#sollux my really cool cat
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Livros (não muito) novos que quero ler no ano novo
Desde que esses livros chegaram, estou enrolando pra fazer esse post, mas finalmente tomei vergonha na cara pra sentar e escrever pra valer. Deve ser o efeito de entusiasmo coletivo que a vitória da Fernanda Torres no Globo de Ouro causou na gente.
Basicamente, resolvi comprar alguns livros de um sebo online. É isso. Nunca tinha comprado livros usados pela internet, e depois dessa minha primeira experiência, provavelmente vou ir atrás de mais. O fato é que alguns meses atrás li em algum lugar (tipo o BlueSky) que livros são feitos para irem pra frente, passados adiante, principalmente quando estão parados na nossa estante esperando para serem lidos ou relidos depois de 4 anos que compramos. E eu de fato concordo com isso. Quando eu terminar esses livros que comprei (os três juntos deram 30 reais, o que é menos do que o valor de um livro novo nas livrarias) talvez passe-os adiante, mas agora vou falar sobre cada um deles :)
Eternas Escamas - Tera Lynn Childs
Quando fui ao sebo da cidade pelas primeiras vezes, lembro de ter visto o primeiro volume dessa série, "No Fundo do Amor". Fiquei bem interessada na premissa, já que se trata de um romance adolescente sobrenatural sobre SEREIAS! Eu adoro sereias e tudo relacionado ao fundo do mar! Mas, infelizmente, é bem complicado de achar histórias com esses seres mágicos por aí...
Lembro de não ter pego o livro porque, ao mesmo tempo que me interessei, fiquei meio nhé de se tratar de uma história adolescente, pois poderia ser meio infantil, ou algo do tipo.
Na última vez que estive no sebo, encontrei de novo esse livro! Às vezes tenho MUITA dificuldade de encontrar livros que me despertem a atenção no sebo, e infelizmente estava em um desses dias. Meio sem ideias de o que pegar, escolhi No Fundo do Amor.
E não é que adorei? Sim, a história é meio infantil de certa forma, and so am I. Mas só pelo fato de se tratar de sereias, senti uma alegria imensa. A escrita da autora também é muito fluida e divertida, e em poucos dias já terminei!
E é claro que eu precisava ir atrás da continuação, Eternas Escamas... E no fim, só encontrei exemplares usados - e com preços excelentes! Como já vendi livros usados algumas vezes na net, sabia que era ok comprar também - e foi o que fiz!
Por se tratar de um livro sobre sereias, praia, fundo do mar e verão, tô bem animada pra ler! Ainda mais porque não vou pra praia agora, igual todo mundo que conheço foi, então seria bacana ler um livro sobre enquanto fico torrando no sol da piscina do prédio hehehehe.
Bom, baseado na sinopse, não sei se vai ser tão legal quanto o primeiro, mas estava com um pouco de saudades dos personagens (●'◡'●)
Nas Folhas do Chá - Flávia Lins e Silva, Liu Hong
Se eu não comprasse mais de 20 reais no sebo virtual, eu teria que pagar um frete de igualmente 20 reais, e eu de verdade não queria isso. Como Eternas Escamas custou apenas 12 reais, eu precisava encontrar mais livros (apenas ganhos né? heheh) e então comecei a surfar pelo catálogo do sebo virtual. Lá pelas tantas, encontrei esse livrinho que me chamou bastante atenção, principalmente por ser uma colaboração entre uma escritora brasileira e uma chinesa!
Não sei se vocês sabem, mas comecinho do ano passado comecei a estudar mandarim! Meio que de lá pra cá não estudei quase nada e não evoluí muito, então ter encontrado esse livro me fez sentir como se ele fosse uma espécie de sinal dos deuses colocando a mão no meu ombro e dizendo "bora estudar mandarim mana".
Pelo que vi, é um livro infantil e infantojuvenil, e é basicamente escrito em formato de cartas e emails. Achei bacana o plot, que é basicamente sobre duas meninas, uma brasileira e uma chinesa, que se comunicam através de cartas e emails. Elas conversam sobre as divergências culturais e sobre um chá que pode ajudar na recuperação da avó de uma delas. Parece um livro bem fofo.
Não Sou Este Tipo de Garota - Siobhan Vivian
Mais um livro adolescente na lista! Mas esse, aparentemente, é um pouco mais "pesado". Pelo que li na sinopse, é uma história sobre tomar decisões (às vezes certas, às vezes erradas) na fase da adolescência, naquele círculo do inferno chamado "ensino médio". Acho que esse livro pode me trazer diferentes visões da vivência nessa época, o que é algo que não tô muito acostumada - de histórias que se passam no segundo grau, só tenho lido Paula Pimenta e as minhas próprias, que se basearam na minha experiência pessoal e no que eu via.
Acho que essa história pode ter um pique meio Pretty Little Liars, quem sabe? Bem, só vou confirmar quando ler!
O exemplar desse livro veio bem baleadinho, pra ser sincera, mas não me importo muito com isso. Deixei ele no sol por umas tardes e provavelmente vou ler ele igualmente no sol, quando estiver torrando na piscina do prédio, igual com Eternas Escamas. A única diferença aqui é que não teremos sereias, infelizmente.
Meio que fiquei 300 milhões de anos enrolando pra fazer um post grande aqui pro blog, mas agora que veio, VEIO MESMO hehehehe. A ideia é trazer cada vez mais posts grandes e crônicas pra cá, bem como desenhos! No YouTube, compartilhei um stop motion bem simplinho hoje e a ideia é evoluir para vídeos maiores (o que me falta é paciência e mini cenários).
Enfim, esse é o post! Espero que tenham gostado <3 Ahhh, e se você leu até aqui, comenta seu papel favorito da Fernanda Torres diva que ganhou o Globo de Ouro de melhor atriz de drama! A minha é a Fátima, definitivamente. Nossa, tô muito feliz com esse prêmio o(≧∀≦)o
#livros#bookstan#eternas escamas#tera lynn childs#nas folhas do chá#flávia lins e silva#liu hong#não sou esse tipo de garota#siobhan vivian#sollux my really cool cat
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Latula Pyrope, Meenah Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Porrim Maryam, Aradiabot, Vriska Serket, Sollux Captor, Aradia Megido, Equius Zahhak, Mituna Captor, Kurloz Makara, Cronus Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Meulin Leijon, Nepeta Leijon, Eridan Ampora, Rufioh Nitram, Damara Megido, Horuss Zahhak, Karkat Vantas, Tavros Nitram, Gamzee Makara, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 5427
LATULA: wooooo, 4w y34h grlz, h34rd you w3r3 st4rt1ng 4 p4rty ov3r h3r3??? >XD
MEENAH: no its not a party its...
KANKRI: Hm. I see s9me9ne has ch9sen t9 dress as a pirate f9r this party, in spite 9f the negative ass9ciati9ns that the 9ld marauding classes have with vi9lent a6use, 9ppressi9n, n9t even t9 mention
LATULA: yo porr1m! n1c3 costum3! w4y to ch4ng3 1nto someth1ng on such short not1ce. H1 F1V3!!!!
PORRIM: What? No+, this isn't a co+stume. It's just what I was wearing. I came o+ver here to+ see what all the co+mmo+ti+n was about.
LATULA: d4mn grl you just look1ng f1n3 for th3 h3ll of 1t th3n! GRL POW3R!!!
PORRIM: Uh... sure. So+ this is a party? So+unds like fun!
MEENAH: no its not a party gfd 38(
ARADIABOT: lets annihilate them
ARADIABOT: yes lets. i am in the m00d t0 ruin s0meb0dy
VRISKA: Right on! I knew I could count on you crazy metal 8roads for some mayhem.
SOLLUX: hey aradia, uh... y0ur rob0 clones l0ok like they're ab0ut to flip the fuck 0ut. they're making me nervous, eheheh. can you try talking s0me sense into them?
ARADIA: sorry sollux my robotic duplicates have always been free agents totally exempt from my influence and better judgement
ARADIA: equius do you think you can calm them down?
EQUIUS: D --> They are pernickety devices
EQUIUS: D --> Often sweat seeps into their circuitry and causes them to behave more erratically
EQUIUS: D --> Which unfortunately only causes me to sweat even more profusely, I am afraid
ARADIA: equius weve never talked about it but im not sure how comfortable i am with you um... courting such a great plurality of my mechanical doubles
EQUIUS: D --> On a scale of 1 to 100, how depraved would you say you find my behavior?
EQUIUS: D --> (please be 100, please be 100...)
ARADIA: i never should have kissed you that time it was such a mistake :(
MITUNA: 000H WH04 N1C3 C057UM3 8UDDY
CRONUS: (be quiet. by saying anything youre really making a horrible impression on people we should be trying to impress here.)
CRONUS: (ill forgivwe you, but this is the last time i evwer do. im at my vwits end with you.)
MITUNA: 1M 50RRY PL3453 PL3453 F04G1V3 M3 4G4IN
FEFERI: GLUB! (whoops, i mean glub. oh gosh, it's my ancestor!)
FEFERI: (i'm so nervous, i can't let her notice me. she's so unbubbleivably cool! *swoonami*)
MEENAH: (ah snap its my ancestor. wish i didnt notice her)
MEENAH: (must... suppress... urge... to murder her for royal supremacy omg)
MEULIN: (^·ω·^) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (^·o·^)/ < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (=^ω^=) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
ERIDAN: wwhoa man could you maybe stop bumpin me wwith your codpiece
CRONUS: sorry chief, honest misake. so are you doing anything later?
ERIDAN: wwait are you actually seriously hittin on me
ERIDAN: wwoww dude evven i think youre trash
CRONUS: im a cool enough cat if you get to know me. you didnt ansvwer the question.
ERIDAN: sigh fine lets go out on a date i guess. flippin amazin this tragic scenarios wwhat i been reduced to
MEENAH: H-EY! everyone stay on the right goddamn sides. cronus im lookin at you
VRISKA: Yeah! Nepeta, 8ack in line. You people need to start taking this 8rawl more seriously.
RUFIOH: yo my gangstas! d1d 1 hear you were go1ng off to f1ght a ghost k1ll1ng demon...
RUFIOH: m1nd 1f 1 tag along... 1've been hop1ng for a chance to put an end to my cruel joke of an ex1stence... haha... bangarang.
VRISKA: Hell yes! On this team I have a MAJOR need for expenda8le people.
MEENAH: no no it really is a catfight. or i mean a regular fight... urrgh
KANKRI: Meulin, it w9uld 6e great if y9u didn't use this party as a platf9rm t9 engage in suicide shaming. I think Rufi9h is triggered en9ugh as it is having t9 live with the hein9us 69dy 9f a metal h9rse.
DAMARA: これは何? ハロウィーンの乱交? [What is this? A Halloween orgy?]
VRISKA: Are you fuckers deaf???????? This 8n't a party!
MEULIN: (^._.^) ...
PORRIM: Ho+rrus, yo+ur o+utfit lo+o+ks nice, but so+rry to+ say it was a false alarm. It's no+t a co+ stume party.
HORUSS: 8=D < This isn't a costume. I am literally a majestic stallion, and my appearance refle% this noble reality.
PORRIM: Ah. Go+tcha. Hey guys, can I be o+n the o+ther team?
MEENAH: no!!!!!!!!!!
GAMZEE: honk.
#homestuck#latula pyrope#meenah peixes#kankri vantas#porrim maryam#aradiabot#vriska serket#sollux captor#aradia medigo#equius zahhak#mituna captor#kurloz makara#cronus ampora#feferi peixes#meulin leijon#nepeta leijon#eridan ampora#rufioh nitram#damara megido#horuss zahhak#karkat vantas#tavros nitram#gamzee makara#terezi pyrope#homestuck act 6#page 5427#homestuck act 6 intermission 3#ministrife
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Wait I want to request a thing for my best friend.
He adores karkat, sollux, and mituna. So If you could write something with any of them for him that would be lovely!
He loves cats and bees a ton, struggles with OCD and being half deaf (missing an ear). Hes an artist too and loves baking.
Just do whatever is easy but make it really sappy and romantic >:3c fluster him ♡
Hope this is ok to request! Thanks in advance!
—SOLLUX WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW. ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Some troll asked on Trollian. The notification arrived soon, being answered by another troll. —… no, iim not iin drug2. why are you a2kiing that riight now, KK? —LET'S SEE. YOU WERE REALLY SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT YOU WANTED. YOU WANTED TO TALK WITH Y/N. I GAVE YOU HIS TAG. AND YOU IGNORED ME. I TALKED WITH HIM. THEY ACCEEDED TO TALK WITH YOU AND, AFTER PUTTING SOME WORK ON IT, I EVEN MAKE HIM AGREE INTO HAVING A DATE WITH YOU. BUT YOU HAVE TO GO NOW IF YOU WANT TO SEE HIM. The other troll tried not to panic. He knew how important it was to cause a good impression on you on the first date, so he said. —oh. 2o you 2ay that iim late. that make2 2en2e. yeah, ii 2hould go now. thank2 for remiindiing me two go talk wiith hiim, KK. ii dont know what iid do iif ii havent 2uch a good friiend —PLEASE DON'T BE DEPRESSIVE AND SWEET WITH ME. YOU ARE KINDA DISGUSTING. BUT YEAH, SAY THANKS. YOU HAVE TO BE THANKFUL I DON'T GO IN YOUR PLACE. THAT KID IS REALLY NICE AND HAS SOME GUTS, SO I FEEL HE COULD WORK AS A GOOD MATESPRIT. TA disconnected that moment, making his way to the place where you were waiting. He arrived as soon as possible for him and, when he arrived, he was so flustered. He wasn't expecting something so… Appropiate. You lacking a part of yourself (your ear) did make Sollux feel alright in a weird but good way. He was insecure because of his doom player condition, which made him half-blind and half-death in some weird way, so being able to see that his date was not perfect… Kinda fixed his vision. Not quite literally, since he was half-blind still. But it was the best he was gonna feel. At least, before talking with you. He approached while you were working on some art. It was a portrait of Nepeta and yourself surrounded by some cats. You both seemed kinda cute for him so it was time to talk for Sollux —hey. that look2 really cool, 2eriiou2ly. —… Huh?��� Oh! It's you. Sorry, could you repeat what you said? Sollux was stupid. Or that's, at least, how he felt. Clearly he was half deaf and talking to him standing on kid's bad side was almost awful coming from someone who should understand his struggles. —… yeah, 2orry. ii wa2 2ayiing that… that your art look2 pretty cool. tho2e are really cool cat2 and ii have two admiit that iim 2orry for beiing late. —Oh, I know that you were, but I already came with my own plan. If you weren't coming, I was gonna keep drawing. I already planned everything so I wouldn't feel anxious if you couldn't assist. That sounded kinda bad and sad but then he remembered what KK said. "HE STRUGGLES WITH OCD. AND NO, I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANY JOKES LIKE OLD CRUSTY DICK OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I'M TALKING ABOUT OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER." —2o… how are you? iim pretty bad wiith thii2, 2orry. probably iit2 better iif ii go. my lii2p ii2 makiing everythiing wor2e, iim probably the mo2t obnoxiiou2 troll you ever talked two —No, please! I planned everything because I would find kinda hurtful being alone when I want to spend time with you. Don't feel like you are bad at anything because the only thing you are not good at is making me feel uncomfortable!… Sollux was a little bit confused by your way of wording that, but soon recognized that you were trying to help. —okay… thank2 agaiin. and… ii want to 2pend tiime wiith you two. ii hope that wa2nt corny enough to 2care your a22 haha… You laughed because that sounded really cute. You shaked your head and said, with a smile —A little bit corny, yeah, but not enough. You have to try a little harder than that, sorry. So… I was doing this drawing because I wanted to improve my relationship with Nepeta and, well, I'm doing another one of Mituna. Do you have any request, something do you want me to draw for you? Something that will make you feel better. And that's how you and Sollux spent an evening together.
-------------------------------------------------------- Hey! I hope your friend likes it! I'm sorry if I misunderstood anything about the request, and I'm sorry if I can't capture exactly Sollux's personality! I tried my best and I hope it's good enough to fluster your friend! <3
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can both mods rate a few ~ships~ i have???? smile -jadenep -arajade -arasol -jadekat -vriskan -daverezi idk theyre random ones i thought up on the spot except arasol for obvious reasons & jadenep -moon anon
Hihi!!! Mod rose starting off here.
Jadenep - 9/10, what kind of crack did hussie put in WLW ships in homestuck? Like actually I don't think I super hate most of them which is super weird????? ANYWAY JADENEP THEYRE BOTH SUPER SILLY I THINK THEYD DRAW FURSONAS TOGETHER
Arajade - 9/10, they could have a VERY funny dynamic [but when doesnt aradia have a funny dynamic w someone in a ship? Never]
Arasol - I've rated it before, heres what I said then with a few addons to be more on topic: 7/10, it cute and i can appreciate the angst, but they kinda have 'dated in middle school for awhile' vibes? and the fanbase [spesifically, fic writers] really soured it for me?? its cute though. Also I think Aradia either works better shipped with other characters or just straight up on her own.
Jadekat - 7/10, There's some cannon precident for this iirc??? It's plenty cute, but if I was going to ship them it'd be pitch. I think that could be the funnest. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to particularly write home about either.
Vriskan - 4/10, Can be cute but I feel like people ignore the fact that they broke up for SUPER valid reasons and that Kanaya doesn't have to be boiled down to Liking Vriska or Liking Rose. Pesterquest is SUPER guilty of this for example. Not the worst ship out there but It's not my favorite by a long shot either.
Daverezi - 8/10, anyone who says they never shipped them at all is a damn lier. Though I do perfer terezi in wlw ships, they have a special place in my heart as THE middle school couple who broke up but are still besties
and mod dave finishing it with my opinions
jadenep: 9/10, haven't got much to add, had the exact same 'fursona maker' thought as rose and just cat x dog is very funny to me (possibly pitch to reference the cat and dog thing... could b cool...)
arajade: 7/10, they both have that kinda whimsical vibe and i think they would enjoy hanging out together. i dont think i could see them in a relationship though because they both have abandonment issues in opposite directions
arasol: 1/10, i know i've rated this before and i might've been nicer then but i hate this, specifically pale. i don't even enjoy the angst. the one point is for the fact that the scene after aradia explodes with sollux taking his glasses off and crying is my alltime favourite homestuck panel
jadekat: 5/10, i prefer them more as friends because i can't see jade getting into a relationship with someone who she literally had to auspice with himself. i do think they're besties though, she pulls him out of his own ass when he gets in too deep.
vriskan: 2/10 yeahh like rose said, they broke up for really valid reasons and as much development vriska could go through i dont think she could reach a point where she would make a good partner to literally anyone other than egbert and terezi
daverezi: 8/10, i'm a damn liar guys. as high as i'm rating them, i don't ship them and i would never go out of my way to search for content or read fics. that being said their dynamic is fucking hilarious and i love them as best friends in fics who dated and never acknowledge it except to make fun of each other for how low their standards are.
#mod rose#mod dave#jade harley#nepeta leijon#aradia megido#sollux captor#karkat vantas#vriska serket#kanaya maryam#dave strider#terezi pyrope#jadenep#arajade#arasol#jadekat#vriskan#daverezi#rose says things#moon anon
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Tell me about homestuck
So lemme tell ya bout homestuck
so there's john, he's sort of the main character but not really. its mostly him and his buddy rose fucking around and doing absolutely nothing that will affect the plot later (I think, I'm only like 1/4 of the way through the comic) for the first 1000 pages. We're also introduced to Dave, who is Cool, and Jade, who is like, a neat scientist. Jade is also the first person to talk to the trolls. They're important later. Then at page 2000, we're formally introduced to the trolls (we've already seen like half of them through chat logs at this point). I'll tell you about them in order they appear. First is karkat, who is a mutant, and also one of the two or three most plot-relevant trolls. Then gamzee, who is a stoner and a cultist. and terezi, who is blind and lives in a treehouse. then aradia, who is dead (this comes as a surprise to no one). then sollux, who does coding and is bipolar. and tavros, who is paralyzed from the waist down and a bit timid. theres nepeta, who was raised by a cat(?). then vriska, who nobody really seems to like because she mind controls people. and she killed aradia, and blinded terezi, and paralyzed tavros. and there's equius, who makes robots, and lives right next to vriska. he also makes robots, and made aradia a robot body. he also accidentally destroyed a doomsday machine vriska made and kills both of their (his and vriskas) caregivers in the process. and thats about where i am in the story. thank you for asking!
#homestuck#Asks#Sorry for the late reply#I was at crew practice#Also I was happy stimming for like#Half an hour after I got this#No one really asks me about my interests#I just sort of tell them
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i want to see you make a gender ( /maybe sexuality's ) post about the homestucks' sprites like that cool deathbycatgirl did. do it do it do it
i actually made a list for myself right after i saw @deathbycatgirl's original post (haii!) but o didnr make it an image because im soso tireds here you go^_^:
john is a trans girl but wont figure it out until shes like 40 despite being surrounded by transsexuals all the time. also extremely aroacespec to me
rose is cis but like in a really really butch boy way so like cis but not cis she's a trans girl but still a cis girl but literally not cis at all tbh she's like cistrans. also lesboy
jade is a trans girl who can never feel attached to any prns so she just goes with she/it/paw. shes very genderful but even more gender fuckery ensues after grimbark. aroacespec aplatonicspec fuck you
dave is cisgender. trans girl dave has a special place in my heart though. ace
roxy is a trans catgirl + lovess neoprns + dyke as fuck
jake is 100% aroace and i don't care enough about him to think about his gender sorry
jane my wonderful gal mwaaah mwah mwah she's got that trans girl swagalicious swag i hate cis jane sorry not sorry. mspec lesbian realness
karkat is . . . karkat is certainly something? he's an utter mystery to me i won't lie he's like if emo was a cisgender
aradia is beyond my comprehension in terms of gender. unfortunate type gal. transhet + straightbian + dykefag
tavros TRANS GIRL FUCK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXPLOSION SOUND EFFECTS AND KILLING also i definitely think she wants to use neos but is so so afraids
sollux is transfem bigender. but like infinin because he's every boy gender but also every girl gender so hes infinite genders but not like every gender. ljterally just the definition of infinin. bisexual het lesbo fag KABLOOM
nepeta is a crazy transfem cat girl thing fucking beast fucking ravenous animal of a gal. not an ounce of boyness in her except when its funny and/or convenient. uses it/its and every neopronoun paw can get mews claws on and like she/her for a bit of girly fun on the side but not Primarily she/her? he/him too when it's funny. ummm. unlabeled for sexuality only cause i think it'd change so often that labeling would be entirely impossible
kanaya is my wonderful romantic goth vampire trans girl (but like only in terms of gender not actually presentation wise do you understand. her normal outfits are just Too). i think she'd use like 1 set of neos vamp/vamps maybe? and she's a pan lesbian because fuck every thang
terezi is a freak of a girl. every girlfreak girlbeast type gender in existence she can be infinin too for funsies. ummm any prns + a futch dyke who loves boys also
vriska is the most trans girl in the whole entire world. i hate transmasc vriska. also shes too busy being kind of miserable to think about he4 gender but i think if she really sat down and considered she'd be not as binary as she thinks. bi lesbo.
equius trans girl SHUR HTE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE DIE DIE KILLING YOU WITH MY FISTS.shes femme too because i said so. girlfag also. aroacespec as fuck. aplatonic
gamzee non binery any pronounse ok? ok. unlabeled because specifics are too much but mspec queer for sures. aro
eridan trans girl with a bit of nonbinary freakism thrown in for spice and silliness. like vriska in the sense that she thinks she's more binary than she actually is but eridan would figure it out sooner. also a girlfag but likw a boydyke too ok. aroacespec
i understand feferi in a way no one else can anr the only wau i can describe it is genderqueer cis girl but its so much more than that. i could write an essay on it. i think she'd be unlabeled or like heteroflex but im not sure in which direction the hetero occurs
kankri is cis but his fminine and twinkish demeanor confuses the masses constantly much to his chagrin and rage. also he's mistaken for being trans constantly because of his vast knowledge on every discourse ever. canonically aroacespec
damara TRANS GIRL FUCK YOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also ummm lesbo or bi or both i think but like in a loveless aroace caused by trauma way
rufioh is cis but also girlish to me i really don't know what to tells you . aroace. also no Pronouns this is the one thing im sure of with any of the dancestors
mituna is entirely unlabeled i couldn't explain it to you if i tried
meulin is an aroacespec trans gay man but in a distinctly and extremely girlfag type of way. . . do u understand . . . do you get me . . .
porrim is so transsexual and such an aroacespec bi dyke i wish j could elaborate on the dancestors more but they're So
latula is a trans girl but like in a way that is so latula core. do you get it. yeah
aranea is really interesting to me in the way that she's cis but also definitely a trans girl but also i don't care at all and it's a mystery to me. she's just so beforus
horuss TRANS TRANS GIRL GO CRAZY GO RAGGGAGHHAHHHHH GAHHHHHHHHHHHsysfluid and horsegender and aroace aplatonic fag with 5000000 neopronouns that no one ever uses including her
i honestly do not care about kurloz at all ummm. bigender boygirl girlboy in a type of way
meenah sucks and i don't like her. ummm cis
also for some other guys i like:
midnight crew and felt are mostly unlabeled and/or cis by nature of their societu and also they just don't feel particularly gender special to me
die is really special to me tho he's my malewife girlhusband but like you wouldnt get it hes only gender in very very specific situations
the exiles are ALL nonbinary fuck you
all the sprites are bigender (i don't care about davepeta at all sorry) (arquius and fefeta are like if bigender was two of the same gender so like gender²)
hal is nothing. like out of sillyness they just refuse
cherubs are both trans in opposite directions but i won't clarify who's which way or why. they're both homo in opposite directions also
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Thank you so much @local-lover-boy for tagging me here!!
1. named after anyone? Beatrice from Divine Comedy
2. last time I cried? Some days ago
3. kids? No no no no
4. sports? Tennis and futball
5. sarcasm? Yeah, sometimes :v
6. first thing I notice about something? If this thing is blue or have blue details 🙃
7. eye color? Brown
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings
9. talents? Drawing and writing and making Goofy's laugh
10. place of birth? Brazil zil zil zil
11. hobbies? Drawing, writing, singing, playing the guitar, collecting dolls, reading
12. pets? Sollux my really cool cat
13. height? 1,63m
14. favorite school subject? Chemistry, I miss it so much
15. dream job? ART - which area? idk, ART.
I will tag @sleepyheadnat, @whozkay @rainmaster-simp
tagged by @wolfsangel
1. named after anyone? no but my grandma chose my current name 2. last time I cried? today 3. kids? my plushies 4. sports? sleeping (n skating in winter) 5. sarcasm? hard to understand 6. first thing I notice about something? shape 7. eye color? that weird grey color that either looks green or blue to people 8. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies 9. talents? communicating with anything that has a soul 10. place of birth? c++ compiler 11. hobbies? programming, drawing, music, reserching topics no one cares about 12. pets? da dog, da hamster, soon da stickbugs 13. height? 5'5 or somwthing 14. favorite school subject? i dunno 15. dream job? something programming or osint related
tagging: @fvckinnefor @disruptxrr @ttattp @necoboberarc @poorpastel-pain + any1 who wants to do this ^__^
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friend i just noticed something the blue aesthetic of your blog perfectly matches the blue of your cat's eyes he was meant for this blog he's the star now
Wait I didn't noticed it!!! :0
maybe he is the true drummer i guess
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trans masc nepeta to heal this hell earth
#i wanted to draw that really tall barren earth fish hat but canvas small and me impatient#nepeta lejion#homestuck#trans nepeta for you and trans vriska for you and trans sollux for you and#my art#nepeta#leijon#um#he wears cargo pants to carry around his DS and raw meat and cool rocks and raw meat and a hunting knife and raw meat#also the cat paw boots are steel toed and also cleets#i'll draw him with a real outfit eventually but he has several bracelets from friends#colorful beads from terezi#friendship bracelet from tav#aradia gave him a neat little bone one#uh#hes got a lil pale charm he carved himself#made one for equius who broke it immediately#and therein made the shittiest little steel charm you ever did see for himself#to continue to match
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我爱我的猫 🩵😺
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dnd anon!!
This time: how many dice sets would our main group of trolls have?
Aradia: a few cool ones, some made out of real bone, some with cool inclusions, she'd have 5-6 that she uses, but would have either a massive stockpile she doesn't use, or a big wishlist.
Tavros: I think he has one or two sets that fit a theme. Maybe an extra d20 specifically for death saves or really important roles.
Sollux: two. He has two dice sets. Maybe one red set and one blue set.
Karkat: he either has an absurd amount that he uses for very specific purposes and a dice jail for when they betray him (in which case he will avoid the checks/roles that particular die is for at all costs) or he has none and just uses an online roller when he has to. There is no in between.
Nepeta: dice hoarder, but only really uses one set. She just wants the extra dice bc they're shiny and cool and make nice noises. She will definitely bat them around like they're cat toys.
Kanaya: has a few sets for herself that fit a theme, and a plain black set she lets people borrow if they forgot their dice.
Terezi: dice hoarder. Hoard like dragon. Actually uses most of them. Definitely has a dice jail, but prefers the dice guillotine/other methods of dice mock execution (doesn't do anything but is fun). Is waiting for the day her collection will rain fury upon a poor player who gets godstrike Yahtzee'd.
Vriska: just has her 8 d8s. Insists they're all she needs. Someone else usually rolls for her for most checks and saves.
Equius: has one metal set given to him by Nepeta so he could play without crushing the dice. Doesn't play often, but treasures them deeply.
Gamzee: technically one. He has one 'set' but it's made of a bunch of random dice he says he found. He has a d1,d2,d3,d100, and various other strange dice. Nobody knows where he gets them. None of the dice match, but it just adds to the set's charm.
Eridan: he claims to have one set of violet dice and that's it, but he also has a set of rainbow dice from feferi when they were together that he can't bring himself to get rid of, and a set of wizard themed dice (like the kind from polyhero, at least I think that's what the brand is called) that he will never admit he owns.
Feferi: another dice hoarder. She probably owns some made from gemstones, and definitely has a full themed set for each character. She probably has given most of her friends a dice set at some point.
As always this is just my thoughts, and I hope you enjoy the theories!!
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Fuck you I'm talking about KingdomStuck anyway
I made a post about it long ago but it deserves more!! bc I like it!!
Ok so basically most Princes end up being transfered to anothwr Aspect to study bc they keep destroying their classmates' cores on accident (or maybe it's on purpose. who knows). Dirk switches with Eridan, so he goes to Hope and Eridan goes to study on Heart. In College of Hopeful Futures he meets Jake, and the teachers pair them for training bc of the conversation their teacher had with the principal of the college which boils down to "Jake could fix him" "Dirk could make him worse". They fall in love. Dirk fucks shit up, a lot. Jake also fucks shit up, a lot. One day Dirk convinces him to skip class bc there's this really cool cave he found and he wants to take Jake to explore ans oh my god why is Cronus in there living like a raccoon
Also all Alpha trolls are sibs with their Beta counterparts (Damara and Aradia are sibs, Cronus and Eridan, etc). Their ancestors are their parents (only the Beta ones obv)
Davenepkat is re- *gunshots*
ok but for real it is. Dave meets Karkat at Knight camp. They go to this cool cave Dave found and oh my god why is Nepeta living there like a raccoon. Oh ok it's just catgirl things. Cool, cool. Wanna go walk around with these guys you just met? yeah sure why the fuck not. When they gey back to camp Dave brings her and it's like "hey teach looks at this cool cat i found" "DAVE WHAT THE FUCK!" "you know im right karkat" ":33< meow" the instructor looks at them dead in the eyes and sheds a single tear before adding "I have never been so proud of my campers"
The Time Kingdom vs Space Continent drama boils down to "please brother, let Us stop this madness u_u we can make things right again, like they once were! all can live in peace!" "LOL CANONS AND MuRDER AND WORLD DOMINATION GOES BRRRRR" "Calli0pe miss that man is insane and sick and twisted" "who are yoU" "I just hired myself as a spy f0r y0u. N0w we need t0 make a plan t0 st0p him 0r he'll kill us all" "ok"
Roxy runs an illegal bar with Rose, and Kanaya goes there frequently. it's right at the border between Breath and Hope. The Muse of Breath knows about it and simply doesn't care, meanwhile the Lord of Hope is too busy trying to find out how Chess works (they're failing). No one knows why the fuck a Rogue of Void and a Seer of Light dropouts are running an illegal bar so far away from their Aspects. Neither do them really. Another mystery is how Kanaya gets there. The answer is Jade Harley but no one has to know that
SPEAKING OF JADE HARLEY she's a powerful Witch (or, promises to be. she's learning, ok? she's really good tho). Everyday she wakes up and chooses kindness. Everyday she talks to her bestie Muse of Space who gave her the money to even pay to attend the best college in the Space continent (which is called "The Greatest College at the Space Continent"), where she met Kanaya Maryam, and eventually got paired up with her for training. That made them grow closer and Jade saw she was really in need of a partner and thought "She could fix Rose" and then she did
John and Jane are like siblings and John got sent to Life as a transfer student because of some... Issues, he had at his previous school. He basically gets sent to a rich kid school disguised as a dumpster school, and his last school's princilal had no idea about it. He learns a lot of stuff on how to handle his emotions better and how to overall be better at handling his own powers, while Jane struggles to find Life within her, even if she indirevtly manifests it 90% of the time. They end up figuring a lot of things out, togheter. Feferi and Meenah and up getting close to them and I think FefJane could be real here, it might work but idk.
Fun fact about the illegal bar is that Vriska was banned from all gambling unless it's against another Light-bound. She's not happy about this.
Kurloz is at Heart with Meulin and they run a karaoke. None of them can speak.
Sollux is really just vibing and watching stuff turn to ashes with arms crossed saying "Ii warned you". He's referring to the game of Fiddlespawn he's playing with Tavros
That's really all for now, tune in later for more great KingdomStuck lore
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ur anti-collage AU is fucking amazing n the dumb shit i live for, u mentioned u had reasons for different people not wanting/being able to go r u able to share?
oohh man im glad you asked!! god this is going to be so long hjkGHJKL heres the reasons for the ones shared until now:
Dave ==> i know its anticlimatic to start with the one i can’t really elaborate on but the jist is ==> he’s got a bad home situation and he’s kind of stuck with raising his brother until they can both leave ==> the details on what exactly goes down in his house remain blurry because he hasn’t shared it w everyone except karkat and also because he, just doesn’t ever share it, even June doesn’t know the full picture all she knows are like bits and pieces but she does know it’s incredibly bad even if he never talks ab it
Terezi ==> deception in the world has led her to give up on her dreams because “what’s the point” and “if i can’t make a difference then why try” she’s actually part of the ones who did go to college but dropped out!! i can’t pick what she’d be studying, maybe something on humanities? or law, which is kind of the obvious choice, ill be honest i know bat shit about american college fghjklGHJK ==> she talks a lot to vriska about the state of the world and how horrible it is and how blah blah blah blah and vriska tells her who cares get a job for money not for useless ideals ==> it’s also possible studies just stressed her out, and she dropped out from exhaustion, if you ask her about it she’ll probably draw a blank but that’s the case of most people in this au don’t ask them why they aren’t/didn’t go to college most of them will cry or laugh
nepeta ==> okay nepeta is just plain weird, she doesn’t abide to human rules ==> she doesn’t want to study because she wants to eat squirrels and sleep ==> i don’t have much to say other than she’s a cat stuck in a human’s body and its not in a catgirl way but like in a literal i am a cat reincarnated in a human’s body and i guess ill have fun in it since now i can talk and walk and have thumbs and shit ==> so why would she waste her time in college?? whats the point of college? humans are only advantageous when they do cool human things like talk about feelings or use their hands to make pretty things otherwise they’re so boring
Aradia ==> honestly i dont know i think she just got a job at marshalls and stayed there? because its blank and enough to live off of ==> i think she’s just keeping to this job because shes got nastier things to take care of in the dark ==> like magic, demon kind of shit, catch her at midnight with a shovel and a knife ==> so shes part of the ones who don’t really care to go: a club which now has nep and aradia in it!!
Sollux ==> hahaha a mess ==> another one in the club of ‘i dont want to go’ ==> he could go to college and leave behind all his friends and have to do things because they’re due ==> or he could work a shitty job for the rest of his life ==> everyone’s frustrated he doesn’t go honestly but his brain just!! doesnt vibe with it
Gamzee ==> im happy hanging out forever in this shop with my motherfuckin bros :o) ==> i dont think they could go into college even if they tried its one of these things they just dont think about because its blatantly obvious ==> the sky is blue, clowns are rad and im not going to college ==> come to think of it they probably didn’t finish high school either?? i dont know what are the requirements to be a GameStop employee ==> hopefully very very low
OH AND I FORGOT TAVROS MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD ==> life hasn’t been kind to him!! but he’s also kind of mediocre honestly ==> not very smart, not in full capacity of his body, not very confident in his abilities to do it either ==> i mean hes part of the most normal ones so college should be a default but ==> someone said he wouldn’t really make it, and even terezi dropped out, and he doesnt want to leave his friends even for a few years since hes kind of dependent on them ==> hes a disappointment to his family but yeah he lives w it }<<:)
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Nobody Knows
Hey, so this is my first public fanfic. I have been a Homestuck fan since the early 2010′s but Hiveswap slammed me back into it hard enough to write. Cringe is dead and it is going to be angsty and indulgent with canon treated as a suggestion. I’ve been spamming some of my favorite writers in the fandom with ideas in their inbox and decided to actually do something about some of them. Most of this comes from some future angst with Mallek I sent @clusband a few weeks ago during sad Mallek hours. Constructive advice welcome.
Get some hurt, comfort, fluff, a lot of angst. A lot of background characters.
Summary: MSPA Reader reflects on their current situation and unhappiness at not being able to see their old friends again. They accept that they past they once knew them in no longer exists, but what about the present?
Chapter 1: Self-reflection and other cool ways to spend the day
Part 1/?
(Word count: 3,085 | Rated T | Past MSPA Reader x Mallek Adalov, MSPA Reader x Mallek Adalov, Past MSPA Reader x Polypa Goezee, Background DaveKat)
AO3 Links: Part One (This) | Part Two | Part Three
Being back in your hive after however long it has been brings up memories. Memories that you had spent so long aching for whenever the discomfort of that void inside of you passed. Focusing on that hollowness for too long always made you uncomfortable, but you sometimes would try to understand why that was. You tried, you really did, to the point of feeling that static so hard that your vision would go white and you couldn’t hear anything over the sound of it in your mind, feeling like you were going to pass out. You think one time you did, but it was hard to tell. Fuck.
You thought that getting them back would help, make you more content, fill it even, make you feel whole again? But you just feel even emptier and like an even more monumentally bigger fuck up. You drink your shitty, expired coffee made in the coffee machine Tagora bought you a long time ago in the mug Skyyla made you, thumbing over the Ladyy design on the handle. You smile at the idea of her making such a comparatively small mug for you. Imagining the struggle of her larger hands trying to make something usable for your much smaller ones. You feel the warmth from your drink and your memory. At least your makeshift home was too out of the way to be ransacked, that or too much of a death risk for anyone other than alien refugees to try to make their way into.
You look around you at all of the trinkets your friends had given you. Remembering how at the time, you felt so rewarded, accepted even. Trolls being, well, trolls, had a hard time opening up to others given how much of a hellscape the whole planet was. So every time you made some progress, you felt like you got the neighborhood cat to approach you without getting too clawed up.
You look over in the corner and notice the plastic bag you got when grabbing some oblong meat products for Dieman at Grub-Mart. You had some extra caegars and figured he might be exhausted after doing whatever drug that was at Ardata’s party. You figured that some sweet meat might help with the hangover. You definitely needed it.
Your teal highlighter had been covered in dust, having not been used since you decided to be a good friend and smuggle some snacks into the bookhive to support your favorite legislacerators-in-training late night, er morning, study session. You stayed as moral support, given you know fuck all about the laws of any given planet and also enjoy having your flesh remain unscorched. You feel like you learned a lot. Probably. You mostly shared meaningful eye contact and words of encouragement.
Drawings from clown children and sketches from Amisia cover your walls. So do ticket stubs from Marvus’ and Chixie’s shows. You felt an odd sense of pride in being one of the most normal people there, extraterrestrial status not withstanding. A set of indigo sweatbands from exercising with Nikhee that you would also use with Stelsa during scaerobics classes are hung on hooks. There was a rom-com with a title too long to read in your lifetime that you watched with Polypa and books borrowed from Galekh that you never returned.
You smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. You care about all of your new friends, of course you do! It is just that… you feel more like the universe’s least qualified guidance counselor instead of their friend sometimes. You’re older than them, so it is maybe more like a sibling or a sketchy babysitter kind of relationship. They all have kinda weird, hard lives, even the ones on Earth, so you don’t mind being an interdimensional taxi service, or a postman who delivers kids to other kids, but they tend to relate more with each other than with you. Which makes sense, and you're definitely happy they finally get to be with other people their own age, but seeing them hanging out with each other really makes you long for the people you once had the same kinds of relationships with.
You had Karkat ask about your hoodie before you got your memories back and Sollux mentioned Mallek, but you got a little occupied by drones. It had been a bit since then. After taking Karkat back to his hive after a movie night with Dave, you noticed him eyeing your hoodie again.
Told you what?
Oh, yeah the hoodie. After remembering, you were not looking forward to this conversation. You look off and let him know, yeah, you did. You trying not to make a big deal of it has clearly had the opposite impact on him.
Matesprit. He pauses and actually looks taken aback. It is odd to see him momentarily speechless.
“WHAT?” Well that didn’t last.
He was my matesprit.
This information seems to break him. You see a familiar crease being to form between his brows. You then pause, trying not to get offended.
Wait, hold on, he has totally accepted you being able to travel time and space, but you filling a quad is too much?
Fair. You sigh and tell him the story before he can take a breath because as much as you care about him, this boy has one setting and it is very loud.
You tell him about taking a walk, getting abducted. Saying you were a robot and then revealing you were not in fact a robot. You hesitate during the underground river part as you walk the line between Mallek’s privacy and sating Karkat’s curiosity. You smile recounting getting pushed in the river, saved, and how he called you cute and started blushing and trying to backpeddle. How the two of you hung out later and how he made an account just to talk to you. Karkat seems to soften by a modicum at this.
You laughed at how he showed up to tattoo a stranger just because you asked. You wistfully go through the memories that led to an eventual confession and how beforehand how your moirail Polypa was coaching you and Galekh provided you with literature on quadrants. A true bro move, especially since you don’t know how a conversation on them would have gone. You guessed it was since you helped him with his pitch quad and the tattoo. Maybe he felt like there was already something going on when we were both at his hive in matching hoodies, oh yeah he was the guy who got tattooed. His kismesis was your law partner. Karkat’s brow twitched, incredulous. Yeah you don’t know how Gorgor managed that either. Maybe having an alien alive and working for him on Alternia added to his court cred. You also think that that wasn’t the only part Karkat took issue with, but by some miracle, he lets you keep talking.
You kept expecting him to cut you off but he seemed somewhat enraptured by the tales of your romantic antics, despite his efforts to seem more interested in the you part, you were getting a feeling he was more interested in alien dynamics. You knew he was interested in romcoms so maybe this was just some new material for him, especially since quads were a new thing for you and maybe he has strong thoughts regarding the differences in alien ro-
Oh you see why now.
Karkat seemed to pick up on the shift in your storytelling going from your personal life to human romantic customs.
What look? There are no looks occurring.
“TRY THAT SHIT ON A MORON WHO JUST HATCHED. THEY MIGHT JUST BE MORE INCLINED TO GLEEFULLY SHOVEL THAT EXCUSE DOWN THEIR CHUTES.” He crossed his arms and squints at you. You knew how sharp his claws were from experience, not that you thought he was going to hurt you. There was just something very endearing about him trying to intimidate you while not subtly trying to glean more information about humans without seeming interested in humans. Or a human. Yeah, this is totally about Dave. You just have to find a way to gracefully skedaddle around that little detail.
I just had a bit of learning curve when dating an alien. So it is totally cool if you don’t know much about human stuff. I know quads can b-
“AND WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD WANT TO KNOW THAT?” He says this clearly knowing what he thinks you think. You think it would be better if he didn’t think you thinked that, considering how the tips of his ears are turning red. You think.
You have romcom stuff everywhere and seem to really like them? Learning about human stuff might make it easier for you watch human romcoms and see how good or bad they are based on social norms. Kinda like romantic xenoanthropology.
Fucking nailed it. He huffs and rolls his eyes. Or at least enough that your answer plus the sheer amount of not fucking wanting to talk about that got you onto romcoms in general. He seemed to echo Polypa’s taste and you smiled at how animated he was becoming. A few of what you watched were now classics. Others that you didn’t like are prime pitch fodder. It had gotten late (early?) and that led you back to your hive. Just sitting alone and thinking. God you hate self-reflection.
You think of your time with Aradia. How she said you were a little broken. How she said you wouldn’t remember not being able to get to your friends again and being held by whatever the fuck that was. But you did remember, as much as you wish you didn’t. Guess you were more broken than she thought. It would be easier to just think you couldn’t get back because you didn’t try hard enough. But you did, you really did, and no matter what you do you just can’t. You are a shitty meta traveler and an even shittier friend. You thought about trying again but you get the feeling that you can’t access something that longer exists. You’d probably just get stuck in some corner of the universe and be alone all over again until you suffocate.
Can you even really die or be killed in anyway that matters anymore? At least in a way that doesn’t bring up the dull pang of a “bad end” followed by getting slammed dunked back in the past, before your fuck up, by an alarmingly cheerful time goddess?
Yeah, you didn’t think so. That would just add to the conga line of your dead selves letting you know how much of a dumbass you are.
But those people, those times. They don’t exist anymore. You keep thinking back to the way things were and who they were and how you can’t travel to those points anymore. All you have is the relative now and the people who exist now. Mostly.
You finish your terrible, bitter coffee, the cup no longer keeping your hands warm. You deserve this. In some shitty cosmic way, maybe you deserve this for not being better as a friend or partner. You can’t go back to the way things were to only to the people of now. And who even know who or what that even is.
Maybe you couldn’t go back to the people they used to be because those were no longer who they were now. That thought sends a pang of hurt through you, imagining what little hope they had crushed. God dammit. But you have to try. Otherwise it is just you babysitting some 13 year olds who are trying to discover themselves and work through their issues with some interdimensional asshole looking over their shoulders. That asshole hopefully just being you.
You put your mug down and stand, closing your eyes, you try to repeat what you did with Aradia again, the memory of them doesn’t work. You know that. But with your new friends, it hasn’t completely been the memory? Maybe more accurate to say it’s them, some part memory sure, but more the idea of the present them, what they look like, who they are. You open your eyes and glance down at the sign on your hood. A sign you have mindlessly traced so many times. A sign that when you forgot it, gave you a dull sense of grief, now that you do remember though, it has sharpened and you are reminded of it whenever you are alone for too long or even slow down. Like the rest of you from other timelines will catch up to you in the current one and you get to experience your failures all over again.
You hold yourself tightly to ground yourself. Self-flagellation won’t get you anywhere, you’ve tried, you know this. So again, you close your eyes. You focus on your hood, the sign on it, the person it belonged to. The Mallek he was when he gave it to you vs. the Mallek he knew he didn’t want to be. The one he would have to be to survive. Your throat tightened at the thought of not being able to find him because he couldn’t do it and what if they got him an-
You slap yourself to stop catastrophizing.
Adult trolls get bigger and their horns and claws grow with them. Their skin hardens and darkens as it does. You can’t tell if them molting was a joke someone told you or if they were serious so you don’t think about that part. Their blood color shows more through their eyes as they age. They wear black with their sign incorporated on it when they get spaced. You think back to the cerulean pirate you saw with Konyyl. Something like that. Okay you were getting somewhere. You could tell by how afraid you were to get there. You begin to get a headache, like your mind is a rubber band that you are trying to stretch to fit around something it shouldn’t.
Mallek said he would be a soldier or a spy and would be stuck ordering around lowbloods. No longer able to use his hacker skills how he wanted to. You imagine him, larger, older, more tired. Probably has more piercings and tattoos. You smile a little, despite yourself and the tension you feel continuing to build. He would likely play along, do what he had to do to do what he wanted to do. But at that point what would that even be? You imagine he would never truly stop messing with the system or hacking. His natural curiosity wouldn’t let him so he would be trying… something quietly on the side. He was sympathetic but you didn’t know how deep he would or if he would go down the rebel route, maybe just try to deal with his own corner of the universe.
Going along with what is expected seems to be the easiest way to keep under the radar. He has always been partial to not getting culled. Even when it was just the two of you, you knew it was a conscious effort to let his guard down around you, often requiring a change of scenery with you jokingly asking about if you would be needing goggles. Jokes often broke the tension of being afraid to be known with him.
Despite his projected cool, you knew he was an anxious person and preferred to be alone. You could see that being warped to fit the expectations of being a cerulean. You remember from conversations you had early in the morning, with ordeals approaching, you had some rare moments of verbalized vulnerability, of him exasperatedly going over what ceruleans are supposed to be with the unspoken and mutual understanding of what he was actually like. The coolness that he projected could morph into coldness, him wrapping it around himself tighter than any armor the empire would give him. Put some distance between himself and his team. You couldn’t see him being casually cruel, but definitely keeping people away through attitude and fear of his caste. The band tightens. So does your throat.
He hates having people over him and likely would at that start. Probably would be trying to do well so that he could use his performance and caste to be given his own ship and team so he could get some breathing room away from his superiors. Just be another team that does their job without question or issue in order to keep the space around himself. You realize that at some point during this, you started hyperventilating. You consider doing the breathing exercises Konyyl taught you, but at this point, you were tired of trying to be okay about it. You wanted to let it out in some way or another. You wanted to feel.
You thought of you, your disappearance. How that would have impacted him probably trying to find you, keeping himself up more than usual, blaming himself and then being taken off world. The not knowing would upset him the most you think. Would he even want to see you? What if he mattered to you way more than you mattered to him and you just showing up makes things worse? Another pang of guilt hits you for making things harder for another person again and you taste metal. You grit your teeth and refocus. The whole picture might never actually be known to you, but this is likely as close as it gets. You see this in your minds’ eye, the assumed idea of a person who may or may not exist, based off of who they used to be. Was this accurate, would this even do anything? Your hands clench around the hem of your hood and you drop to your knees and your leggings scrape the wood on the floor of your hive, eyes still screwed shut with tears pricking at the corners, breathing quick and heavy, jaw locked.
You try again.
The bands snaps.
And your head hits a cold, metal floor.
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Ask The Party God - Timeline
the pre-terezi-gang timeline post is here
height references over here
hi, im jade! everyones favorite party goddess and trans doggy girl~ but you already know that! if youre reading this, it means youre interested in learning more about my reality, because paradox space is fucking weird like that and you cant really be sure all the time
as far as im aware, everything up to the point where we beat the game happened without deviations from the alpha timeline? so this is what rose has talked about as a ‘terminal timeline’, or ‘post-canon’, or whatever the hell that is supposed to mean
we got to earth-c, and i settled in the troll kingdom because trolls are cool, dave and karkat were in the neighborhood, and the caverns are close by so i can visit rose and kanaya speedily as well! i still do have my old tower out on an island, with my workshop and garden, but i almost never sleep in it, too far away and isolated from everyone...
then one day i found this old active server in the furthest ring keeping tumblr active and i thought, hey, why not have some fun? ;D
as for the others...
my darling sis june egbert! she lives in the consort kingdom, but has been thinking about relocating elsewhere lately! she went through a rough patch right after the game, unsure of what to do and full of all sorts of doubts and questions, but shes doing a lot better nowadays! specially now that terezi is back, shes been a lot more peppy and hanging around with the lalondes particularly!
rose rose rose rose~ happily married to her wife kanaya, duh, but that doesnt make her any less of a flirty cutie! a while back she got really sick for a bit, and weve been keeping an eye on her just in case it happened again, but its been all good ever since! she helps kanaya at the caverns a bunch, which makes her schedule busy busy... and you didnt hear this from me, buuuut words out on the street that she and kanaya may be warming to the idea of having a kid! <3 well see how that goes!
one cool dude~ daves a little bit of a shut-in honestly! and honestly i dont blame him? he must be tired after all the timeline and time travel shenanigans, so he spends a good chunk of his time hanging out in his and karkats house! hes kind of awkward about opening up with feelings and stuff, and ive been trying to nudge him to be more open for a while! but with all the craziness thats been going down lately, and more people coming and going and getting together, hes starting to consider things he hadnt before~ hopefully, some specific someones? ;)
janey! my uh... ecto-mom, technically, although we see each other more like cousins than anything else! she still owns crockercorp, but ever since jasprose has been around, she has been spending a lot more time at home and just hanging out with her friends, which really, sounds a lot healthier than the big business thing she had going on a while back! she enjoys teaching me baking stuff, but doesnt have much patience for my decorating skills ;p
grandpa! and grandson technically, hehe, jakes kind of a weird case, hes a mixture of a shut-in, a celebrity and an adventurer! he can spend up to weeks at a time without leaving his manor, but then hell have full weeks of interviews and hiking, and thats not to say anything of when he and dirk put out another episode or two of their dumb comedy talkshow... hes often busy with stuff, but hes still a good pal and can clear his schedule in seconds if we need him for something!
one sweet nb dude! rox really is... something else, really! fun to tag along at a party, fun to chill at home playing games, fun to talk about more serious stuff and open up with him, he really is just solid as they come! hes been hanging out a lot more with june since she got out of her depressive slump, but sometimes i wonder if junebug finds weird to get flirty with roxy, considering im pretty sure we made out in front of her at some point or two... hehehe
dirk! if daves a bit of a shut-in, hes a shut-in times two, which is weird because youd think someone stuck in post-apocalyptic earth for so long would want to hang out more? not to say he DOESNT, though! hes around jake often enough, and keeps close to jane, roxy and dave specially! we dont see each other too often, but we HAVE been messing around with robots and planning out to upgrade our respective self-bots for funsies!
aradia! we only met briefly in dreams for the longest time, but i knew already that she was a riot! she came with terezis group after she finally found vriska, and seems pretty happy just... kind of... being around and watching shenanigans ensue! i actually dont know where she lives, but she drops by occasionally, because im apparently pretty ‘fun’... cant say i disagree ;)
sollux is blind, and not dead, and WILL kick you in the shins if you keep prying about how exactly he ended up like that, which is fair enough! he spends a good chunk of his time with aradia, and im not sure if theyre dating or not...? but hes been around the other trolls a bunch! specially kanaya, apparently theyre good friends that go way back! i guess they both DO style their hair similarly, with the side spike thingies...
the other half of the dave-kat duo! swooooon~ really though, i cant remember the last time i said “dave” or “karkat” without talking about the other shortly after... buuut theyre just roomies, and hell get awkward and grumpy if you even so slightly IMPLY otherwise, despite the fact everyone knows they fall asleep leaning against each other during friday movie night! roooolling my eyes~ with the rest of the living trolls having arrived, hes been a lot more willing to go outside, which im glad for! its healthy to get some fresh air from time to time, and specially hang out with friends!
oh-la-la, miss maryam-lalonde herself! kanayas the matriarch of the caverns, and quite the busy gal, having taken it upon herself to supervise her entire species reproduction and well-being... in my opinion, she needs a good vacation from time to time, and to be less of a workaholic! >:o ive been helping her occasionally in the caverns, and as of late weve begun trying to mess around with ectobiology for some troll-human crossing experiments with... not good results so far... but hey, rome wasnt built in a day!
terezis back, yes! after spending YEARS out there looking for vriska, she managed to find her and come back, the madwoman! personally im not sure why anyone would go to such lengths for... her... but also, its not my bond, not my place to speak, she obviously really loves her a bunch! with vriska no longer lost in the middle of the furthest ring, shes started to catch up with everything going on with earth-c, and i think shes really going to like being around! specially with how much june and the rest have missed her ;)
troublemaker extraordinaire herself! shes... well, shes vriska, im pretty sure she stole that eyepatch from sollux? so you just know she up to no good already >:/ speaking of her eyepatch, im not sure WHY shes wearing it? whatever kinda wound she got, she doesnt like mentioning it, despite bragging about defeating english at every chance she gets! terezi says they found her popping in and out of consciousness in the furthest ring with some messy wounds, and that shed probably been hovering out there after the fight for years... doesnt seem to have humbled her in the slightest <.<
callieeeee! theyre super sweet and wonderful but also really shy and awkward! they live with roxy but manage to outdo dirk in terms of shut-in-ness... they also totally like roxy but is unsure about approaching those feelings considering the whole species thing and whatever, ive been trying to get them to open up for a while now! weve written fanfic together and drawn grids, so i can definitely tell theres some attraction there, even if theyre afraid of acting upon it just yet <3
jaspie is roses bane, and the one cat that made me get used to their smell enough that i dont bark at them instantly anymore! im pretty sure she crashes at janes often, and is just as outgoing and flirty as i am around earth-c parties and bars, which is saying something honestly! i wont let her dethrone me as the party god, though >:)
and finally davepeta! theyre staying with june for the time being until they can get settled around and see what they want to do here! theyve also dropped by dave and karkats a bunch, which i most certainly dont mind! i definitely appreciate some help in bringing a romantic vibe into those twos lives~ ;o
and thats about it! theres also the nannasprites and tavrosprite and arquius, but they pop by so sporadically and rarely that i dont know what theyre doing a majority of the time... we lost track of gamzee after the session so hopefully hes totally gone, and we havent heard any message from caliborn in years... and with the furthest ring broken and the black hole sealed, leaving a weird white empty space right in the middle of reality, im not sure what our chances of bringing back the other trolls are :( but still, we keep living on happily over here and having our fun slice of life ending together!
id say after everything weve gone through, we deserve a big break, dont we? hehehe <3
also, particularly important events that happen and are recorded in this blog will be tagged as timeline shenanigans!
#homestuck#party god#jade harley#timeline shenanigans#june egbert#rose lalonde#dave strider#jane crocker#jake english#roxy lalonde#dirk strider#aradia megido#sollux captor#karkat vantas#kanaya maryam#terezi pyrope#vriska serket#calliope#jasprose#davepeta
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Girl From Nowhere
Your name is Roxy Lalonde, and you are simply the best there is. No need to specify at what. You are the best at all of the things. All of them.
But if you did have to specify, you suppose that you would say you are the ultimate best at computers. In fact, you are the drunken master of computers. Nobody can hope to beat you when you’ve got a wine bottle in one hand and a keyboard under the other. Nobody. Not even you when you’re sober, actually.
That unfortunate fact has forced you to scrap your computer wholesale and just buy a new one several occasions, on account of not being able to figure out how to get past the new security system that you designed on it while you were drunk, or the password that you set at the same time. You keep telling yourself that you need to write these things down but you never remember. You have absolutely no idea why that is.
But what can you do? Programming is in your blood; when you are cut, ones and zeroes spill out of your arm. Your fingers fly not like it’s your nature, but like they’re responding to the thrum of destiny. It was fate, it had to have been, that when some rich dude bequeathed half his library to the orphanage one Croakmas when you were still a tyke, that you were the one who got the programming books with all those pictures of cats on the cover. You learned to read out of those books, for crying out loud. You were made for this. It’s your telos.
But you are not just the drunken master of all coding. You are also one of the many students to have blessed— or blighted— the halls of Our Lady Who Is Without Mother Or Father Academy for Girls. You are undoubtedly the best and most favorite of the superintendent’s, but she doesn’t like to let on that she plays favorites so she’s always yelling about how she’s one more misstep away from throwing your ass out on the curb. That never happens, though, no matter how many times you hack into her computer system, so you’re pretty sure that it’s all just talk and smokescreens.
After all, if she didn’t want to share the bottles of gin she kept locked in her back cabinets then she wouldn’t have put them there after you’d already picked her lock three times before, right? Nah, you’re totally on the best of terms. The fake mad face is just a part of the charm.
Still, she does have to keep up a front if she’s going to keep the rest of the school fooled about how much she actually doesn’t hate your guts, so she has to make a profanity-filled house call every now and then. Seeing as you’re the school's Little Orphan Annie that means she doesn’t have to walk very far, just down the block, so these visits happen quite a bit.
Most people avoid coming in your room. You did have a couple of roommates but you kept hacking the records or breaking into the records office and changing your file, and eventually the matrons just plain gave up and let you have it your way. And if they want to talk with you, well, they knock, or they just scream at you through the door. Which is what just about anybody does but the superintendent, actually, since you have been known to come at people with broken bottles when they make too much noise or touch your hardware.
So when you hear somebody enter your room one morning, you don’t bother asking who it is. You just keep at it, smacking keys and drowning your hangover behind a wall of monitors, towers, and books, completely dark save for the glow of screens dimmed to their lowest brightness.
But it isn’t the super, it’s a guy. Some jackass with a lisp. When you find that out you’re about to curse him out but, on a whim, you poke your head over the Great Wall of China and— hot damn, and thank your lucky stars you didn’t say anything, because this isn’t a jackass, it’s the jackass, Sollux Captor, the Mage of Doom, wearing some ratty moth-eaten coat over his godhood.
“Nice coat,” you tell him.
He shrugs. “They tell me I have to look decent for the public. ‘Like people,’ is how Kanaya puts it. She says it looks like pajamas.”
“Sorta does,” you admit.
“Fuck her. You’re lucky I’m wearing anything.”
Yeah, this is totally his protest costume.
But what is he doing here? You don’t know, so you ask him. And then you offer him breakfast, just to be a good host.
“What is that?”
“Pickled prunes, tripe, cinnamon, eggs, and rum. Hangover cure.”
“You put rum in your hangover cure?” Sollux obviously doesn’t know what to make of you— best person ever, or supreme best ever? You yourself know exactly how awesome you are, but it's more fun to keep him guessing.
“How else am I supposed to get a good start on my drinking?” Okay, you’ve nailed it. You are the best of friends or something now probably. Especially since he took a spoon from out of nowhere and is sharing your awesome hangover cure soup with you.
You eat in silence, or at least as much as you can get between the clicker-clakker of the keys. Meanwhile, Sollux is taking a look around your room, frowning, smiling, shaking his head, smiling some more.
“I want to offer you a job,” he says, and you want to do a spit take but the soup’s all gone and you’re just now noticing that he snatched your wine from out of your reach.
“Uh, say who what now?”
“Let’s just say that we’re very interested in what you can do. So I’m offering you a job at SkaiaNet,” he says. “And you will be given a place to study at Derleth University when you graduate from here.”
You squint at him. “Derleth? Ain't that a medical school? I do computers.”
“I need a biologist. They have a new program in computational genomics.”
“A little squishy for me, bucko.”
Sollux blinks. It evidently takes him a moment to figure out what you’re going on about. “I don’t need another programmer that I could outperform on my worst day. I need somebody with a tenth of Feferi's bioengineering and a third of my coding. A biologist with your special talents would have many uses.”
A biologist? What the heck kind of biology needs coding and hacking? Then again, it would be nice to have a guaranteed job...
“But there is a catch,” he continues, and you groan inside. “You’re a good student, but you’re still a menace and a delinquent. That kind of shit isn’t supposed to happen, by the way. With your behavior you should be flunking or something.”
You lean back in your swank rolly-chair. “Maybe I fixed my grades.”
“You didn’t. I would know.”
He continues: “So you have to keep off the booze.” Wait, what? “You are, I have been assured, a functioning alcoholic. Nevertheless, you are also unpredictable when you are drunk, and I do not want to lose my investment at the age of thirty for the sake of an exploded liver.”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re very good at what you do.”
You grin. "Pft, yeah, of course. So, what, the super recommended me?"
"More the other way around."
You blink at him. What does that mean? Your hangover is making you fuzzy, and slower than you should be. "How'd you know about me then? Unless I'm some kinda chosen one or something?"
He smiles, and your own grin wavers. "C'mon man, next thing you'll say you got me into this in the first place, that you gave me those coding books for Croakmas when I was three- oh fuck, you did, didn't you?"
You stare right into the god's shit-eating grin, and you don’t know whether to scream or laugh or try to do both at once. The superintendent doesn’t actually like you very much, does she? But she answers to a higher power that doesn’t care about that...
“You got me into this to begin with? But... you're not just fucking with me, right? This isn't just, I mean, this is really happening, you're not just nodding at whatever I say?" You stare into the mismatched lenses of his shades and try to gague whether he's telling the truth.
"It's all very real, Roxy. And yes, your intuition is correct; I've been interested in your progress for a long time."
"And you just want to play it all cool like it’s nobody’s thing or whatever, I just happened to be the best there is— which I am, don’t get me wrong.”
“Why would I select you, out of all of the orphans in the world?”
“Because I was... different?”
Sollux snorts. “You were a baby. What’s different about you?”
You take a moment to think about it. “You knew my parents. They were something special.”
His teeth gleam, sharper than any human smile. “Not a bad guess. But you’re wrong. You don’t have any parents. That’s why you’re special.”
You just about leap out of your chair. “What do you mean? Was I some sort of... cloning experiment or something?”
The Mage of Doom slips a card into your hand. “Study hard. Stay in school and out of trouble. Then maybe you’ll find out. And whatever you do, don’t pray.”
“I mean, don’t call us. We’ll call you.”
The coat falls down around him, his wings unfurl, and—Sollux is gone and the room is empty, save for you.
You don’t talk with gods again for six more years. You manage to stay out of the bottle for nine.
#the gods have horns#godstuck#sollux captor#roxy 'mom' lalonde#godstuck fic#homestuck fanfiction#trolls are gods#revision#our lady without academy#first meetings
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