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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 7 months ago
[dunno how it rates on depravity but I love the idea of rose using her powers to shrink sol the next time they meet up (literally sucking the size out of him if they get up to similar activities heh) until he's a handful of inches tall or so but still crazy endowed and keeping him like that for a few days- an actual toy instead of just a metaphorical one, for a bit.
Plus the visual idea of him wandering on this vast lard plane and you zoom out and it's like, her chin is just great]
// Tenouttaten. Not like everyone wasn't about as small is it gets comparatively to Rose anyways but we can always go deeper. Toyllux is always golden anyways pun intended.
Make him play guess what crevice he's in today and if he's wrong shove him deeper.
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 8 months ago
Sollux wasn't about to let a little thing like watching the landscape of lard be flesh-sculpted up under him until both of them lay on their sides facing eachother, his singular immensity between them and plowing off into the pale distance. He finally drained the bottle dry and gasped while crumpling it up and recaptchaloging.
"that just s0unds like fucking, lalonde." He responds artfully to the first statement. "n0thing wrong with it."
Thoroughly drained as he was, and with the simple fact of the vast size discrepancy in play he didn't react overmuch to her avatar's playful prodding at the grey leviathan between them.
"i d0n't know r0se, i am a busy quasi-immortal. what d0es the positions entail? any kind of benefit package?" Conspicuous use of a plural.
Salutations, and thank you for the follow and promotion- Your choice to volunteer as patient zero and the prime vector for me inflicting my presence on this website is noted and appreciated.
How does the day find you?
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arachnidsgamer · 1 year ago
@solisvidentis replied to your post “Vriska but she gains one pound for every...”:
Nonsense, you'd be practically svelte. Unless you have subscriber counts rivaling the population of some planets.
​New rule you count as however many people could feasi8ly live on you dork >:::;P
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felinefatty · 1 year ago
Would be quite a long, long eventually. Certainly not something that comes easily without some sort of enormous magical intervention.
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":33 < i kmeow it would be really tough, but i wanna s33 how big i could be befure i n33ded magic to help! and you would help me if i n33d it right rose?"
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 8 months ago
Being one of the few people with both the capacity to fly on and off Rose and the nerve to descend onto the sometimes treacherous landscape of Lalonde dough, Sollux is the requestee of many an errand run.
He did insist on putting a tracking chip in her hairband to find her face more easily.
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 1 year ago
[PWOP. Yes, PWOP, the sound of an item appearing at a relevant location intrudes on Sollux's Abode, followed by a heavy THUD as something large falls about a foot to the ground. Whenever the mage would get around to looking at it, he'd find... a book? A fucking big book- large as a coffee table. No, not as large as the *top* of a coffee table, as large as the whole coffee table. What *is* this broad getting up to. A closer inspection reveals a few detail- the name of the Author, for one- Rose Lalonde. Beyond that, the cover, images of soaring beasts, tongues of flame flying through the air, men in robes gesticulating wildly- god damn it she's gifted you her shitty wizard fiction. Unbelievable. Although, wait, pulling up the cover reveals not pages, but an interior! Inside is an assortment of items- Its mostly food, some junk, some nice, all packed in pairs, two instances of each. Largely its just an assortment of items from Rose's Earth- things to snack on while gaming, but one pair of bags is a bit less corporate. Clear plastic, tied in a clearly handwrapped bow- and featuring a seal of a approval featuring a fairly hefty hand attempting to give a thumbs up. Seems the Seer has tried her hand at some bakemancy, for a more personal touch! Thats about the extent of it, a small trove of snacks, easily enough to last awhile for someone as metabolically sturdy and mostly dead as sollux, and- oh wait, one more thing in there, under a double set of liters of soda. Ah. An actual copy of her shitty wizard fiction, sized much more reasonably. Just in case he saw the big book and got excited, apparently- wouldn't want to fake someone out on Twosmas, after all!]
Sollux barely needed the incoming package alarm given the THUD that rang out from that behemoth's impact. At first he'd wondered if she tried to send herself or an avatar through, but figured there'd probably be some kind of flab bulging through the reinforced doors were that the case.
Instead his investigation treated him to the absolute stack of things Rose had sent him. Certainly enough to last him for the foreseeable future and then some. As for the book, well. That might take a little longer yet.
Wherever Rose was and on whatever device she was using, even in thin air if need be, a console opened.
"CA: thanks, lal0nde. i appreciate it a lot."
And he did.
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 2 years ago
★ ✘ I present a dichotomy for the benefit of present company and his Brand TM.
★ : What their favorite thing is about your muse.
s0 far? hospitality i supp0se. doesn't s0und like much but if i listed off the am0unt of places i went t0 where nob0dy was there we'd be here all night.
✘ : What one thing they would change about your muse.
hmm. c0uld do y0u a favor and add your pr0porti0nality back? otherwise i d0n't know, seem pleasant en0ugh so far. d0n't need to nitpick needlessly.
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 1 year ago
i d0n't know s0metimes the superwides have fairly normal hands. isn't as if i've ever seen y0urs. plus if you can m0ve things with your mind i d0n't see why it wouldn't apply t0 sewing instruments.
will keep that debt in mind though. ideas ideas...
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i d0n't usually 'get' things for real h0lidays let alone c0medic ones lal0nde, so i really d0n't know.
it would feel weird and slightly perverse t0 directly drag some0ne to s0mething and point it 0ut, as if i were either going t0 the store myself 0r worse: f0rcing it upon them against their will and the spirit 0f a gift itself.
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 1 year ago
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arachnidsgamer · 2 years ago
@solisvidentis replied to your post “Who could possibly fit such an outlandish...”:
Now why would this mystery woman's friends be embarrassed by her ability to speak eloquently?
​Pro8a8ly 8ecause whenever she opens her mouth they don't know how extra she's going to sound
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arachnidsgamer · 7 months ago
@solisvidentis replied to your post “((Made this for my Vtubing stuff!!!))”:
[this is very cute!
​Thanks so much!!!)))
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apocalypticarcheologist · 2 years ago
Aradia floated around in space, as she was tend to do. Today was one of her far larger days, so she already knew not much digging was gonna be done today. This didnt really bother her much, she knew an oppertunity was bound to come again soon enough. She looked at the galaxies passing her by, when she felt something nearby. a tiny spark of some sort. her enormously curvy body shifting slightly, trying to figure out what the noise exactly was.
Rose was, as was often the case, lounging quite lazily in the spreading expanses of herself, consuming various shows, messaging friends, and setting up plans for future meetups. What was not often the case, however, was the sudden blip in the passive net of her consciousness, powered by her Aspect and her connection to the energies of the green sun, that felt like a flash of light searing in her mind briefly.
Something had entered her timeline- something very large, and therefore very concerning. "Lets see who has dropped in on us..." the corpulent woman murmured to herself, focusing her energies and dragging herself across the plane of the galaxy, glowing with intense green light as she appeared at her destination, rotating lazily and searching for the disturbance...
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 1 year ago
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i'm n0t sharing
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 1 year ago
i get 0ne gift per sweep from me t0 me, have to guard it zeal0usly.
i'm not h0lding it to y0u or s0mething anyways. thank fuck you're n0t a mind reader. the exchange of pithy w0rdplay turned sour as y0u made the critical mistake of inquiring after me pers0nally. you c0uld not have kn0wn what a pitfall that was, and f0r that you have my c0ndolences.
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i'm n0t sharing
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pyrophoricgoddess · 2 years ago
Polypa Goezee *|
to be fair you do need to be so high level that normal numbers are unable to contain it to be able to do it *| i think ill pass talking with him though * ive broken enough peoples concept of reality that ive seen them all * but human socrates must be pretty different from troll socrates since might makes right is essentially troll philosophy 101 *|
Oh, well, that just solves everything actually. I can't believe I didn't think of it myself.
It's such an elegant solution too- would you like to join me in phoning up Socrates and informing him he has been made to look like an utter buffoon by you, Miss...?
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 7 months ago
here i was just c0mmenting on my n0table talent for h0oking up mass am0unts of viewing screens and systems 0ver improbable distances. but feel free t0 go 0n.
Rose getting her horniness put on display for a populated star system, ravaged in the space between them were they can all see her wobble and possibly hear the noise of the moans plapping.
Someone is letting their imagine run off with them.
The chances of such a display being both close enough to actually make out but also far enough away to be comprehendible are slim. Someone would need to come up with an extremely clever network of camera rigging and televise the event to have any hope to manage such a thing.
Not that I've considered that, just. You know, poking holes in your little teasing musings.
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