dynamitekansai · 4 months
Solo Sikoa reassures an uneasy Wiseman and someone fed Tama Tonga after midnight.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
"Superboy: Man of Tomorrow" being one of DC's best comics out right now is a true testament that modern team-centric books that strips characters of their individuality in favor of putting them in a box to complement the box their teammates are put in is the worst thing that can ever happen to a character and they will never truly shine and receive enough focus for deep characterization unless they escape that team for a while and actually have a solo adventure that’s completely centered on them and their personal development.
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estradasphere · 1 year
i take back everything ive ever said about palace of mirrors being boring or my least favorite estradasphere album , i just didnt realize that the thing with PoM is that the story and live show are an important part of the experience too
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thirteenandten · 2 years
I've started this year with soooo much motivation to change my career path and finally start translating books like I always dreamt, I'm surprising even myself with everything I've achieved so far tbh
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sadtrash-masculine · 2 years
i personally recommend everyone in this world ever to get a virtual axolotl pet that literally requires nothing, except food every 4 days and a clean tank once a week.
This is James Pond the third, his predecessors did infact die,bc i failed to meet the basic requirements, but he's still thriving at the age of 50 days:
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this app truly only tells you the most necessary info, its size which goes up 1 × 10^-6 cm per second, which is just like basically nothing and it doesn't even get any faster as it grows, and it's percentage in food and cleanness
i am entirely attached to this virtual creature that i named after James Bond. it's great! very aesthetic!
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zero-ek · 4 months
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I am UNREASONABLY excited for this one, being that its:
• Her first solo live in 3 years
• Her first solo live in an actual venue in like 5 years by this point (not counting Holofes and the SorAZ one)
• Her biggest venue yet (i think it's like 1200 seated and 2000 standing!!!)
• Her first ever concert with an actual band like holy shoot!!!!!!
Everything about this is just so dang special on a very personal level, like, i think i mentioned this before but AZKi is someone who really belongs in the stage, like even putting her incredible singing aside, just the way that she carries herself so naturally and confidently, i'd say that she is the most comfortable i've seen a Vsinger be in the stage, whether she's alone or sharing it with someone else, and regardless of it being virtual, on a small club or even at the massive arenas of the Holofes.
Plus, and i realized i talked about this before, but it's incredibly endearing how much it shows that she adores being on stage too, like with how she always talks so dearly about her performances on the recap streams, or how she would always mention here and there wanting to go back to venues so bad for the past two years. Again, i know that there was the SorAZ live earlier this year and i was happy for that, but to not only see her standing on her own once again, but being able to do it on such a big venue, with an in-house band is just so incredibly fulfilling.
We can kind of already guess how it'll probably look like, given that her friend and fellow Victor Entertainment Vsinger MaiR also held her major debut live at the same venue, also with a live band:
But i'm still very interested to see how AZKi's songs translate into a live band. I'm assuming it's gonna be a standard 4-piece, so i'm looking forward to see if the setlist will be built around it with her more standard rock and ballad songs, or (and what i'm looking forward the most if it happens) if and how they'll arrange her more synth-y songs like "Intersection", "Time Capsule" or "Take me to Heaven"
(I'm also hoping that they do our lord and saviour Wataru Sena's godly drumwork justice but seeing how it's gonna be two performances i'm keeping my expectations reasonable)
I know this is dreaming way too big but can you imagine if she one day gets to have like a full on string section? Heck even just like a cello-violin combo would go so hard, as displayed by Ojou and HACHI. Like imagine "petal dance" or "Afterglow" or "Unmei no Arika" or "End Roll..." with live strings it would be so freaking insane, i don't know if any other holomems have done it before or if it's even feasible but hey i can dream at least.
Also also, the title of the live is "Kowairo Enthropy", "Kowairo'' (声色) means "impersonation", but the title writes it as 声音 "Seion", meaning "tone of voice". I've been really intrigued by this choice and i'm wondering if it's just a fancy title or if it's like a theme that she'll go into.
And of course, the second big news is her 3rd/Major 1st album!
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(Artificially upscaled)
I wanna save any opinions on it until at the very least the XFD comes out, however, if i read the description right, it means that we're getting Inochi 2024 and another Wataru Sena song, which i cannot deny myself the excitement of, that man does not miss!
Akki is also set to have a song, they've done songs for other singers that i know and i've generally enjoyed their work, so i also have good expectations for what they might cook up. Hige Driver is returning from the SorAZ album, so i'm expecting at least 1 idol-ish song.
I don't really have much to say just yet given that i don't know or at least don't recognize any of the other composers, but if she handpicked them herself i have good reason to trust her sense, seeing that the post-INNK-pre-Victor songs (the "Pages" EP and "Ginga to Kairo") were very good. Going by the title and art i do trust, or at least hope that the songs will be made to her standards and direction, like her other friend and fellow Victor Entertainment Vsinger Asano Ruri's major 1st album was.
(Also hoping that she was allowed to do lyrics or some co-composing on any of these songs, pretty much any song that she's had writing credits on is a favorite of mine, let her cook!).
Also also, her birthday is coming up! These announcements actually caught me by surprise since i was expecting her to announce them on a 3D live, but i am aware that it's more standard for major musicians to leave like 2 or 3 months between announcement and event. So i'm like 80% certain that the big thing for this birthday will be the key visual for the sololive, since it's the only thing not revealed yet, but also, i'm secretly hoping to see either a new outfit or a remastered 1st model, as i said in my last AZKi post, not only it means a lot to me personally, but it's been getting a revival in popularity and it'd be the perfect time to bring it back.
I seriously cannot wait for the sololive and i sincerely hope she sells the absolute heck out of that venue because she absolutely deserves it!!!!
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batshikns · 5 months
Check-up List #28
Daily To-Do's:
-Got to school with in a tolerable mood: N/A
(Got up in a tolerable mood: ✔️)
-Laughed and made someone laugh today: ✔️
-Didn't get/make someone mad/upset: ✔️
-Got home in a tolerable mood: N/A
(Went to bed in a tolerable mood: ✔️)
-Showered: ✔️(highscore: 16) (13)
-Took a walk: ❌️
-Planning to go to bed soon: ✔️
-Eat breakfast: ✔️ (brunch)
-Eat lunch: ✔️ (brunch)
-Eat dinner: ✔️
Today's To-Do's:
-Work on slides: ✔️
-Practice Sololing: ❌️
-Drink water: ✔️
+ XP: Check-in with Dad and Pop: ✔️
+ 2× XP: Spend less time on the computer(phone): ❌️
Didn't do much today, but gotta hangout with Pop and Dad, even though i felt like i was gonna pass out the entire time...
Dad watched me play ANNO: Mutationam(not checking if i spelt it right) while Pop was getting ready for bed, which was fun to show off my game. I hope my spirit of giving hugs will give Pop the feeling of me hugging him to his comfort..
Im tired. How did things get so bad?
-Tolerate school
-Take a nap
-Drink water
-Cuddle with Mom
-Keep in mind that you're trying, even if Mom, Dad, or even yourself don't realize it yet and urge you to speed up the process
-Extra points: Check-in with Dad and Pop
-Double extra points: Spend less time on the computer(phone)
-Extra 0.5 points: researchers more about Buddhism
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ur-not-real · 1 year
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swag ass dq tact scouts over the last couple days go me
fought tooth and nail for solol
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unalivejournal · 2 years
im so hungry i was about to go to the coffee shop but then my mother came home and it feels too embarrassing to admit that i’m going to go spend money on food instead of taking 5minutes to make something soLOL
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rosmarnez · 2 months
A las personas en ocasiones se les olvida que solo somos eso personas. Que en algún momento la vida se nos apaga, puede ser temprano o puede ser tarde, pero la vida se nos va en un instante y no nos damos cuenta o no queremos darnos cuenta.
Así que vive al máximo sin darñar o perjudicar a otros.
Solol vive, disfruta, ama y se feliz.
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tioplagg · 6 months
Solo Leveling ep 12 POR ORDEM DO 🤴ノノERGASE (Análise) -HD #análise #solol...
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victorvandortsbf · 7 months
ughhshs i hav e solol and essemble tomorrow IIM SO SCARED AND NERBOUS HEPELPELP ven.eer i need you to hype me up righ tnow oh my GOD
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colorfulprincewombat · 10 months
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Più amara della delusione vi è solol' assoluta
mancanza di speranza.
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jakartaparquet · 1 year
Jejak Pohon Jati, Asal Usul, Karakteristik Di Indonesia
Pohon kayu jati memiliki sejarah yang cukup panjang di masyarakat jawa. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari berbagai macam peninggalan dalam wujud bangunan seperti rumah tradisional jawa, masjid, pendopo – pendopo karaton maupun dalam Serat Cethini Dalam serat Centhini Tahun 1814, pujangga keraton kasunanan solol turut memuat pengetahuan tentang kayu tersebut. Dari juru tulis instana lelana atau…
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lieselotte-sky · 1 year
Ono taky moc myšlení škodí
Dnes jsem se o tom názorně přesvědčila. Otevřu chlebovku do které někdo napchal rohlíky a…dohajzlu červi! Kruci fix, vždyť jsem tam ty rohlíky dávala včera, co je? Hm, aha, ono je to sice krásné a dřevěné, ale dole a vzadu to má panely ze sololitu zasazené do drážek, do těch napadaly drobečky, pochopitelně to nikoho nenapadlo a jaký élent se tam zabydlel si dovedete představit. Navíc má ta chlebovka dutiny, do kterých se nedá dostat. Takže co teď. No pochopitelně rozebrat, vyčistit, co jiného. Hm, jenomže ono je to zalepené, nerozebiratelné. Točím to kolem dokola, zjistím, že jeden winkel nezapadá do drážek ale je jen přilepený. Jasně, tohle tam narval výrobce jako poslední, takže se to musí dostat ven jako první. Do spáry s lepidlem vrazím zalamovák, třísknu do něj kladivem, tím přeseknu lepidlo, winkel vypadne a já vyndám ty sololity a dostanu se dovnitř. Potud dobré, jenže pak začalo přemýšlení:
Nojo, když to ale takhle vyrazím a pak zase zalepím, kolikrát budu schopna to lepidlo přeseknout než se to definitivně rozpadne? Chytit to zboku vrutem moc nepomůže, to to dřevo rozhadruje snad ještě víc než to lepidlo, co takhle tam dát nějaké magnety? A nebo šroub a závitovou vsadku? A průchodu přes vnější prkno udělat hliníkové futro. A v mé hlavě rázem hořel prales… No, tak rámcově celou noc.
Dnes večer jsem po dalším úporném přemýšlení nad řešením neřešitelného problému naznala, že rozebrat se to musí tak jako tak a vzpomněla jsem si na to, že na potkání lidem říkám, že moc myšlení škodí, tak proč se tím jednou neřídit.
Jasně, když jsem to rozebrala zjistilo se, že ten zadní winkel není winkel, ale je to hranol se dvěmi zafrézovanými drážkami, což pochopitelně zvenku vidět nebylo, no a že to tam výrobce prostě namlátil na sílu a na krev, jinými slovy, když to tam namlátím a nepřilepím, tak ono to stejně bude držet. Čili. Není důvod to lepit, protože se to tam musí namlátit tak, že to nevypadne, ten sololit se musí prohnout aby šel ven, takže časem pojde, ale to není problém, protože se prostě uřízne panel z nového, takže není co řešit. Ale celý den mi z toho hořel v hlavě prales a zoufale jsem přemýšlela jak to vyřešit. Jasně. Kdybych to prostě rozdělala, ušetřím si celou tu hrůzu. Zkrátka moc myšlení škodí. A to je tak se vším, podívejte se třeba na takové filosofy…
0 notes
eventinews24 · 1 year
Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani a Gardaland Sea Life | 8 giugno 2023
Gardaland SEA LIFE_Pulizia spiaggia 2023 Gardaland SEA LIFE Aquarium ha come mission l’intento di trasmettere ai suoi Visitatori laconoscenza, l’importanza e la cura dell’ambiente marino. Pertanto, è da sempre impegnato inesperienze di edutainment e iniziative outdoor a favore dell’ambiente che coinvolgono non solole istituzioni del territorio di riferimento ma anche le principali organizzazioni…
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