#solina v
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Arturia Solina V String Machine Synth | My Fave Sounds. The Solina synth sound is so lush.
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Cagliari, presentato il nuovo palazzetto dello sport
Cagliari, presentato il nuovo palazzetto dello sport. Il nuovo Palazzetto dello sport di Cagliari avrà una capienza tra i 6 e gli 8mila posti, sarà totalmente sostenibile, accessibile e intelligente, con dotazioni tecnologiche di ultima generazione. Inoltre si caratterizzerà per un’estetica architettonica e artistica di pregio, tale da valorizzare il contesto ambientale e paesaggistico quel è l'area il quartiere Sant'Elia. Con un investimento complessivo di 25 milioni, di cui 3,5 messi a disposizione dal Comune e 8 dalle federazioni sportive nazionali, grazie alle risorse del PNRR e 13,5 dalla Regione, l'opera dovrà essere realizzata entro il 2026. "Consentirà – ha rimarcato il sindaco Paolo Truzzu intervenendo alla conferenza stampa ospitata giovedì 29 dicembre 2022 nella Sala Emilio Lussu di Villa Devoto - non solo di costruire una casa per lo sport cagliaritano. Ma un impianto sostenibile dedicato a tutta la Sardegna, uno spazio che potrà essere utilizzato per eventi sportivi di carattere nazionale e internazionale, manifestazioni di carattere musicale, culturale, teatrale e congressuale". Insomma, "un sogno che si realizza", ha detto il primo cittadino. All'incontro coi cronisti anche i rappresentanti delle principali federazioni sportive, tra cui il presidente della Federazione Tennistavolo Nazionale, Renato Di Napoli, il presidente della Federazione Italiana Tennis, Angelo Binaghi, il presidente della Federazione Mondiale del Padel, Luigi Carraro, il presidente del CONI regionale, Bruno Perra, il commissario Paralimpico, Simone Carrucciu, il presidente regionale della Pallavolo, Eliseo Secci. E poi il consigliere del CdA, Roberto Farnè, il direttore generale di Sport e Salute, Diego Nepi, braccio operativo dell'intervento, e il ministro per lo Sport e i Giovani, Andrea Abodi. "Quello che arriva dalla Sardegna – ha detto il ministro Abodi - è un modello virtuoso che porterò in tutto il Paese quale esempio dello sport, come miglioramento della qualità dei luoghi, della vita dei cittadini e dei territori. Cagliari ospiterà un Palazzetto che avrà caratteristiche di modernità dal punto di vista dell’accessibilità, ma anche dell’educazione ambientale, elementi che diventeranno esemplari per la città e per chi accederà alla struttura". Quella di a Villa Devoto è stata dunque "una giornata di festa per tutto lo sport sardo", ha sottolineato il presidente della Regione Christian Solinas facendo gli onori di casa e parlando di "proficua collaborazione non solo tra Istituzioni politiche e di governo. Ma anche tra istituzioni e mondo dello sport". Una collaborazione "ampia e forte", che rappresenta una "best practice da esportare e riportare su altre opere e altri territori". Youtube: Nuovo palazzetto dello sport di Cagliari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21Abvcl7Aes ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Elgie, Crumar Orchestrator and Sequential Six-Trak
The adorable Elgie returns, this time with a Crumar Orchestrator and Sequential Six-Trak. Submitted by Eston Lathrop via our Facebook page.
The Crumar Orchestrator was released in 1977 and provides an orchestra-in-a-box with Brass, Piano, Clavichord, Cello, and Violin sounds, as well as a Bass sound. They can be combined and each has its own level control. It is particularly good for the Brass and String sounds which are reminiscent of the ARP Solina (we at CatSynth have used the Arturia Solina V on a few recordings).
The Sequential Six-Trak was released in 1984. As a synthesizer, it was a smaller cousin to the Prophet series, but it did include many of the Prophets’ features like cross-modulation. There was also an onboard sequencer six-track sequencer (hence the name) and full MIDI support, including controllers for the various parameters.
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Elgie, Crumar Orchestrator and Sequential Six-Trak was originally published on CatSynth
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Random Ask go! Favorite Pastimes for the problem children of house Benes :V AKA ALL OF THEM! >.>
Celia: Reading fiction
Caius: Drawing/Birdwatching
Cato: Being a spoopy ghostly nuisance and calling Caius out on his nonsense
Solina: Drinking games
Lucius: Reading non-fiction
Theodosia: Playing piano
Caelia: Fencing
#answered#ooc reply#thank you for the ask!#'problem children of House Benes' AKA all of them#don't call me out like this#toxiccreed
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Interesting Papers for Week 30, 2019
To integrate or not to integrate: Temporal dynamics of hierarchical Bayesian causal inference. Aller, M., & Noppeney, U. (2019). PLOS Biology, 17(4), e3000210.
Inferring neural circuit structure from datasets of heterogeneous tuning curves. Arakaki, T., Barello, G., & Ahmadian, Y. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006816.
Neural population control via deep image synthesis. Bashivan, P., Kar, K., & DiCarlo, J. J. (2019). Science, 364(6439), eaav9436.
Cortical Reorganization of Peripheral Vision Induced by Simulated Central Vision Loss. Chen, N., Shin, K., Millin, R., Song, Y., Kwon, M., & Tjan, B. S. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience, 39(18), 3529–3536.
Contrastive Hebbian learning with random feedback weights. Detorakis, G., Bartley, T., & Neftci, E. (2019). Neural Networks, 114, 1–14.
Vision and Locomotion Shape the Interactions between Neuron Types in Mouse Visual Cortex. Dipoppa, M., Ranson, A., Krumin, M., Pachitariu, M., Carandini, M., & Harris, K. D. (2018). Neuron, 98(3), 602-615.e8.
Two Brains in Action: Joint-Action Coding in the Primate Frontal Cortex. Ferrari-Toniolo, S., Visco-Comandini, F., & Battaglia-Mayer, A. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience, 39(18), 3514–3528.
Novel hybrid action of GABA mediates inhibitory feedback in the mammalian retina. Grove, J. C. R., Hirano, A. A., de los Santos, J., McHugh, C. F., Purohit, S., Field, G. D., … Barnes, S. (2019). PLOS Biology, 17(4), e3000200.
Rich-club connectivity, diverse population coupling, and dynamical activity patterns emerging from local cortical circuits. Gu, Y., Qi, Y., & Gong, P. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006902.
Confidence resets reveal hierarchical adaptive learning in humans. Heilbron, M., & Meyniel, F. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006972.
Microstimulation in a spiking neural network model of the midbrain superior colliculus. Kasap, B., & van Opstal, A. J. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006522.
A Task-Optimized Neural Network Replicates Human Auditory Behavior, Predicts Brain Responses, and Reveals a Cortical Processing Hierarchy. Kell, A. J. E., Yamins, D. L. K., Shook, E. N., Norman-Haignere, S. V., & McDermott, J. H. (2018). Neuron, 98(3), 630-644.e16.
Temporal pattern separation in hippocampal neurons through multiplexed neural codes. Madar, A. D., Ewell, L. A., & Jones, M. V. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006932.
The ease and sureness of a decision: evidence accumulation of conflict and uncertainty. Mandali, A., Weidacker, K., Kim, S.-G., & Voon, V. (2019). Brain, 142(5), 1471–1482.
Learning and forgetting using reinforced Bayesian change detection. Moens, V., & Zénon, A. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006713.
Stability of working memory in continuous attractor networks under the control of short-term plasticity. Seeholzer, A., Deger, M., & Gerstner, W. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006928.
A kinetic model for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor mediated spike timing-dependent LTP. Solinas, S. M. G., Edelmann, E., Leßmann, V., & Migliore, M. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006975.
The Medial Prefrontal Cortex Shapes Dopamine Reward Prediction Errors under State Uncertainty. Starkweather, C. K., Gershman, S. J., & Uchida, N. (2018). Neuron, 98(3), 616-629.e6.
Imperfect Bayesian inference in visual perception. Stengård, E., & van den Berg, R. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(4), e1006465.
Harmonization of resting-state functional MRI data across multiple imaging sites via the separation of site differences into sampling bias and measurement bias. Yamashita, A., Yahata, N., Itahashi, T., Lisi, G., Yamada, T., Ichikawa, N., … Imamizu, H. (2019). PLOS Biology, 17(4), e3000042.
#science#Neuroscience#computational neuroscience#Brain science#research#neurobiology#machine learning#cognition#cognitive science#psychophysics#scientific publications
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Fortuna Granda
Arriva il trailer ufficiale del film documentario “Fortuna granda" di Alberto Gottardo e Francesca Sironi, che arriverà nelle sale italiane in tour dal 24 novembre distribuito da Trent Film. Selezionato al Biografilm Festival International Celebration of Lives 2022, il film ha vinto il Premio Solinas per il Miglior Documentario per il Cinema 2020 e racconta la realtà di Goro, un paese in provincia di Ferrara in fondo al Delta del Po che vive grazie alla pesca delle vongole. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HH7XPgqf8Y Fortuna Granda, sinossi Al centro della vicenda Alessandro, Gioele, Matteo e Samuel, quattro ragazzi di 16 anni che pescano in barca da quando ne hanno cinque. «Siamo nati in acqua», dicono in un dialogo del film. Eppure frequentano una scuola che prova a insegnare loro quello stesso mestiere, nel tentativo di tenerli sui banchi, di far loro frequentare gli studi almeno fino al diploma. «Considerate le alternative, perché non si sa mai», dicono i maestri. Ma il confronto non è semplice. Nel film i quattro amici percorrono traiettorie diverse, accomunate dalla consapevolezza del privilegio di un lavoro all’aperto, nella natura, in un territorio altrimenti difficile per i giovani. È nelle contraddizioni di questo desiderio che il film segue i ragazzi fino all’esame di fine anno, con tutti i significati che per ognuno di loro avrà. Le parole dei registi «Fortuna Granda è nato nel 2017»- hanno dichiarato i registi Alberto Gottardo e Francesca Sironi, autori anche del documentario appena arrivato su Mubi “Marghe e Giulia - Crescere in diretta” su una coppia di popolari youtuber - ��ci trovavamo nel Delta del Po per un reportage sugli adolescenti della provincia di Ferrara quando siamo arrivati a Goro e abbiamo intravisto i confini di una comunità unica, chiusa sia geograficamente (ci arriva una sola strada), che economicamente (per via della ricchezza delle vongole, arrivata negli anni ‘80). Poco dopo abbiamo scoperto il record di dispersione scolastica del paese. Avanzando su queste domande abbiamo incontrato il corso avviato da Giovanni Lolli, e la classe Pesca dell’Istituto professionale. Alessandro, Gioele, Matteo e Samuel sono diventati subito i protagonisti del film, al primo incontro. Abbiamo iniziato le riprese con il solo desiderio di ascoltarli. Non ci interessava analizzare i ragazzi, studiarli. È piuttosto nell’adesione alla voce dei protagonisti, al loro punto di vista, che abbiamo voluto dare forma al film. Il Delta che abbiamo visto insieme a loro non è paesaggio: è abitudine, muro o gioco. Per questo non abbiamo cercato di estetizzare il contesto naturale. O la scuola, che è complessa, anti-retorica, non ha posizioni facili. Abbiamo lavorato così, costruendo spazi di fiducia, confrontandoci continuamente con l’esperienza, senza precostruzioni. Nel riflettere sulla rappresentazione, durante le riprese e il montaggio, ci sono stati però elementi che non abbiamo mai messo in discussione. Fra questi il dialetto: la possibilità di usare la lingua madre, il Goranto, è stata fin da subito centrale nel nostro rapporto.» Read the full article
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Arturia Piano and Keyboards Collection 2022.1 CE [WiN] (Premium)
Arturia Piano and Keyboards Collection 2022.1 CE [WiN] (Premium)
Arturia Piano and Keyboards Collection 2022.1 CE [WiN] free Download Latest. It is of Arturia Piano and Keyboards Collection 2022.1 CE [WiN] free download. Arturia Piano and Keyboards Collection 2022.1 CE [WiN] Overview One installer for: B-3 V2 v2.5.1 Clavinet V v1.9.1 Farfisa V v1.9.1 Mellotron V v1.5.1 Piano V2 v2.9.1 Solina V2 v2.9.1 Staqe-73 V2 v2.2.1 VOX Continental V2 v2.9.1 Wurli V2…
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You might hear my daughter in the background there too - Analog Lab Rhodes - this pulls from that 73V rhodes library and uses some killer phaser and amp modeling from the Analog Lab and it works great for an urban old school beat up gooey rhodes @arturia_official does it again. And this is again the Solina V String Machine different sound ..: #arturia #analog #musicforfilm #musicforTV #scoring #wsl #musiclibrary #oldschool #workin
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A friend posted this video on her FB page. These are mediums and a magician “investigating” the Opera House, to see if it’s haunted. Overly dramatic, but there are some great scenes of the interior at night, and the basements. Worth watching, even if you don’t understand the French.
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Jerome Ramsey plays: Mellotron M400, Expanded Doepfer/Analogue Solutions Modular System, Analogue Systems Modular System, Doepfer MAQ 16/3 Analogue Sequencer, Oberheim OB1, Farfisa Compact Duo, ARP Odyssey, ARP Pro Soloist, ARP Omni 2, Elka Rhapsody 610, Sequential Circuits Pro One, Yamaha SY1, Roland SH101, Roland JD800, Roland 501 Space Echo, Novation Space Station, Fender Bullet Guitar, Behringer V-Amp 2, Chase Bit 99, EMU ESI 4000, JR Electronics Drum Synth, SRS Dual Phaser Unit, Boss Flanger Unit, Kenton Pro 2.
Brendan Pollard plays: Mellotron M400, Bohm Soundlab Modular System, The Beast Duophonic Modular System, SRS RP3 Noise Generator Modular System, Doepfer MAQ 16/3 Analogue Sequencer, Elka Rhapsody 610, ARP Pro DGX, ARP Solina, Logan String Machine, Moog Micromoog, Octave Kitten, Korg Delta, Korg Lambda, Korg MS2000, Roland JP8000, EMU ESI 2000, SRS ZV3 Bass Synth, SRS Philtertron, SRS Dual Phaser Unit, Electro Harmonix Flanger, Melos Echo Chamber, Kenton Pro 2, Philip Rees MCV ×2, JMS CGX Interface, The Space Machine.
This here, kids, is how you can tell you’re about to listen to a Good Synth Album. Not necessary any of the particulars (though some of them are good signs in general) — but, the recognition that synthesizers are not interchangeable, and are often as distinct from each other as a violin is from a cello or an oboe or a steel drum
also: tag yourselves, I’m Arp Solina
#music#synth#synthesizer#electronic music#album is Rogue Element – Premonition (2004)#solina is Finnish for 'sound of running water'
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یک انتخاب حرفهای داشته باش🏅 كفش دخترانه مدل SOLINA سفید قیمت 119 تومان پرداخت درب منزل نحوه سفارش پیامکی 👇 برای خرید کد 7203 را به سامانه 30007419 پیامک کنید جنس رویه : ترکیبی جنس زیره : pu کفی پرسی رنگبندی : سفید سایز : 37 الی 40 برای خرید آسان روی عکس محصول کلیک کنید 🔺 — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/99044321_2605569643029356_8634399386308753370_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=LMDY3uHOAaQAX_XZSsY&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&oh=3ffdd3a926f3775ad291008981852c64&oe=5EE9A1FB
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Título Original: État de siège
Año: 1973
Duración:125 min.
País: Francia
Director: Costa-Gavras
Guion: Franco Solinas, Costa-Gavras
Música: Mikis Theodorakis
Fotografía: Pierre-William Glenn
Reparto: Yves Montand, Renato Salvatori, Jacques Weber, O.E. Hasse, Jean-Luc Bideau, Maurice Teynac, Evangeline Peterson, Jacques Perrin
Productora: Coproducción Francia-Italia-Alemania; Reggane Films / Unidis / Dieter Geissler Filmproduktion
Género: Crime, Drama, Mystery
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz3E3lgZZjs
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DYNAMO // TRACK 11 (Highlands track stories, #8)
A dynamo, from a historical standpoint, was the first machine capable of generating direct current electricity for power and industry. In this, context, it typically consists of an electromagnetic field generated by magnets, through which several coils and windings rotate and produce electric currents. This song was inspired by the motion of such a device; first invented in the mid 19th century, they were powered by steam often times and were rather crude, when you consider how much the invention would eventually contribute to our modern society. The constant motion- the rotation of the coils and all of the moving mechanical parts- serves as the catalyst for the main synth lead in this piece. The constant, four-note arpeggio sweeps down through a single chord and continues through almost the entire track, which is also the longest on the album. After Dreampop, I was somewhat on my way out of experimenting with pitch shifted percussion, at least for the time being, and so in stark contrast from my previous work, this song uses a more traditional electronic drum machine, in combination with a click stick percussion track- a dry, continuous beat which almost resembles the mechanical crackle and pop of moving metal parts. Something like the pistons of an engine. A lot of what inspired the sounds in this track is very inspired by Victorian and early 20th century technology- another prime example is found in the high-pitched "glass shards" sounds which cut through the mix throughout the entire track- these again are an interpretation of a steam engine, the squeaks and whistles associated with engines of the time. This was also the first track on which I really put to use a Solina string synth, to get the dark, somewhat dated sounding string sounds. I don't normally incorporate much orchestral stuff in my music, but it felt appropriate given the music of the time period I was exploring, and as such they stayed in. The main synth is a Prophet V, and the glass shard sounds are produced by a Modular synth. This is one of my favorite tracks I've ever produced, and one of my favorite elements of it is the somewhat unconventional chord structure- it's more of a 2-1-2, one-one arrangement which can be jarring at first, but is something that stuck in my head since I first tried it. The chord is held for two full bars, while the third is held for one, and the last for two again. This song inspired the next few that came after it- in terms of structure and experimentation, this became the focal point for the latter half of the album, and was the hardest track to place in the overall track list. I think as the penultimate track, it does represent a culmination of the ideas on the album, before slowly fading into the final serene and ethereal goodbye of the album with Eagle's Nest.
Notable influences for this track:
Massive Attack - Future Proof
Metamatics - Colmic Zeus
Bonobo - Cirrus
#SoundCloud#music#The Nautilus#Idm#Ambient#Electronic#Soundtrack#dark#chill#trip hop#synth#nautilus#highlands#instrumental#game music#free#soundscape#study#sleep#film score
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01. TSUKAMORI Es el tema que elegimos para abrir “Magnolia” por su simbolismo. Es una canción de amor y respeto a la naturaleza por encima de todo. Un bosque quemado del Bierzo donde jugaba de pequeño inspiró la idea de esta canción. “Tsukamori” es el bosque donde vive el espíritu Totoro, en la película de Hayao Miyazaki. Musicalmente, quisimos que la canción se armara desde una base grave de Moog y que el bajo de Miguel tuviera un papel más melódico y agudo durante todo el tema. @doorsmouse quería una batería muy recta y @manuelcabezali propuso muy acertadamente tirarla hacia el krautrock. Para la intro, que además era el principio del disco, buscábamos algo muy significativo y nos inspiramos en los arpegiadores que abren Baba O’Riley de The Who. @martiperarnauiv los fue retorciendo y deconstruyendo a lo largo de toda la canción y consiguió crear esa textura tan característica. Queríamos conseguir intensidad de una manera diferente a la que estábamos acostumbrados y decidimos que las guitarras eléctricas que van armonizando el tema irían totalmente limpias, sólo les añadimos una pequeña reverb corta de muelles. Conseguimos esa intensidad en los puentes y el estribillo final con el Solina Strings y el Juno 6 que me prestó Martí. El único rift distorsionado que entra en el 3:10 rompiendo y desplazando el 4/4 lo grabó Manuel Cabezalí. //Que mis ojos atraviesen la coraza de la tierra enferma Que se abra el manto negro de la noche y libere a las estrellas Que caiga sobre mí la inmensidad Que caiga sobre mí la inmensidad Que el río seco de mi cuello se desborde en los campos del insomnio Y muestre el rastro del camino invisible que me lleve hacia ti Que pueda oír tu voz y recordar Que pueda oír tu voz y recordar Que el bosque muerto despierte Que el aullido del viento se haga canción Que levante las hojas y bailen Que la rama me encuentre en la oscuridad Que su túnica verde me abrace Que el bosque muerto despierte// V https://www.instagram.com/p/BvB4Lz3B6EC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=utui36sg3fxo
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Miercuri seara în DIRECT, o dezbatere pe tema incendiului de la fabrica Solina
Dănuț-Emil Hălălai, prefectul judeţului Alba şi Colonelul Adrian Guia -inspector şef ISU Alba, vor oferi detalii şi informaţii despre puternicul incendiu de la fabrica Solina.
Un număr de 80 de subofiţeri şi ofiţeri, sâmbătă seara au mai rămas la faţa locului peste 30 de angajaţi ai ISU Alba, care au acţionat cu patru autospeciale şi o autoscară. Flăcările ce au cuprins fosta fabrică Supremia, cu greu au fost stinse după 15 ore de la începutul intervenției. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMCNKf1z5ic Alerta a fost dată, sâmbătă, în jurul orei 6:20, după ce un incendiu a izbucnit la fabrica de condimente Solina din Alba Iulia, una dintre cele mai mari din România. „Detașamentul de pompieri Alba Iulia intervine cu două autospeciale și o ambulanță SMURD pentru stingerea unui incendiu izbucnit la o societate comercială de pe Str. Calea Ciugudului municipiul Alba-Iulia.” a anunțat ISU Alba. Fabrica este situată în Parcul Industrial de lângă șoseaua de Centură a municipiului Alba Iulia. Iată ce a mai rămas după incendiul puternic din fabrica Solina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0_rAi2vv04 Urmăriţi miercuri seara ÎN DIRECT o dezbatere pe tema incendiului, începănd cu ora 20.30, pe AlbaCarolinaTV. Vezi aici Aria de acoperire AlbaCarolinaTV Read the full article
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The team at Arturia are proud to announce that V Collection 6 is now available.
V Collection 6 represents a landmark in the title’s history, with the addition of 4 sensational, iconic instruments, bringing the total number of synth and keyboard recreations to 21. V COLLECTION HAS TRULY COME OF AGE.
Using their exclusive True Analog Emulation® & physical modelling technology, Arturia’s engineers, developers, and sound designers have been able to recreate the creme de la creme of keyboard instruments. Instruments that have shaped the course of popular music for over a century. From illustrious, historic pianos to revolutionary digital synths, glorious organs to analog masterpieces, and everything in between; for the serious retro instrument fan, V Collection 6 is the only choice. EXCLUSIVE RELEASE OFFERS
To celebrate its release, and only for a limited time, V Collection 6 will be available for an incredible price. Whether you are new to Arturia products, want to upgrade from a previous version of V Collection, or own any other Arturia products, you will have access to an exclusive deal that will put the very best synth and keyboard recreations ever made at your fingertips. INTRODUCING THE FANTASTIC FOUR
What would a new edition be without exciting new virtual instruments? V Collection 6 introduces 4 legendary keyboards reborn in software, rendered in meticulous detail, and given new powerful features that take them beyond their original spec. BUCHLA EASEL V: recreating Don Buchla’s leftfield analog synth from 1973, the Music Easel changed the way people created sounds with performance-focused parameters, putting the focus on the artistry of being a recording artist. Perfect for exploring alternative sound design, creating ambient, widescreen textures, and unfamiliar sequences. Taking Buchla’s experimental vision one step further, Arturia have incorporated Gravity, a physics-based synth engine into their software recreation, letting you take your music where no one has gone before. DX7 V: the Yamaha DX-7 needs no introduction, and its legacy is felt in charts around the world to this day. If you’ve ever listened to the radio, watched a film, or owned any 80s records, you’ll have heard the DX-7. Notoriously tricky to program, Arturia’s recreation simplifies the process by vastly improving the interface, and expands its synth capabilities with a mod matrix, customizable envelopes, extra waveforms, a 2nd LFO, effects, sequencer, arpeggiator, and more. CLAVINET V: arguably the most famous, influential electric keyboard of all time, the legacy of the Clavinet is everywhere. Released by Hohner in the mid-60s, its funky, energetic tone gave life to myriad genres over the decades. From disco to R&B, prog rock to pure, unadulterated pop, the percussive, soulful sound of this legendary performance keyboard is reborn in Clavinet V. Arturia’s physically modelled recreation lets you dig deeper into the instrument, changing the physical properties of the instrument, and adding classic amp and effects combos into the mix. CMI V: known fondly as the mother of all samplers, and a groundbreaking additive synth, the Fairlight CMI truly redefined pop music production following its release in 1979. Arturia’s recreation builds on the features of the original by providing 10 multitimbral, polyphonic slots to design your sound, real-time waveform shaping, effects, a sequencer, and even a brand new “Spectral” synth that can scan and mix sections of audio, letting you create your own wavetable synth sounds. THE GANG’S ALL HERE
The definitive 6th edition of V Collection also features 2 major updates to existing titles. ANALOG LAB 3: incorporating the classic sounds of all V Collection instruments in one handy interface, this is the ultimate launchpad for your creativity. Featuring a new browser, new modes, and ultimate controller keyboard integration, finding the perfect sound from over 6,000 presets has never been more easy or fun. PIANO V 2: the industry’s foremost physically modelled piano software suite just had an exciting overhaul. The 2nd version of Piano V features three extra piano models including a Japanese Grand, a Plucked Grand, and a Tack Upright, enhanced mic positioning, an improved EQ, a new luscious stereo delay, and an in-built compressor help your piano parts sit in your mix. Completing the line-up, and featuring more subtle tweaks, improvements, and enhancements, are the old favorites; the stars of the show that made V Collection the first choice in vintage keyboard emulations. V Collection 6 also includes Synclavier V, B-3 V, Stage-73 V, Farfisa V, Mini V, Matrix-12 V, Solina V, SEM V, Wurli V, Jup-8 V, ARP 2600 V, CS-80 V, Prophet V, VOX Continental V, and Modular V. Analog synths galore, revolutionary digital synths, luscious organs, modular marvels, perfect pianos and keyboards, and even a string machine. V Collection 6 has it all. Hear the new instruments in action, and start your V Collection 6 journey by watching the announcement video here:
https://youtu.be/widfj42cLFM To discover more about the Arturia V Collection 6, the stories behind the vintage instrument recreations it contains, and to find out more about True Analog Emulation®, visit the Arturia website :
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