del-suditalia​ , @guns-and-alpine-roses​ , @unehrlichkeit-und-einsamkeit​ , @cielitolxndo​ , @corrupted-maple-leaf​ , @swords-and-blossoms​ , @froggyxbeats​ , @snieh-pryncesa​ , @sombraiismos​ , @hoellenfeuer-und-edelweiss​ , @demigodsandmonsters​ , @queencftheseastorms​ , and this one
DO I GET ASKS REGULARLY.  Nah, but that’s alright with me. WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL. Admittedly, this one’s pretty straightforward--’demigods of the sea’. I just needed something to accommodate both Dani and Mason after adding him on here. HOGWARTS HOUSE. Slytherin, as my primary focus is my own (and certain people’s) well-being and thusly am rather prone to making sure things suit my needs when need be, as well as very achievement-oriented. POKEMON TEAM.  Valor FAVORITE COLORS.  Blue, black, and silver AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP.  Three hours on a good day LUCKY NUMBERS. 13 FAVORITE CHARACTERS. I can’t even begin to list ‘em here, though i will say that my muses and the main characters of Firefly will always hold a special place in my heart BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH. One, usually
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Eyes wide, frozen in place, the hacker was left speechless, rare as it was, for a moment, then a sharp cry left her lips as she rushed to Widowmaker's side, ignoring everything else for her, to check the damage. "Oye, why the hell would--? Why did you even...!" ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
The Widowmaker. Cold, calculating, the perfect figure, and the perfect assassin. Why was it that she was in this position. What had made her move to take the bullet that should have killed Sombra. Some missplaced sense of righousness? Perhaps it was that she actually enjoyed the hackers crude sense of humor and her pink highlights. Perhaps she just could bear to see another 'friend' die in front of her eyes. It may have been Amelie starting to poke her way through the programming. Nevertheless, when she saw the other approaching Sombra with guns drawn. She burst into action, grappling her way to step in front of the hacker just as the widowskiss, and their guns as well, began to open fire. Widow was good with her shots. Two clean kilos before the third could raise his gun to shoot. He only got a few rounds off, but that was all he needed. One round to the leg. Another to the abdomen before the third could be dispatched. She immediately fell to the ground. Her blood leaking from her faster than the nanites in her body could repair. Her eyes closed she let out a cough trying to answer the others questions, but she couldn't answer it herself. The light began fading. In her mind she could her Gerard calling to her. Words of sweet love and forgiveness. It soothed her. The Amelie still inside her weeping with joy as her own life force leaked into the roof. "Sombra. Do not....Cry for me....I do not....Deserve your tears...."@sombraiismos
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agentannakelso · 8 years
Repost, don’t reblog! 
Tagged by: @ameasureofpower
Tagging: @doctorsmartass @sombraiismos @dasbetruger
Anna Kelso
Asked someone to marry you? - Innocent Kissed one of your friends? - Guilty Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - Guilty Ever told a lie? - Guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - Innocent Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Guilty Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Guilty Kissed a picture? - Innocent Slept in until 5pm? - Guilty Fallen asleep at work or school? - Innocent Held a snake? - Guilty Been suspended from school? - Innocent Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? - Innocent Stolen something? - Guilty   Been fired from a job? - Guilty Done something you regret? - Guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? - Guilty Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - Guilty Kissed in the rain? - Guilty Sat on a roof top? - Guilty Kissed someone you shouldn’t? - Innocent   Sang in the shower? - Innocent Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - Guilty Shaved your head? - Innocent Slept naked? - Guilty Had a boxing membership? - Guilty Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Guilty Been in a band? - Innocent Shot a gun? - Guilty Donated blood? - Guilty Eaten alligator meat? - Innocent Eaten cheesecake? - Guilty Still loved someone you shouldn’t? - Innocent Have/had a tattoo? - Innocent Liked someone, but will never tell who? - Innocent Been too honest? - Guilty Ruined a surprise? - Guilty Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk after? - Innocent Erased someone in your friends list? - Guilty Dressed in a man’s clothes? - Guilty Dressed in a woman’s clothes? - Guilty Joined a pageant? - Guilty Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? - Guilty Still have communication with your ex? - Innocent Cheated on someone? - Innocent Got totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning? - Innocent A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? - Guilty Got so angry that you cried? - Guilty Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? - Guilty Thought about suicide? - Guilty Thought about murder? - Guilty Actually murdered someone? - Guilty Thought about mass murder? - Innocent Actually committed a mass murder? - Innocent Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? - Guilty Stalked someone? - Guilty Had a girlfriend? - Innocent Had a boyfriend? - Guilty Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? - Guilty
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junkyraty-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media
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raptoraabove-blog · 8 years
'Fading to Dust' ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
The woman was just younger than Fareeha. They had bonded quite a bit, though it wasn't without a persistence from the other woman. Fareeha kept herself closed off, though once past her icy heart, she had found herself deeply devoted to the other. Fareeha knew that the other played by her own rules and for herself, but also knowing she had her own set of rules she followed. They had managed things after some time.She was supposed to have protected her. But they weren't on duty and she hadn't been paying as much attention as she should have been. The man came out of nowhere, two guns firing everywhere. Fareeha had pulled her away and gotten them behind cover but it was too late. Only, she hadn't noticed yet. She was too busy calling for back-up, trying to get others away so they too could be "safe." The man had been restrained soon after and as she turned, she saw a weak smile on the other woman's face. Her eyes widened and she quickly scanned her body for a wound, finding two into her abdomen. Fareeha quickly and carefully tried to pick her up and rushed her over to the ambulance, but before she could get there, the woman fell limp. Sombra was no more. Fareeha was, though. She felt her eyes sting and she held the body close to her own, her body tense, unyielding while the one in her arms moved in whichever way she commanded. Fareeha had seen others die, true, but she was never ready. She was never ready to let go of someone she had sworn to protect. Another friend gone and as her mind registered it, her heart froze just a little bit more.
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dxrgn · 7 years
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
@sombraiismos"I haven't slept in a long time....too many nightmares. Sleeping has become a nuisance for me. Coffee in the morning helps me better."
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‼️ ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
It felt like years went by when Jesse finally arrived back home from a prolonged mission. Albiet, only a mere month went by it wasn't something Jesse had to do very often and just wasn't use to. He longed for his own bed and the silence of his room but not before the worn out cowboy went and got a drink first. Upon his arrival, the bar was quiet and almost dead. He wasn't disappointed though. He was more than overjoyed for the peace and quiet. He signaled the bartender before taking a quick sip of his cold drink until something caught his eye. He didn't think twice before moving from his seat and walking over to the thing he missed the most. It was like the cowboy lost control of his own thoughts and self control as he wrapped both arms around the probably startled hacker. No words left the cowboy. He almost forgot how she smelled and how soft she felt. He just hoped she wouldn't push him away.@sombraiismos
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agentannakelso · 8 years
quiz here. REPOST, not reblog!
Resultado: the hard-boiled detective
key characteristics: cynical, moralistic, brave, attentive
your view of the world may have been soured by your experiences, but you aren't one to give up easily. your experiences have simply reaffirmed your moral code, and you expect those you interact with to live by it. you have a rough exterior that might make you unpopular. on the inside, however, you deeply care about the people who come to you for help, and will find the strength within yourself to help them in the face of insurmountable odds.
film recommendations: the big sleep, the maltese falcon, devil in a blue dress
Tagged by: stole it from @mysteriousshopkeeper
Tagging: @ameasureofpower @icarusburning @ofthecuttingedge @doctorsmartass @sombraiismos
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dxrgn · 8 years
🔪 ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like! She thinks she's funny)
@sombraiismos"You know your posture makes it easy for me to take off the knife and stab you with it, might do it, might not. Still is this the best Reyes can teach you?"
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"I thought you'd be gone by the time I woke up." ~@sombraiismos (If you'd like!)
@sombraiismosJesse sat at the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes. A soft yawn escaped him as he began searching for his underwear. "Yeah well... ya were the one beggin' me to stay last night" the cowboy said with a small huff. He knew one day their heated arguments and never ending teasing would lead to something like this. He almost felt hungover and a bit defensive over her statement. He stood up, finally covered up a bit, giving a stretch. He hoped he wouldn't regret this but her attitude almost pushed him to it.
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tu-es-foutu-blog1 · 8 years
“I’m going to join NASA and fling myself into the sun.” ~@sombraiismos (if you'd like!)
@sombraiismos Widowmaker scoffed and sat beside Sombra.“ As much as I’d like that I doubt your criminal record would allow for such endeavors.” Picking up the open beer bottle she twisted her face in disgust, still unable to understand how anyone could prefer it to wine.“ ‘Alors’, how many drinks have you had exactly?”
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coldblueskin-blog · 8 years
"Tracer and Winston? Dead? Let me tell you something. Those two are literally impossible to kill. To prove a theory, I one time tried to just straight-up shoot ‘em with a real-ass gun. The bullet missed, ricocheted off a frying pan on the wall, and broke open a cabinet full of bottles, which I then tripped on and fell over. Hurt my pride more than anything…” ~@sombraiismos
Widowmaker turned to her companion, seemingly unfazed by her exaggerated story.
“Anyone can be killed. Some are just more difficult than others.”
Demonstrating her point, Widowmaker made her fingers into a shape of a gun and aimed them at a large crack in the wall.
“You have to wait until they are most vulnerable. Have them in your line of sight. Hold your arm steady. And then when the moment is nigh-”
Widowmaker flipped her fingers upward, simulating recoil.
“- Nobody is invincible.” She finished. The joke had completely missed her by at least a mile high. 
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