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wwwrozaby · 1 year ago
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redfield-by · 9 months ago
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Мурал "Дрэва жыцця" ⬆️
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Муралы Салігорска
Murals of Soligorsk
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ivanseledkin · 2 years ago
Зима в Бресте. Я только вернулся из очередной поездки по Белоруссии, посетил Новополоцк, Минск, Гродно, Брест, Солигорск, Бобруйск. Фотографии обработаю не скоро, так что публикую Брест 2017 года. Спасибо всем, у кого гостил и с кем лазил вместе! Winter in Brest. I just returned from another trip to Belarus, visited Novopolotsk, Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Soligorsk, Bobruisk. I won't be processing the photos anytime soon, so I'm publishing Brest 2017. Thanks to everyone who visited and with whom I explored together!
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kappararu · 8 months ago
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02.08.24 16:00 Morocco U23 - USA U23 Both teams to score: Yes 1.73 02.08.24 18:00 BKMA - Shirak Gyumri Total Over(1.5) 1.36 02.08.24 18:00 Japan U23 - Spain U23 1T Handicap(+1) 1.41 02.08.24 18:30 Vitebsk - Shakhtyor Soligorsk 1T Handicap(0) 1.45 02.08.24 20:00 AGF Aarhus - SonderjyskE Not to lose and Total Under(4.5) - AGF Aarhus : Yes 1.33 02.08.24 20:00 Corners AGF Aarhus - Corners SonderjyskE Corners AGF Aarhus 1T Individual Total Over(4.5) 1.39 02.08.24 20:00 Egypt U23 - Paraguay U23 1T to score Yes 1.43 02.08.24 20:00 Baltica - Chernomorets Nv Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.5 02.08.24 20:30 Pisa - Inter Milan Not to lose and Total Under(5.5) - Inter Milan : Yes 1.37 02.08.24 20:30 BATE - Minsk Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.42 02.08.24 21:30 1. FC Koln - Hamburger SV Both teams to score: Yes 1.54 02.08.24 21:30 Grazer AK - Salzburg Total Over(2.5) 1.48 02.08.24 21:30 Yellow cards 1. FC Koln - Yellow cards Hamburger SV Yellow cards Hamburger SV 2T Individual Total Over(1.5) 1.49 02.08.24 21:45 Union St. Gilloise - KFCO Beerschot Wilrijk Result at 75:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(1.5) 1.73 02.08.24 22:00 Nottingham Forest - Villarreal Total Over(2) 1.4 02.08.24 22:00 Benfica - Fulham Not to lose and Total Over(1.5) - Benfica : Yes 1.35 03.08.24 08:00 South Melbourne - Oakleigh Cannons Both teams to score: Yes 1.48 STATistik of tips : https://t.me/KapparaLive/1720 Telegram : https://t.me/kapparavip  (здесь прогнозы по ходу дня) Best bookmakers : http://hubu.ru/sportwager Watsapp : +380684476012 All so on http://kappara.online  (english tips) Portal: http://kappara.ru
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sobathoki · 9 months ago
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👉👉 https://heylink.me/sobathoki
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bettano · 11 months ago
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¿Cuál es el historial de partidos del FC Isloch Minsk Raion en la liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia?
Historial de partidos del FC Isloch Minsk Raion
El FC Isloch Minsk Raion es un equipo de fútbol bielorruso con una historia llena de emocionantes partidos. Desde su fundación en 2007, el club ha participado en numerosas competiciones locales e internacionales, dejando una huella significativa en el mundo del fútbol en Bielorrusia.
A lo largo de los años, el FC Isloch Minsk Raion ha disputado partidos memorables que han mantenido a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos. Con jugadores talentosos y un espíritu de equipo inquebrantable, el club ha logrado victorias impresionantes y ha superado desafíos difíciles en el campo de juego.
Los enfrentamientos contra otros equipos de la liga han sido intensos y repletos de momentos emocionantes, mostrando la dedicación y la pasión de los jugadores del FC Isloch Minsk Raion por el deporte. Los seguidores del club han disfrutado de triunfos inolvidables y han apoyado a su equipo en cada partido, creando una atmósfera única y vibrante en el estadio.
Con un historial de partidos emocionantes y competitivos, el FC Isloch Minsk Raion continúa siendo un referente en el fútbol bielorruso. Los logros alcanzados y los desafíos superados a lo largo de los años reflejan el compromiso y la determinación del club por alcanzar la excelencia en cada encuentro. ¡Que viva el FC Isloch Minsk Raion y que siga escribiendo su historia en el mundo del fútbol!
Liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia
La Liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia es la máxima categoría de fútbol en Bielorrusia y es conocida por su competitividad y emoción. Fundada en 1992 tras la independencia del país, la liga ha ido creciendo en popularidad y nivel futbolístico a lo largo de los años.
Los equipos más destacados de la liga son el BATE Borisov, el Dinamo Brest y el FC Shakhtyor Soligorsk, entre otros. Estos equipos han logrado representar a Bielorrusia en competiciones europeas, demostrando el buen nivel del fútbol bielorruso.
La liga se disputa anualmente con un total de 16 equipos que se enfrentan en un sistema de todos contra todos, en partidos de ida y vuelta. El equipo que suma más puntos al final de la temporada se corona como campeón de la liga, mientras que los últimos clasificados descienden a categorías inferiores.
Los aficionados al fútbol en Bielorrusia siguen con pasión cada jornada de la liga, llenando los estadios y creando un ambiente único. La liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia ha contribuido al desarrollo del deporte en el país y ha dado lugar a la formación de talentosos jugadores que han destacado a nivel internacional.
En definitiva, la Liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia es un espectáculo deportivo que vale la pena seguir de cerca, tanto por la calidad del juego como por la emoción y la competitividad que ofrece cada temporada.
FC Isloch Minsk Raion
El FC Isloch Minsk Raion es un club de fútbol bielorruso con sede en Minsk, la capital de Bielorrusia. Fundado en 2005, el equipo ha logrado destacar en la liga bielorrusa y ha ganado seguidores tanto en el país como a nivel internacional.
El equipo juega sus partidos en el Estadio FC Isloch, un estadio con capacidad para más de 1,500 espectadores. Los colores del club son el blanco y el azul, los cuales son representativos de la región de Minsk.
El FC Isloch Minsk Raion ha logrado participar en varias competiciones nacionales e internacionales, demostrando su compromiso con el fútbol de alto nivel. A lo largo de los años, el equipo ha contado con jugadores talentosos que han dejado una marca en la historia del club.
Los aficionados del FC Isloch Minsk Raion son conocidos por ser apasionados y fieles, apoyando al equipo en cada partido y creando un ambiente único en el estadio. La historia y el presente del club reflejan el espíritu competitivo del fútbol bielorruso y su capacidad para destacar en el escenario deportivo internacional.
En resumen, el FC Isloch Minsk Raion es un club de fútbol con una historia rica, una base de seguidores leales y un futuro prometedor en el mundo del deporte.
Resultados de FC Isloch en la liga de Bielorrusia
Isloch es un equipo de fútbol en Bielorrusia que ha estado compitiendo en la Liga Premier de Bielorrusia durante varios años. Los resultados de FC Isloch en la liga de Bielorrusia han sido variados a lo largo de las temporadas, mostrando un desempeño competitivo en el fútbol nacional.
En temporadas recientes, FC Isloch ha logrado establecerse como un equipo respetado en la liga, logrando varias victorias importantes y mostrando un juego sólido en el campo. Los aficionados del equipo han seguido de cerca cada partido, animando y apoyando a sus jugadores en cada encuentro.
Los resultados obtenidos por FC Isloch en la liga de Bielorrusia han demostrado la dedicación y el esfuerzo de los jugadores y el cuerpo técnico. A pesar de los retos y la competitividad de la liga, el equipo ha logrado mantenerse en la contienda y ha dado buenas actuaciones en diferentes partidos.
Es importante destacar que los logros y resultados de FC Isloch en la liga de Bielorrusia no solo benefician al equipo, sino que también enriquecen el panorama futbolístico del país, aportando emoción y entretenimiento a los aficionados y seguidores del fútbol en Bielorrusia.
En resumen, los resultados de FC Isloch en la liga de Bielorrusia reflejan el compromiso y la pasión del equipo por el fútbol, así como su determinación por alcanzar el éxito en cada temporada. Los seguidores del equipo esperan con entusiasmo cada nuevo desafío y partido en el que FC Isloch pueda demostrar su talento y habilidad en el campo.
Estadísticas de FC Isloch en la liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia
El FC Isloch es un equipo de fútbol profesional con sede en la ciudad de Minsk, Bielorrusia, que compite en la liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia. Fundado en 2007, el club ha logrado destacarse en el escenario nacional e internacional con su sólido desempeño en la liga.
Durante la temporada actual, el FC Isloch ha demostrado ser un competidor valioso en la liga nacional de fútbol de Bielorrusia, mostrando un buen rendimiento en cada partido disputado. Con un equipo fuerte y bien entrenado, han logrado asegurar importantes victorias y sumar puntos clave en la tabla de clasificación.
Las estadísticas del FC Isloch reflejan su determinación y dedicación en el campo de juego. Con una sólida defensa y un ataque efectivo, el equipo ha logrado marcar goles importantes y mantener su portería segura en varios encuentros. Además, su estilo de juego dinámico y ofensivo ha generado elogios por parte de aficionados y expertos en fútbol.
Como uno de los clubes más prometedores de Bielorrusia, el FC Isloch continúa trabajando arduamente para alcanzar sus objetivos y seguir cosechando éxitos en la liga nacional de fútbol. Con un grupo talentoso de jugadores y un cuerpo técnico experimentado, el equipo se perfila como un contendiente serio en futuras competiciones y un orgullo para sus seguidores.
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tagoteenetstyle · 2 years ago
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New HC Shakhtyor Soligorsk Hockey Club Hawaiian Shirts - EmonShop from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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livefootballscore · 2 years ago
Analyzing the Success Story of Belarus Football League - A Comprehensive Study
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1. Overview of the Belarus Football Live Match League
The Belarusian Football League (BFL) is the top professional football league in Belarus. The league was founded in 1992, shortly after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union. The league has undergone significant changes over the years, including a recent shift toward a spring-to-fall season. Despite facing some challenges, the BFL remains an important part of Belarusian sporting culture. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Belarus Football League, including its history, structure, and notable teams.
2. History of the league
History of the Belarus Football League
The Belarus Football Live League has a rich history dating back to its founding in 1992. The league was established shortly after Belarus gained independence from the Soviet Union and has since become one of the country's most popular sports leagues.
Initially, the league featured just eight teams, with Dinamo Minsk winning the first championship. Over the years, the league has expanded, with the current format featuring 16 teams. The league has also undergone several format changes, including a recent switch from a fall-to-spring schedule to a spring-to-fall schedule.
The BFL has produced numerous successful clubs and players over the years. BATE Borisov has been one of the most successful teams, winning 15 league championships and reaching the group stages of the UEFA Champions League on several occasions. The league has also featured talented players such as Belarusian national team members Sergei Kornilenko and Igor Stasevich.
Despite facing some challenges in recent years, including financial issues and concerns over match-fixing, the Belarus Football League remains an important part of the country's sporting landscape and continues to attract a passionate following from fans across Belarus and beyond.
3. League structure and teams
League Structure and Teams in the Belarus Football League
The Belarus Football League currently features 16 teams that compete in a double round-robin format, with each team playing every other team twice - once at home and once away. This results in a total of 30 matches for each team in the season. The team that finishes the season with the most points is declared the champion, while the bottom two teams are relegated to the Belarusian First League.
Alongside BATE Borisov, other notable teams in the league include FC Shakhtyor Soligorsk, Dinamo Brest, Dinamo Minsk, and FC Vitebsk. These teams have all won the league at least once and regularly compete for the top spots in the table.
In recent years, the league has become more competitive with a greater distribution of points among the teams. This has led to some surprising results, with teams from the middle of the table often able to defeat those near the top.
While the league may not have the same level of fame and prestige as other European leagues, the Belarus Football League continues to provide a high level of competition and entertainment for fans of the sport. With its rich history and passionate fan base, the league is sure to continue to be an important part of Belarusian sports for years to come.
4. Key players and their performances
Key Players and Their Performances in the Belarus Football League
The Belarus Football League may not have the global reputation of other European leagues, but it boasts some talented players who regularly perform at a high level. Here are a few key players and their recent performances:
1. Maksim Skavysh – The striker for BATE Borisov has been one of the top scorers in the league for several years, helping his team secure multiple championships. In the 2020 season, he has already scored 8 goals in 12 matches.
2. Uladzimir Khvashchynski – The midfield playmaker for FC Shakhtyor Soligorsk has been impressive in 2020, with 5 goals and 5 assists in 12 matches.
3. Denis Laptev – The forward for Dinamo Minsk has also been in fine form with 7 goals in 12 matches.
4. Anton Chichkan – The goalkeeper for FC Vitebsk has been a standout performer, keeping 6 clean sheets in 12 matches.
5. Aleksandr Sachivko – The defender for Dinamo Brest has been a rock at the back, helping his team maintain a strong defensive record.
These players and others like them have been crucial to the success of their respective teams. While the league may not have the same level of financial resources as others, it showcases the talent and determination of its players, making it an exciting competition to watch.
5. Notable achievements and controversies
Notable Achievements and Controversies in the Belarus Football League
While the Belarus Football League is not as well-known as other European leagues, it has had its share of notable achievements and controversies.
1. Continuation of the 2020 Season – While many leagues worldwide have had to pause or cancel their seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Belarus Football League continued to play, making it one of the only active leagues in the world during the pandemic.
2. BATE Borisov's European Success – Despite the league's relatively small stature, BATE Borisov has had success in European competitions. They have qualified for the group stages of the Europa League several times and have even made it to the knockout stages of the Champions League.
3. Match-Fixing Scandals – Like many sports leagues, the Belarus Football League has had its share of match-fixing scandals. In 2017, the head of the Belarusian Football Federation was sentenced to four years in prison for accepting bribes in exchange for fixing matches.
4. Political Controversy – The league has also been caught up in political controversies, with some fans using games as a platform to protest against the government. In 2020, several players and team managers were arrested for allegedly taking part in protests against the government.
5. Lack of Diversity – One criticism of the league is the lack of diversity in its player pool. The vast majority of players are white, and there is a lack of representation from ethnic minorities.
Despite these challenges, the Belarus Football League continues to attract passionate fans and showcase the talents of its players on the field.
6. The future of the Belarus Football League
The Future of the Belarus Football League
As the Belarus Football League continues to grow and evolve, here are some potential developments that could shape its future:
1. Increased International Exposure - With the success of BATE Borisov in European competitions and the league's decision to continue playing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Belarus Football League has already gained some international notice. The league could continue to build on this success by attracting more international players and teams, as well as securing broadcasting deals that reach a wider audience.
2. Embracing Technology - Technology has revolutionized many aspects of the sports industry, from video-assisted refereeing to advanced analytics. The Belarus Football League could benefit from embracing technological advancements, such as smart stadiums and virtual reality experiences for fans.
3. Diversity and Inclusion - As mentioned earlier, one criticism of the league is its lack of diversity. To address this issue and create a more inclusive culture, the league could focus on increasing representation of marginalized groups, as well as implementing training programs to create more opportunities for underrepresented individuals.
4. Developing Youth Talent - The future of any sports league depends on the development of its young talent. The Belarus Football League could focus on creating more youth programs and academies to identify and nurture talented players from an early age.
5. Community Engagement - Strong communities are the foundation of successful sports teams and leagues. The Belarus Football League could continue to invest in community building initiatives, such as fan engagement programs, charity events, and youth outreach programs. By fostering a strong sense of community, the league can build a loyal fan base that supports its growth and success.
7. Conclusion and final thoughts
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
The Belarus Football League has undergone significant changes throughout its history, facing challenges and overcoming them to become a respected football league. With its dedicated and passionate fan base, the league has the potential for continued growth and success.
As we have discussed, there are several potential developments that could shape the future of the Belarus Football League. Increased international exposure, embracing technology, diversity and inclusion, developing youth talent, and community engagement are just a few examples of areas where the league could focus its efforts.
It is important for the league to continue to innovate and adapt to changes in the industry, while also maintaining its traditions and values. By doing so, the Belarus Football League can remain a competitive and exciting football league for years to come.
In conclusion, the future of the Belarus Football League looks bright, and it will be exciting to see how the league evolves over the next few years and beyond.
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dostoyevsky-official · 1 month ago
in napthalan sanatorium, azerbaijan, one of the surviving post-soviet relics, you can take a bath for up to 10 minutes in crude oil:
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in the belarusian city of soligorsk, you do exercises inside an active salt mine to imbibe the healing properties of salt
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soviet sanatoriums were a bizarre and wholly unique phenomenon. they were like european spa towns or health resorts but much, much more intense and singularly-focused
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volleytimes-com · 3 years ago
Champions League: Shakhtior Soligorsk first team to advance to 2nd qualifying round
Champions League: Shakhtior Soligorsk first team to advance to 2nd qualifying round
After having beaten IBB Polonia London from England again, Shakhtior Soligorsk from Belarus advanced to the second round of the CEV Champions League Volley 2022 qualifications. They beat the rivals by 3-1 (25:16, 25:20, 22:25, 25:23) and, given that the first leg also ended in favor of the Belarusian side (3-2), they reached the second qualifying round, becoming the first of the 16 teams…
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wwwrozaby · 1 month ago
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redfield-by · 9 months ago
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Sculptures of Soligorsk
Салігорск горад кратоў і крумкачэй🦅
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kappararu · 9 months ago
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07.07.24 13:00 Коморские Острова - Мозамбик 0-1 X2 1.39 07.07.24 13:00 Фукуока - Киото 2-1 Ф1(0) 1.37 07.07.24 15:00 Урал - Равшан Куляб 3-1 Урал ИТБ1(1.5) 1.39 07.07.24 14:35 Бэйцзин Гоань - Ухань Три 2-1 Бэйцзин Г ИТБ1(1.5) 1.47 07.07.24 16:00 Минск - Неман Гродно 0-1 на 60:00 мин ИТБ2(0.5) 1.39 07.07.24 16:00 Ангола - Намибия 1-0 Победитель турнира : Ангола 1.77 07.07.24 16:30 Лег Беларуси - Лег России 1-3 Обе забьют и ТБ(2.5) 1.42 07.07.24 16:00 Торпедо Моск - Челябинск 1-0 Челябинск ИТМ2(1.5) 1.32 07.07.24 17:00 ФК Оренбург - Сумгаит 3-1 на 60:00 мин ИТБ1(0.5) 1.52 07.07.24 18:00 Рубин - Енисей 2-1 Ф2(+1.5) 1.49 07.07.24 18:30 Спартак Москва - ФК Уфа 3-0 Спартак М ИТБ1(1.5) 1.33 07.07.24 19:00 Нижний Новгород - Нови-Пазар 2-1 1X 1.37 07.07.24 18:00 Нафтан - ФК Слуцк 1-0 Ф1(0) 1.48 07.07.24 18:00 Краснодар (ж) - Рязань (ж) 2-0 на 60:00 мин ИТБ1(0.5) 1.42 07.07.24 19:30 ЦСКА Москва - Партизан 2-0 на 60:00 мин ТБ(1.5) 1.48 07.07.24 20:00 Днепр Могилев - Шахтер Солигорск 1-2 X2 1.44 07.07.24 21:00 Пумас УНАМ - Леон 1-0 Ф1(0) 1.43 07.07.24 22:00 Крузейру - Коринтианс 1-1 1х и ТМ(3.5) Да 1.49 07.07.24 22:00 Форталеза - Флуминенсе 2-1 1х и ТМ(4.5) Да 1.3 07.07.24 23:59 Интернасьонал - Васко 2-0 на 60:00 мин ИТБ1(0.5) 1.47 08.07.24 00:30 Палмейрас - Баия 2-0 на 60:00 мин ИТБ1(0.5) 1.41 08.07.24 02:30 Ботафого РЖ - Атлетико Минейро 1-1 Гости забьет 1.49 Статистика прогнозов тут : https://t.me/KapparaLive/1720 Мой канал в телеге : https://t.me/kappara_ru  (здесь прогнозы по ходу дня) Список Букмекерских сайтов : http://hubu.ru/sportwager Watsapp группа писать : +380684476012 Зеркало прогнозов на сайте http://kappara.online  (english tips) Сайт http://kappara.ru  обмениваюсь ссылками , взаимопиар, заказ рекламных статей с вашими ссылками 07.07.24 13:00 Comoros Island - Mozambique X2 1.39 07.07.24 14:35 Beijing Guoan - Wuhan Three Towns Beijing Guoan 1T Individual Total Over(1.5) 1.47 07.07.24 16:00 Minsk - Neman Grodno Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over2(0.5) 1.39 07.07.24 16:00 Angola - Namibia Tournament winner : Angola 1.77 07.07.24 16:30 Belarus Legends - Russia Legends Both teams to score and Тotal Over(2.5) : Yes 1.42 07.07.24 18:00 Naftan - FC Slutsk 1T Handicap(0) 1.48 07.07.24 18:00 FC Krasnodar W - Ryazan-VDV W Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.42 07.07.24 19:30 CSKA Moscow - Partizan Correct score at 60:00 min Total Over(1.5) 1.48 07.07.24 20:00 Dnepr Mogilev - Shakhtyor Soligorsk X2 1.44 07.07.24 21:00 Pumas UNAM - Club Leon 1T Handicap(0) 1.43 07.07.24 22:00 Cruzeiro - Corinthians Paulista Not to lose and Total Under(3.5) - Cruzeiro : Yes 1.49 07.07.24 22:00 Fortaleza - Fluminense Not to lose and Total Under(4.5) - Fortaleza : Yes 1.3 07.07.24 23:59 Internacional - Vasco da Gama Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.47 08.07.24 00:30 Palmeiras - Bahia BA Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.41 08.07.24 02:30 Botafogo RJ - Atletico MG 2T to score Yes 1.49 07.07.24 13:00 Avispa Fukuoka - Kyoto 1T Handicap(0) 1.37 07.07.24 15:00 Ural - Ravshan Kulob Ural 1T Individual Total Over(1.5) 1.39 07.07.24 16:00 Torpedo Moscow - Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk 2T Individual Total Under(1.5) 1.32 07.07.24 17:00 FC Orenburg - Sumgayit Result at 60:00 min. Ind. Total Over1(0.5) 1.52 07.07.24 18:00 Rubin Kazan - Enisei 2T Handicap(+1.5) 1.49 07.07.24 18:30 Spartak Moscow - FC Ufa Spartak Moscow 1T Individual Total Over(1.5) 1.33 07.07.24 19:00 Nizhny Novgorod - Novi Pazar 1X 1.37 STATistik of tips : https://t.me/KapparaLive/1720 Telegram : https://t.me/kapparavip  (здесь прогнозы по ходу дня) Best bookmakers : http://hubu.ru/sportwager Watsapp : +380684476012 All so on http://kappara.online  (english tips) Portal: http://kappara.ru
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gull808 · 3 years ago
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saschaivanovich · 4 years ago
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Скамья для сада ❤️👍🏡 Максимальная длина 1.7 м (1.5 м без подлакотников). Техническая сушка. Массив сосны. 🌅#skamja #lavkacraft #lafka #skamedit #скамьяиздерева #скамья#лавка#лавкаизмассива #лавочка #табурет #угловая #угловаяскамья #качелискрышей #касели#minsk #slusk #soligorsk #grodno #pinterest (at Minsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRfyL4alNpL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackcat-brazil · 4 years ago
O que aconteceu? Em 22 de outubro em Soligorsk, Bielorrússia, o prédio administrativo do comitê de exame forense do Estado foi atacado e carros foram incendiados no estacionamento do escritório do procurador distrital de Soligorsk. Na noite de 28 de outubro, o prédio do departamento de polícia de trânsito do departamento de polícia do distrito […]
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