flamelance-blog · 6 years
Eliwood/Ninian isn’t canon, as well a bunch of heavily implied ships from the older games. (Although ti’s definitely one of my favorite ships for them) Sometimes I’ll see people in the fe tag or on twitter or the subreddit refer to Ninian as if she was 100% his wife and that she is totally Roy’s mother and I think that’s unfair to people who are fans of Eliwood’s other ships.
Again, Ninian is just an example, it’s just she and Eliwood are the ship I see most mentioned when it comes to this.
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grimahearted · 6 years
@solieluna liked for a starter
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   “Is it true? That mages from your world don’t require tomes to cast their spells?” Though she knows that it’s possible to do so, Ruya has never heard of it being common practice. Yet to have no requirement of lugging around books seems awfully convenient.
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sireneia-a · 6 years
✦ —— when alm had whispered hopes of crossing paths with celica on their way to join the deliverance, the villager had merely written it off as hopeless wishes. the situation that had unfolded them at the zofian palace, as a result, were a product of idealistic absurdity. it just proved to him that alm somehow had fate wrapped around his fingers.
        the entire time they had been setting out to march from the palace, kliff had been staring at celica with bemusement vivid across his face; she was concrete proof of how curious this all was. the day celica had disappeared from the village, kliff had resigned himself to understanding that they would never meet again, yet now the two could theoretically be standing shoulder to shoulder.
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      ❝ is it milady now ? your highness ? i know it's not celica-- alm gets a pass simply because of who he is... ❞
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choruscate · 6 years
♪ ˖ ˚ . @solieluna.
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                                                                      ❝   gods...   ❞
                                  compromised is his composure as vexation is so obvious against his feature -- he always was quite honest. lashes fold together as his eyelids bind, wrinkles of irritation forming against his nose. exhaustion weighs heavy beneath his sight & he sighs . . . he thinks he is alone in this moment in which he has allowed himself to give in to his frustrations before he hears the tapping of one’s shoe against the floor. ah . . . lady celica. how embarrassing.
                              ❝   my apologies, milady... i did not mean to appear so . . .
                                          well . . . as i have. i wrongly thought the area to be unoccupied.   ❞
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flamelance-blog · 6 years
Part of this is related to a headcanon I wrote about Ephraim being uneasy around Valentian magic users, but this also involves Celica in particular, especially if Ephraim has seen her fallen self. He dislikes the messiah complex, how she feels like if she can sacrifice herself for a greater good she’ll do it. (I don’t think he’d see it at first since this is something we only see at the end of Shadows of Valentia, but after some time he might catch on). Lyon had similar behavior, and that affair went very, very badly. If she wants to do something risky Ephraim will disapprove, and that can lead to an argument because she could bring up how he’s always risking his neck in battle.
The priesthood of Mila is an interesting idea for Ephraim. He’s not religious, though he’s fine with acknowledging some god out there, figuring that different gods are responsible for different worlds. Hearing Celica talk about Mila’s bounty makes him think back to Renais, which is effectively the breadbasket of Magvel as it’s in the middle of a great plain with lots of forests and room for growing crops. He won’t necessarily follow it, but it’s nice to hear about people’s religions once in a while.
I think he would be very sympathetic to Celica having to hide her royal lineage and grow up in a priory. He’s never had to hide who he is, and that gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted in his childhood. A life of careful restraint and constant vigilance would definitely have changed his background, especially since he’d likely have to take care of Eirika. He wonders if she still felt strongly about her duty as a princess even though the life chosen for her seemed like it would let that status take a backseat. He thinks that he could get used to not having the burden of royalty, but comes to realize that it’s that privilege that made his life convenient.
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ofshrinkingviolets · 7 years
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      ❝ You were great on the battlefield today. We’re lucky to have you in our ranks, Celica, and I know that the Summoner would wholeheartedly agree. Please, don’t hesitate to tell me if you’d like to watch me dance. It’s the least I can do since you do so much around here...! ❞
@solieluna ♡’d for a starter || not accepting
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hoshidobred-blog · 6 years
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crimson hues focused on the stranger as she brought her mount back to the stables.
      “   You new here? I don’t believe we’ve met. ”
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halidomhappenings · 7 years
this looks super cute aa! i'd like to have celica representing valentia and participating in either the sword duel or mages if the former is filled up! thank you!
Welcome, Celica! You’re royalty, aren’t you? We welcome your entry into the MAGES division!
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grandschemed · 6 years
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“so, you said you hail from a land called valentia, correct?  you must tell me everything about it.  your favorite fruits, places, people.  your least favorite things too.  for example, i hate valter.  i highly recommend staying away from him.”
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thinejustice · 6 years
&&. | @solieluna ♡’d
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          on some days, SOJIRO isn’t there for a few hours, sometimes even longer — akira is happy that they have established that much of TRUST between them, even if it’s not something that’s spoken out loud. this time, it’s up to him to man the cafe for a while, and considering there are so FEW customers, it isn’t much trouble at all. the bell chimes — it’s always interesting when new customers stumble inside, a lot more FUN than having the same old regulars all the time. he walks around the counter to the booth to take the girl’s order, not even bothering with a notepad. “hey — welcome to leblanc. we have great coffee, any preference on specific blends ?”
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halidomhappenings · 6 years
Magic: Celica vs Azelle
@bratzelle vs. @solieluna Coin Toss: Celica casts first
“We have a fire fight! This will no doubt be an interesting match, Chrom. Fire is a powerful magic, after all.”
“I know nothing about tomes, but aren’t both Celica and Azelle from our realm? From a long time ago, no doubt, as I seem to recognise their nations from history sessions, maybe?”
ACCURACY: 1.83pt average
“Lady Celica’s control with such a volatile element is impressive. See her technique, Chrom? Look at how she builds the fire yo, starting strong, then tempering the flame back down. Oh, look! A touch of showmanship, she’s made some little sparks burst in the air like flashes of glitter. I’m sure the children will enjoy this.”
“You sure are fired up for this, Emm. Er, excuse the pun. I almost wish we have more magic based rounds: maybe a mage duel or something? Your face really lights up when you describe this stuff... Oh, sorry!”
The lotus flower that Azelle wears seems to inspire a bit too much fire power, and the flame tome backfires, creating a large puff of black smoke in Azelle’s face.
Azelle mistakenly tries to cast again, while still coughing for the smoke, and another misspell occurs, with sputters of coughing embers springing forth. Arena attendants rush in with buckets of water to put out the small fires.
ACCURACY: 1.2pt average
“Oh no... Poor Azelle. You can see how the power of the fire go out of hand here. We ought to make sure Azelle is alright after two misspells, though. That smoke can’t be good.”
“It seems those misspells cost you dearly, Azelle. Even I could tell something went wrong. That means... The victor is Celica!”
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glacemoiselle-blog · 6 years
@diavoleste​ BLOODBORNE AU WHEN 👀👀👀
@vallablooded​ EEE thank you!!! it really does mean alot!!
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